Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

[x] Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934

For the Period Ended March 31, 2002


[_]  Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934

For the Transition Period From  _____________ to _____________

                          Commission file number  1-652

                              UNIVERSAL CORPORATION
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

             VIRGINIA                                  54-0414210
-------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
 incorporation or organization)

 1501 North Hamilton Street, Richmond, Virginia                 23230
--------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------
    (Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code - (804) 359-9311

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant
was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                           Yes  X     No ________

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the Registrant's classes of
Common Stock as of the latest practicable date:

Common Stock, No par value - 26,167,983 shares outstanding as of May 2, 2002



Universal Corporation and Subsidiaries
Three and Nine Months Ended March 31, 2002 and 2001
(In thousands of dollars, except per share data)

                                                                   THREE MONTHS                  NINE MONTHS
                                                                2002           2001          2002          2001
Sales and other operating revenues                           $ 547,073     $  756,168   $  1,907,725   $  2,401,995

Costs and expenses
    Cost of goods sold                                         419,996        615,536      1,530,497      2,016,183
    Selling, general and administrative expenses                68,861         66,542        203,867        196,631

Operating Income                                                58,216         74,090        173,361        189,181
    Equity in pretax earnings of unconsolidated
      affiliates                                                 8,168          3,720          9,711          5,592
    Interest expense                                            11,577         14,982         37,495         47,090

Income before income taxes and other items                      54,807         62,828        145,577        147,683
    Income taxes                                                19,182         22,618         50,952         53,166
    Minority interests                                           2,511          4,343          4,091          5,823

Net Income                                                   $  33,114     $   35,867   $     90,534   $     88,694

Earnings per common share                                    $    1.26     $     1.32   $       3.39   $       3.22

Diluted earnings per share                                   $    1.26     $     1.31   $       3.38   $       3.20

Retained earnings - beginning of period                                                 $    540,546   $    499,490
    Net income                                                                                90,534         88,694
    Cash dividends declared ($1.00 - 2002, $.95 -
      2001)                                                                                  (26,501)       (25,504)
    Purchase of common stock, net of shares issued                                           (38,242)       (32,527)
Retained earnings - end of period                                                       $    566,337   $    530,153

See accompanying notes.


Universal Corporation and Subsidiaries
(In thousands of dollars)

                                                                  March 31,              June 30,
                                                                   2002                   2001
                                                               -------------          ------------

    Cash and cash equivalents                                  $    61,836            $   109,540
    Accounts receivable                                            248,173                330,146
    Advances to suppliers                                           92,788                 66,683
    Accounts receivable - unconsolidated affiliates                  7,675                  3,531
    Inventories - at lower of cost or market:
        Tobacco                                                    507,136                389,520
        Lumber and building products                                76,690                 78,945
        Agri-products                                               79,558                 80,168
        Other                                                       22,207                 26,176
    Prepaid income taxes                                            12,393                 17,683
    Deferred income taxes                                            8,030                  8,256
    Other current assets                                            18,252                 21,998
        Total current assets                                     1,134,738              1,132,646

Property, plant and equipment - at cost
    Land                                                            26,593                 26,523
    Buildings                                                      247,281                236,875
    Machinery and equipment                                        545,186                500,505
                                                                   819,060                763,903
        Less accumulated depreciation                              442,181                425,808
                                                                   376,879                338,095
    Goodwill                                                       117,330                111,341
    Other intangibles                                               10,035                 12,191
    Investments in unconsolidated affiliates                        81,761                 78,860
    Deferred income taxes                                           38,795                 37,620
    Other noncurrent assets                                         89,838                 71,620
                                                                   337,759                311,632

                                                               $ 1,849,376            $ 1,782,373

See accompanying notes.


Universal Corporation and Subsidiaries
(In thousands of dollars)

                                                             March 31,              June 30,
                                                               2002                   2001
                                                         ------------------     ------------------

  Notes payable and overdrafts                            $   175,840           $    190,776
  Accounts payable                                            249,239                241,607
  Accounts payable - unconsolidated affiliates                  2,720                  4,967
  Customer advances and deposits                               92,218                 96,166
  Accrued compensation                                         18,463                 22,020
  Income taxes payable                                         37,522                 23,789
  Current portion of long-term obligations                    120,335                  2,440
        Total current liabilities                             696,337                581,765

Long-term obligations                                         434,270                515,349

Postretirement benefits other than pensions                    39,213                 39,088

Other long-term liabilities                                    75,017                 59,351

Deferred income taxes                                           2,581                  6,380

Minority interests                                             27,883                 28,311

Shareholders' equity
  Preferred stock, no par value, authorized 5,000,000
   shares none issued or outstanding
  Common stock, no par value, authorized 100,000,000
   shares, issued and outstanding 26,194,083 shares
   (27,184,663 at June 30, 2001)                               84,016                 85,582
  Retained earnings                                           566,337                540,546
  Accumulated other comprehensive income                      (76,278)               (73,999)

         Total shareholders' equity                           574,075                552,129
                                                          $ 1,849,376           $  1,782,373

See accompanying notes.


Universal Corporation and Subsidiaries
Nine months ended March 31, 2002 and 2001
(In thousands of dollars)

                                                                     2002                   2001
                                                                 ------------          ---------------
  Net income                                                       $   90,534               $   88,694
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
   cash provided by operating activities                               49,000                   39,000
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities                         (51,238)                 (85,753)
    Net cash provided by operating activities                          88,296                   41,941

  Purchase of property, plant and equipment                           (79,000)                 (47,300)
  Purchase of business, net of cash acquired                          (14,000)                       -
  Sales of property, plant and equipment                                    -                    9,500
    Net cash used in investing activities                             (93,000)                 (37,800)

  Repayment of short-term debt, net                                   (15,000)                (114,000)
  Repayment of long-term debt                                               -                 (120,000)
  Issuance of long-term debt                                           38,500                  295,000
  Purchases of common stock                                           (41,000)                 (35,100)
  Issuance of common stock                                              1,000                   10,000
  Dividends paid                                                      (26,500)                 (25,500)
    Net cash provided (used) in financing activities                  (43,000)                  10,400

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                  (47,704)                  14,541
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                        109,540                   61,395

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                         $   61,836               $   75,936

See accompanying notes.


Universal Corporation and Subsidiaries
March 31, 2002

All figures contained herein are unaudited.

1).  Universal Corporation, with its subsidiaries (the "Company"), has seasonal
     operations in tobacco, lumber and building products, and agri-products.
     Therefore, the results of operations for the quarter and nine-months ended
     March 31, 2002, are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected
     for the year ending June 30, 2002. All adjustments necessary to state
     fairly the results for such periods have been included and were of a normal
     recurring nature. Certain amounts in prior year statements have been
     reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation.

2).  Contingent liabilities: The Company provides guarantees for seasonal
     pre-export crop financing for some of its subsidiaries. The Company's
     exposure around the world varies seasonally and is affected by the method
     of funding working capital and the speed of shipment. In addition, certain
     subsidiaries provide guarantees that ensure that value-added taxes will be
     repaid if the crops are not exported. At March 31, 2002, total exposure
     under guarantees issued for banking facilities of Brazilian farmers was
     approximately $67 million. Other contingent liabilities approximate $22
     million. The Company considers the possibility of significant loss on any
     of these guarantees to be remote. The Company's Brazilian subsidiaries have
     been notified by the tax authorities of proposed adjustments to income tax
     returns filed in prior years. The total proposed adjustments, including
     penalties and interest, approximate $18 million. The Company believes the
     Brazilian tax returns filed were in compliance with the applicable tax
     code. The numerous proposed adjustments vary in complexity and amount.
     While it is not feasible to predict the precise amount or timing of each
     proposed adjustment, the Company believes that the ultimate disposition
     will not have a material adverse effect on the Company's consolidated
     financial position or results of operations.

     Although the Company does not expect any significant impact on fiscal year
     2002 earnings, if the political situation in Zimbabwe were to deteriorate
     significantly, the Company's ability to recover its assets there could be
     impaired. The Company's equity in the net assets of its subsidiaries in
     Zimbabwe was approximately $45 million at March 31, 2002.

     The Company exports tobacco from Argentina through one or more subsidiaries
     and the recent government actions there could affect its operations in the
     future. The currency devaluation should provide benefits to exporters;
     however it, along with evolving governmental policies, could further
     jeopardize the value of assets in that country. Company subsidiaries had
     approximately $30 million of such assets as of March 31, 2002 before
     considering a $4.7 million charge, which was recorded in the Company's
     second fiscal quarter. In addition, the Company has $5 million in
     peso-denominated liabilities.


     The Directorate General Competition of the European Commission (DG Comp) is
     investigating the buying practices of Spanish tobacco processors with the
     stated aim of determining to what extent the tobacco processing companies
     have jointly agreed on raw tobacco qualities and prices offered to Spanish
     tobacco growers. After conducting an investigation, the Company believes
     that Spanish tobacco processors, including the Company's Spanish
     subsidiary, Tabacos Espanoles, S.A. ("TAES"), have jointly agreed to the
     terms of sale of green tobacco and quantities to be purchased from
     associations of farmers and have jointly negotiated with those
     associations. TAES is cooperating fully with the DG Comp in its
     investigation and believes that there are unusual, mitigating circumstances
     peculiar to the highly-structured market for green tobacco in Spain.
     Although the fine, if any, that the DG Comp may assess on TAES could be
     material to the Company's earnings, the Company is not able to make an
     accurate assessment of the amount of any such fine at this time.

3).  On July 1, 2001, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
     Standards No. 141, "Business Combinations," and No. 142, "Goodwill and
     Other Intangible Assets." The adoption of these standards did not have a
     material impact on the quarterly consolidated financial position or results
     of operations for the Company.

     In October 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No.
     144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets." This
     Statement establishes a single accounting model for the impairment or
     disposal of long-lived assets. As required by SFAS No. 144, the Company
     will adopt this new accounting standard on July 1, 2002. The Company
     believes the adoption of SFAS No. 144 will not have a material impact on
     its financial statements.

4).  During fiscal years 2000 and 2001, the Company adopted restructuring plans
     with a total cost of $19.7 million. During the three- and nine-month
     periods ended March 31, 2002, the Company made $400 thousand and $4.3
     million in cash payments to 46 and 243 employees, respectively. No
     additional restructuring costs were recorded during the quarter. The
     remaining liability for severance payments as of March 31, 2002, was $2.1
     million and will be paid during fiscal years 2002 and 2003.


5).   The following table sets forth the computation of earnings per share and
      diluted earnings per share.

                                                           THREE MONTHS                      NINE MONTHS
Periods ended March 31,                                2002            2001             2002             2001
Net income (in thousands of dollars)           $     33,114        $     35,867     $     90,534   $      88,694

Denominator for earnings per share:
     Weighted average shares                     26,303,870          27,267,852       26,683,863      27,586,075

Effect of dilutive securities:
     Employee stock options                          69,969             163,348          105,956          89,520
Denominator for diluted earnings per share
                                                 26,373,839          27,431,200       26,789,819      27,675,595

Earnings per share                             $       1.26        $       1.32     $       3.39   $        3.22

Diluted earnings per share                     $       1.26        $       1.31     $       3.38   $        3.20

6).   Comprehensive Income:

                                                      THREE MONTHS                       NINE MONTHS
Periods ended March 31,                           2002            2001              2002            2001
(in thousands of dollars)

Net income                                    $  33,114       $   35,867        $  90,534       $  88,694

Foreign currency translation adjustment          (4,464)          10,948           (2,279)          1,022

Comprehensive income                          $  28,650       $   46,815        $  88,255       $  89,716


7).   Segments are based on product categories. The Company evaluates
      performance based on segment operating income including equity in pretax
      earnings of unconsolidated affiliates.

                                                 THREE MONTHS                      NINE MONTHS
Periods ended March 31,                      2002            2001             2002             2001
(in thousands of dollars)
    Tobacco                             $   331,143     $   522,828      $  1,197,780   $   1,683,149
    Lumber and building products            120,727         118,882           387,544         371,582
    Agri-products                            95,203         114,458           322,401         347,264
        Consolidated total              $   547,073     $   756,168      $  1,907,725   $   2,401,995

    Tobacco                             $    63,792     $    75,734      $    169,797   $     180,925
    Lumber and building products              4,714           4,181            18,407          17,931
    Agri-products                             2,985           3,663            10,313          11,473
        Total                                71,491          83,578           198,517         210,329
    Corporate expenses                        5,107           5,768            15,445          15,556
    Equity in pretax earnings of
    unconsolidated affiliates                 8,168           3,720             9,711           5,592
        Consolidated total              $    58,216     $    74,090      $    173,361   $     189,181

8).   Depreciation and amortization for the three- and nine-month periods are as

                                                  THREE MONTHS                      NINE MONTHS
Periods ended March 31,                       2002            2001             2002             2001
(in thousands of dollars)
Depreciation                              $ 13,326       $  11,416         $  36,803       $  32,534

Amortization                              $  1,192       $   1,880         $   3,745       $   5,720



Liquidity and Capital Resources

Working capital at March 31, 2002, was $438 million compared to $551 million at
June 30, 2001. The decrease in working capital was the result of an increase in
current liabilities of $115 million, primarily due to the reclassification of
maturing debt to current liabilities. In the United States, tobacco working
capital needs are normally at their lowest point at June 30. Tobacco inventories
increase during the nine-month period in Africa and the United States, as
tobacco is purchased from farmers and at auction. The purchased tobacco is
financed with cash, notes payable and customer deposits. The mix of notes
payable and customer advances is dependent upon both the Company's and its
customers' borrowing capabilities, interest rates, and exchange rates. The
Company does not purchase material quantities of tobacco on a speculative basis;
thus the increase in inventory represents primarily tobacco that has been
committed to customers.

Generally, the Company's international tobacco operations conduct business in
U.S. dollars, thereby limiting foreign exchange risk to local production and
overhead costs. Agri-product and lumber operations enter into foreign exchange
contracts to hedge firm purchase and sales commitments for terms of less than
six months. Interest rate risk is limited because customers in the tobacco
business usually pre-finance purchases or pay market rates of interest for
inventory purchased for their accounts.

On October 23, 2001, the Board of Directors increased the Company's authority to
repurchase its common shares by $150 million. The purchase programs, which began
in 1998, provide for purchases of up to $450 million worth of the Company's
common stock. As of March 31, 2002, the Company had purchased, pursuant to these
programs, an aggregate of 10.5 million shares of Universal common stock for
approximately $293 million.

On April 11, 2002, the Company entered into $295 million in new revolving credit
facilities. The facilities replaced those totaling $225 million, which the
Company terminated on that date. These facilities are intended to support
short-term borrowings, including the issuance of commercial paper. Under its
terms, each facility may be extended to, or matures on April 11, 2004.

On December 28, 2001, one of the Company's subsidiaries entered into a secured,
multi-draw, $75 million term loan facility. This financing was put in place to
fund the previously announced construction of a new factory in Nash County,
North Carolina and the upgrade of an existing plant in Danville, Virginia. The
facility is guaranteed by the Company and is secured by assets of the projects.
It matures on December 28, 2007, and under some conditions, the subsidiary can
exercise an extension option for an additional four years. The Company had
borrowed $30 million under the loan facility as of March 31, 2002. Long-term
obligations decreased during the nine months due to the reclassification of $120
million in maturing debt to current liabilities.


Management believes that the liquidity and capital resources of the Company at
March 31, 2002, remain adequate to support the Company's foreseeable operating

Results of Operations

`Sales and Other Operating Revenues' decreased $209 million or 28% in the third
quarter of fiscal year 2002 and $494 million for the nine-month period ending
March 31, 2002. In the quarter, tobacco revenues were down by $192 million; and
agri-products revenues decreased by $19 million. Last year's revenue included
the value of tobacco purchased at auction in the United States; a number of U.S.
manufacturers are now purchasing tobacco directly from farmers. Revenue for the
third quarter of fiscal year 2002 also reflects smaller crops in Africa and
Brazil this year as well as differences in shipment timing. Agri-products
revenues have declined due to weaknesses in the tea and rubber markets.

Fiscal year 2002 segment operating income in the third quarter and nine-month
period decreased by $12 million, compared to the same period last year. Tobacco
earnings for the quarter were $12 million lower than the prior year's third
quarter and $11 million lower than the prior year's nine-month period. Tobacco
results were lower in the quarter primarily due to a significant decline in
shipments from Zimbabwe compared to last year's third quarter and the continuing
impact of higher costs and the change in the marketing system in the United
States. Zimbabwe's crop was smaller this year and shipments to customers last
year were more concentrated in the third and fourth quarters. For the nine-month
period, shipments from Africa were ahead of last year's pace with larger volumes
from Malawi compensating for the lower shipments from Zimbabwe. Volumes from
Brazil's smaller crop were also lower in the quarter but are up for the
nine-month period due to strong shipments in the first half of the year.
Oriental leaf volumes were higher in both periods while lower cigar filler sales
reduced dark tobacco results for the quarter and the nine months.

In the non-tobacco area, lumber and building products operations continue to
perform well despite declines in the euro exchange rate compared to last year
and despite signs of a significant drop in construction activity in the
Netherlands. Agri-products results continued to suffer from unfavorable market
conditions for rubber, sunflower seeds and tea.

Interest expense decreased for the quarter and nine-month period due to lower
interest rates and lower borrowing levels. The Company's estimated effective tax
rate in fiscal year 2002 declined slightly from the prior year's annual rate to

The economic, financial and political situation in Argentina remains chaotic,
and it is unclear at this time how future developments there might affect the
value of the Company's Argentine assets. However, at this time, management's
best estimate is for net earnings of about $100 million for the full fiscal


Critical Accounting Estimates and Assumptions

In preparing the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP), management is required to make estimates and
assumptions that have an impact on the assets, liabilities, revenue, and expense
amounts reported. These estimates can also affect supplemental information
disclosures of the Company, including information about contingencies, risk, and
financial condition. The Company believes, given current facts and
circumstances, its estimates and assumptions are reasonable, adhere to generally
accepted accounting principles, and are consistently applied. The Company's most
critical accounting estimates and assumptions are in the following areas:


         The Company writes down inventory for changes in market value based
upon assumptions related to future demand and market conditions. If actual
demand or market conditions are less favorable that those projected by
management, additional inventory write downs may be required.

Intangible Assets

         The Company reviews the carrying value of goodwill annually utilizing a
discounted cash flow model. Changes in estimates of future cash flows caused by
items such as unforeseen events or changes in market conditions, could result in
an impairment charge.

Income Taxes

         The Company, through its subsidiaries, is subject to the tax laws of
many jurisdiction. The Company is subject to a tax audit in each of these
jurisdictions, which could result in changes to the estimated taxes. In
addition, the Company makes assumptions regarding the future utilization of
foreign tax credits, alternative minimum tax credits and tax loss carryforward.
These assumptions could be affected by changes in future taxable income and its
sources and changes in US or foreign tax laws or rates. The effective tax rate
for the Company could be impacted by changes in these assumptions.

Pension Plans and Post Retirement Benefits

         Pension and other post-retirement plans' costs require the use of
assumptions for discount rates, investment returns, projected salary increases
and benefits, mortality rates, and health care cost trend rates. The actuarial
assumptions used in the Company's pension reporting are reviewed annually and
compared with external benchmarks to ensure that they accurately account for the
Company's future pension obligations. See note 6 of the Company's Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2001, for a discussion of these
assumptions and how a change in certain of these assumptions could affect the
Company's earnings.


Other Information regarding Trends and Management's Actions

The months ahead will continue to be challenging. While supply and demand
conditions in world tobacco markets appear to have improved, the Company remains
concerned about the impact of the continuing political and economic uncertainty
in Zimbabwe on the future viability of the tobacco industry in that country. The
position of the United States as a supplier of quality tobacco also continues to
erode due to structural problems and non-competitive prices. On the other hand,
the Brazilian market, where a record flue-cured crop is now being processed and
sold, and developments in a number of African tobacco producing countries appear
to provide good opportunities for the future. The Company's lumber and building
products companies will face challenges in the months ahead due to a slackening
of economic activity in Holland and the recent sharp decline in new
construction. The impact of this decline has so far been buffered somewhat by
maintenance of good sales volumes in the building renovation and the
do-it-yourself sectors. Markets for agri-products remain difficult.

Readers are cautioned that the statements contained herein regarding expected
earnings and expectations for the Company's performance are forward-looking
statements based upon management's current knowledge and assumptions about
future events, including anticipated levels of production and supply of the
Company's products and services, costs incurred in providing these products and
services, timing of shipments to customers, changes in market structure, and
general economic, political, market and weather conditions. Lumber and building
products earnings are also affected by changes in exchange rates between the
U.S. dollar and the euro. Actual results, therefore, could vary from those
expected. Reference is made to Items 1 and 7 and the Notes to the Consolidated
Financial Statements in Item 8 of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001, regarding important factors that could
cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any
forward-looking statement made by or on behalf of the Company, including
forward-looking statements contained in Item 2 of this Form 10-Q.



ITEM 1.   Legal Proceedings

On February 26, 2001, Universal Leaf Tobacco Company, Incorporated, J.P. Taylor
Company, Incorporated and Southwestern Tobacco Company, Incorporated, which are
subsidiaries of Universal Corporation (the "Company Subsidiaries"), were served
with the Third Amended Complaint, naming them and other leaf tobacco merchants
as defendants in DeLoach, et al. v. Philip Morris Inc., et al., a suit
originally filed against U.S. cigarette manufacturers in the United States
District Court for the District of Columbia and now pending in the United States
District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina, Greensboro Division
(Case No. 00-CV-1235) (the "DeLoach Suit"). The DeLoach Suit is a purported
class action brought on behalf of U.S. tobacco growers and quota holders that
alleges that defendants violated antitrust laws by bid-rigging at tobacco
auctions and by conspiring to undermine the tobacco quota and price support
program administered by the federal government. Plaintiffs seek injunctive
relief, trebled damages in an unspecified amount, pre- and post-judgment
interest, attorneys' fees and costs of litigation. On April 3, 2002, the
District Court issued an opinion and order certifying the class. The Company
Subsidiaries have petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
for appeal of the class certification pursuant to Rule 23(f) of the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure, and are awaiting the court's response to that
petition. Regardless of the outcome of such petition and any consequent appeal,
the Company Subsidiaries intend to vigorously defend the DeLoach Suit. The suit
is still in its initial stages, and at this time no estimate of the impact on
the Company that could result from an unfavorable outcome at trial can be made.

The Directorate General Competition of the European Commission ("DG Comp") is
investigating the buying practices of Spanish tobacco processors with the stated
aim of determining to what extent the tobacco processing companies have jointly
agreed on raw tobacco qualities and prices offered to Spanish tobacco growers.
After conducting an investigation, the Company believes that Spanish tobacco
processors, including the Company's Spanish subsidiary, Tabacos Espanoles, S.A.
("TAES"), have jointly agreed to the terms of sale of green tobacco and
quantities to be purchased from associations of Spanish farmers and have jointly
negotiated with those associations. TAES is cooperating fully with the DG Comp
in its investigation and believes that there are unusual, mitigating
circumstances peculiar to the highly-structured market for green tobacco in
Spain. Although the fine, if any, that the DG Comp may assess on TAES could be
material to the Company's earnings, the Company is not able to make an accurate
assessment of the amount of any such fine at this time.

The Company is also aware that the DG Comp is investigating certain aspects of
the tobacco leaf markets in Italy. The Company has a subsidiary, Deltafina,
S.p.A., that buys and processes tobacco in Italy. The Company does not believe
that the DG Comp investigation in Italy will result in penalties being assessed
against it or its subsidiaries that would be material to the Company's earnings.


ITEM 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         a.    Exhibits

               12. Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges *

         b.    Reports on Form 8-K

               Report on Form 8-K dated January 18, 2002, reporting
               investigation by European Union Competition Directorate of
               Spanish tobacco processors including the Company's subsidiary.

               Report on Form 8-K dated February 8, 2002, filing press release
               announcing second quarter earnings and press release announcing
               quarterly dividend.

               Report on Form 8-K dated February 20, 2002, filing Fixed Rate
               Note due on February 15, 2007.

   * - Filed herewith



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 6, 2002                        UNIVERSAL CORPORATION
      -----------             ---------------------------------------------

                                         /s/ Hartwell H. Roper
                                    Hartwell H. Roper, Vice President and
                                         Chief Financial Officer

                                         /s/ James A. Huffman
                                             James A. Huffman, Controller
                                             (Principal Accounting Officer)