Actuate Expands Big Data Application Deployment Options Built on Amazon Web Services
Released: 02/05/13 07:00 AM EST

Actuate Corporation (NASDAQ: BIRT), The BIRT Company and an Amazon Web Services (AWS) APN Advanced Technology Partner, today announced enhanced options for their customers using Amazon DynamoDB and other AWS services for their high performance, BIRT-based business analytics. The enhancements provide flexibility for on premises and cloud deployments of BIRT-based applications.

Big Data Connectivity Your Way: ActuateOne® with Amazon DynamoDB

Actuate has created a native connector for Amazon DynamoDB, allowing users to directly ingest data from their Amazon DynamoDB instances into Big Data analytics applications. Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. With Amazon DynamoDB, developers can store and retrieve any amount of data to serve any level of request traffic. The ActuateOne native connector optimizes data processing and data management by leveraging Amazon DynamoDB query and filtering capabilities. With ActuateOne’s unique elastic clustering capabilities, the connector allows capacity to be dynamically added or removed from a cluster to handle changing application workload requirements. Native support for Amazon DynamoDB’s key features, such as binary data types, allows customers to reduce the size of items stored – ultimately lowering the cost of storage and throughput.

As businesses focus on improving corporate performance while striving to meet stringent service level agreements (SLAs), data volumes and the demand to gain insights from that data are growing. In this environment it is important to choose scalable, elastic, IT infrastructure services that are capable of reacting to changing demands for consuming and analyzing information. ActuateOne built on Amazon DynamoDB keeps resources nimble as an organization’s Big Data strategy evolves.

“The ActuateOne native connector for DynamoDB provides an additive element to AWS by helping Actuate’s customers reduce the complexity and cost of provisioning, configuring, and operating scalable business intelligence and information applications for traditional and Big Data sources,” said Terry Wise, Head of Worldwide Partner Ecosystem, AWS. “We’re pleased Actuate has chosen to build ActuateOne on Amazon DynamoDB to help reduce the cost of Big Data deployments.”

“We’re pleased to be providing native support for Amazon DynamoDB. ActuateOne’s advanced visualizations and ability to build, manage and deploy high-scale, intuitive applications on distributed and traditional data sources, results in applications with high end-user adoption,” said Nobby Akiha, SVP of Marketing at Actuate. “High adoption, in turn, fuels additional user population growth and application relevance.”

Big Data Application Deployment: Amazon Web Services and BIRT onDemand

BIRT onDemand, Actuate’s PaaS solution for Business Intelligence, analytics and visualization, built on the AWS cloud computing platform, provides the flexibility to build custom BIRT-based information applications regardless of use case or industry, making it simple to deploy end user configurable dashboards and in-memory analytics on top of any traditional or distributed data source. Organizations can save time and money, and let BIRT onDemand manage their information application infrastructure, without compromising scalability, security, or dependability.

BIRT onDemand subscriptions come pre-configured with data storage using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and offer the following benefits:

* Publish BIRT-based information applications securely to users outside the firewall;

* Eliminate server management costs and reduce IT involvement by providing an ideal hosted platform for all BIRT applications;

* Enhance existing BIRT applications by adding instant-on interactivity and analysis capabilities;

* Deliver BIRT content to touch devices including iPhone®, iPad and Android devices;

* Support for relational, distributed and cloud databases, including DynamoDB.

Actuate – The BIRT Company

Actuate founded and co-leads the BIRT open source project, which is used by more than 2 million developers around the globe and serves as the foundation of the ActuateOne® platform. Applications built on ActuateOne deliver more business and consumer insights to more people than all BI companies combined - ensuring organizations are ready for the exponential growth of Big Data and the proliferation of touch devices.

The ActuateOne platform empowers developers to rapidly develop custom, BIRT-based business analytics and customer communications applications. ActuateOne applications built with one BIRT design can access and integrate any data, including unstructured sources. They provide one user experience regardless of skill level and are supported by one platform for any cloud, hybrid, on-premise, web or touch device deployment.

Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Actuate has over 5,000 customers globally in a diverse range of business areas including financial services, technology and the public sector. Actuate is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol BIRT. For more information, visit or engage with the BIRT community at

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