Popular, Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter Financial Results

Popular, Inc. (the “Corporation,” “Popular,” “we,” “us,” “our”) (NASDAQ:BPOP) reported a net loss of $102.2 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2017, compared to a net income of $20.7 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2017, reflecting a non-cash income tax expense of $168.4 million during the quarter, due to the impact of the Federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act in the Corporation’s U.S. deferred tax asset.

Ignacio Alvarez, President and Chief Executive Officer, said: “While our fourth quarter and year end results reflected the impact of a significant non-cash charge to earnings due to the recently enacted federal tax reform, this charge had no impact on regulatory capital. The fourth quarter results were also impacted by the effects of hurricanes Maria and Irma. However, notwithstanding this impact, we saw growth in our net interest income on a year over year basis. I am also pleased to report that our operations have substantially recovered from the impact of the storms with 164 of our branches in P.R. and the U.S. Virgin Islands fully operational. We are also beginning to see increased loan demand in our consumer loans portfolios, specially in auto loans. We remained pleased with our U.S. operations which experienced a 16% growth in commercial loans during 2017."

Significant Events

Hurricanes Irma and Maria

During the fourth quarter of 2017, the Corporation continued normalizing its operations after the impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria (the “hurricanes”) that made landfall in September 2017. The government’s restoration of the electric and telecommunication services in the areas in which our branch network operates was the most critical factor leading the Corporation to operate under improved conditions. Restoration of the island’s electric infrastructure and the telecommunications network, as well as the speed of such restoration, remain the most critical challenges for Puerto Rico’s recovery from the hurricanes. Power generation is currently at approximately 85% of normal electricity production, up from 30% at the end of October, now reaching 67% of all customers.

The Corporation continued to assess the impact of the hurricanes on its buildings and operations, including the impact on its customers, potential credit losses and reduced revenue streams as a result of the business disruptions, as further detailed below. Additionally, relief efforts by the Corporation and our employees continued throughout the quarter, including the loan payment moratorium provided to consumer and commercial borrowers.

As of January 12, 2018, 164 of Banco Popular de Puerto Rico’s (“BPPR”) bank branches are open and 558 ATMs are operating. Popular is working on a plan to reopen its remaining closed retail locations as soon as possible. In the month of December 2017, our client debit and credit card purchase activity exceeded the December 2016 activity, demonstrating significant improvement in economic activity on the island and progress towards normalized levels.

Impact on Earnings Related to Hurricanes

The following summarizes the estimated impact on the Corporation’s earnings for the third and fourth quarter of 2017 as a result of the impact caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, net of estimated insurance receivables of $1.1 million.

Quarter ended Quarter ended Year ended
(In thousands) September 30, 2017 December 31, 2017 December 31, 2017
Provision for loan losses[1] $ 69,887 $ (2,272) $ 67,615
Provision for indemnity reserves on loans sold $ - $ 3,436 $ 3,436
Operating expenses:
Personnel costs $ 58 $ 1,783 $ 1,841
Net occupancy expenses 468 2,437 2,905
Equipment expenses - 531 531
Business promotion
Donations 1,123 125 1,248
Other sponsorship and promotions expenses 203 2,169 2,372
Total business promotion 1,326 2,294 3,620
Professional fees - 167 167
Communications - 33 33
OREO expenses 2,685 208 2,893
Other expenses
Write-down of premises and equipment 3,932 (306) 3,626
Other operating expense 1,033 332 1,365
Total other expenses 4,965 26 4,991
Total operating expenses $ 9,502 $ 7,479 $ 16,981
Total pre-tax hurricane expenses and provision for loan and losses $ 79,389 $ 8,643 $ 88,032
[1] Includes $2.3 million and $3.5 million in provision for covered loans for the quarters ended December 31, 2017 and September 30, 2017, respectively.

Provision for Loan Losses

As of the end of the fourth quarter of 2017, the Corporation maintained a reserve for loan losses of $117.6 million, for non-covered loans, based on management’s best estimate of the impact of the hurricanes on the Corporation’s loan portfolios. This represents a downward adjustment of $4.6 million from the amounts initially estimated at the end of the third quarter of 2017. Also, during the fourth quarter the Corporation increased its estimate of losses associated with the hurricanes for the covered portfolio by $10.2 million resulting in an incremental provision expense of $2.3 million during the quarter. The Corporation may make further adjustments to these estimates as more information becomes available. Refer to additional information on the Credit Quality section of this earnings release.

Indemnity reserve

The Corporation services a portfolio of loans amounting to $1.5 billion at December 31, 2017 which were previously sold by the Corporation with credit recourse. The Corporation has estimated additional losses associated with the potential repurchase liability of loans subject to credit recourse as a result of the hurricanes. For the fourth quarter of 2017, the provision for indemnity reserves of $11.1 million included $3.4 million to account for these estimated losses. At December 31, 2017 the reserve for loans subject to credit recourse amounted to $58.8 million.

Operating Expenses

As detailed in the table above the results for the third and fourth quarters of 2017 include expenses related to structural damages caused by the hurricanes to the Corporation’s branches, buildings and repossessed properties. At the end of the fourth quarter, the Corporation has recorded year to date expenses related to structural damages of $6.5 million, net of the related insurance receivable of $1.1 million, a downward adjustment of $0.3 million and $6.4 million, respectively, from the initial estimates at the end of the third quarter. The results also include other operating expenses for costs such as donations, debris removal, fuel for backup generators, satellite telecommunication, personnel support and other ancillary costs associated with hurricane recovery efforts.

Revenue Reduction

In addition to the previously mentioned incremental provision and direct operating expenses, results for the third and fourth quarters of 2017 were impacted by the hurricanes in the form of a reduction in revenue resulting from reduced merchant transaction activity, the waiver of certain late fees and service charges to businesses and consumers in hurricane-affected areas, as well as the economic and operational disruption on the Corporation’s mortgage origination, servicing and loss mitigation activities. For the fourth quarter of 2017, the Corporation estimates that these revenue captions resulted in a decrease in income of approximately $20 million when compared to pre-hurricane levels, taking into account the earnings for the comparative quarter of the previous year, among other measures, primarily driven by the disruption in our operations. This compares to approximately $11 million impact during the third quarter.

While significant progress has been made in economic and transactional activity since September, the continued impact on transactional and collection based revenues will depend on the speed at which electricity, telecommunications and general merchant services can be restored across the region.

Refer to the Interest Income, Non-Interest Income and Expense sections of this earnings release for further information.

Tax Cut and Jobs Act

On December 22, 2017, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (the “Act”) was signed into law by President Trump. The Act, among other things, reduced the maximum corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% in the U.S. As a result, during the fourth quarter of 2017 the Corporation recorded an income tax expense of $168.4 million, related to the write-down of the deferred tax asset (“DTA”) from its U.S. operations.

The Act contains other provisions, effective on January 1, 2018, which may impact the Corporation’s tax calculations and related income tax expense in future years. Management will continue to evaluate the impact of the Act and may make further adjustments as a result of additional analysis and additional guidance issued on the legislation.

Earnings Highlights
(Unaudited) Quarters ended Years ended
(Dollars in thousands, except per share information) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16
Net interest income $387,216 $378,171 $355,405 $1,501,964 $1,422,055
Provision for loan losses 70,001 157,659 40,924 319,682 171,126
Provision (reversal) for loan losses - covered loans [1] 1,487 3,100 441 5,742 (1,110)
Net interest income after provision for loan losses 315,728 217,412 314,040 1,176,540 1,252,039
FDIC loss-share income (expense) 2,614 (3,948) (130,334) (10,066) (207,779)
Other non-interest income 83,517 104,322 130,159 429,233 505,715
Goodwill impairment charge - - - - 3,801
Other operating expenses 321,955 317,088 320,871 1,257,196 1,251,834
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income tax 79,904 698 (7,006) 338,511 294,340
Income tax expense (benefit) 182,058 (19,966) (1,766) 230,830 78,784
(Loss) income from continuing operations (102,154) 20,664 (5,240) 107,681 215,556
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax - - 1,135 - 1,135
Net (loss) income $(102,154) $20,664 $(4,105) $107,681 $216,691
Net (loss) income applicable to common stock $(103,085) $19,734 $(5,036) $103,958 $212,968
Net (loss) income per common share - Basic $(1.01) $0.19 $(0.06) $1.02 $2.05
Net (loss) income per common share - Diluted $(1.01) $0.19 $(0.06) $1.02 $2.05
Net income per common share from discontinued operations - Basic $- $- $0.01 $- $0.01
Net income per common share from discontinued operations - Diluted $- $- $0.01 $- $0.01
[1] Covered loans represent loans acquired in the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction that are covered under an FDIC loss-sharing agreement.

Adjusted results – Non-GAAP

The Corporation prepared its Consolidated Financial Statement using accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. (“U.S. GAAP” or the “reported basis”). In addition to analyzing the Corporation’s results on a reported basis, management monitors the “Adjusted net income” of the Corporation and excludes the impact of certain transactions on the results of its operations. Management believes that the “Adjusted net income” provides meaningful information to investors about the underlying performance of the Corporation’s ongoing operations. The “Adjusted net income” is a non-GAAP financial measure.

No adjustments are reflected for the third quarter of 2017.

(In thousands) 31-Dec-17
Income tax

Impact on net

Pre-tax effect


U.S. GAAP Net loss $(102,154)
Non-GAAP Adjustments:
Impact of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act[1] - 168,358 168,358
Adjusted net income (Non-GAAP) $66,204

[1]On December 22, 2017, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act ("the Act") was signed into law by the President of the United States. The Act, among other things, reduced the maximum federal Corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. The adjustment reduced the DTA related to the Corporation's U.S. operations as a result of a lower realizable benefit at the lower tax rate.

Net interest income

Net interest income for the quarter ended December 31, 2017 was $387.2 million, compared to $378.2 million for the previous quarter. Net interest margin was 3.90% for the quarter compared to 3.96% for the previous quarter.

The increase of $9.0 million in net interest income was mainly related to the following:

Positive variances:

  • Higher income from money market investments by $2.7 million due to both a higher average volume of funds available to invest related to a higher balance of deposits mainly from the Puerto Rico government deposits and higher yield by 5 basis points due to the increase in rates at the end of 2017;
  • higher income from investment securities due to higher volume related to U.S. Treasury securities acquired during the fourth quarter and higher yield on those securities. The increase in the portfolio yield of 2 basis points accounts for $1.4 million additional income for the quarter while the increase in volume represents an increase of $1.8 million;
  • higher income from commercial loans by $1.7 million due to higher volume predominantly related to the loan growth in the U.S.;
  • higher income from the consumer loans portfolio by $3.5 million or 39 basis points mainly driven by a higher yield from the credit card portfolio; and
  • lower cost of interest bearing deposits by 2 basis points, or $0.1 million, mainly NOW and money market deposits, partially offset by higher volumes from government, retail and commercial clients.

Negative variances:

  • Lower income from mortgage loans by $1.8 million, or 12 basis points mostly due to the waiver of late payment fees to clients.

BPPR’s net interest income amounted to $328.8 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2017, compared to $321.1 million for the previous quarter. The increase of $7.7 million in net interest income was mainly due to higher income from money market investments resulting from higher volumes and yields, as previously stated. Also, a higher volume and yield of investment securities driven by recent U.S. Treasury purchases contributed to the increase. Higher volume of loans also contributed to the increase in interest income, mainly higher yield from the credit card portfolio, partially offset by lower income from mortgage loans driven by the waiver of late payment fees related to the hurricanes. The net interest margin for the fourth quarter was 4.21%, a decline of 7 basis points when compared to 4.28% for the previous quarter. The decrease in net interest margin results mainly from the composition of earning assets, which has shifted towards lower yielding assets resulting from higher balances in Fed Funds, mainly due to higher balances of Puerto Rico government deposits and the acquisition of investment securities. BPPR’s earning assets yielded 4.54%, compared to 4.63% in the previous quarter, while the cost of interest bearing liabilities was 0.47%, or two basis points lower than the 0.49% in the previous quarter.

Banco Popular North America’s (“BPNA”) net interest income was $72.7 million, compared to $71.5 million in the previous quarter, mainly due to higher volume of commercial and construction loans, partially offset by the related funding costs. Net interest margin decreased 4 basis points to 3.46%, compared to 3.50% for the previous quarter mostly due to higher cost of funds. U.S. earning assets yielded 4.28% compared to 4.29% in the previous quarter, while the cost of interest bearing liabilities was 1.06% compared to 1.03% in the previous quarter.

Non-interest income

Non-interest income amounted to $86.1 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2017, compared to $100.4 million for the previous quarter. The results for the quarter reflect a reduction in various revenue streams, mostly as a result of the impact of the hurricanes. The unfavorable variance of $14.2 million in non-interest income was primarily driven by:

  • Lower service charge on deposits accounts by $5.4 million due to lower transactional cash management billings primarily due to the effects of Hurricane Maria;
  • lower other service fees by $5.0 million mainly credit cards fees due to the waiver of late payment fees and debit card fees at BPPR as part of the hurricane relief efforts, largely impacted by lower interchange income resulting from lower transaction volumes due to the impact of the hurricanes;
  • lower income on mortgage banking activities by $7.1 million in part due to $2.2 million in lower mortgage servicing fees, which are recognized as loan payments are collected, due to lower mortgage payments from the moratoriums offered as part of the hurricanes relief efforts; higher unfavorable fair value adjustments on mortgage servicing rights by $2.0 million; and lower net gain on sale of loans mostly due to lower volume from securitization transactions; and
  • unfavorable variance in adjustments to indemnity reserves of $4.7 million due to an increase in the reserves for credit recourse and representation and warranties; including $3.4 million in incremental reserves estimated due to the hurricanes impact.

These negative variances were partially offset by:

  • Favorable variance on the FDIC loss-share expense by $6.6 million due to a change in the related true-up payment obligation as a result of an increase in the discount rate; and
  • higher other operating income by $1.5 million mainly due to higher earnings from investments under the equity method.

Refer to Table B for further details.

Financial Impact of the 2010 FDIC-Assisted Transaction
(Unaudited) Quarters ended Years ended
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16

Income Statement

Interest income on WB loans $36,011 $35,939 $39,642 $148,033 $175,207
Total FDIC loss-share income (expense) 2,614 (3,948) (130,334) (10,066) (207,779)
Provision (reversal) for loan losses- WB loans 2,501 14,751 (2,292) 16,336 (3,318)
Total revenues (expenses) less provision (reversal) for loan losses $36,124 $17,240 $(88,400) $121,631 $(29,254)

Balance Sheet

WB loans $1,706,140 $1,705,531 $1,861,106
FDIC loss-share asset 45,192 48,470 69,334
FDIC true-up payment obligation 164,858 166,876 153,158

See additional details on accounting for the 2010 FDIC-Assisted transaction in Table O.

Operating expenses

Operating expenses amounted to $322.0 million for the fourth quarter of 2017, an increase of $4.9 million when compared to the third quarter of 2017. The increase in operating expenses was driven primarily by:

  • Higher net occupancy expense by $1.6 million mostly due to higher repair and maintenance expenses at BPPR related to the hurricanes;
  • higher professional fees by $8.8 million mainly associated with the impact of consulting and advisory engagements that carried over from Q3 into Q4 due to the hurricane related disruptions in the third quarter;
  • higher business promotion expense by $3.1 million mainly due to higher advertising and promotion expense related to disaster relief activities and communications in response to the hurricanes; and
  • higher FDIC deposit insurance by $1.2 million, mainly due to increased asset base.

These increases were partially offset by:

  • Lower OREO expenses by $4.4 million due to the write-down of $2.7 million recorded during the third quarter related to the impact of the hurricanes on commercial, construction and mortgage properties at BPPR; and
  • lower other operating expenses by $5.2 million as a result of $3.9 million of write-down of premises and equipment related to the hurricanes, recorded during the third quarter, lower printing and supplies and lower sundry losses.

Non-personnel credit-related costs, which include collections, appraisals, credit related fees and OREO expenses, amounted to $10.6 million for the fourth quarter of 2017, compared to $15.3 million for the third quarter of 2017. The decrease was principally due to lower write-downs on OREO at BPPR.

Full-time equivalent employees were 7,784 as of December 31, 2017, compared to 7,787 as of September 30, 2017.

For a breakdown of operating expenses by category refer to table B.

Income taxes

For the quarter ended December 31, 2017, the Corporation recorded an income tax expense of $182.1 million, compared to a benefit of $20.0 million for the previous quarter. As discussed above, the results for the fourth quarter include an income tax expense of $168.4 million from the write down of the DTA of the Corporation’s U.S. operations, as a result of the Act, which reduced the maximum federal corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. The Act contains other provisions, effective on January 1, 2018, which may impact the Corporation’s tax calculations and related income tax expense in future years. Management will continue to evaluate the impact of the Act and may make further adjustments as a result of additional analysis and additional guidance issued on the legislation. At December 31, 2017, the Corporation had a deferred tax asset amounting to $1.1 billion, net of a valuation allowance of $0.4 billion. The DTA related to the U.S. operations was $0.3 billion, net of a valuation allowance of $0.4 billion.

The income tax benefit for the third quarter reflected the impact of the losses related to the hurricanes, which resulted in a reduction of taxable income and the related effective tax rate in our Puerto Rico operations.

The effective tax rate of the Corporation is impacted by the composition and source of its taxable income. For 2018, the Corporation expects its consolidated effective tax rate to range from 21% to 24%.

Credit Quality

The Corporation continues to monitor asset quality measures given the impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria on the loan portfolios and the moratorium granted to certain consumer and commercial borrowers, which have led to lower inflows to non-performing loans and NPL balances. The U.S. operation continued to reflect strong growth and favorable credit quality metrics, once the impact of the U.S. taxi medallion portfolio acquired from the FDIC in the assisted sale of Doral Bank is excluded. The Corporation will continue to monitor changes in credit quality trends given the continued challenges in Puerto Rico, heightened by Hurricane María. The following presents asset quality results for the fourth quarter of 2017:

  • Inflows of NPLs held-in-portfolio, excluding consumer loans, decreased by $81.4 million quarter-over-quarter, mainly driven by lower inflows in the P.R. mortgage portfolio of $95.7 million, prompted by the payment plan implemented post Hurricane Maria.
  • Total non-performing loans held-in-portfolio decreased by $35.0 million from the third quarter of 2017, driven by lower P.R. mortgage NPLs of $31.3 million, primarily driven by payments and charge-offs, as inflows were minimal due to the payment moratorium post Hurricane María. At December 31, 2017, the ratio of NPLs to total loans held-in-portfolio stood at 2.3% compared to 2.5% in the third quarter of 2017.
  • Net charge-offs increased by $40.7 million from the third quarter of 2017, driven by: (i) higher U.S. commercial NCOs by $26.7 million mainly related to the U.S. taxi medallion portfolio (ii) higher P.R. commercial NCOs of $8.9 million related to two previously reserved relationships, and (iii) higher P.R. mortgage NCOs of $6.5 million impacted by the temporary suspension of collection and foreclosure activities after the hurricanes. The Corporation’s ratio of annualized net charge-offs to average non-covered loans held-in-portfolio was at 1.61%, compared to 0.92% in the third quarter of 2017. Refer to Table J for further information on net charge-offs and related ratios.
  • The allowance for loan losses decreased by $23.7 million from the third quarter of 2017 to $590.2 million. The P.R. segment ALLL decreased by $6.1 million, mostly driven by a $6.5 million decrease as a result of the annual ALLL review and recalibration. The environmental factors reserve associated with the impact of Hurricane Maria on the loan portfolios decreased by $4.6 million to $117.6 million, compared to $122.2 million in the previous quarter. Management will continue to carefully assess and review the exposure of the portfolios to hurricane-related factors, economic trends, and their effect on credit quality as additional information becomes available. The U.S. segment ALLL decreased by $17.5 million, driven by $31.6 million U.S. taxi medallion related charge-offs.
  • The general and specific reserves related to non-covered loans totaled $481.1 million and $109.1 million, respectively, at quarter-end, compared with $498.7 million and $115.2 million, respectively, as of September 30, 2017. The ratio of the allowance for loan losses to loans held-in-portfolio was 2.43% in the fourth quarter of 2017, compared to 2.65% from the previous quarter.
  • The ratio of the allowance for loan losses to NPLs held-in-portfolio increased to 107.1%, compared to 104.8% in the previous quarter.
  • The provision for loan losses for non-covered loans for the fourth quarter of 2017 decreased by $87.7 million quarter-over-quarter, as the prior quarter included $66.4 million related to the impact of Hurricane Maria on the P.R. loan portfolios. Excluding this impact, the provision for the P.R. segment increased by $4.3 million, while the U.S. provision decreased by $25.5 million. The U.S. decrease was attributed to higher impairments for the U.S. taxi medallion purchased credit impaired loans that resulted in a provision expense of $37.0 million and $10.2 million in the third and fourth quarters, respectively. The provision to net charge-offs ratio was 74.7% in the fourth quarter of 2017, compared to 297.4% in the previous quarter.

Non-Performing Assets
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16
Total non-performing loans held-in-portfolio, excluding covered loans $550,957 $585,928 $557,915
Other real estate owned (“OREO”), excluding covered OREO 169,260 176,728 180,445
Total non-performing assets, excluding covered assets 720,217 762,656 738,360
Covered loans and OREO 22,948 24,951 36,044
Total non-performing assets $743,165 $787,607 $774,404
Net charge-offs for the quarter (excluding covered loans) $93,675 $53,009 $56,216
Ratios (excluding covered loans):
Non-covered loans held-in-portfolio $24,292,794 $23,173,450 $22,773,747
Non-performing loans held-in-portfolio to loans held-in-portfolio 2.27% 2.53% 2.45%
Allowance for loan losses to loans held-in-portfolio 2.43 2.65 2.24
Allowance for loan losses to non-performing loans, excluding loans held-for-sale 107.12 104.77 91.47
Refer to Table H for additional information.
Provision for Loan Losses
(Unaudited) Quarters ended Years ended
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16
Provision for loan losses:
BPPR [1] $52,972 $115,115 $37,357 $241,738 $155,860
BPNA 17,029 42,544 3,567 77,944 15,266
Total provision for loan losses - non-covered loans $70,001 $157,659 $40,924 $319,682 $171,126
Provision (reversal) for loan losses - covered loans 1,487 3,100 441 5,742 (1,110)
Total provision for loan losses $71,488 $160,759 $41,365 $325,424 $170,016
[1] For the year ended December 31, 2017, includes the elimination of an incremental $6.0 million provision for loan losses related to the inter-company transfer of a loan between BPPR and Popular, Inc., its bank holding company, the impact of which is eliminated in the consolidated results of the Corporation in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

Credit Quality by Segment
(In thousands) Quarters ended
BPPR 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16
Provision for loan losses $52,972 $115,115 $37,357
Net charge-offs 59,118 45,301 53,416
Total non-performing loans held-in-portfolio, excluding covered loans 511,440 548,666 532,508
Allowance / non-covered loans held-in-portfolio 2.87% 3.06% 2.73%
Quarters ended
BPNA 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16
Provision for loan losses $17,029 $42,544 $3,567
Net charge-offs 34,557 7,708 2,800
Total non-performing loans held-in-portfolio 39,517 37,262 25,407
Allowance / non-covered loans held-in-portfolio 1.16% 1.48% 0.75%
Financial Condition Highlights
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16
Cash and money market investments $5,657,976 $6,005,649 $3,252,611
Trading and investment securities 10,482,971 9,374,355 8,535,530
Loans not covered under loss-sharing agreements with the FDIC 24,292,794 23,173,450 22,773,747
Loans covered under loss-sharing agreements with the FDIC 517,274 524,854 572,878
Total assets 44,277,337 42,601,267 38,661,609
Deposits 35,453,508 34,248,936 30,496,224
Borrowings 2,023,485 2,147,064 2,055,477
Total liabilities 39,173,432 37,315,836 33,463,652
Stockholders’ equity 5,103,905 5,285,431 5,197,957

Total assets increased by $1.7 billion from the third quarter of 2017, driven by:

  • An increase of $1.1 billion in investment securities available-for-sale mainly due to purchases of U.S. Treasury securities at BPPR; and
  • A net increase of $1.1 billion in non-covered loans held-in-portfolio, due to an increase of $0.8 billion in mortgage loans at BPPR due to the rebooking of loans previously pooled into GNMA securities. Under the GNMA program, issuers such as BPPR have the option but not the obligation to repurchase loans that are 90 days or more past due. For accounting purposes, these loans subject to the repurchase option are required to be reflected on the financial statements of the Bank with an offsetting liability. While the borrowers for our serviced GNMA portfolio benefited from the loan payment moratorium, the delinquency status of these loans continued to be reported to GNMA without considering the moratorium. Additionally, growth in commercial loans at BPPR and BPNA by $0.3 billion contributed to the increase.

These positive variances were partially offset by:

  • A decrease of $0.3 billion in cash and money market investments at BPPR and BPNA due in part to the deployment of liquidity into investment securities as mentioned above; and
  • A decrease of $0.3 billion in other assets primarily in accounts receivable related to maturities of U.S. Treasury securities that were settled during the quarter and a decrease in the DTA, mainly at BPNA due to the write-down taken as a result of the impact of the Act (refer to additional information on the Income Taxes section of this earnings release).

Total liabilities increased by $1.9 billion from the third quarter of 2017, principally driven by:

  • An increase of $1.2 billion in deposits mainly due to an increase in demand deposits and savings deposits at BPPR. Refer to Table G for additional information on deposits; and
  • An increase of $0.8 billion in other liabilities at BPPR due to an increase in the liability for GNMA loans sold with a repurchase option due to an increase in delinquency resulting from the moratorium, as noted above.

These positive variances were partially offset by:

  • A decrease of $0.1 billion in other short-term borrowings at BPNA.

Stockholders’ equity decreased by approximately $0.2 billion from the third quarter of 2017, mainly as a result of net loss for the quarter of $102.2 million, declared dividends of $25.5 million on common stock, $0.9 million in dividends on preferred stock, and higher unrealized losses on securities available-for-sale by $55.7 million.

Common equity tier-1 ratio (“CET1”), common equity per share and tangible book value per share were 16.30%, $49.51 and $43.02, respectively at December 31, 2017, compared to 16.63%, $51.31 and $44.79 at September 30, 2017. Refer to Table A for capital ratios.

Refer to Table C for the Statements of Financial Condition.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including without limitation those about Popular’s business, financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives, and future performance. These statements are not guarantees of future performance, are based on management’s current expectations and, by their nature, involve risks, uncertainties, estimates and assumptions. Potential factors, some of which are beyond the Corporation’s control, could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, such forward-looking statements. Risks and uncertainties include without limitation the effect of competitive and economic factors, and our reaction to those factors, the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses, delinquency trends, market risk and the impact of interest rate changes, capital market conditions, capital adequacy and liquidity, the effect of legal proceedings and new accounting standards on the Corporation’s financial condition and results of operations, and the impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria on us. All statements contained herein that are not clearly historical in nature, are forward-looking, and the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “continues,” “expect,” “estimate,” “intend,” “project” and similar expressions, and future or conditional verbs such as “will,” “would,” “should,” “could,” “might,” “can,” “may” or similar expressions, are generally intended to identify forward-looking statements.

More information on the risks and important factors that could affect the Corporation’s future results and financial condition is included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016, the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2017, June 30, 2017 and September 30, 2017, and in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017 to be filed with the SEC. Those filings are available on the Corporation’s website (www.popular.com) and on the Securities and Exchange Commission website (www.sec.gov). The Corporation assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements or information which speak as of their respective dates.

Founded in 1893, Popular, Inc. is the leading banking institution by both assets and deposits in Puerto Rico and ranks among the top 50 U.S. banks by assets. Popular provides retail, mortgage and commercial banking services through its principal banking subsidiary, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, as well as auto and equipment leasing and financing, investment banking, broker-dealer and insurance services through specialized subsidiaries. In the United States, Popular has established a community-banking franchise providing a broad range of financial services and products with branches in New York, New Jersey and Florida under the name of Popular Community Bank.

Conference Call

Popular will hold a conference call to discuss its financial results today Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The call will be open to the public and broadcasted live over the Internet, and can be accessed through the Investor Relations section of the Corporation’s website: www.popular.com.

Listeners are recommended to go to the website at least 15 minutes prior to the call to download and install any necessary audio software. The call may also be accessed through a dial-in telephone number 1-866-235-1201 or 1-412-902-4127. There is no charge to access the call.

A replay of the webcast will be archived in Popular’s website. A telephone replay will be available one hour after the end of the conference call through Friday, February 23, 2018. The replay dial-in is: 1-877-344-7529 or 1-412-317-0088. The replay passcode is 10115688.

An electronic version of this press release can be found at the Corporation’s website: www.popular.com.

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table A - Selected Ratios and Other Information
Table B - Consolidated Statement of Operations
Table C - Consolidated Statement of Financial Condition
Table D - Consolidated Average Balances and Yield / Rate Analysis - QUARTER
Table E - Consolidated Average Balances and Yield / Rate Analysis - YEAR-TO-DATE
Table F - Mortgage Banking Activities and Other Service Fees
Table G - Loans and Deposits
Table H - Non-Performing Assets
Table I - Activity in Non-Performing Loans
Table J - Allowance for Credit Losses, Net Charge-offs and Related Ratios
Table K - Allowance for Loan Losses - Breakdown of General and Specific Reserves - CONSOLIDATED
Table L - Allowance for Loan Losses - Breakdown of General and Specific Reserves - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS
Table M - Allowance for Loan Losses - Breakdown of General and Specific Reserves - U.S. MAINLAND OPERATIONS
Table N - Reconciliation to GAAP Financial Measures
Table O - Financial Information - Westernbank Loans
Table P - Adjusted Net Income for the Years Ended December 31, 2017 and 2016 (Non-GAAP)

Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table A - Selected Ratios and Other Information
Quarters ended Years ended
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16
Basic EPS from continuing operations $(1.01) $0.19 $(0.06) $1.02 $2.05
Basic EPS from discontinued operations $- $- $0.01 $- $0.01
Basic EPS $(1.01) $0.19 $(0.05) $1.02 $2.06
Diluted EPS from continuing operations $(1.01) $0.19 $(0.06) $1.02 $2.05
Diluted EPS from discontinued operations $- $- $0.01 $- $0.01
Diluted EPS $(1.01) $0.19 $(0.05) $1.02 $2.06
Average common shares outstanding 101,695,868 101,652,352 103,368,820 101,966,429 103,275,264
Average common shares outstanding - assuming dilution 101,695,868 101,763,872 103,368,820 102,045,336 103,377,283
Common shares outstanding at end of period 102,068,981 102,026,417 103,790,932 102,068,981 103,790,932
Market value per common share $35.49 $35.94 $43.82 $35.49 $43.82
Market capitalization - (In millions) $3,622 $3,667 $4,548 $3,622 $4,548
Return on average assets (0.94%) 0.20% (0.04%) 0.26% 0.58%
. .
Return on average common equity (7.67%) 1.47% (0.38%) 1.96% 4.07%
Net interest margin 3.90% 3.96% 4.02% 3.99% 4.22%
Common equity per share $49.51 $51.31 $49.60 $49.51 $49.60
Tangible common book value per common share (non-GAAP) [1] $43.02 $44.79 $43.12 $43.02 $43.12
Tangible common equity to tangible assets (non-GAAP) [1] 10.07% 10.90% 11.78% 10.07% 11.78%
Tier 1 capital 16.30% 16.63% 16.48% 16.30% 16.48%
Total capital 19.22% 19.62% 19.48% 19.22% 19.48%
Tier 1 leverage 10.02% 10.29% 10.91% 10.02% 10.91%
Common Equity Tier 1 capital 16.30% 16.63% 16.48% 16.30% 16.48%
[1] Refer to Table N for reconciliation to GAAP financial measures.

Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table B - Consolidated Statement of Operations
Quarters ended Variance Quarter ended Variance Years ended

Q4 2017

Q4 2017

(In thousands, except per share information) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17

vs. Q3 2017


vs. Q4 2016

31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16
Interest income:
Loans $375,981 $371,979 $4,002 $363,252 $12,729 $1,478,765 $1,459,720
Money market investments 18,262 15,529 2,733 5,108 13,154 51,495 16,428
Investment securities 50,498 47,276 3,222 41,283 9,215 191,197 152,011
Trading account securities 592 1,099 (507) 1,401 (809) 4,487 6,414
Total interest income 445,333 435,883 9,450 411,044 34,289 1,725,944 1,634,573
Interest expense:
Deposits 36,957 37,058 (101) 34,742 2,215 141,864 127,577
Short-term borrowings 1,990 1,524 466 1,761 229 5,724 7,812
Long-term debt 19,170 19,130 40 19,136 34 76,392 77,129
Total interest expense 58,117 57,712 405 55,639 2,478 223,980 212,518
Net interest income 387,216 378,171 9,045 355,405 31,811 1,501,964 1,422,055
Provision for loan losses - non-covered loans 70,001 157,659 (87,658) 40,924 29,077 319,682 171,126
Provision (reversal) for loan losses - covered loans 1,487 3,100 (1,613) 441 1,046 5,742 (1,110)
Net interest income after provision for loan losses 315,728 217,412 98,316 314,040 1,688 1,176,540 1,252,039
Service charges on deposit accounts 33,827 39,273 (5,446) 39,902 (6,075) 153,709 160,836
Other service fees 48,443 53,481 (5,038) 65,274 (16,831) 217,267 234,770
Mortgage banking activities (1,853) 5,239 (7,092) 14,488 (16,341) 25,496 56,538
Net gain and valuation adjustments on investment securities 50 103 (53) 30 20 334 1,962
Other-than-temporary impairment losses on investment securities - - - - - (8,299) (209)
Trading account (loss) profit (137) 253 (390) (1,627) 1,490 (817) (785)
Net (loss) gain on sale of loans, including valuation adjustments on loans held-for-sale - (420) 420 - - (420) 8,245
Adjustments (expense) to indemnity reserves on loans sold (11,075) (6,406) (4,669) (3,051) (8,024) (22,377) (17,285)
FDIC loss-share income (expense) 2,614 (3,948) 6,562 (130,334) 132,948 (10,066) (207,779)
Other operating income 14,262 12,799 1,463 15,143 (881) 64,340 61,643
Total non-interest income (expense) 86,131 100,374 (14,243) (175) 86,306 419,167 297,936
Operating expenses:
Personnel costs
Salaries 78,339 78,976 (637) 77,275 1,064 313,394 308,135
Commissions, incentives and other bonuses 14,847 16,879 (2,032) 17,405 (2,558) 70,099 73,684
Pension, postretirement and medical insurance 12,164 11,535 629 12,481 (317) 47,533 51,284
Other personnel costs, including payroll taxes 14,822 12,246 2,576 15,292 (470) 53,204 54,373
Total personnel costs 120,172 119,636 536 122,453 (2,281) 484,230 487,476
Net occupancy expenses 23,899 22,254 1,645 21,883 2,016 89,194 85,653
Equipment expenses 16,465 16,457 8 16,494 (29) 65,142 62,225
Other taxes 10,815 10,858 (43) 10,615 200 43,382 42,304
Professional fees
Collections, appraisals and other credit related fees 3,254 3,559 (305) 1,128 2,126 14,415 14,607
Programming, processing and other technology services 50,496 49,717 779 53,196 (2,700) 199,873 205,466
Legal fees, excluding collections 3,225 2,928 297 14,702 (11,477) 11,763 42,393
Other professional fees 22,557 14,568 7,989 16,667 5,890 66,437 60,577
Total professional fees 79,532 70,772 8,760 85,693 (6,161) 292,488 323,043
Communications 5,224 5,394 (170) 5,780 (556) 22,466 23,897
Business promotion 18,287 15,216 3,071 15,473 2,814 58,445 53,014
FDIC deposit insurance 7,456 6,271 1,185 5,926 1,530 26,392 24,512
Other real estate owned (OREO) expenses 7,328 11,724 (4,396) 13,703 (6,375) 48,540 47,119
Credit and debit card processing, volume, interchange and other expenses 6,853 7,375 (522) 4,817 2,036 26,201 20,796
Other operating expenses
Operational losses 11,639 13,222 (1,583) 6,579 5,060 39,612 35,995
All other 11,941 15,564 (3,623) 8,619 3,322 51,726 33,656
Total other operating expenses 23,580 28,786 (5,206) 15,198 8,382 91,338 69,651
Amortization of intangibles 2,344 2,345 (1) 2,836 (492) 9,378 12,144
Goodwill impairment charge - - - - - - 3,801
Total operating expenses 321,955 317,088 4,867 320,871 1,084 1,257,196 1,255,635
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income tax 79,904 698 79,206 (7,006) 86,910 338,511 294,340
Income tax expense (benefit) 182,058 (19,966) 202,024 (1,766) 183,824 230,830 78,784
(Loss) income from continuing operations (102,154) 20,664 (122,818) (5,240) (96,914) 107,681 215,556
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax - - - 1,135 (1,135) - 1,135
Net (loss) income $(102,154) $20,664 $(122,818) $(4,105) $(98,049) $107,681 $216,691
Net (loss) income applicable to common stock $(103,085) $19,734 $(122,819) $(5,036) $(98,049) $103,958 $212,968
Net (loss) income per common share - basic:
Net (loss) income from continuing operations $(1.01) $0.19 $(1.20) $(0.06) $(0.95) $1.02 $2.05
Net income from discontinued operations - - - 0.01 (0.01) - 0.01
Net (loss) income per common share - basic $(1.01) $0.19 $(1.20) $(0.05) $(0.96) $1.02 $2.06
Net (loss) income per common share - diluted:
Net (loss) income from continuing operations $(1.01) $0.19 $(1.20) $(0.06) $(0.95) $1.02 $2.05
Net income from discontinued operations - - - 0.01 (0.01) - 0.01
Net (loss) income per common share - diluted $(1.01) $0.19 $(1.20) $(0.05) $(0.96) $1.02 $2.06
Dividends Declared per Common Share $0.25 $0.25 $- $0.15 $0.10 $1.00 $0.60

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table C - Consolidated Statement of Financial Condition
Q4 2017 vs.
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16 Q3 2017
Cash and due from banks $402,857 $517,437 $362,394 $(114,580)
Money market investments 5,255,119 5,488,212 2,890,217 (233,093)
Trading account securities, at fair value 43,187 45,951 59,805 (2,764)
Investment securities available-for-sale, at fair value 10,178,738 9,061,001 8,209,806 1,117,737
Investment securities held-to-maturity, at amortized cost 93,821 93,438 98,101 383
Other investment securities, at lower of cost or realizable value 167,225 173,965 167,818 (6,740)
Loans held-for-sale, at lower of cost or fair value 132,395 68,864 88,821 63,531
Loans held-in-portfolio:
Loans not covered under loss-sharing agreements with the FDIC 24,423,427 23,302,047 22,895,172 1,121,380
Loans covered under loss-sharing agreements with the FDIC 517,274 524,854 572,878 (7,580)
Less: Unearned income 130,633 128,597 121,425 2,036
Allowance for loan losses 623,426 646,913 540,651 (23,487)
Total loans held-in-portfolio, net 24,186,642 23,051,391 22,805,974 1,135,251
FDIC loss-share asset 45,192 48,470 69,334 (3,278)
Premises and equipment, net 547,142 532,532 543,981 14,610
Other real estate not covered under loss-sharing agreements with the FDIC 169,260 176,728 180,445 (7,468)
Other real estate covered under loss-sharing agreements with the FDIC 19,595 21,545 32,128 (1,950)
Accrued income receivable 213,844 146,339 138,042 67,505
Mortgage servicing assets, at fair value 168,031 180,157 196,889 (12,126)
Other assets 1,991,323 2,329,927 2,145,510 (338,604)
Goodwill 627,294 627,294 627,294 -
Other intangible assets 35,672 38,016 45,050 (2,344)
Total assets $44,277,337 $42,601,267 $38,661,609 $1,676,070
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity:
Non-interest bearing $8,490,945 $7,449,857 $6,980,443 $1,041,088
Interest bearing 26,962,563 26,799,079 23,515,781 163,484
Total deposits 35,453,508 34,248,936 30,496,224 1,204,572
Assets sold under agreements to repurchase 390,921 374,405 479,425 16,516
Other short-term borrowings 96,208 240,598 1,200 (144,390)
Notes payable 1,536,356 1,532,061 1,574,852 4,295
Other liabilities 1,696,439 919,836 911,951 776,603
Total liabilities 39,173,432 37,315,836 33,463,652 1,857,596
Stockholders’ equity:
Preferred stock 50,160 50,160 50,160 -
Common stock 1,042 1,042 1,040 -
Surplus 4,298,503 4,265,053 4,255,022 33,450
Retained earnings 1,194,994 1,350,730 1,220,307 (155,736)
Treasury stock (90,142) (90,222) (8,286) 80
Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of tax (350,652) (291,332) (320,286) (59,320)
Total stockholders’ equity 5,103,905 5,285,431 5,197,957 (181,526)
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $44,277,337 $42,601,267 $38,661,609 $1,676,070

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table D - Consolidated Average Balances and Yield / Rate Analysis - QUARTER
Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended Variance Variance
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16 Q4 2017 vs. Q3 2017 Q4 2017 vs. Q4 2016
($ amounts in
millions; yields not
on a taxable Average Income / Yield / Average Income / Yield / Average Income / Yield / Average Income / Yield / Average Income / Yield /
equivalent basis) balance Expense Rate balance Expense Rate balance Expense Rate balance Expense Rate balance Expense Rate
Interest earning assets:
Money market, trading and investment securities $15,666 $69.3 1.76 % $14,483 $63.9 1.76 % $12,185 $47.8 1.57 % $1,183 $5.4 - % $3,481 $21.5 0.19 %
Loans not covered under loss-sharing agreements with the FDIC:
Commercial 10,291 130.0 5.01 10,065 128.3 5.06 9,435 116.5 4.91 226 1.7 (0.05) 856 13.5 0.10
Construction 859 12.6 5.82 826 12.0 5.77 737 9.9 5.36 33 0.6 0.05 122 2.7 0.46
Mortgage 6,460 83.0 5.14 6,444 84.8 5.26 6,598 88.5 5.37 16 (1.8) (0.12) (138) (5.5) (0.23)
Consumer 3,772 102.6 10.79 3,782 99.1 10.40 3,774 97.3 10.26 (10) 3.5 0.39 (2) 5.3 0.53
Lease financing 781 11.8 6.04 750 11.9 6.37 688 11.4 6.64 31 (0.1) (0.33) 93 0.4 (0.60)
Total loans (excluding WB loans) 22,163 340.0 6.10 21,867 336.1 6.11 21,232 323.6 6.07 296 3.9 (0.01) 931 16.4 0.03
WB loans 1,667 36.0 8.59 1,681 35.9 8.50 1,845 39.6 8.56 (14) 0.1 0.09 (178) (3.6) 0.03
Total loans 23,830 376.0 6.27 23,548 372.0 6.28 23,077 363.2 6.27 282 4.0 (0.01) 753 12.8 -
Total interest earning assets $39,496 $445.3 4.49 % $38,031 $435.9 4.56 % $35,262 $411.0 4.65 % $1,465 $9.4 (0.07) % $4,234 $34.3 (0.16) %
Allowance for loan losses (644) (566) (562) (78) (82)
Other non-interest earning assets 4,400 4,238 4,386 162 14
Total average assets $43,252 $41,703 $39,086 $1,549 $4,166
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:
Interest bearing deposits:
NOW and money market $11,023 $10.1 0.36 % $10,465 $10.3 0.39 % $8,007 $8.3 0.41 % $558 ($0.2) (0.03) % $3,016 $1.8 (0.05) %
Savings 8,457 5.3 0.25 8,260 5.0 0.24 7,796 4.7 0.24 197 0.3 0.01 661 0.6 0.01
Time deposits 7,545 21.6 1.13 7,543 21.8 1.14 7,858 21.7 1.10 2 (0.2) (0.01) (313) (0.1) 0.03
Total interest-bearing deposits 27,025 37.0 0.54 26,268 37.1 0.56 23,661 34.7 0.58 757 (0.1) (0.02) 3,364 2.3 (0.04)
Borrowings 2,060 21.1 4.11 1,982 20.6 4.17 2,212 20.9 3.78 78 0.5 (0.06) (152) 0.2 0.33
Total interest-bearing liabilities 29,085 58.1 0.80 28,250 57.7 0.81 25,873 55.6 0.86 835 0.4 (0.01) 3,212 2.5 (0.06)
Net interest spread 3.69 % 3.75 % 3.79 % (0.06) % (0.10) %
Non-interest bearing deposits 7,880 7,235 6,976 645 904
Other liabilities 908 832 901 76 7
Liabilities from discontinued operations - - 2 - (2)
Stockholders' equity 5,379 5,386 5,334 (7) 45
Total average liabilities and stockholders' equity $43,252 $41,703 $39,086 $1,549 $4,166
Net interest income / margin non-taxable equivalent basis $387.2 3.90 % $378.2 3.96 % $355.4 4.02 % $9.0 (0.06) % $31.8 (0.12) %

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table E - Consolidated Average Balances and Yield / Rate Analysis - YEAR-TO-DATE
Year ended Year ended
31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16 Variance
Average Income / Yield / Average Income / Yield / Average Income / Yield /
($ amounts in millions; yields not on a taxable equivalent basis) balance Expense Rate balance Expense Rate balance Expense Rate
Interest earning assets:
Money market, trading and investment securities $14,157 $247.2 1.75 % $10,651 $174.9 1.64 % $3,506 $72.3 0.11 %
Loans not covered under loss-sharing agreements with the FDIC:
Commercial 9,971 499.4 5.01 9,203 451.8 4.91 768 47.6 0.10
Construction 829 46.8 5.64 726 39.0 5.38 103 7.8 0.26
Mortgage 6,506 343.3 5.28 6,702 355.4 5.30 (196) (12.1) (0.02)
Consumer 3,739 394.1 10.54 3,823 394.0 10.31 (84) 0.1 0.23
Lease financing 742 47.1 6.35 660 44.3 6.71 82 2.8 (0.36)
Total loans (excluding WB loans) 21,787 1,330.7 6.11 21,114 1,284.5 6.08 673 46.2 0.03
WB loans 1,724 148.0 8.59 1,949 175.2 8.99 (225) (27.2) (0.40)
Total loans 23,511 1,478.7 6.29 23,063 1,459.7 6.33 448 19.0 (0.04)
Total interest earning assets $37,668 $1,725.9 4.58 % $33,714 $1,634.6 4.85 % $3,954 $91.3 (0.27) %
Allowance for loan losses (572) (548) (24)
Other non-interest earning assets 4,308 4,448 (140)
Total average assets $41,404 $37,614 $3,790
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:
Interest bearing deposits:
NOW and money market $10,116 $37.5 0.37 % $7,020 $27.6 0.39 % $3,096 $9.9 (0.02) %
Savings 8,103 20.2 0.25 7,528 18.0 0.24 575 2.2 0.01
Time deposits 7,625 84.1 1.10 7,910 82.0 1.04 (285) 2.1 0.06
Total interest-bearing deposits 25,844 141.8 0.55 22,458 127.6 0.57 3,386 14.2 (0.02)
Borrowings 2,001 82.1 4.10 2,339 84.9 3.63 (338) (2.8) 0.47
Total interest-bearing liabilities 27,845 223.9 0.80 24,797 212.5 0.86 3,048 11.4 (0.06)
Net interest spread 3.78 % 3.99 % (0.21) %
Non-interest bearing deposits 7,338 6,608 730
Other liabilities 876 928 (52)
Liabilities from discontinued operations - 2 (2)
Stockholders' equity 5,345 5,279 66
Total average liabilities and stockholders' equity $41,404 $37,614 $3,790
Net interest income / margin non-taxable equivalent basis $1,502.0 3.99 % $1,422.1 4.22 % $79.9 (0.23) %

Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table F - Mortgage Banking Activities and Other Service Fees
Mortgage Banking Activities
Quarters ended Variance Years ended Variance
Q4 2017 Q4 2017 2017 vs.
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16

vs. Q3 2017

vs. Q4 2016

31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16 2016
Mortgage servicing fees, net of fair value adjustments:
Mortgage servicing fees $9,815 $12,012 $14,211 $(2,197) $(4,396) $48,300 $58,208 $(9,908)
Mortgage servicing rights fair value adjustments (12,257) (10,262) (6,457) (1,995) (5,800) (36,519) (25,336) (11,183)
Total mortgage servicing fees, net of fair value adjustments (2,442) 1,750 7,754 (4,192) (10,196) 11,781 32,872 (21,091)
Net gain on sale of loans, including valuation on loans held-for-sale 213 4,244 2,535 (4,031) (2,322) 17,088 26,976 (9,888)
Trading account profit (loss):
Unrealized gains (losses) on outstanding derivative positions 288 (147) 43 435 245 184 (1) 185
Realized gains (losses) on closed derivative positions 88 (608) 4,156 696 (4,068) (3,557) (3,309) (248)
Total trading account profit (loss) 376 (755) 4,199 1,131 (3,823) (3,373) (3,310) (63)
Total mortgage banking activities $(1,853) $5,239 $14,488 $(7,092) $(16,341) $25,496 $56,538 $(31,042)
Other Service Fees
Quarters ended Variance Years ended Variance
Q4 2017 Q4 2017 2017 vs.
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16

vs. Q3 2017

vs. Q4 2016

31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16 2016
Other service fees:
Debit card fees $9,243 $10,359 $12,088 $(1,116) $(2,845) $42,721 $46,241 $(3,520)
Insurance fees 11,538 13,076 20,804 (1,538) (9,266) 50,948 63,482 (12,534)
Credit card fees 13,304 16,699 18,324 (3,395) (5,020) 67,584 70,526 (2,942)
Sale and administration of investment products 5,581 5,496 5,652 85 (71) 21,958 21,450 508
Trust fees 5,297 4,817 4,782 480 515 19,972 18,811 1,161
Other fees 3,480 3,034 3,624 446 (144) 14,084 14,260 (176)
Total other service fees $48,443 $53,481 $65,274 $(5,038) $(16,831) $217,267 $234,770 $(17,503)

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table G - Loans and Deposits
Loans - Ending Balances
Q4 2017 vs. Q4 2017 vs.
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16 Q3 2017 Q4 2016
Loans not covered under FDIC loss-sharing agreements:
Commercial $11,488,861 $11,227,095 $10,798,507 $261,766 $690,354
Construction 880,029 823,325 776,300 56,704 103,729
Legacy [1] 32,980 37,508 45,293 (4,528) (12,313)
Lease financing 809,990 754,881 702,893 55,109 107,097
Mortgage 7,270,407 6,529,235 6,696,361 741,172 574,046
Consumer 3,810,527 3,801,406 3,754,393 9,121 56,134
Total non-covered loans held-in-portfolio $24,292,794 $23,173,450 $22,773,747 $1,119,344 $1,519,047
Loans covered under FDIC loss-sharing agreements 517,274 524,854 572,878 (7,580) (55,604)
Total loans held-in-portfolio $24,810,068 $23,698,304 $23,346,625 $1,111,764 $1,463,443
Loans held-for-sale:
Mortgage 132,395 68,864 88,821 63,531 43,574
Total loans held-for-sale $132,395 $68,864 $88,821 $63,531 $43,574
Total loans $24,942,463 $23,767,168 $23,435,446 $1,175,295 $1,507,017
[1] The legacy portfolio is comprised of commercial loans, construction loans and lease financings related to certain lending products exited by the Corporation as part of restructuring efforts carried out in prior years at the BPNA segment.

Deposits - Ending Balances

Q4 2017 vs. Q3 Q4 2017 vs.Q4
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16 2017 2016
Demand deposits [1] $12,460,081 $11,576,048 $9,053,897 $884,033 $3,406,184
Savings, NOW and money market deposits (non-brokered) 15,054,242 14,638,191 13,327,298 416,051 1,726,944
Savings, NOW and money market deposits (brokered) 424,307 422,174 405,487 2,133 18,820
Time deposits (non-brokered) 7,411,140 7,446,922 7,486,717 (35,782) (75,577)
Time deposits (brokered CDs) 103,738 165,601 222,825 (61,863) (119,087)
Total deposits $35,453,508 $34,248,936 $30,496,224 $1,204,572 $4,957,284
[1] Includes interest and non-interest bearing demand deposits.

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table H - Non-Performing Assets
As a % of As a % of As a % of
loans HIP by loans HIP by loans HIP by Q4 2017 vs. Q4 2017 vs.
(Dollars in thousands) 31-Dec-17 category 30-Sep-17 category 31-Dec-16 category Q3 2017 Q4 2016
Non-accrual loans:
Commercial $165,065 1.4 % $165,352 1.5 % $163,348 1.5 % $(287) $1,717
Construction - - 99 - - - (99) -
Legacy [1] 3,039 9.2 3,268 8.7 3,337 7.4 (229) (298)
Lease financing 2,974 0.4 2,684 0.4 3,062 0.4 290 (88)
Mortgage 321,549 4.4 352,315 5.4 329,907 4.9 (30,766) (8,358)
Consumer 58,330 1.5 62,210 1.6 58,261 1.6 (3,880) 69
Total non-performing loans held-in-
portfolio, excluding covered loans 550,957 2.3 % 585,928 2.5 % 557,915 2.5 % (34,971) (6,958)
Other real estate owned (“OREO”),
excluding covered OREO 169,260 176,728 180,445 (7,468) (11,185)
Total non-performing assets,
excluding covered assets 720,217 762,656 738,360 (42,439) (18,143)
Covered loans and OREO 22,948 24,951 36,044 (2,003) (13,096)
Total non-performing assets $743,165 $787,607 $774,404 $(44,442) $(31,239)
Accruing loans past due 90 days or more [3] $1,225,149 $465,127 $426,652 $760,022 $798,497
Ratios excluding covered loans:
Non-performing loans held-in-portfolio
to loans held-in-portfolio 2.27 % 2.53 % 2.45 %
Allowance for loan losses to loans
held-in-portfolio 2.43 2.65 2.24
Allowance for loan losses to
non-performing loans, excluding loans
held-for-sale 107.12 104.77 91.47
Ratios including covered loans:
Non-performing assets to total assets 1.68 % 1.85 % 2.00 %
Non-performing loans held-in-portfolio
to loans held-in-portfolio 2.23 2.49 2.41
Allowance for loan losses to loans
held-in-portfolio 2.51 2.73 2.32
Allowance for loan losses to non-performing
loans, excluding loans held-for-sale 112.47 109.77 96.23
[1] The legacy portfolio is comprised of commercial loans, construction loans and lease financings related to certain lending products exited by the Corporation as part of restructuring efforts carried out in prior years at the BPNA segment.
[2] There were no non-performing loans held-for-sale as of December 31, 2017, September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016.
[3] It is the Corporation’s policy to report delinquent residential mortgage loans insured by FHA or guaranteed by the VA as accruing loans past due 90 days or more as opposed to non-performing since the principal repayment is insured. The balance of these loans increased by $760 million due mainly to the rebooking of loans previously pooled into GNMA securities. Under the GNMA program, issuers such as BPPR have the option but not the obligation to repurchase loans that are 90 days or more past due. For accounting purposes, these loans subject to the repurchase option are required to be reflected on the financial statements of the Bank with an offsetting liability. While the borrowers for our serviced GNMA portfolio benefited from the loan payment moratorium, the delinquency status of these loans continued to be reported to GNMA without considering the moratorium. These balances include $178 million of residential mortgage loans insured by FHA or guaranteed by the VA that are no longer accruing interest as of December 31, 2017 (September 30, 2017 - $157 million; December 31, 2016 - $181 million). Furthermore, the Corporation has approximately $58 million in reverse mortgage loans which are guaranteed by FHA, but which are currently not accruing interest. Due to the guaranteed nature of the loans, it is the Corporation's policy to exclude these balances from non-performing assets (September 30, 2017 - $57 million; December 30, 2016 - $68 million).

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table I - Activity in Non-Performing Loans
Commercial loans held-in-portfolio:
Quarter ended Quarter ended
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17
(In thousands) BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc. BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc.
Beginning balance NPLs $160,043 $5,309 $165,352 $162,863 $4,001 $166,864
New non-performing loans 22,975 1,662 24,637 8,085 4,027 12,112
Non-performing loans transferred to OREO (254) - (254) (76) - (76)
Non-performing loans charged-off (9,456) - (9,456) (3,587) (49) (3,636)
Loans returned to accrual status / loan collections (12,082) (3,132) (15,214) (7,242) (2,670) (9,912)
Ending balance NPLs $161,226 $3,839 $165,065 $160,043 $5,309 $165,352
Construction loans held-in-portfolio:
Quarter ended Quarter ended
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17
(In thousands) BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc. BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc.
Beginning balance NPLs $99 $- $99 $- $- $-
New non-performing loans - - - 99 - 99
Loans returned to accrual status / loan collections (99) - (99) - - -
Ending balance NPLs $- $- $- $99 $- $99
Mortgage loans held-in-portfolio:
Quarter ended Quarter ended
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17
(In thousands) BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc. BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc.
Beginning balance NPLs $337,967 $14,348 $352,315 $306,642 $12,280 $318,922
New non-performing loans 1,583 6,622 8,205 97,314 5,349 102,663
Advances on existing non-performing loans - 662 662 - - -
Non-performing loans transferred to OREO (1,085) - (1,085) (9,408) - (9,408)
Non-performing loans charged-off (18,101) (60) (18,161) (10,864) (66) (10,930)
Loans returned to accrual status / loan collections (13,667) (6,720) (20,387) (45,717) (3,215) (48,932)
Ending balance NPLs $306,697 $14,852 $321,549 $337,967 $14,348 $352,315

Legacy loans held-in-portfolio:
Quarter ended Quarter ended
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17
(In thousands) BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc. BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc.
Beginning balance NPLs $- $3,268 $3,268 $- $3,360 $3,360
Advances on existing non-performing loans - - - - 64 64
Non-performing loans charged-off - - - - (14) (14)
Loans returned to accrual status / loan collections - (229) (229) - (142) (142)
Ending balance NPLs $- $3,039 $3,039 $- $3,268 $3,268
Total non-performing loans held-in-portfolio (excluding consumer and covered loans):
Quarter ended Quarter ended
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17
(In thousands) BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc. BPPR BPNA Popular, Inc.
Beginning balance NPLs $498,109 $22,925 $521,034 $469,505 $19,641 $489,146
New non-performing loans 24,558 8,284 32,842 105,498 9,376 114,874
Advances on existing non-performing loans - 662 662 - 64 64
Non-performing loans transferred to OREO (1,339) - (1,339) (9,484) - (9,484)
Non-performing loans charged-off (27,557) (60) (27,617) (14,451) (129) (14,580)
Loans returned to accrual status / loan collections (25,848) (10,081) (35,929) (52,959) (6,027) (58,986)
Ending balance NPLs $467,923 $21,730 $489,653 $498,109 $22,925 $521,034

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table J - Allowance for Credit Losses, Net Charge-offs and Related Ratios
Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16

Non-covered Covered Non-covered Covered


(Dollars in thousands) loans loans Total loans loans Total loans loans Total
Balance at beginning of period $613,856 $33,057 $646,913 $509,206 $30,808 $540,014 $525,593 $30,262 $555,855
Provision (reversal) for loan losses 70,001 1,487 71,488 157,659 3,100 160,759 40,924 441 41,365
683,857 34,544 718,401 666,865 33,908 700,773 566,517 30,703 597,220
Net loans charged-off (recovered):
Commercial 8,450 - 8,450 (438) - (438) 9,205 - 9,205
Construction (59) - (59) (50) - (50) 8 - 8
Lease financing 3,024 - 3,024 1,495 - 1,495 1,000 - 1,000
Mortgage 23,565 1,315 24,880 17,071 831 17,902 20,919 360 21,279
Consumer 24,138 (15) 24,123 27,223 20 27,243 22,284 (7) 22,277
Total BPPR 59,118 1,300 60,418 45,301 851 46,152 53,416 353 53,769
Commercial 30,981 - 30,981 4,282 - 4,282 (1,080) - (1,080)
Construction (7) - (7) - - - - - -
Legacy [1] (647) - (647) (297) - (297) (253) - (253)
Mortgage 56 - 56 (174) - (174) (255) - (255)
Consumer 4,174 - 4,174 3,897 - 3,897 4,388 - 4,388
Total BPNA 34,557 - 34,557 7,708 - 7,708 2,800 - 2,800
Total loans charged-off - Popular, Inc. 93,675 1,300 94,975 53,009 851 53,860 56,216 353 56,569
Balance at end of period $590,182 $33,244 $623,426 $613,856 $33,057 $646,913 $510,301 $30,350 $540,651
Annualized net charge-offs to average loans held-in-portfolio 1.61 % 1.60 % 0.92 % 0.92 % 1.00 % 0.98 %
Provision for loan losses to net charge-offs 0.75 x 0.75 x 2.97 x 2.98 x 0.73 x 0.73 x
Annualized net charge-offs to average loans held-in-portfolio 1.38 % 1.37 % 1.07 % 1.05 % 1.25 % 1.22 %
Provision for loan losses to net charge-offs 0.90 x 0.90 x 2.54 x 2.56 x 0.70 x 0.70 x
Annualized net charge-offs (recoveries) to average loans held-in-portfolio 2.26 % 0.52 % 0.21 %
Provision for loan losses to net charge-offs (recoveries) 0.49 x 5.52 x 1.27 x
[1] The legacy portfolio is comprised of commercial loans, construction loans and lease financings related to certain lending products exited by the Corporation as part of restructuring efforts carried out in prior years at the BPNA segment.

Year ended Year ended
(Dollars in thousands) 31-Dec-17 31-Dec-16
Non-covered Covered Non-covered Covered
loans loans Total loans loans Total
Balance at beginning of period $510,301 $30,350 $540,651 $502,935 $34,176 $537,111
Provision (reversal of provision) for loan losses 319,682 5,742 325,424 171,126 (1,110) 170,016
829,983 36,092 866,075 674,061 33,066 707,127
Net loans charged-off (recovered):
Commercial [4] 22,395 - 22,395 20,755 - 20,755
Construction (2,623) - (2,623) (2,021) - (2,021)
Lease financing 6,770 - 6,770 3,888 - 3,888
Mortgage 74,944 2,736 77,680 64,316 2,716 67,032
Consumer 90,133 112 90,245 76,306 - 76,306
Total BPPR 191,619 2,848 194,467 163,244 2,716 165,960
Commercial 34,157 - 34,157 (3,313) - (3,313)
Construction (7) - (7) - - -
Legacy [1] (1,730) - (1,730) (1,913) - (1,913)
Mortgage 240 - 240 1,933 - 1,933
Consumer 15,522 - 15,522 9,254 - 9,254
Total BPNA 48,182 - 48,182 5,961 - 5,961
Total loans charged-off - Popular, Inc. 239,801 2,848 242,649 169,205 2,716 171,921
Net recoveries [2] - - - 5,445 - 5,445
Balance at end of period $590,182 $33,244 $623,426 $510,301 $30,350 $540,651
Annualized net charge-offs to average loans held-in-portfolio 1.05 % 1.03 % 0.76 % 0.75 %
Provision for loan losses to net charge-offs [3] 1.33 x 1.34 x 1.01 x 0.99


Annualized net charge-offs to average loans held-in-portfolio 1.13 % 1.11 % 0.95 % 0.93 %
Provision for loan losses to net charge-offs [3] 1.26 x 1.27 x 0.95 x 0.93 x
Annualized net charge-offs to average loans held-in-portfolio 0.82 % 0.12 %
Provision for loan losses to net charge-offs 1.62 x 2.56 x
[1] The legacy portfolio is comprised of commercial loans, construction loans and lease financings related to certain lending products exited by the Corporation as part of restructuring efforts carried out in prior years at the BPNA segment.
[2] Net recoveries for the year ended December 31, 2016 are related to loans sold or reclassified to held-for-sale.
[3] Excluding provision for loan losses and net write-down related to loans sold or reclassified to held-for-sale during the years ended December 31, 2016.
[4] For the year ended December 31, 2017, includes the elimination of an incremental $6.0 million charge-off related to the inter-company transfer of a loan between BPPR and Popular, Inc., its bank honding company, the impact of which is eliminated in the consolidated results of the Corporation in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table K - Allowance for Loan Losses - Breakdown of General and Specific Reserves - CONSOLIDATED
(Dollars in thousands) Commercial Construction Legacy [2] Mortgage financing Consumer Total [3]
Specific ALLL $36,982 $- $- $48,832 $475 $22,802 $109,091
Impaired loans [1] $323,455 $- $- $518,275 $1,456 $104,237 $947,423
Specific ALLL to impaired loans [1] 11.43 % - % - % 9.42 % 32.62 % 21.88 % 11.51 %
General ALLL $178,683 $8,362 $798 $114,790 $11,516 $166,942 $481,091
Loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans [1] $11,165,406 $880,029 $32,980 $6,752,132 $808,534 $3,706,290 $23,345,371
General ALLL to loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans [1] 1.60 % 0.95 % 2.42 % 1.70 % 1.42 % 4.50 % 2.06 %
Total ALLL $215,665 $8,362 $798 $163,622 $11,991 $189,744 $590,182
Total non-covered loans held-in-portfolio [1] $11,488,861 $880,029 $32,980 $7,270,407 $809,990 $3,810,527 $24,292,794
ALLL to loans held-in-portfolio [1] 1.88 % 0.95 % 2.42 % 2.25 % 1.48 % 4.98 % 2.43 %
[1] Excludes covered loans acquired on the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction.
[2] The legacy portfolio is comprised of commercial loans, construction loans and lease financings related to certain lending products exited by the Corporation as part of restructuring efforts carried out in prior years at the BPNA reportable segment.
[3] Excludes covered loans acquired on the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction. As of December 31, 2017, the general allowance on the covered loans amounted to $33.2 million.
(Dollars in thousands) Commercial Construction Legacy [2] Mortgage financing Consumer Total [3]
Specific ALLL $40,863 $- $- $51,421 $450 $22,457 $115,191
Impaired loans [1] $328,704 $- $- $519,228 $1,468 $105,387 $954,787
Specific ALLL to impaired loans [1] 12.43 % - % - % 9.90 % 30.65 % 21.31 % 12.06 %
General ALLL $228,106 $8,822 $872 $122,469 $9,982 $128,414 $498,665
Loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans [1] $10,898,391 $823,325 $37,508 $6,010,007 $753,413 $3,696,019 $22,218,663
General ALLL to loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans [1] 2.09 % 1.07 % 2.32 % 2.04 % 1.32 % 3.47 % 2.24 %
Total ALLL $268,969 $8,822 $872 $173,890 $10,432 $150,871 $613,856
Total non-covered loans held-in-portfolio [1] $11,227,095 $823,325 $37,508 $6,529,235 $754,881 $3,801,406 $23,173,450
ALLL to loans held-in-portfolio [1] 2.40 % 1.07 % 2.32 % 2.66 % 1.38 % 3.97 % 2.65 %
[1] Excludes covered loans acquired on the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction.
[2] The legacy portfolio is comprised of commercial loans, construction loans and lease financings related to certain lending products exited by the Corporation as part of restructuring efforts carried out in prior years at the BPNA reportable segment.
[3] Excludes covered loans acquired on the Westernbank FDIC-assisted transaction. As of September 30, 2017, the general allowance on the covered loans amounted to $33.1 million.
(Dollars in thousands) Commercial Construction Legacy Mortgage financing Consumer Total
Specific ALLL $(3,881) $- $- $(2,589) $25 $345 $(6,100)
Impaired loans $(5,249) $- $- $(953) $(12) $(1,150) $(7,364)
General ALLL $(49,423) $(460) $(74) $(7,679) $1,534 $38,528 $(17,574)
Loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans $267,015 $56,704 $(4,528) $742,125 $55,121 $10,271 $1,126,708
Total ALLL $(53,304) $(460) $(74) $(10,268) $1,559 $38,873 $(23,674)
Total non-covered loans held-in-portfolio $261,766 $56,704 $(4,528) $741,172 $55,109 $9,121 $1,119,344

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table L - Allowance for Loan Losses - Breakdown of General and Specific Reserves - PUERTO RICO OPERATIONS
Puerto Rico
(In thousands) Commercial Construction Mortgage Lease financing Consumer Total
Allowance for credit losses:
Specific ALLL non-covered loans $36,982 $- $46,354 $475 $21,849 $105,660
General ALLL non-covered loans 134,549 1,286 112,727 11,516 152,366 412,444
ALLL - non-covered loans 171,531 1,286 159,081 11,991 174,215 518,104
Specific ALLL covered loans - - - - - -
General ALLL covered loans - - 32,521 - 723 33,244
ALLL - covered loans - - 32,521 - 723 33,244
Total ALLL $171,531 $1,286 $191,602 $11,991 $174,938 $551,348
Loans held-in-portfolio:
Impaired non-covered loans $323,455 $- $509,033 $1,456 $99,180 $933,124
Non-covered loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans 6,942,444 95,369 6,067,746 808,534 3,230,841 17,144,934
Non-covered loans held-in-portfolio 7,265,899 95,369 6,576,779 809,990 3,330,021 18,078,058
Impaired covered loans - - - - - -
Covered loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans - - 502,929 - 14,345 517,274
Covered loans held-in-portfolio - - 502,929 - 14,345 517,274
Total loans held-in-portfolio $7,265,899 $95,369 $7,079,708 $809,990 $3,344,366 $18,595,332
Puerto Rico
(In thousands) Commercial Construction Mortgage Lease financing Consumer Total
Allowance for credit losses:
Specific ALLL non-covered loans $40,863 $- $49,129 $450 $21,730 $112,172
General ALLL non-covered loans 164,823 1,699 120,504 9,982 115,069 412,077
ALLL - non-covered loans 205,686 1,699 169,633 10,432 136,799 524,249
Specific ALLL covered loans - - - - - -
General ALLL covered loans - - 31,991 - 1,066 33,057
ALLL - covered loans - - 31,991 - 1,066 33,057
Total ALLL $205,686 $1,699 $201,624 $10,432 $137,865 $557,306
Loans held-in-portfolio:
Impaired non-covered loans $328,704 $- $510,134 $1,468 $101,948 $942,254
Non-covered loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans 6,840,907 87,705 5,305,371 753,413 3,188,422 16,175,818
Non-covered loans held-in-portfolio 7,169,611 87,705 5,815,505 754,881 3,290,370 17,118,072
Impaired covered loans - - - - - -
Covered loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans - - 510,211 - 14,643 524,854
Covered loans held-in-portfolio - - 510,211 - 14,643 524,854
Total loans held-in-portfolio $7,169,611 $87,705 $6,325,716 $754,881 $3,305,013 $17,642,926
(In thousands) Commercial Construction Mortgage Lease financing Consumer Total
Allowance for credit losses:
Specific ALLL non-covered loans $(3,881) $- $(2,775) $25 $119 $(6,512)
General ALLL non-covered loans (30,274) (413) (7,777) 1,534 37,297 367
ALLL - non-covered loans (34,155) (413) (10,552) 1,559 37,416 (6,145)
Specific ALLL covered loans - - - - - -
General ALLL covered loans - - 530 - (343) 187
ALLL - covered loans - - 530 - (343) 187
Total ALLL $(34,155) $(413) $(10,022) $1,559 $37,073 $(5,958)
Loans held-in-portfolio:
Impaired non-covered loans $(5,249) $- $(1,101) $(12) $(2,768) $(9,130)
Non-covered loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans 101,537 7,664 762,375 55,121 42,419 969,116
Non-covered loans held-in-portfolio 96,288 7,664 761,274 55,109 39,651 959,986
Impaired covered loans - - - - - -
Covered loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans - - (7,282) - (298) (7,580)
Covered loans held-in-portfolio - - (7,282) - (298) (7,580)
Total loans held-in-portfolio $96,288 $7,664 $753,992 $55,109 $39,353 $952,406

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table M - Allowance for Loan Losses - Breakdown of General and Specific Reserves - U.S. MAINLAND OPERATIONS
U.S. Mainland
(In thousands) Commercial Construction Legacy Mortgage Consumer Total
Allowance for credit losses:
Specific ALLL $- $- $- $2,478 $953 $3,431
General ALLL 44,134 7,076 798 2,063 14,576 68,647
Total ALLL $44,134 $7,076 $798 $4,541 $15,529 $72,078
Loans held-in-portfolio:
Impaired loans $- $- $- $9,242 $5,057 $14,299
Loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans 4,222,962 784,660 32,980 684,386 475,449 6,200,437
Total loans held-in-portfolio $4,222,962 $784,660 $32,980 $693,628 $480,506 $6,214,736
U.S. Mainland
(In thousands) Commercial Construction Legacy Mortgage Consumer Total
Allowance for credit losses:
Specific ALLL $- $- $- $2,292 $727 $3,019
General ALLL 63,283 7,123 872 1,965 13,345 86,588
Total ALLL $63,283 $7,123 $872 $4,257 $14,072 $89,607
Loans held-in-portfolio:
Impaired loans $- $- $- $9,094 $3,439 $12,533
Loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans 4,057,484 735,620 37,508 704,636 507,597 6,042,845
Total loans held-in-portfolio $4,057,484 $735,620 $37,508 $713,730 $511,036 $6,055,378
(In thousands) Commercial Construction Legacy Mortgage Consumer Total
Allowance for credit losses:
Specific ALLL $- $- $- $186 $226 $412
General ALLL (19,149) (47) (74) 98 1,231 (17,941)
Total ALLL $(19,149) $(47) $(74) $284 $1,457 $(17,529)
Loans held-in-portfolio:
Impaired loans $- $- $- $148 $1,618 $1,766
Loans held-in-portfolio, excluding impaired loans 165,478 49,040 (4,528) (20,250) (32,148) 157,592
Total loans held-in-portfolio $165,478 $49,040 $(4,528) $(20,102) $(30,530) $159,358

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table N - Reconciliation to GAAP Financial Measures
(In thousands, except share or per share information) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 31-Dec-16
Total stockholders’ equity $5,103,905 $5,285,431 $5,197,957
Less: Preferred stock (50,160) (50,160) (50,160)
$5,053,745 $5,235,271 $5,147,797
Common shares outstanding at end of period 102,068,981 102,026,417 103,790,932
Common equity per share $49.51 $51.31 $49.60
Total stockholders’ equity $5,103,905 $5,285,431 $5,197,957
Less: Preferred stock (50,160) (50,160) (50,160)
Less: Goodwill (627,294) (627,294) (627,294)
Less: Other intangibles (35,672) (38,016) (45,050)
Total tangible common equity $4,390,779 $4,569,961 $4,475,453
Total assets $44,277,337 $42,601,267 $38,661,609
Less: Goodwill (627,294) (627,294) (627,294)
Less: Other intangibles (35,672) (38,016) (45,050)
Total tangible assets $43,614,371 $41,935,957 $37,989,265
Tangible common equity to tangible assets 10.07 % 10.90 % 11.78 %
Common shares outstanding at end of period 102,068,981 102,026,417 103,790,932
Tangible book value per common share $43.02 $44.79 $43.12

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table O - Financial Information - Westernbank Loans
Revenues (Expenses)
Quarters ended
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 Variance
Interest income on WB loans $36,011 $35,939 $72
FDIC loss-share income (expense):
(Amortization) accretion of indemnification asset (407) 567 (974)
80% mirror accounting on credit impairment losses [1] 1,191 (329) 1,520
80% mirror accounting on reimbursable expenses 222 588 (366)

80% mirror accounting on recoveries on covered assets, including rental income on OREOs,

subject to reimbursement to the FDIC (427) (1,601) 1,174
Change in true-up payment obligation 2,018 (3,208) 5,226
Other 17 35 (18)
Total FDIC loss-share income (expense) 2,614 (3,948) 6,562
Total income 38,625 31,991 6,634
Provision for loan losses- WB loans 2,501 14,751 (12,250)
Total income less provision for loan losses $36,124 $17,240 $18,884
[1] Reductions in expected cash flows for ASC 310-30 loans, which may impact the provision for loan losses, may consider reductions in both principal and interest cash flow expectations. The amount covered under the FDIC loss-sharing agreement for interest not collected from borrowers is limited under the agreement (approximately 90 days); accordingly, these amounts are not subject fully to the 80% mirror accounting.
Non-personnel operating expenses
Quarters ended [1][2]
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 Variance
Professional fees $111 $315 $(204)
OREO expenses 1,154 1,807 (653)
Other operating expenses 1,694 1,748 (54)
Total operating expenses $2,959 $3,870 $(911)
[1] Includes expenses related to loans subject, and not subject, to the FDIC loss-sharing agreements.
[2] Expense reimbursements from the FDIC may be recorded with a time lag, since these are claimed upon the event of loss or charge-off of the loans which may occur in a subsequent period.
Quarterly average assets
Quarters ended
(In millions) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17 Variance
Loans $1,667 $1,681 $(14)
FDIC loss-share asset 48 52 (4)

Activity in the carrying amount and accretable yield of loans accounted for under ASC 310-30
Quarters ended
31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17
Carrying amount Carrying amount
(In thousands) Accretable yield of loans Accretable yield of loans
Beginning balance $909,329 $1,588,547 $942,668 $1,617,787
Accretion (34,435) 34,435 (34,790) 34,790
Changes in expected cash flows 5,821 - 1,451 -
Collections / loan sales / charge-offs - (30,061) - (64,030)
Ending balance[1] 880,715 1,592,921 909,329 1,588,547
Allowance for loan losses - ASC 310-30 loans - (70,129) - (67,100)
Ending balance, net of allowance for loan losses $880,715 $1,522,792 $909,329 $1,521,447
[1] The carrying amount of loans acquired from Westernbank and accounted for under ASC 310-30 which remain subject to the loss-sharing agreement with the FDIC amounted to approximately $507 million as of December 31, 2017 and $515 million as of September 30, 2017.
Activity in the carrying amount of the FDIC indemnity asset
Quarters ended
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17
Balance at beginning of period $49,394 $53,070
(Amortization) accretion (407) 567
Credit impairment losses to be covered under loss-sharing agreements 1,191 (329)
Reimbursable expenses to be covered under loss-sharing agreements 222 588
Net payments from FDIC under loss-sharing agreements (4,084) (4,502)
Balance at end of period 46,316 49,394
Balance due to the FDIC for recoveries on covered assets (1,124) (924)
Net balance of indemnity asset and amounts due from the FDIC $45,192 $48,470
Activity in the remaining FDIC loss-share asset (amortization) accretion
Quarters ended
(In thousands) 31-Dec-17 30-Sep-17
Balance at beginning of period [1] $(2,557) $(725)
(Amortization) accretion [2] (407) 567
Impact of change in projected losses 4,526 (2,399)
Balance at end of period $1,562 $(2,557)
[1] Positive balance represents negative discount (debit to assets), while a negative balance represents a discount (credit to assets).
[2] Amortization results in a negative impact to non-interest income, while accretion results in a positive impact to non-interest income, particularly FDIC loss-share income (expense).

Popular, Inc.
Financial Supplement to Fourth Quarter 2017 Earnings Release
Table P - Adjusted Net Income for the Years Ended December 31, 2017 and 2016 (Non-GAAP)
Income tax Impact on net
(In thousands) Pre-tax effect income
U.S. GAAP Net income $107,681
Non-GAAP Adjustments:
Impact of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act[1] - 168,358 168,358
Adjusted net income (Non-GAAP) $276,039
[1]On December 22, 2017, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act ("the Act") was signed into law by the President of the United States. The Act, among other things, reduced the maximum federal Corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. The adjustment reduced the DTA related to the Corporation's U.S. operations as a result of a lower realizable benefit at the lower tax rate.
Income tax Impact on net
(In thousands) Pre-tax effect income
U.S. GAAP Net income $216,691
Non-GAAP Adjustments:
Impact of EVERTEC restatement [1] 2,173 - 2,173
Bulk Sale of WB loans and OREO [2] (891) 347 [4] (544)
FDIC arbitration award[3] 171,757 (41,108)[4] 130,649
Goodwill impairment charge[5] 3,801 - 3,801
Other FDIC - LSA adjustments[6] 8,806 (2,380) 6,426
Income from discontinued operations[7] (2,015) 880 (1,135)
Adjusted net income (Non-GAAP) $358,061

[1]Represents Popular Inc.'s proportionate share of the cumulative impact of EVERTEC restatement and other corrective adjustments to its financial statements, as disclosed in EVERTEC's 2015 Annual Report on Form 10K. Due to the preferential tax rate on the income from EVERTEC, the tax effect of this transaction was insignificant to the Corporation.

[2]Represents the impact of the bulk sale of Westernbank loans and OREO.
[3]Represents the arbitration decision denying BPPR's request for reimbursement in certain shared loss claims.
[4]Gains and losses related to assets acquired from Westernbank as part of the FDIC assisted transaction are subject to the capital gains tax rate of 20%. Other items related to the FDIC loss-sharing agreements are subject to the statutory tax rate of 39%.
[5]Represents goodwill impairment charge in the Corporation’s securities subsidiary. The securities subsidiary is a limited liability company with a partnership election. Accordingly, its earnings flow through Popular, Inc., holding company, for income tax purposes. Since Popular, Inc. has a full valuation allowance on its deferred tax assets, this results in an effective tax rate of 0%.
[6]Additional adjustments, including prior period recoveries, related to restructured commercial loans to reduce the indemnification asset to its expected realizable value.
[7]Represents income from discontinued operations associated with the BPNA reorganization.


Popular, Inc.
Investor Relations:
Brett Scheiner, 212-417-6721
Investor Relations Officer
Media Relations:
Teruca Rullán, 787-281-5170
Mobile: 917-679-3596
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications

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