Free Writing Prospectus
Filed Pursuant to Rule 433
Registration Statement No. 333-177923
Dated September 10, 2014


J.P. Morgan US Long Equity Dynamic Overlay 80 Index (Series 1)

The J.P. Morgan US Long Equity Dynamic Overlay 80 Index (Series 1) (the "Index"
or  " US LEDO") is a rules-based Index designed to provide a synthetic long
position in the total return version of the S&P 500([R]) Index (the "Equity
Index") and limited downside protection against adverse movements of the Equity
Index through a synthetic collar strategy as an overlay to the synthetic long
position in the total return version of the Equity Index, subject to fees and

Index Features

[] The Index consists of three positions:
[] a synthetic long position in the S&P 500([R]) Total Return Index;
[] a synthetic rolling collar strategy* applied to the "price return" version of the
Equity Index (the "Price Return Equity Index"), consisting of (a) a monthly
rolled synthetic short call position of 1-month  maturity with target strike
prices varying from 103% to 108% of the closing levels of the Price Return
Equity Index and (b) quarterly rolled synthetic long put positions of 11- month
maturity with a target strike price of 80% of the closing levels of the Price
Return Equity Index; and
[] a synthetic delta hedge position* with respect to the synthetic short call
position consisting of a variable synthetic exposure to futures contracts
referencing the Price Return Equity Index.

*In limited circumstances the Index may not implement these synthetic

Short Call Leg

[] The short call leg consists of: the synthetic short call position and the
synthetic delta hedge position described above.
[] The target call strike price of each monthly rolled synthetic call position
varies from 103% to 108% of the closing levels of the Price Return Equity Index
based on the level of the CBOE Volatility Index ("VIX").
[] The delta hedge mechanism attempts to mitigate the risk that the Price
Return Equity Index may appreciate to levels above the strike price of the call
[] The delta hedge mechanism is activated when the closing level of the VIX is
below its six month or five year moving average.
[] The delta hedge mechanism activation is gradual: activated when VIX is below
100% of either of the two moving averages and fully implemented once VIX is 80%
of either of the two moving averages.

Volatility Index Level (VIX) Call Strike
       VIX (/= 20            103.00%
     20 ( VIX (/= 25         104.00%
     25 ( VIX (/= 30         105.00%
     30 ( VIX (/= 35         106.00%
     35 ( VIX (/= 60         107.00%
        60 ( VIX             108.00%

Hypothetical historical performance comparison: US LEDO and S&P
500([R]) Total Return Index: Jan 2002 -- August 2014


Source: J.P. Morgan. As of 8/29/2014. PAST PERFORMANCE AND BACK-TESTED
9/17/2013; therefore any data shown for the Index prior to that date is
back-tested. The information in this chart is provided solely for reference. No
guarantee can be given that the Index will outperform the S&P 500([R]) Total
Return Index or will not under perform the S&P 500([R]) Total Return Index in
the future.

Hypothetical historical returns and volatilities: US LEDO Index and S&P
500([R])  Total Return Index: Jan 2002 -- August 2014

                  SPTR    JPUSLEDO
Annualized Return  6.57%     7.41%
Volatility        20.52%    14.57%
Sharpe Ratio      32.00%    50.86%
Max Drawdown     -55.25%   -38.79%

Source: J.P. Morgan. As of 8/29/2014. PAST PERFORMANCE AND BACK-TESTED
9/17/2013; therefore any data shown for that index prior to that date is
back-tested. The information in this chart is provided solely for reference. No
guarantee can be given that the Index will outperform the S&P 500([R]) Total
Return Index or will not under perform the S&P 500([R]) Total Return Index in
the future.

Long Put Leg

[] The long put leg combines three* synthetic long put positions of 11-month
maturity with a target strike price of 80% of the closing levels of the Price
Return Equity Index.
[] The Index is designed to initiate each synthetic long put position on a
quarterly basis, subject to certain conditions.
[] The put options are rolled into new contracts 2 months before their expiry.
Rolling the put options shortly before their expiration mitigates the negative
carry resulting from the significant decrease in value that typically happens
during the last 2 months of a long-dated  option such as the put options
referenced by the Index.

*In limited circumstances there my be less than three synthetic put positions.

Cutting the Tail Risk
The following chart shows the performance of the S&P 500([R]) Total Return
Index and the hypothetical performance of U.S. LEDO during the worst 10
performance months of the S&P 500([R]) Total Return Index since 2002:

S&P 500([R]) Total
Return Index       US LEDO Difference Month
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
  -16.79%          -6.94%   9.86%     Oct-08
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
  -10.87%          -6.32%   4.55%     Sep-02
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
  -10.65%          -6.14%   4.51%     Feb-09
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
   -8.91%          -5.15%   3.76%     Sep-08
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
   -8.43%          -8.06%   0.37%     Jun-08
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
   -8.43%          -3.98%   4.45%     Jan-09
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
   -7.99%          -6.17%   1.81%     May-10
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
   -7.80%          -2.94%   4.85%     Jul-02
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
   -7.18%          -8.02%   -0.85%    Nov-08
------------------ ------- ---------- ------
   -7.12%          -5.38%   1.74%     Jun-02

Source: J.P. Morgan. As of 8/29/2014. PAST PERFORMANCE AND BACK-TESTED
9/17/2013; therefore any data shown for the Index prior to that date is
back-tested. The information in this chart is provided solely for reference. No
guarantee can be given that the Index will outperform the S&P 500([R]) Total
Return Index or will not under perform the S&P 500([R]) Total Return Index in
the future.

J.P. Morgan Structured Investments | 800 576 3529 | September 8, 2014




Source: J.P. Morgan. As of 8/29/2014. PAST PERFORMANCE AND BACK-TESTED
9/17/2013; therefore any data used for the Index prior to that date is

Index fee and cost associated with trading the puts and calls, and the delta
hedging mechanism
(a) Daily index fee: on each day, the calculation of the Index reflects the
deduction of an adjustment factor of 0.75% per annum (the "Daily Index Fee");
(b) Call deduction and put deduction: on a monthly or quarterly basis, as
applicable, when the Index's synthetic short call or long put exposure, as
applicable, is rolled into a new SPX option contract, a call deduction or put
deduction, as applicable, is subtracted in the calculation of the Index. The
call deduction or put deduction is calculated by multiplying the applicable
volatility spread (which is between 0.30% and 3.00%) by the vega of the
applicable option contract, subject to certain minimum and maximum amounts. The
applicable volatility spread depends on the level of the CBOE
Volatility Index ("VIX") on the relevant date of determination. Unlike the
Daily Index Fee, the call deduction and the put deduction are not per annum
deductions; and (c) Delta deduction: on each day the delta hedge is
0.03% of any increase or decrease in the Index's exposure to the futures
contracts on the Price Return Equity Index is deducted in the calculation of
the Index. The delta deduction reflects costs relating to adjustments to the
Index's delta hedge of its synthetic short call position. Unlike the Daily
Index Fee, the delta deduction is not a per annum percentage deduction.
Glossary of Select Terms
"Call" An option contract that gives the buyer of the option the right, but not
the obligation, to buy an underlying asset at a specified price (strike) within
a specified timeframe.
"Put" An option contract that gives the buyer of the option the right, but not
the obligation, to sell a specified underlying asset at a specified price
(strike) within a specified timeframe.
"Collar" Combination of the purchase of a put option and the sale of a call
option on the same underlying asset.
"Volatility" A way to measure the risk associated with an asset, by measuring
the variability of its returns. It is usually expressed as a percentage.
"Vega" A measurement of an option's sensitivity to changes in the volatility of
the underlying asset of that option.
"Delta hedge" a hedge of a position in a derivative financial instrument
through an offsetting position in that derivative instrument's underlying asset
(or vice versa).
"Annualized return" The return of an underlying asset over a period of time,
expressed as a time-weighted annual percentage.
"Sharpe Ratio" The ratio of an asset's rate of return over its volatility, used
to measure risk-adjusted performance.
"Maximum drawdown" The maximum decline experienced by an asset during a given
period of time, from peak to trough.

What are the main risks in the Index?

[] Any securities we may issue linked to the Index may result in a loss, and
are exposed to the credit risk of J. P.  Morgan Chase & Co.
[] The Index has limited operating history.
[] The reported level of the Index incorporates the daily deduction of an index
fee, the cost associated with trading the puts and the calls, and delta hedging
the short call position.
[] The Index provides exposure to equity options and futures, which are subject
to significant fluctuations, and are not suitable for all investors.
[] There are risks associated with the delta hedging.
[] There are risks associated with synthetic options.
[] The Index references a synthetic portfolio of underlying assets.
[] The Index may not be successful and may not outperform any alternative
[] The cost of synthetically trading the options and futures constituents may
negatively impact performance.
[] Even with delta hedging, the Index may still underperform the underlying
equity Index.
[] Even though the Index maintains a long put position, the level of the Index
may not increase when the market decreases.
[] The Index is an excess return index, thought it tracks a total return index.

[] Our affiliate, J. P.  Morgan Securities plc.  ("JPMSL"), is the sponsor and
calculation agent for the Index and may adjust the Index in a way that affects
its level.

These risk factors are not exhaustive. Please review the relevant underlying
supplement, product supplement we have filed and any relevant term sheet or
pricing supplement for further information on risk factors associated with the
J.P. Morgan U.S Long Equity Dynamic Overlay 80 Index (Series 1).

SEC Legend: JPMorgan Chase & Co. has filed a registration statement (including
a prospectus) with the SEC for any offerings to which these materials relate.
Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration
statement and the other documents relating to this offering that JPMorgan Chase
& Co. has filed with the SEC for more complete information about JPMorgan Chase
& Co. and this offering. You may get these documents without cost by visiting
EDGAR on the SEC Web site at Alternatively, JPMorgan Chase & Co.,
any agent or any dealer participating in this offering will arrange to send you
the prospectus and each prospectus supplement as well as any product
supplement, underlying supplement, pricing supplement and term sheet if you so
request by calling toll-free 800-576-3529.
Free Writing Prospectus Filed Pursuant to Rule 433 Registration Statement No.
To the extent there are any inconsistencies between this free writing
prospectus and the relevant pricing supplement, the relevant pricing
supplement, including any hyperlinked information, shall supersede this free
writing prospectus.
Investment suitability must be determined individually for each investor. The
financial instruments described herein may not be suitable for all investors.
This information is not intended to provide and should not be relied upon as
providing accounting, legal, regulatory or tax advice. Investors should consult
their own advisors on these matters.
IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its affiliates do not
provide tax advice. Accordingly, any discussion of U.S. tax matters contained
herein (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and
cannot be used, in connection with the promotion, marketing or recommendation
by anyone unaffiliated with JPMorgan Chase & Co. of any of the matters
addressed herein or for the purpose of avoiding U.S. tax-related penalties.

J.P. Morgan Structured Investments | 800 576 3529 | September 8, 2014