Reportlinker Adds the Global Bioinformatics Market: Market Size, Forecasts and Company Profiles announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue.

Reportlinker Adds The Global Bioinformatics Market: Market size, forecasts and company profiles

Executive Summary

The integration of biology and informatics has been very integral part of the life science applications. Changing trends in the drug discovery procedures such as strict regulations in the clinical testing have forced the drug manufacturers to use effective technologies that will help them to develop successful therapies. The market players are collaborating with each other to develop block buster technologies while utilizing this synergy to reduce cost.

This report has covered different regional markets, products and services while evaluating them over the next five years. It provides the information about the largest regional market and factors influencing them, while defining the opportunities they have.

Scope of this report

• It analyzes the market data ( revenues ) of bioinformatics tools, services and content/database in North America, Europe, Asia and rest of the world that includes Middle East, Africa, Russia, Latin America and Australia

• Key market drivers, restraints and opportunities for the parent segments and evaluation of respective sub segments with respect to market dynamics.

• Covers sequence analysis, sequence alignment, sequence manipulation and structural analysis under tools market along with the sub segments. Service market includes data analysis, database and management and sequencing services.

• Provides patent analysis with respect to competitors, geography and technology while analyzing them over the years.

• Describes the strategic focus of the market players by evaluating the competitive landscape within the bioinformatics market.

• Analyze the markets while giving an overview of Indian and Chinese bioinformatics industry and mutually comparing them.

Key findings from this report

• The bioinformatics market growth is highest in the Europe and Asian region, with the European market estimated to compete in the North American bioinformatics market.

• North America constitutes the major market share owing to growing demand for bioinformatics tools and technology advancements.

• European bioinformatics market is undergoing fast transition from a fragmented market to a consolidated market owing to increasing number of mergers and acquisition taking place.

• Sequence analysis tools forms the largest market of the total tools market with its large number of applications in the drug discovery.

• Large bioinformatics firms such as Affymetrix and Invitrogen are focusing on acquisitions in order to add more to their product and service portfolio.

• Data analysis and sequencing services form the major segment in the bioinformatics service market. Rise in the consultancy services has been the major driving force behind the market growth.

Use this report to


• Understand the emerging technologies and the growth associated for evaluation of potential of the type of product and services.

• Understanding the product developments on which the companies are focussing for evaluating the new technological trends.

• For evaluation of growth prospective for the bioinformatics applications and determining the lucrative markets.

• To gain knowledge about the relative importance of the bioinformatics tools in the next five years for investment opportunities.

• Helps in determining the market players’ interest in terms of collaborations and M&A with the related industrial firms which will help a company to explore the untouched areas.

• Gives an explanatory overview of business environment between India and China, thereby putting an opportunity for the companies to focus on weak business areas.

Table of Contents

Global bioinformatics market

Executive summary 20

Market overview 20

Competitive landscape & market dynamics 21

The bioinformatics tools market 22

The bioinformatics 22

The bioinformatics service market 23

The bioinformatics 24

Regional analysis of the bioinformatics 24

Company profiles 25

Chapter 1 Market overview 28

Summary 28

Introduction 29

Defining the bioinformatics market 30

Market evolution increases use of bioinformatics 32

Bioinformatics and drug development 33

Sequencing tools are high priority 37

Bioinformatics database management tools 38

Bioinformatics patent analysis 40

Genomics remains the key segment 40

High market presence of Japanese market players 41

Bioinformatics service outsourcing shifting to Asian markets 42

Market Size 43

Chapter 2 Competitive landscape & market dynamics 46

Summary 46

Introduction 47

Competitive landscape 47

Recent mergers and acquisitions 48

Recent product, technology and service launches 49

Market drivers 54

Need for integrated data-handling tools for drug discovery 54

Growth in genomics and proteomics industry 54

Wide applications in drug discovery and development 54

Government support for R&D 55

Biomarker discovery enables the development of safe drugs 55

Developments in internet and IT 55

Emergence of high-throughput screening 55

Other drivers 56

Resistors of market growth 57

Common, well-defined data formats are needed 57

Need for trained resources compound operational costs 57

Saturation of pharmaceutical markets reduces adoption rate 57

Restricted range of product/service offerings 57

Other restraints to market growth 58

Growth opportunities 58

Pressure to escalate drug research productivity 58

Drug development value chain to widen opportunities 58

High market demand for integrated systems and solutions 58

Chemogenomics poses vast opportunity for growth 59

Applications in diversified areas to expand the user base 59

Data overload in the field of research 59

Chapter 3 The bioinformatics tools market 62

Summary 62

Introduction 63

Growth drivers 66

Need for better output quality in drug discovery 66

Integration of bioinformatics resources 66

Application of bioinformatic tools in the life sciences market 66

Resistors of growth 67

Complex operations of bioinformatic tools restricts growth 67

High price of analytical solutions may not be feasible 67

Sequence analysis tools 67

DNA sequence analysis tools 71

Sequence alignment 72

Gene detection 72

Restriction, and repeats and unusual patterns detection 73

Transcriptional elements detection 73

tRNA detection 74

Protein function assignment 74

Protein-protein interaction 76

Pattern, motif, profiles, domains and families search 76

Search, computation and analysis of pathways 77

Protein annotation 77

Automatic alerts for related new sequences 78

3D structure analysis and modeling tools 78

3D viewers 79

3D homology modeling 79

3D analysis 80

RNA analysis tool 81

Microarray data analysis 81

Phylogenetic analysis 82

Multiple sequence alignment 82

Organism classification 83

Sequence alignment tools 84

Sequence analysis (alignment) 86

Multiple sequence alignment 87

Phylogenetic tree building 87

Consensus sequence and translation 88

Lab end-sequence analysis 89

Primer design 90

Cloning 90

Contig assembly 91

Sequence manipulation tools 91

Sequence analysis (including sequence manipulation) 92

Sequence manipulation 93

Format conversion 94

Random sequences 94

Structural analysis tools 95

Sequence visualization tools 96

3D protein structure 97

Dot plots 97

Graphical and phylogenetic tree viewers and editors 98

Primary sequence analysis 99

Physicochemical property alignment 99

Alignment tools 100

Predicting secondary structure sequences 100

Other bioinformatics tools 101

Visualization tools 102

Database viewers 103

Sequence viewers 103

Molecular viewers 104

Physical mapping software 105

Chapter 4 The bioinformatics content/database market 108

Summary 108

Introduction 109

Growth drivers 111

Exponential growth in the proteomics data and databases 111

Data integration devices needed for in-house solutions 111

Growth in the clinical trials industry supports the market 112

Specialized databases 112

Specialized sequence databases 114

Genome databases 114

Collections 116

Model organism databases 116

Specialized protein databases 117

Proteome databases 118

Protein classification databases 119

Specific protein family databases 119

Specialized structural databases 120

Microarray databases 120

Pathways databases 121

2D-PAGE databases 122

General databases 122

Primary sequence databases 124

Protein sequence databases 124

3D structure databases 125

Carbohydrate databases 125

Chapter 5 The bioinformatics services market 128

Summary 128

Introduction 129

Growth drivers 130

Growing trend towards consultancy 130

Requirement for highly efficient data-mining tools 131

Need for total integration & warehousing solutions 131

Data analysis services 132

Genomics data analysis 134

Proteomics data analysis 134

Microarray data analysis 135

Modeling & computational bioinformatics services 136

Sequencing services 136

High-throughput screening 138

Multiple sequence alignment 139

Resequencing (SNP profiling) 139

Primer walking 140

Expression profile clustering 140

Shotgun sequencing 141

Database management services 142

Conception and realization 144

Development of user interface 144

Maintenance 145

Backup systems 145

Migration 145

Other services 146

Security systems 147

Data-mining services 148

Infrastructure integration services 149

Knowledge management 150

Chapter 6 The bioinformatics applications market 152

Summary 152

Introduction 153

Global market dynamics 153

Growth drivers 154

Rapid development of molecular diagnostics market 154

Development in personalized medicine 154

Specific medicines developed to treat the source of disease 155

Resistors of growth 155

Need for more holistic solutions 155

Bioinformatics considered to be for specialized applications only 155

Opportunities 156

Application in the military 156

Bioinformatics in epidemiology 156

Integration of systems biology with bioinformatics 156

Molecular medicine 157

Global market 158

US 159

Europe 160

Asia 160

Preventive medicine 161

Gene therapy 162

Growth drivers 163

Biomarker discovery helps gene therapy to determine disease candidates 163

Demand for gene therapy treatment necessitates bioinformatics application 163

Opportunities 164

Data proliferation in the field of gene therapy 164

Declining growth of gene therapy market 164

Drug development 164

Growth drivers 165

Drastic cost reduction in the process of drug discovery 165

Data processing needs in the drug development process 165

Virtual high-throughput screening 166

Sequence analysis 166

Similarity searches 166

Drug lead optimization 166

Physicochemical modeling 167

Drug bioavailability and bioactivity 167

Other applications 167

Chapter 7 Regional analysis of the bioinformatics market 172

Summary 172

Introduction 173

North America 173

Europe 174

Asia 175

India and China 176

The Indian bioinformatics industry 178

Business opportunities in India and China 182

Growth drivers 183

Growth resistors 184

Rest of the World 185

Chapter 8 Company profiles 188

Summary 188

3rd Millennium Inc. 189

Company overview 189

Products and services 189

Company strategy 190

Accelrys, Inc. 191

Company overview 191

Products and services 191

Company strategy 191

Affymetrix 192

Company overview 192

Products and services 192

Company strategy 193

Agilent Technologies, Inc. 193

Company overview 193

Products and services 193

Company strategy 194

Animech Technologies AB 195

Company overview 195

Products and services 195

Company strategy 195

Bruker Daltonics inc. 196

Company overview 196

Products and services 196

Company strategy 197

Ariadne Genomics 197

Company overview 197

Products and services 197

Company strategy 198

Biobase GmbH 198

Company overview 199

Products and services 199

Company strategy 199

BioDiscovery, Inc. 200

Company overview 200

Products and services 200

Company strategy 200

Bioinformatics Solutions Inc. 201

Company overview 201

Products and services 201

Company strategy 202

Biomatters Ltd 202

Company overview 202

Products and services 202

Company strategy 203

Biomax Informatics AG 203

Company overview 204

Products and services 204

Company strategy 205

BioWisdom Ltd 205

Company overview 206

Products and services 206

Company strategy 206

Celera Genomics Corporation 207

Company overview 207

Products and services 207

Company strategy 207

CLC bio 208

Company overview 208

Products and services 208

Company strategy 208

Geospiza, Inc. 209

Company overview 209

Products and services 209

Company strategy 210

Clontech Laboratories, Inc. 210

Company overview 210

Products and services 211

Company strategy 211

Definiens AG 211

Company overview 211

Products and services 212

Company strategy 212


Company overview 213

Products and services 213

Company strategy 213

Expression Analysis, Inc. 214

Company overview 214

Products and services 214

Company strategy 214

Gene Logic 215

Company overview 215

Products and services 215

Company strategy 215

Genedata AG 216

Company overview 216

Products and services 216

Company strategy 217

GeneGo 217

Company overview 217

Products and services 217

Company strategy 218

Geneva Bioinformatics SA 218

Company overview 218

Products and services 219

Company strategy 219

Genologics Life Sciences Software 220

Company overview 220

Products and services 220

Company strategy 220

Genomatix Software Inc. 221

Company overview 221

Products and services 221

Company strategy 221

GenomeQuest, Inc. 222

Company overview 222

Products and services 222

Company strategy 222

Helicos Biosciences Corporation 224

Company overview 224

Products and services 224

Company strategy 224

Illumina Inc. 225

Company overview 225

Products and services 225

Company strategy 226

InforMax Inc. 226

Company overview 226

Products and services 227

Company strategy 227

Nucleics Pvt Ltd 227

Company overview 228

Products and services 228

Company strategy 228

Inforsense Limited 228

Company overview 229

Products and services 229

Company strategy 229

Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation 229

Company overview 230

Products and services 230

Company strategy 230

MDS Inc. 231

Company overview 231

Products and services 231

Company strategy 231

Miraibio Group 232

Company overview 232

Products and services 232

Company strategy 232

Golden Helix, Inc 233

Company overview 233

Products and services 233

Company strategy 233

Invitrogen Corporation 234

Company overview 234

Products and services 234

Company strategy 234

Molegro 235

Company overview 235

Products and services 235

Company strategy 236

Nonlinear Dynamics 236

Company overview 236

Products and services 236

Company strategy 237

Textco Biosoftware, Inc. 237

Company overview 237

Products and services 238

Company strategy 238

Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd 238

Company overview 238

Products and services 239

Company strategy 239

Ocimum Biosolutions Ltd. 240

Company overview 240

Products and services 240

Company strategy 241

Partek Inc. 241

Company overview 241

Products and services 241

Company strategy 242

Phase Forward Inc. 242

Company overview 242

Products and services 242

Company strategy 243

Premier Biosoft International 243

Company overview 243

Products and services 244

Company strategy 244

Protein Forest Inc. 244

Company overview 245

Products and services 245

Company strategy 245

Rosetta Biosoftware 245

Company overview 245

Products and services 246

Company strategy 246

Silicon Graphics Inc. 247

Company overview 247

Products and services 247

Company strategy 247

Softberry Inc. 248

Company overview 248

Products and services 248

Company strategy 249

Softgenetics, LLC. 249

Company overview 249

Products and services 249

Company strategy 250

Strand Life Sciences 250

Company overview 250

Products and services 250

Company strategy 251

Synamatix Sdn Bhd 251

Company overview 251

Products and services 252

Company strategy 252

Teranode Corporation 252

Company overview 252

Products and services 253

Company strategy 253

Tibco Spotfire 253

Company overview 253

Products and services 253

Company strategy 254

Tripos International 254

Company overview 254

Products and services 254

Company strategy 255

Chapter 9 Appendix 256

Index 265

List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Bioinformatics components 29

Figure 1.2: Bioinformatics market segmentation 31

Figure 1.3: Market transition impacting bioinformatics market 32

Figure 1.4: Role of bioinformatics in drug development process 33

Figure 1.5: Comparative analysis of the bioinformatics application market 35

Figure 1.6: Relative importance of bioinformatic tool features (2009 vs 2014) 36

Figure 1.7: Market size versus growth in the bioinformatic tools market 37

Figure 1.8: Market size versus growth in the bioinformatic services market 39

Figure 1.9: Patents approved by technology (%), 2004 vs 2008 41

Figure 1.10: Patents approved by company, 2004-08 42

Figure 1.11: Regional approval of patents, 2004 vs 2008 43

Figure 2.12: Strategic focus of bioinformatics companies, 2008-09 48

Figure 3.13: Bioinformatic tools market dynamics 63

Figure 3.14: Level of market attractiveness of bioinformatic tools 65

Figure 3.15: Sequence analysis process and application of bioinformatic tools 68

Figure 4.16: Bioinformatics content/database market dynamics 110

Figure 5.17: Bioinformatics services market dynamics 129

Figure 5.18: Level of attractiveness of the bioinformatics services market 131

Figure 6.19: Regional distribution of bioinformatics applications market, 2009 and 2014 154

Figure 6.20: Global scenario for molecular medicine 159

Figure 6.21: Level of market attractiveness for other bioinformatic applications 168

Figure 7.22: Market revenues for Asia, 2008 vs 2014 177

Figure 7.23: Comparative impact of business environment (India and China), 2009 178

Figure 7.24: Indian bioinformatics market structure 179

Figure 7.25: Source of revenue for Indian bioinformatics firms 180

Figure 7.26: Major opportunities for Indian IT market players 181

Figure 7.27: Business opportunities in India and China 182

Figure 7.28: Key trends impacting India and China 184

List of Tables

Table 1.1: Global bioinformatics market by submarket, 2007–14($m) 44

Table 2.2: Recent mergers and acquisitions, 2008–09 49

Table 2.3: New product, technology or service launches, 2008–09 50

Table 2.4: New product, technology or service launches, 2008–09 (contd 1) 51

Table 2.5: New product, technology or service launches, 2008–09 (contd 2) 52

Table 2.6: New product, technology or service launches, 2008–09 (contd 3) 53

Table 3.7: Global bioinformatic tools market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 64

Table 3.8: Bioinformatic tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 64

Table 3.9: Global sequence analysis tools market by product function, 69

Table 3.10: Sequence analysis tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 70

Table 3.11: Global DNA sequence analysis tools market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 71

Table 3.12: DNA sequence analysis tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 71

Table 3.13: Sequence alignment market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 72

Table 3.14: Gene detection market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 73

Table 3.15: Market for restriction and detection of repeats and unusual patterns by region, 2007– 14 ($m) 73

Table 3.16: Transcriptional elements detection market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 74

Table 3.17: tRNA detection market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 74

Table 3.18: Global protein function assignment market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 75

Table 3.19: Protein function assignment market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 75

Table 3.20: Protein-protein interactions tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 76

Table 3.21: Market for pattern, motif, profiles, domains and families search by region, 2007–14 ($m) 76

Table 3.22: Search, computation and analysis of pathways market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 77

Table 3.23: Protein annotation market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 77

Table 3.24: Automatic alerts for related new sequences market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 78

Table 3.25: Global 3D structure analysis and modeling market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 78

Table 3.26: 3D structure analysis and modeling market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 79

Table 3.27: 3D viewers market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 79

Table 3.28: 3D homology modeling market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 80

Table 3.29: 3D analysis market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 80

Table 3.30: RNA analysis tool market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 81

Table 3.31: Microarray data analysis market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 81

Table 3.32: Global phylogenetic analysis market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 82

Table 3.33: Phylogenetic analysis market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 82

Table 3.34: Multiple sequence alignment market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 83

Table 3.35: Organism classification market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 83

Table 3.36: Sequence alignment tools market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 84

Table 3.37: Sequence alignment tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 85

Table 3.38: Sequence analysis (alignment) tools market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 86

Table 3.39: Sequence analysis (alignment) tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 87

Table 3.40: Multiple sequence alignment market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 87

Table 3.41: Phylogenetic tree building market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 88

Table 3.42: Consensus sequence and translation by region, 2007–14 ($m) 88

Table 3.43: Lab end-sequence analysis market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 89

Table 3.44: Lab end-sequence analysis by region, 2007–14 ($m) 89

Table 3.45: Primer design market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 90

Table 3.46: Cloning market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 91

Table 3.47: Contig assembly market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 91

Table 3.48: Sequence manipulation tools market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 92

Table 3.49: Sequence manipulation tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 92

Table 3.50: Sequence analysis (including sequence manipulation) market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 93

Table 3.51: Sequence manipulation market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 93

Table 3.52: Format conversion market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 94

Table 3.53: Random sequences market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 94

Table 3.54: Global structural analysis tools market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 95

Table 3.55: Structural analysis tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 96

Table 3.56: Global sequence visualization market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 96

Table 3.57: Sequence visualization market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 97

Table 3.58: 3D protein structure market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 97

Table 3.59: Dot plots and others market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 98

Table 3.60: Graphical and phylogenetic tree viewer and editor market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 98

Table 3.61: Primary sequence analysis market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 99

Table 3.62: Physicochemical property alignment market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 100

Table 3.63: Alignment tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 100

Table 3.64: Tools to predict secondary structure sequence market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 101

Table 3.65: Global other tools market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 101

Table 3.66: Other tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 102

Table 3.67: Visualization tools market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 102

Table 3.68: Visualization tools market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 103

Table 3.69: Database viewers market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 103

Table 3.70: Sequence viewers market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 104

Table 3.71: Molecular viewers market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 104

Table 3.72: Physical mapping software market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 105

Table 4.73: Global content/database market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 110

Table 4.74: Content/database market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 111

Table 4.75: Global specialized database market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 113

Table 4.76: Specialized database market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 113

Table 4.77: Specialized sequence databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 114

Table 4.78: Global genome databases market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 115

Table 4.79: Genome databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 115

Table 4.80: Collections market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 116

Table 4.81: Model organism databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 116

Table 4.82: Global specialized protein databases market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 117

Table 4.83: Specialized protein databases market by region, 118

Table 4.84: Proteome databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 119

Table 4.85: Protein classification databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 119

Table 4.86: Specific protein family databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 120

Table 4.87: Specialized structural databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 120

Table 4.88: Microarray databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 121

Table 4.89: Pathway databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 121

Table 4.90: 2D-PAGE databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 122

Table 4.91: Global general database market by product, 2007–14 ($m) 123

Table 4.92: General database market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 123

Table 4.93: Primary sequence databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 124

Table 4.94: Protein sequence databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 124

Table 4.95: 3D structure databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 125

Table 4.96: Carbohydrate databases market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 125

Table 5.97: Global services market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 130

Table 5.98: Services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 130

Table 5.99: Global data analysis services market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 133

Table 5.100: Data analysis services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 133

Table 5.101: Genomics data analysis market services by region, 2007–14 ($m) 134

Table 5.102: Proteomics data analysis services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 135

Table 5.103: Microarray data analysis services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 135

Table 5.104: Modeling & computational bioinformatics services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 136

Table 5.105: Global sequencing services market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 137

Table 5.106: Sequencing services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 137

Table 5.107: High-throughput sequencing market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 139

Table 5.108: Multiple sequence alignment market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 139

Table 5.109: Resequencing services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 140

Table 5.110: Primer walking market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 140

Table 5.111: Expression profile clustering and sequence pattern market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 141

Table 5.112: Shotgun sequencing (bacterial artificial chromosomes and cosmids) market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 141

Table 5.113: Global database management market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 142

Table 5.114: Database management market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 143

Table 5.115: Conception and realization market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 144

Table 5.116: User interface development market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 144

Table 5.117: Maintenance market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 145

Table 5.118: Backup system market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 145

Table 5.119: Migration market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 146

Table 5.120: Other services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 146

Table 5.121: Other services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 147

Table 5.122: Security system market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 147

Table 5.123: Data-mining services by region, 2007–14 ($m) 148

Table 5.124: Infrastructure integration services market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 149

Table 5.125: Knowledge management market by region, 2007–14 ($m) 150

Table 6.126: Global applications market by product segment, 2007–14 ($m) 153

Table 6.127: Global molecular medicine market by product segment, 2007–14 ($m) 158

Table 6.128: Global preventive medicine market by product segment, 2007–14 ($m) 161

Table 6.129: Global gene therapy market by product segment, 2007–14 ($m) 163

Table 6.130: Global drug development market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 165

Table 6.131: Global other applications market by product function, 2007–14 ($m) 168

Table 7.132: Market forecast for bioinformatics by region, 2007–14 ($m) 173

Table 7.133: North American bioinformatics market, 2007–14 ($m) 174

Table 7.134: European bioinformatics market, 2007–14 ($m) 175

Table 7.135: Asian bioinformatics market, 2007–14 ($m) 176

Table 7.136: RoW bioinformatics market, 2007–14 ($m) 185

Table 9.137: US bioinformatics patents 256

Table 9.138: US bioinformatics patents (contd 1) 257

Table 9.139: US bioinformatics patents (contd 2) 258

Table 9.140: US bioinformatics patents (contd 3) 259

Table 9.141: European bioinformatics patents 260

Table 9.142: European bioinformatics patents (contd 1) 261

Table 9.143: European bioinformatics patents (contd 2) 262

Table 9.144: Japanese bioinformatics patents 262

Table 9.145: Japanese bioinformatics patents (contd 1) 263

Table 9.146: Japanese bioinformatics patents (contd 2) 264

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