Washington, DC 20549

                                  FORM 10-Q


For the quarterly period ended July 30, 2005


For the transition period from _______ to _______
                       Commission File Number 001-15059

                               Nordstrom, Inc.
            (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

              Washington                             91-0515058
      _______________________________            ___________________
      (State or other jurisdiction of              (IRS Employer
      incorporation or organization)              Identification No.)

                1617 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington  98101
            (Address of principal executive offices)  (Zip code)

     Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (206) 628-2111

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to 
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                               YES   X       NO
                                   _____        _____

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer 
(as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). YES  X     NO  
                                                   _____     _____
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as 
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). YES        NO  X
                                               _____     _____

Common stock outstanding as of August 19, 2005: 273,352 shares of common

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

    Item 1.  Financial Statements (unaudited)

             Condensed Consolidated Statements of Earnings
               Quarter and Year to Date ended July 30, 2005 
               and July 31, 2004                                          3

             Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
               July 30, 2005, January 29, 2005 and July 31, 2004          4

             Condensed Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity   
               Year to Date ended July 30, 2005 and July 31, 2004         5

             Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows   
               Year to Date ended July 30, 2005 and July 31, 2004         6

             Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements         7

    Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
             Condition and Results of Operations                         13

    Item 4.  Controls and Procedures                                     17


    Item 1.  Legal Proceedings                                           18

    Item 2.  Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use 
               of Proceeds                                               19

    Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders         20

    Item 6.  Exhibits                                                    20

SIGNATURES                                                               21

INDEX TO EXHIBITS                                                        22

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
        (amounts in thousands except per share amounts and percentages)

                                   Quarter Ended         Year to Date Ended
                              ----------------------   ----------------------
                                July 30,    July 31,     July 30,   July 31,
                                 2005        2004         2005        2004
                              ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
Net sales                     $2,106,438  $1,953,480   $3,760,912  $3,488,970
Cost of sales and related 
  buying and occupancy costs  (1,347,515) (1,270,892)  (2,393,680) (2,243,824)
                              ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
Gross profit                     758,923     682,588    1,367,232   1,245,146
Selling, general and 
  administrative expenses       (551,196)   (536,233)  (1,016,618)   (988,967)
                              ----------  ----------   ----------  ----------
Operating income                 207,727     146,355      350,614     256,179
Interest expense, net            (10,904)    (14,091)     (23,543)    (50,775)
Other income including finance
  charges, net                    44,970      43,002       87,702      82,489
                              ----------  ----------    ---------    --------
Earnings before income taxes     241,793     175,266      414,773     287,893
Income tax expense               (92,875)    (68,351)    (161,317)   (112,251)
                              ----------  ----------    ---------    --------
Net earnings                  $  148,918  $  106,915    $ 253,456  $  175,642
                              ==========  ==========    =========  ==========

Basic earnings per share      $     0.54  $     0.38    $     0.93  $    0.63
Diluted earnings per share    $     0.53  $     0.37    $     0.91  $    0.62
Basic shares                     273,379     281,469       273,225    279,844
Diluted shares                   279,169     286,994       278,832    285,481

                                   Quarter Ended          Year to Date Ended
                              ----------------------    ----------------------
                                July 30,    July 31,     July 30,    July 31, 
(% of Net sales)(1)              2005         2004         2005        2004  
                              ----------  ----------    ----------  ----------
Net sales                        100.0%      100.0%       100.0%      100.0%
Cost of sales and related      
  buying and occupancy costs     (64.0%)     (65.1%)      (63.6%)     (64.3%)
                              ----------  ----------    ----------  ----------
Gross profit                      36.0%       34.9%        36.4%       35.7%
Selling, general and 
  administrative expenses        (26.2%)     (27.5%)      (27.0%)     (28.3%)
                              ----------  ----------    ----------  ----------
Operating income                   9.9%        7.5%         9.3%        7.3%
Interest expense, net             (0.5%)      (0.7%)       (0.6%)      (1.5%)
Other income including finance
  charges, net                     2.1%        2.2%         2.3%        2.4%
                              ----------  ----------    ----------  ----------
Earnings before income taxes      11.5%        9.0%        11.0%        8.3%
Income tax expense(2)            (38.4%)     (39.0%)      (38.9%)     (39.0%)
                              ----------  ----------    ----------  ----------
Net earnings                       7.1%        5.5%         6.7%        5.0%
                              ==========  ==========    ==========  ==========

(1) Subtotals and totals may not foot due to rounding
(2) Percent of earnings before income taxes

The accompanying Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are 
an integral part of these financial statements.

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                            (amounts in thousands)

                                            July 30,   January 29,    July 31,
                                              2005         2005         2004
                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                $  462,875   $  360,623   $  319,332
  Short-term investments                       34,000       41,825      165,575
  Accounts receivable, net                    701,882      645,663      721,510
  Investment in asset backed securities       515,596      422,416      381,940
  Merchandise inventories                     989,365      917,182    1,024,853
  Current deferred tax assets                 140,745      131,547      132,158
  Prepaid expenses and other                   50,101       53,188       48,105
                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
  Total current assets                      2,894,564    2,572,444    2,793,473

Land, buildings and equipment (net of
  accumulated depreciation of $2,444,359,
  $2,310,607 and $2,221,299)                1,771,492    1,780,366    1,772,752
Goodwill, net                                  51,714       51,714       51,714
Tradename, net                                 84,000       84,000       84,000
Other assets                                  114,643      116,866      110,942
                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
TOTAL ASSETS                               $4,916,413   $4,605,390   $4,812,881
                                           ==========   ==========   ==========

Current Liabilities:
  Accounts payable                         $  714,429   $  482,394   $  699,432
  Accrued salaries, wages
    and related benefits                      226,307      287,904      241,823
  Other current liabilities                   365,569      354,201      305,992
  Income taxes payable                        107,713      115,556       86,309
  Current portion of long-term debt             4,840      101,097      103,129
                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
  Total current liabilities                 1,418,858    1,341,152    1,436,685

Long-term debt                                923,952      929,010      927,227
Deferred property incentives, net             355,197      367,087      391,837
Other liabilities                             199,724      179,147      185,692

Shareholders' Equity:
  Common stock, no par:
    1,000,000 shares authorized;
    273,683, 271,331 and 282,871 shares 
    issued and outstanding                    646,684      552,655      517,718
  Unearned stock compensation                    (550)        (299)        (448)
  Retained earnings                         1,365,888    1,227,303    1,346,035
  Accumulated other comprehensive
    earnings                                    6,660        9,335        8,135
                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
  Total shareholders' equity                2,018,682    1,788,994    1,871,440
                                           ----------   ----------   ----------
  SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                     $4,916,413   $4,605,390   $4,812,881
                                           ==========   ==========   ==========

The accompanying Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are 
an integral part of these financial statements.

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                (amounts in thousands except per share amounts)

                                                                    Accumulated Other
                            Common Stock       Unearned    Retained  Comprehensive
                         Shares       Amount Compensation  Earnings     Earnings        Total
Balance at 
  January 29, 2005          271,331  $552,655    $(299)   $1,227,303    $9,335      $1,788,994

Net earnings                      -         -        -       253,456         -         253,456
Other comprehensive earnings:
  Foreign currency 
    translation adjustment        -         -        -             -    (1,743)         (1,743)
  Fair value adjustment to 
    investment in asset backed 
    securities, net of tax 
    of $596                       -         -        -             -      (932)           (932)
Comprehensive net earnings        -         -        -             -         -         250,781
Cash dividends paid
  ($0.15 per share)               -         -        -       (40,994)        -         (40,994)
Issuance of common stock for:                                                           
  Stock option plans          4,389    81,439        -             -         -          81,439
  Employee stock purchase 
     plan                       532     9,484        -             -         -           9,484
  Stock-based compensation      124     3,106     (251)            -         -           2,855
Repurchase of common  
  stock                      (2,693)        -        -       (73,877)        -         (73,877)
Balance at July 30, 2005    273,683  $646,684    $(550)   $1,365,888    $6,660      $2,018,682

                                                                    Accumulated Other
                            Common Stock       Unearned    Retained  Comprehensive
                         Shares       Amount Compensation  Earnings     Earnings        Total
Balance at 
  January 31, 2004          276,753  $424,645    $(597)   $1,201,093    $8,868      $1,634,009

Net earnings                      -         -        -       175,642         -         175,642
Other comprehensive earnings:
  Foreign currency 
    translation adjustment        -         -        -             -       160             160
  Fair value adjustment to
    investment in asset backed 
    securities, net of tax 
    of $571                       -         -        -             -      (893)           (893)
Comprehensive net earnings        -         -        -             -         -         174,909
Cash dividends paid
  ($0.11 per share)              -         -        -        (30,700)        -         (30,700)
Issuance of common stock for:                                                           
  Stock option plans          5,393    82,040        -             -         -          82,040
  Employee stock purchase 
     plan                       570     6,683        -             -         -           6,683
  Stock-based compensation      155     4,350      149             -         -           4,499
Balance at July 31, 2004    282,871  $517,718    $(448)   $1,346,035    $8,135      $1,871,440  

The accompanying Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are 
an integral part of these financial statements.

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                            NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                (amounts in thousands)

                                                               Year to Date Ended  
                                                              July 30,       July 31,
                                                               2005           2004
                                                            ----------     ----------
  Net earnings                                                $253,456       $175,642 
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net 
  cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization of 
      buildings and equipment                                  137,436        130,235 
    Amortization of deferred property incentives 
      and other, net                                           (15,664)       (15,690) 
    Stock-based compensation expense                             7,474          5,482 
    Deferred income taxes, net                                   2,420         (3,595) 
    Tax benefit on stock option exercises
      and employee stock purchases                              26,872         17,823
    Provision for bad debt expense                              10,064         12,731
    Change in operating assets and liabilities:
      Accounts receivable                                      (67,230)       (68,087)
      Investment in asset backed securities                    (94,112)      (111,110) 
      Merchandise inventories                                  (71,717)      (111,810) 
      Prepaid expenses                                             (71)          (463)
      Other assets                                              (1,936)       (10,462)
      Accounts payable                                         191,087        193,469
      Accrued salaries, wages and related benefits             (67,260)       (34,864)
      Other current liabilities                                   (938)        (8,710)
      Income taxes payable                                      (7,842)         1,505
      Property incentives                                       21,613            689
      Other liabilities                                         15,959         19,529
                                                            ----------     ----------
Net cash provided by operating activities                      339,611        192,314 
                                                            ----------     ----------
  Capital expenditures                                        (131,384)      (102,201)
  Proceeds from sale of assets                                       -          5,473
  Sales of short-term investments                              297,325      1,979,050
  Purchases of short-term investments                         (289,500)    (1,968,625) 
  Other, net                                                      (139)           205
                                                            ----------     ----------
Net cash used in investing activities                         (123,698)       (86,098)
                                                            ----------     ----------
  Principal payments on long-term debt                         (98,650)      (201,325)
  Increase in cash book overdrafts                              35,633         33,959
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options                       55,413         64,624
  Proceeds from employee stock purchase plan                     8,640          6,277
  Cash dividends paid                                          (40,994)       (30,700)
  Repurchase of common stock                                   (73,913)             -
  Other, net                                                       210              -
                                                            ----------     ----------
Net cash used in financing activities                         (113,661)      (127,165)
                                                            ----------     ----------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents           102,252        (20,949)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period               360,623        340,281
                                                            ----------     ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                    $462,875       $319,332
                                                            ==========     ==========

The accompanying Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements are 
an integral part of these financial statements.

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
        (amounts in thousands except per share amounts and percentages)

Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Presentation
The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in 
conjunction with the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements contained in 
our 2004 Annual Report.  The same accounting policies are followed for 
preparing quarterly and annual financial data.  All adjustments necessary for 
the fair presentation of the results of operations, financial position and 
cash flows have been included and are of a normal, recurring nature.

Our business, like that of other retailers, is subject to seasonal 
fluctuations.  Our Anniversary Sale in July and the holidays in December 
typically result in higher sales in the second and fourth quarters of our 
fiscal years.  Accordingly, results for any quarter are not necessarily 
indicative of the results that may be achieved for a full fiscal year.

Critical Accounting Policies
The preparation of our financial statements requires that we make estimates 
and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, 
revenues and expenses, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities.  
We regularly evaluate our estimates, including those related to off-balance 
sheet financing, inventory valuation, sales return accruals, self-insurance 
liabilities, doubtful accounts, intangible assets, income taxes, post-
retirement benefits, contingent liabilities and litigation.  We base our 
estimates on historical experience and other assumptions that we believe to be 
reasonable under the circumstances.  Actual results may differ from these 
estimates.  Our accounting policies and methodologies in 2005 are consistent 
with those discussed in our 2004 Annual Report.

Two-for-one Stock Split
On May 24, 2005, our Board of Directors approved a two-for-one stock split of 
our outstanding common stock and a proportional increase in the number of 
common shares authorized from 500,000 to 1,000,000.  Additional shares issued 
as a result of the stock split were distributed on June 30, 2005 to 
shareholders of record as of June 13, 2005.  The shares and per share 
information included herein have been adjusted to reflect this stock split.  

Stock Compensation
We apply APB No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees," in measuring 
compensation costs under our stock-based compensation programs, which is 
described more fully in our 2004 Annual Report.  

We expect to adopt SFAS No. 123(R), "Share-Based Payment" in the first quarter 
of 2006.  In connection with the implementation of SFAS No. 123(R), the SEC 
Staff issued additional guidance recently for stock options granted to 
employees who will be eligible to retire before the normal vesting of their 
stock options.  If we had followed the SEC Staff's recently issued guidance, 
the impact would be immaterial in the first half of 2005 and 2004.  

The table below illustrates the effect on net earnings and earnings per share 
if we had applied the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS No. 123, 
"Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation."  

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
        (amounts in thousands except per share amounts and percentages)

Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Cont.)

                                    Quarter Ended        Year to Date Ended
                                ----------------------  ---------------------
                                  July 30,    July 31,   July 30,   July 31,
                                    2005        2004       2005       2004
                                ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------
Net earnings, as reported         $148,918    $106,915    $253,456   $175,642
Add: stock-based compensation
 expense included in reported 
 net earnings, net of tax            3,696       2,573       4,567      3,344
Deduct: stock-based
 compensation expense determined
 under fair value, net of tax       (7,911)     (7,848)    (13,628)   (13,673)
                                ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------
Pro forma net earnings            $144,703    $101,640    $244,395   $165,313
                                ==========  ==========  ==========  =========
Earnings per share:
   Basic - as reported               $0.54       $0.38       $0.93      $0.63
   Diluted - as reported             $0.53       $0.37       $0.91      $0.62
   Basic - pro forma                 $0.53       $0.36       $0.89      $0.59
   Diluted - pro forma               $0.52       $0.35       $0.88      $0.58

Note 2 - Post-retirement Benefits

The expense components of our Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, which 
provides retirement benefits to certain officers and select employees, are as 

                                 Quarter Ended           Year to Date Ended
                            ------------------------  ------------------------
                              July 30,     July 31,     July 30,     July 31,
                                2005         2004         2005         2004 
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Service cost                       $496         $372         $909         $744
Interest cost                     1,027          991        2,045        1,982
Amortization of net loss            413          386          827          772
Amortization of prior 
   service cost                     255          240          495          480
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Total expense                    $2,191       $1,989       $4,276       $3,978
                            ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
        (amounts in thousands except per share amounts and percentages)

Note 3 - Earnings Per Share

                                 Quarter Ended           Year to Date Ended
                            ------------------------  ------------------------
                             July 30,      July 31,     July 30,     July 31,
                               2005         2004         2005         2004 
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Net earnings                   $148,918     $106,915     $253,456     $175,642
                            ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
Basic shares                    273,379      281,469      273,225      279,844
Dilutive effect of 
   stock options and 
   performance share units        5,790        5,525        5,607        5,637
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Diluted shares                  279,169      286,994      278,832      285,481
                            ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
Basic earnings per share          $0.54        $0.38        $0.93        $0.63
Diluted earnings per share        $0.53        $0.37        $0.91        $0.62

Antidilutive stock options
   and other                        150            -          150           20

Note 4 - Accounts Receivable

The components of accounts receivable are as follows:

                                        July 30,   January 29,    July 31,
                                          2005         2005         2004   
                                      -----------  -----------  -----------
Trade receivables:
   Unrestricted                          $ 29,182     $ 31,400     $ 24,228
   Restricted                             601,972      568,062      618,109
Allowance for doubtful accounts           (18,259)     (19,065)     (19,934)
                                      -----------  -----------  -----------
Trade receivables, net                    612,895      580,397      622,403

Other                                      88,987       65,266       99,107 
                                      -----------  -----------  -----------
Accounts receivable, net                 $701,882     $645,663     $721,510
                                      ===========  ===========  ===========

Our restricted trade receivables relate to our Nordstrom private label retail 
card, which back the $300,000 Class A notes and the $150,000 variable funding 
note.  The unrestricted trade receivables consist primarily of our Faconnable 
trade receivables and Nordstrom private label receivables that are not 
eligible for securitization, such as foreign and business receivables 
exceeding a contractual threshold.  

Other accounts receivable consist primarily of credit card receivables due 
from third party financial institutions and vendor rebates, which are believed 
to be fully realizable as they are collected soon after they are earned.

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
        (amounts in thousands except per share amounts and percentages)

Note 5 - Investment in Asset Backed Securities

Our investment in asset backed securities and the off-balance sheet financing 
are described in Note 9 of our 2004 Annual Report.  The following table 
presents the co-branded Nordstrom VISA credit card balances and the estimated 
fair value of our investment in asset backed securities: 

                                              July 30,  January 29,  July 31,
                                                2005        2005      2004
                                             ---------- ---------- ----------
Total face value of co-branded Nordstrom 
   VISA credit card principal receivables      $703,237   $612,549   $567,975
                                             ========== ========== ==========

Securities issued by the VISA Trust:
  Off-balance sheet (sold to third parties):
    2002 Class A & B Notes at par value        $200,000   $200,000   $200,000
                                             ========== ========== ==========
  Amounts recorded on balance sheet:
    Investment in asset backed 
    securities at fair value                   $515,596   $422,416   $381,940
                                             ========== ========== ==========

In 2004, we revised the repayment period assumption in our valuation model 
that we use to determine the fair value of the VISA Trust.  The 2004 repayment 
period assumption is based on historical payment, default and finance charge 
yield experience on a specific account basis.  The prior repayment period 
assumption was based on our ongoing payment experience, which included 
payments by card holders who pay their account balance in full each month.  
While the assumptions used below are different in 2004, the impact of the 
assumption change was not significant and does not reflect a change in the 
underlying quality of the portfolio.  The following table presents the key 
assumptions we use to value the investment in asset backed securities:

                                    July 30,      January 29,      July 31,
                                      2005            2005           2004
                                  ------------   ------------   ------------
Weighted average remaining life 
 (in months)                              7.2            8.1            2.3
Average credit losses                     6.9%           6.9%           5.0%
Average gross yield                      17.5%          15.8%          17.7%
Weighted average coupon on issued 
  securities                              4.6%           3.8%           1.8%
Average payment rates                     8.2%           7.5%          24.1%
Discount rate on investment in 
  asset backed securities         5.6% to 9.7%   4.5% to 9.0%  7.5% to 13.3%

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
        (amounts in thousands except per share amounts and percentages)

Note 5 - Investment in Asset Backed Securities (Cont.)

The following table summarizes the income earned by the investment in asset 
backed securities that is included in other income including finance charges, 
net on the condensed consolidated statements of earnings:

                            Quarter Ended             Year to Date Ended    
                        ------------------------  ------------------------
                          July 30,     July 31,      July 30,     July 31,  
                            2005         2004         2005         2004    
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
Interest income             $18,403      $13,426      $32,567      $25,668
Gains on sales of 
  receivables and 
  other income                7,458        3,953       13,344        7,755  
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  
                            $25,861      $17,379      $45,911      $33,423
                        ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========

Note 6 - Debt

We retired the remaining $96,027 of our 6.7% medium-term notes when they 
matured in July 2005.

To manage our interest rate risk, we have an interest rate swap outstanding 
recorded in other liabilities.  Our swap has a $250,000 notional amount, 
expires in 2009 and is designated as a fully effective fair value hedge.  
Under the agreement, we receive a fixed rate of 5.63% and pay a variable rate 
based on LIBOR plus a margin of 2.3% set at six-month intervals (6.238% at 
July 30, 2005.)  The fair value of our interest rate swap is as follows: 

                                          July 30,   January 29,    July 31,
                                            2005         2005         2004   
                                        -----------  -----------  -----------
Interest rate swap fair value              $(10,507)     $(7,821)    $(11,901)

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                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
        (amounts in thousands except per share amounts and percentages)

Note 7 - Segment Reporting

The following tables set forth the information for our reportable segments and 
a reconciliation to the consolidated totals:

Quarter ended                  Retail      Credit  Catalog/    Corporate  
July 30, 2005                Stores(1) Operations  Internet    and Other   Eliminations       Total
Net sales                  $2,020,234          $-   $86,204           $-             $-  $2,106,438
Intersegment revenues           4,920      11,826         -            -        (16,746)          -
Interest expense, net            (144)     (6,311)        -       (4,449)             -     (10,904)
Other income including
  finance charges, net         (3,364)     58,706       (17)     (10,355)             -      44,970
Earnings before taxes         273,585      13,408    10,253      (55,453)             -     241,793

Quarter ended                  Retail      Credit  Catalog/    Corporate  
July 31, 2004                  Stores  Operations  Internet    and Other   Eliminations       Total
Net sales                  $1,868,808          $-   $84,672           $-             $-  $1,953,480
Intersegment revenues           9,723      11,051         -            -        (20,774)          -
Interest expense, net            (138)     (5,862)       18       (8,109)             -     (14,091)
Other income including
  finance charges, net         (1,176)     51,613      (212)      (7,223)             -      43,002
Earnings before taxes         211,593       9,837     4,246      (50,410)             -     175,266

Year to date ended             Retail      Credit  Catalog/    Corporate  
July 30, 2005                Stores(1) Operations  Internet    and Other   Eliminations      Total
Net sales                  $3,590,757          $-  $170,155           $-             $-  $3,760,912
Intersegment revenues           8,703      19,720         -            -        (28,423)          -
Interest expense, net            (325)    (12,548)        -      (10,670)             -     (23,543)
Other income including
  finance charges, net         (4,795)    108,735       (36)     (16,202)             -      87,702
Earnings before taxes         479,808      25,001    17,819     (107,855)             -     414,773
Assets                      2,721,448   1,169,190   111,066      914,709              -   4,916,413

Year to date ended             Retail      Credit  Catalog/    Corporate  
July 31, 2004                  Stores  Operations  Internet    and Other   Eliminations       Total
Net sales                  $3,323,415          $-  $165,555           $-             $-  $3,488,970
Intersegment revenues          13,760      18,651         -            -        (32,411)          -
Interest expense, net (2)        (263)    (11,225)       87      (39,374)             -     (50,775)
Other income including
  finance charges, net         (3,850)     99,144      (446)     (12,359)             -      82,489
Earnings before taxes         388,716      19,960    10,237     (131,020)             -     287,893
Assets                      2,736,279   1,042,091   120,729      913,782              -   4,812,881

As of July 30, 2005, January 29, 2005, and July 31, 2004, Retail Stores assets 
included $35,998 of goodwill and $84,000 of tradename, and Catalog/Internet 
assets included $15,716 of goodwill.  

(1)  Beginning in the first quarter of 2005, we started to integrate the 
merchandise buying and marketing activities of our Retail Stores and 
Catalog/Internet segments.  In 2005, the expenses for these activities are 
included in the Retail Stores segment.  

(2)  During the first quarter of 2004, we retired $196,770 of our 8.95% senior 
notes and $973 of our 6.7% medium-term notes for a total cash payment of 
$219,587.  We recorded a pre-tax charge of $20,842 in interest expense, net 
related to this purchase in Corporate and Other.  

                                    12 of 22

                       NORDSTROM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
        (amounts in thousands except per share amounts and percentages)

Note 8 - Litigation

We are involved in routine claims, proceedings, and litigation arising from 
the normal course of our business.  We do not believe any such claim, 
proceeding or litigation, either alone or in aggregate, will have a material 
impact on our results of operations, financial position, or liquidity.


The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the Management's
Discussion and Analysis section of our 2004 Annual Report.  All dollar amounts 
are in millions except per share amounts.


Earnings for the second quarter of 2005 increased 39% to $148.9, or $0.53 per 
diluted share, from $106.9, or $0.37 per diluted share, for the same period in 
2004.  For the year to date period ended July 30, 2005, earnings increased 44% 
to $253.5, or $0.91 per diluted share, from $175.6, or $0.62 per diluted 
share, for the same period in 2004.   

For the second quarter of 2005, we planned to achieve same-store sales 
increases over last year in the low single digits.  Our actual same-store 
sales were 6.2% greater than last year for both the quarter and year to date 
periods ended July 30, 2005.  We held our fixed operating costs in-line with 
our plan for both the quarter and year to date periods.  As a result of the 
additional same-store sales and the control of fixed operating expenses, we 
increased our earnings and we improved two key operating metrics for the 
quarter and year to date periods ended July 30, 2005 as compared to the same 
periods in 2004: gross profit as a percentage of net sales, which increased 
110 basis points for the quarter and 70 basis points for the year to date 
period, and selling, general and administrative expenses as a percentage of 
net sales, which improved 130 basis points for the quarter and year to date 
periods.  We refer to these types of rate improvements as "leverage" on 
additional sales.  

In the first quarter of 2004, we incurred prepayment and deferred debt costs 
of $20.8, or $0.08 per diluted share, upon prepayment of $197.7 of long-term 
debt.  We did not incur similar costs in 2005, which also improved our year to 
date 2005 results in relation to the 2004 results.

                                  13 of 22


Net Sales
Total net sales increased 7.8% for both the quarter and year to date periods 
over the same periods in the prior year, primarily due to same-store sales 
increases.  Same-store sales increased 6.2% for both the quarter and year to 
date periods.  Both our Full-Line and Rack stores had overall and same-store 
sales increases, suggesting that our merchandise offering is continuing to 
appeal to customers.  In addition, same-store sales for our Anniversary Sale 
event, which has a material impact to the second quarter, increased in the 
mid-single digit range.  For both the quarter and year to date periods:

     -  all of our geographic regions reported same-store sales increases, 
     -  our strongest regional performances were in the Southern and Southwest
        states, and
     -  our best performing merchandise divisions were accessories, men's 
        wear, cosmetics, and the designer and junior segments of women's 

In addition, total sales benefited from the six Full-Line stores and two Rack 
stores opened since August 2003, increasing our retail square footage by 5% 
during the last two years.

Gross Profit
                                     Second Quarter        Year to Date
                                  -------------------   -------------------
                                     2005       2004       2005      2004 
                                  --------   --------   --------   --------
Gross profit as a percentage
  of net sales                       36.0%      34.9%      36.4%      35.7% 

Gross profit as a percentage of net sales improved 110 basis points for the 
quarter and 70 basis points for the year to date period ended July 30, 2005.  
The quarter and year to date performance was due to leverage on buying and 
occupancy expenses from increased sales volume and lower markdowns.  Our 
inventory levels declined slightly compared to the prior year, consistent with 
our goal of improving our inventory turnover rate (the inventory turnover rate 
for the last four quarters was 4.58 at July 2005 and 4.25 at July 2004).  This 
resulted in a 2.1% reduction in our average inventory per square foot compared 
to the prior year.

Selling, General and Administrative Expense

                                     Second Quarter        Year to Date
                                  -------------------   -------------------
                                     2005       2004       2005      2004 
                                  --------   --------   --------   --------
Selling, general and 
  administrative expenses
  as a percentage of net sales       26.2%      27.5%      27.0%      28.3%  

Selling, general and administrative expenses as a percentage of net sales 
improved 130 basis points for the quarter and year to date periods.  The 
quarter and year to date performance was primarily from leverage on same-store 
sales increases as we used our existing infrastructure to support increased 
sales.  We continued to control and leverage our fixed general and 
administrative expenses, especially non-selling labor. 

                                   14 of 22


Interest Expense, net
Interest expense, net decreased by $3.2 to $10.9 for the quarter ended July 
30, 2005 compared to the same period in 2004.  The decrease is primarily due 
to increased interest income from higher cash balances.  

Interest expense, net decreased by $27.2 to $23.5 for the year to date period 
ended July 30, 2005 compared to the same period in 2004.  The decrease is 
primarily due to debt prepayment costs of $20.8 incurred in 2004 in connection 
with a $197.7 debt buyback.  We did not incur similar costs in 2005.

Other Income Including Finance Charges, net
Other income including finance charges, net increased by $2.0 for the quarter 
and $5.2 for the year to date period ended July 30, 2005.  The increase is 
primarily due to growth in our co-branded Nordstrom VISA credit card 
transaction volume and related finance charges.  

Our business, like that of other retailers, is subject to seasonal 
fluctuations.  Our Anniversary Sale in July and the holidays in December 
typically result in higher sales in the second and fourth quarters of our 
fiscal years.  Accordingly, results for any quarter are not necessarily 
indicative of the results that may be achieved for a full fiscal year.

Overall, cash and short-term investments increased by $94.4 in the first two 
quarters of 2005 to $496.9 as of July 30, 2005 due to cash from operations, 
which were partially offset by capital expenditures and a scheduled debt 

Operating Activities
Net cash flow from operating activities increased by $147.3 to $339.6 in 2005 
as compared to the prior period primarily due to the increase in our net 
earnings.  Other factors that increased the 2005 cash flow from operations 
were our increased inventory turnover rate and property incentive receipts 
associated with stores opening in 2005.    

Investing Activities
Net cash used in investing activities increased in 2005 as compared to 2004, 
primarily due to capital expenditures for new stores and store remodels; this 
increase is offset from an overall perspective by the property incentive 
receipts, which are classified as operating activities.  

Year to date, we opened one Full-Line store in Atlanta, Georgia.  Throughout 
the remainder of the year, we plan to open three Full-Line stores.   Stores 
will open in San Antonio, Texas at The Shops at La Cantera on September 16th 
and in Irvine, Calif. at The Irvine Spectrum on September 30th.  The final 
opening of the year will be on November 11th in Dallas, Texas at NorthPark 
Center.  Gross square footage for the year is expected to increase 
approximately 3.4%, from 19,397,000 to 20,048,000.

                                   15 of 22


Financing Activities
Net cash used in financing activities decreased $13.5 to $113.7 in 2005.  In 
2004 and 2005, we utilized cash on hand to retire debt.  In both years, 
employee stock option exercises have increased our cash balances.  Our cash 
dividends paid in 2005 increased as we returned a portion of our increased net 
earnings to our shareholders.  

In August 2004, our Board of Directors authorized $300.0 of share repurchases.  
Following this authorization, we repurchased $300.0 of our common shares by 
the end of 2004.  In February 2005, our Board of Directors authorized an 
additional $500.0 of share repurchases.  The actual number and timing of share 
repurchases will be subject to market conditions and applicable SEC rules.  
Year to date in 2005, we have purchased 2,691,200 shares for $73.9 at an 
average price of $27.45 per share.  

We maintain a level of liquidity to allow us to cover our seasonal cash needs 
and to minimize our need for short-term borrowings.  We believe that our 
operating cash flows, existing cash and available credit facilities are 
sufficient to finance our cash requirements for the next 12 months.  

Over the long term, we strive to manage our cash and capital structure to 
maximize shareholder return, strengthen our financial position and maintain 
flexibility for future strategic initiatives.  We continuously assess our debt 
and leverage levels, capital expenditure requirements, principal debt 
repayments, dividend payouts, potential share repurchases, and future 
investments or acquisitions.  We believe our operating cash flows, existing 
cash, and available credit facilities, as well as any potential future 
borrowing facilities will be sufficient to fund scheduled future payments and 
potential long-term initiatives.  

The preparation of our financial statements requires that we make estimates 
and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, 
revenues and expenses, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities.  
We regularly evaluate our estimates, including those related to off-balance 
sheet financing, inventory valuation, sales return accruals, self-insurance 
liabilities, doubtful accounts, intangible assets, income taxes, post-
retirement benefits, contingent liabilities and litigation.  We base our 
estimates on historical experience and other assumptions that we believe to be 
reasonable under the circumstances.  Actual results may differ from these 
estimates.  Our accounting policies and methodologies in 2005 are consistent 
with those discussed in our 2004 Annual Report.

Effective February 2005, Nordstrom Direct sales, which include catalog and 
Internet, are included in same-store sales.  See Note 7 in our Notes to 
Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements on page 12 for further details.

                                    16 of 22


The preceding disclosures included forward-looking statements regarding our 
performance, liquidity, capital expenditures and adequacy of capital 
resources.  These statements are based on our current assumptions and 
expectations and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could 
cause actual results to differ materially from those projected.  Forward-
looking statements are qualified by the risks and challenges posed by our 
ability to predict fashion trends, consumer apparel buying patterns, our 
ability to control costs, weather conditions, hazards of nature, trends in 
personal bankruptcies and bad debt write-offs, changes in interest rates, 
employee relations, our ability to continue our expansion plans, potential 
opportunities that may be related to the current changes in our industry, 
changes in governmental or regulatory requirements, and the impact of economic 
and competitive market forces, including the impact of terrorist activity or 
the impact of a war on us, our customers and the retail industry.  As a 
result, while we believe there is a reasonable basis for the forward-looking 
statements, you should not place undue reliance on those statements.  We 
undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to 
reflect subsequent events, new information or future circumstances.  This 
discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the Condensed 
Consolidated Financial Statements.  


As of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, we 
performed an evaluation under the supervision and with the participation of 
management, including our President and Chief Financial Officer, of our 
disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) or 15d-15(e) 
under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act")). Based 
upon that evaluation, our President and Chief Financial Officer concluded 
that, as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report, our 
disclosure controls and procedures are effective in the timely recording, 
processing, summarizing and reporting of material financial and non-financial 

There has been no change in our internal control over financial reporting (as 
defined in Rules 13a-15(f) or 15d-15(f) of the Exchange Act) during our most 
recently completed fiscal quarter that has materially affected, or is 
reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial 

                                   17 of 22

                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1. Legal Proceedings

We were originally named as a defendant along with other department store and 
specialty retailers in nine separate but virtually identical class action 
lawsuits filed in various Superior Courts of the State of California in May, 
June and July 1998 that were consolidated in Marin County Superior Court. In 
May 2000, plaintiffs filed an amended complaint naming a number of 
manufacturers of cosmetics and fragrances and two other retailers as 
additional defendants. Plaintiffs' amended complaint alleges that the retail 
price of the "prestige" or "Department Store" cosmetics sold in department and 
specialty stores was collusively controlled by the retailer and manufacturer 
defendants in violation of the Cartwright Act and the California Unfair 
Competition Act.

Plaintiffs seek treble damages and restitution in an unspecified amount, 
attorneys' fees and prejudgment interest, on behalf of a class of all 
California residents who purchased cosmetics and fragrances for personal use 
from any of the defendants during the four years prior to the filing of the 
amended complaint. 

We entered into a settlement agreement with the plaintiffs and the other 
defendants on July 13, 2003. In furtherance of the settlement agreement, the 
case was re-filed in the United States District Court for the Northern 
District of California on behalf of a class of all persons who currently 
reside in the United States and who purchased "Department Store" cosmetics 
from the defendants during the period May 29, 1994 through July 16, 2003. The 
Court gave preliminary approval to the settlement, and a summary notice of 
class certification and the terms of the settlement were disseminated to class 
members. On March 30, 2005, the Court entered a final judgment approving the 
settlement and dismissing the plaintiffs' claims and the claims of all class 
members with prejudice, in their entirety. On April 29, 2005, two class 
members who had objected to the settlement filed notices of appeal from the 
Court's final judgment to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth 
Circuit. It is uncertain when the appeals will be resolved, but the appeal 
process could take as much as two years or more. If the Court's final judgment 
approving the settlement is affirmed on appeal, or the appeals are dismissed, 
the defendants will provide class members with certain free products and pay 
the plaintiffs' attorneys' fees, awarded by the Court of $24 million. Our 
share of the cost of the settlement will not have a material adverse effect on 
our financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

We are involved in various routine legal proceedings incidental to the 
ordinary course of business. In management's opinion, the outcome of pending 
legal proceedings, separately and in the aggregate, will not have a material 
adverse effect on our business or consolidated financial condition.

                                   18 of 22

Item 2.  Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds

(c)  Repurchases

(dollars in millions except per share amounts)

          Total                     Total Number          Maximum Number (or 
          Number of     Average     of Shares (or Units)  Approximate Dollar Value)
          Shares        Price Paid  Purchased as Part of  of Shares (or Units) that
          (or Units)    Per Share   Publicly Announced    May Yet Be Purchased Under
          Purchased     (or Units)  Plans or Programs     the Plans or Programs (3)
          ----------    ----------  --------------------  --------------------------
May 2005     609,015 (1)    $26.78               607,800                      $436.0 
(5/1/05 to 
          ----------    ----------  --------------------  --------------------------
Jun. 2005    309,264 (2)    $31.89               309,000                      $426.1 
(5/29/05 to 
          ----------    ----------  --------------------  --------------------------
Jul. 2005          -            $-                     -                      $426.1  
(7/3/05 to 
          ----------    ----------  --------------------  --------------------------

Total        918,279        $28.50               916,800                      $426.1
          ----------    ----------  --------------------  --------------------------

(1) Included in this balance are 1,215 shares that were not redeemed as part 
of a publicly announced repurchase plan or program.  These shares were 
tendered by an employee to Nordstrom for tax withholding purposes.  

(2) Included in this balance are 264 shares that were not redeemed as part of 
a publicly announced repurchase plan or program.  These shares were tendered 
by an employee to Nordstrom for tax withholding purposes. 

(3) In February 2005, the Board of Directors authorized $500.0 of share 
repurchases.  The prior $300.0 authorization was completed during the fourth 
quarter of 2004. The actual number and timing of share repurchases will be 
subject to market conditions and applicable SEC rules. Year to date, we have 
purchased 2,691,200 shares for $73.9 at an average price of $27.45 per share.

                                    19 of 22

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

(amounts in thousands)

We held our Annual Shareholders Meeting on May 24, 2005, at which time the 
shareholders voted on the following proposals:

(1)   Election of Directors

        Name of Candidate               For            Withheld
      ----------------------        -----------       -----------
      Phyllis J. Campbell               126,495             1,391
      Enrique Hernandez, Jr.            126,494             1,391
      Jeanne P. Jackson                 126,211             1,675
      Robert G. Miller                  126,478             1,408
      Blake W. Nordstrom                126,014             1,871  
      Bruce A. Nordstrom                125,438             2,447
      John N. Nordstrom                 125,515             2,371
      Alfred E. Osborne, Jr., Ph.D.     124,747             3,138
      Alison A. Winter                  127,078               807

There were no abstentions and no broker non-votes.

(2)   Ratification of the Appointment of Independent Auditors

      The vote was 125,013 for, 2,136 against, and there were 737 abstentions.  
There were no broker non-votes.

Item 6.  Exhibits
Exhibits are incorporated herein by reference or are filed with this report as 
set forth in the Index to Exhibits on page 22 hereof.  

                                   20 of 22


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                         NORDSTROM, INC.

                    /s/ Michael G. Koppel
                    Michael G. Koppel
                    Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                    (Principal Financial Officer)

Date:  September 1, 2005

                                   21 of 22

Exhibit Index 
Exhibit                                    Method of Filing 
-------                                    ----------------  

31.1  Certification of President           Filed herewith electronically
       required by Section 302(a) of 
       the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

31.2  Certification of Chief Financial     Filed herewith electronically
       Officer required by Section 302(a)
       of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

32.1  Certification of President and       Furnished herewith electronically
       Chief Financial Officer pursuant
       to 18 U.S.C. 1350, as adopted 
       pursuant to Section 906 of the 
       Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

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