Axway: 8.0% Total Revenue Growth in the First Half of 2014, Excellent Progression in Maintenance (9.5%) and Services (9.9%), Total Growth in Licenses Stood at 3.2%

Regulatory News:

Axway (Paris:AXW):

The Board of Directors of Axway Software, under the chairmanship of Pierre Pasquier, closed the financial statements for the first six months of 2014, which show:

  • Total revenue of €114.9 million in H1/2014 with organic growth of 5.7% compared to the first half of 2013;
  • Profit on operating activities of €5.4 million or 4.7% (compared with 6.7% in the first half of 2013);
  • Net profit of €2.8 million.
Key income statement itemsHY 2014HY 2013FY 2013
(in M€)( % Rev)(in M€)( % Rev)(in M€)(% Rev)
Revenue 114.9 106.4 237.5
Organic growth5.7%4.8%3.7%
Profit on operating activities 5.4 4.7% 7.1 6.7% 37.5 15.8%
Profit from recurring operations 3.0 2.6% 4.6 4.3% 32.4 13.7%
Other income and expense -1.0 -5.2 -5.3
Net financial costs and currency impact -0.7 -0.5 -1.3
Income Taxes 1.6 10.9 9.8
Net profit - Groupe share 2.8 2.4% 9.8 9.2% 35.6 15.0%
(in €)(in €)(in €)
Basic net earnings per share 0.13 0.48 1.75

Comments on activity

On overall activity: The demand in Middleware's historical segments (MFT/B2B/Integration) is continuing to undergo a major transformation, confirming the importance of incorporating today's emergent yet extremely dynamic technologies (API and Operational Intelligence-OI). The impact of these new technologies in the Middleware segment is still limited and led to an overall stable level of licenses over Q2.

Revenue by region, France has sustained excellent growth over the past two years. The Rest of Europe remains well positioned with the exception of Germany on the second quarter. Axway's business remained under pressure in the United States where a slowdown in demand for infrastructure projects has been observed.

Revenue by geographical zone

1st Quarter 20142013 Published2013 Pro formaTotal
France 18.2 16.9 16.9 7.4% 7.4%
Rest of Europe 14.1 12.3 12.3 14.3% 14.1%
America's 17.9 19.1 18.4 -6.4% -2.9%
Asia/Pacific 1.9 1.6 1.4 21.8% 36.1%
2nd Quarter 20142013 Published2013 Pro formaTotal GrowthOrganic
France 24.6 17.9 21.7 37.4% 13.3%
Rest of Europe 15.0 14.4 14.5 3.7% 3.2%
America's 21.0 22.5 21.9 -6.8% -4.2%
Asia/Pacific 2.3 1.7 1.6 41.5% 50.3%
1st Semester 20142013 Published2013 Pro formaTotal GrowthOrganic
France 42.7 34.8 38.6 22.8% 10.7%
Rest of Europe 29.0 26.7 26.8 8.6% 8.2%
America's 38.9 41.6 40.3 -6.6% -3.6%
Asia/Pacific 4.3 3.2 3.0 31.9% 43.5%

(1) at constant exchange rates and scope of consolidation

Revenue by activity, weak demand from the infrastructure market has penalized Licenses, especially in the USA. There was a lack of “major contract” wins during the second quarter, which was not compensated by the very encouraging gains made in the API and OI segments.
Maintenance's outstanding performance should be underscored and it now represents more than half (50%) of the overall business activity over the six-month period.
Services continue to make a turnaround with total growth of close to 10% during the first half.

Revenue by type of activity


1st Quarter 20142013
Pro forma
Licenses 10.8 10.6 10.3 1.8% 4.4%
Maintenance 26.7 25.7 25.3 4.0% 5.8%
Services 14.5 13.6 13.5 6.6% 7.9%
2nd Quarter 20142013
Pro forma
Licenses 17.1 16.4 17.1 4.1% 0.0%
Maintenance 30.7 26.7 28.3 14.7% 8.4%
Services 15.1 13.4 14.3 13.1% 6.0%
1st Semester 20142013
Pro forma
Licenses 27.8 27.0 27.4 3.2% 1.7%
Maintenance 57.4 52.4 53.6 9.5% 7.2%
Services 29.6 27.0 27.7 9.9% 6.9%

(1) at constant exchange rates and scope of consolidation

Customers have greeted the OI (Operational Intelligence) technology, coming from the Systar acquisition in the first half of 2014, as a real enhancement to Axway's offering and the products synergies have been developing very naturally.
In the first half of 2014, management devoted a considerable amount of energy to the Systar acquisition that was successfully completed in June 2014, now allowing an integration project to take place in the second half of 2014.
Profit on operating activities amounted to €5.4 million (4.7% of revenue). In comparison with the first half of 2013, the weaker performance of Licenses in the second quarter of 2014 should be taken into account.

Financial position

Axway sustained a robust financial position at June 30, 2014, with a cash balance of €41.3 million and equity totaling €255.3 million. Bank indebtedness amounted to €60.9 million at June 30, 2014 including the financing for the acquisition of Systar in April 2014. The company’s debt at June 30, 2014 allows us to comfortably respect our banking covenants.
The June 30, 2014 net income per share of €0.13 per share is not directly comparable to the same period of 2013. The 2013 first semester net result integrates the GSA matter settlement with the American Department of Justice and the activation of the tax losses in the United States, made possible from the growth in profitability (historic and forecasted) of the US subsidiary of the group. Without the impact of these two exceptional items, our net result would have been €5.6 million or €0.27 per share as compared to €0.13 per share for the same period in 2012.

The consolidated interim financial statements were subject to a limited audit. The limited audit report is in the process of being published.


The integration of Systar's teams during the first half of 2014 led to an increase in the Group's employees as at June 30, 2014.
At June 30, 2014, Axway’s workforce numbered 1,984 employees (722 in France and 1,262 outside France), an increase of 201 people from December 31, 2013 (and of 186 people from June 30, 2013).


Axway's positioning as a specialist in governing the flow of data is based on:

  • A state-of-the-art offering requiring frequent product investments and enhancements to the functional scope (such as API and OI);
  • Being a leading player in the market in formalizing and offering value propositions to customers with business investments and marketing as the driving factors in achieving this.

Axway's strategy is consistent with this approach. Using its position in governing the flow of data, it aims to reflect the changes in the Middleware market, which is seeking to implement solutions that go beyond the coverage of technological capabilities and respond to the challenges of the digital company.


As with each year, the performance in the first half does not provide any particular indication as to what the overall performance for the year will be. The following events should be taken into account for Axway: the slowdown in licenses recorded in the second quarter; the change in demand leading to a momentum differentiating the relevant technologies; the necessary efforts to integrate Systar in order for it to achieve an appropriate level of profitability at year-end as well as the expected volume of licenses by the end of the year, which is not fully visible at present. With this in mind:

  • Axway confirms its outlook for positive organic growth in 2014;
  • The operating profit margin should be similar to that of 2013.

Financial Calendar

Friday, July 25, 2014:

  • 2:30 pm: French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF) meeting at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris (in French).
  • 6:00 pm: Webinar (in English)

Thursday, October 30, 2014 (before the market opening): Publication of the Q3 2014.

The company will publish its half-year financial report in French on August 29, 2014. This report will be available at under the Financial Documents tab and also on the AMF website:

Income Statement
(in thousands of euros)HY 2014HY 2013FY 2013
Revenue :
Licenses 27 837 26 970 75 583
Maintenance 57 395 52 417 106 348
Total Product Revenue 85 232 79 387 181 931
Services 29 638 26 979 55 613
Total Revenue :114 870106 366237 544
Costs of sales:
Product Revenue 11 498 10 547 20 721
Services 28 106 25 734 51 407
Total Costs of sales : 39 604 36 281 72 128
Gross profit:75 26670 085165 416
as a % of Revenue65.5%65.9%69.6%
Operating expenses :
Sales and marketing 37 180 33 870 70 763
Research and development 20 186 17 642 33 636
General and administrative 12 491 11 443 23 549
Total operating expenses : 69 858 62 955 127 948
Profit on operating activities5 4087 13037 468
as a % of Revenue4.7%6.7%15.8%
Stock option releated expenses (437) (645) (1 352)
Amortization of intangible assets (1 991) (1 898) (3 679)
Profit from recurring operations2 9804 58732 437
as a % of Revenue2.6%4.3%13.7%
Other income and expenses (969) (5 177) (5 271)
Operating profit2 012(590)27 166
Cost of net financial debt (407) (204) (674)
Other financial revenues and expenses (276) (275) (656)
Income taxes 1 633 10 881 9 759
Net Profit of the consolidated group2 9629 81335 595
as a % of Revenue2.6%9.2%15.0%
Minority Interest 203 - -
Net Profit - Groupe share2 7599 81335 595
as a % of Revenue2.4%9.2%15.0%
Basic net earnings per share (in Euro) 0.130.481.75
Simplified Balance Sheet30/06/201431/12/201330/06/2013
(in M€)(in M€)(in M€)
Goodwill 226.4 189.3 195.6
Intangible assets 41.8 28.8 31.3
Property, plant and equipment 6.9 6.3 5.9
Other non-current assets 57.0 45.7 30.4
Non-current assets332.2270.1263.2
Trade receivables 65.7 64.4 57.7
Other current assets 13.4 8.3 22.7
Cash and cash equivalents 41.3 49.2 54.1
Current assets120.4121.9134.5
TOTAL ASSETS452.6392.0397.7
Share capital 41.1 40.9 40.7
Capital reserves and results 214.2 217.4 198.0
Total shareholders’ equity255.3258.4238.7
Financial debt – long term portion 51.1 28.5 37.9
Other non-current liabilities 22.0 15.5 19.6
Non-current liabilities73.144.057.5
Financial debt – short-term portion 13.0 9.5 4.7
Other current liabilities 111.1 80.1 96.8
Current liabilities124.189.6101.5
TOTAL LIABILITIES197.3133.6159.0
Cash Flow StatementHY 2014HY 2013FY 2013
(in M€)(in M€)(in M€)
Net profit for the period3.09.835.6
Net charges to amortizations, depreciations and provisions 4.6 8.1 8.0
Other income and expense items 0.6 1.0 1.7
Cash from operations after cost of net debt and tax8.218.945.3
Changes to operating working capital requirements 21.3 19.8 (3.6)
Costs of net financial debt 0.4 0.4 0.7
Income tax paid net of accrual (2.2) (12.1) (14.1)
Net cash from operating activities27.727.028.3
Net cash used in investing activities(52.5)(1.5)(3.6)
Proceeds on shares issued 1.0 0.5 2.2
Dividends paid (8.2) (7.1) (7.1)
Change in loan 23.9 - (4.4)
Net interest paid (0.4) (0.4) (0.7)
Other changes 0.2 0.2 0.3
Net cash from (used in) financing activites 16.6 (6.8) (9.7)
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 0.4 - (1.2)
Opening cash position 49.2 35.4 35.4


This document is a free translation into English of the original French press release. It is not a binding document. In the event of a conflict in interpretation, reference should be made to the French version, which is the authentic text.

About Axway

Axway (NYSE Euronext: AXW.PA), a market leader in governing the flow of data, is a global software company with more than 11,000 public- and private-sector customers in 100 countries. For more than a decade, Axway has empowered leading organizations around the world with proven solutions that help manage business-critical interactions through the exchange of data flowing across the enterprise, among B2B communities, cloud and mobile devices. Our award-winning solutions span business-to-business integration, managed file transfer, operational intelligence, API and identity management, and email security– offered on premise and in the Cloud with professional and managed services. Axway is registered in France with headquarters in the United States and offices in 19 countries.


Investor Relations:
Patrick Gouffran, +33 (0)1 40 67 29 26
Press Relations:
Sylvie Podetti, +33 (0)1 47 17 22 40

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