Buenaventura Announces Third Quarter and Nine-Month 2016 Results

Compañia de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. (“Buenaventura” or “the Company”) (NYSE:BVN; Lima Stock Exchange:BUE.LM), Peru’s largest publicly-traded precious metals mining company, announced today results for the third quarter (3Q16) and nine-month (9M16) periods ended September 30, 2016. All figures have been prepared in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) on a non GAAP basis and are stated in U.S. dollars (US$).

Third Quarter 2016 Highlights:

  • In 3Q16, EBITDA from direct operations was US$83.3 million compared to US$5.6 million reported in 3Q15. Adjusted EBITDA (including associated companies) increased 99% (US$ 134.6 million in 3Q16 compared to the US$ 67.6 million in 3Q15).
  • All in Sustaining Cost (AISC*) decreased 51% in 3Q16 (US$ 570/oz) compared to 3Q15 (US$ 1,171/oz).
  • At El Brocal, we expect an improvement in 4Q16 due to i) higher ore treated, ii) higher zinc grade and better commercial terms.
  • Net income in 3Q16 was negative US$ 24.7 mainly due to El Brocal and Yanacocha results.
  • Production from direct operations in 3Q16 was 93k gold ounces and 5.8 million silver ounces, higher compared to 89k gold ounces and 5.6 million silver ounces in 3Q15.
  • The Tambomayo project remains in-line with schedule and budget. Total project progress is at 96%. Production ramp up is expected to begin in December 2016.
  • Buenaventura´s Net debt/EBITDA ratio has been reduced to 2x. By the end of the year, we expect a ratio of 1.6x-1.9x.
  • Dividend payment to be resumed (US$ 0.030 per share/ADS).

Financial Highlights (in millions of US$, except EPS figures):

Total Revenues 269.0 211.0 28% 781.7 694.4 13%
Operating Profit 34.7 -54.2 N.A. 107.4 -93.5 N.A.
EBITDA Direct Operations 83.3 5.6 1391% 252.9 80.2 215%
Adjusted EBITDA (Inc Associates) 134.6 67.6 99% 468.5 303.8 54%
Net Income -24.7 -23.2 6% 82.4 -24.7 N.A.
EPS** -0.10 -0.09 6% 0.32 -0.10 N.A.

(*) See Appendix 5

(**) as of September 30, 2016 Buenaventura had 253,986,867 outstanding shares.

Operating Revenues

During 3Q16, net sales were US$263.1 million, a 30% increase compared to the US$202.3 million reported in 3Q15. This result was mainly explained by an increase in all metal prices as well as higher volume sales of copper, zinc and lead.

Royalty income decreased 32% from US$8.7 million in 3Q15 to US$5.9 million in 3Q16 as a result of lower revenues at Yanacocha.

Operating Highlights3Q163Q15Var%9M166M15Var%
Net Sales

(in millions of US$)

263.1 202.3 30% 763.2 669.2 14%
Average Realized Gold Price (US$/oz) (1) (2) 1,334 1,103 21% 1,275 1,169 9%
Average Realized Gold Price (US$/oz) inc. Affiliates (3) 1,338 1,112 20% 1,267 1,172 8%
Average Realized Silver Price (US$/oz) (1) (2) 20.83 14.50 44% 17.60 15.34 15%
Average Realized Lead Price (US$/MT) (1) (2) 1,950 1,593 22% 1,839 1,734 6%
Average Realized

Zinc Price (US$/MT) (1) (2)

2,460 1,775 39% 2,092 1,998 5%
Average Realized Copper Price (US$/MT) (1) (2) 4,820 3,723 29% 4,666 4,599 1%
Volume Sold3Q163Q15Var%9M166M15Var%
Gold Oz Direct Operations (1) 94,539 91,370 3% 268,280 271,479 -1%
Gold Oz inc Associated Companies (3) 173,291 217,320 -20% 520,267 618,138 -16%
Silver Oz (1) 4,975,143 4,801,621 4% 15,924,538 14,239,819 12%
Lead MT (1) 7,138 6,409 11% 21,374 22,086 -3%
Zinc MT (1) 15,040 12,543 20% 42,866 39,442 9%
Copper MT (1) 11,225 7,456 51% 32,895 19,917 65%
(1) Buenaventura’s Direct Operations includes 100% of Buenaventura’s operating units, 100% of La Zanja and 100% of El Brocal
(2) The realized price considers the adjustments of quotational periods
(3) Considers 100% of Buenaventura’s operating units, 100% of La Zanja, 100% of El Brocal, 40.95% of Coimolache and 43.65% of Yanacocha

For 9M16, net sales increased 14%, from US$669.2 million in 9M15 to US$763.2 million in 9M16. Royalty income for 9M16 was US$18.5 million, lower than US$25.2 million during 9M15.

Production and Operating Costs

In 3Q16, Buenaventura’s gold equity production from direct operations was 4% higher compared to the figure reported in 3Q15 (92,571 gold ounces in 3Q16 vs 88,669 gold ounces in 3Q15). Gold production including associated companies in 3Q16 was 156,905 ounces, 19% lower than the amount reported in the same period 2015. This decline is explained by a decrease in production from Yanacocha. Silver equity production from direct operations increased 5%, mainly due to higher production at the Uchucchacua mine and the Mallay mine.

Equity Production3Q163Q15Var%9M169M15Var%
Gold Oz Direct Operations(1) 92,571 88,669 4% 257,280 254,195 1%
Gold Oz including Associated Companies 156,905 194,500 -19% 468,222 562,553 -17%
Silver Oz Direct Operations(1) 5,840,913 5,583,565 5% 17,575,037 15,232,580 15%
Silver Oz including Associated Companies 6,099,334 5,716,336 7% 18,290,013 15,624,885 17%
Lead MT 7,087 6,542 8% 21,135 19,697 7%
Zinc MT 13,175 10,047 31% 35,819 31,502 14%
Copper MT Direct Operations(1) 7,608 5,187 47% 20,978 12,640 66%
Copper MT including Associated Companies 31,128 16,115 93% 93,361 42,275 121%
Consolidated Production3Q163Q15Var%9M169M15Var%
Gold Oz(2) 96,271 92,870 4% 269,563 267,080 1%
Silver Oz(2) 5,980,514 5,854,489 2% 18,024,485 16,248,238 11%
Lead MT(2) 8,156 7,957 3% 24,676 25,148 -2%
Zinc MT(2) 18,527 15,407 20% 51,179 48,209 6%
Copper MT(2) 12,362 9,525 30% 35,531 23,156 53%
(1) Buenaventura’s Direct Operations includes 100% of Buenaventura’s operating units, 53.06% of La Zanja and 61.32% of El Brocal
(2) Considers 100% of Buenaventura’s operating units, 100% of La Zanja and 100% of El Brocal

Orcopampa (100% owned by Buenaventura)

3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
GoldOz 53,167 54,035 -2% 145,129 156,023 -7%
SilverOz 179,210 146,930 22% 492,810 392,541 26%
Cost Applicable to Sales
3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
GoldUS$/Oz 660 636 4% 682 676 1%

Gold production at Orcopampa decreased 2% in 3Q16 (compared to 3Q15) mainly due to lower ore grade (see Appendix 2). Cost Applicable to Sales (CAS) in 3Q16 (660 US$/Oz) increased 4% compared to 3Q15 (636 US$/Oz), mainly due to higher exploration expenses in order to increase resources at the Pucara and the Lucia area.

Gold production guidance for 2016 is 190k – 200k ounces.

Uchucchacua (100% owned by Buenaventura)

SilverOz 4,086,850 3,775,051 8% 12,170,024 9,801,413 24%
ZincMT 1,950 1,293 51% 5,566 4,090 36%
LeadMT 2,772 2,340 18% 7,869 5,869 34%
Cost Applicable to Sales
SilverUS$/Oz 11.06 13.56 -18% 10.84 14.47 -25%

Silver production in 3Q16 increased 8% compared to 3Q15, due to higher volumes of ore treated and higher ore grade (see Appendix 2). Cost Applicable to Sales (CAS) in 3Q16 decreased 18% compared to 3Q15, an improvement primarily explained by i) Increasing efficiencies as a result of massive mining using the bench & fill method and ii) lower reagent prices and consumption.

Silver production guidance for 2016 is 15.5 million – 16.5 million ounces.

Mallay (100% owned by Buenaventura)


SilverOz 412,526 323,095 28% 1,252,490 928,126 35%
ZincMT 2,740 2,445 12% 8,137 6,765 20%
LeadMT 1,965 1,925 2% 5,907 5,353 10%
GoldOz 420 259 62% 1,460 396 268%

Cost Applicable to Sales

SilverUS$/Oz 13.05 13.99 -7% 12.55 13.96 -10%

Silver production in 3Q16 increased 28% compared to 3Q15, mainly due to increased amounts ore treated (see Appendix 2). Cost Applicable to Sales (CAS) in 3Q16 was 7% lower compared to 3Q15 mainly due to more volume sold.

Silver production guidance for 2016 is 1.5 million – 1.9 million ounces.

Julcani (100% owned by Buenaventura)

SilverOz 782,813 794,810 -2% 2,473,802 2,397,790 3%
Cost Applicable to Sales
SilverUS$/Oz 11.86 12.94 -8% 11.32 12.70 -11%

Silver production in 3Q16 is in line with the figure reported in 3Q15. Cost Applicable to Sales (CAS) in 3Q16 was 8% lower than 3Q15, an improvement primarily mainly explained by higher volume sold and lower commercial deductions.

Silver production guidance for 2016 is 3.0 million – 3.4 million ounces.

La Zanja (53.06% owned by Buenaventura)

3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
GoldOz 37,407 35,653 5% 106,984 103,362 4%
SilverOz 50,309 78,844 -36% 159,012 241,969 -34%
Cost Applicable to Sales
3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
GoldUS$/Oz 641 906 -29% 568 838 -32%

Gold production in 3Q16 increased 5% compared to 3Q15. CAS in 3Q16 decreased 29% compared to 3Q15, an improvement primarily due to i) lower headcount generated by new synergies with Tantahuatay mine, ii) lower reagent and explosives prices and consumption, and iii) lower contractor expenses resulting from more favorable prices.

Gold production guidance for 2016 is 130k – 140k ounces.

Tantahuatay (40.10% owned by Buenaventura)

3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
GoldOz 39,595 34,739 14% 110,890 97,085 14%
SilverOz 162,983 259,433 -37% 587,551 598,392 -2%
Cost Applicable to Sales
3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
GoldUS$/Oz 527 484 9% 476 542 -12%

Gold production in 3Q16 increased 14% compared to the figure reported in 3Q15. CAS in 3Q16 increased 9% compared to 3Q15 mainly due to an inventory write-down and higher exploration expenses.

Gold production guidance for 2016 is 145k – 155k ounces

El Brocal (61.32%* owned by Buenaventura)

3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
CopperMT 12,291 9,446 30% 35,312 22,895 54%
ZincMT 13,836 11,670 19% 37,477 37,353 0%
SilverOz 468,806 735,760 -36% 1,476,348 2,486,399 -41%
Cost Applicable to Sales
3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
CopperUS$/Lb 2.17 2.34 -7% 2.18 2.39 -9%
ZincUS$/Lb 0.92 0.83 12% 0.80 0.75 7%

During 3Q16, copper production increased 30% compared to 3Q15, due to a higher ore volume treated and ore grade. Moreover, in 3Q16 zinc production increased 19% as a result of higher ore treated.

(*) Since August 2016, the new ownership of El Brocal is 61.32%.

In 3Q16, zinc Cost Applicable to sales (CAS) increased 34% compared to 3Q15 mainly due to lower ore grade and lower silver by-product contribution. Copper CAS in 3Q16 decreased 12% compared to 3Q15 mainly due higher ore grade and lower commercial deductions per ton resulting from the renegotiation of commercial contracts.

Zinc production guidance for 2016 is 55k – 65k MT, while copper production guidance for 2016 is 40k – 50k MT.

General and Administrative Expenses

General and administrative expenses in 3Q16 were US$16.9 million, 15% lower compared to the US$19.8 million in 3Q15. For 9M16, the expense was US$58.0 million (US$58.8 million in 9M15).

Exploration in Non-Operating Areas

Exploration costs in non-operating areas during 3Q16 were US$6.4 million compared with US$5.3 million in 3Q15. During the period, Buenaventura’s main exploration efforts were focused on the Tambomayo project (US$1.75 million), the San Gabriel project (US$1.21 million) and Marcapunta Norte (US$0.32 million). For 9M16, the expense was US$14.8 million (US$25.7 million in 9M15).

Share in Associated Companies

During 3Q16, Buenaventura’s share in associated companies was negative US$11.9 million, compared to US$13.4 million reported in 3Q15, composed by:

Share in the Result of Associates

(in millions of US$)

3Q163Q15Var %9M169M15Var %
Cerro Verde 9.5 1.3 621% 44.3 10.1 339%
Coimolache 4.9 4.1 20% 17.0 9.1 87%
Yanacocha -26.2 8.0 N.A. -24.1 42.4 N.A.


At Yanacocha (43.65% owned by Buenaventura), during 3Q16, gold production was 147,386 ounces, 39% lower than 3Q15 production (242,454 ounces). For 9M16, gold production was 483,258 ounces, 32% lower than 706,433 ounces in 9M15.

Gold production guidance at Yanacocha for 2016 is 630k – 660k ounces.

In 3Q16, Yanacocha reported a net loss of US$60.1 million compared to a net income of US$18.2 million reported in 3Q15. CAS in 3Q16 was US$1,040/oz, 65% higher than the US$630/oz reported in 3Q15 mainly due to: i) an inventory write-down of US$49.4 million in 3Q16 (US$19.9 million in 3Q15), and ii) lower volume sold (145,582 gold ounces in 3Q16 vs 257,606 gold ounces in 3Q15).

Advancing Yanacocha sulfides through Chaquicocha exploration drilling.

Capital expenditures at Yanacocha were US$26.7 million in 3Q16, while for 9M16 was US$62.7 million.


At Cerro Verde (19.58% owned by Buenaventura), during 3Q16 copper production was 120,124 MT (23,520 MT attributable to Buenaventura), a 115% increase compared to 3Q15 (55,811 MT and 10,928 MT attributable to Buenaventura). For 9M16, copper production was 369,681 MT (72,384 MT attributable to Buenaventura).

During 3Q16, Cerro Verde reported a net income of US$48.3 million compared to net income of US$6.7 million in 3Q15. This increase was primarily due to: i) a lower cash cost, and ii) higher volumes sold. For 9M16, net income was US$226.0 million (compared to US$46.5 million in 9M15).

Copper production guidance at Cerro Verde for 2016 is 500k MT – 550k MT.

COIMOLACHE (Tantahuatay operation)

At Coimolache (40.10% owned by Buenaventura), attributable contribution to net income in 3Q16 was US$4.9 million (US$4.1 million in 3Q15). For 9M16, the contribution was US$17.0 million, compared to US$9.1 million reported in 9M15.

Project Development and Exploration

The Tambomayo Project (100% ownership)

  • Proyect is on schedule and within budget
  • Total CAPEX: US$ 340 M
  • Overall project progress is at 96% (As of September 2016)
    • Exploration and mine development are completed (100% of progress).
    • The construction progress of the facilities is at 93%.
  • The following facilities have been completed and already commissioned:
    • Tailings dam
    • Water dam
    • Power line and substations
    • Access road
    • Crusher and stockpile area

The San Gabriel Project (100% ownership)

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project´s construction is expected to be approved in December 2016.
  • Objectives for 4Q16:
    • Drilling program: 3,000 meters in order to confirm resources and certainty
    • Complete Metallurgical studies to be completed in order to improve recovery


During the October 27, 2016 meeting, the Board of Directors meeting passed the following resolution:

  • Declaration of cash dividend of US$ 0.030 per share or ADS, payable on November 30, 2016

Company Description

Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. is Peru’s largest, publicly traded, precious metals company and a major holder of mining rights in Peru. The Company is engaged in the mining, processing, development and exploration of gold and silver and other metals via wholly owned mines as well as through its participation in joint exploration projects.

Buenaventura currently operates several mines in Peru (Orcopampa*, Uchucchacua*, Mallay*, Julcani*, El Brocal, La Zanja and Coimolache and is developing the Tambomayo project.

The Company owns 43.65% of Minera Yanacocha S.R.L (a partnership with Newmont Mining Corporation), an important precious metal producer; 19.58% of Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde, an important Peruvian copper producer.

For a printed version of the Company’s 2015 Form 20-F, please contact the investor relations contacts on page 1 of this report, or download the PDF format file from the Company’s web site at www.buenaventura.com.

(*) Operations wholly owned by Buenaventura

Note on Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contain forward-looking information (as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) that involve risks and uncertainties, including those concerning the Company’s, Yanacocha’s and Cerro Verde’s costs and expenses, results of exploration, the continued improving efficiency of operations, prevailing market prices of gold, silver, copper and other metals mined, the success of joint ventures, estimates of future explorations, development and production, subsidiaries’ plans for capital expenditures, estimates of reserves and Peruvian political, economic, social and legal developments. These forward-looking statements reflect the Company’s view with respect to the Company’s, Yanacocha’s and Cerro Verde’s future financial performance. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors discussed elsewhere in this Press Release.

**Tables to follow**


Equity Participation in

Subsidiaries and Associates (as of September 30, 2016)

Equity %

Mines / Business
El Molle Verde S.A.C* 100.00 Trapiche project
Minera La Zanja S.A* 53.06 La Zanja
Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A* 61.32

Colquijirca and Marcapunta

Compañía Minera Coimolache S.A ** 40.10 Tantahuatay
Minera Yanacocha S.R.L ** 43.65 Yanacocha
Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A ** 19.58 Cerro Verde
Processadora Industrial Rio Seco S.A* 100.00 Rio Seco chemical plant
Consorcio Energético de Huancavelica S.A* 100.00 Energy – Huanza Hydroelectrical plant
Buenaventura Ingenieros S.A* 100.00 Engineering Consultant


(**) Equity Accounting

Mining UnitOperating ResultsUnderground
Orcopampa Ore Milled DMT 121,714 114,509 6% 350,643 337,344 4%
Ore Grade OZ/MT 0.42 0.49 -14% 0.42 0.48 -11%
Recovery Rate % 97.0% 95.2% 2% 96.0% 95.8% 0%
Ounces Produced* 53,167 54,035 -2% 145,129 156,023 -7%
Mining UnitOperating ResultsOpen Pit
La Zanja Ounces Produced 37,407 35,653 5% 106,984 103,362 4%
Tantahuatay Ounces Produced 39,595 34,739 14% 110,890 97,085 14%
Mining UnitOperating ResultsUnderground
Uchucchacua Ore Milled DMT 320,838 310,733 3% 943,460 803,255 17%
Ore Grade OZ/MT 15.15 14.56 4% 15.37 14.57 6%
Recovery Rate % 84.1% 83.5% 1% 83.9% 83.8% 0%
Ounces Produced 4,086,850 3,775,051 8% 12,170,024 9,801,413 24%
Julcani Ore Milled DMT 42,647 44,937 -5% 131,425 132,924 -1%
Ore Grade OZ/MT 18.96 18.51 2% 19.60 18.93 4%
Recovery Rate % 96.8% 95.5% 1% 96.1% 95.3% 1%
Ounces Produced 782,813 794,810 -2% 2,473,802 2,397,790 3%
Mallay Ore Milled DMT 51,463 41,888 23% 152,422 115,312 32%
Ore Grade OZ/MT 8.39 8.31 1% 8.77 8.57 2%
Recovery Rate % 93.3% 92.8% 1% 93.7% 94.0% 0%
Ounces Produced 412,526 323,095 28% 1,252,490 928,126 35%
Mining UnitOperating ResultsOpen Pit
Colquijirca Ounces Produced 277,255 517,648 -46% 937,547 1,781,192 -47%
Mining UnitOperating ResultsUnderground
Uchucchacua Ore Milled DMT 320,838 310,733 3% 943,460 803,256 17%
Ore Grade % 1.16% 1.03% 13% 1.15% 1.05% 10%
Recovery Rate % 52.45% 40.5% 29% 51.0% 48.2% 6%
MT Produced 1,950 1,294 51% 5,566 4,091 36%
Mallay Ore Milled DMT 51,463 41,888 23% 152,422 115,312 32%
Ore Grade % 5.93% 6.6% -11% 6.05% 6.64% -9%
Recovery Rate % 88.5% 87.8% 1% 87.9% 88.5% -1%
MT Produced 2,740 2,445 12% 8,137 6,765 20%
Mining UnitOperating ResultsOpen Pit
Colquijirca MT Produced 13,836 11,670 19% 37,477 37,353 0%

APPENDIX 3: EBITDA Reconciliation (in thousand US$)

Net Income -28,366 -39,006 81,355 -60,248

Add / Subtract:

Provision for income tax, net 31,129 -14,297 37,625 -3,934
Share in associated companies by the equity method, net 11,850 -13,381 -37,222 -61,621
Interest income -1,749 -827 -6,061 -2,441
Interest expense 10,911 6,934 26,585 21,078
Loss on currency exchange difference 4,233 3,936 -1,255 7,517
Long Term Compensation provision 336 -12 926 123
Depreciation and Amortization 45,361 59,564 138,041 169,078
Workers´ participation provision 2,878 246 6,572 629
Impairment of long-term lived assets 0 0 0 3,803
Loss from discontinued operations 6,736 2,433 6,382 6,197
EBITDA Buenaventura Direct Operations83,3195,590252,94880,181
EBITDA Yanacocha (43.65%) -2,817 40,736 42,808 153,251
EBITDA Cerro Verde (19.58%) 41,603 11,906 136,151 44,764
EBITDA Coimolache (40.10%) 12,515 9,402 36,567 25,605
Adjusted EBITDA (Including Associated companies)134,62067,634468,475303,801


EBITDA (Buenaventura Direct Operations) consists of earnings before net interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, share in associated companies, net, loss on currency exchange difference, other, net, provision for workers’ profit sharing and provision for long-term officers’ compensation.

EBITDA (including associated companies) consists of EBITDA (Buenaventura Direct Operations), plus (1) Buenaventura’s equity share of EBITDA (Yanacocha) (2) Buenaventura’s equity share of EBITDA (Cerro Verde), plus (3) Buenaventura’s equity share of EBITDA (Coimolache). All EBITDA mentioned were similarly calculated using financial information provided to Buenaventura by the associated companies.

Buenaventura presents EBITDA (Buenaventura Direct Operations) and EBITDA (including affiliates) to provide further information with respect to its operating performance and the operating performance of its equity investees, the affiliates. EBITDA (Buenaventura Direct Operations) and EBITDA (including affiliates) are not a measure of financial performance under IFRS, and may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies. You should not consider EBITDA (Buenaventura Direct Operations) and EBITDA (including affiliates) as alternatives to operating income or net income determined in accordance with IFRS, as an indicator of Buenaventura’s, affiliates operating performance, or as an alternative to cash flows from operating activities, determined in accordance with IFRS, as an indicator of cash flows or as a measure of liquidity.


Reconciliation of Costs Applicable to Sales and Cost Applicable to Sales per Unit Sold

Cost applicable to sales consists of cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization, plus selling expenses. Cost applicable to sales per unit sold for each mine consists of cost applicable to sales for a particular metal produced at a given mine divided by the volume of such metal produced at such mine in the specified period. We note that cost applicable to sales is not directly comparable to the cash operating cost figures disclosed in previously furnished earnings releases.

Cost applicable to sales and Cost applicable to sales per unit of mineral sold are not measures of financial performance under IFRS, and may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies. We consider Cost applicable to sales and Cost applicable to sales per unit of mineral sold to be key measures in managing and evaluating our operating performance. These measures are widely reported in the precious metals industry as a benchmark for performance, but do not have standardized meanings. You should not consider Cost applicable to sales or Cost applicable to sales per unit of mineral sold as alternatives to cost of sales determined in accordance with IFRS, as indicators of our operating performance. Cost applicable to sales and Cost applicable to sales per unit of mineral sold are calculated without adjusting for by-product revenue amounts.

The tables below set forth (i) a reconciliation of consolidated Cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization to consolidated Cost applicable to sales, (ii) reconciliations of the components of Cost applicable to sales (by mine and mineral) to the corresponding consolidated line items set forth on our consolidated statements of profit or loss for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 and 2016, and (iii) reconciliations of Cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization to Cost applicable to sales for each of our mining units. The amounts set forth in Cost applicable to sales and Cost applicable to sales per unit sold for each mine and mineral indicated in the tables below can be reconciled to the amounts set forth on our consolidated statements of profit or loss for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 and 2016 by reference to the reconciliations of Cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization (by mine and mineral), Selling Expenses (by mine and metal) expenses and Exploration in units in operations (by mine and mineral) to consolidated Cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization, consolidated Selling Expenses and consolidated Exploration in units in operations expenses, respectively, set forth below.

Set forth below is a reconciliation of consolidated Cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization,

to consolidated Cost applicable to sales:

For the 3 months ended Sep 30For the 9 months ended Sep 30
(in thousands of US$)
Consolidated Cost of sales excluding depreciation and amortization 129,752 145,921 371,545 427,228
Consolidated Exploration in units in operation 24,985 20,990 66,206 66,008
Consolidated Commercial deductions 57,590 45,094 171,306 135,147
Consolidated Selling expenses 5,531 4,655 15,646 12,701
Consolidated Cost applicable to sales217,858216,660624,703641,084

Set forth below is a reconciliation of Cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization

(by mine and mineral) to consolidated Cost of sales:

For the 3 months ended Sep 30For the 9 months ended Sep 30

Cost of sales by mine and mineral

(in thousands of US$)
Julcani, Gold 9 6 15 40
Julcani, Silver 5,460 3,709 14,545 16,398
Julcani, Lead 464 282 1,345 1,420
Julcani, Copper 9 41 57 189
Mallay, Gold 103 58 454 54
Mallay, Silver 2,476 1,950 7,157 5,784
Mallay, Lead 1,120 1,313 3,620 3,848
Mallay, Zinc 1,883 1,588 5,289 4,933
Orcopampa, Gold 24,293 24,290 66,824 78,317
Orcopampa, Silver 1,136 813 3,173 2,636
Orcopampa, Copper 33 0 42 0
Uchucchacua, Gold 20 16 68 18
Uchucchacua, Silver 20,552 28,758 66,971 78,965
Uchucchacua, Lead 1,185 1,748 3,855 4,653
Uchucchacua, Zinc 990 825 2,946 3,837
La Zanja, Gold 22,964 32,256 64,726 86,549
La Zanja, Silver 369 940 1,208 2,826
El Brocal, Gold 1,600 1,370 5,370 2,542
El Brocal, Silver 2,513 3,861 7,645 14,007
El Brocal, Lead 2,299 2,566 6,718 9,693
El Brocal, Zinc 12,747 11,403 30,718 31,404
El Brocal, Copper 24,852 17,878 70,449 46,358
Non Mining Units 2,675 10,252 8,351 32,757
Consolidated Cost of sales, excluding depreciation and amortization129,752145,921371,545427,228

Set forth below is a reconciliation of Exploration expenses in units in operation (by mine and mineral) to consolidated Exploration expenses
in mining units:

For the 3 months ended Sep 30For the 9 months ended Sep 30

Exploration expenses in units in operation by mine and mineral

(in thousands of US$)
Julcani, Gold 4 4 7 22
Julcani, Silver 2,503 2,582 7,321 8,944
Julcani, Lead 213 196 677 775
Julcani, Copper 4 29 29 103
Mallay, Gold 33 21 157 20
Mallay, Silver 800 699 2,475 2,178
Mallay, Lead 362 470 1,252 1,449
Mallay, Zinc 609 569 1,829 1,857
Orcopampa, Gold 11,680 9,364 29,259 30,664
Orcopampa, Silver 546 313 1,389 1,032
Orcopampa, Copper 16 0 18 0
Uchucchacua, Gold 7 3 20 4
Uchucchacua, Silver 7,336 6,177 19,671 17,087
Uchucchacua, Lead 423 375 1,132 1,007
Uchucchacua, Zinc 353 177 865 830
La Zanja, Gold 94 10 101 35
La Zanja, Silver 2 0 2 1
El Brocal, Gold 0 0 0 0
El Brocal, Silver 0 0 0 0
El Brocal, Lead 0 0 0 0
El Brocal, Zinc 0 0 0 0
El Brocal, Copper 0 0 0 0
Non Mining Units 0 0 0 0
Consolidated Exploration expenses in units in operation24,98520,99066,20666,008
Set forth below is a reconciliation of Commercial Deductions in units in operation (by mine and mineral)
to consolidated Commercial deductions:
For the 3 months ended Sep 30For the 9 months ended Sep 30

Commercial Deductions in units in operation by mine and mineral

(in thousands of US$)
Julcani, Gold 2 2 3 11
Julcani, Silver 1,022 1,241 3,892 5,251
Julcani, Lead 87 95 362 447
Julcani, Copper 1 16 20 64
Mallay, Gold 42 29 166 29
Mallay, Silver 1,319 1,083 3,578 2,883
Mallay, Lead 572 732 1,803 1,920
Mallay, Zinc 1,538 1,062 4,210 3,155
Orcopampa, Gold 183 81 331 200
Orcopampa, Silver 66 0 82 0
Orcopampa, Copper 8 0 9 0
Uchucchacua, Gold 8 5 27 5
Uchucchacua, Silver 8,686 9,094 28,325 25,236
Uchucchacua, Lead 491 565 1,620 1,486
Uchucchacua, Zinc 1,458 831 4,201 3,958
La Zanja, Gold 16 77 181 141
La Zanja, Silver 4 12 12 12
El Brocal, Gold 1,939 1,287 6,541 2,922
El Brocal, Silver 1,974 2,646 6,094 9,592
El Brocal, Lead 1,097 1,129 3,418 4,400
El Brocal, Zinc 9,794 5,631 23,747 17,719
El Brocal, Copper 27,281 19,477 82,682 55,717
Non Mining Units 0 0 0 0
Consolidated Commercial deductions in units in operation57,59045,094171,306135,147
Set forth below is a reconciliation of Selling expenses (by mine and mineral) to consolidated
Selling expenses:
For the 3 months ended Sep 30For the 9 months ended Sep 30

Selling expenses by mine and mineral

(in thousands of US$)
Julcani, Gold 0 0 1 2
Julcani, Silver 168 197 554 781
Julcani, Lead 14 15 51 68
Julcani, Copper 0 2 2 9
Mallay, Gold 8 4 33 4
Mallay, Silver 185 147 523 418
Mallay, Lead 84 99 265 278
Mallay, Zinc 141 119 387 357
Orcopampa, Gold 249 192 569 634
Orcopampa, Silver 12 6 27 21
Orcopampa, Copper 0 0 0 0
Uchucchacua, Gold 1 0 3 0
Uchucchacua, Silver 1,014 816 3,036 2,166
Uchucchacua, Lead 58 50 175 128
Uchucchacua, Zinc 49 23 134 105
La Zanja, Gold 294 272 780 927
La Zanja, Silver 5 8 15 30
El Brocal, Gold 93 79 341 133
El Brocal, Silver 146 222 486 733
El Brocal, Lead 134 147 427 507
El Brocal, Zinc 742 654 1,952 1,642
El Brocal, Copper 1,447 1,026 4,476 2,424
Non Mining Units 686 576 1,411 1,334
Consolidated Selling expenses5,5314,65515,64612,701
3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 9 5,460 464 - 9 5,942 6 3,709 282 - 41 4,038
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 4 2,503 213 - 4 2,724 4 2,582 196 - 29 2,811

Commercial Deductions (US$000)

2 1,022 87 - 1 1,112 2 1,241 95 - 16 1,353
Selling Expenses (US$000) 0 168 14 - 0 183 0 197 15 - 2 215
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)169,153777-159,961127,729588-888,417
Volume Sold 21 771,898 726 - 5 Not Applicable 12 597,425 405 - 19 Not Applicable
CAS77611.861,070-2,751Not Applicable99312.941,451-4,722Not Applicable
9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 15 14,545 1,345 - 57 15,963 40 16,398 1,420 - 189 18,047
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 7 7,321 677 - 29 8,035 22 8,944 775 - 103 9,844
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 3 3,892 362 - 20 4,277 11 5,251 447 - 64 5,773
Selling Expenses (US$000) 1 554 51 - 2 608 2 781 68 - 9 860
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)2626,3132,436-10828,8837531,3752,710-36534,524
Volume Sold 31 2,323,633 2,092 - 37 Not Applicable 76 2,471,004 1,804 - 77



Not Applicable


Not Applicable

3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 103 2,476 1,120 1,883 - 5,582 58 1,950 1,313 1,588 - 4,908
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 33 800 362 609 - 1,804 21 699 470 569 - 1,759
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 42 1,319 572 1,538 - 3,471 29 1,083 732 1,062 - 2,906
Selling Expenses (US$000) 8 185 84 141 - 418 4 147 99 119 - 369
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)1864,7812,1384,171-11,2751123,8782,6143,338-9,942
Volume Sold 234 366,346 1,845 2,277 - Not Applicable 105 277,157 1,737 2,024 - Not Applicable
CAS79413.051,1591,832-Not Applicable1,066.1113.991,5051,649-Not Applicable
9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 454 7,157 3,620 5,289 - 16,520 54 5,784 3,848 4,933 - 14,619
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 157 2,475 1,252 1,829 - 5,713 20 2,178 1,449 1,857 - 5,504
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 166 3,578 1,803 4,210 - 9,757 29 2,883 1,920 3,155 - 7,987
Selling Expenses (US$000) 33 523 265 387 - 1,208 4 418 278 357 - 1,057
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)81013,7346,94011,715-33,19810811,2627,49410,302-29,167
Volume Sold 933 1,094,056 5,415 6,802 - Not Applicable 105 806,831 4,847 5,501 - Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 24,293 1,136 - - 33 25,461 24,290 813 - - - 25,102
Add: -
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 11,680 546 - - 16 12,242 9,364 313 - - - 9,678
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 183 66 - - 8 257 81 - - - - 81
Selling Expenses (US$000) 249 12 - - 0 261 192 6 - - - 198
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)36,4051,759--5738,22133,9261,133---35,059
Volume Sold 55,191 182,484 - - 21 Not Applicable 53,376 136,573 - - - Not Applicable
CAS6609.64--2,693Not Applicable6368.29---Not Applicable
9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 66,824 3,173 - - 42 70,039 78,317 2,636 - - - 80,953
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 29,259 1,389 - - 18 30,666 30,664 1,032 - - - 31,696
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 331 82 - - 9 423 200 0 - - - 200
Selling Expenses (US$000) 569 27 - - 0 596 634 21 - - - 655
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)96,9834,671--70101,724109,8153,689---113,504
Volume Sold 142,272 524,582 - - 24 Not Applicable 162,333 415,757 - - - Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 20 20,552 1,185 990 - 22,747 16 28,758 1,748 825 - 31,347
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 7 7,336 423 353 - 8,119 3 6,177 375 177 - 6,733
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 8 8,686 491 1,458 - 10,644 5 9,094 565 831 - 10,495
Selling Expenses (US$000) 1 1,014 58 49 - 1,122 0 816 50 23 - 889
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)3637,5882,1572,850-42,6322544,8452,7381,856-49,464
Volume Sold 51 3,398,654 2,141 1,313 - Not Applicable 23 3,307,909 1,831 815 - Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 68 66,971 3,855 2,946 - 73,839 18 78,965 4,653 3,837 - 87,473
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 20 19,671 1,132 865 - 21,689 4 17,087 1,007 830 - 18,929
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 27 28,325 1,620 4,201 - 34,174 5 25,236 1,486 3,958 - 30,685
Selling Expenses (US$000) 3 3,036 175 134 - 3,347 0 2,166 128 105 - 2,399
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)118118,0036,7828,146-133,04927123,4547,2738,731-139,486
Volume Sold 153 10,882,782 6,131 4,041 - Not Applicable 26 8,534,639 4,567 3,230 - Not Applicable



Not Applicable


Not Applicable

3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 22,964 369 - - - 23,333 32,256 940 - - - 33,196
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 94 2 - - - 96 10 0 - - - 10
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 16 4 - - - 21 77 12 - - - 90
Selling Expenses (US$000) 294 5 - - - 299 272 8 - - - 280
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)23,369380---23,74932,615961---33,576
Volume Sold 36,472 40,097 - - - Not Applicable 35,995 79,267 - - - Not Applicable
CAS6419.47---Not Applicable90612.12---Not Applicable
9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 64,726 1,208 - - - 65,934 86,549 2,826 - - - 89,375
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 101 2 - - - 103 35 1 - - - 36
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 181 12 - - - 193 141 12 - - - 153
Selling Expenses (US$000) 780 15 - - - 795 927 30 - - - 957
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)65,7881,237---67,02587,6522,869---90,521
Volume Sold 115,760 166,485 - - - Not Applicable 104,594 255,566 - - - Not Applicable
CAS5687.43---No Applicable83811.23---Not Applicable
3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 1,600 2,513 2,299 12,747 24,852 44,012 1,370 3,861 2,566 11,403 17,878 37,077
Exploration Expenses (US$000) - - - - - - - - - - - -
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 1,939 1,974 1,097 9,794 27,281 42,085 1,287 2,646 1,129 5,631 19,477 30,169
Selling Expenses (US$000) 93 146 134 742 1,447 2,562 79 222 147 654 1,026 2,128
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)3,6324,6343,53023,28353,58088,6592,7356,7293,84217,68838,38069,374
Volume Sold 2,570 215,665 2,426 11,450 11,199 Not Applicable 1,858 403,292 2,436 9,704 7,437 Not Applicable
CAS1,41321.491,4552,0334,785Not Applicable1,47216.681,5771,8235,161Not Applicable
9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 5,370 7,645 6,718 30,718 70,449 120,899 2,542 14,007 9,693 31,404 46,358 104,004
Exploration Expenses (US$000) - - - - - - - - - - - -
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 6,541 6,094 3,418 23,747 82,682 122,482 2,922 9,592 4,400 17,719 55,717 90,349
Selling Expenses (US$000) 341 486 427 1,952 4,476 7,681 133 733 507 1,642 2,424 5,439
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)12,25214,22410,56356,417157,607251,0625,59724,33114,60050,765104,499199,792
Volume Sold 9,131 933,000 7,736 32,023 32,834 Not Applicable 4,346 1,756,023 10,869 30,711 19,840 Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1,28813.861,3431,6535,267Not Applicable
3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) - - - - - 2,675 - - - - - 10,252
Selling Expenses (US$000) - - - - - 686 - - - - - 576
Total (US$000) - - - - - 3,361 - - - - - 10,828
9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) - - - - - 8,351 - - - - - 32,757
Selling Expenses (US$000) - - - - - 1,411 - - - - - 1,334
Total (US$000) - - - - - 9,762 - - - - - 34,091
3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 48,989 32,507 5,067 15,620 24,894 129,752 57,995 40,031 5,908 13,816 17,919 145,921
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 11,819 11,187 997 962 20 24,985 9,402 9,771 1,042 746 29 20,990
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 2,190 13,072 2,248 12,790 27,291 57,590 1,480 14,077 2,521 7,524 19,492 45,094
Selling Expenses (US$000) 645 1,530 290 932 1,447 5,531 547 1,396 311 797 1,028 4,655
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)63,64458,2958,60330,30453,651217,85869,42465,2749,78222,88338,468216,660
Volume Sold 94,539 4,975,143 7,138 15,040 11,225 Not Applicable 91,370 4,801,621 6,409 12,543 7,456 Not Applicable
CAS67311.721,2052,0154,780Not Applicable76013.591,5261,8245,160Not Applicable
9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 137,456 100,699 15,538 38,953 70,548 371,545 167,522 120,615 19,613 40,174 46,546 427,228
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 29,544 30,859 3,061 2,694 47 66,206 30,745 29,243 3,230 2,688 103 66,008
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 7,249 41,985 7,203 32,158 82,711 171,306 3,307 42,973 8,253 24,832 55,782 135,147
Selling Expenses (US$000) 1,727 4,640 917 2,472 4,478 15,646 1,700 4,149 980 2,104 2,433 12,701
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)175,976178,18326,72076,277157,785624,703203,273196,98132,07769,798104,864641,084
Volume Sold 268,280 15,924,538 21,374 42,866 32,895 Not Applicable 271,479 14,239,819 22,086 39,442 19,917 Not Applicable
CAS65611.191,2501,7794,797Not Applicable74913.831,4521,7705,265Not Applicable
3Q 20163Q 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 16,681 1,085 - - - 17,766 13,666 1,307 - - - 14,973
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 2,932 191 - - - 3,123 2,192 210 - - - 2,402
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 114 7 - - - 122 219 18 - - - 237
Selling Expenses (US$000) 240 16 - - - 256 207 20 - - - 227
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)19,9671,299---21,26716,2851,554---17,839
Volume Sold 37,923 162,764 - - - Not Applicable 33,682 247,769 - - - Not Applicable
CAS5277.98---Not Applicable4846.27---Not Applicable
9M 20169M 2015
Cost of Sales (without D&A) (US$000) 43,048 3,192 - - - 46,240 39,023 3,212 - - - 42,235
Exploration Expenses (US$000) 6,878 510 - - - 7,388 11,015 907 - - - 11,922
Commercial Deductions (US$000) 434 40 - - - 474 509 40 - - - 549
Selling Expenses (US$000) 753 56 - - - 809 647 53 - - - 700
Cost Applicable to Sales (US$000)51,1143,798---54,91151,1944,212---55,406
Volume Sold 107,327 592,768 - - - Not Applicable 94,428 579,275 - - - Not Applicable



Not Applicable

5427.27---Not Applicable


All-in Sustaining Cost for 3Q16
La Zanja


Attributable 2

Au Ounces Sold BVN 91,908
Au Ounces bought from La Zanja -36,412
Au Ounces Sold Net 55,497 51,272 37,923 97,907





Income Statement & Cash Flow

US$ 000'

US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'

US$000'/Oz Au

US$ 000'US$/Oz Au
Cost of Sales3 67,151 1,210 23,180 452 17,766 468 86,573 884
Exploration in Operating Units 24,889 448 875 17 3,122 82 26,605 272
Royalties 6,143 111 0 0 0 0 6,143 63

Commercial Deductions4

15,484 279 803 16 122 3 15,959 163
Selling Expenses 2,045 37 236 5 256 7 2,273 23
Administrative Expenses5 12,653 228 615 12 746 20 13,279 136
Other Expenses 0 0 2,484 48 2,702 71 2,401 25
Other Incomes -2,993 -54 -5,589 -109 -3,072 -81 -7,190 -73
Administrative charges 0 0 1,562 30 354 9 971 10
Sustaining Capex6 17,774 320 9,076 177 9,611 253 26,443 270
By-product Credit -115,724 -2,085 -1,015 -20 -3,373 -89 -117,615 -1,201
All-in Sustaining Cost27,42249432,22762928,23474555,842570
*All-in Sustaining Cost does not include: Depreciation and Amortization, Stoppage of mining units, Exploration in non-operating areas.


1. Non-consolidated financial statements for Compañia De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.
2. Considers 100% from Compañia De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., 53.06% from La Zanja and 40.095% from Tantahuatay.
3. For Buenaventura does not consider purchase of concentrate from La Zanja.
4. For all metals produced.
5. For Buenaventura, does not consider management services charged to subsidiaries.
6. Sustaining Capex + Growth Capex equals Acquisitions of mining concessions, development costs, property, plant and equipment.

All-in Sustaining Cost for 3Q15
La Zanja


Attributable Production2


Au Ounces Sold BVN 92,866
Au Ounces bought from La Zanja -35,879
Au Ounces Sold Net 56,987 32,990 33,682 87,996




Income Statement & Cash FlowUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz Au
Cost of Sales3 76,109 1,336 29,950 908 14,973 445 98,004 1,114
Exploration in Operating Units 20,982 368 137 4 2,402 71 22,018 250
Royalties 5,302 93 0 0 0 0 5,302 60

Commercial Deductions4

14,852 261 855 26 237 7 15,401 175
Selling Expenses 1,724 30 277 8 227 7 1,962 22
Administrative Expenses5 11,516 202 459 14 436 13 11,934 136
Other Expenses 0 0 3,525 107 2,887 86 3,028 34
Other Incomes -965 -17 -6,704 -203 -3,422 -102 -5,894 -67
Other administrative charges 0 0 3,031 92 233 7 1,702 19
Sustaining Capex6 12,643 222 12,488 379 17,092 507 26,122 297
By-product Credit -74,363 -1,305 -1,333 -40 -3,590 -107 -76,510 -869
All-in Sustaining Cost67,8001,19042,6841,29431,476935103,0691,171
*All-in Sustaining Cost does not include: Depreciation and Amortization, Stoppage of mining units, Exploration in non-operating areas.


1. Non-consolidated financial statements for Compañia De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.
2. Considers 100% from Compañia De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., 53.06% from La Zanja and 40.095% from Tantahuatay.
3. For Buenaventura does not consider purchase of concentrate from La Zanja.
4. For all metals produced.
5. For Buenaventura, does not consider management services charged to subsidiaries. For La Zanja does not consider US$ 3.8 MM Impairment.
6. Sustaining Capex + Growth Capex equals Acquisitions of mining concessions, development costs, property, plant and equipment.

All-in Sustaining Cost for 9M16
La Zanja


Attributable 2


Au Ounces Sold BVN 258,386
Au Ounces bought from La Zanja -114,997
Au Ounces Sold Net 143,389 107,702 107,327 243,568




Income Statement & Cash FlowUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz Au
Cost of Sales3 342,087 2,386 60,004 557 46,240 431 392,465 1,611
Exploration in Operating Units 66,103 461 2,147 20 7,388 69 70,204 288
Royalties 15,499 108 0 0 0 0 15,499 64

Commercial Deductions4

48,833 341 2,611 24 474 4 50,409 207
Selling Expenses 10,738 75 732 7 809 8 11,450 47
Administrative Expenses5 38,122 266 1,641 15 1,799 17 39,714 163
Other Expenses 0 0 6,578 61 4,840 45 5,431 22
Other Incomes -5,162 -36 -12,745 -118 -5,892 -55 -14,287 -59
Administrative charges 0 0 1,959 18 858 8 1,383 6
Sustaining Capex6 33,852 236 11,897 110 18,483 172 47,575 195
By-product Credit -458,672 -3,199 -2,801 -26 -10,269 -96 -464,275 -1,906
All-in Sustaining Cost91,40163772,02266964,731603155,569639

*All-in Sustaining Cost does not include: Depreciation and Amortization, Stoppage of mining units, Exploration in non-operating areas.


1. Non-consolidated financial statements for Compañia De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.
2. Considers 100% from Compañia De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., 53.06% from La Zanja and 40.095% from Tantahuatay.
3. For Buenaventura does not consider purchase of concentrate from La Zanja.
4. For all metals produced.
5. For Buenaventura, does not consider management services charged to subsidiaries.
6. Sustaining Capex + Growth Capex equals Acquisitions of mining concessions, development costs, property, plant and equipment.

All-in Sustaining Cost for 9M15
La Zanja


Attributable Production2

Au Ounces Sold BVN 283,085
Au Ounces bought from La Zanja -104,477
Au Ounces Sold Net 178,608 100,618 94,428 269,857





Income Statement & Cash FlowUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz AuUS$ 000'US$/Oz Au
Cost of Sales3 228,941 1,282 87,133 866 42,235 447 292,108 1,082
Exploration in Operating Units 66,056 370 8,446 84 11,922 126 75,318 279
Royalties 16,902 95 0 0 0 0 16,902 63

Commercial Deductions4

44,711 250 2,494 25 549 6 46,254 171
Selling Expenses 5,088 28 954 9 700 7 5,875 22
Administrative Expenses5 35,644 200 1,200 12 1,364 14 36,827 136
Other Expenses 0 0 10,156 101 5,635 60 7,648 28
Other Incomes -3,983 -22 -16,039 -159 -7,022 -74 -15,308 -57
Other administrative charges 0 0 5,472 54 126 1 2,954 11
Sustaining Capex6 22,652 127 26,024 259 32,644 346 49,549 184
By-product Credit -226,736 -1,269 -3,969 -39 -9,122 -97 -232,500 -862
All-in Sustaining Cost189,2751,060121,8701,21179,032837285,6261,058
*All-in Sustaining Cost does not include: Depreciation and Amortization, Stoppage of mining units, Exploration in non-operating areas.


1. Non-consolidated financial statements for Compañia De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.
2. Considers 100% from Compañia De Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., 53.06% from La Zanja and 40.095% from Tantahuatay.
3. For Buenaventura does not consider purchase of concentrate from La Zanja.
4. For all metals produced.
5. For Buenaventura, does not consider management services charged to subsidiaries. For La Zanja does not consider US$ 3.8 MM Impairment.
6. Sustaining Capex + Growth Capex equals Acquisitions of mining concessions, development costs, property, plant and equipment.


Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As of September 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 117,243 78,519
Trade and other accounts receivable, net 286,035 219,862
Inventory, net 139,127 101,473
Income tax credit 17,607 45,919
Prepaid expenses 6,860 8,231
Total current assets566,872454,004
Assets classified as held for sale 4,421 15,592
Non-current assets
Trade and other accounts receivable, net 167,869 162,567
Income tax credit 4,092 -
Inventory, net 5,655 26,029
Investment in associates 1,941,603 2,043,983
Mining concessions, development costs, property, plant and equipment, net 1,854,681 1,747,624
Investment properties, net 10,293 10,719
Deferred income tax asset, net 30,653 41,574
Prepaid expenses 30,647 29,235
Other assets 17,814 15,854
Total non-current assets4,063,3074,077,585
Total assets4,634,6004,547,181
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Current liabilities
Bank loans 54,547 285,302
Trade and other accounts payable 240,000 247,114
Provisions 60,805 49,829
Income tax payable 4,516 2,444
Embedded derivatives for concentrate sales, net 4,153 1,694
Hedge derivative financial instruments 219 10,643
Financial obligations 38,945 33,394
Total current liabilities403,185630,420
Liabilities directly associated with assets classified as held for sale 8,768 20,611
Non-current liabilities
Trade and other accounts payable 17,266 15,057
Provisions 144,752 141,885
Financial obligations 561,712 320,316
Contingent consideration liability 20,524 16,994
Deferred income tax liability, net 10,206 12,662
Total non-current liabilities754,460506,914
Total liabilities1,166,4131,157,945
Shareholders’ equity
Capital stock 750,497 750,497
Investment shares 791 1,396
Additional paid-in capital 218,450 219,055
Legal reserve 162,744 162,714
Other reserves 269 269
Retained earnings 2,103,608 2,024,895
Other reserves of equity (313) 2,240
Shareholders’ equity, net attributable to owners of the parent3,236,0463,161,066
Non-controlling interest 232,141 228,170
Total shareholders’ equity3,468,1873,389,236
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity4,634,6004,547,181
Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statement of profit or loss
For the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2016 and 2015

For the three-month period
ended September 30,

For the nine-month period
ended September 30,

Continuing operations
Operating income
Net sales of goods 257,484 191,869 746,310 626,503
Net sales of services 5,598 10,391 16,859 42,698
Royalty income 5,947 8,720 18,493 25,200
Total operating income 269,029 210,980 781,662 694,401
Operating costs
Cost of sales of goods, excluding depreciation and amortization (127,210) (130,505) (363,194) (380,910)
Cost of services, excluding depreciation and amortization (2,542) (15,416) (8,351) (46,318)
Depreciation and amortization (45,361) (59,564) (138,041) (169,078)
Exploration in operating units (24,985) (20,990) (66,206) (66,008)
Mining royalties (7,332) (6,937) (20,375) (21,844)
Total operating costs (207,430) (233,412) (596,167) (684,158)
Gross profit 61,599 (22,432) 185,495 10,243
Operating expenses, net
Administrative expenses (16,879) (19,838) (58,048) (58,806)
Exploration in non-operating areas (6,355) (5,259) (14,824) (25,660)
Selling expenses (5,531) (4,655) (15,646) (12,701)
Reversal (expense) for provision for contingencies (331) 201 (129) (280)
Provision for impairment of long–lived assets - - - (3,803)
Other, net 2,241 (2,225) 10,561 (2,445)
Total operating expenses, net (26,855) (31,776) (78,086) (103,695)
Operating profit (loss) 34,744 (54,208) 107,409 (93,452)
Other income (expense), net
Share in results of associates under equity method (11,850) 13,381 37,222 61,621
Financial income 1,749 827 6,061 2,441
Net gain (loss) from currency exchange difference (4,233) (3,936) 1,255 (7,517)
Financial costs (10,911) (6,934) (26,585) (21,078)
Total other income (expense), net (25,245) 3,338 17,953 35,467
Profit (loss) before income tax 9,499 (50,870) 125,362 (57,985)
Current income tax (14,054) (3,176) (32,359) (10,556)
Deferred income tax (17,075) 17,473 (5,266) 14,490
Profit (loss) from continuing operations (21,630) (36,573) 87,737 (54,051)
Discontinued operations
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations (6,736) (2,433) (6,382) (6,197)
Net profit (28,366) (39,006) 81,355 (60,248)
Attributable to:
Owners of the parent (24,651) (23,229) 82,372 (24,656)
Non-controlling interest (3,715) (15,777) (1,017) (35,592)
(28,366) (39,006) 81,355 (60,248)
Basic and diluted profit (loss) per share attributable to equity holders
of the parent, stated in U.S. dollars (0.10) (0.09) 0.32 (0.10)
Profit (loss) for continuing operations, basic and diluted per share
attributable to equity holders of the parent, expressed in U.S. dollars (0.07) (0.08) 0.35 (0.07)
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
(common and investment), in units 253,715,190 253,715,190 253,715,190 253,715,190
Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statements of cash Flows
For the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2016 and 2015

For the three-month period ended
September 30,

For the nine-month period ended
September 30,

Operating activities
Proceeds from sales 262,108 239,513 677,953 721,967
Proceeds from dividends 3,142 1,816 139,926 4,775
Value Added Tax recovered 34,850 21,911 105,722 74,784
Royalty received 5,947 7,151 27,005 28,966
Interest received 52 700 1,766 2,497
Payments to suppliers and third-parties (190,615) (192,714) (523,634) (553,471)
Payments to employees (36,065) (40,892) (105,219) (127,920)
Payments of interest (1,068) (7,684) (18,941) (17,283)
Payment of income taxes (2,705) (6,125) (14,166) (17,387)
Payments of mining royalties (6,053) (5,525) (15,409) (17,407)
Net cash and cash equivalents provided by operating activities 69,593 18,151 275,003 99,521
Investing activities
Proceeds from sales of mining concessions, property, plant and equipment 3,352 569 5,651 2,589
Proceeds from loan to third parties - 141 - 141
Acquisitions of mining concessions, development costs, property, plant and equipment (118,296) (84,895) (239,664) (166,527)
Loans granted to associates - (20,800) - (20,800)
Opening of time deposits - (7,350) - (7,350)
Net cash and cash equivalents used in investing activities (114,944) (112,335) (234,013) (191,947)
Financing activities
Proceeds from bank loans - 150,000 175,851 240,000
Payments of bank loans (3,760) (50,000) (415,760) (90,000)
Proceeds from financial obligations 210 - 275,210 10,000
Payments of financial obligations (8,297) (20,784) (25,180) (29,870)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest (1,649) (2,140) (5,709) (8,048)
Acquisition of non-controlling interest (4,152) - (5,459) -
Increase of restricted bank accounts (2,023) - (4,011) -
Repurchase of treasury shares (1,210) - (1,210) -
Payments of dividends - (70) (9) (70)
Net cash and cash equivalents provided by (used in) financing activities (20,881) 77,006 (6,277) 122,012
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during the period (66,232) (17,178) 34,713 29,586
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 179,464 125,276 78,519 78,512
Cash and cash equivalents at period-end 113,232 108,098 113,232 108,098
Unrealized gain (loss) for changes in the fair value of hedge financial instruments 827 (154) (2,911) (2,495)
Changes in the asset for closure of mining units - 12,272 8,433 53,988

For the three-month period ended
September 30,

For the nine-month period ended
September 30,

Reconciliation of net profit to cash and cash equivalents provided
by operating activities
Net profit (loss) attributable to owners of the parent (24,651) (23,229) 82,372 (24,656)
Plus (less):
Depreciation and amortization 45,361 61,377 138,041 179,185
Net loss (gain) on sales of mining concessions, property, plant and equipment - 10,667 2,072 13,620
Accretion expense of provision for closure of mining units and exploration projects 1,112 96 2,810 2,931
Loss (income) attributable to non-controlling interest (3,715) (15,777) (1,017) (35,592)
Net share in results of associates 11,850 (13,381) (37,222) (61,621)
Provision for estimated fair value of embedded derivatives related to concentrate 20,651 (5,752) (9,298) (6,347)
sales and adjustments on open liquidations
Deferred income tax expense (income) 17,075 (17,473) 5,266 (14,490)
Reversal (provision) for impairment loss of inventories (291) 8,928 (9,145) 13,710
Net loss (gain) from currency exchange difference 4,233 3,945 (1,255) 7,525
Provision for impairment of long–lived assets - - - 3,803
Other net (765) (513) (1,352) 3,326
Net changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Decrease (increase) in operating assets -
Trade and other accounts receivable (32,057) 22,496 (68,235) 51,970
Inventories (8,598) (12,810) (6,777) 11,656
Income tax credit 6,219 5,570 24,220 5,390
Prepaid expenses 3,809 4,543 (3,115) 7,242
Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities -
Trade and other accounts payable 38,245 (17,892) 21,908 (35,210)
Provisions (12,621) 5,845 (4,196) (26,749)
Income tax payable 594 (305) - (947)
Proceeds from dividends 3,142 1,816 139,926 4,775
Net cash and cash equivalents provided by operating activities 69,593 18,151 275,003 99,521


Compañia de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A.
In Lima:
Carlos Galvez, 511-419-2540
VP & Chief Financial Officer
Daniel Dominguez, 511-419-2591
Manager of Financial Planning and Investor Relations
Rodrigo Echecopar, 511-419-2609
Investor Relations Coordinator
In New York:
i-advize Corporate Communications
Maria Barona / Rafael Borja
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