Hess Reports Estimated Results for the First Quarter of 2015

Hess Corporation (NYSE: HES) today reported an adjusted net loss, which excludes items affecting comparability, of $279 million or $0.98 per common share, for the first quarter of 2015 compared with adjusted net income of $446 million or $1.38 per share in the first quarter of 2014. Lower realized selling prices reduced adjusted net income by approximately $700 million, after-tax compared with the prior-year quarter. In addition, first quarter 2015 results benefitted from higher crude oil and natural gas liquids production but were offset primarily by higher depreciation, depletion, and amortization expense. On an unadjusted basis, the Corporation reported a net loss of $389 million for the first quarter of 2015 and net income of $386 million in the prior-year quarter.

After-tax income (loss) by major operating activity was as follows:

Three Months Ended
March 31,



(In millions, except per share

Net Income (Loss) Attributable to Hess Corporation

Exploration and Production $ (286 ) $ 508
Corporate, Interest and Other (90 ) (144 )
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (376 ) 364
Discontinued operations (13 ) 22
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $ (389 ) $ 386
Net income (loss) per share (diluted) $ (1.37 ) $ 1.20

Adjusted Net Income (Loss)

Exploration and Production $ (193 ) $ 514
Corporate, Interest and Other (86 ) (84 )
Adjusted net income (loss) from continuing operations (279 ) 430
Discontinued operations

Adjusted net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $ (279 ) $ 446
Adjusted net income (loss) per share (diluted) $ (0.98 ) $ 1.38
Weighted average number of shares (diluted) 283.5 322.6

“We delivered strong operating results for the quarter and captured significant cost savings for the year, with additional reductions being pursued,” Chief Executive Officer John Hess said. “With our robust balance sheet, resilient portfolio and top quartile operating capabilities, we are well positioned for both the current price environment as well as for a future recovery in oil prices."

Exploration and Production:

     Exploration and Production losses were $286 million in the first quarter of 2015, compared with net income of $508 million in the first quarter of 2014. Adjusted net loss was $193 million in the first quarter of 2015 compared with adjusted net income of $514 million in the first quarter of 2014.

     During the quarter, the Corporation hedged 50,000 barrels of crude oil production for the remainder of 2015 by entering into Brent crude collars with a floor price of $60 per barrel and a ceiling price of $80 per barrel. The Corporation’s average worldwide crude oil selling price, including the effect of hedging, was down 55 percent to $44.78 per barrel in the first quarter of 2015 from $99.17 per barrel in the first quarter of last year. The average worldwide natural gas liquids selling price was $14.91 per barrel, down from $44.28 per barrel in the year-ago quarter while the average worldwide natural gas selling price was $4.74 per mcf in the first quarter of 2015 compared with $7.03 per mcf in the first quarter a year-ago.

     Oil and gas production was 361,000 boepd, up 14 percent from 318,000 boepd in the first quarter of 2014. Assets contributing to the volume growth were primarily the Bakken shale play (45,000 boepd), our Utica wet gas acreage (15,000 boepd), Denmark (4,000 boepd) and the Joint Development Area of Malaysia/Thailand (3,000 boepd). Assets sales reduced production by 23,000 boepd and Norway production was 7,000 boepd lower.

Operational Highlights for the First Quarter of 2015:

     Bakken (Onshore U.S.): Net production from the Bakken increased approximately 70 percent to 108,000 boepd from the prior year quarter due to continued drilling activities and constrained production in the first quarter of 2014 resulting from the shut-in of the Tioga gas plant to complete the expansion project. The Corporation brought 70 gross operated wells on production in the first quarter of 2015. Drilling and completion costs per operated well averaged $6.8 million in the first quarter of 2015, down from $7.5 million in the year-ago quarter. During the first quarter, the Corporation operated an average of 12 rigs, compared with 17 rigs at year-end 2014. As of April, the Corporation is operating 8 rigs and plans to continue at that level for the remainder of 2015.

     Utica (Onshore U.S.): On the Corporation’s joint venture acreage, 5 wells were drilled and net production averaged 17,000 boepd in the first quarter of 2015 compared with 2,000 boepd in the prior-year quarter.

     Gulf of Mexico (Offshore U.S.): First quarter net production from Tubular Bells was 18,000 boepd and is forecast to be in the range of 30,000 boepd to 35,000 boepd for 2015 with the continued ramp up of existing wells and a fourth production well scheduled to be brought online in the second quarter. Overall production from the Gulf of Mexico was comparable to the prior-year quarter as volumes from Tubular Bells were offset by lower production from the Conger and Llano Fields as a result of planned maintenance activities. At the Corporation’s non-operated Sicily prospect, exploration drilling commenced in January with drilling operations expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2015.

     Valhall (Offshore) Norway: Net production averaged 30,000 boepd during the first quarter of 2015 which included a maintenance shut down, compared with 37,000 boepd in the year-ago quarter. The Corporation anticipates production for 2015 to be in the range of 30,000 boepd to 35,000 boepd.

     Kurdistan (Onshore): In the first quarter, the Corporation suspended drilling at the Shireen 1 exploration well due to mechanical issues. Based on well results to date and given the current low oil price environment, the Corporation and its partner agreed to relinquish the Dinarta Block and exit the region.

     Guyana (Offshore): The operator commenced drilling of the Liza-1 well and anticipates the well will reach target depth by the end of the second quarter of 2015.

     Libya: Production was shut in for the first quarter of 2015 due to ongoing civil unrest in the country.

Capital and Exploratory Expenditures:

     Capital and exploratory expenditures were $1.3 billion in the first quarter of 2015. The first quarter 2015 capital spend reflects an average of 12 rigs in the Bakken and increased exploratory drilling expenditures in the Gulf of Mexico, Guyana and Kurdistan.

Cost Savings Initiatives:

     In the first quarter, the Corporation aggressively reviewed its cost structure to reduce spending and met with suppliers to adjust service rates to better reflect the current commodity price environment. As a result of the Corporation’s efforts to date, we are lowering full year 2015 guidance for capital and exploratory expenditures by $300 million to $4.4 billion. In addition, the Corporation forecasts its full year 2015 cash costs will be lower by approximately $250 million, or $2.00 per barrel. The Corporation will continue to pursue additional savings in 2015 and beyond to improve its financial flexibility.


     Net cash provided by operating activities was $362 million in the first quarter of 2015, compared with $1,158 million in the first quarter of 2014. At March 31, 2015, cash and cash equivalents totaled $1,506 million, compared with $2,444 million at December 31, 2014. Total debt was $5,980 million at March 31, 2015 compared with $5,987 million at December 31, 2014. The Corporation’s debt to capitalization ratio at March 31, 2015 was 21.6 percent, compared with 21.2 percent at December 31, 2014.

Discontinued Operations:

     Results from discontinued operations were losses of $13 million in the first quarter of 2015 compared with income of $57 million in the first quarter of 2014. The Corporation completed the sale of its energy trading partnership (HETCO) in the first quarter of 2015. Financial results for the first quarter of 2014 have been recast to report HETCO and the formerly owned retail marketing business as discontinued operations in the consolidated income statement on page 7.

Items Affecting Comparability of Earnings Between Periods:

     The following table reflects the total after-tax income (expense) of items affecting comparability of earnings between periods:

Three Months Ended
March 31,



(In millions)
Exploration and Production $ (93 ) $ (6 )
Corporate, Interest and Other (4 ) (60 )
Discontinued operations (13 ) 6
Total items affecting comparability of earnings between periods $ (110 ) $ (60 )

     First quarter 2015 results include an after-tax charge of $67 million ($159 million pre-tax) to write-off a previously capitalized exploration well and associated leasehold costs related to the Dinarta Block in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq following the decision by the Corporation and its partner to cease further drilling activity and to exit operations in the region. In addition, the Corporation recorded after-tax charges totaling $26 million ($37 million pre-tax) to expense surplus drilling materials due to changes in the capital program, and to write-off its exploration project in Brunei.

Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP to Non-GAAP measures:

The following table reconciles reported net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation and adjusted net income (loss):

Three Months Ended
March 31,



(In millions)
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $ (389 ) $ 386
Less: Total items affecting comparability of earnings

between periods

(110 ) (60 )
Adjusted net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $ (279 ) $ 446

Hess Corporation will review first quarter financial and operating results and other matters on a webcast at 10 a.m. today. For details about the event, refer to the Investor Relations section of our website at www.hess.com.

Hess Corporation is a leading global independent energy company engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. More information on Hess Corporation is available at www.hess.com.

Forward-looking Statements

Certain statements in this release may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including, without limitation, uncertainties inherent in the measurement and interpretation of geological, geophysical and other technical data. Estimates and projections contained in this release are based on the Company’s current understanding and assessment based on reasonable assumptions. Actual results may differ materially from these estimates and projections due to certain risk factors discussed in the Corporation’s periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other factors.

Non-GAAP financial measure

The Corporation has used a non-GAAP financial measure in this earnings release. “Adjusted net income (loss)” presented in this release is defined as reported net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation excluding items identified as affecting comparability of earnings between periods. We believe that investors’ understanding of our performance is enhanced by disclosing this measure. This measure is not, and should not be viewed as, a substitute for U.S. GAAP net income (loss). A reconciliation of reported net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation (U.S. GAAP) to adjusted net income (loss) is provided in the release.


First First Fourth







Income Statement

Revenues and Non-operating Income
Sales and other operating revenues $ 1,538 $ 2,673 $ 2,557
Other, net 12 (81 ) (29 )
Total revenues and non-operating income 1,550 2,592 2,528
Costs and Expenses
Cost of products sold (excluding items shown separately below) 306 393 542
Operating costs and expenses 478 466 452
Production and severance taxes 36 62 66
Exploration expenses, including dry holes and lease impairment 269 119 171
General and administrative expenses 147 142 164
Interest expense 85 81 82
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 956 726 875
Total costs and expenses 2,277 1,989 2,352
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes (727 ) 603 176
Provision (benefit) for income taxes (351 ) 239 181
Income (loss) from continuing operations (376 ) 364 (5 )
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income taxes (13 ) 57 (2 )
Net income (loss) (389 ) 421 (7 )
Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests

35 1
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $ (389 ) $ 386 $ (8 )

See "Discontinued Operations" on page 5 for basis of presentation.

Cash Flow Information

Net cash provided by operating activities (*) $ 362 $ 1,158 $ 1,057
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (1,152 ) (262 ) (1,538 )
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (148 ) (1,422 ) (1,195 )
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents $ (938 ) $ (526 ) $ (1,676 )

(*) Includes changes in working capital.


   March 31,  

December 31,



Balance Sheet Information

Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,506 $ 2,444
Other current assets 2,817 4,243
Property, plant and equipment – net 27,208 27,517
Other long-term assets 4,570 4,374
Total assets $ 36,101 $ 38,578
Short-term debt and current maturities of long-term debt $ 69 $ 68
Other current liabilities 3,398 4,783
Long-term debt 5,911 5,919
Other long-term liabilities 5,056 5,488
Total equity excluding other comprehensive income (loss) 23,171 23,730
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (1,504 ) (1,410 )
Total liabilities and equity $ 36,101 $ 38,578
First First Fourth







Capital and Exploratory Expenditures

Exploration and Production
United States
Bakken $ 471 $ 451 $ 691
Other Onshore 83 171 186
Total Onshore 554 622 877
Offshore 279 162 241
Total United States 833 784 1,118
Europe 115 145 122
Africa 88 100 91
Asia and other 248 195 378
Total Capital and Exploratory Expenditures $ 1,284 $ 1,224 $ 1,709
Total exploration expenses charged to income included above $ 47 $ 78 $ 144


First Quarter 2015
United States



Sales and other operating revenues $ 937 $ 601 $ 1,538
Other, net (7 ) 18 11
Total revenues and non-operating income 930 619 1,549
Costs and Expenses
Cost of products sold (excluding items shown separately below) 344 (38 ) 306
Operating costs and expenses 248 230 478
Production and severance taxes 34 2 36
Exploration expenses, including dry holes and lease impairment 36 233 269
General and administrative expenses 78 10 88
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 549 404 953
Total costs and expenses 1,289 841 2,130
Results of operations before income taxes (359 ) (222 ) (581 )

Provision (benefit) for income taxes

(126 ) (169 ) (295 )
Net income (loss) attributable to Hess Corporation $ (233 ) $ (53 ) (a) $ (286 )

First Quarter 2014
United States



Sales and other operating revenues $ 1,545 $ 1,128 $ 2,673
Other, net (2 ) 6 4
Total revenues and non-operating income 1,543 1,134 2,677
Costs and Expenses
Cost of products sold (excluding items shown separately below) 414 (21 ) 393
Operating costs and expenses 209 257 466
Production and severance taxes 58 4 62
Exploration expenses, including dry holes and lease impairment 47 72 119
General and administrative expenses 58 22 80
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 360 361 721
Total costs and expenses 1,146 695 1,841
Results of operations before income taxes 397 439 836

Provision for income taxes

157 171 328
Net income attributable to Hess Corporation $ 240 $ 268 (a) $ 508
(a) The after-tax realized gains from crude oil hedging activities amounted to $1 million in the first quarter of 2015 and $2 million in the first quarter of 2014. Unrealized changes in crude oil hedging activities, which are included in Other operating revenues, amounted to gains of $10 million after-tax in the first quarter of 2015 and gains of $3 million after-tax in the first quarter of 2014.


Fourth Quarter 2014
United States



Sales and other operating revenues $ 1,443 $ 1,114 $ 2,557
Other, net

(29 ) (29 )
Total revenues and non-operating income 1,443 1,085 2,528
Costs and Expenses
Cost of products sold (excluding items shown separately below) 484 58 542
Operating costs and expenses 205 247 452
Production and severance taxes 53 13 66
Exploration expenses, including dry holes and lease impairment 70 101 171
General and administrative expenses 87 5 92
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 484 389 873
Total costs and expenses 1,383 813 2,196
Results of operations before income taxes 60 272 332
Provision for income taxes 41 199 240
Net income attributable to Hess Corporation $ 19 (a) $ 73 (b) $ 92
(a) The after-tax realized gains from crude oil hedging activities amounted to $31 million in the fourth quarter of 2014. Unrealized changes in crude oil hedging activities, which are included in Other operating revenues, amounted to losses of $3 million after-tax.
(b) The after-tax realized gains from crude oil hedging activities amounted to $75 million in the fourth quarter of 2014. Unrealized changes in crude oil hedging activities, which are included in Other operating revenues, amounted to losses of $4 million after-tax.


First First Fourth





2014 2014

Operating Data

Net Production Per Day (in thousands)

Crude oil - barrels
United States
Bakken 79 58 78
Other Onshore 11 9 10
Total Onshore 90 67 88
Offshore 50 51 48
Total United States 140 118 136
Europe 36 39 40
Africa 52 48 63
Asia 2 5 2
Total 230 210 241
Natural gas liquids - barrels
United States
Bakken 19 2 16
Other Onshore 9 2 9
Total Onshore 28 4 25
Offshore 6 7 6
Total United States 34 11 31
Europe 1 2 1
Total 35 13 32
Natural gas - mcf
United States
Bakken 58 15 50
Other Onshore 79 26 60
Total Onshore 137 41 110
Offshore 65 78 74
Total United States 202 119 184
Europe 36 37 43
Asia and other 336 415 304
Total 574 571 531
Barrels of oil equivalent 361 318 362


First First Fourth




2015 2014 2014

Sales Volumes Per Day (in thousands)

Crude oil - barrels 219 197 252
Natural gas liquids - barrels 35 12 32
Natural gas - mcf 574 571 531
Barrels of oil equivalent 349 305 373

Sales Volumes (in thousands)

Crude oil - barrels 19,708 17,750 23,207
Natural gas liquids - barrels 3,119 1,122 2,957
Natural gas - mcf 51,641 51,357 48,851
Barrels of oil equivalent 31,434 27,432 34,306


First First Fourth




2015 2014 2014

Operating Data

Average Selling Prices

Crude oil - per barrel (including hedging)
United States
Onshore $ 38.28 $ 88.04 $ 60.90
Offshore 43.55 99.34 82.22
Total United States 40.14 92.94 68.51
Europe 53.31 109.17 89.44
Africa 52.93 108.40 79.55
Asia 48.44 102.29 63.91
Worldwide 44.78 99.17 74.97
Crude oil - per barrel (excluding hedging)
United States
Onshore $ 38.28 $ 88.04 $ 60.90
Offshore 43.55 99.34 70.99
Total United States 40.14 92.94 64.51
Europe 53.17 108.74 74.58
Africa 52.82 107.92 69.99
Asia 48.44 102.29 63.91
Worldwide 44.74 99.00 67.68
Natural gas liquids - per barrel
United States
Onshore $ 14.22 $ 53.46 $ 21.26
Offshore 15.71 34.07 23.25
Total United States 14.47 41.54 21.64
Europe 27.58 63.83 39.69
Worldwide 14.91 44.28 22.37
Natural gas - per mcf
United States
Onshore $


$ 6.10 $ 2.34
Offshore 2.31 4.37 3.09
Total United States


4.96 2.62
Europe 7.95 11.48 8.63
Asia and other 5.95 7.23 6.34


7.03 5.24


For Hess Corporation
Investor Contact:
Jay Wilson
Media Contact:
Michael Henson/Patrick Scanlan
Sard Verbinnen & Co

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