Reportlinker Adds The Evolving Pharma M&A Landscape: Emerging Trends and Predicted Post-Blockbuster Targets announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue.

Reportlinker Adds The Evolving Pharma M&A Landscape: Emerging trends and predicted post-blockbuster targets

Executive Summary

Pharmaceutical market growth rates have halved inside the past five years, and will remain modest into the next decade. At the same time, new drug approval rates have slowed. With costs continuing to rise, the industry’s margins are already being squeezed, but will come under growing pressure as payers adopt more stringent pharmaceutical cost-containment policies and as patents on a slew of blockbusting brands expire.

The world’s ten biggest pharmaceutical companies have committed almost $230bn to M&A deals since the beginning of 2007. The size of their assets and the cash-generating capabilities of their existing businesses have rendered them largely immune from the effects of the global economic downturn, during which big pharma M&A spending has actually accelerated. Key M&A announcements will continue to be made on a regular basis into 2010 and beyond.

Key findings of this report

• The pharmaceutical industry’s ten biggest players face the expiry of patents on brands that generate annual revenues of more than $130bn within the next five years. This ‘patent cliff’ is driving the acquisition of biotech assets designed to strengthen big pharma pipelines.

• Biotech/biopharma companies were the subject of nearly half the M&A transactions completed or announced by leading pharmaceutical companies between January 2007 and July 2009, and accounted for four of the ten biggest M&A deals witnessed in that period.

• The world’s ten biggest pharmaceutical companies generated prescription drug sales totaling $308bn in 2008. Their operations generated aggregate net cash of more than $106bn and pre-tax profits of $81bn. At the end of 2008 they were sitting on collective net assets worth $354bn.

• The ten leading companies have completed or reached definitive agreements on 64 M&A deals since January 2007. Together, they have committed almost $230bn to healthcare M&A transactions in the past two-and-a-half years.

• Biotech companies aside, consumer healthcare and generic businesses are among the most popular acquisition targets, reflecting a desire on the part of big pharma to reduce levels of exposure to conditions in the global market for prescription drugs.

• Two of the world’s five biggest generics businesses are active candidates for disposal. Sandoz and Teva aside, all of the world’s other leading generic companies are potential acquisition targets.

Use this report to


• Quantify individual pharmaceutical company exposure to major patent expiries in the next five years.

• Compare the strengths and weaknesses of big pharma pipelines and identify the gaps that biotech acquisitions will be used to plug.

• Track recent M&A activity by the world’s ten biggest pharmaceutical companies in terms of both deal values and strategic intent.

• Gain valuable insights into the strategic approaches to M&A activity being pursued by individual big pharma CEOs.

• Understand why most previous pharmaceutical mega-mergers failed to deliver long-term benefits, and how Pfizer and Merck hope to avoid repeating the industry’s past mistakes.

• Identify prime biotech/biopharma acquisition targets and the global, regional or national generic businesses most likely to attract acquisition bids.

Table of Contents

The Evolving Pharma M&A Landscape Executive Summary 12

Pharmaceutical industry pressure points 12

Can mega-mergers solve the industry's problems? 13

Big pharma M&A 13

Generic industry M&A 14

Biotech industry M&A 15

Chapter 1 Pharmaceutical industry pressure points 18

Summary 18

Introduction 19

Diminishing returns 20

Stock market reaction 22

Key factors behind the squeeze on big pharma 22

Patent expiries 23

Pharmaceutical cost-containment 25

Deteriorating R&D risk/return ratios 27

Adapting to the new market environment 30

Cost-cutting and efficiency increases 31

Enhancing pipelines 33

Corporate restructuring 34

Chapter 2 Can mega-mergers solve the industry's problems? 36

Summary 36

Introduction 37

The last wave of mega-mergers 38

Mega-merger legacies 38

Pfizer – transformed or transfixed? 40

The changing face of Pfizer 41

Measuring Pfizer's financial performance 42

Stock market judgments 43

Pfizer tries again 45

Transaction details 46

Impact of the Wyeth acquisition 46

Portfolio 46

Geographical presence 48

Pipeline 49

Exposure to patent expiries 50

Finances 50

Verdict on the Pfizer/Wyeth deal 51

Merck seeks M&A shelter 53

Transaction details 53

Impact of the Schering-Plough acquisition 55

Portfolio 55

Geographical presence 57

Pipeline 58

Exposure to patent expiries 59

Finances 60

Verdict on the Merck/Schering-Plough deal 61

Looking beyond the mega-merger 63

Chapter 3 Big Pharma M&A 66

Summary 66

Introduction 67

Big Pharma's financial muscle 68

Recent M&A activity 70

M&A targets 73

Future M&A trends 74

The shrinking pharmaceutical village 76

Pfizer 78

Company background 78

Portfolio and geographical reach 79

Pipeline status 81

Exposure to patent expiries 82

Strategic direction 84

Recent M&A activity 85

Bolstering the pipeline 85

Pfizer's latest mega-merger 87

Future M&A potential 88

Merck & Co 89

Company background 89

Portfolio and geographical reach 90

Pipeline status 92

Exposure to patent expiries 93

Strategic direction 94

Recent M&A activity 95

The move into biosimilars 96

A mega-merger designed to transform Merck's fortunes 97

Future M&A potential 97

Sanofi-Aventis 99

Company background 99

Portfolio and geographical reach 100

Pipeline status 102

Exposure to patent expiries 102

Strategic direction 103

Recent M&A activity 104

Bolstering the pipeline 105

Building a generics business 106

Investing in animal health 107

Future M&A potential 108

GlaxoSmithKline 111

Company background 111

Portfolio and geographical reach 112

Pipeline status 113

Exposure to patent expiries 114

Strategic direction 116

Recent M&A activity 116

Diversification 118

Supporting a push into emerging markets 118

Feeding the pipeline 119

Future M&A potential 120

Novartis 122

Company background 122

Portfolio and geographic reach 123

Pipeline status 125

Exposure to patent expiries 126

Strategic direction 127

Recent M&A activity 128

Focused diversification 128

Strengthening the pharma business 129

Future M&A potential 130

Roche 132

Company background 132

Portfolio and geographical reach 133

Pipeline status 136

Exposure to patent expiries 137

Strategic direction 138

Recent M&A activity 138

Gaining full control of Genentech 139

Accessing novel products and technologies 140

Strengthening the diagnostics business 142

Future M&A potential 143

AstraZeneca 144

Company background 144

Portfolio and geographical reach 145

Pipeline status 148

Exposure to patent expiries 149

Strategic direction 151

Recent M&A activity 151

The push into biologics 152

Future M&A potential 153

Johnson & Johnson 154

Company background 154

Portfolio and geographical reach 155

Pipeline status 157

Exposure to patent expiries 158

Strategic direction 159

Recent M&A activity 160

Targeting 'convergence' 161

Strengthening the pipeline 161

Future M&A potential 162

Eli Lilly 163

Company background 163

Portfolio and geographical reach 164

Pipeline status 165

Exposure to patent expiries 166

Strategic direction 167

Recent M&A activity 168

Strengthening the pipeline 168

Bringing alliances in-house 170

Future M&A potential 170

Bristol-Myers Squibb 171

Company background 171

Portfolio and geographical reach 172

Pipeline status 174

Exposure to patent expiries 174

Strategic direction 175

Recent M&A activity 176

Future M&A potential 178

Building a cash pile 178

Predator or prey? 179

Chapter 4 Generic industry M&A 182

Summary 182

Introduction 183

The generics market 183

Consolidation of the generics market 185

Big pharma involvement in generics 188

Generic M&A targets 190

Global targets 190

Teva 191

Mylan 192

Ratiopharm 193

Watson 195

Actavis 196

Stada 198

National/regional targets 199

CEE and Russia 199

India 202

Japan 205

Australia 207

Brazil 209

Mexico 211

Chapter 5 Biotech Industry M&A 214

Summary 214

Introduction 215

The biotech market 216

Leading biotech products 216

Leading biotech companies 218

Big pharma's recent biotech buying spree 220

Competition for biotech purchases 221

Biotech M&A targets 222

Leading revenue generators 224

Amgen 225

Gilead 226

UCB 227

Genzyme 228

Biogen Idec 229

CSL 230

Celgene 231

Other potential biotech acquisition candidates 233

Crucell (Netherlands) 234

Amylin Pharmaceuticals (US) 234

Vertex (US) 234

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (US) 235

Human Genome Sciences (US) 235

Onyx Pharmaceuticals (US) 236

ThromboGenics (Belgium) 236

Spectrum Pharmaceuticals (US) 237

Proteolix (US) 237

Enzon (US) 237

Appendix 239

Primary research methodology 239

Index 240

List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Global pharmaceutical sales and growth rates, 2001-2008 20

Figure 1.2: US NME Approvals vs. R&D Spend, 1990 – 2008 29

Figure 2.3: Performance of Pfizer stock, 2003-2008 45

Figure 2.4: Structure of the expanded Merck & Co pharma portfolio 56

Figure 3.5: Cash generated and held by leading pharma companies, 2008 70

Figure 3.6: M&A spending and volume by company Jan 2007 – H109 72

Figure 3.7: Pfizer’s therapeutic focus, 2008 81

Figure 3.8: Merck & Co's blockbuster products, 2008 92

Figure 3.9: Sanofi-Aventis's leading products, 2008 100

Figure 3.10: Sanofi-Aventis pharmaceutical sales by region, 2008 101

Figure 3.11: Sanofi-Aventis pro-forma generic sales, 2008, US$m 106

Figure 3.12: Sanofi-Aventis net debt levels 109

Figure 3.13: GSK pharmaceutical sales by region 113

Figure 3.14: Novartis pharma sales by therapy area 123

Figure 3.15: Novartis pharmaceutical sales by region 124

Figure 3.16: Roche pharmaceutical sales by therapy area, 2008 134

Figure 3.17: Roche pharmaceutical sales by region, 2008 135

Figure 3.18: AstraZeneca pharmaceutical sales by therapy area, 2008 146

Figure 3.19: AstraZeneca sales by region, 2008 147

Figure 3.20: Insert figuretitlehere, with date where appropriate 165

Figure 3.21: BMS pharma sales by therapy area, 2008 173

Figure 4.22: Top 5 players in the 'core' generics market, 2008 186

Figure 5.23: Leading biopharmaceutical company product sales, 2008 219

Figure 5.24: Biotech and pharma industry stock performances 223

List of Tables

Table 1.1: Global pharmaceutical sales and growth rates, 2001-2008 20

Table 1.2: Leading brands facing patent expiry by 2014 24

Table 1.3: Big pharma exposure to patent expiries 25

Table 1.4: New drug approvals in the US, 1999-2008 29

Table 1.5: Costs as a percentage of big pharma revenues, 2004 and 2008 32

Table 2.6: Pfizer financials, 1997-99 and 2006-08 43

Table 2.7: Performance of Pfizer stock, 2003-2008 44

Table 2.8: Impact of the Wyeth acquisition on Pfizer's portfolio 48

Table 2.9: Anticipated change in Pfizer's US/international sales split 49

Table 2.10: Pfizer/Wyeth financial indicators 51

Table 2.11: Structure of the expanded Merck & Co pharma portfolio 55

Table 2.12: Merck & Co's expanded list of blockbuster products 57

Table 2.13: Change in the geography of the Merck & Co business 58

Table 2.14: New entities in SP's late-stage development pipeline 59

Table 2.15: Merck & Co/Schering-Plough financial indicators 61

Table 3.16: Pharmaceutical company sales rankings 68

Table 3.17: Cash generated and held by leading pharma companies, 2008 69

Table 3.18: Net assets of leading pharma companies at Dec 2008 70

Table 3.19: M&A spending by company since Jan 2007 71

Table 3.20: M&A deal volumes since Jan 2007 72

Table 3.21: Biggest M&A deals completed by the pharma top ten since January 2007 73

Table 3.22: Big Pharma M&A targets 77

Table 3.23: Pfizer company overview 78

Table 3.24: Pfizer pharmaceutical sales by therapy area 80

Table 3.25: Novel products in Pfizer's late-stage development pipeline 82

Table 3.26: Pfizer exposure to major patent expiries 83

Table 3.27: Pfizer acquisition activity 86

Table 3.28: Merck & Co company overview 89

Table 3.29: Merck & Co's blockbuster products 91

Table 3.30: Novel products in Merck & Co's late-stage pipeline 93

Table 3.31: Merck & Co's exposure to major patent expiries 94

Table 3.32: Merck & Co acquisition activity 96

Table 3.33: Sanofi-Aventis company overview 99

Table 3.34: Sanofi-Aventis's leading products 100

Table 3.35: Sanofi-Aventis pharmaceutical sales by region 101

Table 3.36: Novel products in Sanofi-Aventis's 102

Table 3.37: Sanofi-Aventis exposure to major patent expiries 103

Table 3.38: Sanofi-Aventis acquisition activity 105

Table 3.39: GlaxoSmithKline company overview 111

Table 3.40: GSK pharma sales by therapy area 112

Table 3.41: Novel products in GSK's late-stage development pipeline 114

Table 3.42: GSK's exposure to major patent expiries 115

Table 3.43: GSK acquisition activity 117

Table 3.44: Novartis company overview 122

Table 3.45: Novartis pharma sales by therapy area 124

Table 3.46: Novel products in Novartis's late-stage development pipeline 125

Table 3.47: Novartis's exposure to major patent expiries 127

Table 3.48: Novartis acquisition activity 129

Table 3.49: Roche company overview 132

Table 3.50: Roche pharmaceutical sales by therapy area 133

Table 3.51: Roche pharmaceutical sales by region, 2008 135

Table 3.52: Novel products in Roche's late-stage development pipeline 136

Table 3.53: Roche's exposure to major patent expiries 137

Table 3.54: Genentech's contribution to the Roche pipeline 139

Table 3.55: Roche acquisition activity 142

Table 3.56: AstraZeneca company overview 144

Table 3.57: AstraZeneca pharmaceutical sales by therapy area 146

Table 3.58: AstraZeneca sales by region 147

Table 3.59: Novel products in AstraZeneca's late-stage development pipeline 148

Table 3.60: AstraZeneca's exposure to major patent expiries 150

Table 3.61: AstraZeneca acquisition activity 152

Table 3.62: Johnson & Johnson company overview 154

Table 3.63: J&J's leading pharmaceutical products 156

Table 3.64: J&J's US/international sales split 156

Table 3.65: Novel products in J&J's late-stage development pipeline 157

Table 3.66: J&J's exposure to major patent expiries 159

Table 3.67: J&J merger and acquisition spending 160

Table 3.68: Lilly company overview 163

Table 3.69: Lilly pharma sales by therapy area 164

Table 3.70: Novel products in Lilly's late-stage development pipeline 165

Table 3.71: Lilly's exposure to major patent expiries 167

Table 3.72: Lilly acquisition activity 168

Table 3.73: ImClone's development pipeline 169

Table 3.74: BMS company overview 171

Table 3.75: BMS pharma sales by therapy area 172

Table 3.76: Novel products in BMS's late-stage development pipeline 174

Table 3.77: BMS exposure to major patent expiries 175

Table 3.78: BMS acquisition activity 177

Table 3.79: BMS proceeds from disposals 179

Table 4.80: Top 5 players in the 'core' generics market, 2008 186

Table 4.81: The ten biggest generic acquisitions completed since 2004 188

Table 4.82: Major CEE pharmaceutical acquisitions 200

Table 5.83: Development, commercialization and sales of leading biotech brands 217

Table 5.84: Leading biopharmaceutical company product sales and revenues 219

Table 5.85: Biotech M&A by top ten pharma majors, 2007 to date 220

Table 5.86: Biggest recent biotech M&A deals 222

Table 5.87: Biotech and pharma industry stock performances 224

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