Range Reports Record Second Quarter Results

RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) today announced second quarter results. Record highs were achieved in production and oil and gas revenues. Oil and gas revenues reached $221 million, a 40% increase over the prior year. Results were driven by a 19% increase in production and an 18% increase in realized prices. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital, a non-GAAP measure, rose 44% to $156 million. Reported net income totaled $64 million. Earnings per share (diluted) increased 13% to $0.43.

Commenting on the announcement, John Pinkerton, Ranges President and CEO, said, The second quarter results reflect the best operational performance in our Companys history. Overcoming the loss of production from the sale of the Gulf of Mexico properties and posting our 18th consecutive quarter of sequential production growth was an extraordinary accomplishment by our operating teams. The record production results were achieved while also reducing operating costs by more than 10% versus the first quarter. The combination of record production, low costs and higher realized prices fueled 44% and 25% increases, respectively, in cash flow and earnings. Looking forward, we have 81% of anticipated second half 2007 gas production hedged at $8.00 per mcf, so we are in excellent shape to post superior results for the third and fourth quarters of 2007. Importantly, we continue to execute our drilling program of nearly 1,000 wells and are realizing high returns on invested capital. With our lower post-Gulf of Mexico sale decline curve, large transparent drilling inventory and low cost structure, we are superbly positioned to continue to add substantial per share value in the future.

For the quarter, production totaled 313 Mmcfe per day, comprised of 236 Mmcf per day of gas (76%) and 12,769 barrels per day of oil and liquids. Wellhead prices, after adjustment for hedging, averaged $7.75 per mcfe, an 18% increase over the prior-year period. The average realized gas price rose 17% to $7.32 per mcf, and the average realized oil price rose 27% to $60.00 a barrel. Hedging increased the average realized price by $0.21 per mcfe. Currently, 81% of anticipated second half 2007 gas production is hedged at a weighted average gas floor of $8.00 per mcf, while 58% of 2008 gas production is hedged at a weighted average gas floor of $8.91 per mcf.

Second quarter development and exploration expenditures totaled $232 million, funding the drilling of 302 (228 net) wells and 14 (14 net) recompletions. A 99% success rate was achieved with 299 (226 net) wells productive. In the first half of the year, 337 (268 net) of the newly drilled wells had been placed on production, with the remainder in various stages of completion or waiting on pipeline connection. In addition, $15.1 million was spent on acreage purchases and $4.8 million on expanding gas gathering systems.

Drilling activity in the third quarter remains high with 37 rigs currently running. For the year, Range anticipates drilling 971 (704.3 net) wells and undertaking 84 (64 net) recompletions as part of the Companys $834 million capital budget. During the second quarter, Range also continued to expand several of its key drilling areas and emerging plays.

In the Permian division, 55 (51 net) wells were drilled. In the North Texas Barnett Shale play, production reached 85 (60 net) Mmcfe per day, a three-fold increase versus a year ago. The Barnett test well in southern Ellis County has reached total depth and completion operations are scheduled for August. Throughout the play, approximately 20,000 acres were added during the second quarter, bringing our total net acreage position to 86,250. In addition, our field redevelopment efforts in West Texas and New Mexico made steady headway due to continued drilling success.

In the Appalachia division, 210 (148 net) wells were drilled. The Nora field in Virginia continues to be a key area of focus. The recent transaction in which Range acquired additional interests in the field coupled with continued drilling success raised production from the Nora area to 45 Mmcfe per day, up from 25 Mmcfe at the end of the first quarter. To date, two pilot projects have been drilled to test tighter coal bed methane spacing. So far, results are encouraging. Later this year, Range plans to test reduced spacing of the tight gas sands in the Nora field. Lastly, a horizontal shale well is planned for the fourth quarter to test the potential of shale gas development in the field, which encompasses approximately 300,000 acres. Range continues to expand its leasehold position in the Appalachia Basin Devonian Shale play with 470,000 net acres currently under contract. The Company expects to drill an additional 10 to 12 vertical wells and 15 to 18 horizontal wells in the play during the remainder of the year.

As previously reported on March 31, 2007, Range sold its Gulf of Mexico properties for $155 million, recognizing a $95.6 million first quarter gain ($62.2 million net of deferred taxes). These properties represented 2% of Ranges 2006 year-end total proved reserves. Despite closing the sale on March 31, under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the Gulf of Mexico properties have been reclassified as Discontinued operations for 2007 and all the prior-year periods. As a result, production, revenues and expenses associated with the properties have been removed from continuing operations and reclassified to discontinued operations. (Supplemental non-GAAP tables are presented that reconcile the reported GAAP amounts to the amounts that would have been reported if the Gulf of Mexico operations were included in continuing operations in prior periods.) All variances discussed in this release include the Gulf of Mexico operations with respect to prior periods.

Second quarter 2007 results included several non-cash items. A $21.1 million non-cash mark-to-market gain on commodity derivatives and $16.2 million of non-cash compensation expense were recorded. Excluding these items, net income would have been $61.2 million or $0.42 per share ($0.41 fully diluted). Excluding similar non-cash items from the prior-year quarter, net income would have been $40.6 million or $0.31 per share ($0.30 fully diluted). (See accompanying table for calculation of these non-GAAP measures.)

Direct operating expenses for the quarter were $0.86 per mcfe, a $0.02 increase over the prior-year period. However, second quarter direct operating expenses were 13% lower than first quarter 2007. The reduction from first quarter to second quarter was due to the sale of the higher cost Gulf of Mexico properties and higher volumes from two of our lowest cost operating areas, the Nora field in Virginia and the North Texas Barnett shale play. Production taxes per mcfe increased $0.03 to $0.39 per mcfe on higher market prices. Exploration expense totaled $10.8 million, including $4.5 million of dry hole expense and $2.9 million of seismic purchases.

The Company will host a conference call on Thursday, July 26 at 1:00 p.m. ET to review these results. To participate in the call, please dial 877-407-8035 and ask for the Range Resources second quarter financial results conference call. A replay of the call will be available through August 2 at 877-660-6853. The account number is 286 and the conference ID for the replay is 249357.

A simultaneous webcast of the call may be accessed over the Internet at www.rangeresources.com or www.vcall.com. To listen, please go to either website in time to register and install any necessary software. The webcast will be archived for replay on the Companys website for 15 days.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures:

Under GAAP, due to the sale of all the Companys Gulf of Mexico properties at the end of the first quarter of 2007, all Gulf of Mexico operations during the first quarter 2007 and in prior-years have been reclassified to Discontinued operations in the reported GAAP financial statements. The Company has presented a supplemental table which reconciles these reported GAAP financial amounts to the amounts if the operations of the Gulf of Mexico properties for both the 2007 and 2006 periods were combined with the amounts from the continuing operations. The Company believes that the combined results, by including the Gulf of Mexico properties, corresponds to the methodology used by professional research analysts and, therefore, are useful in evaluating operational trends of the Company and its actual historical performance relative to other oil and gas producing companies by investors in making investment decisions. (See the reconciliation of reported continuing operations under GAAP to the combined operations, a non-GAAP presentation in the accompanying table.)

Earnings for second quarter 2007 include non-cash ineffective and mark-to-market derivatives of $21.1 million and a non-cash stock compensation expense of $16.2 million. Excluding such items, income before income taxes would have been $93.5 million, a 43% increase from the prior year. Adjusting for the after-tax effect of these items the Companys earnings would have been $61.2 million or $0.42 per share ($0.41 fully diluted). If similar items were excluded, 2006 earnings would have been $40.6 million or $0.31 per share ($0.30 per diluted share). In 2006, results were impacted by a net $19.2 million ineffective and mark-to-market derivatives on commodities and interest and a $3.2 million stock compensation expense. (See reconciliation of non-GAAP earnings in the accompanying table.) The Company believes results excluding these items are more comparable to estimates provided by professional research analysts and, therefore, are useful in evaluating operational trends of the Company and its performance relative to other oil and gas producing companies by investors in making investment decisions.

Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital as defined in this release represents net cash provided by operations before changes in working capital and exploration expense adjusted for certain non-cash compensation items. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is widely accepted by the investment community as a financial indicator of an oil and gas companys ability to generate cash to internally fund exploration and development activities and to service debt. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is also useful because it is widely used by professional research analysts in valuing, comparing, rating and providing investment recommendations of companies in the oil and gas exploration and production industry. In turn, many investors use this published research in making investment decisions. Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital is not a measure of financial performance under GAAP and should not be considered as an alternative to cash flows from operations, investing, or financing activities as an indicator of cash flows, or as a measure of liquidity. A table is included which reconciles net cash provided by operations to cash flow from operations before changes in working capital as used in this release. On its website, the Company provides additional comparative information on prior periods.

RANGE RESOURCES CORPORATION (NYSE: RRC) is an independent oil and gas company operating in the Southwestern, Appalachian and Gulf Coast regions of the United States.

Except for historical information, statements made in this release, including those relating to significant potential, future earnings, cash flow, capital expenditures, production growth and planned number of wells are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements are based on assumptions and estimates that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information; however, managements assumptions and the Companys future performance are subject to a wide range of business risks and uncertainties and there is no assurance that these goals and projections can or will be met. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, the volatility of oil and gas prices, the costs and results of drilling and operations, the timing of production, mechanical and other inherent risks associated with oil and gas production, weather, the availability of drilling equipment, changes in interest rates, litigation, uncertainties about reserve estimates and environmental risks. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. Further information on risks and uncertainties is available in the Companys filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are incorporated by reference.

Ranges internal estimates of reserves may be subject to revision and may be different from estimates by our external reservoir engineers at year-end. Although we believe the expectations and forecasts reflected in these and other forward-looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance they will prove to have been correct. They can be affected by inaccurate assumptions or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties.



(Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data)

Three Months Ended

June 30,

Six Months Ended

June 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006
Oil and gas sales $ 221,591 $ 149,358 $ 438,617 $ 315,913
Transportation and gathering 612 1,043 889 1,069

Transportation and gathering - non-cash stock compensation (a)









Mark-to-market hedging gain 20,322 17,503 (45,789 ) 28,784
Ineffective hedging gain (loss) (b) 749 1,886 530 3,306
Gain (loss) on sale of properties (b) 17 (53 ) 20 (248 )
Other (b) 324 (261 ) 2,282 (53 )
243,514 169,390 44 % 396,355 348,620 14 %
Direct operating 24,345 16,567 49,362 34,415
Direct operating non-cash stock compensation (a) 471 366 868 651
Production and ad valorem taxes 11,230 8,545 21,642 18,096
Exploration 10,806 6,933 21,777 15,246
Exploration non-cash stock compensation (a) 919 830 1,658 1,439
General and administrative 12,468 8,430 23,512 17,407

General and administrative non-cash stock compensation (a)





Deferred compensation plan (c) 9,334 (2,188 ) 20,581 2,291
Interest 17,573 11,643 36,421 21,877
Depletion, depreciation and amortization 51,465 33,995 98,797 65,646
143,981 89,205 61 % 283,622 183,505 55 %
Income from continuing operations before income taxes 99,533 80,185 24 % 112,733 165,115 -32 %
Income taxes
Current (101 ) 622 283 1,200
Deferred 34,449 29,676 38,896 60,826
34,348 30,298 39,179 62,026
Income from continuing operations 65,185 49,887 31 % 73,554 103,089 -29 %
Discontinued operations, net of taxes (979 ) 1,383 63,789 3,856
Net income $ 64,206 $ 51,270 25 % $ 137,343 $ 106,945 28 %


Income from continuing operations $ 0.45 $ 0.38 $ 0.52 $ 0.79
Discontinued operations (0.01 ) 0.01 0.45 0.03
Net income $ 0.44 $ 0.39 13 % $ 0.97 $ 0.82 18 %
Income from continuing operations $ 0.43 $ 0.37 $ 0.50 $ 0.76
Discontinued operations - 0.01 0.44 0.03
Net income $ 0.43 $ 0.38 13 % $ 0.94 $ 0.79 19 %
Weighted average shares outstanding, as reported


145,169 130,753 11 % 141,644 130,040 9 %
Diluted 150,182 135,958 10 % 146,616 135,278 8 %
(a) Costs associated with FASB 123R which have been reflected in the categories associated with the direct personnel costs.
(b) Included in Other revenues in the 10-Q.
(c) Reflects the change in the market value of the Company stock and other investments during the period held in the deferred compensation plan.


Restated for Gulf of Mexico Discontinued Three Months Ended June 30, Three Months Ended June 30,

Operations, a Non-GAAP Presentation

(in thousands)



As reported








As reported








Oil and gas sales $ 221,591 $ (932 ) $ 220,659 $ 149,358 $ 8,262 $ 157,620
Transportation and gathering 612 (58 ) 554 1,043 (59 ) 984

Transportation and gathering stock based compensation

(101 ) - (101 ) (86 ) - (86 )
Mark-to-market on oil and gas derivatives (loss) 20,322 - 20,322 17,503 - 17,503
Ineffective derivative gain (loss) 749 - 749 1,886 - 1,886
Equity method investment 385 - 385 37 - 37
Gain (loss) on sale of properties 17 - 17 (53 ) - (53 )
Interest and other (61 ) (1 ) (62 ) (298 ) - (298 )
243,514 (991 ) 242,523 169,390 8,203 177,593
Direct operating 24,345 108 24,453 16,567 3,608 20,175
Direct operating stock based compensation 471 - 471 366 - 366
Production and ad valorem taxes 11,230 - 11,230 8,545 124 8,669
Exploration 10,806 47 10,806 6,933 15 6,948
Exploration stock based compensation 919 - 919 830 - 830
General and administrative 12,468 - 12,515 8,430 - 8,430
General and administrative stock based compensation 5,370 - 5,370 4,084 - 4,084
Non-cash compensation deferred compensation plan 9,334 - 9,334 (2,188 ) - (2,188 )
Interest expense 17,573 - 17,573 11,643 360 12,003
Depletion, depreciation and amortization 51,465 - 51,465 33,995 2,838 36,833
143,981 155 144,136 89,205 6,945 96,150
Income from continuing operations before income taxes 99,533 (1,146 ) 98,387 80,185 1,258 81,443
Income taxes provision
Current (101 ) - (101 ) 622 - 622
Deferred 34,449 (401 ) 34,048 29,676 440 30,116
34,348 (401 ) 33,947 30,298 440 30,738
Income from continuing operations 65,185 (745 ) 64,440 49,887 818 50,705
Discontinued operations Austin Chalk, net of tax (234 ) - (234 ) 565 - 565
Discontinued operations Gulf of Mexico, net of tax (745 ) 745 - 818 (818 ) -
Net income $ 64,206 $ - $ 64,206 $ 51,270 $ - $ 51,270














Average Daily Production
Oil (bbl) 9,688 - 9,688 8,269 329 8,598
Natural gas liquids (bbl) 3,081 - 3,081 3,160 - 3,160
Gas (mcf) 236,418 - 236,418 181,368 12,056 193,424
Equivalents (mcfe) 313,036 - 313,036 249,945 14,031 263,976
Prices Realized
Oil (bbl) $ 60.01 $ - $ 60.00 $ 47.52 $ 41.62 $ 47.30
Natural gas liquids (bbl) $ 40.31 $ - $ 40.31 $ 35.19 $ - $ 35.19
Gas (mcf) $ 7.32 $ - $ 7.32 $ 6.27 $ 6.39 $ 6.28
Equivalents (mcfe) (a) $ 7.78 $ - $ 7.75 $ 6.57 $ 6.47 $ 6.56
Direct Operating Costs per mcfe (b)
Field expenses $ 0.78 $ - $


$ 0.70 $ 2.32 $ 0.78
Workovers $ 0.07 $ - $ 0.07 $ 0.03 $ 0.51 $ 0.06
Total operating costs $ 0.85 $ - $


$ 0.73 $ 2.83 $ 0.84
(a) Oil and natural gas liquids are converted to gas equivalents on a basis of six mcf per barrel.
(b) Excludes non-cash stock compensation.



Restated for Gulf of Mexico Discontinued

Six Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30,
Operations, a Non-GAAP Presentation

(in thousands)



As reported








As reported







Oil and gas sales $ 438,617 $ 9,938 $ 448,555 $ 315,913 $ 18,045 $ 333,958
Transportation and gathering 889 10 899 1,069 57 1,126
Transportation and gathering stock based compensation








- (151 )
Mark-to-market on oil and gas derivatives (loss)







- 28,784
Ineffective derivative gain (loss) 530 - 530 3,306 - 3,306
Equity method investment 796 796 37 - 37
Gain (loss) on sale of properties 20 - 20 (248 ) - (248 )
Interest and other 1,486 (1 ) 1,485 (90 ) (1 ) (91 )
396,355 9,947 406,302 348,620 18,101 366,721
Direct operating 49,362 2,477 51,839 34,415 5,137 39,552
Direct operating stock based compensation 868 - 868 651 - 651
Production and ad valorem taxes 21,642 105 21,747 18,096 300 18,396
Exploration 21,777 - 21,777 15,246 1,170 16,416
Exploration stock based compensation 1,658 - 1,658 1,439 - 1,439
General and administrative 23,512 47 23,559 17,407 - 17,407
General and administrative stock based compensation





- 6,437
Non-cash compensation deferred compensation plan





- 2,291
Interest expense 36,421 594 37,015 21,877 677 22,554
Depletion, depreciation and amortization 98,797 3,325 102,122 65,646 5,754 71,400
283,622 6,548 290,170 183,505 13,038 196,543
Income from continuing operations before income taxes





5,063 170,178
Income taxes provision
Current 283 - 283 1,200 - 1,200
Deferred 38,896 1,190 40,086 60,826 1,772 62,598
39,179 1,190 40,369 62,026 1,772 63,798
Income from continuing operations 73,554 2,209 75,763 103,089 3,291 106,380
Discontinued operations Austin Chalk, net of tax (539 ) - (539 ) 565 - 565
Discontinued operations Gulf of Mexico, net of tax 64,328 (2,209 ) 62,119 3,291 (3,291 ) -
Net income $ 137,343 $ - $ 137,343 $ 106,945 $ - $ 106,945














Average Daily Production
Oil (bbl) 9,503 214 9,717 8,265 310 8,575
Natural gas liquids (bbl) 3,058 - 3,058 3,064 -


Gas (mcf) 227,669 5,267 232,936 178,278 12,450 190,728
Equivalents (mcfe) 303,039 6,555 309,594 246,255 14,311 260,566
Prices Realized
Oil (bbl) $ 58.05 $ 58.17 $ 58.07 $ 47.03 $ 44.65 $ 46.94
Natural gas liquids (bbl) $ 35.29 $ - $ 35.29 $ 32.58 $ - $ 32.58
Gas (mcf) $ 7.75 $ 9.03 $ 7.75 $ 7.05 $ 6.90 $ 7.04
Equivalents (mcfe) (a) $ 8.00 $ 9.16 $ 8.00 $ 7.09 $ 6.97 $ 7.08
Direct Operating Costs per mcfe (b)
Field expenses $ 0.84 $ 2.01 $ 0.87 $ 0.74 $ 1.50 $ 0.79
Workovers $ 0.06 $ 0.35 $ 0.06 $ 0.03 $ 0.48 $ 0.05
Total operating costs $ 0.90 $ 2.36 $ 0.93 $ 0.77 $ 1.98 $ 0.84
(a) Oil and natural gas liquids are converted to gas equivalents on a basis of six mcf per barrel.
(b) Excludes non-cash stock compensation.



(Unaudited, in thousands)

June 30,


December 31,


Current assets $ 171,805 $ 137,872
Current unrealized derivative gain 65,285 93,588
Assets held for sale - 79,304
Assets of discontinued operation - 78,161
Oil and gas properties 3,194,450 2,608,088
Transportation and field assets 55,145 47,143
Unrealized derivative gain 61, 8,425 61,068
Other 180,566 82,450
$ 3,675,676 $ 3,187,674
Liabilities and Stockholders Equity
Current liabilities $ 239,912 $ 214,878
Liabilities of discontinued operation - 28,333
Current asset retirement obligation 3,509 3,853
Current unrealized derivative loss 6,894 4,621
Bank debt 446,500 452,000
Subordinated notes 596,967 596,782
Total long-term debt 1,043,467 1,048,782
Deferred taxes 527,036 468,643
Unrealized derivative loss 4,213 266
Deferred compensation liability 123,484 90,094
Long-term asset retirement obligation 79,052 72,043
Common stock and retained earnings 1,673,231 1,241,696
Stock in deferred compensation plan and treasury (36,361 ) (22,056 )
Other comprehensive income 11,239 36,521
Total stockholders equity 1,648,109 1,256,161
$ 3,675,676 $ 3,187,674



(Unaudited, in thousands)

Three Months Ended

June 30,

Six Months Ended

June 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006
Net income $ 64,206 $ 51,270 $ 137,343 $ 106,945

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operations:

Gain from discontinued operations 979 (1,383 ) (63,789 ) (3,856 )
Gain from equity investment (385 ) (37 ) (796 ) (37 )
Deferred income tax (benefit) 34,449 29,676 38,896 60,826
Depletion, depreciation and amortization 51,465 33,995 98,797 65,646
Exploration dry hole costs 4,490 2,025 8,898 3,725
Mark-to-market derivative (gain) (20,322 ) (17,503 ) 45,789 (28,784 )
Unrealized derivative (gains) losses (749 ) (1,742 ) (530 ) (2,994 )
Amortization of deferred issuance costs 550 439 1,076 845
Non-cash compensation 16,252 3,698 32,689 11,754
Loss (gain) on sale of assets and other 67 505 119 923
Changes in working capital:
Accounts receivable (19,786 ) 6,035 (27,179 ) 38,298
Inventory and other 2,520 (232 ) 260 (1,862 )
Accounts payable 40,427 9,754 (8,484 ) (5,516 )
Accrued liabilities 8,249 7,838 3,385 (5,148 )
Net changes in working capital 31,410 23,395 (32,018 ) 25,772
Net cash provided from continuing operations $ 182,412 $ 124,338 $ 266,474 $ 240,765


(In thousands)

Three Months Ended

June 30,

Six Months Ended

June 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006
Net cash provided from continuing operations $ 182,412 124,338 266,474 240,765
Net change in working capital (31,410 ) (23,395 ) 32,018 (25,772 )
Exploration expense 6,315 4,908 12,879 11,520
Cash flow from Gulf of Mexico properties (1,134 ) 4,111 6,724 11,987
Other 245 (1,017 ) 273 (1,504 )
Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital, non-GAAP measure $ 156,428 $ 108,945 $ 318,368 $ 236,996


(Unaudited, in thousands)

Three Months Ended

June 30,

Six Months Ended

June 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006
Weighted average shares outstanding 146,214 132,156 142,733 131,453
Stock held by deferred compensation plan (1,045 ) (1,403 ) (1,089 ) (1,413 )
145,169 130,753 141,644 130,040
Weighted average shares outstanding 146,214 132,156 142,733 131,453
Dilutive stock options under treasury method 3,968 3,802 3,883 3,825
150,182 135,958 146,616 135,278



(Unaudited, in thousands, except per share data) Three Months Ended

June 30,

Six Months Ended

June 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006
As reported $ 99,533 $ 80,185 24 % $ 112,733 $ 165,115 -32 %
Adjustment for certain non-cash items
(Gain) loss on sale of properties (17 ) 53 (20 ) 248
Gulf of Mexico discontinued operations (1,133 ) 1,258 3,399 5,063
Mark-to-market on derivative (gain) (20,322 ) (17,503 ) 45,789 (28,784 )
Ineffective commodity derivative (gain) loss (749 ) (1,886 ) (530 ) (3,306 )
Amortization of ineffective interest hedges - 143 - 311
Transportation and gathering non-cash stock compensation 101 86 194 151
Direct operating non-cash stock compensation 471 366 868 651
Exploration expenses non-cash stock compensation 919 830 1,658 1,439
General & administrative non-cash stock compensation 5,370 4,084 9,004 6,437
Deferred compensation plan non-cash stock compensation 9,334 (2,188 ) 20,581 2,291
As adjusted 93,507 65,428 43 % 193,676 149,616 29 %
Income taxes, adjusted
Current (101 ) 622 283 1,200
Deferred 32,359 24,217 66,173 55,035
Net income excluding certain items $ 61,249 $ 40,589 51 % $ 127,220 $ 93,381 36 %
Non-GAAP earnings per share


$ 0.42 $ 0.31 35 % $ 0.90 $ 0.72 25 %
Diluted $ 0.41 $ 0.30 37 % $ 0.87 $ 0.69 26 %


As of July 24, 2007















2H 2007




- -

2H 2007






Calendar 2008


105,000 $9.42 - -

Calendar 2008






Calendar 2009


- - 8,000


Note: Details as to the Companys hedges are posted on its website and are updated periodically.


Range Resources Corporation
Rodney Waller, Sr. Vice President
David Amend, IR Manager
Karen Giles, Sr. IR Specialist
Main number: 817-870-2601

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