Washington, D.C.  20549

                            FORM 10-Q

(X)  Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
   Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the quarterly period
   ended April 3, 2005


( ) Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
   Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the for the transition
   period from

                  Commission file number 1-3215

                        JOHNSON & JOHNSON
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

NEW JERSEY                                          22-1024240
(State or other jurisdiction of               (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)             Identification No.)

                   One Johnson & Johnson Plaza
                New Brunswick, New Jersey  08933
            (Address of principal executive offices)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code (732) 524-0400

    Indicate  by check mark whether the registrant (1) has  filed
all  reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding  12  months
(or  for such shorter period that the registrant was required  to
file  such  reports),  and (2) has been subject  to  such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.  (X) Yes ( )No

      Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  the  registrant  is  an
accelerated filer (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).
(X) Yes ( )No

    Indicate  the  number of shares outstanding of  each  of  the
issuer's  classes  of common stock, as of the latest  practicable

    On May 1, 2005, 2,973,544,570 shares of Common Stock, $1.00
par value, were outstanding.



                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

Part I - Financial Information                          Page No.

Item 1.  Financial Statements (unaudited)

 Consolidated Balance Sheets -
   April 3, 2005 and January 2, 2005                        3

 Consolidated Statements of Earnings for the Fiscal
   First Quarters Ended April 3, 2005 and
   March 28, 2004                                           6

 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Fiscal
   First Quarters Ended April 3, 2005 and
   March 28, 2004                                           7

 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                 9

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of
        Financial Condition and Results
        of Operations                                      25

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures
        About Market Risk                                  34

Item 4. Controls and Procedures                            34

Part II - Other Information

Item 1 - Legal Proceedings                                 35

Item 2 - Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
           and Use of Proceeds                             35

Item 6 - Exhibits                                          35

  Signatures                                               36



Item 1 - Financial Statements

                (Unaudited; Dollars in Millions)


                                    April 3,   January 2,
                                      2005         2005
Current Assets:

 Cash and cash equivalents          $ 8,539        9,203

 Marketable securities                5,111        3,681

 Accounts receivable, trade, less
  allowances for doubtful accounts
  $224(2004,$206)                     7,336        6,831

 Inventories (Note 4)                 3,814        3,744

 Deferred taxes on income             1,792        1,737

 Prepaid expenses and other
  receivables                         2,174        2,124

      Total current assets           28,766       27,320

Marketable securities, non-current       48           46

Property, plant and equipment,
 at cost                             18,666       18,664

  Less accumulated
    depreciation                      8,429        8,228

Property, plant and equipment, net   10,237       10,436

Intangible assets (Note 5)           15,179       15,105

Less accumulated amortization         3,361        3,263
Intangible assets, net               11,818       11,842

Deferred taxes on income                355          551

Other assets                          3,222        3,122

      Total assets                  $54,446       53,317

         See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


                (Unaudited; Dollars in Millions)


                                    April 3,   January 2,
                                      2005        2005
Current Liabilities:

Loans and notes payable            $   319          280

Accounts payable                     4,038        5,227

Accrued liabilities                  3,115        3,523

Accrued rebates, returns
  and promotions                     2,492        2,297

Accrued salaries, wages and
 commissions                           891        1,094

Taxes on income                      2,126        1,506

     Total current liabilities      12,981       13,927

Long-term debt                       2,459        2,565

Deferred tax liability                 389          403

Employee related obligations         2,902        2,631

Other liabilities                    2,061        1,978

     Total liabilities              20,792       21,504

Shareholders' equity:
 Preferred stock - without par
 value (authorized and unissued

Common stock - par value $1.00
 per share (authorized
 4,320,000,000 shares; issued
 3,119,842,000 shares)                3,120        3,120

Note receivable from employee
 stock ownership plan                     -         (11)

Accumulated other comprehensive
 income (Note 8)                       (648)        (515)

Retained earnings                    37,300       35,223

Less common stock held in treasury,
 at cost (147,456,000 & 148,819,000
 shares)                              6,118        6,004
Total shareholders' equity           33,654       31,813

Total liabilities and shareholders'
 equity                             $54,446       53,317

         See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

            (Unaudited; dollars & shares in millions
                   except per share figures)

                               Fiscal Quarters Ended
                       April 3, Percent  March 28, Percent
                         2005    to Sales   2004    to Sales

Sales to customers      $12,832   100.0% $11,559   100.0%
(note 6)

Cost of products sold     3,482    27.1    3,367    29.1

Gross profit              9,350    72.9    8,192    70.9

Selling, marketing and
  administrative expenses 4,043    31.5    3,640    31.5

Research expense          1,347    10.5    1,095     9.5

Interest income             (84)    (.6)     (39)    (.3)

Interest expense, net of
  portion capitalized        15      .1       45      .4

Other (income)expense, net  (33)    (.3)     (53)    (.5)

Earnings before provision
  for taxes on income     4,062    31.7    3,504    30.3
Provision for taxes on
  income (Note 3)         1,135     8.9    1,011     8.7

NET EARNINGS             $2,927    22.8%  $2,493    21.6%

(Note 7)
  Basic                  $  .98              .84
  Diluted                $  .97              .83

CASH DIVIDENDS PER SHARE $ .285              .24

  Basic                 2,972.1          2,967.8
  Diluted               3,023.7          3,004.6

         See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


                (Unaudited; Dollars in Millions)

                                    Fiscal Quarters Ended
                                     April 3,   March 28,
                                       2005       2004
Net earnings                        $ 2,927     2,493
Adjustment to reconcile net
 earnings to cash flows:
Depreciation and amortization of
 property and intangibles               515       502
Deferred tax provision                  100      (191)
Accounts receivable allowances           22        20
Changes in assets and liabilities, net
 of effects from acquisition of
  Increase in accounts receivable      (639)     (271)
  (Increase)decrease in inventories    (140)       38
  Decrease in accounts payable and
   accrued liabilities               (1,509)   (1,350)
  Decrease in other current
   and non-current assets               235       368
  Increase in other current
   and non-current liabilities        1,143     1,046

  ACTIVITIES                          2,654     2,655

Additions to property, plant
 and equipment                         (397)     (292)
Proceeds from the disposal of assets     77        49

Purchases of investments             (3,824)   (3,103)
Sales of investments                  2,340     2,512
Other                                  (210)      (16)

 ACTIVITIES                          (2,014)     (850)

Dividends to shareholders              (847)     (713)
Repurchase of common stock             (654)     (407)
Proceeds from short-term debt           173       147
Retirement of short-term debt          (144)     (675)
Proceeds from long-term debt              4        19
Retirement of long-term debt            (17)        1
Proceeds from the exercise of
 stock options                          266       125

 ACTIVITIES                          (1,219)   (1,503)

Effect of exchange rate changes
 on cash and cash equivalents           (85)      (42)
(Decrease)increase in cash and
 cash equivalents                      (664)      260
Cash and cash equivalents,
 beginning of period                  9,203     5,377

 END OF PERIOD                      $ 8,539     5,637

         See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



NOTE   1   -   The    accompanying  unaudited  interim  financial
statements  and related notes should be read in conjunction  with
the  Consolidated Financial Statements of Johnson &  Johnson  and
Subsidiaries  (the  "Company") and related notes as contained  in
the Company's Annual Report on  Form  10-K for  the  fiscal  year
ended   January   2,  2005.   The  unaudited  interim   financial
statements  include all adjustments (consisting  only  of  normal
recurring adjustments) and accruals necessary in the judgment  of
management  for a fair statement of the results for  the  periods

The  Company  follows  the provisions of Statement  of  Financial
Accounting Standards (SFAS) 133, SFAS 138 and SFAS 149  requiring
that  all derivative instruments be recorded on the balance sheet
at fair value.

As  of  April  3,  2005, the balance of deferred  net  losses  on
derivatives  included  in accumulated other comprehensive  income
was  $114 million after-tax. For additional information, see Note
8. The Company expects that substantially all of this amount will
be reclassified into earnings over the next 12 months as a result
of  transactions that are expected to occur over that period. The
amount  ultimately  realized in earnings will differ  as  foreign
exchange  rates change. Realized gains and losses are  ultimately
determined   by  actual  exchange  rates  at  maturity   of   the
derivative. Transactions with third parties will cause the amount
in accumulated other comprehensive income to affect net earnings.
The  maximum length of time over which the Company is hedging  is
18  months.   The  Company  also uses currency  swaps  to  manage
currency risk primarily related to borrowings, which may exceed
18 months.

For  the fiscal first quarter ended April 3, 2005, the net impact
of   the  hedges'  ineffectiveness  to  the  Company's  financial
statements was insignificant. For the fiscal first quarter  ended
April  3,  2005, the Company recorded a net loss  of  $1  million
after  tax in other (income) expense, representing the impact  of
discontinuance  of cash flow hedges because it is  probable  that
the  forecasted  transactions will not occur by the  end  of  the
originally specified time period.

Refer to Note 8 for disclosures of movements in Accumulated Other
Comprehensive Income.

The  worldwide  effective income tax rates for the  fiscal  first
quarters  of  2005  and 2004 were 27.9% and 28.8%,  respectively.
The  decrease in the effective tax rate of 0.9% was primarily due
to  increases  in  the taxable income in lower tax  jurisdictions
relative to taxable income in higher tax jurisdictions.


(Dollars in Millions)
                                April 3, 2005   January 2, 2005

Raw materials and supplies         $ 1,267               964
Goods in process                     1,051             1,113
Finished goods                       1,496             1,667
                                   $ 3,814             3,744
Intangible  assets  that have finite useful lives  are  amortized
over  their estimated useful lives. Goodwill and indefinite lived
intangible  assets  are assessed annually  for  impairment.   The
latest  impairment  assessment of goodwill and  indefinite  lived
intangible  assets was completed in the fiscal fourth quarter  of
2004  and no impairment was determined.  Future impairment  tests
will  be  performed  annually in the fiscal  fourth  quarter,  or
sooner if warranted by economic conditions.

(Dollars in Millions)
                                April 3, 2005   January 2, 2005

Goodwill                           $ 6,545              6,597
Less accumulated amortization          726                734
Goodwill - net                       5,819              5,863

Trademarks (non-amortizable)         1,216              1,232
Less accumulated amortization          137                142
Trademarks (non-amortizable)- net    1,079              1,090

Patents and trademarks               3,971              3,974
Less accumulated amortization        1,187              1,125
Patents and trademarks - net         2,784              2,849

Other amortizable intangibles        3,447              3,302
Less accumulated amortization        1,311              1,262
Other intangibles - net              2,136              2,040

Total intangible assets             15,179             15,105
Less accumulated amortization        3,361              3,263
Total intangibles - net            $11,818             11,842

Goodwill as of April 3, 2005 as allocated by segment of business
is as follows:
(Dollars in Millions)
                                             Med. Dev
                          Consumer   Pharm    & Diag   Total
Goodwill, net of
 accumulated amortization
 at January 2, 2005       $1,160       832     3,871    5,863

Acquisitions                   -         -         -        -

Translation & Other          (25)      (10)       (9)     (44)


Goodwill as of
  April 3, 2005            $1,135      822      3,862    5,819

The   weighted  average  amortization  periods  for  patents  and
trademarks and other intangible assets are 15 years and 17 years,
respectively.  The amortization expense of amortizable intangible
assets for the fiscal first quarter ended April 3, 2005 was  $116
million  and  the  estimated amortization expense  for  the  five
succeeding years approximates $550 million, per year.

(Dollars in Millions)


                                    Fiscal First Quarter
                                 2005     2004      Change

 U.S.                        $  1,114    1,081        3.1%
 International                  1,166      966       20.7
                                2,280    2,047       11.4

 U.S.                        $  3,783    3,643        3.8%
 International                  1,972    1,733       13.8
                                5,755    5,376        7.0

Med Devices and Diagnostics
 U.S.                        $  2,361    2,194        7.6%
 International                  2,436    1,942       25.4
                                4,797    4,136       16.0

U.S.                         $  7,258    6,918        4.9%
International                   5,574    4,641       20.1
 Worldwide                   $ 12,832   11,559       11.0

(1) Export and intersegment sales are not significant.

                                Fiscal First Quarter
                             2005     2004      Change

Consumer                 $    457      440        3.9%
Pharmaceutical              2,137    2,085        2.5
Med. Dev. & Diag.           1,493    1,067       39.9
  Segments total            4,087    3,592       13.8
Expenses not allocated
  to segments                 (25)     (88)

  Worldwide total        $  4,062    3,504       15.9%



                               Fiscal First Quarter
                             2005     2004      Change

U.S.                     $  7,258    6,918        4.9
Europe                      3,176    2,708       17.3
Western Hemisphere,
  excluding U.S.              725      597       21.4
Asia-Pacific, Africa        1,673    1,336       25.2

  Total                  $ 12,832   11,559       11.0%

The   following  is  a reconciliation of basic net  earnings  per
share to   diluted   net  earnings  per share  for  the   fiscal
first quarters ended April 3, 2005 and March 28, 2004.

(Shares in Millions)
                                          Fiscal Quarter Ended
                                          April 3,   March 28,
                                             2005       2004

Basic net earnings per share            $      .98        .84
Average shares outstanding - basic         2,972.1    2,967.8
Potential shares exercisable under
  stock option plans                         219.8      119.4
Less: shares which could be repurchased
  under treasury stock method               (178.3)     (97.4)
Convertible debt shares                       10.1       14.8
Adjusted average shares
  outstanding - diluted                    3,023.7    3,004.6
Diluted earnings per share               $     .97        .83

The  diluted earnings per share calculation included the dilutive
effect  of  convertible  debt that  was  offset  by  the  related
reduction  in  interest expense of $4 million  for  each  of  the
fiscal first quarters ended April 3, 2005 and March 28, 2004.

The  diluted earnings per share calculation excluded  46  million
and  135  million shares related to options for the fiscal  first
quarters ended April 3, 2005 and March 28, 2004, respectively, as
the  exercise  price per share of these options was greater  than
the average market value, resulting in an anti-dilutive effect on
diluted earnings per share.

The total comprehensive income for the fiscal first quarter ended
April  3,  2005 was $2.8 billion, compared with $2.5 billion  for
the   same   period   a  year ago.   Total  comprehensive  income
included  net earnings, net unrealized currency gains and  losses
on  translation, net unrealized gains and losses on available for
sale   securities  and  net  gains  and  losses   on   derivative
instruments qualifying and designated as cash flow hedges.    The


following   table  sets  forth  the  components   of  accumulated
other comprehensive income.

                               Unrld            Gains/      Accum
                       For.    Gains/     Pens  (Losses)    Other
                       Cur.    (Losses)   Liab  on Deriv     Comp
                      Trans.   on Sec     Adj.  & Hedg      Inc/

January 2, 2005      $  (105)      86     (346)   (150)     (515)
2005 Three Months changes
  Net change associated
   with current period
   hedging transactions    -        -        -     181
  Net amount reclassed to
   net earnings            -        -        -    (145)*
  Net three months
   changes              (154)    (15)        -      36      (133)

April 3, 2005        $  (259)     71      (346)   (114)     (648)

Amounts  in accumulated other comprehensive income are  presented
net  of  the  related  tax impact.  Foreign currency  translation
adjustments are not currently adjusted for income taxes, as  they
relate to permanent investments in international subsidiaries.

*Primarily  offset in net earnings by changes  in  value  of  the
underlying transactions.


On  December 15, 2004, Johnson & Johnson announced the signing of
a  definitive agreement to acquire Guidant Corporation (Guidant),
a  world leader in the treatment of cardiac and vascular disease,
for  $25.4 billion in fully diluted equity value.  The Boards  of
Directors  of  Johnson  & Johnson and Guidant,  as  well  as  the
shareholders of Guidant have given their respective approvals for
the  transaction.  The transaction is subject to clearance  under
the  Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act,  the  European
Union  merger  control  regulation, and other  customary  closing
conditions.   The  Company  is  currently  in  the   process   of
responding to an information and materials request from the  U.S.
Federal  Trade  Commission and has entered into  a  second  phase
review  with  the European Union.  Subject to the  aforementioned
approvals,  the  acquisition is expected to close  in  the  third
quarter of 2005.

The Company's 2004 acquisitions included: Merck's 50% interest in
the Johnson & Johnson-Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals Co. European
non-prescription  pharmaceutical joint venture including  all  of
the infrastructure and brand assets managed by the European joint
venture;   Egea   Biosciences,  Inc.,  which  has   developed   a
proprietary  technology platform called Gene Writer, that  allows
for  the  rapid  and highly accurate synthesis of DNA  sequences,
gene   assembly,   and  construction  of  large  synthetic   gene
libraries,  through  the exercise of the option  to  acquire  the


remaining  outstanding  stock not owned  by  Johnson  &  Johnson;
Artemis  Medical, Inc. a privately held company  with  ultrasound
and  x-ray  visible biopsy site breast markers as well as  hybrid
markers;  U.S. commercial rights to certain patents and  know-how
in  the  field  of sedation and analgesia from Scott  Lab,  Inc.;
Biapharm  SAS, a privately held French producer and  marketer  of
skin  care  products centered around the leading brand BIAFINE(R);
the  assets of Micomed, a privately owned manufacturer of  spinal
implants  primarily focused on supplying the German  market;  and
the acquisition of the AMBI(R) skin care brand for women of color.

At  April  3,  2005  the  Company  had  19  stock-based  employee
compensation plans. The Company accounted for these  plans  under
the   recognition  and  measurement  principles   of   Accounting
Principles Board  Opinion  No. 25 "Accounting for Stock Issued to
Employees" and  its  related  Interpretations. Compensation costs
were  not  recorded   in  net income for stock  options,  as  all
options   granted under  those plans had an exercise price  equal
to the market value of the underlying common stock on the date of

As   required  by  SFAS  No.  148,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation  - Transition and Disclosure - an amendment of FASB
Statement  No.  123,"  the following table  shows  the  estimated
effect on net income and earnings per share if the Company had
applied the fair value recognition provision of SFAS  No.   123,
"Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," to stock-based
employee compensation.

(Dollars in Millions
Except Per Share Data)         April 3, 2005     March 28, 2004
Net income,
 as reported                      $ 2,927              2,493
 expense(1)                            88                 80
Net income, pro forma             $ 2,839              2,413
Earnings per share:
 Basic - as reported                 $.98               $.84
      - pro forma                     .96                .81
 Diluted - as reported               $.97               $.83
     - pro forma                      .94                .81

  (1)  Determined under fair value based method for all awards,
       net of tax.

Components of Net Periodic Benefit Cost
Net  periodic  benefit  cost  for the Company's  defined  benefit
retirement  plans  and other benefit plans for the  fiscal  first
quarters of 2005 and 2004 included the following components:


(Dollars in Millions)
                         Retirement Plans     Other Benefit Plans
                        April 3,  March 28,  April 3,  March 28,
                           2005       2004       2005       2004
Service cost              $ 110        108       $ 13         13
Interest cost               118        119         26         26
Expected return on
 plan assets               (132)      (131)        (1)        (1)
Amortization of prior
 service cost                 3          4         (1)        (1)
Amortization of net
 transition asset            (1)        (1)         -          -
Recognized actuarial
 losses                      57         44         11         11

Net periodic benefit cost $ 155        143       $ 48         48

Company Contributions
The  Company  contributed  $18 million during  the  fiscal  first
quarter  of 2005 to its retirement plans.  The Company  does  not
expect  a  minimum  statutory funding requirement  for  its  U.S.
retirement plans in 2005.  International plans will be funded  in
accordance with local regulations.

Product Liability
The  Company is involved in numerous product liability  cases  in
the  United  States, many of which concern adverse  reactions  to
drugs  and  medical devices. The damages claimed are substantial,
and  while  the  Company  is confident of  the  adequacy  of  the
warnings  and instructions for use which accompany such products,
it is not feasible to predict the ultimate outcome of litigation.
However, the Company believes that if any liability results  from
such  cases, it will be substantially covered by existing amounts
accrued  in  the Company's balance sheet under its self-insurance
program and by third party product liability insurance.

One  group  of  cases  against the Company concerns  the  Janssen
Pharmaceutica Inc. (Janssen) product PROPULSID (cisapride), which
was withdrawn from general sale and restricted to limited use  in
2000.  In  the  wake  of publicity about those  events,  numerous
lawsuits  were  filed against Janssen, which is  a  wholly  owned
subsidiary of the Company, and the Company regarding PROPULSID in
state and federal courts across the country.

These  actions seek substantial compensatory and punitive damages
and  accuse  Janssen and the Company of inadequately testing  for
and  warning about the drug's side effects, of promoting  it  for
off-label use and of over promotion. In addition, Janssen and the
Company   have  entered  into  tolling  agreements  with  various
plaintiffs'  counsel  halting the  running  of  the  statutes  of
limitations with respect to the potential claims of a significant
number  of individuals while those attorneys evaluate whether  or
not to sue Janssen and the Company on their behalf.


On  February  5, 2004, Janssen announced that it had  reached  an
agreement  in  principle with the Plaintiffs  Steering  Committee
(PSC),  of the PROPULSID Federal Multi-District Litigation (MDL),
to  resolve federal lawsuits related to PROPULSID. The  agreement
was to become effective once 85% of the death claims, and 75%  of
the  remainder,  agreed  to  the  terms  of  the  settlement.  In
addition,  12,000  individuals who had not  filed  lawsuits,  but
whose  claims  were the subject of tolling agreements  suspending
the  running of the statutes of limitations against those claims,
also  had  to  agree to participate in the settlement  before  it
could become effective. On March 24, 2005, it was confirmed  that
the  PSC  of the MDL had enrolled enough plaintiffs and claimants
in the settlement program to make the agreement effective. Of the
282  death  plaintiffs  subject to the program,  247  (88%)  were
confirmed enrolled. Of the 3,537 other plaintiffs subject to  the
program, 3,088 (87%) were confirmed enrolled. In addition, 20,596
"tolled"  claimants  have  been  confirmed  as  enrolled.   Those
participating in the settlement will submit medical records to an
independent  panel of physicians who will determine  whether  the
claimed injuries were caused by PROPULSID and otherwise meet  the
standards for compensation. If those standards are met, a  court-
appointed  special  master will determine  compensatory  damages.
Janssen will pay as compensation a minimum of $69.5 million and a
maximum of $90 million depending on the number of plaintiffs that
enroll  in the program. Enrollment will remain open until October
1,  2005. Janssen will also establish an administrative fund  not
to  exceed $15 million, and will pay legal fees to the PSC up  to
$22.5 million subject to court approval.

Not  participating in the settlement program are 2,527 plaintiffs
and  7,757  tolled  claimants.  Of  those,  447  plaintiffs  were
potentially  subject to the MDL settlement but have not  to  date
enrolled  in  it; 1,527 plaintiffs filed cases in  federal  court
subsequent to February 1, 2004, and thus were not subject to  the
MDL  settlement; and 558 have state court actions and  thus  were
not  subject to the settlement. Of those not participating in  or
subject to the MDL settlement, 159 plaintiffs are alleged to have
died  from use of the drug and 2,368 assert other personal injury
claims.  The  nature  of the claims of the tolled  claimants  are
unknown. Of the remaining federal and state plaintiffs, the cases
of 2,253 (89%) are venued in Mississippi.

With  respect to all the various PROPULSID actions against  them,
Janssen and the Company dispute the claims in those lawsuits  and
are  vigorously  defending against them except  where,  in  their
judgment,  settlement  is appropriate. Janssen  and  the  Company
believe  they  have  adequate self-insurance accruals  and  third
party product liability insurance with respect to these cases. In
communications to the Company, the excess insurance carriers have
raised certain defenses to their liability under the policies and
to  date  have declined to reimburse Janssen and the Company  for
PROPULSID-related costs despite demand for payment.  However,  in
the opinion of the Company, those defenses are pro forma and lack
substance and the carriers will honor their obligations under the
policies  either voluntarily or after litigation. In March  2004,
the  Company  commenced arbitration against Allianz  Underwriters


Insurance  Company,  which issued the first layer  of  applicable
excess  insurance coverage, to obtain reimbursement of PROPULSID-
related  costs. The arbitration hearings are currently  scheduled
to  begin mid-May 2005 and last several weeks.  In May 2005,  the
Company   commenced   arbitration  against  Lexington   Insurance
Company,  which  issued  the  second layer  of  excess  insurance

The  Company's Ethicon, Inc. (Ethicon) subsidiary  has  over  the
last  several  years  had a number of claims and  lawsuits  filed
against  it  relating to VICRYL sutures. The actions allege  that
the  sterility of VICRYL sutures was compromised by  inadequacies
in  Ethicon's  systems and controls, causing  patients  who  were
exposed  to  these sutures to incur infections  which  would  not
otherwise  have  occurred. Ethicon on several occasions  recalled
batches  of  VICRYL  sutures in light of questions  raised  about
sterility  but  does  not  believe any  contamination  of  suture
products in fact occurred. In November 2003, a state court  judge
in  West Virginia certified for class treatment all West Virginia
residents who had VICRYL sutures implanted during Class I  or  II
surgeries  from  May 1, 1994 to December 31, 1997.  A  motion  to
decertify  the  class  is  pending. A  previous  trial  date  was
adjourned and not reset. Ethicon has been and intends to continue
vigorously defending against the claims.

Affirmative Stent Patent Litigation

In patent infringement actions tried in Delaware Federal Court in
late 2000, Cordis Corporation (Cordis), a subsidiary of Johnson &
Johnson,  obtained verdicts of infringement and patent  validity,
and  damage  awards  against  Boston Scientific  Corporation  and
Medtronic  AVE,  Inc. based on a number of Cordis vascular  stent
patents.  On  December 15, 2000, the jury in  the  damage  action
against Boston Scientific returned a verdict of $324 million  and
on  December  21,  2000,  the jury in the  Medtronic  AVE  action
returned  a  verdict of $271 million. These sums  represent  lost
profit  and  reasonable royalty damages to compensate Cordis  for
infringement but do not include pre or post judgment interest. In
February  2001  a  hearing  was held  on  the  claims  of  Boston
Scientific  and  Medtronic AVE that the  patents  at  issue  were
unenforceable  owing to alleged inequitable  conduct  before  the
patent office.

In  March  and  May  2002, the district judge issued  post  trial
rulings  that  confirmed the validity and enforceability  of  the
main  Cordis  stent patent claims but found certain other  Cordis
patents unenforceable. Further, the district judge granted Boston
Scientific  a new trial on liability and damages and vacated  the
verdict  against Medtronic AVE on legal grounds.  On  August  12,
2003,  the  Court  of Appeals for the Federal Circuit  found  the
trial  judge erred in vacating the verdict against Medtronic  AVE
and remanded the case to the trial judge for further proceedings.
In  March  2005, the remaining issues were tried in the  remanded
case  against  Medtronic  AVE and the retrial  proceeded  against
Boston  Scientific. Juries returned verdicts of infringement  and
patent  validity in favor of Cordis in both retrials. Cordis  has
requested the trial court to reinstate with interest the verdicts
obtained against those entities in 2000. Cordis also has  pending
in  Delaware  Federal Court a second action against Medtronic  AVE


accusing  Medtronic AVE of infringement by sale of stent products
introduced  by Medtronic AVE subsequent to its GFX and MicroStent
products, the subject of the earlier action referenced above.
That second action was referenced in April 2005 to arbitration 
with respect to Medtronic's license defense.

In  January  2003, Cordis filed an additional patent infringement
action  against  Boston  Scientific  in  Delaware  Federal  Court
accusing  its  Express2, TAXUS and Liberte stents  of  infringing
several  Cordis  patents, including one involved in  the  earlier
actions  against Boston Scientific and Medtronic  AVE.  Trial  of
that case is set to begin in June 2005.

Patent Litigation Against Various Johnson & Johnson Subsidiaries

The  products of various Johnson & Johnson subsidiaries  are  the
subject  of various patent lawsuits, the outcomes of which  could
potentially adversely affect the ability of those subsidiaries to
sell  those products, or require the payment of past damages  and
future  royalties. The following chart summarizes various  patent
lawsuits  concerning  important products  of  Johnson  &  Johnson
subsidiaries. With respect to all of these matters, the Johnson &
Johnson  subsidiary involved is vigorously defending against  the
claims  of  infringement  and  disputing  where  appropriate  the
validity and enforceability of the patent claims asserted against

Trial of Boston Scientific's patent case alleging infringement by
the  Cordis  Cypher stent of Boston Scientific's Ding patent,  as
referenced  in  the chart below, will be held  in  June  2005  in
Delaware  federal court following trial of Cordis'  case  against
Boston Scientific accusing the Express2, TAXUS and Liberte stents
of  infringing  various  Cordis  patents.  Boston  Scientific  is
seeking  to  enjoin  sales  of  the  Cypher  stent,  as  well  as
substantial  damages. In November 2005, Boston Scientific's  case
asserting  infringement  by  the Cypher  stent  of  other  Boston
Scientific patents is scheduled for trial. In that case as  well,
Boston Scientific seeks an injunction and substantial damages.

 Product    J&J  Patents Plaintiff/Patent   Court   Trial  Date
          Company            Holder                 Date  Filed
 Stents   Cordis  Jang  Boston Scientific  D.Del.   06/05 03/03
  Drug    Cordis  Ding  Boston Scientific  D.Del.   06/05 04/03
 Eluting                      Corp.       Germany   04/05 02/04
 Stents                    (Schneider)
  Drug    Cordis  Kunz  Boston Scientific  D.Del.   10/05 12/03
 Eluting         Graing       Corp.
 Stents            er
 Stents   Cordis Rockey    Arlaine and    S.D.Fla.   TBD   7/02
                        Gena Rockey Inc.
 Stents   Cordis Boneau  Medtronic Inc.  Arbitration  TBD   4/02
Two-layer Cordis Kasten-Boston Scientific N.D.Cal.   TBD   2/02
Catheters         hofer       Corp.     Netherlands 04/05 05/04
                 Forman    (Schneider)    Belgium   10/05 12/03
Remicade Centocor Cerami   Rockefeller    E.D.Tex.  2/06   4/04
                         University and
 Stents   Cordis Israel      Medinol      Multiple   TBD  05/03
 Contact  Vision Nicolson  CIBA Vision   M.D. Fla.  2/06  09/03
 Lenses    Care    
Litigation Against Filers of Abbreviated New Drug Applications

The  following  chart indicates lawsuits pending against  generic
firms  that  filed Abbreviated New Drug Applications  seeking  to
market generic forms of products sold by various subsidiaries  of
the  Company  prior  to  expiration  of  the  applicable  patents
covering   those   products.  These   ANDAs   typically   include
allegations  of non-infringement, invalidity and unenforceability
of  these  patents. In the event the subsidiary  of  the  Company
involved  is not successful in these actions, the firms  involved
will  then  introduce generic versions of the  product  at  issue
resulting in very substantial market share and revenue losses for
the product of the Company's subsidiary.

  Brand Name    Patent/NDA  Generic     Court    Trial   Date    30-
    Product       Holder   Challenger             Date   Filed  Month
 Aciphex 20 mg    Eisai       Teva     S.D.N.Y.   TBD    11/03  04/06
release tablet     (for   Dr. Reddy's  S.D.N.Y.   TBD    11/03  04/06
                             Mylan     S.D.N.Y.   TBD    01/04  06/06
Ditropan XL 5,    Ortho-     Mylan      D.W.V.    2/05   05/03  09/05
   10, 15 mg     McNeil,
  controlled       ALZA      Impax     N.D.Cal.  12/05   09/03  01/06
release tablet
   Levaquin      Daiichi,    Mylan      D.W.V.   05/04   02/02  07/04
 250, 500, 750    JJPRD                                            
  mg tablets
                  Ortho-      Teva      D.N.J.    TBD    06/02  11/04
   Levaquin      Daiichi, Sicor (Teva)  D.N.J.    TBD    12/03  05/06
  Injectable      JJPRD
  Single use      Ortho-                                           
  vials and 5     McNeil
 mg/ml premix                                                      
   Levaquin      Daiichi,   American    D.N.J.    TBD    12/03  05/06
  Injectable      JJPRD   Pharmaceutical
  Single use      Ortho-    Partners                               
     vials        McNeil

    Quixin       Daiichi,   Hi-Tech     D.N.J.    TBD    12/03  05/06
  Ophthalmic               Pharmacal
(Levofloxacin)    Ortho-                                           
  Ophthalmic      McNeil
  Ortho Tri-      Ortho-      Barr      D.N.J.    TBD    10/03  02/06
   cyclen LO      McNeil
 0.18 mg/0.025                                                     
0.215 mg/0.025                                                     
   and 0.25                                                        
  mg/0.025 mg
   Risperdal     Janssen     Mylan      D.N.J.    TBD    12/03  05/06
.25, 0.5, 1, 2,           Dr. Reddy's   D.N.J.    TBD    12/03  06/06
    3, 4 mg
Risperdal M-Tab  Janssen  Dr. Reddy's   D.N.J.    TBD    02/05  07/07
 0.5, 1, 2 mg                                                      
   Sporanox      Janssen    Eon Labs   E.D.N.Y.   5/04   04/01  03/04
100 mg capsule                                                     
    Topamax       Ortho-     Mylan      D.N.J.    TBD    04/04  09/06
25, 100, 200 mg                                                    
 Ultracet 37.5    Ortho-   Kali (Par)   D.N.J.    TBD    11/02  04/05
     tram/        McNeil
325 apap tablet               Teva      D.N.J.    TBD    02/04  07/06
                             Caraco   E.D. Mich. 03/06   09/04  02/07
PEPCID Complete McNeil-PPC  Perrigo    S.D.N.Y.   TBD    02/05  06/07
In the action against Mylan Pharmaceuticals USA (Mylan) involving
Ortho-McNeil  Pharmaceutical, Inc.  (Ortho-McNeil)  for  LEVAQUIN
(levofloxacin), the trial judge on December 23,  2004  found  the
patent  at  issue  valid, enforceable and  infringed  by  Mylan's
contemplated  ANDA  product and issued an  injunction  precluding
sale  of the product until patent expiration in late 2010.  Mylan
has appealed to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

In the action against Eon Labs involving SPORANOX (itraconazole),
the  district court ruled on July 28, 2004 that Janssen's  patent
was  valid  but  not  infringed by  Eon's  generic.  Janssen  has
appealed  this  ruling to the Court of Appeals  for  the  Federal
Circuit.  Eon launched its generic version of SPORANOX "at  risk"
on  February 9, 2005. The Federal Circuit heard argument  on  the
appeal on May 5, 2005.

In  the  action  against  Kali involving Ortho-McNeil's  ULTRACET
(tramadol  hydrochloride/ acetaminophen), Kali moved for  summary
judgment  on  the  issues  of infringement  and  invalidity.  The


briefing  on  that  motion was completed in October  2004  and  a
decision  is expected anytime. With respect to claims other  than
that  at  issue in the litigation against Kali, Ortho-McNeil  has
filed  a  reissue  application in the U.S. Patent  and  Trademark
Office  seeking to narrow the scope of the claims.  Kali received
final approval of its ANDA at expiration of the 30-month stay  on
April  21,  2005, and launched its generic product "at-risk"  the
same day.

In  the  action against Teva Pharmaceuticals USA (Teva) involving
Ortho-McNeil's  ULTRACET (tramadol hydrocholoride/acetaminophen),
Teva has moved for summary judgment on the issues of infringement
and  validity. The briefing on that motion was completed in March

In  the  action  against  Mylan  involving  DITROPAN   XL
(oxybutynin chloride), the court held a ten-day bench trial which
concluded  on  April  18,  2005.  Post  trial  briefing  will  be
completed on June 1, 2005 and a decision is expected in the third
or fourth quarter of 2005.

In  the  action against Mylan relating to Ortho-McNeil's  TOPAMAX
(topiramate), Mylan on October 8, 2004 filed a motion for summary
judgment of non-infringement of Ortho-McNeil's patent. The  court
heard argument on the motion on April 18, 2005 and held a further
hearing  on the motion on May 6, 2005. A decision is expected  in
the third or fourth quarter of 2005.

In  late  April and early May 2005 Janssen received Paragraph  IV
certifications with respect to RAZADYNE(R), formerly REMINYL(R),
from Teva, Mylan, Dr. Reddy's   Laboratories,   Inc.,   Purepac
Pharmaceutical   Co.,  Roxane  Laboratories,  Inc.   and   Mutual
Pharmaceutical  Company,  which Janssen  is  in  the  process  of

With  respect to all of the above matters, the Johnson &  Johnson
subsidiary  involved  is vigorously defending  the  validity  and
enforceability and asserting the infringement of its own  or  its
licensor's patents.

Average Wholesale Price (AWP) Litigation

Johnson & Johnson and its pharmaceutical subsidiaries, along with
numerous  other  pharmaceutical companies, are  defendants  in  a
series   of  lawsuits  in  state  and  federal  courts  involving
allegations   that   the   pricing  and  marketing   of   certain
pharmaceutical  products  amounted to  fraudulent  and  otherwise
actionable  conduct  because, among other things,  the  companies
allegedly  reported an inflated Average Wholesale Price  for  the
drugs  at  issue. Most of these cases, both federal  actions  and
state  actions  removed to federal court, have been  consolidated
for  pre-trial purposes in a Multi-District Litigation  (MDL)  in
federal  court in Boston, Massachusetts. The plaintiffs in  these
cases  include classes of private persons or entities  that  paid
for  any  portion of the purchase of the drugs at issue based  on
AWP,  and  state government entities that made Medicaid  payments
for  the  drugs  at issue based on AWP. In the MDL proceeding  in


Boston, plaintiffs have moved for class certification of  all  or
some  portion  of  their claims. A decision is expected  on  that
motion in the third or fourth quarter of 2005.

Ethicon  Endo-Surgery, Inc. (Ethicon Endo), a Johnson  &  Johnson
subsidiary which markets endoscopic surgical instruments, and the
Company,  are  named defendants in a North Carolina  state  court
class   action  lawsuit  alleging  AWP  inflation  and   improper
marketing activities against TAP Pharmaceuticals. Ethicon Endo is
a  defendant  based on claims that several of  its  former  sales
representatives are alleged to have been involved in arbitrage of
a  TAP  drug.  The allegation is that these sales representatives
persuaded certain physicians in states where the drug's price was
low  to purchase from TAP excess quantities of the drug and  then
resell it in states where its price was higher. Ethicon Endo  and
the  Company deny any liability for the claims made against  them
in  this  case and are vigorously defending against it. On  April
24,  2003,  the  trial  judge  certified  a  national  class   of
purchasers  of  the TAP product at issue. On July 6,  2004,  that
class was decertified by the North Carolina Court of Appeals  and
the   matter   remanded  to  the  trial  court   for   additional
consideration.  On January 5, 2005, the trial judge  certified  a
North  Carolina State class of purchasers of the TAP  product  in
question. No trial date has been set in this matter.


The  New  York State Attorney General's office (N.Y. AG) and  the
Federal Trade Commission issued subpoenas in January and February
2003  seeking documents relating to the marketing of sutures  and
endoscopic instruments by the Company's Ethicon and Ethicon  Endo
subsidiaries.  The  Connecticut State Attorney  General's  office
also  issued  a subpoena for the same documents. These  subpoenas
focus  on  the bundling of sutures and endoscopic instruments  in
contracts   offered   to  Group  Purchasing   Organizations   and
individual  hospitals in which discounts are  predicated  on  the
hospital  achieving  specified  market  share  targets  for  both
categories  of  products. The operating companies  involved  have
responded to the subpoenas. In February 2005, the N.Y. AG advised
that it had closed its investigation.

On  June 26, 2003, the Company received a request for records and
information from the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee  on
Energy  and  Commerce in connection with its  investigation  into
pharmaceutical  reimbursements and rebates  under  Medicaid.  The
Committee's  request  focuses on the drug REMICADE  (infliximab),
marketed  by  the Company's Centocor, Inc. (Centocor) subsidiary.
On  July 2, 2003, Centocor received a request that it voluntarily
provide documents and information to the criminal division of the
U.S.  Attorney's  Office, District of New Jersey,  in  connection
with its investigation into various Centocor marketing practices.
Subsequent  requests for documents have been  received  from  the
U.S. Attorney's Office.  Both the Company and Centocor responded,
or  are  in  the  process of responding, to  these  requests  for
documents and information.


On  August 1, 2003, the Securities and Exchange Commission  (SEC)
advised  the  Company  of  its informal investigation  under  the
Foreign  Corrupt  Practices  Act of allegations  of  payments  to
Polish  governmental officials by U.S. pharmaceutical  companies.
On  November  21,  2003, the SEC advised  the  Company  that  the
investigation  had become formal and issued a  subpoena  for  the
information  previously  requested in  an  informal  fashion,  in
addition  to  other  background documents. The  Company  and  its
operating units in Poland have responded to these requests.

On  December  8, 2003, Ortho-McNeil, a subsidiary  of  Johnson  &
Johnson,  received  a subpoena from the United States  Attorney's
Office in Boston, Massachusetts seeking documents relating to the
marketing,  including alleged off-label marketing,  of  the  drug
TOPAMAX  (topiramate). Ortho-McNeil is cooperating in  responding
to  the subpoena. In October 2004, the U.S. Attorney's Office  in
Boston   asked   attorneys  for  Ortho-McNeil  to  cooperate   in
facilitating  the  subpoenaed testimony of  several  present  and
former  Ortho-McNeil  witnesses before a grand  jury  in  Boston.
Cooperation  in  securing the testimony of  additional  witnesses
before the grand jury has been requested and is being provided.

On  January 20, 2004, the Company's subsidiary, Janssen, received
a subpoena from the Office of the Inspector General of the United
States   Office   of   Personnel  Management  seeking   documents
concerning  sales  and  marketing of, any  and  all  payments  to
physicians  in  connection  with  sales  and  marketing  of,  and
clinical  trials for, RISPERDAL (risperidone) from 1997 to  2002.
Documents subsequent to 2002 have also been requested. Janssen is
cooperating in responding to the subpoena.

In  April  2004,  the  Company's  pharmaceutical  companies  were
requested  to  submit  information to  the  U.S.  Senate  Finance
Committee  on  their  use of the "nominal pricing  exception"  in
calculating  Best Price under the Medicaid Rebate  Program.  This
request  was  sent  to  manufacturers for the  top  twenty  drugs
reimbursed   under   the   Medicaid   Program.   The    Company's
pharmaceutical  companies  have  responded  to  the  request.  In
February 2005 a request for supplemental information was received
from the Senate Finance Committee, which has been responded to by
the Company's pharmaceutical companies.

On  July 27, 2004, the Company received a letter request from the
New York State Attorney General's Office for documents pertaining
to  marketing,  off-label sales and clinical trials  for  TOPAMAX
(topiramate),  RISPERDAL (risperidone), PROCRIT  (Epoetin  alfa),
REMINYL  (galantamine  HBr), REMICADE  (infliximab)  and  ACIPHEX
(rabeprazole sodium). The Company is responding to the request.

On  August  9, 2004, Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems,  Inc.
(HCS),  a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, received a subpoena  from
the  Dallas,  Texas  U.  S. Attorney's Office  seeking  documents
relating  to  the  relationships  between  the  group  purchasing
organization  Novation  and  HCS  and  other  Johnson  &  Johnson
subsidiaries. The Company's subsidiaries involved are  responding
to the subpoena.


On  September  30,  2004, Ortho Biotech Inc. (Ortho  Biotech),  a
Johnson  & Johnson subsidiary, received a subpoena from the  U.S.
Office  of  Inspector  General's Denver,  Colorado  field  office
seeking  documents  directed to sales and  marketing  of  PROCRIT
(Epoetin  alfa)  from  1997  to the  present.  Ortho  Biotech  is
responding to the subpoena.

In  March  2005, DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. (Depuy),  a  Johnson  &
Johnson  subsidiary, received a subpoena from the U.S. Attorney's
Office,  District  of  New  Jersey,  seeking  records  concerning
contractual relationships between DePuy and surgeons or  surgeons
in   training   involved   in  hip  and  knee   replacement   and
reconstructive surgery. Other leading orthopaedic  companies  are
known to have received the same subpoena. Depuy is responding  to
the subpoena.

In  September  2004,  plaintiffs in an employment  discrimination
litigation  initiated  against the Company  in  2001  in  federal
district  court  in New Jersey moved to certify a  class  of  all
African  American and Hispanic salaried employees of the  Company
and its affiliates in the United States, who were employed at any
time  from November 1997 to the present. Plaintiffs seek monetary
damages  for  the  period  1997 through  the  present  (including
punitive  damages) and equitable relief. The Company is  expected
to file its response to plaintiffs' class certification motion in
June  2005.  A  decision by the district court  is  not  expected
before  late  2005. The Company disputes the allegations  in  the
lawsuit and is vigorously defending against them.

After  a  remand  from the Federal Circuit Court  of  Appeals  in
January  2003,  a partial retrial was commenced  in  October  and
concluded  in November 2003 in federal district court in  Boston,
Massachusetts  in  the  action Amgen v. Transkaryotic  Therapies,
Inc.  (TKT)  and  Aventis Pharmaceutical, Inc. The  matter  is  a
patent  infringement  action brought by Amgen  against  TKT,  the
developer  of  a  gene-activated EPO product, and Aventis,  which
held  marketing rights to the TKT product, asserting  that  TKT's
product  infringes various Amgen patent claims. TKT  and  Aventis
dispute  infringement  and are seeking to  invalidate  the  Amgen
patents  asserted against them. On October 15, 2004, the district
court  issued  rulings that upheld its initial findings  in  2001
that  Amgen's  patent  claims were valid and  infringed.  Further
proceedings and an appeal will follow. The Amgen patents at issue
in  the  case are exclusively licensed to Ortho Biotech  Inc.,  a
subsidiary   of  the  Company,  in  the  U.S.  for   non-dialysis
indications. Ortho Biotech Inc. is not a party to the action.  On
October  21,  2004,  in a companion action  brought  by  TKT  and
Aventis against Amgen and Ortho Biotech's U.K. affiliate  in  the
United  Kingdom, the House of Lords, acting as the highest  court
in  the  U.K.,  invalidated the pertinent claims of Amgen's  U.K.
patent on EPO which expired in December 2004.

The  Company  is  also  involved in a  number  of  other  patent,
trademark  and  other lawsuits incidental to  its  business.  The
ultimate legal and financial liability of the Company in  respect
to  all claims, lawsuits and proceedings referred to above cannot
be  estimated  with  any  certainty. However,  in  the  Company's


opinion,   based  on  its  examination  of  these  matters,   its
experience  to  date and discussions with counsel,  the  ultimate
outcome  of legal proceedings, net of liabilities already accrued
in  the  Company's  balance sheet, is  not  expected  to  have  a
material  adverse  effect  on the Company's  financial  position,
although the resolution in any reporting period of one or more of
these  matters  could have a significant impact on the  Company's
results of operations and cash flows for that period.

NOTE 13 - Subsequent Events
On  April  4,  2005  the  Company completed  its  acquisition  of
TransForm  Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a company specializing  in  the
discovery of superior formulations and novel crystalline forms of
drug  molecules, for $230 million.  The Company  is  expected  to
incur an estimated one-time after-tax charge of approximately $50
million  reflecting  the  expensing of  in-process  research  and
development (IPR&D) charges.

On April 28, 2005, the shareholders of Johnson & Johnson approved
a new long-term incentive compensation plan.  The Plan allows the
Company to continue to use equity to attract, retain and motivate
employees  and  will  give  the Company  greater  flexibility  to
respond to changes in executive compensation practices.  The Plan
allows  the Company to grant stock options (both incentive  stock
options  and  non-qualified  stock options),  stock  appreciation
rights,  restricted shares, restricted share units, stock  awards
and  performance shares. In the past, stock options have been the
principal form of long-term equity incentive used by the Company.


Results of Operations
Analysis of Consolidated Sales
For the fiscal first quarter of 2005, worldwide sales were  $12.8
billion,  an  increase  of 11.0% over 2004 fiscal  first  quarter
sales  of   $11.6  billion.   The impact  of  foreign  currencies
accounted  for  2.2% of the total reported fiscal  first  quarter
2005 increase.

Sales  by  U.S. companies were $7.2 billion in the  fiscal  first
quarter  of  2005, which represented an increase of  4.9%.  Sales
by  international companies were  $5.6 billion, which represented
an  increase  of  20.1%,  of  which  5.4%  was  due  to  currency

All  international  regions posted double digit  sales  increases
during the fiscal first quarter of 2005, as sales increased 17.3%
in  Europe, 21.4% in the Western Hemisphere (excluding the  U.S.)
and 25.2% in the Asia-Pacific, Africa regions.  These sales gains
include the positive impact of currency fluctuations between  the
U.S.  dollar  and foreign currencies in Europe of  6.1%,  in  the
Western Hemisphere (excluding the U.S.) of 6.0% and in the  Asia-
Pacific, Africa region of 3.7%.


Analysis of Sales by Business Segments

Consumer  segment sales in the fiscal first quarter of 2005  were
$2.3 billion, an increase of 11.4% over the same period a year ago
with 8.9% of operational growth and a positive currency impact of
2.5%.  U.S.  consumer  segment  sales  increased  by  3.1%  while
international  sales  increased  20.7%,  including   a   positive
currency impact of 5.3%.

Major Consumer Franchise Sales
(Dollars in Millions)                Total   Operations  Currency
                     2005    2004   %Change   %Change    %Change

OTC Pharm & Nutr.   $ 685   $ 563     21.7%     20.8%      0.9%
Skin Care             620     562     10.3       7.3       3.0
Baby & Kids Care      379     343     10.6       7.5       3.1
Women's Health        377     348      8.0       5.1       2.9
Other                 219     231     (5.2)     (8.9)      3.7

Total             $ 2,280  $2,047     11.4%      8.9%      2.5%

Consumer  segment sales growth was attributable to  strong  sales
performance in the major franchises in this segment including OTC
Pharmaceutical & Nutritionals, Skin Care, Baby &  Kids  Care  and
Women's  Health franchise.  The OTC Pharmaceutical & Nutritionals
franchise  operational sales growth of 20.8% was attributable  to
the  SPLENDA(R) No Calorie  Sweetener  and  the  introduction  of
TYLENOL(R) Rapid Release Gels.  In the first quarter of 2004, the
Company   acquired   Merck's  equity  stake   in   the   European
nonprescription  pharmaceutical business and  also  divested  the
U.S.  SPLENDA(R) ingredient business.  The  net  effect  of  this
acquisition  and  divestiture has had a  minimal  impact  on  the
segment  as a whole.  The Skin Care franchise operational  growth
of  7.3% was driven by strong performances from AVEENO(R) and
RoC(R) in the U.S., and Neutrogenar, RoC(R), and CLEAN & CLEAR(R)
outside the U.S.  Solid operational growth was related to new
products introduced in  2004, as well as a number of new products
introduced  during the first quarter of 2005.  The  Baby  &  Kids
Care  franchise  operational growth of 7.5%  was  the  result  of
continued success with JOHNSON'S(R) SOFTWASH(R) and SOFTLOTION(TM)
product  lines, baby gift sets and the launch of a  new  line  of
JOHNSON'S(R) BUDDIES(TM) Bathtime Products.  Women's health
franchise achieved operational growth of 5.1% with the successful
launch of STAYFREE(R) Dry Maxi, coupled with strong contributions

Pharmaceutical segment sales in the fiscal first quarter of  2005
were  $5.8  billion, an increase of 7.0% over the same  period  a
year  ago  with 5.3% of this change due to operational  increases
and the remaining 1.7% increase related to the positive impact of
currency.   The U.S. Pharmaceutical sales increase was  3.8%  and
the growth in international Pharmaceutical sales was 13.8%, which
included 5.3% related to the positive impact of currency.


Major Pharmaceutical Product Revenues
(Dollars in Millions)                  Total  Operations Currency
                          2005  2004  %Change   %Change  %Change
RISPERDAL(R)           $  844  $ 731   15.5%     13.0%       2.5%
PROCRIT(R)/EPREX(R)       836    977  (14.4)    (15.9)       1.5
REMICADE(R)               577    464   24.4      24.4        0.0
DURAGESIC(R)              450    455   (1.1)     (3.9)       2.8
LEVAQUIN(R)/FLOXIN(R)     440    383   14.9      14.9        0.0
TOPAMAX(R)                406    328   23.8      22.0        1.8
Hormonal Contraceptives   302    305   (1.0)     (1.5)       0.5
Aciphex(R)/Pariet(TM)     278    247   12.6       9.2        3.4
Other                   1,622  1,486    9.2       7.2        2.0

Total                  $5,755 $5,376    7.0%      5.3%       1.7%

Pharmaceutical segment sales growth in the first quarter of  2005
was led by strong performances from various products.  Growth was
fueled by the continued success of RISPERDAL(R) (risperidone),  a
medication  that  treats  the  symptoms  of  schizophrenia,   and
RIPSERDAL  CONSTA(R) (risperidone) long acting  injection,  with
operational growth of 13.0%.  PROCRIT(R) (Epoetin alfa) and
EPREX(R) (Epoetin alfa) combined continued to be negatively
impacted by prior year competitive  market pricing and share
erosion, resulting in an operational decline of 15.9% as compared
to the fiscal first quarter of 2004.  REMICADE(R) (infliximab),
a biologic approved for the treatment of Crohn's disease,
ankylosing spondylitis, and use in the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis experienced strong operational growth of 24.4% over
prior year fiscal first quarter.

DURAGESIC(R) (fentanyl transdermal system) sales declined  by  3.9%
operationally, which was primarily driven by the negative  impact
of  generic competition  in the U.S.   However,  the  launch  of
DURAGESIC(R) D-TRANS(R),  a  matrix patch,  and  DURAGESIC(R) 12,
an additional strength matrix patch, have fueled strong operational
growth  outside  the  U.S.  Additionally, an  authorized  generic
version of DURAGESIC(R) being marketed for the Company in the U.S.,
has captured a significant portion of the generic market.

LEVAQUIN(R) (levofloxacin) achieved operational sales growth of
14.9%  over  prior  year  benefiting from  the  late  respiratory
infection season. Sales of TOPAMAX(R) (topiramate), which has been
approved  for  adjunctive use in epilepsy, as well  as,  for  the
prophylactic   treatment   of   migraines,   experienced   strong
operational  growth  in both the U.S. and international  markets.
The  hormonal contraceptive franchise continues to be  negatively
impacted by generic competition, however this was offset  by  the
strong  growth  in  ORTHO  EVRA(R), the first  contraceptive  patch
approved    by    the    FDA,    and   ORTHO  TRI-CYCLEN(R)    LO
(norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol), a low dose oral contraceptive.

CONCERTA(R) (methylphenidate HCL), a product for the treatment  of
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, sales continued to grow
despite  the lack of patent exclusivity in the U.S.  At  present,
the   FDA   has  not  approved  any  generic  version that is
substitutable  for CONCERTA(R).  Abbreviated New Drug Applications
(ANDAs) for generic versions of CONCERTA(R) are pending and may  be
approved at any time.


The Company has revised the labeling for NATRECOR(R) (nesiritide),
used  for  the  treatment of acute congestive heart  failure,  to
include an expanded analysis of the mortality rates seen  in  the
pivotal  trials which supported the initial FDA approval for  the
drug.  Management does not anticipate that this action will  have
a  material  effect on the Company's results of operations,  cash
flow or financial position.

On  April  21,  2005  Kali Laboratories,  Inc.,  a  unit  of  Par
Pharmaceutical Co. Inc. received approval from the FDA to  market
a   generic   version  of  ULTRACET(TM) (tramadol hydrochloride/
acetaminophen), used for the treatment of short-term acute  pain.
(Please  refer  to  Note 12, Legal Proceedings,  for  information
around the Company's patent infringement suit against Kali.)   An
authorized  generic  version  of ULTRACET(TM) is currently being
marketed for the Company.

Medical Devices and Diagnostics
Medical Devices and Diagnostics segment sales in the fiscal first
quarter of 2005 were $4.8 billion, an increase of 16.0% over  the
same  period  a  year  ago  with 13.4%  of  this  change  due  to
operational growth and the remaining 2.6% increase related to the
positive  impact  of  currency.  The  U.S.  Medical  Devices  and
Diagnostics  sales  increase  was  7.6%  while  the   growth   in
international  Medical Devices and Diagnostics sales  was  25.4%,
which included 5.5% related to the positive impact of currency.

Major Medical Devices and Diagnostics Franchise Sales
(Dollars in Millions)
                                       Total Operations Currency
                          2005    2004 %Change  %Change  %Change

DEPUY(R)               $   993  $  839  18.3%   16.2%  2.1%
CORDIS(R)                  969     877  10.5     8.2   2.3
ETHICON(R)                 789     681  15.8    12.2   3.6
ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY(R)    765     665  15.0    12.3   2.7
LIFESCAN(R)                501     400  25.2    22.6   2.6
Vision Care                407     354  14.9    12.5   2.4
 DIAGNOSTICS(R)            355     303  17.2    15.2   2.0
Other                       18      17   5.9     3.0   2.9

Total                   $4,797  $4,136  16.0%   13.4%  2.6%

Sales   growth  in  this  segment  was  led  by  strong   results
experienced   across   the  segment.    The   DePuy   franchise's
operational  growth  of  16.2%  was  primarily  due  to   DePuy's
orthopaedic joint reconstruction products including the  hip  and
knee  product  lines.  Strong performance was  also  reported  in
DePuy's  spine  unit  and  Mitek sports medicine  products.   The
Cordis  franchise  was  also  a key contributor  to  the  Medical
Devices  and  Diagnostics segment results,  with  an  operational
growth of 8.2%.  The primary driver of this sales growth was  the
CYPHER(R) Sirolimus-eluting Stent in international  markets,  with
excellent growth in Japan.  U.S. CYPHER(R) Sirolimus-eluting Stent
sales  decreased  from the same period in the prior  year,  as  a
competitor has since entered the market.


In  April and July of 2004, Cordis Cardiology Division of  Cordis
Corporation received warning letters from the FDA regarding  Good
Manufacturing  Practice and Good Clinical  Practice  regulations.
These   observations  followed  post-approval  site   inspections
completed in 2003 and early 2004 including sites involved in  the
production  of the CYPHER(R) Sirolimus-eluting Stent.  In response
to  the warning letters, Cordis has made several improvements  to
their  quality system and is in the process of being  reinspected
by the FDA.

Ethicon worldwide sales grew operationally by 12.2% from the same
period in the prior year.  Contributing to the strong results was
the continued penetration of VICRYL(R) (polyglactin 910) Plus, the
first  product in a new anti-bacterial suture platform,  expanded
usage  of  MULTIPASS(TM) needles, growth of DERMABOND(R) and
strong results in mesh sales.  The Ethicon Endo-Surgery franchise
experienced  operational growth of 12.3% over prior  year.   This
growth  was  mainly  driven  by  endocutter  sales  that  include
products  used  in  performing  bariatric  procedures   for   the
treatment  of obesity, an important focus area for the franchise.
Strong  sales  in the Advanced Sterilization Products  line  were
also  a  key  contributor to the overall sales  growth  for  this

The  LifeScan franchise operational growth of 22.6% was a  result
of   strong  U.S.  sales,  as  well  as,  increased  presence  in
international markets.  ONETOUCH(R) HORIZON(R), a low cost meter
and strip system for developing markets was launched in China,
South Africa and Kazakhstan during the first quarter of 2005.
LifeScan has initiated a worldwide notification to all users of
its OneTouch(R) Ultra(R), InDuor and OneTouch(R) FastTaker Meters
that it may be possible for users to misinterpret their blood
glucose results.  All three affected meter systems were originally
designed to allow patients to select one of two units of  measure
to  display  their  test  results.  This selection  is  typically
determined  by  the standard used by the country  in  which  they
live.   LifeScan found that it was possible for consumers, in the
course  of  setting their meter's date and time, to  accidentally
change  the unit of measure and thereby misinterpret their  blood
glucose  results.   In addition, very rarely, an  event  such  as
dropping a meter while in use can cause a brief power loss, which
may  also unexpectedly change the unit of measure and/or the code
number  used to program the meter to match a particular  vial  of
test  strips.   As  a  result,  LifeScan  implemented  a  product
modification that will prevent users from inadvertently switching
their  meter's unit of measure.  The Company has accrued for  the
cost  associated  with this program, which  is  not  significant,
during the first quarter of 2005.

Vision  Care franchise operational sales growth of 12.5% was  led
by  the  continued  success of ACUVUE(R) ADVANCE(TM) brand contact
lenses with HYDRACLEAR(TM) and 1-DAY ACUVUE(R).  During the first
quarter of 2005, the franchise launched ACUVUE(R) ADVANCE(TM) the
only lens for astigmatism with HYDRACLEAR(TM).  The Ortho-Clinical
Diagnostics franchise reported operational growth of  15.2%  over
prior  year,  which was driven by its market penetration  of  the
automated blood typing products, coupled with continued growth of
the ECI product line.


Cost of Products Sold and Selling, Marketing and Administrative
Consolidated costs of goods sold decreased to 27.1% from 29.1% of
sales  over  the  same period a year ago.  The decrease  resulted
from  a  favorable product mix, cost improvement initiatives  and
improved  gross  margins  in the Medical  Devices  &  Diagnostics
segment, primarily driven by lower manufacturing costs related to
CYPHER(R) Sirolimus-eluting Stent.

Consolidated    selling,  marketing and  administrative  expenses
increased  11.1%  over  the same period  a  year  ago.   Selling,
marketing and administrative expenses as a percent to sales  were
31.5%,  which reflects a consistent rate of spend as compared  to
the same period in 2004.

Research & Development
Research activities represent a significant part of the Company's
business.   These expenditures relate to the development  of  new
products, improvement of existing products, technical support  of
products  and  compliance with governmental regulations  for  the
protection   of  the  consumer.   Worldwide  costs  of   research
activities  for  the  fiscal  first quarter  of  2005  were  $1.3
billion,  an increase of 23.0% over the same period a  year  ago.
The level of research and development spending increased to 10.5%
from 9.5% as a percent to sales, as compared to the same period a
year  ago.   This increase is a reflection of the solid  progress
achieved in products in late stage development.

In-Process Research & Development
In  the  fiscal first quarters of 2005 and 2004, the Company  did
not record any in-process research & development (IPR&D) charges.

Other (Income) Expense, Net
Other (income) expense included gains and losses related to the
sale and write-down of certain equity securities of the Johnson &
Johnson Development Corporation, losses on the disposal of fixed
assets, currency gains & losses, minority interests, litigation
settlement    expense,   as   well  as,  royalty   income.    The
unfavorable change in other (income) expense as compared  to  the
same  period  a year ago was primarily due to a higher  level  of
miscellaneous  other  expenses, as  well  as,  a  one  time  gain
associated with business divestitures in the fiscal first quarter
of 2004.

Consumer Segment
Operating profit for the Consumer segment as a percent  to  sales
in  the fiscal first quarter of 2005 was 20.0% versus 21.5%  over
the  same period a year ago.  This decrease was primarily due  to
additional  investment in consumer promotions and advertising  in
the OTC Pharmaceutical and Nutritionals franchise.


Pharmaceutical Segment
Operating  profit for the Pharmaceutical segment as a percent  to
sales  in the fiscal first quarter of 2005 was 37.1% versus 38.8%
over the same period a year ago.  Operating profit was negatively
impacted by increased research and development spending.

Medical Devices and Diagnostics Segment
Operating profit for the Medical Devices and Diagnostics  segment
as  a  percent of sales in the fiscal first quarter of  2005  was
31.1%  versus 25.8% over the same period a year ago.  The driver
of  the  improved  operating profit in the  Medical  Devices  and
Diagnostics  segment  over prior year was improved gross profit, 
resulting from cost reduction programs, lower manufacturing  costs
related to CYPHER(R) Sirolimus-eluting Stent and favorable product

Interest (Income) Expense
Interest income in the fiscal first quarter of 2005 increased  by
$45.6  million  over  the  fiscal  first  quarter  of  2004,  due
primarily  to the improved cash position, as well as, the  higher
rates of interest earned on our cash holdings.  The cash balance,
which  included marketable securities, was $13.7 billion  at  the
end  of  the fiscal first quarter of 2005.  This is $3.3  billion
higher than the same period a year ago.

Interest expense in the fiscal first quarter of 2005 decreased by
$29.4 million over the same period a year ago primarily due to  a
decrease in the average debt balance.
Provision For Taxes on Income
The  worldwide  effective income tax rates for the  fiscal  first
quarters  of  2005  and 2004 were 27.9% and 28.8%,  respectively.
The  decrease  in  the effective tax rate  of  0.9%  was  due  to
increases  in  the  taxable  income in  lower  tax  jurisdictions
relative to taxable income in higher tax jurisdictions.

Cash Flows
Cash  generated  from operations provided the  major  sources  of
funds  for the growth of the business, including working capital,
capital  expenditures, acquisitions, share repurchases, dividends
and  debt repayments.  In the fiscal first quarter of 2005,  cash
flow from operations  was $2.7 billion,  which is consistent 
with the  same period a year ago.  Net  cash used by investing 
activities  more  than doubled due to an increase in capital 
spending and an increase in the  purchases  of  marketable 
securities  in  the  fiscal  first quarter of 2005.  Net cash 
used by financing activities decreased by  $0.3 billion primarily
due to lower repayments  of  debt  in 2005.   Cash and current 
marketable securities were $13.7 billion at the end of the fiscal
first quarter of 2005 as compared  with $12.9 billion at fiscal 
year-end 2004.


On  January  4, 2005, the Board of Directors declared  a  regular
cash  dividend  of  $0.285 per share, paid on March  8,  2005  to
shareholders of record as of February 15, 2005.  This represented
an  increase  of  18.8%  from the fiscal first  quarter  of  2004

On April 28, 2005, the Board of Directors declared a regular cash
dividend  of   $0.33  per  share, payable  on  June  7,  2005  to
shareholders  of record as of May 17, 2005. This  represented  an
increase of 15.8% in the quarterly dividend rate and was the 43rd
consecutive year of cash dividend increases.  The Company expects
to continue the practice of paying regular cash dividends.


New Accounting Standards
In  December  2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123(R), Share  Based
Payment.  This statement establishes standards for the accounting
for   transactions  in  which  an  entity  exchanges  its  equity
instruments  for  goods and services.  It  focuses  primarily  on
accounting  for transactions in which an entity obtains  employee
services  in  share-based payment transactions (such as  employee
stock  options).  The statement requires the measurement  of  the
cost  of  employee services received in exchange for an award  of
equity instruments (such as employee stock options) at fair value
on  the grant date.  That cost will be recognized over the period
during  which  an  employee is required to  provide  services  in
exchange for the award (the requisite service period).  On  April
14,  2005  the SEC approved a new rule that delays the  effective
date  of SFAS No. 123(R) for annual, rather than interim, periods
that  begin  after June 15, 2005.  As a result, the Company  will
adopt this statement in the first fiscal quarter of 2006.

The  Company  will  implement  SFAS  151,  Inventory  Costs,   an
amendment  of  ARB No. 43 and SFAS 153, Exchanges of Non-monetary
Assets,  an amendment of APB 29 in the first quarter of 2006  and
the  third  quarter  of  2005 respectively,  as  allowed  by  the

The  Company believes the adoption of these statements  will  not
have  a material effect on its results of operations, cash  flows
or financial position.

The  following recent accounting pronouncements became  effective
in  2004  and  did  not have a material impact on  the  Company's
results of operations, cash flows or financial position.

*EITF  Issue 02-14: Whether an Investor should apply  the  Equity
Method of Accounting to Investments other than Common Stock.

*EITF   Issue  04-1:  Accounting  for  Preexisting  Relationships
between the Parties to a Business Combination.


Economic and Market Factors
Johnson  &  Johnson is aware that its products  are  used  in  an
environment   where,  for  more  than  a  decade,   policymakers,
consumers and businesses have expressed concern about the  rising
cost  of  health  care.  Johnson & Johnson  has  a  long-standing
policy  of  pricing  products responsibly. For  the  period  1994
through  2004 in the United States, the weighted average compound
annual  growth  rate  of Johnson & Johnson  price  increases  for
health  care  products (prescription and over-the-counter  drugs,
hospital  and professional products) was below the U.S.  Consumer
Price Index (CPI).

Inflation rates, even though moderate in many parts of the  world
during  2004,  continue to have an effect on worldwide  economies
and,  consequently, on the way companies operate. In the face  of
increasing  costs,  the Company strives to  maintain  its  profit
margins    through   cost   reduction   programs,    productivity
improvements  and  periodic price increases.  The  Company  faces
various  worldwide health care changes that may result in pricing
pressures   that   include  health  care  cost  containment   and
government   legislation  relating  to  sales,   promotions   and

The  Company also operates in an environment increasingly hostile
to  intellectual property rights. Generic drug firms  have  filed
Abbreviated New Drug Applications seeking to market generic forms
of  most  of the Company's key pharmaceutical products, prior  to
expiration of the applicable patents covering those products.  In
the  event  the Company is not successful in defending a  lawsuit
resulting  from an Abbreviated New Drug Application  filing,  the
generic firms will then introduce generic versions of the product
at  issue, resulting in very substantial market share and revenue
losses. For further information see the discussion on "Litigation
Against Filers of Abbreviated New Drug Applications" in Note 12.

This  Form  10-Q  contains forward-looking  statements.  Forward-
looking  statements  do  not  relate strictly  to  historical  or
current facts and anticipate results based on management's  plans
that  are subject to uncertainty. Forward-looking statements  may
be  identified  by  the  use  of words like  "plans,"  "expects,"
"will,"  "anticipates," "estimates" and other  words  of  similar
meaning  in conjunction with, among other things, discussions  of
future  operations, financial performance, the Company's strategy
for  growth,  product  development, regulatory  approval,  market
position and expenditures.

Forward-looking  statements are based on current expectations  of
future  events.  The Company cannot guarantee that  any  forward-
looking statement will be accurate, although the Company believes
that  it has been reasonable in its expectations and assumptions.
Investors  should  realize that if underlying  assumptions  prove
inaccurate  or  that unknown risks or uncertainties  materialize,
actual   results  could  vary  materially  from   the   Company's


expectations  and projections. Investors are therefore  cautioned
not  to  place undue reliance on any forward-looking  statements.
The  Company  assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking
statements  as  a result of new information or future  events  or

Risks  and uncertainties include general industry conditions  and
competition;  economic  conditions, such  as  interest  rate  and
currency exchange rate fluctuations; technological advances,  new
products and patents attained by competitors; challenges inherent
in   new  product  development,  including  obtaining  regulatory
approvals;  challenges to patents; U.S. and foreign  health  care
reforms  and  governmental  laws and regulations;  trends  toward
health  care cost containment; increased scrutiny of  the  health
care  industry by government agencies; product efficacy or safety
concerns resulting in product recalls or regulatory action.

The  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for  the  fiscal  year
ended  January  2, 2005 contains, as an Exhibit, a discussion  of
additional factors that could cause actual results to differ from
expectations. The Company notes these factors as permitted by the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.


There has been no material change in the Company's assessment of
its sensitivity to market risk since its presentation set forth in
Item 7A, "Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market
Risk," in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended January 2, 2005.


Disclosure controls and procedures.  As of the end of the period
covered by this report, management evaluated the effectiveness of
the Company's disclosure controls and procedures.   The Company's
disclosure controls and procedures are designed to ensure that
the Company records, processes, summarizes and reports in a
timely manner the information  the Company is required to
disclose in its reports filed  under the  Securities  Exchange
Act.  Disclosure controls and procedures include, without
limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that
information required to be disclosed by the Company in the
reports that it files or submits under the Securities Exchange
Act is accumulated and communicated to the Company's management,
including its principal executive and principal financial
officers, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate
to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.  William
C.  Weldon,  Chairman  and Chief  Executive Officer, and Robert
J. Darretta, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer, reviewed
and  participated in this evaluation.  Based on this evaluation,


Messrs. Weldon and Darretta concluded that, as of the date of
their evaluation, the Company's disclosure controls and
procedures were effective.

Internal  control.   During the period covered  by  this  report,
there  were  no  changes in the Company's internal  control  over
financial  reporting  that  have  materially  affected,  or   are
reasonably  likely  to materially affect, the Company's  internal
control over financial reporting.
Part II - Other Information

Item 1 - Legal Proceedings

The information called for by this item is incorporated herein by
reference  to  Note 12 included in Part I, Notes to  Consolidated
Financial Statements.

Item 2 - Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of

(c) Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated
The  following table provides information with respect to  Common
Stock purchases by the Company during the fiscal first quarter of
2005.  Common Stock purchases on the open market are made as part
of a systematic plan to meet the Company's compensation programs.

Fiscal Month              Total Number of      Average Price Paid
                          Shares Purchased          Per Share
Jan. 3 - Jan. 30, 2005      2,999,700                 $62.85
Jan. 31 - Feb. 27, 2005     2,374,200                 $65.52
Feb. 28 - April 3, 2005     4,617,900                 $67.07

On  February 28, 2005 the Company issued 10,624,449 shares of its
Common  Stock to a shareholder in exchange for 11,184,666  shares
of  Common  Stock  previously held by  such  shareholder.   These
securities were exempt from registration under the Securities Act
of  1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), pursuant to  Section
3(a)(9)  of  the  Securities Act for securities exchanged  by  an
issuer  with  its  existing security holders exclusively.   There
were no underwriting discounts, commissions or other remuneration
paid  to  any person, directly or indirectly, nor was  there  any
underwriter used, in connection with this exchange.

Item 6 - Exhibits

      Exhibit 10.1  Johnson & Johnson 2005 Long-Term Incentive
      Plan -Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 1 to the
      Registrant's Proxy Statement filed with the SEC on March
      15, 2005.*

        Exhibit 31.1  Certifications under Rule 13a-14(a) of the
        Securities Exchange Act pursuant to Section 302 of the
        Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - Filed with this document.


        Exhibit 32.1  Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of
        the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - Furnished with this

        *Management contract or compensatory plan.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                   JOHNSON & JOHNSON

Date:  May 10, 2005        By /s/ R. J. DARRETTA
                              R. J. DARRETTA
                              Vice Chairman, Board of Directors;
                              Chief Financial Officer and Director
                              (Principal Financial Officer)

Date:  May 10, 2005        By /s/ S. J. COSGROVE
                              S. J. COSGROVE
                              (Principal Accounting Officer)
