Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

 X    Quarterly report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
      Exchange Act of 1934 for the quarterly period ended January 31, 2002 or
      Transition report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
      Exchange Act of 1934 for the transition period from _________ to

Commission File No. 0-9143

                              HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

               Indiana                                35-1150732
--------------------------------------   --------------------------------------
   (State or other jurisdiction of       (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
   incorporation or organization)

       One Technology Way
       Indianapolis, Indiana                             46268
--------------------------------------   --------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)              (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code              (317) 293-5309

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Sections 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months, and (2) has been subject to the filing
requirements for the past 90 days:
                                                      Yes  X   No
                                                      ---     ---

The number of shares of the Registrant's common stock outstanding as of February
28, 2002 was 5,583,158.

                              HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                     January 2002 Form 10-Q Quarterly Report

                                Table of Contents

                         Part I - Financial Information

Item 1.       Condensed Financial Statements

              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations -
                  Three months ended January 31, 2002 and 2001..........................                3

              Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets -
                  As of January 31, 2002 and October 31, 2001...........................                4

              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
                  Three months ended January 31, 2002 and 2001..........................                5

              Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
                  Three months ended January 31, 2002 and 2001..........................                6

              Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements......................                7

Item 2.       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
              Condition and Results of Operations.......................................               10

Item 3.       Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk................               12

                           Part II - Other Information

Item 1.       Legal Proceedings.........................................................               14

Item 6.       Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K..........................................               14

Signatures..............................................................................               15

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements

                              HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                       (In thousands, except per-share data)

                                                                                        Three Months Ended January 31,
                                                                                          2002                   2001

Sales and service fees.....................................................          $   18,520           $  25,933

Cost of sales and service..................................................              14,517               19,318
                                                                                     ----------           ----------

     Gross profit..........................................................               4,003                6,615

Selling, general and administrative expenses...............................               5,214                6,086

Severance expense..........................................................                 356                   --
                                                                                     ----------           ----------

     Operating income (loss)...............................................              (1,567)                 529

License fee income, net....................................................                 169                  334

Interest expense...........................................................                 177                  181

Other income, net..........................................................                  33                   88
                                                                                     ----------           ----------

     Income (loss) before income taxes.....................................              (1,542)                 770

Provision for income taxes.................................................                  99                  203
                                                                                     ----------           ----------

Net Income (loss)..........................................................          $   (1,641)          $      567
                                                                                     ===========          ==========

Earnings (loss) per common share
     Basic.................................................................          $     (.29)          $      .10
                                                                                      ==========          ==========
     Diluted...............................................................          $     (.29)          $      .10
                                                                                      ==========          ==========

Weighted average common shares outstanding
     Basic.................................................................               5,582                5,867
                                                                                     ==========           ==========
     Diluted...............................................................               5,582                5,905
                                                                                     ==========           ==========
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed
consolidated financial statements.

                                HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                             (Dollars in thousands)
                                                                                   January 31,       October 31,
                                                                                         2002              2001
ASSETS                                                                            (Unaudited)          (Audited)
Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents...........................................          $    2,961          $   3,523
     Accounts receivable.................................................              12,701             14,436
     Inventories.........................................................              26,992             30,319
     Other...............................................................               1,651              1,232
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
         Total current assets............................................              44,305             49,510
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
Property and equipment:
     Land    ............................................................                 761                761
     Building............................................................               7,193              7,187
     Machinery and equipment.............................................              11,156             11,410
     Leasehold improvements..............................................               1,100              1,059
         Less accumulated depreciation and amortization..................             (11,550)           (11,653)
                                                                                   ----------          ----------
                                                                                        8,660              8,764
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
Software development costs, less amortization............................               3,044              3,066
Investments and other assets.............................................               4,591              4,877
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
                                                                                   $   60,600          $  66,217
                                                                                   ==========          =========
Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable....................................................          $    7,379          $   9,936
     Accrued expenses....................................................               8,212              8,081
     Current portion of long-term debt..................................               10,100                200
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
         Total current liabilities.......................................              25,691             18,217
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term debt......................................................                 600             11,800
     Deferred credits and other .........................................                 435                732
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
                                                                                        1,035             12,532
Shareholders' equity:
     Preferred stock:  no par value per share; 1,000,000
       shares authorized; no shares issued...............................                  --                 --
     Common stock: no par value; $.10 stated value per
         share; 12,500,000 shares authorized; 5,583,158
         and 5,580,658 shares issued, respectively ......................                 558                558
     Additional paid-in capital..........................................              44,717             44,714
     Accumulated deficit.................................................              (3,551)            (1,910)
     Accumulated other comprehensive income..............................              (7,850)            (7,894)
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
         Total shareholders' equity......................................              33,874             35,468
                                                                                   ----------          ---------
                                                                                      $60,600            $66,217
                                                                                   ==========          =========
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated financial statements.

                              HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                                                       Three Months Ended January 31,
                                                                                           2002                 2001
Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income (loss)...........................................................    $   (1,641)          $      567
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
     cash provided by (used for) operating activities:
        Equity income of affiliates..............................................            44                    --
         Severance expense.......................................................          (300)                   --
          Depreciation and amortization..........................................           513                  539
     Change in assets and liabilities:
         (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable..............................         1,378               (3,056)
         (Increase) decrease in inventories......................................         2,820               (1,441)
         Increase (decrease) in accounts payable.................................        (2,471)               1,820
         Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses.................................           670                1,060
         Other...................................................................           275                 (511)
                                                                                     -----------          -----------
         Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities....................         1,288               (1,022)
                                                                                     -----------          -----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
     Proceeds from sale of equipment.............................................            45                   --
     Purchases of property and equipment.........................................          (292)                (207)
     Software development costs..................................................          (157)                (128)
     Other.......................................................................           (21)                 (78)
                                                                                     ----------           -----------
         Net cash used for investing activities..................................          (425)                (413)
                                                                                     ----------           ----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Advances on bank credit facilities..........................................         6,975               14,650
     Repayment on bank credit facilities.........................................        (8,275)              (8,300)
     Repayments of term debt.....................................................            --               (1,786)
     Repurchase of Common Stock..................................................            --               (1,221)
     Proceeds from exercise of common stock options..............................             4                   35
                                                                                     ----------           ----------
         Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities....................        (1,296)               3,378
                                                                                     -----------          ----------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash..........................................          (129)                (135)
                                                                                     -----------          -----------
         Net increase (decrease) in cash.........................................          (562)               1,808

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period.................................         3,523                3,384
                                                                                     ----------           ----------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period.......................................    $    2,961           $    5,192
                                                                                      =========           ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                   HURCO COMPANIES, INC.
                 For the Three Months ended January 31, 2002 and 2001

                                                     Common Stock
                                                 Shares                  Additional      Retained          Other
                                                Issued &                  Paid-In        Earnings      Comprehensive
                                             Outstanding     Amount       Capital        (Deficit)         Income          Total
                                             ------------  ----------   ------------    ------------   --------------    ----------
                                                                     (Dollars in thousands)
Balances, October 31, 2000                    5,955,359       $596        $46,347         $ (313)         $(7,739)         $38,891
------------------------------------------   ============  ==========   ============    ============   =============      =========
------------------------------------------   ============  ==========   ============    ============   =============      =========

Net income.......................                   --          --             --            567              --             567
Translation of foreign currency
   financial statements..........                   --          --             --             --             661             661
Unrealized loss on derivative instruments
                                                    --          --             --             --            (252)          ( 252)
Comprehensive income (loss)......                   --          --             --             --              --             976
Exercise of Common Stock Options.                16,400          1             34             --              --              35
Repurchase of Common Stock.......              (278,001)       (28)        (1,193)            --              --          (1,221)
                                             ------------  ----------    -----------     -----------      ----------      ---------
                                             ------------  ----------    -----------     -----------      ----------      ---------

Balances, January 31, 2001                    5,693,758       $569         $45,188        $  254          $(7,330)       $38,681
------------------------------------------   ============  ==========    ============    ===========      ===========    ==========
------------------------------------------   ============  ==========    ============    ===========      ===========    ==========

Balances, October, 31 2001                    5,580,658       $558         $44,714        $(1,910)        $(7,894)       $35,468
------------------------------------------   ============  ==========    ============    ===========      ===========    ==========
------------------------------------------   ============  ==========    ============    ===========      ===========    ==========

Net income.......................                    --         --              --         (1,641)            --          (1,641)
Translation of foreign currency
   financial statements..........                    --         --              --             --           (511)           (511)
Unrealized (gain) on derivative
instruments......................                    --         --              --             --            555             555
Comprehensive income (loss)......                    --         --              --             --             --          (1,597)
Exercise of Common Stock Options.                 2,500         --               3             --             --               3
                                             ------------  ----------    ------------     ----------      -----------    ----------
                                             ------------  ----------    ------------     ----------      -----------    ----------

Balances, January 31, 2002                    5,583,158      $ 558         $44,717         $(3,551)       $(7,850)       $33,874
------------------------------------------   ============  ==========    ============     ==========      ===========    ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.



The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts
of Hurco Companies, Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries. We design and
produce interactive, personal computer (PC) based, computer control systems and
software and computerized machine systems for sale through a worldwide sales,
service and distribution network.

The condensed financial information as of January 31, 2002 and 2001 is unaudited
but includes all adjustments which we consider necessary for a fair presentation
of our financial position at those dates and our results of operations and cash
flows for the three months then ended. It is suggested that these condensed
financial statements be read in conjunction with the financial statements and
the notes thereto included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
October 31, 2001.


From time to time, our wholly owned subsidiary, IMS Technology, Inc., enters
into agreements for the licensing of its interactive computer numerical control
patents. License fees received or receivable under a fully paid-up license, for
which there are no future performance requirements or contingencies, are
recognized in income, net of legal fees and expenses, at the time the license
agreement is executed. License fees receivable in periodic installments that are
contingent upon the continuing validity of a licensed patent are recognized in
income, net of legal fees and expenses, over the life of the licensed patent.
The licensed patent expired in October 2001 and, as a result, we have no
deferred license fee income at January 31, 2002.


We enter into foreign currency forward exchange contracts periodically to hedge
certain forecast inter-company sales and forecast inter-company and third-party
purchases denominated in foreign currencies (primarily Pound Sterling, Euro and
New Taiwan Dollar). The purpose of these instruments is to mitigate the risk
that the U.S. Dollar net cash inflows and outflows resulting from the sales and
purchases denominated in foreign currencies will be adversely affected by
changes in exchange rates. These forward contracts have been designated as cash
flow hedge instruments, and are recorded in the Condensed Consolidated Balance
Sheet at fair value in Other Current Assets and Accrued Liabilities. Gains and
losses resulting from changes in the fair value of these hedge contracts are
deferred in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income and recognized as an
adjustment to the related sale or purchase transaction in the period that the
transaction occurs. Net losses on cash flow hedge contracts which we
reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income to Cost of Sales in the
quarter ended January 31, 2002 were $450,000.

At January 31, 2002, we had $89,000 of unrealized gains related to cash flow
hedges deferred in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, which we expect to
recognize in Cost of Sales within the next twelve months. Cash flow hedge
contracts mature at various dates through October 2002.

We also enter into foreign currency forward exchange contracts to protect
against the effects of foreign currency fluctuations on receivables and payables
denominated in foreign currencies. These derivative instruments are not
designated as hedges under the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
133, "Accounting Standards for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities"
(SFAS 133), and as a result, changes in fair value are reported currently as
Other Income (Expense) in the Consolidated Statement of Operations consistent
with the transaction gain or loss on the related foreign denominated receivable
or payable. Such net transaction gains were $35,000 and $71,000 for the quarters
ended January 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


Basic and diluted earnings per common share are based on the weighted average
number of our shares of common stock outstanding. Diluted earnings per common
share give effect to outstanding stock options using the treasury method. For
the quarter ended January 31, 2002, no effect was given to outstanding options
because of their anti-dilutive effect.


The allowance for doubtful accounts was $833,000 as of January 31, 2002 and
$907,000 as of October 31, 2001.


Inventories, priced at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out method) or market,
are summarized below (in thousands):

                                                                January 31, 2002          October 31, 2001
                                                                ----------------          ----------------
           Purchased parts and sub-assemblies                    $    7,217                 $   7,853
           Work-in-process                                            1,164                     1,256
           Finished goods                                            18,611                    21,210
                                                                  ---------                  --------
                                                                 $   26,992                 $  30,319
                                                                  =========                  ========


We operate in a single segment: industrial automation systems. We design and
produce interactive computer control systems and software and computerized
machine tool systems for sale through our distribution network to the worldwide
metal working market. We also provide software options, computer control
upgrades, accessories and replacement parts for our products, as well as
customer service and training support.


We previously recorded a reserve for anticipated costs associated with the
restructuring of a subsidiary to convert its operations from manufacturing
computer controls to sales and service of computerized machine systems.

During the first quarter of fiscal 2002, we recorded a severance provision of
$356,000 for separation costs related to the changes in senior management.

At January 31, 2002, the restructuring reserve balance was approximately
$358,000 and consisted of the following:

                                                 Charges to        Balance
Description       10/31/01        Provision        Accrual          1/31/02
-----------       --------        ----------       -------          -------

Severance           $133             $356          $(131)             $358
                  --------        ----------       -------          -------

During the second quarter of fiscal 2001, we entered into agreements with a
private software company to fund development costs related to the integration of
patented, open architecture technology into our computer numerical control
products. We agreed to fund an aggregate of $405,000, over a fifteen-month
period ending in July 2002. We also agreed to fund a secured term loan available
in installments through February 2002 of $1.0 million which is due April 1,
2003. In addition, we have warrants to purchase an equity interest in the
company, which are exercisable on or before December 31, 2002, and 2003. As of
January 31, 2002, our combined investment in the secured loan and warrants was
$918,000 which is reflected in Investments and Other Assets.


We are in active discussions with other lenders for a long-term credit facility
to replace our current credit facilities, which expire December 31, 2002. While
we believe that we will be able to obtain a replacement facility in fiscal 2002
under acceptable terms, no such assurance can be given.

During the first quarter of fiscal 2002, our German subsidiary obtained a 3.0
million Euro working capital credit facility that is available through December
31, 2002. As a result, our domestic credit facility was reduced by $2.7 million
to $19.8 million.

We were in compliance with all loan covenants at January 31, 2002, and had an
additional credit availability of $9.3 million.


The lease for our facility located in England expires in April 2002 and requires
that we make certain repairs to the facility at the conclusion of the lease
resulting from dilapidation of the facility that occurred during the lease term.
At January 31, 2002, we accrued approximately $60,000 to repair the facility. In
February 2002, the landlord claimed payment of $1.0 million for his estimated
repairs. We have rejected the landlord's claim and intend to vigorously contest
the matter. As a result, our final cost for the dilapidation repairs cannot be
determined at this time.


In June 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No. 141,
"Business Combinations" (SFAS 141) and Statement No. 142, "Goodwill and Other
Intangible Assets" (SFAS 142). SFAS 141 requires that all business combinations
initiated after June 30, 2001 be accounted for under the purchase method of
accounting. Under SFAS 142, amortization of goodwill will cease and the goodwill
carrying values will be tested periodically for impairment. We are required to
adopt SFAS 142, effective November 1, 2002 for goodwill and intangible assets
acquired prior to July 1, 2001. Goodwill and intangible assets acquired after
June 30, 2001 will be subject immediately to the goodwill non-amortization and
intangible provisions of this statement. The impact on our financial statements
will be immaterial.

In August 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No.
144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets" (SFAS
144), which is effective for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 2002. SFAS
144 establishes a single model to account for impairment of assets to be held or
disposed of, incorporating guidelines for accounting and disclosure of
discontinued operations. We believe the impact on our financial statements will
be immaterial.

-------        ----------------------------------------------------------------

The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes thereto appearing elsewhere herein.
Certain statements made in this report may constitute "forward-looking
statements". For a description of risks and uncertainties related to
forward-looking statements, see our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended October 31, 2001.


Three Months Ended January 31, 2002 Compared to Three Months Ended
January 31, 2001

The net loss was attributable primarily to substantially lower sales in the
U.S., along with a one-time severance expense of $356,000 related to a
previously announced change in senior management.

Sales and service fees for the first quarter of fiscal 2002 were $18.5 million,
approximately $7.4 million, or 29%, lower than those recorded in the 2001
period. First quarter sales and service fees in the U.S. market declined 52% to
$5.4 million and represented 30% of worldwide sales compared to 44% in the prior
year period. Sales in Europe declined 9% to $12.5 million and represented 67% of
total revenues, as compared to 53% a year ago.

Net sales of computerized machine tool systems in the U.S. fell 61% in the
quarter, as compared to the prior year period, coupled with a 35% decline in
sales of retrofit computer controls, spare parts and service fees. These results
reflect the continuation of the dramatic decline in machine tool consumption in
the U.S. which began in late 2000 and worsened in the aftermath of September 11.
This decline is the result of weak economic conditions in most industrial
market sectors in the U.S. and directly impacts sales of our products.  In
Europe, sales of computerized machine tool systems were 9% below the prior year
level, reflecting weaker market conditions.

New order bookings for the first quarter of fiscal 2002 were $15.8 million, a
decline of 44% as compared to $28.1 million recorded in the prior year period.
New orders for computerized machine tool systems in the U.S. declined 50% in
units and 63% in dollars, and were particularly impacted by a marked decrease in
the number of large model machines in the total sales mix. New orders in Europe
declined 46% in units and 38% in current dollars from the record level achieved
in the first quarter of 2001.

Gross profit margin declined in the first quarter of fiscal 2002 to 21.6% from
25.5% in the same period a year ago, due in large part to the reduced sales of
spare parts and lower service revenues, as well as the effect of lower machine

Operating expenses for the first quarter of fiscal 2002 of $5.2 million were
$872,000, or 14% below those of the corresponding 2001 period, due to previously
announced cost reduction programs.

License fee income included a favorable adjustment of $130,000 due to the
reversal of a reserve for a potential refund related to a license. We have
determined that the liability no longer exists.

Foreign Currency Risk Management

We manage our foreign currency exposure through the use of foreign currency
forward exchange contracts. We do not speculate in the financial markets and,
therefore, do not enter into these contracts for trading purposes. We also
moderate our currency risk related to significant purchase commitments with
certain foreign vendors through price adjustment agreements that provide for a
sharing of, or otherwise limit, the potential adverse effect of currency
fluctuations on the costs of purchased products. See Item 3 below and Note 3 to
the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


At January 31, 2002, we had cash and cash equivalents of $3.0 million compared
to $3.5 million at October 31, 2001. Cash provided by operations totaled $1.3
million in the first quarter of fiscal 2002 compared to cash used for operations
of $1.0 million in the prior year.

Net working capital, excluding short-term debt of $10.1 million, was $28.7
million at January 31, 2002 compared to $31.5 million at October 31, 2001. The
decrease in working capital was the result of a $1.4 million reduction in
accounts receivable due to lower sales, and a $2.8 million planned reduction in
inventory offset by a $2.5 million reduction in accounts payable due to reduced
levels of production.

Capital investments for the first quarter ended January 31, 2002 consisted
principally of expenditures for software development projects and purchases of
equipment. Cash used for investing activities during the quarter was funded by
cash flow from operations and our bank credit facilities.

At January 31, 2002, outstanding borrowings of $9.9 million under our domestic
bank credit facility were classified as Current Portion of Long Term Debt
because the facility matures December 31, 2002. We are in active discussions
with other lenders for a new domestic credit facility. While we believe that we
will be able to obtain a replacement facility in fiscal 2002 under reasonable
terms, no such assurance can be given.

During the first quarter, our German subsidiary obtained a 3.0 million Euro
unsecured working capital credit facility that is available through December 31,
2002. As a result, our domestic credit facility commitment was reduced by $2.7
million to $19.8 million. We were in compliance with all loan covenants at
January 31, 2002, and had an additional credit availability of $9.3 million,
including the European facility.

Our cash flow from operations for the first quarter of fiscal 2002 was
consistent with our fiscal 2002 business plan. Our business plan for fiscal 2002
includes planned reductions of operating expenses and working capital. If market
demand and sales in the U.S. and Europe continue to decline, or if there are
adverse currency movements, or if we do not realize anticipated cost reductions
and cash from planned inventory reductions, our actual results may differ from
our business plan. During the first quarter of fiscal 2002, order rates
deteriorated from fourth quarter order rates, both in the U.S. and Europe and
weakened further in the month of February 2002. We anticipate a continued
operating loss in our second fiscal quarter based on these reduced order rates.
We have initiated additional cost reduction actions in March 2002, which will
involve a 20% reduction in our domestic workforce and generate an annual cost
savings of approximately $2.2 million. We will record approximately $150,000 of
severance cost in our second fiscal quarter related to these actions. We are
also examining additional steps to further reduce operating costs and improve
cash flow from operations over the remainder of fiscal 2002.  We believe that
cash flow generated from operations and borrowings available to us under our
credit facilities will be sufficient to meet our anticipated cash requirements
in fiscal 2002.

-------  ----------------------------------------------------------

Interest Rate Risk

Interest on our bank borrowings is affected by changes in prevailing U.S. and
European interest rates and/or Libor. At January 31, 2002, outstanding
borrowings under our bank credit facilities were $9.9 million and our total
indebtedness was $10.7 million. The interest rate on the Libor portion of our
bank debt was Libor plus 2%.

Foreign Currency Exchange Risk

In fiscal 2002, approximately 72% of our sales and service fees, including
export sales, were derived from foreign markets. All of our computerized machine
systems and computer numerical control systems, as well as certain proprietary
service parts, are sourced by our U.S.-based engineering and manufacturing
division and re-invoiced to our foreign sales and service subsidiaries,
primarily in their functional currencies.

Our products are sourced from foreign suppliers or built to our specifications
by either our wholly owned subsidiary in Taiwan, or contract manufacturers
overseas. These purchases are predominantly in foreign currencies and in many
cases our arrangements with these suppliers include foreign currency risk
sharing agreements, which reduce (but do not eliminate) the effects of currency
fluctuations on product costs. The predominant portion of our exchange rate risk
associated with product purchases relates to the New Taiwan Dollar.

We enter into forward foreign exchange contracts from time to time to hedge the
cash flow risk related to forecast inter-company sales, and forecast
inter-company and third-party purchases denominated in, or based on, foreign
currencies. We also enter into foreign currency forward exchange contracts to
provide a natural hedge against the effects of foreign currency fluctuations on
receivables and payables denominated in foreign currencies. We do not speculate
in the financial markets and, therefore, do not enter into these contracts for
trading purposes.

Forward contracts for the sale or purchase of foreign currencies as of January
31, 2002 which are designated as cash flow hedges under SFAS No. 133 were as

                                                                      Contract Amount at Forward
                                                       Weighted              Rates in
                                 Notional Amount         Avg.              U.S. Dollars
              Forward               in Foreign          Forward    -------------------------------
             Contracts              Currency             Rate      Contract Date  January 31, 2002       Maturity Dates
             ---------           ---------------      ----------   -------------  ----------------     -----------------
Sale Contracts:

Euro                               2,000,000           .9007         $1,801,400        $1,715,607       Feb - March 2002

Purchase Contracts:

New Taiwan Dollar                 70,000,000            35.06        $1,996,375        $1,998,826       March - April 2002

Forward contracts for the sale of foreign currencies as of January 31, 2002,
which were entered into to protect against the effects of foreign currency
fluctuations on receivables and payables denominated in foreign currencies were
as follows:

                                                                  Contract Amount at Forward
                                                 Weighted                 Rates in
                              Notional Amount       Avg.                 U.S. Dollars
          Forward              in Foreign         Forward      --------------------------------
         Contracts              Currency            Rate       Contract Date   January 31, 2002          Maturity Dates
         ---------            ---------------    ---------     -------------   ----------------        ----------------
Sale Contracts:

Euro                             6,276,264          .8828       $5,540,686          $5,378,733          Feb - April 2002

Singapore Dollar                 2,092,806         1.8351       $1,140,432          $1,140,920          Feb - April 2002

Purchase Contracts:

New Taiwan Dollar               20,000,000          35.01         $571,322            $571,692          Feb 2002

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


We are involved in various claims and lawsuits arising in the ordinary course of
business, none of which, in the opinion of management, is expected to have a
material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or results of

------   --------------------------------

(a)      Exhibits:

10.1     Working Capital Credit Facility dated January 8, 2002 between the
         Registrant and Dresdner Bank AG

10.2     Employment Agreement between the Registrant and Michael Doar dated
         November 13, 2002

11       Statement re: Computation of Per Share Earnings

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K:       None


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                               HURCO COMPANIES, INC.

                                               By:  /s/ Roger J. Wolf
                                                    Roger J. Wolf
                                                    Senior Vice President and
                                                    Chief Financial Officer

                                               By:  /s/ Stephen J. Alesia
                                                    Stephen J. Alesia
                                                    Corporate Controller and
                                                    Principal Accounting Officer

March 14, 2002

                                   EXHIBIT 11

                 Statement Re: Computation of Per Share Earnings

                                                                     Three Months Ended
                                                                          January 31,
                                                       ------------------------ -- -----------------------
(in thousands, except per share amounts)                        2002                        2001
                                                       ------------------------    -----------------------
                                                         Basic       Diluted         Basic      Diluted
                                                        ----------- ------------  ----------- ------------
Net income (loss)                                      $(1,641)     $(1,641)          $567        $567

Weighted average shares outstanding                      5,582        5,582          5,867       5,867

Dilutive effect of stock options                            --           --             --          38
                                                        ----------  ----------    ----------- ------------
                                                         5,582        5,582          5,867       5,905

Earnings (loss) per common share                        $ (.29)      $ (.29)       $   .10        $ .10
                                                        ==========  ==========     ==========  ===========