Dollar Financial Corp Announces Record Fiscal 2008 Results

Dollar Financial Corp (NASDAQ:DLLR), a leading international financial services company serving under-banked consumers, today announced its results for the fiscal fourth quarter and fiscal year ended June 30, 2008.

Fiscal 2008 fourth quarter highlights:

  • Consolidated revenue, which reflects the movement of the loan loss provision to store and regional expenses for both the current and prior years quarter, was $150.3 million, an increase of 23.0% or $28.1 million compared to the prior year period.
  • The consolidated loan loss provision, as a percentage of gross consumer lending revenue, improved to 17.6% compared to 19.1% for the fiscal 2008 third quarter and 21.3% for the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter.
  • Store and regional margin increased by 23.8% or $10.0 million compared to the prior year period.
  • Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA was $39.4 million, an increase of 23.0% or $7.3 million compared to the previous years quarter.
  • Income before income taxes, which includes $2.1 million of store closing and related severance costs, was $22.1 million, an increase of 24.7% or $4.4 million compared to the prior year period.
  • Net income was $12.3 million compared to $10.3 million for the prior years quarter, representing an increase of 19.9%, and fully-diluted earnings per share was $0.50 for the quarter compared to $0.42 for the prior year period.
  • On a pro forma basis, excluding one-time charges, fully-diluted earnings per share was $0.59 for the current quarter compared to $0.45 for the same period in fiscal 2007, a pro forma increase of 31.1%.

Commenting on the results, Jeff Weiss, the Companys Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, stated, Fiscal 2008 was another milestone year for the Company marked by the continued strengthening of our U.S. business through two significant acquisitions in Southeast Florida and the Midwestern states, the opening of our first Euro-Zone store in the Republic of Ireland, and the continued profitable expansion across Canada and the United Kingdom. During fiscal 2008, we achieved record annual revenue of $572.2 million, which represents growth of 25.6% over the prior fiscal year, attained a record $51.2 million of net income, and increased our global store network by 235 locations through both de novo store expansion and acquisitions.

Mr. Weiss continued, Despite our solid performance in fiscal 2008, we continue to actively monitor for potential changes in the regulatory and macroeconomic environments across all of our geographic markets. While our customers, who primarily work service sector jobs, have thus far faired better than other areas of the economy, there is a concern that employment declines in other sectors could bleed over into our customer base. In response to todays uncertain economy, we believe it prudent to take a cautious approach to managing our business until the economic picture is clearer, which entails sensible underwriting practices, a greater focus on debt collections and loan servicing, continual improvements in the operating performance of our existing store base, and a judicious deployment of capital. As such, while taking into account the fact that a number of store leases were coming up for renewal in fiscal 2009, we re-examined our North American store network and support infrastructure with an eye towards enhancing efficiencies and the customer experience, while at the same time eliminating non-essential costs and overlapping territories resulting from acquisitions and new store build-outs. As a result, we have instituted a plan to close 53 underperforming or overlapping financial service stores in the U.S. and another 17 stores in Canada, which represents less than 5% of the Companys global store network.

Looking to fiscal 2009, Mr. Weiss stated, Being the most diversified Company in the industry, in terms of both geographies and product offerings, places us in an excellent position to take advantage of a wide spectrum of growth opportunities, while at the same time minimizes the potential effects of unfavorable regulatory or economic changes within any single state, province or shire. With our strong cash flow and liquidity position, I am very confident in our ability to further penetrate both our existing markets as well as new markets as we venture forward. Also, I would like to thank our more than 5,000 employees worldwide for an excellent fiscal 2008 as we look forward to an even better fiscal 2009.

With regard to the rationalization of the North American platform, employees in twenty-four of the U.S. stores were notified in the fourth quarter that their stores would be closed in the month of July, and the remaining forty-six U.S. and Canadian stores are anticipated to close by September 30, 2008. The Company is working very closely with all affected customers to transition as many of them as possible to the nearest store location, which in some cases, due principally to acquisitions, is less than one mile away. The Company recorded a charge of $2.1 million in the June 30, 2008 quarter for severance and store closing costs and $3.0 million for the entire 2008 fiscal year. The Company anticipates another $4.0 million to $5.0 million in charges in the first quarter of fiscal 2009 associated with the plan to rationalize the North American platform.

For the fiscal 2008 fourth quarter ended June 30, 2008, check cashing revenue was $50.6 million representing an increase of 14.5%, or $6.4 million compared to the prior year period. The U.S. business segment realized growth of 33.8%, while the Canadian business grew by 10.5% over the previous years quarter. Growth in check cashing revenue in the U.S. and Canada was bolstered by significant acquisition and de novo store build activity over the past two years. Check cashing fees in the U.K. increased by 3.8% over the prior year period. On a consolidated basis, the face amount of the average check cashed increased 4.8% to $520 for the quarter compared to $496 for the prior year. The average fee per check cashed, which was negatively impacted by a large number of U.S. income tax stimulus checks that were cashed at a lower fee rate, decreased by 2.2% to $18.81 for the quarter.

Consolidated consumer lending revenue, which reflects the movement of the loan loss provision to store and regional expenses, was $77.1 million for the fourth quarter, representing an increase of 25.1% or $15.5 million compared to the prior year period. Consumer lending revenue in the U.K. increased by 55.8%, while the U.S. consumer lending business increased by 33.4%. Along with strong growth in its single-payment loan product, the U.K. consumer lending business benefited from a continued increase in pawn lending activities, which primarily consist of loans on collateralized gold jewelry. The increase in the price of gold has enabled the U.K. subsidiary to increase the amount loaned on pawned gold stock and has also increased the resale and smelting value of the collateral jewelry. Interest income from pawn loans in the U.K. essentially doubled versus the previous years quarter, growing by approximately $1.5 million.

With many of the Canadian provinces engaged in formulating their respective product regulations and rate structures, the Company thought it prudent to diminish the magnitude and tone of its marketing and advertising campaigns until the regulatory environment is more established. The Company believes it is most appropriate to provide input to provincial policy makers through the industry trade association in Canada, the CPLA, as opposed to running the risk that inaccurate inferences may be drawn, by regulators and other interested parties, who may misinterpret a mass media campaign. This decision, made in the spirit of establishing a viable and competitive payday loan industry for future years to come, has resulted in the temporary softening of new customer growth in Canada, although consumer lending revenue in Canada still grew by 9.6% over the previous years quarter. The Company continues to aggressively manage its Canadian business as the Canadian regulatory environment evolves, which while taking longer than expected, is moving in a positive direction.

During the fourth quarter, many of the Companys U.S. customers cashed their tax stimulus checks in the Companys stores, and a number of customers used the proceeds from their government tax stimulus checks to repay outstanding loans. This had the effect of both reducing the Companys loan portfolio and gross lending fees, while at the same time improving the collections performance for the quarter. Additionally, in response to the overall uncertainty in the current macroeconomic environment, the Company reduced its risk exposure over the last several months for certain customer segments by restricting the maximum loan amount. As a result, the consolidated loan loss provision, as a percentage of gross consumer lending revenue, declined to 17.6% for the quarter, as compared to 19.1% for the third quarter of fiscal 2008, and 21.3% for the fiscal 2007 fourth quarter.

Total Company funded loan originations were $489.1 million for the fiscal fourth quarter, representing an increase of 28.2%, or $107.7 million, compared to the prior year period. Company funded loan originations in Canada increased by 1.4% or $3.2 million and in the U.K., loan originations increased by 34.0% or $25.7 million. U.S. loan originations for the quarter increased by 100.1% or $78.8 million compared to the prior years quarter, driven primarily by the recent store acquisitions in Southeast Florida and the Midwestern states, as well as the transition of a portion of the U.S. loan portfolio from bank funded to Company funded loans, which began in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007.

Money transfer fees for the quarter increased 33.7% year-over-year, driven by growth in all of the Companys geographic markets. Other revenue increased by 40.0% for the quarter, due to strong growth in the foreign exchange product in the United Kingdom, as well as the other ancillary products across the U.S., Canadian, and U.K. markets.

The Companys store and regional margin for the fiscal fourth quarter was a record $52.0 million, and represented an increase of 23.8% or $10.0 million over the prior years quarter. Corporate expenses, as a percentage of total revenue, increased to 12.3% as compared to the previous years quarter of 11.6%, reflecting a continuing investment in increased regulatory and lobbying activities, additional investment in management and infrastructure to further develop and support the Companys global growth and diversification strategy, and the management and integration of recent acquisitions.

Income before income taxes increased $4.4 million, or 24.7% to $22.1 million, while net income was $12.3 million for the quarter compared to $10.3 million for the previous year. Fully-diluted earnings per share was $0.50 for the quarter compared to $0.42 per share for the prior years quarter.

The Company incurred $2.1 million of severance and store closing costs in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2008 as part of its plan to rationalize its North American platform and close 70 underperforming stores across the U.S. and Canada over the next several months. On a pro forma basis, excluding these one-time costs, net income and fully-diluted earnings per share were $14.4 million and $0.59 per share, respectively, for the fourth quarter.

The Company ended the quarter with cash available for investment and future acquisitions of approximately $70.0 million. In addition to the substantial free cash flow generated from its operations, as of June 30, 2008, the Company had approximately $100.0 million in revolving credit lines that were un-drawn and little near-term debt repayment obligations. This should afford the Company ample liquidity to not only fund its present and anticipated future operations and development, but also to support the expected continuing growth and future expansion of its multi-product, multi-national business platform.

Highlights for the Record Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008

Total revenue for fiscal 2008, which reflects the movement of the loan loss provision to store and regional expenses, was a record $572.2 million, representing an increase of 25.6% or $116.5 million over the prior year period. Consolidated check cashing revenue increased by 17.9% or $29.8 million, while consumer lending revenue increased by 28.6% or $65.1 million. Store and regional margin increased by 28.1% or $43.7 million for fiscal 2008, and as a percentage of total revenue, store and regional margin grew to 34.8% for fiscal 2008 compared to 34.1% for the prior year.

Pro forma income before income taxes, excluding $61.4 million of one-time charges in fiscal 2007 and $3.4 million of one-time charges in fiscal 2008 (detailed in the table below), increased by $23.7 million, or 35.4% to $90.6 million. Pro forma net income was $53.2 million for the year ended June 30, 2008, as compared to $39.3 million for the prior fiscal year. Pro forma fully-diluted earnings per share was $2.17 for fiscal 2008 compared to $1.62 for the previous fiscal year, an increase of 34.0%.

Fiscal 2009 Guidance

Recently, the values of both the Canadian Dollar and British Pound have depreciated significantly relative to the U.S. Dollar, when compared to the average currency exchange rates for fiscal 2008. In the fourth quarter, nearly 75% of the Companys total consolidated revenue was generated outside the U.S., in Canada, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. As a result, even though the operating performance of the foreign business units is expected to continue to be very strong in fiscal 2009 in constant dollars, if the currency rates were to remain where they have been recently, the Company would anticipate an unfavorable impact on its fiscal 2009 consolidated reported results, after translating the financial performance of its foreign subsidiaries into U.S. dollars; likewise the currency values of Canada and the U.K. may strengthen during fiscal 2009 which would have a favorable impact on the Companys reported results. The Company does purchase currency hedging contracts, however these forward contracts are typically purchased at exercise rates that are out of the money, and are primarily meant to insure against a severe decline in the value of the Canadian and U.K. currencies.

In addition, as previously mentioned, the Company anticipates it will incur another $4.0 million to $5.0 million of severance and other restructuring and store closure charges in fiscal 2009 in association with the North American store rationalization plan, which translates to a charge of between $0.09 and $0.12 per fully-diluted share in fiscal 2009. As a result, considering the recent volatility in the value of the U.S. Dollar in relation to the Canadian and U.K. currencies, uncertainty in the U.S. and global economic environments, as well as the potential costs associated with the North American store rationalization plan, the Company anticipates revenue between $595.0 million and $625.0 million, Adjusted EBITDA of between $153.0 million and $163.0 million, and fully-diluted earnings per share of between $2.10 and $2.35 for fiscal year 2009.

As the Company believes it is not prudent to speculate on the pace and form of provincial regulatory change in Canada, it is not currently projecting any changes in performance at this time from potential changes in regulations in fiscal 2009. Currently, the Company is anticipating opening between 25 to 40 de novo stores in fiscal 2009. From a geographic distribution, the Company expects to open between 10 and 15 stores in Canada, between 15 to 20 stores in the U.K. and up to five de novo stores in the U.S. market in fiscal 2009. As in the past, the Company will continue to look for accretive acquisitions in all of its current geographic markets, as well as potential new global markets, which may augment the present de novo store build plan.

The reconciliation between Adjusted EBITDA and income before income taxes is consistent with the historical reconciliation which is presented at the end of this news release.

Investors Conference Call

Dollar Financial Corp will be holding an investors conference call on Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 5:00 pm ET to discuss the Companys results for the fiscal fourth quarter and year ended June 30, 2008. Investors can participate in the conference by dialing 888-200-2794 (U.S. and Canada) or 973-935-8766 (International); use the confirmation code Dollar. Hosting the call will be Jeff Weiss, Chairman and CEO and Randy Underwood, Executive Vice President and CFO. For your convenience, the conference call can be replayed in its entirety beginning from two hours after the end of the call through September 4, 2008. If you wish to listen to the replay of this conference call, please dial 706-645-9291 and enter passcode 59157232.

The conference call will also be broadcast live through a link on the Investor Relations page on the Dollar Financial web site at Please go to the web site at least 15 minutes prior to the call to register, download and install any necessary audio software.

About Dollar Financial Corp

Dollar Financial Corp is a leading international financial services company serving under-banked consumers. Its customers are typically service sector individuals who require basic financial services but, for reasons of convenience and accessibility, purchase some or all of their financial services from the Company rather than from banks and other financial institutions. To meet the needs of these customers, the Company provides a range of consumer financial products and services primarily consisting of check cashing, short-term consumer loans, Western Union money order and money transfer products, currency exchange, reloadable VISA® and MasterCard® branded debit cards, electronic tax filing, bill payment services, and legal document processing services.

At June 30, 2008, the Companys global store network consisted of 1,452 stores, including 1,122 company-operated financial services stores and 330 franchised and agent locations in 31 states, Canada, Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. The financial services store network is the largest network of its kind in each of Canada and the United Kingdom and the second-largest network of its kind in the United States. The Companys customers, many of whom receive income on an irregular basis or from multiple employers, are drawn to the convenient neighborhood locations, extended operating hours and high-quality customer service. The Companys financial products and services, principally check cashing and short-term consumer loan programs, provide immediate access to cash for living expenses or other needs. For more information, please visit the Company's website at

Forward Looking Statement

This news release contains forward looking statements, including statements regarding the following: the Companys future results, growth, guidance and operating strategy; the global economy; the developing regulatory environment in Canada; the impact of future development strategy, new stores and acquisitions; the implementation and expected results of restructuring initiatives; and of the performance of new products and services. These forward looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including uncertainties related to the effects of changes in the value of the U.S. dollar compared to foreign currencies, risks related to the regulatory environment, current and potential future litigation, the integration and performance of acquired stores, the performance of new stores, the implementation and expected results of restructuring initiatives, the impact of debt financing transactions, the results of certain ongoing income tax appeals, and the effects of new products and services on the Companys business, results of operations, financial condition, prospects and guidance. There can be no assurance that the Company will attain its expected results, successfully integrate any of its acquisitions, attain its published guidance metrics, or that ongoing and potential future litigation or that the various FDIC, Federal, state, Canadian or foreign legislative or regulatory activities affecting the Company or the banks with which the Company does business will not negatively impact the Companys operations. A more complete description of these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions is included in the Companys filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including those described under the heading Risk Factors in Form S-3 for the Companys Senior Convertible Note offering filed with the SEC on September 20, 2007 and which are included in the Companys annual reports and form 10-Qs and 10-Ks. You should not place any undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. We disclaim any obligation to update any such factors or to publicly announce results of any revisions to any of the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect future events or developments.

(In thousands)
June 30,June 30,
Cash and cash equivalents $ 291,959 $ 214,028
Loans receivable, net:
Loans receivable 90,552 123,683
Less: Allowance for loan losses (8,623 ) (8,466 )
Loans receivable, net 81,929 115,217
Other consumer lending receivables, net 10,311 11,930
Prepaid expenses and other receivables 23,539 29,158
Deferred tax assets, net 4,545 12,191
Property and equipment, net 55,031 68,033
Goodwill and other intangibles, net 341,681 470,731
Debt issuance costs and other assets, net 24,624 25,949
Total Assets $ 833,619 $ 947,237
Accounts payable $ 39,808 $ 56,636
Income taxes payable 11,293 12,194
Accrued expenses and other liabilities 46,912 75,212
Deferred tax liability 12,713 22,352
Revolving credit facilities - 9,655
Long-term debt 576,910 577,863
Total Liabilities 687,636 753,912
Shareholders' Equity:
Common stock 24 24
Additional paid-in capital 251,460 255,197
Accumulated deficit (147,123 ) (95,950 )
Accumulated other comprehensive income 41,622 34,054
Total shareholders' equity 145,983 193,325
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity $ 833,619 $ 947,237
(In thousands except share and per share amounts)
Three Months EndedTwelve Months Ended
June 30,June 30,
Check cashing $ 44,164 $ 50,555 $ 166,754 $ 196,580
Consumer lending 61,626 77,098 227,445 292,517
Money transfer fees 5,647 7,552 20,879 27,512
Other 10,776 15,089 40,654 55,575
Total revenues 122,213 150,294 455,732 572,184
Store and regional expenses:
Salaries and benefits 34,766 42,702 129,522 159,363
Provision for loan losses 13,153 13,559 45,799 58,458
Occupancy costs 8,462 12,228 32,270 43,018
Returned checks, net and cash shortages 3,999 6,134 15,295 20,360
Depreciation 2,673 4,043 9,455 13,663
Bank charges and armored carrier services 2,949 3,540 10,619 13,494
Telephone and communication costs 1,691 1,818 6,425 7,185
Advertising 1,488 1,972 9,034 9,398
Other 11,016 12,276 41,822 48,015
Total store and regional expenses 80,197 98,272 300,241 372,954
Store and regional margin 42,016 52,022 155,491 199,230
Corporate and other expenses:
Corporate expenses 14,136 18,434 54,213 72,012
Interest expense, net 8,391 9,732 31,462 36,569
Other depreciation and amortization 859 1,239 3,390 3,902
Debt financing costs 932 - 39,335 97
Goodwill impairment charges (163 ) - 24,301 -
Other, net 107 470 (2,742 ) (538 )
Income before income taxes 17,754 22,147 5,532 87,188
Income tax provision 7,473 9,821 37,735 36,015
Net income (loss) $ 10,281 $ 12,326 ($32,203 ) $ 51,173
Net income (loss) per share
Basic $ 0.43 $ 0.51 ($1.37 ) $ 2.12
Diluted $ 0.42 $ 0.50 ($1.37 ) $ 2.08
Weighted average shares outstanding
Basic 23,821,685 24,161,985 23,571,203 24,106,392
Diluted 24,546,758 24,468,278 23,571,203 24,563,229

Pro forma Net Income Reconciliation

Pro forma Net Income is not an item prepared in accordance with GAAP. Pro forma Net Income is net income adjusted to exclude one-time charges as described below. Dollar presents Pro forma Net Income as an indication of the Company's financial performance excluding one-time charges to show comparative results of its operations. Not all companies calculate Pro forma Net Income in the same fashion, and therefore these amounts as presented may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies. The table below reconciles income before income taxes as reported on Dollar's Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations to Pro forma Net Income (dollars in thousands):
(In thousands except share and per share amounts)
Three Months EndedTwelve Months Ended
June 30,June 30,
Income before income taxes - as reported $ 17,754 $ 22,147 $ 5,532 $ 87,188
One-time charges:
Store closing and severance charges 324 2,104 1,032 2,989
Debt financing costs 932 - 39,335 97
Goodwill impairment charges (163 ) - 24,301 -
Costs (proceeds) from litigation settlement - 240 (3,256 ) 345
Pro forma income before income taxes 18,847 24,491 66,944 90,619
Pro forma income taxes (1) 7,784 10,115 27,648 37,426
Pro forma net income $ 11,063 $ 14,376 $ 39,296 $ 53,193
Effective income tax rate (1)41.3%41.3%41.3%41.3%
Weighted average fully-diluted shares outstanding 24,546,758 24,468,278 24,192,918 24,563,229
GAAP fully-diluted earnings (loss) per share $ 0.42 $ 0.50 $ (1.37 ) $ 2.08
Pro forma fully-diluted earnings per share $ 0.45 $ 0.59 $ 1.62 $ 2.17
(1) For comparability purposes, the effective income tax rate for all periods represents the fiscal 2008 full year rate.

Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation

Adjusted EBITDA is not an item prepared in accordance with GAAP. Adjusted EBITDA is earnings before interest expense, income tax provision, depreciation, amortization, charges related to non-qualified stock options and restricted shares, and other items described below. Dollar presents Adjusted EBITDA as an indication of operating performance and its ability to service its debt and capital expenditure requirements. Adjusted EBITDA does not indicate whether Dollar's cash flow will be sufficient to fund all of its cash needs. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for net income, cash flows from operating activities, or other measures of operating performance or liquidity determined in accordance with GAAP. Dollar believes that Adjusted EBITDA amounts should be considered by prospective investors because Dollar uses them as one means of analyzing its ability to service its debt and capital expenditure requirements, and Dollar understands that they are used by some investors as one measure of a Company's historical ability to service its debt and capital expenditure requirements. Not all companies calculate Adjusted EBITDA in the same fashion, and therefore these amounts as presented may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies. The table below reconciles income before income taxes as reported on Dollar's Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations to Adjusted EBITDA (dollars in thousands):
Three Months EndedTwelve Months Ended
June 30,June 30,
Income before income taxes $ 17,754 $ 22,147 $ 5,532 $ 87,188
Depreciation and amortization 3,532 5,282 12,845 17,565
Interest expense 8,391 9,732 31,462 36,569
Foreign currency hedging costs 398 165 886 598
Stock compensation expense 758 1,168 2,365 3,946
Loss on store closings 324 620 1,032 1,002
Debt financing costs 932 - 39,335 97
Goodwill impairment and other charges (163 ) - 24,301 -
Costs (proceeds) from litigation settlement - 240 (3,256 ) 345
Other 78 - 233 -
Adjusted EBITDA $ 32,004 $ 39,354 $ 114,735 $ 147,310
Three Months EndedTwelve Months Ended
June 30,June 30,
Beginning Company-Operated Stores
U.S. 352 466 351 350
Canada 348 418 242 360
U.K. 190 227 172 192
Total Beginning Company-Operated Stores 890 1,111 765 902
De novo Store Builds
U.S. 0 1 4 3
Canada 12 1 36 39
U.K. 0 7 12 21
Total 12 9 52 63
Acquired Stores
U.S. 0 0 24 126
Canada 0 1 82 22
U.K. 3 2 9 24
Total 3 3 115 172
Closed Stores
U.S. 2 0 29 12
Canada 0 1 0 2
U.K. 1 0 1 1
Total 3 1 30 15
Ending Company-Operated Stores
U.S. 350 467 350 467
Canada 360 419 360 419
U.K. 192 236 192 236
Total Ending Company-Operated Stores9021,1229021,122
Ending Franchise/Agent Stores
U.S. 110 93 110 93
Canada 54 61 54 61
U.K. 214 176 214 176
Total Ending Franchise/Agent Stores378330378330
Total Ending Store Count1,2801,4521,2801,452
Three Months EndedTwelve Months Ended
June 30,June 30,
Check Cashing Data (Consolidated)
Face amount of checks cashed (in millions) $ 1,138 $ 1,397 $ 4,341 $ 5,256
Number of checks cashed (in thousands) 2,296 2,687 9,004 9,902
Face amount of average check $ 496 $ 520 $ 482 $ 531
Average fee per check cashed $ 19.23 $ 18.81 $ 18.52 $ 19.85
Net write-offs of returned checks (in thousands) $ 3,085 $ 4,798 $ 12,532 $ 16,406
Net write offs as a percentage of check cashing revenue 7.0% 9.5% 7.5% 8.3%
Consumer Loan Data - Originations (in thousands)
U.S. company-funded consumer loan originations $ 78,729 $ 157,569 $ 282,364 $ 535,542
Canadian company-funded consumer loan originations 227,001 230,153 774,194 953,157
U.K. company-funded consumer loan originations 75,686 101,389 266,331 361,730
Total company-funded consumer loan originations $ 381,416 $ 489,111 $ 1,322,889 $ 1,850,429
Consumer Loan Data - Revenues (in thousands)
U.S. servicing revenues $ 4,388 $ 552 $ 29,245 $ 2,556
U.S. company-funded consumer loan revenues 12,161 21,529 44,366 77,282
Canadian company-funded consumer loan revenues 32,903 36,048 110,010 147,313
U.K. company-funded consumer loan revenues 12,174 18,969 43,824 65,366
Total consumer lending revenues $ 61,626 $ 77,098 $ 227,445 $ 292,517
Consumer Loan Net Charge-offs (in thousands)
Gross charge-offs of company-funded consumer loans $ 47,358 $ 56,241 $ 160,077 $ 217,476
Recoveries of company-funded consumer loans 34,807 38,907 129,574 163,720
Net charge-offs on company-funded consumer loans $ 12,551 $ 17,334 $ 30,503 $ 53,756

Gross charge-offs of company-funded consumer loans as a percentage of total company-funded consumer loan originations

12.4% 11.5% 12.1% 11.8%

Recoveries of company-funded consumer loans as a percentage of total company-funded consumer loan originations

9.1% 8.0% 9.8% 8.9%

Net charge-offs on company-funded consumer loans as a percentage of total company-funded consumer loan originations

3.3% 3.5% 2.3% 2.9%


Dollar Financial Corp
Financial Dynamics
Mark McCall/Julie Prozeller, 212-850-5600

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