The Top 10 Industry Leaders You Need to Pay Attention to in 2020

BALTIMORE, MD / ACCESSWIRE / July 10, 2020 / The year 2020 has been full of a lot of surprises. From the pandemic to the downward trend of the global economy, it is as though all we receive is negative news.

Although it might seem like there's no positive news in the world today, there are numerous entrepreneurs out there who continue to perform significant and motivational work.

This month, we put together a list of entrepreneurs from diverse industries, and we discuss their achievements so far in their respective industries. They were also keen to share advice for entrepreneurs struggling during this period. Let's have a look:

-Tony Delgado

Instagram: disruptceo

Tony Delgado is a multimillionaire tech entrepreneur who has started multiple online and software-based businesses. He has also helped thousands of individuals create their first profitable business, with his online courses, conferences, and consulting programs, all from the comfort of his home in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Tony is an internet personality who is mostly known for his work in Puerto Rico's Entrepreneur & Startup ecosystem. He is also a TEDx Keynote Speaker and the mastermind behind many of the most successful brands.

Apart from all of these, Tony founded Disrupt Puerto Rico, an annual conference series focused on technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He has collaborated with influencers like Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, Gerard Adams, John Mallot, John Lee Dumas, Jason Capital, and Charlie Rocket and worked with brands like Armani, IBM, Google, Steve Madden, Marvel Comics, Whole Foods, LG and K-Swiss.

Recently, Tony hosted a live webinar with comedian George Lopez to launch Wall Street University: a program that helps anyone make money in the stock market!

Advice for entrepreneurs struggling during this pandemic:

"Keep moving forward. This is the best opportunity in the world to get ahead of your competition. While others are retracting you must expand! "

-Patrick Duong

Instagram: patrickduong

Patrick Duong is a dynamic, results-oriented entrepreneur with a unique blend of experience in both investments and the health and wellness space. His career has taken him from being a senior executive with the largest health club in the world to being the Chief Executive Officer at Talent Evaluation Group, running a single-family office.

Patrick is also a keynote speaker and serves as a business strategist to shareholders, hedge funds, venture capitalists, private equity firms, and private credit strategies on strategy, operations, risk management, compliance, and marketing

Things haven't always been this smooth for Patrick. In 2016, he experienced a huge failure which almost resulted in a death sentence, but he didn't let it hold him back. In hindsight, that was the biggest and most beneficial lesson in his life.

Recently, Patrick's firm added a few investors from private equity firms, venture capitalists, athletes, artists, and even a few celebrities. Although the health and wellness industry has been heavily affected by Covid-19, Patrick believes investors with deeper pockets will create more stability within the industry.

Also one of his start-ups has already received the funding that it needs to scale and they are excited to fully launch different product lines ranging from supplements, apparel, fitness apps, and over fifty CDB products all under his umbrella.

Advice For Businesses During This Pandemic:

Patrick's Advice for businesses during this period is simple, Don't Survive, Thrive. ⁣

"Innovation has always thrived in hard times. Desperation forces people to question the status quo. In good times, people may be less inclined to rock the boat, but when investors and customers are bolting for the doors, you have no choice. That's probably why some of the world's great companies were founded during recessions, businesses such as General Electric, IBM, Disney, Microsoft, and Adobe.⁣

⁣One of the world's most successful innovators, Apple, wasn't founded during a recession, however, the same principle applies. When Steve Jobs returned to take the reins in 1997, Apple was facing a crisis: too many products, too little focus, not enough revenue. What saved the day? Steve Jobs shaved Apple's product lines by 70 percent.

⁣⁣The main reason many companies fail is lack of focus. They start off doing one thing well, and then get attracted to - or distracted by - other opportunities. This is called the shiny object syndrome. Some may be successful, others not.

To stay true to your strategic core, you could do worse than look at the process of strategic turnarounds. Once a company has accepted that it has lost its way, a successful turnaround requires an extraordinary commitment to self-analysis, questioning, reflection, and day-to-day change.

It takes courage to admit that your company needs to reverse course. But successful turnarounds require everyone involved facing the brutal truth. Recession is Opportunity⁣." - Patrick.

Patrick's Collage Photo Credit: Johnathan Nguyen.

-Justin Saunders

Instagram: justinjaysaunders

Justin Saunders is an entrepreneur and the founder of New Age Media; an advertising agency that specializes in the pain management industry. He also is the founder of Agency on Autopilot, which helps agency owners scale their business.

Over the years, Justin has coached over 200+ entrepreneurs on running advertising agencies and has helped dozens of people become financially independent via Facebook ad management for local businesses.

Right now his agency is completely automated and he only spends about 5 hours a week maintaining it. This has given him enough time to focus on his real passion, teaching.

This is why he has shifted his focus to his education program called Agency on Autopilot. With this, Justin has taught quite a number of people how to build an automated advertising agency that yields $10,000+ monthly. This, in turn, brings financial freedom to his students.

Advice for entrepreneurs struggling during this pandemic:

"If you're not making a living online yet, it's important that you start making moves. Everything that's happened in the last quarter has proven that you need to be online to be relevant.

We live in a digital world and you need to get your brand out there for everyone to see online. It's the digital age, so why not take advantage of it!"

-Landon Murie

Instagram: Landomania

Landon Murie is a dynamic entrepreneur and the founder of Goodjuju, a marketing and SEO agency that helps property management companies get more online exposure.

This niche focus allows his firm to be really good and specific about how they get results. Apart from this, they also design stunning websites, optimize local SEO, and handle reputation management for property managers. Years ago, Landon started a property management company with his father and in order to grow their firm, he got into marketing and SEO.

Landon got obsessed with both concepts and became an expert. And of course, these came with a lot of benefits; more clients came through their doors, an enhanced digital footprint, and also improved SEO.

But with their unprecedented rate of growth, he realized later on that he couldn't manage the company anymore and things got out of hand. Eventually, his property management firm shut down.

Although things didn't work out with his property management firm, Landon decided to combine his experiences from his failed business and his expertise in digital marketing to form a new firm that caters only to the marketing needs of property managers around the world. Thus, Goodjuju was formed in 2018, and has been growing faster than ever in 2020! So far, Landon's company has helped several dozen firms achieve success and growth with their digital marketing campaigns.

Advice for entrepreneurs struggling during the pandemic:

"Right now, I think every entrepreneur should embrace the new normal. A lot of things have changed and the way we operate as business owners have taken a turn, for some it might be the start of a new era and others the end of something great.

You shouldn't let the struggle around you dictate how you'll come out in the end. You likely have a lot of extra time right now, so use that to your advantage by learning more, focusing more, and getting ahead while others are making excuses!"

-Jackie Zuk

Instagram: jackiezuk

Jackie Zuk(JZ) is an entrepreneur who helps clients get "on the scene" where it matters. She has amassed hundreds of thousands of social media connections and loyal followers all looking for the latest trends, fashion, inspiring products, and cutting edge business ventures.

Originally from New York, Jackie relocated to Boston in 2014 and has been blazing a trail ever since. Now Based in Everett, MA, she is the CEO of NEXTonSCENE Media LLC, Editor in Chief of NEXTonSCENE® magazine, podcast broadcaster for "NEXTonSCENE® with JZ", and a producer of high-quality promotional events and PR campaigns.

Although Jackie has been able to achieve a lot these last few years, it's not always been rosy. 6 years ago, when Jackie moved to Boston From New York, she didn't know anyone other than her husband. This made it difficult for her to build a lot of connections.

Within the space of 6 years, Jackie has been able to launch her podcast and grow it to 500,000 listens to date, build a full multifaceted digital marketing & media agency, create widely acclaimed fashion shows and trade shows and helped thousands of people across the world achieve success.

Right now, the world is going through a lot of changes due to the pandemic and recent unrest. Due to this, Jackie came to the decision to reschedule her annual fashion show as it wouldn't have much of an impact hence the rules & regulations placed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

But this hasn't stopped her digital marketing agency from growing, now more than ever a lot of businesses have called on her to help revive their brand through Expert digital marketing campaigns.

-Jacob Joseph

Instagram: Jjaythebeardedbarber

Jacob Joseph aspired to become a barber after graduating from college. He pursued this dream until it became a reality. And today, he is known as "Jjaythebeardedbarber" on social media.

For the last three years, Jacob has given his clients premium experience each time they sit on the chair for a makeover. Each haircut gives them a confidence boost unlike no other they've experienced before, giving them the drive to go on and pursue their goals with a fresh look.

After Jacob accomplished his dreams of becoming a barber, he was able to grow his Instagram account from less than a thousand followers to a whopping hundred thousand followers. Also, he's been blessed to be able to be working with one of the top clipper companies in the industry, Gammaplusna.

In Jacob's pursuit of dominating the haircutting industry, he recently came out with his own razors which have helped soar to the summit of the haircutting industry.

Also, he is working on creating a brand/product line soon. To stay in the loop, be sure to follow him on all his social media accounts. You'll be thrilled!

Advice for entrepreneurs experiencing struggle during the pandemic:

"The best advice I can give businesses is to use the downtime we have because of Covid-19 to learn some new skills. It could be social media, video editing, interpersonal skills, or expanding client services.

Focus on skills that will benefit you as an individual and enhance your client's experience. Structure a game plan for what you are going to be doing after this is all over. Consume knowledge by reading books and seeing what others did during similar situations.

Take advantage of all the grants, loans, and money that are being offered to help businesses during this time. And most importantly, stay positive and continue to work towards your goals."

-Narley Karikari

Instagram: narleyk

Narley Karikari is Board Certified Life & Mindset Coach who specializes in hypnotherapy & neuro-linguistic programming.

She assists seasoned female entrepreneurs in uncovering & releasing the subconscious blocks that create procrastination & self-sabotage in their life, so they can gain more clarity, confidence & sales online! She's able to achieve such feats using her D.R.E.A.M Method guaranteed!

The female entrepreneurs she serves are breaking through income ceilings, visibility blocks when it comes to speaking on camera and gaining massive confidence to launch their services and products consistently online.

Her practice is focused on solving the root cause of self-sabotaging tendencies, imposter syndrome, and the deeper fears women experience when desiring to expand their comfort zone and grow their business. Narley K Coaching is 100% online and offers international service, with all coaching sessions taking place on Zoom.

Narley prides herself with the growing impact her platform has been experiencing. She coaches clients situated in Continents like Australia and Europe from her home base in Toronto, Canada. This motivates her to serve more women and stay consistent.

Narley is currently offering an amazing 6-week transformational program for new or seasoned female entrepreneurs who are tired of sabotaging their goals, hiding their gifts, and leaving money on the internet table. It's called "Frustrated 2 Flourishing - 6 Weeks to Clarity, Confidence & Cashflow"

Doors open July 22nd and anyone interested can follow her on the social media platform Instagram at narleyk - closely to learn more about this program that will give them the tools, techniques, and psychology-based strategies to remove limiting beliefs, overcome imposter syndrome and master their money mindset!

Outside of this program, she also offers single sessions, and a 3-month program for long term support:

Advice for businesses experiencing problems during this pandemic:

"My most important piece of advice to other entrepreneurs is to set an intention every day to be more courageous than the day before, to set goals that excite you and to reprogram their subconscious mind sooner than later, so they aren't working from out-dated thought patterns and beliefs.

My wish for everyone I meet is for them to understand how powerful they truly are, and that everything is available for them, 100% of the time! All we must do is decide that it is.

Always remember, you make a difference in the world through your business so don't give up!"

-Zoey Bullock

Instagram: bettychronix

Zoey Bullock is an expert energy healer, spiritual mentor, and plant medicine advocate. Her experience with her first spiritual awakening gave her a purpose and this was to heal people and help them embrace their true gifts.

Over the years, her personal healing journey inspired her business expansion from e-learning consulting for healers to becoming a healer herself.

Today, Zoey's personal brand has given her a voice to create meaningful change in the world. She has successfully learned how to heal from trauma and help others decode their own transformations amongst other accomplishments.

She now offers virtual cosmic healing sessions where she incorporates energy healing and divine intelligence channeling to help her clients understand their soul purpose and master their energetic codes.

Advice for entrepreneurs experiencing struggle during the pandemic:

"Don't be afraid to explore new ideas, especially if you are feeling called to make an impact. Your business should be an extension of who you truly are, where this is an incredibly healing time for us to do the inner work and understand our true gifts.

The world is shifting constantly, where we have the opportunity to innovate, even if that means starting from ground zero. Be willing to strive through the discomfort, and trust your internal guidance to lead the way!"

-Alec Martin

Instagram: astylealive

Alec Martin (Astyle Alive) is a self-made successful entrepreneur. Over the course of the last 10+ years, Alec has founded and owned, 6 businesses. His current business ventures include Real Estate, Credit Repair, and a new endeavor Tranquil Store, an e-commerce CBD business.

Alec has focused his growth on overcoming the stress and anxieties that come with being a business owner. He focuses his efforts on ensuring that each business is a stepping stone for his family and his legacy. Alec started his entrepreneur journey at the age of 18 and has grown with each business. He enjoys helping others in their journey and sharing his successes with others.

In a recent interview, Alec stated that his greatest business accomplishment is putting his best foot forward, not looking back and fighting his best fight through every hurdle and obstacle that I have faced.

Alec has met every endeavor with determination, dedication, and bravery, with a giving and helping backing. While standing tall and achieving a remarkable journey over the last decade, it hasn't always been a smooth road.

The road to success is filled with blood, sweat, and tears, along with a lot of overthinking, falling, and learning. Despite all Alec continues to put God first each day and in every situation. His family remains to be the constant motivation and inspiration behind the man.

Over the course of the last few months, Alec has been working on launching a premium CBD brand. The good news is that preparations are finally over and the brand will be launching next week. The brand is known as Tranquil Store; a premium website and brand that specializes in CBD products focusing on athletes, fitness professionals, outdoor adventurers, and celebrities.

Tranquil Store is currently looking for premium brand ambassadors as well as influencers who would be a good fit for a partnership. You can sign up to be notified when the store opens at Everyone involved is excited about this new brand coming to the CBD industry and the impact it will make on the lives of many.

Advice for entrepreneurs struggling during this pandemic:

"The best piece of advice Alec can give to anyone now is that not everyone has your best interest, time waits for no-one and failure is not an option.

Yes, you might fall several times during this period, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the road. Fall seven times and get back up 8."

-Billy Alvaro

Instagram: unstoppableba

Billy Alvaro is the president of Max Returns Real estate investment, A coach at Flip Masters, and the host of "Real Estate Investing Radio" on 103.9 FM. Billy has vast experience within the lending and real estate investing industries.

He is a serial entrepreneur, visionary, and practitioner of the law of Increase. Billy has started and built multiple organizations with a combined 1.3 BILLION dollars worth of volume on an annualized basis.

His firms have been involved with over 11,700 real estate transactions and he has been awarded businessman of the year by the Columbia Association -136th fastest growing privately held company in America by INC 500 and Top 40 Business Person Under the Age of 40 by Long Island Business News.

His passion in life is to make deals happen and to coach and mentor entrepreneurs and real estate investors on how to do the same.

Right now his firm is expanding its reach into new geographic markets including the southeast and Midwest. They are also entering larger apartment acquisitions to hold in our portfolio.

Advice for businesses experiencing struggles during the Pandemic:

"It's a little late to comment on what you should have done - as we are 4 months in but cost-cutting was the number 1 thing I did for me firm. We chopped 72k a month in expenses.

The second thing was adapting to the new way of doing business - we closed our physical locations and went 100% virtual. It's a little late, but it's better late than never."


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