Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                                   (Mark One)

         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                   For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2005

         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Commission File Number 0-19118

                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)


      Nevada                                           74-2584033

   (State or Other Jurisdiction of       (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)
    Incorporation or Organization)

                        500 N. Loop 1604 East, Suite 100
                            San Antonio, Texas 78232
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

         Registrant's telephone number,
         including area code                                  (210) 490-4788

                     Common Stock, par value $.01 per share


         Indicate  by check  mark if the  registrant  is a  well-known  seasoned
issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes [ ] No [X]

         Indicate  by  check  mark if the  registrant  is not  required  to file
reports  pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act.
                                                      Yes [ ] No [X]

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                                      Yes [X] No [ ]

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,
to the best of  registrant's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K. [X]

         Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  is a large  accelerated
filer,  an accelerated  filer,  or a  non-accelerated  filer.  See definition of
"accelerated  filer and large  accelerated  filer" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange

Large accelerated filer [ ] Accelerated filer [X] Non-accelerated filer [ ]

         Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  is a shell  company (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).                Yes [ ] No [X]

         As of June 30,  2005,  the  aggregate  market value of the common stock
held by  non-affiliates  of the registrant was $82,831,075  based on the closing
sale price as reported on the American Stock Exchange.

         As of March 21,  2006,  there were  42,588,327  shares of common  stock

                      Documents Incorporated by Reference:

      Document                                    Parts Into Which Incorporated

Portions of the registrant's Proxy Statement                Part III
relating to the 2006 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders to be held on May 25, 2006.


                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION
                                    FORM 10-K
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                     PART I

Item 1.     Business......................................................................................5
            Markets and Customers.........................................................................6
            Regulation of Natural Gas and Crude Oil Activities............................................7
            Environmental Matters.........................................................................9
            Title to Properties..........................................................................11
            Available Information........................................................................12

Item 1A.    Risk Factors.................................................................................12
            Risks Related to Our Business................................................................12
            Risks Related to Our Industry................................................................16
            Risks Related to the Common Stock............................................................18

Item 1B.    Unresolved Staff Comments....................................................................19

Item 2.     Properties...................................................................................20
            Primary Operating Areas......................................................................20
            Exploratory and Developmental Acreage........................................................21
            Productive Wells.............................................................................21
            Reserves Information.........................................................................21
            Crude Oil, Natural Gas Liquids, and Natural Gas Production
            and Sales Prices.............................................................................23
            Drilling Activities..........................................................................23
            Office Facilities............................................................................24
            Other Properties.............................................................................24

Item 3.     Legal Proceedings............................................................................24

Item 4.     Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders..........................................25

                                   PART II 25

Item 5.     Market for Registrant's Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer
            Purchases of Equity Securities...............................................................25
            Market Information...........................................................................25

Item 6.     Selected Financial Data......................................................................25

Item 7.     Management's Discussion And Analysis Of Financial Condition And Results Of
            Results of Operations........................................................................29
            Comparison of Year Ended December 31, 2005 to Year Ended December 31, 2004...................29
            Comparison of Year Ended December 31, 2004 to Year Ended December 31, 2003...................31
            Liquidity and Capital Resources..............................................................33
            Critical Accounting Policies.................................................................41

            New Accounting Pronouncements................................................................43

Item 7A.    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk...................................45
            Commodity Price Risk.........................................................................45
            Hedging Sensitivity..........................................................................45
            Interest rate risk...........................................................................45

Item 8.     Financial Statements.........................................................................46

Item 9.     Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting
            and Financial Disclosure.....................................................................46

Item 9A.    Controls and Procedures......................................................................46

Item 9B.    Other Information............................................................................46

                                  PART III 46

Item 10.    Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant...........................................46
            Audit Committee and Audit Committee Financial Expert.........................................47
            Section 16(a) Compliance.....................................................................47

Item 11.    Executive Compensation.......................................................................47

Item 12.    Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related
            Stockholder Matters..........................................................................47

Item 13.    Certain Relationships and Related Transactions...............................................47

Item 14.    Principal Accounting Fees and Services.......................................................47

                                   PART IV 47

Item 15.    Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules......................................................47



                           FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION

         We make forward-looking  statements throughout this document.  Whenever
you read a statement that is not simply a statement of historical  fact (such as
statements  including words like "believe",  "expect",  "anticipate",  "intend",
"plan", "seek", "estimate",  "could", "potentially" or similar expressions), you
must  remember  that  these  are  forward-looking   statements,   and  that  our
expectations may not be correct, even though we believe they are reasonable. The
forward-looking  information  contained in this document is generally located in
the material set forth under the headings "Summary", "Risk Factors", "Business",
and "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations" but may be found in other locations as well.  These  forward-looking
statements  generally  relate to our plans and objectives for future  operations
and are based upon our  management's  reasonable  estimates of future results or
trends.  The factors that may affect our  expectations  regarding our operations
include, among others, the following:

         o     our high debt level;

         o     our  success  in   development,   exploitation   and  exploration

         o     our ability to make planned capital expenditures;

         o     declines in our production of natural gas and crude oil;

         o     prices for natural gas and crude oil;

         o     our  ability  to  raise  equity   capital  or  incur   additional

         o     political and economic  conditions  in oil  producing  countries,
               especially those in the Middle East;

         o     prices and availability of alternative fuels;

         o     our restrictive debt covenants;

         o     our acquisition and divestiture activities;

         o     results of our hedging activities; and

         o     other factors discussed elsewhere in this report.


Item 1.  Business

         As part of a series of restructuring  transactions approved in 2004, we
adopted  a  plan  to  dispose  of our  operations  and  interest  in  Grey  Wolf
Exploration  Inc.,  a  wholly-owned  Canadian  subsidiary  of Abraxas  Petroleum
Corporation.  In February 2005,  Grey Wolf closed on an initial public  offering
resulting in our substantial divestiture of our capital stock in Grey Wolf. As a
result of the disposal of Grey Wolf,  the results of operations of Grey Wolf are
reflected in our  Financial  Statements  and in this  document as  "Discontinued
Operations"  and our  remaining  operations  are  referred  to in our  Financial
Statements  and in  this  document  as  "Continuing  Operations"  or  "Continued
Operations".   Unless  otherwise  noted,  all  disclosures  are  for  continuing
operations. See Note 3 to the financial statements in Item 8.

         In this report,  PV-10 means estimated future net revenue discounted at
a rate  of 10% per  annum,  before  income  taxes  and  with  no  price  or cost
escalation or  de-escalation  in accordance with  guidelines  promulgated by the
Securities and Exchange Commission.  A Mcf is one thousand cubic feet of natural
gas.  MMcf is used to  designate  one million  cubic feet of natural gas and Bcf
refers to one billion cubic feet of natural gas.  Mcfe means  thousands of cubic
feet of natural gas equivalents, using a conversion ratio of one barrel of crude
oil to six Mcf of natural gas. MMcfe means millions of cubic feet of natural gas
equivalents  and Bcfe means  billions of cubic feet of natural gas  equivalents.
MMBtu means  million  British  Thermal  Units.  The term Bbl means one barrel of
crude oil or natural  gas liquids and MBbls is used to  designate  one  thousand
barrels of crude oil or natural gas liquids.



         We  are  an  independent   energy  company  primarily  engaged  in  the
development and production of natural gas and crude oil.  Historically,  we have
grown through the  acquisition and subsequent  development  and  exploitation of
producing  properties,  principally  through  the  redevelopment  of old  fields
utilizing new  technologies  such as modern log analysis and reservoir  modeling
techniques as well as 3-D seismic surveys and horizontal  drilling.  As a result
of  these  activities,  we  believe  that we  have a  substantial  inventory  of
development opportunities,  which provide a basis for significant production and
reserve  increases.  In addition,  we intend to expand upon our exploitation and
development activities with complementary exploration projects in our core areas
of operation.

         Our  core  areas of  operation  are in south  and west  Texas  and east
central Wyoming. Our current producing properties are typically characterized by
long-lived reserves,  established production profiles and an emphasis on natural
gas. At December 31, 2005, we owned interests in 102,356 gross acres (88,374 net
acres)  applicable  to  our  continuing  operations,   and  operated  properties
accounting for approximately 94% of our PV-10,  affording us substantial control
over the timing  and  incurrence  of  operating  and  capital  expenditures.  At
December  31, 2005,  estimated  total  proved  reserves  were 104.7 Bcfe with an
aggregate PV-10 of $311.9 million.  During 2005, we participated in the drilling
of 12 gross (12 net)  wells with 11 gross (11 net) wells  being  successful.  We
invested $35.0 million in capital spending on these activities during 2005. As a
result of these activities we produced 6.1 Bcfe during 2005 and replaced 280% of
2005 production according to our year-end reserve report.

         We believe that our high quality asset base, high degree of operational
control and large inventory of drilling projects positions us for future growth.
Our  properties  are  concentrated  in  locations  that  facilitate  substantial
economies of scale in drilling and production operations and efficient reservoir
management  practices.  In addition,  we have 53 proved undeveloped projects and
have identified over 184 drilling and recompletion opportunities on our existing
acreage,  the  successful  development  of which we believe could  significantly
increase our daily  production and proved  reserves.  We have approved a capital
budget of approximately  $40.0 million for 2006 which will be used primarily for
the development of our current properties as well as to drill and complete wells
that were in progress at the end of 2005.  This drilling  program will be funded
by cash flow from operations,  availability  under our revolving credit facility
and if  necessary,  equity  financing.  Our  ability to complete  this  drilling
program may also be limited due to the lack of availability of drilling rigs and
other equipment.

Markets and Customers

         The revenue  generated by our  operations is highly  dependent upon the
prices of, and demand for, natural gas and crude oil. Historically,  the markets
for natural gas and crude oil have been  volatile  and are likely to continue to
be volatile  in the future.  The prices we receive for our natural gas and crude
oil production are subject to wide  fluctuations  and depend on numerous factors
beyond our control  including  seasonality,  the  condition of the United States
economy  (particularly the  manufacturing  sector),  foreign imports,  political
conditions in other crude oil-producing and natural gas-producing countries, the
actions of the  Organization  of  Petroleum  Exporting  Countries  and  domestic
regulation, legislation and policies. Decreases in the prices of natural gas and
crude oil have had,  and could  have in the  future,  an  adverse  effect on the
carrying value of our proved  reserves and our revenue,  profitability  and cash
flow from operations. You should read the discussion under "Risk Factors - Risks
Relating to Our Industry -- Market conditions for natural gas and crude oil, and
particularly volatility of prices for natural gas and crude oil, could adversely
affect our  revenue,  cash flows,  profitability  and growth" and  "Management's
Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of  Operations -
Critical  Accounting  Policies" for more information  relating to the effects of
decreases in natural gas and crude oil prices on us.

         Substantially  all of our  natural gas and crude oil is sold at current
market prices under  short-term  arrangements,  as is customary in the industry.
During  the  year  ended  December  31,  2005,  two  purchasers   accounted  for
approximately  61% of our natural gas and crude oil sales. We believe that there
are numerous other companies available to purchase our natural gas and crude oil
and that the loss of one or more of these purchasers would not materially affect
our ability to sell natural gas and crude oil.


Regulation of Natural Gas and Crude Oil Activities

         The  exploration,   production  and  transportation  of  all  types  of
hydrocarbons are subject to significant governmental regulations. Our operations
are affected from time to time in varying degrees by political  developments and
federal,  state and local laws and  regulations.  In  particular,  crude oil and
natural gas  production  operations and economics are, or in the past have been,
affected by industry  specific  price  controls,  taxes,  conservation,  safety,
environmental, and other laws relating to the petroleum industry, and by changes
in such laws and by constantly changing administrative regulations.

     Price Regulations

         In the past,  maximum  selling  prices for certain  categories of crude
oil,  natural  gas,  condensate  and NGLs were  subject to  significant  federal
regulation.  At the present time,  however,  all sales of our crude oil, natural
gas,  condensate and NGLs produced under private contracts may be sold at market
prices.  Congress  could,  however,  re-enact price  controls in the future.  If
controls  that limit prices to below market  rates are  instituted,  our revenue
could be adversely affected.

     Natural Gas Regulation

         Historically, the natural gas industry as a whole has been more heavily
regulated  than  the  crude  oil  or  other  liquid  hydrocarbons  market.  Most
regulations focused on transportation  practices.  Currently, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission ("FERC), requires each interstate pipeline to, among other
things,  "unbundle" its  traditional  bundled sales services and create and make
available on an open and  nondiscriminatory  basis numerous constituent services
(such  as  gathering   services,   storage  services,   firm  and  interruptible
transportation  services, and standby sales and natural gas balancing services),
and to adopt a new  ratemaking  methodology to determine  appropriate  rates for
those  services.  To the extent  the  pipeline  company  or its sales  affiliate
markets natural gas as a merchant,  it does so pursuant to private  contracts in
direct  competition  with  all of the  sellers,  such as us;  however,  pipeline
companies and their affiliates are not required to remain "merchants" of natural
gas, and most of the interstate  pipeline  companies  have become  "transporters
only", although many have affiliated marketers.

         Transportation  pipeline  availability  and  shipping  cost  are  major
factors  affecting the production and sale of natural gas. Our physical sales of
natural gas are affected by the actual availability,  terms and cost of pipeline
transportation.  The price and terms for access into the pipeline transportation
systems remain subject to extensive Federal  regulation.  Although FERC does not
directly  regulate our production and marketing  activities,  it does affect how
buyers  and  sellers  gain  access  to and use of the  necessary  transportation
facilities and how we and our competitors  sell natural gas in the  marketplace.
FERC continues to review and modify its regulations regarding the transportation
of natural gas. The 2005 Energy  Policy Act  recently  authorized  FERC to allow
natural gas  companies  subject to the FERC's  Natural Gas Act  jurisdiction  to
provide gas storage and  storage-related  services at market-based rates for new
storage  capacity of a storage  facility placed in service after the date of the
Act's  August 2005  passage,  thereby  enhancing  competition  in the market for
interstate natural gas storage service.

         In recent  years  FERC also has  pursued a number of  important  policy
initiatives which could significantly affect the marketing of natural gas in the
United States.  Most of these initiatives are intended to enhance competition in
natural gas markets.  FERC rules  encouraging  "spin downs",  or the breakout of
unregulated  gathering activities from regulated  transportation  services,  may
have the adverse  effect of increasing the cost of doing business on some in the
industry,  including us, as a result of the geographic monopolization of certain
facilities by their new, unregulated owners. Note, however,  that FERC currently
is pursuing an inquiry  into whether it should  revise its test for  determining
whether and under what circumstances FERC may reassert jurisdiction over natural
gas gathering companies that have been "spun-down" from an affiliated interstate
natural gas  pipeline  to prevent  abusive  practices  by the  gatherer  and its
pipeline affiliate. Any action taken by FERC in this proceeding will be intended
by it to enhance  competition in the gas  transportation  sector. As to all FERC
initiatives, the ongoing, or, in some instances, preliminary and evolving nature
of such  matters  makes it  impossible  at this time to predict  their  ultimate
impact on our  business.  However,  we do not believe that any FERC  initiatives
will affect us any  differently  than other  natural gas producers and marketers
with which we compete.


         FERC decisions  involving onshore  facilities are more liberal in their
reliance upon traditional  tests for determining what facilities are "gathering"
and therefore are exempt from federal  regulatory  control.  In many  instances,
what was in the past  classified  as  "transmission"  may now be  classified  as
"gathering".  We ship  certain of our natural gas through  gathering  facilities
owned by others. Although FERC decisions create the potential for increasing the
cost of  shipping  our  natural gas on third  party  gathering  facilities,  our
shipping activities have not been materially affected by these decisions.

         In  summary,  all FERC  activities  related  to the  transportation  of
natural gas result in improved  opportunities to market our physical  production
to a variety  of buyers  and market  places,  while at the same time  increasing
access to pipeline  transportation and delivery services.  Additional  proposals
and proceedings  that might affect the natural gas industry in the United States
are considered from time to time by Congress,  FERC, state regulatory bodies and
the  courts.  We  cannot  predict  when or if any such  proposals  might  become
effective or their effect, if any, on our operations.  The natural gas and crude
oil  industry  historically  has been very heavily  regulated;  thus there is no
assurance that the less stringent  regulatory  approach recently pursued by FERC
and Congress will continue indefinitely into the future.

     State and Other Regulation

         All of the  jurisdictions  in which we own  producing  natural  gas and
crude oil properties  have statutory  provisions  regulating the exploration for
and production of natural gas and crude oil. These include provisions  requiring
permits for the drilling of wells and maintaining bonding  requirements in order
to drill or operate wells and provisions  relating to the location of wells, the
method of  drilling  and  casing  wells,  the  surface  use and  restoration  of
properties  upon which wells are  drilled and the  plugging  and  abandoning  of
wells.  Our  operations  are  also  subject  to  various  conservation  laws and
regulations.  These  include the  regulation of the size of drilling and spacing
units or proration  units on an acreage basis and the density of wells which may
be  drilled  and the  unitization  or  pooling  of  natural  gas and  crude  oil
properties.  In this regard, some states allow the forced pooling or integration
of tracts to facilitate exploration while other states rely on voluntary pooling
of lands and leases.  In addition,  state  conservation  laws establish  maximum
rates of production from natural gas and crude oil wells, generally prohibit the
venting or flaring of natural gas and impose certain requirements  regarding the
ratability of  production.  Some states,  such as Texas and  Oklahoma,  have, in
recent years, reviewed and substantially revised methods previously used to make
monthly  determinations  of  allowable  rates  of  production  from  fields  and
individual  wells. The effect of all of these  conservation  regulations has the
potential to limit the speed, timing and amounts of crude oil and natural gas we
can produce from our wells,  and to limit the number of wells or the location at
which we can drill.

         State  regulation of gathering  facilities  generally  includes various
safety,  environmental,  and in some circumstances,  non-discriminatory  take or
service  requirements,  but does not generally  entail rate  regulation.  In the
United States, natural gas gathering has received greater regulatory scrutiny at
both  the  state  and  federal  levels  in the wake of the  interstate  pipeline
restructuring  under FERC Order 636. For example,  the Texas Railroad Commission
enacted a Natural Gas  Transportation  Standards  and Code of Conduct to provide
regulatory  support for the State's  more active  review of rates,  services and
practices  associated with the gathering and transportation of natural gas by an
entity  that  provides  such  services to others for a fee, in order to prohibit
such entities from unduly discriminating in favor of their affiliates.

         For those  operations  on Federal or Indian  oil and gas  leases,  such
operations must comply with numerous regulatory restrictions,  including various
non-discrimination  statutes,  and certain of such  operations must be conducted
pursuant to certain  on-site  security  regulations  and other permits issued by
various federal  agencies.  In addition,  on Federal Lands in the United States,
the Minerals  Management Service ("MMS") prescribes or severely limits the types
of costs  that are  deductible  transportation  costs for  purposes  of  royalty
valuation  of  production  sold off the  lease.  In  particular,  MMS  prohibits
deduction of costs  associated  with marketer fees,  cash out and other pipeline
imbalance  penalties,  or  long-term  storage  fees.  Further,  the MMS has been
engaged in a process of  promulgating  new rules and procedures for  determining
the value of crude oil produced from federal  lands for purposes of  calculating
royalties  owed to the  government.  The natural gas and crude oil industry as a
whole has resisted the proposed rules under an assumption  that royalty  burdens
will substantially increase. We cannot predict what, if any, effect any new rule
will have on our operations.


Environmental Matters

         Our  operations are subject to numerous  federal,  state and local laws
and  regulations  controlling  the generation,  use,  storage,  and discharge of
materials into the  environment  or otherwise  relating to the protection of the
environment.  These laws and regulations may require the acquisition of a permit
or other authorization  before construction or drilling commences;  restrict the
types, quantities, and concentrations of various substances that can be released
into the  environment in connection with drilling,  production,  and natural gas
processing activities;  suspend,  limit or prohibit  construction,  drilling and
other activities in certain lands lying within wilderness,  wetlands,  and other
protected areas; require remedial measures to mitigate pollution from historical
and on-going  operations  such as use of pits and  plugging of abandoned  wells;
restrict  injection  of liquids  into  subsurface  strata  that may  contaminate
groundwater; and impose substantial liabilities for pollution resulting from our
operations.  Environmental permits required for our operations may be subject to
revocation,  modification,  and  renewal  by issuing  authorities.  Governmental
authorities  have the power to enforce  compliance  with their  regulations  and
permits,  and  violations  are  subject to  injunction,  civil  fines,  and even
criminal  penalties.   Our  management  believes  that  we  are  in  substantial
compliance with current environmental laws and regulations, and that we will not
be required to make material capital  expenditures to comply with existing laws.
Nevertheless,   changes  in  existing  environmental  laws  and  regulations  or
interpretations  thereof  could have a  significant  impact on us as well as the
natural gas and crude oil industry in general, and thus we are unable to predict
the  ultimate  cost and  effects  of future  changes in  environmental  laws and

         We are not currently involved in any administrative,  judicial or legal
proceedings  arising  under  domestic  or  foreign  federal,   state,  or  local
environmental protection laws and regulations,  or under federal or state common
law,  which would have a material  adverse  effect on our financial  position or
results of operations. Moreover, we maintain insurance against costs of clean-up
operations,  but we are not fully  insured  against  all such  risks.  A serious
incident of pollution may result in the suspension or cessation of operations in
the affected area.

         Superfund. The Comprehensive  Environmental Response,  Compensation and
Liability  Act  ("CERCLA"),  also known as  "Superfund,"  and  comparable  state
statutes  impose  strict,  joint,  and several  liability on certain  classes of
persons who are  considered to have  contributed  to the release of a "hazardous
substance" into the environment.  These persons include the owner or operator of
a disposal site or sites where a release  occurred and companies that generated,
disposed or arranged for the disposal of the  hazardous  substances  released at
the site. Under CERCLA,  such persons or companies may be  retroactively  liable
for the costs of cleaning up the  hazardous  substances  that have been released
into the environment and for damages to natural resources,  and it is common for
neighboring  land  owners and other third  parties to file  claims for  personal
injury,  property damage, and recovery of response costs allegedly caused by the
hazardous  substances  released  into  the  environment.  In the  course  of our
ordinary  operations,  we may  generate  waste  that  may fall  within  CERCLA's
definition of a "hazardous  substance."  We may be jointly and severally  liable
under CERCLA or comparable  state statutes for all or part of the costs required
to clean up sites at which these  wastes  have been  disposed.  Although  CERCLA
currently  contains a "petroleum  exclusion"  from the  definition of "hazardous
substance,"  state  laws  affecting  our  operations  impose  cleanup  liability
relating to  petroleum  and  petroleum  related  products,  including  crude oil
cleanups.  In addition,  although RCRA  regulations  currently  classify certain
oilfield  wastes  which  are  uniquely   associated  with  field  operations  as
"non-hazardous,"  such  exploration,  development and production wastes could be
reclassified by regulation as hazardous wastes thereby  administratively  making
such wastes subject to more stringent handling and disposal requirements.

         We  currently  own or  lease,  and  have in the past  owned or  leased,
numerous  properties  that for many years have been used for the exploration and
production of natural gas and crude oil.  Although we utilized standard industry
operating and disposal  practices at the time,  hydrocarbons or other wastes may
have been disposed of or released on or under the  properties we owned or leased
or on or under other  locations  where such wastes have been taken for disposal.
In addition,  many of these properties have been operated by third parties whose
treatment and disposal or release of  hydrocarbons or other wastes was not under
our control.  These properties and the wastes disposed thereon may be subject to
CERCLA,  RCRA (as defined below), and analogous state laws. Under these laws, we
could be required to remove or remediate  previously disposed wastes,  including
wastes  disposed  or  released  by  prior  owners  or  operators;  to  clean  up
contaminated  property,   including  contaminated  groundwater;  or  to  perform
remedial operations to prevent future contamination.


         Oil  Pollution  Act of 1990.  United States  federal  regulations  also
require  certain  owners and  operators  of  facilities  that store or otherwise
handle crude oil, such as us, to prepare and implement spill prevention, control
and countermeasure plans and spill response plans relating to possible discharge
of crude oil into surface waters. The federal Oil Pollution Act ("OPA") contains
numerous  requirements  relating to prevention of, reporting of, and response to
crude oil spills  into  waters of the United  States.  For  facilities  that may
affect  state  waters,  OPA requires an operator to  demonstrate  $10 million in
financial  responsibility.  State laws mandate  crude oil cleanup  programs with
respect to  contaminated  soil. A failure to comply with OPA's  requirements  or
inadequate  cooperation during a spill response action may subject a responsible
party to civil or criminal  enforcement  actions. We are not aware of any action
or event  that would  subject us to  liability  under OPA,  and we believe  that
compliance with OPA's financial  responsibility and other operating requirements
will not have a material adverse effect on us.

         U.S.  Environmental  Protection Agency. U.S.  Environmental  Protection
Agency regulations address the disposal of crude oil and natural gas operational
wastes under three  federal acts more fully  discussed  in the  paragraphs  that
follow. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended ("RCRA"),
provides a  framework  for the safe  disposal  of  discarded  materials  and the
management of solid and hazardous  wastes.  The direct  disposal of  operational
wastes into  offshore  waters is also limited  under the  authority of the Clean
Water Act.  When  injected  underground,  crude oil and  natural  gas wastes are
regulated by the Underground  Injection  Control program under the Safe Drinking
Water  Act.  If wastes  are  classified  as  hazardous,  they  must be  properly
transported,  using a uniform hazardous waste manifest, documented, and disposed
of at  an  approved  hazardous  waste  facility.  We  have  coverage  under  the
applicable  Clean Water Act permitting  requirements  for discharges  associated
with exploration and development activities. Resource Conservation Recovery Act.
RCRA is the  principal  federal  statute  governing the  treatment,  storage and
disposal of hazardous wastes. RCRA imposes stringent operating requirements, and
liability  for  failure to meet such  requirements,  on a person who is either a
"generator" or "transporter" of hazardous waste or an "owner" or "operator" of a
hazardous  waste  treatment,  storage or disposal  facility.  At  present,  RCRA
includes a  statutory  exemption  that  allows  most crude oil and  natural  gas
exploration  and  production  waste to be classified as  nonhazardous  waste.  A
similar  exemption is contained in many of the state  counterparts to RCRA. As a
result,  we are not  required  to comply  with a  substantial  portion of RCRA's
requirements  because our operations  generate  minimal  quantities of hazardous
wastes. At various times in the past,  proposals have been made to amend RCRA to
rescind the exemption  that excludes crude oil and natural gas  exploration  and
production wastes from regulation as hazardous waste.  Repeal or modification of
the  exemption  by   administrative,   legislative  or  judicial   process,   or
modification of similar exemptions in applicable state statutes,  would increase
the volume of hazardous waste we are required to manage and dispose of and would
cause us to incur increased operating expenses.

         Clean Water Act. The Clean Water Act imposes  restrictions and controls
on the  discharge  of produced  waters and other wastes into  navigable  waters.
Permits must be obtained to discharge  pollutants  into state and federal waters
and to conduct  construction  activities in waters and  wetlands.  Certain state
regulations and the general permits issued under the Federal National  Pollutant
Discharge  Elimination  System program prohibit the discharge of produced waters
and sand,  drilling fluids,  drill cuttings and certain other substances related
to the crude oil and natural gas  industry  into  certain  coastal and  offshore
waters. Further, the EPA has adopted regulations requiring certain crude oil and
natural gas  exploration  and production  facilities to obtain permits for storm
water  discharges.  Costs may be associated  with the treatment of wastewater or
developing and implementing  storm water pollution  prevention  plans. The Clean
Water  Act and  comparable  state  statutes  provide  for  civil,  criminal  and
administrative  penalties for  unauthorized  discharges  for crude oil and other
pollutants and impose liability on parties  responsible for those discharges for
the costs of cleaning up any environmental  damage caused by the release and for
natural  resource  damages  resulting  from the  release.  We  believe  that our
operations  comply in all material  respects with the  requirements of the Clean
Water Act and state statutes enacted to control water pollution.

         Safe  Drinking  Water  Act.  Underground  injection  is the  subsurface
placement of fluid through a well, such as the reinjection of brine produced and
separated from crude oil and natural gas production. The Safe Drinking Water Act
of  1974,  as  amended  establishes  a  regulatory   framework  for  underground
injection,  with the main goal  being the  protection  of usable  aquifers.  The
primary  objective of injection  well  operating  requirements  is to ensure the
mechanical  integrity of the  injection  apparatus  and to prevent  migration of
fluids from the  injection  zone into  underground  sources of  drinking  water.
Hazardous-waste  injection well operations are strictly controlled,  and certain
wastes,  absent an  exemption,  cannot be injected  into  underground  injection
control  wells.  In Texas,  no  underground  injection  may take place except as


authorized by permit or rule. We currently own and operate  various  underground
injection  wells.  Failure  to abide by our  permits  could  subject us to civil
and/or  criminal  enforcement.  We  believe  that  we are in  compliance  in all
material   respects  with  the  requirements  of  applicable  state  underground
injection control programs and our permits.

         Air Pollution  Control.  The Clean Air Act and state air pollution laws
adopted to fulfill its mandate provide a framework for national, state and local
efforts to protect air quality.  Our operations utilize equipment that emits air
pollutants which may be subject to federal and state air pollution control laws.
These laws require  utilization of air emissions  abatement equipment to achieve
prescribed emissions  limitations and ambient air quality standards,  as well as
operating  permits for existing  equipment and construction  permits for new and
modified  equipment.  We  believe  that  we are in  compliance  in all  material
respects with the  requirements  of  applicable  federal and state air pollution
control laws.

         Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials ("NORM").  NORM are materials
not  covered by the Atomic  Energy  Act,  whose  radioactivity  is  enhanced  by
technological  processing  such as  mineral  extraction  or  processing  through
exploration and production  conducted by the crude oil and natural gas industry.
NORM wastes are regulated under the RCRA framework,  but primary  responsibility
for NORM regulation has been a state function. Standards have been developed for
worker protection;  treatment, storage and disposal of NORM waste; management of
waste piles,  containers  and tanks;  and  limitations  upon the release of NORM
contaminated  land for  unrestricted  use. We believe that our operations are in
material compliance with all applicable NORM standards  established by the State
of Texas.

         Abandonment  Costs.  All of our crude oil and  natural  gas wells  will
require proper plugging and abandonment  when they are no longer  producing.  We
post bonds with most regulatory  agencies to ensure compliance with our plugging
responsibility.  Plugging and abandonment  operations and associated reclamation
of the surface  production  site are important  components of our  environmental
management  system.  We  plan  accordingly  for  the  ultimate   disposition  of
properties that are no longer producing.

Title to Properties

         As is customary in the natural gas and crude oil industry, we make only
a cursory review of title to undeveloped natural gas and crude oil leases at the
time we acquire them. However,  before drilling commences, we require a thorough
title search to be  conducted,  and any  material  defects in title are remedied
prior to the time actual drilling of a well begins. To the extent title opinions
or other investigations reflect title defects, we, rather than the seller/lessor
of the undeveloped property, are typically obligated to cure any title defect at
our  expense.  If we were unable to remedy or cure any title  defect of a nature
such  that it would  not be  prudent  to  commence  drilling  operations  on the
property,  we could suffer a loss of our entire  investment in the property.  We
believe  that we have good title to our  natural  gas and crude oil  properties,
some  of  which  are  subject  to   immaterial   encumbrances,   easements   and
restrictions. The natural gas and crude oil properties we own are also typically
subject to royalty and other similar non-cost bearing interests customary in the
industry.  We do not  believe  that any of these  encumbrances  or burdens  will
materially affect our ownership or use of our properties.


         We operate in a highly competitive environment. The principal resources
necessary for the  exploration  and  production of natural gas and crude oil are
leasehold  prospects  under  which  natural  gas and crude oil  reserves  may be
discovered, drilling rigs and related equipment to explore for such reserves and
knowledgeable  personnel  to conduct  all  phases of  natural  gas and crude oil
operations.  We must compete for such  resources with both major natural gas and
crude oil companies and independent  operators.  Many of these  competitors have
financial  and other  resources  substantially  greater  than ours.  Although we
believe our current  operating and financial  resources are adequate to preclude
any significant  disruption of our operations in the immediate future, we cannot
assure you that such  materials and resources  will be available to us. For more
information,  you should read "Risk Factors - Risks Related to Our Industry - We
operate  in a  highly  competitive  industry  which  may  adversely  affect  our
operations." and "- The unavailability or high cost of drilling rigs, equipment,
supplies,  insurance,  personnel and crude oil field  services  could  adversely
affect our ability to execute our exploration and development  plans on a timely
basis and within our budget."



         As of  March  21,  2006 we had 48  full-time  employees  in the  United
States,  including two executive  officers,  three non-executive  officers,  one
petroleum   engineer,   one   geologist,   five  managers,   one  landman,   ten
administrative  and support personnel and 25 field personnel.  Additionally,  we
retain  contract  gaugers  on a  month-to-month  basis.  We  retain  independent
geological and engineering  consultants from time to time on a limited basis and
expect to continue to do so in the future.

Available Information

         Our Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current
Reports on Form 8-K and other reports and  amendments  filed with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  are  available  free of  charge  on our  web  site at   in  the  Investor   Relations   section  as  soon  as
practicable after such reports are filed.

Item 1A. Risk Factors

Risks Related to Our Business

We have a highly  leveraged  capital  structure,  which limits our operating and
financial flexibility.

         We have a highly leveraged capital structure. At March 21, 2006, we had
total  indebtedness,  including our floating rate senior secured notes due 2009,
or notes,  which we issued in connection with our October 2004  refinancing,  of
approximately $130.8 million, all of which is secured indebtedness.  We also had
availability  of $9.2 million under our $15.0 million senior  secured  revolving
credit facility, all of which is also secured indebtedness.

Our highly leveraged  capital  structure will have several  important effects on
our future operations, including:

            o   a substantial  amount of our cash flow from  operations  will be
                required  to service  our  indebtedness,  which will  reduce the
                funds that would otherwise be available for operations,  capital
                expenditures and expansion  opportunities,  including developing
                our properties;

            o   the covenants contained in our revolving credit facility require
                us to meet certain financial tests and comply with certain other
                restrictions,  including  limitations  on capital  expenditures.
                These  restrictions,   together  with  those  in  the  indenture
                governing the notes, may limit our ability to undertake  certain
                activities  and  respond  to  changes  in our  business  and our

            o   our debt  level may  impair  our  ability  to obtain  additional
                capital,  through  equity  offerings  or  debt  financings,  for
                working  capital,   capital  expenditures,   or  refinancing  of

            o   our debt level makes us more  vulnerable  to economic  downturns
                and adverse developments in our industry (especially declines in
                natural  gas and crude oil  prices)  and the economy in general;

            o   the notes and our  revolving  credit  facility  are  subject  to
                variable  interest  rates which makes us  vulnerable to interest
                rate increases.

We may not be able to fund the  substantial  capital  expenditures  that will be
required for us to increase our reserves and our production.

         We are required to make substantial capital expenditures to develop our
existing reserves and to discover new reserves.  Historically,  we have financed
our capital  expenditures  primarily with cash flow from operations,  borrowings
under  credit  facilities,  sales of producing  properties,  and sales of equity
securities and we expect to continue to do so in the future;  however, we cannot
assure  you that we will have  sufficient  capital  resources  in the  future to
finance our capital expenditures.


         Volatility  in  natural  gas and crude oil  prices,  the  timing of our
drilling  program  and our  drilling  results  will  affect  our cash  flow from
operations. Lower prices and/or lower production will also decrease revenues and
cash flow, thus reducing the amount of financial resources available to meet our
capital  requirements,  including  reducing  the amount  available to pursue our
drilling opportunities.  If our cash flow from operations does not increase as a
result of our planned  capital  expenditures,  a greater  percentage of our cash
flow from  operations  will be required for debt service and our planned capital
expenditures would, by necessity, be decreased.

         The  borrowing  base  under  our  revolving  credit  facility  will  be
determined  from time to time by our lenders,  consistent  with their  customary
natural gas and crude oil lending  practices.  Reductions  in  estimates  of our
natural gas and crude oil reserves  could result in a reduction in our borrowing
base, which would reduce the amount of financial  resources  available under our
revolving  credit  facility to meet our capital  requirements.  Such a reduction
could be the result of lower commodity prices or production,  inability to drill
or unfavorable  drilling  results,  changes in natural gas and crude oil reserve
engineering,  the lenders'  inability to agree to an adequate  borrowing base or
adverse changes in the lenders' practices regarding estimation of reserves.

         If cash flow from  operations  or our  borrowing  base decrease for any
reason, our ability to undertake  exploitation and development  activities could
be adversely  affected.  As a result,  our ability to replace  production may be
limited. In addition,  if the borrowing base under our revolving credit facility
is reduced,  we would be required to reduce our  borrowings  under our revolving
credit  facility so that such  borrowings do not exceed the borrowing base. This
could further  reduce the cash  available to us for capital  spending and, if we
did not have sufficient capital to reduce our borrowing level, could cause us to
default under our revolving credit facility and the notes.

         We have sold  producing  properties  to provide us with  liquidity  and
capital resources in the past and may do so in the future.  After any such sale,
we would expect to utilize the proceeds to drill new wells. If we cannot replace
the production  lost from  properties  sold with production from new properties,
our cash flow  from  operations  will  likely  decrease  which,  in turn,  would
decrease the amount of cash  available for debt service and  additional  capital

We may be unable to acquire or develop  additional  reserves,  in which case our
results of operations and financial condition would be adversely affected.

         Our future  natural gas and crude oil  production,  and  therefore  our
success,  is highly  dependent  upon our  ability to find,  acquire  and develop
additional reserves that are profitable to produce.  The rate of production from
our natural gas and crude oil properties and our proved reserves will decline as
our reserves are produced  unless we acquire  additional  properties  containing
proved reserves,  conduct successful development and exploitation activities or,
through engineering studies,  identify additional behind-pipe zones or secondary
recovery reserves.  We cannot assure you that our exploration,  exploitation and
development  activities will result in increases in our proved reserves.  As our
proved reserves,  and consequently  our production  decline,  our cash flow from
operations and the amount that we are able to borrow under our revolving  credit
facility  will  also  decline.  In  addition,  approximately  52% of  our  total
estimated  proved  reserves at  December  31,  2005 were  undeveloped.  By their
nature,  estimates of  undeveloped  reserves are less certain.  Recovery of such
reserves will require significant  capital  expenditures and successful drilling

Our production is currently concentrated in one well

         Approximately  30% of our current  production  is from a single well in
west Texas.  If production  from this well  decreases,  it would have a material
impact on our revenues, cash flow from operations and financial condition.  This
well is subject to all of the risks typically associated with natural gas wells,
including the risks described in "Risks Related to Our Industry - Our operations
are  subject to the  numerous  risks of natural gas and crude oil  drilling  and
production activities."

We may not find any commercially productive natural gas or crude oil reservoirs.

         We cannot  assure you that the new wells we drill will be productive or
that we will recover all or any portion of our capital investment.  Drilling for
natural  gas and crude  oil may be  unprofitable.  Dry holes and wells  that are


productive but do not produce sufficient net revenues after drilling,  operating
and other costs are unprofitable.  The inherent risk of not finding commercially
productive  reservoirs  will be  compounded  by the fact  that 52% of our  total
estimated  proved  reserves at  December  31,  2005 were  undeveloped.  By their
nature,  estimates of  undeveloped  reserves are less certain.  Recovery of such
reserves will require significant  capital  expenditures and successful drilling
operations.  In addition,  our  properties  may be  susceptible to drainage from
production by other operations on adjacent properties.  If the volume of natural
gas and crude oil we  produce  decreases,  our cash  flow from  operations  will

Restrictive debt covenants could limit our growth and our ability to finance our
operations, fund our capital needs, respond to changing conditions and engage in
other business activities that may be in our best interest.

         Our revolving  credit  facility and the  indenture  governing the notes
contain a number of significant  covenants that,  among other things,  limit our
ability to:

            o   incur or guarantee  additional  indebtedness  and issue  certain
                types of preferred stock or redeemable stock;

            o   transfer or sell assets;

            o   create liens on assets;

            o   pay  dividends or make other  distributions  on capital stock or
                make  other   restricted   payments,   including   repurchasing,
                redeeming  or retiring  capital  stock or  subordinated  debt or
                making certain investments or acquisitions;

            o   engage in transactions with affiliates;

            o   guarantee other indebtedness;

            o   make any change in the principal nature of our business;

            o   prepay, redeem,  purchase or otherwise acquire any of our or our
                restricted subsidiaries' indebtedness;

            o   permit a change of control;

            o   directly or indirectly make or acquire any investment;

            o   cause a  restricted  subsidiary  to issue  or sell  our  capital
                stock; and

            o   consolidate,  merge or transfer all or substantially  all of the
                consolidated assets of Abraxas and our restricted subsidiaries.

         In addition,  our  revolving  credit  facility  requires us to maintain
compliance  with  specified  financial  ratios  and  satisfy  certain  financial
condition tests. Our ability to comply with these ratios and financial condition
tests may be affected by events  beyond our  control,  and we cannot  assure you
that we will meet these ratios and financial  condition  tests.  These financial
ratio  restrictions  and  financial  condition  tests could limit our ability to
obtain future financings,  make needed capital expenditures,  withstand a future
downturn  in our  business  or the  economy  in  general  or  otherwise  conduct
necessary or desirable corporate activities.

         A breach of any of these  covenants or our inability to comply with the
required financial ratios or financial condition tests could result in a default
under our revolving  credit  facility and the notes. A default,  if not cured or
waived, could result in all of our indebtedness,  including the notes,  becoming
immediately due and payable. If that should occur, we may not be able to pay all
such debt or to borrow  sufficient  funds to refinance it. Even if new financing
were then available, it may not be on terms that are acceptable to us.

The  marketability  of our  production  depends  largely upon the  availability,
proximity  and  capacity  of  natural  gas  gathering  systems,   pipelines  and
processing facilities.

         The marketability of our production depends in part upon processing and
transportation  facilities.  Transportation  space on such gathering systems and
pipelines is  occasionally  limited and at times  unavailable  due to repairs or


improvements  being made to such  facilities or due to such space being utilized
by other  companies  with  priority  transportation  agreements.  Our  access to
transportation options can also be affected by U.S. Federal and state regulation
of natural gas and crude oil production  and  transportation,  general  economic
conditions and changes in supply and demand.  These factors and the availability
of markets are beyond our control.  If market factors  dramatically  change, the
financial  impact on us could be substantial and adversely affect our ability to
produce and market natural gas and crude oil.

Hedging transactions have in the past and may in the future impact our cash flow
from operations.

         We enter  into  hedging  arrangements  from time to time to reduce  our
exposure to fluctuations in natural gas and crude oil prices and to achieve more
predictable  cash flow. In 2003 and 2005, we incurred  hedging costs of $842,000
and $592,000, respectively, resulting from the price floors we established . For
the year ended  December 31, 2004, we recognized a gain from hedging  activities
of approximately $118,000. Currently, we believe our hedging arrangements, which
are in the form of price floors, do not expose us to significant financial risk.

         We cannot  assure you that the  hedging  transactions  we have  entered
into, or will enter into, will adequately  protect us from financial loss due to
circumstances such as:

            o   highly volatile natural gas and crude oil prices;

            o   our production being less than expected; or

            o   a counterparty to one of our hedging transactions  defaulting on
                our contractual obligations.

We have experienced significant operating losses in the past.

         We recorded  net losses from  continuing  operations  for 2003 of $12.8
million. We recorded net income from continuing  operations for 2004 and 2005 of
$3.0  million  and  $6.3  million,  respectively.  Net  income  from  continuing
operations  in 2004  included  $12.6  million  of  gain  on debt  extinguishment
relating  to our October  2004  refinancing  and a deferred  tax benefit of $6.1
million.  We cannot  assure you that we will  continue to be  profitable  in the

Lower natural gas and crude oil prices  increase the risk of ceiling  limitation

         We use the full cost  method to account  for our  natural gas and crude
oil operations.  Accordingly, we capitalize the cost to acquire, explore for and
develop natural gas and crude oil properties.  Under full cost accounting rules,
the net capitalized  cost of natural gas and crude oil properties may not exceed
a "ceiling limit" which is based upon the present value of estimated  future net
cash flows from proved reserves,  discounted at 10%. If net capitalized costs of
natural gas and crude oil properties  exceed the ceiling  limit,  we must charge
the  amount of the  excess to  earnings.  This is called a  "ceiling  limitation
write-down."  This charge does not impact cash flow from  operating  activities,
but does reduce our stockholders' equity and earnings.  The risk that we will be
required  to  write-down  the  carrying  value  of  natural  gas and  crude  oil
properties increases when natural gas and crude oil prices are low. In addition,
write-downs may occur if we experience  substantial  downward adjustments to our
estimated proved reserves. An expense recorded in one period may not be reversed
in a subsequent  period even though higher  natural gas and crude oil prices may
have increased the ceiling applicable to the subsequent period.

We have incurred  ceiling  limitation  write-downs in the past. We cannot assure
you that we will not experience additional ceiling limitation write-downs in the

         Use of our net operating loss carryforwards may be limited.

         At December  31,  2005,  we had,  subject to the  limitation  discussed
below, $190.0 million of net operating loss carryforwards for U.S. tax purposes.
These loss carryforwards will expire through 2025 if not utilized.  In addition,
as to a portion of the U.S. net operating loss carryforwards, the amount of such
carryforwards  that we can use annually is limited under U.S. tax law. Moreover,
uncertainties  exist  as  to  the  future  utilization  of  the  operating  loss
carryforwards  under the  criteria  set forth  under  FASB  Statement  No.  109.


Therefore,  we have established a valuation allowance of $73.0 million and $67.0
million for deferred tax assets at December 31, 2004 and 2005, respectively.

We depend on our Chairman,  President and CEO and the loss of his services could
have an adverse effect on our operations.

         We depend to a large extent on Robert L. G. Watson, our Chairman of the
Board,  President and Chief Executive  Officer,  for our management and business
and financial contacts.  Mr. Watson may terminate his employment  agreement with
us at any time on 30 days notice,  but, if he terminates without cause, he would
not be  entitled  to the  severance  benefits  provided  under the terms of that
agreement.  Mr. Watson is not precluded from working for, with or on behalf of a
competitor  upon  termination of his  employment  with us. If Mr. Watson were no
longer able or willing to act as our  Chairman,  the loss of his services  could
have an adverse effect on our  operations.  In addition,  in connection with the
initial public  offering by our previously  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Grey Wolf
Exploration  Inc.,  we, Grey Wolf and Mr.  Watson  agreed that Mr.  Watson would
continue to serve as our Chief Executive  Officer and President and as the Chief
Executive Officer for Grey Wolf, with Mr. Watson devoting two-thirds of his time
to his  positions  and duties with us and  one-third of his time to his position
and duties with Grey Wolf. In consideration for receiving Mr. Watson's services,
Grey Wolf  makes an annual  payment  to Abraxas  of  US$100,000  and  reimburses
Abraxas for Mr.  Watson's  expenses  incurred in connection  with providing such

Risks Related to Our Industry

Market conditions for natural gas and crude oil, and particularly  volatility of
prices for natural gas and crude oil, could adversely  affect our revenue,  cash
flows, profitability and growth.

         Our revenue, cash flows, profitability and future rate of growth depend
substantially  upon prevailing prices for natural gas and crude oil. Natural gas
prices affect us more than crude oil prices  because most of our  production and
reserves are natural gas.  Prices also affect the amount of cash flow  available
for capital  expenditures  and our ability to borrow  money or raise  additional
capital.  Lower prices may also make it uneconomical  for us to increase or even
continue current production levels of natural gas and crude oil.

         Prices for natural gas and crude oil are subject to large  fluctuations
in response to relatively minor changes in the supply and demand for natural gas
and crude oil,  market  uncertainty  and a variety of other  factors  beyond our
control, including:

            o   changes in foreign  and  domestic  supply and demand for natural
                gas and crude oil;

            o   political  stability  and economic  conditions  in oil producing
                countries, particularly in the Middle East;

            o   general economic conditions;

            o   domestic and foreign governmental regulation; and

            o   the price and availability of alternative fuel sources.

         In addition to  decreasing  our revenue and cash flow from  operations,
low or declining natural gas and crude oil prices could have additional material
adverse effects on us, such as:

            o   reducing the overall volume of natural gas and crude oil that we
                can  produce  economically,   thereby  adversely  affecting  our
                revenue,  profitability and cash flow and our ability to perform
                our obligations with respect to the notes;

            o   reducing our borrowing base under the credit facility; and

            o   impairing  our  borrowing  capacity  and our  ability  to obtain
                equity capital.


Estimates  of our proved  reserves  and future net  revenue  are  uncertain  and
inherently imprecise.

         The process of estimating natural gas and crude oil reserves is complex
involving  decisions and  assumptions  in evaluating  the available  geological,
geophysical,  engineering  and economic data.  Accordingly,  these estimates are
imprecise. Actual future production, natural gas and crude oil prices, revenues,
taxes,   development   expenditures,   operating   expenses  and  quantities  of
recoverable  natural gas and crude oil reserves most likely will vary from those
estimated.  Any  significant  variance  could  materially  affect the  estimated
quantities and present value of reserves set forth in this report.  In addition,
we may  adjust  estimates  of proved  reserves  to reflect  production  history,
results of exploitation  and development,  prevailing  natural gas and crude oil
prices and other factors, many of which are beyond our control.

         The estimates of our reserves are based upon various  assumptions about
future production levels, prices and costs that may not prove to be correct over
time. In particular, estimates of natural gas and crude oil reserves, future net
revenue from proved reserves and the PV-10 thereof for our natural gas and crude
oil properties are based on the assumption that future natural gas and crude oil
prices remain the same as natural gas and crude oil prices at December 31, 2005.
The sales prices as of such date used for purposes of such  estimates were $8.84
per Mcf of natural gas and $56.92 per Bbl of crude oil. This compares with $4.94
per Mcf of natural gas and $41.01 per Bbl of crude oil as of December  31, 2004.
These  estimates  also assume that we will make future capital  expenditures  of
approximately  $84.2  million in the aggregate  through 2024,  with the majority
expected to be incurred  from 2006 to 2009,  which are  necessary to develop and
realize  the  value  of  proved  undeveloped  reserves  on our  properties.  Any
significant  variance  in actual  results  from  these  assumptions  could  also
materially affect the estimated quantity and value of reserves set forth in this

         The present  value of future net  revenues  we disclose  may not be the
current  market value of our estimated  natural gas and crude oil  reserves.  In
accordance with SEC requirements, the estimated discounted future net cash flows
from proved  reserves are  generally  based on prices and costs as of the end of
the period of the  estimate.  Actual  future  prices and costs may be materially
higher  or lower  than  the  prices  and  costs as of the end of the year of the
estimate.   Any  changes  in   consumption  by  natural  gas  purchasers  or  in
governmental  regulations  or taxation  will also affect  actual future net cash
flows.  The timing of both the production and the expenses from the  development
and production of natural gas and crude oil properties will affect the timing of
actual future net cash flows from proved  reserves and their present  value.  In
addition,  the 10% discount  factor,  which is required by the SEC to be used in
calculating  discounted  future net cash flows for  reporting  purposes,  is not
necessarily the most accurate  discount factor.  The effective  interest rate at
various times and the risks  associated with us or the natural gas and crude oil
industry in general will affect the accuracy of the 10% discount factor.

Our  operations  are subject to the numerous  risks of natural gas and crude oil
drilling and production activities.

         Our natural gas and crude oil drilling and  production  activities  are
subject to numerous  risks,  many of which are beyond our  control.  These risks
include  the risk of  fire,  explosions,  blow-outs,  pipe  failure,  abnormally
pressured formations and environmental  hazards.  Environmental  hazards include
oil spills,  natural gas leaks,  ruptures  and  discharges  of toxic  gases.  In
addition,  title  problems,  weather  conditions and mechanical  difficulties or
shortages  or delays in  delivery  of drilling  rigs and other  equipment  could
negatively  affect our  operations.  If any of these or other  similar  industry
operating risks occur, we could have substantial losses. Substantial losses also
may result  from  injury or loss of life,  severe  damage to or  destruction  of
property, clean-up responsibilities,  regulatory investigation and penalties and
suspension of  operations.  In accordance  with industry  practice,  we maintain
insurance  against some, but not all, of the risks  described  above.  We cannot
assure you that our insurance  will be adequate to cover losses or  liabilities.
Also,  we cannot  predict the  continued  availability  of  insurance at premium
levels that justify its purchase.

We operate  in a highly  competitive  industry  which may  adversely  affect our

         We operate in a highly competitive environment. The principal resources
necessary for the  exploration  and  production of natural gas and crude oil are
leasehold  prospects  under  which  natural  gas and crude oil  reserves  may be
discovered, drilling rigs and related equipment to explore for such reserves and
knowledgeable  personnel  to conduct  all  phases of  natural  gas and crude oil
operations.  We must compete for such  resources with both major natural gas and


crude oil companies and independent  operators.  Many of these  competitors have
financial  and other  resources  substantially  greater  than ours.  Although we
believe our current  operating and financial  resources are adequate to preclude
any significant  disruption of our operations in the immediate future, we cannot
assure you that such materials and resources will be available to us.

The  unavailability  or  high  cost  of  drilling  rigs,  equipment,   supplies,
insurance,  personnel and crude oil field  services could  adversely  affect our
ability to execute our exploration  and development  plans on a timely basis and
within our budget.

         Our industry is cyclical and, from time to time, there is a shortage of
drilling rigs,  equipment,  supplies,  insurance or qualified personnel.  During
these periods,  the costs and delivery times of rigs, equipment and supplies are
substantially greater. In addition, the demand for, and wage rates of, qualified
drilling rig crews rise as the number of active rigs in service increases.  As a
result of increasing  levels of exploration and production in response to strong
prices of natural gas and crude oil, the demand for oilfield  services has risen
and the costs of these services are increasing.

Our natural gas and crude oil operations are subject to various  Federal,  state
and local regulations that materially affect our operations.

         Matters regulated include permits for drilling operations, drilling and
abandonment  bonds,  reports  concerning  operations,  the  spacing of wells and
unitization and pooling of properties and taxation. At various times, regulatory
agencies have imposed price controls and limitations on production.  In order to
conserve  supplies of natural gas and crude oil, these agencies have  restricted
the rates of flow of natural  gas and crude oil wells  below  actual  production
capacity. Federal, state and local laws regulate production,  handling, storage,
transportation  and  disposal  of natural  gas and crude oil,  by-products  from
natural gas and crude oil and other substances and materials produced or used in
connection with natural gas and crude oil operations.  To date, our expenditures
related  to  complying   with  these  laws  and  for   remediation  of  existing
environmental contamination have not been significant. We believe that we are in
substantial  compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.  However,  the
requirements  of such laws and  regulations  are frequently  changed.  We cannot
predict the ultimate cost of compliance with these  requirements or their effect
on our operations.

Risks Related to the Common Stock

We do not pay dividends on common stock.

         We have never paid a cash dividend on our common stock and the terms of
the revolving credit facility and the indenture  relating to the notes limit our
ability to pay dividends on our common stock.

Shares eligible for future sale may depress our stock price.

         At March 21, 2006, we had 42,588,327 shares of common stock outstanding
of which 3,991,679  shares were held by affiliates  and, in addition,  2,588,963
shares of common stock were subject to outstanding options granted under certain
stock option plans (of which 1,699,838 shares were vested at March 21, 2006).

         All of the shares of common stock held by affiliates  are restricted or
control  securities under Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended (the "Securities  Act"). The shares of the common stock issuable upon
exercise of the stock options have been  registered  under the  Securities  Act.
Sales of shares of common  stock under Rule 144 or another  exemption  under the
Securities  Act or pursuant to a  registration  statement  could have a material
adverse  effect on the price of the common stock and could impair our ability to
raise additional capital through the sale of equity securities.


The price of our common stock has been volatile and could  continue to fluctuate

         Our common stock is traded on The American Stock  Exchange.  The market
price of our common stock has been  volatile and could  fluctuate  substantially
based on a variety of factors, including the following:

            o   fluctuations in commodity prices;

            o   variations in results of operations;

            o   legislative or regulatory changes;

            o   general trends in the industry;

            o   market conditions; and

            o   analysts'  estimates  and other  events in the  natural  gas and
                crude oil industry.

We may issue  shares of  preferred  stock with  greater  rights  than our common

         Subject to the rules of The American  Stock  Exchange,  our articles of
incorporation  authorize  our board of  directors to issue one or more series of
preferred  stock and set the terms of the preferred  stock  without  seeking any
further  approval from holders of our common stock.  Any preferred stock that is
issued may rank ahead of our common  stock in terms of  dividends,  priority and
liquidation premiums and may have greater voting rights than our common stock.

Anti-takeover  provisions  could  make a  third  party  acquisition  of  Abraxas

         Our articles of incorporation and bylaws provide for a classified board
of  directors,  with each member  serving a three-year  term,  and eliminate the
ability of  stockholders  to call  special  meetings  or take  action by written
consent.  Each of the  provisions  in the articles of  incorporation  and bylaws
could make it more  difficult for a third party to acquire  Abraxas  without the
approval of our board. In addition,  the Nevada corporate  statute also contains
certain  provisions  that  could  make  an  acquisition  by a third  party  more

An active market may not develop for our common stock.

         Our common stock is quoted on The American Stock Exchange.  While there
is  currently  one  specialist  in our  common  stock,  this  specialist  is not
obligated to continue to make a market in our common stock.  In this event,  the
liquidity  of our common stock could be  adversely  impacted  and a  stockholder
could have difficulty obtaining accurate stock quotes.

Future issuance of additional shares of our common stock could cause dilution of
ownership interests and adversely affect our stock price.

         We may in the  future  issue our  previously  authorized  and  unissued
securities,  resulting in the dilution of the ownership interests of our current
stockholders.  We are currently authorized to issue 200,000,000 shares of common
stock with such rights as determined  by our board of  directors.  The potential
issuance of such additional  shares of common stock may create downward pressure
on the trading price of our common stock. We may also issue additional shares of
our common stock or other  securities that are  convertible  into or exercisable
for common stock for capital raising or other business purposes. Future sales of
substantial  amounts of common stock,  or the perception that sales could occur,
could have a material adverse effect on the price of our common stock.

Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments



Item 2.  Properties

Primary Operating Areas


         Our operations are  concentrated  in south and west Texas with over 99%
of the PV-10 of our natural gas and crude oil  properties  at December  31, 2005
located in those two regions. We operate 91% of our wells in Texas. During 2005,
we drilled a total of eight new wells  (eight  net) in Texas with an 88% success
rate, with a total of 1.1 Bcfe of our 2005 production  attributable to new wells
drilled in Texas.  Operations in south Texas are concentrated  along the Edwards
trend in Live Oak, DeWitt and Lavaca Counties,  the Frio/Vicksburg  trend in San
Patricio County and the Wilcox trend in Goliad and DeWitt Counties.  In total in
south  Texas,  we own an average 93% working  interest in 46 wells with  average
production of 200 net Bbls of crude oil and 6,778 net Mcf of natural gas per day
for the year ended  December 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2005, we had estimated
net proved  reserves in South Texas of 30.3 Bcfe (84%  natural gas) with a PV-10
of $107.0 million, 61% of which was attributable to proved developed reserves.

         Our  west   Texas   operations   are   concentrated   along   the  deep
Devonian/Montoya/Ellenburger  formations and shallow Cherry Canyon sandstones in
Ward County,  the Sharon Ridge Clearfork  Field in Scurry and Mitchell  Counties
and Devonian,  Woodford and Wolfcamp  formations in Pecos County. We drilled one
well in west Texas that contributed approximately 10% of our 2005 production and
is currently contributing approximately 30% of our production.

         In total in west Texas,  we own an average 74% working  interest in 165
wells with average  daily  production  of 296 net Bbls of crude oil and NGLs and
9,735 net Mcf of natural gas per day for the year ended December 31, 2005. As of
December 31, 2005, we had  estimated  net proved  reserves in west Texas of 73.0
Bcfe  (83%  natural  gas)  with a PV-10 of  $201.9  million,  42% of  which  was
attributable to proved developed reserves.

         In the Oates SW Field of west Texas,  our  workover  rig  continues  to
clean out the vertical section on a Devonian re-entry well, which after reaching
approximately  12,500',  we  plan to  drill  horizontally.  We plan to  continue
development  of the Oates SW Field  throughout  2006,  targeting  the  shallower
Wolfcamp,  Atoka and Woodford formations in addition to the deeper Devonian.  In
the  multi-well  re-completion  program  elsewhere in the Delaware Basin of West
Texas,  we are currently  recovering  completion  fluid from two wells that were
fracture  stimulated  in the  Atoka  formation  while a third  well,  which  was
re-completed  to the  Wolfcamp  formation,  is flowing  oil and gas.  We plan to
re-complete or fracture  stimulate four to six additional  wells in this program
during 2006. In the Sharon Ridge Field located in Scurry County,  Texas, we have
begun  drilling a shallow well  targeting the Clear Fork formation at a depth of
3,500'. We plan to drill one additional in-fill well in this field in 2006.


         We  currently  hold  52,994  acres in the  Powder  River  Basin in east
central Wyoming.  We have drilled and operate ten wells in Converse and Niobrara
counties  that  were  completed  in  the  Muddy,  Mowry,  Turner,  and  Niobrara
formations.  Four of these wells were drilled in the latter part of 2005 and are
currently undergoing completion and stimulation.  We own a 100% working interest
in these  wells that  produced an average of 37 net barrels of crude oil per day
in 2005. As of December 31, 2005, we had estimated net proved producing reserves
in Wyoming of 242,036 barrels of crude oil with a PV-10 of $3.0 million.

         In Brooks Draw, Wyoming, production testing continues on the four wells
drilled in late 2005. Since the beginning of 2006, one additional  formation has
been  perforated  and awaits  fracture  stimulation  and a previously  completed
formation  has  been  re-stimulated.  We plan to  complete  additional  zones as
service  equipment becomes  available.  Once all of the formations are completed
and tested individually,  they will be commingled and an ultimate sustained rate
of  production  can be obtained.  We plan to drill several more wells in Wyoming
during the second half of 2006.


Exploratory and Developmental Acreage

         Our  principal  natural  gas  and  crude  oil  properties   consist  of
non-producing and producing natural gas and crude oil leases, including reserves
of  natural  gas and crude oil in  place.  The  following  table  indicates  our
interest in developed and undeveloped acreage and fee mineral acreage applicable
to continuing operations as of December 31, 2005:

                        Developed               Undeveloped              Fee Mineral
                        Acreage (1)             Acreage (2)              Acreage (3)
                 ------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------------- --------------
                   Gross         Net         Gross         Net           Gross        Net          Net
                  Acres(4)      Acres (5)    Acres(4)     Acres (5)     Acres (6)     Acres       Acres
                 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- --------- --------------
  South Texas         6,271       5,842        1,236        1,158             -          -        7,000
  West Texas         19,117      14,570       18,135       12,315        12,007      5,272       32,157
  Wyoming             3,360       3,360       49,634       45,833             -          -       49,193
  N. Dakota             -           -             80           24             -          -           24
                 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------- --------- --------------
           Total     28,748      23,772       69,085       59,330        12,007      5,272       88,374
                 ============ ============ ============ ============= ============= ========= ==============

(1)      Developed  acreage  consists of leased  acres spaced or  assignable  to
         productive wells.
(2)      Undeveloped  acreage is  considered  to be those  leased acres on which
         wells have not been  drilled or  completed to a point that would permit
         the  production of commercial  quantities of natural gas and crude oil,
         regardless of whether or not such acreage contains proved reserves.
(3)      Fee mineral  acreage  represents fee simple  absolute  ownership of the
         mineral estate or fraction thereof.
(4)      Gross  acres  refers  to the  number of acres in which we own a working
(5)      Net acres  represents  the number of acres  attributable  to an owner's
         proportionate working interest (e.g., a 50% working interest in a lease
         covering 320 acres is equivalent to 160 net acres).
(6)      Includes  7,484 acres that are  included in developed  and  undeveloped
         gross acres.

Productive Wells

         The following table sets forth our total gross and net productive wells
applicable to continuing  operations,  expressed  separately for natural gas and
crude oil, as of December 31, 2005:

                                                            Productive Wells (1)
                                                          As of December 31, 2005
           State                               Crude Oil                          Natural Gas
 -------------------------------    --------------------------------   ----------------------------------
                                      Gross(2)              Net(3)          Gross(2)           Net(3)
                                    ---------------   --------------   ---------------   ----------------
           South Texas                     17.0              17.0             29.0              26.0
           West Texas                     128.0              99.5             37.0              22.6
           Wyoming                         10.0              10.0             18.0               -
           N. Dakota                        -                 -                1.0               -
                                    ---------------   --------------   ---------------   ----------------
                    Total                 155.0             126.5             85.0              48.6
                                    ===============   ==============   ===============   ================

(1)      Productive wells are producing wells and wells capable of production.
(2)      A gross well is a well in which we own an interest.
(3)      A net well is  deemed  to exist  when the sum of  fractional  ownership
         working interests in gross wells equals one.

Reserves Information

         The  natural  gas and crude oil  reserves  have  been  estimated  as of
December 31, 2005,  December  31, 2004,  and December 31, 2003,  by DeGolyer and
MacNaughton,  of Dallas,  Texas.  Natural  gas and crude oil  reserves,  and the
estimates  of  the  present  value  of  future  net  revenues  there-from,  were
determined based on then current prices and costs.  Reserve calculations involve


the estimate of future net recoverable reserves of natural gas and crude oil and
the timing and amount of future net  revenues  to be  received  therefrom.  Such
estimates  are not precise and are based on  assumptions  regarding a variety of
factors, many of which are variable and uncertain.

         The following table sets forth certain information  regarding estimates
of our crude oil,  natural gas  liquids and natural gas  reserves as of December
31,  2003,  December  31,  2005 and  December  31, 2005  relating to  continuing

                                                                Estimated Proved Reserves
                                                  Proved            Proved               Total
                                                 Developed       Undeveloped            Proved
                                               --------------   ---------------    ------------------
          As of December 31, 2005
            Crude oil (MBbls)                        1,942              1,142              3,084
            Natural gas (MMcf)                      38,794             47,409             86,203

          As of December  31, 2004
            Crude oil (MBbls)                        1,878              1,223              3,101
            Natural gas (MMcf)                      36,241             38,877             75,118

          As of December 31, 2003
            Crude oil (MBbls)                        1,791              1,264              3,055
            NGLs (MBbls)                                95                170                265
            Natural gas (MMcf)                      39,371             40,831             80,202

         The process of estimating crude oil and natural gas reserves is complex
and  involves   decisions  and   assumptions  in  the  evaluation  of  available
geological,  geophysical,   engineering  and  economic  data.  Therefore,  these
estimates are imprecise.

         Actual future production,  natural gas and crude oil prices,  revenues,
taxes,   development   expenditures,   operating   expenses  and  quantities  of
recoverable  natural gas and crude oil reserves most likely will vary from those
estimated.  Any  significant  variance  could  materially  affect the  estimated
quantities  and present  value of reserves set forth in this annual  report.  In
addition,  we may adjust  estimates  of proved  reserves  to reflect  production
history,  results of exploitation  and development,  prevailing  natural gas and
crude oil prices and other factors, many of which are beyond our control.

         You should not assume  that the  present  value of future net  revenues
referred  to in  this  annual  statement  is the  current  market  value  of our
estimated   natural  gas  and  crude  oil  reserves.   In  accordance  with  SEC
requirements,  the  estimated  discounted  future  net cash  flows  from  proved
reserves  are  generally  based on prices and costs as of the end of the year of
the  estimate,  or  alternatively,  if  prices  subsequent  to  that  date  have
increased,  a price near the  periodic  filing date of the  Company's  financial
statements.  Because we use the full cost  method to account for our natural gas
and crude oil  operations,  we are susceptible to significant  non-cash  charges
during  times of  volatile  commodity  prices  because the full cost pool may be
impaired  when  prices  are  low.  This  is  known  as  a  "ceiling   limitation
write-down". This charge does not impact cash flow from operating activities but
does reduce our stockholders' equity and reported earnings.  We have experienced
ceiling limitation write-downs in the past and we cannot assure you that we will
not experience additional ceiling limitation write-downs in the future. For more
information  regarding the full cost method of  accounting,  you should read the
information under  "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operation - Critical Accounting Policies".

         Actual future  prices and costs may be materially  higher or lower than
the prices and costs as of the end of the year of the  estimate.  Any changes in
consumption by natural gas purchasers or in governmental regulations or taxation
will also affect actual future net cash flows. The timing of both the production
and the expenses from the  development  and  production of natural gas and crude
oil  properties  will  affect  the  timing of actual  future net cash flows from
proved reserves and their present value. In addition,  the 10% discount  factor,
which is required  by the SEC to be used in  calculating  discounted  future net
cash flows for reporting purposes, is not necessarily the most accurate discount


factor.  The effective  interest rate at various times and the risks  associated
with us or the  natural gas and crude oil  industry  in general  will affect the
accuracy of the 10% discount factor.

         The estimates of our reserves are based upon various  assumptions about
future production levels, prices and costs that may not prove to be correct over
time. In particular, estimates of natural gas and crude oil reserves, future net
revenue from proved reserves and the PV-10 thereof for the natural gas and crude
oil properties  described in this report are based on the assumption that future
natural  gas and crude oil prices  remain the same as natural  gas and crude oil
prices at December 31, 2005.  The average  sales prices as of such date used for
purposes of such estimates were $56.92 per Bbl of crude oil and $8.84 per Mcf of
natural gas. It is also assumed that we will make future capital expenditures of
approximately $84.2 million in the aggregate, most of which is in the years 2006
through  2009,  which are  necessary  to develop and realize the value of proved
undeveloped  reserves  on our  properties.  Any  significant  variance in actual
results  from these  assumptions  could  also  materially  affect the  estimated
quantity and value of reserves set forth herein.

         We file  reports of our  estimated  natural gas and crude oil  reserves
with the Department of Energy. The reserves reported to this agency are required
to be reported on a gross operated basis and therefore are not comparable to the
reserve data reported herein.

Crude Oil, Natural Gas Liquids, and Natural Gas Production and Sales Prices

         The following table presents our net crude oil, net natural gas liquids
and net natural gas production, the average sales price per Bbl of crude oil and
natural gas liquids and per Mcf of natural gas  produced and the average cost of
production  per Mcfe of production  sold, for the three years ended December 31,
2005 related to continuing operations:

                                                               2005           2004           2003
                                                         --------------- -------------- --------------
             Crude oil production (Bbls)                       194,366         220,409        220,135
             Natural gas production (Mcf)                    4,942,355       4,403,030      4,780,739
             Natural gas liquids production (Bbls)                   -           8,875          9,439
             Total production (Mmcfe)   (2)                      6,109           5,779          6,158
             Average sales price per Bbl of crude oil    $       53.27   $       40.12  $       30.43
             Average sales price per Mcf of natural
                  gas (1)                                $        7.48   $        5.45  $        4.77
             Average sales price per Bbl of natural
                  gas liquids                            $        -      $       26.32  $       20.46
             Average sales price per Mcfe                $        7.75   $        5.72  $        4.82
             Average cost of production per Mcfe
                  produced (2)                           $        1.82   $        1.48  $        1.35

(1)      Average sales prices are net of hedging activity.
(2)      Natural  gas and crude oil were  combined by  converting  crude oil and
         natural gas liquids to a Mcf  equivalent on the basis of 1 Bbl of crude
         oil and  natural  gas liquid  equals 6 Mcf of natural  gas.  Production
         costs  include  direct  operating  costs,  ad  valorem  taxes and gross
         production taxes.

Drilling Activities

         The following  table sets forth our gross and net working  interests in
exploratory  and  development  wells drilled,  related to continuing  operations
during the three years ended December 31, 2005:


                                     2005                           2004                        2003
                         --------------------------    -----------------------------   -----------------------
                          Gross(1)          Net(2)       Gross(1)          Net(2)       Gross(1)      Net(2)
                         ------------    ----------    ------------     -----------    ----------     --------

          Crude oil              1.0           1.0             2.0            2.0            1.0          1.0

          Natural gas            1.0           1.0               -              -              -            -

          Dry holes(5)             -             -               -              -              -            -
                         ------------    ----------    ------------     ----------     ----------     --------
                  Total          2.0           2.0             2.0            2.0            1.0          1.0
                         ============    ==========    ============     ==========     ==========     ========


  Productive (4)

          Crude oil              4.0           4.0               -              -              -            -

          Natural gas            5.0           5.0             1.0            1.0            5.0          5.0

          Dry holes (5)          1.0           1.0             1.0            1.0              -            -
                         ------------    ----------    ------------     ----------     ----------     --------
                  Total         10.0          10.0             2.0            2.0            5.0          5.0
                         ============    ==========    ============     ==========     ==========     ========

(1)      A gross well is a well in which we own an interest.
(2)      The  number of net wells  represents  the total  percentage  of working
         interests  held in all wells (e.g.,  total  working  interest of 50% is
         equivalent  to 0.5  net  well.  A  total  working  interest  of 100% is
         equivalent to 1.0 net well).
(3)      An exploratory  well is a well drilled to find and produce  natural gas
         or crude oil in an unproved  area,  to find a new  reservoir in a field
         previously  found to be  producing  natural gas or crude oil in another
         reservoir, or to extend a known reservoir.
(4)      A productive well is an exploratory or a development well that is not a
         dry hole.
(5)      A dry hole is an exploratory or development  well found to be incapable
         of producing  either natural gas or crude oil in sufficient  quantities
         to justify completion as a natural gas or crude oil well.
(6)      A  development  well is a well  drilled  within  the  proved  area of a
         natural  gas or crude  oil  reservoir  to the  depth  of  stratigraphic
         horizon  (rock  layer  or  formation)  noted to be  productive  for the
         purpose of extracting proved natural gas or crude oil reserves.

         As of March 21, 2006, we had 7 wells in process of drilling and/or

Office Facilities

         Our executive and administrative  offices are located at 500 North Loop
1604 East,  Suite 100, San Antonio,  Texas 78232,  consisting  of  approximately
12,650  square feet leased  through  January 2009 at an  aggregate  base rate of
$20,773 per month.  We also have an office in Midland,  Texas  consisting of 570
square feet leased  through  February 2008 at an aggregate base rate of $439 per

Other Properties

         We own 10 acres of land, an office  building,  workshop,  warehouse and
house in Sinton,  Texas, 2.8 acres of land, an office building in Scurry County,
Texas, 600 acres of fee land in Scurry County,  Texas, 160 acres of land in Coke
County,  Texas and 11,537 acres of fee land in Pecos County,  Texas. We also own
22 vehicles  which are used in the field by employees.  We own 2 workover  rigs,
which are used for servicing our wells.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

         From time to time, Abraxas is involved in litigation relating to claims
arising out of its operations in the normal course of business.  At December 31,
2005,  Abraxas  was not  engaged  in any legal  proceedings  that are  expected,
individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on Abraxas.


Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

         No matter was  submitted to a vote of our security  holders  during the
fourth quarter of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005.


Item 5.  Market for Registrant's  Common Equity,  Related Stockholder Matters
         and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities

Market Information

         Our common stock began trading on the American Stock Exchange on August
18,  2000,  under the symbol  "ABP."  The  following  table  sets forth  certain
information  as to the high and low sales price  quoted for our common  stock on
the American Stock Exchange.

             Period                                         High        Low
             -------------                                --------   ----------
             First Quarter                                $   3.64   $    1.29
             Second Quarter                                   2.89        1.50
             Third Quarter                                    2.37        1.09
             Fourth Quarter                                   2.99        1.91

             First Quarter                                $   2.92   $    1.92
             Second Quarter                                   3.38        2.15
             Third Quarter                                    8.99        2.71
             Fourth Quarter                                   9.25        5.15

2006         First Quarter (Through March 21, 2006)       $   7.25   $    5.24


         As of  March  21,  2006,  we had  42,588,327  shares  of  common  stock
outstanding and had approximately 1,226 stockholders of record.


         We have not paid any cash  dividends  on our common stock and it is not
presently  determinable when, if ever, we will pay cash dividends in the future.
In addition, the indenture governing our notes and our revolving credit facility
prohibit the payment of cash dividends and stock  dividends on our common stock.
You should read the discussion  under  "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Liquidity and Capital Resources"
for more information regarding the restrictions on our ability to pay dividends.

Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

         The following  selected financial data as of and for the years ended is
derived from our Consolidated  Financial Statements.  The data should be read in
conjunction with our Consolidated  Financial  Statements and Notes thereto,  and
other financial information included herein. See "Financial  Statements" in Item

                                                                          Year Ended December 31,
                                                2005           2004 *          2003 *          2002*              2001 *
                                           --------------   -------------  ---------------  ----------------  ---------------
                                                               (Dollars in thousands except per share data)
Total revenue - continuing operations      $    48,625      $    33,854     $    30,380      $    21,541       $    35,775
Net income (loss)                          $    19,117 (5)  $    12,360 (1) $    56,798 (2)  $  (119,197) (3)  $   (23,769) (4)
Net income (loss) - discontinued
   operations                              $    12,846 (5)  $     3,323     $    70,024 (2)  $   (63,355)      $    (4,870)
Net income (loss) - continuing
   operations                              $     6,271      $     9,037     $   (13,226)     $   (55,842)      $   (18,899)


Net income (loss) per common share  -
   diluted                                 $      0.46      $      0.32     $      1.61      $     (3.98)      $     (0.92)
Weighted average shares outstanding -
   diluted (in thousands)                       41,164           38,895          35,364 (6)       29,979            25,789
Total assets                               $   121,866      $   152,685     $   126,437      $   181,425       $   303,616
Long-term debt, excluding current
   maturities                              $   129,527      $   126,425     $   184,649      $   201,850       $   209,611
Total stockholders' equity (deficit)       $   (23,701)     $   (53,464)    $   (72,203)     $  (142,254)      $   (28,585)

*  Net income (loss) and net income (loss) from continuing  operations for 2004,
   2003,  2002  and  2001  reflect  the  retrospective  adoption  of SFAS  123R.

(1)  Includes  gain on debt  extinguishment  of $12.6 million and a deferred tax
     benefit of $6.1 million.
(2)  Includes gain on sale of foreign subsidiaries of $ 68.9 million in 2003.
(3)  Includes  ceiling  limitation  write-down of $116.0  million ($28.2 million
     related to continuing operations).
(4)  Includes  ceiling  test  write-down  of $2.6  million  in  2001,  based  on
     subsequent  (March 22,  2002)  realized  prices,  related  to  discontinued
(5)  Includes  gain on the sale of foreign  subsidiary  of $17.3  million net of
     non-cash tax of $6.1 million.
(6)  For the year ended December 31, 2003, 711,928 shares were excluded from the
     calculation of diluted  earnings per share since their inclusion would have
     been antidilutive.

Item 7. Management's  Discussion And Analysis Of Financial Condition And Results
Of Operations

         Prior to February 2005, Grey Wolf  Exploration  Inc. was a wholly-owned
Canadian subsidiary of Abraxas. In February 2005, Grey Wolf closed on an initial
public offering resulting in the substantial divestiture of our capital stock in
Grey Wolf. As a result of the Grey Wolf IPO, and the significant  divestiture of
our interest in Grey Wolf,  the results of operations of Grey Wolf are reflected
in our Financial  Statements and in this document as  "Discontinued  Operations"
and our remaining  operations are referred to in our Financial Statements and in
this  document as  "Continuing  Operations"  or "Continued  Operations".  Unless
otherwise noted, all disclosures are for continuing operations.

         The following is a discussion of our consolidated  financial condition,
results  of  continuing  operations,   liquidity  and  capital  resources.  This
discussion  should  be read  in  conjunction  with  our  Consolidated  Financial
Statements and the Notes thereto. See "Financial Statements" in Item 8.


         We  are  an  independent   energy  company  primarily  engaged  in  the
development, and production of natural gas and crude oil. Historically,  we have
grown through the  acquisition and subsequent  development  and  exploitation of
producing  properties,  principally  through  the  redevelopment  of old  fields
utilizing new  technologies  such as modern log analysis and reservoir  modeling
techniques as well as 3-D seismic surveys and horizontal  drilling.  As a result
of  these  activities,  we  believe  that we  have a  substantial  inventory  of
development opportunities,  which provide a basis for significant production and
reserve  increases.  In addition,  we intend to expand upon our exploitation and
development activities with complementary exploration projects in our core areas
of operation.

         We have  incurred  net losses in two of the last five years,  and there
can be no assurance that  operating  income and net earnings will be achieved in
future   periods.   Our  financial   results  depend  upon  many  factors  which
significantly affect our results of operations including the following:

            o   the sales prices of natural gas and crude oil ;

            o   the level of total  sales  volumes of natural  gas,  natural gas
                liquids and crude oil;

            o   the availability of, and our ability to raise additional capital
                resources and provide liquidity to meet, cash flow needs;


            o   the level of and interest rates on borrowings; and

            o   the  level  and  success  of   exploitation,   exploration   and
                development activity.

         Commodity Prices and Hedging Activities.  Our results of operations are
significantly  affected by fluctuations in commodity prices. Price volatility in
the natural gas market has remained  prevalent in the last few years. In January
2001,  our realized  price for natural gas sales was at its highest level in our
operating history and the price of crude oil was also at a high level.  However,
over the course of 2001 and the beginning of the first  quarter of 2002,  prices
again became  depressed,  primarily due to the economic  downturn.  Beginning in
March 2002,  commodity  prices began to increase and  continued  higher  through
December  2005.  Prices have  continued to remain strong during the beginning of
2006  compared to  historical  levels,  but have weakened from levels during the
latter part of 2005 and early 2006. If prices continue to weaken,  our cash flow
from operations will be adversely affected.

         The table below illustrates how natural gas prices have fluctuated over
the eight  quarters  prior to and including the quarter ended  December 31, 2005
and contains the last three day average of NYMEX traded  contracts price and the
prices we realized  during each quarter  presented,  including the impact of our
hedging activities.

                                             Natural Gas Prices by Quarter (in $ per Mcf)
                                                             Quarter Ended
             Mar. 31,         June 30,      Sept. 30,     Dec. 31,       Mar. 31,      June 30,     Sept. 30,       Dec. 31,
               2004            2004           2004          2004           2005          2005         2005            2005
             ----------     ----------    -----------    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------    -----------
Index          $5.69          $5.97         $5.85          $6.77          $6.30       $   6.80      $   8.21      $  12.85
Realized       $4.98          $5.52         $5.24          $6.14          $5.26       $   6.33      $   8.15      $   9.12

         The NYMEX natural gas price on March 21, 2006 was $6.87 per Mcf.

         The table below illustrates how crude oil prices have fluctuated over
the eight quarters prior to and including the quarter ended December 31, 2005
and contains the last three day average of NYMEX traded contracts price and the
prices we realized during each quarter presented, including the impact of our
hedging activities.

                                             Crude Oil Prices by Quarter (in $ per Bbl)
                                                             Quarter Ended
             Mar. 31,         June 30,      Sept. 30,     Dec. 31,       Mar. 31,      June 30,     Sept. 30,       Dec. 31,
               2004            2004           2004          2004           2005          2005         2005            2005
             ----------    ----------     -----------    ----------    ----------     ----------    ----------    ----------
Index         $34.76        $38.48          $42.32        $49.46        $47.33        $    51.76    $    60.26    $   61.51
Realized      $34.18        $37.29          $42.43        $46.81        $47.13        $    49.43    $    60.24    $   57.18

         The NYMEX crude oil price on March 21, 2006 was $60.57 per Bbl.

         We seek to reduce our  exposure  to price  volatility  by  hedging  our
production primarily through price floors. In 2003 and 2005, we incurred hedging
cost of $842,000 and  $592,000,  respectively.  For the year ended  December 31,
2004, we recognized a gain from hedging activities of approximately $118,000.

         Under the terms of our revolving  credit  facility,  we are required to
maintain  hedging  positions with respect to not less than 25% nor more than 75%
of our natural  gas and crude oil  production,  on an  equivalent  basis,  for a
rolling six month period. We currently have the following hedges in place:

Time Period              Notional Quantities                   Price
------------------ --------------------------------------- ----------------
April 2006         10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $7.00
May 2006           10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $8.00
June 2006          10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $8.00
July 2006          10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $7.00


August 2006        10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $6.00
September 2006     10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $5.00

At  December  31,  2005  the  aggregate  fair  market  value of our  hedges  was
approximately $76,000.

         Production Volumes. Because our proved reserves will decline as natural
gas,  natural  gas  liquids  and  crude  oil are  produced,  unless  we  acquire
additional   properties   containing  proved  reserves  or  conduct   successful
exploitation  and  development  activities,  our  reserves and  production  will
decrease.  Our ability to acquire or find additional reserves in the near future
will be dependent,  in part, upon the amount of available funds for acquisition,
exploitation and development projects.

         We had capital  expenditures  for 2005 of $35 million and have budgeted
approximately  $40 million in 2006.  Capital  spending  limitations that existed
under the terms of our prior senior  credit  agreement and our 11 1/2% notes due
2007 were  removed in  connection  with the  refinancing  that closed in October
2004.  As a result of the  limitations,  we were limited for most of 2004 in our
ability to replace  existing  production with new  production.  If crude oil and
natural  gas  prices  return to  depressed  levels or if our  production  levels
continue to decrease,  our  revenues,  cash flow from  operations  and financial
condition will be materially adversely affected.

         Availability of Capital.  As described more fully under  "Liquidity and
Capital Resources" below, our sources of capital going forward will primarily be
cash from operating  activities,  funding under our revolving  credit  facility,
cash on hand, and if an appropriate  opportunity presents itself,  proceeds from
the  sale of  properties.  We  currently  have  approximately  $9.2  million  of
availability  under our  revolving  credit  facility.  We may also  seek  equity
capital in order to fund our planned drilling expenditures.

         Exploitation and Development Activity. We believe that our high quality
asset base,  high degree of operational  control and large inventory of drilling
projects  position us for future  growth.  Our properties  are  concentrated  in
locations  that  facilitate  substantial  economies  of  scale in  drilling  and
production  operations and more efficient  reservoir  management  practices.  We
operate 95% of the  properties  accounting for  approximately  94% of our PV-10,
giving us  substantial  control over the timing and  incurrence of operating and
capital  expenditures.  In addition,  we have 53 proved undeveloped projects and
have identified over 184 drilling and recompletion opportunities on our existing
acreage,  the  successful  development  of which we believe could  significantly
increase our daily production and proved reserves.

         Our future  natural gas and crude oil  production,  and  therefore  our
success,  is highly  dependent  upon our  ability to find,  acquire  and develop
additional reserves that are profitable to produce.  The rate of production from
our natural gas and crude oil properties and our proved reserves will decline as
our reserves are produced  unless we acquire  additional  properties  containing
proved reserves,  conduct successful development and exploitation activities or,
through engineering studies,  identify additional behind-pipe zones or secondary
recovery  reserves.  We cannot assure you that our  exploitation and development
activities  will  result in  increases  in our  proved  reserves.  In  addition,
approximately  52% of our total  estimated  proved reserves at December 31, 2005
were undeveloped.  By their nature,  estimates of undeveloped  reserves are less
certain. Recovery of such reserves will require significant capital expenditures
and  successful  drilling  operations.  For a more complete  discussion of these
risks  please  see  "Risk  Factors--We  may be  unable  to  acquire  or  develop
additional  reserves,  in which case our  results of  operations  and  financial
condition would be adversely affected."

         Borrowings   and   Interest.   We  currently   have   indebtedness   of
approximately  $130.8  million  and  availability  of  $9.2  million  under  the
revolving credit facility.  We paid interest under our 11 1/2% secured notes due
2007 by the issuance of additional notes, which resulted in our interest paid in
cash  to be $7.6  million  during  2004.  In  connection  with  the  refinancing
transactions  completed in October 2004,  interest on the notes, unlike interest
on the notes which were repaid in 2004, is paid in cash.  Cash interest  expense
was $14.0  million  during  2005 and  based on  current  interest  rates and our
outstanding indebtedness at March 13, 2006, would be approximately $15.6 million
for 2006. This increase in cash interest expense has required us to increase our
production  and cash  flow  from  operations  in order to meet our debt  service
requirements,  as well as to  fund  the  development  of our  numerous  drilling


         Outlook  for 2006.  As a result of final  2005  financial  results  and
current market conditions,  we have updated our operating and financial guidance
for year 2006 as follows:

             BCFE (approximately 80% gas).......................       7.5 - 8.5
          Exit Rate (Mmcfe/d)...................................       22 - 24
          Price Differentials (Pre Hedge):
             Gas (% Mcf)........................................       5%
             Oil ($/Bbl)........................................       1.00
          Production taxes (% of Revenue)                              10%
          Direct Lease Operating Expenses ($/ Mcfe).............       1.10
          G&A ($/ Mcfe).........................................       0.55
          Interest ($/Mcfe).....................................       2.00
          DD&A ($/Mcfe).........................................       1.50
          Capital Expenditures ($ Millions).....................       40.0

Results of Operations

         Selected  Operating Data. The following table sets forth certain of our
operating data for the periods presented.  All data has been restated to reflect
continuing operations.

                                                                    Years Ended December 31
                                                         (dollars in thousands, except per unit data)
                                                        2005                  2004                 2003
                                                 -------------------   -------------------  -------------------
Operating revenue(1):
   Crude oil sales.............................    $     10,354          $      8,843         $      6,699
   NGLs sales .................................               -                   234                  193
   Natural gas sales...........................          36,960                23,996               22,818
   Rig and other...............................           1,311                   781                  670
                                                 -------------------   -------------------  -------------------
   Total operating revenues ...................    $     48,625          $     33,854         $     30,380
                                                 ===================   ===================  ===================

   Operating income  (2).......................    $     22,104          $     12,165         $      9,598

   Crude oil production (MBbls)................           194.4                 220.4                220.1
   NGLs production (MBbls).....................             -                     8.9                  9.4
   Natural gas production (MMcf)...............         4,942.4               4,403.0              4,780.7

   Average crude oil sales price (per Bbl)         $      53.27          $      40.12         $      30.43
   Average NGLs sales price (per Bbl)              $       -             $      26.32         $      20.46
   Average natural gas sales price (per Mcf)       $       7.48          $       5.45         $       4.77

(1)  Revenue and average sales prices are net of hedging activities.

(2)  Operating  income for 2004 and 2003 reflect the  retrospective  adoption of
     SFAS No. 123R "Share-Based Payment"

Comparison of Year Ended December 31, 2005 to Year Ended December 31, 2004

         Operating Revenue.  During the year ended December 31, 2005,  operating
revenue  from natural gas and crude oil sales  increased  by $14.2  million from
$33.1  million in 2004 to $47.3  million in 2005.  The  increase  in revenue was
primarily  due to  increased  commodity  prices  realized in 2005 as compared to
2004, as well as an increase in natural gas production volumes. Higher commodity
prices  contributed  $12.6  million to natural gas and crude oil  revenue  while
increased production volumes contributed $1.6 million to revenue.

         In prior years we were being paid on certain  wells for the natural gas
liquid  content of the gas as a separate  component  as well as the value of the
residue gas after processing. In 2005 we elected to be paid for this natural gas
at the  wellhead.  Accordingly,  we did not  recognize  any  natural gas liquids


revenue in 2005. Crude oil sales volumes decreased  slightly from 220.4 MBbls in
2004 to 194.4 MBbls during 2005.  The decrease is primarily due to natural field
declines.  In late 2005, we drilled four additional  crude oil wells in Wyoming.
These  wells  are  currently  in  various  stages  of  completion,  testing  and
stimulation. Natural gas sales volumes increased from 4.4 Bcf in 2004 to 4.9 Bcf
in 2005. This increase is primarily due to new production  during 2005 offset by
natural field declines.  New production  brought on line at various times during
2005  contributed 1.1 Bcf to natural gas production and was partially  offset by
natural field decline.

         Average sales prices in 2005 net of hedging costs were:

         o  $53.27 per Bbl of crude oil,
         o  $ 7.48 per Mcf of natural gas.

         Average sales prices in 2004 net of hedging costs were:

         o  $40.12 per Bbl of crude oil,
         o  $26.32 per Bbl of natural gas liquids, and
         o  $ 5.45 per Mcf of natural gas.

         Lease Operating Expense and Production Taxes.  Lease operating expense,
or LOE,  increased  from $8.6  million  in 2004 to $11.1  million  in 2005.  The
increase in LOE was primarily due to higher  production  taxes  associated  with
higher  commodity  prices  in 2005  as  compared  to  2004 as well as a  general
increase in the cost of field services and the amount of services required by us
as we increased our drilling  activity  during 2005 as compared to 2004. Our LOE
on a per Mcfe  basis for the year  ended  December  31,  2005 was $1.82 per Mcfe
compared to $1.48 per Mcfe in 2004.  The increase on a per Mcfe basis was due to
increased cost in 2005 as compared to 2004.

         G&A Expense.  G&A expense  increased  from $5.1 million in 2004 to $5.5
million in 2005. The increase in G&A expense in 2005 was primarily due to higher
performance  bonuses in 2005 as compared to 2004.  Our G&A expense on a per Mcfe
basis  increased  from $0.89 in 2004 to $0.90 in 2005.  The  increase in the per
Mcfe cost was due to increased expense in 2005 as compared to 2004.

         Stock-based  Compensation.   Effective  July  1,  2000,  the  Financial
Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued FIN 44,  "Accounting  for Certain
Transactions  Involving Stock  Compensation",  an  interpretation  of Accounting
Principles  Board  Opinion No.  ("APB") 25.  Under the  interpretation,  certain
modifications  to fixed  stock  option  awards,  which were made  subsequent  to
December 15, 1998,  and not  exercised  prior to July 1, 2000,  require that the
awards be subject to variable accounting until they are exercised, forfeited, or
expired.  In March 1999,  we amended the  exercise  price on all options with an
existing exercise price greater than $2.06 to $2.06. In January 2003, we amended
the  exercise  price to $0.66  per share on  certain  options  with an  existing
exercise  price  greater  than  $0.66  per  share  which  resulted  in  variable
accounting  treatment on these options.  Under the rules of variable accounting,
we recognized  the  difference in the market price of our common stock as of the
end of the period and the exercise price of $0.66.  Subsequently,  if the market
price of our common stock  increased  from the previous  period,  we  recognized
expense;  conversely,  if the price decreased we recognized a gain. Prior to the
adoption of SFAS No.123R, as discussed below, we had charged  approximately $1.3
million to stock based compensation expense in 2004 related to these repricings.

         In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R, "Share-Based Payment".
SFAS No.  123R is a  revision  of SFAS No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock  Based
Compensation",  and supersedes APB 25. Among other items,  SFAS 123R  eliminates
the use of APB 25 and the  intrinsic  value method of  accounting,  and requires
companies to recognize  the cost of employee  services  received in exchange for
awards  of equity  instruments,  based on the  grant  date  fair  value of those
awards,  in the  financial  statements.  Pro  forma  disclosure  is no longer an
alternative under the new standard.  In December 2005, we elected early adoption
of SFAS 123R.

         SFAS 123R permits  companies to adopt its  requirements  using either a
"modified  prospective" method or a "modified  retrospective"  method. Under the
"modified prospective" method,  compensation cost is recognized in the financial
statements  beginning with the effective date, based on the requirements of SFAS


123R for all  share-based  payments  granted  after that date,  and based on the
requirements  of SFAS 123 for all unvested awards granted prior to the effective
date of SFAS 123R. Under the "modified  retrospective"  method, the requirements
are the  same as under  the  "modified  prospective"  method,  but also  permits
entities to restate  financial  statements of previous periods based on proforma
disclosures  made in  accordance  with SFAS 123. We elected to use the "modified
retrospective"  method,  and have  accordingly  restated  prior  year  financial
statements to reflect this method.

         As a result of the retrospective adoption of SFAS 123R, the expenses
previously recognized under the rules of variable accounting were reversed and a
compensation expense measured according to SFAS 123R was recorded. As a result,
we recognized stock-based compensation of $247,000 during 2005 as a result of
the adoption of this accounting change compared to $112,000 in 2004, as

         We  currently   utilize  a  standard   option   pricing   model  (i.e.,
Black-Scholes)  to measure the fair value of stock options granted to employees.
While SFAS 123R permits  entities to continue to use such a model,  the standard
also permits the use of a more complex binomial,  or "lattice" model. Based upon
research done by us on the alternative  models available to value option grants,
and in  conjunction  with the type and number of stock  options  expected  to be
issued  in the  future,  we have  determined  that we will  continue  to use the
Black-Scholes model for option valuation as of the current time.

         DD&A  Expense.   Depreciation,   depletion  and  amortization   expense
increased  from $7.2  million in 2004 to $8.9  million in 2005.  The increase in
DD&A was  primarily  due to increased  production  volumes in 2005 and increased
capital expenditures in 2005 as compared to 2004. Our DD&A expense on a per Mcfe
basis for 2005 was $1.46 per Mcfe as compared to $1.25 per Mcfe in 2004.

         Interest  Expense.  Interest  expense  decreased  from $17.9 million to
$14.0  million for 2005 compared to 2004.  The decrease in interest  expense was
due to decreased debt levels during 2005. While the outstanding debt at December
31, 2005 was slightly higher than the balance as December 31, 2004, the level of
debt  during  the  course of 2004,  prior to the  financial  restructuring  that
occurred in October 2004, was significantly higher. In addition,  during most of
2004, interest on our then outstanding secured notes was payable by the issuance
of additional  notes,  which caused our cash interest expense in 2004 to be $7.6
million.  With the issuance of the notes in October 2004, interest is payable in
cash, which led to all of the interest paid in 2005 being paid in cash.

         Financing Costs. Financing costs in 2004 were $1.7 million compared to
zero in 2005. Financing costs represent costs related to refinancing activities,
which do not qualify for amortization over the life of the debt. The 2004 costs
relate to the refinancing activities during 2004. We did not undertake any
refinancing activities in 2005.

         Income  from   discontinued   operations.   Income  from   discontinued
operations  was $12.8  million in 2005  compared  to $3.3  million  in 2004.  On
February 28, 2005,  Grey Wolf  Exploration  Inc.  completed an IPO  resulting in
Abraxas  substantially  divesting  itself of its  investment  in Grey Wolf.  The
operations of Grey Wolf, previously reported as a business segment, are reported
as  discontinued  operations  for  all  periods  presented  in the  accompanying
financial statements and the operating results are reflected separately from the
results of continuing operations.

         Income from  discontinued  operations for the period ended December 31,
2005  includes  a gain on the  disposal  of Grey Wolf of $17.3  million,  net of
non-cash income tax of $6.1 million, and a loss from operations,  including debt
retirement costs, of $4.4 million.  Income from discontinued  operations for the
year ended December 31, 2004  represents the operating  results of Grey Wolf for
the year then ended.

Comparison of Year Ended December 31, 2004 to Year Ended December 31, 2003

         Operating Revenue.  During the year ended December 31, 2004,  operating
revenue from crude oil,  natural gas and natural gas liquids sales  increased by
$3.4 million from $29.7 million in 2003 to $33.1  million in 2004.  The increase
in revenue was primarily due to increased  commodity  prices realized in 2004 as
compared to 2003. The increase in revenue due to commodity  prices was partially
offset by decreased production volumes. Higher commodity prices contributed $5.2
million to natural gas and crude oil revenue  while reduced  production  volumes
had a $1.8 million negative impact on revenue.


         Natural  gas  liquids  volumes  declined  from 9.4 MBbls in 2003 to 8.9
MBbls in 2004.  Crude oil sales volumes  increased  slightly from 220.1 MBbls in
2003 to 220.4 MBbls during 2004. The increase is primarily due to the production
from new wells in  Wyoming  and west  Texas  brought  onto  production  in 2004,
offsetting  natural  field  declines in other areas.  Natural gas sales  volumes
decreased  from 4.8 Bcf in 2003 to 4.4 Bcf in 2004.  This  decrease is primarily
due to natural field declines.  There were no significant  wells brought on line
in 2004,  primarily due to significant  restrictions on capital expenditures for
most of the year.

         Average sales prices in 2004 net of hedging costs were:

         o  $40.12 per Bbl of crude oil,
         o  $26.32 per Bbl of natural gas liquids, and
         o  $ 5.45 per Mcf of natural gas.

         Average sales prices in 2003 net of hedging costs were:

         o  $30.43 per Bbl of crude oil,
         o  $20.46 per Bbl of natural gas liquids, and
         o  $ 4.77 per Mcf of natural gas.

         Lease Operating  Expense.  Lease operating  expense,  or LOE, increased
slightly from $8.3 million in 2003 to $8.6 million in 2004.  The increase in LOE
was primarily due to higher  production  taxes  associated with higher commodity
prices in 2004 as  compared  to 2003.  Our LOE on a per Mcfe  basis for the year
ended December 31, 2004 was $1.48 per Mcfe compared to $1.35 for 2003, primarily
due to the decrease in production volumes.

         G&A Expense.  G&A expense  increased  from $4.0 million in 2003 to $5.1
million in 2004.  The increase in G&A expense was primarily  due to  performance
bonuses in 2004.  Our G&A  expense on a per Mcfe basis  increased  from $0.65 in
2003 to $0.89 in 2004.  The  increase in the per Mcfe cost was due to  increased
expense and to lower production volumes in 2004 as compared to 2003.

         Stock-based Compensation Expense. Effective July 1, 2000, the Financial
Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued FIN 44,  "Accounting  for Certain
Transactions  Involving Stock  Compensation",  an  interpretation  of Accounting
Principles  Board  Opinion No.  ("APB") 25.  Under the  interpretation,  certain
modifications  to fixed  stock  option  awards,  which were made  subsequent  to
December 15, 1998,  and not  exercised  prior to July 1, 2000,  require that the
awards be subject to variable accounting until they are exercised, forfeited, or
expired.  In March 1999,  we amended the  exercise  price on all options with an
existing exercise price greater than $2.06 to $2.06. In January 2003, we amended
the  exercise  price to $0.66  per share on  certain  options  with an  existing
exercise  price  greater  than  $0.66  per  share  which  resulted  in  variable
accounting  treatment on these options.  Under the rules of variable accounting,
we recognized  the  difference in the market price of our common stock as of the
end of the period and the exercise price of $0.66.  Subsequently,  if the market
price of our common stock  increased  from the previous  period,  we  recognized
expense;  conversely, if the price decreased, we recognized a gain. Prior to the
adoption of SFAS No. 123R, as discussed below, we had charged approximately $1.3
million to stock based compensation expense in 2004 related to these repricings.

         In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R, "Share-Based Payment".
SFAS No.  123R is a  revision  of SFAS No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock  Based
Compensation",  and supersedes APB 25. Among other items,  SFAS 123R  eliminates
the use of APB 25 and the  intrinsic  value method of  accounting,  and requires
companies to recognize  the cost of employee  services  received in exchange for
awards  of equity  instruments,  based on the  grant  date  fair  value of those
awards,  in the  financial  statements.  Pro  forma  disclosure  is no longer an
alternative under the new standard.  In December 2005, we elected early adoption
of SFAS 123R.

         SFAS 123R permits  companies to adopt its  requirements  using either a
"modified  prospective" method or a "modified  retrospective"  method. Under the
"modified prospective" method,  compensation cost is recognized in the financial
statements  beginning with the effective date, based on the requirements of SFAS


123R for all  share-based  payments  granted  after that date,  and based on the
requirements  of SFAS 123 for all unvested awards granted prior to the effective
date of SFAS 123R. Under the "modified  retrospective"  method, the requirements
are the  same as under  the  "modified  prospective"  method,  but also  permits
entities to restate  financial  statements of previous periods based on proforma
disclosures  made in  accordance  with SFAS 123. We elected to use the "modified
retrospective"  method,  and have  accordingly  restated  prior  year  financial
statements to reflect this method.

         As a result of the  retrospective  adoption of SFAS 123R,  the expenses
previously recognized under the rules of variable accounting were reversed and a
compensation expense measured according to SFAS 123R was recorded.  As a result,
we recognized a reduction of  stock-based  compensation  of $1.2 million  during
2004 as a result of the adoption of this accounting change. Restated stock-based
compensation expense was $228,000 and $112,000 for 2003 and 2004, respectively.

         We  currently   utilize  a  standard   option   pricing   model  (i.e.,
Black-Scholes)  to measure the fair value of stock options granted to Employees.
While SFAS 123R permits  entities to continue to use such a model,  the standard
also permits the use of a more complex binomial,  or "lattice" model. Based upon
research done by us on the alternative  models available to value option grants,
and in  conjunction  with the type and number of stock  options  expected  to be
issued  in the  future,  we have  determined  that we will  continue  to use the
Black-Scholes model for option valuation as of the current time.

         DD&A  Expense.   Depreciation,   depletion  and  amortization   expense
decreased  from $7.6  million in 2003 to $7.2  million in 2004.  The decrease in
DD&A was primarily due to decreased production volumes in 2004. Our DD&A expense
on a per Mcfe basis for 2004 was $1.25 per Mcfe as compared to $1.24 per Mcfe in

         Interest  Expense.  Interest  expense  increased  from $16.3 million to
$17.9  million for 2004 compared to 2003.  The increase in interest  expense was
due to  increased  debt levels in 2004,  prior to the  refinancing  completed in
October 2004.  The increase in debt was primarily due to the payment of interest
by the  issuance  of  additional  notes  pursuant to the 11 1/2% notes due 2007,
which were repaid in October  2004.  Cash  interest  expense was $7.6 million in
2004 and $3.6 million in 2003.

         Financing Costs.  Financing costs in 2004 were $1.7 million compared to
$4.4 million in 2003.  Financing  costs  represent  costs related to refinancing
activities,  which do not  qualify for  amortization  over the life of the debt.
Financing  costs in 2003 were related to the  restructuring  transaction,  which
occurred in January 2003.  The 2004 costs relate to the  refinancing  activities
during 2004.

         Income  from   discontinued   operations.   Income  from   discontinued
operations  was $3.3  million in 2004  compared to $70.0  million in 2003.  This
represents  income from Grey Wolf,  which was sold in February  2005.  Income in
2003  included a gain on the sale of  foreign  subsidiaries  in January  2003 of
$68.9 million. Excluding this gain, income in 2003 would have been $1.1 million.
The  increase in income in 2004,  exclusive  of the gain,  was due to  increased
production and higher commodity prices in 2004 as compared to 2003.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         General.  The  natural gas and crude oil  industry is a highly  capital
intensive and cyclical business. Our capital requirements are driven principally
by our obligations to service debt and to fund the following costs:

         o  the  development  of existing  properties,  including  drilling  and
            completion costs of wells;

         o  acquisition  of  interests in  additional  natural gas and crude oil
            properties; and

         o  production and transportation facilities.

         The  amount of  capital  expenditures  we are able to make has a direct
impact on our ability to increase cash flow from operations and,  thereby,  will
directly  affect our ability to service our debt  obligations and to continue to
grow the  business  through  the  development  of  existing  properties  and the
acquisition of new properties.


         Our  sources of  capital  going  forward  will  primarily  be cash from
operating  activities,  funding under our revolving credit  facility,  and if an
appropriate  opportunity presents itself,  proceeds from the sale of properties.
We may also seek equity  capital  although  we may not be able to  complete  any
equity  financings on terms acceptable to us, if at all. In addition,  under the
terms of the notes, proceeds of optional sales of our assets that are not timely
reinvested  in new  natural gas and crude oil assets will be required to be used
to reduce  indebtedness and proceeds of mandatory sales must be used to repay or
redeem indebtedness.

         Working Capital (Deficit).  The following discussion represents working
capital from continuing operations. At December 31, 2005 our current liabilities
of  approximately  $15.2  million  exceeded our current  assets of $10.3 million
resulting  in a working  capital  deficit of $4.9  million.  This  compares to a
working  capital  deficit  of $4.6  million as of  December  31,  2004.  Current
liabilities as of December 31, 2005 consisted of trade payables of $9.8 million,
revenues due third  parties $3.5 million,  accrued  interest of $1.4 million and
other accrued liabilities of $ 0.5 million.

         Capital Expenditures. Capital expenditures related to our continuing
operations in 2005, 2004 and 2003 were $35.4 million, $9.3 million and $9.2
million, respectively. The table below sets forth the components of these
capital expenditures for the three years ended December 31, 2005.

                                                         Year Ended December 31
                                              2005                2004                 2003
                                       ------------------- --------------------  ------------------
                                                       (dollars in thousands)
Expenditure category:
      Development                         $    34,991         $     9,088           $    9,158
      Facilities and other                        359                 181                   36
                                       ------------------- --------------------  ------------------
      Total                               $    35,350         $     9,269           $    9,194
                                       =================== ====================  ==================

         During 2005, 2004 and 2003, capital expenditures were primarily for the
development of existing  properties.  We anticipate making capital  expenditures
for 2006 of  approximately  $40.0 million  which will be used  primarily for the
development  of our  current  properties.  These  anticipated  expenditures  are
subject  to  adequate  cash  flow from  operations  and  availability  under our
revolving  credit  facility.  If these  sources  of  funding  do not prove to be
sufficient, we may also issue additional shares of equity securities although we
may not be able to complete equity  financings on terms  acceptable to us, if at
all. Our ability to make all of our budgeted capital  expenditures  will also be
subject to availability of drilling rigs and other field equipment and services.
Our capital  expenditures  could also include  expenditures  for  acquisition of
producing  properties  if such  opportunities  arise,  but we currently  have no
agreements, arrangements or undertakings regarding any material acquisitions. We
have no material  long-term  capital  commitments and are  consequently  able to
adjust the level of our expenditures as circumstances dictate. Additionally, the
level of capital  expenditures  will vary during  future  periods  depending  on
market  conditions  and other  related  economic  factors.  Should the prices of
natural gas and crude oil  continue  to decline  and if our costs of  operations
continue  to increase  as a result of the  scarcity  of drilling  rigs or if our
production volumes decrease,  our cash flows will decrease which may result in a
reduction  of the  capital  expenditures  budget.  If we  decrease  our  capital
expenditures  budget,  we may not be able to  offset  natural  gas and crude oil
production  volumes  decreases  caused by natural  field  declines  and sales of
producing properties, if any.

         Sources of  Capital.  The net funds  provided by and/or used in each of
the  operating,  investing  and  financing  activities,  related  to  continuing
operations,  are  summarized  in the  following  table and  discussed in further
detail below:

                                                                 Year Ended December 31,
                                                         2005             2004              2003
                                                     -------------     -----------     ---------------
                                                                  (dollars in thousands)
Net cash provided by operating activities              $ 21,099        $   27,000      $     11,479
Net cash used in investing activities                   (35,350)           (9,269)           (9,194)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities
                                                         14,877           (65,684)          (88,652)
                                                     -------------     -----------     ---------------
Total                                                $      626        $  (47,953)     $    (86,367)
                                                     =============     ===========     ===============


         Operating  activities  for the year ended December 31, 2005 provided us
with $21.1 million of cash.  Expenditures  in 2005 of  approximately  $35.4 were
primarily for the development of natural gas and crude oil properties. Financing
activities  provided  $14.9  million  during  2005,  of which $11.3  million was
provided by a private placement of common stock, $28.4 million was provided from
long-term borrowing offset by $25.3 million of payments on long-term debt.

         Operating  activities  for the year ended December 31, 2004 provided us
with $27.0 million of cash.  Investing  activities used $9.3 million during 2004
primarily for the development of natural gas and crude oil properties. Financing
activities  used $65.7 million during 2004,  primarily for payments on long-term
debt and deferred financing fees.

         Operating  activities  for the year ended December 31, 2003 provided us
with $11.5 million of cash.  Investing activities used $9.2 million during 2003.
Financing  activities  used $88.7 million during 2003.  Most of these funds were
used to reduce our long-term debt and were generated by the sale of our Canadian
subsidiaries  and an exchange  offer  completed in January 2003. The sale of our
Canadian subsidiaries  contributed $85.8 million in 2003 reduced by $9.2 million
in  exploitation  and  development  expenditures.   Expenditures  in  2003  were
primarily for the development of natural gas and crude oil properties.

         Future Capital Resources.  We currently have three principal sources of
liquidity going forward: (i) cash from operating activities,  (ii) funding under
our revolving credit facility, and (iii) if an appropriate  opportunity presents
itself, the sale of producing  properties.  If these sources of liquidity do not
prove to be sufficient, we may also issue additional shares of equity securities
although we may not be able to complete equity financings on terms acceptable to
us,  if at all.  While  we are no  longer  subject  to  limitations  on  capital
expenditures  under our 11 1/2%  secured  notes due  2007,  covenants  under the
indenture for the notes and the revolving  credit  facility  restrict our use of
cash from operating activities,  cash on hand and any proceeds from asset sales.
Under the terms of the notes,  proceeds of optional sales of our assets that are
not timely  reinvested  in new natural gas and crude oil assets will be required
to be used to reduce  indebtedness  and proceeds of mandatory sales must be used
to redeem indebtedness. The terms of the notes and the revolving credit facility
also substantially restrict our ability to:

         o  incur additional indebtedness;

         o  grant liens;

         o  pay dividends or make certain other restricted payments;

         o  merge or consolidate with any other person; or

         o  sell, assign, transfer, lease, convey or otherwise dispose of all or
            substantially all of our assets.

         Our cash flow from operations  depends heavily on the prevailing prices
of natural gas and crude oil and our production volumes of natural gas and crude
oil.  Although  we have  hedged a  portion  of our  natural  gas and  crude  oil
production and will continue this practice as required pursuant to the revolving
credit  facility,  future  natural gas and crude oil price declines would have a
material  adverse effect on our overall results,  and therefore,  our liquidity.
Low natural gas and crude oil prices could also negatively affect our ability to
raise capital on terms favorable to us or at all.

         Our cash  flow from  operations  will also  depend  upon the  volume of
natural gas and crude oil that we produce.  Unless we otherwise expand reserves,
our  production  volumes may decline as reserves are  produced.  Due to sales of
properties  in 2002 and 2003 and the  divestiture  of Grey Wolf during the first
quarter of 2005, and restrictions on capital expenditures under the terms of our
11 1/2% secured notes due 2007 (which were  refinanced in October 2004),  we now
have  significantly  reduced  reserves and  production as compared with pre-2003
levels.  In the future,  if an appropriate  opportunity  presents itself, we may
sell additional  properties,  which could further reduce our production volumes.
To offset the loss in production  volumes  resulting from natural field declines
and sales of producing  properties,  we must conduct  successful,  exploitation,
exploration and development activities,  acquire additional producing properties
or identify  additional  behind-pipe zones or secondary  recovery  reserves.  We
believe  our  numerous  drilling  opportunities  will allow us to  increase  our
production  volumes;  however,  our drilling  activities are subject to numerous
risks,  including the risk that no commercially  productive natural gas or crude
oil reservoirs will be found.  The risk of not finding  commercially  productive
reservoirs will be compounded by the fact that 52% of our total estimated proved


reserves  at  December  31,  2005 were  undeveloped.  During  2005,  we expended
approximately  $35.0  million for twelve  wells in south  Texas,  west Texas and
Wyoming. We are currently completing and/or testing multiple Woodford, Atoka and
Wolfcamp  wells in west Texas and continue to recomplete  various wells in South
Texas.  In the latter part of the year we drilled and are  currently  completing
and testing four vertical wells in Wyoming. . In addition,  approximately 30% of
our  production  at March  13,  2006 was from a single  well in west  Texas.  If
production  from this well  decreases,  the volume of our production  would also
decrease  which,  in turn,  would likely cause our cash flow from  operations to

         Our total indebtedness and cash interest expense as a result of issuing
the notes and entering into the revolving credit facility require us to increase
our production  and cash flow from  operations in order to meet our debt service
requirements,  as well as to  fund  the  development  of our  numerous  drilling
opportunities. The ability to satisfy these new obligations will depend upon our
drilling success as well as prevailing commodity prices.

         Contractual  Obligations.  We are  committed to making cash payments in
the future on the following types of agreements:

     o   Long-term debt
     o   Operating leases for office facilities

         We have no off-balance sheet debt or unrecorded obligations and we have
not  guaranteed  the debt of any other party.  Below is a schedule of the future
payments  that we are  obligated  to make  based  on  agreements  in place as of
December 31, 2005.

                                                              Payments due in:
Contractual Obligations (dollars
in thousands)                         Total           2006       2007-2008      2009-2010     Thereafter

---------------------------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
Long-Term Debt (1)                 $   129,527     $        -    $    4,527    $  125,000     $        -
Interest on long-term debt (2)          60,200         15,473        30,885        13,842              -
Operating Leases (3)                       780            254           505            21              -
                                   --------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
    Total                          $   190,507     $   15,727    $   35,917    $  138,863     $        -
                                   =============== ============= ============= ============== =============

(1)   These  amounts  represent  the balances  outstanding  under the  revolving
      credit facility and the notes.  These  repayments  assume that we will not
      draw down additional funds.
(2)   Interest  expense assumes the balances of long-term debt at the end of the
      period and current effective interest rates.
(3)   Office lease  obligations.  The lease for office space  expires in January


         From time to time,  we are  involved in  litigation  relating to claims
arising out of our operations in the normal course of business.  At December 31,
2005  we  were  not  engaged  in  any  legal   proceedings  that  are  expected,
individually  or in the  aggregate,  to have a  material  adverse  effect on the

Other  obligations.  We make  and  will  continue  to make  substantial  capital
expenditures  for the  acquisition,  exploitation  development and production of
crude oil and  natural  gas.  In the past,  we have  funded our  operations  and
capital  expenditures  primarily  through  cash flow from  operations,  sales of
properties,  sales of production  payments and borrowings  under our bank credit
facilities and other sources.  Given our high degree of operating  control,  the
timing and  incurrence of operating and capital  expenditures  is largely within
our discretion.

Long-Term Indebtedness.

         The  following  table  sets  forth  our  long-term  indebtedness  as of
December 31, 2005 and 2004.


                                                   Long Term Indebtedness

                                                                               December 31,
                                                                           2005             2004
                                                                     ----------------- ---------------
                                                                              (in thousands)
  Floating rate senior secured notes due 2009........................  $  125,000        $  125,000
  Senior secured revolving credit facility...........................       4,527             1,425
                                                                     ----------------- ---------------
                                                                          129,527           126,425
  Less current maturities ...........................................           -                 -
                                                                     ----------------- ---------------
                                                                        $ 129,527         $ 126,425
                                                                     ================= ===============

         Floating Rate Senior  Secured  Notes due 2009.  In connection  with the
October 2004 financial  restructuring,  Abraxas issued $125 million in principal
aggregate  amount of Floating Rate Senior Secured Notes due 2009. The notes will
mature  on  December  1,  2009  and  began  accruing  interest  from the date of
issuance, October 28, 2004, at a per annum floating rate of six-month LIBOR plus
7.50%.  The initial interest rate on the notes was 9.72% per annum. The interest
will be reset semi-annually on each June 1 and December 1, commencing on June 1,
2005.  The  current  interest  rate is 12.08%  per  annum.  Interest  is payable
semi-annually  in arrears on June 1 and December 1 of each year,  commencing  on
June 1, 2005.

         The  notes  rank  equally  among   themselves   and  with  all  of  our
unsubordinated  and  unsecured  indebtedness,  including  our  revolving  credit
facility and senior in right of payment to our existing and future  subordinated

         Each of our subsidiaries, Eastside Coal Company, Inc., Sandia Oil & Gas
Corporation,  Sandia  Operating  Corp.,  Wamsutter  Holdings,  Inc.  and Western
Associated Energy Corporation (collectively,  the "Subsidiary Guarantors"),  has
unconditionally guaranteed, jointly and severally, the payment of the principal,
premium and interest including any additional interest on, the notes on a senior
secured basis. In addition,  any other  subsidiary or affiliate of ours, that in
the  future  guarantees  any  other  indebtedness  with  us,  or our  restricted
subsidiaries, will also be required to guarantee the notes.

         The notes and the Subsidiary Guarantors'  guarantees thereof,  together
with our revolving  credit  facility and the Subsidiary  Guarantors'  guarantees
thereof,  are secured by shared first  priority  perfected  security  interests,
subject  to  certain  permitted  encumbrances,  in all of our  and  each  of our
restricted  subsidiaries' material property and assets,  including substantially
all of our and their natural gas and crude oil properties and all of the capital
stock (or in the case of an unrestricted subsidiary that is a controlled foreign
corporation, up to 65% of the outstanding capital stock) of any entity, owned by
us and our restricted subsidiaries (collectively, the "Collateral").

         The notes may be redeemed,  at our election, as a whole or from time to
time in part,  at any time after April 28, 2007,  upon not less than 30 nor more
that 60 days'  notice to each  holder of notes to be  redeemed,  subject  to the
conditions and at the redemption  prices  (expressed as percentages of principal
amount)  set  forth  below,  together  with  accrued  and  unpaid  interest  and
Liquidating Damages, if any, to the applicable redemption date.

                            Year                              Percentage
          ------------------------------------------  -------------------------
          From April 29, 2007 to April 28, 2008             104.00%
          From April 29, 2008 to April 28, 2009             102.00%
          After April 28, 2009                              100.00%

         Prior to April  28,  2007,  we may  redeem  up to 35% of the  aggregate
original  principal  amount of the notes  using the net  proceeds of one or more
equity  offerings,  in each case at the redemption price equal to the product of
(i) the  principal  amount of the notes being so redeemed  and (ii) a redemption
price factor of 1.00 plus the per annum interest rate on the notes (expressed as
a decimal) on the applicable redemption date plus accrued and unpaid interest to
the applicable redemption date, provided certain conditions are also met.

         If we  experience  specific  kinds of change of  control  events,  each
holder of notes may require us to repurchase all or any portion of such holder's
notes at a purchase  price equal to 101% of the  principal  amount of the notes,
plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of repurchase.


         The indenture governing the notes contains covenants that, among other
things, limit our ability to:

            o   incur or guarantee  additional  indebtedness  and issue  certain
                types of preferred stock or redeemable stock;
            o   transfer or sell assets;
            o   create liens on assets;
            o   pay  dividends or make other  distributions  on capital stock or
                make  other   restricted   payments,   including   repurchasing,
                redeeming  or retiring  capital  stock or  subordinated  debt or
                making certain investments or acquisitions;
            o   engage in transactions with affiliates;
            o   guarantee other indebtedness;
            o   permit  restrictions  on  the  ability  of our  subsidiaries  to
                distribute or lend money to us;
            o   cause a  restricted  subsidiary  to issue  or sell  its  capital
                stock; and
            o   consolidate,  merge or transfer all or substantially  all of the
                consolidated assets of our and our restricted subsidiaries.

         The indenture  also  contains  customary  events of default,  including
nonpayment of principal or interest,  violations of covenants, cross default and
cross  acceleration  to certain  other  indebtedness,  including  our new credit
facility and bridge loan, bankruptcy, and material judgments and liabilities.

         Senior  Secured  Revolving  Credit  Facility.  On October 28, 2004,  we
entered  into an  agreement  for a revolving  credit  facility  having a maximum
commitment of $15 million, which includes a $2.5 million subfacility for letters
of credit.  Availability  under the  revolving  credit  facility is subject to a
borrowing base  consistent  with normal and customary  natural gas and crude oil
lending transactions.

         Outstanding  amounts under the revolving  credit facility bear interest
at the prime rate  announced  by Wells Fargo  Bank,  National  Association  plus
1.00%.  Subject to earlier termination rights and events of default,  the stated
maturity date under the revolving credit facility is October 28, 2008.

         We are permitted to terminate the revolving credit facility,  and under
certain circumstances, may be required, from time to time, to permanently reduce
the lenders'  aggregate  commitment under the revolving  credit  facility.  Such
termination  and each  such  reduction  is  subject  to a  premium  equal to the
percentage  listed below multiplied by the lenders'  aggregate  commitment under
the revolving credit facility, or, in the case of partial reduction,  the amount
of such reduction.

                               Year            % Premium
                          -------------- --------------------
                                1                1.5
                                2                1.0
                                3                0.5
                                4                0.0

         Each of our current subsidiaries has guaranteed, and each of our future
restricted  subsidiaries  will guarantee,  our  obligations  under the revolving
credit facility on a senior secured basis. In addition,  any other subsidiary or
affiliate of ours, that in the future  guarantees any of our other  indebtedness
or of its restricted  subsidiaries will be required to guarantee our obligations
under the revolving  credit  facility.  Obligations  under the revolving  credit
facility  are  secured,  together  with the notes,  by a shared  first  priority
perfected security interest,  subject to certain permitted encumbrances,  in all
of our and each of our restricted  subsidiaries'  material  property and assets,
including  substantially  all of  our  and  their  natural  gas  and  crude  oil
properties  and all of the  capital  stock  (or in the  case of an  unrestricted
subsidiary  that  is  a  controlled  foreign  corporation,  up  to  65%  of  the
outstanding  capital  stock)  in any  entity,  owned  by us and  our  restricted


         Under the  revolving  credit  facility,  we are  subject  to  customary
covenants, including certain financial covenants and reporting requirements. The
revolving  credit  facility  requires us to maintain a minimum net cash interest
coverage and also requires us to enter into hedging  agreements on not less than
25% or more than 75% of our projected natural gas and crude oil production.

         In  addition  to the  foregoing  and  other  customary  covenants,  the
revolving  credit  facility  contains a number of  covenants  that,  among other
things, restrict Abraxas' ability to:

         o  incur or guarantee  additional  indebtedness and issue certain types
            of preferred stock or redeemable stock;

         o  transfer or sell assets;

         o  create liens on assets;

         o  pay dividends or make other  distributions  on capital stock or make
            other  restricted  payments,  including  repurchasing,  redeeming or
            retiring  capital  stock  or  subordinated  debt or  making  certain
            investments or acquisitions;

         o  engage in transactions with affiliates;

         o  guarantee other indebtedness;

         o  make any change in the principal nature of our business;

         o  prepay,  redeem,  purchase  or  otherwise  acquire any of our or our
            restricted subsidiaries' indebtedness;

         o  permit a change of control;

         o  directly or indirectly make or acquire any investment;

         o  cause a restricted  subsidiary  to issue or sell our capital  stock;

         o  consolidate,  merge  or  transfer  all or  substantially  all of the
            consolidated assets of Abraxas and our restricted subsidiaries.

         The  revolving  credit  facility  also  contains  customary  events  of
default, including nonpayment of principal or interest, violations of covenants,
cross default and cross acceleration to certain other  indebtedness,  bankruptcy
and material  judgments  and  liabilities,  and is subject to an  Intercreditor,
Security and  Collateral  Agency  Agreement,  which  specifies the rights of the
parties thereto to the proceeds from the Collateral.

         Intercreditor  Agreement.  The holders of the notes,  together with the
lenders under our revolving  credit facility,  are subject to an  Intercreditor,
Security and  Collateral  Agency  Agreement,  which  specifies the rights of the
parties  thereto  to  the  proceeds  from  the  Collateral.   The  Intercreditor
Agreement,  among other things, (i) creates security interests in the Collateral
in favor of a  collateral  agent for the benefit of the holders of the notes and
the credit facility lenders and (ii) governs the priority of payments among such
parties upon notice of an event of default  under the indenture or the revolving
credit facility.

         So long as no such event of default exists,  the collateral  agent will
not  collect  payments  under the credit  facility  documents  or the  indenture
governing  the  notes and  other  note  documents  (collectively,  the  "Secured
Documents"),  and all payments will be made directly to the respective  creditor
under the applicable  Secured  Document.  Upon notice of an event of default and
for so long as an event of default  exists,  payments  to each  credit  facility
lender and holder of the notes from us and our current subsidiaries and proceeds
from any disposition of any collateral,  will, subject to limited exceptions, be
collected by the collateral agent for deposit into a collateral account and then
distributed as provided in the following paragraph.

         Upon  notice of any such  event of  default  and so long as an event of
default  exists,  funds in the  collateral  account will be  distributed  by the
collateral agent generally in the following order of priority:


                  first, to reimburse the collateral agent for expenses incurred
         in protecting and realizing upon the value of the Collateral;

                  second, to reimburse the credit facility  administrative agent
         and  the  trustee,  on a pro  rata  basis,  for  expenses  incurred  in
         protecting and realizing upon the value of the Collateral  while any of
         these  parties  was acting on behalf of the  Control  Party (as defined

                  third, to reimburse the credit facility  administrative  agent
         and  the  trustee,  on a pro  rata  basis,  for  expenses  incurred  in
         protecting and realizing upon the value of the Collateral  while any of
         these parties was not acting on behalf of the Control Party;

                  fourth,  to pay all accrued and unpaid  interest (and then any
         unpaid commitment fees) under the credit facility;

                  fifth,  if the  collateral  coverage  value of three times the
         outstanding  obligations  under the credit  facility would be met after
         giving  effect to any  payment  under this  clause  "fifth," to pay all
         accrued and unpaid interest on the notes;

                  sixth, to pay all outstanding principal of (and then any other
         unpaid amounts,  including,  without  limitation,  any fees,  expenses,
         premiums and reimbursement obligations) the credit facility;

                  seventh,  to pay all accrued and unpaid  interest on the notes
         (if not paid under clause "fifth");

                  eighth,  to pay all  outstanding  principal  of (and  then any
         other unpaid amounts,  including,  without limitation, any premium with
         respect to) the notes; and

                  ninth,  to pay each  credit  facility  lender,  holder  of the
         notes,  and  other  secured  parties,  on a pro rata  basis,  all other
         amounts outstanding under the credit facility and the notes.

         To the  extent  there  exists  any  excess  monies or  property  in the
collateral account after all of our and our subsidiaries'  obligations under the
credit  facility,  the indenture and the notes are paid in full,  the collateral
agent will be required to return such excess to us.

         The  collateral  agent will act in  accordance  with the  Intercreditor
Agreement  and as  directed by the  "Control  Party"  which for  purposes of the
Intercreditor  Agreement  is the  holders of the notes and the  credit  facility
lenders,  acting as a single class,  by vote of the holders of a majority of the
aggregate  principal amount of outstanding  obligations  under the notes and the
credit facility.

         The  Intercreditor  Agreement  provides  that  the  lien on the  assets
constituting  part of the  Collateral  that is sold or otherwise  disposed of in
accordance  with the terms of each  Secured  Document  may be released if (i) no
default or event of default exists under any of the Secured  Documents,  (ii) we
have delivered an officers'  certificate to each of the  collateral  agent,  the
trustee,  the credit facility  administrative agent certifying that the proposed
sale or other  disposition of assets is either  permitted or required by, and is
in accordance with the provisions of, the applicable Secured Documents and (iii)
the collateral agent has acknowledged such certificate.

         The  Intercreditor  Agreement  provides for the termination of security
interests on the date that all obligations  under the Secured Documents are paid
in full.


Hedging Activities

         Our results of operations are significantly affected by fluctuations in
commodity  prices  and we seek to reduce our  exposure  to price  volatility  by
hedging our production  through swaps,  options and other  commodity  derivative
instruments.  Under our revolving credit  facility,  we are required to maintain
hedge  positions on not less than 25% or more than 75% of our  projected oil and
gas  production  for  a  six  month  rolling  period.  See  "--Quantitative  and
Qualitative  Disclosures  about Market  Risk--Hedging  Sensitivity"  for further

Net Operating Loss Carryforwards

         At December  31,  2005,  we had,  subject to the  limitation  discussed
below, $190.0 million of net operating loss carryforwards for U.S. tax purposes.
These loss carryforwards will expire through 2025 if not utilized.

         Uncertainties  exist as to the future utilization of the operating loss
carryforwards  under the  criteria  set forth  under  FASB  Statement  No.  109.
Therefore,  we have established a valuation allowance of $73.0 million and $67.0
million for deferred tax assets at December 31, 2004 and 2005, respectively.

Related Party Transactions

         Abraxas has adopted a policy that transactions  between Abraxas and its
officers, directors,  principal stockholders, or affiliates of any of them, will
be on terms no less favorable to Abraxas than can be obtained on an arm's length
basis in transactions  with third parties and must be approved by the vote of at
least a majority of the disinterested directors.

Critical Accounting Policies

         The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally
accepted  accounting   principles  requires  that  management  apply  accounting
policies and make  estimates and  assumptions  that affect results of operations
and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial  statements.
The  following   represents   those  policies  that   management   believes  are
particularly  important to the financial  statements and that require the use of
estimates and assumptions to describe matters that are inherently uncertain.

         Full  Cost  Method  of  Accounting   for  natural  gas  and  crude  oil
activities.  SEC Regulation  S-X defines the financial  accounting and reporting
standards for  companies  engaged in natural gas and crude oil  activities.  Two
methods are prescribed:  the successful efforts method and the full cost method.
We have chosen to follow the full cost method  under which all costs  associated
with property acquisition, exploitation and development are capitalized. We also
capitalize  internal costs that can be directly identified with our acquisition,
exploitation and development  activities and do not include any costs related to
production,   general  corporate  overhead  or  similar  activities.  Under  the
successful  efforts  method,  geological  and  geophysical  costs  and  costs of
carrying  and  retaining  undeveloped  properties  are  charged  to  expense  as
incurred.  Costs of  drilling  exploratory  wells  that do not  result in proved
reserves  are  charged to expense.  Depreciation,  depletion,  amortization  and
impairment of natural gas and crude oil properties are generally calculated on a
well by well or lease  or  field  basis  versus  the  "full  cost"  pool  basis.
Additionally,  gain or loss is generally  recognized on all sales of natural gas
and crude oil properties  under the successful  efforts method.  As a result our
financial  statements  will  differ  from  companies  that apply the  successful
efforts  method since we will  generally  reflect a higher level of  capitalized
costs as well as a higher  depreciation,  depletion and amortization rate on our
natural gas and crude oil properties.

         At the time it was  adopted,  management  believed  that the full  cost
method would be preferable,  as earnings tend to be less volatile than under the
successful efforts method. However, the full cost method makes us susceptible to
significant  non-cash charges during times of volatile  commodity prices because
the full cost pool may be impaired  when prices are low.  These  charges are not
recoverable  when  prices  return to higher  levels.  We have  experienced  this
situation  several times over the years,  most recently in 2002. Our natural gas
and crude oil reserves have a relatively long life. However,  temporary drops in
commodity  prices can have a material  impact on our business  including  impact
from the full cost method of accounting.

         Under full cost accounting  rules,  the net capitalized cost of natural
gas and crude oil  properties  may not exceed a "ceiling  limit"  which is based
upon the present value of estimated  future net cash flows from proved  reserves


on a pool by pool  basis,  discounted  at 10%,  plus  the  lower of cost or fair
market  value of  unproved  properties  and the  cost of  properties  not  being
amortized,  less income taxes. If net capitalized costs of natural gas and crude
oil properties exceed the ceiling limit, we must charge the amount of the excess
to earnings.  This is called a "ceiling limitation write-down." This charge does
not  impact  cash  flow  from   operating   activities,   but  does  reduce  our
stockholders' equity and reported earnings. The risk that we will be required to
write down the carrying value of natural gas and crude oil properties  increases
when natural gas and crude oil prices are  depressed  or volatile.  In addition,
write-downs may occur if we experience  substantial  downward adjustments to our
estimated proved reserves or if purchasers  cancel  long-term  contracts for our
natural gas production. An expense recorded in one period may not be reversed in
a subsequent period even though higher natural gas and crude oil prices may have
increased the ceiling applicable to the subsequent period.

         For the year ended December 31, 2002, we recorded a ceiling  limitation
write-down  due to low commodity  prices.  We cannot assure you that we will not
experience additional write-downs in the future.

         Estimates of Proved  Natural Gas and Crude Oil  Reserves.  Estimates of
our proved reserves included in this report are prepared in accordance with GAAP
and SEC guidelines. The accuracy of a reserve estimate is a function of:

         o  the quality and quantity of available data;

         o  the interpretation of that data;

         o  the accuracy of various mandated economic assumptions;

         o  and the judgment of the persons preparing the estimate.

         Our proved  reserve  information  included  in this report was based on
evaluations prepared by independent  petroleum engineers.  Estimates prepared by
other third parties may be higher or lower than those included  herein.  Because
these  estimates  depend on many  assumptions,  all of which  may  substantially
differ from future actual results,  reserve estimates will be different from the
quantities of oil and gas that are ultimately recovered. In addition, results of
drilling,  testing  and  production  after the date of an  estimate  may justify
material revisions to the estimate.

         You should not assume that the  present  value of future net cash flows
is the current market value of our estimated proved reserves. In accordance with
SEC requirements,  we based the estimated  discounted future net cash flows from
proved  reserves on prices and costs on the date of the estimate.  Actual future
prices and costs may be materially  higher or lower than the prices and costs as
of the date of the estimate.

         The estimates of proved reserves materially impact DD&A expense. If the
estimates of proved reserves  decline,  the rate at which we record DD&A expense
will increase,  reducing future net income. Such a decline may result from lower
market prices, which may make it uneconomic to drill for and produce higher cost

         Asset  Retirement  Obligations.  The estimated costs of restoration and
removal of facilities are accrued.  The fair value of a liability for an asset's
retirement  obligation is recorded in the period in which it is incurred and the
corresponding  cost capitalized by increasing the carrying amount of the related
long-lived  asset.  The  liability  is accreted to its then  present  value each
period,  and the  capitalized  cost is  depreciated  over the useful life of the
related asset.  For all periods  presented,  we have included  estimated  future
costs of abandonment and  dismantlement in our full cost  amortization  base and
amortize these costs as a component of our depletion expense.

         Hedge  Accounting.  From time to time, we use commodity price hedges to
limit our exposure to fluctuations in natural gas and crude oil prices.  Results
of those hedging transactions are reflected in natural gas and crude oil sales.

         Statement  of  Financial  Accounting   Standards,   ("SFAS")  No.  133,
"Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities",  was effective
for us on January 1, 2001.  SFAS 133,  as amended and  interpreted,  establishes
accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments, including certain
derivative instruments embedded in other contracts,  and for hedging activities.
In  2003  we  elected  out of  hedge  accounting  as  prescribed  by  SFAS  133.


Accordingly all derivatives, whether designated in hedging relationships or not,
are required to be recorded at fair value on our balance sheet.  Changes in fair
value of contracts are recognized in earnings in the current period.

         Due to the  volatility  of natural  gas and crude oil prices  and, to a
lesser extent, interest rates, our financial condition and results of operations
can be  significantly  impacted by changes in the market value of our derivative
instruments.  As of  December  31,  2005 and 2004  the net  market  value of our
derivatives was an asset of $75,817 and $528,165 respectively.

         Share-Based  Payments. In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R,
"Share-Based Payment".  SFAS No. 123R is a revision of SFAS No. 123, "Accounting
for Stock Based  Compensation",  and supersedes APB 25. Among other items,  SFAS
123R  eliminates the use of APB 25 and the intrinsic value method of accounting,
and requires  companies to recognize the cost of employee  services  received in
exchange for awards of equity instruments, based on the grant date fair value of
those awards, in the financial statements.  Pro forma disclosure is no longer an
alternative  under the new standard.  The Company has elected early  adoption of
SFAS 123R .

         SFAS 123R permits  companies to adopt its  requirements  using either a
"modified  prospective" method, or a "modified  retrospective" method. Under the
"modified prospective" method,  compensation cost is recognized in the financial
statements  beginning with the effective date, based on the requirements of SFAS
123R for all  share-based  payments  granted  after that date,  and based on the
requirements  of SFAS 123 for all unvested awards granted prior to the effective
date of SFAS 123R. Under the "modified  retrospective"  method, the requirements
are the  same as under  the  "modified  prospective"  method,  but  also  permit
entities to restate  financial  statements of previous periods based on proforma
disclosures made in accordance with SFAS 123. The Company has elected to use the
"modified  retrospective"  method.  This  standard  requires  the  cost  of  all
share-based  payments,  including stock options, to be measured at fair value on
the grant date and recognized in the statement of operations. In accordance with
this standard, all periods prior to January 1, 2005 were restated to reflect the
impact of the  standard  as if it had been  adopted  on  January  1,  1995,  the
original   effective  date  of  SFAS  No.  123,   "Accounting   for  Stock-Based
Compensation".  Also in  accordance  with the  standard,  the  amounts  that are
reported in the  statement of  operations  for the restated  periods are the pro
forma amounts previously disclosed under SFAS No. 123.

         The Company  currently  utilizes a standard option pricing model (i.e.,
Black-Scholes)  to measure the fair value of stock options granted to employees.
While SFAS 123R permits  entities to continue to use such a model,  the standard
also permits the use of a more complex binomial,  or "lattice" model. Based upon
research done by the Company on the alternative models available to value option
grants, and in conjunction with the type and number of stock options expected to
be issued in the future, the Company has determined that it will continue to use
the Black-Scholes model for option valuation as of the current time.

         SFAS 123R includes  several  modifications to the way that income taxes
are  recorded in the  financial  statements.  The  expense for certain  types of
option grants is only  deductible  for tax purposes at the time that the taxable
event takes place, which could cause variability in the Company's  effective tax
rates  recorded  throughout  the year.  SFAS 123R  does not allow  companies  to
"predict"  when these taxable events will take place.  Furthermore,  it requires
that the benefits  associated  with the tax  deductions  in excess of recognized
compensation  cost be  reported  as a  financing  cash flow,  rather  than as an
operating cash flow as required under current literature.  This requirement will
reduce net operating cash flows and increase net financing cash flows in periods
after the effective date. These future amounts cannot be estimated, because they
depend on, among other things, when employees exercise stock options.

New Accounting Pronouncements

         In March 2005 the FASB issued  Interpretation  No. 47  "Accounting  for
Conditional  Asset Retirement  Obligations--an  interpretation of FASB Statement
No.  143".  This  Interpretation  clarifies  that  the  term  conditional  asset
retirement  obligation as used in FASB  Statement No. 143,  Accounting for Asset
Retirement  Obligations,  refers  to a legal  obligation  to  perform  an  asset
retirement  activity  in which the  timing  and (or)  method of  settlement  are
conditional  on a future  event that may or may not be within the control of the
entity. The obligation to perform the asset retirement activity is unconditional
even though  uncertainty  exists about the timing and (or) method of settlement.
Thus,  the timing and (or) method of settlement  may be  conditional on a future
event. Accordingly,  an entity is required to recognize a liability for the fair


value of a  conditional  asset  retirement  obligation  if the fair value of the
liability  can be  reasonably  estimated.  The fair value of a liability for the
conditional   asset   retirement    obligation   should   be   recognized   when
incurred--generally  upon  acquisition,  construction,  or development  and (or)
through the normal operation of the asset. Uncertainty about the timing and (or)
method of settlement  of a conditional  asset  retirement  obligation  should be
factored into the  measurement  of the  liability  when  sufficient  information
exists.  Statement 143 acknowledges that in some cases,  sufficient  information
may  not be  available  to  reasonably  estimate  the  fair  value  of an  asset
retirement  obligation.  This Interpretation also clarifies when an entity would
have  sufficient  information to reasonably  estimate the fair value of an asset
retirement obligation.

         This  Interpretation is effective no later than the end of fiscal years
ending  after  December  15,  2005   (December  31,  2005,   for   calendar-year
enterprises).  Retrospective  application for interim  financial  information is
permitted  but is  not  required.  Early  adoption  of  this  Interpretation  is
encouraged. This statement did not effect the Company's financial statements for
the period ended December 31, 2005.

         In May 2005,  the FASB issued  "Summary of Statement No. 154 Accounting
Changes and Error  Corrections"  - a replacement  of APB Opinion No. 20 and FASB
Statement No. 3. This Statement replaces APB Opinion No. 20, Accounting Changes,
and FASB  Statement No. 3,  Reporting  Accounting  Changes in Interim  Financial
Statements, and changes the requirements for the accounting for and reporting of
a change in  accounting  principle.  This  Statement  applies  to all  voluntary
changes in  accounting  principle.  It also  applies to changes  required  by an
accounting pronouncement in the unusual instance that the pronouncement does not
include specific transition  provisions.  When a pronouncement includes specific
transition provisions, those provisions should be followed.

         Opinion  20  previously   required  that  most  voluntary   changes  in
accounting  principle be  recognized by including in net income of the period of
the change the cumulative  effect of changing to the new  accounting  principle.
This Statement  requires  retrospective  application to prior periods' financial
statements of changes in accounting  principle,  unless it is  impracticable  to
determine  either the  period-specific  effects or the cumulative  effect of the
change. When it is impracticable to determine the period-specific  effects of an
accounting  change  on one or more  individual  prior  periods  presented,  this
Statement requires that the new accounting  principle be applied to the balances
of assets and  liabilities as of the beginning of the earliest  period for which
retrospective  application is practicable and that a corresponding adjustment be
made  to  the  opening  balance  of  retained  earnings  (or  other  appropriate
components of equity or net assets in the  statement of financial  position) for
that  period  rather  than being  reported  in an income  statement.  When it is
impracticable  to  determine  the  cumulative  effect  of  applying  a change in
accounting principle to all prior periods,  this Statement requires that the new
accounting  principle  be applied as if it were adopted  prospectively  from the
earliest date practicable.

         This Statement defines retrospective  application as the application of
a  different  accounting  principle  to  prior  accounting  periods  as if  that
principle  had  always  been  used or as the  adjustment  of  previously  issued
financial statements to reflect a change in the reporting entity. This Statement
also  redefines  restatement  as the  revising of  previously  issued  financial
statements to reflect the correction of an error.

         This Statement requires that  retrospective  application of a change in
accounting  principle be limited to the direct  effects of the change.  Indirect
effects   of  a  change   in   accounting   principle,   such  as  a  change  in
non-discretionary  profit-sharing  payments resulting from an accounting change,
should be recognized in the period of the accounting change.

         This   Statement   also  requires   that  a  change  in   depreciation,
amortization,  or  depletion  method  for  long-lived,  non-financial  assets be
accounted  for as a change  in  accounting  estimate  effected  by a  change  in
accounting principle.

         This Statement carries forward without change the guidance contained in
Opinion  20 for  reporting  the  correction  of an  error in  previously  issued
financial  statements and a change in accounting  estimate.

         This  Statement  also  carries  forward  the  guidance  in  Opinion  20
requiring  justification  of a change in  accounting  principle  on the basis of


         This statement is effective for accounting  changes and  corrections of
errors made in fiscal years  beginning  after December 15, 2005.  This statement
did not effect the Company's financial  statements for the period ended December
31, 2005.

Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

Commodity Price Risk

         As an independent natural gas and crude oil producer, our revenue, cash
flow from  operations,  other  income and  equity  earnings  and  profitability,
reserve  values,  access to capital and future rate of growth are  substantially
dependent upon the prevailing  prices of crude oil,  natural gas and natural gas
liquids.  Declines in  commodity  prices  will  adversely  affect our  financial
condition,  liquidity,  ability to obtain financing and operating results. Lower
commodity  prices may reduce the amount of natural gas and crude oil that we can
produce economically. Prevailing prices for such commodities are subject to wide
fluctuation  in response to relatively  minor changes in supply and demand and a
variety of additional  factors beyond our control,  such as global political and
economic conditions. Historically, prices received for natural gas and crude oil
production have been volatile and unpredictable, and such volatility is expected
to continue. Most of our production is sold at market prices.  Generally, if the
commodity  indexes fall, the price that we receive for our production  will also
decline.  Therefore,  the  amount  of  revenue  that  we  realize  is  partially
determined  by factors  beyond our control.  Assuming the  production  levels we
attained  during the year ended  December 31, 2005, a 10% decline in natural gas
and crude oil, prices would have reduced our operating  revenue and cash flow by
approximately $4.7 million for the year.

Hedging Sensitivity

         On January 1, 2001, we adopted SFAS 133 as amended by SFAS 137 and SFAS
138.  Under SFAS 133,  all  derivative  instruments  are recorded on the balance
sheet at fair value. In 2003 we elected not to designate derivative  instruments
as hedges. Accordingly the instruments are recorded on the balance sheet at fair
value with  changes in the market  value of the  derivatives  being  recorded in
current oil and gas revenue.

         Under the terms of our revolving  credit  facility,  we are required to
maintain  hedging  positions with respect to not less than 25% nor more than 75%
of our natural gas and crude oil production for a rolling six month period.

         All hedge transactions are subject to our risk management policy, which
has been approved by the Board of Directors.

         We currently have the following hedges in place:

  Time Period                   Notional Quantities                Price
----------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------
April 2006              10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $7.00
May 2006                10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $8.00
June 2006               10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $8.00
July 2006               10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $7.00
August 2006             10,000 MMbtu of production per day      Floor of $6.00
September 2006          10,000 Mmbtu of production per day      Floor of $5.00

     At December  31,  2005 the  aggregate  fair market  value of our hedges was
     approximately $76,000.

Interest rate risk

         At December 31, 2005, as a result of the financial  restructuring  that
occurred in October  2004,  we had $125.0  million in  outstanding  indebtedness
under the floating rate senior  secured notes due 2009.  The notes bear interest
at a per annum rate of six-month  LIBOR plus 7.5%. The rate is  redetermined  on
June 1 and December 1 of each year,  beginning June 1, 2005. The current rate on
the notes is 12.08%.  For every  percentage point that the LIBOR rate rises, our
interest  expense  would  increase by  approximately  $1.3  million on an annual


basis.  At December 31, 2005,  we had $4.5 million of  outstanding  indebtedness
under our revolving  credit  facility.  Interest on this facility accrues at the
prime rate announced by Wells Fargo Bank plus 1.00%.  For every percentage point
increase in the announced  prime rate,  our interest  expense would  increase by
approximately $45,000 on an annual basis.

Item 8.  Financial Statements

         For the financial  statements and  supplementary  data required by this
Item 8, see the Index to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Item  9.  Changes  in and  Disagreements  with  Accountants  on  Accounting  and
Financial Disclosure


Item 9A. Controls and Procedures

         Disclosure Controls and Procedures. As of the end of the period covered
by this report, we carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the
participation  of management,  including our Chief  Executive  Officer and Chief
Financial  Officer,   of  the  effectiveness  of  our  disclosure  controls  and
procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
or the Exchange Act). Based on that evaluation,  our Chief Executive Officer and
our  Chief  Financial  Officer  concluded  that  our  disclosure   controls  and
procedures are effective to ensure that the information required to be disclosed
by us in the reports  that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded,
processed,  summarized  and reported  within the time  periods  specified in SEC
rules and forms.

         Management's Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
and Attestation Report of Registered Public Accounting Firm. Pursuant to Section
404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, we have included a report of management's
assessment of the design and  effectiveness of our internal  controls as part of
this Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005. BDO
Seidman, LLP, our registered public accountants,  also attested to, and reported
on,  management's  assessment  of the  effectiveness  of internal  control  over
financial  reporting.  Management's report and the independent public accounting
firms attestation  report are included in our 2005 Financial  Statements in Item
15 under the captions  "Management's  Report on Internal  Control over Financial
Reporting" and "Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm" and are
incorporated herein by reference.

         Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting.  As of the end of
the period  covered by this  report,  we carried  out an  evaluation,  under the
supervision and with the  participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Financial Officer, of our internal control over financial reporting to determine
whether  any  changes  occurred  during  the  fourth  quarter  of 2005 that have
materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal
control  over  financial  reporting.  Based on that  evaluation,  there  were no
changes in our internal  control over  financial  reporting or in other  factors
that have materially  affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect our
internal control over financial reporting.

Item 9B. Other Information



Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

         There is  incorporated in this Item 10 by reference that portion of our
definitive  proxy  statement for the 2006 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  which
appears  therein  under  the  captions  "Election  of  Directors".  See also the
information in Item 4a of Part I of this Report.


Audit Committee and Audit Committee Financial Expert

         The Audit  Committee  of our board of  directors  consists  of C. Scott
Bartlett,  Jr.,  Frank M. Burke,  Paul Powell and Joseph A. Wagda.  The board of
directors  has  determined  that each of the members of the Audit  Committee  is
independent  as  determined  in  accordance  with the listing  standards  of the
American  Stock  Exchange and Item 7(d) (3) (iv) of Schedule 14A of the Exchange
Act. In addition,  the board of directors has determined that C. Scott Bartlett,
Jr., as defined by SEC rules, is an audit committee financial expert.

Section 16(a) Compliance

         Section  16(a) of the  Exchange  Act  requires  Abraxas  directors  and
executive  officers and persons who own more than 10% of a  registered  class of
Abraxas equity  securities to file with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission
and the AMEX initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of
Abraxas common stock. Officers,  directors and greater than 10% stockholders are
required  by SEC  regulations  to furnish us with  copies of all such forms they
file. Based solely on a review of the copies of such reports furnished to us and
written representations that no other reports were required. We believe that all
our  directors  and  executive  officers  complied  on a timely  basis  with all
applicable  filing  requirements  under Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act during

Item 11. Executive Compensation

         There is  incorporated in this Item 11 by reference that portion of our
definitive  proxy  statement for the 2006 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  which
appears  therein under the caption  "Executive  Compensation",  except for those
parts  under  the   captions   "Compensation   Committee   Report  on  Executive
Compensation",  "Performance  Graph",  "Audit  Committee  Report" and "Report on
Repricing of Options."

Item 12.  Security  Ownership of Certain  Beneficial  Owners and  Management and
Related Stockholder Matters

         There is  incorporated in this Item 12 by reference that portion of our
definitive  proxy  statement for the 2006 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  which
appears   therein   under  the  caption   "Securities   Holdings  of   Principal
Stockholders, Directors and Officers".

Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         There is  incorporated in this Item 13 by reference that portion of our
definitive  proxy  statement for the 2006 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  which
appears therein under the caption "Certain Transactions".

Item 14. Principal Accounting Fees and Services

         There is  incorporated in this Item 14 by reference that portion of our
definitive  proxy  statement for the 2006 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  which
appears therein under the caption "Principal Auditor Fees and Services".


Item 15. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules

(a)1. Consolidated Financial Statements

         Management's Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting...........................F-2

         Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm....................................F-3

         Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Internal Control
             Over Financial Reporting...............................................................F-4


         Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2004 and 2005..................................F-5

         Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2003
           2004 and 2005............................................................................F-7

         Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Deficit for the years ended
           December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005.........................................................F-8

         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2003,
           2004 and 2005............................................................................F-9

         Consolidated Statements of Other Comprehensive Income (loss) for the years ended
           December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005.........................................................F-11

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ................................................F-12

(a) 2.   Financial Statement Schedules

         All schedules have been omitted  because they are not  applicable,  not
required under the instructions or the information requested is set forth in the
consolidated financial statements or related notes thereto.

(a) 3.   Exhibits

         The following  Exhibits have previously been filed by the Registrant or
are included following the Index to Exhibits.

Exhibit Number.                                Description

3.1      Articles  of  Incorporation  of  Abraxas.  (Filed as Exhibit 3.1 to our
         Registration Statement on Form S-4, No. 33-36565 (the "S-4 Registration

3.2      Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of Abraxas dated
         October  22,  1990.  (Filed  as  Exhibit  3.3 to the  S-4  Registration

3.3      Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of Abraxas dated
         December  18,  1990.  (Filed  as  Exhibit  3.4 to the S-4  Registration

3.4      Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of Abraxas dated
         June 8, 1995.  (Filed as Exhibit 3.4 to our  Registration  Statement on
         Form S-3, No. 333-00398 (the "S-3 Registration Statement")).

3.5      Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of Abraxas dated
         as of August 12,  2000  (Filed as Exhibit  3.5 to our Annual  Report of
         Form 10-K filed April 2, 2001).

3.6      Amended  and  Restated  Bylaws of  Abraxas.  (Filed as  Exhibit  3.6 to
         Abraxas' Annual Report on Form 10-K filed April 5, 2002).

4.1      Specimen Common Stock Certificate of Abraxas.  (Filed as Exhibit 4.1 to
         the S-4 Registration Statement).

4.2      Specimen Preferred Stock Certificate of Abraxas.  (Filed as Exhibit 4.2
         to our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 31, 1995).

4.3      Indenture dated October 28, 2004, by and among Abraxas,  as Issuer; the
         Subsidiary Guarantors party thereto and U.S. Bank National Association,
         as Trustee, relating to Abraxas' Floating Rate Senior Secured Notes Due
         2009.  (Filed as Exhibit  4.1 to  Abraxas'  Current  Report on Form 8-K
         filed on November 3, 2004).


4.4      Form of Rule 144A Global Note for Floating  Rate Senior  Secured  Notes
         due 2009.  (Filed as Exhibit  A-1 to Exhibit  4.1 to  Abraxas'  Current
         Report on Form 8-K filed on November 3, 2004).

4.5      Form of Regulation S Global Note for Floating Rate Senior Secured Notes
         due 2009.  (Filed as Exhibit  A-2 to Exhibit  4.1 to  Abraxas'  Current
         Report on Form 8-K filed on November 3, 2004).

4.6      Form of Accredited Investor  Certificated Note for Floating Rate Senior
         Secured  Notes  due 2009.  (Filed  as  Exhibit  A-3 to  Exhibit  4.1 to
         Abraxas' Current Report on Form 8-K filed on November 3, 2004).

*10.1    Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation  401(k) Profit Sharing Plan.  (Filed as
         Exhibit  10.4 to  Abraxas'  Registration  Statement  on Form  S-4,  No.
         333-18673, (the "1996 Exchange Offer Registration Statement")).

*10.2    Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation  Director Stock Option Plan.  (Filed as
         Exhibit 10.5 to the 1996 Exchange Offer Registration Statement).

*10.3    Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation  Restricted  Share Plan for  Directors.
         (Filed as Exhibit 10.20 to Abraxas' Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on
         April 12, 1994).

*10.4    Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation  Amended  and  Restated  1994 Long Term
         Incentive  Plan.  (Filed  as  Exhibit  10.4  to  Abraxas'  Registration
         Statement on Form S-4 filed on January 12, 2005).

*10.5    Abraxas Petroleum  Corporation Incentive Performance Bonus Plan. (Filed
         as Exhibit 10.24 to Abraxas'  Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on April
         12, 1994).

10.6     Form of Indemnity  Agreement  between Abraxas and each of its directors
         and officers. (Filed as Exhibit 10.30 to the 1993 S-1).

10.7     Loan  Agreement  dated as of  October  28,  2004 by and  among  Abraxas
         Petroleum  Corporation,  the Subsidiary Guarantors party thereto, Wells
         Fargo  Foothill,  Inc.,  as Arranger and  Administrative  Agent and the
         Lenders signatory  thereto.  (Filed as Exhibit 10.2 to Abraxas' Current
         Report on Form 8-K filed November 3, 2004).

10.8     Loan  Agreement  dated as of  October  28,  2004 by and  among  Abraxas
         Petroleum   Corporation,   the  Subsidiary  Guarantors  party  thereto,
         Guggenheim Corporate Funding, LLC, as Arranger and Administrative Agent
         and the Lenders signatory  thereto.  (Filed as Exhibit 10.3 to Abraxas'
         Current Report on Form 8-K filed November 3, 2004).

*10.9    Employment Agreement between Abraxas and Robert L. G. Watson. (Filed as
         Exhibit 10.19 to the 2000 S-1 Registration Statement).

*10.10   Employment Agreement between Abraxas and Chris E. Williford.  (Filed as
         Exhibit 10.20 to the 2000 S-1 Registration Statement).

*10.11   Employment  Agreement between Abraxas and Stephen T. Wendel.  (Filed as
         Exhibit 10.26 to the S-3 Registration Statement).

*10.12   Employment Agreement between Abraxas and William H. Wallace.  (Filed as
         Exhibit 10.27 to the S-3 Registration Statement).

*10.13   Employment Agreement between Abraxas and Lee T. Billingsley.  (Filed as
         Exhibit 10.28 to the S-3 Registration Statement).


10.14    Intercreditor,  Security and Collateral  Agency  Agreement  dated as of
         October  28,  2004 by and  among  Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation,  the
         Subsidiary  Guarantors  party  thereto,  Wells  Fargo  Foothill,  Inc.,
         Guggenheim Corporate Funding,  LLC and U.S. Bank National  Association.
         (Filed as Exhibit  10.5 to  Abraxas'  Current  Report on Form 8-K filed
         November 3, 2004).

*10.15   Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation 2005 Non-Employee  Directors  Long-Term
         Equity  Incentive  Plan.  (Filed as Exhibit  10.1 to  Abraxas'  Current
         Report on Form 8-K filed June 6, 2005).

*10.16   Form of Stock Option Agreement under the Abraxas Petroleum Corporation
         2005 Non-Employee Directors Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan. (Filed as
         Exhibit 10.2 to Abraxas' Current Report on Form 8-K filed June 6,

*10.17   Abraxas Peteroleum  Corporation Senior Management  Incentive Bonus Plan
         2006 (Filed herewith).

10.18    Common Stock  Purchase  Agreement  made and entered into as of the 20th
         day of July, 2005, by and between Abraxas Petroleum Corporation and the
         Purchasers  signatory  thereto.  (Filed  as  Exhibit  10.1 to  Abraxas'
         Current Report on Form 8-K filed July 22, 2005).

14.1     Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation  Code of  Business  Conduct  and Ethics
         (filed herewith)

21.1     Subsidiaries of Abraxas.  (Filed as Exhibit 21.1 to Abraxas,  Grey Wolf
         Exploration Inc., Sandia Oil & Gas Corporation, Sandia Operating Corp.,
         Wamsutter  Holdings,  Inc.,  Western  Associated Energy Corporation and
         Eastside Coal Company,  Inc.'s Registration  Statement on Form S-1, No.

23.1     Consent of BDO Seidman, LLP (filed herewith)

23.2     Consent of DeGolyer and MacNaughton.  (filed herewith).

31.1     Certification - Chief Executive Officer (filed herewith)

31.2     Certification - Chief Financial Officer (filed herewith)

32.1     Certification by Chief Executive Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section
         1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
         2002 (filed herewith).

32.2     Certification by Chief Financial Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section
         1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
         2002 (filed herewith).

*      Management Compensatory Plan or Agreement.


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION

By:/s/ Robert L.G. Watson             By:     /s/ Chris E. Williford
  ---------------------------------           ---------------------------------
  Robert L.G. Watson                          Chris E. Williford
  President and Principal                     Exec. Vice President and
  Executive Officer                           Principal Financial and
                                              Accounting Officer
DATED: March 22, 2006

Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934,  this
report  has  been  signed  below  by the  following  persons  on  behalf  of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated.

         Signature                     Name and Title                 Date
         ---------                     --------------                 ----
/s/ Robert L.G. Watson           Chairman of the Board,
----------------------------     President (Principal Executive
Robert L.G. Watson               Officer)and Director             March 22, 2006

/s/ Chris E. Williford           Exec. Vice President and
----------------------------     Treasurer (Principal Financial
Chris E. Williford               and Accounting Officer)          March 22, 2006

/s/ Craig S. Bartlett, Jr.       Director                         March 22, 2006
Craig S. Bartlett, Jr.

/s/ Franklin A. Burke            Director                         March 22, 2006
Franklin A. Burke

/s/ Harold D. Carter             Director                         March 22, 2006
Harold D. Carter

/s/ Ralph F. Cox                 Director                         March 22, 2006
Ralph F. Cox

/s/ Barry J. Galt                Director                         March 22, 2006
Barry J. Galt

/s/ Dennis E. Logue              Director                         March 22, 2006
Dennis E Logue

/s/ Paul Powell                  Director                         March 22, 2006
Paul Powell

/s/ Joseph A. Wagda              Director                         March 22, 2006
Joseph A. Wagda



Abraxas Petroleum Corporation and Subsidiaries

Management's Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting....................................F-2
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.............................................F-3
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Internal Control Over
Financial Reporting.................................................................................F-4
Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2004 and 2005...........................................F-5
Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2003
   2004 and 2005....................................................................................F-7
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Deficit for the years ended
   December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005.................................................................F-8
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2003,
   2004 and 2005....................................................................................F-9
Consolidated Statements of Other Comprehensive Income for the years ended
   December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005.................................................................F-11
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements .........................................................F-12

All schedules are omitted because they are not required, are not applicable or
the information required is included in the Consolidated Financial Statements or
the notes thereto.



The Board of Directors and Stockholders of
Abraxas Petroleum Corporation:

     Management  is  responsible  for  establishing  and  maintaining   adequate
internal  control over financial  reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) under
the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934).  Our internal  control  over  financial
reporting is designed to provide reasonable assurance to management and board of
directors regarding the preparation and fair presentation of published financial
statements. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial
reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Therefore, even those systems
determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to
financial  statement  preparation  and  presentation.  Management  assessed  the
effectiveness  of our internal  control over financial  reporting as of December
31, 2005. In making this  assessment,  management used the criteria set forth by
the Committee of Sponsoring  Organizations of the Treadway  Commission (COSO) in
Internal  Control - Integrated  Framework.  Based on our assessment,  we believe
that, as of December 31, 2005, our internal control over financial  reporting is
effective based on those criteria.

     Management's  assessment  of the  effectiveness  of internal  control  over
financial reporting as of December 31, 2005, has been audited BDO Seidman,  LLP,
an  independent  registered  public  accounting  firm  which  also  audited  our
consolidated   financial   statements.   BDO  Seidman's  attestation  report  on
management's  assessment  of our internal  control over  financial  reporting is
included under the heading "Report of Independent  Registered  Public Accounting
Firm on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting."

By:  /s/ Robert L.G. Watson                  By:  /s/ Chris E. Williford
     ----------------------                      -----------------------
     Robert L.G. Watson                       Chris E. Williford
     President and Chief Executive Officer    Executive Vice President and
                                              Chief Financial Officer

San Antonio, Texas
March 8, 2006


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Board of Directors and Stockholders
Abraxas Petroleum Corporation
San Antonio, Texas

We  have  audited  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets  of  Abraxas
Petroleum  Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2005 and 2004 and the
related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' deficit, cash flows
and other comprehensive  income (loss) for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 2005. These financial  statements are the  responsibility  of
the Company's  management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance  with the standards of the Public  Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial  position of Abraxas Petroleum
Corporation at December 31, 2005 and 2004, and the results of its operations and
its cash flows for each of the three  years in the  period  ended  December  31,
2005, in conformity with accounting  principles generally accepted in the United
States of America.

As discussed in Note 2 to the  consolidated  financial  statements,  the Company
changed its method of accounting for stock-based compensation during 2005.

We also have  audited,  in accordance  with the standards of the Public  Company
Accounting  Oversight  Board  (United  States),  the  effectiveness  of  Abraxas
Petroleum Corporation's internal control over financial reporting as of December
31,  2005,  based on  criteria  established  in  Internal  Control -  Integrated
Framework  issued by the Committee of Sponsoring  Organizations  of the Treadway
Commission  (COSO) and our report dated March 8, 2006  expressed an  unqualified
opinion thereon.

/s/ BDO Seidman, LLP

Dallas, Texas
March 8, 2006


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Internal Control Over
Financial Reporting

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
Abraxas Petroleum Corporation

     We have  audited  management's  assessment,  included  in the  accompanying
Management's  Report on Internal  Control over Financial  Reporting and Scope of
Management's  Report, that Abraxas Petroleum  Corporation  maintained  effective
internal  control over  financial  reporting  as of December 31, 2005,  based on
criteria  established in Internal  Control--Integrated  Framework  issued by the
Committee  of  Sponsoring  Organizations  of the Treadway  Commission  (the COSO
criteria).   Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation's  management  is  responsible  for
maintaining  effective  internal  control over  financial  reporting and for its
assessment of the  effectiveness of internal  control over financial  reporting.
Our  responsibility  is to express an opinion on management's  assessment and an
opinion on the  effectiveness  of the company's  internal control over financial
reporting based on our audit.

     We  conducted  our audit in  accordance  with the  standards  of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that
we plan and  perform  the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether
effective  internal  control over  financial  reporting  was  maintained  in all
material  respects.  Our audit included  obtaining an  understanding of internal
control over financial reporting,  evaluating management's  assessment,  testing
and evaluating the design and operating  effectiveness of internal control,  and
performing   such  other   procedures   as  we   considered   necessary  in  the
circumstances.  We believe that our audit  provides a  reasonable  basis for our

     A company's internal control over financial reporting is a process designed
to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting
and the preparation of financial  statements for external purposes in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles. A company's internal control over
financial  reporting  includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to
the  maintenance  of records that, in reasonable  detail,  accurately and fairly
reflect the  transactions  and  dispositions  of the assets of the company;  (2)
provide  reasonable  assurance  that  transactions  are recorded as necessary to
permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
accounting  principles,  and that receipts and  expenditures  of the company are
being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of
the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely
detection of  unauthorized  acquisition,  use, or  disposition  of the company's
assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

     Because  of its  inherent  limitations,  internal  control  over  financial
reporting  may not prevent or detect  misstatements.  Also,  projections  of any
evaluation  of  effectiveness  to future  periods  are  subject to the risk that
controls may become  inadequate  because of changes in  conditions,  or that the
degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

     In our opinion,  management's assessment that Abraxas Petroleum Corporation
maintained  effective  internal control over financial  reporting as of December
31,  2005,  is  fairly  stated,  in all  material  respects,  based  on the COSO
criteria. Also, in our opinion, Abraxas Petroleum Corporation maintained, in all
material  respects,  effective  internal control over financial  reporting as of
December 31, 2005, based on the COSO criteria.

     We also have  audited,  in  accordance  with the  standards  of the  Public
Company  Accounting  Oversight Board (United States),  the consolidated  balance
sheets as of December 31, 2005 and 2004 and the related consolidated  statements
of operations,  stockholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the three years
in the period ended December 31, 2005 of Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation and our
report dated March 8, 2006 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.

/s/ BDO Seidman, LLP

Dallas, Texas
March 8, 2006


                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS


                                                                                December 31
                                                                         2005              2004 (1)
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
                                                                          (Dollars in thousands)

Current assets:
   Cash ...................................................           $          42      $       1,284
   Accounts receivable:
       Joint owners .......................................                     540                471
       Oil and gas production sales .......................                   7,957              4,724
       Other ..............................................                     100                 66
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
                                                                              8,597              5,261
   Other current assets ...................................                   1,638                752
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
                                                                             10,277              7,297
   Assets held for sale....................................                       -             52,600
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
       Total current assets................................                  10,277             59,897

Property and equipment:
     Oil and gas properties, full cost method of accounting:
       Proved .............................................                 333,373            298,382
     Other property and equipment .........................                   3,289              2,930
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
           Total ..........................................                 336,662            301,312
      Less accumulated depreciation, depletion, and
       amortization .......................................                 231,414            222,500
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
       Total property and equipment - net .................                 105,248             78,812

Deferred financing fees net ...............................                   6,037              7,618
Deferred tax asset.........................................                       -              6,060
Other assets ..............................................                     304                298
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
   Total assets ...........................................           $     121,866      $     152,685
                                                                   ================== ===================

(1) Reflects retrospective adoption of SFAS 123R, see Note 2.

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION



                                                                                December 31
                                                                         2005              2004 (1)
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
                                                                          (Dollars in thousands)

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable ..........................................        $       9,814      $       5,622
   Joint interest oil and gas production payable .............                3,481              2,443
   Accrued interest ..........................................                1,368              2,170
   Other accrued expenses ....................................                  494              1,654
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
                                                                             15,157             11,889
   Liabilities related to assets held for sale................                    -             66,947
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
     Total current liabilities................................               15,157             78,836

Long-term debt ...............................................              129,527            126,425

Future site restoration  .....................................                  883                888

Stockholders' equity (deficit):
   Common stock, par value $.01 per share - authorized
     200,000,000 shares; issued 42,063,167 and 36,597,045 ....                  421                366
   Additional paid-in capital ................................              162,795            150,961
   Accumulated deficit ......................................              (188,193)          (207,310)
   Treasury stock, at cost, 56,477 and 105,989 shares.........                 (408)              (549)
   Accumulated other comprehensive income.....................                1,684              3,068
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
Total stockholders' deficit...................................              (23,701)           (53,464)
                                                                   ------------------ -------------------
   Total liabilities and stockholders' deficit................        $     121,866      $     152,685
                                                                   ================== ===================

(1) Reflects retrospective adoption of SFAS 123R, see Note 2.

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION


                                                                             Year Ended December 31
                                                                     2005            2004 (1)           2003 (1)
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
                                                                          (In thousands except per share data)
   Oil and gas production revenues .........................     $      47,314      $      33,073     $      29,710
   Rig revenues ............................................             1,295                771               663
   Other  ..................................................                16                 10                 7
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
                                                                        48,625             33,854            30,380
Operating costs and expenses:
   Lease operating and production taxes ....................            11,094              8,567             8,342
   Depreciation, depletion, and amortization ...............             8,914              7,213             7,608
   Rig operations ..........................................               756                671               609
   General and administrative (including stock-based
     compensation of  $247; $112; and $228).................             5,757              5,238             4,223
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
                                                                        26,521             21,689            20,782
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Operating income ...........................................            22,104             12,165             9,598

Other (income) expense:
   Interest income .........................................               (19)               (10)              (30)
   Amortization of deferred financing fees .................             1,589              1,848             1,630
   Interest expense ........................................            13,989             17,867            16,323
   Financing costs..........................................                 -              1,657             4,406
   Gain on debt redemption..................................                 -            (12,561)                -
   Other ...................................................               274                387               100
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
                                                                        15,833              9,188            22,429
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations before cumulative
   effect of accounting change .............................             6,271              2,977           (12,831)

Cumulative effect of accounting change......................                 -                  -               395
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Net income (loss) from continuing operations before
   income tax............................................                6,271              2,977           (13,226)
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Deferred income tax benefit..............................                    -             (6,060)                -
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations.................                6,271              9,037           (13,226)
Net income  from discontinued operations.................               12,846              3,323            70,024
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Net income                                                       $      19,117      $      12,360     $      56,798
                                                            ==================== =================== =================

Basic earnings (loss)per common share:
   Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations........        $        0.16      $        0.25     $       (0.36)
   Discontinued operations ..............................                 0.33               0.09              1.98
   Cumulative effect of accounting change................                    -                  -             (0.01)
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Net income  per common share - basic ....................        $        0.49      $        0.34     $        1.61
                                                            ==================== =================== =================

Diluted earnings (loss) per common share:
   Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations........        $       0.15       $        0.23     $        (0.36)
   Discontinued operations ..............................                0.31                0.09               1.98
   Cumulative effect of accounting change................                    -                  -              (0.01)
                                                            -------------------- ------------------- -----------------
Net income  per common share  - diluted..................        $       0.46       $        0.32     $         1.61
                                                            ==================== =================== =================

(1)Reflects retrospective adoption of SFAS 123R, see Note 2.

           See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION
                     (In thousands except number of shares)

                                    Common Stock      Treasury Stock   Additional                   Other      Receivable
                               ------------------  -------------------   Paid-In    Accumulated  Comprehensive   From
                                 Shares    Amount   Shares    Amount     Capital     Deficit     Income (loss) Stock Sale   Total
                               ------------------  ------------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------- ----------
Balance  December 31, 2002
   as originally reported...   30,145,280  $  301  165,883   $  (964) $136,830     $   (269,621)    $ (8,703)   $ (97)    $(142,254)
Cumulative effect of change
   in accounting for
   stock-based compensation.           -        -        -         -     6,847           (6,847)           -        -            -
                               ----------- ------ -------- ---------- ------------ ------------- -------------- --------- ----------
Balance at December 31, 2002
   as adjusted for SFAS 123R.  30,145,280  $  301  165,883   $  (964) $143,677     $   (276,468)    $ (8,703)   $ (97)    $(142,254)
   Net  income..............           -        -        -         -        -            56,798           -        -         56,798
       Foreign currency
         adjustment ........           -        -        -         -        -               -          9,067       -         9,067
   Stock-based compensation
     expense................           -        -        -         -       228              -             -        -           228
   Stock options exercised .      129,352       1        -         -        84              -             -        -            85
   Stock issued for
     acquisition of Wind          106,977       1        -         -        91              -             -        -            92
     River Resources........
   Stock issued in
     connection with            5,642,699      57        -         -     3,724              -             -        -         3,781
     exchange offer.........
                               ----------- ------ -------- ---------- ------------ ------------- -------------- --------- ----------
Balance at December 31,  2003  36,024,308  $  360  165,883   $  (964) $147,804     $  (219,670)    $     364     $ (97)   $(72,203)
   Net  income..............           -        -        -         -         -          12,360            -        -        12,360
       Foreign currency
         adjustment ........           -        -        -         -         -               -         2,704       -         2,704
   Proceeds from receivable            -        -        -         -         -               -            -         97          97
   Stock issued for
     compensation...........       58,808       1  (59,894)      415       (87)              -            -        -           329
   Stock-based compensation
     expense................           -        -        -         -       112               -            -        -           112
   Stock options and
     warrants exercised ....      513,929       5        -         -     3,132               -            -        -         3,137
                               ----------- ------ -------- ---------- ------------ ------------- -------------- --------- ----------
Balance  December 31, 2004     36,597,045  $  366  105,989   $  (549) $150,961     $  (207,310)    $   3,068     $ -      $(53,464)
   Net Income...............           -        -        -         -         -          19,117            -        -        19,117
       Foreign currency
         adjustment ........           -        -        -         -         -              -         (3,068)      -        (3,068)
       Increase in carrying
         value of
         investments........           -        -        -         -         -              -          1,684       -         1,684
   Stock-based compensation.           -        -        -         -       247              -             -        -           247
   Shares issued for
   compensation.............           -        -  (49,512)      141       (39)             -             -        -           102
   Stock options exercised..      461,408       5        -         -       423              -             -        -           428
   Stock warrants exercised.      996,479      10        -         -       (10)             -             -        -             -
   Stock issued in private
     placement..............    4,000,000      40        -              11,213              -             -        -        11,253
   Other....................        8,235       -        -         -         -              -             -        -             -
                               ----------- ------ -------- ---------- ------------ ------------- -------------- --------- ----------
Balance at December 31, 2005   42,063,167  $  421   56,477   $  (408) $162,795     $  (188,193)   $    1,684     $ -      $(23,701)
                               =========== ====== ======== ========== ============ ============= ============== ========= ==========

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION

                                                                                   Years Ended December 31
                                                                2005                        2004 (1)                   2003 (1)
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
                                                                                       (In thousands)
Operating Activities
Net income  ........................................         $      19,117         $      12,360              $      56,798
Income  from discontinued operations................                12,846                 3,323                     70,024
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations............                 6,271                 9,037                    (13,226)
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
   cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
     Depreciation, depletion, and
        amortization ...............................                 8,914                 7,213                      7,608
     Non-cash interest and financing cost...........                     -                 5,967                     16,422
     Accretion of future site restoration...........                    19                   108                        379
     Deferred tax benefit...........................                     -                (6,060)                         -
     Amortization of deferred financing fees........                 1,589                 1,848                      1,630
     Stock-based compensation ......................                   247                   112                        228
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        Accounts receivable ........................                (2,312)                7,816                     (7,850)
        Other  .....................................                 3,127                  (291)                       373
        Accounts payable ...........................                 5,230                   990                      2,161
        Accrued expenses ...........................                (1,986)                  260                      3,754
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Net cash provided by  continuing operations.........                21,099                27,000                     11,479
Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued
        operations..................................                (4,132)                3,265                     16,125
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Net cash provided by  operations....................                16,967                30,265                     27,604
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------

Investing Activities
Capital expenditures, including purchases
   and development of properties ...................               (35,350)               (9,269)                    (9,194)
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Net cash used in continuing operations..............               (35,350)               (9,269)                    (9,194)
Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued
   operations.......................................                25,671               (12,069)                    76,655
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities.                (9,679)              (21,338)                    67,461

Financing Activities
Proceeds from issuance of common stock............                  11,783                 3,465                          -
Proceeds from long-term borrowings ...............                  28,374               147,955                     43,051
Payments on long-term borrowings .................                 (25,272)             (212,146)                  (131,283)
Deferred financing fees ..........................                      (8)               (5,056)                      (597)
Other.............................................                       -                    98                        177
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Net cash provided by (used in) continuing
    operations....................................                  14,877               (65,684)                   (88,652)
Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued
   operations.....................................                 (23,407)               58,041                     (6,970)
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Net cash (used in) provided by financing
   activities.....................................                  (8,530)               (7,643)                   (95,622)
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Increase (decrease) in cash ......................                  (1,242)                1,284                       (557)
Cash at beginning of year ........................                   1,284                     -                        557
                                                          ------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------
Cash at end of year...............................        $             42         $       1,284              $           -
                                                          ==================    =======================    =========================

(1) Reflects retrospective adoption of SFAS 123R, see Note 2.


                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION


                                                                               Years Ended December 31
                                                                   2005                  2004                  2003
                                                             ------------------     ----------------     -----------------
                                                                                    (In thousands)
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
     Interest paid ..........................                   $      12,583          $      7,608         $       3,637
                                                             ==================     ================     =================

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                          ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORPORATION


                                                                                        Years Ended December 31,
                                                                           2005                     2004                   2003
                                                                    --------------------    ---------------------    ---------------
                                                                                             (In thousands)
   Net  income ..............................................         $        19,117         $        12,360          $    56,798
   Other Comprehensive income:
   Foreign currency translation adjustment
     Reclassification of foreign currency translation
     adjustment relating to the sale of foreign subsidaries..                  (2,190)                      -                4,632
     Effect of change in exchange rate.......................                    (878)                  2,704                4,435
   Change in carrying value of investment....................                   1,684                       -                    -
                                                                    --------------------    ---------------------    ---------------
Other comprehensive income ..................................                  (1,384)                  2,704                9,067
                                                                    --------------------    ---------------------    ---------------
Comprehensive income ........................................       $          17,733        $         15,064         $     65,865
                                                                    ====================    =====================    ===============

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.





1.  Organization and Significant Accounting Policies

Nature of Operations

         Abraxas  Petroleum  Corporation  (the  "Company"  or  "Abraxas")  is an
independent  energy company  primarily  engaged in the  exploitation  of and the
acquisition,  development, and production of crude oil and natural gas primarily
along the  Texas  Gulf  Coast,  in the  Permian  Basin of  western  Texas and in
Wyoming.  The  consolidated  financial  statements  include the  accounts of the
Company  and its  wholly  owned  subsidiaries.  All  intercompany  accounts  and
transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

         The  consolidated  financial  statements  include  the  accounts of the
Company and its  wholly-owned  foreign  subsidiary,  Grey Wolf  Exploration Inc.
("Grey Wolf"). On February 28, 2005 Grey Wolf closed an initial public offering,
resulting in the substantial  divestiture of our capital stock and operations in
Grey Wolf.  As a result of the disposal of Grey Wolf,  the results of operations
of Grey Wolf through February 28, 2005 are reflected in our financial statements
as discontinued operations.

Use of Estimates

         The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States  of  America
requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported
amounts  of assets and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of  contingent  assets and
liabilities  at the  date  of the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  the
reported  amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting  period.  Actual
results  could  differ  from those  estimates.  Management  believes  that it is
reasonably  possible that estimates of proved crude oil and natural gas revenues
could significantly change in the future.

Concentration of Credit Risk

         Financial  instruments,  which potentially expose the Company to credit
risk  consist  principally  of trade  receivables  and crude oil and natural gas
price hedges.  Accounts receivable are generally from companies with significant
oil  and  gas  marketing   activities.   The  Company  performs  ongoing  credit
evaluations and, generally, requires no collateral from its customers.

         The  Company  maintains  its cash and cash  equivalents  in  excess  of
Federally insured limits in prominent financial  institutions  considered by the
Company to be of high credit quality.

Cash and Equivalents

         Cash and cash  equivalents  includes cash on hand,  demand deposits and
short-term investments with original maturities of three months or less.

Accounts Receivable

         Accounts  receivable  are  reported  net of an  allowance  for doubtful
accounts of  approximately  $11,000  and $10,000 at December  31, 2004 and 2005,
respectively.  The  allowance for doubtful  accounts is determined  based on the
Company's  historical losses, as well as a review of certain accounts.  Accounts
are charged off when  collection  efforts  have failed and the account is deemed


Oil and Gas Properties

         The Company  follows the full cost method of  accounting  for crude oil
and natural gas  properties.  Under this  method,  all direct  costs and certain
indirect costs  associated with acquisition of properties and successful as well
as  unsuccessful   exploration  and  development   activities  are  capitalized.
Depreciation,  depletion,  and amortization of capitalized crude oil and natural
gas  properties  and estimated  future  development  costs,  excluding  unproved
properties, are based on the unit-of-production method based on proved reserves.
Net capitalized  costs of crude oil and natural gas properties,  as adjusted for
asset  retirement  obligations,  less related deferred taxes, are limited to the
lower of unamortized cost or the cost ceiling, defined as the sum of the present
value of estimated future net revenues from proved reserves based on unescalated
prices  discounted  at 10  percent,  plus  the  cost  of  properties  not  being
amortized,  if any,  plus the lower of cost or estimated  fair value of unproved
properties  included in the costs being  amortized,  if any, less related income
taxes.  Excess costs are charged to proved property  impairment expense. No gain
or loss is  recognized  upon sale or  disposition  of crude oil and  natural gas
properties, except in unusual circumstances.

         Unproved properties represent costs associated with properties on which
the Company is  performing  exploration  activities  or intends to commence such
activities.  These costs are reviewed  periodically for possible  impairments or
reduction in value based on geological and  geophysical  data. If a reduction in
value has occurred,  costs being amortized are increased.  The Company  believes
that  the  unproved  properties  will  be  substantially  evaluated  in  six  to
thirty-six months and it will begin to amortize these costs at such time.

Other Property and Equipment

         Other  property  and  equipment  are  recorded  on the  basis  of cost.
Depreciation  of other  property and  equipment is provided  over the  estimated
useful lives using the straight-line  method. Major renewals and betterments are
recorded as additions to the property and  equipment  accounts.  Repairs that do
not improve or extend the useful lives of assets are expensed.


         The Company  periodically  enters into  agreements to hedge the risk of
future  crude  oil and  natural  gas price  fluctuations.  Such  agreements  are
primarily  in the  form of  price  floors,  which  limit  the  impact  of  price
reductions  with respect to the Company's sale of crude oil and natural gas. The
Company does not enter into speculative hedges.

         Statement  of  Financial  Accounting   Standards,   ("SFAS")  No.  133,
"Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities,"  was effective
for the  Company  on  January 1, 2001.  SFAS 133,  as amended  and  interpreted,
establishes  accounting  and  reporting  standards for  derivative  instruments,
including certain derivative  instruments  embedded in other contracts,  and for
hedging  activities.  In 2003,  the Company  elected out of hedge  accounting as
prescribed  by SFAS 133.  Accordingly  all  derivatives  will be recorded on the
balance  sheet at fair value with  changes in fair  value  being  recognized  in

Foreign Currency Translation

         The  functional  currency for Grey Wolf is the Canadian  dollar ($CDN).
The Company translates the functional  currency into U.S. dollars ($US) based on
the current  exchange  rate at the end of the period for the balance sheet and a
weighted average rate for the period on the statement of operations. Translation
adjustments are reflected as accumulated  other  comprehensive  income (loss) in
the  consolidated  financial  statement  of  stockholders'  deficit.  The amount
reflected  in the  accompanying  financial  statements  relates to  discontinued
operations. In 2005 the Company disposed of substantially all operations of Grey

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

         The  Company   includes  fair  value   information   in  the  notes  to
consolidated   financial  statements  when  the  fair  value  of  its  financial
instruments is materially different from the book value. The Company assumes the
book  value of  those  financial  instruments  that are  classified  as  current
approximates fair value because of the short maturity of these instruments.  For


noncurrent financial  instruments,  the Company uses quoted market prices or, to
the extent that there are no available  quoted market prices,  market prices for
similar instruments.

Restoration, Removal and Environmental Liabilities

         The  Company  is  subject  to  extensive   Federal,   state  and  local
environmental  laws and  regulations.  These  laws  regulate  the  discharge  of
materials into the environment and may require the Company to remove or mitigate
the environmental  effects of the disposal or release of petroleum substances at
various sites.  Environmental expenditures are expensed or capitalized depending
on their  future  economic  benefit.  Expenditures  that  relate to an  existing
condition caused by past operations and that have no future economic benefit are

         Liabilities for  expenditures of a noncapital  nature are recorded when
environmental  assessments and/or remediation is probable,  and the costs can be
reasonably  estimated.  Such liabilities are generally  undiscounted  unless the
timing of cash  payments for the  liability  or component  are fixed or reliably

         In June 2001,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No.  143,  "Accounting  for Asset
Retirement  Obligations" (SFAS 143). SFAS 143 addresses accounting and reporting
for obligations associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets and
the associated asset retirement  costs.  SFAS 143 is effective for us January 1,
2003.  SFAS 143  requires  that the fair  value of a  liability  for an  asset's
retirement  obligation be recorded in the period in which it is incurred and the
corresponding  cost capitalized by increasing the carrying amount of the related
long-lived  asset.  The  liability  is accreted to its then  present  value each
period,  and the  capitalized  cost is  depreciated  over the useful life of the
related asset.  For all periods  presented,  we have included  estimated  future
costs of abandonment and  dismantlement in our full cost  amortization  base and
amortize these costs as a component of our depletion expense in the accompanying
consolidated financial statements.

         The  following  table   summarizes  the  Company's   asset   retirement
obligation  transactions  related to continuing  operations during the following

                                                         2005                 2004                2003
                                                   ----------------    ------------------    -------------
Beginning asset retirement obligation.........         $      888          $        776          $     -
New wells placed on production and other .....                115                   132              973
Deletions related to property disposals.......               (139)                 (128)            (576)
Accretion expense.............................                 19                   108              379
                                                   ----------------    ------------------    -------------
Ending asset retirement obligation............         $      883          $        888          $   776
                                                   ================    ==================    =============

Revenue Recognition and Major Customers

         The Company  recognizes  crude oil and  natural  gas  revenue  from its
interest  in  producing  wells as crude oil and  natural  gas is sold from those
wells,  net  of  royalties.  Revenue  from  the  processing  of  natural  gas is
recognized  in the period the service is  performed.  The Company  utilizes  the
sales method to account for gas production volume imbalances. Under this method,
income is recorded  based on the  Company's  net revenue  interest in production
taken for delivery.  The Company had no material gas  imbalances at December 31,
2005 and 2004.

         During  2003,  2004  and  2005  sales to two  customers  accounted  for
approximately 80%, 64% and 61% of crude oil and natural gas revenues.

Deferred Financing Fees

         Deferred financing fees are being amortized on a level yield basis over
the term of the related debt arrangements.


Assets and Liabilities Held for Sale

         The  Company  holds  assets and  liabilities  related  to  discontinued
operations as held for sale, in accordance with Statement of Financial Standards
No. 144 "Accounting for Impairment of Disposal of Long-Lived Assets" (SFAS 144).
The  Company  records  its  assets at the lower of its  carrying  amount or fair
market  value less cost to sell and does not  depreciate  or amortize the assets
while classified as held for sale.

Income Taxes

         The Company records  deferred income taxes using the liability  method.
Under this method,  deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined  based on
differences  between financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities
and are  measured  using the  enacted  tax rates and laws that will be in effect
when  the  differences  are  expected  to  reverse.   Valuation  allowances  are
established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amounts expected
to be realized.

Other Comprehensive Income

         FASB Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 130,  "Reporting
Comprehensive  Income" (SFAS 130) requires  disclosure of comprehensive  income,
which includes reported net income as adjusted for other  comprehensive  income.
Other  Comprehensive  income is  defined  as the  change in equity of a business
enterprise  during a period from transactions and other events and circumstances
from non-owner  sources.  The components of other  comprehensive  income for the
Company are foreign  currency  translation  adjustments and change in the market
value of marketable securities.

New Accounting Pronouncements

         In March 2005 the FASB issued  Interpretation  No. 47  "Accounting  for
Conditional  Asset Retirement  Obligations--an  interpretation of FASB Statement
No.  143".  This  Interpretation  clarifies  that  the  term  conditional  asset
retirement  obligation as used in FASB  Statement No. 143,  Accounting for Asset
Retirement  Obligations,  refers  to a legal  obligation  to  perform  an  asset
retirement  activity  in which the  timing  and (or)  method of  settlement  are
conditional  on a future  event that may or may not be within the control of the
entity. The obligation to perform the asset retirement activity is unconditional
even though  uncertainty  exists about the timing and (or) method of settlement.
Thus,  the timing and (or) method of settlement  may be  conditional on a future
event. Accordingly,  an entity is required to recognize a liability for the fair
value of a  conditional  asset  retirement  obligation  if the fair value of the
liability  can be  reasonably  estimated.  The fair value of a liability for the
conditional   asset   retirement    obligation   should   be   recognized   when
incurred--generally  upon  acquisition,  construction,  or development  and (or)
through the normal operation of the asset. Uncertainty about the timing and (or)
method of settlement  of a conditional  asset  retirement  obligation  should be
factored into the  measurement  of the  liability  when  sufficient  information
exists.  Statement 143 acknowledges that in some cases,  sufficient  information
may  not be  available  to  reasonably  estimate  the  fair  value  of an  asset
retirement  obligation.  This Interpretation also clarifies when an entity would
have  sufficient  information to reasonably  estimate the fair value of an asset
retirement obligation.

         This  Interpretation is effective no later than the end of fiscal years
ending  after  December  15,  2005   (December  31,  2005,   for   calendar-year
enterprises).  Retrospective  application for interim  financial  information is
permitted  but is  not  required.  Early  adoption  of  this  Interpretation  is
encouraged. This statement did not effect the Company's financial statements for
the period ended December 31, 2005.

         In May 2005,  the FASB issued  "Summary of Statement No. 154 Accounting
Changes and Error  Corrections"  - a replacement  of APB Opinion No. 20 and FASB
Statement No. 3. This Statement replaces APB Opinion No. 20, Accounting Changes,
and FASB  Statement No. 3,  Reporting  Accounting  Changes in Interim  Financial
Statements, and changes the requirements for the accounting for and reporting of
a change in  accounting  principle.  This  Statement  applies  to all  voluntary
changes in  accounting  principle.  It also  applies to changes  required  by an
accounting pronouncement in the unusual instance that the pronouncement does not
include specific transition  provisions.  When a pronouncement includes specific
transition provisions, those provisions should be followed.

         Opinion  20  previously   required  that  most  voluntary   changes  in
accounting  principle be  recognized by including in net income of the period of
the change the cumulative  effect of changing to the new  accounting  principle.
This Statement  requires  retrospective  application to prior periods' financial
statements of changes in accounting  principle,  unless it is  impracticable  to
determine  either the  period-specific  effects or the cumulative  effect of the


change. When it is impracticable to determine the period-specific  effects of an
accounting  change  on one or more  individual  prior  periods  presented,  this
Statement requires that the new accounting  principle be applied to the balances
of assets and  liabilities as of the beginning of the earliest  period for which
retrospective  application is practicable and that a corresponding adjustment be
made  to  the  opening  balance  of  retained  earnings  (or  other  appropriate
components of equity or net assets in the  statement of financial  position) for
that  period  rather  than being  reported  in an income  statement.  When it is
impracticable  to  determine  the  cumulative  effect  of  applying  a change in
accounting principle to all prior periods,  this Statement requires that the new
accounting  principle  be applied as if it were adopted  prospectively  from the
earliest date practicable.

         This Statement defines retrospective  application as the application of
a  different  accounting  principle  to  prior  accounting  periods  as if  that
principle  had  always  been  used or as the  adjustment  of  previously  issued
financial statements to reflect a change in the reporting entity. This Statement
also  redefines  restatement  as the  revising of  previously  issued  financial
statements to reflect the correction of an error.

         This Statement requires that  retrospective  application of a change in
accounting  principle be limited to the direct  effects of the change.  Indirect
effects   of  a  change   in   accounting   principle,   such  as  a  change  in
non-discretionary  profit-sharing  payments resulting from an accounting change,
should be recognized in the period of the accounting change.

         This   Statement   also  requires   that  a  change  in   depreciation,
amortization,  or  depletion  method  for  long-lived,  non-financial  assets be
accounted  for as a change  in  accounting  estimate  effected  by a  change  in
accounting principle.

         This Statement carries forward without change the guidance contained in
Opinion  20 for  reporting  the  correction  of an  error in  previously  issued
financial  statements and a change in accounting  estimate.  This Statement also
carries forward the guidance in Opinion 20 requiring  justification  of a change
in accounting principle on the basis of preferability.

         This statement is effective for accounting  changes and  corrections of
errors made in fiscal years  beginning  after December 15, 2005.  This statement
did not effect the Company's financial  statements for the period ended December
31, 2005.

2. Accounting Change

Stock-based Compensation

         Effective  July 1,  2000,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board
("FASB")  issued FIN 44,  "Accounting for Certain  Transactions  Involving Stock
Compensation",  an  interpretation  of Accounting  Principles  Board Opinion No.
("APB")  25.  Under the  interpretation,  certain  modifications  to fixed stock
option  awards,  which  were made  subsequent  to  December  15,  1998,  and not
exercised prior to July 1, 2000,  require that the awards be subject to variable
accounting until they are exercised,  forfeited,  or expired.  In March 1999, we
amended the  exercise  price to $2.06 on all options  with an existing  exercise
price  greater than $2.06.  In January  2003,  we amended the exercise  price to
$0.66 per share on certain options with an existing  exercise price greater than
$0.66  per share  which  resulted  in  variable  accounting.  Under the rules of
variable  accounting,  we recognized  the  difference in the market price of our
common stock as of the end of the period and the exercise price of $0.66. If the
market  price  of our  common  stock  increased  from  the  previous  period  we
recognized expense, conversely, if the price decreased we recognized a benefit.

         In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 123R, "Share-Based Payment".
SFAS No.  123R is a  revision  of SFAS No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock  Based
Compensation",  and supersedes APB 25. Among other items,  SFAS 123R  eliminates
the use of APB 25 and the  intrinsic  value method of  accounting,  and requires
companies to recognize  the cost of employee  services  received in exchange for
awards  of equity  instruments,  based on the  grant  date  fair  value of those
awards,  in the  financial  statements.  Pro  forma  disclosure  is no longer an
alternative  under the new standard.  The Company has elected early  adoption of
SFAS 123R .

         SFAS 123R permits  companies to adopt its  requirements  using either a
"modified  prospective" method, or a "modified  retrospective" method. Under the
"modified prospective" method,  compensation cost is recognized in the financial
statements  beginning with the effective date, based on the requirements of SFAS
123R for all  share-based  payments  granted  after that date,  and based on the
requirements  of SFAS 123 for all unvested awards granted prior to the effective
date of SFAS 123R. Under the "modified  retrospective"  method, the requirements


are the  same as under  the  "modified  prospective"  method,  but  also  permit
entities to restate  financial  statements of previous periods based on proforma
disclosures made in accordance with SFAS 123. The Company has elected to use the
"modified  retrospective"  method.  This  standard  requires  the  cost  of  all
share-based  payments,  including stock options, to be measured at fair value on
the grant date and recognized in the statement of operations. In accordance with
this standard, all periods prior to January 1, 2005 were restated to reflect the
impact of the  standard  as if it had been  adopted  on  January  1,  1995,  the
original   effective  date  of  SFAS  No.  123,   "Accounting   for  Stock-Based
Compensation".  Also in  accordance  with the  standard,  the  amounts  that are
reported in the  statement of  operations  for the restated  periods are the pro
forma amounts previously disclosed under SFAS No. 123.

         The Company  currently  utilizes a standard option pricing model (i.e.,
Black-Scholes)  to measure the fair value of stock options granted to Employees.
While SFAS 123R permits  entities to continue to use such a model,  the standard
also permits the use of a more complex binomial,  or "lattice" model. Based upon
research done by the Company on the alternative models available to value option
grants, and in conjunction with the type and number of stock options expected to
be issued in the future, the Company has determined that it will continue to use
the  Black-Scholes  model for option  valuation as of the current time. The fair
value for these options was estimated at the date of grant using a Black-Scholes
option pricing model with the following  weighted-average  assumptions for 2003,
2004 and 2005,  risk-free  interest  rates of 1.5% in 2003 and 2004 and 4.14% in
2005.;  dividend yields of -0-%; volatility factors of the expected market price
of the Company's common stock of .35 in 2003 and 2004 and .89 in 2005 determined
by daily historical prices,  and a weighted-average  expected life of the option
of ten years in 2003 and 2004 and 8.3 years in 2005.

         SFAS 123R includes  several  modifications to the way that income taxes
are  recorded in the  financial  statements.  The  expense for certain  types of
option grants is only  deductible  for tax purposes at the time that the taxable
event takes place, which could cause variability in the Company's  effective tax
rates  recorded  throughout  the year.  SFAS 123R  does not allow  companies  to
"predict"  when these taxable events will take place.  Furthermore,  it requires
that the benefits  associated  with the tax  deductions  in excess of recognized
compensation  cost be  reported  as a  financing  cash flow,  rather  than as an
operating cash flow as required under current literature.  This requirement will
reduce net operating cash flows and increase net financing cash flows in periods
after the effective date. These future amounts cannot be estimated, because they
depend on, among other things, when employees exercise stock options.

         As a  result  of  the  adoption  of  this  standard,  the  Company  has
recognized  a reduction  of stock based  compensation  expense of  approximately
$878,000 and $1.2 million for the years ended  December 31, 2003 and 2004.  This
resulted in an increase in net income  from  continuing  operations,  net income
before  tax,  net  income and cash flow from  operations  of  $878,000  and $1.2
million for 2003 and 2004 and an increase of $0.02 and 0.03  earnings  per share
for the respective  periods.  The Company  recognized  $247,000;  $112,000;  and
$228,000  in  stock-based   compensation   expense  for  2005,   2004  and  2003
respectively  as a result of the  adoption of this  standard.  This  reduced net
income from continuing operations,  net income before tax and net income in 2005
by $247,000 and reduced earnings per share by $0.01 in 2005.

3.  Discontinued Operations

         As part of the restructuring  operations in 2004 the Company approved a
plan to dispose of its  operations  and  interest in Grey Wolf.  On February 28,
2005, Abraxas substantially divested its investment in Grey Wolf. Pursuant to an
Underwriting  Agreement,  the underwriters purchased 17,800,000 common shares of
Grey Wolf capital stock from Grey Wolf (the  "Treasury  Shares"),  and 9,100,000
shares of Grey Wolf common stock owned by Abraxas (the "Secondary  Shares") from
Abraxas at a purchase price of CDN $2.80 per share.

         Abraxas also granted to the  underwriters an  over-allotment  option to
purchase  from  Abraxas,  at the  underwriters'  election,  up to an  additional
3,902,360  shares  of Grey  Wolf  common  stock  held by  Abraxas  (the  "Option
Shares").  The over-allotment option may be exercised in whole or in part at any
one time prior to thirty  calendar days after the closing date for the IPO. Grey
Wolf  utilized the proceeds  from the sale of the Treasury  Shares to re-pay and
terminate its $35 million term loan and re-pay $1 million in inter-company  debt
to Abraxas.  Abraxas  utilized  the $1 million  received  from Grey Wolf and the
proceeds  received from the sale of the Secondary  Shares to re-pay  outstanding
debt under its $25 million  bridge loan.  After  consummation  of the  offering,
Abraxas'  remaining debt under the bridge loan was $5.4 million - see Note 3. On
March 24, 2005, the Company was advised of the underwriter's  intent to exercise
3.5 million of the over  allotment  shares.  Closing for this exercise  occurred
March 31 and provided approximately $7.5 million that Abraxas utilized to payoff


the  remaining   balance  of  its  Bridge  Loan.   The  remaining   proceeds  of
approximately  $2 million were used to pay down the Company's  revolving  credit
facility to, effectively, zero.

         The operations of Grey Wolf, previously reported as a business segment,
are  reported  as  discontinued  operations  for all  periods  presented  in the
accompanying  financial  statements  and the  operating  results  are  reflected
separately from the results of continuing  operations.  Interest attributable to
discontinued operations represents interest on debt attributable to the Canadian
subsidiary.  Summarized  discontinued  operations operating results and net gain
(loss) for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2004 and 2005 were:

                                                                             Years ended December 31
                                                                  2005                2004                 2003
                                                             ---------------     ----------------     ----------------
                                                                                  (in thousands)
Total revenue........................................     $         3,129     $        15,082     $          8,639
Income from operations before income tax (1).........              18,906 (1)           3,323               70,401 (2)
Income tax expense (benefit).........................               6,060                   -                  377
                                                             ----------------    ----------------     ----------------
Income from discontinued operations (1)..............     $        12,846     $         3,323     $         70,024
                                                             ================    ================     ================

     (1) Includes gain on sale of foreign subsidiary of $17.3 million in 2005.
     (2) In 2003,  as part of a series of  transactions  related to a  financial
         restructuring  including an exchange offer, redemption of certain notes
         payable  and a credit  agreement,  the  Company  sold its wholly  owned
         Canadian subsidiaries. The 2003 statement of operations includes a gain
         on the  sale of the  Canadian  subsidiaries  in  January  2003 of $68.9

Assets and liabilities of discontinued operations were as follows:

                                                       December 31, 2004
                                                        (in thousands)
Cash..........................................     $           693
Accounts receivable...........................               2,556
Net property..................................              45,426
Deferred financing fees.......................               3,577
Other.........................................                 348
                                                   $        52,600
Accounts payable and accrued expenses.........     $         5,262
Long-term debt (1)............................              60,000
Other.........................................               1,685
                                                   $        66,947

(1) Includes Abraxas Bridge Loan of $25 million and $35 million related to Grey
Wolf term loan.

4. Long-Term Debt

The following is a description of the Company's debt as of December 31, 2005 and
2004, respectively:

                                                          December 31
                                                        2005         2004
                                                    ----------- -----------
                                                         (in thousands)
  Floating rate senior secured notes due 2009....... $ 125,000   $ 125,000
  Senior secured revolving credit facility..........     4,527       1,425
                                                    ----------- ------------
                                                       129,527     126,425
  Less current maturities ..........................      -            -
                                                    ----------- ------------
                                                     $ 129,527   $ 126,425
                                                    =========== ============


         Floating Rate Senior  Secured  Notes due 2009.  In connection  with our
October 2004  refinancing,  Abraxas  issued $125 million in principal  aggregate
amount of Floating Rate Senior  Secured Notes due 2009. The notes will mature on
December 1, 2009 and began accruing interest from the date of issuance,  October
28, 2004 at a per annum floating rate of six-month LIBOR plus 7.50%. The initial
interest  rate on the  notes was 9.72% per  annum.  The  interest  will be reset
semi-annually  on each June 1 and December 1,  commencing  on June 1, 2005.  The
current interest rate, effective December 1, 2005, is 12.08% per annum. Interest
is  payable  semi-annually  in  arrears  on June 1 and  December 1 of each year,
commencing on June 1, 2005.

         The  notes  rank  equally  among   themselves   and  with  all  of  our
unsubordinated and unsecured  indebtedness,  including our credit facility,  and
senior in right of payment to our existing and future subordinated indebtedness.

         Each of our subsidiaries, Eastside Coal Company, Inc., Sandia Oil & Gas
Corporation,  Sandia  Operating  Corp.,  Wamsutter  Holdings,  Inc.  and Western
Associated Energy Corporation (collectively,  the "Subsidiary Guarantors"),  has
unconditionally guaranteed, jointly and severally, the payment of the principal,
premium and interest on the notes on a senior  secured basis.  In addition,  any
other  subsidiary or affiliate of ours, that in the future  guarantees any other
indebtedness with us, or our restricted  subsidiaries,  will also be required to
guarantee the notes.

         The notes and the Subsidiary Guarantors'  guarantees thereof,  together
with our credit facility and the Subsidiary  Guarantors' guarantees thereof, are
secured  by shared  first  priority  perfected  security  interests,  subject to
certain  permitted  encumbrances,  in all  of our  and  each  of our  restricted
subsidiaries' material property and assets,  including  substantially all of our
and their natural gas and crude oil  properties and all of the capital stock (or
in  the  case  of  an  unrestricted  subsidiary  that  is a  controlled  foreign
corporation, up to 65% of the outstanding capital stock) of any entity, owned by
us and our restricted subsidiaries (collectively, the "Collateral").

         The notes may be redeemed,  at the election of the Company,  as a whole
or from time to time in part,  at any time after April 28,  2007,  upon not less
than 30 nor more that 60 days'  notice to each  holder of notes to be  redeemed,
subject to the conditions and at the redemption prices (expressed as percentages
of principal amount) set forth below,  together with accrued and unpaid interest
and Liquidating Damages, if any, to the applicable redemption date.

                                 Year                        Percentage
                ------------------------------------------  -------------
               From April 29, 2007 to April 28, 2008          104.00%
               From April 29, 2008 to April 28, 2009          102.00%
               After April 28, 2009                           100.00%

         Prior to April  28,  2007,  we may  redeem  up to 35% of the  aggregate
original  principal  amount of the notes  using the net  proceeds of one or more
equity  offerings,  in each case at the redemption price equal to the product of
(i) the  principal  amount of the notes being so redeemed  and (ii) a redemption
price factor of 1.00 plus the per annum interest rate on the notes (expressed as
a decimal) on the applicable redemption date plus accrued and unpaid interest to
the applicable redemption date, provided certain conditions are also met.

         If we  experience  specific  kinds of change of  control  events,  each
holder of notes may require us to repurchase all or any portion of such holder's
notes at a purchase  price equal to 101% of the  principal  amount of the notes,
plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of repurchase.

         The indenture  governing the notes contains covenants that, among other
things, limit our ability to:

            o   incur or guarantee  additional  indebtedness  and issue  certain
                types of preferred stock or redeemable stock;

            o   transfer or sell assets;

            o   create liens on assets;


            o   pay  dividends or make other  distributions  on capital stock or
                make  other   restricted   payments,   including   repurchasing,
                redeeming  or retiring  capital  stock or  subordinated  debt or
                making certain investments or acquisitions;

            o   engage in transactions with affiliates;

            o   guarantee other indebtedness;

            o   permit  restrictions  on  the  ability  of our  subsidiaries  to
                distribute or lend money to us;

            o   cause a  restricted  subsidiary  to issue  or sell  its  capital
                stock; and

            o   consolidate,  merge or transfer all or substantially  all of the
                consolidated assets of our and our restricted subsidiaries.

         The indenture  also  contains  customary  events of default,  including
nonpayment of principal or interest,  violations of covenants, cross default and
cross acceleration to certain other indebtedness, including our credit facility,
bankruptcy, and material judgments and liabilities.

         Senior  Secured  Revolving  Credit  Facility.  On October 28, 2004,  we
entered into an agreement for a new revolving  credit  facility having a maximum
commitment of $15 million, which includes a $2.5 million subfacility for letters
of credit.  Availability  under the  revolving  credit  facility is subject to a
borrowing base  consistent  with normal and customary  natural gas and crude oil
lending transactions.

         Outstanding  amounts under the revolving  credit facility bear interest
at the prime rate  announced  by Wells Fargo  Bank,  National  Association  plus
1.00%.  Subject to earlier termination rights and events of default,  the stated
maturity date under the revolving credit facility is October 28, 2008.

         We are permitted to terminate the revolving credit facility,  and under
certain circumstances, may be required, from time to time, to permanently reduce
the lenders'  aggregate  commitment under the revolving  credit  facility.  Such
termination  and each  such  reduction  is  subject  to a  premium  equal to the
percentage  listed below multiplied by the lenders'  aggregate  commitment under
the revolving credit facility, or, in the case of partial reduction,  the amount
of such reduction.

                                      Year     % Premium
                                 ---------- ----------------
                                       1           1.5
                                       2           1.0
                                       3           0.5
                                       4           0.0

         Each of our current subsidiaries has guaranteed, and each of our future
restricted  subsidiaries  will guarantee,  our  obligations  under the revolving
credit facility on a senior secured basis. In addition,  any other subsidiary or
affiliate of ours, that in the future  guarantees any of our other  indebtedness
or of our restricted  subsidiaries will be required to guarantee our obligations
under the revolving  credit  facility.  Obligations  under the revolving  credit
facility  are  secured,  together  with the notes,  by a shared  first  priority
perfected security interest,  subject to certain permitted encumbrances,  in all
of our and each of our restricted  subsidiaries'  material  property and assets,
including  substantially  all of  our  and  their  natural  gas  and  crude  oil
properties  and all of the  capital  stock  (or in the  case of an  unrestricted
subsidiary  that  is  a  controlled  foreign  corporation,  up  to  65%  of  the
outstanding  capital  stock)  in any  entity,  owned  by us and  our  restricted

         Under the  revolving  credit  facility,  we are  subject  to  customary
covenants, including certain financial covenants and reporting requirements. The
revolving  credit  facility  requires us to maintain a minimum net cash interest
coverage and also requires us to enter into hedging  agreements on not less than
25% or more than 75% of our projected natural gas and crude oil production for a
rolling six month period.

         In  addition  to the  foregoing  and  other  customary  covenants,  the
revolving  credit  facility  contains a number of  covenants  that,  among other
things, restrict Abraxas' ability to:

            o   incur or guarantee  additional  indebtedness  and issue  certain
                types of preferred stock or redeemable stock;


            o   transfer or sell assets;

            o   create liens on assets;

            o   pay  dividends or make other  distributions  on capital stock or
                make  other   restricted   payments,   including   repurchasing,
                redeeming  or retiring  capital  stock or  subordinated  debt or
                making certain investments or acquisitions;

            o   engage in transactions with affiliates;

            o   guarantee other indebtedness;

            o   make any change in the principal nature of our business;

            o   prepay, redeem,  purchase or otherwise acquire any of our or our
                restricted subsidiaries' indebtedness;

            o   permit a change of control;

            o   directly or indirectly make or acquire any investment;

            o   cause a  restricted  subsidiary  to issue  or sell  our  capital
                stock; and

            o   consolidate,  merge or transfer all or substantially  all of the
                consolidated assets of Abraxas and our restricted subsidiaries.

         The  revolving  credit  facility  also  contains  customary  events  of
default, including nonpayment of principal or interest, violations of covenants,
cross default and cross acceleration to certain other  indebtedness,  bankruptcy
and material  judgments  and  liabilities,  and is subject to an  Intercreditor,
Security and  Collateral  Agency  Agreement,  which  specifies the rights of the
parties thereto to the proceeds from the Collateral.

         Intercreditor  Agreement.  The holders of the notes,  together with the
lenders under our credit facility, are subject to an Intercreditor, Security and
Collateral Agency  Agreement,  which specifies the rights of the parties thereto
to the proceeds from the Collateral.  The Intercreditor  Agreement,  among other
things,  (i)  creates  security  interests  in  the  Collateral  in  favor  of a
collateral  agent for the  benefit  of the  holders  of the notes and the credit
facility  lenders and (ii) governs the  priority of payments  among such parties
upon notice of an event of default under the Indenture or the credit facility.

         So long as no such event of default exists,  the collateral  agent will
not  collect  payments  under the credit  facility  documents  or the  indenture
governing  the  notes and  other  note  documents  (collectively,  the  "Secured
Documents"),  and all payments will be made directly to the respective  creditor
under the applicable  Secured  Document.  Upon notice of an event of default and
for so long as an event of default  exists,  payments  to each  credit  facility
lender and holder of the notes from us and our current subsidiaries and proceeds
from any disposition of any collateral,  will, subject to limited exceptions, be
collected by the collateral agent for deposit into a collateral account and then
distributed as provided in the following paragraph.

         Upon  notice of any such  event of  default  and so long as an event of
default  exists,  funds in the  collateral  account will be  distributed  by the
collateral agent generally in the following order of priority:

                  first, to reimburse the collateral agent for expenses incurred
         in protecting and realizing upon the value of the Collateral;

                  second, to reimburse the credit facility  administrative agent
         and  the  trustee,  on a pro  rata  basis,  for  expenses  incurred  in
         protecting and realizing upon the value of the Collateral  while any of
         these  parties  was acting on behalf of the  Control  Party (as defined

                  third, to reimburse the credit facility  administrative  agent
         and  the  trustee,  on a pro  rata  basis,  for  expenses  incurred  in
         protecting and realizing upon the value of the Collateral  while any of
         these parties was not acting on behalf of the Control Party;


                  fourth,  to pay all accrued and unpaid  interest (and then any
         unpaid commitment fees) under the credit facility;

                  fifth,  if the  collateral  coverage  value of three times the
         outstanding  obligations  under the credit  facility would be met after
         giving  effect to any  payment  under this  clause  "fifth," to pay all
         accrued and unpaid interest on the notes;

                  sixth, to pay all outstanding principal of (and then any other
         unpaid amounts,  including,  without  limitation,  any fees,  expenses,
         premiums and reimbursement obligations) the credit facility;

                  seventh,  to pay all accrued and unpaid  interest on the notes
         (if not paid under clause "fifth");

                  eighth,  to pay all  outstanding  principal  of (and  then any
         other unpaid amounts,  including,  without limitation, any premium with
         respect to) the notes; and

                  ninth,  to pay each  credit  facility  lender,  holder  of the
         notes,  and other secured party, on a pro rata basis, all other amounts
         outstanding under the credit facility and the notes.

         To the  extent  there  exists  any  excess  monies or  property  in the
collateral account after all of our and our subsidiaries'  obligations under the
credit  facility,  the indenture and the notes are paid in full,  the collateral
agent will be required to return such excess to us.

         The  collateral  agent will act in  accordance  with the  Intercreditor
Agreement  and as  directed by the  "Control  Party"  which for  purposes of the
Intercreditor  is the  holders  of the notes and the  credit  facility  lenders,
acting as a single class,  by vote of the holders of a majority of the aggregate
principal  amount of  outstanding  obligations  under  the notes and the  credit

         The  Intercreditor  Agreement  provides  that  the  lien on the  assets
constituting  part of the  Collateral  that is sold or otherwise  disposed of in
accordance  with the terms of each  Secured  Document  may be released if (i) no
default or event of default exists under any of the Secured  Documents,  (ii) we
have delivered an officers'  certificate to each of the  collateral  agent,  the
trustee,  the credit facility  administrative agent certifying that the proposed
sale or other  disposition of assets is either  permitted or required by, and is
in accordance with the provisions of, the applicable Secured Documents and (iii)
the collateral agent has acknowledged such certificate.

         The  Intercreditor  Agreement  provides for the termination of security
interests on the date that all obligations  under the Secured Documents are paid
in full.

5. Property and Equipment

         The major components of property and equipment, at cost, are as

                                                           Estimated                 December 31
                                                          Useful Life          2005              2004
                                                        ----------------- ---------------- -----------------
                                                             Years                 (In thousands)
      Crude oil and natural gas properties ...........          -        $       333,373  $       298,382
      Equipment and other ............................          3-39               3,289            2,930
                                                                          ---------------- -----------------
                                                                         $       336,662  $       301,312
                                                                          ================ =================

6.  Stock Option Plans and Warrants

Stock Options

         The  Company  grants  options  to its  officers,  directors,  and other
employees under various stock option and incentive plans.

         The Company's 1994 Long-Term Incentive Plan has authorized the grant of
options to  management,  employees  and directors  for up to  approximately  6.1
million shares of the Company's  common stock. All options granted have ten year
terms  and  vest and  become  fully  exercisable  over  three  to four  years of
continued  service at 25% to 33% on each anniversary  date. At December 31, 2005
approximately 2.6 million options remain available for grant.


         The  Company's  2005  Employee  Long-Term  Equity  Incentive  Plan  has
authorized the grant of 1.2 million options to management and employees. Options
have a term not to  exceed  10  years.  Options  issued  under  this  plan  vest
according to a vesting  schedule as  determined by the  compensation  committee.
Vesting may occur upon (1) the  attainment of one or more  performance  goals or
targets established by the committee (2) the optionee's  continued employment or
service for a specified  period of time,  (3) the occurrence of any event or the
satisfaction  of  any  other  condition  specified  by the  committee;  or (4) a
combination  of any of the  foregoing.  This  plan  is  subject  to  stockholder
approval at the Company's 2006 annual stockholders meeting.

         A summary of the  Company's  stock option  activity for the three years
ended December 31, follows:

                                       2005                            2004                           2003
                           ----------------------------   -----------------------------  -----------------------------
                                      Weighted-Average               Weighted-Average               Weighted-Average
                            Options    Exercise Price      Options    Exercise Price     Options     Exercise Price
                            (000s)                         (000s)                         (000s)
                           ---------- -----------------   ---------- ------------------  ---------  ------------------
Outstanding-beginning of
   year ...................   2,893     $      0.93          3,364     $      0.90          3,305     $      1.85
Granted ...................     716            4.33              -              -             360            0.68
Exercised .................    (461)           0.93           (414)           0.69           (129)           0.66
Forfeited/Expired .........    (132)           0.67            (57)           0.77           (172)           1.61
                           ----------                     ----------                     ---------
Outstanding-end of year ...   3,016     $      0.88          2,893     $      0.93          3,364     $      0.90
                           ==========                     ==========                     =========

Exercisable at end of year    2,225     $      1.04          2,327     $      0.97          2,331     $      0.95
                           ==========                     ==========                     =========

         A summary of the Company's  stock option  related  information  for the
three years ended December 31, follows:

                                            2005                           2004                           2003
                                       --------------                 -------------                   -------------
Weighted-average fair
   value of options
   granted during the year              $ 2,436,320                    $      -                       $   136,610
Intrinsic value of options
   exercised...............             $   245,346                    $   153,155                    $    40,067
Intrinsic value of options
   forfeited...............             $    41,092                    $    20,053                    $   163,069
Intrinsic value of
   non-vested options at
   beginning of year.......             $   207,970                    $   669,521                    $ 1,149,178
Intrinsic value of
   non-vested options at                $ 2,427,269                    $   207,970                    $   669,521
   end of year.............
Intrinsic value of vested
   options at beginning of
   year....................             $ 1,481,543                    $ 1,502,654                    $ 3,356,552
Intrinsic value of vested
   options at end of year..             $ 1,409,468                    $ 1,481,543                    $ 1,502,654

         The intrinsic fair value of options exercisable and options outstanding
as of December 31, 2005 is $1.5 million and $3.9  million,  respectively.  As of
December 31, 2005 the total  compensation  cost related to nonvested  awards not
yet recognized is approximately  $2.3 million,  which will be recognized in 2006
through 2009.

         The  following  table  represents  the range of option  prices  and the
weighted average remaining life of outstanding options as of December 31, 2005:

                                             Options outstanding                                        Exercisable
                                -----------------------------------------------     --------------------------------------------
                                                      Weighted      Weighted                        Weighted
                                                      average        average                         average
                                     Number          remaining      exercise            Number      remaining   Weighted average
             Exercise price        outstanding          life          price           exercisable     life       exercise price
          --------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------------     --------------- ----------- ----------------
            $      0.50 - 0.97        1,783,265         4.0        $     0.70           1,648,140     4.0            $ 0.70
            $      1.01 - 1.41          240,000         5.9              1.20             200,000     5.9              1.24
            $      2.06 - 2.75          346,857         3.1              2.24             346,857     3.1              2.24
            $      4.59 - 4.83          646,001         9.5              4.60              30,001     9.5              4.83

         In  January  2003,  in  connection  with the  financial  restructuring,
approximately  1.9 million  options with a strike price  greater that $0.66 were
re-priced to $0.66.


Stock Awards

         In addition to stock options  granted under the plan  described  above,
the 1994  Long-Term  Incentive  Plan  also  provides  for the  right to  receive
compensation in cash,  awards of common stock, or a combination  thereof.  There
were no awards in 2003 or 2005. In 2004,  37,719 shares were awarded  related to
incentive bonus plans.

         The Company also has adopted the  Restricted  Share Plan for  Directors
which  provides  for awards of common  stock to  non-employee  directors  of the
Company who did not, within the year immediately  preceding the determination of
the  director's  eligibility,  receive  any award  under  any other  plan of the
Company. There were no direct awards of common stock in 2003, 2004 or 2005.

         On June 1,  2005,  the  stockholders  approved  the  2005  Non-Employee
Directors  Long-Term  Equity  Incentive Plan (the "2005  Directors  Plan").  The
following is a summary of the 2005 Directors Plan.

         Purpose.  The  purpose of the 2005  Directors  Plan is to  attract  and
retain  members of the Board of Directors  and to promote the growth and success
of Abraxas by aligning the  long-term  interests of the Board of Directors  with
those of  Abraxas'  stockholders  by  providing  an  opportunity  to  acquire an
interest in Abraxas and by providing  both rewards for  exceptional  performance
and long term incentives for future contributions to the success of Abraxas.

         Administration  and  Eligibility.  The  2005  Directors  Plan  will  be
administered  by the  Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee") of the Board of
Directors and authorizes the Board to grant non-qualified stock options or issue
restricted  stock to those  persons who are  non-employee  directors of Abraxas,
including advisory  directors of Abraxas,  which currently amounts to a total of
nine people.

         Shares  Reserved and Awards.  The 2005 Directors Plan reserves  900,000
shares of Abraxas common stock,  subject to adjustment following certain events,
as discussed  below.  The 2005  Directors  Plan  provides that each year, at the
first regular meeting of the Board of Directors  immediately  following Abraxas'
annual  stockholder's  meeting,  each non-employee  director shall be granted or
issued awards of 10,000 shares of Abraxas  common stock,  for  participation  in
Board and Committee  meetings  during the previous  calendar  year.  The maximum
annual  award for any one  person is 10,000  shares of Abraxas  common  stock or
options for common stock.  If options,  as opposed to shares,  are awarded,  the
exercise  share price shall be no less than 100% of the fair market value on the
date of the  award  while the  option  terms and  vesting  schedules  are at the
discretion of the Committee.

Stock Warrants

         In October 2004, the Company issued 1.1 million warrants in conjunction
with the  refinancing.  Each is exercisable  for one share of common stock at an
exercise  price of $0.01 per share.  These warrants had a ten year term and were
exercised in March 2005.

         At December 31, 2005, the Company has  approximately 4.0 million shares
reserved for future issuance for conversion of its stock options,  warrants, and
incentive plans for the Company's directors, employees and consultants.

7.  Income Taxes

         Deferred  income  taxes  reflect  the  net  tax  effects  of  temporary
differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial
reporting  purposes  and the amounts used for income tax  purposes.  Significant
components of the Company's deferred tax liabilities and assets are as follows:

                                                          December 31
                                                       2005          2004
                                                   ------------- -------------
                                                         (In thousands)
     Deferred tax liabilities:
       Marketable securities.......................  $    509      $      -
       U.S. full cost pool ........................    11,621         7,310
                                                   ------------- -------------
     Total deferred tax liabilities ...............    12,130         7,310
     Deferred tax assets:
       Capital loss carryforward...................     5,325        11,913
       Depletion ..................................     3,542         3,232
       Net operating losses  ("NOL")...............    66,596        64,408


       Investment in foreign subsidiaries..........         -         2,426
       Canadian loss (Grey Wolf)...................       572             -
       Other ......................................     3,023         4,387
                                                   ------------- -------------
     Total deferred tax assets ....................    79,058        86,366
     Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets...   (66,928)      (72,996)
                                                   ------------- -------------
     Net deferred tax assets ......................    12,130        13,370
                                                   ------------- -------------
     Net deferred tax assets ......................  $      -      $ (6,060)
                                                   ============= =============

         Significant  components of the provision (benefit) for income taxes are
as follows:

                                                        2005          2004         2003
                                                    ----------- -------------- --------------
                                                                 (in thousands)
       Federal......................................  $      -      $      -     $      -
       Foreign .....................................         -             -            -
                                                    ----------- -------------- --------------
                                                      $      -      $      -     $      -
                                                    =========== ============== ==============
       Federal .....................................  $ (6,060)     $  6,060     $      -
       Foreign .....................................         -             -          377
                                                    ----------- -------------- --------------
                                                        (6,060)        6,060          377
       Attributable to discontinued operations......    (6,060)            -         (377)
                                                    ----------- -------------- --------------
       Attributable to continuing operations........  $      -      $  6,060     $      -
                                                    =========== ============== ==============

         At  December  31,  2005 the  Company  had,  subject  to the  limitation
discussed below, $190.0 million of net operating loss carryforwards for U.S. tax
purposes.  These loss  carryforwards  will expire from 2006  through 2025 if not

         In addition to the Section 382 limitations,  uncertainties  exist as to
the future  utilization of the operating loss  carryforwards  under the criteria
set forth under FASB Statement No. 109. Therefore, the Company has established a
valuation  allowance of $73.0  million and $67.0 million for deferred tax assets
at December 31, 2004 and 2005, respectively.

         The reconciliation of income tax computed at the U.S. federal statutory
tax rates to income tax expense is:

                                                                           December 31
                                                        2005                  2004                   2003
                                               --------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------
                                                                          (in thousands)
     Tax (expense) benefit at U.S. statutory
     rates (35%) ............................      $      (6,691)         $      (1,875)        $     (19,842)
     Decrease in deferred tax asset valuation
     allowance ..............................              6,068                  8,123                22,993
     Higher effective rate of foreign                          -                   (140)               (2,835)
      Deferred tax expense - Disc. Ops. .....             (6,060)                     -                     -
     Other ..................................                623                    (48)                 (693)
                                               --------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------
                                                   $      (6,060)         $       6,060         $        (377)
     Attributable to discontinued operations              (6,060)                     -                   377
                                               --------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------
     Attributable to continuing operations..       $           -          $       6,060         $           -
                                               ===================== ======================= ========================

8.  Commitments and Contingencies

Operating Leases

         During the years ended  December  31,  2003,  2004 and 2005 the Company
incurred rent expense  related to leasing  office  facilities  of  approximately
$246,650, $256,355 and $248,684 respectively. Future minimum rental payments are
as follows at December 31, 2005.


     2006......................................................   $    254,435
     2007......................................................        254,538
     2008......................................................        250,148
     2009......................................................         20,773
     Thereafter................................................              -
                                                                  $    779,894

Litigation and Contingencies

         From time to time,  the Company is involved in  litigation  relating to
claims  arising  out of its  operations  in the normal  course of  business.  At
December 31, 2005 the Company was not engaged in any legal  proceedings that are
expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on
the Company.

9. Earnings per Share

         Basic  earnings  (loss)  per share  excludes  any  dilutive  effects of
options,  warrants and convertible securities and is computed by dividing income
(loss) available to common stockholders by the weighted average number of common
shares  outstanding  for the  period.  Diluted  earnings  (loss)  per  share are
computed  similar to basic,  however  diluted  earnings  per share  reflects the
assumed conversion of all potentially dilutive securities.

    The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted earnings
per share:

                                                              2005               2004              2003
                                                       ----------------- ----------------- --------------------
     Net income (loss) before effect of discontinued
       operations and accounting change  ..............   $  6,271,000       $  9,037,000    $   (12,831,000)
     Discontinued operations...........................     12,846,000          3,323,000         70,024,000
     Cumulative  effect of accounting change...........              -                  -           (395,000)
                                                       ----------------- ----------------- --------------------
                                                            19,117,000         12,360,000         56,798,000

     Denominator for basic earnings per share -
       weighted-average shares ........................     39,366,561         36,221,887         35,364,363
     Effect of dilutive securities:
       Stock options and  warrants.....................      1,796,942          2,672,778              -
                                                       ----------------- ----------------- --------------------
     Dilutive potential common shares Denominator for
       diluted earnings per share - adjusted
       weighted-average shares and assumed
       exercise of options and warrants................     41,163,503         38,894,665         35,364,363
                                                       ================= ================= ====================

   Basic earnings (loss) per share:
     Net income (loss) before  effect of discontinued
     operations and accounting change..................   $      0.16        $      0.25        $     (0.36)
     Discontinued operations                                     0.33               0.09               1.98
     Cumulative effect of accounting change..........            -                  -                 (0.01)
                                                       ----------------- ----------------- --------------------
   Net income per common share.......................     $      0.49        $      0.34        $      1.61
                                                       ================= ================= ====================

   Diluted earnings (loss) per share:
     Net income (loss) before effect of discontinued
     operations and accounting change.................e   $      0.15        $      0.23        $     (0.36)
     Discontinued operations...........................          0.31               0.09               1.98
     Cumulative effect of accounting change..........            -                  -                 (0.01)
                                                       ----------------- ----------------- --------------------
          Net income per common share - diluted........   $      0.46        $      0.32        $      1.61
                                                       ================= ================= ====================


         For the year ended December 31, 2003, 711,000 shares were excluded from
the  calculation of diluted  earnings per share since their inclusion would have
been anti-dilutive.

10.  Quarterly Results of Operations (Unaudited)

         Selected  results of operations for each of the fiscal  quarters during
the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2005 are as follows:

                                                  1st              2nd               3rd              4th
                                                Quarter          Quarter           Quarter          Quarter

                                            ---------------- ----------------   --------------- ----------------
                                                           (In thousands, except per share data)
Year Ended December 31, 2004
   Net revenue...........................      $    7,960       $    8,504        $     8,237      $    9,153

   Operating income  - as previously
     reported ...........................      $      576       $    4,847        $     1,837      $    3,712
   SFAS 123R adjustment..................           2,026           (2,351)             1,345             173
                                            ---------------- ----------------   --------------- ----------------
   Operating income (loss)  - adjusted
     for 123R............................      $    2,602       $    2,496        $     3,182      $    3,885

   Net income (loss)  - as previously
     reported............................      $   (5,557)      $      372        $    (1,643)     $   17,995
   SFAS 123R adjustment..................           2,026           (2,351)             1,345             173
                                              ---------------- ----------------   --------------- ----------------
   Net income (loss)- adjusted for 123R..      $   (3,531)      $   (1,979)       $      (298)     $   18,168

   Net income (loss) per common share -
     basic as previously reported........      $   (0.15)       $     0.01        $     (0.05)     $     0.50
   Net income (loss) per common share -
     basic - adjusted for 123R...........      $   (0.10)       $    (0.05)       $     (0.01)     $     0.50

   Net income (loss) per common share -
     diluted - as previously reported....      $   (0.15)       $     0.01        $     (0.05)     $     0.47
   Net income (loss ) per common share -
     diluted - adjusted for 123R.........      $   (0.09)       $    (0.05)       $     (0.01)     $     0.47

Year Ended December 31, 2005
   Net revenue                                 $    7,822       $    9,627        $    14,164      $   17,012
   Operating income- as previously
     reported............................      $    2,079       $    4,350        $       868      $     n/a
   SFAS 123R adjustment..................             578             (342)             7,037            n/a
                                            ---------------- ----------------   --------------- ----------------
   Operating income - adjusted for 123R..      $    2,657       $    4,008        $     7,905      $    7,534

   Net income (loss) - as previously
     reported............................      $    9,217       $      278        $    (3,254)     $     n/a
   SFAS 123R adjustment..................             578             (342)             7,037            n/a
                                            ---------------- ----------------   --------------- ----------------
   Net income - adjusted for 123R........           9,795              (64)             3,783            n/a
   Correct gain on sale of subsisiary....           2,190                -                  -              -
                                              ---------------- ----------------   --------------- ----------------
   Net income (loss) - restated..........      $   11,985       $      (64)       $     3,783      $    3,413

   Net income (loss) per common share -
     basic - as previously reported......      $     0.25       $     0.01        $     (0.08)       $   n/a
   Net income (loss) per common share -
     basic - as restated.................      $     0.33       $     0.00        $      0.09        $   0.08

   Net income (loss) per common share -
     diluted - as previously reported....      $     0.25       $     0.01        $     (0.08)       $   n/a
   Net income (loss) per common share -
     diluted - as restated...............      $     0.33       $     0.00        $      0.09        $   0.08

     (1) An error occurred in  calculating  the gain on the sale of Grey Wolf in
         February  2005.  The error  related to Grey Wolf's other  comprehensive
         income  relating  to foreign  currency  translation  at the time of the
         disposition.  The  correctio  of the error  resulted  in an increase in
         income from discontinued operations and net income of $2.2 million.


11.  Benefit Plans

         The Company  has a defined  contribution  plan  (401(k))  covering  all
eligible employees of the Company. The Company matched employee contributions in
2004 and  matched  50% of employee  contributions  in 2005.  The Company did not
contribute  to the plan in  2003.  The  employee  contribution  limitations  are
determined by formulas, which limit the upper one-third of the plan members from
contributing  amounts  that would cause the plan to be  top-heavy.  The employee
contribution  is  limited  to  the  lesser  of  20%  of  the  employee's  annual
compensation or $13,000 in 2004 and $14,000 in 2005. The contribution  limit for
2004 and 2005 was $16,000 and  $18,000 for  employees  50 years of age or older,

12.  Hedging Program and Derivatives

         On  January 1, 2001,  the  Company  adopted  SFAS 133  "Accounting  for
Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities" SFAS 133 as amended by SFAS 137
"Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities - Deferral of the
Effective  Date of FASB 133" and SFAS 138  "Accounting  for  Certain  Derivative
Instruments and Certain Hedging  Activities.  In 2003 the Company elected out of
hedge  accounting  as  prescribed  by SFAS  133.  Accordingly,  instruments  are
recorded  on the  balance  sheet at their  fair value  with  adjustments  to the
carrying value of the instruments  bring recognized in oil and gas income in the
current period.

         Under the terms of the Company's revolving credit facility, the Company
is required to maintain hedging agreements with respect to not less than 25% nor
more than 75% of it crude oil and natural gas production for a rolling six month
period. As of December 31, 2005 the Company's hedging positions were as follows:

           Time Period                         Notional Quantities                      Price
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ----------------------
April 2006                         10,000 MMbtu of production per day           Floor of $7.00
May 2006                           10,000 MMbtu of production per day           Floor of $8.00
June 2006                          10,000 MMbtu of production per day           Floor of $8.00
July 2006                          10,000 MMbtu of production per day           Floor of $7.00
August 2006                        10,000 MMbtu of production per day           Floor of $6.00
September 2006                     10,000 Mmbtu of production per day           Floor of $5.00

         All hedge  transactions  are subject to the Company's  risk  management
policy,  approved by the Board of Directors.  The Company formally documents all
relationships  between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk
management  objectives  and strategy  for  undertaking  the hedge.  This process
includes  specific  identification  of the  hedging  instrument  and the  hedged
transaction,   the  nature  of  the  risk  being  hedged  and  how  the  hedging
instrument's  effectiveness will be assessed. Both at the inception of the hedge
and on an ongoing basis,  the Company  assesses whether the derivatives that are
used in hedging  transactions are effective in offsetting  changes in cash flows
of hedged items.

13.  Supplemental Oil and Gas Disclosures (Unaudited)

         The accompanying  table presents  information  concerning the Company's
crude oil and natural gas producing  activities  from  continuing  operations as
required by Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 69,  "Disclosures
about Oil and Gas Producing  Activities."  Capitalized costs relating to oil and
gas producing activities from continuing operations are as follows:

                                              Years Ended December 31
                                              2005                2004
                                         ----------------    ---------------
                                                   (In thousands)
           Proved crude oil and
             natural gas properties .... $     333,373       $    298,382
           Unproved properties .........            -                 -
                                         ----------------    ---------------
             Total......................       333,373            298,382
           Accumulated depreciation,
             depletion, and
             amortization, and
             impairment ...............       (228,544)          (219,726)
                                         ----------------    ---------------
               Net capitalized costs ..  $     104,829       $     78,656
                                         ================    ===============


         Cost  incurred in oil and gas  property  acquisitions  and  development
activities related to continuing operations are as follows:

                                              Years Ended December 31
                                        2005           2004           2003
                                    -------------- -------------- --------------
                                                   (In Thousands)
     Property acquisition costs:
       Proved ......................  $       -      $       -     $       -
       Unproved ....................          -              -             -
                                    -------------- -------------- --------------
                                      $       -      $       -     $       -
                                    ============== ============== ==============
     Property development and
       exploration costs ...........   $ 34,991       $  9,088     $    9,158
                                    ============== ============== ==============

         The results of  operations  for oil and gas producing  activities  from
continuing  operations  for the three years ending  December 31, 2005,  2004 and
2003, respectively are as follows:

                                                       Years Ended December 31
                                                 2005           2004            2003
                                             -------------- -------------- ---------------
                                                            (In thousands)
          Revenues ...................         $  47,314      $  33,073       $  29,710
          Production costs ...........           (11,094)        (8,567)         (8,342)
          Depreciation, depletion,
            and amortization .........            (8,818)        (7,117)         (7,428)
          General and administrative .            (1,378)        (1,281)           (998)
                                             -------------- -------------- ---------------

          Results of operations from oil
            and gas producing activities
            (excluding corporate overhead
            and interest costs) ..........     $  26,024      $  16,108      $   12,942
                                             ============== ============== ===============
          Depletion rate per barrel
            of oil equivalent ........         $    8.77      $    7.39      $     7.24
                                             ============== ============== ===============

Estimated Quantities of Proved Oil and Gas Reserves

         The following  table presents the Company's  estimate of its net proved
crude oil and natural  gas  reserves as of December  31,  2005,  2004,  and 2003
related to continuing  operations.  The  Company's  management  emphasizes  that
reserve estimates are inherently imprecise and that estimates of new discoveries
are more imprecise than those of producing oil and gas properties.  Accordingly,
the estimates are expected to change as future  information  becomes  available.
The estimates have been prepared by independent petroleum reserve engineers.

                                                                              Liquid            Natural
                                                                           Hydrocarbons           Gas
                                                                         -----------------   --------------
                                                                             (Barrels)            (Mcf)
                                                                                      (In thousands)
              Proved developed and undeveloped reserves:
                Balance at December 31, 2002 .....................                  3,236         78,196
                  Revisions of previous estimates ................                    268          6,759
                  Extensions and discoveries .....................                     44             28
                  Production .....................................                   (229)        (4,781)
                                                                         -----------------   --------------
                Balance at December 31, 2003......................                  3,319         80,202
                  Revisions of previous estimates ................                    (59)          (754)
                  Extensions and discoveries .....................                     70             73


                  Production .....................................                   (229)        (4,403)
                                                                         -----------------   --------------
                Balance at December 31, 2004......................                  3,101         75,118
                  Revisions of previous estimates ................                      9           (232)
                  Extensions and discoveries .....................                    168         16,259
                  Production .....................................                   (194)        (4,942)
                                                                         -----------------   --------------
                Balance at December 31, 2005                                        3,084         86,203
                                                                         =================   ==============

                                                                              Liquid            Natural
                                                                           Hydrocarbons           Gas
                                                                         -----------------   --------------
                                                                            (Barrels)            (Mcf)
              Proved developed reserves:
                December 31, 2003.................................                 1,886          39,371
                                                                         =================   ==============
                December 31, 2004.................................                 1,878          36,241
                                                                         =================   ==============
                December 31, 2005.................................                 1,942          38,794
                                                                         =================   ==============

Standardized  Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil
and Gas Reserves

         The following disclosures concerning the standardized measure of future
cash flows from proved  crude oil and natural gas are  presented  in  accordance
with SFAS No. 69. The  standardized  measure does not purport to  represent  the
fair market value of the Company's proved crude oil and natural gas reserves. An
estimate of fair market value would also take into account, among other factors,
the recovery of reserves not classified as proved, anticipated future changes in
prices and costs, and a discount factor more representative of the time value of
money and the risks inherent in reserve estimates.

         Under the standardized  measure,  future cash inflows were estimated by
applying  period-end  prices  at  December  31,  2005  adjusted  for  fixed  and
determinable escalations,  to the estimated future production of year-end proved
reserves.  Future cash inflows were reduced by estimated  future  production and
development  costs based on year-end  costs to determine  pre-tax cash  inflows.
Future  income  taxes were  computed by applying the  statutory  tax rate to the
excess of pre-tax cash inflows over the tax basis of the  properties.  Operating
loss  carryforwards,  tax  credits,  and  permanent  differences  to the  extent
estimated  to be  available  in the future  were also  considered  in the future
income tax calculations, thereby reducing the expected tax expense.

         Future net cash inflows after income taxes were discounted  using a 10%
annual discount rate to arrive at the Standardized Measure.

         Set forth below is the Standardized  Measure relating to proved oil and
gas  reserves  relating to  continuing  operations  for the three  years  ending
December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003.

                                                   Years Ended December 31
                                         2005               2004               2003
                                                       (in Thousands)
           Future cash inflows ...    $   937,638      $     498,165       $     512,797
           Future production and
             development costs ...       (295,323)          (194,187)           (179,036)
           Future income tax
             expense .............            -                    -                   -
           Future net cash flows .        642,315            303,978             333,761
           Discount ..............       (330,407)          (154,943)           (172,177)
           Standardized Measure
             of discounted future
             net cash relating to
             proved reserves .....    $   311,908      $     149,035       $     161,584


Changes in Standardized  Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to
Proved Oil and Gas Reserves

         The following is an analysis of the changes in the Standardized Measure
related to continuing operations:

                                                                 Year Ended December 31
                                                       2005                2004               2003
                                                ------------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                                                     (In thousands)
   Standardized Measure, beginning
     of year .................................     $     149,035       $     161,584       $     110,316
   Sales and transfers of oil and gas
     produced, net of production costs .......           (36,220)            (24,506)            (21,368)
   Net changes in prices and development
     and production costs from prior year ....           142,116              (2,814)             42,398
   Extensions, discoveries, and improved
     recovery, less related costs ............            51,438                 810                 471
   Purchase of minerals in place..............                -                   -                  313
   Revision of previous quantity estimates ...                51              (1,818)              9,351
   Other .....................................            (9,415)               (380)              9,071
   Accretion of discount .....................            14,903              16,159              11,032
                                                ------------------- ------------------- ------------------
     Standardized Measure, end of year .......     $     311,908       $     149,035       $     161,584
                                                =================== =================== ==================
