
                                  UNITED STATES
                              Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2001


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        For the Transition Period from to
                  ------------ --------------------------------

Commission    Registrant, State of Incorporation,             I.R.S. Employer
File Number   Address  and  Telephone Number                  Identification No.

1-8809        SCANA Corporation                                       57-0784499
              (a South Carolina Corporation)
              1426 Main Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201
              (803) 217-9000

1-3375        South Carolina Electric & Gas Company                   57-0248695
              (a South Carolina Corporation)
              1426 Main Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201
              (803) 217-9000

1-11429       Public Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated  56-2128483
              (a South Carolina Corporation)
              1426 Main Street, Columbia, South Carolina  29201
              (803) 217-9000

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrants: (1) have filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrants were required to file such reports), and (2) have been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

         Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
classes of common stock, as of the last practicable date.
                                 Description of            Shares Outstanding
Registrant                       Common Stock              at  April 30, 2001
----------                       ------------           ----------------------

SCANA Corporation                  Without Par Value            104,728,268

South Carolina Electric & Gas
Company                         Par Value $4.50 Per Share       40,296,1471

Public Service Company of
North Carolina, Incorporated       Without Par Value               1,000(1)

1Held beneficially and of record by SCANA Corporation.

         This combined Form 10-Q is separately filed by SCANA Corporation, South
Carolina Electric & Gas Company and Public Service Company of North Carolina,
Incorporated. Information contained herein relating to any individual Company is
filed by such Company on its own behalf. Each Company makes no representation as
to information relating to the other Companies.

         Public Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated meets the
conditions set forth in General Instruction H (1)(a) and (b) of Form 10-Q and
therefore is filing this form with the reduced disclosure format allowed under
General Instruction H(2).





SCANA Corporation Financial Section........................................   3

Item 1.  Financial Statements
              Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of
              March 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000 ........................   4
              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
              and Retained Earnings for the Periods Ended
              March 31, 2001 and 2000......................................   6
              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
              for the Periods Ended March 31, 2001 and 2000................   7
              Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.........   8

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
         Condition and Results of Operations...............................  16

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk........  21

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Financial Section....................  23

Item 1.  Financial Statements

              Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of
              March 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000 ........................  24
              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
              and Retained Earnings for the Periods Ended
              March 31, 2001 and 2000......................................  26
              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
              for the Periods Ended March 31, 2001 and 2000................  27
              Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.........  28

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
         and Results of Operations.........................................  33

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk........  37

Public Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated.....................  38

Item 1.  Financial Statements

              Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 2001
              and December 31, 2000 .......................................  39
              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income and
              Retained Earnings for the Periods Ended
              March 31, 2001 and 2000......................................  40
              Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for
              the Periods Ended March 31, 2001 and 2000....................  41
         Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements..............  42

Item 2.  Management's Narrative Analysis of Results of Operations..........  45


Item 1.  Legal Proceedings.................................................  47

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K..................................  47

Signatures.................................................................  48

Exhibit Index..............................................................  51

                                SCANA CORPORATION
                                FINANCIAL SECTION

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements

                                SCANA CORPORATION

                                                         March 31,  December 31,
Millions of dollars                                        2001         2000

Utility Plant:
    Electric                                                $4,737      $4,747
    Gas                                                      1,440       1,435
    Other                                                      186         187
        Total                                                6,363       6,369
    Less accumulated depreciation and amortization           2,250       2,212
        Total                                                4,113       4,157
    Construction work in progress                              331         261
    Nuclear fuel, net of accumulated amortization               56          57
    Acquisition adjustment, net of accumulated amortization    471         474
        Utility Plant, Net                                   4,971       4,949

Nonutility Property, net of accumulated depreciation            88          79
Investments                                                    236         203
       Nonutility Property and Investments, Net                324         282

Current Assets:
    Cash and temporary cash investments                        289         159
    Receivables (net of allowance for
      uncollectible accounts of
      $34 in 2001 and $31in 2000)                              632         699
    Inventories (at average cost):
        Fuel                                                   111         107
        Materials and supplies                                  57          56
        Emission allowances                                     19          20
    Prepayments                                                 18          16
    Investments                                                700         479
        Total Current Assets                                 1,826       1,536

Deferred Debits:
    Environmental                                               37          30
    Nuclear plant decommissioning fund                          74          72
    Pension asset, net                                         206         196
    Other regulatory assets                                    227         213
    Other                                                      136         142
        Total Deferred Debits                                  680         653
            Total                                           $7,801      $7,420

                                SCANA CORPORATION

                                                 March 31,   December 31,
Millions of dollars                                 2001         2000
Capitalization and Liabilities

Stockholders' Investment:
    Common Equity                                $2,232        $2,032
    Preferred stock (Not subject to purchase or
     sinking funds)                                 106           106
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
        Total Stockholders' Investment            2,338         2,138
Preferred Stock, net (Subject to purchase or
  sinking funds)                                     10            10
SCE&G-Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable
    Preferred Securities of SCE&G's
    Subsidiary Trust, SCE&G Trust I,
    holding solely $50 million principal
    amount of the 7.55% Junior Subordinated
    Debentures of SCE&G, due 2027                    50            50
Long-Term Debt, net                               2,801         2,850
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
        Total Capitalization                      5,199         5,048
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------

Current Liabilities:
    Short-term borrowings                           144           398
    Current portion of long-term debt               587            41
    Accounts payable                                277           396
    Customer deposits                                21            25
    Taxes accrued                                     9            54
    Interest accrued                                 58            42
    Dividends declared                               34            32
    Deferred income taxes, net                      180            98
    Other                                            16            25
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
       Total Current Liabilities                  1,326         1,111
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------

Deferred Credits:
    Deferred income taxes, net                     759            721
    Deferred investment tax credits                117            119
    Reserve for nuclear plant decommissioning       74             72
    Postretirement benefits                        115            113
    Other regulatory liabilities                    89             75
    Other                                          122            161
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
        Total Deferred Credits                   1,276          1,261
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
           Total                                $7,801         $7,420

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                SCANA CORPORATION
                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                  March 31,
     Millions of dollars, except per share amounts            2001       2000
     ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --

     Operating Revenues:
         Electric                                              $340      $294
         Gas - Regulated                                        467       311
         Gas - Nonregulated                                     511       216
             Total Operating Revenues                         1,318       821
     Operating Expenses:
         Fuel used in electric generation                        67        70
         Purchased power                                         48         7
         Gas purchased for resale                               816       379
         Other operation and maintenance                        128       111
         Depreciation and amortization                           56        55
         Other taxes                                             30        29
             Total Operating Expenses                         1,145       651
     Operating Income                                           173       170
     Other Income:
        Other income, including allowance for equity
           funds used during construction                        13        12
        Gain on sale of subsidiary assets                         9         -
             Total Other Income                                  22         12
     Income Before Interest Charges, Income Taxes,
       Preferred Stock Dividends
        and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change             195         182
     Interest Charges:
         Interest expense on long-term debt, net                59          44
         Other interest expense, net of  allowance
           for borrowed funds used during construction           -          10
             Total Interest Charges, Net                        62          54
     Income Before Income Taxes, Preferred Stock Dividends
        and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change             133         128
     Income Taxes                                               51          50
     Income Before Preferred Stock Dividends
        and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change              82          78
     Preferred Dividend Requirement of SCE&G -
         Obligated Mandatorily
         Redeemable Preferred Securities                         1           1
     Income Before Cash Dividends on Preferred
        Stock of Subsidiary and Cumulative
        Effect of Accounting Change                             81          77
     Cash Dividends on Preferred Stock of Subsidiary
       (At stated rates)                                        (2)         (2)
     Income Before Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change       79          75
     Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change,
        net of taxes  (Note 2)                                   -          29
     Net Income                                                 79         104
     Retained Earnings at Beginning of Period                  850         720
     Common Stock Cash Dividends Declared                      (31)        (30)
     Retained Earnings at End of Period                       $898        $794
     Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share of Common Stock:
          Before Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change       $.75        $.72
          Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change,
            net of taxes                                         -         .28
     -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
          Basic and diluted earnings per share                $.75       $1.00
     ==================================================================== ======
          Weighted average shares outstanding (millions)     104.7       104.0

     See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                SCANA CORPORATION
                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                 March 31,
Millions of dollars                                        2001        2000
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
  Net income                                                 $79        $104
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
      cash provided from operating activities:
      Cumulative effect of accounting change,
        net of taxes                                           -         (29)
      Depreciation and amortization                           58          57
      Amortization of nuclear fuel                             1           5
      Gain on sale of subsidiary assets                       (9)          -
      Equity in income of affiliates                           -          (1)
      Preferred stock dividends                                2           2
      Allowance for funds used during construction            (4)         (1)
      Over (under) collection, fuel adjustment clauses         -          31
      Changes in certain assets and liabilities:
          (Increase) decrease in receivables                  66          (2)
          (Increase) decrease in inventories                  (4)         35
          (Increase) decrease in pension asset               (10)         (9)
          (Increase) decrease in other regulatory assets       1           3
          Increase (decrease) in deferred income taxes, net   44          21
          Increase (decrease) in regulatory liabilities       (1)          2
          Increase (decrease) in postretirement benefits       2          11
          Increase (decrease) in accounts payable           (119)        (47)
          Increase (decrease) in taxes accrued               (45)        (40)
      Other, net                                             (48)         (8)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
    Net Cash Provided From Operating Activities               13         134
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
    Utility property additions and construction
      expenditures, net of AFC                               (78)        (53)
    Purchase of subsidiary,  net of cash acquired              -        (212)
    Proceeds from sale of subsidiary assets                    24          3
    Increase in nonutility property and investments:
      Nonutility property                                     (12)        (3)
      Investments                                             (26)        (3)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
    Net Cash Used For Investing Activities                    (92)      (268)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
        Issuance of  First Mortgage Bonds                     149          -
        Issuance of notes and loans                           350        700
        Notes and loans                                        (4)         -
        Other long-term debt                                   (1)        (1)
        Common stock                                            -       (488)
    Dividend payments:
        Common stock                                          (29)       (34)
        Preferred stock of subsidiary                          (2)        (2)
    Short-term borrowings, net                               (254)       (59)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
    Net Cash Provided From Financing Activities               209        116
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
Net Increase (Decrease) In Cash and
  Temporary Cash Investments                                  130        (18)
Cash and Temporary Cash Investments, January 1                159        116
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
Cash and Temporary Cash Investments, March 31                $289        $98
======================================================================== =======

Supplemental Cash Flow Information:
    Cash paid for - Interest (net of capitalized interest
                      of $2 for 2001 and $1 for 2000)         $44        $37
                  - Income taxes                                3         26
    Noncash Investing and Financing Activities:
         Unrealized gain (loss)  on securities available
           for sale, net of tax                               148        (73)
         Unrealized gain (loss) on SFAS 133 hedging
           activities, net of tax                               4          -

  In       conjunction with the acquisition of Public Service Company of North
           Carolina, Incorporated in 2000, liabilities were assumed as follows:
                Fair value of assets acquired           $1,177
                Cash paid for capital stock               (212)
                Stock issued for consideration            (488)
                     Liabilities assumed                  $477

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                SCANA CORPORATION
                                 March 31, 2001

         The following notes should be read in conjunction with the Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements appearing in SCANA Corporation's (the Company)
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000. These are
interim financial statements, and due to the seasonality of the Company's
business, the amounts reported in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of
Income are not necessarily indicative of amounts expected for the year. In the
opinion of management, the information furnished herein reflects all
adjustments, all of a normal recurring nature except as described in Notes 2, 3
and 4, which are necessary for a fair statement of the results for the interim
periods reported.


        A.  Basis of Accounting

        The Company accounts for its regulated utility operations, assets and
        liabilities in accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial
        Accounting Standards (SFAS) 71. This accounting standard requires
        cost-based rate-regulated utilities to recognize in their financial
        statements revenues and expenses in different time periods than do
        enterprises that are not rate-regulated. As a result the Company has
        recorded, as of March 31, 2001, approximately $264 million and $89
        million of regulatory assets and liabilities, respectively, including
        amounts recorded for deferred income tax assets and liabilities of
        approximately $140 million and $60 million, respectively. The electric
        and gas regulatory assets of approximately $71 million and $52 million,
        respectively, (excluding deferred income tax assets) are recoverable
        through rates. In the future, as a result of deregulation or other
        changes in the regulatory environment, the Company may no longer meet
        the criteria for continued application of SFAS 71 and could be required
        to write off its regulatory assets and liabilities. Such an event could
        have a material adverse effect on the Company's results of operations in
        the period the write-off would be recorded, but it is not expected that
        cash flows or financial position would be materially affected.

        B.  Comprehensive Income

        Comprehensive income includes net income and all other changes in equity
        except those resulting from investments by and distributions to
        stockholders. Comprehensive income of the Company totaled $231 million
        and $31 million for the three months ended March 31, 2001 and 2000,
        respectively. Other comprehensive income included unrealized
        gains/(losses) on securities available for sale of $148 million and
        $(73) million for the three months ended March 31, 2001 and 2000,
        respectively, and unrealized gains on hedging activities of $4 million
        for the three months ended March 31, 2001. Accumulated other
        comprehensive income of the Company totaled $291 million and $139
        million as of March 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000, respectively.

         C.   New Accounting Standard

         On January 1, 2001 the Company adopted SFAS 133, "Accounting for
         Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," as amended. See Note 7
         for a discussion of the impact of the adoption of SFAS 133 on the

           D.   Stock Option Plan

         On April 27, 2000 the Company adopted the SCANA Corporation Long-Term
         Equity Compensation Plan (the Plan). Under the Plan, certain employees
         and non-employee directors may receive nonqualified stock options and
         other forms of equity compensation. The Company accounts for this
         equity-based compensation under Accounting Principles Board Opinion No.
         25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees" (APB 25) and related
         interpretations. In addition the Company has adopted the disclosure
         provisions of SFAS 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation." As
         of March 31, 2001 options to acquire approximately 839,000 shares of
         SCANA common stock have been granted at strike prices equal to or
         greater than market prices on the dates of issuance.

         E.  Earnings Per Share

          Earnings per share amounts have been computed in accordance with SFAS
         128, "Earnings Per Share." Under SFAS 128, basic earnings per share are
         computed by dividing net income by the weighted average number of
         common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted earnings per share
         are computed as net income divided by the weighted average number of
         shares of common stock outstanding during the period after giving
         effect to securities considered to be dilutive potential common stock.
         The Company uses the treasury stock method in determining total
         dilutive potential common stock.

          F.  Reclassifications

          Certain amounts from prior periods have been reclassified to conform
with the presentation adopted for 2001.

2.        Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change

          Effective January 1, 2000 the Company changed its method of accounting
         for operating revenues associated with its regulated utility operations
         from cycle billing to full accrual. The cumulative effect of this
         change was $29 million, net of tax. Accruing unbilled revenues more
         closely matches revenues and expenses. Unbilled revenues represent the
         estimated amount customers will be charged for service rendered but not
         yet billed as of the end of the accounting period.


          On February 10, 2000 the Company completed its acquisition of Public
         Service Company of North Carolina, Inc. (PSNC) in a business
         combination accounted for as a purchase. PSNC became a wholly owned
         subsidiary of the Company. PSNC is a public utility engaged primarily
         in transporting, distributing and selling natural gas to approximately
         371,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in 25 of its
         28 franchised counties in North Carolina. Pursuant to the Agreement and
         Plan of Merger, PSNC shareholders were paid approximately $212 million
         in cash and 17.4 million shares of SCANA common stock valued at
         approximately $488 million. In connection with the acquisition, 16.3
         million shares of SCANA common stock were repurchased for approximately
         $488 million. The results of operations of PSNC are included in the
         accompanying financial statements as of January 1, 2000, the effective
         date of acquisition. The total cost of the acquisition was
         approximately $700 million, which exceeded the fair value of the net
         assets by approximately $466 million. The excess is being amortized
         over 35 years on a straight-line basis.


           South Carolina Electric & Gas Company

          A. On April 24, 2001 the Public Service Commission of South Carolina
             (PSC) approved South Carolina Electric & Gas Company's (SCE&G)
             request to increase the fuel component of rates charged to electric
             customers from 1.330 cents per kilowatt-hour to 1.579 cents per
             kilowatt-hour. The increase reflects higher fuel costs projected
             for the period May 2001 through April 2002. It also includes
             recovery over a two year period of under-collected actual fuel
             costs through April 2001, including short-term purchased power
             costs necessitated by outages at two of SCE&G's base load
             generating plants in winter 2000-2001. The new rates were effective
             as of the first billing cycle in May 2001.

          B. On July 20, 2000 the PSC approved SCE&G's request for an
             out-of-period adjustment to increase the cost of gas component of
             its rates for natural gas service from 54.334 cents per therm to
             68.835 cents per therm, effective with the first billing cycle in
             August 2000. As part of its regularly scheduled annual review of
             gas costs, the PSC issued an order on November 9, 2000 which
             further increased the cost of gas component to 78.151 cents per
             therm, effective with the first billing cycle in November 2000. On
             December 21, 2000 the PSC issued an order approving SCE&G's request
             for another out-of-period adjustment to increase the cost of gas
             component to 99.340 cents per therm, effective with the first
             billing cycle in January 2001. On March 9, 2001 the PSC issued an
             order granting SCE&G's request to reduce the cost of gas component
             to 79.340 cents per therm, effective with the first billing cycle
             in March 2001.

          C. On July 5, 2000 the PSC approved SCE&G's request to implement lower
             depreciation rates for its gas operations. The new rates were
             effective retroactively to January 1, 2000 and resulted in a
             reduction in annual depreciation expense of approximately $2.9
             million. The retroactive effect was recorded in the second quarter
             of 2000.

          D. On September 14, 1999 the PSC approved an accelerated capital
             recovery plan for SCE&G's Cope Generating Station. The plan was
             implemented beginning January 1, 2000 for a three-year period. The
             PSC approved an accelerated capital recovery methodology wherein
             SCE&G may increase depreciation of its Cope Generating Station in
             excess of amounts that would be recorded based upon currently
             approved depreciation rates. The amount of the accelerated
             depreciation will be determined by SCE&G based on the level of
             revenues and operating expenses, not to exceed $36 million annually
             without the approval of the PSC. Any unused portion of the $36
             million in any given year may be carried forward for possible use
             in the following year. As of March 31, 2001 no accelerated
             depreciation has been recorded. The accelerated capital recovery
             plan will be accomplished through existing customer rates.

          E. On January 9, 1996 the PSC issued an order granting SCE&G an
             increase in retail electric rates which were fully implemented by
             January 1997. The PSC authorized a return on common equity of 12.0
             percent. The PSC also approved establishment of a Storm Damage
             Reserve Account capped at $50 million to be collected through rates
             over a ten-year period. Additionally, the PSC approved accelerated
             amortization of a significant portion of SCE&G's electric
             regulatory assets (excluding deferred income tax assets) and the
             remaining transition obligation for postretirement benefits other
             than pensions, which enabled SCE&G to recover the balances as of
             the end of the year 2000.

          F. In 1994 the PSC issued an order approving SCE&G's request to
             recover through a billing surcharge to its gas customers the costs
             of environmental cleanup at the sites of former manufactured gas
             plants (MGPs). The billing surcharge is subject to annual review
             and provides for the recovery of substantially all actual and
             projected site assessment and cleanup costs and environmental
             claims settlements for SCE&G's gas operations that had previously
             been deferred. In November 2000, as a result of the annual review,
             the PSC approved SCE&G's request to maintain the billing surcharge
             of $.011 per therm that provides for the recovery of the balance
             remaining at March 31, 2001 of $26.4 million.

         G.  In September 1992 the PSC issued an order granting SCE&G's request
             for a $.25 increase in transit fares from $.50 to $.75 in Columbia,
             South Carolina; however, the PSC also required $.40 fares for low
             income customers and denied SCE&G's request to reduce the number of
             routes and frequency of service. The new rates were placed into
             effect in October 1992. SCE&G appealed the PSC's order to the
             Circuit Court, which in May 1995 ordered the case back to the PSC
             for reconsideration of several issues including the low income
             rider program, routing changes, and the $.75 fare. The Supreme
             Court declined to review an appeal of the Circuit Court decision
             and dismissed the case. The PSC and other intervenors filed another
             Petition for Reconsideration, which the Supreme Court denied. The
             PSC and other intervenors filed another appeal to the Circuit Court
             which the Circuit Court denied in an order dated May 9, 1996. In
             this order the Circuit Court upheld its previous orders and
             remanded them to the PSC. During August 1996 the PSC heard oral
             arguments on the orders on remand from the Circuit Court. On
             September 30, 1996 the PSC issued an order affirming its previous
             orders and denied SCE&G's request for reconsideration. In response
             to an appeal of the PSC's order by SCE&G, the Circuit Court issued
             an order on May 25, 2000, which remanded the matter to the PSC for
             review of SCE&G's original application and request to terminate the
             low income rider fare. On September 27, 2000 the PSC issued an
             order granting the relief requested by SCE&G. On September 29, 2000
             the Consumer Advocate filed a motion with the PSC for a stay of
             this order to which SCE&G filed a response. On October 3, 2000 the
             PSC accepted the Consumer Advocate's motion and issued a stay of
             its order. The Consumer Advocate and other intervenors have
             petitioned the Circuit Court for judicial review of the PSC's order
             granting relief. Action by the Circuit Court is pending.

        Public Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated

        H.  On April 6, 2000 the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC)
            issued an order permanently approving PSNC's request to establish
            its commodity cost of gas for large commercial and industrial
            customers on the basis of market prices for natural gas. The NCUC
            previously allowed PSNC use of this mechanism on a trial basis. Use
            of this mechanism allows PSNC to collect from its customers amounts
            approximating the amounts paid for natural gas.

        I.  A state expansion fund, established by the North Carolina General
            Assembly in 1991 and funded by refunds from PSNC's interstate
            pipeline transporters, provides financing for expansion into areas
            that otherwise would not be economically feasible to serve. On
            December 30, 1999 PSNC filed an application with the NCUC to extend
            natural gas service to Madison, Jackson and Swain Counties, North
            Carolina. Pursuant to state statutes, the NCUC required PSNC to
            forfeit its exclusive franchises to serve six counties in western
            North Carolina effective January 31, 2000 because these counties
            were not receiving any natural gas service. Madison, Jackson and
            Swain Counties were included in the forfeiture order. On June 29,
            2000 the NCUC approved PSNC's requests for reinstatement of its
            exclusive franchises for Madison, Jackson and Swain Counties and
            disbursement of up to $28.4 million from PSNC's expansion fund for
            this project. PSNC estimates that the cost of this project will be
            approximately $31.4 million.

        J.  On December 7, 1999 the NCUC issued an order approving SCANA's
            acquisition of PSNC. As specified in the NCUC order, PSNC reduced
            its rates by approximately $1 million in August 2000, will reduce
            rates another $1 million in August 2001 and has agreed to a
            moratorium on general rate cases until August 2005. General rate
            relief can be obtained during this period to recover costs
            associated with materially adverse governmental actions and force
            majeure events.


        On January 24, 2001 SCANA issued $202 million two-year floating rate
        notes maturing on January 24, 2003. The interest rate is reset quarterly
        based on three-month LIBOR plus 110 basis points. Also on January 24,
        2001 SCE&G issued $150 million First Mortgage Bonds having an annual
        interest rate of 6.70 percent and maturing on February 1, 2011. On
        February 16, 2001 PSNC issued $150 million of medium-term notes having
        an annual interest rate of 6.625 percent and maturing on February 15,
        2011. The proceeds from these borrowings were used to reduce short-term
        debt and for general corporate purposes. In addition, on May 9, 2001
        SCANA issued $300 million fixed rate notes maturing May 15, 2011. The
        interest rate was 6.875 percent. The proceeds from the sale of debt were
        used to refinance $300 million bank notes originally issued to
        consummate SCANA's acquisition of PSNC.


        The Company's Restated Articles of Incorporation do not limit the
        dividends that may be payable on its common stock. However, the Restated
        Articles of Incorporation of SCE&G and the Indenture underlying its
        First and Refunding Mortgage Bonds contain provisions that, under
        certain circumstances, could limit the payment of cash dividends on its
        common stock.

         In addition, with respect to hydroelectric projects, the Federal Power
        Act requires the appropriation of a portion of certain earnings
        therefrom. At March 31, 2001 approximately $33.4 million of retained
        earnings were restricted by this requirement as to payment of cash
        dividends on SCE&G's common stock.


        Effective January 1, 2001 the Company adopted SFAS 133, "Accounting for
        Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," as amended. SFAS 133
        requires the Company to recognize all derivative instruments as either
        assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position and measure
        those instruments at fair value. SFAS 133 further provides that changes
        in the fair value of derivative instruments are either recognized in
        earnings or reported as a component of other comprehensive income,
        depending upon the intended use of the derivative and the resulting

        The Company uses derivative instruments to hedge forward purchases and
        sales of natural gas, which create market risks of different types.
        Instruments designated as cash flow hedges are used to hedge risks
        associated with fixed price obligations in a volatile price market and
        risks associated with price differentials at different delivery
        locations. The basic types of financial instruments utilized are
        exchange-traded instruments, such as NYMEX futures contracts or options
        and over-the-counter instruments such as swaps, which are typically
        offered by energy and financial institutions. These instruments do not
        constitute investments independent of the hedged exposures.

        Risk limits are established to control the level of market, credit,
        liquidity and operational/administrative risks assumed by the Company.
        The Company's Board of Directors has delegated the authority for setting
        market risk limits to the Risk Management Committee, which is comprised
        of members of senior management, the Company's Controller, the Senior
        Vice President of South Carolina Pipeline Corporation and the President
        of SCANA Energy Marketing, Inc. The Risk Management Committee provides
        assurance to the Board of Directors with regard to compliance with risk
        management policies and brings to the Board's attention any areas of
        concern. Written policies define the physical and financial transactions
        that are prohibited as well as the authorization requirements for
        transactions that are allowed.

     As a result  of  adopting  SFAS  133,  the  Company  recorded  a credit  of
     approximately  $23.0  million,  net of tax,  as the  effect  of a change in
     accounting principle (transition  adjustment) to other comprehensive income
     on  January  1,  2001.  This  amount  represents  the  reclassification  of
     unrealized gains that were deferred and reported as liabilities at December
     31, 2000.  During the three  months  ended March 31, 2001,  the fair market
     value of the  qualifying  cash  flow  hedges  reflected  in the  transition
     adjustment declined by $16 million, net of tax. The remaining  gains/losses
     on  such  qualifying  cash  flow  hedges  as well as  hedges  entered  into
     subsequently  ($1 million,  net of tax) are expected to be  reclassified to
     earnings (as  adjustments  to gas purchased for resale) by March 2002.  All
     gains/losses  related to qualifying  cash flow hedges so reflected in other
     comprehensive  income  will be  reclassified  to  earnings  at the time the
     hedged transaction affects earnings.

     In the  first  quarter  of 2001 the  Company  recognized  income  as a $3.5
     million  reduction  of gas  purchased  for  resale) of  approximately  $2.2
     million,  net of tax,  as a result of  qualifying  cash flow  hedges  whose
     hedged transaction occurred during the three months ended March 31, 2001.


     At March 31,  2001 SCANA  Communications  Holdings,  Inc.  (SCH),  a wholly
     owned,  indirect subsidiary of SCANA, held the following investments in ITC
     Holding Company, Inc. (ITC) and its affiliates:

o    Powertel,  Inc.  (Powertel)  is a  publicly  traded  company  that owns and
     operates  personal  communications  services (PCS) systems in several major
     Southeastern  markets.  SCH owns approximately 5.0 million common shares of
     Powertel at a cost of  approximately  $78.9 million.  Powertel common stock
     closed  at  $55.00  per share on March  31,  2001,  resulting  in a pre-tax
     unrealized  holding gain of $194.2 million (a decline of $34.6 million from
     December  31,  2000).  In  addition,  SCH  owns  the  following  series  of
     non-voting  convertible  preferred  shares,  at the approximate cost noted:
     100,000  shares  series B ($75.1  million);  50,000  shares series D ($22.5
     million);   and  50,000  shares  6.5  percent  series  E  ($75.0  million).
     Cumulative  dividends on preferred  series E shares are  generally  paid in
     common  shares of Powertel and are accrued  quarterly.  Preferred  series B
     shares become convertible in March 2002 at a conversion price of $16.50 per
     common share or approximately 4.6 million common shares. Preferred series D
     shares become convertible in March 2002 at a conversion price of $12.75 per
     common share or approximately 1.7 million common shares. Preferred series E
     shares become  convertible in June 2003 at a conversion price of $22.01 per
     common share or approximately  3.4 million common shares.  The market value
     of  the   convertible   preferred   shares  of   Powertel  is  not  readily
     determinable.  However,  as converted,  the market value of the  underlying
     common shares for the preferred shares was approximately  $538.9 million at
     March 31, 2001,  reflecting  an unrealized  pre-tax  holding gain of $253.9
     million and an unrecorded pre-tax holding gain of $112.4 million (a decline
     of $44.3 million and $23.7  million from December 31, 2000,  respectively).
     Accumulated other comprehensive income includes the after-tax amount of all
     unrealized  holding gains and losses on common shares and preferred  shares
     convertible within twelve months.

     On August 28, 2000 SCH announced that,  under terms of separate  definitive
     agreements,  Powertel has agreed to be acquired by either Deutsche  Telekom
     AG  (DT)  or  VoiceStream  Wireless  Corporation  (VoiceStream).   If  DT's
     previously announced acquisition of VoiceStream is successfully  completed,
     then DT would also acquire Powertel. If the DT - VoiceStream transaction is
     not completed,  then VoiceStream would acquire Powertel. In connection with
     these  transactions,  SCH agreed to certain  restrictions on disposition of
     its  Powertel  shares  and the  shares it would  receive in either of these
     transactions.   On  March  13,  2001  Powertel  shareholders  approved  the
     acquisition  agreements.  On May  1,  2001  DT  obtained  final  regulatory
     approval  to acquire  VoiceStream.  DT's  acquisition  of  VoiceStream  and
     Powertel is expected to close during the second quarter of 2001.

o    ITC DeltaCom, Inc. (ITCD) is a fiber optic telecommunications provider. SCH
     owns  approximately  5.1  million  common  shares  of  ITCD  at a  cost  of
     approximately  $43.0 million.  ITCD common stock closed at $5.875 per share
     on March 31, 2001,  resulting in a pre-tax unrealized holding loss of $13.0
     million. In addition, SCH owns 1,480,771 shares of series A preferred stock
     of ITCD at a cost of approximately $11.2 million. Series A preferred shares
     become  convertible  in March  2002 into  2,961,542  shares of ITCD  common
     stock.  The market value of series A preferred stock of ITCD is not readily
     determinable.  However,  as converted,  the market value of the  underlying
     common  stock for the  series A  preferred  stock was  approximately  $17.4
     million at March 31, 2001, reflecting an unrealized pre-tax holding gain of
     $6.2 million. Accumulated other comprehensive income includes the after-tax
     amount of all  unrealized  holding  gains and  losses on common  shares and
     preferred shares convertible within twelve months.

o    Knology,   Inc.  (Knology)  is  a  broad-band  service  provider  of  cable
     television,  telephone and internet  services.  SCH owns  $71,050,000  face
     amount  of  11.875  percent  Senior  Discount  Notes  due  2007 of  Knology
     Broadband,  Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Knology. The Senior Discount
     Notes have a book basis at March 31, 2001 of  approximately  $59.6 million.
     In addition,  SCH owns approximately 7.2 million shares of Knology Series A
     Convertible Preferred Stock with a cost basis of approximately $5.0 million
     and  warrants to  purchase  approximately  0.2  million  shares of Series A
     Convertible Preferred Stock. On January 12, 2001 SCH invested $25.0 million
     for  approximately  8.3 million  shares of Series C  Convertible  Preferred
     Stock of  Knology.  The market  value of these  investments  is not readily

o    ITC  holds  ownership  interests  in  several  Southeastern  communications
     companies,  including those discussed  above.  SCH owns  approximately  3.1
     million common shares,  645,153 series A convertible  preferred shares, and
     133,664 series B convertible  preferred  shares of ITC.  These  investments
     cost   approximately  $5.8  million,   $7.2  million,   and  $4.0  million,
     respectively.  The  market  values  of these  investments  are not  readily


     With respect to commitments at March 31, 2001, reference is made to Note 13
     of Notes to Consolidated  Financial  Statements  appearing in the Company's
     Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2000.
     Contingencies at March 31, 2001 include the following:

     A. Nuclear Insurance

     The Price-Anderson  Indemnification  Act, which deals with public liability
     for a nuclear  incident,  currently  establishes  the  liability  limit for
     third-party  claims  associated with any nuclear  incident at $9.5 billion.
     Each  reactor  licensee  is  currently  liable for up to $88.1  million per
     reactor  owned for each  nuclear  incident  occurring at any reactor in the
     United States, provided that not more than $10 million of the liability per
     reactor would be assessed per year.  SCE&G's maximum  assessment,  based on
     its two-thirds  ownership of V. C. Summer Nuclear Station (Summer Station),
     would be approximately  $58.7 million per incident,  but not more than $6.7
     million per year.

     SCE&G currently  maintains  policies (for itself and on behalf of the South
     Carolina Public Service  Authority) with Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited
     (NEIL).  The policies,  covering the nuclear  facility for property damage,
     excess property damage and outage costs,  permit  assessments under certain
     conditions to cover insurer's losses.  Based on the current annual premium,
     SCE&G's portion of the  retrospective  premium  assessment would not exceed
     $8.1 million.

     To the extent that insurable claims for property  damage,  decontamination,
     repair and replacement and other costs and expenses  arising from a nuclear
     incident at Summer Station exceed the policy limits of insurance, or to the
     extent such insurance becomes  unavailable in the future, and to the extent
     that SCE&G's rates would not recover the cost of any purchased  replacement
     power,  SCE&G will retain the risk of loss as a self-insurer.  SCE&G has no
     reason to anticipate a serious nuclear incident at Summer Station.  If such
     an incident were to occur,  it could have a material  adverse impact on the
     Company's results of operations, cash flows and financial position.

     B. Environmental

     The Company maintains an environmental  assessment  program to identify and
     assess current and former operations sites that could require environmental
     cleanup.  As site  assessments  are  initiated,  estimates  are made of the
     amount of  expenditures,  if any, deemed necessary to investigate and clean
     up each site. These estimates are refined as additional information becomes
     available;  therefore,  actual expenditures could differ significantly from
     the  original  estimates.  Amounts  estimated  and accrued to date for site
     assessments and cleanup relate primarily to regulated operations.

     For SCE&G,  such amounts are deferred and amortized with recovery  provided
     through  rates.  Deferred  amounts,  net of  amounts  previously  recovered
     through rates and insurance settlements, totaled $26.4 million at March 31,
     2001.  The  deferral  includes  the  estimated  costs  associated  with the
     following matters.

o    In September 1992 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notified SCE&G,
     the  City of  Charleston  and the  Charleston  Housing  Authority  of their
     potential  liability for the  investigation and cleanup of the Calhoun Park
     area  site  in   Charleston,   South   Carolina.   This  site   encompasses
     approximately  30 acres and includes  properties  which were  locations for
     industrial operations, including a wood preserving (creosote) plant, one of
     SCE&G's decommissioned  manufactured gas plants (MGP),  properties owned by
     the  National  Park  Service  and  the  City  of  Charleston   and  private
     properties.  The site has not been placed on the National  Priorities List,
     but may be added in the future. The Potentially  Responsible Parties (PRPs)
     negotiated an administrative order by consent for the conduct of a Remedial
     Investigation/Feasibility  Study and a corresponding  Scope of Work.  Field
     work began in November 1993, and the EPA approved a Remedial  Investigation
     Report in February  1997 and a  Feasibility  Study Report in June 1998.  In
     July  1998 the EPA  approved  SCE&G's  Removal  Action  Work  Plan for soil
     excavation.  SCE&G  completed  Phase One of the Removal Action Work Plan in
     1998 at a cost  of  approximately  $1.5  million.  Phase  Two,  which  cost
     approximately $3.5 million, included excavation and installation of several
     permanent  barriers to mitigate  coal tar seepage.  On September 30, 1998 a
     Record of Decision was issued which sets forth the EPA's view of the extent
     of each PRP's  responsibility for site contamination and the level to which
     the site must be  remediated.  SCE&G  estimates that the Record of Decision
     will result in costs of approximately $16.5 million, of which approximately
     $3.7  million  remains.  On January  13,  1999 the EPA issued a  Unilateral
     Administrative  Order for  Remedial  Design and Remedial  Action  directing
     SCE&G to design and carry out a plan of  remediation  for the Calhoun  Park
     site.  SCE&G submitted a Comprehensive  Remedial Design Work Plan (RDWP) on
     December  17,  1999  and  proceeded  with  implementation   pending  agency
     approval.  The  RDWP  was  approved  by  the  EPA in  July  2000,  and  its
     implementation continues.

o    In September 2000,  SCE&G was notified by the South Carolina  Department of
     Health and  Environmental  Control  (DHEC) that benzene  contamination  was
     detected  in the  intermediate  aquifer on  surrounding  properties  to the
     Calhoun Park Area site.  The EPA has required  that SCE&G conduct a focused
     Remedial  Investigation/Feasibility  Study on the intermediate aquifer. The
     EPA  expects  to  issue a  second  Record  of  Decision  dealing  with  the
     intermediate   aquifer  in  September  2001.  The  cost  for   intermediate
     groundwater  investigation  and  cleanup is expected  to  approximate  $4.7

o    SCE&G owns three other  decommissioned  MGP sites which contain residues of
     by-product  chemicals.  For the site  located  in Sumter,  South  Carolina,
     effective  September 15, 1998,  SCE&G  entered into a Remedial  Action Plan
     Contract  with DHEC  pursuant  to which it agreed to  undertake a full site
     investigation   and   remediation   under  the  oversight  of  DHEC.   Site
     investigation, characterization and remediation are proceeding according to
     schedule.  Upon successful  implementation of a site remedy, DHEC will give
     SCE&G a Certificate  of Completion  and a covenant not to sue. For the site
     located in Florence,  South Carolina, SCE&G entered into a similar Remedial
     Action Plan  Contract with DHEC in September  2000.  SCE&G is continuing to
     investigate  the remaining  site in Columbia,  and is monitoring the nature
     and extent of residual contamination.

       In addition, PSNC owns, or has owned, all or portions of seven sites in
       North Carolina on which MGPs were formerly operated. Intrusive
       investigation (including drilling, sampling and analysis) has begun at
       only one site and the remaining sites have been evaluated using
       historical records and observations of current site conditions. These
       evaluations have revealed that MGP residuals are present or suspected at
       several of the sites. The North Carolina Department of Environment and
       Natural Resources has recommended that no further action be taken with
       respect to one site. An environmental due diligence review of PSNC
       conducted in February 1999 estimated that the cost to remediate the
       remaining sites would range between $11.3 million to $21.9 million.
       During the second quarter of 2000, the review was finalized and the
       estimated liability was recorded. PSNC is unable to determine the rate at
       which costs may be incurred over this time period. The estimated cost
       range has not been discounted to present value. PSNC's associated actual
       costs for these sites will depend on a number of factors, such as actual
       site conditions, third-party claims and recoveries from other PRPs. An
       order of the NCUC dated May 11, 1993 authorized deferral accounting for
       all costs associated with the investigation and remediation of MGP sites.
       As of March 31, 2001 PSNC has recorded a liability and associated
       regulatory asset of $10.2 million, which reflects the minimum amount of
       the range, net of shared cost recovery from other PRPs. Amounts incurred
       to date are not material. Management intends to request recovery of
       additional MGP clean-up costs not recovered from other PRPs in future
       rate case filings, and believes that all costs incurred will be
       recoverable in gas rates.


The Company's reportable segments are listed in the following table. The Company
uses operating income to measure profitability for its Electric Operations and
Gas Distribution segments. Therefore, net income is not allocated to these
segments. The Company uses net income to measure profitability for its Retail
Gas Marketing and Energy Marketing segments. Affiliate revenue is derived from
transactions between reportable segments as well as transactions between
separate legal entities that are combined into the same reportable segment.
Accumulated depreciation is not assignable to Electric Operations and Gas
Distribution segments.

Disclosure of Reportable Segments

Millions of dollars
----------------------------- ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------- --------------------- ------------- --------------
      Three months ended       Electric       Gas           Gas       Retail Gas    Energy      All     Adjustments/  Consolidated
        March 31, 2001        Operations  Distribution Transmission   Marketing    Marketing   Other    Eliminations      Total
----------------------------- ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------- --------------------- ------------- --------------

External Customer Revenue        $340        $385            $82         $263        $248       $18         $(18)        $1,318
Intersegment Revenue               74           -            119            -           -         5         (198)             -
Operating Income (Loss)            94          60              -           15           6         -           (2)           173
Net Income (Loss)                   2          20             (1)           9           3         3           43             79
Segment Assets                  5,960        1,743           292          160         138       907       (1,399)         7,801

Millions of dollars
----------------------------- ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------- ------------------------------------ -------------
      Three months ended       Electric       Gas           Gas       Retail Gas    Energy      All     Adjustments/   Consolidated
        March 31, 2000        Operations  Distribution Transmission   Marketing    Marketing   Other    Eliminations       Total
----------------------------- ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------- ------------------------------------ -------------

External Customer Revenue        $294        $255           $56          $135         $81        $2          $(2)          $821
Intersegment Revenue               77           1            61             -           -         2         (141)             -
Operating Income (Loss)            91          58             8            15          (1)        -           (1)           170
Net Income (loss)                   2          25             4             9           1        (2)          65(1)         104
Segment Assets                  5,399        1,565          246            26         152       844       (1,203)         7,029

1 Includes cumulative effect of accounting change (See Note 2).

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
         Results of Operations

                                SCANA CORPORATION

        The following discussion should be read in conjunction with Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
appearing in SCANA Corporation's (the Company) Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2000.

        Statements included in this discussion and analysis (or elsewhere in
this quarterly report) which are not statements of historical fact are intended
to be, and are hereby identified as, "forward-looking statements" for purposes
of the safe harbor provided by Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Readers are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not
guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks and
uncertainties, and that actual results could differ materially from those
indicated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking
statements include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) that the
information is of a preliminary nature and may be subject to further and/or
continuing review and adjustment, (2) changes in the utility regulatory
environment, (3) changes in the economy, especially in areas served by the
Company's subsidiaries, (4) the impact of competition from other energy
suppliers, (5) growth opportunities for the Company's regulated and diversified
subsidiaries, (6) the results of financing efforts, (7) changes in the Company's
accounting policies, (8) weather conditions, especially in areas served by the
Company's subsidiaries, (9) performance of and marketability of the Company's
investments in telecommunications companies, (10) inflation, (11) changes in
environmental regulations and (12) the other risks and uncertainties described
from time to time in the Company's periodic reports filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any
forward-looking statements.


        SCANA Energy, the Company's non-regulated retail gas division in
Georgia, has maintained its position as the second largest marketer in Georgia,
with an approximate 30 percent market share. SCANA Energy earned approximately
$9.3 million or $.09 per share in the quarter ended March 31, 2001 which
approximated the earnings of the corresponding period in 2000. See additional
discussion of financial results at Results of Operations. Due to record high
wholesale natural gas prices and cold winter temperatures, the Georgia Public
Service Commission (GPSC) adopted emergency rules which prohibited gas marketers
from disconnecting service to residential customers for non-payment from
mid-January through March 2001. Customers also were permitted to switch
marketers without paying their previous provider. As a result of the action
taken by the GPSC, SCANA Energy increased its allowance for uncollectible
accounts in the first quarter 2001 and has implemented more stringent credit

         On February 9, 2000 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
issued FERC Order 2000. The Order requires utilities which operate electric
transmission systems to submit plans for the possible formation of a regional
transmission organization (RTO). On October 16, 2000 the Company and two other
southeastern electric utilities filed a joint request with FERC to establish
GridSouth Transco, LLC (GridSouth). FERC gave provisional approval to GridSouth
in March 2001. When operational, GridSouth will function as an independent
regional transmission company. Initially, the three utilities will continue to
own their respective transmission networks, while GridSouth will provide
planning and operational oversight of the electric transmission grid. GridSouth
is required to be operational by December 2001.

        In March 2001 V. C. Summer Nuclear Station returned to service. It had
been taken out of service on October 7, 2000 for a planned maintenance and
refueling outage. During initial inspection activities, plant personnel
discovered a small leak coming from a hole in a weld in a primary coolant system
pipe. Repairs were completed and the integrity of the new welds was verified
through extensive testing. The PSC has approved recovery of the cost of
replacement power through SCE&G's electric fuel adjustment clause (see Note 4A
of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements). The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) was closely involved throughout this process and approved
SCE&G's actions to repair the crack, as well as the restart schedule. SCE&G will
continue to monitor primary coolant system pipes during the next outage,
scheduled for Spring of 2002.

        In March 2001 the Company completed the sale of its home security and
alarm monitoring division (SCANA Security). The sale, valued at approximately
$24.5 million, resulted in a one-time gain of approximately $.04 per share in
the first quarter 2001 (see Results of Operations). SCANA Communications, Inc.'s
sale of its 800 megahertz radio service network is expected to be finalized in
April 2002.

        On April 10, 2001 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G)
announced plans to construct a 500 to 600 megawatt combined cycle natural
gas-fueled power plant in Jasper County, South Carolina, to supply electricity
to its South Carolina customers beginning in the summer of 2004. The proposed
generation facility is estimated to cost between $250 million and $300 million
and will use natural gas. Construction is expected to begin in the Summer of
2002 and is expected to be completed in the Summer of 2004.

        In April 2001 SCE&G's 385 megawatt coal-fired Cope Generating Station
returned to service. It had been taken out of service in January 2001 due to an
electrical ground in the generator. The PSC has approved recovery of the cost of
replacement power through SCE&G's electric fuel adjustment clause (see Note 4A
of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements).

        The following table summarizes how the Company generated and used funds
for property additions and construction expenditures during the three months
ended March 31, 2001 and 2000:

                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31,
(Millions of Dollars)                               2001         2000

Net cash provided from operating activities           $13         $134
Net cash provided from financing activities           209          116
Cash provided from sale of subsidiary assets           24            3
Cash and temporary cash investments available
  at the beginning of the period                      159          116
Net cash available for  property additions
  and construction expenditures                       $405        $369

Funds used for purchase of subsidiary                 $-          $212
Funds used for utility property additions
  and construction expenditures,
  net of noncash allowance for funds used
  during construction                                $78           $53
Funds used for nonutility property additions         $12            $3

         The Company's electric and natural gas businesses are seasonal in
nature, with the primary demand for electricity being experienced during summer
and winter and the primary demand for natural gas being experienced during
winter. As a result of the significant increase during early 2001 and the latter
half of 2000 in the cost to the Company of natural gas and the colder than
normal weather experienced during winter 2000-2001, the Company experienced
significant increases in its working capital requirements, contributing to the
need for the financings by SCANA and PSNC in early 2001 described above.

       On January 24, 2001 SCANA issued $202 million two-year floating rate
notes maturing on January 24, 2003. The interest rate is reset quarterly based
on three-month LIBOR plus 110 basis points. Also on January 24, 2001 SCE&G
issued $150 million First Mortgage Bonds having an annual interest rate of 6.70
percent and maturing on February 1, 2011. On February 16, 2001 PSNC issued $150
million of medium-term notes having an annual interest rate of 6.625 percent and
maturing on February 15, 2011. The proceeds from these borrowings were used to
reduce short-term debt and for general corporate purposes.

       In addition, on May 9, 2001 SCANA issued $300 million fixed rate notes
maturing May 15, 2011. The interest rate was 6.875 percent. The proceeds were
used to refinance $300 million of bank notes originally issued to consummate
SCANA's acquisition of PSNC.

       The Company anticipates that the remainder of its 2001 cash requirements
will be met through internally generated funds and the incurrence of additional
short-term and long-term indebtedness. Sales of additional equity securities may
also occur. The Company expects that it has or can obtain adequate sources of
financing to meet its projected cash requirements for the next 12 months and for
the foreseeable future. The Company's ratio of earnings to fixed charges for the
12 months ended March 31, 2001 was 2.53.

Environmental Matters

         For information on environmental matters see Note 9B "Contingencies -
Environmental" of Notes To Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements appearing
in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Investments in Equity Securities

     SCANA  Communications  Holdings,  Inc.  (SCH),  a  wholly  owned,  indirect
subsidiary of SCANA,  holds investments in Powertel,  Inc.  (Powertel) and other
telecommunications  companies  (described  in  Note  7  "Investments  in  Equity
Securities" of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements appearing in
this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q). On August 28, 2000 SCH announced that under
terms of separate definitive  agreements,  Powertel has agreed to be acquired by
either   Deutsche   Telekom  AG  (DT)  or   VoiceStream   Wireless   Corporation
(VoiceStream).  If DT's  previously  announced  acquisition  of  VoiceStream  is
successfully  completed,  then  DT  would  also  acquire  Powertel.  If the DT -
VoiceStream  transaction  is  not  completed,  then  VoiceStream  would  acquire
Powertel.  In  connection  with  these  transactions,   SCH  agreed  to  certain
restrictions  on  disposition  of its  Powertel  shares  and the shares it would
receive in either of these transactions. On March 13, 2001 Powertel shareholders
approved the acquisition agreements. On May 1, 2001 DT obtained final regulatory
approval to acquire VoiceStream. DT's acquisition of VoiceStream and Powertel is
expected to close during the second quarter 2001.  Within the constraints of the
above-mentioned  restrictions,  the Company may use cash generated from the sale
of any DT shares  received in the  transition  for the  retirement of debt,  the
repuchase of the  Company's  outstanding  common  shares or for other  corporate

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2001

Earnings and Dividends

        Earnings per share of common stock for the three months ended March 31,
2001 and 2000 were as follows:

      ------------------------------------------ -------------- ---------------
                                                     2001            2000
      ------------------------------------------ -------------- ---------------

      Earnings derived from:
          Operations                                 $.71             $.72
          Sale of business                            .04                -
          Change in accounting                          -              .28
      ------------------------------------------ -------------- ---------------
          Earnings per weighted average share        $.75            $1.00
      ========================================== ============== ===============

        Earnings per share from operations for the three months ended March 31,
2001 decreased $.01 as compared to 2000. The Company experienced improved
electric and gas margins of $.04 and $.09, respectively and other improvements
of $.03. These improvements were slightly more than offset by increased
operations and maintenance expense ($.10), interest expense ($.05), depreciation
expense ($.01) and the impact of increased common shares outstanding ($.01).

        For the last several years, the market value of the Company's retirement
plan assets has exceeded the total actuarial present value of accumulated plan
benefits. Pension income for the three months ended March 31, 2001 was $10.1
million, compared to $9.8 million for the corresponding period in 2000. As a
result of pension income, employee benefit costs were reduced approximately $5.3
million and $5.1 million for the three months ended March 31, 2001 and 2000,
respectively. In addition, other income increased $3.0 million for the three
months ended March 31, 2001 and 2000.

        The Company recognized a gain of $.04 per share in connection with the
sale of the assets of SCANA Security in March 2001. In 2000, earnings from a
change in accounting resulted from the recording of unbilled revenues by SCANA's
regulated retail utility subsidiaries in 2000 (see Note 2 of Notes to Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements).

        Allowance for funds used during construction (AFC) is a utility
accounting practice whereby a portion of the cost of both equity and borrowed
funds used to finance construction (which is shown on the balance sheet as
construction work in progress) is capitalized. Both the equity and the debt
portions of AFC are noncash items of nonoperating income which have the effect
of increasing reported net income. AFC represented approximately 3 percent and 1
percent of income before income taxes for the three months ended March 31, 2001
and 2000, respectively.

        The Company's Board of Directors declared the following quarterly
dividends on common stock during 2001:

---------------------- -------------- ------------------- --------------------
Declaration            Dividend       Record              Payment
Date                   Per Share      Date                Date
---------------------- -------------- ------------------- --------------------
February 22, 2001       $.30          March 9, 2001       April 1, 2001
May 3, 2001             $.30          June 8, 2001        July 1, 2001
---------------------- -------------- ------------------- --------------------

Electric Operations

        Electric Operations is comprised of the electric portion of SCE&G, South
Carolina Generating Company (GENCO) and South Carolina Fuel Company (Fuel
Company). Changes in the electric operations sales margins, including
transactions with affiliates and excluding the cumulative effect of accounting
change, for the three months ended March 31, 2001, when compared to the
corresponding period in 2000, were as follows:

                                            Three Months Ended
Millions of  dollars               2001       2000     Change     % Change
--------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Electric operating revenue       $340.2     $294.3     $45.9       15.6%
Less:  Fuel used in generation     67.3       70.2       (2.9)      (4.1)%
           Purchased power         48.5        6.7       41.8          *
--------------------------------------------------- ------------
Margin                           $224.4     $217.4       $7.0        3.2%
=================================================== ==========================
*Greater than 100%

        Changes in electric operations sales margins for the three months ended
March 31, 2001 reflect customer growth and more favorable weather. Increases in
purchased power costs were primarily attributable to plant outages discussed at
Liquidity and Capital Resources.

Gas Distribution

        Gas Distribution is comprised of the local distribution operations of
SCE&G and PSNC. Changes in the gas distribution sales margins, including
transactions with affiliates and excluding the cumulative effect of accounting
change, for the three months ended March 31, 2001, when compared to the
corresponding period in 2000, were as follows:

                                                Three Months Ended
Millions of  dollars                    2001      2000     Change    % Change
-------------------------------------         --------- ------------
                                     --------                       -----------

Gas distribution operating  revenue   $385.5    $255.6     $129.9      50.8%
 Less: Gas purchased for resale        279.5     152.7      126.8      83.0%
--------------------------------------------- --------- ------------
Margin                                $106.0    $102.9        $3.1      3.0%
============================================= ========= =======================

        Changes in gas distribution sales margins for the three months ended
March 31, 2001 reflect customer growth. Revenues and purchases were impacted by
large increases in natural gas prices in late 2000 and early 2001.

Gas Transmission

        Gas Transmission is comprised of the operations of South Carolina
Pipeline Corporation. Changes in the gas transmission sales margins for the
three months ended March 31, 2001, when compared to the corresponding period in
2000, were as follows:

                                               Three Months Ended
Millions of  dollars                     2001    2000     Change    % Change
------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------

Gas transmission operating  revenue    $201.3  $118.0     $83.3      70.6%
 Less: Gas purchased for resale         192.1   102.1       90.0     88.1%
------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Margin                                   $9.2   $15.9      $(6.7)   (42.1%)
====================================================== =========================

        Gas transmission sales margins for the three months ended March 31, 2001
decreased primarily as a result of reduced industrial margins due to an
unfavorable competitive position relative to alternate fuels. Revenues and
purchases were impacted by large increases in natural gas prices in late 2000
and early 2001.

Retail Gas Marketing

         Retail Gas Marketing is comprised of SCANA Energy, a division of SCANA
Energy Marketing, Inc., which operates in Georgia's deregulated natural gas
market. Retail gas marketing revenues and net income for the three months ended
March 31, 2001, when compared to the corresponding period in 2000, were as

                                  Three Months Ended
Millions of  dollars    2001           2000    Change      % Change
----------------------------- -------------- ----------- --------------

Operating revenues    $263.0         $135.3    $127.7        94.4%
Net income               9.3            8.9        0.4        4.5%
============================= ============== =========== ==============

         Operating revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2001 increased
primarily as a result of record high natural gas prices and more favorable

Energy Marketing

        Energy Marketing is comprised of the Company's non-regulated marketing
operations, excluding SCANA Energy. Changes in energy marketing operating
revenues and net income for the three months ended March 31, 2001, when compared
to the corresponding period in 2000, were as follows:

                                     Three Months Ended
Millions of  dollars       2001      2000           Change    % Change
-------------------------------- -------------- ----------- --------------

Operating revenues       $247.7      $83.5          $164.2        *
Net income                  3.5        (0.1)           3.6        *
================================ ============== =========== ==============
*Greater than 100%

        Operating revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2001 increased
primarily as a result of record high natural gas prices and more favorable
weather. Net income improved primarily due to the favorable changes in market
value of certain transportation contracts resulting from volatility in the
natural gas market in early 2001.

Other Operating Expenses

        Changes in other operating expenses for the three months ended March 31,
2001, when compared to the corresponding period in 2000, were as follows:

                                            Three Months Ended
Millions of  dollars                2001        2000       Change    % Change
----------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------
----------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------

Other operation and maintenance   $128.3      $110.8        17.5       15.8%
Depreciation and amortization       55.6        54.8          0.8       1.5%
Other taxes                         29.9        29.3          0.6       2.0%
----------------------------------------- ----------- -------------
                                 -------- -----------
Total                             $213.8      $194.9       $18.9       9.7%
========================================= ================== =========== ======

        Other operation and maintenance expenses increased primarily as a result
of increased revenue-related expenses (e.g. provision for bad debts) for energy
sales and increased employee benefit costs. Depreciation and amortization
increased due to normal property additions, which was partially offset by a
reduction in SCE&G's gas depreciation rates. Other taxes increased due to
increased property taxes.

Interest Expense

        Interest expense for the three months ended March 31, 2001 increased
when compared to the corresponding period in 2000, primarily due to the issuance
of debt for the acquisition of PSNC in mid February 2000 and the issuance of
other debt in mid-2000 and early 2001. The proceeds of such debt offerings were
used for general corporate purposes, including providing working capital for
natural gas purchases.

Income Taxes

        Income taxes for the three months ended March 31, 2001 increased
approximately $0.5 million when compared to the corresponding period in 2000.
This change is primarily due to the change in operating and other income.

Item 3.   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

     All financial instruments held by the Company described below are held for
purposes other than trading.

     Interest rate risk - The table below provides information about the
Company's financial instruments that are sensitive to changes in interest rates.
For debt obligations the table presents principal cash flows and related
weighted average interest rates by expected maturity dates.

March 31, 2001                                       Expected Maturity Date
Millions of  dollars
                                                                                   There-                   Fair
Liabilities                       2001      2002    2003       2004       2005       after       Total      Value
----------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------
----------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------

Long-Term Debt:
Fixed Rate ($)                     36.5    337.4    499.4      186.3      182.0     1,446.4     2,688.0    2,734.2
Average Fixed Interest Rate       7.23%    7.36%     6.50%      7.58%      7.43%       7.21%        7.14%
Variable Rate ($)                     -    550.0    150.0         -           -          -        700.0       699.7
Average Variable Interest Rate        -    5.94%     6.02%        -           -          -         5.96%

     While a decrease in interest rates would increase the fair value of debt,
it is unlikely that events which would result in a realized loss will occur.

     In addition, the Company has a book basis investment in a
telecommunications company of approximately $59.6 million for 11.875 percent
senior discount notes due 2007. The fair value of these notes approximates cost.
An increase in market interest rates would result in a decrease in fair value of
these notes and a corresponding adjustment, net of tax effect, to other
comprehensive income.

     Commodity price risk - The table below provides information about the
Company's financial instruments that are sensitive to changes in natural gas
prices. Weighted average settlement prices are per 10,000 mmbtu.

As of March 31, 2001            Expected Maturity in 2001      Expected Maturity in 2002
                              Weighted                       Weighted
                               Average                        Average
  Millions of dollars        Settlement   Contract   Fair   Settlement   Contract   Fair
  Natural Gas Derivatives:      Price      Amount    Value     Price      Amount   Value
  ------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ---------

  Futures Contracts:
    Long                        $5.2     $35.8     $38.5      $5.0       $3.8      $3.8
    Short                        5.2       1.2        1.4        -          -         -
  SET Futures Contracts (1):
    Long                         5.1       1.7        2.1        -          -         -
  ------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ---------

                            Expected Maturity in 2001

Natural Gas Derivatives:  Weighted Average Strike Price     Contract Amount
                                                         (Millions of dollars)
  Purchased call (long)              $5.618                      $10.1

                          Expected Maturity in 2001

                          Weighted Average   Weighted Average   Notional Amounts
Natural Gas Derivatives:      Pay Rate         Receive Rate      (10,000 mmbtu)

SET (1)                        $8.8180           $9.2050             1,096

(1)  SCANA Energy Trading, LLC (SET) is a 70 percent owned subsidiary of SCANA
     Energy Marketing, Inc. Amounts shown are at 100 percent.

     See Note 7 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for
additional information.

     Equity price risk - Certain investments in telecommunications companies'
marketable equity securities are carried at their market value of approximately
$854.0 million. A ten percent decline in market value would result in a $85.4
million reduction in fair value and a corresponding adjustment, net of tax
effect, to the related equity account for unrealized gains/losses, a component
of other comprehensive income.

                                FINANCIAL SECTION

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements



                                                        March 31,   December 31,
Millions of dollars                                       2001         2000

Utility Plant:
    Electric                                             $4,447       $4,453
    Gas                                                     409          409
    Other                                                   186          186
        Total                                             5,042        5,048
    Less accumulated depreciation and amortization        1,752        1,720
        Total                                             3,290        3,328
    Construction work in progress                           294          230
    Nuclear fuel, net of accumulated amortization            56           57
        Utility Plant, Net                                3,640        3,615

Nonutility Property and Investments, Net                     21           21

Current Assets:
    Cash and temporary cash investments                      39           60
    Receivables                                             260          287
    Inventories (at average cost):
        Fuel                                                 30           21
        Materials and supplies                               47           46
        Emission allowances                                  19           20
    Prepayments                                              12            5
        Total Current Assets                                407          439

Deferred Debits:
    Environmental                                            26           20
    Nuclear plant decommissioning fund                       74           72
    Pension asset, net                                      206          196
    Other regulatory assets                                 205          191
    Other                                                   111          110
        Total Deferred Debits                               622          589
            Total                                        $4,690       $4,664


                                                   March 31,    December 31,
Millions of dollars                                  2001           2000
Capitalization and Liabilities

Stockholders' Investment:
    Common equity                                   $1,689         $1,657
    Preferred stock (Not subject to purchase
     or sinking funds)                                  106           106
        Total Stockholders' Investment                1,795         1,763
Preferred Stock, net (Subject to purchase
      or sinking funds)                                  10            10
Company-Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable
    Preferred Securities of the Company's
    Subsidiary Trust, SCE&G Trust I, Holding
    solely $50 million principal amount
    of the 7.55% Junior Subordinated
    Debentures of SCE&G, due 2027                         50             50
Long-Term Debt, net                                    1,416          1,267
          Total Capitalization                         3,271          3,090

Current Liabilities:
    Short-term borrowings                                 93           188
    Current portion of long-term debt                     28            28
    Accounts payable                                      76           103
    Accounts payable - affiliated companies               39            58
    Customer deposits                                     18            17
    Taxes accrued                                          -            51
    Interest accrued                                      29            22
    Dividends declared                                    37            44
    Deferred income taxes, net                            24            20
    Other                                                  6            10
          Total Current Liabilities                     350            541

Deferred Credits:
    Deferred income taxes, net                          609            584
    Deferred investment tax credits                     108            109
    Reserve for nuclear plant decommissioning            74             72
    Postretirement benefits                             115            113
    Regulatory liabilities                               71             65
    Other                                                92             90
          Total Deferred Credits                      1,069           1,033
                Total                                $4,690          $4,664

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                                       Three Months Ended
                                                                            March 31,
Millions of dollars                                                2001                   2000
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Operating Revenues:
    Electric                                                       $342                   $294
    Gas                                                              157                    101
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
        Total Operating Revenues                                    499                    395
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Operating Expenses:
    Fuel used in electric generation                                  50                     57
    Purchased power (including affiliated
     purchases of $17 and $22)                                        75                     29
    Gas purchased for resale                                        119                      62
    Other operation  and maintenance                                  79                     73
    Depreciation and amortization                                     40                     40
    Other taxes                                                       26                     25
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
        Total Operating Expenses                                    389                    286
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Operating Income                                                    110                    109
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Other Income, including allowance for equity funds
     used during construction                                          5                      5
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Income Before Interest Charges, Income Taxes,
    Preferred  Stock Dividends and Cumulative Effect of
    Accounting Change                                               115                    114
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Interest Charges:
    Interest expense on long-term debt, net                           28                     24
    Other interest expense, net of allowance for borrowed
       funds used during construction                                  -                      2
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
        Total Interest Charges, Net                                   28                     26
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Income Before Income Taxes, Preferred Stock Dividends
    and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change                        87                     88
Income Taxes                                                          32                     32
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Income Before Preferred Stock Dividends
    and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change                        55                     56
Preferred Dividend Requirement of the Company - Obligated
    Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred Securities                         1                     1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Income Before Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change                  54                     55
Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change, net of taxes  (Note 2)          -                    22
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Net Income                                                            54                     77
Preferred Stock Cash Dividends (At stated rates)                       (2)                   (2)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Earnings Available for Common Stockholder                             52                     75
Retained Earnings at Beginning of Period                             649                   550
Common Stock Cash Dividends Declared                                  (35)                  (32)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Retained Earnings at End of Period                                 $666                   $593
================================================================================= =====================

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.



                                                             Three Months Ended
                                                                   March 31,
Millions of dollars                                           2001       2000

Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
   Net income                                                  $54         $77
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
         cash provided from operating activities:
          Cumulative effect of accounting change,
            net of taxes                                        -          (22)
          Depreciation and amortization                         41          40
          Amortization of nuclear fuel                           1           5
          Allowance for funds used during construction          (4)         (1)
          Over (under) collections, fuel adjustment clauses    (13)         14
          Changes in certain assets and liabilities:
              (Increase) decrease in receivables                42           6
              (Increase) decrease in inventories                (9)          3
              (Increase) decrease pension asset                (10)        (10)
              (Increase) decrease other regulatory assets        -           5
              Increase (decrease) deferred income taxes, net    25          21
              Increase (decrease) other regulatory liabiliti     5           1
              Increase (decrease) postretirement benefits        2           1
              Increase (decrease) in accounts payable          (46)        (23)
              Increase (decrease) in taxes accrued             (51)        (21)
          Other, net                                            (3)        (18)
       Net Cash Provided From Operating Activities              34          78

Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
       Utility property additions and construction
        expenditures, net of AFC                               (64)        (39)
       Net Cash Used For Investing Activities                  (64)        (39)

Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
         Issuance of First Mortgage Bonds                      149           -
          Other long-term debt                                  (1)         (1)
     Dividend payments:
         Common stock                                          (42)        (26)
         Preferred stock                                        (2)         (2)
     Short-term borrowings, net                                (95)        (26)
     Net Cash Provided From (Used For) Financing Activities      9         (55)

Net Increase (Decrease) In Cash and
 Temporary Cash Investments                                    (21)        (16)
Cash and Temporary Cash Investments, January 1                  60          78
Cash and Temporary Cash Investments, March 31                  $39         $62
Supplemental Cash Flow Information:
    Cash paid for - Interest (net of capitalized
          interest of $2 for 2001 and $1 for 2000)             $19         $24
                  - Income taxes                                 2           7

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                 March 31, 2001

         The following notes should be read in conjunction with the Notes to
Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements appearing in South Carolina Electric
& Gas Company's (the Company) Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2000. These are interim financial statements, and due to the
seasonality of the Company's business, the amounts reported in the Condensed
Consolidated Statements of Income are not necessarily indicative of amounts
expected for the year. In the opinion of management, the information furnished
herein reflects all adjustments, all of a normal recurring nature except as
described in Notes 2 and 3, which are necessary for a fair statement of the
results for the interim periods reported.


       A.  Basis of Accounting

       The Company accounts for its regulated utility operations, assets and
       liabilities in accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial
       Accounting Standards (SFAS) 71. This accounting standard requires
       cost-based rate-regulated utilities to recognize in their financial
       statements revenues and expenses in different time periods than do
       enterprises that are not rate-regulated. As a result, the Company has
       recorded, as of March 31, 2001, approximately $231 million and $71
       million of regulatory assets and liabilities, respectively, including
       amounts recorded for deferred income tax assets and liabilities of
       approximately $129 million and $55 million, respectively. The electric
       and gas regulatory assets of approximately $71 million and $30 million,
       respectively, (excluding deferred income tax assets) are recoverable
       through rates. In the future, as a result of deregulation or other
       changes in the regulatory environment, the Company may no longer meet the
       criteria for continued application of SFAS 71 and could be required to
       write off its regulatory assets and liabilities. Such an event could have
       a material adverse effect on the Company's results of operations in the
       period the write-off would be recorded, but it is not expected that cash
       flows or financial position would be materially affected.

           B. New Accounting Standard

       Effective January 1, 2001 the Company adopted SFAS 133, "Accounting for
       Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," as amended. The Company's
       adoption of SFAS 133, as amended, did not have a material impact on the
       Company's results of operations, cash flows or financial position.

       C.  Reclassifications

       Certain amounts from prior periods have been reclassified to conform with
the presentation adopted for 2001.

2.     Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change

        Effective January 1, 2000 the Company changed its method of accounting
        for operating revenues from cycle billing to full accrual. The
        cumulative effect of this change was $22 million, net of tax. Accruing
        unbilled revenues more closely matches revenues and expenses. Unbilled
        revenues represent the estimated amount customers will be charged for
        service rendered but not yet billed as of the end of the accounting


        A.  On April 24, 2001 the Public Service Commission of South Carolina
            (PSC) approved the Company's request to increase the fuel component
            of rates charged to electric customers from 1.330 cents per
            kilowatt-hour to 1.579 cents per kilowatt-hour. The increase
            reflects higher fuel costs projected for the period May 2001 through
            April 2002. It also includes recovery over a two year period of
            under-collected actual fuel costs through April 2001, including
            short-term purchased power costs necessitated by outages at two of
            the Company's base load generating plants in winter 2000-2001. The
            new rates were effective as of the first billing cycle in May 2001.

        B.  On July 20, 2000 the PSC approved the Company's request for an
            out-of-period adjustment to increase the cost of gas component of
            its rates for natural gas service from 54.334 cents per therm to
            68.835 cents per therm, effective with the first billing cycle in
            August 2000. As part of its regularly scheduled annual review of gas
            costs, the PSC issued an order on November 9, 2000 which further
            increased the cost of gas component to 78.151 cents per therm,
            effective with the first billing cycle in November 2000. On December
            21, 2000 the PSC issued an order approving the Company's request for
            another out-of-period adjustment to increase the cost of gas
            component to 99.340 cents per therm, effective with the first
            billing cycle in January 2001. On March 9, 2001 the PSC issued an
            order granting the Company's request to reduce the cost of gas
            component to 79.340 cents per therm, effective with the first
            billing cycle in March 2001.

        C.  On July 5, 2000 the PSC approved the Company's request to implement
            lower depreciation rates for its gas operations. The new rates were
            effective retroactively to January 1, 2000 and resulted in a
            reduction in annual depreciation expense of approximately $2.9
            million. The retroactive effect was recorded in the second quarter
            of 2000.

        D.  On September 14, 1999 the PSC approved an accelerated capital
            recovery plan for the Company's Cope Generating Station. The plan
            was implemented beginning January 1, 2000 for a three-year period.
            The PSC approved an accelerated capital recovery methodology wherein
            the Company may increase depreciation of its Cope Generating Station
            in excess of amounts that would be recorded based upon currently
            approved depreciation rates. The amount of the accelerated
            depreciation will be determined by the Company based on the level of
            revenues and operating expenses, not to exceed $36 million annually
            without the approval of the PSC. Any unused portion of the $36
            million in any given year may be carried forward for possible use in
            the following year. As of March 31, 2001 no accelerated depreciation
            has been recorded. The accelerated capital recovery plan will be
            accomplished through existing customer rates.

        E.  On January 9, 1996 the PSC issued an order granting the Company an
            increase in retail electric rates which were fully implemented by
            January 1997. The PSC authorized a return on common equity of 12.0
            percent. The PSC also approved establishment of a Storm Damage
            Reserve Account capped at $50 million to be collected through rates
            over a ten-year period. Additionally the PSC approved accelerated
            amortization of a significant portion of the Company's electric
            regulatory assets (excluding deferred income tax assets) and the
            remaining transition obligation for postretirement benefits other
            than pensions, which enabled the Company to recover the balances as
            of the end of the year 2000.

        F.  In 1994 the PSC issued an order approving the Company's request to
            recover through a billing surcharge to its gas customers the costs
            of environmental cleanup at the sites of former manufactured gas
            plants (MGPs). The billing surcharge is subject to annual review and
            provides for the recovery of substantially all actual and projected
            site assessment and cleanup costs and environmental claims
            settlements for the Company's gas operations that had previously
            been deferred. In November 2000, as a result of the annual review,
            the PSC approved the Company's request to maintain the billing
            surcharge of $.011 per therm that provides for the recovery of the
            balance remaining at March 31, 2001 of $26.4 million.

        G.  In September 1992 the PSC issued an order granting the Company's
            request for a $.25 increase in transit fares from $.50 to $.75 in
            Columbia, South Carolina; however, the PSC also required $.40 fares
            for low income customers and denied the Company's request to reduce
            the number of routes and frequency of service. The new rates were
            placed into effect in October 1992. The Company appealed the PSC's
            order to the Circuit Court, which in May 1995 ordered the case back
            to the PSC for reconsideration of several issues including the low
            income rider program, routing changes, and the $.75 fare. The
            Supreme Court declined to review an appeal of the Circuit Court
            decision and dismissed the case. The PSC and other intervenors filed
            another Petition for Reconsideration, which the Supreme Court
            denied. The PSC and other intervenors filed another appeal to the
            Circuit Court which the Circuit Court denied in an order dated May
            9, 1996. In this order the Circuit Court upheld its previous orders
            and remanded them to the PSC. During August 1996 the PSC heard oral
            arguments on the orders on remand from the Circuit Court. On
            September 30, 1996 the PSC issued an order affirming its previous
            orders and denied the Company's request for reconsideration. In
            response to an

          appeal of the PSC's order by the Company,  the Circuit Court issued an
          order on May 25, 2000, which remanded the matter to the PSC for review
          of the Company's original application and request to terminate the low
          income  rider  fare.  On  September  27,  2000 the PSC issued an order
          granting the relief  requested by the Company.  On September  29, 2000
          the Consumer  Advocate  filed a motion with the PSC for a stay of this
          order to which the Company  filed a  response.  On October 3, 2000 the
          PSC accepted the Consumer  Advocate's  motion and issued a stay of its
          order. The Consumer Advocate and other intervenors have petitioned the
          Circuit Court for judicial review of the PSC's order granting  relief.
          Action by the Circuit Court is pending.


       On January 24, 2001 the Company issued $150 million First Mortgage Bonds
       having an annual interest rate of 6.70 percent and maturing on February
       1, 2011. The proceeds from the sale of these bonds were used to reduce
       short-term debt and for general corporate purposes.


       The Company's Restated Articles of Incorporation and the Indenture
       underlying its First and Refunding Mortgage Bonds contain provisions
       that, under certain circumstances, could limit the payment of cash
       dividends on its common stock. In addition, with respect to hydroelectric
       projects, the Federal Power Act requires the appropriation of a portion
       of certain earnings therefrom. At March 31, 2001 approximately $33.4
       million of retained earnings were restricted by this requirement as to
       payment of cash dividends on common stock.


       With respect to commitments at March 31, 2001, reference is made to Note
       12 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements appearing in the
       Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
       2000. Contingencies at March 31, 2001 include the following:

       A. Nuclear Insurance

       The Price-Anderson Indemnification Act, which deals with public liability
       for a nuclear incident, currently establishes the liability limit for
       third-party claims associated with any nuclear incident at $9.5 billion.
       Each reactor licensee is currently liable for up to $88.1 million per
       reactor owned for each nuclear incident occurring at any reactor in the
       United States, provided that not more than $10 million of the liability
       per reactor would be assessed per year. The Company's maximum assessment,
       based on its two-thirds ownership of the V. C. Summer Nuclear Station
       (Summer Station), would be approximately $58.7 million per incident, but
       not more than $6.7 million per year.

        The Company currently maintains policies (for itself and on behalf of
        the South Carolina Public Service Authority) with Nuclear Electric
        Insurance Limited (NEIL). These policies, covering the nuclear facility
        for property damage, excess property damage and outage costs, permit
        assessments under certain conditions to cover insurer's losses. Based on
        the current annual premium, the Company's portion of the retrospective
        premium assessment would not exceed $8.1 million.

      To the extent that insurable claims for property damage, decontamination,
       repair and replacement and other costs and expenses arising from a
       nuclear incident at Summer Station exceed the policy limits of insurance,
       or to the extent such insurance becomes unavailable in the future, and to
       the extent that the Company's rates would not recover the cost of any
       purchased replacement power, the Company will retain the risk of loss as
       a self-insurer. The Company has no reason to anticipate a serious nuclear
       incident at Summer Station. If such an incident were to occur, it could
       have a material adverse impact on the Company's results of operations,
       cash flows and financial position.

     B.  Environmental

        The Company maintains an environmental assessment program to identify
and assess current and former operations sites that could require environmental
cleanup. As site assessments are initiated, estimates are made of the amount of
expenditures, if any, deemed necessary to investigate and clean up each site.
These estimates are refined as additional information becomes available;
therefore, actual expenditures could differ significantly from the original
estimates. Amounts estimated and accrued to date for site assessments and
cleanup relate primarily to regulated operations. Such amounts are deferred and
amortized with recovery provided through rates. Deferred amounts, net of amounts
recovered through rates and insurance settlements, totaled $26.4 million at
March 31, 2001. The deferral includes the estimated costs associated with the
following matters.

o    In September 1992 the  Environmental  Protection  Agency (EPA) notified the
     Company,  the City of Charleston  and the Charleston  Housing  Authority of
     their potential  liability for the investigation and cleanup of the Calhoun
     Park  area  site in  Charleston,  South  Carolina.  This  site  encompasses
     approximately  30 acres and includes  properties  which were  locations for
     industrial operations, including a wood preserving (creosote) plant, one of
     the Company's  decommissioned  manufactured  gas plants  (MGP),  properties
     owned by the National Park Service and the City of  Charleston  and private
     properties.  The site has not been placed on the National  Priorities List,
     but may be added in the future. The Potentially  Responsible Parties (PRPs)
     negotiated an administrative order by consent for the conduct of a Remedial
     Investigation/Feasibility  Study and a corresponding  Scope of Work.  Field
     work began in November 1993, and the EPA approved a Remedial  Investigation
     Report in February  1997 and a  Feasibility  Study Report in June 1998.  In
     July 1998 the EPA approved the Company's  Removal Action Work Plan for soil
     excavation. The Company completed Phase One of the Removal Action Work Plan
     in 1998 at a cost of  approximately  $1.5  million.  Phase Two,  which cost
     approximately $3.5 million, included excavation and installation of several
     permanent  barriers to mitigate  coal tar seepage.  On September 30, 1998 a
     Record of Decision was issued which sets forth the EPA's view of the extent
     of each PRP's  responsibility for site contamination and the level to which
     the site must be  remediated.  The  Company  estimates  that the  Record of
     Decision  will result in costs of  approximately  $16.5  million,  of which
     approximately  $3.7 million  remains.  On January 13, 1999 the EPA issued a
     Unilateral  Administrative  Order for Remedial  Design and Remedial  Action
     directing the Company to design and carry out a plan of remediation for the
     Calhoun Park site. The Company  submitted a  Comprehensive  Remedial Design
     Work Plan (RDWP) on December  17, 1999 and  proceeded  with  implementation
     pending agency approval. The RDWP was approved by the EPA in July 2000, and
     its implementation continues.

     In  September  2000,  the  Company  was  notified  by  the  South  Carolina
     Department  of  Health  and  Environmental   Control  (DHEC)  that  benzene
     contamination  was  detected  in the  intermediate  aquifer on  surrounding
     properties  to the Calhoun Park Area site.  The EPA has  required  that the
     Company conduct a focused Remedial  Investigation/Feasibility  Study on the
     intermediate  aquifer. The EPA expects to issue a second Record of Decision
     dealing with the  intermediate  aquifer in September  2001. The anticipated
     cost for intermediate groundwater  investigation and cleanup is expected to
     be approximately $4.7 million

o    The  Company  owns  three  other  decommissioned  MGP sites  which  contain
     residues of  by-product  chemicals.  For the site located in Sumter,  South
     Carolina, effective September 15, 1998, the Company entered into a Remedial
     Action Plan  Contract  with DHEC pursuant to which it agreed to undertake a
     full site  investigation  and remediation under the oversight of DHEC. Site
     investigation and  characterization  are proceeding  according to schedule.
     Upon selection and successful  implementation  of a site remedy,  DHEC will
     give the Company a Certificate of Completion and a covenant not to sue. For
     the site located in Florence,  South  Carolina,  the Company entered into a
     similar  Remedial  Action Plan  Contract with DHEC in September  2000.  The
     Company is continuing to investigate  the remaining site in Columbia and is
     monitoring the nature and extent of residual contamination.


The Company's reportable segments are listed in the following table. The Company
uses operating income to measure profitability for its Electric Operations and
Gas Distribution segments. Therefore, net income is not allocated to these
segments. Affiliate revenue is derived from transactions between reportable
segments as well as transactions between separate legal entities that are
combined into the same reportable segment. Accumulated depreciation is not
assignable to the Company's segments.

                        Disclosure of Reportable Segments
                              (Millions of Dollars)

------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- --------------
          Three months ended    Electric        Gas         All       Adjustments/    Consolidated
            March 31, 2001     Operations   Distribution   Other      Eliminations        Total
------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- --------------

External  Revenue                  $342        $157          -              $-           $499
Intersegment Revenue                 47           -          -             (47)             -
Operating Income (Loss)              89          22          -              (1)            110
Segment Assets                    5,665         508          -          (1,483)           4,690
------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- --------------

------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- --------------
          Three months ended    Electric        Gas         All       Adjustments/    Consolidated
            March 31, 2000     Operations   Distribution   Other      Eliminations        Total
------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- --------------

External Revenue                   $294        $101          -                -           $395
Intersegment Revenue                 55           -        -              (55)               -
Operating Income (Loss)              86           23         -                -             109
Segment Assets                    5,209          461         -          (1,268)           4,402
------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- --------------

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
         Results of Operations


        The following discussion should be read in conjunction with Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
appearing in South Carolina Electric & Gas Company's (SCE&G) Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000.

        Statements included in this discussion and analysis (or elsewhere in
this quarterly report) which are not statements of historical fact are intended
to be, and are hereby identified as, "forward looking statements" for purposes
of the safe harbor provided by Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Readers are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not
guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks and
uncertainties, and that actual results could differ materially from those
indicated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking
statements include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) that the
information is of a preliminary nature and may be subject to further and/or
continuing review and adjustment, (2) changes in the utility regulatory
environment, (3) changes in the economy especially in SCE&G's service territory,
(4) the impact of competition from other energy suppliers, (5) growth
opportunities, (6) the results of financing efforts, (7) changes in SCE&G's
accounting policies, (8) weather conditions, especially in areas served by
SCE&G, (9) inflation, (10) changes in environmental regulations and (11) the
other risks and uncertainties described from time to time in SCE&G's periodic
reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. SCE&G disclaims any
obligation to update any forward-looking statements.


         On February 9, 2000 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
issued FERC Order 2000. The Order required utilities which operate electric
transmission systems to submit plans for the possible formation of a regional
transmission organization (RTO). On October 16, 2000 SCE&G and two other
southeastern electric utilities filed a joint request with FERC to establish
GridSouth Transco, LLC (GridSouth). FERC gave provisional approval to GridSouth
in March 2001. When operational, GridSouth will function as an independent
regional transmission company. Initially, the three utilities will continue to
own their respective transmission networks, while GridSouth will provide
planning and operational oversight of the electric transmission grid. GridSouth
is required to be operational by December 2001.

         On April 10, 2001 SCE&G announced plans to construct a 500 to 600
megawatt combined cycle natural gas-fueled power plant in Jasper County, South
Carolina, to supply electricity to its South Carolina customers beginning in the
summer of 2004. The proposed generation facility is estimated to cost between
$250 million and $300 million and will use natural gas. Construction is expected
to begin in the Summer of 2002 and is expected to be completed in the Summer of

         In April 2001 SCE&G's 385 megawatt coal-fired Cope Generating Station
returned to service. It had been taken out of service in January 2001 due to an
electrical ground in the generator. The PSC has approved recovery of the cost of
replacement power through SCE&G's fuel adjustment clause (see Note 3A of Notes
to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements).

         In March 2001 V. C. Summer Nuclear Station returned to service. It had
been taken out of service on October 7, 2000 for a planned maintenance and
refueling outage. During initial inspection activities, plant personnel
discovered a small leak coming from a hole in a weld in a primary coolant system
pipe. Repairs were completed and the integrity of the new welds was verified
through extensive testing. The PSC has approved recovery of the cost of
replacement power through SCE&G's electric fuel adjustment clause (see Note 3A
of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements). The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) was closely involved throughout this process and approved
SCE&G's actions to repair the crack, as well as the restart schedule. SCE&G will
continue to monitor primary coolant system pipes during the next outage,
scheduled for Spring of 2002.

        The following table summarizes how SCE&G generated and used funds for
property additions and construction expenditures during the three months ended
March 31, 2001 and 2000:

                                                            Three Months Ended
                                                                March 31,
Millions of dollars                                         2001           2000
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Net cash provided from operating activities                 $34            $78
Net cash provided from (used for) financing
  activities                                                  9           (55)
Cash and temporary cash investments available
  at the beginning of the period                             60            78
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
Net cash available for utility property additions
    and construction expenditures                           $103          $101
====================================================================== =========
Funds used for utility property additions
   and construction expenditures, net of
   noncash allowance for funds used during construction     $64            $39

        On January 24, 2001 SCE&G issued $150 million First Mortgage Bonds
having an annual interest rate of 6.70 percent and maturing on February 1, 2011.
The proceeds were used to reduce short-term debt and for general corporate

        SCE&G anticipates that the remainder of its 2001 cash requirements will
be met through internally generated funds and the incurrence of additional
short-term and long-term indebtedness. SCE&G expects that it has or can obtain
adequate sources of financing to meet its projected cash requirements for the
next 12 months and for the foreseeable future. SCE&G's ratio of earnings to
fixed charges for the twelve months ended March 31, 2001 was 4.13.

Environmental Matters

         For information on environmental matters see Note 6B "Contingencies -
Environmental" of Notes To Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements appearing
in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2001

Earnings and Dividends

         Changes in net income for the three months ended March 31, 2001 and
2000 were as follows:

                                        Three Months Ended
Millions of dollars            2001         2000    Change        % Change
------------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ----------------
------------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ----------------

Net income derived from:
     Operations               $53.5        $54.2     $(0.7)          (1.3%)
     Change in accounting         -         22.3     (22.3)       (100.0%)
------------------------------------ ------------ ------------
                            -------- ------------
     Total net income         $53.5        $76.5    $(23.0)        (30.1%)
==================================== ============ ============ ================

        Net income from operations for the three months ended March 31, 2001
decreased primarily due to increased other operation and maintenance expenses
and interest expense, which were partially offset by improved electric margin.

        For the last several years, the market value of the Company's retirement
plan assets has exceeded the total actuarial present value of accumulated plan
benefits. Pension income for the three months ended March 31, 2001 and 2000 was
$7.8 million. As a result of pension income, employee benefit costs were reduced
approximately $4.8 million for the three months ended March 31, 2001. For the
corresponding periods in 2000, employee benefit costs were reduced approximately
$4.7 million. Additionally, other income increased $3.0 million for the three
months ended March 31, 2001 and 2000.

         Earnings from a change in accounting resulted from recording of
unbilled revenue (See Note 2 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial

         Allowance for funds used during construction (AFC) is a utility
accounting practice whereby a portion of the cost of both equity and borrowed
funds used to finance construction (which is shown on the balance sheet as
construction work in progress) is capitalized. Both the equity and the debt
portions of AFC are noncash items of nonoperating income which have the effect
of increasing reported net income. AFC represented approximately 4 percent and 1
percent of income before income taxes for the three months ended March 31, 2001
and 2000, respectively.

SCE&G's Board of Directors declared the following quarterly dividends on common
stock held by SCANA, during 2001:

----------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Declaration             Dividend          Quarter              Payment
Date                    Amount            Ended                Date
----------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------
February 22, 2001       $35.0 million     March 31, 2001       April 1, 2001
May 3, 2001             $41.75 million    June 30, 2001        July 1, 2001

Electric Operations

          Electric Operations is comprised of the electric portion of SCE&G and
Fuel Company. Changes in the electric operations sales margins, excluding the
cumulative effect of accounting change, for the three months ended March 31,
2001, when compared to the corresponding period in 2000, were as follows:

                                            Three Months Ended
Millions of dollars                2001        2000       Change      % Change
---------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------
---------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------

Electric operating revenue       $341.5      $294.3       $47.2        16.0%
Less:  Fuel used in generation     50.0        57.0         (7.0)     (12.3%)
          Purchased power          74.6        29.0        45.6          *
---------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------
                                -------- -----------
Margin                           $216.9      $208.3        $8.6          4.1%
======================================== =========== ===========================
*Greater than 100%

          Changes in electric operations sales margins for the three months
ended March 31, 2001 reflect customer growth and more favorable weather.
Increases in purchased power costs were primarily attributable to plant outages
discussed in Liquidity and Capital Resources.

Gas Distribution

          Gas Distribution is comprised of the local distribution operations of
SCE&G. Changes in the gas distribution sales margins, excluding the cumulative
effect of accounting change, for the three months ended March 31, 2001, when
compared to the corresponding period in 2000, were as follows:

                                              Three Months Ended
Millions of dollars                2001          2000      Change      % Change
---------------------------------------- ------------- -------------------------
---------------------------------------- ------------- -------------------------

Gas operating  revenue           $157.1        $100.4       $56.7       56.5%
 Less: Gas purchased for resale   118.9          61.7        57.2       92.7%
---------------------------------------- ------------- --------------
                                -------- -------------
Margin                             38.2          38.7       $(0.5)       (1.3%)
======================================== ============= =========================

          Gas distribution sales margins for the three months ended March 31,
2001 decreased by an insignificant amount. Revenues and purchases were impacted
by large increases in natural gas prices in late 2000 and early 2001. The
increased cost of gas was passed on to customers as discussed in Note 3B in

 Other Operating Expenses

          Changes in other operating expenses for the three months ended March
31, 2001 when compared to the corresponding period in 2000, were as follows:

                                                Three Months Ended
Millions of dollars                  2001          2000       Change   % Change
------------------------------------------ ------------- -----------------------
------------------------------------------ ------------- -----------------------

Other operation  and maintenance    $78.9         $73.4       $5.5       7.5%
Depreciation and amortization        40.5          40.3         0.2      0.5%
Other taxes                          25.6          25.2         0.4      1.6%
------------------------------------------ ------------- --------------
                                 --------- -------------
Total                              $145.0        $138.9       $6.1       4.4%
========================================== ============= =======================

           Other operation expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2001
increased primarily as a result of increases in employee benefit costs.

           The increase in depreciation and amortization expenses for the three
months ended March 31, 2001 resulted from normal property additions, partially
offset by a reduction in gas depreciation rates. Other taxes increased primarily
due to increased property taxes.

Item 3.   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

     All financial instruments held by SCE&G and described below are held for
purposes other than trading.

     Interest rate risk - The table below provides information about SCE&G's
financial instruments that are sensitive to changes in interest rates. For debt
obligations the table presents principal cash flows and related weighted average
interest rates by expected maturity dates.

March 31, 2001
Millions of dollars                                        Expected Maturity Date

                                                                    There-                 Fair
Liabilities              2001     2002     2003     2004    2005     after     Total      Value
-------------------------------- -------- ------- ------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------- -------- ------- ------------------------------------------------

Long-Term Debt:
Fixed Rate ($)           26.7      27.6    129.5   123.9    173.9    962.1    1,443.7    1,481.6
Average Interest Rate   6.73%     6.72%   6.37%    7.52%    7.40%      7.43%    7.32%

     While a decrease in interest rates would increase the fair value of debt,
it is unlikely that events which would result in a realized loss will occur.

                                FINANCIAL SECTION

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

  Item 1. Financial Statements.


                                                 March 31,        December 31,
Millions of dollars                                2001               2000

Gas Utility Plant                                    $795             $787
    Less accumulated depreciation                     269              263
    Acquisition adjustment, net of
      accumulated amortization                        449              452
           Gas Utility Plant, Net                     975              976

Nonutility Property and Investments, Net               29               34

Current Assets:
     Cash and temporary cash investments               31                8
     Restricted cash and temporary investments          -                5
     Receivables (net of allowance for
        uncollectible accounts of $3
        for 2001 and $2 for 2000)                     129              148
     Inventories (at average cost):
        Stored gas                                     21               32
        Materials and supplies                          8                7
     Other                                              2                2
           Total Current Assets                       191              202

Deferred Charges and Other Assets:
     Due from affiliate-pension asset                  10               10
     Regulatory assets                                 21               21
     Other                                             10               10
            Total Deferred Charges and
                Other Assets                           41               41
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----
                Total                              $1,236           $1,253
========================================================== ================ ====
========================================================== ================ ====

Capitalization and Liabilities
     Common equity                                   $729             $712
     Long-term debt, net                              295              145
            Total Capitalization                    1,024              857

Current Liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                              -              125
     Current portion of long-term debt                  4                4
     Accounts payable                                  44               84
     Taxes accrued                                     20                3
     Customer prepayments and deposits                  4                8
     Advances from parent                               -               44
     Dividends declared and interest accrued           10                5
     Other                                              1                1
            Total Current Liabilities                  83              274

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities:
      Deferred income taxes, net                       83               82
      Due to affiliate-postretirement benefits         10               10
      Regulatory liabilities                           13                5
      Other                                            23               25
----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
            Total Deferred Credits and
              Other Liabilities                       129              122
---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----
                Total                              $1,236           $1,253
========================================================== ================ ====

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

                              AND RETAINED EARNINGS

                                                          Three Months Ended
                                                               March 31,
       Millions of dollars                             2001          2000

       Operating Revenues                              $228          $169
       Cost of Gas                                      160           103
           Gross Margin                                  68            66

       Operating Expenses:
          Operation and maintenance                      17            17
          Depreciation and amortization                  10            10
          Other taxes                                     2             2
              Total Operating Expenses                   29            29

       Operating Income                                  39            37

       Other Income, net                                  1             1

       Interest Charges                                   5             5

       Income Before Income Taxes and                    35            33
         Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change

       Income Taxes                                      15            14

       Income Before Cumulative Effect of
         Accounting Change                               20            19

       Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change,
         net of taxes (Note 2)                            -             7

       Net Income                                        20            26
       Retained Earnings at Beginning of Period           9            73
       Acquisition of Company                             -           (73)
       Common Stock Cash Dividends Declared              (6)           (6)
       Retained Earnings at End of Period               $23           $20

    See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                                        March 31
Millions of dollars                                                 2001          2000
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------

Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
   Net income                                                       $20            $26
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
     cash provided from operating activities:
         Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of taxes          -            (7)
         Depreciation and amortization                                12            12
         Equity in earnings of investee                               (1)           (2)
         Over (under) collection, fuel adjustment clause              13            17
         Changes in certain assets and liabilities:
            (Increase) decrease in receivables, net                   12             -
            (Increase) decrease in inventories                       10             15
            Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and advances     (75)          (11)
            Increase (decrease) in regulatory liabilities             (5)            -
            Increase (decrease) in deferred income taxes, net          1             1
            Increase (decrease) in accrued taxes                      18            19
         Other, net                                                    2             (9)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Net Cash Provided From Operating Activities                            7            61
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
   Construction expenditures                                         (11)            (8)
   Investments                                                         5             -
   Sale of subsidiary                                                  4             -
   Nonutility and other                                                2              2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Net Cash Used For Investing Activities                                 -             (6)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
  Issuance of medium-term notes                                     149               -
  Repayment of short-term borrowings, net                          (125)            (48)
  Retirement of long-term debt and common stock                        -             (1)
  Cash dividends                                                      (4)            (5)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Net Cash Provided  From (Used For) Financing Activities               20           (54)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Net Increase In Cash and Temporary Cash Investments                   23              1
Cash and Temporary Cash Investments, January 1                         8              9
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
Cash and Temporary Cash Investments, March 31                       $31              $10
============================================================================== ============

 Supplemental Cash Flow Information:
 Cash paid for  -  Interest (net of capitalized interest
                     of $0.3 for 2001 and $0.2 for 2000)            $2                $3
                - Income taxes                                       -                 1

In connection with the acquisition of Public Service Company of North Carolina,
Inc. by SCANA Corporation, $21 million in common stock was cancelled. The
application of push-down accounting for the acquisition resulted in a $466
million acquisition adjustment.

See Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                 March 31, 2001

        The following notes should be read in conjunction with the Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements appearing in Public Service Company of North
Carolina, Incorporated's (the Company) Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2000. These are interim financial statements, and due to the
seasonality of the Company's business, the amounts reported in the Condensed
Consolidated Statements of Income are not necessarily indicative of amounts
expected for the year. In the opinion of management, the information furnished
herein reflects all adjustments, all of a normal recurring nature except as
described in Notes 2, 3, 4 and 5, which are necessary for a fair statement of
the results for the interim periods reported.


A.       Basis of Accounting

         The Company accounts for its regulated utility operations, assets and
         liabilities in accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial
         Accounting Standards (SFAS) 71. This accounting standard requires
         cost-based rate-regulated utilities to recognize in their financial
         statements revenues and expenses in different time periods than do
         enterprises that are not rate-regulated. As a result the Company has
         recorded, as of March 31, 2001, approximately $21 million and $13
         million of regulatory assets and liabilities, respectively, including
         amounts recorded for deferred income tax liabilities of approximately
         $0.3 million. The regulatory assets are recoverable through rates. In
         the future, as a result of deregulation or other changes in the
         regulatory environment, the Company may no longer meet the criteria for
         continued application of SFAS 71 and could be required to write off its
         regulatory assets and liabilities. Such an event could have a material
         adverse effect on the Company's results of operations in the period the
         write-off would be recorded, but it is not expected that cash flows or
         financial position would be materially affected.

         B. New Accounting Standard

         Effective January 1, 2001 the Company adopted SFAS 133, "Accounting for
         Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," as amended. The
         Company's adoption of SFAS 133, as amended, did not have a material
         impact on the Company's results of operations, cash flows or financial

         C. Reclassifications

         Certain amounts from prior periods have been reclassified to conform
with the presentation adopted for 2001.


         Effective January 1, 2000 PSNC changed its method of accounting for
         operating revenues from cycle billing to full accrual. The cumulative
         effect of this change was approximately $6.6 million, net of taxes.
         Accruing unbilled revenues more closely matches revenues and expenses.
         Unbilled revenues represent the estimated amount customers will be
         charged for service rendered but not yet billed as of the end of the
         accounting period. Also, effective January 1, 2000 the gas costs
         associated with unbilled revenues are no longer deferred.


         On February 10, 2000 the acquisition of the Company by SCANA
         Corporation (SCANA) was consummated in a business combination accounted
         for as a purchase. As a result the Company became a wholly owned
         subsidiary of SCANA. Pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger, the
         Company shareholders were paid approximately $212 million in cash and
         17.4 million shares of SCANA common stock valued at approximately $488

         The Company has recorded a utility plant acquisition adjustment of
         approximately $466 million, which reflects the excess of SCANA's
         purchase price of approximately $700 million over the fair value of the
         Company's net assets at January 1, 2000. The adjustment is being
         amortized over 35 years on the straight-line basis. Common equity at
         March 31, 2001 reflects this acquisition adjustment.

        The Company agreed to pay approximately $5 million to ten key executives
         under severance agreements related to the acquisition. Severance
         benefits of approximately $2.7 million have been paid to seven key
         executives whose positions were eliminated. In addition, approximately
         $3.1 million was paid to former directors of the Company in connection
         with deferred compensation and retirement plans, and approximately $8.1
         million was paid to participants in the Company's nonqualified stock
         option plans.


          PSNC Production  Corporation and SCANA Public Service Company LLC were
          sold to SCANA Energy Marketing,  Inc., a subsidiary of SCANA, for $4.4
          million, which approximated net book value, effective January 1, 2001.


         On April 6, 2000 the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) issued
         an order permanently approving the Company's request to establish its
         commodity cost of gas for large commercial and industrial customers on
         the basis of market prices for natural gas. The NCUC previously allowed
         the Company use of this mechanism on a trial basis. This procedure
         allows the Company to manage its deferred gas costs better by ensuring
         that the amount paid for natural gas to serve these customers
         approximates the amount collected from them.

         A state expansion fund, established by the North Carolina General
         Assembly in 1991 and funded by refunds from the Company's interstate
         pipeline transporters, provides financing for expansion into areas that
         otherwise would not be economically feasible to serve. On December 30,
         1999 the Company filed an application with the NCUC to extend natural
         gas service to Madison, Jackson and Swain Counties. Pursuant to state
         statutes, the NCUC required the Company to forfeit its exclusive
         franchises to serve six counties in western North Carolina effective
         January 31, 2000 because these counties were not receiving any natural
         gas service. Madison, Jackson and Swain Counties were included in the
         forfeiture order. On June 29, 2000 the NCUC approved the Company's
         requests for reinstatement of its exclusive franchises for Madison,
         Jackson and Swain Counties and disbursement of up to $28.4 million from
         the Company's expansion fund for this project. The Company estimates
         that the cost of this project will be approximately $31.4 million.

              On December 7, 1999 the NCUC issued an order approving the
         acquisition of the Company by SCANA. As specified in the NCUC order,
         the Company reduced its rates by approximately $1 million in August
         2000, will reduce rates another $1 million in August 2001 and has
         agreed to a moratorium on general rate cases until August 2005. General
         rate relief can be obtained during this period to recover costs
         associated with materially adverse governmental actions and force
         majeure events.


         On February 16, 2001 the Company issued $150 million of medium-term
         notes having an annual interest rate of 6.625 percent and maturing on
         February 15, 2011. The proceeds from these borrowings were used to
         reduce short-term debt and for general corporate purposes.


         The Company owns, or has owned, all or portions of seven sites in North
         Carolina on which manufactured gas plants (MGP) were formerly operated.
         Intrusive investigation (including drilling, sampling and analysis) has
         begun at only one site, and the remaining sites have been evaluated
         using historical records and observations of current site conditions.
         These evaluations have revealed that MGP residuals are present or
         suspected at several of the sites. The North Carolina Department of
         Environment and Natural Resources has recommended that no further
         action be taken with respect to one site. An environmental due
         diligence review of the Company conducted in February 1999 estimated
         that the cost to remediate the remaining sites would range between
         $11.3 million and $21.9 million. During the second quarter of 2000, the
         review was finalized and the estimated liability was recorded. The
         Company is unable to determine the rate at which costs may be incurred
         over this time period. The estimated cost range has not been discounted
         to present value. The Company's associated actual costs for these sites
         will depend on a number of factors, such as actual site conditions,
         third-party claims and recoveries from other potentially responsible
         parties (PRP). An order of the NCUC dated May 11, 1993 authorized
         deferral accounting for all costs associated with the investigation and
         remediation of MGP sites. As of March 31, 2001
        the Company has recorded a liability and associated regulatory asset of
        $10.2 million, which reflects the minimum amount of the range, net of
        shared cost recovery from other PRPs. Amounts incurred to date are not
         Management intends to request recovery of additional MGP cleanup costs
         not recovered from other PRPs in future rate case filings, and believes
         that all costs incurred will be recoverable in gas rates.


         For the three months ended March 31, 2001 Gas Distribution is the
         Company's only reportable segment. Gas Distribution uses operating
         income to measure profitability. Effective January 1, 2001 PSNC
         Production Corporation and SCANA Public Service Company LLC (SCANA
         Public Service) were sold to SCANA Energy Marketing, Inc., a subsidiary
         of SCANA (see Note 4). In 2000 SCANA Public Service was an Energy
         Marketing segment of the Company and used net income to measure

                                          Disclosure of Reportable Segments
                                                (Millions of Dollars)

    ----------------------- -------------- ------------- ------ ---------------- --------------------
    Three months ended          Gas          Energy       All   Adjustments/     Consolidated
    March 31, 2001          Distribution   Marketing     Other  Eliminations        Total
    ----------------------- -------------- ------------- ------ ---------------- --------------------

    External Revenue            $228          n/a            -            -            $228
    Intersegment Revenue             -        n/a                         -               -
    Operating Income               39         n/a          n/a            -               39
    Segment Assets              1,232         n/a          29           (25)           1,236

    ----------------------- -------------- ------------- ------ ---------------- --------------------
    Three months ended          Gas          Energy       All   Adjustments/     Consolidated
    March  31, 2000         Distribution   Marketing     Other  Eliminations        Total
    ----------------------- -------------- ------------- ------ ---------------- --------------------

    External Revenue             $166         $31                    $(28)              $169
    Intersegment Revenue             -           2                    (32)                 -
    Operating Income               36         n/a                        1                37
    Net Income                    n/a            1
                                                           1          24 1                 26
    Segment Assets              1,133           18                    (65)
                                                          54                            1,140

    1 Includes cumulative effect of accounting change

Item 2.  Management's Narrative Analysis of  Results of Operations.


         The following discussion should be read in conjunction with
Management's Narrative Analysis of Results of Operations appearing in Public
Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated's (PSNC) Annual Report on Form
10-K for the fiscal year December 31, 2000.

         Statements included in this narrative analysis (or elsewhere in this
quarterly report) which are not statements of historical fact are intended to
be, and are hereby identified as, forward-looking statements for purposes of the
safe harbor provided by Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Readers are
cautioned that such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future
performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, and that actual
results could differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking
statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements include, but
are not limited to, the following: (1) that the information is of a preliminary
nature and may be subject to further and/or continuing review and adjustment,
(2) changes in the utility regulatory environment, (3) changes in the economy,
especially in PSNC's service territory, (4) the impact of competition from other
energy suppliers, (5) growth opportunities, (6) the results of financing
efforts, (7) changes in PSNC's accounting policies, (8) weather conditions,
especially in areas served by PSNC, (9) inflation, (10) changes in environmental
regulation and (11) the other risks and uncertainties described from time to
time in PSNC's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. PSNC disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking

Capital Expansion Program

         PSNC's capital expansion program, through the construction of lines,
services, systems and facilities, and the purchase of equipment, is designed to
help PSNC meet the growing demand for natural gas in its franchised service
areas. PSNC's 2001 construction budget is approximately $58.0 million, compared
to actual construction expenditures for 2000 of $39.1 million. The construction
program is reviewed regularly by management and is dependent upon PSNC's
continuing ability to generate adequate funds internally and to sell new issues
of debt on acceptable terms. Construction expenditures during the three months
ended March 31, 2001 were $11.2 million compared to $7.6 million for the same
period last year.

Earnings and Dividends

        Net income for the three months ended March 31, 2001 and 2000 was as

    ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------

                          Three Months Ended March 31,
    Millions of dollars                             2001           2000
    ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
    Net income derived from:
       Operations                                   $20.3          $19.4
       Change in accounting                             -            6.6
    ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
           Total net income                         $20.3          $26.0
    ========================================== ================================

        Net income from operations increased approximately $0.9 million
primarily due to customer growth. In 2000 net income increased due to the change
in accounting to record unbilled revenues (see Note 2 of Notes to Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements).

PSNC's Board of Directors declared the following quarterly dividends on common
stock held by SCANA during 2001:

-------------------- ------------------- ----------------- ---------------------
Declaration Date     Dividend Amount     Quarter Ended     Payment Date
-------------------- ------------------- ----------------- ---------------------
February 22, 2001       $6.0 million     March 31, 2001    April 1, 2001
May 3, 2001             $5.8 million     June 30, 2001     July 1, 2001

Gas Distribution

         Changes in gas distribution sales margins for the three months ended
March 31, 2001, when compared to the corresponding period in 2000, were as

(Millions of Dollars)                  Three Months Ended March 31,
                        2001      2000     Change       % Change
Gas operating revenue  $228.4     $169.2      $59.2          35.0%
Less:  Cost of gas      160.6      103.5       57.1        55.1%
Gross margin            $67.8      $65.7       $2.1          3.2%

         The increase in margin for the three months ended March 31, 2001
primarily resulted from customer growth. Customers as of March 31, 2001 and 2000
were approximately 371,000 and 358,000, respectively. Revenues and cost of gas
were impacted by large increases in natural gas prices in late 2000 and early

Operating Expenses

         Operating expenses remained virtually unchanged for the three months
ended March 31, 2001 when compared to the corresponding period in 2000.


Item 1.   Legal Proceedings

         SCANA Corporation:

         For information regarding legal proceedings see Note 4 "Rate and Other
         appearing in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
         ended December 31, 2000, and Note 4 "Rate and Other Regulatory Matters"
         and Note 9 "Contingencies" of NOTES TO CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL
         STATEMENTS appearing in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

         South Carolina Electric  & Gas Company:

         For information regarding legal proceedings see Note 3 "Rate and Other
         appearing in South Carolina Electric & Gas Company's Annual Report on
         Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000, and Note 3 "Rate and
         Other Regulatory Matters" and Note 6 "Contingencies" of NOTES TO
         Report on Form 10-Q.

         Public Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated:

         For information regarding legal proceedings see Note 5 "Rate and Other
         appearing in Public Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated's
         Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000, and
         Note 5 "Rate and Other Regulatory Matters" and Note 7 "Contingencies"
         this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Item 6.    Exhibits and Reports  on Form 8-K

         A.  Exhibits

                SCANA Corporation, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company and
Public Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated:

                Exhibits filed with this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are
                listed in the following Exhibit Index. Certain of such exhibits
                which have heretofore been filed with the Securities and
                Exchange Commission and which are designated by reference to
                their exhibit numbers in prior filings are hereby incorporated
                herein by reference and made a part hereof.

         B.  Reports on Form 8-K during the first quarter 2001 were as follows:

                SCANA Corporation:
                Date of report:  January 9, 2001
                Item reported:  Item 5

                South Carolina Electric & Gas Company:
                Date of report:  January 9, 2001
                Item reported:  Item 5

                Public Service Company of North Carolina, Incorporated:
                Date of report:  February 12, 2001
                Item reported:  Item 5

                                SCANA CORPORATION


       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          SCANA CORPORATION

May 14, 2001                              By: s/M. R. Cannon

                                              M. R. Cannon
                                              (Principal accounting officer)



       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                 SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTRIC & GAS COMPANY

May 14, 2001                       By:   s/Mark R. Cannon
                                         Mark R. Cannon
                                         (Principal accounting officer)



       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


May 14, 2001          By:   s/Mark R. Cannon
                            Mark R. Cannon
                            (Principal accounting officer)

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit  Applicable to
          Form 10-Q of
No.     SCANA    SCE&G   PSNC    Description

2.01      X               X      Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of
                                 February 16, 1999 as amended and
                                 restated as of May 10, 1999, by and among
                                 Public Service Company of North Carolina,
                                 Incorporated, SCANA Corporation, New Sub I,
                                 Inc. and New Sub II, Inc. (Filed as Exhibit 2.1
                                 to Registration Statement No. 333-78227 on Form

3.01      X                      Restated Articles of Incorporation of SCANA as
                                 adopted on April 26, 1989 (Filed as Exhibit 3-A
                                 to Registration Statement No. 33-49145)

3.02               X             Restated Articles of Incorporation of SCE&G, as
                                 adopted on May 3, 2001 (Filed herewith)

3.03      X                      Articles of Amendment of SCANA, dated April 27,
                                 1995 (Filed as Exhibit 4-B to
                                 Registration Statement No. 33-62421)

3.04                      X      Articles of Incorporation of PSNC (formerly New
                                 Sub II, Inc.) dated February 12, 1999 (Filed as
                                 Exhibit 3.01 to Registration Statement No. 333-

3.05                      X      Articles of Amendment of PSNC (formerly New Sub
                                 II, Inc.) as adopted on February 10, 2000
                                 (Filed as Exhibit 3.02 to Registration
                                 Statement No. 333-45206)

3.06                      X      Articles of Correction of PSNC dated February
                                 11, 2000 (Filed as Exhibit 3.03 to Registration
                                 Statement  No. 333-45206)

3.07      X                      By-Laws of SCANA as revised and amended on
                                 December 13, 2000 (Filed as Exhibit 3.22 to
                                 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000)

3.08               X             By-Laws of SCE&G as amended and adopted on
                                 February 22, 2001  (Filed as Exhibit 3.23 to
                                 Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000)

3.09                      X      By-Laws of PSNC (formerly New Sub II, Inc.) as
                                 revised and amended on February 22, 2001 (Filed
                                 as Exhibit 3.24 to Form 10-K for the year ended
                                 December 31, 2000)

4.01               X             Articles of Exchange of South Carolina Electric
                                 and Gas Company and SCANA Corporation (Filed as
                                 Exhibit 4-A to Post-Effective Amendment No. 1
                                 to Registration Statement No. 2-90438)

4.02      X                      Indenture dated as of November 1, 1989 between
                                 SCANA Corporation and The Bank of New York, as
                                 Trustee (Filed as Exhibit 4-A to Registration
                                 No. 33-32107)

4.03      X        X             Indenture dated as of January 1, 1945, between
                                 the South Carolina Power Company and Central
                                 Hanover Bank and Trust Company, as Trustee, as
                                 supplemented by three Supplemental Indentures
                                 dated respectively as of May 1, 1946, May 1,
                                 1947 and July 1, 1949 (Filed as Exhibit 2-B to
                                 Registration Statement No. 2-26459)

4.04      X        X             Fourth Supplemental Indenture dated as of April
                                 1, 1950, to Indenture referred to in Exhibit
                                 4.03, pursuant to which SCE&G  assumed said
                                 Indenture (Exhibit 2-C to Registration
                                 Statement No. 2-26459)

                           EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit  Applicable to
          Form 10-Q of
No.     SCANA       SCE&G       PSNC    Description

4.05      X           X
                                        Fifth through Fifty-third
                                        Supplemental Indenture referred
                                        to in Exhibit 4.03 dated as of
                                        the dates indicated below and
                                        filed as exhibits to the
                                        Registration Statements whose
                                        file numbers are set forth below
      December 1, 1950        Exhibit 2-D         to Registration No. 2-26459
      July 1, 1951            Exhibit 2-E         to Registration No. 2-26459
      June 1, 1953            Exhibit 2-F         to Registration No. 2-26459
      June 1, 1955            Exhibit 2-G         to Registration No. 2-26459
      November 1, 1957        Exhibit 2-H         to Registration No. 2-26459
      September 1, 1958       Exhibit 2-I         to Registration No. 2-26459
      September 1, 1960       Exhibit 2-J         to Registration No. 2-26459
      June 1, 1961            Exhibit 2-K         to Registration No. 2-26459
      December 1, 1965        Exhibit 2-L         to Registration No. 2-26459
      June 1, 1966            Exhibit 2-M         to Registration No. 2-26459
      June 1, 1967            Exhibit 2-N         to Registration No. 2-29693
      September 1, 1968       Exhibit 4-O         to Registration No. 2-31569
      June 1, 1969            Exhibit 4-C         to Registration No. 33-38580
      December 1, 1969        Exhibit 4-O         to Registration No. 2-35388
      June 1, 1970            Exhibit 4-R         to Registration No. 2-37363
      March 1, 1971           Exhibit 2-B-17      to Registration No. 2-40324
      January 1, 1972         Exhibit 2-B         to Registration No. 33-38580
      July 1, 1974            Exhibit 2-A-19      to Registration No. 2-51291
      May 1, 1975             Exhibit 4-C         to Registration No. 33-38580
      July 1, 1975            Exhibit 2-B-21      to Registration No. 2-53908
      February 1, 1976        Exhibit 2-B-22      to Registration No. 2-55304
      December 1, 1976        Exhibit 2-B-23      to Registration No. 2-57936
      March 1, 1977           Exhibit 2-B-24      to Registration No. 2-58662
      May 1, 1977             Exhibit 4-C         to Registration No. 33-38580
      February 1, 1978        Exhibit 4-C         to Registration No. 33-38580
      June 1, 1978            Exhibit 2-A-3       to Registration No. 2-61653
      April 1, 1979           Exhibit 4-C         to Registration No. 33-38580
      June 1, 1979            Exhibit 2-A-3       to Registration No. 33-38580
      April 1, 1980           Exhibit 4-C         to Registration No. 33-38580
      June 1, 1980            Exhibit 4-C         to Registration No. 33-38580
      December 1, 1980        Exhibit 4-C         to Registration No. 33-38580
      April 1, 1981           Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      June 1, 1981            Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 2-73321
      March 1, 1982           Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      April 15, 1982          Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      May 1, 1982             Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      December 1, 1984        Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      December 1, 1985        Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      June 1, 1986            Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      February 1, 1987        Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      September 1, 1987       Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      January 1, 1989         Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      January 1, 1991         Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      February 1, 1991        Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421
      July 15, 1991           Exhibit 4-D         to Registration No. 33-49421


                           EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit  Applicable to
          Form 10-Q of
No.    SCANA   SCE&G  PSNC    Description

             August 15, 1991     Exhibit 4-D     to Registration No. 33-49421
             April 1, 1993       Exhibit 4-E     to Registration No. 33-49421
             July 1, 1993        Exhibit 4-D     to Registration No. 33-57955
             May 1, 1999         Exhibit 4.04    to Registration No. 333-86387

4.06      X      X    Indenture dated as of April 1, 1993 from South Carolina
                      Electric & Gas Company to NationsBank of Georgia, National
                      Association (Filed as Exhibit 4-F to Registration
                      Statement No. 33-49421)

4.07      X      X    First Supplemental Indenture to Indenture  referred to in
                      Exhibit 4.06 dated as of June 1, 1993 (Filed as Exhibit
                      4-G to Registration Statement No. 33-49421)

4.08      X      X    Second Supplemental Indenture to Indenture referred to in
                      Exhibit  4.06 dated as of June 15, 1993 (Filed as Exhibit
                      4-G to Registration Statement No. 33-57955)

4.09      X      X    Trust Agreement for SCE&G Trust I (Filed as Exhibit 4.03
                      to Registration Statement No. 333-49960)

4.10      X      X    Certificate of Trust of SCE&G Trust I (Filed as Exhibit
                      4.04 to Registration Statement No. 333-49960)

4.11      X      X    Junior Subordinated Indenture for SCE&G Trust I (Filed as
                      Exhibit 4.05 to Registration Statement No. 333-49960)


4.12      X       X    Guarantee Agreement for SCE&G Trust I (Filed as
                       Exhibit 4.06 to Registration  Statement No. 333-49960)

4.13      X       X    Amended and Restated Trust Agreement for SCE&G Trust I
                       (Filed as Exhibit 4.07 to Registration Statement No.


                                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit   Applicable to
           Form 10-K of
No.      SCANA  SCE&G PSNC    Description




4.14       X           X      Debenture Purchase Agreement, dated as of December
                              5, 1989, as amended, with respect to $43 million
                              of 10% Senior Debentures due December 1, 2004
                              (Filed as Exhibit 4.05 to Registration Statement
                              No. 333-45206 and incorporated by reference

4.15       X           X      Amendment to Debenture Purchase Agreement dated as
                              of December 5, 1989, between PSNC and The
                              Prudential Life Insurance Company of America
                              (Filed as Exhibit 4.06 to Registration Statement
                              No. 333-45206 and incorporated by
                              reference herein)

4.16       X           X      Debenture Purchase Agreement, dated as of June 25,
                              1992, with respect to $32 million of 8.75% Senior
                              Debentures due June 30,  2012 (Filed as Exhibit
                              4.07 to Registration Statement No. 333-45206 and
                              incorporated by reference herein)

4.17       X           X      Indenture dated as of January 1, 1996 between PSNC
                              and First Union National Bank of North Carolina,
                              as Trustee (Filed as Exhibit 4.08 to Registration
                              Statement No. 333-45206 and incorporated by
                              reference herein)

4.18       X           X      First Supplemental Indenture dated as of January
                              1, 1996, between PSNC and First Union National
                              Bank of North Carolina, as Trustee (Filed as
                              Exhibit 4.09 to Registration Statement No. 333-
                              45206 and incorporated by reference herein)

4.19       X           X      Second Supplemental Indenture dated as of December
                              15, 1996 between PSNC and First Union National
                              Bank of North Carolina, as Trustee (Filed as
                              Exhibit 4.10 to Registration Statement No. 333-
                              45206 and incorporated by reference  herein)

4.20       X           X      Third Supplemental Indenture dated as of February
                              10, 2000 between PSNC and First Union National
                              Bank of North Carolina, as Trustee (Filed as
                              Exhibit 4.11 to Registration Statement No.
                              333-45206 and incorporated by reference

4.21       X           X      Fourth Supplemental Indenture dated as of February
                              12, 2001 between PSNC and First Union National
                              Bank of North Carolina, as Trustee (Filed as
                              Exhibit 4.28 to Form 10-K for the year ended
                              December 31, 2000)


                             EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit Applicable to
        Form 10-Q of
No.    SCANA   SCE&G  PSNC    Description

4.22                  X      PSNC $150 million medium-term note issued February
                             16, 2001 (Filed as Exhibit 4.29 to Form 10-K for
                             the year ended December 31, 2000)

10.01   X                    SCANA Voluntary Deferral Plan as amended through
                             October 21, 1997 (Filed as Exhibit 10.01 to
                             Registration Statement No. 333-49960)

10.02   X                    SCANA Supplementary Executive Retirement Plan as
                             amended and restated effective as of October 21,
                             1997 (Filed as Exhibit 10.01(b) to Registration
                             Statement No. 333-86803)

10.03                X       SCANA Supplementary Voluntary Deferral Plan as
                             amended and restated through October 21, 1997
                             (Filed as Exhibit 10.02 to Registration Statement
                             No. 333-49960)

10.04   X                    SCANA Key Executive Severance Benefits Plan as
                             amended and restated effective as
                             of October 21, 1997 (Filed as Exhibit 10.01(c) to
                             Registration Statement No. 333-86803)

10.05   X                    SCANA Supplementary Key Executive Severance
                             Benefits Plan effective as of
                             December 17, 1997 (Filed as Exhibit 10.01(d) to
                             Registration Statement No. 333-86803)

10.06   X                    SCANA Performance Share Plan as amended and
                             restated effective January 1, 1998
                             (Filed as Exhibit 10 (e) to Registration Statement
                             No. 333-86803)

10.07   X                    SCANA Long-Term Equity Compensation Plan dated
                             January 2000 filed as Exhibit 4.04
                             to Registration Statement No. 333-37398)

10.08   X                    SCANA Key Employee Retention Plan as amended and
                             restated effective as of October 21, 1997 (Filed as
                             Exhibit 10.02 to Registration Statement No.

10.09   X                    Description of SCANA Whole Life Option (Filed as
                             Exhibit 10-F to Form 10-K for the year ended
                             December 31, 1991, under cover of Form SE, File No.

10.10                  X     Description of SCANA Corporation Annual Incentive
                             Plan (Filed as Exhibit 10-G to Form 10-K for the
                             year ended December 31, 1991, under cover of Form
                             SE, File No. 1-8809)

10.11   X                    SCANA Corporation Director Compensation and
                             Deferral Plan effective January 1,
                             2001 (Filed as Exhibit 10.05 to Registration
                             Statement No. 333-49960)

10.12                 X      Operating Agreement of Pine Needle LNG Company, LLC
                             dated August 8, 1995  (Filed as Exhibit 10.01 to
                             Registration Statement No. 333-45206)

10.13                 X      Amendment to Operating Agreement of Pine Needle LNG
                             Company, LLC dated October 1, 1995 (Filed as
                             Exhibit 10.02 to Registration Statement No.

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit   Applicable to
          Form 10-Q of
No.    SCANA  SCE&G  PSNC  Description

10.14                 X    Amended Operating Agreement of Cardinal Extension
                           Company, LLC dated December 19, 1996 (Filed as
                           Exhibit 10.03 to Registration Statement No.

10.15                 X    Amended Construction, Operation and Maintenance
                           Agreement by and between Cardinal Operating Company
                           and Cardinal Extension Company, LLC dated December
                           19, 1996 (Filed as Exhibit 10.04 to Registration
                           Statement No. 333-45206)

10.16                 X    Form of Severance Agreement between PSNC and its
                           Executive Officers (Filed as Exhibit 10.05 to
                           Registration Statement No. 333-45206)

10.17                 X    Service Agreement between PSNC and SCANA Services,
                           Inc., effective April 1, 2000 (Filed as Exhibit 10.06
                           to Registration Statement No. 333-45206)