Republic Bancorp, Inc. Reports Substantial Growth in Third Quarter Net Income

Republic Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: RBCAA), headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, is the holding company of Republic Bank & Trust Company (the “Bank”).

Republic Bancorp, Inc. (“Republic” or the “Company”) is pleased to report third quarter net income of $9.8 million, a $4.2 million, or 74%, increase from the same period in 2015, resulting in Diluted Earnings per Class A Common Share of $0.47. Year-to-date net income was $35.9 million, an $8.2 million, or 29%, increase from the same period in 2015, resulting in a return on average assets (“ROA”) and a return on average equity (“ROE”) of 1.08% and 8.04% for the first nine months of 2016.

Steve Trager, Republic’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “While we are very pleased with our increase in quarterly net income, when compared to the third quarter of the previous year, we are even more pleased to see solid net income growth spread across all four of our major operating segments. More specifically,

  • Within our Traditional Banking segment, net income grew 13%, partially due to a full quarter of accretive benefits from our Cornerstone Bancorp (‘Cornerstone’) acquisition and partially from meaningful organic growth over the previous 12 months.
  • Our Warehouse Lending (‘Warehouse’) segment had a $178 million increase in quarter over quarter growth in average outstanding balances, which drove a 47% increase in its net income.
  • The Company’s Mortgage Banking segment experienced higher origination volume, and in addition, benefited nicely from a bulk loan sale during the quarter.
  • Despite a nominal net loss for the third quarter of 2016, our Republic Processing Group (‘RPG’) segment reflected a $1.3 million improvement in its net income for the quarter, thanks to meaningful growth in its Republic Credit Solutions (‘RCS’) division.

These achievements, combined with our attractive footprint and best-in-class team, give me much confidence about the things happening at Republic.”

The following tables highlight Republic’s financial performance for the third quarter and first nine months of 2016 compared to the same periods in 2015:

dollars in thousands, except per-share data

Highlights of Financial Performance
Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2016Sept. 30, 2015

$ Change

% ChangeSept. 30, 2016Sept. 30, 2015

$ Change

% Change
Income before income taxes $14,676 $ 8,759 $ 5,917 68 % $54,003 $ 41,982 $ 12,021 29 %
Net Income* 9,828 5,640 4,188 74 % 35,903 27,748 8,155 29 %
Diluted Earnings per Class A Share 0.47 0.27 0.20 74 % 1.73 1.34 0.39 29 %
ROA 0.87% 0.57 % NA 53 % 1.08% 0.94 % NA 15 %
ROE 6.54% 3.91 % NA 67 % 8.04% 6.45 % NA 25 %
dollars in thousands
Core Banking Net Income by Origination Channel
Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
Segment/Origination ChannelSept. 30, 2016Sept. 30, 2015

$ Change

% ChangeSept. 30, 2016Sept. 30, 2015

$ Change

% Change
Traditional Banking segment*:
Traditional Network $5,584 $ 4,782 $ 802 17 % $16,543 $ 14,261 $ 2,282 16 %
Correspondent Lending 301 125 176 141 % 688 221 467 211 %
2016-Cornerstone Acquisition 353 - 353 NM (131) - (131 ) NM
2012-FDIC-Acquired Loans 200 494 (294 ) -60 % 1,462 2,090 (628 ) -30 %
Digital Bank Initiative (340)-(340) NM (754)-(754) NM
Total Traditional Banking segment 6,098 5,401 697 13 % 17,808 16,572 1,236 7 %
Warehouse Lending segment* 2,520 1,717 803 47 % 5,366 4,610 756 16 %
Mortgage Banking segment* 1,320(23)1,343 NM 1,7461631,583 971 %
Total Core Banking* $9,938$7,095$2,843 40 % $24,920$21,345$3,575 17 %

*See Segment Data in the back of this Earnings Release

NA – Not applicable

NM – Not meaningful

Results of Operations for the Third Quarter of 2016 Compared to the Third Quarter of 2015

Core Bank(1) – Net income from Core Banking was $9.9 million for the third quarter of 2016, an increase of $2.8 million, or 40%, from the third quarter of 2015. Strong growth in net interest income, continued favorably-low loan loss provisions and solid mortgage banking income were all major contributors to the Core Bank’s performance for the quarter.

Net interest income at the Core Bank increased to $36.1 million during the third quarter of 2016, a $5.1 million, or 17%, increase over the third quarter of 2015. The increase in net interest income was primarily the result of a $456 million, or 14%, year-over-year increase in the Core Bank’s quarterly average loans from the third quarter of 2015 to the third quarter of 2016. The strong growth in average loans outstanding was supplemented by an increase of nine basis points to the Core Bank’s net interest margin during the same periods.

The overall change in the Core Bank’s average loan balances and net interest income by origination channel is presented below:

Average Average Net Interest Net Interest
Loans Loans Income Income
(in thousands)3rd Qtr 3rd Quarter $ % 3rd Qtr 3rd Quarter $ %
Origination Channel 2016 2015 Change Change 2016 2015 Change Change
Traditional Network $2,753,663 $ 2,587,067 $ 166,596 6 % $28,629 $ 26,130 $ 2,499 10 %
Warehouse Lending 542,894 365,291 177,603 49 % 4,924 3,308 1,616 49 %
Correspondent Lending 178,385 245,114 (66,729 ) -27 % 395 404 (9 ) -2 %
2016-Cornerstone Acquisition 189,647 - 189,647 NM 1,919 - 1,919 NM
2012-FDIC Acquired Loans 18,64929,268(10,619) -36 % 2671,145(878) -77 %
Total $3,683,238$3,226,740$456,498 14 % $36,134$30,987$5,147 17 %

NM – Not meaningful

The following factors were the primary drivers of the changes in the Core Bank’s average loan balances and net interest income by origination channel for the third quarter of 2016 as compared to the third quarter of 2015:

  • The Core Bank’s Traditional Network experienced solid overall loan growth, with particularly strong growth in the quarterly average balance from the third quarter of 2015 to the third quarter of 2016 for the following portfolios: $67 million in Commercial Real Estate (“CRE”); $43 million in Commercial & Industrial (“C&I”); $37 million in Home Equity Lines of Credit (“HELOCs”); and $35 million in Indirect Auto. Growth in the commercial-related categories was primarily driven by the Core Bank’s Commercial and Corporate Banking Department. Year-over-year growth in HELOCs was driven primarily by a successful first-year-introductory-rate promotion, while growth in Indirect Auto loans was driven by reintroduction of the product in 2015.
  • Within the Warehouse segment, net interest income grew 49% from the third quarter of 2015, as client usage of the Bank’s Warehouse lines of credit increased from 56% for the third quarter of 2015 to 62% for the third quarter of 2016. In addition, the Bank also increased its committed Warehouse lines of credit from $653 million at September 30, 2015 to $915 million at September 30, 2016. As a result of these factors, average Warehouse line-of-credit balances for the third quarter of 2016 were $543 million, a $178 million increase from a strong third quarter in 2015. The yield for Warehouse lines of credit during the third quarter of 2016 increased 16 basis points from the same period in 2015, as Warehouse yields were positively impacted by an increase in short-term interest rates.
  • The third quarter of 2016 represented the first full quarter of earnings impact from the Company’s May 2016 Cornerstone acquisition. As expected, the acquired Cornerstone franchise provided a solid contribution to the Company’s overall earnings with an impact of $1.9 million to net interest income for the third quarter driven by average loans of $190 million.

The Core Bank’s favorably-low provision expense for the quarter resulted primarily from growth in the overall loan portfolio, while the Bank’s charge-off trends continued to show general improvement from its already favorably-low historical charge-off levels.

The table below illustrates the Core Bank’s credit quality ratios for the most recent quarter ends and the previous three calendar year ends:

As of and for the:
Quarter Ending: Year Ending:
Sep 30 Jun 30 Mar 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31
Core Banking Credit Quality Ratios201620162016201520142013
Nonperforming loans to total loans 0.47% 0.54 % 0.60 % 0.66 % 0.78 % 0.81 %
Nonperforming assets to total loans (including OREO) 0.53% 0.58 % 0.63 % 0.70 % 1.15 % 1.47 %
Delinquent loans to total loans 0.21% 0.28 % 0.25 % 0.35 % 0.52 % 0.63 %
Net charge-offs to average loans 0.03% 0.05 % 0.04 % 0.05 % 0.08 % 0.18 %
(Annualized as of 9/30/16, 6/30/16 and 3/31/16)
OREO = Other Real Estate Owned

Noninterest income for the Core Bank was $10.0 million during the third quarter of 2016 compared to $7.2 million for the third quarter of 2015. Impacting the Core Bank’s noninterest income comparisons between the third quarters of 2016 and 2015 were the following:

  • Mortgage banking income increased $2.1 million from the third quarter of 2015. Approximately $1.1 million of this increase was attributable to a bulk loan sale of $71 million during the third quarter of 2016, representing a portion of the Company’s correspondent loan portfolio. The remainder of the increase in mortgage banking income was primarily due to a rise in refinance activity resulting from a downturn in long-term interest rates. As a result, secondary-market loan originations increased from $32 million during the third quarter of 2015 to $59 million for the third quarter of 2016.
  • Interchange fees increased $499,000, mainly due to an increase in debit card interchange revenue. The higher revenue for debit card related transactions was primarily the result of growth in retail checking accounts and an increase in customer use of signature-based transactions.

Core Bank noninterest expenses increased $4.9 million, or 19%, from the third quarter of 2015 to the same period in 2016, primarily driven by the following:

  • Salaries and benefits expense increased $2.4 million, primarily due to an increase of 118 full-time-equivalent (“FTE”) employees from September 30, 2015 to September 30, 2016. A total of 36 of these additions was directly attributable to the Company’s Cornerstone acquisition. The remaining 82 increase in FTEs was driven by additional staffing needed to implement the Company’s strategic initiatives.
  • Data processing expenses increased $645,000, with $212,000 of the increase attributable to the Company’s Cornerstone acquisition. The remainder of the increase was spread across multiple loan and deposit platforms and was due to growth in the Company’s overall customer base.
  • The Core Bank incurred a prepayment penalty of $846,000 during the quarter related to the payoff of $50 million in long-term Federal Home Loan Bank advances. The Core Bank expects to recover the amount of this penalty through a reduction in interest expense over what would have been the remaining original term of these advances. These advances carried an interest rate of 4.39% and had an original maturity of March 9, 2017.

Republic Processing Group (“RPG”)

The overall profitability of the RPG segment has historically been driven by its largest division, Tax Refund Solutions (“TRS”). TRS derives substantially all of its revenues during the first and second quarters of the year and historically operates at a net loss during the second half of the year, as the Company prepares for the next tax season. During the second half of 2015, the Company began to more meaningfully grow the Republic Credit Solutions (“RCS”) small dollar loan division of RPG. As a result of strong growth in profitability within the RCS division, the overall profitability of the RPG segment has continued to improve during 2016.

During the third quarter of 2016, RPG recorded a nominal net loss of $110,000 compared to a net loss of $1.5 million during the third quarter of 2015. More specifically within the RCS division, RCS contributed net income of $1.0 million during the third quarter of 2016 compared to a net loss of $366,000 during the third quarter of 2015. The increased profitability within the RCS division resulted primarily from a $56 million increase in small-dollar loans originated for sale, which generated a strong increase in fee income. In addition, the balances for the RCS loans retained on balance sheet by the Company increased from $5 million at September 30, 2015 to $16 million at September 30, 2016, contributing to a solid increase in net interest income for the quarter.


“It has been an exciting year thus far at Republic. While the current environment has headwinds providing constant challenges in the financial service industry, we are driven to make the Company more agile in order to meet these challenges. Our on-going strategic initiatives remain focused on providing the Company’s shareholders an industry leading return, while responsibly serving the needs of our clients.

“Going forward, our team will continue to evaluate acquisition opportunities, both whole-bank and nonbank, that we believe present the best overall synergies for Republic. Furthermore, our digital banking team remains excited and continues to work hard on our new branchless banking platform, which is scheduled to launch by the end of October. We believe this new digital banking platform will provide the most cost effective way for the Company to expand its geographic reach.

“In an ever-evolving banking landscape, our successful results and our promising initiatives, together with our attractive footprint and best-in-class team, give me much excitement about Republic and its long-term future,” concluded Steve Trager.

Republic Bancorp, Inc. (the “Company”) is the parent company of Republic Bank & Trust Company (the “Bank”). The Bank currently has 44 banking centers: 32 banking centers in 12 Kentucky communities - Covington, Crestwood, Elizabethtown, Florence, Frankfort, Georgetown, Independence, Lexington, Louisville, Owensboro, Shelbyville and Shepherdsville; three banking centers in southern Indiana – Floyds Knobs, Jeffersonville and New Albany; six banking centers in five Florida communities – Largo, Port Richey, St. Petersburg, Seminole, Temple Terrace; two banking centers in Tennessee – Cool Springs (Franklin) and Green Hills (Nashville); and one banking center in Norwood (Cincinnati), Ohio. The Bank offers internet banking at The Company has $4.8 billion in assets and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. The Company’s Class A Common Stock is listed under the symbol “RBCAA” on the NASDAQ Global Select Market.

Republic Bank. It’s just easier here.®

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The forward-looking statements in the preceding paragraphs are based on our current expectations and assumptions regarding our business, the future impact to our balance sheet and income statement resulting from changes in interest rates, the ability to develop products and strategies in order to meet the Company’s long-term strategic goals, the economy and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. Our actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements. We caution you therefore against relying on any of these forward-looking statements. They are neither statements of historical fact nor guarantees or assurances of future performance. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include the actual timing, magnitude and frequency of interest rate changes, as well as the actual changes in market conditions and the application and timing of various management strategies as compared to those projected in our interest rate model. Additionally, actual results could differ materially based upon factors disclosed from time to time in the Company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including those factors set forth as “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2015. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made only as of the date of this release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to release revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or conditions after the date of this release.

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release
(all amounts other than per share amounts, number of employees and number of banking centers are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted)

Balance Sheet Data
Sept. 30, 2016Dec. 31, 2015Sept. 30, 2015
Cash and cash equivalents $ 302,167 $ 210,082 $ 90,731
Investment securities 524,444 555,785 502,599
Loans held for sale 11,226 4,597 12,326
Loans 3,823,031 3,326,610 3,297,874
Allowance for loan and lease losses (30,436)(27,491)(26,959)
Loans, net 3,792,595 3,299,119 3,270,915
Federal Home Loan Bank stock, at cost 28,208 28,208 28,208
Premises and equipment, net 43,385 31,106 31,095
Goodwill 16,300 10,168 10,168
Other real estate owned ("OREO") 2,435 1,220 2,832
Bank owned life insurance ("BOLI") 61,392 52,817 52,465
Other assets and accrued interest receivable 45,12537,18734,638
Total assets $4,827,277$4,230,289$4,035,977
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:
Noninterest-bearing $ 947,602 $ 634,863 $ 637,875
Interest-bearing 2,188,291 1,852,614 1,729,955
Total deposits 3,135,893 2,487,477 2,367,830
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase and other short-term borrowings 152,458 395,433 309,624
Federal Home Loan Bank advances 862,500 699,500 711,500
Subordinated note 41,240 41,240 41,240
Other liabilities and accrued interest payable 34,626 30,092 31,071
Total liabilities 4,226,717 3,653,742 3,461,265
Stockholders' equity 600,560576,547574,712
Total liabilities and Stockholders' equity $4,827,277$4,230,289$4,035,977
Average Balance Sheet Data
Three Months Ended Sept. 30,Nine Months Ended Sept. 30,
Investment securities, including FHLB stock $ 554,508 $ 533,956 $ 571,740 $ 530,114
Federal funds sold and other interest-earning deposits 58,910 30,633 147,180 67,960
Loans and fees, including loans held for sale 3,702,093 3,235,057 3,492,997 3,148,838
Total interest-earning assets 4,315,511 3,799,646 4,211,917 3,746,912
Total assets 4,531,958 3,971,501 4,440,881 3,947,210
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:
Noninterest-bearing deposits $ 900,432 $ 609,641 $ 874,060 $ 643,128
Interest-bearing deposits 2,155,289 1,740,553 2,014,197 1,693,888

Securities sold under agreements to repurchase and other short-term borrowings

215,343 363,905 296,574 363,518
Federal Home Loan Bank advances 584,946 616,509 588,109 610,571
Subordinated note 44,288 41,240 42,926 41,240
Total interest-bearing liabilities 2,999,866 2,762,207 2,941,806 2,709,217
Stockholders' equity 601,043 577,185 595,236 573,482

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)
(all amounts other than per share amounts, number of employees and number of banking centers are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted)

Income Statement Data
Three Months Ended Sept. 30,Nine Months Ended Sept. 30,
Total interest income(2) $ 43,934 $ 36,107 $ 128,089 $ 105,590
Total interest expense 4,5364,68313,68014,086
Net interest income 39,398 31,424 114,409 91,504
Provision for loan and lease losses 2,489 2,233 9,489 3,322
Noninterest income:
Service charges on deposit accounts 3,416 3,399 9,838 9,685
Net refund transfer fees 132 97 19,119 17,339
Mortgage banking income 3,081 972 5,902 3,549
Interchange fee income 2,415 1,967 6,755 6,205
Republic Processing Group program fees 979 474 1,942 871
Gain on call of security available for sale - - - 88
Net gains (losses) on OREO (137 ) (8 ) 191 (282 )
Increase in cash surrender value of BOLI 406 348 1,114 1,050
Other 1,0095572,1631,772
Total noninterest income 11,3017,80647,02440,277
Noninterest expenses:
Salaries and employee benefits 18,068 15,297 52,965 44,897
Occupancy and equipment, net 5,631 5,217 16,159 15,560
Communication and transportation 1,029 951 2,974 2,768
Marketing and development 1,076 756 2,773 2,318
FDIC insurance expense 345 474 1,483 1,622
Bank franchise tax expense 846 846 3,944 4,094
Data processing 1,659 959 4,535 3,017
Interchange related expense 1,118 909 3,069 2,847
Supplies 280 229 969 809
OREO expense 159 146 355 485
Legal and professional fees 539 653 1,965 2,796
FHLB advance prepayment penalty 846 - 846 -
Other 1,9381,8015,9045,264
Total noninterest expenses 33,53428,23897,94186,477
Income before income tax expense 14,676 8,759 54,003 41,982
Income tax expense 4,8483,11918,10014,234
Net income $9,828$5,640$35,903$27,748

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)
(all amounts other than per share amounts, number of employees and number of banking centers are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted)

Selected Data and Statistics
As of and for theAs of and for the
Three Months Ended Sept. 30,Nine Months Ended Sept. 30,
Per Share Data:
Basic average shares outstanding 20,925 20,848 20,946 20,856
Diluted average shares outstanding 20,938 20,934 20,957 20,936
End of period shares outstanding:
Class A Common Stock 18,617 18,603 18,617 18,603
Class B Common Stock 2,245 2,245 2,245 2,245
Book value per share(3) $ 28.79 $ 27.57 $ 28.79 $ 27.57
Tangible book value per share(3) 27.70 26.84 27.70 26.84
Earnings per share:
Basic earnings per Class A Common Stock $ 0.47 $ 0.27 $ 1.73 $ 1.34
Basic earnings per Class B Common Stock 0.43 0.25 1.58 1.22
Diluted earnings per Class A Common Stock 0.47 0.27 1.73 1.34
Diluted earnings per Class B Common Stock 0.43 0.25 1.57 1.22
Cash dividends declared per share:
Class A Common Stock $ 0.209 $ 0.198 $ 0.616 $ 0.583
Class B Common Stock 0.190 0.180 0.560 0.530
Performance Ratios:
Return on average assets 0.87 % 0.57 % 1.08 % 0.94 %
Return on average equity 6.54 3.91 8.04 6.45
Efficiency ratio(4) 66 72 61 66
Yield on average interest-earning assets 4.07 3.80 4.05 3.76
Cost of interest-bearing liabilities 0.60 0.68 0.62 0.69
Cost of deposits(5) 0.21 0.18 0.20 0.18
Net interest spread 3.47 3.12 3.43 3.07
Net interest margin - Total Company 3.65 3.31 3.62 3.26
Net interest margin - Core Bank(1) 3.38 3.29 3.26 3.26
Other Information:
End of period FTEs(6) - Total Company 899 769 899 769
End of period FTEs(6) - Core Bank 830 712 830 712
Number of banking centers 44 40 44 40

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)
(all amounts other than per share amounts, number of employees and number of banking centers are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted)

Credit Quality Data and StatisticsAs of and for theAs of and for the
Three Months Ended Sept. 30,Nine Months Ended Sept. 30,
Credit Quality Asset Balances:
Loans on nonaccrual status $ 17,769 $ 23,143 $ 17,769 $ 23,143
Loans past due 90-days-or-more and still on accrual 34 43 34 43
Total nonperforming loans 17,803 23,186 17,803 23,186
OREO 2,435 2,832 2,435 2,832
Total nonperforming assets $ 20,238 $ 26,018 $ 20,238 $ 26,018
Total delinquent loans $ 8,714 $ 11,996 $ 8,714 $ 11,996
Credit Quality Ratios - Total Company:
Nonperforming loans to total loans 0.47 % 0.70 % 0.47 % 0.70 %
Nonperforming assets to total loans (including OREO) 0.53 0.79 0.53 0.79
Nonperforming assets to total assets 0.42 0.64 0.42 0.64
Allowance for loan and lease losses to total loans 0.80 0.82 0.80 0.82
Allowance for loan and lease losses to nonperforming loans 171 116 171 116
Delinquent loans to total loans(7) 0.23 0.36 0.23 0.36
Net charge-offs to average loans (annualized) 0.15 0.06 0.25 0.03
Credit Quality Ratios - Core Bank(1):
Nonperforming loans to total loans 0.47 % 0.70 % 0.47 % 0.70 %
Nonperforming assets to total loans (including OREO) 0.53 0.79 0.53 0.79
Nonperforming assets to total assets 0.42 0.65 0.42 0.65
Allowance for loan and lease losses to total loans 0.71 0.78 0.71 0.78
Allowance for loan and lease losses to nonperforming loans 152 111 152 111
Delinquent loans to total loans(7) 0.21 0.36 0.21 0.36
Net charge-offs to average loans (annualized) 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.04

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)
(all amounts other than per share amounts, number of employees and number of banking centers are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted)

Balance Sheet Data
Quarterly Comparison
Sept. 30, 2016Jun. 30, 2016Mar. 31, 2016Dec. 31, 2015Sept. 30, 2015
Cash and cash equivalents $ 302,167 $ 142,979 $ 198,172 $ 210,082 $ 90,731
Investment securities 524,444 551,027 556,605 555,785 502,599
Loans held for sale 11,226 94,658 8,129 4,597 12,326
Loans 3,823,031 3,691,323 3,351,969 3,326,610 3,297,874
Allowance for loan and lease losses (30,436)(29,308)(31,475)(27,491)(26,959)
Loans, net 3,792,595 3,662,015 3,320,494 3,299,119 3,270,915
Federal Home Loan Bank stock, at cost 28,208 28,208 28,208 28,208 28,208
Premises and equipment, net 43,385 42,956 30,277 31,106 31,095
Goodwill 16,300 16,313 10,168 10,168 10,168
Other real estate owned 2,435 1,503 1,280 1,220 2,832
Bank owned life insurance 61,392 60,986 53,156 52,817 52,465
Other assets and accrued interest receivable 45,12546,27740,27637,18734,638
Total assets $4,827,277$4,646,922$4,246,765$4,230,289$4,035,977
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:
Noninterest-bearing $ 947,602 $ 867,095 $ 800,946 $ 634,863 $ 637,875
Interest-bearing 2,188,291 1,988,952 1,935,700 1,852,614 1,729,955
Total deposits 3,135,893 2,856,047 2,736,646 2,487,477 2,367,830

Securities sold under agreements to repurchase and other short-term borrowings

152,458 126,124 319,893 395,433 309,624
Federal Home Loan Bank advances 862,500 987,500 517,500 699,500 711,500
Subordinated note 41,240 45,364 41,240 41,240 41,240
Other liabilities and accrued interest payable 34,626 36,864 39,929 30,092 31,071
Total liabilities 4,226,717 4,051,899 3,655,208 3,653,742 3,461,265
Stockholders' equity 600,560595,023591,557576,547574,712
Total liabilities and Stockholders' equity $4,827,277$4,646,922$4,246,765$4,230,289$4,035,977
Average Balance Sheet Data
Quarterly Comparison
Sept. 30, 2016Jun. 30, 2016Mar. 31, 2016Dec. 31, 2015Sept. 30, 2015
Investment securities, including FHLB stock $ 554,508 $ 579,027 $ 581,869 $ 595,739 $ 533,956
Federal funds sold and other interest-earning deposits 58,910 95,204 298,250 71,480 30,633
Loans and fees, including loans held for sale 3,702,093 3,479,397 3,292,689 3,249,595 3,235,057
Total interest-earning assets 4,315,511 4,153,628 4,172,808 3,916,814 3,799,646
Total assets 4,531,958 4,351,843 4,436,843 4,088,016 3,971,501
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:
Noninterest-bearing deposits $ 900,432 $ 805,718 $ 916,691 $ 675,500 $ 609,641
Interest-bearing deposits 2,155,289 1,980,310 1,903,721 1,774,526 1,740,553

Securities sold under agreements to repurchase and other short-term borrowings

215,343 267,574 407,698 426,833 363,905
Federal Home Loan Bank advances 584,946 627,335 552,082 567,163 616,509
Subordinated note 44,288 43,234 41,240 41,240 41,240
Total interest-bearing liabilities 2,999,866 2,918,453 2,904,741 2,809,762 2,762,207
Stockholders' equity 601,043 596,795 587,593 578,573 577,185

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)
(all amounts other than per share amounts, number of employees and number of banking centers are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted)

Income Statement Data
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2016Jun. 30, 2016Mar. 31, 2016Dec. 31, 2015Sept. 30, 2015
Total interest income(2) $ 43,934 $ 40,140 $ 44,015 $ 36,842 $ 36,107
Total interest expense 4,5364,5634,5814,3764,683
Net interest income 39,398 35,577 39,434 32,466 31,424
Provision for loan and lease losses 2,489 1,814 5,186 2,074 2,233
Noninterest income:
Service charges on deposit accounts 3,416 3,282 3,140 3,330 3,399
Net refund transfer fees 132 1,909 17,078 49 97
Mortgage banking income 3,081 1,560 1,261 862 972
Interchange fee income 2,415 2,217 2,123 2,148 1,967
Republic Processing Group program fees 979 664 319 329 474
Net gains (losses) on OREO (137 ) 80 248 (19 ) (8 )
Increase in cash surrender value of BOLI 406 369 339 353 348
Other 1,009721413665557
Total noninterest income 11,30110,80224,9217,7177,806
Noninterest expenses:
Salaries and employee benefits 18,068 17,814 17,083 13,194 15,297
Occupancy and equipment, net 5,631 5,109 5,419 5,129 5,217
Communication and transportation 1,029 872 1,073 984 951
Marketing and development 1,076 1,190 507 843 756
FDIC insurance expense 345 480 658 462 474
Bank franchise tax expense 846 647 2,451 640 846
Data processing 1,659 1,543 1,333 1,323 959
Interchange related expense 1,118 1,047 904 1,026 909
Supplies 280 240 449 292 229
OREO expense 159 116 80 250 146
Legal and professional fees 539 604 823 510 653
FHLB advance prepayment penalty 846 - - - -
Other 1,9382,2041,7612,1941,801
Total noninterest expenses 33,53431,86632,54126,84728,238
Income before income tax expense 14,676 12,699 26,628 11,262 8,759
Income tax expense 4,8484,3598,8933,8443,119
Net income $9,828$8,340$17,735$7,418$5,640

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)
(all amounts other than per share amounts, number of employees and number of banking centers are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted)

Selected Data and Statistics
As of and for the Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2016Jun. 30, 2016Mar. 31, 2016Dec. 31, 2015Sept. 30, 2015
Per Share Data:
Basic average shares outstanding 20,925 20,947 20,904 20,876 20,848
Diluted average shares outstanding 20,938 20,958 21,009 20,953 20,934
End of period shares outstanding:
Class A Common Stock 18,617 18,617 18,659 18,652 18,603
Class B Common Stock 2,245 2,245 2,245 2,245 2,245
Book value per share(3) $ 28.79 $ 28.52 $ 28.30 $ 27.59 $ 27.57
Tangible book value per share(3) 27.70 27.44 27.58 26.87 26.84
Earnings per share:
Basic earnings per Class A Common Stock $ 0.47 $ 0.40 $ 0.86 $ 0.36 $ 0.27
Basic earnings per Class B Common Stock 0.43 0.37 0.78 0.33 0.25
Diluted earnings per Class A Common Stock 0.47 0.40 0.85 0.36 0.27
Diluted earnings per Class B Common Stock 0.43 0.37 0.77 0.33 0.25
Cash dividends declared per share:
Class A Common Stock $ 0.209 $ 0.209 $ 0.198 $ 0.198 $ 0.198
Class B Common Stock 0.190 0.190 0.180 0.180 0.180
Performance Ratios:
Return on average assets 0.87 % 0.77 % 1.60 % 0.73 % 0.57 %
Return on average equity 6.54 5.59 12.07 5.13 3.91
Efficiency ratio(4) 66 69 51 67 72
Yield on average interest-earning assets 4.07 3.87 4.22 3.76 3.80
Cost of interest-bearing liabilities 0.60 0.63 0.63 0.62 0.68
Cost of deposits(5) 0.21 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.18
Net interest spread 3.47 3.24 3.59 3.14 3.12
Net interest margin - Total Company 3.65 3.43 3.78 3.32 3.31
Net interest margin - Core Bank(1) 3.38 3.28 3.12 3.17 3.29
Other Information:
End of period FTEs(6) - Total Company 899 883 817 785 769
End of period FTEs(6) - Core Bank 830 818 756 726 712
Number of banking centers 44 44 40 40 40

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)
(all amounts other than per share amounts, number of employees and number of banking centers are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted)

Credit Quality Data and Statistics
As of and for the Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2016Jun. 30, 2016Mar. 31, 2016Dec. 31, 2015Sept. 30, 2015
Credit Quality Asset Balances:
Loans on nonaccrual status $ 17,769 $ 18,778 $ 19,907 $ 21,712 $ 23,143
Loans past due 90-days-or-more and still on accrual 34 1,178 - 224 43
Total nonperforming loans 17,803 19,956 19,907 21,936 23,186
OREO 2,435 1,503 1,280 1,220 2,832
Total nonperforming assets $ 20,238 $ 21,459 $ 21,187 $ 23,156 $ 26,018
Total delinquent loans $ 8,714 $ 10,607 $ 8,657 $ 11,731 $ 11,996
Credit Quality Ratios - Total Company:
Nonperforming loans to total loans 0.47 % 0.54 % 0.59 % 0.66 % 0.70 %
Nonperforming assets to total loans (including OREO) 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.70 0.79
Nonperforming assets to total assets 0.42 0.46 0.50 0.55 0.64
Allowance for loan and lease losses to total loans 0.80 0.79 0.94 0.83 0.82
Allowance for loan and lease losses to nonperforming loans 171 147 158 125 116
Delinquent loans to total loans(7) 0.23 0.29 0.26 0.35 0.36
Net charge-offs to average loans (annualized) 0.15 0.46 0.15 0.19 0.06
Credit Quality Ratios - Core Bank(1):
Nonperforming loans to total loans 0.47 % 0.54 % 0.60 % 0.66 % 0.70 %
Nonperforming assets to total loans (including OREO) 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.70 0.79
Nonperforming assets to total assets 0.42 0.47 0.51 0.55 0.65
Allowance for loan and lease losses to total loans 0.71 0.73 0.78 0.78 0.78
Allowance for loan and lease losses to nonperforming loans 152 135 131 117 111
Delinquent loans to total loans(7) 0.21 0.28 0.25 0.35 0.36
Net charge-offs to average loans (annualized) 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.05

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)

Segment Data:

Reportable segments are determined by the type of products and services offered and the level of information provided to the chief operating decision maker, who uses such information to review performance of various components of the business (such as banking centers and business units), which are then aggregated if operating performance, products/services, and customers are similar.

As of September 30, 2016, the Company was divided into four distinct operating segments: Traditional Banking, Warehouse Lending (“Warehouse”), Mortgage Banking and Republic Processing Group (“RPG”). Management considers the first three segments to collectively constitute “Core Bank” or “Core Banking” activities. Correspondent Lending operations are considered part of the Traditional Banking segment. The RPG segment includes the following divisions: Tax Refund Solutions (“TRS”), Republic Payment Solutions (“RPS”) and Republic Credit Solutions (“RCS”). TRS generates the majority of RPG’s income, with the relatively smaller divisions of RPG, RPS and RCS, considered immaterial for separate and independent segment reporting. All divisions of the RPG segment operate through the Bank.

The nature of segment operations and the primary drivers of net revenues by reportable segment are provided below:


Nature of Operations:

Primary Drivers of Net Revenues:

Core Banking:
Traditional Banking

Provides traditional banking products to

clients primarily in its market footprint via

its network of banking centers and

primarily to clients outside of its market

footprint via its Internet and Correspondent

Lending delivery channels.

Loans, investments and deposits
Warehouse Lending

Provides short-term, revolving credit

facilities to mortgage bankers across the


Mortgage warehouse lines of credit
Mortgage Banking

Primarily originates, sells and services

long-term, single family, first lien

residential real estate loans primarily to

clients in its market footprint.

Loan sales and servicing
Republic Processing Group

The TRS division facilitates the receipt and

payment of federal and state tax refund

products. The RPS division offers general

purpose reloadable cards. The RCS

division offers short-term credit products.

RPG products are primarily provided to

clients outside of the Bank’s market


Refund transfers and loans

The accounting policies used for Republic’s reportable segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies in the Company’s 2015 Annual Report on Form 10-K. Segment performance is evaluated using operating income. Goodwill is not allocated. Income taxes are generally allocated based on income before income tax expense unless specific segment allocations can be reasonably made. Transactions among reportable segments are made at carrying value.

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)

Segment information for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 and 2015 follows:

Three Months Ended September 30, 2016
Core Banking
(dollars in thousands)







Total Core



Processing Group

Total Company
Net interest income $ 31,134 $ 4,924 $ 76 $36,134 $ 3,264 $39,398
Provision for loan and lease losses 289 188 - 477 2,012 2,489
Net refund transfer fees - - - - 132 132
Mortgage banking income - - 3,081 3,081 - 3,081
Republic Processing Group program fees - - - - 979 979
Other noninterest income 6,8994576,9601497,109
Total noninterest income 6,899 4 3,138 10,041 1,260 11,301
Total noninterest expenses 28,9397271,18430,8502,68433,534
Income (loss) before income tax expense 8,805 4,013 2,030 14,848 (172 ) 14,676
Income tax expense (benefit) 2,7071,4937104,910(62)4,848
Net income (loss) $6,098$2,520$1,320$9,938$(110)$9,828
Segment end-of-period assets $ 4,109,464 $ 660,410 $ 15,003 $4,784,877 $ 42,400 $4,827,277
Net interest margin 3.35 % 3.63 % NM 3.38% NM 3.65%
Three Months Ended September 30, 2015
Core Banking
(dollars in thousands)







Total Core



Processing Group

Total Company
Net interest income $ 27,612 $ 3,308 $ 67 $30,987 $ 437 $31,424
Provision for loan and lease losses 1,338 (238 ) - 1,100 1,133 2,233
Net refund transfer fees - - - - 97 97
Mortgage banking income - - 972 972 - 972
Republic Processing Group program fees - - - - 474 474
Other noninterest income 6,1158766,199646,263
Total noninterest income 6,115 8 1,048 7,171 635 7,806
Total noninterest expenses 24,1096631,15125,9232,31528,238
Income (loss) before income tax expense 8,280 2,891 (36 ) 11,135 (2,376 ) 8,759
Income tax expense (benefit) 2,8791,174(13)4,040(921)3,119
Net income (loss) $5,401$1,717$(23)$7,095$(1,455)$5,640
Segment end-of-period assets $ 3,600,230 $ 393,110 $ 13,832 $4,007,172 $ 28,805 $4,035,977
Net interest margin 3.25 % 3.62 % NM 3.29% NM 3.31%

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2016
Core Banking
(dollars in thousands)







Total Core



Processing Group

Total Company
Net interest income $ 89,279 $ 11,369 $ 148 $100,796 $ 13,613 $114,409
Provision for loan and lease losses 1,567 686 - 2,253 7,236 9,489
Net refund transfer fees - - - - 19,119 19,119
Mortgage banking income - - 5,902 5,902 - 5,902
Republic Processing Group program fees - - - - 1,942 1,942
Other noninterest income 19,3801421219,60645520,061
Total noninterest income 19,380 14 6,114 25,508 21,516 47,024
Total noninterest expenses 81,5512,1573,57687,28410,65797,941
Income before income tax expense 25,541 8,540 2,686 36,767 17,236 54,003
Income tax expense 7,7333,17494011,8476,25318,100
Net income $17,808$5,366$1,746$24,920$10,983$35,903
Segment end-of-period assets $ 4,109,464 $ 660,410 $ 15,003 $4,784,877 $ 42,400 $4,827,277
Net interest margin 3.22 % 3.64 % NM 3.26% NM 3.62%
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2015
Core Banking
(dollars in thousands)







Total Core



Processing Group

Total Company
Net interest income $ 80,369 $ 9,354 $ 180 $89,903 $ 1,601 $91,504
Provision for loan and lease losses 2,007 185 - 2,192 1,130 3,322
Net refund transfer fees - - - - 17,339 17,339
Mortgage banking income - - 3,549 3,549 - 3,549
Republic Processing Group program fees - - - - 871 871
Gain on call of security available for sale 88 - - 88 - 88
Other noninterest income 17,2861923117,53689418,430
Total noninterest income 17,374 19 3,780 21,173 19,104 40,277
Total noninterest expenses 71,3511,8463,71076,9079,57086,477
Income before income tax expense 24,385 7,342 250 31,977 10,005 41,982
Income tax expense 7,8132,7328710,6323,60214,234
Net income $16,572$4,610$163$21,345$6,403$27,748
Segment end-of-period assets $ 3,600,230 $ 393,110 $ 13,832 $4,007,172 $ 28,805 $4,035,977
Net interest margin 3.23 % 3.58 % NM 3.26% NM 3.26%

Republic Bancorp, Inc. Financial Information
Third quarter 2016 Earnings Release (continued)

(1) “Core Bank” or “Core Banking” operations consist of the Traditional Banking, Warehouse Lending and Mortgage Banking segments.

(2) The amount of loan fee income included in total interest income was $4.8 million and $2.5 million for the quarters ended September 30, 2016 and 2015. The amount of loan fee income included in total interest income was $18.3 million and $7.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2016 and 2015.

The amount of loan fee income included in total interest income per quarter was as follows: $4.8 million (quarter ended September 30, 2016); $3.7 million (quarter ended June 30, 2016); $9.8 million (quarter ended March 31, 2016); $3.1 million (quarter ended December 31, 2015); and $2.5 million (quarter ended September 30, 2015).

(3) The following table provides a reconciliation of total stockholders’ equity in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) to tangible stockholders’ equity in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, a non-GAAP disclosure. The Company provides the tangible book value per share, in addition to those defined by banking regulators, because of its widespread use by investors as a means to evaluate capital adequacy.

Quarterly Comparison
(dollars in thousands, except per share data)Sept. 30, 2016Jun. 30, 2016Mar. 31, 2016Dec. 31, 2015Sept. 30, 2015
Total stockholders' equity (a) $ 600,560 $ 595,023 $ 591,557 $ 576,547 $ 574,712
Less: Goodwill 16,300 16,313 10,168 10,168 10,168
Less: Mortgage servicing rights 5,338 4,998 4,891 4,912 4,968
Less: Core deposit intangible 1,121 1,171 - - -
Tangible stockholders' equity (c) $ 577,801 $ 572,541 $ 576,498 $ 561,467 $ 559,576
Total assets (b) $ 4,827,277 $ 4,646,922 $ 4,246,765 $ 4,230,289 $ 4,035,977
Less: Goodwill 16,300 16,313 10,168 10,168 10,168
Less: Mortgage servicing rights 5,338 4,998 4,891 4,912 4,968
Less: Core deposit intangible 1,121 1,171 - - -
Tangible assets (d) $ 4,804,518 $ 4,624,440 $ 4,231,706 $ 4,215,209 $ 4,020,841
Total stockholders' equity to total assets (a/b) 12.44 % 12.80 % 13.93 % 13.63 % 14.24 %
Tangible stockholders' equity to tangible assets (c/d) 12.03 % 12.38 % 13.62 % 13.32 % 13.92 %
Number of shares outstanding (e) 20,862 20,862 20,904 20,897 20,848
Book value per share (a/e) $ 28.79 $ 28.52 $ 28.30 $ 27.59 $ 27.57
Tangible book value per share (c/e) 27.70 27.44 27.58 26.87 26.84

(4) The efficiency ratio, a non-GAAP measure, equals total noninterest expense divided by the sum of net interest income and noninterest income. The ratio excludes net gains (losses) on sales, calls and impairment of investment securities, if applicable.

(5) The cost of deposits ratio equals annualized total interest expense on deposits divided by total average interest-bearing deposits plus total average noninterest-bearing deposits.

(6) FTEs – Full time equivalent employees.

(7) The delinquent loans to total loans ratio equals loans 30-days-or-more past due divided by total loans. Depending on loan class, loan delinquency is determined by the number of days or the number of payments past due.

NM – Not meaningful


Republic Bancorp, Inc.
Kevin Sipes, 502-560-8628
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

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