WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                                                 Commission File
For Quarter Ended: September 30, 2003                            No. 0-422
                   ------------------                                -----

                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

INCORPORATED IN NEW JERSEY                                        22-1114430
--------------------------                                        ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of                              (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                               Identification No.)

1500 RONSON ROAD, ISELIN, NJ                                          08830
----------------------------                                          -----
(Address of principal executive offices)                              (Zip Code)

                                 (732) 634-1500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that this registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 30 days.

                     YES     [X]                        NO   [_]
                        ------------.                      ------------.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer (as
defined in Rule 12-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934). Yes[X] No [_]

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the Issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

            Class                                Outstanding at October 31, 2003
            -----                                -------------------------------
Common Stock, No Par Value                                 10,547,180*

*- Outstanding share amount reflects the effect of a four-for-three stock split
effective November 14, 2003.


PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                              PAGE

Item 1.  Financial Statements:
         Consolidated Statements of Income                                   1
         Consolidated Balance Sheets                                         2
         Consolidated Statements of Capitalization and Retained Earnings     4
         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                               5
         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                          6

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
         Condition and Results of Operations                                 10

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures of Market Risk             13

Item 4.  Controls and Porcedures                                             14

PART II. OTHER INFORMATION                                                   15

SIGNATURE                                                                    15

CERTIFICATIONS                                                             16-19

                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

                                                          Three Months                Nine Months                Twelve Months
                                                       Ended September 30,         Ended September 30,         Ended September 30,

                                                       2003          2002          2003          2002          2003          2002
                                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
Operating Revenues                                 $17,585,575   $16,983,016   $48,564,914   $46,737,754   $63,759,946   $62,412,869
                                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

Operating Expenses:
     Operations                                      8,687,828     7,995,208    24,292,699    22,733,489    31,478,131    30,277,791
     Maintenance                                       830,877       684,530     2,612,556     2,001,929     3,457,835     2,735,295
     Depreciation                                    1,342,059     1,072,630     3,960,856     3,681,178     5,242,946     4,958,813
     Other Taxes                                     2,157,060     2,096,025     6,088,669     5,915,163     8,032,379     7,936,667
     Federal Income Taxes                            1,067,414     1,381,791     2,626,345     3,089,880     3,414,042     4,106,216
                                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

        Total Operating Expenses                    14,085,238    13,230,184    39,581,125    37,421,639    51,625,333    50,014,782
                                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

               Operating Income                      3,500,337     3,752,832     8,983,789     9,316,115    12,134,613    12,398,087

Other Income:
     Allowance for Funds Used During Construction       95,448        34,465       253,253       186,439       336,482       249,014
     Other - Net                                        40,721        77,893        15,188       110,621        76,777        27,786
                                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

        Total Other Income                             136,169       112,358       268,441       297,060       413,259       276,800

Income Before Interest Charges                       3,636,506     3,865,190     9,252,230     9,613,175    12,547,872    12,674,887
                                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

Interest Charges                                     1,243,888     1,293,379     3,830,926     3,875,299     5,099,090     5,159,272
                                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

Net Income                                           2,392,618     2,571,811     5,421,304     5,737,876     7,448,782     7,515,615

Preferred Stock Dividend Requirements                   63,697        63,697       191,090       191,090       254,786       254,786
                                                   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

Earnings Applicable to Common Stock                $ 2,328,921   $ 2,508,114   $ 5,230,214   $ 5,546,786   $ 7,193,996   $ 7,260,829
                                                   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========

Earnings per share of Common Stock*:
     Basic                                         $      0.22   $      0.24   $      0.50   $      0.54   $      0.69   $      0.71
     Diluted                                       $      0.22   $      0.24   $      0.50   $      0.54   $      0.68   $      0.71

Average Number of
     Common Shares Outstanding* :
     Basic                                          10,505,517    10,315,812    10,448,226    10,258,049    10,472,573    10,233,060
     Diluted                                        10,848,657    10,658,952    10,791,366    10,601,189    10,815,713    10,576,200

Cash Dividends Paid per Common Share*              $     0.161   $     0.158   $     0.484   $     0.473   $     0.645   $     0.630

*     All share and per share amounts reflect the four-for-three common stock
      split effective November 14, 2003.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                             ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS

                                                   September 30,    December 31,
                                                       2003            2002
                                                   ------------     ------------
     Water Production                              $ 73,067,120     $ 72,212,878
     Transmission and Distribution                  166,715,720      158,412,075
     General                                         24,649,224       18,618,211
     Construction Work in Progress                    3,713,271        6,619,767
                                                   ------------     ------------
             TOTAL                                  268,145,335      255,862,931
Less Accumulated Depreciation                        51,321,248       47,919,527
                                                   ------------     ------------

             UTILITY PLANT-NET                      216,824,087      207,943,404
                                                   ------------     ------------

NONUTILITY ASSETS-NET                                 3,759,656        3,424,492
                                                   ------------     ------------

     Cash and Cash Equivalents                        2,974,948        2,937,894
     Temporary Cash Investments-Restricted            4,891,680        6,146,699
     Accounts Receivable (net of allowance
        for doubtful accounts)                        6,768,240        6,028,302
     Unbilled Revenues                                3,871,539        3,181,091
     Materials and Supplies (at average cost)         1,327,434        1,190,337
     Prepayments and Other Current Assets             1,150,375          815,392
                                                   ------------     ------------

             TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                    20,984,216       20,299,715
                                                   ------------     ------------

     Unamortized Debt Expense                         3,308,823        3,239,364
     Preliminary Survey and Investigation Charges     1,744,127        1,098,468
     Regulatory Assets
        Income Taxes                                  6,287,873        6,287,873
        Post Retirement Costs                           804,604          869,260
     Other                                            1,291,988        1,441,656
                                                   ------------     ------------

             TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGES                  13,437,415       12,936,621
                                                   ------------     ------------

                            TOTAL                  $255,005,374     $244,604,232
                                                   ============     ============

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                          LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS

                                                  September 30,     December 31,
                                                      2003             2002
                                                  ------------     ------------
CAPITALIZATION (see accompanying statements)      $181,180,178     $168,047,689
                                                  ------------     ------------

     Current Portion of Long-term Debt               1,060,537          639,427
     Notes Payable                                  12,500,000       17,650,000
     Accounts Payable                                3,232,842        2,059,877
     Taxes Accrued                                   6,828,887        5,898,751
     Interest Accrued                                  738,945        1,614,278
     Other                                           1,601,092        1,716,270
                                                  ------------     ------------

              TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES             25,962,303       29,578,603
                                                  ------------     ------------

     Customer Advances for Construction             11,341,532       10,881,815
     Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits     1,794,836        1,853,799
     Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes      13,532,194       13,241,901
     Employee Benefit Plans                          4,989,536        5,279,737
     Other                                             790,036          814,897
                                                  ------------     ------------

              TOTAL DEFERRED CREDITS                32,448,134       32,072,149
                                                  ------------     ------------

CONTRIBUTIONS IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION                15,414,759       14,905,791
                                                  ------------     ------------

                        TOTAL                     $255,005,374     $244,604,232
                                                  ============     ============

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

                                                                    September 30,       December 31,
                                                                        2003               2002
                                                                    -------------      -------------
     Common Stock, No Par Value
        Shares Authorized, 20,000,000
        Shares Outstanding - 2003 - 10,523,511 *                    $  56,294,195      $  53,314,169
                             2002 - 10,356,489 *
     Retained Earnings                                                 23,367,224         23,187,076
                                                                    -------------      -------------
                TOTAL COMMON STOCK AND RETAINED EARNINGS               79,661,419         76,501,245
                                                                    -------------      -------------
     Cumulative Preference Stock, No Par Value
        Shares Authorized, 100,000; Shares Outstanding, None
     Cumulative Preferred Stock, No Par Value
        Shares Authorized - 140,497
        Shares Outstanding, $7.00 Series - 14,881                       1,562,505          1,562,505
        Shares Outstanding, $8.00 Series - 12,000                       1,398,857          1,398,857
        Shares Outstanding, $7.00 Series -  1,017                         101,700            101,700
        Shares Outstanding, $4.75 Series - 10,000                       1,000,000          1,000,000
                                                                    -------------      -------------
                TOTAL CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK                        4,063,062          4,063,062
                                                                    -------------      -------------
     Long-term Debt:
        8.05% Amortizing Secured Note, due December 20, 2021            3,153,815          3,203,401
        6.25% Amortizing Secured Note, due May 22, 2028                10,360,000               --
        4.22% State Revolving Trust Note, due December 31, 2022           192,281             67,350
        3.60% State Revolving Trust Note, due May 1, 2025                 530,637               --
        0.00% NJEIT Fund Loan, due September 1, 2021                      690,833            730,017
        4.00% NJEIT Trust Loan, due September 1, 2021                     820,000            850,000
        First Mortgage Bonds:
            5.20%, Series S, due October 1, 2022                       12,000,000         12,000,000
            5.25%, Series T, due October 1, 2023                        6,500,000          6,500,000
            6.40%, Series U, due February 1, 2009                      15,000,000         15,000,000
            5.25%, Series V, due February 1, 2029                      10,000,000         10,000,000
            5.35%, Series W, due February 1, 2038                      23,000,000         23,000,000
            0.00%, Series X, due September 1, 2018                        807,956            862,088
            4.25%, Series Y, due September 1, 2018                        965,000          1,010,000
            0.00%, Series Z, due September 1, 2019                      1,792,435          1,907,568
            5.25%, Series AA, due September 1, 2019                     2,175,000          2,265,000
            0.00%, Series BB, due September 1, 2021                     2,168,277          2,287,385
            4.00%, Series CC, due September 1, 2021                     2,360,000          2,440,000
            5.10%, Series DD, due January 1, 2032                       6,000,000          6,000,000
                                                                    -------------      -------------
               SUBTOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT                                 98,516,234         88,122,809
                                                                    -------------      -------------
                 Less: Current Portion of Long-term Debt               (1,060,537)          (639,427)
                                                                    -------------      -------------
                          TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT                         97,455,697         87,483,382
                                                                    -------------      -------------
                               TOTAL CAPITALIZATION                 $ 181,180,178      $ 168,047,689
                                                                    =============      =============

                                                                  Nine Months Ended     Year Ended
                                                                    September 30,       December 31,
                                                                         2003              2002
                                                                    -------------      -------------
     BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD                                 $  23,187,076      $  22,190,691
     Net Income                                                         5,421,304          7,765,353
                                                                    -------------      -------------
           TOTAL                                                       28,608,380         29,956,044
                                                                    -------------      -------------
     Cash Dividends:
        Cumulative Preferred Stock                                        191,090            254,786
        Common Stock                                                    5,050,066          6,510,494
     Common Stock Expenses                                                   --                3,688
                                                                    -------------      -------------
           TOTAL DEDUCTIONS                                             5,241,156          6,768,968
                                                                    -------------      -------------
BALANCE AT END OF PERIOD                                            $  23,367,224      $  23,187,076
                                                                    =============      =============

*     All share amounts reflect the four-for-three common stock split effective
      November 14, 2003.

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                             MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

                                                             Nine Months Ended Sept. 30,    Twelve Months Ended Sept. 30,
                                                                2003            2002            2003            2002
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
     Net Income                                             $  5,421,304    $  5,737,876    $  7,448,782    $  7,515,615
     Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to
        Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities:
            Depreciation and Amortization                      4,288,489       3,969,132       5,282,624       5,231,161
            Provision for Deferred Income Taxes                  231,330          38,765         340,589         112,598
            Allowance for Funds Used During Construction        (253,254)       (186,439)       (336,482)       (249,014)
        Changes in Current Assets and Liabilities:
            Accounts Receivable                                 (739,938)       (197,149)         94,629         102,232
            Accounts Payable                                   1,172,965        (302,023)      1,138,530         188,881
            Accrued Taxes                                        930,136         574,585         (76,575)        (99,894)
            Accrued Interest                                    (875,333)     (1,120,674)         45,723         (50,862)
            Unbilled Revenues                                   (690,448)       (624,776)       (445,748)       (484,392)
            Employee Benefit Plans                              (290,201)       (116,387)       (156,752)        (30,458)
            Other-Net                                           (575,877)       (574,807)       (816,808)        173,882
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                      8,619,173       7,198,103      12,518,512      12,409,749
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

        Utility Plant Expenditures*                          (13,121,493)    (12,820,622)    (16,789,966)    (16,713,628)
        Proceeds from Real Estate Dispositions                   344,972            --           344,972            --
        Preliminary Survey and Investigation Charges            (645,659)         62,669        (863,174)          4,187
        Other-Net                                               (169,003)         12,737        (152,798)        431,414
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                        (13,591,183)    (12,745,216)    (17,460,966)    (16,278,027)
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

        Redemption of Long-term Debt                            (762,143)     (6,428,035)       (777,944)     (6,442,480)
        Proceeds from Issuance of Long-term Debt              11,155,568       6,066,065      11,156,853      12,456,960
        Short-term Bank Borrowings                            (5,150,000)      4,025,000      (4,750,000)      5,550,000
        Deferred Debt Issuance Expenses                         (196,935)       (501,558)       (206,195)       (508,259)
        Temporary Cash Investments-Restricted                  1,255,019       1,385,213       2,933,390      (5,222,350)
        Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock-Net             2,980,026       2,840,631       3,350,256       3,155,895
        Payment of Common Dividends                           (5,050,066)     (4,842,862)     (6,717,698)     (6,442,287)
        Payment of Preferred Dividends                          (191,090)       (191,089)       (254,786)       (254,785)
        Construction Advances and Contributions-Net              968,685         436,441       1,406,449         742,581
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

NET CASH (USED IN) PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES            5,009,064       2,789,806       6,140,325       3,035,275
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                           37,054      (2,757,307)      1,197,871        (833,003)
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD               2,937,894       4,534,384       1,777,077       2,610,080
                                                            ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                  $  2,974,948    $  1,777,077    $  2,974,948    $  1,777,077
                                                            ============    ============    ============    ============

  * Excludes Allowance for Funds Used During Construction

     Cash Paid During the Period for:
        Interest (net of amounts capitalized)               $  4,511,199    $  4,752,593    $  4,592,725    $  5,055,192
        Income Taxes                                        $  1,615,000    $  2,729,500    $  3,122,500    $  4,431,500

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.



Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Organization - Middlesex Water Company (Middlesex) is the parent company and
sole shareholder of Tidewater Utilities, Inc. (Tidewater), Pinelands Water
Company, Pinelands Wastewater Company, Utility Service Affiliates, Inc. (USA),
Utility Service Affiliates (Perth Amboy) Inc. (USA-PA) and Bayview Water Company
(Bayview). Southern Shores Water Company, LLC and White Marsh Environmental
Systems, Inc. are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Tidewater. The financial
statements for Middlesex and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (the Company) are
reported on a consolidated basis. All intercompany accounts and transactions
have been eliminated.

The consolidated notes accompanying the financial statements included in the
2002 Form 10-K are applicable to this report and, in the opinion of Management,
the accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements contain all
adjustments (consisting of only normal recurring accruals) necessary to present
fairly the financial position as of September 30, 2003 and the results of
operations and cash flows for the three, nine and twelve month periods ended
September 30, 2003 and 2002. Information included in the Balance Sheet as of
December 31, 2002, has been derived from the Company's audited financial
statements included in its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2002.

Note 2 - Capitalization

Common Stock - During the nine months ended September 30, 2003, 167,022 common
shares ($2.9 million) were issued under the Company's Dividend Reinvestment and
Common Stock Purchase Plan. The Plan had offered a 5% discount on optional cash
payments and reinvested dividends that ended on September 2, 2003. The New
Jersey Board of Public Utilities approved the Company's request for a
four-for-three stock split of its common stock, effective November 14, 2003 for
shareholders of record on November 1, 2003. All share and per share amounts have
been restated to reflect this split.

Long-term Debt - Tidewater received approval from the Delaware Public Service
Commission (PSC) to borrow $13.8 million to fund a portion of its multi-year
capital program and refinance some of its short-term debt. Subsequent to the PSC
approval, Tidewater closed on a Delaware State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan of $3.3
million. The Delaware SRF program will allow, but does not obligate, Tidewater
to draw down against a General Obligation Note for six specific projects.
Tidewater will be charged an annual fee, which is a combination of interest
charges and administrative fees, of 3.60% on the outstanding principal amount.
All unpaid principal and fees must be paid on or before May 1, 2025. Tidewater
borrowed approximately $0.5 million in July 2003 for one of the projects.

In May 2003, Tidewater completed a loan transaction of $10.5 million with
CoBank, a financial institution specializing in loans to rural utilities. Terms
of the loan include an interest rate of 6.25% and a maximum loan life of
twenty-five years with monthly principal payments. The proceeds were used to
retire short-term debt.


Note 3 - Earnings Per Share

Basic earnings per share (EPS) are computed on the basis of the weighted average
number of shares outstanding. Diluted EPS assumes the conversion of both the
Convertible Preferred Stock $7.00 Series and the Convertible Preferred Stock
$8.00 Series.

                                                    (In Thousands Except for per Share Amounts)
                              Three Months Ended                   Nine Months Ended                    Twelve Months Ended
                                 September 30,                       September  30,                       September 30,

                      2003            2002                 2003                2002                2003                 2002
Basic:                Income   Shares   Income  Shares    Income   Shares    Income   Shares     Income    Shares   Income    Shares
------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
Net Income            $2,393   10,506   $2,572  10,315    $5,421   10,448    $5,738   10,258     $7,449     10,473  $7,516    10,233
Preferred Dividend       (64)             (64)              (191)              (191)               (255)              (255)
                      ------   ------   ------  ------    ------   ------    ------   ------     ------    -------  ------    ------
Earnings Applicable
   to Common Stock    $2,329   10,506   $2,508  10,315    $5,230   10,448    $5,547   10,258     $7,194     10,473  $7,261    10,233

Basic EPS             $ 0.22            $ 0.24            $ 0.50             $ 0.54              $ 0.69              $0.71
------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
Earnings Applicable
   to Common Stock    $2,329   10,506   $2,508  10,315    $5,230   10,448    $5,547   10,258     $7,194     10,473  $7,261    10,233
$7.00 Series Dividend     26      179       26     179        78      179        78      179        104        179     104       179
$8.00 Series Dividend     24      164       24     164        72      164        72      164         96        164      96       164
                      ------   ------   ------  ------    ------   ------    ------   ------     ------    -------  ------    ------
Adjusted Earnings
Applicable to
  Common Stock        $2,379   10,849   $2,558  10,658    $5,380   10,791    $5,697   10,601     $7,394     10,816  $7,461    10,576

Diluted EPS           $ 0.22            $ 0.24            $ 0.50             $ 0.54              $ 0.68             $ 0.71

Note 4 - Business Segment Data

The Company has identified two reportable segments. One is the regulated
business of collecting, treating and distributing water on a retail and
wholesale basis to residential, commercial, industrial and fire protection
customers in parts of New Jersey and Delaware. It also operates a regulated
wastewater system in New Jersey. The Company is subject to regulations as to its
rates, services and other matters by the States of New Jersey and Delaware with
respect to utility service within these States. The other segment is the
non-regulated contract services for the operation and maintenance of municipal
and private water and wastewater systems. The accounting policies of the
segments are the same as those described in the Summary of Significant
Accounting Policies in Note 1 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Inter-segment transactions relating to operational costs are treated as pass
through expenses. Finance charges on inter-segment loan activities are based on
interest rates that are below what would normally be charged by a third party


                                                                (Thousands of Dollars)
                                            Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended      Twelve Months Ended
                                            September 30,             September 30,           September 30,
Operations by Segments:                     2003         2002       2003        2002        2003         2002
   Regulated                              $ 15,360    $ 14,968    $ 42,427    $ 41,156    $ 55,669    $ 54,593
   Non - Regulated                           2,256       2,026       6,204       5,611       8,169       7,858
Inter-segment Elimination                      (30)        (11)        (66)        (29)        (78)        (38)
Consolidated Revenues                     $ 17,586    $ 16,983    $ 48,565    $ 46,738    $ 63,760    $ 62,413

Operating Income:
   Regulated                              $  3,329    $  3,661    $  8,629    $  9,088    $ 11,573    $ 12,041
   Non - Regulated                             171          92         335         228         562         357
Inter-segment Elimination                       --          --          --          --          --          --
Consolidated Operating Income             $  3,500    $  3,753    $  8,984    $  9,316    $ 12,135    $ 12,398

   Regulated                              $  1,326    $  1,063    $  3,922    $  3,653    $  5,194    $  4,916
   Non - Regulated                              16          10          39          28          49          43
Inter-segment Elimination                       --          --          --          --          --          --
Consolidated Depreciation/Amortization    $  1,342    $  1,073    $  3,961    $  3,681    $  5,243    $  4,959

Other Income:
   Regulated                              $  1,010    $    858    $  2,415    $  1,962    $  3,229    $  2,339
   Non - Regulated                              --         (13)        (33)         23         (34)         26
Inter-segment Elimination                     (874)       (733)     (2,114)     (1,688)     (2,782)     (2,088)
Consolidated Other Income                 $    136    $    112    $    268    $    297    $    413    $    277

Interest Expense:
   Regulated                              $  1,406    $  1,575    $  4,628    $  4,681    $  6,229    $  6,190
   Non - Regulated                              37          13          80          40          94          54
Inter-segment Elimination                     (199)       (295)       (877)       (846)     (1,224)     (1,085)
Consolidated Interest Expense             $  1,244    $  1,293    $  3,831    $  3,875    $  5,099    $  5,159

Net Income:
   Regulated                              $  2,935    $  2,945    $  6,416    $  6,369    $  8,571    $  8,190
   Non - Regulated                             133          66         242         211         435         329
Inter-segment Elimination                     (675)       (439)     (1,237)       (842)     (1,557)     (1,003)
Consolidated Net Income                   $  2,393    $  2,572    $  5,421    $  5,738    $  7,449    $  7,516

Capital Expenditures:
   Regulated                              $  4,784    $  3,645    $ 12,559    $ 12,620    $ 15,999    $ 16,500
   Non - Regulated                               6         132         218         201         446         214
Inter-segment Elimination                       --          --          --          --          --          --
Total Capital Expenditures                $  4,790    $  3,777    $ 12,777    $ 12,821    $ 16,445    $ 16,714

                                           As of        As of
                                       September 30,   December
                                            2003       31, 2002
   Regulated                               286,301     280,655
   Non - Regulated                           4,341       4,093
Inter-segment Elimination                  (35,637)    (40,144)
Consolidated Assets                        255,005     244,604


Note 5 - New Accounting Standards

The Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued Statement of Financial
Accounting Standard ("SFAS") No. 149, Amendments of Statement 133 on Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities ("SFAS 149"), which amends and clarifies
financial accounting and reporting for derivative instruments and for hedging
activities under SFAS No. 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
Activities. SFAS 149 is generally effective after June 30, 2003. The adoption of
SFAS 149 did not have any effect on the Company's financial statements.

FASB issued SFAS No. 150, Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with
Characteristics of both Liabilities And Equity ("SFAS 150"), which establishes
standards for how an issuer classifies and measures certain financial
instruments with characteristics of both liabilities and equity. SFAS 150 is
effective for financial instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003,
and otherwise is effective at the beginning of the first interim period
beginning after June 15, 2003. The adoption of SFAS 150 did not have any effect
on the Company's financial statements.

In January 2003, the FASB issued FASB Interpretation No. 46, Consolidation of
Variable Interest Entities, an interpretation of Accounting Research Bulletin
No. 51, Consolidated Financial Statements ("FIN 46"). The adoption of FIN 46 is
not expected to have any effect on the Company's financial statements.

Note 6 - Contingent Liabilities

Litigation - A claim against the Company for damages involving the break of both
a Company water line and an underground electric power cable containing both
electric lines and petroleum based insulating fluid was recently settled. The
counterclaim was dismissed and submitted to binding arbitration which is still
pending. In the arbitration, the maximum damages for which the Company may be
responsible is $250,000. Management is unable to determine the outcome of the

Another claim is pending involving a construction subcontractor, the Company's
general contractor and the Company concerning a major construction project. The
dispute relates to work required to be performed under a construction contract
and related subcontracts and includes payment issues and timing/delay issues.
The matter was instituted in 2001 and is pending in Superior Court, Middlesex
County, New Jersey. The full amount at issue is not fully known at this stage of
the litigation. At this time, management is unable to determine the impact, if
any, on the financial statements. The Company's maximum exposure in this
litigation is estimated to be $5.2 million.



Results of Operations - Three Months Ended September 30, 2003
Operating revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2003 were up $0.6
million or 3.55% from the same period in 2002. Customer growth of 9.1% in
Delaware provided additional facility charges and connection fees of $0.6
million. Higher base rates in Delaware provided $0.1 million of the increase.
Offsetting some of the growth increases were the decline in consumption revenues
of $0.3 million in Delaware, due to cool wet weather during the quarter. Even
though our New Jersey systems experienced similar weather as Delaware, revenue
was flat compared to the prior year because of the drought restrictions in place
in 2002, which were not in place in 2003. Revenues from our operations and
maintenance contracts rose $0.2 million due to scheduled increases in fixed fees
under the City of Perth Amboy contract.

Operating expenses increased $0.9 million or 6.46%. Main repair expenses
increased by $0.1 million. Water treatment expenses increased by $0.1 million.
Pumping expenses increased by $0.1 million due to higher electricity costs.
Payroll costs and employee benefits costs increased by $0.4 million. Tidewater
expenses increased by $0.1 million as customer growth increased production
related costs and the need for additional employees. There were higher sewer
disposal costs of $0.1 million for USA-PA.

Depreciation expense increased $0.3 million, or 25.1% due mostly to the effect
of a one-time reconciliation adjustment in 2002.

AFUDC increased by $0.1 million for the year as Tidewater's capital program now
includes larger projects with longer construction schedules.

Other taxes increased by $0.1 million due to payroll related taxes and real
estate taxes in New Jersey and Delaware. Lower Federal income taxes of $0.3
million over last year are attributable to unfavorable operating results during
the last three months.

Net income decreased by 6.98% to $2.4 million and basic and diluted earnings per
share decreased to $0.22 from $0.24 per share.

Results of Operations - Nine Months Ended September 30, 2003

Operating revenues for the nine months rose $1.8 million or 3.91% over the same
period in 2002. Customer growth of 9.1% in Delaware provided additional facility
charges and connection fees of $1.2 million. Higher base rates in our Delaware
service territories provided $0.5 million of the increase. Cool wet weather in
the Mid Atlantic region pushed Tidewater's consumption revenue down by $0.4
million and Middlesex consumption revenue down by $0.1 million. Revenues from
our operations and maintenance contracts rose $0.5 million due to scheduled
increases in fixed fees under the City of Perth Amboy contract. Wastewater
operations in Delaware provided $0.1 million in additional revenues.

Operating expenses increased by $2.2 million or 5.8%. Costs related to main
breaks resulting from severe winter weather conditions in the first quarter of
2003 contributed to additional expenses of $0.3 million. There were higher sewer
disposal costs of $0.3 million for USA-PA. An increase in our Delaware employee
base, general wage increases and higher costs associated with employee medical
and retirement benefits pushed up costs by $0.4 million. In New Jersey, payroll
costs, employee benefits and legal fees pushed up costs by $0.8 million. Water
Treatment, Source of Supply and Pumping costs increased by $0.4 million


Other taxes increased by $0.2 million generally due to payroll related taxes and
real estate taxes in both New Jersey and Delaware. Lower Federal income taxes of
$0.5 million over last year are attributable to the unfavorable operating
results during the first nine months of 2003.

Depreciation expense increased by $0.3 million, or 7.60% due to a higher level
of utility plant in service.

Other income decreased by $0.1 million as interest rates fell on short-term cash
balance investments.

AFUDC rose $0.1 million for the year as Tidewater's capital program now includes
larger projects with longer construction schedules.

Net income decreased to $5.4 million from $5.7 million and basic and diluted
earnings per share decreased by $0.04 to $0.50.

Results of Operations - Twelve Months Ended September 30, 2003

Operating revenues for the twelve months ended September 30, 2003 were up $1.3
million to $63.8 million. Annual customer growth of 9.1% in Delaware provided
additional facility charges and connection fees of $1.4 million. Consumption
revenue fell $0.5 million in New Jersey and $0.03 million in Delaware due to
cool and wet weather in 2003. Rate increases in Delaware accounted for $0.5
million. Service fees from our operations and maintenance contracts rose $0.2
million, due to increased fixed fees for sewer disposal costs under the City of
Perth Amboy contract.

AFUDC increased by $0.1 million for the year as Tidewater's capital program now
includes larger projects with longer construction schedules.

Operating expenses increased $1.6 million or 3.2%. Operations and maintenance
expenses increased $1.9 million or 5.8%. Main breaks resulting from severe
winter weather conditions in the first quarter of 2003 pushed expenses up by
$0.4 million. In addition, water treatment expenses were up $0.4 million and
payroll, employee-related costs and auditing fees rose by $0.8 million. An
increase in our Delaware employee base, general wage increases and higher costs
associated with insurance expense pushed up costs by $0.3 million.

Depreciation increased by $0.3 million, or 5.7% due to a higher level of utility
plant in service.

Other taxes increased by $0.1 million due to higher payroll related taxes in
both New Jersey and Delaware and real estate taxes in Delaware. Federal income
taxes decreased $0.7 million, or 16.9% as a result of the lower amount of
taxable income.

Net income decreased by less than $0.1 million. Due to an increase in average
shares outstanding basic earnings per share fell by $0.02 to $0.69 and diluted
earnings per share fell by $0.03 to $0.68.

Capital Resources

The Company's capital program for 2003 is estimated to be $18.0 million and
includes $11.0 million for water system additions and improvements for our
Delaware systems, $2.7 million for the RENEW Program, which is our program to
clean and cement line approximately five miles of unlined mains in the Middlesex
system. There is a total of approximately 143 miles of unlined mains in the
730-mile Middlesex system. The capital program also includes $4.3 million for
scheduled upgrades to our existing systems in New Jersey. The scheduled upgrades
consist of $0.7 million for mains, $0.8 million for service lines, $0.3 million
for meters, $0.3 million for hydrants, $0.1 million for computer systems and
$2.1 million for various other items.



To pay for its remaining capital program in 2003, Middlesex will utilize
internally generated funds and funds available under existing New Jersey
Environmental Infrastructure Trust (NJEIT) loans and Delaware State Revolving
Funds (SRF) loans, which provides low cost financing for projects that meet
certain water quality and system improvement benchmarks. The Company will also
utilize short-term borrowings through $30.0 million of available lines of credit
with three commercial banks. At September 30, 2003, there was $12.5 million
outstanding against the lines of credit.

Going forward into 2004 through 2006, Middlesex currently projects that it will
be required to expend approximately $65.0 million for capital projects. Plans to
finance those projects are underway as the Company expects to receive approval
to borrow up to $17.0 million under the NJEIT program in November of 2004.
Middlesex is also seeking permission from the New Jersey Board of Public
Utilities (BPU) to issue up to 800,000 shares of Middlesex common stock, which
based on the common stock's closing price on September 30, 2003, could provide
up to $14.0 million if approved and actually issued. We expect to receive BPU
approval in November 2003 and ultimately issue the stock in January 2004. There
can be no assurance, however, that we will receive BPU approval or that we will
consummate any sale of our common stock. We anticipate that some additional
capital projects in Delaware will be eligible for the SRF program in that State
and are pursuing those opportunities. We also expect to use internally generated
funds and proceeds from the sale of common stock through the Dividend
Reinvestment and Common Stock Purchase Plan.

Accounting Pronouncements

The Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued Statement of Financial
Accounting Standard ("SFAS") No. 149, Amendments of Statement 133 on Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities ("SFAS 149"), which amends and clarifies
financial accounting and reporting for derivative instruments and for hedging
activities under SFAS No. 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
Activities. SFAS 149 is generally effective after June 30, 2003. The adoption of
SFAS 149 did not have any effect on the Company's financial statements.

FASB issued SFAS No. 150, Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with
Characteristics of both Liabilities And Equity ("SFAS 150"), which establishes
standards for how an issuer classifies and measures certain financial
instruments with characteristics of both liabilities and equity. SFAS 150 is
effective for financial instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003,
and otherwise is effective at the beginning of the first interim period
beginning after June 15, 2003. The adoption of SFAS 150 did not have any effect
on the Company's financial statements.

In January 2003, the FASB issued FASB Interpretation No. 46, Consolidation of
Variable Interest Entities, an interpretation of Accounting Research Bulletin
No. 51, Consolidated Financial Statements ("FIN 46"). The adoption of FIN 46 is
not expected to have any effect on the Company's financial statements.


While revenues continue to grow in Delaware because of customer growth and rate
increases, cool wet weather has reduced consumption demands in our New Jersey
and Delaware systems. This trend has continued into the fourth quarter in both
New Jersey and Delaware. Also, certain operating costs will continue to increase
as we


go forward. With the deregulation of the electricity generation market in New
Jersey on August 1, 2003, Middlesex electric commodity costs have increased over
40%. On that same date the remaining regulated portion of the electricity rates
rose 15%. The New Jersey Water Supply Authority has changed the way it contracts
for supplemental water purchases with all contract customers, including
Middlesex. These changes, which are effective January 1, 2004, are expected to
increase our cost of raw water by at least 8.5%. Costs for the employee pension
plan continue to rise as the return on plan assets have dropped due to the
overall performance of the stock market prior to 2003. These increasing costs,
when added to already higher costs for business insurances and security costs,
prompted Middlesex to file for a 17.82% base rate increase with the BPU on
November 5, 2003. The Company currently anticipates that this matter could be
decided by the summer of 2004. There is no certainty that the BPU will approve
any or all of the requested increase.

Tidewater received approval for a 2.49% Distribution System Improvement Charge
(DSIC) from the Delaware Public Service Commission (PSC), effective for services
rendered on or after July 1, 2003. The DSIC is a separate rate mechanism that
allows for cost recovery of certain capital improvement costs incurred in
between base rate filings. Delaware regulated water utilities are allowed to
apply for a DSIC every six months with the maximum increase limited to 5.0% in
any six month period and a 7.5% overall limitation. Tidewater expects to file
for another DSIC to be effective January 1, 2004, which can not exceed 2.51%
based on the aforementioned annual limit. In addition, because Tidewater
continues to make significant capital additions and improvements to its new and
existing systems, it believes it will be necessary to file for a base rate
increase by early Spring 2004. That increase request, which is expected to be in
excess of 20%, is due to the $20.0 million of additional utility plant placed in
service or to be placed in service since the last rate case.

The Company continues to pursue regulated and non-regulated opportunities in New
Jersey and Delaware. White Marsh Environmental Systems, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Tidewater, has begun a campaign to acquire contracts to operate
non-regulated wastewater systems throughout Delaware. Systems currently under
contract or expected to be signed shortly will generate annual revenues of
approximately $130,000. Although the expected results of operations are not
material compared to the consolidated group, we believe it puts us in a better
position to obtain additional wastewater and water projects in Delaware.

Forward Looking Information

Certain matters discussed in this report on Form 10-Q are "forward-looking
statements" intended to qualify for safe harbors from liability established by
the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may
address future plans, objectives, expectations and events concerning various
matters such as capital expenditures, earnings, litigation, growth potential,
rate and other regulatory matters, liquidity, capital resources and accounting
matters. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those
currently anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation
to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result
of new information, future events or otherwise.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures of Market Risk

The Company is subject to the risk of fluctuating interest rates in the normal
course of business. Our policy is to manage interest rates through the use of
fixed rate, long-term debt and, to a lesser extent, short-term debt. The
Company's interest rate risk related to existing fixed rate, long-term debt is
not material due to the term of the majority of our First Mortgage Bonds, which
have maturity dates ranging from 2009 to 2038. Over the next twelve months,
approximately $1.1 million of the current portion of nine existing long-term
debt instruments will mature. Applying a hypothetical change in the rate of
interest charged by 10% on those borrowings would not have a material effect on


Item 4.  Controls and Procedures

As required by Rule 13a-15 under the Exchange Act, an evaluation of the
effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company's disclosure controls
and procedures was conducted by the Company's Chief Executive Officer along with
the Company's Chief Financial Officer. Based upon that evaluation, the Company's
Chief Executive Officer and the Company's Chief Financial Officer concluded that
the Company's disclosure controls and procedures are effective as of the end of
the period covered by this Report. There have been no significant changes in the
Company's internal controls or in other factors, which could significantly
affect internal controls during the quarter ended September 30, 2003.

Disclosure controls and procedures are controls and other procedures that are
designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in Company reports
filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and
reported, within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange
Commission's rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include,
without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information
required to be disclosed in Company reports filed under the Exchange Act is
accumulated and communicated to management, including the Company's Chief
Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer as appropriate, to allow timely
decisions regarding disclosure.

                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.   Legal Proceedings

          A claim against the Company for damages involving the break of both a
          Company water line and an underground electric power cable containing
          both electric lines and petroleum based insulating fluid was recently
          settled. The counterclaim was dismissed and submitted to binding
          arbitration which is still pending. In the arbitration, the maximum
          damages for which the Company may be responsible is $250,000.
          Management is unable to determine the outcome of the arbitration.

          Another claim is pending involving a construction subcontractor, the
          Company's general contractor and the Company concerning a major
          construction project. The dispute relates to work required to be
          performed under a construction contract and related subcontracts and
          includes payment issues and timing/delay issues. The matter was
          instituted in 2001 and is pending in Superior Court, Middlesex County,
          New Jersey. The full amount at issue is not fully known at this stage
          of the litigation. At this time, management is unable to determine the
          impact, if any, on the financial statements. The Company's maximum
          exposure in this litigation is estimated to be $5.2 million.

Item 2.   Changes in Securities
Item 3.   Defaults upon Senior Securities
Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


Item 5.   Other Information
Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
          (a) Exhibits:    Exhibit 31:    Section 302 Certification by
                                          Dennis G. Sullivan Pursuant to Rules
                                          13a-14 and 15d-14 of  the Securities
                                          Exchange Act of 1934

                           Exhibit 31.1:  Section 302 Certification by
                                          A. Bruce O'Connor Pursuant to Rules
                                          13a-14 and 15d-14 of the Securities
                                          Exchange Act of 1934

                           Exhibit 32:    Section 906 Certification by
                                          Dennis G. Sullivan Pursuant to
                                          18 U.S.C. ss.1350

                           Exhibit 32.1:  Section 906 Certification by
                                          A. Bruce O'Connor Pursuant to 18
                                          U.S.C. ss.1350
          (b) Reports
              on Form 8-K: Filed September 16, 2003 for Stock Split and Stock
                                 Offering Disclosure.
                           Filed October 31, 2003 for Third Quarter
                                 Earnings Release.
                           Filed November 6, 2003 for  Middlesex Water Company
                                 Rate Case Filing.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY

                                        By:   /s/A. Bruce O'Connor
                                                    A. Bruce O'Connor
                                             Vice President and Controller and
                                                  Chief Financial Officer
