Free Writing Prospectus
Filed Pursuant to Rule 433
Registration Statement No. 333-199966
Dated December 2, 2014


J. P. Morgan ETF Efficiente 5 Index

Performance Update - December 2014

JPMorgan ETF Efficiente 5 Index (the "Index") is a J.P. Morgan strategy that
seeks to generate returns through investing in exchange traded funds ("ETFs")
and a cash index to provide exposure to a universe of diverse assets based on
the efficient frontier portfolio analysis approach. The Index levels
incorporate an adjustment fee of 0.50% per annum.

Hypothetical and Actual Historical Performance -November 30, 2004 to November
28, 2014



Hypothetical and Actual Historical Volatility --through November 28, 2014


 Key Features of the Index n The strategy is based on a universe of 12 ETFs
covering a broad range of assets and geographic regions, and a cash index. n
Monthly rebalancing of portfolio allocation, with all positions financed by
short term borrowing of cash. n Targets a volatility of 5%. n Levels published
on Bloomberg under the ticker EEJPUS5E.

Performance*  Jan   Feb    Mar    Apr   May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov   Dec   Full Year
------------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ---------
   2014      -1.68% 1.74% -0.14% 1.10% 1.72%  0.43%  -0.70% 2.96%  -3.84% 2.87%  1.70%         6.11%
------------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ---------
   2013      -0.37% 0.14% 0.34%  2.93% -4.25% -0.93% 2.21%  -1.19% 0.69%  1.25%  0.95%  0.82%  2.41%
------------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ---------
   2012      0.73%  0.28% -0.85% 1.28% -0.39% 1.43%  2.65%  0.27%  0.03%  -0.16% 0.75%  0.72%  6.90%
------------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ---------
   2011      -0.15% 1.76% 0.51%  1.38% -0.95% -1.26% 3.89%  3.07%  0.45%  1.44%  0.41%  0.64% 11.62%
------------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ---------
   2010      -0.12% 0.19% 1.84%  2.08% -2.24% 0.74%  0.87%  2.92%  1.08%  0.54%  -1.94% 0.56%  6.59%
------------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ---------

*Represents the monthly and full calendar year performance of the Index based
on, as applicable to the relevant or annual measurement period, the
hypothetical back tested daily Index closing levels from December 31, 2009 to
October 22, 2010, and the actual historical performance of the index based on
the daily closing levels from November 28, 2014. See the last paragraph under
"Notes" on page 2 for important information about the limitations of using
hypothetical historical performance measures.

                                                                   iShares iBoxx                            iShares JP

                                                                   $ Investment  iShares iBoxx              Morgan USD

Recent Index                iShares                  iShares 20+     Grade       $ High Yield  iShares MSCI  Emerging    iShares SandP
             iShares DJ US              JPMorgan
             SPDR SandP      Russell 2000 iShares MSCI Year Treasury  Corporate     Corporate     Emerging    Markets Bond GSCI Cmdty-
   SPDR Gold Real Estate   iShares TIPS Cash Index
Composition  500 ETF Trust   ETF         EAFE ETF     Bond ETF      Bond ETF      Bond ETF     Markets ETF     ETF       Indexed
 Trust   Trust      ETF         Bond ETF    USD 3 Month
------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------
December 14   20.0%         5.0%          0.0%        20.0%         20.0%          0.0%          0.0%        10.0%        0.0%
    0.0%      20.0%         0.0%         5.0%
------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------
November 14   20.0%         5.0%          0.0%        20.0%         15.0%          0.0%          0.0%        15.0%        0.0%
    0.0%      20.0%         5.0%         0.0%
------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------

December 02, 2014



Comparative Hypothetical and Historical Total Returns (%), Volatility (%) and Correlation -- November 28, 2014
                                        Three Year         Five Year      Ten Year Annualized Ten Year Annualized Ten Year Sharpe
 Ten Year
                                      Annualized Return Annualized Return       Return             Volatility          Ratio
------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------------
ETF Efficiente Index                       5.3%              6.3%                5.2%               5.8%               0.90
------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------------
SandP 500 Index (Excess Return)              20.3%             15.4%               5.7%               20.4%              0.28
------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------------
Barclays Aggregate Bond Index (Excess
Return)                                    2.5%              3.6%                2.5%               3.7%               0.68

Hypothetical, historical performance measures: Represent the performance of the
ETF Efficiente Index based on, as applicable to the relevant measurement
period, the hypothetical backtested daily closing levels through October 28,
2010, and the actual historical performance of the ETFs based on the daily
closing level from October 29, 2010 through November 28, 2014, as well as the
performance of the SandP 500 Index (Excess Return), and the Barclays Aggregate
Bond Index (Excess Return) over the same periods. For purposes of these
examples, each index was set equal to 100 at the beginning of the relevant
measurement period and returns are calculated arithmetically (not compounded).
There is no guarantee the ETF Efficiente Index will outperform the SandP 500
Index (Excess Return), the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index (Excess Return) or any
alternative investment strategy. Sources: Bloomberg and JPMorgan.
SandP 500 Index (Excess Return) represents a hypothetical index constructed from
the total returns of the SandP 500 Index with the returns of the Cash Index
deducted. Barclays Aggregate Index (Excess Return) represents a hypothetical
index constructed from the returns of the Barclays Aggregate Index with the
returns of the Cash Index deducted.
Volatility: hypothetical, historical six-month annualized volatility levels are
presented for informational purposes only. Volatility levels are calculated
from the historical returns, as applicable to the relevant measurement period,
of the ETF Efficiente, SandP 500 Index (Excess Return), and the Barclays
Aggregate Bond Index (Excess Return).
Volatility represents the annualized standard deviation of the relevant index's
arithmetic daily returns since November 30, 2004. The Sharpe Ratio, which is a
measure of risk-adjusted performance, is computed as the ten year annualized
historical return divided by the ten year annualized volatility.

The back-tested, hypothetical, historical annualized volatility and index
returns may use substitutes for any ETF that was not in existence or did not
meet the liquidity standards at that particular time. The back-tested,
hypothetical, historical annualized volatility and index returns have inherent
limitations. These volatility and return results were achieved by means of a
retroactive application of a back-tested volatility model designed with the
benefit of hindsight. No representation is made that in the future the relevant
indices will have the volatility shown. Alternative modeling techniques or
assumptions might produce significantly different results and may prove to be
more appropriate. Actual annualized volatilities and returns may vary
materially from this analysis. Source: Bloomberg and JPMorgan.

Key Risks

n There are risks associated with a momentum-based investment strategy--The ETF
Efficiente Index (the "Strategy") is different from a strategy that seeks
long-term exposure to a portfolio consisting of constant components with fixed
weights. The Strategy may fail to realize gains that could occur from holding
assets that have experienced price declines, but experience a sudden price
spike thereafter. n Correlation of performances among the basket constituents
may reduce the performance of strategy--performances among the basket
constituents comprising the index from time to time (the "Basket Constituents")
may become highly correlated from time to time during the term of your
investment. High correlation during periods of negative returns among Basket
Constituents representing any one sector or asset type that have a substantial
weighting in the Strategy could have a material adverse effect on the
performance of the Strategy.

n Our affiliate, JPMS PLC, is the Calculation Agent and may adjust the Index in
a way that affects its level--The policies and judgments for which JPMSL is
responsible could have an impact, positive or negative, on the level of the
Index and the value of your investment. JPMSL is under no obligation to
consider your interest as an investor with returns linked to the Index. n The
Index may not be successful, may not outperform any alternative strategy
related to the Basket Constituents, or may not achieve its target volatility of
5%. n The investment strategy involves monthly rebalancing and maximum
weighting caps applied to the Basket Constituents by asset type and
geographical region that may reduce your return. n Changes in the value of the
Basket Constituents may offset each other. n An investment linked to the Index
is subject to risks associated with non-U.S. securities markets, such as
emerging markets and currency exchange risk. n The Index was established on
October 29, 2010 and has a limited operating history n The Index may be
partially uninvested. Any uninvested portion will earn no return. n The Index
has an adjustment factor fee, which causes the Index to trail the value of a
hypothetical identically constituted synthetic portfolio without a similar

The risks identified above are not exhaustive. You should also review carefully
the related "Risk Factors" section in the relevant product supplement and the
"Selected Risk Considerations" in the relevant term sheet or pricing
For more information on the Index and for additional key risk information see
Page 9 of the Strategy Guide at

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(including a prospectus) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") for any offerings to which these materials relate. Before you invest in
any offering of securities by J.P. Morgan, you should read the prospectus in
that registration statement, the prospectus supplement, as well as the
particular product supplement, the relevant term sheet or pricing supplement,
and any other documents that J.P. Morgan will file with the SEC relating to
such offering for more complete information about J.P. Morgan and the offering
of any securities. You may get these documents without cost by visiting EDGAR
on the SEC Website at Alternatively, J.P. Morgan, any agent, or
any dealer participating in the particular offering will arrange to send you
the prospectus and the prospectus supplement, as well as any product supplement
and term sheet or pricing supplement, if you so request by calling toll-free
(866) 535-9248.
Free Writing Prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 433; Registration Statement No.

J. P. Morgan Structured Investments | 800 576 3529 |