From the Map of Opportunities to the Architectural Map of Your House. An Innovative Way of Designing Residential Spaces By Getting to Know Yourself First

Fabrizia Zorzenon, the Italian architect known for her Imiss Design, will soon land in Los Angeles with "On Location Design Tour". From Dec 8th, she will help people to change their lives, by turning their house into a place of beauty and harmony.

LOS ANGELES, CA, November 26, 2015 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The Map of Opportunities is a powerful instrument designed for people who want to build and live in a house that can change their lives, and bring beauty and harmony into their world. Free from schemes and conventions, it can be effectively applied to everyone interested in evolving and creating new quantum possibilities, both at spiritual and bodily level.

Everyone is consciously able to change his life, in every sector and aspect of his life. To this end, we need to raise our personal vibration, to the vibration of Beauty.

The concept of Beauty as a form of the divine, or if expressed in terms of energy, as a form of maximum vibratory energy, is present in the biological memory of all human beings. In fact, throughout the entire history of humanity, Beauty has always been recognized as the intermediary between human beings and the divine. Beauty is what draws Man and God together, because if one is able to see beauty, he is also able to create harmony and balance inside and outside his life.

Once we reach a certain degree of evolution, beauty becomes an impulse of the soul; it is illumination which is reflected in the body. It is the awareness that materializes, becoming visible to the human eye through the beauty of the physical body. There can be no illumination, awareness, spiritual evolution, without it resulting in physical beauty, because only in this way we are in harmony with ourselves.

Once we are able to find Beauty within ourselves and take it to the brain in a conscious manner, we will have access to the energy of the All, and raise our personal vibration. By doing that, we will be able to change our life.

How to change our life at practical/material level?

1 - Images create Life.

In the beginning was the word. This phrase appears in the most important ancient texts. In various forms, what the sacred texts have always said is that the reality is created through words. Each time we use words, we create our reality.

In fact, in the human brain, the words that are pronounced are associated with images that the brain recognizes and immediately begins to make real. Therefore, a person's life depends on the image that he has of it, and on the words that he use to define it. It thus follows that if people want to change their life, all they have to do is change the image they have of it, replacing it with the image of the life that they would like to have.

2 - A continuous exchange of information.

Approximately twenty years ago, researchers in the biology field discovered that the brain of a cell is not located in the nucleus but is situated in the membrane; and that, as result, our cells communicate between each other by proximity. In other words, each cell exchanges information with the others by interacting with the neighboring cell, while those on the epidermis (which are in contact with the outside of our body) communicate and interact directly with the surrounding environment. Every time then an information enters our body, this is immediately sent to the brain which processes it and transforms into "feelings" and correlated "images". Our body is thus constantly bombarded by the external inputs, to which it consequently adapts its own biological information. Since that, we can understand how the surrounding environment has been actually influencing our bodies and our lives from the beginning of time.

What information are best for our brain in order to bring beauty and harmony into our lives and houses?

Up to this point, we have seen that through the beauty we can increase your own personal vibration and thus change our life; that our reality is the result of the image that we have of it; and that our body is deeply influenced by the environment in which we live. Ergo, if we can give the environment (our house in primis) the image of beauty, we will also able to create the necessary harmony to raise our own vibrations and reveal the divine ability to change reality according to our wish.

In order to do that, however, we must first know ourselves and be aware of what our real needs are.

That is, it is indispensable to know what needs are part of ourselves, our structure, and uniqueness, because only the fulfillment of the needs ensures the total and perfect harmony with ourselves.

Unfortunately, way too often people do not satisfy these needs, because they do not correspond to what they have learned, or to what they have been lead to believe are everybody's needs. Most of the time, in fact, our real needs do not correspond to what we are told by advertising, culture, tradition and the social environment in which we live. People, therefore, end up to not satisfy their needs as result of their beliefs, of the things they have learned from the family or from the society... And yet, everyone is different and everyone has different needs. Not everyone has the same priorities and, as consequence, we must know ourselves and our needs well before we can start creating our new house and reality. Creating a reality full of beauty means satisfying first our own needs, because these are the ones that give rise to harmony and balance.

If each of us looks deep inside ourselves, we will discover that, for example, not everyone needs to possess a luxury villa or car to be happy; there are people who have different need, as there are people who feel frustrated about not being able to become millionaires just because they don't really want it. In other words, they do not feel such a strong need as to transform it into desire (i.e., reality), but are simply trying to standardize themselves to everybody else. By doing that, they are no longer fulfilling their true needs and they therefore automatically enter into conflicts. Conflict means losing harmony with ourselves. It is the lack of harmony that leads to sickness.

Sickness is lack of harmony.

So, the only possible way of living well, changing one's life, and making the quantum jump, is to know and fulfill our biological needs, namely those needs that are unique and subjective for each of us, and that are designed to facilitate our life in the quantum trail on which we were entered at birth.

One of the most simple and quick ways to identify the real needs of a persona is by calculating his Map of Opportunities, which takes place starting from the date of birth. This is a very powerful instrument that will help everyone to find his own biological identity. In fact, as said before, each individual is born with specific characteristics that represent a kind of bar code and indicate precisely what are his innate needs... which, once satisfied, will prevent the creation of conditions of disharmony for him and the world around him. For this reason, this instrument is called "The Map of Opportunities", as it represents an excellent opportunity to live well our lives.

Moreover, thanks to it, we can also find our Sense-Project.

First of all, we must understand that anything, everything, can only exist in the Universe up until there is a sense for it to exist. A house, a relationship, a friendship, a human being can only exist if it makes sense to exist. Because the sense of thing is the reason for existing that we give to that thing; and its sense arises from a need.

More specifically, we feel a need and we make a project to create something that has the sense of satisfying that particular need. For instance, if people inside a community feel the need of a place for reading and for culture, they will do something in order to build a place that responds to that need: a library, for example. But, then, when the community stops to use it as meeting point, the building will be destroyed or turned into something different. In the latter case, it will be given a new and different Sense-Project.

Similarly, also human beings live as long as they have a sense; that is, as long as they have their own Sense-Project. Understanding the meaning of our own existence, it therefore offers a deep insight into the direction we need to move to, so that everything we do, we live and experience, it always will have a meaning for us to exist.

How the architectural dimension of our house is able to change our life?

"I am not in space and time, nor do I conceive space and time; I belong to them, my body combines with them and includes them".

As learned before, our body has the unique and innate ability to instantaneously exchange information with the surrounding and spontaneously adapt itself to all inputs coming from the outside. Of the same opinion, even if with different words and at a different time, was also Merleau-Ponty. Taking the study of perception as his starting point, he was led to recognize that the human body is not just an object detached from the world; it represents the necessary condition of our experience in this world. Our perception of the reality is the result of what our body feels and perceives; that is, it is the result of sensory and emotional experience lived by our body in this world. Body and World, indeed, belong to one other, and influence each other.

"We know not through our intellect but through our experience."

This correlation is created by a world made up of images capable of resonating in our body. Within our body, they produce emotions and feelings able to influence our way of being, thinking and acting, at very deeper level. Our life in this earth, is therefore the result of what our body perceive... of all the emotions and images resonating in it.

Likewise, any building (or room) has important sensory qualities that go far beyond the economic and functional aspect of a project; and that has little to do even with the so-called "style-choice". Instead, it is a quality whose result comes from a specific combination of colors, shapes, materials, lights and sounds, to which corresponds messages/images that can deeply affect people's life, creating conditions of harmony or complete disharmony. For this reason, in architectural design (especially with the design of your own house) nothing must be arbitrary or dictated by passing trends. Every person has unique and subjective needs to be satisfied, which require architectural choices also unique and highly weighted.

Accordingly, combining the "Map of Opportunities" with the "Architectural Map of the Project" represents a great opportunity to help people change their lives by working at the practical level, starting immediately by their own home. The Map of Opportunities, indeed, makes possible to understand not only the real needs of a person (needs which, once satisfied, naturally re-balance his life), but also to identify what forms, colors, and materials are able to immediately and spontaneously fulfill these needs, both physically and emotionally.

In so doing, architecture acquires the new and additional meaning of instrument capable of healing people, by re-balancing their lives and creating the conditions for a new life full of beauty and harmony.

From Dec 8th 2015, Fabrizia Zorzenon will be in Los Angeles @WeWork (7083 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028) to meet everyone interested in discovering a new and innovative way of designing his own house. By choosing our DID Basic or DID Report and booking your appointment, you will take advantage of starting your personal journey towards discovering yourself and bringing beauty and harmony into your life and house.

Fabrizia Zorzenon is a London-based architect, designer, builder and thinker operating within the field of architecture, interior, exhibition and research.

Since its opening in 2012, her office has been involved in developing a new form of architecture able to transform and enhance the way we think and we live. With an emphasis to residential architecture and exhibition design projects, Fabrizia firmly believes that architecture is not just a matter of style. Above all, architecture is a way of thinking and shaping the space to help people improve their lives and feel better. In fact, any house and any space Fabrizia designs are foremost conceived like a sensory experience capable of making people feel different every time they leave. A good piece of architecture should work like a "washing machine". It should be able to clean you spiritually from the chaos and incoherence of contemporary life, any time you enter it.

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