TriCo Bancshares Announces Quarterly Results

TriCo Bancshares (NASDAQ: TCBK) (the "Company"), parent company of Tri Counties Bank, today announced earnings of $9,405,000, or $0.41 per diluted share, for the three months ended June 30, 2016. For the three months ended June 30, 2015 the Company reported earnings of $11,366,000, or $0.49 per diluted share. Diluted shares outstanding were 23,070,151 and 22,980,033 for the three months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

The Company’s results for the three months ended June 30, 2016 include an accrual of $1,450,000 in expenses associated with employment-related legal proceedings previously disclosed by the Company under the heading “Legal Proceedings” in several of the Company’s recent periodic reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Also included in the results of the Company for the three months ended June 30, 2016 was $162,000 of nonrecurring noninterest expense related to the Company’s acquisition of three bank branches from Bank of America on March 18, 2016. Excluding the legal proceedings expense and nonrecurring merger related expense noted above, diluted earnings per share for the three months ended June 30, 2016 would have been higher by $0.04 than reported above, and earnings would have been $10,340,000 for the three months ended June 30, 2016. There were no nonrecurring expenses recorded during the three months ended June 30, 2015. In addition to the legal proceedings expense and nonrecurring merger related expense noted above, there were other expense and revenue items during the three months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 that may be considered nonrecurring, and these items are described below in various sections of this announcement.

The following is a summary of the components of the Company’s consolidated net income, average common shares, and average diluted common shares outstanding for the periods indicated:

Three months ended
June 30,
(dollars and shares in thousands) 2016 2015

$ Change

% Change
Net Interest Income $ 41,160 $ 38,521 $ 2,639 6.9 %
Reversal of provision for loan losses 773 633 140
Noninterest income 11,245 12,080 (835 ) (6.9 %)
Noninterest expense (38,267 ) (32,436 ) (5,831 ) 18.0 %
Provision for income taxes (5,506 ) (7,432 ) 1,926 (25.9 %)
Net income $ 9,405 $ 11,366 ($1,961 ) (17.3 %)
Average common shares 22,803 22,745 58 0.3 %
Average diluted common shares 23,070 22,980 90 0.4 %

The following is a summary of certain of the Company’s consolidated assets and deposits as of the dates indicated:

Ending balances As of June 30,
($'s in thousands) 2016 2015

$ Change

% Change
Total assets $ 4,352,492 $ 3,893,855 $ 458,637 11.8 %
Total loans 2,653,630 2,393,762 259,868 10.9 %
Total investments 1,220,385 1,077,669 142,716 13.2 %
Total deposits $ 3,741,396 $ 3,341,682 $ 399,714 12.0 %
Qtrly Avg balances As of June 30,
($'s in thousands) 2016 2015

$ Change

% Change
Total assets $ 4,387,950 $ 3,894,196 $ 493,754 12.7 %
Total loans 2,579,774 2,355,864 223,910 9.5 %
Total investments 1,211,556 1,064,142 147,414 13.9 %
Total deposits $ 3,778,436 $ 3,347,874 $ 430,562 12.9 %

Included in the changes in the Company’s deposits from June 30, 2015 to June 30, 2016 is the addition of a $45 million certificate of deposit from the State of California on September 16, 2015, bringing the total of such certificates of deposit from the State of California to $50 million, and the addition of deposits from the acquisition of three bank branches from Bank of America, that totaled $161 million on the date of acquisition, March 18, 2016.

On March 18, 2016, Tri Counties Bank acquired three branches from Bank of America. The branches are located in the cities of Arcata, Eureka, and Fortuna in Humboldt County, California. The Bank paid $3,204,000 for deposit relationships with balances of $161,231,000 and loans with balances of $289,000.

The following table discloses the fair value of consideration transferred, the total identifiable net assets acquired and the resulting goodwill relating to the acquisition of three branch banking offices and certain deposits from Bank of America on March 18, 2016:

(in thousands) March 18, 2016
Fair value of consideration transferred:
Cash consideration $ 3,204
Total fair value of consideration 3,204
Asset acquired:
Cash and cash equivalents 159,520
Loans 289
Premises and equipment 1,590
Core deposit intangible 2,046
Other assets 141
Total assets acquired 163,586
Liabilities assumed:
Deposits 161,231
Total liabilities assumed 161,231
Total net assets acquired 2,355
Goodwill recognized $ 849

Also impacting the Company’s results of operations for the three months ended June 30, 2016 is the impact of the sale, on March 31, 2016, of twenty-seven nonperforming loans, nine substandard performing loans, and three purchased credit impaired loans with total recorded book value of approximately $24,810,000, and the purchase, on May 19, 2016 of seven performing multi-family commercial real estate loans valued at $22,503,000.

Loans acquired through purchase, or acquisition of other banks, are classified by the Company as Purchased Not Credit Impaired (PNCI), Purchased Credit Impaired – cash basis (PCI – cash basis), or Purchased Credit Impaired – other (PCI – other). Loans not acquired in an acquisition or otherwise “purchased” are classified as “originated”. Often, such purchased loans are purchased at a discount to face value, and part of this discount is accreted into (added to) interest income over the remaining life of the loan. A loans may also be purchased at a premium to face value, in which case, the premium is amortized into (subtracted from) interest income over the remaining life of the loan. Generally, as time goes on, the effects of loan discount accretion and loan premium amortization decrease as the purchased loans mature or pay off early. Upon the early pay off of a loan, any remaining (unaccreted) discount or (unamortized) premium is immediately taken into interest income; and as loan payoffs may vary significantly from quarter to quarter, so may the impact of discount accretion and premium amortization on interest income. Further details regarding interest income from loans, including fair value discount accretion, may be found under the heading “Supplemental Loan Interest Income Data” in the Consolidated Financial Data table at the end of this press release.

The Company’s primary source of revenue is net interest income, or the difference between interest income on interest-earning assets and interest expense on interest-bearing liabilities. Following is a summary of the components of net interest income for the periods indicated (dollars in thousands):

Three months ended
June 30,
2016 2015
Interest income $ 42,590 $ 39,867
Interest expense (1,430 ) (1,346 )
FTE adjustment 585 194
Net interest income (FTE) $ 41,745 $ 38,715
Net interest margin (FTE) 4.13 % 4.35 %
Purchased loan discount accretion $ 2,300 $ 2,133

Effect of purchased loan discount accretion on net interest margin (FTE)

0.23 % 0.24 %

Net interest income (FTE) during the three months ended June 30, 2016 increased $3,030,000 (7.8%) from the same period in 2015 to $41,745,000. The increase in net interest income (FTE) was primarily due to a $223,910,000 (9.5%) increase in the average balance of loans to $2,579,774,000, and a $147,414,000 (13.9%) increase in the average balance of investments to $1,211,556,000 that were partially offset by a 12 basis point decrease in the average yield on loans from 5.44% during the three months ended June 30, 2015 to 5.32% during the three months ended June 30, 2016, and an 16 basis point decrease in the average yield on investments from 2.97% during the three months ended June 30, 2015 to 2.81% during the three months ended June 30, 2016. The decrease in average loan yields is primarily due to declines in market yields on new and renewed loans compared to yields on repricing, maturing, and paid off loans. The decrease in average investment yields is primarily due to declines in market yields on new investments compared to yields on existing investments, and to recent declines in mortgage rates that lead to an increase in mortgage refinancing activity that in turn lead to faster estimated mortgage prepayment speeds and an accelerated level of interest income-reducing premium amortization on existing mortgage backed investment securities. The increases in average loan and investment balances added $3,045,000 and $1,457,000, respectively, to net interest income (FTE) while the decreases in average loan and investment yields reduced net interest income (FTE) by $726,000 and $850,000, respectively, when compared to the year-ago quarter. Included in interest income during the three months ended June 30, 2015 was a special cash dividend of $626,000 from the Company’s investment in Federal Home Loan Bank stock, and $2,133,000 of discount accretion from purchased loans compared to $2,300,000 of discount accretion from purchased loans during the three months ended June 30, 2016. For more information related to loan interest income, including loan purchase discount accretion, see the Supplemental Loan Interest Income Data in the tables at the end of this announcement.

The following table shows the components of net interest income and net interest margin on a fully tax-equivalent (FTE) basis for the periods indicated:

(unaudited, dollars in thousands)

Three Months Ended

Three Months Ended

Three Months Ended

June 30, 2016

March 31, 2016

June 30, 2015

Average Income/ Yield/ Average Income/ Yield/ Average Income/ Yield/
Balance Expense Rate Balance Expense Rate Balance Expense Rate
Earning assets
Loans $ 2,579,774 $ 34,338 5.32 % $ 2,537,574 $ 34,738 5.48 % $ 2,355,864 $ 32,019 5.44 %
Investments - taxable 1,085,230 6,945 2.56 % 1,068,018 6,920 2.59 % 1,020,806 7,380 2.89 %
Investments - nontaxable 126,326 1,560 4.94 % 116,088 1,435 4.94 % 43,336 518 4.78 %
Cash at Federal Reserve and other banks 247,398 332 0.54 % 155,106 239 0.62 % 143,919 144 0.40 %
Total earning assets 4,038,728 43,175 4.28 % 3,876,786 43,332 4.47 % 3,563,925 40,061 4.50 %
Other assets, net 349,222 335,602 330,271
Total assets $ 4,387,950 $ 4,212,388 $ 3,894,196
Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Demand deposits $ 886,417 120 0.05 % $ 846,189 116 0.05 % $ 796,958 116 0.06 %
Savings deposits 1,354,846 423 0.12 % 1,274,868 397 0.12 % 1,165,530 362 0.12 %
Time deposits 350,215 338 0.39 % 340,847 342 0.40 % 336,212 376 0.45 %
Other borrowings 19,152 3 0.06 % 18,264 2 0.04 % 7,894 1 0.06 %
Trust preferred securities 56,544 546 3.86 % 56,494 535 3.79 % 56,344 491 3.49 %
Total interest-bearing liabilities 2,667,174 1,430 0.21 % 2,536,662 1,392 0.22 % 2,362,938 1,346 0.23 %
Noninterest-bearing deposits 1,186,958 1,154,714 1,049,174
Other liabilities 62,456 59,492 51,483
Shareholders' equity 471,362 461,520 430,601
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $ 4,387,950 $ 4,212,388 $ 3,894,196
Net interest rate spread 4.07 % 4.25 % 4.27 %
Net interest income/net interest margin (FTE) 41,745 4.13 % 41,940 4.33 % 38,715 4.35 %
FTE adjustment (585 ) (538 ) (194 )
Net interest income (not FTE) $ 41,160 $ 41,402 $ 38,521

The Company recorded a reversal of provision for loan losses of $773,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2016 compared to a reversal of provision for loan losses of $633,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2015. The $773,000 reversal of provision for loan losses during the three months ended June 30, 2016 was due to a $879,000 decrease in the required allowance for loan losses from $36,388,000 at March 31, 2016 to $35,509,000 at June 30, 2016 that was partially offset by net loan charge offs of $106,000. The decrease in the required allowance for loan losses from March 31, 2016 to June 30, 2016 was primarily due to pay downs on certain nonperforming loans that had significant loss allowances assigned to them, and are now no longer required or are significantly reduced; that was partially offset by a $112,083,000 increase in loan balances from $2,541,547,000 at March 31, 2016 to $2,653,630,000 at June 30, 2016. During the three months ended June 30, 2016 nonperforming loans decreased $4,057,000 (16.9%) to $19,977,000, and represented a decrease from 1.47% of loans outstanding as of December 31, 2015, and 0.95% of loans outstanding at March 31, 2016, to 0.75% of loans outstanding as of June 30, 2016. The decrease in nonperforming loans was primarily due to the sale of nonperforming loans during the three months ended March 31, 2016, and the pay down of nonperforming loans during the three months ended June 30, 2016.

The following table presents the key components of noninterest income for the periods indicated:

Three months ended
June 30,
(dollars in thousands) 2016 2015

$ Change

% Change
Service charges on deposit accounts $ 3,543 $ 3,637 ($94 ) (2.6 %)
ATM fees and interchange 3,892 3,383 509 15.0 %
Other service fees 849 779 70 9.0 %
Mortgage banking service fees 516 528 (12 ) (2.3 %)
Change in value of mortgage servicing rights (701 ) 521 (1,222 ) (234.5 %)
Total service charges and fees 8,099 8,848 (749 ) (8.5 %)
Gain on sale of loans 889 837 52 6.2 %
Commission on NDIP 611 784 (173 ) (22.1 %)
Increase in cash value of life insurance 681 675 6 0.9 %
Change in indemnification asset (149 ) (57 ) (92 ) 161.4 %
Gain on sale of foreclosed assets 57 115 (58 ) (50.4 %)
Other noninterest income 1,057 878 179 20.4 %
Total other noninterest income 3,146 3,232 (86 ) (2.7 %)
Total noninterest income $ 11,245 $ 12,080 ($835 ) (6.9 %)

Noninterest income decreased $835,000 (6.9%) to $11,245,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2016 compared to the three months ended June 30, 2015. The decrease in noninterest income was primarily due to a $1,222,000 decrease in change in value of mortgage servicing rights (MSRs) to a negative $701,000 from a positive $521,000 in the year-ago quarter. A decrease in interest rates during the three months ended June 30, 2016 resulted in an increase in estimated prepayment speeds of serviced loans, that in turn resulted in a decrease in expected servicing cash flows, and thus, a lower value of such servicing rights. In the year-ago quarter, an increase in interest rates resulted in a decrease in estimated prepayment speeds of serviced loans that in turn resulted in an increase in expected servicing cash flows, and thus, a higher value of such servicing rights. Partially offsetting the decrease in change in value of mortgage servicing rights was a $509,000 (15.0%) increase in ATM fees and interchange revenue. The increase in ATM fees and interchange revenue was primarily due to the Company’s increased focus in this area, including the introduction of new services in this area during the quarter ended March 31, 2016. Other noninterest interest income increased $179,000 (20.4%) to $1,057,000 due to life insurance death benefits in excess of cash value of $238,000 that was partially offset by decreases in other items in this category during the three months ended June 30, 2016. The changes in noninterest income include the effects from the operation of three branches, including $161,231,000 of deposits, acquired from Bank of America on March 18, 2016.

The following table presents the key components of the Company’s noninterest expense for the periods indicated:

Three months ended
June 30,
(dollars in thousands) 2016 2015

$ Change

% Change
Base salaries, overtime and temporary help, net of deferred loan orgination costs $ 12,968 $ 11,502 $ 1,466 12.7 %
Commissions and incentives 2,471 1,390 1,081 77.8 %
Employee benefits 4,606 4,350 256 5.9 %
Total salaries and benefits expense 20,045 17,242 2,803 16.3 %
Occupancy 2,529 2,541 (12 ) (0.5 %)
Equipment 1,844 1,527 317 20.8 %

Change in reserve for unfunded commitments

408 110 298 270.9 %
Data processing and software 2,355 1,834 521 28.4 %
Telecommunications 698 785 (87 ) (11.1 %)
ATM network charges 1,002 985 17 1.7 %
Professional fees 1,356 1,035 321 31.0 %
Advertising and marketing 1,077 1,002 75 7.5 %
Postage 342 330 12 3.6 %
Courier service 265 253 12 4.7 %
Intangible amortization 359 289 70 24.2 %
Operational losses 345 149 196 131.5 %
Provision for foreclosed asset losses 42 174 (132 ) (75.9 %)
Foreclosed asset expense 114 102 12 11.8 %
Assessments 578 694 (116 ) (16.7 %)
Merger and acquisition expense 162 - 162
Legal settlement 1,450 - 1,450
Miscellaneous other expense 3,296 3,384 (88 ) (2.6 %)
Total other noninterest expense 18,222 15,194 3,028 19.9 %
Total noninterest expense $ 38,267 $ 32,436 $ 5,831 18.0 %
Average full time equivalent employees 1,001 944 57 6.0 %

Salary and benefit expenses increased $2,803,000 (16.3%) to $20,045,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2016 compared to $17,242,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2015. Base salaries, overtime and temporary help, net of deferred loan origination costs increased $1,466,000 (12.7%) to $12,968,000 of which base salaries and overtime, net of deferred loan origination costs increased $1,276,000 (11.1%) to $12,774,000 primarily due to annual merit increases, and an increase in average full-time equivalent employees of 57 (6.0%) to 1,001 for the three months ended June 30, 2016. Temporary help expense increased $189,000 to $194,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2016. The increase in temporary help was primarily due to the use of temporary help in the Company’s customer service call center during the three months ended June 30, 2016. Incentive compensation increased 1,081,000 (77.8%) to $2,471,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2016. All categories of incentive compensation expense were higher than the year-ago quarter except commission expense related to the sale of nondeposit investment products. The increases in the other categories of incentive compensation, compared to the year-ago quarter, were primarily due to increased loan production and other performance measures to which incentive compensation is tied compared to such measures in the year-ago quarter. Benefits & other compensation expense increased 256,000 (5.9%) to $4,606,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2016 primarily due to the increases in average full-time equivalent employees and salaries expense, and their effects on group insurance and employer payroll tax expenses.

Other noninterest expense increased $3,028,000 (19.9%) to $18,222,000 during the three months ended June 30, 2016 compared to the three months ended June 30, 2015. Included in other noninterest expense for the three months ended June 30, 2016 was the legal settlement expense of $1,450,000 as described above. Also contributing to the increase in other noninterest expense during the three months ended June 30, 2016 compared to the three months ended June 30, 2015 were a $521,000 (28.4%) increase in data processing and software expense, a $321,000 (31.0%) increase in professional fees, a $317,000 (20.8%) increase in equipment expense, and a $298,000 (271%) increase in provision for losses on unfunded commitments. The increase in data processing and software expense was primarily due to increased use of outside data processing services. The increase in professional fees was primarily due to increased consulting expense. The increase in equipment expense was primarily due to increase maintenance and repair expense associated with facilities maintenance. The increase in provision for losses on unfunded commitments was primarily due to a larger increase in unfunded construction loan commitments from March 31, 2016 to June 30, 2016 than from March 31, 2015 to June 30, 2015. Merger related expenses during the three months ended June 30, 2016 were $162,000, and consisted of consulting expenses related to the acquisition of three bank branches from B of A on March 18, 2016. There were no merger related expenses during the three months ended June 30, 2015.

Richard Smith, President and CEO of the Company commented, “While net income was negatively affected by recognition of legal expenses related to previously disclosed pending litigation, changes in mortgage servicing income due to lower interest rates, expenses related to core systems conversions and expenses related to our acquisition of three Bank of America branches, we experienced many positives from the quarter. Ending year over year balances were strong positives for the quarter. Total assets increased by 11.8% from a June 30, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Total loans increased year over year by over 10.9%. Loan quality also improved as nonperforming loans decreased from $39,880,000 on June 30, 2015 to $19,997,000 on June 30, 2016. Bank deposits, including deposits from the Bank of America branch acquisition, increased year over year by 12%.

Smith added, “We continue to move forward with our ambitious technology plans to upgrade our on-line products and core processing systems to better serve our customers. Completion of these projects is expected in the fall of 2016. This investment into new computer solutions will improve operational efficiencies and provide customers with added convenience and improved self-service banking options.”

In addition to the historical information contained herein, this press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various uncertainties and risks that could affect their outcome. The Company’s actual results could differ materially. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, variances in the actual versus projected growth in assets, return on assets, interest rate fluctuations, economic conditions in the Company's primary market area, demand for loans, regulatory and accounting changes, loan losses, expenses, rates charged on loans and earned on securities investments, rates paid on deposits, competitive effects, fee and other noninterest income earned, the outcome of litigation, as well as other factors detailed in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission which are incorporated herein by reference, including the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015. These reports and this entire press release should be read to put such forward-looking statements in context and to gain a more complete understanding of the uncertainties and risks involved in the Company's business. The Company does not intend to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this release.

Established in 1975, Tri Counties Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TriCo Bancshares (NASDAQ: TCBK) headquartered in Chico, California, providing a unique brand of customer Service with Solutions available in traditional stand-alone and in-store bank branches in communities throughout Northern and Central California. Tri Counties Bank provides an extensive and competitive breadth of consumer, small business and commercial banking financial services, along with convenient around-the-clock ATM, online and mobile banking access. Brokerage services are provided by the Bank’s investment services through affiliation with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Visit to learn more.

(Unaudited. Dollars in thousands, except share data)
Three months ended
June 30, March 31, December 31, September 30, June 30,
2016 2016 2015 2015 2015
Statement of Income Data
Interest income $ 42,590 $ 42,794 $ 42,490 $ 41,332 $ 39,867
Interest expense 1,430 1,392 1,349 1,339 1,346
Net interest income 41,160 41,402 41,141 39,993 38,521
(Benefit from reversal of) provision for loan losses (773 ) 209 (908 ) (866 ) (633 )
Noninterest income:
Service charges and fees 8,099 7,305 7,935 7,694 8,848
Other income 3,146 2,485 3,510 3,948 3,232
Total noninterest income 11,245 9,790 11,445 11,642 12,080
Noninterest expense:

Base salaries net of deferred loan origination costs

12,968 12,708 12,014 11,562 11,502
Incentive compensation expense 2,471 1,739 2,304 1,674 1,390

Employee benefits and other compensation expense

4,606 4,818 4,212 4,297 4,350
Total salaries and benefits expense 20,045 19,265 18,530 17,533 17,242
Other noninterest expense 18,222 14,486 16,154 13,906 15,194
Total noninterest expense 38,267 33,751 34,684 31,439 32,436
Income before taxes 14,911 17,232 18,810 21,062 18,798
Net income $ 9,405 $ 10,674 $ 11,422 $ 12,694 $ 11,366
Share Data
Basic earnings per share $ 0.41 $ 0.47 $ 0.50 $ 0.56 $ 0.50
Diluted earnings per share $ 0.41 $ 0.46 $ 0.50 $ 0.55 $ 0.49
Book value per common share $ 20.76 $ 20.34 $ 19.85 $ 19.48 $ 18.95
Tangible book value per common share $ 17.63 $ 17.18 $ 16.81 $ 16.42 $ 15.88
Shares outstanding 22,822,325 22,785,173 22,775,173 22,764,295 22,749,523
Weighted average shares 22,802,653 22,782,865 22,769,793 22,757,453 22,744,926
Weighted average diluted shares 23,070,151 23,046,165 23,055,900 23,005,980 22,980,033
Credit Quality
Nonperforming originated loans $ 10,022 $ 12,660 $ 22,824 $ 24,052 $ 23,812
Total nonperforming loans 19,977 24,034 37,119 38,898 39,880
Foreclosed assets, net of allowance 3,842 4,471 5,369 5,285 5,393
Loans charged-off 641 1,289 380 687 514
Loans recovered $ 536 $ 1,457 $ 781 $ 2,616 $ 547
Selected Financial Ratios
Return on average total assets 0.86 % 1.01 % 1.11 % 1.28 % 1.17 %
Return on average equity 7.98 % 9.25 % 10.14 % 11.56 % 10.56 %
Average yield on loans 5.32 % 5.48 % 5.60 % 5.57 % 5.44 %
Average yield on interest-earning assets 4.28 % 4.47 % 4.53 % 4.60 % 4.50 %
Average rate on interest-bearing liabilities 0.21 % 0.22 % 0.22 % 0.23 % 0.23 %
Net interest margin (fully tax-equivalent) 4.13 % 4.33 % 4.39 % 4.46 % 4.35 %
Supplemental Loan Interest Income Data:
Discount accretion PCI - cash basis loans $ 426 $ 269 $ 302 $ 445 $ 404
Discount accretion PCI - other loans 415 (45 ) 1,392 1,090 907
Discount accretion PNCI loans 1,459 868 573 1,590 822
All other loan interest income 32,038 33,646 32,571 30,689 29,886
Total loan interest income $ 34,338 $ 34,738 $ 34,838 $ 33,814 $ 32,019
(Unaudited. Dollars in thousands)
Three months ended
June 30, March 31, December 31, September 30, June 30,
Balance Sheet Data 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015
Cash and due from banks $ 216,786 $ 388,878 $ 303,461 $ 209,298 $ 169,503
Securities, available for sale 529,017 477,454 404,885 329,361 284,430
Securities, held to maturity 674,412 705,133 726,530 751,051 776,283
Restricted equity securities 16,956 16,956 16,956 16,956 16,956
Loans held for sale 2,904 2,240 1,873 5,152 4,630
Commercial loans 209,840 197,695 194,913 199,330 195,791
Consumer loans 381,114 401,076 395,283 403,081 411,788
Real estate mortgage loans 1,913,024 1,813,933 1,811,832 1,757,082 1,686,567
Real estate construction loans 149,652 128,843 120,909 110,073 99,616
Total loans, gross 2,653,630 2,541,547 2,522,937 2,469,566 2,393,762
Allowance for loan losses (35,509 ) (36,388 ) (36,011 ) (36,518 ) (35,455 )
Foreclosed assets 3,842 4,471 5,369 5,285 5,393
Premises and equipment 51,728 51,522 43,811 42,334 42,056
Cash value of life insurance 94,572 95,256 94,560 94,458 93,687
Goodwill 64,311 64,311 63,462 63,462 63,462
Other intangible assets 7,282 7,641 5,894 6,184 6,473
Mortgage servicing rights 6,720 7,140 7,618 7,467 7,814
Accrued interest receivable 11,602 11,075 10,786 10,212 10,064
Other assets 54,239 57,720 48,591 47,360 54,797
Total assets $ 4,352,492 4,394,956 4,220,722 4,021,628 3,893,855
Noninterest-bearing demand deposits 1,181,702 1,178,001 1,155,695 1,100,607 1,060,650
Interest-bearing demand deposits 867,638 884,638 853,961 817,034 780,647
Savings deposits 1,346,269 1,368,644 1,281,540 1,187,238 1,179,836
Time certificates 345,787 353,757 340,070 352,993 320,549
Total deposits 3,741,396 3,785,040 3,631,266 3,457,872 3,341,682
Accrued interest payable 727 751 774 795 797
Reserve for unfunded commitments 2,883 2,475 2,475 2,085 2,125
Other liabilities 57,587 68,064 65,293 53,681 55,003
Other borrowings 19,464 18,671 12,328 6,859 6,735
Junior subordinated debt 56,567 56,519 56,470 56,991 56,369
Total liabilities 3,878,624 3,931,520 3,768,606 3,578,283 3,462,711
Total shareholders' equity 473,868 463,436 452,116 443,345 431,144

Accumulated other comprehensive gain (loss)

6,073 1,772 (1,778 ) (2,298 ) (4,726 )
Average loans 2,579,774 2,537,574 2,489,406 2,427,670 2,355,864
Average interest-earning assets 4,038,728 3,876,786 3,777,144 3,616,912 3,563,925
Average total assets 4,387,950 4,212,388 4,115,369 3,953,292 3,894,196
Average deposits 3,778,436 3,616,618 3,543,423 3,390,229 3,347,874
Average total equity $ 471,362 $ 461,520 $ 450,413 $ 439,360 $ 430,601
Total risk based capital ratio 14.7 % 15.1 % 15.1 % 15.2 % 15.2 %
Tier 1 capital ratio 13.6 % 13.9 % 13.8 % 13.9 % 13.9 %
Tier 1 common equity ratio 12.0 % 12.3 % 12.2 % 12.3 % 12.2 %
Tier 1 leverage ratio 10.4 % 10.7 % 10.8 % 11.0 % 10.9 %
Tangible capital ratio 9.4 % 9.1 % 9.2 % 9.5 % 9.4 %


TriCo Bancshares
Richard P. Smith, 530-898-0300
President & CEO

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