NYSE Euronext Business Summary for September 2008

NYSE Euronext (NYX) experienced record trading activity on its U.S. cash equities exchanges and all of its derivatives operations for the month of September 2008. In addition, NYSE Euronexts markets added 60 new corporate listings and 75 Exchange Traded Products.

Global Cash Equities:

  • NYSE Euronexts four European cash equities exchanges traded an average daily volume of 1.8 million transactions1 in September 2008, up 44.4% compared to September 2007. Based on total monthly cash volume of 40.7 million transactions, September was the second-busiest month ever for trading in Euronexts cash equity markets. Pack Epsilon, a dedicated pricing package for high frequency traders launched on July 1, accounted for approximately 30% of total European equity volumes in September.
  • NYSE Euronexts U.S. cash equities exchanges, NYSE and NYSE Arca, reported average daily volume of 4.4 billion shares handled2 during September, an increase of 71.5% versus the same period last year. NYSE Euronexts U.S. cash equities exchanges experienced their most active month, week and days in history, including an all-time NYSE Group trading record of 7.3 billion shares handled on Sept. 18. NYSE Group's matched market share increased in NYSE-listed, NYSE Arca & Amex-listed and Nasdaq-listed shares in September 2008 versus August 2008.

Global Derivatives:

  • NYSE Euronexts derivatives trading operations on Liffe traded average daily volume of 4.8 million contracts in September; or 3.8 million contracts excluding Bclear. Bclear processed an average daily volume of 1.0 million equity derivative contracts, an increase of 36.1% versus September 2007. Based on total monthly volume for all European derivative operations, Liffe experienced its busiest month ever, trading a total of 106 million futures and options contracts, up 10.3% from September last year. Liffe also registered a record volume day on Sept. 16 with over 9.9 million contracts transacted.
  • NYSE Arca Options traded an average daily volume of 2.0 million contracts during the month, an increase of 65.7% compared to September 2007. In addition, NYSE Arca Options market share increased in September 2008 versus August 2008. For equity options trading in the SEC Penny Pilot program, NYSE Arca Options executed 13.6% of all eligible issues in September 2008.

Global Listings:

  • In September, NYSE Euronexts markets added 60 new corporate listings: 56 in the U.S. and four in Europe.
  • The NYSE listed two structured products, while NYSE Arca listed 49 Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) and European markets listed 26 ETPs, excluding the turnover in warrants and certificates, bringing the total number of Exchange Traded Products listed on all NYSE Euronext markets to 754.

Please click here for the Monthly Transaction Activity Data Table.

About NYSE Euronext

NYSE Euronext (NYX) operates the worlds leading and most liquid exchange group, and seeks to provide the highest levels of quality, customer choice and innovation. Its family of exchanges, located in six countries, includes the New York Stock Exchange, the world's largest cash equities market; Euronext, the Eurozone's largest cash equities market; Liffe, Europe's leading derivatives exchange by value of trading; NYSE Liffe, the companys U.S. futures business and NYSE Arca Options, one of the fastest growing U.S. options trading platforms. NYSE Euronext offers a diverse array of financial products and services for issuers, investors and financial institutions in cash equities, options, futures and derivatives, ETFs, bonds, market data, and commercial technology solutions. As the worlds largest exchange group by number of listings and market capitalization, NYSE Euronext is home to more than 6,500 listed issues (as of Oct. 1, 2008) with total global market capitalization more than four times that of any other exchange group. The average daily trading value of NYSE Euronext's equity exchanges represent more than one-third of the world's cash equities trading. NYSE Euronext is part of the S&P 500 index and the only exchange operator in the S&P 100 index. For more information and free real-time stock prices for all NYSE-listed securities, please visit www.nyx.com.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning NYSE Euronexts plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and other statements that are not historical or current facts. Forward-looking statements are based on NYSE Euronexts current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause NYSE Euronexts results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to: NYSE Euronexts ability to implement its strategic initiatives, economic, political and market conditions and fluctuations, government and industry regulation, interest rate risk and U.S. and global competition, and other factors detailed in NYSE Euronexts reference document for 2007 ("document de référence") filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (Registered on May 15, 2008 under No. R. 08-054), 2007 Annual Report on Form 10-K and other periodic reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers. In addition, these statements are based on a number of assumptions that are subject to change. Accordingly, actual results may be materially higher or lower than those projected. The inclusion of such projections herein should not be regarded as a representation by NYSE Euronext that the projections will prove to be correct. This press release speaks only as of this date. NYSE Euronext disclaims any duty to update the information herein.

1 Euronext equities transactions count each buy and sell order as separate transactions, NYSE Group equities transactions count buy and sell orders together as a single transaction. All NYSE Euronext derivatives transactions count buy and sell orders together as a single transaction.

2 Handled shares represent the total number of shares of equity securities internally matched on the NYSE Group's exchanges or routed to and executed at an external market center.

NYSE Euronext
Monthly Volume Summary - Cash Products
Average Daily VolumeTotal VolumeTotal Volume
(Unaudited) Sep-08Sep-07% ChgSep-08Sep-07% ChgYTD 2008

% Chg vs.

YTD 2007

Number of Trading Days - European Markets 22 20 22 20 192
Number of Trading Days - U.S. Markets 21 19 21 19 189
European Cash Products (trades in thousands)1,8481,28044.4%40,66125,59758.8%292,87024.2%
Equities 1,787 1,231 45.1% 39,316 24,628 59.6% 282,904 25.2%
Exchange-Traded Funds 11 6 79.0% 232 118 96.9% 1,496 37.3%
Structured Products 46 37 22.7% 1,003 743 35.0% 7,470 -1.9%
Bonds 5 5 -7.9% 110 108 1.3% 1,000 -20.3%
U.S. Cash Products (shares in millions) 24,3662,54571.5%91,68448,35589.6%632,83617.0%
NYSE Listed Issues 1
NYSE Group Handled Volume 2 3,179 2,006 58.5% 66,768 38,123 75.1% 469,306 11.9%
NYSE Group Matched Volume 3 2,872 1,808 58.8% 60,308 34,354 75.5% 423,333 8.5%
NYSE Group TRF Volume 4 517 148 250.2% 10,853 2,804 287.1% 55,983 729.0%
Total NYSE Listed Consolidated Volume 6,812 3,224 111.3% 143,061 61,260 133.5% 905,642 45.7%
NYSE Group Share of Total Consolidated Volume
Handled Volume 2 46.7% 62.2% 46.7% 62.2% 51.8%
Matched Volume 3 42.2% 56.1% 42.2% 56.1% 46.7%
TRF Volume 4 7.6% 4.6% 7.6% 4.6% 6.2%
NYSE Arca & Amex Listed Issues
NYSE Group Handled Volume 2 669 200 235.2% 14,056 3,794 270.5% 77,835 104.9%
NYSE Group Matched Volume 3 586 170 245.9% 12,316 3,221 282.4% 67,670 106.2%
NYSE Group TRF Volume 4 286 34 744.5% 6,007 644 833.4% 27,179 912.6%
Total NYSE Arca & Amex Listed Consolidated Volume 2,037 572 256.3% 42,783 10,865 293.8% 237,723 137.4%
NYSE Group Share of Total Consolidated Volume
Handled Volume 2 32.9% 34.9% 32.9% 34.9% 32.7%
Matched Volume 3 28.8% 29.6% 28.8% 29.6% 28.5%
TRF Volume 4 14.0% 5.9% 14.0% 5.9% 11.4%
Nasdaq Listed Issues
NYSE Group Handled Volume 2 517 339 52.6% 10,860 6,438 68.7% 85,696 2.5%
NYSE Group Matched Volume 3 443 271 63.5% 9,294 5,142 80.7% 71,772 5.1%
NYSE Group TRF Volume 4 289 140 105.9% 6,066 2,666 127.5% 41,536 162.3%
Total Nasdaq Listed Consolidated Volume 2,531 1,925 31.5% 53,157 36,574 45.3% 428,240 5.4%

NYSE Group Share of Total Consolidated Volume

Handled Volume 2 20.4% 17.6% 20.4% 17.6% 20.0%
Matched Volume 3 17.5% 14.1% 17.5% 14.1% 16.8%
TRF Volume 4 11.4% 7.3% 11.4% 7.3% 9.7%
Exchange-Traded Funds 1,5
NYSE Group Handled Volume 2 708 264 167.9% 14,862 5,018 196.1% 82,759 62.1%
NYSE Group Matched Volume 3 623 233 167.3% 13,075 4,426 195.4% 72,391 58.8%
NYSE Group TRF Volume 4 325 46 602.7% 6,831 879 676.7% 30,138 678.1%
Total ETF Consolidated Volume 2,171 689 215.0% 45,600 13,096 248.2% 250,137 107.6%
NYSE Group Share of Total Consolidated Volume
Handled Volume 2 32.6% 38.3% 32.6% 38.3% 33.1%
Matched Volume 3 28.7% 33.8% 28.7% 33.8% 28.9%
TRF Volume 4 15.0% 6.7% 15.0% 6.7% 12.0%
NYSE Euronext
Monthly Volume Summary - Derivatives Products
Average Daily VolumeTotal VolumeTotal Volume
(Unaudited; contracts in thousands)





% Chg





% Chg



% Chg vs.

YTD 2007

Number of Trading Days - European Markets 22 20 22 20 192
Number of Trading Days - U.S. Markets 21 19 21 19 189
European Derivatives Products4,8004,7870.3%105,60595,73910.3%813,62212.3%
Total Interest Rate Products 62,2742,691-15.5%50,02153,822-7.1%443,73811.2%
Short Term Interest Rate Products 2,165 2,585 -16.3% 47,631 51,706 -7.9% 423,361 12.4%
Medium and Long Term Interest Rate Products 109 106 2.7% 2,390 2,116 13.0% 20,377 -8.4%
Total Equity Products 72,4772,04021.4%54,48340,79633.5%359,46513.7%
Individual Equity Products 1,614 1,365 18.2% 35,499 27,302 30.0% 234,432 17.5%
Equity Index Products 863 675 27.9% 18,984 13,495 40.7% 125,033 7.2%
of which Bclear 995 731 36.1% 21,884 14,619 49.7% 145,208 61.7%
Individual Equity Products 858 618 38.8% 18,875 12,358 52.7% 124,880 65.7%
Equity Index Products 137 113 20.9% 3,008 2,261 33.0% 20,328 41.0%
Commodity Products5056-10.7%1,1011,121-1.8%10,41811.8%
U.S. Derivatives Products - Equity Options 8
NYSE Arca Options Contracts 2,007 1,211 65.7% 42,140 23,010 83.1% 328,292 48.9%

Total Con-

solidated Options Contracts

16,252 9,622 68.9% 341,302 182,814 86.7% 2,521,133 38.3%
NYSE Group Share of Total 12.3% 12.6% 12.3% 12.6% 13.0% 0.9%
1 Includes all volume executed in NYSE Group crossing sessions.
2 Represents the total number of shares of equity securities and ETFs internally matched on the NYSE Group's exchanges or routed to and executed at an external market center. NYSE Arca routing includes odd-lots.
3 Represents the total number of shares of equity securities and ETFs executed on the NYSE Group's exchanges.
4 Represents NYSE's volume in FINRA/NYSE Trade Reporting Facility (TRF).
5 Data included in previously identified categories.
6 Data includes currency products.


Includes all trading activities for Bclear, Euronext.liffe's clearing service for wholesale equity derivatives.
8 Includes trading in U.S. equity options contracts, not equity-index options.
Source: NYSE Euronext, Options Clearing Corporation and Consolidated Tape as reported for equity securities.
All trading activity is single-counted, except European cash trading which is double counted to include both buys and sells.


NYSE Euronext
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+31-20-550-4488 (Amsterdam), +32-2-509-1392 (Brussels)
+351-217-900-029 (Lisbon), +44-20-7379-2789 (London)
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