Pernod Ricard: 2013/14 Full-Year Sales and Results

Regulatory News:

Press release - Paris, 28 August 2014

Pernod Ricard (Paris:RI):

(in line with objectives outlined in February)



Sales for the 2013/14 financial year totalled € 7,945 million, broadly stable excluding Group structure and foreign exchange effects. The reported decline in sales was 7% due to a highly unfavourable foreign exchange effect.

Sales were adversely affected by one market, China (-23%):

  • Asia-RoW -4%; outside China +5%
  • marked improvement in Europe (+2%)
  • slowdown of growth in the Americas (+2%) due to the US and Travel Retail

The Top 14 declined 2% as a result of a slight reduction in volumes and unfavourable mix (decline of Martell in China). However, despite a more challenging business environment, pricing remained solid at +2%. The good performance of Key Local Brands (+4%) should be noted, supported by positive pricing. Mix was negative.

As a result of strict control of resources, the operating margin rate increased +52 bps in organic terms, the strongest increase in four years. As a result, profit from recurring operations recorded organic growth of +2% to € 2,056 million.

The foreign exchange impact was highly unfavourable (€-199 million on PRO, as announced). It had a significant impact on the reported change in profit from recurring operations (-8%).

The net financial expense from recurring operations improved by € 98 million due to a very significant reduction in the cost of debt to 4.6% (compared with 5.3% for the 2012/13 financial year).

Group share of net profit from recurring operations decreased by 3%. This decline was lower than the reported decrease in PRO, due to the sharp reduction in financial expenses and the stabilisation of the income tax rate. In organic terms, it grew +9%.

At the end of June, net debt had reduced by € 374 million to € 8.4 billion.

As part of this communication, Pierre Pringuet, Chief Executive Officer of Pernod Ricard, stated: “Despite an environment that was more difficult than anticipated, we have delivered the guidance announced in February, proof of everyone’s commitment, which I would like to commend. We are seriously committed to the Allegro project: this operational efficiency project must enable us to maximise our future growth while generating a hard figure of €150 million of savings.”

Alexandre Ricard, Deputy CEO & Chief Operating Officer, added: “In this context which will remain challenging, we anticipate a gradual improvement in our sales growth, and we will increase the investment behind our brands and priority innovations in order to sustain long-term growth.”

Audit procedures on the consolidated financial statements have been carried out. The Statutory Auditors’ report will be issued following their review of the management report.

A detailed presentation of sales and results for the 2013/14 financial year is available on our website:

In line with its standard practice, Pernod Ricard will communicate earnings guidance for the current financial year as part of its Q1 2014/15 sales communication on 23 October 2014.

Note: All growth data specified in this press release refers to organic growth, unless otherwise stated. France is now included in the Europe operating segment.

About Pernod Ricard

Pernod Ricard is the world’s co-leader in wines and spirits with consolidated sales of € 7,945 million in 2013/14. Created in 1975 by the merger of Ricard and Pernod, the Group has undergone sustained development, based on both organic growth and acquisitions: Seagram (2001), Allied Domecq (2005) and Vin & Sprit (2008). Pernod Ricard holds one of the most prestigious brand portfolios in the sector: Absolut Vodka, Ricard pastis, Ballantine’s, Chivas Regal, Royal Salute and The Glenlivet Scotch whiskies, Jameson Irish whiskey, Martell cognac, Havana Club rum, Beefeater gin, Kahlúa and Malibu liqueurs, Mumm and Perrier-Jouët champagnes, as well Jacob’s Creek, Brancott Estate, Campo Viejo and Graffigna wines. Pernod Ricard employs a workforce of approximately 18,000 people and operates through a decentralised organisation, with 6 “Brand Companies” and 80 “Market Companies” established in each key market. Pernod Ricard is strongly committed to a sustainable development policy and encourages responsible consumption. Pernod Ricard’s strategy and ambition are based on 3 key values that guide its expansion: entrepreneurial spirit, mutual trust and a strong sense of ethics.

Pernod Ricard is listed on the NYSE Euronext exchange (Ticker: RI; ISIN code: FR0000120693) and is a member of the CAC 40 index.


Sales Analysis by Region (new operating segments)

Net Sales
(€ millions)FY 2012/13FY 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Europe 2,827 33.0% 2,773 34.9% (54) -2% 47 2% (46) -2% (55) -2%
Americas 2,316 27.0% 2,142 27.0% (175) -8% 47 2% (0) 0% (221) -10%
Asia / Rest of the World 3,431 40.0% 3,031 38.1% (401) -12% (128) -4% (14) 0% (259) -8%
Net Sales
(€ millions)Q4 2012/13Q4 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Europe 646 33.6% 638 36.3% (8) -1% 6 1% (5) -1% (10) -2%
Americas 609 31.6% 529 30.1% (80) -13% (17) -3% 2 0% (65) -11%
Asia / Rest of the World 670 34.8% 592 33.7% (78) -12% (36) -5% (1) 0% (41) -6%
Net Sales
(€ millions)HY2 2012/13HY2 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Europe 1,208 32.9% 1,161 34.4% (47) -4% (12) -1% (13) -1% (22) -2%
Americas 1,034 28.2% 932 27.6% (102) -10% 6 1% 2 0% (109) -11%
Asia / Rest of the World 1,426 38.9% 1,282 38.0% (144) -10% (45) -3% (2) 0% (97) -7%

Note: France is now included in the Europe operating segment

Sales Analysis by Region (former operating segments)

Net Sales
(€ millions)FY 2012/13FY 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
France 695 8.1% 715 9.0% 20 3% 23 3% (3) 0% 0 0%
Europe excl. France 2,132 24.9% 2,058 25.9% (74) -3% 23 1% (43) -2% (55) -3%
Americas 2,316 27.0% 2,142 27.0% (175) -8% 47 2% (0) 0% (221) -10%
Asia / Rest of World 3,431 40.0% 3,031 38.1% (401) -12% (128) -4% (14) 0% (259) -8%
Net Sales
(€ millions)Q4 2012/13Q4 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
France 177 9.2% 185 10.5% 8 4% 9 5% (1) -1% 0 0%
Europe excl. France 470 24.4% 453 25.8% (16) -3% (3) -1% (4) -1% (10) -2%
Americas 609 31.6% 529 30.1% (80) -13% (17) -3% 2 0% (65) -11%
Asia / Rest of World 670 34.8% 592 33.7% (78) -12% (36) -5% (1) 0% (41) -6%
Net Sales
(€ millions)HY2 2012/13HY2 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
France 321 8.8% 318 9.4% (3) -1% (1) 0% (2) -1% 0 0%
Europe excl. France 887 24.2% 843 25.0% (44) -5% (12) -1% (11) -1% (22) -2%
Americas 1,034 28.2% 932 27.6% (102) -10% 6 1% 2 0% (109) -11%
Asia / Rest of World 1,426 38.9% 1,282 38.0% (144) -10% (45) -3% (2) 0% (97) -7%

Organic Sales Growth of Strategic Brands

FY 2013/14Net SalesVolumesPrice/Mix
(million 9-litre cases)
Chivas Regal4.6-4%-7%3%
Havana Club4.05%3%2%
The Glenlivet1.08%2%6%
Royal Salute0.2-8%-7%-1%
Top 1446.8-2%-1%-1%
Jacob's Creek6.2-6%-6%0%
Brancott Estate2.19%8%2%
Campo Viejo2.110%10%0%
Priority Premium Wines10.60%-1%1%

Profit from Recurring Operations by Region (new operating segments)

(€ millions)FY 2012/13FY 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Net sales (Excl. T&D) 8,575 100.0% 7,945 100.0% (629) -7% (34) 0% (60) -1% (535) -6%
Gross margin after logistics costs 5,351 62.4% 4,987 62.8% (364) -7% (1) 0% (12) 0% (350) -7%
Advertising & promotion (1,644) 19.2% (1,503) 18.9% 141 -9% 61 -4% 2 0% 78 -5%
Contribution after A&P 3,707 43.2% 3,484 43.9% (223) -6% 60 2% (11) 0% (272) -7%
Profit from recurring operations2,23126.0%2,05625.9%(175)-8%342%(10)0%(199)-9%
Asia / Rest of the World
(€ millions)FY 2012/13FY 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Net sales (Excl. T&D) 3,431 100.0% 3,031 100.0% (401) -12% (128) -4% (14) 0% (259) -8%
Gross margin after logistics costs 2,120 61.8% 1,848 61.0% (272) -13% (99) -5% (0) 0% (173) -8%
Advertising & promotion (663) 19.3% (550) 18.1% 113 -17% 75 -11% 0 0% 37 -6%
Contribution after A&P 1,457 42.5% 1,298 42.8% (159) -11% (23) -2% (0) 0% (136) -9%
Profit from recurring operations1,01629.6%88429.2%(132)-13%(31)-3%00%(101)-10%
(€ millions)FY 2012/13FY 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Net sales (Excl. T&D) 2,316 100.0% 2,142 100.0% (175) -8% 47 2% (0) 0% (221) -10%
Gross margin after logistics costs 1,490 64.3% 1,394 65.1% (96) -6% 51 3% (0) 0% (147) -10%
Advertising & promotion (454) 19.6% (412) 19.3% 41 -9% 10 -2% (0) 0% 32 -7%
Contribution after A&P 1,036 44.7% 982 45.8% (54) -5% 61 6% (0) 0% (115) -11%
Profit from recurring operations60726.2%57927.0%(28)-5%498%(0)0%(77)-13%
(€ millions)FY 2012/13FY 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Net sales (Excl. T&D) 2,827 100.0% 2,773 100.0% (54) -2% 47 2% (46) -2% (55) -2%
Gross margin after logistics costs 1,741 61.6% 1,745 62.9% 4 0% 46 3% (12) -1% (30) -2%
Advertising & promotion (527) 18.7% (541) 19.5% (14) 3% (24) 5% 1 0% 10 -2%
Contribution after A&P 1,213 42.9% 1,204 43.4% (10) -1% 22 2% (10) -1% (21) -2%
Profit from recurring operations60721.5%59321.4%(14)-2%173%(10)-2%(21)-3%

Note: France is now included in the Europe operating segment

Profit from Recurring Operations by Region (former operating segments)

Europe excluding France
(€ millions)FY 2012/13FY 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Net sales (Excl. T&D) 2,132 100.0% 2,058 100.0% (74) -3% 23 1% (43) -2% (55) -3%
Gross margin after logistics costs 1,251 58.7% 1,233 59.9% (18) -1% 26 2% (11) -1% (34) -3%
Advertising & promotion (354) 16.6% (357) 17.4% (3) 1% (14) 4% 1 0% 9 -3%
Contribution after A&P 897 42.1% 876 42.5% (22) -2% 12 1% (10) -1% (24) -3%
Profit from recurring operations45921.5%43321.1%(25)-6%51%(9)-2%(21)-5%
(€ millions)FY 2012/13FY 2013/14ChangeOrganic GrowthGroup StructureForex impact
Net sales (Excl. T&D) 695 100.0% 715 100.0% 20 3% 23 3% (3) 0% 0 0%
Gross margin after logistics costs 490 70.5% 512 71.7% 22 5% 20 4% (1) 0% 3 1%
Advertising & promotion (174) 25.0% (184) 25.7% (10) 6% (10) 6% 0 0% 0 0%
Contribution after A&P 316 45.5% 328 45.9% 12 4% 10 3% (1) 0% 3 1%
Profit from recurring operations14921.4%16022.4%118%138%(1)-1%(0)0%

Forex Impact

On Profit

Forex impact FY 2013/14

Average rates evolution

On Net


(€ millions)





US dollar USD 1.29 1.36 4.9% (89) (55)
Indian rupee INR 70.97 83.36 17.5% (95) (38)
Venezuelan bolivar VEF 11.91 23.48 97.2% (39) (30)
Russian rouble RUB 40.45 45.95 13.6% (33) (23)
Chinese yuan CNY 8.08 8.33 3.1% (23) (16)
Japanese yen JPY 113.62 137.12 20.7% (25) (14)
Other currencies (231) (24)

Group Structure Effect

On Profit from
Group structure FY 2013/14On Net SalesRecurring
(€ millions)Operations
Scandinavian activities (23) (11)
Spanish activities (21) 2
Australian activities (5) 2
Other (11) (3)
Total Group Structure(60)(10)

Summary Consolidated Income Statement

(€ millions)30/06/2013 (*)30/06/2014Change
Net sales8,5757,945-7%
Gross Margin after logistics costs5,3514,987-7%
A&P expenditure (1,644) (1,503) -9%
Contribution after A&P expenditure3,7073,484-6%
Structure costs (1,476) (1,428) -3%
Profit from recurring operations2,2312,056-8%
Financial income/(expense) from recurring operations (542) (444) -18%
Corporate income tax on items from recurring operations (442) (416) -6%
Net profit from discontinued operations, non-controlling interests and share of net income from associates (19) (11) -41%
Group share of net profit from recurring operations1,2281,185-3%
Other operating income & expenses (112) (240) NA
Non-recurring financial items (12) (41) NA
Corporate income tax on items from non recurring operations 68 111 NA
Group share of net profit1,1721,016-13%
Non-controlling interests 19 11 -42%
Net profit1,1911,027-14%

(*) Data published with respect to fiscal year 2012/2013 has been adjusted following the application of amended IAS 19 (Employee Benefits), adopted in the European Union and whose application is mandatory for the Group from 1 July 2013 with retrospective effect as from 1 July 2012

Balance Sheet (Assets)

(€ millions)30/06/2013 (*)30/06/2014
(Net book value)
Non-current assets
Intangible assets and goodwill 16,753 16,449
Tangible assets and other assets 2,506 2,594
Deferred tax assets 1,771 1,926
Total non-current assets21,03020,968
Current assets
Inventories 4,484 4,861
of which aged work-in-progress3,6173,963
of which non-aged work-in-progress6965
Receivables (**) 1,159 1,051
Trade receivables1,090990
Other trade receivables6961
Other current assets 209 194
Other current assets203188
Tangible/intangible current assets66
Tax receivable 27 37
Cash and cash equivalents and current derivatives 620 503
Total current assets6,4996,646
Assets held for sale 8 2
Total assets27,53727,616
(**) after disposals of receivables of: 505479

(*) Data published with respect to fiscal year 2012/2013 has been adjusted following the application of amended IAS 19 (Employee Benefits), adopted in the European Union and whose application is mandatory for the Group from 1 July 2013 with retrospective effect as from 1 July 2012

Balance Sheet (shareholders’ equity and liabilities)

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
(€ millions)30/06/2013 (*)30/06/2014
Group Shareholders’ equity11,01411,621
Non-controlling interests 165 157
of which profit attributable to non-controlling interests1911
Total Shareholders’ equity11,17911,778
Non-current provisions and deferred tax liabilities 4,076 4,174
Bonds 6,949 6,844
Non-current financial liabilities and derivative instruments 915 915
Total non-current liabilities11,94011,933
Current provisions 163 251
Operating payables 1,546 1,463
Other operating payables 924 887
Tax payable 127 56
Bonds 1,001 929
Current financial liabilities and derivatives 656 319
Total current liabilities4,4183,905
Liabilities held for sale 0 0
Total current liabilities27,53727,616

(*) Data published with respect to fiscal year 2012/2013 has been adjusted following the application of amended IAS 19 (Employee Benefits), adopted in the European Union and whose application is mandatory for the Group from 1 July 2013 with retrospective effect as from 1 July 2012

Appointments at Pernod Ricard

Pernod Ricard Holding

Conor McQuaid, Managing Director of Pernod Ricard South Africa, will be provisionally appointed VP Marketing, Group as of 1st of September 2014. During the transition period, he will report to Thierry Billot, Managing Director, Brands, and will work with him on the project of merging the Marketing and Commercial Development teams at the Holding, in the context of the organizational project Allegro.

Conor will work in close collaboration with Martin Riley during this period and will succeed him as of 1st of January 2015. At this date, the organizational project of the Holding is planning the creation of a unique management position gathering Marketing and Commercial Development functions together in order to embody the merger of both departments.

Mathieu Lambotte, VP Operations & IT of Pernod Ricard Americas, is appointed Group Chief Information Officer of Pernod Ricard effective 1st September 2014. Mathieu will report to Gilles Bogaert, Managing Director Finance of Pernod Ricard.

Julia Massies, Finance Director Pernod Ricard UK, is appointed Vice President Financial Communication & Investor Relations of Pernod Ricard, effective 1st October 2014. Julia will report to Gilles Bogaert, Managing Director Finance of Pernod Ricard.

Gwénaël Morin, Tax Director of Pernod Ricard Americas, will be appointed Group Tax Director, effective 1st September 2014. Gwénaël will report to Gilles Bogaert, Managing Director Finance of Pernod Ricard.

Pernod Ricard Europe Middle East Africa

Management Entity Southern Europe and Pernod Ricard Italia

Cédric Retailleau has been appointed Managing Director of the new Management Entity Southern Europe & Pernod Ricard Italia since the 1st July 2014. Cédric reports to Christian Porta, Chairman & CEO of Pernod Ricard EMEA, and is a member of the Regional Management Committee. Previously, he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Mexico.

Management Entity Sub Saharan Africa

The following will report to Laurent Pillet, Managing Director of the new Management Entity Sub-Saharan Africa.

Pernod Ricard South Africa

Paul Scanlon, Commercial Director of Chivas Brothers, is appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard South Africa effective 1st September 2014. Paul will be a member of the Sub-Saharan Africa Management Committee.

Pernod Ricard Kenya & East Africa

Denis Ochanine, currently Managing Director of Pernod Ricard South Eastern Europe is appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Kenya & East Africa effective 1st September 2014. Denis will be a member of the Sub-Saharan Africa Management Committee.

Management Entity Iberia

The following reports to Eric Laborde, Managing Director of the new Management Entity Iberia and Pernod Ricard España.

Pernod Ricard Portugal

Jean-François Collobert is Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Portugal since the 1st July 2014. Jean-François is a member of the Pernod Ricard Iberia Management Committee. Previously, he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Venezuela.

Management Entity Western Europe

The following report to David Haworth, Managing Director of the new Management Entity Western Europe and Pernod Ricard Deutschland.

Pernod Ricard Swiss

Bernhard Eisheuer has been appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Swiss effective 1st August 2014. Bernhard is a member of the Western Europe Management Committee. Previously he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Austria.

Pernod Ricard Belgium

Denis Fiévet is Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Belgium since the 1st July 2014. Denis is a member of the Western Europe Management Committee. Previously, he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Portugal.

Pernod Ricard Austria

Axel Herpin, currently Marketing Director of Pernod Ricard Deutschland, is appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Austria effective 1st September 2014. Axel will be a member of the Western Europe Management Committee.

Management Entity Central Europe

The following reports to Guillaume Girard-Reydet, Managing Director of the new Management Entity Central Europe and Pernod Ricard Polska.

Jan Becher

Marc Beuve-Mery, Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Kenya & East Africa, is appointed Managing Director of Jan Becher effective 15th October 2014. Marc will be a member of the Central Europe Management Committee.

Pernod Ricard Asia

Greater China

Horace Ngai has been appointed Managing Director of Greater China (regrouping China, Taiwan, Hong Kong & Macau) since the 1st July 2014. Horace reports to Pierre Coppéré, Chairman & CEO of Pernod Ricard Asia, and is a member of the Regional Management Team. Previously, he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard China.

Pernod Ricard China

Jean-Etienne Gourgues has been appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard China since the 1st July 2014. Jean-Etienne reports to Horace Ngai, Managing Director of Greater China, and is a member of the Regional Management Team. Previously, he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Japan.

Pernod Ricard Taiwan

Jean Touboul, Vice President Financial Communication & Investors Relations Pernod Ricard, is appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Taiwan effective 1st October 2014. Jean will report to Horace Ngai, Managing Director of Greater China.

Pernod Ricard Hong-Kong & Macau

Frantz Hotton has been appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Hong Kong & Macau since the 1st July 2014. Frantz reports to Horace Ngai, Managing Director of Greater China. Previously, he was Commercial Director of Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët.

Pernod Ricard Japan

Tim Paech has been appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Japan since the 1st July 2014. Tim reports to Pierre Coppéré, Chairman & CEO of Pernod Ricard Asia, and is a member of the Regional Management Team. Previously, he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Taiwan.

Pernod Ricard Lanka

Ranjan Das has been appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Lanka since the 1st August 2014. Ranjan reports to David Freeborn, Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Gulf. Previously, he was CFO of Pernod Ricard Singapore-Indochina.

Hong-Kong Service Hub

Carlson Ho has been appointed General Manager of the Hong Kong Service Hub since the 1st July 2014. Carlson reports to Con Constandis, Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Asia Travel Retail. Previously, he was Finance Director of Pernod Ricard Taiwan.

South East Asia Service Hub & Pernod Ricard Singapore-Indochina

Gentiana Au has been appointed General Manager of the South-East Asia Service Hub & CFO Pernod Ricard Singapore-Indochina since the 1st July 2014. Gentiana reports to Paul Robert Bouhier, Managing Director of Thailand-Singapore-Indochina and is a member of the Pernod Ricard Singapore-Indochina Management Committee. Previously, Gentiana was Deputy VP Finance of Pernod Ricard Asia.

Pernod Ricard Americas

Pernod Ricard Mexico

Noël Adrian has been appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Mexico since the 1st July 2014. Noël reports to Philippe Dréano, Chairman & CEO of Pernod Ricard Americas, and is a member of the Regional Management Committee. Previously, he was Deputy Managing Director of Pernod Ricard EMEA.

Pernod Ricard Argentina

Benoit Laug has been appointed Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Argentina since the 1st July 2014. Benoit reports to Philippe Dréano, Chairman & CEO of Pernod Ricard Americas, and is a member of the Regional Management Committee. Previously he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Southern Central Europe.

Brand Companies

The Absolut Company

The following report to Paul Duffy, Chairman & CEO of The Absolut Company.

Jonas Tåhlin has been appointed Managing Director ABSOLUT ELYX since the 1st July 2014. Jonas continues to be a member of the Management Committee. Previously, he was Vice President Global Marketing for TAC (The Absolut Company).

Xavier Beysecker has been appointed Absolut Vice President Marketing of The Absolut Company since the 1st July 2014. Xavier is a member of the Management Committee. Previously, he was Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Hong Kong.

Irish Distillers

The following report to Anna Malmhake, Chairman & CEO of Irish Distillers.

Simon Fay has been appointed International Marketing Director of Irish Distillers since the 1st July 2014. Simon is a member of the Management Committee. Previously, he was International Brand Development Director of Irish Distillers.

Julien Soisson, Group Tax Director, is appointed Finance Director of Irish Distillers, effective 1st September 2014. Julien will be a member of the Management Committee.

Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët

Stéphanie Durroux has been appointed Strategy and Development Director of Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët since the 1st July 2014. Stéphanie reports to Philippe Guettat, Chairman & CEO of Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët, and is a member of the Management Committee.

Chivas Brothers

Tony Schofield, Managing Director of Jan Becher, will join Chivas Brothers as of 1st January 2015 and will be appointed Director of Public Affairs with effect from 1st April 2015. Tony will report to Laurent Lacassagne, Chairman & CEO of Chivas Brothers, and will be a member of the Management Committee.


Pernod Ricard Contacts
Jean TOUBOUL, +33 (0)1 41 00 41 71
VP, Financial Communication & Investor Relations
Sylvie MACHENAUD, +33 (0)1 41 00 42 74
Director External Communications
Alison DONOHOE, +33 (0)1 41 00 42 14
Investor Relations
Carina ALFONSO MARTIN, +33 (0)1 41 00 43 42
Press Relations Manager

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