Energen’s First Middle Spraberry Wells Generate Solid Early Rates

For the 3 months ended September 30, 2015, Energen Corporation (NYSE: EGN) reported a GAAP net loss from all operations of $227.9 million, or $(2.89) per diluted share. Excluding mark-to-market derivatives losses, commodity price-related impairments primarily of proved properties in the Central Basin Platform, and other items, Energen’s adjusted income in the 3rd quarter of 2015 totaled $28.6 million, or $0.36 per diluted share. This compares with adjusted income from continuing operations in the 3rd quarter of 2014 of $38.9 million, or $0.53 per diluted share. The variance between the periods largely is attributable to a 20 percent decline in realized oil and natural gas liquids (NGL) prices and higher depreciation, depletion, and amortization expense (DD&A) associated with increased drilling activity, partially offset by a 20 percent increase in production, lower production and ad valorem taxes, lower effective tax rate, and decreased net general and administrative expenses (G&A). [See “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” beginning on pp 12 for more information and reconciliation.]

Energen’s adjusted EBITDAX totaled $204.4 million in the 3rd quarter of 2015, up 2 percent from adjusted EBITDAX from continuing operations in the same period last year of $199.9 million. [See “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” beginning on pp 12 for more information and reconciliation.]

The company’s adjusted 3rd quarter earnings exceeded internal expectations by more than 50 percent largely due to the impact of decreased stock-based compensation on G&A expenses, lower-than-expected lease operating, marketing and transportation expenses (LOE), increased production, and lower production and ad valorem taxes, partially offset by lower commodity prices and higher DD&A. Production in the 3rd quarter of 2015 exceeded the guidance range midpoint by 2 percent (approximately 1,200 boepd) primarily due to better-than-expected well performance from Wolfcamp wells in the Delaware Basin.

“Exciting, positive well results, together with better-than-expected production, expenses, and earnings, underscored Energen’s continued strong performance in the 3rd quarter as a leading operator in the Permian Basin,” said James McManus, Energen’s chairman and chief executive officer.

“We are very pleased with the results of our first two Middle Spraberry wells, both of which were drilled in Martin County. The early results are very solid and have high oil content. We have another Middle Spraberry well in Martin County currently in the early stages of flow back. I believe the Middle Spraberry is another target in the Midland Basin that will add to our existing, extensive inventory of engineered, unrisked locations.

“Our three, 10,000 foot lateral wells in Glasscock County generated very strong 24-hour and peak 30-day average rates from the three Wolfcamp benches targeted. We will be monitoring closely the performance of these wells but believe that the internal rates of return of the Wolfcamp A and B at $60 flat oil prices could be at least 15 percentage points higher than returns on comparable 7,500 foot lateral wells. We are working now to identify how many 10,000 foot lateral wells our acreage can support and will certainly move forward to incorporate as many as we can in our future development plans.

“Our latest Lower Spraberry appraisal well in southern Martin County – together with the cumulative performances of the other Lower Spraberry wells drilled earlier this year in the northern part of our Midland Basin acreage footprint – continue to support this play’s attractive return potential.

“Our development well program in Glasscock County continued to generate solid results in the 3rd quarter, and we continue to see drill-and-complete costs for a 7,500 foot lateral Wolfcamp A well trending down toward $5.6 million. We also have now expanded our development program to Martin County, where we are drilling Lower Spraberry wells along with Wolfcamp A and B.

“As we look ahead to 2016, we will be return-driven, financially disciplined, and flexible. Based on strip prices for 2016 in the January timeframe, we will focus our capital on those projects that generate the highest internal rates of return and at a level of investment that allows us to maintain a debt-to-EBITDAX multiple of 2.0-2.5 times,” McManus said. “Our strong balance sheet provides us with excellent flexibility to adjust as conditions change. We have outstanding assets in the Midland and Delaware Basins that support a rich inventory of opportunities, and we plan to develop those assets in a manner that supports long-term value creation for our shareholders.”

3rd Quarter Financial Review

Reconciliation of Consolidated GAAP Net Income to Adjusted Income from Continuing Operations

[See “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” beginning on pp 12 for more information]

$M$/dil. sh.$M$/dil. sh.
Net Income/(Loss) All Operations (GAAP) $ (227,904 ) $ (2.89 ) $ 457,251 $ 6.22
Less: Non-cash mark-to-market gains/(losses) (784 ) (0.01 ) 94,142 1.28
Less: Asset impairments, dry hole expenses (255,703 ) (3.25 ) (118,823 ) (1.62 )
Less: Income/(loss) associated w/ San Juan Basin divestment (41 ) 0.00 6,443 0.09
Less: Discontinued operations -- -- 436,620 5.94
Adj. Income Continuing Operations (Non-GAAP)$28,624$0.36$38,869$0.53

Note: Per share amounts may not sum due to rounding

Production from Continuing Operations (excludes production associated with San Juan divestiture)

Oil 3,610 39,239 3,011 32,728 20 % 3,595 39,505
NGL 1,056 11,478 890 9,674 19 % 1,060 11,648
Natural Gas 1,227 13,337 995 10,815 23 % 1,151 12,648
Total 5,893 64,054 4,896 53,217 20 % 5,806 63,802

Note: Totals may not sum due to rounding

Production from Continuing Operations (excludes production associated with San Juan divestiture)

Midland Basin2,97032,2831,87720,40258



Delaware Basin1,51916,5111,52416,5650


3rd Bone Spring/Other99710,8371,21913,25096310,582
Central Basin Platform9029,80499810,848(10)%91810,088
Total Permian Basin5,39158,5984,39947,81523


San Juan Basin/Other5025,4574975,4021





Note: Totals may not sum due to rounding

Average Realized Sales Prices from Continuing Operations (excludes production associated with San Juan divestiture)

Oil (per barrel) $ 71.64 $




NGL (per gallon) $ 0.25 $




Natural Gas (per Mcf) $ 3.69






* Prior period hedges were left unallocated for current-year San Juan Basin divestiture; as reported last year, the average realized sales price of natural gas in 3Q14 was $4.27 per Mcf.

Average Prices from Continuing Operations Before Effects of Hedges (excludes production associated with San Juan divestiture)

Oil (per barrel) $ 44.47 $ 86.34 (49


NGL (per gallon) $ 0.25 $ 0.68 (63


Natural Gas (per Mcf) $ 2.29 $ 3.69 (38


Expenses from Continuing Operations and Excluding San Juan Basin Assets sold March 31, 2015
(per BOE, except interest expense)

LOE* $ 9.26 $ 10.59 (13


Production & ad valorem taxes $ 2.25 $ 4.43 (49


DD&A $ 25.17 $ 25.05 1


Net G&A



$ 5.80 (34


Interest ($MM) $ 10.1 $ 11.5 (12


* Production costs + workovers and repairs + marketing and transportation

Excludes $0.16 per BOE for pension and pension settlement expenses

3rd Quarter Comparisons, 2015 vs 2014 (excluding San Juan Basin assets sold March 31, 2015)

  • The success of Energen’s Wolfcamp development program led to a 58 percent increase in Midland Basin production and a 23 percent increase in total Permian Basin production.
  • The company’s average realized oil price fell 15 percent to $71.64 per barrel, while the realized price of NGL dropped 65 percent. Excluding the impact of commodity and differential hedges, the average realized price of oil would have been $44.47 per barrel.
  • LOE per unit declined 13 percent to $9.26 per barrel largely due to lower workover and repair expense, lower power costs, and lower water disposal costs, partially offset increased equipment rental expenses. Per-unit production and ad valorem taxes declined 49 percent.
  • Per-unit DD&A expense was essentially unchanged.
  • Per-unit net G&A expense of $3.85 per BOE (excluding pension and pension settlement expenses) declined 34 percent from the same period a year ago largely due decreased stock-based compensation and lower expenses for professional and legal services.
  • Interest expense declined 12 percent largely due to a prior year write off of debt issuance costs associated with our $600 million Senior Term Loans.

Liquidity Update

The Fall 2015 redetermination of Energen’s borrowing base resulted in a $200 million reduction in its line of credit. The Company’s new line of credit is $1.4 billion.

As of September 30, 2015, Energen had borrowings of $196.5 million on its line of credit and cash/cash equivalents of $0.7 million, for total liquidity available on the new borrowing base of $1.2 billion. Long-term debt at the end of September totaled $553.6 million.

Midland Basin Development Program Results

Development program wells drilled in 3Q15 (gross/net) 18/18
Development program wells completed in 3Q15 (gross/net) 31/30
Development program wells awaiting completion at end of 3Q15 (gross/net) 31/31
Development program wells awaiting completion at YE15e (gross/net) 48/48

In its 2-well, pad-drilling development program in Glasscock County, Energen tested 18 Wolfcamp A and B wells with lateral lengths of 6,700 feet and 7,500 feet during the 3rd quarter of 2015. These wells generated average peak 24-hour IP rates (3-stream) of 1,050 boepd (76% oil) and peak 30-day average rates (3-stream) of 704 boepd (62% oil). These average rates were generally comparable to the development wells tested in the 2nd quarter and higher than those tested in the 1st quarter; the gassier product mix reflects the area where these wells were drilled. These latest wells used a similar completion design that continues to generate encouraging results as the company works to further enhance the economics of its development program.

Since the development program’s inception in 2014, Energen has tested 75 gross (74 net) wells that generated average peak 24-hour IPs (3-stream) of 959 boepd (80% oil) and peak 30-day average rates (3-stream) of 733 boepd (71% oil). A supplemental slide posted at www.energen.com shows that the average production from these wells -- normalized to a 7,000’ lateral length.

During the 3rd quarter, Energen expanded its development program to Martin County, where it has drilled 27 gross (27 net) Lower Spraberry, Wolfcamp A, and Wolfcamp B wells. Another 10 gross (10 net) wells are slated to be drilled in Martin County in the 4th quarter.

Energen’s total 2015 Midland Basin development program calls for the drilling of 98 gross (97 net) wells in Glasscock and Martin counties. As of September 30, 81 gross (80 net) wells had been drilled to total depth, leaving 17 gross (17 net) wells to be drilled in the 4th quarter. Three development rigs are expected to run in the 4th quarter. No further development well completions are slated in 2015.

The company currently estimates that 48 gross (48 net) wells in the 2015 program will be completed in 2016 including all 37 gross (37 net) Martin County development wells.

Midland and Delaware Basin Appraisal Program Results

Energen tested seven new appraisal wells in the Permian Basin during the 3rd quarter of 2015, including three, 10,000 foot lateral wells in Glasscock County and its first two Middle Spraberry wells, both in Martin County. [See locator maps at www.energen.com]

Midland Basin (3-Stream Results)

Well Name


Lateral length (ft)


Peak 24-Hour IPPeak 30-day Avg.
Drilled* Completed Boepd %Oil %NGL %Gas Boepd %Oil %NGL %Gas
Cole Ranch 35 #107H WCA/Glasscock 10,366 9,749 46 1,385 74 15 11 1,145 70 17 13
Cole Ranch 35 #207H WCB/Glasscock 10,428 9,805 44 1,651 65 19 16 1,197 64 20 17
Cole Ranch 35 #307H WCC/Glasscock 10,366 9,924 46 1,447 40 36 25 1,065 39 36 25
Dickenson SN 20-17 03 #503H LSB/Martin 6,996 6,509 31 963 78 13 10 672 76 14 11
Dickenson SN 20-17 03 #603H MSB/Martin 7,013 6,408 30 790 78 13 9 634 76 14 10
Jones Holton #601H MSB/Martin 7,473 7,068 33 948 79 12 9 858 79 12 9

* Represents distance from vertical departure to toe

Note: Totals may not foot due to rounding

Energen’s three, 10,000 foot lateral wells drilled in Glasscock County generated very strong 24-hour and average 30-day peak rates from the Wolfcamp A, Wolfcamp B, and Wolfcamp C. These three wells averaged a peak 30-day average rate of more than 1,135 boepd, with the oil content ranging from 70 percent in the Wolfcamp A to 64 percent in the Wolfcamp B to 39 percent in the Wolfcamp C.

Energen also tested its first two Middle Spraberry wells, both of which were drilled in different areas of Martin County. The early results of these two wells are very strong, with high oil content and modest declines from their peak 24-hour rates to their peak 30-day average rates.

The company’s most recent Lower Spraberry appraisal well was drilled in southern Martin County near the heart of a vertical Spraberry field. It generated a strong peak 24-hour IP rate of 963 boepd (78% oil) and a peak 30-day average rate of 672 boepd (76% oil). The strength of this well suggests that the company’s exposure to areas of the greatest Spraberry depletion associated with older vertical drilling is limited to approximately 2,000 net acres in northern Midland County (as compared with an earlier estimate of 5,000 net acres).

Together with the cumulative performances of the four Lower Spraberry wells drilled earlier this year in Martin, Midland, and Howard counties, this well further supports the attractive return potential of the Lower Spraberry in the northern part of Energen’s acreage footprint in the Midland Basin. [See cumulative oil performance over time and potential economics of the company’s four northern Midland Basin Lower Spraberry wells at www.energen.com]

Energen currently is drilling its last of 8 gross (8 net) Wolfcamp shale wells in its Midland Basin appraisal program for 2015 -- a Wolfcamp A test in Midland County. The final six Spraberry wells in the 2015 appraisal program are in various stages of completion and flow back; three are in Glasscock County and three in Martin County.

Delaware Basin (3-Stream Results)

Well Name


Lateral length (ft)


Peak 24-Hour IPPeak 30-day Avg.
Drilled* Completed Boepd %Oil %NGL %Gas Boepd %Oil %NGL %Gas
Falcon State 28-36 #1H WCA/Winkler 4,895 4,389 21 1,049 74 14 12 818 75 13 12

* Represents distance from vertical departure to toe

The last of 8 gross (8 net) appraisal wells in Energen’s 2015 Delaware Basin drilling program was the Falcon State 28-36 #1H. Drilled into the Wolfcamp A in Winkler County in the northeastern portion of the Texas Delaware Basin, the well generated strong early results with a peak 24-hour IP of 1,049 (74% oil) and peak 30-day average of 818 boepd (75% oil).

San Juan Basin Mancos Appraisal Program

Energen currently is drilling its fourth Mancos oil formation appraisal well in the San Juan Basin. The first two wells are currently flowing back, and a third well currently is completing. The first two wells were drilled in Rio Arriba County; the others are located in San Juan County. The company plans to drill and complete 7 gross (7 net) wells by year-end 2015; an eighth planned well will be drilled and completed in early 2016. These wells are designed to test the company’s 91,000 net acres with Mancos oil potential.

Capital, Production, and Financial Guidance

Energen today said its 2015 drilling and development capital is now estimated to be $1.0 billion, or $43 million lower than the prior estimate. This is largely the result of the addition of three net Lower Spraberry development wells, a decrease in development program costs, and other miscellaneous adjustments.

The company’s production guidance range for the year remains 22.2 - 23.2 MMBOE (60,882-63,622 boepd), with a midpoint of 22.7 MMBOE (62,252 boepd). This reflects an increase of approximately 19 percent from comparable, adjusted 2014 production volumes of 19.1 MMBOE (52,320 boepd).

2015 Capital Summary

2015e Capital ($MM)

Operated Wells to Be Drilled
Gross (Net)

Midland Basin$810

125 (123





83 (82




8 (8





15 (15




12 (12




7 (6






Delaware Basin$135

14 (13


Bone Spring


3 (2




8 (8




3 (3






Other Permian$6

0 (0


Waterflood injectors






San Juan Basin/Other$60

7 (7




7 (7






Net Carry/ARO/Other$(9)

Drilling & Development$1,002146 (143)


Total Capital$1,068

Note: “Facilities” capital includes artificial lift and central gathering facilities; “Other” Capital includes payadds and refracs

Production by Product (Excluding San Juan Basin Divestiture)


2015e Midpoint








Oil14.339,126 11.8 32,323 21%
NGL4.010,847 3.4 9,337 16%
Natural Gas4.512,279 3.9 10,660 15%
Total Continuing Operations22.762,252 19.1 52,320 19%

NOTE: Totals may not sum due to rounding

Production by Play (Excluding San Juan Basin Divestiture)

Area2015e Midpoint2014Change (boepd)
Midland Basin11.832,3737.420,29360


Delaware Basin5.414,7645.815,995(8


3rd Bone Spring/Other3.710,0384.612,731
Central Basin Platform3.69,9104.111,104(11


Total Permian Basin20.857,04717.347,39220


San Juan Basin/Other1.95,2051.84,9296




NOTE: Totals may not sum due to rounding

Production by Basin/Quarter (Excluding San Juan Divestiture)

Basin1Q15a2Q15a3Q15a4Q15e Midpoint
Midland Basin 2.3 1 25,778 3.0 32,484 3.0 32,283 3.6 38,804
Delaware Basin 1.2 1 13,611 1.4 15,923 1.5 16,511 1.2 13,000
Central Basin Platform/Other 0.9 1 10,100 0.9 10,088 0.9 9,804 0.9 9,652
San Juan Basin/Other 0.4 4,611 0.5 5,308 0.5 5,457 0.5 5,435
Total Production 4.9 54,100 5.8 63,802 5.9 64,054 6.2 66,891

NOTE: Totals may not sum due to rounding

Production by Commodity/Quarter (Excluding San Juan Basin Divestiture)

Commodity1Q15a2Q15a3Q15a4Q15e Midpoint
Oil 3.2 35,922 3.6 39,505 3.6 39,239 3.8 41,772
NGL 0.7 8,133 1.1 11,648 1.1 11,478 1.1 12,087
Gas 0.9 10,044 1.2 12,648 1.2 13,337 1.2 13,033
Total Production 4.9 54,100 5.8 63,802 5.9 64,054 6.2 66,891

NOTE: Totals may not sum due to rounding


Energen’s estimated expenses, excluding San Juan Basin divestiture, are as follows:

Per BOE, except where noted4Q15CY15
LOE (production costs, marketing & transportation) $9.75-$10.15 $9.50-$10.10
Production & ad valorem taxes (% of revenues, excluding hedges) 7.8%
DD&A expense* $23.75-$24.25 $24.55-$25.60
General & administrative expense, net† $4.60-$5.00 $5.00-$5.50
Exploration expense (seismic, delay rentals, etc.) $0.80-$0.90 $0.40-$0.50
Interest expense ($MM) $9.5-$10.5 $40.0-$46.0
FF&E ($MM) $1.5-$1.9 $6.0-$6.4
Accretion of discount on ARO ($MM) $1.5-$1.9 $6.5-$6.9
Effective tax rate (%) 34-36% 33-35%

* Subject to year-end, 4(th) quarter, look-back adjustment

Excludes $5.19 per BOE in 4Q15 and $1.63 per BOE in CY15 for pension and pension settlement expenses.

4Q15 Hedges

The company’s hedge position for the last three months of 2015 is:


Hedge Volumes

Production @ Midpoint

Hedge %

NYMEXe Price


3.5 MMBO

3.8 MMBO



78.28 per barrel

Natural Gas

7.0 Bcf

7.2 Bcf



4.25 per Mcf






Note: Known actuals included

In the table above, basin-specific contract prices for natural gas have been converted for comparability purposes to a NYMEX-equivalent price by adding to them Energen’s assumed basis differentials.

Average realized oil and gas prices for Energen’s production associated with NYMEX contracts as well as for unhedged production will reflect the impact of basis differentials; average realized oil prices also will reflect estimated 4th quarter oil transportation charges of $2.22 per barrel; and average realized NGL prices will be net of transportation and fractionation fees that are estimated to average $0.11 per gallon in the Permian Basin and $0.12-$0.17 per gallon in the San Juan Basin for the remainder of the year.

Hedges also are in place that limit the company’s exposure to the Midland to Cushing differential. Energen has hedged the WTS Midland to WTI Cushing (sour oil) differential for 0.5 million barrels of oil production at an average price of -$4.30 per barrel and the WTI Midland to WTI Cushing (sweet oil) differential for 1.9 million barrels at an average price of -$4.55 per barrel. Energen estimates that approximately 80 percent of its oil production for the remainder of the year will be sweet. Gas basis assumptions for all open contracts (November-December) are -$0.09 per Mcf (basis actuals in October were approximately -$0.14 per Mcf).

Energen’s assumptions for the commodity prices of unhedged production for the remainder of 2015 are $48.35 per barrel of oil (October-December), $2.57 per Mcf of gas (November-December), and $0.47 per gallon of NGL (October-December). Assumed prices for unhedged Midland to Cushing basis differentials for sweet and sour oil (October-December) are +$0.34 and +$0.40, respectively. Every 1-cent change in the average price of NGL from $0.47 per gallon is estimated to have a cash flows impact of approximately $300,000.

Energen estimates that price realizations in the 4th quarter of 2015 (pre-hedge) will be approximately:

  • Crude oil (% of NYMEX/WTI)
  • Natural gas (% of NYMEX/Henry Hub)
  • NGL (after T&F) (% of NYMEX/WTI)

Conference Call

Energen will hold its quarterly conference call Friday, November 6, at 11:00 a.m. ET. Members of the investment community may participate by calling 1-877-407-8289 (reference Energen earnings call). A live audio Webcast of the program as well as a replay may be accessed through Web site, www.energen.com.

Energen Corporation is an oil and gas exploration and production company with headquarters in Birmingham, Alabama. The company has 1.1 billion barrels of oil-equivalent proved, probable, and possible reserves and another 2.2 billion barrels of oil-equivalent contingent resources. These all-domestic reserves and resources are located primarily in the Permian Basin in west Texas. For more information, go to http://www.energen.com.

FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENT: All statements, other than statements of historical fact, appearing in this release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements about our expectations, beliefs, intentions or business strategies for the future, statements concerning our outlook with regard to timing and amount of future production of oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas, price realizations, nature and timing of capital expenditures for exploration and development, plans for funding operations and drilling program capital expenditures, timing and success of specific projects, operating costs and other expenses, proved oil and natural gas reserves, liquidity and capital resources, outcomes and effects of litigation, claims and disputes and derivative activities. Forward-looking statements may include words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “foresee,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seek,” “will” or other words or expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. These statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations as of the date of this filing. Except as otherwise disclosed, the forward-looking statements do not reflect the impact of possible or pending acquisitions, investments, divestitures or restructurings. The absence of errors in input data, calculations and formulas used in estimates, assumptions and forecasts cannot be guaranteed. We base our forward-looking statements on information currently available to us, and we undertake no obligation to correct or update these statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Additional information regarding our forward‐looking statements and related risks and uncertainties that could affect future results of Energen, can be found in the Company’s periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available on the Company’s website - www.energen.com.

Financial, operating, and support data pertaining to all reporting periods included in this release are unaudited and subject to revision.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Adjusted Net Income is a Non-GAAP financial measure (GAAP refers to generally accepted accounting principles) which excludes certain non-cash mark-to-market derivative financial instruments. Adjusted income from continuing operations further excludes impairment losses, income associated with certain divestments, gains and losses on disposal of discontinued operations and income and losses from discontinued operations. Energen believes that excluding the impact of these items is more useful to analysts and investors in comparing the results of operations and operational trends between reporting periods and relative to other oil and gas producing companies.
Quarter Ended 9/30/2015
Energen Net Income ($ in millions except per share data)Net Income

Per Diluted

Net Income (Loss) All Operations (GAAP)(227.9)(2.89)
Non-cash mark-to-market losses (net of $0.4 tax)0.80.01
Asset impairment, other (net of $144.2 tax)255.73.25
Loss associated w/ San Juan Basin divestment (net of $0.0 tax)0.00.00
Adjusted Income from Continuing Operations (Non-GAAP)28.60.36
Quarter Ended 9/30/2014
Energen Net Income ($ in millions except per share data)Net Income

Per Diluted

Net Income (Loss) All Operations (GAAP)457.36.22
Non-cash mark-to-market gains (net of $53.1 tax)(94.1)(1.28)
Asset impairment, other (net of $67.6 tax)118.81.62
Income associated w/ San Juan Basin divestment (net of $3.6 tax)(6.4)(0.09)
Adjusted Net Income from All Operations (Non-GAAP)475.56.47
Loss from discontinued operations (net of $2.5 tax)3.50.05
Gain from discontinued operations (net of $286.3 tax)(440.1)(5.99)
Adjusted Income from Continuing Operations (Non-GAAP)38.90.53

Note: Amounts may not sum due to rounding

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, depletion, amortization and exploration expenses (EBITDAX) is a Non-GAAP financial measure (GAAP refers to generally accepted accounting principles). Adjusted EBITDAX from continuing operations further excludes income associated with certain divestments, impairment losses, certain non-cash mark-to-market derivative financial instruments, income and losses from discontinued operations and gains and losses on disposal of discontinued operations. Energen believes these measures allow analysts and investors to understand the financial performance of the company from core business operations, without including the effects of capital structure, tax rates and depreciation. Further, this measure is useful in comparing the company and other oil and gas producing companies.
Reconciliation To GAAP InformationQuarter Ended 9/30
($ in millions)20152014
Energen Net Income (Loss) (GAAP)(227.9)457.3
(Income) Loss associated w/ San Juan Basin divestment, net of tax0.0(6.4)
Adjusted Net Income from Continuing Operations (Non-GAAP)(227.9)450.8
Interest expense10.111.5
Income tax expense (benefit) *(130.3)12.5
Depreciation, depletion and amortization *149.8123.9
Accretion expense *1.71.5
Exploration expense *0.0(2.9)
Dry hole expense *0.57.5
Adjustment for asset impairment399.4178.9
Adjustment for mark-to-market (gains) losses *1.2(147.3)
Adjustment for loss from discontinued operations, net of tax0.03.5
Adjustment for gain on disposal from discontinued operations, net of tax0.0(440.1)
Energen Adjusted EBITDAX from Continuing Operations (Non-GAAP)204.4199.9
Note: Amounts may not sum due to rounding
* Amount adjusted to exclude San Juan Basin divestment in either current or prior period. See reconciliation to GAAP Information for the Quarter Ended 9/30/2015 and 9/30/2014.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

The consolidated statement of income excluding certain divestments is a Non-GAAP financial measure (GAAP refers to generally accepted accounting principles). Energen believes excluding information associated with the divestment of assets held in the San Juan Basin provides analysts and investors useful information to understand the financial performance of the company from ongoing business operations. Further, this information is useful in comparing the company and other oil and gas producing companies operating primarily in the Permian Basin.
Energen Net Income (Loss) Excluding San Juan Divestment
Reconciliation to GAAP InformationQuarter Ended
September 30, 2015
(in thousands except per share and production data)
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas sales$188,398$(2)$188,400
Gain (loss) on derivative instruments107,173-107,173
Total Revenues295,571(2)295,573
Operating Costs and Expenses
Oil, natural gas liquids & natural gas production54,598$9.264$0.0054,594$9.26
Production and ad valorem taxes13,366$2.2780$0.0013,286$2.25
O&G Depreciation, depletion and amortization148,298$25.17-$0.00148,298$25.17
FF&E Depreciation, depletion and amortization1,483$0.25-$0.001,483$0.25
Asset impairment399,394-399,394
General and administrative23,631$4.01-$0.0023,631$4.01
Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations1,700-1,700
(Gain) loss on sale of assets and other822(22)844
Total costs and expenses643,78562643,723
Operating Income (Loss)(348,214)(64)(348,150)
Other Income/(Expense)
Interest Expense(10,084)-(10,084)
Other income56-56
Total other expense(10,028)-(10,028)
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes(358,242)(64)(358,178)
Income tax expense (benefit)(130,338)(23)(130,315)
Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations(227,904)(41)(227,863)
Discontinued Operations, net of tax
Income (loss) from discontinued operations---
Gain on Disposal of discontinued ops---
Income from discontinued ops---
Net Income (Loss)$(227,904)$(41)$(227,863)
Diluted Earnings Per Average Common Share
Continuing Operations$(2.89)$-$(2.89)
Discontinued Operations$-$-$-
Net Income (Loss)$(2.89)$-$(2.89)
Basic earning Per Average Common Share
Continuing Operations$(2.89)$-$(2.89)
Discontinued Operations$-$-$-
Net Income (Loss)$(2.89)$-$(2.89)
Natural Gas1,227-1,227
Total Production (mboe)5,893-5,893
Total Production (boepd)64,054-64,054
Note: Amounts may not sum due to rounding

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

The consolidated statement of income excluding certain divestments is a Non-GAAP financial measure (GAAP refers to generally accepted accounting principles). Energen believes excluding information associated with the divestment of assets held in the San Juan Basin provides analysts and investors useful information to understand the financial performance of the company from ongoing business operations. Further, this information is useful in comparing the company and other oil and gas producing companies operating primarily in the Permian Basin.
Energen Net Income (Loss) Excluding San Juan Divestment
Reconciliation to GAAP InformationQuarter Ended
September 30, 2014
(in thousands except per share and production data)
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas sales$350,773$43,205$307,568
Gain (loss) on derivative instruments147,7355,525142,210
Total Revenues498,50848,730449,778
Operating Costs and Expenses
Oil, natural gas liquids & natural gas production67,720$10.1815,887$9.0551,833$10.59
Production and ad valorem taxes25,729$3.874,034$2.3021,695$4.43
O&G Depreciation, depletion and amortization137,773$20.7115,128$8.62122,645$25.05
FF&E Depreciation, depletion and amortization1,331$0.2049$0.031,282$0.26
Asset impairment178,912-178,912
General and administrative27,784$4.18(606)($0.35)28,390$5.80
Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations1,9243941,530
(Gain) loss on sale of assets and other747-747
Total costs and expenses450,33738,734411,603
Operating Income (Loss)48,1719,99638,175
Other Income/(Expense)
Interest Expense(11,522)-(11,522)
Other income37-37
Total other expense(11,485)-(11,485)
Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes36,6869,99626,690
Income tax expense (benefit)16,0553,55312,502
Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations20,6316,44314,188
Discontinued Operations, net of tax
Income (Loss) from discontinued operations(3,485)-(3,485)
Gain on Disposal of discontinued ops440,105-440,105
Income from discontinued ops436,620-436,620
Net Income (Loss)$457,251$6,443$450,808
Diluted Earnings Per Average Common Share
Continuing Operations$0.28$0.09$0.19
Discontinued Operations$5.94$-$5.94
Net Income (Loss)$6.22$0.09$6.13
Basic earning Per Average Common Share
Continuing Operations$0.28$0.09$0.19
Discontinued Operations$5.98$0.01$5.97
Net Income (Loss)$6.26$0.10$6.16
Natural Gas2,5261,531995
Total Production (mboe)6,6511,7554,896
Total Production (boepd)72,29319,07653,217
Note: Amounts may not sum due to rounding

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Excluding production associated with certain divestments is a Non-GAAP financial measure (GAAP refers to generally accepted accounting principles). Energen believes excluding data associated with the divestment of assets held in the San Juan Basin provides analysts and investors useful information to understand the financial performance of the company from ongoing business operations. Further, this measure is useful in comparing the company and other oil and gas producing companies operating primarily in the Permian Basin.
Energen Production Excluding San Juan Divestment
Reconciliation to GAAP InformationQuarter Ended
June 30, 2015
GAAPSan Juan BasinNon-GAAP
Natural Gas1,189381,151
Total Production (mboe)5,853475,806
Total Production (boepd)64,31951663,802
Energen Production Excluding San Juan Divestment
Reconciliation to GAAP InformationYear-to-Date Ended
December 31, 2014
GAAPSan Juan BasinNon-GAAP
Natural Gas9,7675,8763,891
Total Production (mboe)25,6846,58719,097
Total Production (boepd)70,36718,04752,320
Note: Amounts may not sum due to rounding

For the 3 months ending September 30, 2015 and 2014

3rd Quarter
(in thousands, except per share data)2015 2014 Change
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas sales $188,398 $ 350,773 $ (162,375 )
Gain on derivative instruments, net 107,173 147,735 (40,562 )
Total revenues 295,571 498,508 (202,937 )
Operating Costs and Expenses
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas production 54,598 67,720 (13,122 )
Production and ad valorem taxes 13,366 25,729 (12,363 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 149,781 139,104 10,677
Asset impairment 399,394 178,912 220,482
Exploration 493 8,417 (7,924 )
General and administrative 23,631 27,784 (4,153 )
Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations 1,700 1,924 (224 )
Loss on sale of assets and other 822 747 75
Total costs and expenses 643,785 450,337 193,448
Operating Income (Loss)(348,214) 48,171 (396,385 )
Other Income (Expense)
Interest expense (10,084) (11,522 ) 1,438
Other income 56 37 19
Total other expense (10,028) (11,485 ) 1,457

Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes






Income tax expense (benefit) (130,338) 16,055 (146,393 )
Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations(227,904) 20,631 (248,535 )
Discontinued Operations, net of tax
Loss from discontinued operations (3,485 ) 3,485
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations 440,105 (440,105 )
Income From Discontinued Operations 436,620 (436,620 )
Net Income (Loss)$(227,904) $ 457,251 $ (685,155 )
Diluted Earnings Per Average Common Share
Continuing operations $(2.89) $ 0.28 $ (3.17 )
Discontinued operations 5.94 (5.94 )
Net Income (Loss)$(2.89) $ 6.22 $ (9.11 )
Basic Earnings Per Average Common Share
Continuing operations $(2.89) 0.28 $ (3.17 )
Discontinued operations 5.98 (5.98 )
Net Income (Loss)$(2.89) $ 6.26 $ (9.15 )
Diluted Avg. Common Shares Outstanding78,742 73,507 5,235
Basic Avg. Common Shares Outstanding78,742 73,093 5,649
Dividends Per Common Share$0.02 $ 0.15 $ (0.13 )

For the 9 months ending September 30, 2015 and 2014

(in thousands, except per share data)2015 2014 Change
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas sales $595,510 $ 1,057,447 $ (461,937 )
Gain on derivative instruments, net 90,245 9,498 80,747
Total revenues 685,755 1,066,945 (381,190 )
Operating Costs and Expenses
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas production 175,933 199,861 (23,928 )
Production and ad valorem taxes 45,783 81,102 (35,319 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 434,005 399,568 34,437
Asset impairment 466,390 181,500 284,890
Exploration 12,274 21,218 (8,944 )
General and administrative 94,338 93,499 839
Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations 5,379 5,650 (271 )
(Gain) loss on sale of assets and other (26,046) 1,809 (27,855 )
Total costs and expenses 1,208,056 984,207 223,849
Operating Income (Loss)(522,301) 82,738 (605,039 )
Other Income (Expense)
Interest expense (33,086) (27,374 ) (5,712 )
Other income 143 1,047 (904 )
Total other expense (32,943) (26,327 ) (6,616 )

Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes






Income tax expense (benefit) (200,319) 23,287 (223,606 )
Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations(354,925) 33,124 (388,049 )
Discontinued Operations, net of tax
Income from discontinued operations 30,435 (30,435 )
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations 439,055 (439,055 )
Income From Discontinued Operations 469,490 (469,490 )
Net Income (Loss)$(354,925) $ 502,614 $ (857,539 )
Diluted Earnings Per Average Common Share
Continuing operations $(4.72) $ 0.45 $ (5.17 )
Discontinued operations 6.41 (6.41 )
Net Income (Loss)$(4.72) $ 6.86 $ (11.58 )
Basic Earnings Per Average Common Share
Continuing operations $(4.72) $ 0.45 $ (5.17 )
Discontinued operations 6.45 (6.45 )
Net Income (Loss)$(4.72) $ 6.90 $ (11.62 )
Diluted Avg. Common Shares Outstanding75,125 73,238 1,887
Basic Avg. Common Shares Outstanding75,125 72,861 2,264
Dividends Per Common Share$0.06 $ 0.45 $ (0.39 )

As of September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014

(in thousands) September 30, 2015 December 31, 2014
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents $701 $ 1,852
Accounts receivable, net of allowance 99,297 157,678
Inventories 18,184 14,251
Assets held for sale 395,797
Derivative instruments 153,816 322,337
Prepayments and other 12,667 27,445
Total current assets 284,665 919,360
Property, Plant and Equipment
Oil and natural gas properties, net 5,182,497 5,152,748
Other property and equipment, net 48,739 46,389
Total property, plant and equipment, net 5,231,236 5,199,137
Other assets 15,646 19,761
TOTAL ASSETS$5,531,547 $ 6,138,258
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable




Accrued taxes 27,555 5,530
Accrued wages and benefits 25,103 21,553
Accrued capital costs 101,486 207,461
Revenue and royalty payable 58,480 72,047
Liabilities related to assets held for sale 24,230
Pension liabilities


Deferred income taxes 9,908 79,164
Derivative instruments 3,079 988
Other 13,513 23,288
Total current liabilities 348,536 560,323
Long-term debt 750,081 1,038,563
Asset retirement obligations 100,781 94,060
Deferred income taxes 853,360 1,000,486
Noncurrent derivative instruments 2,924
Other long-term liabilities 10,968 30,222
Total liabilities 2,066,650 2,723,654
Total Shareholders’ Equity3,464,897 3,414,604

For the 3 months ending September 30, 2015 and 2014

3rd Quarter
(in thousands, except sales price and per unit data)2015 2014 Change
Operating and production data from continuing operations
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas sales
Oil $160,531 $ 260,447 $ (99,916 )
Natural gas liquids 11,001 31,259 (20,258 )
Natural gas 16,866 59,067 (42,201 )
Total $188,398 $ 350,773 $ (162,375 )
Open non-cash mark-to-market gains (losses) on derivative instruments
Oil $5,760 $ 128,346 $ (122,586 )
Natural gas liquids 1,276 (1,276 )
Natural gas (6,924) 17,665 (24,589 )
Total $(1,164) $ 147,287 $ (148,451 )
Closed gains (losses) on derivative instruments
Oil $98,072 $ (6,012 ) $ 104,084
Natural gas liquids 873 (873 )
Natural gas 10,265 5,587 4,678
Total $108,337 $ 448 $ 107,889
Total revenues $295,571 $ 498,508 $ (202,937 )
Production volumes
Oil (MBbl) 3,610 3,017 593
Natural gas liquids (MMgal) 44.4 46.5 (2.1 )
Natural gas (MMcf) 7,362 15,156 (7,794 )
Total production volumes (MBOE) 5,893 6,651 (758 )
Average daily production volumes
Oil (MBbl/d) 39.2 32.8 6.4
Natural gas liquids (MMgal/d) 0.5 0.5
Natural gas (MMcf/d) 80.0 164.7 (84.7 )
Total average daily production volumes (MBOE/d) 64.1 72.3 (8.2 )
Average realized prices excluding effects of open non-cash mark-to-market derivative instruments
Oil (per barrel) $71.64 $ 84.33 $ (12.69 )
Natural gas liquids (per gallon) $0.25 $ 0.69 $ (0.44 )
Natural gas (per Mcf) $3.69 $ 4.27 $ (0.58 )
Average realized prices excluding effects of all derivative instruments
Oil (per barrel) $44.47 $ 86.33 $ (41.86 )
Natural gas liquids (per gallon) $0.25 $ 0.67 $ (0.42 )
Natural gas (per Mcf) $2.29 $ 3.90 $ (1.61 )
Costs per BOE
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas production expenses








Production and ad valorem taxes $2.27 $ 3.87 $ (1.60 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization $25.42 $ 20.91 $ 4.51
Exploration expense $0.08 $ 1.27 $ (1.19 )
General and administrative* $4.01 $ 4.18 $ (0.17 )
Net capital expenditures $230,900 $ 356,725 $ (125,825 )

*Includes pension and pension settlement expenses of $0.16 and $0.53 for the three months ended September 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively.

For the 9 months ending September 30, 2015 and 2014

(in thousands, except sales price and per unit data)2015 2014 Change
Operating and production data from continuing operations
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas sales
Oil $491,158 $ 776,952 $ (285,794 )
Natural gas liquids 36,616 90,625 (54,009 )
Natural gas 67,736 189,870 (122,134 )
Total $595,510 $ 1,057,447 $ (461,937 )
Open non-cash mark-to-market gains (losses) on derivative instruments
Oil $(149,743) $ 40,710 $ (190,453 )
Natural gas liquids 1,603 (1,603 )
Natural gas (27,939) 11,672 (39,611 )
Total $(177,682) $ 53,985 $ (231,667 )
Closed gains (losses) on derivative instruments
Oil $230,885 $ (46,568 ) $ 277,453
Natural gas liquids 1,228 (1,228 )
Natural gas 37,042 853 36,189
Total $267,927 $ (44,487 ) $ 312,414
Total revenues $685,755 $ 1,066,945 $ (381,190 )
Production volumes
Oil (MBbl) 10,439 8,601 1,838
Natural gas liquids (MMgal) 125.5 129.2 (3.7 )
Natural gas (MMcf) 27,774 43,956 (16,182 )
Total production volumes (MBOE) 18,055 19,003 (948 )
Average daily production volumes
Oil (MBbl/d) 38.2 31.5 6.7
Natural gas liquids (MMgal/d) 0.5 0.5
Natural gas (MMcf/d) 101.7 161.0 (59.30 )
Total average daily production volumes (MBOE/d) 66.1 69.6 (3.50 )
Average realized prices excluding effects of open non-cash mark-to-market derivative instruments
Oil (per barrel) $69.17 $ 84.92 $ (15.75 )
Natural gas liquids (per gallon) $0.29 $ 0.71 $ (0.42 )
Natural gas (per Mcf) $3.77 $ 4.34 $ (0.57 )
Average realized prices excluding effects of all derivative instruments
Oil (per barrel) $47.05 $ 90.33 $ (43.28 )
Natural gas liquids (per gallon) $0.29 $ 0.70 $ (0.41 )
Natural gas (per Mcf) $2.44 $ 4.32 $ (1.88 )
Costs per BOE
Oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas production expenses








Production and ad valorem taxes $2.54 $ 4.27 $ (1.73 )
Depreciation, depletion and amortization $24.04 $ 21.03 $ 3.01
Exploration expense $0.68 $ 1.12 $ (0.44 )
General and administrative* $5.23 $ 4.92 $ 0.31
Net capital expenditures $891,491 $ 950,993 $ (59,502 )

*Includes pension and pension settlement expenses of $0.28 and $0.71 for the nine months ended September 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively.


Energen Corporation
Julie S. Ryland, 205-326-8421

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