
Tucker Carlson: The party of diversity is led by people who strongly prefer all White neighborhoods

Fox News host Tucker Carlson weighs in on Democrats catering to illegal immigrants while pointing out that many liberal towns are not diverse on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

Sometime in the last 10 years, the people who run New York City stopped caring about the millions of American citizens who live in New York City. How do we know that? We know that from watching what happened to the city. Ignore what they say, watch what they do.

So, shortly after Bill de Blasio became mayor in 2014, for example, a huge number of drug addicts and mental patients began living on the sidewalks. That's not good and it increased. Over time, there was a 65% increase in homelessness in New York City. The streets, not surprisingly, got visibly dirtier. The smell got much stronger. Been there this month? Public urination was decriminalized by Bill de Blasio and many people took advantage of their new freedoms and there was, of course, a lot more crime. 

After local politicians pledged to cut law enforcement by a billion dollars a year, many cops decided it wasn't worth enforcing the law. Too much risk, not enough reward. So, the number of police stops declined by more than 90%. So, what happened to burglaries? Oh, they jumped 40%. Car thefts by almost 70%. Shootings doubled.

So, what would you like to live in a place like that? Well, for many in New York, life just became intolerable and a huge number of people simply left, not that anyone in the mayor's office seemed to notice their departure. Average New Yorkers noticed. They understood perfectly well that city government had no interest in their well-being.


But that did not mean that local politicians stopped caring. Oh, they cared more than ever. They just cared about different people. New York's political class shifted its focus from concern over citizens (that was their old constituency) to deep concern about illegal aliens whom they considered the future. As the new mayor of New York, Eric Adams explained during his campaign, when a foreign national breaks federal law to come to New York, that person must be rewarded with lavish, publicly funded services. Watch. 

NY MAYOR ERIC ADAMS: Think about it. The days are spent without essential employees, a substantial number of them were undocumented. They were delivering out Uber eats. They were stocking our stores. They were out in the streets keeping our city running. Let's have immediate translation services to assist that people can have access to the services that are already available. We have to expand NYC care to make sure everyone has health care. We need to make sure we have proper translation services in our schools so that we can start building out the future as well and I, too, take my hat off to the state senate. That was the right thing to do because when an immigrant walks into the store and buys a loaf of bread, no one asks, "What is your documentation?" 

Yeah, exactly. Whatever you want—driver's licenses, publicly-funded sex changes, anything. Giving non-citizens, lawbreakers, whatever they want is the right thing to do, said Eric Adams, as the entire Upper East Side packed its bags to move to Palm Beach County. But illegal aliens must be catered to free transportation, translators, any language you want, health care, voting rights. 


There can be no limit to what we give to illegal aliens because they are good people and we are not. Muriel Bowser, the similarly incompetent Democratic mayor of Washington, DC, strongly agreed with this. Illegal aliens must get everything they asked for, she said, and some things they've never asked for, including the city's assistance, avoiding arrest for the crimes they've committed. Watch Muriel Bowser. 

DC MAYOR MURIEL BOWSER, JANUARY 2017: In Washington, DC, the value of our diversity and inclusivity and being a sanctuary city means that we are not a nation of the federal government, which means that our police could focus on serving DC residents, protecting and serving them no matter their immigration status.

BOWSER: SEPTEMBER 2017: Hi, I'm Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, DC. Here in the nation's capital, we support the thousands of immigrants, green card holders, dreamers and those with temporary protected status who make our communities better. 


BOWSER, JUNE 2019: We celebrate every immigrant who is now a part of our DC community. We celebrate those seeking citizenship and those who are not and those who are still trying to navigate and figure out what's best for them and their families. We stand together and say, no matter what your plan is, DC is here for you.

Muriel Bowser meant it so sincerely that she hired people in leotards to stage interpretive dance to celebrate illegal aliens. All of this played out during the Trump administration. Sitting at home in seclusion in Delaware during the presidential campaign, Joe Biden was watching all of this mouth open as he ate his Jell-O, nodding vigorously. Every Democrat in the country seemed to agree with this. Illegal aliens are holy because diversity is our strength. 

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power.  

HOUSE SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI: And I say to them, our diversity is our strength. 

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Our diversity, it is still and always will be one of our greatest strengths.


BERNIE SANDERS: Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths.

CORY BOOKER: That when all of God's children come together, we're going to show you that our diversity is our strength.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: We share an innate understanding that our diversity is an enormous strength. 

They all know the line, except Joe Biden, who had to read it just to make sure he got it right. And by the way, how did our former president from Hawaii wind up with a southern accent? That is one mystery that was never solved after eight years in office, but whatever. Diversity is our strength.

And once he became president, Joe Biden promptly put that slogan into practice. How? By opening our borders to the world and of course, millions of people poured in. This was called the equity agenda. Now, for the country, this was tough and very destabilizing. Millions of brand-new people, many of whom who don't speak the language, almost none of whom have an American-level education, the largest human wave in our country's history at exactly the moment when the country can least afford it. 


So, it was tough, but naturally, many of these new arrivals gravitated to our biggest city, New York, because they were welcome there. They saw the new mayor and the old mayor, the mayor before that mayor all talking about how welcome they were in New York. So, they went there. What happened then? 

Well, that's interesting. Here's the new mayor of New York, Eric Adams, from last week. Now, watch this and see if you can detect a difference from the first Eric Adams’ clip we showed you about illegal aliens. Here he is.

ERIC ADAMS: We're reaching out to the federal government and state and this is a real burden on New Yorkers as we're trying to do the right thing. We already, as I stated, we already have an overburdened shelter system. So now we're talking about, as you stated, food, clothing, school. This is going to impact our schools because we do not turn away individuals because the undocumented, translation services. There's just a whole host of things that this is going to produce and that's why we need help. 

Wait a second. He's gone complaining about the cost of translation services, but 20 minutes ago, during his campaign, he was telling us we have to pay for translation services, but it turns out that functional states, the federal government, now has to pay for translation services and schools and shelters and a host of other costs because illegal aliens may be great in theory. We love them, but in practice, illegal aliens are expensive. Eric Adams just learned that. It turns out that importing millions of poor people doesn't actually make you richer.


As you just heard Adams put it, this is a real burden on New Yorkers, the ones who are still there. Now, to be fair to Eric Adams, he's not the only subgenus who is having this realization tonight. Muriel Bowser of Washington, D.C. is having it, too. Remember her plan to run a sanctuary city that's open to "every immigrant?" How's that going? Well, here's an update.

MARGARET BRENNAN: How significant is this influx? How many people?  

MURIEL BOWSER: Well, this is a very significant issue. We have for sure called on the federal government to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked into getting on busses, but I fear that they're being tricked into nationwide bus trips when their final destinations are places all over the United States of America. 

Oh, they're being tricked to come to a city that invited them and promised them every conceivable service, including legal defense, against our own government for breaking our laws. They're being tricked. Ok, in other words, illegal aliens are our strength except when they actually show up. When they show up, it turns out they're dirty, dangerous and expensive. That sounds like classic White supremacy. And there's no reason these new non-Americans should have to put up with it for a second.


Now, Democrats in New York been telling us for years that illegal aliens ought to be allowed to vote in our elections. OK, why don't they? Newly arrived Haitians and Salvadorans and everybody else who's here illegally should organize into a political bloc and bounce Eric Adams out of office. Here he is, attacking you like the racist he is. You don't have put up with it. Democrats have told us illegal aliens are as American as anyone who was born here. 

More American actually, says Joe Biden. Ok, it's time to act like it. Border jumpers should use democracy, the mechanics of our system that is now their system, to install an illegal alien mayor of New York who actually represents them. It's only fair. Let's hope it happens tomorrow.

But even if it does, it will not solve the bigger problem. The bigger problem is a lack of diversity. Immigrants are supposed to make America more diverse, but in practice they usually head to places that are already pretty diverse. Brooklyn, for example, is only 35% White. Pretty diverse. One place they almost never go is to towns where Democratic voters live. Strangely and you can check this if you want, it's on the internet, the party of diversity is led by people who strongly, overwhelmingly prefer all White neighborhoods for themselves and their families and that's just weird. No diversity for the diversity promoters. No, doubt it’s an oversight. They just haven't thought of it, but we can fix it. We can do this.


There are an awful lot of Democratic donors in Aspen, Colorado, for example. It's an overwhelmingly blue place. It's also nearly all White. What do we do about this? Well, how about an airlift? We've done this before. The Berlin airlift, it was called. It lasted for 15 months from the summer of 1948 to the next fall. The U.S. Air Force delivered millions of tons of desperately needed supplies to the suffering people of West Germany.

Nearly 80 years later, the Berlin airlift is still considered one of the great humanitarian acts in our history. But there's no reason we couldn't repeat it. Think big. Imagine an Aspen airlift, a national effort to rescue the people of Aspen from the suffocating prison of their own Whiteness. Instead of food and coal and medicine, the Biden administration could deliver an even more essential lifesaving commodity and that's diversity into the cultural wasteland of Pitkin County, Colorado, which, if you can believe it, as of tonight, is only one-half of 1% Black.

Into that, Joe Biden could deposit Haitians, Somalis, and Congolese, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them. Guatemalans, Guineans, Algerians, the entire population of the Cape Verde Islands. We can do that. We're America.

And why stop with those countries? As of tonight, there are still 4 million people living in the impoverished state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Do you care about them? We do, because we're good people. So, why shouldn't a quarter of all Oaxacans move to Aspen by next season? And to be clear, not move there to run the chairlifts at Snowmass, move there to ride the chairlifts at Snowmass, to benefit fully from the economic bounty of that isolated, blindingly white mountain community we call Aspen. Is there anything more American than that?


Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, send these, the homeless tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. There you go. Aspen is America's new golden door. As former FBI Director Jim Comey, himself an attendee at the Aspen Ideas Festival, once put it on Twitter, "This country's greatness and true genius lies in its diversity." Well put, Jim Comey. Well put. It's finally time to bring some greatness and true genius to Aspen, but we can't stop there. Why would we? 

Next stop on the equity train has got to be Martha's Vineyard. It's a natural. Joe Biden took 70% of the vote on that small Massachusetts island. Over the past four years, according to FEC data, 92% of all donations from its biggest town, Edgartown Massachusetts, went to the Democratic Party. So, you probably imagine Edgartown is pretty diverse. I mean, the Obamas live on the island right? No, in fact, we checked at last count, Edgartown is 95.7% White. What century is this? As of 2019, only 3% of all people, all residents in Edgartown were born outside of this country. So, do the math. That's 17 people total. That's effectively zero diversity, which means zero strength.

They are begging for more diversity. Why not send migrants there in huge numbers? Let's start with 300,000 and move up from there. As the island gets stronger, more and then on to Malibu, another Democratic community, 84% White. Malibu went for Joe Biden with 69% of the vote. 64% of all political donations from Malibu went to Democrats over the last four years. Why not diversity for them, too? Why not a Malibu airlift? How about Burlington, Vermont? 


86% of the residents there voted for Joe Biden, who believes that illegal immigration is a gift. 77% of political donations from Burlington over the past four years went to the Democratic Party and yet it's still troublingly White. Time to decolonize 84% White Burlington. These towns are crying out for help. Martha's Vineyard above all and there's bipartisan support for this effort, by the way. Michelle Obama, ladies and gentlemen.

MICHELLE OBAMA:  We grew up in the period, as I write, called "White flight." That is families like ours, upstanding families like ours, you know, who were doing everything we were supposed to do and better. As we moved in, White folks moved out because they were afraid of what our families represented and I always stop there when I talk about this out in the world, because, you know, I want to remind White folks that y'all were running from us and you still running because we're no different than the immigrant families that are moving in, the families in Pilsen, the families that are coming from other places to try to do better and so, yeah, I felt, I feel a sense of injustice.


Uh huh. It's Michelle Obama lecturing White folks again and you can kind of see why, because White folks, as she just told us, are afraid of her. When she shows up, they leave, but the weird thing is, she moved to Martha's Vineyard, a massive oceanfront estate, global warming be damned and White folks didn't leave. They stayed there along with Michelle Obama. Huh? 

So, maybe we need to diversify Martha's Vineyard immediately. Maybe Michelle Obama is just trying to be the change she wants to see in the world. Maybe she's leading the way. Maybe we send the next 300,000 illegal border crossers on charter flights to Edgartown, Massachusetts, then on to Brookline, Mass and Georgetown, D.C. and Malibu, Bozeman, Burlington. There's no reason the Rio Grande Valley should have all the benefits of diversity.

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