Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): April 25, 2007

                            FIRSTFED FINANCIAL CORP.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        Delaware                1-9566                      95-4087449
        --------                ------                      ----------
(State of Incorporation) (Commission File No.) (IRS Employer Identification No.)

     401 Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica, California,           90401-1490
     ------------------------------------------------            ----------
         (Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (310) 319-6000

Check  the  appropriate  box  below  if the  Form  8-K  filing  is  intended  to
simultaneously  satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the
following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below):

[ ] Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act
    (17 CFR 230.425)

[ ] Soliciting  material  pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act
    (17 CFR 240.14a-12)

[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the
    Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the
    Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

ITEM 2.02  Results of Operations and Financial Condition.

     On April 25, 2007, the registrant, FirstFed Financial Corp., issued a press
release setting forth the Company's first quarter 2007 earnings.  A copy of this
press release is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit 99.1.

ITEM 9.01  Financial Statements and Exhibits.

      (d)  Exhibits:

           Exhibit 99.1 - Press Release dated April 25, 2007, regarding
           results for the first quarter 2007.

                               S I G N A T U R E S

     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                            FIRSTFED FINANCIAL CORP.

Dated: April 25, 2007                   By:  /s/ Douglas J. Goddard
                                                 Douglas J. Goddard
                                                 Chief Financial Officer

                                  Exhibit 99.1


     Santa  Monica,  California,  April 25,  2007 --  FirstFed  Financial  Corp.
(NYSE-FED),  parent company of First Federal Bank of California, today announced
net income of $32.4  million or $1.92 per diluted  share of common stock for the
first  quarter  of 2007  compared  to net  income of $33.4  million or $1.97 per
diluted  share for the  fourth  quarter  of 2006 and $30.8  million or $1.82 per
diluted  share of  common  stock  for the  first  quarter  of 2006.  Net  income
decreased in the first  quarter of 2007  compared to the fourth  quarter of 2006
primarily due to a decrease in loan prepayment fees.

     Although  average  interest-earning  assets  for the first  quarter of 2007
decreased  7%  compared  to the fourth  quarter of 2006 and 16%  compared to the
first  quarter of 2006,  net interest  income for the first  quarter of 2007 was
approximately  the same as the fourth  quarter of 2006 and the first  quarter of
2006.  The interest  rate spread  increased to 3.01% during the first quarter of
2007 from 2.90%  during the  fourth  quarter of 2006 and 2.63%  during the first
quarter of 2006. Loan prepayment  fees,  included as part of the yield on loans,
decreased  to $6.4  million  during the first  quarter of 2007 from $7.9 million
during the fourth  quarter of 2006 and $7.4 million  during the first quarter of

     Gain on sale of loans increased to $3.0 million during the first quarter of
2007 from $2.4  million  during  the fourth  quarter  of 2006 and $145  thousand
during the first quarter of 2006.  Loans sold increased to $180.5 million during
the first quarter of 2007 compared to $161.8  million  during the fourth quarter
of 2006 and $15.1 million during the first quarter of 2006.

     Loan  originations  were  $259.5  million  for the  first  quarter  of 2007
compared with  originations  of $365.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2006 and
$725.8 million in the first quarter of 2006.  Single family loans  comprised 85%
of loan  originations  during the first  quarter of 2007  compared to 89% during
both the first and fourth quarters of 2006.

     Loan payoffs and principal  reductions  totaled $772.5 million in the first
quarter of 2007  compared  to $831.8  million in the fourth  quarter of 2006 and
$624.8  million in the first quarter of 2006.  Due to continued loan payoffs and
increased loan sales,  the Company's  total assets  decreased to $8.5 billion at
March 31, 2007 from $9.3  billion at the end of 2006 and $10.6  billion at March
31, 2006.

     At March 31, 2007, negative amortization,  included in the balance of loans
receivable,  totaled $248.5  million  compared to $215.8 million at December 31,
2006 and $98.5  million  at March 31,  2006.  Negative  amortization  represents
unpaid interest earned by the Bank that is added to the principal balance of the
loan. Negative amortization  increased by $32.7 million during the first quarter
of 2007 and  $150.0  million  from  one  year  ago.  Negative  amortization  has
increased  over the last two years  primarily  due to  increases  in  short-term
interest rates. Negative amortization as a percentage of all single family loans
in the Bank's  portfolio  totaled  4.36% at the end of the first quarter of 2007
compared to 3.44% at December 31, 2006 and 1.32% at March 31, 2006.

     The portfolio of single family loans with a one-year fixed monthly  payment
totaled $4.4 billion at March 31, 2007  compared to $4.6 billion at December 31,
2006 and $4.7 billion at March 31, 2006.  The  portfolio of single  family loans
with three-to-five year fixed monthly payments totaled $1.5 billion at March 31,
2007 compared to $1.8 billion at December 31, 2006 and $2.5 billion at March 31,

     A $3.8 million loan loss provision was recorded during the first quarter of
2007,  compared to a $3.0 million  provision  recorded in the fourth  quarter of
2006 and a $3.9 million  provision  recorded in the first  quarter of 2006.  Net
loan charge-offs totaled $628 thousand for the first quarter of 2007 compared to
$90 thousand in the fourth quarter of 2006 and $25 thousand in the first quarter
of 2006. The ratio of  non-performing  assets to total assets was 0.46% at March
31, 2007 compared to 0.21% at the end of 2006 and 0.07% at March 31, 2006.

     Non-performing  assets  have  been  very low over the past few years due to
increases in single family home prices.  The recent  increase in  non-performing
assets results primarily from the flattening of single family real estate prices
overall  in  California.  Areas  such  as  Sacramento  or San  Diego  that  have
experienced rapid growth in housing  development in the past few years have seen
recent declines in single family home prices. To date, the Bank's non-performing
assets are due to defaults on single-family loans and are located principally in
those geographic  areas where rapid  development of housing has caused supply to
outpace  demand.  It is expected  that  non-performing  assets will  continue to
increase  until the real  estate  prices  in these  areas  reach an  equilibrium
between buyers and sellers.

     Real estate  operations  resulted in a loss of $272  thousand for the first
quarter of 2007  compared to a loss of $81  thousand  for the fourth  quarter of
2006 and a loss of $108  thousand  for the first  quarter of 2006.  Real  estate
operations  during the first quarter of 2007 include an $85 thousand  write down
of real estate owned.

     Non-interest  expense  was  $20.7  million  in the  first  quarter  of 2007
compared  to $19.8  million in the fourth  quarter of 2006 and $19.9  million in
last year's first quarter.  The increase in operating  expenses during the first
quarter of 2007 was  primarily due to normal salary  increases,  higher  deposit
insurance costs and increased  assessments by the Office of Thrift  Supervision.
As a result of these  expense  increases and a decrease in average total assets,
the ratio of  non-interest  expense to average  total assets  increased to 0.93%
during the first quarter of 2007 compared to 0.82% during the fourth  quarter of
2006 and 0.76% during the first quarter of 2006.

     The Bank's  risk-based  capital  ratio was 19.69% at March 31, 2007 and its
core and tangible capital ratios were 9.68%.

     The Bank  purchased  144,300  shares of its common  stock  during the first
quarter of 2007 at an average price of $63.10.  Shares  eligible for  repurchase
under the Company's stock repurchase  program totaled  1,327,779 as of April 24,

     First  Federal Bank of  California  operates 33 retail  banking  offices in
Southern  California.  In keeping with the Bank's retail branch  expansion plan,
one new  retail  branch  was  opened in March of 2007 and the Bank plans to open
three  additional  branches  during the  remainder of 2007.  The Bank operates 6
lending offices in Southern and Northern California.

     This news release contains certain forward-looking statements made pursuant
to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities  Litigation Act of 1995.
These  forward-looking  statements are subject to various factors, many of which
are beyond the  Company's  control,  which could cause actual  results to differ
materially from such statements.  Such factors include,  but are not limited to,
the general business  environment,  interest rate  fluctuations  that may affect
operating  margin,  changes  in laws and  regulations  affecting  the  Company's
business,  the California real estate market, and competitive  conditions in the
business  and  geographic  areas in which the Company  conducts its business and
regulatory actions. In addition, these forward-looking statements are subject to
assumptions as to future  business  strategies and decisions that are subject to
change. The Company makes no guarantees or promises regarding future results and
assumes no responsibility to update such forward-looking statements.

     Contact: Douglas Goddard, Executive Vice President
              (310) 319-6014

                          KEY FINANCIAL RESULTS FOLLOW

                            FIRSTFED FINANCIAL CORP.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                    (Dollars in thousands, except share data)

                                                                         March 31,             December 31,
                                                                           2007                    2006
                                                                      --------------          --------------


Cash and cash equivalents                                             $      135,011          $      151,090
Investment securities, available-for-sale (at fair value)                    294,620                 311,850
Mortgage-backed securities, available-for-sale (at fair value)                52,846                  57,197
Loans receivable, held-for-sale (fair value of $143,762 and $143,141)        141,867                 140,860
Loans receivable, net of general allowance for loan losses of
  $112,940 and $109,768                                                    7,669,153               8,376,592
Accrued interest and dividends receivable                                     48,971                  54,812
Real estate owned                                                              5,195                   1,094
Office properties and equipment, net                                          16,683                  16,569
Investment in Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) stock, at cost                    89,560                 118,979
Other assets                                                                  79,490                  66,544
                                                                      --------------          --------------
                                                                      $    8,533,396          $    9,295,587
                                                                      ==============          ==============


Deposits                                                              $    5,124,181          $    5,889,881
FHLB advances                                                              1,540,000               1,490,000
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase                               898,448                 978,448
Senior debentures                                                            100,000                 100,000
Accrued expenses and other liabilities                                       139,891                 132,543
                                                                      --------------          --------------
                                                                           7,802,520               8,590,872
                                                                      --------------          --------------


Common stock, par value $.01 per share;
  authorized 100,000,000 shares;
  issued 23,925,596 and 23,842,934 shares;
  outstanding 16,593,000 and 16,648,338 shares                                   239                     238
Additional paid-in capital                                                    52,654                  49,610
Retained earnings                                                            804,921                 772,537
Unreleased shares to employee stock ownership plan                            (2,154)                 (2,050)
Treasury stock, at cost 7,332,596 shares and 7,194,596                      (122,885)               (113,776)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of taxes                            (1,899)                 (1,844)
                                                                      --------------          --------------
                                                                             730,876                 704,715
                                                                      --------------          --------------
                                                                      $    8,533,396          $    9,295,587
                                                                      ==============          ==============

                            FIRSTFED FINANCIAL CORP.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                Three months ended
                                                                                     March 31,
                                                                            2007                 2006
                                                                      --------------          --------------

Interest income and dividend income:
     Interest on loans                                                $      163,321          $      162,588
     Interest on mortgage-backed securities                                      709                     706
     Interest and dividends on investments                                     6,387                   6,199
                                                                      --------------          --------------
        Total interest income                                                170,417                 169,493
                                                                      --------------          --------------
Interest expense:
     Interest on deposits                                                     61,065                  38,914
     Interest on borrowings                                                   34,134                  56,068
                                                                      --------------          --------------
        Total interest expense                                                95,199                  94,982
                                                                      --------------          --------------

Net interest income                                                           75,218                  74,511
Provision for loan losses                                                      3,800                   3,900
                                                                      --------------          --------------
Net interest income after provision for loan losses                           71,418                  70,611
                                                                      --------------          --------------

Other income:
     Loan servicing and other fees                                               960                     710
     Retail office fees                                                        1,686                   1,575
     Gain on sale of loans                                                     2,956                     145
     Real estate operations, net                                                (272)                   (108)
     Other operating income                                                      336                     161
                                                                      --------------          --------------
        Total other income                                                     5,666                   2,483
                                                                      --------------          --------------

Non-interest expense:
     Salaries and employee benefits                                           12,709                  12,294
     Occupancy                                                                 2,803                   2,638
     Advertising                                                                 234                     164
     Amortization of core deposit intangible                                     499                     499
     Federal deposit insurance                                                   628                     144
     Legal                                                                       471                     468
     Other expense                                                             3,317                   3,709
                                                                      --------------          --------------
        Total non-interest expense                                            20,661                  19,916
                                                                      --------------          --------------

Income before income taxes                                                    56,423                  53,178
Provision for income taxes                                                    24,039                  22,404
                                                                      --------------          --------------
Net income                                                            $       32,384          $       30,774
                                                                      ==============          ==============

Net income                                                            $       32,384          $       30,774
Other comprehensive loss, net of taxes                                           (55)                 (1,185)
                                                                      --------------          --------------
Comprehensive income                                                  $       32,329          $       29,589
                                                                      ==============          ==============

Earnings per share:
     Basic                                                            $         1.95          $         1.86
                                                                      ==============          ==============
     Diluted                                                          $         1.92          $         1.82
                                                                      ==============          ==============

Weighted average shares outstanding:
     Basic                                                                16,604,435              16,572,844
                                                                      ==============          ==============
     Diluted                                                              16,862,226              16,895,022
                                                                      ==============          ==============

                            FIRSTFED FINANCIAL CORP.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                              KEY FINANCIAL RESULTS
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                                              Quarter ended March 31,
                                                                           2007                    2006
                                                                      --------------          --------------

End of period:
     Total assets                                                     $    8,533,396          $   10,567,693
     Cash and securities                                              $      135,011          $      396,042
     Mortgage-backed securities                                       $       52,846          $       69,296
     Loans                                                            $    7,811,020          $    9,776,444
     Core deposit intangible asset                                    $          844          $        2,839
     Deposits                                                         $    5,124,181          $    5,046,661
     Borrowings                                                       $    2,538,448          $    4,821,000
     Stockholders' equity                                             $      730,876          $      605,617
     Book value per share                                             $        44.05          $        36.48
     Tangible book value per share                                    $        44.00          $        36.31
     Stock price (period-end)                                         $        56.83          $        59.81
     Total loan servicing portfolio                                   $    8,082,199          $    9,968,279
     Loans serviced for others                                        $      123,275          $       85,431
     % of adjustable mortgages                                                 97.08 %                 96.37 %

Other data:
     Employees (full-time equivalent)                                            568                    610
     Branches                                                                     33                     31

Asset quality:
     Non-accrual loans                                                $       33,945          $        7,420
     Non-performing assets                                            $       39,140          $        7,420
     Non-performing assets to total assets                                      0.46 %                  0.07 %
     General valuation allowance (GVA)                                $      112,940          $      101,433
     Allowances for impaired loans                                                --                      --
                                                                      --------------          --------------
     Allowances for loan losses                                       $      112,940                 101,433
     Allowances for loan losses as a percentage of gross
        loans receivable                                                        1.43 %                  1.03 %
     Loans sold with recourse                                         $       50,849          $       57,815
     Modified loans (not impaired)                                    $          617          $        1,959
     Impaired loans, net                                              $        7,764          $        4,315

Capital ratios:
     Tangible capital ratio                                                     9.68 %                  6.48 %
     Core capital ratio                                                         9.68 %                  6.48 %
     Risk-based capital ratio                                                  19.69 %                 13.62 %
     Net worth to assets ratio                                                  8.56 %                  5.73 %

                            FIRSTFED FINANCIAL CORP.
                                 AND SUBSIDIARY
                        KEY FINANCIAL RESULTS (continued)
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                                                Three months ended
                                                                                     March 31,
                                                                           2007                    2006
                                                                      --------------          --------------

Selected ratios:
     Expense ratios:
        Efficiency ratio                                                       25.54 %                 25.87 %
        Expense-to-average-assets ratio                                         0.93                    0.76
     Return on average assets                                                   1.45                    1.17
     Return on average equity                                                  18.05                   20.93

Yields earned and rates paid:
     Average yield on loans                                                     7.96 %                  6.66 %
     Average yield on securities portfolio                                      5.51                    4.72
     Average yield on all interest-earning assets                               7.81                    6.55
     Average rate paid on deposits                                              4.53                    3.39
     Average rate paid on borrowings                                            5.40                    4.39
     Average rate paid on all interest-bearing liabilities                      4.80                    3.92
     Interest rate spread                                                       3.01                    2.63
     Effective net spread                                                       3.45                    2.88

Average balances:

     Average loans                                                    $    8,209,924          $    9,763,063
     Average securities                                                      514,875                 584,985
                                                                      --------------          --------------
     Average interest-earning assets                                       8,724,799              10,348,048
                                                                      --------------          --------------
     Average deposits                                                      5,471,811               4,657,604
     Average borrowings                                                    2,564,615               5,177,816
                                                                      --------------          --------------
     Average interest-bearing liabilities                                  8,036,426               9,835,420
                                                                      --------------          --------------
     Excess of interest-earning assets over interest-bearing
        liabilities                                                   $      688,373          $      512,628
                                                                      ==============          ==============

Loan originations and purchases                                       $      259,509          $      725,766