WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002

                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

      For the transition period from _______________ to __________________

                        Commission File Number: 333-61547

                           CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         Oklahoma                                         73-0767549
(State or other jurisdiction of                        (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                        Identification No.)

                  302 N. Independence, Enid, Oklahoma      73701
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (580) 233-8955

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (b) of the Act: None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (g) of the Act: None

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed  by  Section  13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [ ] No [X]

The Registrant is not subject to the filing requirements of Section 13 and 15(d)
of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  but files  reports  required by those
sections pursuant to contractual obligation requirements.

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K (229.405 of this chapter) is not contained  herein,  and will
not be contained,  to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information  statements  incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K
or any amendment to this Form 10-K.[X]

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act.) Yes [ ] No [X]

As of March 28, 2003, there were 14,368,919  shares of the  registrant's  common
stock, par value $.01 per share, outstanding. The common stock is privately held
by affiliates of the registrant.

Document incorporated by reference: None

                           CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC.

                           Annual Report on Form 10-K
                      for the Year Ended December 31, 2002

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                     PART I
ITEM 1.  BUSIESS ..........................................................3
ITEM 2.  PROPERTIES ......................................................14
ITEM 3.  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS ...............................................22

                                    PART II
ITEM 6.  SELECTED FINANCIAL AND OPERATING DATA ...........................22
         AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS .......................................24
         AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE ........................................32

                                    PART III
ITEM 11. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION ..........................................34

                                    PART IV



     Certain of the  statements  under this Item and elsewhere in this Form 10-K
     are  "forward-looking  statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the
     Securities Act and Section 21E of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
     amended (the  "Exchange  Act").  All  statements  other than  statements of
     historical facts included in this Form 10-K,  including without  limitation
     statements  under "Item 1.  Business,"  "Item 2.  Properties"  and "Item 7.
     Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
     Operations" regarding budgeted capital  expenditures,  increases in oil and
     gas  production,  the  Company's  financial  position,  oil and gas reserve
     estimates,  business  strategy  and other plans and  objectives  for future
     operations, are forward-looking  statements.  Although the Company believes
     that the  expectations  reflected in such  forward-looking  statements  are
     reasonable,  it can give no assurance that such  expectations will prove to
     have been correct.  There are numerous uncertainties inherent in estimating
     quantities of proved oil and natural gas reserves and in projecting  future
     rates of production and timing of development expenditures,  including many
     factors  beyond  the  control  of the  Company.  Reserve  engineering  is a
     subjective  process  of  estimating  underground  accumulation  of oil  and
     natural gas that cannot be  measured in an exact way,  and the  accuracy of
     any reserve  estimate is a function of the quality of available data and of
     engineering  and  geological  interpretation  and  judgment.  As a  result,
     estimates  made by  different  engineers  often vary from one  another.  In
     addition,  results of drilling,  testing and  production  subsequent to the
     date of an  estimate  may  justify  revisions  of such  estimates  and such
     revisions,  if  significant,  would  change  the  schedule  of any  further
     production and development  drilling.  Accordingly,  reserve  estimates are
     generally  different  from the  quantities  of oil and natural gas that are
     ultimately recovered.  Additional important factors that could cause actual
     results to differ materially from the Company's  expectations are disclosed
     under "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in this Form 10-K. Should one or more of
     these risks or uncertainties occur, or should underlying  assumptions prove
     incorrect,  the Company's actual results and plan for 2003 and beyond could
     differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking  statements.  All
     subsequent  written and oral  forward-looking  statements to the Company or
     persons  acting on its behalf are expressly  qualified in their entirety by
     such factors.



     Continental  Resources,  Inc. and its  subsidiaries,  Continental Gas, Inc.
("CGI"),  Continental Resources of Illinois, Inc. ("CRII") and Continental Crude
Co. ("CCC")  (collectively  "Continental" or the "Company"),  are engaged in the
exploration,  exploitation, development and acquisition of oil and gas reserves,
primarily in the Rocky Mountain and Mid-Continent  regions of the United States,
and to a lesser  but  growing  extent,  in the Gulf  Coast  region  of Texas and
Louisiana.  In  addition  to  its  exploration,  development,  exploitation  and
acquisition  activities,  the Company  currently  owns and operates 700 miles of
natural gas  pipelines,  eight gas  gathering  systems and three gas  processing
plants  in its  operating  areas.  The  Company  also  engages  in  natural  gas
marketing, gas pipeline construction and saltwater disposal. Capitalizing on its
growth  through the  drill-bit  and its  acquisition  strategy,  the Company has
increased  its  estimated  proved  reserves  from 26.6  million  barrels  of oil
equivalent  ("MMBoe") in 1995 to 74.9 MMBoe at year-end  2002, and has increased
its  annual  production  from  2.2  MMBoe in 1995 to 5.4  MMBoe  in 2002.  As of
December  31, 2002,  the  Company's  reserves  had a present  value of estimated
future net revenues, discounted at 10% ("PV-10") of $633.4 million calculated in
accordance  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the  "Commission"  or
"SEC") guidelines.  At that date,  approximately 84% of the Company's  estimated
proved reserves were oil and approximately  60% of its total estimated  reserves
were  classified  as proved  developed.  At December 31,  2002,  the Company had
interests in 2,385 producing  wells of which it operated 1,823.  The Company was
originally  formed  in 1967  to  explore,  develop  and  produce  oil and gas in
Oklahoma.  Through 1993 the Company's  activities  and growth  remained  focused
primarily in Oklahoma. In 1993, the Company expanded its activity into the Rocky
Mountain  and  Gulf  Coast  regions.  Through  drilling  success  and  strategic
acquisitions,  83% of the Company's estimated proved reserves as of December 31,
2002 are now found in the Rocky  Mountain  region.  The Company's  growth in the
Gulf Coast region  during the  mid-1990's  was slowed due to the rapid growth of
the Rocky Mountain region.  Since 1999,  drilling  activity has increased in the
Gulf Coast region and it is expected to be another core  operating  area for the
Company.  To further expand its Mid-Continent  operations,  the Company acquired
Mt. Vernon,  Illinois-based  Farrar Oil Company in 2001.  Farrar has been a long
time partner with the Company and provides the assets and experienced  personnel
from  which  the  Company  can  expand  its  operations  into the  Illinois  and
Appalachian basins of the eastern United States.


     The Company's  business strategy is to increase  production,  cash flow and
reserves through the exploration,  development,  exploitation and acquisition of
properties in the Company's core operating  areas. The Company seeks to increase
production and cash flow, and develop additional  reserves by drilling new wells
(including   horizontal  wells),   secondary  recovery  operations,   workovers,
recompletions of existing wells and the application of other techniques designed
to increase  production.  The Company's  acquisition  strategy  includes seeking
properties that have an established production history, have undeveloped reserve
potential,  and through use of the Company's  technical  expertise in horizontal
drilling and secondary  recovery,  allow the Company to maximize the utilization
of its  infrastructure  in  core  operating  areas.  The  Company's  exploration
strategy is designed to combine the knowledge of its professional staff with the
competitive  and  technical  strengths  of  the  Company  to  pursue  new  field
discoveries  in areas  that may be out of favor  or  overlooked.  This  strategy
enables the Company to build a controlling  lease position in targeted  projects
and to realize the full  benefit of any project  success.  The Company  tries to
maintain an inventory of three or four new exploratory projects at all times for
future growth and development.  On an ongoing basis,  the Company  evaluates and
considers  divesting of oil and gas properties  considered to be non-core to the
Company's  reserve  growth  plans  with the goal  that all  Company  assets  are
contributing to its long-term strategic plan.


     Rocky  Mountain  Region.  The  Company's  Rocky  Mountain   properties  are
concentrated  in the North  Dakota,  South  Dakota and  Montana  portions of the
Williston  Basin,  and in the  Big  Horn  Basin  in  Wyoming.  These  properties
represented 83% of the Company's  estimated proved reserves and 76% of the PV-10
of the  Company's  proved  reserves as of December  31,  2002.  The Company owns
approximately  465,000 net leasehold acres, has interests in 710 gross (615 net)
producing  wells,  is the operator of 93% of these wells,  and has identified 86
potential drilling locations in the Rocky Mountain region.

     The Williston Basin properties  represented 74% of the Company's  estimated
proved  reserves  and 70% of the PV-10 of its proved  reserves at  December  31,
2002.  In the  Williston  Basin,  the  Company  owns  approximately  369,000 net
leasehold  acres,  has interests in 381 gross (328 net) producing  wells and has
identified 86 potential drilling locations.  The Company's principal  properties
in the Williston  Basin include eight  high-pressure  air  injections,  or HPAI,
secondary  recovery  units  located in the Cedar Hills,  Medicine Pole Hills and
Buffalo Fields.  The Company's  extensive  experience has demonstrated  that its
secondary  recovery methods have increased the reserves  recovered from existing
fields by 200% to 300% through the injection and  withdrawal of fluids or gases.
The  combination  of injection and withdrawal  recovers  additional oil from the
reservoir  that cannot be recovered  by primary  recovery  methods.  The Buffalo
Field units are the oldest of the Company's secondary recovery projects and have
been in operations  since 1978.  The Cedar Hills Field units are the most recent
and largest of the Company's secondary recovery units representing approximately
59% of the proved  reserves and 58% of the PV-10  attributable  to the Company's
proved  reserves  at December  31,  2002.  Combined,  the  Company's  eight HPAI
secondary recovery projects represent 80% of the HPAI projects in North America.

     In the Big Horn Basin,  the Company's  properties are focused in and around
the Worland Field.  The Worland Field  represents 9% of the Company's  estimated
proved reserves and 6% of the PV-10 of the Company's proved reserves at December
31,  2002.  In the Worland  Field,  the Company  owns  approximately  96,000 net
leasehold  acres and has interests in 329 gross (287 net)  producing  wells,  of
which the Company operates 303. In the Worland Field, the Company has identified
70 potential  workovers or recompletions and has initiated three pilot secondary
recovery projects to increase recovery of known oil in the field.

     Mid-Continent  Region. The Company's  Mid-Continent  properties are located
primarily  in the  Anadarko  Basin of  western  Oklahoma,  southwestern  Kansas,
Illinois,  and in the Texas  Panhandle.  At December  31,  2002,  the  Company's
estimated  proved reserves in the  Mid-Continent  region  represented 16% of the
Company's  total estimated  proved  reserves,  66% of the Company's  natural gas
reserves  and 22% of the  Company's  PV-10.  In the  Mid-Continent  region,  the
Company owns  approximately  162,000 net leasehold acres, has interests in 1,574
gross  (956  net)  producing  wells and has  identified  32  potential  drilling
locations.  The  Company  operates  68% of  the  gross  wells  in  which  it has

     Gulf  Coast  Region.  The  Company's  Gulf  Coast  properties  are  located
primarily onshore,  along the Texas and Louisiana coasts, and include the Pebble
Beach and Luby projects in Nueces County, Texas and the Jefferson Island project
in Iberia Parish,  Louisiana.  The Company also  participates  in Gulf of Mexico
drilling  ventures as part of the Company's  ongoing expansion in the Gulf Coast
region.  During 2002, the Company's Gulf Coast producing wells  represented only
4% of  the  Company's  total  producing  well  count,  but  produced  21% of the
Company's  total gas  production  for the year.  As of December  31,  2002,  the
Company's Gulf Coast properties  represented 1% of the Company's total estimated
proved  reserves,  4% of its  estimated  proved gas reserves and 2% PV-10 of the
Company's  proved reserves.  In the Gulf Coast,  the Company owns  approximately
24,000 net leasehold  acres; has interests in 101 gross (83 net) producing wells
and has  identified  53  potential  drilling  locations  from 95 square miles of
proprietary  3-D data and several hundred miles of  non-proprietary  2-D and 3-D
seismic  data.  The  Company  operates  79% of the  gross  wells in which it has


     The  Company's  subsidiary,  Continental  Gas,  Inc.,  was  formed as a gas
marketing company in April 1990. Currently, Continental Gas, Inc. specializes in
gas  marketing,  pipeline  construction,  gas  gathering  systems  and gas plant
operations.  On June 19, 2001, the Company formed a new subsidiary,  Continental
Resources of Illinois,  Inc.,  or CRII.  On July 9, 2001,  the Company,  through
CRII,  purchased  the assets of Farrar Oil Company and Har-Ken Oil Company,  oil
and  gas  operating  companies  in  Illinois  and  Kentucky,  respectively.  The
Company's remaining  subsidiary,  Continental Crude Co., has been inactive since
its formation in 1998.

     Continental Resources, Inc. and its subsidiaries are headquartered in Enid,
Oklahoma, and Mt. Vernon,  Illinois,  with additional offices in Baker, Montana;
Buffalo,  South Dakota;  and field offices located within its various  operating


     The Company  believes  that it has certain  strengths  that provide it with
competitive  advantages and provide it with  diversified  growth  opportunities,
including the following:

     PROVEN  GROWTH  RECORD.  The Company  has  demonstrated  consistent  growth
through a balanced program of development, exploitation and exploratory drilling
and  acquisitions.  The Company has increased its proved reserves 182% from 26.6
MMBoe in 1995 to 74.9 MMBoe as of December 31, 2002.

seven  different  geologic  basins in 11 states and has identified more than 171
potential drilling locations based on geological and geophysical evaluations. As
of December 31, 2002, the Company held approximately 651,000 net acres, of which
approximately 57% were classified as undeveloped.  Management  believes that its
current  inventory  and acreage  holdings  could  support three to five years of
drilling activities depending upon oil and gas prices.

     LONG-LIFE  NATURE  OF  RESERVES.   The  Company's  producing  reserves  are
primarily  characterized by relatively stable, mature production that is subject
to  gradual  decline  rates.  As a  result  of  the  long-lived  nature  of  its
properties, the Company has relatively low reinvestment requirements to maintain
reserve  quantities and primary and secondary  production  levels. The Company's
properties have an average reserve life of approximately 14 years.

     SUCCESSFUL  DRILLING AND ACQUISITION  RECORD.  The Company has maintained a
successful  drilling record.  During the five years ended December 31, 2002, the
Company  participated  in 239  gross  wells  of  which  83%  were  completed  as
producers. During this time, reserves added from drilling, workovers and related
activities totaled 34.4 MMBoe of proved developed reserves at an average finding
cost of $7.36 per barrel of oil  equivalent  ("Boe").  During 2002,  the Company
spent $57.0 million on the  development of the Cedar Hills field.  $32.4 million
was  spent   drilling   injection   wells  and  $24.6   million   was  spent  on
infrastructure,  including  compressors  and  pipelines,  which  resulted  in no
additional  reserves in 2002.  Excluding these costs,  our 5year average finding
cost would be $5.71.  During the same period, the Company acquired 21.2 MMBoe at
an average cost of $4.60 per Boe.  Including  major  revisions of 12.0 MMBoe due
primarily to fluctuating  prices,  the Company added a total of 67.7 MMBoe at an
average cost of $5.19 per Boe during the last five years.

     SIGNIFICANT OPERATIONAL CONTROL. Approximately 97.4% of the Company's PV-10
at December 31, 2002, was attributable to wells operated by the Company,  giving
Continental   significant   control  over  the  amount  and  timing  of  capital
expenditures and production, operating and marketing activities.

     TECHNOLOGICAL   LEADERSHIP.   The  Company  has  demonstrated   significant
expertise in the continually evolving  technologies of 3-D seismic,  directional
drilling,  and precision horizontal drilling,  and is among the few companies in
North  America to  successfully  utilize high  pressure air  injection  enhanced
recovery  technology on a large scale.  Through the use of precision  horizontal
drilling  the Company has  experienced  a 400% to 700%  increase in initial flow
rates. From inception, the Company has drilled 243 horizontal wells in the Rocky
Mountains  and  Mid-Continent  regions.  Through the  combination  of  precision
horizontal  drilling  and  secondary  recovery   technology,   the  Company  has
significantly  enhanced  the  recoverable  reserves  underlying  its oil and gas
properties.  Since its  inception,  Continental  has  experienced a 300% to 400%
increase in recoverable reserves through use of these technologies.

     EXPERIENCED AND COMMITTED MANAGEMENT.  Continental's senior management team
has  extensive  expertise  in the oil  and gas  industry.  The  Company's  Chief
Executive Officer,  Harold Hamm, began his career in the oil and gas industry in
1967.  Eight senior officers have an average of 24 years of oil and gas industry
experience.  Additionally,  the Company's  technical  staff,  which  includes 14
petroleum engineers and 11 geoscientists,  have an average of more than 25 years
experience in the industry.


     CAPITAL  EXPENDITURES.  The Company's  projected  capital  expenditures for
development,  exploitation  and  exploration  activities  in 2003  total  $105.9
million.  Approximately  $74.0  million  (69%) is targeted  for  drilling,  $8.3
million (8%) for lease acquisitions and seismic, $4.0 million (4%) for workovers
and recompletions,  $3.3 million (3%) for acquisitions,  and $16.4 million (16%)
for secondary  recovery projects and facilities.  Funding for these expenditures
will come from a combination of cash flow and the Company's credit facility.

     Top priority will be given to completing installation of secondary recovery
facilities  at the Cedar  Hills Field by year-end  2003.  This will  account for
$52.6 million or 50% of the Company's  projected capital  expenditures for 2003.
This includes  $40.2 million for drilling  injector  wells and $12.4 million for
compressors, equipment and facilities. Approximately $33.8 million will be spent
on  development  and  exploration  drilling  outside  of the Cedar  Hills  unit.
Expenditures on projects outside of Cedar Hills are  discretionary  and may vary
from projections in response to commodity prices and available cash flow.

     DEVELOPMENT AND  EXPLOITATION.  The Company's  development and exploitation
activities are designed to maximize the value of existing properties. Activities
include the drilling of vertical,  directional and horizontal development wells,
workover and recompletions in existing  wellbores,  and secondary recovery water
flood and HPAI  projects.  During  2003,  the  Company  expects to invest  $52.0
million  drilling  59  development-drilling  projects,  representing  70% of the
Company's total 2003 drilling  budget.  Within the development  drilling budget,
77% will be spent drilling  injector  wells within the Cedar Hills units,  5% on
other  projects  in the  Williston  and Big Horn  Basins,  10% in the Gulf Coast
region and 8% in the  Mid-Continent  region.  The Company also expects to invest
$4.0  million  during 2003 on  workovers  and  recompletions,  $3.3  million for
acquisitions,  and $16.4  million on  secondary  recovery  projects  and related

     EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES.  The Company's exploration projects are designed to
locate new reserves and fields for future growth and development.  The Company's
exploration projects vary in risk and reward based on their depth,  location and
geology.  The Company  routinely  uses the latest in  technology,  including 3-D
seismic,  horizontal  drilling and new  completion  technologies  to enhance its
projects.  The Company will continue to build exploratory  inventory  throughout
the year for future drilling.

     The Company will initiate,  on a priority  basis,  as many projects as cash
flow  prudently  justifies.  The Company  anticipates  investing  $21.9  million
drilling 36 exploratory projects during 2003,  representing 30% of the Company's
total 2003 drilling budget with 14% to be spent in the Mid-Continent region, 50%
in the Rocky Mountain region and 36% in the Gulf Coast region.

     The following table summarizes the number of projects  Continental  expects
to complete in 2003.

                                          Drilling                                Secondary         3-D
                                         Locations           Workovers            Recovery        Seismic       TOTAL
                                   --------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------  ----------
                           Anadarko          10                 14                   0               0            24
                      Black Warrior          0                   0                   0               0            0
                           Illinois          3                  32                   3               0            38
                              Total          13                 46                   3               0            62

                          Williston          2                   2                   4               0            8
                        Cedar Hills          37                 10                   0               0            47
                           Big Horn          0                  10                   3               0            13
                              Total          39                 22                   7               0            68

                              Texas          7                   0                   0               0            7
                          Louisiana          0                   0                   0               0            0
                     Gulf of Mexico          0                   0                   0               0            0
                              Total          7                   0                   0               0            7

             TOTAL DEV                       59                 68                   10              0           137

                           Anadarko          1                   0                   0               1            2
                      Black Warrior          5                   0                   0               3            8
                           Illinois          10                  0                   0               3            13
                              Total          16                  0                   0               7            23

                          Williston          11                  0                   0               8            19
                        Cedar Hills          0                   0                   0               0            0
                           Big Horn          0                   0                   0               0            0
                              Total          11                  0                   0               8            19

                              Texas          6                   0                   0               2            8
                          Louisiana          1                   0                   0               1            2
                     Gulf of Mexico          2                   0                   0               3            5
                              Total          9                   0                   0               6            15

            TOTAL EXPL                       36                  0                   0              21            57

GRAND TOTAL                                  95                 68                   10             21           194


     The Company  seeks to acquire  properties,  which have the  potential to be
immediately  positive to cash flow,  have  long-lived,  lower  risk,  relatively
stable  production  potential,  and provide  long-term  growth in production and
reserves.  The Company  focuses on  acquisitions  that  complement  its existing
exploration   program,   provide   opportunities   to  utilize   the   Company's
technological  advantages,  have the potential for enhanced recovery activities,
and/or provide new core areas for the Company's operations.



     The  Company's  revenues,  profitability  and  future  rate of  growth  are
substantially  dependent  upon  prevailing  prices for oil,  gas and natural gas
liquids,  which are dependent upon numerous  factors such as weather,  economic,
political and  regulatory  developments  and  competition  from other sources of
energy.  The Company is affected more by fluctuations in oil prices than natural
gas prices,  because a majority of its production is oil. The volatile nature of
the energy markets and the  unpredictability of actions of OPEC members makes it
particularly  difficult  to estimate  future  prices of oil, gas and natural gas
liquids.  Prices of oil and gas and  natural  gas  liquids  are  subject to wide
fluctuations in response to relatively minor changes in circumstances, and there
can be no  assurance  that future  prolonged  decreases  in such prices will not
occur.  All of  these  factors  are  beyond  the  control  of the  Company.  Any
significant  decline in oil and, to a lesser extent, in natural gas prices would
have a  material  adverse  effect on the  Company's  results of  operations  and
financial  condition.  Although the Company may enter into price risk management
arrangements from time to time to reduce its exposure to price risks in the sale
of its oil and gas, the Company's price risk management  arrangements are likely
to apply to only a portion of its  production  and provide  only  limited  price
protection against  fluctuations in the oil and gas markets. See more discussion
in "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of


     The Company's  future success depends upon its ability to find,  develop or
acquire  additional  oil and gas  reserves  that are  economically  recoverable.
Unless the Company successfully  replaces the reserves that it produces (through
successful  development,  exploration  or  acquisition),  the  Company's  proved
reserves would decline. There can be no assurance that the Company will continue
to be  successful in its effort to increase or replace its proved  reserves.  To
the extent the Company is  unsuccessful  in replacing or expanding its estimated
proved reserves,  the Company may be unable to pay the principal of and interest
on its  Senior  Subordinated  Notes  (the  "Notes")  and other  indebtedness  in
accordance  with their terms,  or otherwise to satisfy  certain of the covenants
contained in the indenture  governing its Notes (the  "Indenture") and the terms
of its other indebtedness.


     This report  contains  estimates of the  Company's oil and gas reserves and
the future net cash flows from those  reserves,  which have been prepared by the
Company and certain independent petroleum consultants.  Reserve engineering is a
subjective process of estimating the recovery from underground  accumulations of
oil and gas that cannot be measured in an exact manner,  and the accuracy of any
reserve  estimate  is a  function  of  the  quality  of  available  data  and of
engineering  and  geological  interpretation  and  judgment.  There are numerous
uncertainties  inherent in estimating quantities and future values of proved oil
and gas reserves, including many factors beyond the control of the Company. Each
of the  estimates  of proved  oil and gas  reserves,  future  net cash flows and
discounted present values rely upon various assumptions,  including  assumptions
required by the  Commission  as to constant  oil and gas  prices,  drilling  and
operating expenses,  capital expenditures,  taxes and availability of funds. The
process of  estimating  oil and gas reserves in complex,  requiring  significant
decisions  and   assumptions   in  the   evaluation  of  available   geological,
geophysical, engineering and economic data for each reservoir. As a result, such
estimates  are  inherently  imprecise.  Actual  future  production,  oil and gas
prices,  revenues,  taxes,  development  expenditures,  operating  expenses  and
quantities of recoverable oil and gas reserves may vary substantially from those
estimated in the report.  Any significant  variance in these  assumptions  could
materially affect the estimated quantity and value of reserves set forth in this
annual report on Form 10-K. In addition,  the Company's  reserves may be subject
to downward or upward revision, based upon production history, results of future
exploration  and  development,  prevailing oil and gas prices and other factors,
many of which are  beyond  the  Company's  control.  The PV-10 of the  Company's
proved oil and gas reserves does not  necessarily  represent the current or fair
market value of such proved reserves,  and the 10% discount rate required by the
Commission may not reflect current interest rates, the Company's cost of capital
or any risks  associated  with the  development  and production of the Company's
proved oil and gas reserves. At December 31, 2002, the estimated future net cash
flow of $1,304 million and PV-10 of $633.4 million attributable to the Company's
proved oil and gas  reserves  are based on prices in effect at the date  ($29.04
per barrel  ("Bbl") of oil and $3.33 per thousand  cubic feet ("Mcf") of natural
gas), which may be materially different from actual future prices.


     The  Company's  growth  strategy  includes the  acquisition  of oil and gas
properties. There can be no assurance, however, that the Company will be able to
identify attractive acquisition opportunities, obtain financing for acquisitions
on satisfactory terms or successfully  acquire identified  targets. In addition,
no assurance  can be given that the Company will be  successful  in  integration
acquired business into its existing operations,  and such integration may result
in unforeseen operational  difficulties or require a disproportionate  amount of
management's  attention.   Future  acquisitions  may  be  financed  through  the
incurrence  of  additional  indebtedness  to  the  extent  permitted  under  the
Indenture or through the issuance of capital stock. Furthermore, there can be no
assurance that  competition for acquisition  opportunities  in these  industries
will not escalate,  thereby increasing the cost to the Company or making further
acquisitions   or  causing  the  Company  to  refrain  from  making   additional

     The  Company is subject to risks that  properties  acquired  by it will not
perform as expected and that the returns from such  properties  will not support
the indebtedness  incurred or the other  consideration  used to acquire,  or the
capital expenditures needed to develop, the properties.  In addition,  expansion
of the  Company's  operations  may place a  significant  strain on the Company's
management,  financial  and other  resources.  The  Company's  ability to manage
future  growth  will depend  upon its  ability to monitor  operations,  maintain
effective  cost and  other  controls  and  significantly  expand  the  Company's
internal management,  technical and accounting systems, all of which will result
in higher operating expenses. Any failure to expend these areas and to implement
and improve such systems,  procedures  and controls in an efficient  manner at a
pace consistent with the growth of the Company's  business could have a material
adverse  effect on the Company's  business,  financial  condition and results of
operations.  In addition,  the integration of acquired  properties with existing
operations will entail considerable  expenses in advance of anticipated revenues
and may cause substantial fluctuations in the Company's operating results. There
can be no assurance that the Company will be able to successfully  integrate the
properties acquired and to be acquired or any other businesses it may acquire.


     The  Company  has made,  and will  continue  to make,  substantial  capital
expenditures  in connection  with the  acquisition,  development,  exploitation,
exploration  and  production of its oil and gas  properties.  Historically,  the
Company has funded its capital  expenditures  through  borrowings from banks and
from its principal stockholder, and cash flow from operations. Future cash flows
and the availability of credit are subject to a number of variables, such as the
level of production from existing wells,  borrowing base determinations,  prices
of oil and gas and the  Company's  success in locating and producing new oil and
gas  reserves.  If  revenues  were to  decrease as a result of lower oil and gas
prices,  decreased production or otherwise, and the Company had not availability
under its bank credit  facility  (the  "Credit  Facility")  or other  sources of
borrowings,  the Company  could have limited  ability to replace its oil and gas
reserves or to maintain production at current levels, resulting in a decrease in
production  and revenues over time. If the Company's  cash flow from  operations
and  availability  under the Credit  Facility are not  sufficient to satisfy its
capital expenditure requirements, there can be no assurance that additional debt
or equity financing will be available.


     At  December  31,  2002,  on a  consolidated  basis,  the  Company  and the
Subsidiary  Guarantors  (defined  below)  had  $247.1  million  in  indebtedness
(including   short-term   indebtedness  and  current   maturities  of  long-term
indebtedness) compared to the Company's  stockholder's equity of $115.0 million.
Although the Company's cash flow from operations has been sufficient to meet its
debt  service  obligations  in the  past,  there  can be no  assurance  that the
Company's  operating  results will continue to be sufficient  for the Company to
meet  its  obligations.   See  "Selected   Financial  and  Operating  Data"  and
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations--Liquidity and Capital Resources."

     The  degree  to  which  the  Company  is  leveraged  could  have  important
consequences  to the  holders of the Notes.  The  potential  consequences  could

     o    The Company's ability to obtain additional financing for acquisitions,
          capital  expenditures,  working capital or general corporate  purposes
          may be impaired in the future;

     o    A substantial  portion of the Company's cash flow from operations must
          be  dedicated to the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes
          and the borrowings under the Credit  Facility,  thereby reducing funds
          available to the Company for its operations and other purposes;

     o    Certain of the  Company's  borrowings  are and will  continue to be at
          variable  rates of  interest,  which  expose  the  Company to the risk
          increased interest rates;

     o    Indebtedness  outstanding under the Credit Facility is senior in right
          of  payment  to the Notes,  is  secured  by  substantially  all of the
          Company's  proved  reserves and certain other assets,  and will mature
          prior to the Notes; and

     o    The Company may be  substantially  more  leveraged than certain of its
          competitors,  which may place it a relative  competitive  disadvantage
          and  make  it  more   vulnerable  to  change  market   conditions  and

     The  Company's  ability to make  scheduled  payments  or to  refinance  its
obligations  with respect to its  indebtedness  will depend on its financial and
operating  performance,  which, in turn, is subject to the volatility of oil and
gas prices,  production levels,  prevailing  economic  conditions and to certain
financial,  business and other factors beyond its control. If the Company's cash
flow  and  capital   resources  are   insufficient  to  fund  its  debt  service
obligations, the Company may be forced to sell assets, obtain additional debt or
equity financing or restructure its debt. Even if additional  financing could be
obtained, there can be no assurance that it would be on terms that are favorable
or acceptable to the Company.  There can be no assurance that the Company's cash
flow and capital  resources  will be sufficient to pay its  indebtedness  in the
future.  In the absence of such  operating  results and  resources,  the Company
could face  substantial  liquidity  problems and might be required to dispose of
material  assets or operations to meet debt service and other  obligations,  and
there can be no  assurance as to the timing of such sales or the adequacy of the
proceeds that the Company could realize there from. See "Management's Discussion
and Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of  Operations--Liquidity  and
Capital Resources."


     The Credit  Facility and the Indenture  governing the Notes include certain
covenants that, among other things restrict:

     o    The  making of  investments,  loans  and  advances  and the  paying of
          dividends and other restricted payments;

     o    The incurrence of additional indebtedness;

     o    The granting of liens, other that liens created pursuant to the Credit
          Facility and certain permitted liens;

     o    Mergers,  consolidations  and sales of all or substantial  part of the
          Company's business or property;

     o    The hedging, forward sale or swap of crude oil or natural gas or other

     o    The sale of assets; and

     o    The making of capital expenditures.

     The Credit  Facility  requires  the Company to maintain  certain  financial
ratios,   including   interest  coverage  and  leverage  ratios.  All  of  these
restrictive covenants may restrict the Company's ability to expand or pursue its
business  strategies.  The ability of the Company to comply with these and other
provisions  of the Credit  Facility  may be  affected  by changes in economic or
business conditions,  results of operations or other events beyond the Company's
control.  The breach of any of these  covenants  could result in a default under
the Credit  Facility,  in which  case,  depending  on the  actions  taken by the
lenders there under or their  successors or assignees,  such lenders could elect
to declare all amounts borrowed under the Credit Facility, together with accrued
interest, to be due and payable, and the Company could be prohibited from making
payments with respect to the Notes until the default is cured or all senior debt
is paid or  satisfied  in  full.  If the  Company  were  unable  to  repay  such
borrowings,  such  lenders  could  proceed  against  their  collateral.  If  the
indebtedness  under the Credit Facility were to be accelerated,  there can be no
assurance  that the assets of the Company  would be  sufficient to repay in full
such  indebtedness  and the other  indebtedness  of the Company,  including  the


     Oil and gas  drilling  activities  are subject to numerous  risks,  many of
which are beyond the Company's control,  including the risk that no commercially
productive oil and gas  reservoirs  will be  encountered.  The cost of drilling,
completing and operating wells is often uncertain,  and drilling  operations may
be curtailed, delayed or canceled as a result of a variety of factors, including
unexpected drilling conditions, pressure irregularities in formations, equipment
failure or accidents,  adverse weather conditions,  title problems and shortages
or delays in the delivery of equipment. The Company's future drilling activities
may not be successful  and, if  unsuccessful,  such failure will have an adverse
effect on future results of operations and financial condition.

     The Company's  properties may be  susceptible to hydrocarbon  drainage from
production by other operators on adjacent  properties.  Industry operating risks
include  the risk of  fire,  explosions,  blow-outs,  pipe  failure,  abnormally
pressured  formations and environmental  hazards such as oil spills,  gas leaks,
ruptures or  discharges  of toxic gases,  the  occurrence  of any of which could
result  in  substantial  losses  to the  Company  due to injury or loss of life,
severe damage to or  destruction of property,  natural  resources and equipment,
pollution or other environmental damage, clean-up  responsibilities,  regulatory
investigation  and penalties and  suspension of operations.  In accordance  with
customary industry practice,  the Company maintains  insurance against the risks
described  above.  There can be no assurance that any insurance will be adequate
to cover  losses or  liabilities.  The  Company  cannot  predict  the  continued
availability  of insurance,  or its  availability at premium levels that justify
its purchase.


     The Company's gas gathering and marketing  operations  depend in large part
on the ability of the Company to contract with third party producers to purchase
their gas, to obtain sufficient  volumes of committed  natural gas reserves,  to
replace  production  from  declining  wells,  to assess and  respond to changing
market  conditions in negotiating gas purchase and sale agreements and to obtain
satisfactory  margins  between the purchase  price of its natural gas supply and
the sales price for such natural gas. In addition,  the Company's operations are
subject to changes in regulations relating to gathering and marketing of oil and
gas. The  inability of the Company to attract new sources of third party natural
gas or to promptly  respond to changing  market  conditions  or  regulations  in
connection  with its gathering and  marketing  operations  could have a material
adverse effect on the Company's financial condition and results of operations.


     The Notes are  subordinated  in right of payment to all existing and future
senior debt (consisting of commitments under the Credit Facility) of the Company
and the Company's  subsidiaries  that have guaranteed  payment of the Notes (the
"Subsidiary  Guarantors") including borrowings under the Credit Facility. In the
event  of  bankruptcy,  liquidation  or  reorganization  of  the  Company  or  a
subsidiary Guarantor, the assets of the Company, or the Subsidiary Guarantors as
the case may be, will be  available to pay  obligations  on the Notes only after
all Senior debt has been paid in full,  and there may not be  sufficient  assets
remaining  to pay  amounts  due on any  or  all of the  Notes  outstanding.  The
aggregate  principal  amount of senior debt of the  Company  and the  Subsidiary
Guarantors,  on a consolidated  basis, as of March 28, 2003, was $126.5 million.
The Subsidiary Guarantees are subordinated to the guarantor's senior debt to the
same extent and in the same manner as the Notes are subordinated to senior debt.
The Company or the Subsidiary  Guarantors may incur additional  senior debt from
time to time, subject to certain restrictions. In addition to being subordinated
to all existing and future senior debt of the Company, the Notes are not secured
by any of the Company's assets, unlike the borrowings under the Credit Facility.


     The Company has derived  approximately 29% of its operating cash flows from
its subsidiaries,  Continental Gas and Continental  Resources of Illinois,  Inc.
The holders of the Notes have no direct claim against the Company's subsidiaries
other that a claim created by one or more of the  Subsidiary  Guarantees,  which
may themselves be subject to legal  challenge in a bankruptcy or  reorganization
case or a lawsuit by or on behalf of  creditors of a  Subsidiary  Guarantor.  If
such a challenge were upheld,  such Subsidiary  Guarantees  would be invalid and
unenforceable.  To the extent  that any of such  Subsidiary  Guarantees  are not
enforceable,  the  rights  of the  holder  of the  Notes to  participate  in any
distribution of assets of any Subsidiary Guarantor upon liquidation, bankruptcy,
reorganization or otherwise will, as is that case with other unsecured creditors
of the  Company,  be subject to prior  claims of  creditors  of that  Subsidiary
Guarantor.  The Company relies in part upon  distributions from its subsidiaries
to generate the funds necessary to meet its  obligations,  including the payment
of principal and interest on the Notes.  The Indenture  contains  covenants that
restrict the ability of the Company's  subsidiaries  to enter into any agreement
limiting  distributions  and  transfers  to the  Company,  including  dividends.
However, the ability of the Company's  subsidiaries to make distributions may be
restricted by among other things, applicable state corporate laws and other laws
and  regulations  or by terms of  agreements  of which  they are or may become a
party. In addition,  there can be no assurance that such  distributions  will be
adequate to fund the interest and principal  payments on the Credit Facility and
the Notes when due.


     Upon a Change of  Control  (as  defined in the  Indenture),  holders of the
Notes may have the right to require  the  Company to  repurchase  all Notes then
outstanding at a purchase price equal to 101% of the principal  amount  thereof,
plus accrued interest to the dates of repurchase.  In the event of certain asset
dispositions,  the Company will be required under certain  circumstances  to use
the Excess Cash (as defined in the  Indenture) to offer to repurchase  the Notes
at 100% of the principal  amount thereof,  plus accrued  interest to the date of
repurchase (an "Excess Cash Offer").

     The events  that  constitute  a Change of Control or require an Excess Cash
Offer  under  the  Indenture  may also be  events of  default  under the  Credit
Facility or other senior debt of the Company  until the  Company's  indebtedness
under the Credit  Facility or other  senior debt is paid in full.  In  addition,
such events may permit the lenders under such debt instruments to accelerate the
debt  and,  if  the  debt  is  not  paid,  to  enforce  security   interests  on
substantially  all the  assets of the  Company  and the  Subsidiary  Guarantors,
thereby limiting the Company's ability to raise cash to repurchase the Notes and
reducing the  practical  benefit of the offer to  repurchase  provisions  to the
holders of the Notes.  See  "Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations--Liquidity and Capital Resources." There can
be no assurance  that the Company will have  sufficient  funds  available at the
time of any  Change of Control  or Excess  Cash  Offer to make any debt  payment
(including  repurchases of Notes) as described above. Any failure by the Company
to repurchase Notes tendered  pursuant to a Change of Control offer or an Excess
Cash Offer will constitute an event of default under the Indenture.


     From  time to time  the  Company  may use  energy  swap  and  forward  sale
arrangements to reduce its sensitivity to oil and gas price  volatility.  If the
Company's reserves are not produced at the rates estimated by the Company due to
inaccuracies  in the reserve  estimation  process,  operational  difficulties or
regulatory limitations,  or otherwise,  the Company would be required to satisfy
its obligations under potentially  unfavorable terms. Beginning January 1, 2001,
all  derivatives  must be marked to market under the  provisions of statement of
Financial  Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivatives" ("SFAS No.
133").  If the Company enters into  qualifying  derivative  instruments  for the
purpose  of hedging  prices and the  derivative  instruments  are not  perfectly
effective in hedging the underlying risk, all ineffectiveness will be recognized
currently in earnings.  The effective  portion of the gain or loss on qualifying
derivative  instruments  will be  reported  as other  comprehensive  income  and
reclassified  to  earnings  in the same  period as the hedged  production  takes
place.  Physical delivery contracts,  which are deemed to be normal purchases or
normal sales,  are not accounted for as  derivatives.  Further,  under financial
instrument contracts,  the Company may be at risk for basis differential,  which
is the difference in the quoted financial price for contract  settlement and the
actual  physical  point of delivery  price.  The Company  will from time to time
attempt to mitigate basis differential risk by entering into physical basis swap
contracts.  Substantial variations between the assumptions and estimates used by
the Company in the hedging  activities  and actual  results,  experienced  could
materially  adversely  effect the Company's  anticipated  profit margins and its
ability to manage  risk  associated  with  fluctuations  in oil and gas  prices.
Furthermore,  the fixed price sales and hedging contracts limit the benefits the
Company will realize if actual prices rise above the contract prices.


     The  Company  periodically  reviews the  carrying  value of its oil and gas
properties in accordance  with SFAS No. 144  "Accounting  for the  Impairment or
Disposal of Long-Lived  Assets".  SFAS No. 144 requires that long-lived  assets,
including proved oil and gas properties, and certain identifiable intangibles to
be held and used by the Company be reviewed for  impairment  whenever  events or
changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the assets may not
be  recoverable.  In  performing  the review  for  recoverability,  the  Company
estimates the future cash flows expected to result from the use of the asset and
its  eventual  disposition.  If the  sum  of  the  expected  future  cash  flows
(undiscounted  and without interest  changes) is less that the carrying value of
the  asset,  an  impairment  loss  is  recognized  in  the  form  of  additional
depreciation,  depletion and amortization expense.  Measurement of an impairment
loss for proved oil and gas  properties is calculated on a  property-by-property
basis as the excess of the net book  value of the  property  over the  projected
discounted future net cash flows of the impaired property,  considering expected
reserve additions and price and cost escalations. The Company may be required to
write down the  carrying  value of its oil and gas  properties  when oil and gas
prices are  depressed or unusually  volatile,  which would result in a charge to
earnings.  Once  incurred,  a  write  down  of oil  and  gas  properties  is not
reversible at a later date.


     Oil and gas  operations  are  subject to various  federal,  state and local
governmental  regulations  that may be changed  from time to time in response to
economic or political  conditions.  From time to time,  regulatory agencies have
imposed  price  controls  and  limitations  on  production  in order to conserve
supplies  of oil and  gas.  In  addition,  the  production,  handling,  storage,
transportation  and  disposal  of oil and gas,  by-products  thereof  and  other
substances  and  materials  produced  or used  in  connection  with  oil and gas
operations  are subject to regulation  under  federal,  state and local laws and
regulations. See "Business--Regulations."

     The  Company  is  subject  to  a  variety  of  federal,   state  and  local
governmental  regulations related to the storage, use, discharge and disposal of
toxic, volatile of otherwise hazardous materials.  These regulations subject the
Company to increased operating costs and potential liability associated with the
use and disposal of hazardous  materials.  Although  these laws and  regulations
have not had a material adverse effect on the Company's  financial  condition or
results of  operations,  there can be no assurance  that the Company will not be
required  to  make  material  expenditures  in the  future.  If  such  laws  and
regulations  become  increasingly  stringent  in the  future,  it could  lead to
additional  material costs for  environmental  compliance and remediation by the

     The Company's  twenty years of experience  with the use of HPAI  technology
has not resulted in any known  environmental  claims.  The  Company's  saltwater
injection  operations will pose certain risks of environmental  liability to the
Company.  Although the Company will monitor the injection  process,  any leakage
from the  subsurface  portions  of the wells could  cause  degradation  of fresh
ground water resources,  potentially resulting in suspension of operation of the
wells,  fine  and  penalties  from  governmental   agencies,   expenditures  for
remediation  of the  affected  resource,  and  liability  to third  parties  for
property damages and personal injuries. In addition,  the sale by the Company of
residual  crude oil collected as part of the saltwater  injection  process could
impose a  liability  on the Company in the event the entity to which the oil was
transferred   fails  to  manage  the  material  in  accordance  with  applicable
environmental health and safety laws.

     Any failure by the Company to obtain required  permits for, control the use
of, or adequately restrict the discharge of, hazardous  substances under present
or future  regulations  could  subject the Company to  substantial  liability or
could cause its  operations  to be  suspended.  Such  liability or suspension of
operations  could  have a material  adverse  effect on the  Company's  business,
financial condition and results of operations.


     The oil and gas industry is highly  competitive.  The Company  competes for
the acquisition of oil and gas  properties,  primarily on the basis of the price
to be paid for such  properties,  with  numerous  entities  including  major oil
companies,  other independent oil and gas concerns and individual  producers and
operators. Many of these competitors are large,  well-established  companies and
have  financial  and other  resources  substantially  greater  that those of the
Company.  The Company's ability to acquire additional oil and gas properties and
to discover  reserves in the future will depend upon its ability to evaluate and
select  suitable   properties  and  to  consummate   transactions  in  a  highly
competitive environment.


     At March 28,  2003,  Harold  Hamm,  the  Company's  principal  stockholder,
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  and a  Director,  beneficially  owned
13,037,328 shares of Common Stock representing, in the aggregate,  approximately
91% of the  outstanding  common stock of the Company.  The Harold Hamm DST Trust
and Harold Hamm HJ Trust  together own the remaining  9.3% of Common  Stock.  An
independent  third party is the trustee for both of these trusts and Harold Hamm
has no beneficial  ownership in them. As a result,  Mr. Hamm is in a position to
control  the  Company.  The  Company is  provided  oilfield  services by several
affiliated companies controlled by the principal stockholder.  Such transactions
will continue in the future and may result in conflicts of interest  between the
Company  and such  affiliated  companies.  There can be no  assurance  that such
conflicts will be resolved in favor of the Company. If the principal stockholder
ceases to be an executive officer of the Company, such would constitute an event
of default under the Credit Facility,  unless waived by the requisite percentage


     GENERAL.  Various  aspects  of the  Company's  oil and gas  operations  are
subject  to  extensive  and  continually  changing  regulation,  as  legislation
affecting  the oil and gas industry is under  constant  review for  amendment or
expansion.  Numerous  departments  and  agencies,  both  federal and state,  are
authorized to statue to issue,  and have issued,  rules and regulations  binding
upon the oil and gas industry and its individual members.

Regulatory  Commission  (the "FERC")  regulates the  transportation  and sale of
resale of natural gas in interstate  commerce pursuant to the Natural Gas Act of
1938 and the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978. In the past, the federal government
has  regulated  the  prices at which oil and gas could be sold.  While  sales by
producers of natural gas and all sales of crude oil,  condensate and natural gas
liquids can currently be made at  uncontrolled  market  prices,  Congress  could
reenact price  controls in the future.  The  Company's  sales of natural gas are
affected by the availability,  terms and cost of  transportation.  The price and
terms for access to pipeline  transportation are subject to extensive regulation
and proposed regulation designed to increase  competition within the natural gas
industry,  to remove various  barriers and practices that  historically  limited
non-pipeline  natural  gas  sellers,   including  producers,   from  effectively
competing with interstate  pipelines for sales to local  distribution  companies
and  large  industrial  and  commercial  customers  and to  establish  the rates
interstate  pipelines  may charge for their  services.  Similarly,  the Oklahoma
Corporation  Commission  and the Texas Railroad  Commission  have been reviewing
changes to their regulations  governing  transportation  and gathering  services
provided  by  intrastate  pipelines  and  gatherers.  While  the  changes  being
considered  by  these  federal  and  state   regulators  would  affect  us  only
indirectly,  they are  intended to further  enhance  competition  in natural gas
markets.  The  Company  cannot  predict  what  further  action the FERC or state
regulators  will take on these  matters;  however,  the Company does not believe
that any actions taken will have an effect materially  different from the effect
on other natural gas producers with whom the Company competes.

     Additional  proposals  and  proceedings  that might  affect the natural gas
industry  are pending  before  Congress,  the FERC,  state  commissions  and the
courts.  The natural gas industry  historically has been very heavily regulated;
therefore,  there is no assurance  that the less stringent  regulatory  approach
recently pursued by the FERC and Congress will continue.

     OIL PRICE CONTROLS AND  TRANSPORTATION  RATES. The Company's sales of crude
oil,  condensate  and gas liquids are not  currently  regulated  and are made at
market  prices.  The price the Company  receives from the sale of these products
may be affected by the cost of transporting the products to market.

     ENVIRONMENTAL.  The  Company's  oil  and  gas  operations  are  subject  to
pervasive  federal,   state  and  local  laws  and  regulations  concerning  the
protection and preservation of the environment  (e.g.,  ambient air, and surface
and  subsurface  soils  and  waters),   human  health,  worker  safety,  natural
resources,  and wildlife.  These laws and  regulations  affect  virtually  every
aspect of the Company's oil and gas operations,  including its exploration  for,
and production,  storage, treatment, and transportation of, hydrocarbons and the
disposal of wastes generated in connection with those activities. These laws and
regulations  increase  the  Company's  costs of planning,  designing,  drilling,
installing,  operating,  and  abandoning  oil  and  gas  wells  and  appurtenant
properties,  such as gathering systems,  pipelines,  and storage,  treatment and
salt water disposal facilities.

     The Company has expended and will continue to expend significant  financial
and  managerial  resources  to comply  with  applicable  environmental  laws and
regulations,  including permitting requirements. The Company's failure to comply
with these laws and regulations can subject it to substantial civil and criminal
penalties,  claims for injury to persons  and damage to  properties  and natural
resources,  and clean up and other  remedial  obligations.  Although the Company
believes that the operation of its properties generally complies with applicable
environmental laws and regulations,  the risk of incurring substantial costs and
liabilities  are inherent in the operation of oil and gas wells and  appurtenant
properties. The Company could also be subject to liabilities related to the past
operations  conducted by others at properties now owned by it, without regard to
any wrongful or negligent conduct by the Company.

     The Company cannot predict what effect future environmental legislation and
regulation will have upon its oil and gas operations.  The possible  legislative
reclassification  of certain  wastes  generated in  connection  with oil and gas
operations  as  "hazardous  wastes"  would  have  a  significant  impact  on the
Company's  operating costs, as well as the oil and gas industry in general.  The
cost of compliance with more stringent  environmental  laws and regulations,  or
the more vigorous  administration and enforcement of those laws and regulations,
could result in material expenditures by the Company to remove, acquire, modify,
and install equipment, store and dispose of waters, remediate facilities, employ
additional personnel, and implement systems to ensure compliance with those laws
and regulations.  These accumulative  expenditures could have a material adverse
effect upon the Company's profitability and future capital expenditures.

exploration and production operations are subject to various types of regulation
at the federal,  state and local  levels.  Such  regulations  include  requiring
permits and drilling bonds for the drilling of wells, regulating the location of
wells,  the  method of  drilling  and  casing  wells,  and the  surface  use and
restoration  of properties  upon which wells are drilled.  Many states also have
statutes or regulations  addressing  conservation matters,  including provisions
for the unitization or pooling of oil and gas properties,  the  establishment of
maximum  rates  of  production  from oil and gas  wells  and the  regulation  of
spacing,  plugging and abandonment of such wells.  Some state statutes limit the
rate at which oil and gas can be produced from the Company's properties.


     As of March 28,  2003,  the  Company  employed  288  people,  including  97
administrative   personnel,  11  geoscientists,   14  engineers  and  166  field
personnel.  The Company's future success will depend partially on its ability to
attract, retain and motivate qualified personnel.  The Company is not a party to
any collective bargaining agreements and has not experienced any strikes or work
stoppages.  The  Company  considers  its  relations  with  its  employee  to  be
satisfactory. From time to time the Company utilizes the services of independent
contractors to perform various field and other services.


     The Company's oil and gas  properties  are located in selected  portions of
the Mid-Continent, Rocky Mountains and Gulf Coast regions. Through 1993, most of
the Company's  activity and growth was focused in the  Mid-Continent  region. In
1993 the Company expanded its drilling and acquisition activities into the Rocky
Mountain and Gulf Coast regions  seeking added  opportunity  for  production and
reserve  growth.  The Rocky  Mountain  region was targeted for oil reserves with
good secondary  recovery potential and therefore,  long life reserves.  The Gulf
Coast region was targeted for natural gas reserves with shorter reserve life but
high current cash flow.  As of December 31, 2002,  the  Company's  estimated net
proved reserves from all properties  totaled 74.9 MMBoe with 83% of the reserves
located  in the Rocky  Mountains,  16% in the  Mid-Continent  and 1% in the Gulf
Coast regions.  At December 31, 2002,  84% of the Company's net proved  reserves
were oil and 16% were  natural  gas.  The  Company's  oil  reserves are confined
primarily  to the  Rocky  Mountain  region  and its  natural  gas  reserves  are
primarily from the  Mid-Continent  and Gulf Coast regions.  Approximately  $66.8
million, or 63%, of the Company's projected $105.9 million capital  expenditures
for 2003 are focused on expansion and  development  of its oil properties in the
Rocky  Mountain  region while the remaining  $39.1  million,  or 37%, is focused
primarily on natural gas projects in the Mid-Continent and Gulf Coast regions.

          The following table provides information with respect to the Company's
     net proved reserves for its principal oil and gas properties as of December
     31, 2002:

                                                                                                                % of Total
                                                                               Oil         Present Value      Present Value
                                              Oil                 Gas        Equivalent    Of Future Net      Of Future Net
               Area                          (MBbl)             (MMcf)         (MBoe)     Revenues(1)(M$)      Revenues(1)
    Williston Basin                           54,026            10,817          55,829   $        446,824               70%
    Big Horn Basin                             4,758            10,119           6,445             35,511                6%
                                   ------------------  ----------------  --------------  -----------------  ----------------
        Total ROCKY MOUNTAINS                 58,784            20,936          62,274            482,335               76%
    Anadarko Basin                             1,835            42,561           8,929            106,230               17%
    Black Warrior Basin                            0               721             120              1,920                0%
    Texas Panhandle                               17             2,480             430              4,613                1%
    Illinois Basin                             2,565               464           2,642             28,243                4%
                                   ------------------  ----------------  --------------  -----------------  ----------------
        Total MID-CONTINENT                    4,417            46,226          12,121            141,006               22%
    Luby                                          17             1,010             185              3,232                1%
    Pebble Beach                                  31             1,054             207              3,628                1%
    Louisiana Onshore                             21               170              49                887                0%
    Offshore                                      11               551             103              2,309                0%
                                   ------------------  ----------------  --------------  -----------------  ----------------
        Total GULF COAST                          80             2,785             544             10,056                2%
    TOTALS                                    63,281            69,947          74,939   $        633,397              100%
                                   ==================  ================  ==============  =================  ================

(1)  Future estimated net revenues discounted at 10%


     The  Company's  Rocky  Mountain  properties  are located  primarily  in the
Williston  Basin of North  Dakota,  South Dakota and Montana and in the Big Horn
Basin of Wyoming.  Estimated proved reserves for its Rocky Mountains  properties
at December 31, 2002,  totaled 62.3 MMBoe and  represented  76% of the Company's
PV-10.   Approximately  52%  of  these  estimated  proved  reserves  are  proved
developed.  During the twelve  months ended  December 31, 2002,  the average net
daily  production  was 8,121 Bbls of oil and 4,891 Mcf of natural  gas, or 8,943
Boe  per day  from  the  Rocky  Mountain  properties.  The  Company's  leasehold
interests include 173,000 net developed and 292,000 net undeveloped acres, which
represent  27% and 45% of the  Company's  total  leasehold,  respectively.  This
leasehold  is  expected  to  be  developed  utilizing  3-D  seismic,   precision
horizontal drilling and secondary recovery technologies, where applicable. As of
December 31, 2002, the Company's Rocky Mountain properties included an inventory
of 65 development and 21 exploratory drilling locations.


     CEDAR HILLS FIELD.  The Cedar Hills Field was  discovered in November 1994.
During  the twelve  months  ended  December  31,  2002,  the Cedar  Hills  Field
properties produced 3,813 net Boe per day to the Company's interests.  The Cedar
Hills Field produces oil from the Red River "B" formation,  a thin (eight feet),
non-fractured,  blanket-type,  dolomite  reservoir  found at  depths of 8,000 to
9,500 feet. All wells drilled by the Company in the Red River "B" formation were
drilled  exclusively with precision  horizontal drilling  technology.  The Cedar
Hills Field covers  approximately 200 square miles and has a known oil column of
1,000 feet.  Through  December 31, 2002, the Company  drilled or participated in
199 gross (139 net) horizontal wells, of which 192 were successfully  completed,
for a 96% net  success  rate.  The  Company  believes  that  the Red  River  "B"
formation  in the  Cedar  Hills  Field is well  suited  for  enhanced  secondary
recovery using either HPAI and/or  traditional water flooding  technology.  Both
technologies have been applied successfully in adjacent secondary recovery units
for over 30 years and have proven to increase oil recoveries  from the Red River
"B" formation by 200% to 300% over primary  recovery.  The Company is proficient
using either  technology and is in the process of  implementing  both as part of
its secondary recovery  operations in the Cedar Hills Field.  Effective March 1,
2001,  the Company  obtained  approval for two secondary  recovery  units in the
Cedar Hills Field;  the Cedar Hills North-Red River "B" Unit ("CHNRRU")  located
in Bowman  and Slope  Counties,  North  Dakota  and the West  Cedar  Hills  Unit
("WCHU") located in Fallon County,  Montana. The Company owns 95% of the working
interest in the CHNRRU and is the operator of the unit.  The CHNRRU  contains 79
wells and 50,000  acres.  The Company  owns 100% of the working  interest in the
WCHU and is the unit  operator.  The WCHU contains 10 wells and 8,000 acres.  An
estimated  $52.5 million will need to be invested during 2003 to fully implement
the  Company's  secondary  recovery  operations  in the Cedar Hills  Field.  The
components of the $52.5 million  invested are $40.2 million for infill  drilling
and $12.3 million for  infrastructure.  By year-end 2003, the Company expects to
have completed 56 of the 65 required injectors and installed facilities to begin
injection  in 100% of the units.  The Cedar  Hills Field  represents  59% of the
Company's  estimated proved reserves and $367.4 million, or 58%, of the PV-10 of
the Company's proved reserves at December 31, 2002.

BUFFALO, WEST BUFFALO AND SOUTH BUFFALO UNITS. In 1995, the Company acquired the
following  interests in four production units in the Williston  Basin:  Medicine
Pole Hills (63%),  Buffalo (86%),  West Buffalo (82%),  and South Buffalo (85%).
During the twelve months ended December 31, 2002, these units produced 1,034 Boe
per day, net to the Company's  interests,  and  represented  5.3 MMBoe and $36.4
million,  or 6%, of the PV-10  attributable  to the Company's  estimated  proved
reserves  as of  December  31,  2002.  These  units are HPAI  enhanced  recovery
projects  that produce from the Red River "B"  formation and are operated by the
Company. All were discovered and developed with conventional  vertical drilling.
The  oldest  vertical  well in these  units  has been  producing  for 47  years,
demonstrating  the  long-lived  production  characteristic  of the Red River "B"
formation. There are 156 producing wells in these units and current estimates of
remaining  reserve  life range from four to 13 years.  The Company  subsequently
expanded  the  Medicine  Pole Hills Unit through  horizontal  drilling  into the
Medicine Pole Hills West Unit ("MPHWU"),  which became  effective April 1, 2000.
The MPHWU  produces from 25 wells and  encompasses an additional 22 square miles
of productive Red River "B" reservoir. The Company owns approximately 80% of the
MPHWU and began secondary  injection  November 22, 2000. The MPHWU was the first
in a scheduled two-phase expansion of the Medicine Pole Hills Unit. Phase two of
the expansion plan was successfully completed during 2001 delineating another 20
square miles of productive Red River B reservoir  through  horizontal  drilling.
The Medicine Pole Hills South Unit ("MPHSU") became  effective  October 1, 2002,
with injection expected to begin by mid-year 2003.

     LUSTRE AND MIDFORK FIELDS. In January 1992, the Company acquired the Lustre
and Midfork  Fields  which,  during the twelve  months ended  December 31, 2002,
produced 357 Bbls per day,  net to the  Company's  interests.  Wells in both the
Lustre and Midfork  Fields  produce from the Charles "C" dolomite,  at depths of
5,500 to 6,000  feet.  Historically,  production  from the Charles "C" has a low
daily production rate and is long lived.  There are currently 43 wells producing
in the two fields. No secondary recovery operations are underway in either field
at this time but are under consideration.  The Company currently owns 99,000 net
acres in the Lustre and Midfork Field area.

     The Company  believes  significant  upside  exists in the  reservoirs  that
underlie the Charles "C" dolomite including the Mission Canyon,  Lodgepole,  and
Nisku  formations.   Historically  production  from  these  reservoirs  is  more
difficult to locate but prolific  when found.  3-D seismic is being  utilized to
locate  reserves in these  reservoirs.  During  2002,  the Company made a modest
discovery in the Lodgepole  formation  utilizing 60 square miles of  proprietary
3-D  data  acquired  in late  2001.  The  discovery  is  significant  in that it
established  production  200 miles from the nearest  Lodgepole  production  near
Dickinson,  North  Dakota,  which  was  quite  prolific.  The  Company  controls
approximately  70,000 net undeveloped  acres in this particular part of the play
and has identified 12 drilling locations from its 3-D seismic.  During 2003, the
Company plans to drill 1 development and 2 exploratory wells.


     On May 14, 1998, the Company  consummated the purchase,  for $86.5 million,
of producing and  non-producing oil and gas properties and certain other related
assets in the Worland  Field,  effective as of June 1, 1998.  Subsequently,  and
effective as of June 1, 1998,  the Company sold an undivided 50% interest in the
Worland Field  properties  (excluding  inventory  and certain  equipment) to the
Company's  principal  stockholder,  for $42.6 million. On December 31, 1999, the
Company's  principal  stockholder  contributed the undivided 50% interest in the
Worland Properties along with debt of $18,600,000.  The stockholder  contributed
$22,461,096  of the  properties  as additional  paid-in-capital  and the Company
assumed his outstanding debt for the balance of the purchase price.

     During the twelve  months  ended  December  31,  2002,  the  Worland  Field
properties  produced  1,763 Boe per day, net to the Company's  interests.  These
properties cover 96,000 net leasehold acres in the Worland Field of the Big Horn
Basin in northern Wyoming,  of which 29,000 net acres are held by production and
67,000 net acres are non-producing or prospective.  Approximately  two-thirds of
the  Company's  producing  leases in the Worland  Field are within five  federal
units,  the largest of which,  the Cottonwood Creek Unit, has been producing for
more than 40 years.  All of the units produce  principally  from the  Phosphoria
formation,  which is the most  prolific oil  producing  formation in the Worland
Field.  Four of the units are  unitized  as to all depths,  with the  Cottonwood
Creek Field Extension (Phosphoria) Unit being unitized only as to the Phosphoria
formation.  The Company is the  operator of all five of the federal  units.  The
Company also operates 38 producing  wells located on non-unitized  acreage.  The
Company's Worland Field properties include interests in 329 producing wells, 303
of which are operated by the Company.

     As of December 31, 2002, the estimated net proved reserves  attributable to
the Company's  Worland Field properties were  approximately  6.4 MMBoe,  with an
estimated PV-10 of $35.5 million.  Approximately 74%, by volume, of these proved
reserves consist of oil, principally in the Phosphoria  formation.  Oil produced
from the Company's  Worland Field properties is low gravity,  sour (high sulphur
content) crude, resulting in a lower sales price per barrel than non-sour crude,
and is sold into a Marathon  pipeline or is trucked from the lease. Gas produced
from the Worland Field  properties is also sour,  resulting in a sale price that
is less per Mcf than  non-sour  natural  gas.  From  the  effective  date of the
Worland Field Acquisition through September 30, 1998, the average price of crude
oil  produced by the Worland  Field  properties  was $5.19 per Bbl less than the
NYMEX price of crude oil. The Company entered into a contract effective December
1, 2001,  through December 31, 2001, to sell crude oil produced from its Worland
Field properties at an average price of $6.00 per Bbl less than the NYMEX price.
Subsequent  to these  contracts,  and  effective  January 1, 2002,  the  Company
entered   into  a  contract  to  sell  the  Worland   Field   production   at  a
gravity-adjusted  price of $4.21 per barrel less than the monthly  NYMEX average
price. This contract was renegotiated  January 2003 at a price that will average
$4.00 to $5.00 less than the monthly NYMEX average price.

     The Company  believes that  secondary and tertiary  recovery  projects have
significant  potential  for the  addition of reserves in the Worland  Field area
fields.  The Company  continues to seek the best method for increasing  recovery
from the producing reservoirs. Currently the Company has one Tensleep waterflood
project and one pilot imbibition flood underway.  The Company  implemented water
injection  into  five  wells in late 2002 to  evaluate  secondary  and  pressure
recovery techniques that will best process the Phosphoria dolomite oil reserves.
Production  should be  enhanced in as many as 20 offset  wells.  The Company has
installed the system for expansion if the results meet expectations. In addition
to the  secondary  and pressure  recovery  projects,  the Company is  evaluating
infill drilling  opportunities  based on neural network analysis  techniques and
has identified 70 wells for acid fracturing treatments.  The infill drilling and
acid frac  procedures will be evaluated as each well is completed to ensure that
the  techniques  are  viable.  As  evidenced  by past infill  drilling  and acid
fracturing stimulations, reserve growth can be significant.


     The  Company's  Mid-Continent  properties  are  located  primarily  in  the
Anadarko  Basin of western  Oklahoma and the Texas  Panhandle.  During 2001, the
Company  expanded  its  operations  in  the  Mid-Continent   through  successful
exploration  in the Black Warrior Basin in  Mississippi  and the  acquisition of
Farrar Oil Company's assets in the Anadarko and Illinois Basins. At December 31,
2002, the Company's estimated proved reserves in the Mid-Continent  totaled 12.1
MMBoe  and  represented  22% of the  Company's  PV-10.  At  December  31,  2002,
approximately   64%  of  the  Company's   estimated   proved   reserves  in  the
Mid-Continent  were  natural  gas. Net daily  production  from these  properties
during 2002  averaged  2,129 Bbls of oil and 15,150 Mcf of natural gas, or 4,658
Boe to the Company's interests.  The Company's  Mid-Continent leasehold position
includes  100,000 net developed and 62,000 net undeveloped  acres,  representing
15% and 10% of the  Company's  total  leasehold,  respectively,  at December 31,
2002. As of December 31, 2002, the Company's  Mid-Continent  properties included
an inventory of 15 development and 17 exploratory drilling locations.

     ANADARKO  BASIN.  The  Anadarko  Basin  properties  contained  74%  of  the
Company's  estimated  proved  reserves  for  the  Mid-Continent  and  17% of the
Company's total PV-10 at December 31, 2002, and represented 61% of the Company's
estimated  proved  reserves  of natural  gas.  During the  twelve  months  ended
December 31, 2002,  net daily  production  from its  Anadarko  Basin  properties
averaged  799 Bbls of oil and  13,167 Mcf of  natural  gas,  or 2,993 Boe to the
Company's  interests from 655 gross (289 net) producing  wells, 330 of which are
operated by the  Company.  The  Anadarko  Basin wells  produce from a variety of
sands and carbonates in both stratigraphic and structural traps in the Arbuckle,
Oil Creek, Viola, Mississippian, Springer, Morrow, Red Fork, Oswego, Skinner and
Tonkawa  formations,  at  depths  ranging  from  6,000  to  12,000  feet.  These
properties  have  been a steady  source  of cash  flow for the  Company  and are
continually being developed by infill drilling,  recompletions and workovers. As
of December  31,  2002,  the  Company  had  identified  12  development  and one
exploratory drilling location on its properties in the Anadarko Basin.

     ILLINOIS BASIN. On July 9, 2001, the Company purchased the assets of Farrar
Oil Company and its subsidiary, Har-Ken Oil Company, for $33.7 million under its
newly formed subsidiary,  Continental Resources of Illinois,  Inc. ("CRII"). The
Illinois  Basin  properties  contained  22% of the  Company's  estimated  proved
reserves for the  Mid-Continent  and 4% of the Company's total PV-10 at December
31, 2002. Net daily production during the twelve months ended December 31, 2002,
averaged  1,244  Bbls of oil and 189 Mcf of  natural  gas,  or 1,275  Boe to the
Company's  interests from 880 gross (646 net) producing  wells, 714 of which are
operated by the Company.  Approximately  70% of the Company's net oil production
in this  basin  comes  from  31  active  secondary  recovery  projects.  Company
expertise resulting in very efficient operations combined with low decline rates
makes most of the  properties  very long lived.  Many of the projects  have been
active for over 15 years with many years of economic life remaining. At year-end
the Company was  evaluating  a  production  acquisition  possessing  significant
secondary recovery potential.  Three new secondary recovery projects are planned
for  implementation  during 2003. All properties are constantly  being evaluated
and we are  continually  performing  numerous  workovers  and  making  injection
enhancements.  As of December 31,  2002,  the Company had 3  development  and 10
exploratory  drilling  locations in inventory and scheduled for drilling  during
2003.  All of the  exploratory  drill sites were selected  from  interpretations
utilizing  detailed  geological  studies and  computer  mapping with all but one
defined by seismic programs shot by the Company. In addition,  the Company has 6
active exploration project areas with seismic programs to cover all the areas to
be shot during 2003.  Included in this seismic  program are three projects where
the use of 3-D seismic will be employed.

     BLACK WARRIOR BASIN.  In April 2000, the Company began a grass roots effort
to expand  its  exploration  program  into the Black  Warrior  Basin  located in
eastern Mississippi and western Alabama.  The Company believes the Black Warrior
Basin offers  opportunity for growth and adds a component of low cost, high rate
of return,  shallow gas  reserves to the  Company's  overall  drilling  program.
Reservoirs  are  Pennsylvanian  and  Mississippian  age sands found at depths of
2,500 feet to 4,500 feet with reserves of .75 Bcf per well on average. Net daily
production  during the ten months ended  December 31, 2002,  averaged 766 Mcf of
natural gas or 128 Boe to the Company's  interests.  Competition in the basin is
low which has enabled the Company to readily  acquire leases on new projects and
keep costs low. As of December  31, 2002,  the Company had  acquired  25,000 net
acres on  selected  projects.  The  Company has also  augmented  its  geological
expertise by acquiring licenses to approximately 1,500 miles of 2-D seismic data
across the basin. During 2002, the Company drilled 12 wells and established four
producers  for a 33% success  rate.  Although  this success rate is in line with
historical  averages for the basin,  the  production and reserves found have not
met  expectations.  During  2003,  the  Company  plans to drill 5 wells  and the
results of these wells will dictate the  Company's  continued  commitment to the


     The Company's  Gulf Coast  activities  are located  primarily in the Pebble
Beach and Luby Projects in Nueces County, Texas and the Jefferson Island Project
in Iberia  Parish,  Louisiana.  The Company is also a partner in a joint venture
arrangement with Challenger Minerals, Inc. to locate and participate in drilling
opportunities on the shallow shelf of the Gulf of Mexico.  At December 31, 2002,
the Company's  estimated proved reserves in the Gulf Coast totaled .5 MMBoe (85%
gas)  representing  2% of the  Company's  total  PV-10  and 4% of the  Company's
estimated  proved reserves of natural gas. During 2002, the Company's Gulf Coast
producing wells represented only 4% of the Company's total producing well count,
but produced 21% of the Company's  total gas  production for the year. Net daily
production from these properties is 187 Bbls of oil and 5,245 Mcf of natural gas
or 1,061 Boe to the Company's  interests  from 5wells.  The Company's  leasehold
position   includes  6,000  net  developed  and  18,000  net  undeveloped  acres
representing  1% and 3% of the Company's total  leasehold  respectively.  From a
combined total of 95 square miles of proprietary 3-D data, 22 development and 21
exploratory locations have been identified for drilling on these projects.

     PEBBLE BEACH/LUBY.  The Pebble Beach/Luby projects target the prolific Frio
and Vicksburg  sands  underlying  and  surrounding  the Clara  Driscoll and Luby
fields in Nueces County, Texas. These sandstone reservoirs produce on structures
readily  defined  by seismic  and remain  largely  untested  below the  existing
producing  reservoirs in the fields at depths  ranging from 6,000 feet to 13,000
feet.  At December 31, 2002,  the  Company's  estimated  proved  reserves in the
Pebble  Beach/Luby  fields  totaled 2,064 MMcf or 3% of the Company's  estimated
proved  reserves of natural gas. Net daily  production  during the twelve months
ended  December 31,  2002,  averages 65 Bbls of oil and 2,723 Mcf of gas, or 519
Boe to the  Company's  interests.  The Company  owns 23,000 gross and 19,000 net
acres and has acquired 95 square miles of proprietary  3-D seismic data in these
two  projects.  From the  proprietary  3-D data,  the Company has  identified 22
development and 13 exploratory locations for drilling.

     During  2002,  the  Company  drilled  9  wells  with 8 being  completed  as
producing  wells  and 1 dry  hole.  In  2003,  the  Company  will  continue  its
development  and expects to drill 13 additional  wells in the Pebble  Beach/Luby
projects.   The  Company  also  expects  to  acquire  additional  leasehold  and
approximately  60 square miles of new proprietary 3-D data in selected  projects
as part of its ongoing expansion in South Texas.

     JEFFERSON ISLAND.  The Jefferson Island project is an  underdeveloped  salt
dome that produces from a series of prolific  Miocene  sands.  To date the field
has produced 111.1 MMBoe from  approximately  one quarter of the total dome. The
remaining three quarters of the faulted dome complex are essentially  unexplored
or  underdeveloped.  The Company controls 2,000 gross and 1,000 net acres in the
project  and owns 35  square  miles of  proprietary  3-D  seismic  covering  the
property through an agreement with a third party. Under the agreement, the third
party had to pay 100% of costs for  acquiring  3-D seismic and drill five wells,
carrying the Company for 16% working  interest at no cost,  to earn 50% interest
in the Jefferson Island project.  During 2000, the third party completed its 3-D
seismic and drilling  obligation and earned 50% of the project.  Out of the five
wells drilled by the third party, two are commercial wells, two  non-commercials
and one was a dry hole. With the third party's seismic and drilling  obligations
fulfilled,  the Company regained control of drilling  operations and drilled one
exploratory well in 2001 seeking higher reserve potential.  The exploratory well
was successful and penetrated 180 feet of pay in multiple sands underlying a 3-D
imaged salt overhang along the flank of the salt dome complex.  The discovery is
quite  significant  in that it  confirmed  our  ability  to  image  the salt and
encounter pay in sand  reservoirs not previously  known to produce in the field.
The Company has identified 5 additional exploratory drilling locations and plans
to drill at least one in 2003.

     GULF OF MEXICO.  In July 1999 the  Company  elected to expand its  drilling
program  into the shallow  waters of the Gulf of Mexico  ("GOM")  though a joint
venture  arrangement  with  Challenger  Minerals,  Inc.  This  was  part  of the
Company's ongoing strategy to build its opportunity base of high rate of return,
natural gas reserves in the Gulf Coast region.  The  expansion  into the GOM has
proven  successful and as of December 31, 2002, the Company has  participated in
15 wells that have resulted in seven  producers,  seven dry holes,  and one well
has been  plugged.  The Company  plans to continue  its activity in the GOM as a
non-operator,  restricting its risked investments to approximately  $750,000 per
project. The Company currently has 2 potential wells in inventory for 2003.


     The following table presents  certain  information  with respect to oil and
gas  production,  prices  and  costs  attributable  to all oil and gas  property
interests owned by the Company for the periods shown:

                                                               Year Ended December 31,
NET PRODUCTION DATA:                                 2000                2001                2002
                                               ------------------  -----------------   -----------------
Oil and condensate (MBbl)                                  3,360              3,489               3,810
Natural gas (MMcf)                                         7,939              8,411               9,229
Total (MBoe)                                               4,684              4,893               5,352
Average sales price per Bbl (w/o hedges)                  $29.02             $23.79              $24.05
Average sales price per Bbl (with hedges)                 $27.41             $23.87              $22.56
Average sales price per Mcf                                $2.91              $3.41               $2.46
Average sales price per Boe (w/o hedges)                  $25.75             $22.82              $21.36
Average sales price per Boe (with hedges)                 $24.65             $22.92              $20.32
Lifting cost per Boe (1)                                   $6.36              $7.52               $6.75
DD&A expense per Boe (1)                                   $3.71              $4.90               $5.04
General and administrative expense per Boe (2)             $1.52              $1.79               $1.99
Gross Margin                                              $13.06              $8.71               $6.54

(1)  Related to oil and gas producing properties.
(2)  Related to oil and gas producing properties, net of operating overhead income.


     The following table sets forth the number of productive wells, exclusive of
injection  wells and water wells,  as of December 31, 2002. In the table "gross"
refers to total  wells in which the  Company  had a working  interest  and "net"
refers to gross wells multiplied by our working interest.

                                           OIL WELLS                          GAS WELLS                           TOTAL WELLS
                            ------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------
ROCKY MOUNTAIN                    GROSS              NET              GROSS             NET               GROSS           NET
                            ------------------- ----------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
    Williston Basin                        381               328                0               0              381             328
    Big Horn Basin                         328               287                1               1              329             288
                            ------------------- ----------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------
    Total ROCKY MOUNTAIN                   709               615                1               1              710             616

    Anadarko Basin                         370               206              285              83              655             289
    Texas Panhandle                         19                12               15               5               34              17
    Illinois Basin                         843               612               37              34              880             646
    Black Warrior Basin                      0                 0                5               4                5               4
                            ------------------- ----------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------
    Total MID-CONTINENT                  1,232               830              342             126            1,574             956

    Louisiana Onshore                        2                 1                7               3                9               4
    Luby                                    33                33               31              31               64              64
    Offshore                                 0                 0                7               1                7               1
    Pebble Beach                             8                 6               11               7               19              13
    Texas Onshore                            0                 0                2               2                2               2
                            ------------------- ----------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------
    Total GULF COAST                        43                40               58              43              101              84

TOTAL                                    1,984             1,485              401             171            2,385           1,656
                            =================== ================= ================ =============== ================ ===============


     The  following  table sets forth the Company's  developed  and  undeveloped
gross and net  leasehold  acreage as of December 31, 2002.  In the table "gross"
refers to total  acres in which the  Company  had a working  interest  and "net"
refers to gross acres multiplied by our working interest.

                                    Developed                        Undeveloped                        Total
                            -----------------------------   -----------------------------    ----------------------------
Rocky Mountains                Gross            Net             Gross           Net                Gross           Net
                            -------------  --------------   --------------  -------------    -------------  -------------
Williston Basin                  163,470         143,915          249,198        207,644          412,668        351,559
Big Horn Basin                    30,569          29,358           69,788         66,884          100,357         96,242
Canada                                 0               0           17,117         17,117           17,117         17,117
New Mexico                             0               0              560            560              560            560
                            -------------  --------------   --------------  -------------    -------------  -------------
     Total Rocky Mountains       194,039         173,273          336,663        292,205          530,702        465,478
Anadarko Basin                   119,879          68,110           30,870         26,953          150,749         95,063
Black Warrior Basin                1,530           1,102           37,820         24,380           39,350         25,482
Illinois Basin                    39,809          30,384            1,905          1,905           41,714         32,289
Other                                  0               0            8,715          8,714            8,715          8,714
                            -------------  --------------   --------------  -------------    -------------  -------------
        Total Mid-Continent      161,218          99,596           79,310         61,952          240,528        161,548

Gulf Coast                        15,515           5,872           29,659         17,893           45,174         23,765
                            -------------  --------------   --------------  -------------    -------------  -------------
           Total Gulf Coast       15,515           5,872           29,659         17,893           45,174         23,765

        Grand Total Acreage      370,772         278,741          445,632        372,050          816,404        650,791
                            =============  ==============   ==============  =============    =============  =============


     The  following  table sets forth the  Company's  drilling  activity  on its
properties for the periods indicated. In the table "gross" refers to total wells
in which the  Company  had a working  interest  and "net"  refers to gross wells
multiplied by our working interest.

                                                         YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                  2000                             2001                          2002
                     ------------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------------------------
DEVELOPMENT WELLS:       GROSS            NET            GROSS            NET          GROSS             NET
                     -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
    Productive                  23            19.4              32            25.4             52            46.4
    Non-productive               3             2.9              15             7.2              5             4.3
                     -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
        Total                   26            22.3              47            32.6             57            50.7
                     ============== =============== =============== =============== ============== ===============

    Productive                  15             9.3              11             5.7             16            12.8
    Non-productive               7             3.0              10             5.5              9             6.2
                     -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------
        Total                   22            12.3              21            11.2             25            19.0
                     ============== =============== =============== =============== ============== ===============


     The following  table  summarizes  the estimates of the Company's net proved
oil and gas reserves and the related  PV-10 of such reserves at the dates shown.
Ryder Scott Company Petroleum Engineers ("Ryder Scott") prepared the reserve and
present value data with respect to the Company's oil and gas  properties,  which
represented  83% of the  PV-10 at  December  31,  2000,  97.6%  of the  PV-10 at
December  31,  2001,  and 89% of the PV-10 at  December  31,  2002.  The Company
prepared the reserve and present value data on all other properties.

(Dollars in thousands)                                  December 31,
Proved developed reserves:              2000               2001              2002
                                ------------------ ------------------- ------------------
    Oil (MBbl)                             33,173              31,325             33,626
    Natural Gas (MMcf)                     58,438              56,647             69,273
    Total (MBoe)                           42,913              40,766             45,172
Proved undeveloped reserves:
    Oil (MBbl)                              2,091              28,406             29,655
    Natural Gas (MMcf)                      1,435             (4,381)                674
    Total (MBoe)                            2,330              27,676             29,767
Total proved reserves:
    Oil (MBbl)                             35,264              59,731             63,281
    Natural Gas (MMcf)                     59,873              52,267             69,947
    Total (MBoe)                           45,243              68,442             74,939
PV-10 (1)                                $491,799            $308,604           $633,397

(1)  PV-10  represents the present value of estimated future net cash flows before income
     tax  discounted  at  10%.  In  accordance  with   applicable   requirements  of  the
     Commission, estimates of the Company's proved reserves and future net cash flows are
     made using oil and gas sales prices estimated to be in effect as of the date of such
     reserve  estimates  and are held  constant  throughout  the  life of the  properties
     (except to the extent a contract specifically  provides for escalation).  The prices
     used in calculating  PV-10 as of December 31, 2000,  2001 and 2002,  were $26.80 per
     Bbl of oil and $9.78 per Mcf of natural gas, $18.67 per Bbl of oil and $1.96 per Mcf
     of  natural  gas and  $29.04  per  Bbl of oil and  $3.33  per  Mcf of  natural  gas,

Estimated quantities of proved reserves and future net cash flows there from are
affected by oil and gas prices,  which have  fluctuated  widely in recent years.
There are numerous uncertainties inherent in estimating oil and gas reserves and
their values,  including  many factors  beyond the control of the producer.  The
reserve  data set  forth in this  annual  report  on Form  10-K  represent  only
estimates.   Reservoir   engineering  is  a  subjective  process  of  estimating
underground  accumulations  of oil and gas that  cannot be  measured in an exact
manner.  The  accuracy of any  reserve  estimate is a function of the quality of
available data and of engineering and geological interpretation and judgment. As
a result, estimates of different engineers, including those used by the Company,
may vary. In addition,  estimates of reserves are subject to revision based upon
actual  production,  results of future  development and exploration  activities,
prevailing  oil and  gas  prices,  operating  costs  and  other  factors,  which
revisions may be material.  Accordingly,  reserve  estimates are often different
from  the  quantities  of  oil  and  gas  that  are  ultimately  recovered.  The
meaningfulness  of such  estimates is highly  dependent upon the accuracy of the
assumptions upon which they are based.

     In general,  the volume of production from oil and gas properties  declines
as reserves are depleted.  Except to the extent the Company acquires  properties
containing proved reserves or conducts  successful  exploitation and development
activities,  the proved  reserves of the Company  will  decline as reserves  are
produced.  The Company's  future oil and gas  production is,  therefore,  highly
dependent upon its level of success in finding or acquiring additional reserves.


     The  Company's  gas  gathering  systems are owned by  Continental  Gas Inc.
("CGI").  Natural gas and casinghead gas are purchased at the wellhead primarily
under either market-sensitive  percent-of-proceeds-index contracts or keep-whole
gas purchase contracts or fee-based contracts.  Under  percent-of-proceeds-index
contracts, CGI receives a fixed percentage of the monthly index posted price for
natural gas and a fixed  percentage of the resale price for natural gas liquids.
CGI generally receives between 20% and 30% of the posted index price for natural
gas sales and from 20% to 30% of the proceeds  received from natural gas liquids
sales.  Under  keep-whole  gas purchase  contracts,  CGI retains all natural gas
liquids recovered by its processing  facilities and keeps the producers whole by
returning  to the  producers  at the tailgate of its plants an amount of residue
gas, equal on a BTU basis,  to the natural gas received at the plant inlet.  The
keep-whole  component  of the  contract  permits the Company to benefit when the
value of natural  gas  liquids  is greater as a liquid  than as a portion of the
residue gas stream. Under the fee-based contracts, CGI receives a fixed rate per
MMBTU of gas sold.  This rate per MMBTU  remains  fixed  regardless of commodity


     The   Company's   oil  and  gas   production   is  sold   primarily   under
market-sensitive or spot price contracts. The Company sells substantially all of
its casinghead gas to purchasers under varying percentage-of-proceeds contracts.
By the terms of these contracts,  the Company receives a fixed percentage of the
resale price  received by the purchaser for sales of natural gas and natural gas
liquids  recovered after gathering and processing the Company's gas. The Company
normally  receives  between 80% and 100% of the proceeds  from natural gas sales
and from 80% to 100% of the proceeds from natural gas liquids sales  received by
the  Company's  purchasers  when the  products  are resold.  The natural gas and
natural gas liquids sold by these  purchasers are sold  primarily  based on spot
market prices. The revenues received by the Company from the sale of natural gas
liquids  are  included  in natural  gas sales.  As a result of the  natural  gas
liquids  contained in the  Company's  production,  the Company has  historically
improved its price realization on its natural gas sales as compared to Henry Hub
or other  natural  gas price  indexes.  For the year ended  December  31,  2002,
purchases  of the  Company's  natural gas  production  by ONEOK  Field  Services
accounted for 23% of the  Company's  total gas sales for such period and for the
same period  purchases  of the  Company's  oil  production  by EOTT Energy Corp.
accounted  for  61%  of the  Company's  total  produced  oil  sales.  Due to the
availability of other markets, the Company does not believe that the loss of any
crude oil or gas customer would have a material effect on the Company's  results
of operations.

     Periodically the Company utilizes various price risk management  strategies
to fix the price of a portion of its future oil and gas production.  The Company
does not establish hedges in excess of its expected production. These strategies
customarily emphasize forward-sale,  fixed-price contracts for physical delivery
of a specified  quantity of production or swap  arrangements  that  establish an
index-related  price above which the Company pays the hedging  partner and below
which the hedging partner pays the Company. These contracts allow the Company to
predict with greater  certainty  the effective oil and gas prices to be received
for its hedged  production  and benefit the Company when market  prices are less
than the fixed  prices  provided in its  forward-sale  contracts.  However,  the
Company  does not  benefit  from  market  prices  that are higher than the fixed
prices in such contracts for its hedged production.  In August 1998, the Company
began  engaging  in oil  trading  arrangements  as  part  of its  oil  marketing
activities. Under these arrangements, the Company contracts to purchase oil from
one  source and to sell oil to an  unrelated  purchaser,  usually  at  disparate
prices.  During the second quarter of 2002, the Company  discontinued  crude oil
trading contracts.


     From  time to time,  the  Company  is party to  litigation  or other  legal
proceedings  that  it  considers  to be a part  of the  ordinary  course  of its
business.  The Company is not involved in any legal  proceedings nor is it party
to any pending or threatened  claims that could reasonably be expected to have a
material adverse effect on its financial condition or results of operations.





     There is no established  trading market for the Company's common stock. The
Company authorized an approximate 293:1 stock split during 2000. As a result all
amounts are  presented  retroactive  to account  for the split.  As of March 28,
2003, there were three record holders of the Company's common stock. The Company
issued no equity securities during 2002. During 2000, the Company  established a
Stock Option Plan with 1,020,000 shares available,  of which options to purchase
an aggregate of 172,000 shares have been granted.



     The following table sets forth selected historical  consolidated  financial
data for the periods  ended and as of the dates  indicated.  The  statements  of
operations and other financial data for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1999,
2000,  2001 and 2002, and the balance sheet data as of December 31, 1998,  1999,
2000,  2001 and  2002,  have been  derived  from,  and  should  be  reviewed  in
conjunction with, the consolidated  financial statements of the Company, and the
notes thereto. Ernst and Young LLP audited our financial statements for 2002 and
Arthur  Andersen  LLP  audited the  remaining  years.  The balance  sheets as of
December 31, 2001,  and 2002,  and the  statements of  operations  for the years
ended December 31, 2000,  2001 and 2002,  are included  elsewhere in this annual
report on Form 10-K. The data should be read in conjunction  with  "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of  Operations"  and
the  consolidated  financial  statements and the related notes thereto  included
elsewhere in this Report.

     Certain amounts  applicable to the prior periods have been  reclassified to
conform to the classifications currently followed. Such reclassifications do not
affect earnings.

     Statement of Operating Data:                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
          (dollars in thousands)                        1998           1999           2000           2001             2002
                                                   --------------  -------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------
    Oil and Gas Sales                              $      60,162   $     65,949   $    115,478   $      112,170   $      108,752
    Crude Oil Marketing Income                           232,216        241,630        279,834          245,872          153,547
    Change in Derivative Fair Value                            0              0              0                0           (1,455)
    Gathering, Marketing and Processing                   17,701         21,563         32,758           44,988           33,708
    Oil and Gas Service Operations                         4,003          3,368          5,760            6,047            5,739
                                                   --------------  -------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------
Total Revenues                                           314,082        332,510        433,830          409,077          300,291

Operating Costs and Expenses:
    Production Expenses and Taxes                         22,611         19,368         29,807           36,791           36,112
    Exploration Expenses                                   5,468          3,191          9,965           15,863           10,229
    Crude Oil Marketing Expense.                         228,797        236,135        278,809          245,003          152,718
    Gathering, Marketing and Processing                   16,233         18,391         28,303           36,367           29,783
    Oil and Gas Service Operations                         3,664          3,420          5,582            5,294            6,462
    Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization              30,198         19,549         19,552           27,731           31,380
    Property Impairments                                  10,165          5,154          5,631           10,113           25,686
    General and Administrative                             6,098          4,540          7,142            8,753           10,713
                                                   --------------  -------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------
Total Operating Costs and Expenses                       323,234        309,748        384,791          385,915          303,083

    Operating Income (Loss)                              (9,152)         22,762         49,039           23,162           (2,792)

    Interest Income                                          967            310            756              630              285
    Interest Expense                                     (12,826)       (17,370)       (16,514)         (15,674)         (18,401)
    Change in Accounting Principle (1)                         0         (2,048)             0                0                0
    Other Revenue (Expense), net                           3,031            266          4,499            3,549              876
                                                   --------------  -------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------
Total Other Income(Expense)                               (8,828)       (18,842)       (11,259)         (11,495)         (17,240)

Net Income (Loss)                                  $     (17,980)  $      3,920   $     37,780   $       11,667   $      (20,032)
                                                   ==============  =============  =============  ===============  ===============

    Adjusted EBITDA (2)                            $      40,677   $     49,184   $     89,442   $       81,048   $       65,664
    Net cash provided by operations                       27,884         26,179         72,262           63,413           46,997
    Net cash used in investing                          (114,743)       (15,972)       (44,246)        (106,384)        (113,295)
    Net cash provided by (used in)financing              101,376        (15,602)       (31,287)          43,045           61,593
    Capital expenditures (3)                              95,474         57,530         51,911          111,023          113,447
    Adjusted EBITDA to interest expense                     3.2x           2.8x           5.4x             5.2x             3.6x
    Total funded debt to Adjusted EBITDA (4)                4.2x           3.5x           1.6x             2.2x             3.6x
    Earnings to fixed charges (5)                            N/A           1.2x           3.3x             1.7x              N/A
    Cash and cash equivalents                      $      15,817   $     10,421   $      7,151   $        7,225   $        2,520
    Total assets                                         253,739        282,559        298,623          354,485          406,677
    Long-term debt, including current maturities         167,637        170,637        140,350          183,395          247,105
    Stockholder's equity                                  60,284         86,666        123,446          135,113          115,081

(1)  Change in accounting  principle represents the cumulative effect impact of adopting EITF 98-10 "Accounting for Energy Trading
     and Risk Management Activities."

(2)  Adjusted EBITDA represents earnings before interest expense, income taxes, depreciation,  depletion, amortization, impairment
     of property and exploration expense, excluding proceeds from litigation settlements. Adjusted EBITDA is not a measure of cash
     flow as determined in accordance with GAAP. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered as an alternative to, or more meaningful
     than, net income or cash flow as determined in accordance with GAAP or as an indicator of a company's  operating  performance
     or  liquidity.  Certain items  excluded from adjusted  EBITDA are  significant  components in  understanding  and assessing a
     company's  financial  performance,  such as a company's  cost of capital  and tax  structure,  as well as  historic  costs of
     depreciable assets, none of which are components of adjusted EBITDA. The Company's  computation of adjusted EBITDA may not be
     comparable to other  similarly  titled  measures of other  companies.  The Company  believes that adjusted EBITDA is a widely
     followed measure of operating  performance and may also be used by investors to measure the Company's  ability to meet future
     debt service requirements, if any. Adjusted EBITDA does not give effect to the Company's exploration expenditures,  which are
     largely  discretionary  by the Company and which,  to the extent  expended,  would reduce cash  available  for debt  service,
     repayment of indebtedness and dividends.

(3)  Capital  expenditures  include costs related to acquisitions of producing oil and gas properties and include the contribution
     of the Worland  properties by the principal  stockholder  of $22.4 million  during the year ended  December 31, 1999, and the
     purchase of the assets of Farrar Oil Company and Har-Ken Oil Company for $33.7  million  during the year ended  December  31,
     2001. Capital expenditures for 2002 included $47.2 million for Cedar Hill's development and $9.9 for capital leases.

(4)  Total funded debt to Adjusted EBITDA excludes capital leases of $11.9 million.

(5)  For purposes of computing the ratio of earnings to fixed charges,  earnings are computed as income from continuing operations
     before fixed charges.  Fixed charges  consist of interest  expense and  amortization of costs incurred in the offering of the
     Notes. For the year ended December 31, 1998 and 2002,  earnings were insufficient to cover fixed charges by $18.0 million and
     $20.0 million, respectively.



     The use of  estimates  is necessary  in the  preparation  of the  Company's
consolidated  financial statements.  The circumstances that make these judgments
difficult,  subjective  and complex  have to do with the need to make  estimates
about the effect of matters that are inherently uncertain.  The use of estimates
and assumptions  affects the reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities.  Such
estimates  and  assumptions  also  affect  the  disclosure  of  legal  reserves,
abandonment  reserves,  oil and gas  reserves  and other  contingent  assets and
liabilities at the date of the  consolidated  financial  statements,  as well as
amounts of revenues and expenses  recognized during the reporting period. Of the
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  reported  results,  estimates  of the
Company's oil and gas reserves are the most significant.  Changes in oil and gas
reserves estimates impact the Company's calculation of depletion and abandonment
expense  and is  critical  in the  Company's  assessment  of asset  impairments.
Management  believes it is necessary to  understand  the  Company's  significant
accounting policies,  "Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary  Data-Note
1-Summary of  Significant  Accounting  Policies" of this form 10-K,  in order to
understand the Company's financial condition, changes in financial condition and
results of operations.

     The following  discussion  should be read in conjunction with the Company's
consolidated   financial   statements   and  notes   thereto  and  the  selected
consolidated financial data included elsewhere herein.


     The  Company's  revenue,  profitability  and cash  flow  are  substantially
dependent upon prevailing  prices for oil and gas and the volumes of oil and gas
it produces. The Company produced more oil and gas in 2002 than in 2001. Average
wellhead  prices  during  2002 were  $22.90  per Bbl of oil and $2.46 per Mcf of
natural  gas  compared to $24.05 per Bbl of oil and $3.41 per Mcf of natural gas
during 2001

     The  Company  uses the  successful  efforts  method of  accounting  for its
investment in oil and gas  properties.  Under the  successful  efforts method of
accounting,  costs to acquire mineral  interests in oil and gas  properties,  to
drill and provide  equipment for exploratory wells that find proved reserves and
to drill and equip development wells are capitalized.  These costs are amortized
to  operations  on a  unit-of-production  method based on petroleum  engineering
estimates.  Geological and geophysical costs, lease rentals and costs associated
with unsuccessful  exploratory  wells are expensed as incurred.  Maintenance and
repairs  are  expensed as  incurred,  except  that the cost of  replacements  or
renewals that expand capacity or improve production are capitalized. Significant
downward  revisions of quantity estimates or declines in oil and gas prices that
are not offset by other factors  could result in a writedown  for  impairment of
the carrying value of oil and gas properties.  Once incurred,  a writedown of an
oil and gas  property  is not  reversible  at a later  date,  even if oil or gas
prices increase.

     The  Company is an  S-Corporation  for  federal  income tax  purposes.  The
Company  currently  anticipates  it  will  pay  periodic  dividends  in  amounts
sufficient  to  enable  the  Company's  stockholders  to pay  their  income  tax
obligations  with respect to the Company's  taxable  earnings.  Based upon funds
available to the Company under its credit facility and the Company's anticipated
cash flow from operating activities, the Company does not currently expect these
distributions to materially impact the Company's liquidity.


     The following tables set forth selected financial and operating information
for each of the three years in the periods indicated:

                                                              December 31,
(Dollars in thousands, except price data)            2000           2001          2002
----------------------------------------------   -----------  ------------  ------------
Revenues                                         $  433,830    $  409,077    $  300,291
Operating expenses                                  384,791       385,915       303,083
Non-Operating income (expense)                      (11,259)      (11,495)      (17,240)
Net income (loss)                                    37,780        11,667       (20,032)
Adjusted EBITDA (1)                                  89,442        81,048        65,664
Production Volumes:
    Oil and condensate (MBbl)                         3,360         3,489         3,810
    Natural gas (MMcf)                                7,939         8,411         9,229
    Oil equivalents (MBoe)                            4,681         4,893         5,352
Average Prices:
    Oil and condensate, with hedges ($/Bbl)      $    27.41    $    23.87    $    22.56
    Natural gas ($/Mcf)                          $     2.91    $     3.41    $     2.46
    Oil equivalents, with hedges ($/Boe)         $    24.65    $    22.92    $    20.32

(1)  Adjusted  EBITDA  represents  earnings  before  interest  expense,   income  taxes,
     depreciation,  depletion,  amortization,  impairment  of property  and  exploration
     expense,  excluding proceeds from litigation settlements.  Adjusted EBITDA is not a
     measure of cash flow as determined in accordance with GAAP.  Adjusted EBITDA should
     not be considered as an alternative to, or more meaningful than, net income or cash
     flow as  determined  in  accordance  with GAAP or as an  indicator  of a  company's
     operating performance or liquidity. Certain items excluded from adjusted EBITDA are
     significant  components  in  understanding  and  assessing  a  company's  financial
     performance,  such as a  company's  cost of capital and tax  structure,  as well as
     historic  costs of  depreciable  assets,  none of which are  components of adjusted
     EBITDA. The Company's computation of adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to other
     similarly  titled measures of other  companies.  The Company believes that adjusted
     EBITDA is a widely followed  measure of operating  performance and may also be used
     by  investors  to  measure  the  Company's  ability  to meet  future  debt  service
     requirements,  if any.  Adjusted  EBITDA  does not  give  effect  to the  Company's
     exploration expenditures, which are largely discretionary by the Company and which,
     to the extent expended, would reduce cash available for debt service,  repayment of
     indebtedness and dividends.


     Certain amounts  applicable to the prior periods have been  reclassified to
conform to the classifications currently followed. Such reclassifications do not
affect earnings.



     Our oil and gas sales revenue for 2002  decreased  $3.4 million,  or 3%, to
$108.8  million from $112.2  million in 2001 due  primarily to a loss on hedging
activity  of $4.9  million  in 2002 and a  decrease  in gas  prices.  Gas prices
decreased  $0.95/Mcf,  or 28%, from an average of $3.41/Mcf in 2001 to $2.46/Mcf
in 2002.


     We discontinued our crude oil trading activities  effective May 2002. Prior
to May 2002, we entered into third party  contracts to purchase and resell crude
oil. Although we no longer enter into third party contracts,  we did continue to
repurchase  our  physical  production  from the  Rockies  and resell  equivalent
barrels at Cushing to take  advantage of better pricing and to reduce our credit
exposure  from sales to our first  purchaser.  We present sales and purchases of
our  production  from the  Rockies as crude oil  marketing  income and crude oil
marketing expense,  respectively. For the year to date period ended December 31,
2002, we recognized revenue of $153.5 million on crude oil marketing  activities
from  January 2002 thru May 2002,  compared to income of $245.9  million for the
twelve months ended December 31, 2001


     Our 2002  gathering,  marketing and  processing  revenues  decreased  $11.3
million,  or 25%, to $33.7  million  compared to $45.0 million for 2001. Of this
decrease,  $10.3 million was  attributable  to  operations  from the Eagle Chief
Plant in Oklahoma, $1.1 million from the south Texas gathering systems, Driscoll
and Arend,  $0.8 million was from the Matli,  Badlands and Worland gas gathering
systems. These decreases were offset by increases in the remaining gas gathering
systems,  including  an  increase  from the North Enid Plant in Oklahoma of $1.9
million.  The  decreases  were due to lower  natural gas and natural gas liquids
prices in 2002.


     Our oil and gas service operations  revenues decreased $0.3 million, or 5%,
to $5.7 million in 2002 from $6.0 million in 2001 due primarily to lower volumes
of reclaimed oil sales from our central treating unit.



     Our  production  expenses and taxes were $36.1 million for 2002, a decrease
of $0.7 million, or 2%, over the 2001 expenses of $36.8 million,  primarily as a
result of decreased  energy costs and taxes of $1.8 million  offset by increases
in all other areas of direct costs associated with the Company's operations.


     Our exploration  expenses decreased $5.6 million,  or 35%, to $10.2 million
in 2002 from $15.8  million in 2001.  The  decrease was  attributable  to a $6.9
million  decrease in dry hole  expenses,  offset by a $1.3  million  increase in
seismic  and  geological  and  geophysical  expenses  along with a $0.9  million
increase in other expenses.


     We discontinued our crude oil trading activities  effective May 2002. Prior
to May 2002, we entered into third party  contracts to purchase and resell crude
oil. Although we no longer enter into third party contracts,  we did continue to
repurchase  our  physical  production  from the  Rockies  and resell  equivalent
barrels at Cushing to take  advantage of better pricing and to reduce our credit
exposure  from sales to our first  purchaser.  We present sales and purchases of
our  production  from the  Rockies as crude oil  marketing  income and crude oil
marketing  expense,  respectively.  For the year ended  December  31,  2002,  we
recognized an expense of $152.7 million on crude oil marketing  activities  from
January  2002 thru May 2002,  compared  to an expense of $245.0  million for the
twelve months ended December 31, 2001


     Our gathering, marketing and processing expense for 2002 was $29.8 million,
a decrease of $6.6 million,  or 18%, from the $36.4 million incurred in 2001. Of
this  decrease,  $8.3  million  was  attributable  to the Eagle  Chief  Plant in
Oklahoma which was offset by increases of $1.8 million from the North Enid Plant
in Oklahoma  and $0.8  million  from the Arend  gathering  system in Texas.  The
decrease is a result of lower  natural  gas and  natural  gas liquids  prices in


     Our oil and gas service operations  expenses increased by $1.2 million,  or
22%, to $6.5 million in 2002 from $5.3 million in 2001.  The increase was due to
the cost of  purchasing  and treating  reclaimed oil for resale by $0.4 million,
salaries  increased $0.3 million and general repairs and maintenance made up the
difference of $0.4 million.


     For the year ended December 31, 2002, total DD&A expense was $31.3 million,
a $3.6 million,  or 13%,  increase over the 2001 expense of $27.7  million.  The
increase was due to the DD&A  associated with the Farrar assets acquired in July
2001, which were depreciated for a full year in 2002 and increased  depreciation
by $0.7 million.  Depreciable and depletable assets increased $86.2 million from
2001 to 2002, which also increased DD&A expense.


     During 2002, we recorded property impairments of $25.7 million, compared to
$10.1 million in 2001, a $15.6  million,  or 154%,  increase from last year. The
majority of this impairment was related to our Bepco  acquisition in the Worland
Field. The Bepco acquisition  included 466 proved undeveloped  ("PUD") locations
with a PV-10  value of $145.5  million.  We  allocated  $26.7  million  to these
potential  locations as part of the acquisition price. We have not developed any
of the  identified  PUD  locations  during  the past 4-1/2 years due to  capital
constraints imposed by our development of the Cedar Hills Field. A recent review
of the  PUD  valuation  made  by  our  reservoir-engineering  department  of the
original Ryder Scott report  indicates that their analysis of reserve  potential
was accurate for the up-dip portion of the field, but potentially not applicable
to all identified PUD locations.  We have initiated a detailed review of the PUD
locations  by a  consulting  firm and  expect to have a report  during the third
quarter  of 2003.  This  review  will  involve  geostatistical  analysis  of all
available data and  development of a neural network  correlation to predict well
performance.   Economic   analysis  of   specific   locations   and   subsequent
recommendation for drilling will follow this study.

     We may be  required to  write-down  the  carrying  value of our oil and gas
properties  when oil and gas prices are depressed or unusually  volatile,  which
would result in a charge to earnings. Once incurred, a write-down of oil and gas
properties  is not  reversible  at a later date. We recorded a $5.3 million FASB
121 write-down in 2001 and a $2.3 million FASB 121 write-down in 2002.


     Our G & A expense for 2002 was $10.7 million,  an increase of $1.9 million,
or 22%, from G&A expenses for 2001 of $8.8 million,  primarily  attributable  to
increased  salaries  and  employment  expenses  due to an  increased  number  of
employees in 2002.


     Our interest income for 2002 was $0.3 million  compared to $0.6 million for
2001,  a decrease  of $0.3  million or 50%.  The  decrease in the 2002 period is
attributable to lower interest rates and levels of cash invested during 2002.


     Our  interest  expense  for 2002 was $18.4  million,  an  increase  of $2.7
million or 17% from $15.7 million in 2002.  The increase in the 2002 expense was
the additional  interest paid on our credit  facility due to higher average debt
balances outstanding.


     Our other  income  decreased  $2.6  million or 75%, to $0.9 million for the
year ended December 31, 2002,  from $3.5 million for 2001.  Other income in 2001
reflects  a gain on our  sale  of 62  uneconomical  wells for $3.4  million,  an
extraordinary  gain of $0.1  million on the  repurchase  of $3.0  million of our
senior notes in 2001,  and a gain of $0.3  million on the sale of  miscellaneous
assets in 2002.


     Our net loss for 2002 was  $20.0  million,  a  decrease  of $31.7  million,
compared to net income of $11.7 million in 2001. This decrease  reflects,  among
other items,  the lower gas prices,  which created a decrease in gas revenues of
$8.0  million,  an increase in DD&A  expense and property  impairments  of $18.6
million, a $4.5 million decrease in gathering, marketing and processing margins,
an increase in interest expense of $2.1 million,  and a decrease in other income
of $2.6 million.


     Certain amounts  applicable to the prior periods have been  reclassified to
conform to the classifications  currently followed.  These  reclassifications do
not affect our net income.


     Our oil and gas sales revenues for 2001  decreased $3.3 million,  or 3%, to
$112.2  million from $115.5 million in 2000 due primarily to a decrease of $3.54
per barrel or 13% in oil prices  from an average of $27.41 per barrel in 2000 to
$23.87 per barrel in 2001. This decrease in oil prices was offset by an increase
of $0.50 per Mcf or 17%, in average gas sales price from an average of $2.91 per
Mcf in 2000 to $3.41 per Mcf in 2001.


     We  recognized a decrease in revenues on crude oil purchased for resale for
2001 of $34.0  million,  or 12%, to $245.8 million from $279.8 million for 2000.
Total  volumes  decreased  approximately  1.1  million  barrels  along  with the
decrease in oil prices resulted in the decrease in crude oil marketing revenues.


     Our 2001  gathering,  marketing and  processing  revenues  increased  $12.2
million,  or 37%, to $45.0 million compared to $32.8 for 2000. Of this increase,
$5.3  million was  attributable  to  operations  from our south Texas  gathering
systems, $2.2 million was attributable to our Eagle Chief Plant in Oklahoma, and
$1.5 million was attributable to our Matli gas gathering system in Oklahoma. The
balance of the  increase was due to an increase in gas prices.  These  increases
were offset by our sale of the Rattlesnake and Enterprise  gathering  systems in
January 2000.


     Our oil and gas service operations revenues increased 5% to $6.0 million in
2001 from $5.8 million in 2000.



     Our  production  expenses  and taxes were $36.8  million  for 2001,  a $7.0
million or 23% increase over the 2000 expenses of $29.8 million,  primarily as a
result of increased  production  volumes and energy costs. The increase was seen
in all areas of direct costs associated with our operations, except taxes. Taxes
decreased by approximately $1.0 million due to lower oil prices.


     Our exploration  expenses increased $5.9 million,  or 59%, to $15.9 million
in 2001 from $10.0  million in 2000.  The  increase was  attributable  to a $6.2
million increase in dry hole expenses and a $0.3 million decrease in seismic and
geological/geophysical expenses.


     Our expense for crude oil purchased for resale decreased $33.8 million,  or
12%, to $245.0  million in 2001 from $278.8  million in 2000.  This decrease was
caused by decreased crude oil prices and reduced volumes of crude oil purchased.


     Our gathering, marketing and processing expense for 2001 was $36.4 million,
an increase of $8.1  million or 29% from the $28.3  million we incurred in 2000,
due to increased  system  volumes  resulting  from the expansion of our existing
facilities,  the construction and operation of our new gathering and compression
facilities in Texas, and higher natural gas and liquid prices.


     Our oil and gas service  operations  expenses  decreased by $0.3 million or
5%,  to $5.3  million  in 2001 from  $5.6  million  in 2000.  The  decrease  was
primarily due to salt water disposal operating expenses.


     For the year ended  December  31,  2001,  our total DD&A  expense was $27.7
million, an $8.1 million or 42% increase over the 2000 expense of $19.6 million.
In 2001, our lease and well DD&A was $24.0 million,  an increase of $6.6 million
from $17.4  million in 2000.  The increase was  primarily  attributable  to DD&A
associated  with the assets of Farrar Oil Company that we acquired in July 2001,
and an  increased  FASB 121  write-down.  We may be required to  write-down  the
carrying  value  of our oil and  gas  properties  when  oil and gas  prices  are
depressed  or  unusually  volatile,  which would result in a charge to earnings.
Once  incurred,  a write-down of oil and gas  properties is not  reversible at a
later date.  We recorded a $1.7 million FASB 121  write-down  in 2000 and a $5.3
million  FASB 121  write-down  in 2001.  For 2001,  DD&A  expense on oil and gas
properties amounted to $4.90 per Boe compared to $3.71 per Boe in 2000.


     Our G & A expense for 2001 was $8.8  million,  an increase of $1.7 million,
or 23%,  from G&A expenses for 2000 of $7.1  million.  The increase is primarily
attributable  to an increase in our employment  expenses,  legal costs,  and our
acquisition of the assets of Farrar Oil Company in July 2001.


     Our interest income for 2001 was $0.6 million  compared to $0.8 million for
2000,  a decrease of $0.2  million or 25%.  The  decrease in the 2001 period was
attributable to lower levels of cash invested during 2001.


     Our  interest  expense  for 2001 was  $15.7  million,  a  decrease  of $0.8
million, or 5%, from $16.5 million in 2000. The decrease in the 2001 expense was
attributable  primarily to the reduction in interest  rates on borrowings  under
our credit  facility in 2001 and the purchase and  retirement of $3.0 million of
our outstanding senior notes.


     Our other  income  decreased  $1.0  million or 21%, to $3.5 million for the
year ended December 31, 2001, from $4.5 million for 2000. This decrease reflects
a $2.4 million gain on our sale of Arkoma Basin  properties and an extraordinary
gain of $0.7 million on our  repurchase  of senior notes during the 2000 period,
compared to the sale of 62 uneconomical  wells in 2001, which resulted in a gain
of approximately  $2.0 million and an extraordinary  gain of $0.1 million on the
repurchase of our senior notes in 2001.


     Our net income for 2001 was $11.7  million,  a  decrease  of $26.1  million
compared to $37.8  million in 2000.  This decrease  reflects  among other items,
lower oil prices which  created a decrease in oil revenues of $8.8  million,  an
increase  in DD&A and  property  impairments  of $14.3  million,  an increase in
production  expenses  and taxes of $7.0  million and an increase in  exploration
expense of $4.1 million.


     Our  primary  sources  of  liquidity  have been  cash  flow from  operating
activities,  financing  provided  by our credit  facility  and by our  principal
stockholder, and a private debt offering. Our cash requirements,  other than for
operations,  are for acquisition,  exploration,  exploitation and development of
oil and gas properties and debt service payments.


     Our net cash provided by operating activities was $47.0 million for 2002, a
decrease of 24% from the $62.1  million in 2001.  The decrease was primarily due
to the decrease in net income from operations,  which was primarily attributable
to the decreased gas prices and crude oil hedging loss.


     We spent $111.0 million in 2001 and $113.4 million in 2002 on acquisitions,
exploration,  exploitation and development of oil and gas properties.  Our total
estimated  proved  reserves of natural gas  increased  from 52.3 Bcf at year-end
2001 to 69.9 Bcf at  December  31,  2002,  and our  estimated  total  proved oil
reserves  increased  from 59.7 million  barrels at year-end 2001 to 63.3 million
barrels at December 31, 2002.  In 2002,  we sold  reserves  estimated to contain
approximately 12,000 barrels.


     Our  long-term  debt,  including  current  portion,  was $183.4  million at
December 31, 2001,  and $247.1  million at December 31, 2002. The $63.7 million,
or 35%,  increase was primarily  attributable to a $51.8 million increase in our
bank debt.  We used the  majority  of the  proceeds of our 2002  borrowings  for
exploration and development of the Cedar Hills Field.


     We had $108.0 million outstanding debt balance under our credit facility at
December 31, 2002. The effective rate of interest under the credit  facility was
4.8% at December 31, 2001 and 4.37% at December 31, 2002.  Our credit  facility,
which matures March 28, 2005,  charges  interest based on a rate per annum equal
to the rate at which  eurodollar  deposits for one, two, three or six months are
offered by the lead bank plus an applicable margin ranging from 150 to 250 basis
points or the lead bank's reference rate plus an applicable  margin ranging from
25 to 50 basis points.  At December 31, 2002,  the borrowing  base of our credit
facility was $140.0 million. The borrowing base is re-determined semi-annually.

     Between  December 31, 2002 and March 28, 2003,  we have drawn $18.5 million
on our line of credit and currently have $126.5  million of outstanding  debt on
our line of credit.


     On  July  24,  1998,  we  issued  $150.0  million  of  our 10  1/4%  Senior
Subordinated Notes due August 1, 2008, in a private  placement.  Interest on the
senior  notes is  payable  semi  annually  on each  February  1 and August 1. In
connection  with the issuance of the senior  notes,  we incurred  debt  issuance
costs of approximately  $4.7 million,  which we have capitalized as other assets
and amortize on a straight-line  basis over the life of the senior notes. In May
1998 we entered into a forward  interest rate swap contract to hedge exposure to
changes in  prevailing  interest  rates on our senior  notes.  Due to changes in
Treasury  note rates,  we paid $3.9 million to settle the forward  interest rate
swap contract. This payment resulted in an increase of approximately 0.5% to our
effective  interest rate, or an increase of approximately $0.4 million per year,
over the term of the senior notes.

     During 2000, we repurchased  $19.9 million  principal  amount of our senior
notes at a cost of $18.3  million.  We wrote off $0.9  million  of the  issuance
costs associated with the repurchased senior notes.

     During 2001, we  repurchased  $3.0 million  principal  amount of our senior
notes at a cost of $2.7 million. We wrote off $0.1 million of the issuance costs
associated with the repurchased senior notes.


     In 2002, we incurred $113.4 million of capital  expenditures,  exclusive of
acquisitions.  We will initiate,  on a priority  basis, as many projects as cash
flow allows.  We anticipate that we will initiate  approximately 194 projects in
2003 for projected capital expenditures of $105.9 million. We expect to fund our
2003 capital budget of $105.9 million  through cash flow from operations and our
credit facility.


     During 2002,  we paid no dividends  to our  stockholders.  The terms of the
indenture  and our  credit  facility  restrict  our  ability  to pay  dividends.
However,  we are  permitted to pay  dividends to our  stockholders  in an amount
sufficient  to cover the  taxes on the  taxable  income  passed  through  to the


     From  time to  time,  we and our  subsidiaries  utilize  energy  derivative
contracts  to hedge the price or basis  risk  associated  with the  specifically
identified  purchase or sales  contracts,  oil and gas production or operational
needs. Prior to January 1, 2001, we accounted for changes in the market value of
derivative  instruments  used for  hedging as a deferred  gain or loss until the
production  month of the hedged  transaction,  at which time the gain or loss on
the  derivative  instruments  was recognized in earnings.  Effective  January 1,
2001, we account for  derivative  instruments  in  accordance  with SFAS No. 133
"Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities."  The specific
accounting  treatment  for  changes  in  the  market  value  of  the  derivative
instruments used in hedging activities is determined based on the designation of
the  derivative  instruments  as either a cash  flow,  fair  value,  or  foreign
currency exposure hedge, and effectiveness of the derivative instruments.

     Additionally,  in the normal  course of business,  we will enter into fixed
price forward sales  contracts  related to our oil and gas  production to reduce
our sensitivity to oil and gas price volatility. We deem forward sales contracts
that will result in  physical  delivery  of our  production  to be in the normal
course of our business and we do not account for them as derivatives.

     In  connection  with our  offering  of senior  notes,  we  entered  into an
interest rate hedge on which we experienced a $3.9 million loss.  This loss will
result in an effective  increase of approximately  0.5% in our interest costs on
the senior notes.


     We follow the "sales method" of accounting for our gas revenue,  whereby we
recognize  sales  revenue  on gas  sold,  regardless  of  whether  the sales are
proportionate to our ownership in the gas produced.  We recognize a liability to
the extent that we have a net  imbalance  in excess of our share of the reserves
in the underlying  properties.  Historically,  our aggregate imbalance positions
have been  immaterial.  We believe that any future  periodic  settlements of gas
imbalances will have little impact on our liquidity.

     We sold a number  of our  non-strategic  oil and gas  properties  and other
properties over the past three years,  recognizing pretax gains of approximately
$3.7  million  in  2000,   $3.5  million  in  2001,  and   $0.2million  in  2002
respectively. The aggregate amount of oil and gas reserves associated with these
dispositions was 290 MBbls of oil and 4,913 MMcf of natural gas.


     We are  exposed  to  market  risk  in the  normal  course  of our  business
operations.  Due to the volatility of oil and gas prices, we, from time to time,
have entered into financial  contracts to hedge oil and gas prices and may do so
in the future as a means of controlling  our exposure to price changes.  Most of
our financial  contracts  settle  against  either a NYMEX based price or a fixed


     The risk  management  process we  established  is designed to measure  both
quantitative and qualitative  risks in our businesses.  We are exposed to market
risk, including changes in interest rates and certain commodity prices.

     To manage the volatility relating to these exposures, periodically we enter
into  various  derivative  transactions  pursuant  to our  policies  on  hedging
practices.   Derivative   positions  are  monitored  using  techniques  such  as
mark-to-market valuation and value-at-risk and sensitivity analysis.

     We had a derivative  contract in place at December 31, 2002, which is being
marked to market under SFAS No. 133 with changes in fair value being recorded in
earnings as such contract does not qualify for special hedge accounting nor does
such  contract  meet the  criteria  to be  considered  in the  normal  course of
business.  Such  contract  provides  for a fixed  price of $24.25  per barrel on
360,000  barrels of crude oil through  December  2003 when market  prices exceed
$19.00 per barrel.  However, if the average NYMEX spot crude oil price is $19.00
per barrel or less,  no payment is required of the  counterparty.  If NYMEX spot
crude oil prices  during the month  average more than $24.25 per barrel,  we pay
the excess to the counterparty.  As of December 31, 2002, we have recorded a net
unrealized loss of $2.1 million.


     The market  risk  inherent  in our market risk  sensitive  instruments  and
positions is the  potential  loss in value  arising from adverse  changes in our
commodity prices.

     The prices of crude oil,  natural  gas, and natural gas liquids are subject
to fluctuations resulting from changes in supply and demand. To partially reduce
price  risk  caused by these  market  fluctuations,  we may hedge  (through  the
utilization of  derivatives)  a portion of our  production  and sale  contracts.
Because the commodities  covered by these derivatives are substantially the same
commodities  that we buy and sell in the  physical  market,  no special  studies
other than monitoring the degree of correlation  between the derivative and cash
markets are deemed necessary.

     A sensitivity  analysis has been prepared to estimate the price exposure to
the market risk of our crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids  commodity
positions.  Our daily net  commodity  position  consists  of crude  inventories,
commodity purchase and sales contracts and derivative commodity instruments. The
fair value of such  position is a summation  of the fair values  calculated  for
each  commodity by valuing each net position at quoted  futures  prices.  Market
risk  is  estimated  as the  potential  loss  in  fair  value  resulting  from a
hypothetical  10 percent  adverse change in such prices over the next 12 months.
Based on this analysis,  we have no significant market risk related to our crude
trading or hedging  portfolios.  During the fourth  quarter of 2002,  we entered
into forward fixed price sales  contracts in accordance with our hedging policy,
to mitigate its exposure to the price  volatility  associated with its crude oil
production.  As of December 31, 2002,  we had entered into  financial  contracts
covering  the  notational  volumes  set forth in the  following  tables  for the
periods indicated:

      Time Period      Barrels per Month     Price per Barrel
      -----------      -----------------     ----------------
      01/03-03/03          60,000              $21.98
      01/03-06/03          30,000              $24.01
      01/03-01/04          30,000              $24.01
      01/03-12/03          30,000              $25.08
      01/03-12/03          30,000              $24.85

     Each month the  contractual  price per barrel is compared to average  NYMEX
spot  crude oil price.  When the  contractual  price is  greater  than the NYMEX
price, we receive an amount equal to the difference multiplied by the notational
volume.  When the  contractual  price is less  than the NYMEX  price,  we pay an
amount equal to the difference multiplied by the notational volume.

     In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued
statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 133,  "Accounting for
Derivative  Instruments and for Hedging Activities",  with an effective date for
periods  beginning  after June 15,  1999.  In July 1999 the FASB issued SFAS No.
137, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Deferral of
the  Effective  Date of FASB  Statement  No. 133".  As a result of SFAS No. 137,
adoption  of SFAS No. 133 was  required  for  financial  statements  for periods
beginning  after June 15,  2000.  In June 2000,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No. 138,
"Accounting for Certain Derivative  Instruments and Certain Hedging Activities",
which amends the accounting and reporting  standards of SFAS No. 133 for certain
derivative  instruments and hedging  activities.  SFAS No. 133 sweeps in a broad
population of transactions and changes the previous  accounting  definition of a
derivative  instrument.  Under  SFAS No.  133  every  derivative  instrument  is
recorded on the balance  sheet as either an asset or  liability  measured at its
fair value. SFAS No. 133 requires that changes in the derivative's fair value be
recognized  currently in earnings unless specific hedge accounting  criteria are
met.  During 2000, we reviewed all our  contracts to identify both  freestanding
and  embedded  derivatives  that meet the criteria set forth in SFAS No. 133 and
SFAS No. 138. We adopted the new standards  effective January 1, 2001. We had no
outstanding hedges or derivatives which had not been previously marked to market
through its accounting for trading activity.  As a result,  the adoption of SFAS
No. 133 and SFAS No. 138 had no significant impact.


     Our exposure to changes in interest  rates  relates  primarily to long-term
debt  obligations.  We  manage  our  interest  rate  exposure  by  limiting  our
variable-rate  debt to a  certain  percentage  of  total  capitalization  and by
monitoring  the effects of market  changes in interest  rates.  We might utilize
interest  rate  derivatives  to alter  interest  rate  exposure in an attempt to
reduce  interest  rate expense  related to existing  debt issues.  Interest rate
derivatives  are used solely to modify  interest rate exposure and not to modify
the overall leverage of the debt portfolio.  The fair value of long-term debt is
estimated  based on quoted  market prices and  management's  estimate of current
rates available for similar  issues.  The following table itemizes our long-term
debt maturities and the weighted-average interest rates by maturity date.

(Dollars in thousands)  2003     2004         2005         2006          Thereafter        Total        Fair Value
----------------------  ----     ----         ----         ----          ----------        -----        ----------
Fixed rate debt:
    Principal amount      $0       $0           $0           $0           $127,150       $127,150         $116,978
        Interest rate    N/A      N/A          N/A          N/A            10.25%         10.25%
Variable-rate debt:
    Principal amount      $0       $0     $108,000           $0              $0             $0            $108,000
         Interest rate    0%      0%          4.4%           0%              0%            4.4%


     Information concerning this Item begins on Page F-1.


     Arthur Andersen LLP audited our financial  statements for 2000 and 2001. As
a result of Andersen's  liquidation,  we changed our auditors to Ernst and Young
LLP on July 12, 2002.  This change was reported in a current  report on Form 8-K
dated July 16, 2002.



     The following table sets forth names,  ages and titles of the directors and
executive officers of the Company.

    NAME                        AGE                  POSITION
---------------------------     ---  -------------------------------------------
Harold Hamm (1)(3).........     57    Chairman of the Board of Directors,
                                      President, Chief Executive Officer
                                      and Director

Jack Stark (1)(3)..........     48    Senior Vice President--Exploration and

Jeff Hume (1)(3)...........     52    Senior Vice President-Resource Development

Randy Moeder (1)(3)........     42    President - Continental Gas, Inc.

Roger Clement (1)(2)(4)....     58    Senior Vice President, Chief Financial
                                      Officer, Treasurer and Director

Mark Monroe (2)(3).........     48    Director

Robert Kelley (2)(5).......     57    Director

H. R. Sanders (2)(4).......     70    Director

(1)  Member of the Executive Committee
(2)  Member of the Audit Committee
(3)  Term expires in 2003
(4)  Term expires in 2004
(5)  Resigned as of 2/2003

     HAROLD HAMM,  L.L.M.,  has been President and Chief Executive Officer and a
Director of the Company  since its  inception  in 1967 and  currently  serves as
Chairman of the Board. Mr. Hamm is a long-time  Oklahoma  Independent  Petroleum
Association board member and currently its Vice President of the Western Region.
He is the  founder  and  served  as the  Chairman  of Save  Domestic  Oil,  Inc.
Currently,  Mr. Hamm is the President of the National Stripper Well Association,
serves on the Executive Boards of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association
and the Oklahoma Energy Explorers.

     JACK STARK joined the Company as Vice President of Exploration in June 1992
and was promoted to Senior Vice  President  and Director in May 1998. He holds a
Masters  degree in Geology from Colorado  State  University  and has 24 years of
exploration  experience  in the  Mid-Continent,  Gulf  Coast and Rocky  Mountain
regions. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Stark was the exploration manager for
the Western  Mid-Continent  Region for Pacific  Enterprises  from August 1988 to
June  1992.  From 1978 to 1988,  he held  various  staff and  middle  management
positions with Cities Service Co. and TXO Production Corp. Mr. Stark is a member
of the  American  Association  of  Petroleum  Geologists,  Oklahoma  Independent
Petroleum  Association,   Rocky  Mountain  Association  of  Geologists,  Houston
Geological Society and Oklahoma Geological Society.

     JEFF HUME became  Senior Vice  President  of  Resource  Development  of the
Company in July 2002. He had been Vice  President of Drilling  Operations of the
Company since  September  1996 and was promoted to Senior Vice  President in May
1998.  From  May  1983 to  September  1996,  Mr.  Hume  was  Vice  President  of
Engineering and Operations.  Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Hume held various
engineering  positions  with  Sun  Oil  Company,  Monsanto  Company  and FCD Oil
Corporation.  Mr. Hume is a Registered  Professional  Engineer and member of the
Society of Petroleum Engineers,  Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association, and
the Oklahoma and National Professional Engineering Societies.

     RANDY MOEDER has been President of Continental Gas, Inc. since January 1995
and was Vice  President of  Continental  Gas, Inc. from November 1990 to January
1995.  Mr. Moeder was Senior Vice  President and General  Counsel of the Company
from May 1998 to August 2000 and was Vice  President  and General  Counsel  from
November 1990 to April 1998. From January 1988 to summer 1990, Mr. Moeder was in
private law practice.  From 1982 to 1988, Mr. Moeder held various positions with
Amoco Corporation.  Mr. Moeder is a member of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum
Association and the Oklahoma and American Bar Associations. Mr. Moeder is also a
Certified Public Accountant.

     ROGER CLEMENT became Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and
a  Director  of the  Company  in March  1989 and was  promoted  to  Senior  Vice
President  in May 1998.  He holds a Bachelor of Business  Administration  degree
from the University of Oklahoma and is a Certified Public  Accountant.  Prior to
joining the Company,  Mr. Clement was a partner in the accounting firm of Hunter
and Clement in Oklahoma City for 17 years.  The firm provided  accounting,  tax,
audit and consulting services for various industries. Mr. Clement's clients were
primarily  involved in oil and gas and real estate. He was also a 50% partner in
a  construction  company  from 1973 to 1984 that  constructed  residential  real
estate  and  small  commercial  properties.  He  is a  member  of  the  Oklahoma
Independent  Petroleum  Association,  the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants and the Oklahoma Society of Certified Public Accountants.

     MARK MONROE was the Chief Executive  Officer and President of Louis Dreyfus
Natural Gas prior to its merger with Dominion  Resources in October 2001.  Prior
to the  formation  of  Louis  Dreyfus  Natural  Gas in  1990,  he was the  Chief
Financial Officer of Bogert Oil Company. He currently serves as the President of
the  Oklahoma  Independent  Petroleum  Association  and is a Board member of the
Oklahoma  Energy  Explorers.  Previously  Mr.  Monroe  served  on  the  Domestic
Petroleum  Council and the Board of the  Independent  Petroleum  Association  of
America.  Mr. Monroe is a Certified Public  Accountant and received his Bachelor
of Business Administration degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

     ROBERT  KELLEY served as Chairman of the Board of Noble  Affiliates,  Inc.,
from 1992 until he retired in 2000.  Noble  Affiliates,  Inc. is an  independent
energy company with exploration and production  operations throughout the United
States,  the Gulf of Mexico, and international  operations in Argentina,  China,
Ecuador,  Equatorial  Guinea, the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea, and Vietnam.
Prior to October 2000 he also served as President and Chief Executive Officer of
Noble  Affiliates,  Inc. and its three  subsidiaries,  Samedan Oil  Corporation,
Noble Gas  Marketing,  Inc.,  and Noble  Trading,  Inc. He is a Director of OG&E
Energy Corporation,  a public utility  headquartered in Oklahoma;  and Lone Star
Technologies,  Inc.,  a leading  manufacturer  of  oilfield  tubular  goods also
located in Texas.  Mr. Kelley attended the University of Oklahoma and received a
Bachelor  of  Business  Administration  degree  and  he  is a  Certified  Public
Accountant.  Mr. Kelley resigned from the Board effective February 10, 2003, due
to conflicts of interest with other exploration and production companies.

     H. R. SANDERS,  JR. served as a Director of Devon Energy  Corporation  from
1981 through 2000. In addition, he held the position of Executive Vice President
of Devon from 1981 until his  retirement in 1997.  Prior to joining  Devon,  Mr.
Sanders  served  Republic  Bank of Dallas,  N.A. from 1970 to 1981 as the bank's
Senior Vice President with direct  responsibility  for independent  oil, gas and
mining  loans.  Mr.  Sanders  is a former  member of the  Independent  Petroleum
Association  of  America,   Texas  Independent   Producers  and  Royalty  owners
Association and Oklahoma Independent  Petroleum  Association.  He currently is a
Director  on the Board of  Torreador  Resources  Corporation  and is also a past
Director of Triton Energy Corporation.


                                              Summary Compensation Table

                                                                Other Annual    Securities Underlying     All Other
                                      Annual Compensation       Compensation     Option Compensation    Compensation
                                      -------------------       ------------    ---------------------   ------------
   Name                Year          Salary           Bonus          (1)            # of shares (2)          (3)
---------------        ----         ---------       ---------   -------------   -------------------     ------------
Harold Hamm (4)        2002               $0              $0              $0                    0                $0
                       2001               $0              $0              $0                    0                $0
                       2000         $500,000              $0              $0                    0                $0

Jack Stark             2002         $161,512         $36,651              $0                8,000           $11,751
                       2001         $151,384         $17,996              $0                    0           $11,244
                       2000         $139,456         $16,850              $0               32,000           $10,648

Jeff Hume              2002         $135,012         $20,450              $0                    0           $22,501
                       2001         $125,580         $15,747              $0                    0           $22,029
                       2000         $119,226         $15,820              $0               32,000           $21,711

Roger Clement          2002         $146,424         $32,841              $0                    0            $8,544
                       2001         $127,500         $15,883              $0                    0           $12,068
                       2000         $120,376         $15,406              $0               40,000            $7,558

Randy Moeder           2002         $132,619         $23,930              $0                    0           $21,625
                       2001         $124,208         $25,197              $0                    0           $21,217
                       2000         $121,335         $16,024              $0               25,000           $11,817

(1)  Represents  the value of perquisites  and other  personal  benefits in excess of the lesser of $50,000 or 10% of
     annual salary and bonus.  For the years ended December 31, 2000, 2001 and 2002, the Company paid no other annual
     compensation to its named executive officers.

(2)  The Company  adopted its 2000 Stock Option Plan effective  October 1, 2000, and allocated a maximum of 1,020,000
     shares of Common Stock to this plan.  Effective  October 1, 2000, the Company granted Incentive Stock Options to
     purchase 90,000 shares and Non-qualified Options to purchase 54,000 shares. Effective April 1, 2002, the Company
     granted  Incentive Stock Options to purchase 13,000 shares and  Non-qualified  Options to purchase 5,000 shares.
     Effective July 1, 2002, the Company granted  Incentive Stock Options to purchase 5,000 shares and  Non-qualified
     Options to purchase 5,000 shares.

(3)  Represents  contributions  made by the Company to the accounts of executive  officers under the Company's profit
     sharing plan and under the Company's nonqualified compensation plan.

(4)  Received no compensation during the calendar year 2001 and 2002.

                                 2002 Year-End Option Value

                   Number of Securities Underlying      Value of Unexercised In-the-Money
                   Unexercised Options at 12/31/02(#)        Options at 12/31/02($)
     Name                Exercisable/Unexercisable        Exercisable/Unexercisable (1)
Jack Stark               16,000/24,000                           $170,886/$250,154
Jeff Hume                16,000/16,000                           $170,886/$142,874
Roger Clement            21,334/18,666                           $246,516/$180,684
Randy Moeder             11,334/13,666                           $104,709/$109,791

(1)  The value of unexercised in-the-money options at December 31, 2002, is computed as the
     product of the stock value at December 31,  2002,  assumed to be $21.18 per share less
     the stock option exercise price,  and the number of underlying  securities at December
     31, 2002.

Employment Agreements

     The Company  does not have  formal  employment  agreements  with any of its
senior management employees.

Stock Option Plan

     The  Company  adopted  its 2000  stock  option  plan to  encourage  its key
employees by providing  opportunities to participate in its ownership and future
growth  through the grant of  incentive  stock  options and  nonqualified  stock
options.  The plan also permits the grant of options to the Company's directors.
The plan is presently administered by the Company's Board of Directors.

2000 Stock Incentive Plan

     The Company  adopted the 2000 stock  incentive  plan  effective  October 1,
2000. The maximum number of shares for which it may grant options under the plan
is 1,020,000  shares of common stock,  subject to adjustment in the event of any
stock dividend, stock split, recapitalization, reorganization or certain defined
change of control  events.  Shares  subject  to  previously  expired,  canceled,
forfeited or terminated  options become  available  again for grants of options.
The  shares  that the  Company  will issue  under the plan will be newly  issued

     The Chairman of the Board of Directors  determines the number of shares and
other  terms of each  grant.  Under  its plan,  the  Company  may  grant  either
incentive  stock options or nonqualified  stock options.  The price payable upon
the exercise of an incentive  stock option may not be less than 100% of the fair
market value of the Company's  common stock at the time of grant, or in the case
of an incentive stock option granted to an employee owning stock possessing more
than 10% of the total  combined  voting  power of all  classes of the  Company's
common  stock,  110% of the fair market value on the date of grant.  The Company
may grant  incentive  stock  options to an employee  only to the extent that the
aggregate  exercise  price of all such options  under all of its plans  becoming
exercisable for the first time by the employee during any calendar year does not
exceed  $100,000.  The Company may not grant a  nonqualified  stock option at an
exercise  price which is less than 50% of the fair market value of the Company's
common stock on the date of grant.

     Each  option that the Company has granted or will grant under the plan will
expire on the date  specified by the  Company,  but not more than ten years from
the date of grant or, in the case of a 10% shareholder, not more than five years
from the date of grant.  Unless otherwise agreed, an incentive stock option will
terminate  not more  than 90 days,  or  twelve  months  in the event of death or
disability, after the optionee's termination of employment.

     An optionee may exercise an option by giving written notice to the Company,
accompanied by full payment:

     o    in cash or by check, bank draft or money order payable to the Company;

     o    by  delivering  shares of the  Company's  common stock or other equity
          securities having a fair market value equal to the exercise price; or

     o    a combination of the foregoing.

     Outstanding   options  become   nonforfeitable   and  exercisable  in  full
immediately prior to certain defined change of control events.  Unless otherwise
determined by the Company,  outstanding  options will terminate on the effective
date of the Company's dissolution or liquidation.

     The plan may be  terminated  or amended by the Company at any time subject,
in the case of certain  amendments,  to  shareholder  approval.  If not  earlier
terminated, the plan expires on September 30, 2010.

     With certain exceptions, Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code denies
a deduction  to publicly  held  corporations  for  compensation  paid to certain
executive  officers in excess of $1.0  million per  executive  per taxable  year
(including  any  deduction  with  respect  to the  exercise  of an  option).  An
exception exists,  however,  for amounts received upon exercise of stock options
pursuant to certain  grandfathered  plans.  Options  granted under the Company's
plan are expected to satisfy this exception.


     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of the Company's common stock as of March 28, 2003 held by:

     o    each of the Company's directors who owns common stock,

     o    each of the Company's executive officers who owns common stock,

     o    each person known or believed by the Company to own beneficially 5% or
          more of the Company's common stock, and

     o    all of the Company's directors and executive officers as a group

     Unless  otherwise  indicated,  each person has sole voting and  dispositive
power  with  respect  to such  shares.  The  number of  shares  of common  stock
outstanding  for each listed person  includes any shares the  individual has the
right to acquire within 60 days of this prospectus.

                                                   Shares of     Ownership
Name of Beneficial Owner                          Common Stock  Percentage
------------------------                          ------------  ----------

Harold Hamm (1)(2)                                 13,037,328       90.7%
Harold Hamm DST Trust                                 798,917        5.6%
Harold Hamm HJ Trust                                  532,674        3.7%
302 North Independence
Enid, Oklahoma     73702

All executive officers and directors as a group    13,037,328       90.7%
(5 persons)

(1)  Director
(2)  Executive officer


     Set forth below is a description of  transactions  entered into between the
Company and  certain of its  officers,  directors,  employees  and  stockholders
during 2002.  Certain of these  transactions will continue in the future and may
result in conflicts of interest  between the Company and such  individuals,  and
there can be no assurance  that conflicts of interest will always be resolved in
favor of the Company.

     OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS.  In its capacity as operator of certain oil and gas
properties,  the Company obtains  oilfield  services from affiliated  companies.
These services include leasehold acquisition,  well location,  site construction
and other well site services, saltwater trucking, use of rigs for completion and
workover of oil and gas wells and the rental of oil field  tools and  equipment.
Harold Hamm is the chief executive officer and principal  stockholder of each of
these affiliated  companies.  The aggregate amounts paid by Continental to these
affiliated companies during 2002 was $11.7 million and at December 31, 2002, the
Company owed these  companies  approximately  $0.9  million in current  accounts
payable. The services discussed above were provided at costs and upon terms that
management  believes  are no less  favorable to the Company than could have been
obtained  from  unaffiliated  parties.  In  addition,  Harold  Hamm and  certain
companies  controlled by him own interests in wells operated by the Company.  At
December 31, 2002,  the Company owed such persons an aggregate of $0.1  million,
representing their shares of oil and gas production sold by the Company.  During
2001, in its capacity as operator of certain oil and gas  properties the Company
began selling natural gas produced to a related party.

     During 2002,  the Company sold natural gas valued at $1.24  million to this
related party.

     During  December 2002, the Company entered into a long-term lease agreement
with a related party for $12.0 million.  These lease  arrangements  were entered
into at rates equal to, or better than,  could have been negotiated with a third

     OFFICE  LEASE.  The Company  leases  office  space under  operating  leases
directly or indirectly  from the principal  stockholder  and an affiliate of the
principal  stockholder.  In 2002, the Company paid rents  associated  with these
leases of  approximately  $421,000.  The Company  believes that the terms of its
lease are no less  favorable  to the  Company  than those that would be obtained
from unaffiliated parties.

     PARTICIPATION IN WELLS.  Certain officers and directors of the Company have
participated  in, and may  participate  in the future in,  wells  drilled by the
Company,  or  as  in  the  principal   stockholder's  case  the  acquisition  of
properties.  At December  31, 2002,  the  aggregate  unpaid  balance owed to the
Company by such officers and directors was $1,294, none of which was past due.




     The  following  financial  statements  of the Company and the Report of the
     Company's  Independent  Auditors  thereon are included on pages F-1 through
     F-20 of this Form 10-K.

     Report of Independent Auditors

     Copy of Report of Independent Public Accountants (Arthur Andersen LLP)

     Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2001 and 2002

     Consolidated  Statement  of  Operations  for the three  years in the period
     ended December 31, 2002

     Consolidated  Statement  of Cash  Flows for the three  years in the  period
     ended December 31, 2002

     Consolidated  Statement of Stockholder's  Equity for the three years in the
     period ended December 31, 2002

     Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements



     3. EXHIBITS:

2.1       Agreement and Plan of Recapitalization of Continental Resources,  Inc.
          dated October 1, 2000. [2.1](4)

3.1       Amended and  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  Continental
          Resources, Inc. [3.1](1)

3.2       Amended and Restated Bylaws of Continental Resources, Inc. [3.2] (1)

3.3       Certificate of Incorporation of Continental Gas, Inc. [3.3] (1)

3.4       Bylaws of Continental Gas, Inc., as amended and restated. [3.4] (1)

3.5       Certificate of Incorporation of Continental Crude Co. [3.5] (1)

3.6       Bylaws of Continental Crude Co. [3.6] (1)

4.1       Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated April 21, 2000 between  Continental
          Resources,  Inc. and Continental  Gas, Inc., as Borrowers and MidFirst
          Bank as Agent (the "Credit Agreement") [4.4] (3)

4.1.1     Form of Consolidated  Revolving Note under the Credit  Agreement [4.4]

4.1.2     Second  Amended  and  Restated  Credit  Agreement  among   Continental
          Resources,  Inc.,  Continental Gas, Inc. and Continental  Resources of
          Illinois,  Inc.,  as  Borrowers,  and  MidFirst  Bank,  dated  July 9,

4.1.3     Third  Amended  and  Restated  Credit   Agreement  among   Continental
          Resources,  Inc.,  Continental Gas, Inc. and Continental  Resources of
          Illinois,  Inc., as Borrowers,  and MidFirst  Bank,  dated January 17,
          2002. [4.13] (7)

4.1.4     Fourth  Amended and Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated March 28, 2002,
          among the Registrant,  Union Bank of California, N. A., Guaranty Bank,
          FSB and Fortis Capital Corp. [10.1] (8)

4.2       Indenture  dated as of July 24, 1998  between  Continental  Resources,
          Inc.,  as Issuer,  the  Subsidiary  Guarantors  named  therein and the
          United States Trust Company of New York, as Trustee [4.3] (1)

10.1      Unlimited Guaranty Agreement dated March 28, 2002 [10.2] (8)

10.2      Security  Agreement  dated  March 28,  2002,  between  Registrant  and
          Guaranty Bank, FSB, as Agent. [10.3] (8)

10.3      Stock Pledge  Agreement dated March 28, 2002,  between  Registrant and
          Guaranty Bank, FSB, as Agent [10.4] (8)

10.4      Conveyance  Agreement of Worland Area  Properties from Harold G. Hamm,
          Trustee of the Harold G. Hamm Revocable  Intervivos  Trust dated April
          23, 1984, to Continental Resources, Inc. [10.4](2)

10.5      Purchase Agreement signed January 2000,  effective October 1, 1999, by
          and  between  Patrick  Energy  Corporation  as Buyer  and  Continental
          Resources, Inc. as Seller [10.5](2)

10.6+     Continental Resources, Inc. 2000 Stock Option Plan. [10.6](4)

10.7+     Form of Incentive Stock Option Agreement. [10.7](4)

10.8+     Form of Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement. [10.8](4)

10.9      Purchase and Sales  Agreement  between  Farrar Oil Company and Har-Ken
          Oil Company, as Sellers, and Continental  Resources of Illinois,  Inc.
          as Purchaser, dated May 14, 2001.[2.1](5)

10.10     Collateral  Assignment  of  Contracts  dated March 28,  2002,  between
          Registrant and Guaranty Bank, FSB, as Agent. [10.5] (8)

12.1      Statement re  computation  of ratio of debt to Adjusted  EBITDA [12.1]

12.2      Statement re  computation  of ratio of earning to fixed charges [12.2]

12.3      Statement  re  computation  of ratio of  Adjusted  EBITDA to  interest
          expense [12.3] (*)

21.0      Subsidiaries of Registrant.[21](6)

99.1      Letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission dated March 28, 2002,
          regarding the audit of the Registrant's financial statements by Arthur
          Andersen LLP. [99.1] (7)


+    Represents management compensatory plans or agreements.

*    Filed herewith

(1)  Filed as an exhibit to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-4, as
     amended (No.  333-61547)  which was filed with the  Securities and Exchange
     Commission. The exhibit number is indicated in brackets and is incorporated
     herein by reference.

(2)  Filed as an exhibit  to the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
     fiscal year ended  December  31, 1999.  The exhibit  number is indicated in
     brackets and is incorporated herein by reference.

(3)  Filed as an exhibit to the Company's  Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
     fiscal  quarter  ended March 31, 2000.  The exhibit  number is indicated in
     brackets and is incorporated herein by reference.

(4)  Filed as an exhibit  to the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
     fiscal  quarter ended December 31, 2000. The exhibit number is indicated in
     brackets and is incorporated herein by reference.

(5)  Filed as an exhibit to current  report on Form 8-K dated July 18, 2001. The
     exhibit  number is  indicated  in brackets  and is  incorporated  herein by

(6)  Filed as an exhibit to the Company's  Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
     fiscal  quarter  ended June 30,  2001.  The exhibit  number is indicated in
     brackets and is incorporated herein by reference.

(7)  Filed as an exhibit  to the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
     fiscal year ended  December  31, 2001.  The exhibit  number is indicated in
     brackets and is incorporated herein by reference.

(8)  Filed as an exhibit to current report on Form 8-K dated April 11,2002.  The
     exhibit  number is  indicated  in brackets  and is  incorporated  herein by




     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of Section 13 and 15 (d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

March 28, 2003                           CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC.

                                         By HAROLD HAMM
                                            Harold Hamm
                                            Chairman of the Board, President
                                            And Chief Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, this
report  has  been  signed  below  by the  following  persons  on  behalf  of the
registrant and in capacities and on the dates indicated.

   Signatures            Title                                     Date
   ----------            -----                                     ----

Harold Hamm             Chairman of the Board,                 March 28, 2003
                        President, Chief Executive
                        Officer (principal executive
                        officer) and Director

Roger V. Clement        Senior Vice President and              March 28, 2003
                        Chief Financial Officer
                        (principal financial officer
                        and principal accounting
                        officer), Treasurer,
                        and Director

Jack Stark              Senior Vice President of Exploration   March 28, 2003
                        and Director

H. R. Sanders, Jr.      Director                               March 28, 2003

Mark Monroe             Director                               March 28, 2003

     Supplemental  Information to be Furnished With Reports  Pursuant to Section
15(d) of the Act by Registrants Which Have Not Registered Securities Pursuant to
Section 12 of the Act.

     The Company has not sent,  and does not intend to send, an annual report to
security holders covering its last fiscal year, nor has the Company sent a proxy
statement,  form of proxy or other proxy  soliciting  material  to its  security
holders with respect to any annual meeting of security holders.

                          CERTIFICATIONS FOR FORM 10-K

I, Harold Hamm, Chief Executive Officer, certify that:

(1)  I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of  Continental  Resources,
     Inc. ("Registrant");

(2)  Based on my  knowledge,  this  annual  report  does not  contain any untrue
     statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to
     make the statements  made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such
     statements  were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by
     this annual report;

(3)  Based on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
     information included in this annual report,  fairly present in all material
     respects the financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of
     the  registrant  as  of, and for,  the  periods  presented  in this  annual

(4)  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and I are  responsible  for
     establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined
     in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

     (a)  designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  to ensure  that
          material  information  relating  to  the  registrant,   including  its
          consolidated subsidiaries,  is made known to us by others within those
          entities,  particularly  during the period in which this annual report
          is being prepared;

     (b)  evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of
          this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

     (c)  presented   in  this   annual   report  our   conclusions   about  the
          effectiveness  of the disclosure  controls and procedures based on our
          evaluations as of the Evaluation Date;

(5)  The registrant's other certifying  officers and I have disclosed,  based on
     our most recent  evaluation,  to the  registrant's  auditors  and the audit
     committee of  registrant's  board of directors (or persons  performing  the
     equivalent function):

     (a)  all  significant  deficiencies  in the design or operation of internal
          controls  which could  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record,  process,   summarize  and  report  financial  data  and  have
          identified for the  registrant's  auditors any material  weaknesses in
          internal controls; and

     (b)  any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          controls: and

(6)  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers and I have indicated in this
     annual  report  whether or not there were  significant  changes in internal
     controls  or in other  factors  that could  significantly  affect  internal
     controls  subsequent to the date of our most recent  evaluation,  including
     any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material

                                    CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC.

Date:  March 28, 2003               By:  HAROLD HAMM
                                         Harold Hamm
                                         Chief Executive Officer

                          CERTIFICATIONS FOR FORM 10-K

I, Roger V. Clement, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, certify that:

(1)  I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of  Continental  Resources,
     Inc. ("Registrant");

(2)  Based on my  knowledge,  this  annual  report  does not  contain any untrue
     statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to
     make the statements  made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such
     statements  were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by
     this annual report;

(3)  Based on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
     information included in this annual report,  fairly present in all material
     respects the financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of
     the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report;

(4)  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and I are  responsible  for
     establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined
     in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

     (a)  designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  to ensure  that
          material  information  relating  to  the  registrant,   including  its
          consolidated subsidiaries,  is made known to us by others within those
          entities,  particularly  during the period in which this annual report
          is being prepared;

     (b)  evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of
          this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

     (c)  presented   in  this   annual   report  our   conclusions   about  the
          effectiveness  of the disclosure  controls and procedures based on our
          evaluations as of the Evaluation Date;

(5)  The registrant's other certifying  officers and I have disclosed,  based on
     our most recent  evaluation,  to the  registrant's  auditors  and the audit
     committee of  registrant's  board of directors (or persons  performing  the
     equivalent function):

     (a)  all  significant  deficiencies  in the design or operation of internal
          controls  which could  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record,  process,   summarize  and  report  financial  data  and  have
          identified for the  registrant's  auditors any material  weaknesses in
          internal controls; and

     (b)  any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          controls: and

(6)  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers and I have indicated in this
     annual  report  whether or not there were  significant  changes in internal
     controls  or in other  factors  that could  significantly  affect  internal
     controls  subsequent to the date of our most recent  evaluation,  including
     any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material

                                CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC.

Date:  March 28, 2003           By:  ROGER V. CLEMENT
                                     Roger V. Clement
                                     Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

                          INDEX OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Report of Independent Auditors.............................................F - 3

Copy of Report of Independent Public Accountants (Arthur Andersen LLP).....F - 3

Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2001 and 2002...............F - 3

Consolidated Statements of Operations for the Years Ended December 31,
     2000, 2001 and 2002...................................................F - 5

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
     for the Years Ended December 31, 2000, 2001 and 2002..................F - 6

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended December 31,
     2000, 2001 and 2002...................................................F - 7

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.................................F - 8

                         REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

To the Board of Directors
of Continental Resources, Inc.:

We have  audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheet of  Continental
Resources,  Inc. (an Oklahoma  corporation)  and subsidiaries as of December 31,
2002,  and the related  consolidated  statements  of  operations,  stockholders'
equity  and cash flows for the year then  ended.  These  consolidated  financial
statements   are  the   responsibility   of  the   Company's   management.   Our
responsibility  is  to  express  an  opinion  on  these  consolidated  financial
statements  based  on  our  audit.  The  consolidated  financial  statements  of
Continental  Resources,  Inc. (an Oklahoma  corporation)  and subsidiaries as of
December  31,  2001 and for each of the two years in the period  then ended were
audited by other auditors who ceased  operations.  Those  auditors  expressed an
unqualified opinion on those financial statements in their report dated February
15, 2002.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards  generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audit  provided a  reasonable  basis for our

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  consolidated  financial  position  of
Continental  Resources,  Inc. and  subsidiaries  at December  31, 2002,  and the
consolidated  results of their operations and their cash flows for the year then
ended in conformity with accounting  principles generally accepted in the United

                                                        ERNST & YOUNG LLP
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
  March 14, 2003


The following report is a copy of a previously  issued report by Arthur Andersen
LLP ("Andersen").  The report has not been reissued by Andersen nor has Andersen
consented  to its  inclusion  in this annual  report on Form 10-K.  The Andersen
report refers to the consolidated  balance sheet as of December 31, 2000 and the
consolidated statements of operations,  stockholders' equity, and cash flows for
the  year  ended  December  31,  1999,  which  are  no  longer  included  in the
accompanying financial statements.


To the Board of Directors of Continental Resources, Inc.:

We have audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of  Continental
Resources,  Inc. (an Oklahoma  corporation)  and subsidiaries as of December 31,
2000 and 2001, and the related consolidated statements of income,  stockholders'
equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period  ended  December
31, 2001. These consolidated  financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly,  in  all  material  respects,  the  financial  position  of  Continental
Resources,  Inc.  and  subsidiaries  as of December  31, 2000 and 2001,  and the
results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
the period ended  December 31, 2001, in conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma                          ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP
February 15, 2002

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                    (dollars in thousands, except share data)

                                                        December 31,
CURRENT ASSETS:                                  2001               2002
                                           ------------------  ----------------
Cash                                       $         7,225     $         2,520
Accounts receivable -
    Oil and gas sales                                7,731              14,756
    Joint interest and other, net                   10,526               7,884
Inventories                                          6,321               6,700
Prepaid expenses                                       487                 482

Fair value of derivative contracts                       -                 628
                                           ------------------  ----------------
    Total current assets                            32,290              32,970

Oil and gas properties, based on
         successful efforts accounting
    Producing properties                           395,559             488,432
    Nonproducing leaseholds                         50,889              33,781
Gas gathering and processing facilities             28,176              33,113
Service properties, equipment and other             17,427              18,430
                                           ------------------  ----------------
    Total property and equipment                   492,051             573,756
Less - Accumulated depreciation,
       depletion and amortization                 (174,720)           (205,853)
                                           ------------------  ----------------
    Net property and equipment                     317,331             367,903

Debt issuance costs                                  4,851               5,796
Other assets                                            13                   8
                                           ------------------  ----------------
    Total other assets                               4,864               5,804
                                           ------------------  ----------------
    Total assets                           $       354,485     $       406,677
                                           ==================  ================

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of these  consolidated  balance

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                    (dollars in thousands, except share data)

                                                              December 31,
CURRENT LIABILITIES:                                       2001         2002
                                                      -------------  ------------
Accounts payable                                      $      22,576  $     26,665
Current debt                                                  5,400         2,400
Revenues and royalties payable                                3,404         5,299
Accrued liabilities and other                                 9,906        10,320
Fair Value of derivative contracts                                -         2,082
                                                      -------------  ------------
    Total current liabilities                                41,286        46,766

LONG-TERM DEBT, net of current portion                      177,995       244,705

OTHER NONCURRENT LIABILITIES                                     91           125

Preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 1,000,000 shares
authorized, 0 shares issued and outstanding                       -             -
Common stock, $0.01 par value, 20,000,000 shares
authorized, 14,368,919 shares issued and outstanding            144           144
Additional paid-in-capital                                   25,087        25,087
Retained earnings                                           109,882        89,850
                                                      -------------  ------------
    Total stockholders' equity                              135,113       115,081
                                                      -------------  ------------
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity        $     354,485  $    406,677
                                                      =============  ============

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of these  consolidated  balance

                         (dollars in thousands, except share data)

                                                            December 31,
REVENUES:                                      2000             2001           2002
                                           --------------  --------------  --------------
Oil and gas sales                          $     115,478   $     112,170   $     108,752
Crude oil marketing income                       279,834         245,872         153,547
Change in derivative fair value                        -               -          (1,455)
Gathering, marketing and processing               32,758          44,988          33,708
Oil and gas service operations                     5,760           6,047           5,739
                                           --------------  --------------  --------------
    Total revenues                               433,830         409,077         300,291

Production expenses                               20,301          28,406          28,383
Production taxes                                   9,506           8,385           7,729
Exploration expenses                               9,965          15,863          10,229
Crude oil marketing expenses                     278,809         245,003         152,718
Gathering, marketing and processing               28,303          36,367          29,783
Oil and gas service operations                     5,582           5,294           6,462
Depreciation, depletion and amortization          19,552          27,731          31,380
Property impairments                               5,631          10,113          25,686
General and administrative                         7,142           8,753          10,713
                                           --------------  --------------  --------------
    Total operating costs and expenses           384,791         385,915         303,083

OPERATING INCOME (LOSS)                           49,039          23,162          (2,792)

Interest income                                      756             630             285
Interest expense                                 (16,514)        (15,674)        (18,401)
Other income, net                                  4,499           3,549             876
                                           --------------  --------------  --------------
    Total other income (expense)                 (11,259)        (11,495)        (17,240)
                                           --------------  --------------  --------------

NET INCOME (LOSS)                          $      37,780   $      11,667   $     (20,032)
                                           ==============  ==============  ==============

    Basic                                  $        2.63   $        0.81   $       (1.39)
                                           ==============  ==============  ==============
    Diluted                                $        2.62   $        0.81   $       (1.39)
                                           ==============  ==============  ==============

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                         FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 2001 AND 2002
                                        (dollars in thousands)

                                                           Additional                     Total
                                Shares        Common        Paid-In       Retained     Stockholders'
                              Outstanding      Stock        Capital       Earning         Equity
                             -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
BALANCE, December 31, 1999     14,368,919   $       144   $    25,087   $     61,435   $      86,666
    Net Income                          -             -             -         37,780          37,780
    Dividends paid                      -             -             -         (1,000)         (1,000)
                             -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
BALANCE, December 31, 2000     14,368,919   $       144   $    25,087   $     98,215   $     123,446
                             -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
    Net Income                          -             -             -         11,667          11,667
                             -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
BALANCE, December 31, 2001     14,368,919   $       144   $    25,087   $    109,882   $     135,113
                             -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
    Net Loss                            -             -             -        (20,032)        (20,032)
                             -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  --------------
BALANCE, December 31, 2002     14,368,919   $       144   $    25,087   $     89,850   $     115,081
                             =============  ============  ============  =============  ==============

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                                  CONTINENTAL RESORUCES, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                      CONSOLIDATED STATEMETNS OF CASH FLOW
                              FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000, 2001 AND 2002

                                                                     2000             2001            2002
                                                               ---------------  --------------  --------------
Net income (loss)                                              $       37,780   $      11,667   $     (20,032)
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
        provided by operating activities-
    Depreciation, depletion and amortization                           19,552          27,731          31,380
    Impairment of properties                                            4,786           6,595          25,686
    Change in derivative fair value                                         -               -           1,455
    Amortization of debt issuance costs                                   728             534           1,171
    Gain on sale of assets                                             (3,719)         (3,460)           (223)
    Dry hole costs and impairment of undeveloped leases                 7,119          12,996           5,880
Cash provided by (used in) changes in assets and liabilities-
    Accounts receivable                                                (5,591)          7,360          (4,383)
    Inventories                                                          (876)         (1,333)           (379)
    Prepaid expenses                                                    1,481            (278)              5
    Accounts payable                                                    8,716           5,411           4,089
    Revenues and royalties payable                                        315          (3,776)          1,895
    Accrued liabilities and other                                         599            (469)            414
    Other noncurrent assets                                             1,373             435               5
    Other noncurrent liabilities                                            -               -              34
                                                               ---------------  --------------  --------------
        Net cash provided by operating activities                      72,263          63,413          46,997

    Exploration and development                                       (50,711)        (68,123)       (106,532)
    Gas gathering and processing facilities and service
        properties, equipment and other                                (1,200)         (6,645)         (6,260)
    Purchase of oil and gas properties                                      -         (36,535)           (655)
    Proceeds from sale of assets                                        7,665           4,639             152
                                                               ---------------  --------------  --------------
        Net cash used in investing activities                         (44,246)       (106,384)       (113,295)

Proceeds from line of credit and other                                 37,000          52,245         138,830
Repayment of Senior Subordinated Notes                                (19,850)         (3,000)
Repayment of line of credit and other                                 (47,436)         (6,200)        (75,120)
Debt issuance costs                                                         -               -          (2,117)
Repayment of short-term debt due to stockholder                             -               -               -
Payment of cash dividend                                               (1,000)              -               -
                                                               ---------------  --------------  --------------
    Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities               (31,286)         43,045          61,593

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                                        (3,269)             74         (4,705)

CASH, beginning of year                                                10,421           7,151           7,225
                                                               ---------------  --------------  --------------

CASH, end of year                                              $        7,152   $       7,225   $       2,520
                                                               ===============  ==============  ==============

    Interest paid                                              $       16,615   $      15,269   $      16,386

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial




     Continental  Resources,  Inc.  ("CRI")  was  incorporated  in  Oklahoma  on
November 16, 1967, as Shelly Dean Oil Company.  On September 23, 1976,  the name
was changed to Hamm Production  Company.  In January 1987, the Company  acquired
all of the assets and  assumed the debt of  Continental  Trend  Resources,  Inc.
Affiliated  entities,  J.S. Aviation and Wheatland Oil Co. were merged into Hamm
Production  Company,  and the corporate  name was changed to  Continental  Trend
Resources,  Inc.  at that  time.  In 1991,  the  Company's  name was  changed to
Continental Resources, Inc.

     CRI has three wholly owned  subsidiaries,  Continental  Gas, Inc.  ("CGI"),
Continental  Resources of Illinois,  Inc.  ("CRII")  and  Continental  Crude Co.
("CCC").  CGI was incorporated in April 1990, CRII was incorporated in June 2001
for the  purpose of  acquiring  the assets of Farrar Oil Company and Har-Ken Oil
Company and CCC was incorporated in May 1998. Since its  incorporation,  CCC has
had no operations, has acquired no assets and has incurred no liabilities.

     CRI and CRII's  principal  business  is oil and  natural  gas  exploration,
development and production.  CRI and CRII have interests in approximately  2,460
wells and serve as the operator in the  majority of these wells.  CRI and CRII's
operations  are  primarily in Oklahoma,  North Dakota,  South  Dakota,  Montana,
Wyoming,  Texas,  Illinois,  Mississippi and Louisiana.  In July 1998, CRI began
entering  into third party  contracts to purchase and resell crude oil at prices
based on current  month  NYMEX  prices,  current  posting  prices or at a stated
contract price.

     CGI  is  engaged  principally  in  natural  gas  marketing,  gathering  and
processing  activities and currently  operates  eight gas gathering  systems and
three  gas  processing   plants  in  its  operating  areas.  In  addition,   CGI
participates with CRI in certain oil and natural gas wells.

Basis of Presentation

     The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts and
operations  of  CRI,  CRII,  CGI  and  CCC  (collectively  the  "Company").  All
significant  intercompany  accounts and transactions have been eliminated in the
consolidated financial statements.  Certain  reclassifications have been made to
prior year amounts to conform to the current year presentation.

Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements

     In  August  2001,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No.  143,  Accounting  for  Asset
Retirement  Obligations (SFAS No. 143). SFAS No. 143 requires entities to record
the fair value of a liability for an asset  retirement  obligation in the period
in which it is incurred and a  corresponding  increase in the carrying amount of
the related long-lived asset. Subsequently,  the asset retirement cost should be
allocated to expense  using a systematic  and rational  method and the liability
should be  accreted to its face  amount.  The  Company  adopted  SFAS No. 143 on
January 1, 2003.  The  primary  impact of this  standard  relates to oil and gas
wells on which the Company has a legal obligation to plug and abandon the wells.
Prior to SFAS No.  143,  the Company had not  recorded an  obligation  for these
plugging and  abandonment  costs due to its assumption that the salvage value of
the surface  equipment  would  substantially  offset the cost of dismantling the
facilities and carrying out the necessary  clean-up and reclamation  activities.
The  adoption of SFAS No. 143 on January 1, 2003,  resulted in a net increase to
Property and Equipment and Asset Retirement  Obligations of approximately  $39.3
million and $35.2 million,  respectively,  as a result of the Company separately
accounting  for salvage  values and recording  the  estimated  fair value of its
plugging  and  abandonment  obligations  on the  balance  sheet.  The  impact of
adopting  SFAS No.  143 has been  accounted  for  through  a  cumulative  effect
adjustment  that  amounted to $4.1  million  increase to net income  recorded on
January 1, 2003.  The increase in expense  resulting  from the  accretion of the
asset retirement  obligation and the depreciation of the additional  capitalized
well  costs  is  expected  to  be  substantially   offset  by  the  decrease  in
depreciation from the Company's consideration of the estimated salvage values in
the calculation.

     In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144, Accounting for the Impairment
or Disposal of Long-Lived  Assets.  SFAS No. 144 requires (a) that an impairment
loss be  recognized  only if the carrying  amount of a  long-lived  asset is not
recoverable from its undiscounted cash flows and (b) that the measurement of any
impairment loss be the difference between the carrying amount and the fair value
of the  long-lived  asset.  SFAS No. 144 also  requires  companies to separately
report  discontinued  operations and extends that reporting to a component of an
entity  that  either  has  been  disposed  of  (by  sale,  abandonment,  or in a
distribution to owners) or is classified as held for sale.

     Assets to be disposed of are reported at the lower of the  carrying  amount
or fair value less costs to sell.  The Company  adopted  SFAS No. 144  effective
January 1,  2002.  The  adoption  of this new  standard  did not have a material
impact  on  the  Company's   consolidated   financial  position  or  results  of

     As of May 15, 2002,  the Company  adopted SFAS No. 145,  Rescission of FASB
Statements No. 4, 44, and 64,  Amendment of FASB Statement No. 13, and Technical
Corrections.  SFAS 145 rescinds the automatic treatment of gains and losses from
extinguishments  of debt as  extraordinary  unless  they meet the  criteria  for
extraordinary  items as outlined in Accounting  Principles Board Opinion No. 30,
Reporting  the  Results of  Operations,  Reporting  the Effects of Disposal of a
Segment of a Business,  and  Extraordinary,  Unusual and Infrequently  Occurring
Events and Transactions.  SFAS 145 also requires  sale-leaseback  accounting for
certain  lease   modifications   that  have  economic   effects   similar  to  a
sale-leaseback   transaction   and  makes   various   corrections   to  existing
pronouncements.  The adoption of SFAS 145 did not have a material  effect on the
Company's consolidated financial position or results of operations.

     In July 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 146, Accounting for Costs Associated
with Exit or Disposal  Activities.  SFAS No. 146 addresses financial  accounting
and  reporting  for costs  associated  with  exit and  disposal  activities  and
supersedes  Emerging  Issues  Task  Force  (EITF)  Issue  No.  94-3,   Liability
Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits and Other Costs to Exit an
Activity  (including  Certain Costs Incurred in a  Restructuring).  SFAS No. 146
requires  recognition  of a  liability  for a cost  associated  with  an exit or
disposal activity when the liability is incurred,  as opposed to when the entity
commits to an exit plan under EITF 94-3. SFAS No. 146 also  establishes that the
liability should  initially be measured and recorded at fair value.  Adoption of
SFAS No.  146 is  required  for exit and  disposal  activities  initiated  after
December 31, 2002. The Company  adopted this new standard  effective  January 1,
2003. The impact on the financial position and results of operations of adopting
this new standard was not material.

     In October 2002, the Emerging  Issues Task Force (EITF) reached a consensus
on Issue No. 02-3, Issues Related to Accounting for Contracts Involved in Energy
Trading and Risk Management  Activities.  The consensus rescinded EITF Issue No.
98-10,  Accounting for Contracts  Involved in Energy Trading and Risk Management
Activities.  The October 2002 consensus precludes mark-to-market  accounting for
all energy  trading  contracts not within the scope of SFAS No. 133,  Accounting
for  Derivative and Hedging  Activities.  The consensus to rescind EITF 98-10 is
applicable for fiscal periods  beginning after December 15, 2002 (early adoption
allowed),  except that energy trading contracts not within the scope of SFAS No.
133 and executed after October 25, 2002, but prior to the  implementation of the
consensus, are not permitted to apply mark-to-market  accounting.  The EITF also
reached a consensus  that gains and losses  (whether  realized or unrealized) on
derivative  instruments  within the scope of SFAS No. 133 should be shown net in
the income  statement if the  derivative  instruments  are purchased for trading
purposes  with the  exception  of  derivative  contracts  that  culminate in the
physical delivery of a commodity and meet the criteria of EITF 99-19,  Reporting
Revenue  Gross as a Principal  versus Net as an Agent.  The  Company  elected to
early adopt this  consensus on October 1, 2002.  As the Company has no contracts
outside  the scope of SFAS  No.133  that are being  marked to market  and as the
Company's  prior  policy  related  to the  presentation  of gains and  losses on
derivative  contracts  entered into for trading  purposes is consistent with the
requirements  of EITF 02-3, the adoption of EITF 02-3 had no material  impact on
the  Company.  As further  discussed  in  Derivatives  below,  the  Company  has
discontinued its trading activities as of May 2002.

Accounts Receivable

     The Company operates exclusively in the oil and natural gas exploration and
production,  gas gathering and  processing and gas marketing  industries.  Joint
interest  and  oil  and gas  sales  receivables  are  generally  unsecured.  The
Company's joint interest receivables at December 31, 2001 and 2002, are recorded
net  of an  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts  of  approximately  $359,000  and
$544,000, respectively, in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.


     Inventories  consist primarily of tubular goods,  production  equipment and
crude oil in tanks,  which are stated at the lower of average cost or market. At
December  31, 2001 and 2002,  tubular  goods and  production  equipment  totaled
approximately  $5,071,000 and  $5,572,000,  respectively  and crude oil in tanks
totaled approximately $1,250,000 and $1,128,000, respectively.

Property and Equipment

     The Company  utilizes the  successful  efforts method of accounting for oil
and gas  activities  whereby costs to acquire  mineral  interests in oil and gas
properties,  to drill and equip  exploratory wells that find proved reserves and
to drill and equip development wells are capitalized.  These costs are amortized
to operations on a  unit-of-production  method based on proved developed oil and
gas  reserves,  allocated  property  by  property,  as  estimated  by  petroleum
engineers.  Geological and geophysical costs, lease rentals and costs associated
with  unsuccessful  exploratory  wells are  expensed as  incurred.  Nonproducing
leaseholds  are  periodically  assessed  for  impairment,  based on  exploration
results and planned drilling  activity.  Maintenance and repairs are expensed as
incurred,  except that the cost of replacements or renewals that expand capacity
or improve production are capitalized.  Gas gathering systems and gas processing
plants are depreciated using the  straight-line  method over an estimated useful
life of 14 years.  Service  properties  and equipment and other are  depreciated
using the straight-line method over estimated useful lives of 5 to 40 years.

Income Taxes

     The Company filed a consolidated income tax return based on a May 31 fiscal
tax year-end  through May 31, 1997, and deferred  income taxes were provided for
temporary differences between financial reporting and income tax bases of assets
and  liabilities.   Effective  June  1,  1997,  the  Company   converted  to  an
S-Corporation  under  Subchapter S of the Internal  Revenue  Code.  As a result,
income taxes attributable to Federal taxable income of the Company after May 31,
1997, if any, will be payable by the stockholders of the Company.

Earnings per Common Share

     Basic earnings per common share is computed by dividing income available to
common stockholders by the weighted-average number of shares outstanding for the
period.  Diluted  earnings per share reflects the potential  dilution that could
occur if diluted  stock  options were  exercised  calculated  using the treasury
stock  method.  The  weighted-average  number of shares  used to  compute  basic
earnings  per  common  share  was  14,368,919  in  2000,   2001  and  2002.  The
weighted-average number of shares used to compute diluted earnings per share for
2000 and 2001 was 14,393,132.  The  outstanding  stock options (see Note 7) were
not considered in the diluted  earnings per share  calculation  for 2002, as the
effect  would  be  antidilutive.  There  were no  common  stock  equivalents  or
securities outstanding during 1999 that would result in material dilution.

Accounting for Derivatives

Non-Trading Activity

     The Company  periodically  utilizes derivative contracts to hedge the price
or  basis  risk  associated  with  specifically  identified  purchase  or  sales
contracts,  oil and gas production or operational  needs. As of January 1, 2001,
the  Company  accounts  for its  non-trading  derivative  activities  under  the
guidance  provided by SFAS No. 133,  Accounting for Derivative  Instruments  and
Hedging Activities.  Prior to January 1, 2001, the Company accounted for changes
in the market  value of  derivative  instruments  used for hedging as a deferred
gain or loss until the  production  month of the hedged  transactions,  at which
time the gain or loss on the  derivative  instrument was recognized in earnings.
Under SFAS No. 133, the Company recognizes all of its derivative  instruments as
assets or  liabilities  in the  balance  sheet at fair value  with such  amounts
classified as current or long-term based on their  anticipated  settlement.  The
accounting for the changes in fair value of a derivative depends on the intended
use of the derivative and resulting designation. For derivative instruments that
are  designated  and  qualify  as a fair  value  hedge,  the gain or loss on the
derivative  instrument as well as the offsetting loss or gain on the hedged item
attributable  to the hedged risk are recognized in the same line item associated
with the hedged item in current earnings during the period of the change in fair
values.  For  derivatives  that are designated and qualify as a cash flow hedge,
the effective  portion of the change in fair value of the derivative  instrument
is  reported  as a  component  of  accumulated  other  comprehensive  income and
recognized into earnings in the same period during which the hedged  transaction
affects earnings. The ineffective portion of a derivative's change in fair value
is recognized  currently in earnings.  Hedge  effectiveness is measured at least
quarterly  based on  relative  changes  in fair  value  between  the  derivative
contract  and hedged  item  during the period of hedge  designation.  Forecasted
transactions  designated  as the hedged item in a cash flow hedge are  regularly
evaluated to assess  whether they continue to be probable of  occurring.  If the
forecasted  transaction  is no longer  probable of  occurring,  any gain or loss
deferred in  accumulated  other  comprehensive  income is recognized in earnings

     On January 1, 2001, the Company had no outstanding derivatives that had not
been  previously  marked to market through its  accounting for trading  activity
(see Crude Oil Marketing below).  As a result,  the initial adoption of SFAS No.
133 had no significant impact on the Company's  financial position or results of

Crude Oil Marketing

     During 1998,  the Company  began  trading  crude oil,  exclusive of its own
production,  with  third  parties,  under  fixed and  variable  priced  physical
delivery  contracts  with  terms  extending  out less than one  year.  Crude oil
marketing  activities are accounted for in accordance with SFAS No. 133 and EITF
98-10,  Accounting  for  Energy  Trading  and Risk  Management  Activities.  The
adoption of SFAS No. 133 as of January 1, 2001,  had no impact on the  Company's
accounting for derivative  contracts used in its crude oil marketing  activities
as such  contracts were recorded at fair value under EITF 98-10 which was issued
prior to SFAS No.  133.  Under the  guidance  provided  by SFAS No. 133 and EITF
98-10,  all  energy and energy  related  contracts  are valued at fair value and
recorded as assets or liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet,  classified
as current or long-term based on their anticipated settlement.  Unrealized gains
and losses from changes in the fair value of open  contracts are included in oil
and  gas  sales  in the  consolidated  income  statement.  Crude  oil  marketing
contracts  that result in delivery of a commodity and meet the  requirements  of
EITF 99-19,  Reporting  Revenues  Gross as a Principal  or Net as an Agent,  are
included as crude oil  marketing  income or expense in the  consolidated  income
statement  depending on whether the contract  relates to the sale or purchase of
the commodity. Effective May 2002, the Company no longer enters into third party
contracts  to  purchase  and  resell  crude  oil,  however  we did  continue  to
repurchase  our  physical  production  from the  Rockies  and resell  equivalent
barrels at Cushing to take  advantage of better pricing and to reduce our credit
exposure from sales to our first  purchaser.  We have stated these purchases and
sales at gross in crude  oil  marketing.  Also see  Recently  Issued  Accounting
Pronouncements for further discussion of the accounting for the Company's energy
trading activities.

Oil and Gas Sales and Gas Balancing Arrangements

     The Company  sells oil and natural  gas to various  customers,  recognizing
revenues as oil and gas is produced and sold.  The Company uses the sales method
of  accounting   for  gas  imbalances  in  those   circumstances   were  it  has
underproduced or overproduced its ownership percentage in a property. Under this
method,  a  receivable  or liability  is  recognized  only to the extent that an
imbalance cannot be recouped from the reserves in the underlying properties. The
Company's  aggregate imbalance positions at December 31, 2001 and 2002, were not
material.  Changes for gathering and  transportation  are included in production

Significant Customer

     During  2000,  2001  and  2002,   approximately  22.8%,  17.8%  and  42.4%,
respectively,  of the Company's total revenues were derived from sales made to a
single customer.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

     The  Company's  financial  instruments  consist  primarily  of cash,  trade
receivables,  trade payables and bank debt.  The carrying  value of cash,  trade
receivables  and trade  payables are  considered to be  representative  of their
respective fair values, due to the short maturity of these instruments. The fair
value of long-term debt, less the senior subordinated notes discussed in Note 4,
approximates its carrying value based on the borrowing rates currently available
to the Company for bank loans with similar terms and maturities.

Business Segments

     The Company  operates in one  business  segment  pursuant to  Statement  of
Financial  Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 131, "Disclosure About Segments of an
Enterprise and Related Information."

Use of Estimates

     The  preparation  of financial  statements  in conformity  with  accounting
principles  generally accepted in the United States requires  management to make
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets and
liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at the date of
the  financial  statements  and the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses
during the reporting  period.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.
Of the estimates and assumptions that affect reported  results,  the estimate of
the  Company's  oil  and  natural  gas  reserves,   which  is  used  to  compute
depreciation,  depletion,  amortization  and impairment on producing oil and gas
properties, is the most significant.

Stock Based Compensation

     The Company  applies APB Opinion No. 25 in  accounting  for its fixed price
stock options.  Under APB 25, no compensation  expense is recognized relating to
stock  options  issued  under a fixed price plan with a strike price at or above
the fair market  value of the  underlying  shares of common stock at the date of
grant.  For stock options issued with a strike price below the fair market value
of the  underlying  shares of common stock,  compensation  expense is recognized
over the vesting  period  equal to the fair market  value of the common stock at
the date of grant  less the strike  price.  During  2001 and 2002,  compensation
expenses  related  to in the money  options  were  immaterial.

     Had the Company determined  compensation expense based on the fair value at
the grant date for its stock  options  under SFAS No.  123,  the  Company's  net
income (loss) would have been adjusted as indicated below.

   (dollars in thousands except per share amounts)    2001              2002
                                                      ----              ----
   Net Income  (Loss):
      As Reported                                   $11,667          $(20,032)
      Pro Forma                                     $11,575          $(20,117)
   Basic Earnings Per Share:
      As Reported                                   $  0.81          $  (1.39)
      Pro Forma                                     $  0.81          $  (1.40)
   Diluted Earnings Per Share:
     As Reported                                    $  0.81          $  (1.39)
      Pro Forma                                     $  0.81          $  (1.39)


     We are  exposed  to  market  risk  in the  normal  course  of our  business
operations.  Due to the volatility of oil and gas prices, we, from time to time,
have entered into financial  contracts to hedge oil and gas prices and may do so
in the future as a means of controlling  our exposure to price changes.  Most of
our financial  contracts  settle  against  either a NYMEX based price or a fixed
price. As the contracts  provide for physical  delivery of its  production,  the
Company has deemed these  contracts to be sales in the normal course of business
and it does not account for these contracts as derivatives.  Revenues from fixed
price  sales  contracts  in the normal  course of  business  are  recognized  as
production  occurs.  As of December  31,  2002,  we had entered  into  contracts
covering the notional  volumes set forth in the following  table for the periods

 1/03-3/03              60,000                 $21.98
 1/03-6/03              30,000                 $24.01
 1/03-1/04              30,000                 $24.01
1/03-12/03              30,000                 $25.08
1/03-12/03              30,000                 $24.85

     In August 2002, we elected to convert the fixed price on 200,000 barrels of
crude oil covered under these firm  commitments  to a variable price by entering
into fixed price  purchase  contracts at an average  price of $25.44 per barrel.
These derivative purchase contracts have been designated as fair value hedges of
a portion of the volumes covered under the firm commitments. As required by SFAS
No. 133, changes in the fair value of the firm commitment  occurring  subsequent
to the time the hedges were  designated  have been recorded in the  accompanying
balance  sheet.  As the  critical  terms of the  derivative  contracts  and firm
commitment  coincide,  changes in the value of the firm commitment are perfectly
offset by changes in the value of the derivative contracts.

     At December  31,  2002,  we had a crude oil  derivative  contract in place,
which is being  marked to market  under SFAS No. 133 with  changes in fair value
being  recorded in earnings as such  contract does not qualify for special hedge
accounting  nor does such  contract  meet the criteria to be  considered  in the
normal course of business. The contract provides for a fixed price of $24.25 per
barrel on 360,000 barrels of crude oil through  December 2003 when market prices
exceed $19.00 per barrel.  However, if the average NYMEX spot crude oil price is
$19.00 per barrel or less, no payment is required to the counterparty.  If NYMEX
sport crude oil prices  during a month  average more than $24.25 per barrel,  we
pay the excess to the counterparty. At December 31, 2002, we have recorded a net
unrealized loss of $1.5 million on this contract


     On July 9, 2001, the Company's  subsidiary,  CRII,  purchased the assets of
Farrar Oil Company,  Inc. and Har-Ken Oil Company  (collectively  "Farrar")  for
$33.7 million using funds borrowed  under the Company's  credit  facility.  This
purchase was  accounted  for as a purchase and the cost of the  acquisition  was
allocated to the acquired  assets and  liabilities.  The allocation of the $33.7
million purchase price on July 9, 2001, was as follows:

         Current assets                      $    950
         Producing properties                  30,603
         Non-producing properties               1,117
         Service properties                     1,000
                                             $ 33,670

     The unaudited pro forma information set forth below includes the operations
of Farrar  assuming the  acquisition of Farrar by CRII occurred at the beginning
of the periods  presented.  The unaudited pro forma information is presented for
information only and is not necessarily  indicative of the results of operations
that actually would have achieved had the acquisition  been  consummated at that

                              Pro Forma (Unaudited)
                  For the twelve months ended December 31, 2001

($ in thousands except share data)  Farrar       CRI       Consolidated
---------------------------------- -------   ------------  ------------
    Revenue                        $18,219     $263,934         $282,153
    Net Income                     $ 7,700     $ 12,119         $ 19,819

Earnings Per Common Share
    Basic                            $0.54        $0.84            $1.38
    Diluted                          $0.54        $0.84            $1.38


     Long-term debt as of December 31, 2001 and 2002,  consists of the following
(in thousands):

                                                        2001          2002
                                                        ----          ----
10.25% Senior Subordinated Notes due Aug. 2008 (a)   $ 127,150     $ 127,150
Credit Facility due March 28, 2005 (b)                  56,245       108,000
Capital Lease Agreement (c)                                  -        11,955
                                                     ---------     ---------
      Outstanding debt                                 183,395       247,105
Less Current portion                                     5,400         2,400
                                                     ---------     ---------
      Total long-term debt                           $ 177,995     $ 244,705
                                                     =========     =========

(a)  On July 24, 1998,  the Company  consummated  a private  placement of $150.0
     million of 10-1/4% Senior  Subordinated  Notes ("the  Notes") due August 1,
     2008, in a private  placement under  Securities Act Rule 144A.  Interest on
     the Notes is  payable  semi-annually  on each  February  1 and August 1. In
     connection  with the  issuance  of the Notes,  the  Company  incurred  debt
     issuance costs of approximately $4.7 million, which has been capitalized as
     other assets and is being amortized on a straight-line  basis over the life
     of the Notes. In May 1998 the Company entered into a forward  interest rate
     swap contract to hedge exposure to changes in prevailing  interest rates on
     the Notes.  Due to changes in treasury  note rates,  the Company  paid $3.9
     million to settle the forward  interest  rate swap  contract.  This payment
     results in an increase of  approximately  0.5% to the  Company's  effective
     interest rate over the term of the Notes.  Effective November 14, 1998, the
     Company  registered  the Notes  through a Form S-4  Registration  Statement
     under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1933.  During  2000,  the  Company
     repurchased  $19.9 million principal amount of its Notes at a cost of $18.3
     million and during 2001,  the Company  repurchased  $3.0 million  principal
     amount of its Notes at a cost of $2.7 million.

(b)  On March 31,  2002,  the Company  executed a Fourth  Amended  and  Restated
     Credit  Agreement  in which a group of  lenders  agreed to provide a $175.0
     million senior secured  revolving credit facility with a current  borrowing
     base of $140.0 million. Borrowings under the credit facility are secured by
     liens on all oil and gas properties  and associated  assets of the Company.
     Borrowings under the credit facility bear interest,  payable quarterly,  at
     (a) a rate per annum  equal to the rate at which  eurodollar  deposits  for
     one,  two,  three or six months are  offered by the lead bank plus a margin
     ranging from 150 to 250 basis points,  or (b) at the lead bank's  reference
     rate plus an  applicable  margin  ranging from 25 to 50 basis  points.  The
     Company paid  approximately  $2.2 million in debt issuance fees for the new
     credit  facility.  The credit facility  matures on March 28, 2005. The lead
     bank's  reference  rate plus margins at December 31, 2002,  was 4.50%.  The
     Company  has  $108.0  million  outstanding  debt on its line of  credit  at
     December 31, 2002.

(c)  On December  9, 2002 and  December 12, 2002,  the  Company  entered  into a
     long-term lease  arrangement with a related party for $2.1 million and $9.9
     million, respectively.  These lease arrangements were entered into at rates
     equal to, or better than could have been negotiated with a third party.

     The Company's line of credit agreement  contains certain negative financial
and certain information reporting covenants.  The Company was in compliance with
all covenants at December 31, 2002.

     The annual  maturities of long-term  debt  subsequent to December 31, 2002,
are as follows (in thousands):

     2003                             $  2,400
     2004                                2,400
     2005                              110,400
     2006                                2,400
     2007 and thereafter               129,505
     ------------------------------ -----------
     Total maturities                 $247,105

     At December 31, 2002, the Company had $1.6 million of  outstanding  letters
of credit that expire during 2003.

     The estimated  fair value of long-term debt is  approximately  $236,933,000
and $164,323,000 at December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.  The fair value of
long-term  debt is  estimated  based on quoted  market  prices  and  managements
estimate of current rates available for similar issues.


     The Company follows Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS")
No. 109,  "Accounting  for Income Taxes." As mentioned in Note 1, the Company is
an  S-Corporation  resulting in the taxable  income or loss of the Company being
reported to the stockholders and included in their respective  Federal and state
income tax returns.  The  difference in the taxable  income of the  stockholders
versus the net income of the Company is due  primarily  to  intangible  drilling
costs which are  capitalized  for book  purposes  but charged to expense for tax
purposes and accelerated  depreciation  and depletion  methods  utilized for tax


     On October 1, 2000,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  and  shareholders
approved an Agreement and Plan of Recapitalization (the "Recapitalization Plan")
and the Amended and Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation to be filed with the
Oklahoma  Secretary  of State.  As outlined in the  Recapitalization  Plan,  the
authorized number of shares of capital stock was increased from 75,000 shares of
common  stock to 21 million  shares  consisting  of 20 million  shares of common
stock and one million shares of $0.01 par value  Preferred  Stock.  In addition,
the par value of common stock was adjusted  from $1 per share to $0.01 per share
and 1.02 million shares of the common stock were reserved for issuance under the
2000  incentive  Stock  Option Plan  discussed  in Note 7.

     Concurrent  with the  approval of the  Recapitalization  Plan,  the Company
affected  an  approximate  293: 1 stock split  whereby  the  Company  issued new
certificates  for  14,368,919  shares of the newly  authorized  common  stock in
exchange for the 49,041  previously  outstanding  shares of common  stock.  As a
result  of  the  stock  split,   additional   paid-in  capital  was  reduced  by
approximately $95,000, offset by an increase in the common stock at par.


     The Company has a stock option plan, the Continental  Resources,  Inc. 2000
Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"), which became effective October 1, 2000.

     Under the Plan,  the  Company  may,  from time to time,  grant  options  to
directors and eligible  employees.  These options may be Incentive Stock Options
or  Nonqualified  Stock  Options,  or a  combination  of both.  The earliest the
granted  options may be exercised is over a five year vesting period at the rate
of 20% each year for the Incentive Stock Options and over a three year period at
the rate of 33 1/3% for the Nonqualified  Stock Options,  both commencing on the
first anniversary of the grant date. The maximum shares covered by options shall
consist of 1,020,000  shares of the Company's  common stock,  par value $.01 per
share.  The Company  granted 144,000 shares during 2000. No options were granted
in 2001 and 28,000 shares were granted during 2002.

Stock  options  outstanding  under  the  Plan  are  presented  for  the  periods

                                    Number of Shares   Option Price Range
----------------------------------------------------   ---------------------
Outstanding December 31, 2000                      -          $            -
        Granted                              144,000          $7.00 - $14.00
        Exercised                                  -          $            -
        Canceled                                   -          $            -
Outstanding December 31, 2001                144,000          $7.00 - $14.00
        Granted                               28,000          $7.77 - $14.00
        Exercised                                  -          $            -
        Canceled                                   -          $            -
Outstanding December 31, 2002                172,000          $7.00 - $14.00


     The Company maintains a defined contribution pension plan for its employees
under  which  it  makes  discretionary  contributions  to the  plan  based  on a
percentage  of eligible  employees  compensation.  During  2000,  2001 and 2002,
contributions to the plan were 5% of eligible employees'  compensation.  Pension
expense for the years ended December 31, 2000, 2001 and 2002, was  approximately
$390,000, $392,000 and $353,590, respectively.

     The  Company  and  other  affiliated  companies  participate  jointly  in a
self-insurance  pool (the  "Pool")  covering  health and  workers'  compensation
claims made by employees up to the first  $150,000 and  $500,000,  respectively,
per claim.  Any  amounts  paid above  these are  reinsured  through  third-party
providers.  Premiums  charged to the  Company are based on  estimated  costs per
employee of the Pool. No additional  premium  assessments  are  anticipated  for
periods prior to December 31, 2002.  Property and general liability insurance is
maintained  through  third-party  providers  with a $50,000  deductible  on each

     The Company is involved in various legal  proceedings  in the normal course
of business,  none of which, in the opinion of management,  will have a material
adverse  effect on the  financial  position  or  results  of  operations  of the

     Due to the nature of the oil and gas  business,  the  Company is exposed to
possible  environmental  risks. The Company has implemented various policies and
procedures to avoid  environmental  contamination  and risks from  environmental
contamination.  The Company is not aware of any material potential environmental
issues or claims.


     The Company, acting as operator on certain properties,  utilizes affiliated
companies to provide oilfield services such as drilling and trucking.  The total
amount paid to these companies,  a portion of which was billed to other interest
owners,  was approximately  $8,713,000,  $10,942,000 and $11,679,000  during the
years ended December 31, 2000, 2001 and 2002, respectively.  These services were
provided at amounts which management  believes  approximate the costs that would
have been paid to an unrelated party for the same services. At December 31, 2001
and 2002, the Company owed approximately $266,000 and $919,000, respectively, to
these companies, which are included in accounts, payable and accrued liabilities
in the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets.  These  companies and other
companies,  owned by the Company's principal stockholder,  also own interests in
wells  operated  by the Company and  provide  oilfield  related  services to the
Company.  At December 31, 2001 and 2002,  approximately  $344,000 and  $481,000,
respectively,  from affiliated  companies is included in accounts  receivable in
the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.

     The  Company  leases  office  space  under  operating  leases  directly  or
indirectly  from the principal  stockholder.  Rents paid  associated  with these
leases totaled approximately $313,000, $334,000 and $421,000 for the years ended
December 31, 2000,  2001 and 2002,  respectively.  See Note 4 for  discussion of
related party capital lease transaction.

     During 2001, the Company,  acting as operator on certain  properties  began
selling  natural gas to a related  party.  During  2002,  the Company sold $1.24
million of natural gas to this related party.


     The Company accounts for impairment of long-lived assets in accordance with
SFAS No. 144,  "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets."
During 2000,  2001 and 2002,  the Company  reviewed its oil and gas  properties,
which are  maintained  under the successful  efforts  method of  accounting,  to
identify  properties  with  excess of net book value over  projected  future net
revenue of such  properties.  Any such  excess net book values  identified  were
evaluated   further   considering  such  factors  as  future  price  escalation,
probability  of additional oil and gas reserves and a discount to present value.
If an  impairment  was deemed  appropriate,  an  additional  charge was added to
property  impairment  expense.  The  Company  recognized  $1,665,000  additional
property  impairment in 2000,  $5,303,000  was  recognized  additional  property
impairment in 2001, and $2,300,000 was recognized additional property impairment
in 2002.


     The Company's wholly owned  subsidiaries,  Continental  Gas, Inc.  ("CGI"),
Continental  Resources of Illinois,  Inc.  ("CRII"),  and Continental  Crude Co.
("CCC") have guaranteed the Company's  outstanding Senior Subordinated Notes and
its  bank  credit  facility.  The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  condensed
consolidating  financial  information  of CGI and CRII as of December  31, 2000,
2001 and 2002:

                                                        Condensed Consolidating Balance Sheet
            As of December 31, 2001------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------     Guarantor
($ in thousands)                       Subsidiaries       Parent           Eliminations     Consolidated
                                   ----------------  ----------------   -----------------  ----------------
Current Assets                       $       6,310   $        51,915    $        (25,935)  $        32,290
Property and Equipment                      42,051           275,280                   0           317,331
Other Assets                                    12             4,863                 (11)            4,864
                                   ----------------  ----------------   -----------------  ----------------
    Total Assets                     $      48,373   $       332,058    $        (25,946)  $       354,485

Current Liabilities                  $      11,039   $        38,629    $         (8,382)  $        41,286
Long-Term Debt                              17,553           178,086             (17,553)          178,086
Other Liabilities                                0                91                   0                91
Stockholders' Equity                        19,781           115,252                 (11)          135,022
                                   ----------------  ----------------   -----------------  ----------------
    Total Liabilities and
    Stockholders' Equity             $      48,373   $       332,058    $        (25,946)  $       354,485
                                   ================  ================   =================  ================

            As of December 31, 2002
Current Assets                       $       6,524   $        49,308    $        (22,862)  $        32,970
Property and Equipment                      42,664           325,239                   0           367,903
Other Assets                                     7             5,811                 (14)            5,804
                                   ----------------  ----------------   -----------------  ----------------
    Total Assets                     $      49,195   $       380,358    $        (22,876)  $       406,677

Current Liabilities                  $      11,443   $        42,258    $         (6,934)  $        46,767
Long-Term Debt                              15,928           244,705             (15,928)          244,705
Other Liabilities                                0               125                   0               125
Stockholders' Equity                        21,824            93,270                 (14)          115,080
                                   ----------------  ----------------   -----------------  ----------------
    Total Liabilities and
    Stockholders' Equity             $      49,195   $       380,358    $        (22,876)  $       406,677
                                   ================  ================   =================  ================

                                                   Condensed Consolidating Balance Sheet
            As of December 31, 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------     Guarantor
($ in thousands)                       Subsidiaries        Parent        Eliminations        Consolidated
                                   ---------------   ---------------   -----------------   ----------------
Total Revenue                        $     52,051    $      357,589    $           (563)   $       409,077
Operating Expenses                         46,695           339,784                (563)           385,916
Other Income (Expense)                        (95)          (11,400)                  0            (11,495)
                                   ---------------   ---------------   -----------------   ----------------
    Net Income                       $      5,261    $        6,405    $              0    $        11,666
                                   ===============   ===============   =================   ================

            As of December 31, 2002
Total Revenue                        $     48,248    $      253,624    $         (1,581)   $       300,291
Operating Expenses                         44,575           260,089              (1,581)           303,083
Other Income (Expense)                     (1,632)          (15,608)                  0            (17,240)
                                   ---------------   ---------------   -----------------   ----------------
    Net Income                       $      2,041    $      (22,073)   $              0    $       (20,032)
                                   ===============   ===============   =================   ================

     At  December  31,  2001 and  2002,  current  liabilities  payable  from the
subsidiaries  to CRI  totaled  approximately  $8.2  million  and $22.6  million,
respectively.   For  the  years  ended   December  31,  2000,   2001  and  2002,
depreciation,  depletion and amortization,  included in operating costs, totaled
approximately $2.1 million, $4.9 million and $5.6 million, respectively.

     Since its incorporation,  CCC has had no operations, has acquired no assets
and has incurred no liabilities.


     Certain amounts  applicable to the prior periods have been  reclassified to
conform to the classifications currently followed. Such reclassifications do not
affect earnings.

Proved Oil and Gas Reserves

     The following reserve  information was developed from reserve reports as of
December  31,  1999,  2000,  2001 and  2002,  prepared  by  independent  reserve
engineers  and by the  Company's  internal  reserve  engineers and set forth the
changes in  estimated  quantities  of proved oil and gas reserves of the Company
during each of the three years presented.

                                                                      Crude Oil and
                                                  Natural Gas (MMcf) Condensate (MBbls)
                                                  ------------------ ------------------
Proved reserves as of December 31, 1999                  75,761            36,624
    Revisions of previous estimates                     (10,106)            1,340
    Extensions, discoveries and other additions           4,613               664
    Production                                           (7,939)           (3,360)
   Sale of reserves in place                             (2,456)               (4)
   Purchase of reserves in place                              0                 0
                                                  --------------     -------------
Proved reserves as of December 31, 2000                  59,873            35,264
    Revisions of previous estimates                     (11,766)           (2,378)
    Extensions, discoveries and other additions           9,319            27,276
    Production                                           (8,411)           (3,489)
   Sale of reserves in place                             (2,457)             (274)
   Purchase of reserves in place                          5,709             3,332
                                                  --------------     -------------
Proved reserves as of December 31, 2001                  52,267            59,731
    Revisions of previous estimates                      21,854             6,195
    Extensions, discoveries and other additions           4,948             1,173
    Production                                           (9,229)           (3,810)
   Sale of reserves in place                                  0               (12)
   Purchase of reserves in place                            107                 4
                                                  --------------     -------------
Proved reserves as of December 31, 2002                  69,947            63,281
                                                  ==============     =============

     Proved  reserves are  estimated  quantities  of crude oil,  natural gas and
natural gas liquids which  geological  and  engineering  data  demonstrate  with
reasonable  certainty to be  recoverable  in future years from known  reservoirs
under existing economic and operating conditions.

     There are  numerous  uncertainties  inherent in  estimating  quantities  of
proved oil and gas  reserves.  Oil and gas reserve  engineering  is a subjective
process of estimating  underground  accumulations  of oil and gas that cannot be
precisely  measured,  and estimates of engineers  other than the Company's might
differ  materially  from the  estimates  set forth  herein.  The accuracy of any
reserve  estimate  is a  function  of  the  quality  of  available  data  and of
engineering  and geological  interpretation  and judgment.  Results of drilling,
testing  and  production  subsequent  to the date of the  estimate  may  justify
revision of such estimate.  Accordingly,  reserve  estimates are often different
from the quantities of oil and gas that are ultimately recovered.

     The  year-end   weighted  average  oil  and  gas  prices  utilized  in  the
computation  of  future  cash  inflows  were  $10.37  per Bbl and $1.37 per Mcf,
respectively,  higher in 2002 than in 2001. This price increase accounts for the
majority of the revisions of previous estimates for 2002.

     Gas imbalance receivables and liabilities for each of the three years ended
December 31, 2000,  2001 and 2002,  were not material and have not been included
in the reserve estimates.

Proved Developed Oil and Gas Reserves

     The  following  reserve  information  was developed by the Company and sets
forth the estimated  quantities of proved  developed oil and gas reserves of the
Company as of the beginning of each year.

                                                     Crude Oil and
Proved Developed Reserves    Natural Gas (MMcf)    Condensate (MBbls)
-------------------------    ----------------      -----------------
January 1, 2000                       65,723              34,432
January 1, 2001                       58,438              33,173
January 1, 2002                       56,647              31,325
January 1, 2003                       69,273              33,626

     Proved  developed  reserves  are proved  reserves  that are  expected to be
recovered through existing wells with existing equipment and operating methods.

Costs Incurred in Oil and Gas Activities

     Costs  incurred in connection  with the Company's oil and gas  acquisition,
exploration  and  development  activities  during the years are shown  below (in
thousands of dollars). Amounts are presented in accordance with SFAS No. 19, and
may not agree with amounts determined using traditional industry definitions.

Property acquisition costs:                   2000         2001         2002
                                         -----------  ------------  -----------
    Proved                               $        -   $    36,535   $      655
    Unproved                                  5,231        11,386       10,504
                                         -----------  ------------  -----------
        Total property acquisition costs $    5,231   $    47,921   $   11,159

    Exploration costs                         6,152         9,170       11,809
    Development costs                        39,329        47,567       84,219
                                         -----------  ------------  -----------
        Total                            $   50,712   $   104,658   $  107,187

Aggregate Capitalized Costs

     Aggregate capitalized costs relating to the Company's oil and gas producing
activities,  and related  accumulated  DD&A,  as of December 31 (in thousands of

                                     2001           2002
                                   -----------  -----------
Proved oil and gas properties        $425,754     $505,444
Unproved oil and gas properties        20,694       16,769
                                   -----------  -----------
        Total                        $446,448     $522,213
Less-Accumulated DD&A                (155,703)    (182,863)
                                   -----------  -----------
Net capitalized costs                $290,745     $339,349
                                   ===========  ===========

Oil and Gas Operations (Unaudited)

     Aggregate  results of  operations  for each period  ended  December  31, in
connection  with the Company's oil and gas producing  activities are shown below
(in thousands of dollars):

                                                          2000            2001           2002
                                                     --------------   -------------  -------------
Revenues                                                  $115,478        $112,170       $108,752
Production costs                                            29,807          36,791         36,112
Exploration expenses                                         9,965          15,863         10,229
DD&A and valuation provision (1)                            17,454          29,003         29,244
                                                     --------------   -------------  -------------

Income                                                      58,252          30,513         33,167

Income tax expense (2)                                           -               -              -
                                                     --------------   -------------  -------------
Results of operations from producing activities (3)        $58,252         $29,844        $33,167
                                                     ==============   =============  =============

(1)  Includes  $1.6  million in 2000,  $5.3  million in 2001 and $2.3 million in
     2002 of additional DD&A as a result of SFAS No. 121 impairments

(2)  The  Company is an  S-Corporation;  as a result,  the income or loss of the
     Company is taxable at the stockholder level.

(3)  Excluding corporate overhead and interest costs

Standardized  Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil
and Gas Reserves

     The following  information  is based on the Company's  best estimate of the
required data for the Standardized  Measure of Discounted  Future Net Cash Flows
as of December 31, 2000, 2001 and 2002, as required by SFAS No. 69. The Standard
requires the use of a 10% discount rate. This information is not the fair market
value nor does it represent  the expected  present value of future cash flows of
the Company's proved oil and gas reserves (in thousands of dollars).

                                                              2000            2001            2002
                                                          -------------   -------------   -------------
Future cash inflows                                         $1,403,645      $1,300,078      $2,131,097
Future production and development costs                       (495,953)       (667,533)       (827,238)
Future income tax expenses                                           -               -               -
                                                          -------------   -------------   -------------
    Future net cash flows                                      907,692         632,545       1,303,859
10% annual discount for estimated timing of cash flows        (415,893)       (323,941)       (670,462)
                                                          -------------   -------------   -------------
Standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows      $491,799        $308,604        $633,397
                                                          =============   =============   =============

     Future cash inflows are computed by applying year-end prices of oil and gas
relating to the Company's  proved  reserves to the year-end  quantities of those
reserves. The year-end weighted average oil price utilized in the computation of
future cash  inflows was  approximately  $26.80,  $18.67,  and $29.04 per BBL at
December 31, 2000, 2001 and 2002,  respectively.  The year-end  weighted average
gas price utilized in the  computation of future cash inflows was  approximately
$9.78,  $1.96,  and  $3.33  per  MCF  at  December  31,  2000,  2001  and  2002,
respectively. Such prices do not include the effect of the Company's fixed price
contracts designated as hedges.

     Future production and development  costs,  which include  dismantlement and
restoration  expense, are computed by estimating the expenditures to be incurred
in developing and producing the Company's proved oil and gas reserves at the end
of the year,  based on year-end  costs,  and assuming  continuation  of existing
economic conditions.

     Income taxes were not computed at December 31, 2000,  2001 or 2002,  as the
Company elected S-Corporation status effective June 1, 1997.

     Principal  changes in the  aggregate  standardized  measure  of  discounted
future net cash flows  attributable to the Company's proved oil and gas reserves
at year-end are shown below (in thousands of dollars)

                                                                   2000            2001            2002
                                                              -------------   -------------   -------------
Standardized measure of discounted future
    net cash flows at the beginning of the year                   $334,411        $491,799        $308,604
Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery, less
    related costs                                                   29,915          98,719          21,082
Revisions of previous quantity estimates                            (3,544)        (33,338)         87,325
Changes in estimated future development costs                          853        (107,009)          6,748
Purchase (sales) of minerals in place                               (1,387)         10,755             161
Net changes in prices and production costs                         149,400        (136,665)        233,518
Accretion of discount                                               33,441          49,180          30,860
Sales of oil and gas produced, net of production costs             (85,671)        (75,379)        (73,755)
Development costs incurred during the period                        19,196          12,260          52,834
Change in timing of estimated future production, and other          15,185          (1,718)        (33,980)
                                                              -------------   -------------   -------------
    Net Change                                                     157,388        (183,195)        324,793
                                                              -------------   -------------   -------------
Standardized measure of discounted future
    net cash flows at the end of the year                         $491,799        $308,604        $633,397
                                                              =============   =============   =============

                               INDEX TO EXHIBITS

No.           Description                           Method of Filing
---           -----------                           ----------------
2.1    Agreement  and Plan of  Recapitalization  Incorporated herein by reference
       of  Continental  Resources,  Inc.  dated
       October 1, 2000.

3.1    Amended  and  Restated   Certificate  of  Incorporated herein by reference
       Incorporation of Continental  Resources,

3.2    Amended   and    Restated    Bylaws   of  Incorporated herein by reference
       Continental Resources, Inc.

3.3    Certificate    of    Incorporation    of  Incorporated herein by reference
       Continental Gas, Inc.

3.4    Bylaws  of  Continental  Gas,  Inc.,  as  Incorporated herein by reference
       amended and restated.

3.5    Certificate    of    Incorporation    of  Incorporated herein by reference
       Continental Crude Co.

3.6    Bylaws of Continental Crude Co.           Incorporated herein by reference

4.1    Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated April  Incorporated herein by reference
       21, 2000 between Continental  Resources,
       Inc.  and  Continental   Gas,  Inc.,  as
       Borrowers  and  MidFirst  Bank as  Agent
       (the "Credit Agreement").

4.1.1  Form  of  Consolidated   Revolving  Note  Incorporated herein by reference
       under the Credit Agreement.

4.1.2  Second   Amended  and  Restated   Credit  Incorporated herein by reference
       Agreement among  Continental  Resources,
       Inc.,    Continental   Gas,   Inc.   and
       Continental Resources of Illinois, Inc.,
       as Borrowers,  and MidFirst Bank,  dated
       July 9, 2001.

4.1.3  Third   Amended  and   Restated   Credit  Incorporated herein by reference
       Agreement among  Continental  Resources,
       Inc.,    Continental   Gas,   Inc.   and
       Continental Resources of Illinois, Inc.,
       as Borrowers,  and MidFirst Bank,  dated
       January 17, 2002.

4.1.4  Fourth   Amended  and  Restated   Credit  Incorporated herein by reference
       Agreement  dated March 28,  2002,  among
       the    Registrant,    Union    Bank   of
       California,  N. A.,  Guaranty  Bank, FSB
       and Fortis Capital Corp.

4.2    Indenture  dated  as of  July  24,  1998  Incorporated herein by reference
       between Continental Resources,  Inc., as
       Issuer, the Subsidiary  Guarantors named
       therein  and  the  United  States  Trust
       Company of New York, as Trustee.

10.1   Unlimited Guaranty Agreement dated March  Incorporated herein by reference
       28, 2002.

10.2   Security Agreement dated March 28, 2002,  Incorporated herein by reference
       between  Registrant  and Guaranty  Bank,
       FSB, as Agent.

10.3   Stock Pledge  Agreement  dated March 28,  Incorporated herein by reference
       2002,  between  Registrant  and Guaranty
       Bank, FSB, as Agent.

10.4   Conveyance  Agreement  of  Worland  Area  Incorporated herein by reference
       Properties from Harold G. Hamm,  Trustee
       of  the   Harold   G.   Hamm   Revocable
       Intervivos  Trust dated April 23,  1984,
       to Continental Resources, Inc.

10.5   Purchase  Agreement signed January 2000,  Incorporated herein by reference
       effective   October  1,  1999,   by  and
       between  Patrick  Energy  Corporation as
       Buyer and Continental Resources, Inc. as

10.6   Continental  Resources,  Inc. 2000 Stock  Incorporated herein by reference
       Option Plan.

10.7   Form   of    Incentive    Stock   Option  Incorporated herein by reference

10.8   Form  of   Non-Qualified   Stock  Option  Incorporated herein by reference

10.9   Purchase  and  Sales  Agreement  between  Incorporated herein by reference
       Farrar  Oil   Company  and  Har-Ken  Oil
       Company,  as  Sellers,  and  Continental
       Resources   of    Illinois,    Inc.   as
       Purchaser, dated May 14, 2001.

10.10  Collateral Assignment of Contracts dated  Incorporated herein by reference
       March 28, 2002,  between  Registrant and
       Guaranty Bank, FSB, as Agent.

12.1   Statement  re  computation  of  ratio of  Filed herewith electronically
       debt to Adjusted EBITDA.

12.2   Statement  re  computation  of  ratio of  Filed herewith electronically
       earning to fixed charges.

12.3   Statement  re  computation  of  ratio of  Filed herewith electronically
       Adjusted EBITDA to interest expense.

21.0   Subsidiaries of Registrant.               Incorporated herein by reference

99.1   Letter to the  Securities  and  Exchange  Incorporated herein by reference
       Commission   dated   March   28,   2002,
       regarding the audit of the  Registrant's
       financial  statements by Arthur Andersen