Pitney Bowes Announces Second Quarter 2014 Results

Pitney Bowes Inc. (NYSE:PBI) today reported financial results for the second quarter 2014.


  • Revenue of $958 million, up 1 percent as reported and flat on a constant currency basis
  • Adjusted EPS from continuing operations of $0.46
  • GAAP EPS from continuing operations of $0.43; GAAP EPS of $0.46
  • Free cash flow of $162 million; cash from operations of $175 million
  • The Company increases 2014 guidance for revenue growth and adjusted EPS from continuing operations; narrows the range for GAAP EPS from continuing operations; and reaffirms free cash flow guidance for the year

“We are pleased with our second quarter financial results, which are consistent with our long-term strategic direction,” said Marc B. Lautenbach, President and CEO, Pitney Bowes. “Our Digital Commerce business performed very well, delivering 27 percent revenue growth, while profitability in our core mailing businesses continued to improve.

“Our performance through the first six months continues to substantiate the strategy we detailed 15 months ago, and further validates our long-term economic model. We remain ahead of schedule in our multi-year journey to transform Pitney Bowes and are confident in our ability to deliver against our objectives. As a result, we are increasing our 2014 guidance for both revenue and adjusted earnings per share.”


Revenue in the second quarter totaled $958 million, which was growth of 1 percent on a reported basis and flat on a constant currency basis. On a reported basis, revenue for the quarter benefited from 27 percent growth in the Digital Commerce Solutions segment. Revenue in the Small and Medium Business (SMB) Solutions group declined 3 percent, primarily resulting from an acceleration in the implementation of the channel shift strategy. The Enterprise Business Solutions revenue declined 8 percent when compared to the prior year, which included revenue from large deals in the Production Mail segment.

Adjusted earnings per diluted share from continuing operations for the second quarter 2014 were $0.46 compared with $0.46 for the second quarter 2013, which included $0.05 per share of non-recurring tax benefits. Excluding the tax benefits in the prior year, adjusted earnings per share this year increased 11 percent versus the prior year.

Second quarter earnings per diluted share from continuing operations, on a Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) basis were $0.43. GAAP earnings per diluted share from continuing operations included a restructuring charge of $0.03 per share associated with the previously announced cost reduction plans.

GAAP earnings per diluted share of $0.46 included income from discontinued operations of $0.03 per share.

Earnings Per Share Reconciliation*Q2 2014Q2 2013
Adjusted EPS from continuing operations$0.46$0.46
Restructuring charges ($0.03 ) ($0.06 )
GAAP EPS from continuing operations$0.43$0.39
Discontinued operations – income (loss) $0.03 ($0.44 )
GAAP EPS$0.46($0.05)
* The sum of the earnings per share may not equal the totals above due to rounding.


Free cash flow for the quarter was $162 million, while on a GAAP basis the Company generated $175 million in cash from operations. In comparison to the prior year, free cash flow benefited from the timing of tax payments and growth in bank reserve deposits. During the quarter, the Company used $47 million of cash for dividends and $15 million for restructuring payments.


The Company’s business segment reporting reflects the clients served in each market and the way it manages these segments. The reporting segment groups are: Small & Medium Business (SMB) Solutions group; Enterprise Business Solutions group; and the Digital Commerce Solutions segment.

The Small and Medium Business (SMB) Solutions group offers mailing equipment, financing, services and supplies for small and medium businesses to efficiently create mail and evidence postage. This group includes the North America Mailing and International Mailing segments. North America Mailing includes the operations of U.S. and Canada Mailing. International Mailing includes all other SMB operations around the world.

The Enterprise Business Solutions group provides mailing equipment and services for large enterprise clients to process mail, including sortation services to qualify large mail volumes for postal worksharing discounts. This group includes the global Production Mail and Presort Services segments.

The Digital Commerce Solutions segment leverages digital and mobile channels that make the Company’s clients’ customer-facing functions more effective. This segment includes software, marketing services, a digital document exchange, shipping and ecommerce solutions.

SMB Solutions Group

2Q 2014Y-O-Y ChangeChange ex Currency
Revenue $524 million (3 %) (4 %)
EBIT $183 million 3 %

Within the SMB Solutions Group:

North America Mailing

2Q 2014 Y-O-Y Change Change ex Currency
Revenue $371 million (5 %) (5 %)
EBIT $157 million 0 %

The North America Mailing business accelerated the implementation of the SMB go-to-market strategy, resulting in lower equipment sales revenue in the first two months of the quarter. Results in the month of June, however, were back on trend. Recurring revenue streams declined at a lesser rate than prior year, supporting the Company’s long-term stabilization objective, and benefited from continued growth in supplies revenue.

As a result of the accelerated go-to-market implementation and lower marketing spend than the previous year, EBIT margin improved during the quarter.

International Mailing

2Q 2014

Y-O-Y Change

Change ex Currency
Revenue $153 million 2 % (2 %)
EBIT $ 26 million 32 %

The modest revenue decline, on a constant currency basis, in International Mailing resulted from lower equipment sales in Europe. However, as a result of the stabilizing installed equipment base in prior periods, the segment continues to experience an improvement in year-over-year trend for recurring revenue streams. EBIT margin improved versus the prior year due to cost reduction initiatives, including the go-to-market implementation.

Enterprise Business Solutions Group

2Q 2014Y-O-Y ChangeChange ex Currency
Revenue $223 million (8 %) (8 %)
EBIT $ 33 million (11 %)

Within the Enterprise Business Solutions Group:

Worldwide Production Mail

2Q 2014 Y-O-Y Change Change ex Currency
Revenue $112 million (17 %) (18 %)
EBIT $ 11 million (33 %)

The Production Mail revenue comparison this quarter reflected the impact of several large inserting and production print equipment installations in the second quarter of the prior year. However, recurring revenue continued to benefit from an increase in supplies revenue related to growth in the production printer installed base. EBIT margin was impacted by the lower revenue and the related margin contribution.

Presort Services

2Q 2014 Y-O-Y Change Change ex Currency
Revenue $111 million 4 % 4 %
EBIT $ 22 million 5 %

Presort Services revenue benefited from ongoing improved qualification of mail for presort discounts. EBIT margin improved versus the prior year due to lower facility costs and improved operational productivity.

Digital Commerce Solutions

2Q 2014Y-O-Y ChangeChange ex Currency
Revenue $211 million 27 % 26 %
EBIT $ 18 million 17 %

Digital Commerce Solutions revenue benefited primarily from continued strong growth in the Company’s ecommerce solutions for cross-border package delivery. The Company also experienced improved revenue growth in the other major elements of the Digital Commerce Solutions segment, including software, shipping solutions and marketing services. Software revenue benefited from license sales in the business applications vertical market. EBIT and EBIT margin reflect the benefit of revenue growth, partially offset by continued investments in ecommerce technology and infrastructure. EBIT margin was also impacted by investment in software channel specialization and increased research and development spend.


This guidance discusses future results which are inherently subject to unforeseen risks and developments. As such, discussions about the business outlook should be read in the context of an uncertain future, as well as the risk factors identified in the safe harbor language at the end of this release and as more fully outlined in the Company's 2013 Form 10-K Annual Report and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Based on results year-to-date and the outlook for the remainder of the year, the Company is increasing annual guidance for revenue growth and adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations and narrowing the range for GAAP earnings per share from continuing operations. The Company is reaffirming annual guidance for free cash flow.

The Company now expects:

  • Revenue to be in the range of one to three percent growth when compared to the prior year versus the one percent decline to two percent growth range previously expected. Guidance excludes the impacts of currency and reflects the expected ongoing stabilization of the mail-related businesses, as well as continued growth in Digital Commerce Solutions;
  • Adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations to be in the range of $1.80 to $1.90 versus the range of $1.75 to $1.90 previously expected. Guidance reflects the operational performance year-to-date; the increased revenue outlook; and the timing of investment in solutions and infrastructure, such as ERP;
  • GAAP earnings per share from continuing operations to be in the range of $1.55 to $1.65 versus the range of $1.53 to $1.68 previously expected. Guidance reflects the incremental $0.03 per share charge for restructuring costs this quarter, which now total $0.06 per share year-to date and $0.19 per share of debt extinguishment costs in the first quarter.

The Company still expects:

  • Free cash flow to be in the range of $475 million to $575 million.

This guidance excludes any further actions that are under consideration by the Company to streamline its operations and further reduce its cost structure.

Conference Call and Webcast

Management of Pitney Bowes will discuss the Company’s results in a broadcast over the Internet today at 8:00 a.m. EDT. Instructions for listening to the earnings results via the Web are available on the Investor Relations page of the Company’s web site at www.pb.com.

About Pitney Bowes

Pitney Bowes provides technology solutions for small, mid-size and large firms that help them connect with customers to build loyalty and grow revenue. Many of the company’s solutions are delivered on open platforms to best organize, analyze and apply both public and proprietary data to two-way customer communications. Pitney Bowes includes direct mail, transactional mail and call center communications in its solution mix along with digital channel messaging for the Web, email and mobile applications.

Pitney Bowes: Every connection is a new opportunity™ www.pb.com

The Company's financial results are reported in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The Company uses measures such as adjusted earnings per share, adjusted income from continuing operations and free cash flow to exclude the impact of special items like restructuring charges, tax adjustments, and goodwill and asset write-downs, because, while these are actual Company expenses, they can mask underlying trends associated with its business. Such items are often inconsistent in amount and frequency and as such, the adjustments allow an investor greater insight into the current underlying operating trends of the business.

The use of free cash flow provides investors insight into the amount of cash that management could have available for other discretionary uses. It adjusts GAAP cash from operations for capital expenditures, as well as special items like cash used for restructuring charges, unusual tax settlements or payments and contributions to its pension funds. Management uses segment EBIT to measure profitability and performance at the segment level. EBIT is determined by deducting the related costs and expenses attributable to the segment. Segment EBIT excludes interest, taxes, general corporate expenses not allocated to a particular business segment, restructuring charges and goodwill and asset impairments, which are recognized on a consolidated basis. In addition, financial results are presented on a constant currency basis to exclude the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates since the prior period under comparison. Constant currency measures are intended to help investors better understand the underlying operational performance of the business excluding the impacts of shifts in currency exchange rates over the intervening period.

Pitney Bowes has provided a quantitative reconciliation to GAAP in supplemental schedules. This information may also be found at the Company's web site www.pb.com/investorrelations.

This document contains “forward-looking statements” about its expected or potential future business and financial performance. For us forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about its future revenue and earnings guidance and other statements about future events or conditions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: mail volumes; the uncertain economic environment; timely development, market acceptance and regulatory approvals, if needed, of new products; fluctuations in customer demand; changes in postal regulations; interrupted use of key information systems; management of outsourcing arrangements; the implementation of a new enterprise resource planning system; changes in business portfolio; foreign currency exchange rates; changes in our credit ratings; management of credit risk; changes in interest rates; the financial health of national posts; and other factors beyond its control as more fully outlined in the Company's 2013 Form 10-K Annual Report and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Pitney Bowes assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this document as a result of new information, events or developments.

Note: Consolidated statements of income; revenue and EBIT by business segment; and reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures for the three and six months ended June 30, 2014 and 2013, and consolidated balance sheets at June 30, 2014 and December 31, 2013 are attached.

Pitney Bowes Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Income


(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30,
2014 2013 2014 2013
Equipment sales $ 191,518 $ 225,224 $ 380,574 $ 421,991
Supplies 76,284 71,275 155,801 144,493
Software 109,065 100,482 200,620 187,494
Rentals 122,443 129,404 246,022 258,518
Financing 107,644 112,820 217,694 226,707
Support services 158,190 160,303 316,442 322,892
Business services 193,306 151,154 378,794 297,930
Total revenue 958,450 950,662 1,895,947 1,860,025
Costs and expenses:
Cost of equipment sales 88,818 112,079 171,352 206,622
Cost of supplies 23,505 22,246 47,659 45,092
Cost of software 33,484 25,604 63,648 50,395
Cost of rentals 25,193 25,114 50,637 51,512
Financing interest expense 20,413 18,951 40,066 37,970
Cost of support services 96,722 99,337 195,703 201,866
Cost of business services 135,024 108,168 263,960 210,523
Selling, general and administrative 338,384 353,923 689,759 705,577
Research and development 28,649 27,331 54,841 56,582
Restructuring charges 8,299 19,031 18,140 19,031
Other interest expense 22,714 31,347 47,631 62,086
Interest income (1,232 ) (1,302 ) (2,085 ) (3,050 )
Other expense, net - - 61,657 25,121
Total costs and expenses 819,973 841,829 1,702,968 1,669,327
Income from continuing operations before income taxes 138,477 108,833 192,979 190,698
Provision for income taxes 46,335 24,218 54,371 42,013
Income from continuing operations 92,142 84,615 138,608 148,685
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of tax 6,717 (89,254 ) 9,518 (81,224 )
Net income (loss) before attribution of noncontrolling interests 98,859 (4,639 ) 148,126 67,461
Less: Preferred stock dividends of subsidiaries attributable

to noncontrolling interests

4,594 4,594 9,188 9,188
Net income (loss) - Pitney Bowes Inc. $ 94,265 $ (9,233 ) $ 138,938 $ 58,273
Amounts attributable to common stockholders:
Income from continuing operations $ 87,548 $ 80,021 $ 129,420 $ 139,497
Income (loss) from discontinued operations 6,717 (89,254 ) 9,518 (81,224 )
Net income (loss) - Pitney Bowes Inc. $ 94,265 $ (9,233 ) $ 138,938 $ 58,273
Basic earnings per share attributable to common stockholders (1):
Continuing operations 0.43 0.40 0.64 0.69

Discontinued operations

0.03 (0.44 ) 0.05 (0.40 )
Net income (loss) - Pitney Bowes Inc. $ 0.47 $ (0.05 ) $ 0.69 $ 0.29
Diluted earnings per share attributable to common stockholders (1):
Continuing operations 0.43 0.39 0.63 0.69
Discontinued operations 0.03 (0.44 ) 0.05 (0.40 )
Net income (loss) - Pitney Bowes Inc. $ 0.46 $ (0.05 ) $ 0.68 $ 0.29
(1) The sum of the earnings per share amounts may not equal the totals above due to rounding.

Pitney Bowes Inc.
Consolidated Balance Sheets

(Unaudited in thousands, except per share data)


June 30,

December 31,
2013 (1)

Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,005,901 $ 907,806
Short-term investments 23,976 31,128
Accounts receivable, gross 423,103 482,949
Allowance for doubtful accounts receivable (13,589 ) (13,149 )
Accounts receivable, net 409,514 469,800
Finance receivables 1,071,415 1,127,261
Allowance for credit losses (22,852 ) (24,340 )
Finance receivables, net 1,048,563 1,102,921
Inventories 101,252 103,580
Current income taxes 31,580 28,934
Other current assets and prepayments 125,540 147,067
Assets held for sale 46,976 46,976
Total current assets 2,793,302 2,838,212
Property, plant and equipment, net 242,742 245,171
Rental property and equipment, net 215,793 226,146
Finance receivables 885,818 974,972
Allowance for credit losses (10,819 ) (12,609 )
Finance receivables, net 874,999 962,363
Investment in leveraged leases 33,431 34,410
Goodwill 1,728,385 1,734,871
Intangible assets, net 102,760 120,387
Non-current income taxes 66,598 73,751
Other assets 538,073 537,397
Total assets $ 6,596,083 $ 6,772,708

Liabilities, noncontrolling interests and stockholders' equity

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 1,504,887 $ 1,644,582
Current income taxes 191,687 157,340
Notes payable and current portion of long-term obligations 274,879 -
Advance billings 439,038 425,833
Total current liabilities 2,410,491 2,227,755
Deferred taxes on income 39,509 39,701
Tax uncertainties and other income tax liabilities 166,920 190,645
Long-term debt 2,964,843 3,346,295
Other non-current liabilities 436,194 466,766
Total liabilities 6,017,957 6,271,162
Noncontrolling interests (Preferred stockholders' equity in subsidiaries) 296,370 296,370
Stockholders' equity:
Cumulative preferred stock, $50 par value, 4% convertible 1 4
Cumulative preference stock, no par value, $2.12 convertible 563 591
Common stock, $1 par value 323,338 323,338
Additional paid-in-capital 172,565 196,977
Retained Earnings 4,778,506 4,715,564
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (559,351 ) (574,556 )
Treasury Stock, at cost (4,433,866 ) (4,456,742 )
Total Pitney Bowes Inc. stockholders' equity 281,756 205,176
Total liabilities, noncontrolling interests and stockholders' equity $ 6,596,083 $ 6,772,708
(1) Certain prior year amounts have been revised.

Pitney Bowes Inc.
Revenue and EBIT
Business Segments
June 30, 2014


(Dollars in thousands) Three Months Ended June 30,



North America Mailing $ 371,194 392,197 (5 %)
International Mailing 153,260 150,357 2 %
Small & Medium Business Solutions 524,454 542,554 (3 %)
Production Mail 111,756 134,422 (17 %)
Presort Services 111,281 106,961 4 %
Enterprise Business Solutions 223,037 241,383 (8 %)
Digital Commerce Solutions 210,959 166,725 27 %
Total revenue$958,450$950,662 1 %

EBIT (1)

North America Mailing $ 156,781 $ 157,518 -
International Mailing 26,449 20,075 32 %
Small & Medium Business Solutions 183,230 177,593 3 %
Production Mail 10,558 15,787 (33 %)
Presort Services 22,412 21,246 5 %
Enterprise Business Solutions 32,970 37,033 (11 %)
Digital Commerce Solutions 17,929 15,363 17 %
Total EBIT$234,129$229,9892%
Unallocated amounts:
Interest, net (2) (41,895 ) (48,996 )
Corporate and other expenses (45,458 ) (53,129 )
Restructuring charges (8,299 ) (19,031 )
Income from continuing operations before income taxes$138,477$108,833
(1) Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) excludes general corporate expenses and restructuring charges.
(2) Interest, net includes financing interest expense, other interest expense and interest income.

Pitney Bowes Inc.
Revenue and EBIT
Business Segments
June 30, 2014


(Dollars in thousands) Six Months Ended June 30,



North America Mailing $ 752,221 781,033 (4 %)
International Mailing 306,528 303,333 1 %
Small & Medium Business Solutions 1,058,749 1,084,366 (2 %)
Production Mail 216,972 243,875 (11 %)
Presort Services 227,772 217,861 5 %
Enterprise Business Solutions 444,744 461,736 (4 %)
Digital Commerce Solutions 392,454 313,923 25 %
Total Revenue$1,895,947$1,860,025 2 %

EBIT (1)

North America Mailing $ 317,119 $ 305,976 4 %
International Mailing 51,268 37,465 37 %
Small & Medium Business Solutions 368,387 343,441 7 %
Production Mail 18,295 23,619 (23 %)
Presort Services 46,308 44,734 4 %
Enterprise Business Solutions 64,603 68,353 (5 %)
Digital Commerce Solutions 27,460 15,084 82 %
Total EBIT$460,450$426,878 8 %
Unallocated amounts:
Interest, net (2) (85,612 ) (97,006 )
Corporate and other expenses (102,062 ) (95,022 )
Restructuring charges (18,140 ) (19,031 )
Other expense, net (61,657 ) (25,121 )
Income from continuing operations before income taxes$192,979$190,698
(1) Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) excludes general corporate expenses and restructuring charges.
(2) Interest, net includes financing interest expense, other interest expense and interest income.

Pitney Bowes Inc.

Reconciliation of Reported Consolidated Results to Adjusted Results


(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30,
2014 2013 2014 2013
GAAP income from continuing operations
after income taxes, as reported $ 87,548 $ 80,021 $ 129,420 $ 139,497
Restructuring charges 5,577 13,126 12,258 13,126
Extinguishment of debt - - 37,833 15,325
Income from continuing operations
after income taxes, as adjusted $ 93,125 $ 93,147 $ 179,511 $ 167,948
GAAP diluted earnings per share from
continuing operations, as reported $ 0.43 $ 0.39 $ 0.63 $ 0.69
Restructuring charges 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.06
Extinguishment of debt - - 0.19 0.08
Diluted earnings per share from continuing
operations, as adjusted $ 0.46 $ 0.46 $ 0.88 $ 0.83
GAAP net cash provided by operating activities,
as reported $ 174,831 $ 146,875 $ 280,447 $ 279,035
Capital expenditures (42,207 ) (34,602 ) (72,350 ) (73,441 )
Restructuring payments 14,593 10,980 33,530 27,255
Reserve account deposits 11,803 1,138 (3,356 ) (26,189 )
Extinguishment of debt 3,300 - 61,657 25,121
Free cash flow, as adjusted $ 162,320 $ 124,391 $ 299,928 $ 231,781
Note: The sum of the earnings per share amounts may not equal the totals above due to rounding.

Pitney Bowes Inc.
Reconciliation of Reported Consolidated Results to Adjusted Results
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30,
2014 2013 2014 2013
GAAP income from continuing operations
after income taxes, as reported $ 87,548 $ 80,021 $ 129,420 $ 139,497
Restructuring charges 5,577 13,126 12,258 13,126
Extinguishment of debt - - 37,833 15,325
Income from continuing operations
after income taxes, as adjusted 93,125 93,147 179,511 167,948
Provision for income taxes, as adjusted 49,057 30,123 84,077 57,715
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiaries
attributable to noncontrolling interests 4,594 4,594 9,188 9,188
Income from continuing operations before income taxes, as adjusted 146,776 127,864 272,776 234,851
Interest, net 41,895 48,996 85,612 97,006
Adjusted EBIT from continuing operations188,671176,860358,388331,857
Depreciation and amortization 49,122 52,667 92,863 103,199
Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations$237,793$229,527$451,251$435,056


Pitney Bowes Inc.
Bill Hughes, 203-351-6785
Chief Communications Officer
Charles F. McBride, 203-351-6349
VP, Investor Relations

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