Free Writing Prospectus

Filed Pursuant to Rule 433

Registration Statement No. 333-199966

Dated June 9, 2015





J.P. Morgan Investable Indices

The Structured Investments Investable Indices Website

Access Agreement


Access Agreement Last Updated: April 30th, 2015

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Chart Index Name Bloomberg Ticker level Date Month to Date Return Year To Date
Return Return

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Level refers to the closing level of the 1ndex as of the trading day
immediately preceding the date you have accessed this websue.


Date refers to the first date in the relevant measurement period used to
calculate the Return displayed on this web page. Return: Return is the trailing
return of the applicable Index over the custom period seleaed.

lW Return:

is the trailing return of the applicable index over the past week. There is no
guarantee that the index will achieve the one week return in the future.

1M Return:

is the trailing return of the applicable index over the past month. There is no
guarantee that the appl icable index will achieve the one month return in the

3 Month Return:

is the trailing return of the index over the past 3 month period ending in the
last trading day immediately preceding the date. The 3 Month Return may be
based on hypothetical, historical index levels and not actual index levels.
There is no guarantee that the Index will achieve the 3 Month Return in the
future. Past performance is not ind1cative of future returns.

6 Month Return:

is the trailing return of the index over the past 6 month period ending in the
last trading day immediately preceding the date. The 6 Month Return may be
based on hypothetical, historcal index levels and not actual index levels.
There is no guarantee that the Index will achieve the 6 Month Return in the
future. Past performance is not mdicative of future returns.

1 Year Return: is the trailing return of the index over the past 1 Year period
ending in the last trading day immediately preceding the date. The 1 Year
Return may be based on hypothetical, historical index levels and not actual
index levels. There is no guarantee that the Index w1ll ach1eve the 1 Year
Return in the future. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.
3 Year Return:

The 3 Year Return is the uaihng return of Index from the trading day that
occurs on or immediately preceding the date occurring three years pnor to the
specified end date to the specified end date, provided thatlfthe

specified end date is today?s date or not a trading day, to the trading day
immediaiely preceding the specified end dateland IS not annualized). The 3 Year
Return rr:ay be based on hypothetical, historical Index levels and not
aauallndex levels. There is no guarantee that the Index wil achieve the 3 Year
Re: urn in : he future. Past performance []s not mdJCauve of future returns.

5Y Return: is the trailing return of index over the past 5 year penod ending in
the last trading day immediately preceding the date, and IS not annualized. The
5 Year Return may be based on hypo:h erical, historical index levels and nor
aaual index levels. There is no guarantee that the Index will achieve the 5
Year Return in the future. Pas: performance is not 1nd1cauve of future returns.

Normalized Index Performance:

Normalized Index Performance reflects the return of the applicable Index
calculated from the ' Selected Start Date' to the "Selected End date'
calculated arithmetically and not compot.nded. The Normalized Index Performance
may be based on hypothetical, historical index levels and not actual index
levels. There is no guarantee that the applicable mdex will outperform any
other index or invest'Tlent strategy displayed in the chart.



General Disclaimers

Investments in products linked to an Index require investors to assess several
characteristics and risk factors that may not be present in other types of
transactions. In reaching a determination as to the appropriateness of any
proposed transaction, clients should undertake a thorough i ndependent review
of the legal, regulatory, credit, tax, accounting and economic consequences of
such transaction in relation to their particular circumstances. This website
contains market data from various sources other than us and our affiliates,
and, accordi ngly, we make no representation or warranty as to the market
data's accuracy or completeness. All information is subject to change without


JPMorgan Chase and Co. ('J.P. Morgan' ) has filed a registration statement
(including a prospectus) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") for any offering of securities to which these materials relate. Before
you invest in any offering of securities by J.P. Morgan, you should read the
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get these documents without cost by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Website at Alternatively, J.P. Morgan, any agent, or any dealer participating
in the particular offeri ng will arrange to send you the prospectus and the
prospectus supplement, as well as any product supplement, underlying supplement
and term sheet or pricing supplement, if you so request by calling toll[]free

Use of Simulated Returns

Back-testing and other statistical analysis material that is provided in
connection with the explanations of the potential returns of the products
linked to the applicabl~ Index use simulated analysis and hypothetical

circumstances and may use assumptions not used in live index lev~l calculations
to estimate how it may have performed prior to its actual existence. The
results obtai ned from such "back-testing' information should not be considered
indicative of the actual results that might be obtain~d from an investment or
participation in a financial instrument or transaction referencing the
applicable Index. J.P. Morgan provides no assu rance o r

guarantee that the products linked to the applicable Index will operate or
would have operated in the past in a man ner consistent with these materials.
The hypothetical, back-tested, historical levels presented herein

have not been verified by an independent third party, and such hypothetical,
back-tested, historical levels have inherent limitations. Alternative
simulations, techniqu~s. model ing or assu mptions might produce significantly
different results and prove to be more appropriate. Hypothetical back-tested
results are neither an indicator nor guarantee of future returns. Actual
results will vary, perhaps materially, from the simulated

returns presented in this w ebsite.

IRS Circular 23D Disclosure

We and our affiliates do not provide tax advice. Accordingly, any discussion of
U.S. tax matters contained herein is not intended or written to be used, and
cannot be used, in connection with the promotion, marketing or

recommendation by anyone unaffiliated with J.P. Morgan of any of the matters
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Investment suitability must be determined individually for each investor, and
the financial instruments described herein may not be suitable lor all
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upon as providing accounting, legal, regulatory or tax advice. Investors should
consult with their own advisors as to thes~ matters.

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lndcx Lt)Vel Date: OJ-Jun-205

~:aasS:     Stratesv lY~X~: suategvStvli: R11k Method:    R:;ioo,;. =ocus: c~rr~ BOOI!lbW[pound] Tide1: Index lew : 10 'lb CP.G: ltd
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lllbll!'~ R~fJf 10d



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Index level Data

Index level:

Index level refers to the clos1ng level of the Index on the Index Level Date.
Index level Date: Index level Date refers to the date used to determine the
Index level.


10% Change:

The 10% Change is the return of the index from the trading day that is 2
business days immediately preceding the date you accessed this website to the
business day immediately preceding the date you accessed this website. There is
no guarantee that the Index will achieve the 10% Change in the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns.

1M % Change:

The 1M% Change is the trailing return of the index over the past one month
period ending in the last trad ing day immediately preceding the date you
accessed this website. The 1M %Change may be based on

hypothetical, historical index levels and not actual index levels. There is no
guarantee that the Index will achieve the 1M% Change in the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns. YTD % Change:

The YTD% Change is the return of the index from the first business day of the
current calendar year to the trading day immediately preced1ng the date you
accessed this website. The YTD% Change may be based on

hypothetical, historical index levels and not actual index levels. There is no
guaramee that the Index will achieve the YTD% Change 1n the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns.

Risk Measures

1yr Volatility%:

Volatility refers to the standard dev1auon of the da1ly logarithmic returns of
the index over the time period specified and annualized. Volatility is a w1dely
used measure to express the risk of the financial instrument over

:he specified time period. Compared to convenuonal anthmetic return
calculations, logarithmic returns are generally lower for pos111ve returns and
generally have higher magnitude for negative returns. The volatility

calculations include hypothetical, hiStorical back[]tested Information that has
inherent limitations. No representation is made that 10 the future the Index
will have the Volatility shown. Actual annualized Volaulity may varv materially
from the analysis implied 1n th1s hypothet[]cal, historical calculation.

General Disclaimers

Investments in products linked to an Index require mvestors to assess several
characteristics and risk factors that may not be present 1n other types of
transactions. In reaching a determination as to the appropriateness

of any proposed transaction, clients should undertake a thorough independent
review of the legal, regulatory, credit, tax, accounting and economic
consequences of such transaction in relation to their particular

circumstances. This website contains market data from various sources other
than us and our affiliates, and, accordingly, we make no representation or
warranty as to the market data's accuracy or completeness. All information is
subject to change without nouce.

J.Pl\lorgan I ,.,,. , ,,,.,, , , ,,1, I '''" "'I [] I [] ' '"'"'P '' []
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JPMorgan Chase and Co. (' J.P. Morgan") has filed a registration statement
(including a prospectus) with the Secu rities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") for any offering of securities to which these materials relate.

Before you invest in anv offering of securities by J.P. Morgan, you should read
the prospectus in that registration statement and the other documents relating
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information about J.P. Morgan and the offering of securities. You may get these
docum ents without cost by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Website at
Alternatively, J.P. Morgan, any agent, or any dealer participating in t'le
particular offering wilt arrange to send you the prospectus and the prospectus
supplement, as well as any product supplement, underlying supplement and term
sheet or pricing supplement, if you so request by calion~ toll[]tree

Use of Simulated Returns

Back-testing and other statistical analysis material that is provided in
connection with the explanations of the potential returns of the products
linked to the applicable Index use simulated analysis and hypothetical
circumstances and may use assumptions not used in live index level calculations
to estimate how it may have performed prior to its actual existence. The
results obtained from such "back-testing" information should not be considered
indicative of the actual results that might be obta ned from an investment or
participation in a financial instrument ~r transaction referencing the
applicable Index. J.P. Morgan provides no assurance or guarantee that the
products linked to the applicable Index will operate or would have operated in
the past in a manner consistent with these materials. The hypothetical,
back-tested, historical levels presented herein have not been verified by an
independent third party, and such hypothetical, back[]tested, historical levels
have inherent limitations. Alternative simulations, techniques, modeling or
assumptions might produce significantly different results and prove to be more
appropriate. Hypothetical back-tested results are neither an indicator nor
guarantee of future returns. Actual results wilt vary, perhaps materially, from
the simulated returns presented in this website.

IRS Circular 23D Disclosure

We and our affiliates do not provide tax advice. Accordingly, any discussion of
U.S. tax matters contained herein is not intended or written to be used, and
cannot be used, in connecti~n with the promotion, marketing or recommendation
by anyone unaffiliated with J.P. Morgan of any of the matters add ress herein
or for the purpose of avoiding U.S. tax[] related penalties. Investment
suitability must be determined individually for each

investor, and the financ at instruments described herein may no: be suitable
for all investors. This information is not intended to provide and should not
be relied upon as providing accounting, legal, regulatory or tax

advice. Investors should consult with their own advisors as to these matters.

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J.P. Morganlnvestable Indices

Home __. Indices __. Index Summary


Analysis and Comparison

Expori Current Statistics II I, .... 1[]

JPMorgan ETF Efficiente 5 Index: Jun 07 2014 to Jun 05 2015

J.P l\llorgan I Privacy and Secur rty I Terms of Use I Cook res Polrcy
Copyright[C] 2015 JPMorgan Chase and Co. All Rights Reserved



Index Level Data

         Level       Date
------- ------ -----------
Current 127.68 05-Jun-2015
High    133.42 20-Mar-2015
Low     122.47 02-0ct-2014
Start   124.54 06-Jun-2014
End     127.68 05-Jun-2015

Risk Measures

Volatility       5.92%
Sharpe Ratio      0.49
Sortino Ratio      0.69
Maximum Drawdown  -4.3%
Monthly Maximum

Return Statistics

Annualized Return      2.53%
Average Monthly Return 0.23%
Average Monthly Return
(Positive Months)
Average Monthly Return
(Negative Months)
# Positive Months          7
# Negative Months         6


Daily Return           -0.34%
Month to Date Return   -0.98%
Quarter To Date Return -3.35%
Year To Date Return    -1.18%
3 Month Return         -2.52%
6 Month Return         -0.15%
1Year Return           2.81%
3 Year Return          15.14%
5 Year Return          35.9%

Monthly Return (o/o)

     Jan   Feb  Mar   Apr  May    Jun  Jul  Aug    Sep  Oct  Nov Dec  YeaIf
---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ---- --- ---- -----
2014                             0.72  -0.7 2.9,B -3.84 2.87 1.7 0.53 7.21
2015 2.85 -0.75 0.17 -2.04 -0.36 -0.98                                -1.18



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0) calculation descriptions

The first tv.elve columns under Monthly Return(%)" above reflect the
performance of the index from the tim uad1ng day of the month displayed to the
last trading day of that month.

The final column reflects the performance of the index for the year displayed.

These returns may be based on hypothetiCal, h1stoncal index levels and not
actual index levels. There is no guarantee that the Index will ach1eve the
monthly and annual returns displayed in the future. Past performance

is not indicative of future returns.

[][] [] As of the date shown above, the index was calculated based on a level
for such index equal to 100 on the date specified at the "Selected Start Date".

Index Level Data


Current refers to the closing level of the 1ndex as of the trading day
immediately preceding the date you have accessed this website. High:

High refers to the highest closing level of the index during the time period
selected, wit h the date on which such highest closing level occurs mdicated
under the "Date" column next to the High level. The High Level may

be a hypothetical, historical level and not an actual level of the Index. There
is no guarantee that the Index will achieve the High Level1n the future.


Low refers to the lowest closing leve of the mdex dunng the time period
selected, with the da:e on which such lowest closing level occurs mdicated
under the "Date[] column next to the Low level. The Low Level may be a
hypothetical, historical level and not an actual level of the Index. The level
of the Index could, in the future, decline below the Low Level displayed on
this website.


Start refers to the closing level of the mdex on the first tradmg day of the
time period indica:ed.


End refers to the closing level of the mdex on the last trading day of the time
period indicated.

Risk Measures


Volatility refers to the standard deviatiOn of the dally logarithmic returns of
the index over the time period specified and annualized. Volat1hty IS a widely
used measure to express the risk of the financial instrument over

the specified time period. Compared to conventional arithmetic return
calculations, logarithmic returns are generally lower for pos1t1ve returns and
generally have higher magnitude for negative returns. The volatility

calculations include hypothetical, historical back[]tested information that has
inherent limitations. No representation is made that 1n the future the Index
will have the Volatility shown. Actual annualized volatility may vary
materially from the analysis implied 1n th1s hypothetical, historical

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J.P. Morganlnvestable Indices

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Stiarpe Ratio:

The Sharpe Ratio is a measure that atms to capture the potential return of an
index per unit of risk. For a given index and a speCified ttme period, it is
calculated by dividing the Annualized Return for the specified time period by
the Volatility for the spectfied ttme period. The Sharpe Ratio calculation may
contain components with hypothetical, historical back[]tested information that
have inherent limitations. No representation is made

that in the future the Index will have the Sharpe Ratio shown. The actual
Annualized Return and the Volatility and, accordingly, the Sharpe Ratio, may
vary materially from the analysis implied in any hypothetical, historical

Maximum Orawdown:

Maximum Drawdown is the percentage change tn the tndex from the highest value
reached over the specified time period to the lowest value reached over the
specified time period. The Maximum Drawdown may be based on hypothetical,
historical Index levels and not actual Index levels. The Maximum Drawdown
could, in the future, be larger than the Maximum Orawdown displayed above.

Monthly Maximum Orawdown:

Monthly Maximum Drawdown s the h1ghest Maximum Orawdown calculated for each
rolling monthly period during the specified ume period. The Monthly Maximum
Drawdown may be based on hypothetical, h1stortcal Index levels and not the
actual Index levels. The Monthly Maximum Orawdown could, in the future, be
larger than the Monthly Max1mum Orawdown displayed above.

Embedded Index Fee:

The levels of the Index may be reduced by an adJustment factor which may have a
considerable impact on the level of the Index.

Return Statistics

Annualized Return:

The Annualized Return is the percentage change in the index from the first day
of the specified time period to the last day of the spectfted time period and
annualized. The Annualized Return may be based on

hypothetical, historical Index levels and not actual Index levels. There is no
guarantee that the Index will achieve the Annualized Return 1n the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns. Average Monthly Return:

Average Monthly Return is the arithmetic average of the Monthly Returns for
each full calendar month during the specified time period. For a given monthly
period the Monthly Return is the percentage change in the index during the
monthly period. The Average Monthly Return may be based on hypot']:tical,
historical Index levels and not actual Index levels. There is no guarantee that
the Index will achieve the Average Monthly Return in the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns.

Average Monthly Return (Positive Months):

Average Monthly Return (Positive Months) is calculated in the same manner as
the Average Monthly Return, as described above, but only taking into account
those monthly returns that are greater than or equal to zero.

The Average Monthly Return (Positive Months) may be based on hypothetical,
historical levels and not an actual level of the Index. There is no guarantee
that the Average Monthly Return (Positive Months) for a financial instrument
linked to the performance of the Index will achieve the Average Monthly Return
(Positive Months) displayed on this website.

Average Monthly Return (Negative Months):

Average Monthly Return (Negative Months) is calculated in the same manner as
the Average Monthly Return, as described above, but only taking into account
those monthly returns that are less than zero. The Average Monthly Return
(Negative Months) may be based on hypothetical, historical levels and not
actual levels of the Index. The Average Monthly Return (Negative Months) could,
in the future, decline below the Average Monthly Return (Negative Months)
displayed on thts webs1te.

Number of Positive Months:

The Number of Positive Months 1s the number of full calendar months during the
specified time period in which the index had returns that are greater than or
equal to zero. The Number of Positive Months may be based

on hypothetical, historical levels and not on an actual level of the Index.
There is no guarantee that the Number of Pos1tive Months that occur durtng the
term of the financial in).rumem will achieve the Number of Positive Months
displayed on this webs1te.

Number of Negative Months:

The Number of Negative Months is the number of full calendar months during the
specified time period []n which the index had returns that less than zero. The
Number of Negative Months may be based on hypothetiCal,

historical levels and not actual levels of the Index. The Number of Negative
Months during the term of a financial instrument ltnked to the performance of
the Index may be greater than the Number of Negative Months displayed on this


Daily Return:

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The Daily Return is the return of the Index from the trading day immediately
preceding the specified end date to the specified end date, provided that if
the specified end dare is today's date or not a trading day, the Daily Return
is the return of the Index from the trading day thai is two trading days
immediately preceding the specified end date to the trading day immediately
preceding the specified end date. The Daily Return may be based on
hypothetical, historical index levels and nor actual index levels. There is no
guarantee that the Index will achieve the Daily Return in the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns.

Month to Date Return:

The Month to Date Return is the retu rn of the Index from t he last trading day
of the month that occurs prior to the specified end date to the specified end
date, provided that if the specified end date is today's date or not a trading
day, to the trading day immediately preceding the specified end date. The Month
to Date Return may be based on hypothetical, historical Index levels and not
actual Index levels. There is no guarantee that the Index will achieve the
Month to Date Return in the future. Past performance is not indicative of
future returns.

Quarter to Date Return:

The Quan:er to Date Return is the return of the Index from the last trading day
of rhe quarrer that occurs prior to the specified end date to the specified end
date, provided thai if the specified end date is today's date or not a trading
day, to the trad ing day immediately preceding the specified end date. The
Quarter to Date Return may be based on hypothetical, historical Index levels
and not actual Index levels. There is no guarantee that the Index will achieve
the Quarter to Date Return in the future. Past performance is not indicative of
future returns.

Year to Date Return:

The Year to Dare Return is the return of the Index from the last trading day of
the year that occurs prior to the specified end date to the specified end date,
provided that if the specified end date is today's date or not a trading day,
to the trading day immediately preceding the specified end date. The Year to
Date Return may be based on hypothetical, historical Index levels and not
acruallndex levels. There is no guarantee that the Index will achieve rhe Year
to Date Return in the future. Past performance is not indicative of future

3 Month Return:

The 3 Month Return is the trailing return of the Index from the trading day
that occurs on or immediarely preceding the date occurring three months prior
to the specified end date to the specified end date, provided that if the
specified end date is today's date or not a trading day, to the trading day
immediately preceding the specified end date. The 3 Month Return may be based
on hypothetical, historical Index levels and not actual Index levels. There is
no guarantee that rhe Index will achieve the 3 Month Return in the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future retu rns.

6 Month Return:

The 6 Month Return is rhe trailing return of the Index from the trad ing day
that occurs on or immediately preceding the date occurring six months prior to
the specified end date to the specified end date, provided that if the
specified end date is today's date or not a trading day, to the trading day
immediately preceding the specified end date. The 6 Month Return may be based
on hypothetical, historical Index levels and not actual Index levels. There is
no guarantee that the Index will achieve the 6 Month Return in the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns.

1 Year Return:

The I Year Rew rn is the trailing return of the Index from the trading day that
occurs on or immediately preceding the date occurring one year prior to the
specified end date to the specified end date. provided that if the specified
end date is today's date or not a trading day, to the trading day immediately
preceding the specified end date. The I Year Return may be based on
hypothetical, histor ical Index levels and not actual Index levels. There is no
guarantee that the Index will achieve the I Year Return in the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns.

3 Year Return:

The 3 Year Retu rn is the trailing return of Index from the trading day that
occurs on or immediately preceding the date occurring three years prior to the
specified end date to the specified end date, provided that if the specified
end date is today?s date or not a trading day, to the trading day immediately
preced ing the specified end dateland is not annualized]. The 3 Year Return may
be based on hypothetical, historical Index levels and not actual Index levels.
There is no guarantee that the Index will achieve the 3 Year Return in the
future. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.

5Y Return:

The 5 Year Return is the trailing return of the Index from the trading day that
occurs on or immediately preceding the date occurri ng five years prior to the
specified end date to the specified end date, provided that if the specified
end date is today's date or not a rrading day, to the trading day immediately
preceding the specified end date. and is not annualized. The 5 Year Return may
be based on hypothetical, historical Index levels and not actual Index levels.
There is no guarantee that the Index will achieve the 5 Year Return in the
future. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.

Analysis and Comparison

Current level:

Index Level refers to the closing level of Ehe Index on the Index Level Date.
Index Level Date: Index Level Date refers to rhe date used to determine the
Index Level.

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J.P. Morganlnvestable Indices

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Annualized Return:

The Annualized Return is the percentage change tn the index from the first day
of the specified time period to the last day of the specifted ttme period and
annualized. The Annualized Return may be based on

hypothetical, historical Index levels and not actual Index levels. There is no
guarantee that the Index will achieve the Annualized Return in the future. Past
performance is not indicative of future returns. Return for Period:

The Return for Period is the trailing return of the tndex over the time period
specified. The Return for Period may be based on hypotheucal, htstoncal index
levels and not actual index levels. There is no guarantee that :he Index will
achieve the Return for Period in the future.

Best Month Return:

The Best Month Return is the h[]ghes1 Monthly Return of the Index of all full
calendar months during the specified time penod. For a gtven monthly period :he
Monthly Return is the percentage change in the tndex during rhe monthly period.
TheBeS! Month Return may be based on a hypothetical, historical performance and
not actual performance of the Index. There is no guarantee tha; the Index will
achieve the Best Month Return tn rhe future.

Worst Month Return:

The Worst Mon;h Return is the lowest Monthly Return of the Index of all full
calendar months during the specified time penod. For a gtven monthly period the
Monthly Return is the percentage change in the tndex during

;he monthly period over a gNen period of ume. The Wors: Month Return may be
based on hypo:hetical. h[]storical performance and not actual performance o'
the Index. The performance of the Index could, in the future, genera;e a return
that []s lower than the Worst Month Re:urn dtsplayed on thts website.

Number of Positive Months:

The Number of Positive Months is the number of full calendar months during the
specified time period in which the index had returns that are greater than or
equal to zero. The Number of Positive Months may be based

on hypothetical, historical levels and not on an actual level of the Index.
There is no guarantee tha: the Number of Posttive Months that occur durmg the
term of the financial instrument will achieve the Number of Positive Months
displayed on this websue.

Annualized Volatility:

The Annualized Volatility refers to the standard devtation of the daily
logarithmic returns of the index over the time period specified and annualized.
Volatility is a widely used measure to express the risk of the financial
instrument over the specified time penod. Compared to conventtonal arithmetic
return calculations, logarithmic returns are generally lower for postttve
returns and generally have higher magnitude for negative returns.

The volatilitY calculations include hypothetical, htstoncal back[]tested
information that has inherent limitations. No representation is made that 10
the future the Index will have the Volatility shown. Actual annualized
Volatility may vary materially from the analysis tmplied tn thts hypothetical,
historical calculation.

Sharpe Ratio:

The Sharpe Ratio is a measure that atms to capture the potential return of an
index per unit of risk. For a given index and a speCified time period. tt ts
calculated by dividing the Annualizedlleturn for the specified time period by
the Volatility for the speCified time period. The Sharpe Ratio calculation may
comain components with hypothetical, historical back[]tested information that
have inherent limitations. No representation is made

that in the future the Index will have the Sharpe Ratto shown. The actual
Annualized Return and the Volatility and, accordingly, the Sharpe Ratio, may
vary materially from the analysis implied in any hypothetical, historical

Maximum Orawdown:

l.laximum Drawdown is the percemage change on the index from the higher. value
reached over the specified rime period to the lowest value reached over the
specified time period. The l.laximum Drawdown may be based on hypo;hetical.
his:oricallndex levels and not actual Index (1) evels. The Maximum Drawdown
could, in the future. be larger than the Maxtmum Drawdown displayed on 1his

Time to Recovery:

The Time to Recovery is the longest sub period during the specified time period
from any day on which the index begins to decline to the f[]rst dav on wh ch
the evel of the index returns to the level i: had at :he begmmng of the
decline. This field will be left blank tf the level of the index as of the
curren; day is lower than the highest leve reached by the ondex over the
speCified time period. The Time to Recovery may be based on hypo:herical.
historical performance and not actual performance of the Index. - he lrre to
Recovery could. [] n the future, be signtftCantly longer than the - rre to
Recovery displayed.


Reflects the volatility of the Index for the ume penod selected. The actual one
month, three month. six month and one year volatilitY may be much different
than the volatilitY displayed for any such period in the chart above


Reflects the percentage change tn each tndex dunng the specified timeframe.
Each index has the drawdown set at zero percent at the begtnntng of the time
penod set forth in rhe chart above. The drawdown may be

based on hypothetical, historical index levels and not the actual index levels.
The applicable drawdown could, in the future, be larger than the drawndown
displayed on this website and, accordingly, could be larger than

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based on hypothetical, historical index levels and not the actual index le\
els. The appl icable drawdown could, in the future, be larger than the
drawndown displayed on this website and, accordingly, could be larger than

the drawdown for any other index or investment strategy displayed.

(2) Short Summary of the Risks

The Index was established on October 29, 2010 and therefore has a limited
operating history. Past performance should not be considered indicative of futu
re performance. The Index Levels incor porate the daily deduction of a fee of
0.50% per annum. Ther e are risks associated with a momentum-based investment
strategy. The Index is different from a strategy that seeks long[]term exposure
to a portfolio consisting of constant components with fixed weights. The Index
may fail to realize gains that could occu r from holding assets that have
experienced price declines, but experience a sudden price spike thereafter. The
Index comprises only notional assets and liabilities and therefore there is no
actual portfolio of assets to which any person is entitled or in which any
person has any ownership. The synthetic investment strategy on which the Index
is based may not be successful, may not outperform any alternative strategy, or
may not achieve its target volatility of 5%. Correlation of performances among
the basket constituents composing the Index may reduce the performance of the
Index. Performances among the basket constituents :omposing the Index from time
to time (the "Basket Constituents') may become highly correlated from time to
time during the term of your investment. High correlation during periods of
negative returns among Basket Constituents representing any one sector or asset
type that have a substantial weighting in the Index could have a material
adverse effect on the performance of the Index. The investment strategy
involves monthly rebalancing and maximum weighting caps applied to the Basket
Constituents and sectors. The Index may be partially uninvested, which could
result in a portion or most of the Index reflecting no return. Changes in the
value of the Basket Constituents may offset each other. An investment linked to
the Index is subject to risks associated with non[]U.S. securities markets,
such as emerging markets and currency exchange risk. J.P. Morgan Securities
LLC., one of our affiliates, is the sponsor of the JPMorgan Cash Index USD 3
Month and of the index that underlies the iShares JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets
Bond Fund. Our affiliate, J.P. Morgan Securities pic ('JPMS pic'), is the
calculation agent and may adjust the Index in a way that affects its level. The
pol icies and judgments for which JPMS pic is responsible could have an impact,
positive or negative, on the level of the Index. JPMS pic is under no
obligation to consider your interest as an investor in securities linked to the
Index. The risks identified above are not exhaustive. The Index Rules, and not
any description in thi; summary of risks, govern the calculation and
constitution of the Index and other decisions and actions relating to its
maintenance. Add itional information is available upon reQ uest. For more
information r egarding the Index, cl ients should contact their J.P. Morgan

(3) General Oisclaimers

Investments in products linked to an Index reQuire investors to assess
se[]1eral characteristics and risk factors that may not be present in other
types of transactions. In reaching a determination as to the appropriateness of
any proposed transaction, clients should undertake a thorough independent
review of the legal, regulatory, credit, tax, accounting and economic
conseQuences of such transaction in relation to their particular circumstances.
This website contains market data from various sources other than us and our
affiliates, and, accordi ngly, we make no representation or warranty as to the
market data's accuracy or completeness. All information is subject to change
without notice.


JPMorgan Chase and Co. ('J.P. Morgan' ) has filed a registration statement
fjncluding a prospectus) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") for any offering of securities to which these materials relate.

Before you invest in any offering of securities by J.P. Morgan, you should read
the prospectus in that registration statement and the other documents relating
to the offering that J.P. Morgan files with the SEC for more complete
information about J.P. Morgan and the offering of securities. You may get these
docum ents without cost by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Website at
Alternatively, J.P. Morgan, any agent, or any dealer participating in the
particular offeri ng will arrange to send you the prospectus and the prospectus
supplement, as well as any product supplement, underlying supplement and term
sheet or pricing supplement, if you so reQuest by calling toll[]free

Use of Simulated Returns

Back-testing and other statistical analysis material that is provided in
connection with the explanations of the potential returns of the products
linked to the Index use simulated analysis and hypothetical circu mstances to
estimate how it may have performed prior to its actual existence. The results
obtained from such 'back-testing" information should not be considered
indicative of the actual results that might be obtained from an investment or
participation in a financial instrument or transaction refer encing the Index.
J.P. Morgan provides no assurance or guarantee that the products linked to the
Index will operate or would have operated in the past in a manner consistent
with these materials. The hypothetical, back[]tested, historical levels
presented herein have not been verified by an independent third party, and such
hypothetical, back[]tested, historical levels have inherent limitations.
Alternative simulations, techniQues, modeling or assumptions might produce
significantly different results and prove to be more appropriate. Hypothetical
back[]tested results are neither

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an indicator nor guarantee of future returns. Actual results will vary, perhaps
materially, from the simulated returns presented in this website.

IRS Circular 230 Oisdosure

We and our affiliates do not provide tax advice. Accordingly, any discussion of
U.S. tax m atters contained herein is not intended or written to be used, and
cannot be used, in connection with the promotion, marketing or recommendation
by anyone unaffiliated with J.P. Morgan of any of the matters address herein or
for the purpose of avoiding U.S. tax-related penalties. Investment suitability
must be determined individually for each investor, and the financial
irostruments described herei n may not be suitable for all investors. This
information is not intended to provide and should not be relied upon as
providing accounting, legal, regulatory or tax advice. Investors should consult
with their own advisors as to these matters.

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