Washington, D.C. 20549

           [X] Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2002


              [ ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                  For the transition period from _____ to _____

                          Commission File Number 1-3492

                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY

                            (a Delaware Corporation)

                               4100 Clinton Drive
                                Houston, TX 77020
                   Telephone Number - Area Code (713) 676-3011

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
 Yes   X    No
     -----    -----

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

Common stock, par value $2.50 per share:
Outstanding at October 24, 2002 - 436,400,337

                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY


                                                                                                   Page No.
PART I.         FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                                2-30

Item 1.         Financial Statements                                                                  2-4

                -     Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations                                   2
                -     Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets                                             3
                -     Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                   4
                -     Notes to Quarterly Financial Statements                                        5-30
                      1.   Management Representations                                                   5
                      2.   Business Segment Information                                               5-6
                      3.   Acquisitions and Dispositions                                              6-7
                      4.   Restricted Cash                                                              7
                      5.   Discontinued Operations                                                      8
                      6.   Unapproved Claims and Long-Term Construction Contracts                    8-10
                      7.   Inventories                                                                 10
                      8.   Commitments and Contingencies                                            10-22
                      9.   Income (loss) Per Share                                                     22
                     10.   Comprehensive Income (loss)                                              22-23
                     11.   Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets                                        23
                     12.   Accounts Receivable                                                         24
                     13.   Reorganization of Business Operations                                       24
                     14.   DII Industries, LLC Financial Information                                24-30

Item 2.         Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                Results of Operations                                                               31-46

Item 3.         Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk                             46

Item 4.         Controls and Procedures                                                                47

PART II.        OTHER INFORMATION                                                                   47-48

Item 6.         Listing of Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                         47-48

Signatures                                                                                             49

Section 302     Certification - David J. Lesar                                                      50-51

Section 302     Certification - Douglas L. Foshee                                                   52-53

Exhibits:       -    Halliburton Company Directors' Deferred Compensation Plan
                     as amended and restated effective October 22, 2002
                -    Powers of Attorney for Directors
                -    Powers of Attorney for Executive Officers


Item 1.  Financial Statements

                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
             (Millions of dollars and shares except per share data)
                                                                     Three Months                 Nine Months
                                                                  Ended September 30          Ended September 30
                                                                  2002         2001            2002         2001
Services                                                        $   2,510    $   2,840       $   7,789    $   8,295
Product sales                                                         455          525           1,372        1,506
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates                        17           26              63           73
Total revenues                                                  $   2,982    $   3,391       $   9,224    $   9,874
Operating costs and expenses:
Cost of services                                                $   2,287    $   2,506       $   7,892    $   7,451
Cost of sales                                                         398          449           1,214        1,325
General and administrative                                             89           94             239          286
(Gain) loss on sale of business assets                                 17            -             (30)           -
Total operating costs and expenses                              $   2,791    $   3,049       $   9,315    $   9,062
Operating income (loss)                                               191          342             (91)         812
Interest expense                                                      (29)         (34)            (91)        (115)
Interest income                                                         8            8              24           18
Foreign currency gains (losses), net                                    1           (2)            (12)          (6)
Other, net                                                              -            -               2            -
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income
     taxes, minority interest, and change in accounting
     method, net                                                      171          314            (168)         709
Provision for income taxes                                            (72)        (126)            (31)        (285)
Minority interest in net income of subsidiaries                        (5)          (7)            (15)         (14)
Income (loss) from continuing operations before change in
     accounting method, net                                            94          181            (214)         410
Discontinued operations:
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax
     benefit of $0, $1, $34, and $18                                    -           (2)           (168)         (40)
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations, net of tax
     of $0, $0, $0, and $199                                            -            -               -          299
Income (loss) from discontinued operations                              -           (2)           (168)         259
Cumulative effect of change in accounting method, net                   -            -               -            1
Net income (loss)                                               $      94    $     179       $    (382)   $     670

Basic income (loss) per share:
Income (loss) from continuing operations before change in
     accounting method, net                                     $    0.22    $    0.42       $   (0.49)    $   0.96
Loss from discontinued operations                                       -            -           (0.39)       (0.09)
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations                             -            -               -         0.70
Net income (loss)                                               $    0.22    $    0.42       $   (0.88)    $   1.57

Diluted income (loss) per share:
Income (loss) from continuing operations before change in
     accounting method, net                                     $     0.22   $    0.42       $   (0.49)    $   0.95
Loss from discontinued operations                                        -           -           (0.39)       (0.09)
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations                              -           -               -         0.70
Net income (loss)                                               $     0.22   $    0.42       $   (0.88)    $   1.56

Cash dividends per share                                        $    0.125   $   0.125       $   0.375    $   0.375
Basic average common shares outstanding                                432         428             432          427
Diluted average common shares outstanding                              434         429             432          430

  See notes to quarterly financial statements.


                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
             (Millions of dollars and shares except per share data)
                                                                 September 30     December 31
                                                                     2002            2001
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents                                              $      586       $     290
Notes and accounts receivable, net                                     2,494           3,015
Unbilled work on uncompleted contracts                                   905           1,080
Total receivables                                                      3,399           4,095
Inventories                                                              769             787
Current deferred income taxes                                            170             154
Other current assets                                                     256             247
Total current assets                                                   5,180           5,573
Property, plant and equipment after accumulated
     depreciation of $3,305 and $3,281                                 2,591           2,669
Equity in and advances to related companies                              416             551
Goodwill, net                                                            719             720
Noncurrent deferred income taxes                                         391             410
Insurance for asbestos related liabilities                             1,588             612
Other assets                                                             826             431
Total assets                                                      $   11,711       $  10,966
             Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Short-term notes payable                                          $       29       $      44
Current maturities of long-term debt                                     290              81
Accounts payable                                                       1,046             917
Accrued employee compensation and benefits                               276             357
Advanced billings on uncompleted contracts                               582             611
Deferred revenues                                                         66              99
Income taxes payable                                                       -             194
Other current liabilities                                                564             605
Total current liabilities                                              2,853           2,908
Long-term debt                                                         1,120           1,403
Employee compensation and benefits                                       571             570
Asbestos related liabilities                                           2,173             737
Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries                            51              41
Other liabilities                                                        622             555
Total liabilities                                                      7,390           6,214
Shareholders' equity:
Common shares, par value $2.50 per share - authorized
     600 shares, issued 456 and 455 shares                             1,141           1,138
Paid-in capital in excess of par value                                   295             298
Deferred compensation                                                    (83)            (87)
Accumulated other comprehensive income                                  (179)           (236)
Retained earnings                                                      3,781           4,327
                                                                       4,955           5,440
Less 20 and 21 shares of treasury stock, at cost                         634             688
Total shareholders' equity                                             4,321           4,752
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                        $   11,711       $  10,966

  See notes to quarterly financial statements.


                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                              (Millions of dollars)
                                                                               Nine Months
                                                                           Ended September 30
                                                                          2002           2001
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income (loss)                                                       $   (382)       $    670
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash from operations:
Loss (income) from discontinued operations                                   168            (259)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization                                     402             390
Provision (benefit) for deferred income taxes                                  3              23
Distributions from (advances to) related companies, net of
     equity in (earnings) losses                                               8              39
Change in accounting method, net                                               -              (1)
(Gain) loss on sale of business assets                                       (30)              -
Gain on option component of joint venture sale                                (3)              -
Asbestos reserve, net                                                        460              96
Accrued special charges                                                        -              (6)
Other non-cash items                                                          53              18
Other changes, net of non-cash items:
Receivables and unbilled work on uncompleted contracts                       492            (354)
Sale of receivables                                                          200               -
Inventories                                                                   16            (135)
Accounts payable                                                              54             116
Other working capital, net                                                  (361)           (121)
Other operating activities                                                   (80)             80
Total cash flows from operating activities                                 1,000             556
Cash flows from investing activities:
Capital expenditures                                                        (564)           (568)
Sales of property, plant and equipment                                       217              77
(Acquisitions) dispositions of businesses, net                               132            (115)
Investments - restricted cash                                               (192)              -
Other investing activities                                                   (10)            (14)
Total cash flows from investing activities                                  (417)           (620)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from long-term borrowings                                             -             425
Payments on long-term borrowings                                             (79)            (13)
(Repayments) borrowings of short-term debt, net                              (22)         (1,359)
Payments of dividends to shareholders                                       (164)           (161)
Proceeds from exercises of stock options                                       -              25
Payments to reacquire common stock                                            (3)            (33)
Other financing activities                                                    (4)             (6)
Total cash flows from financing activities                                  (272)         (1,122)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                                      (15)            (19)
Net cash flows from discontinued operations                                    -           1,201
Increase in cash and equivalents                                             296              (4)
Cash and equivalents at beginning of period                                  290             231
Cash and equivalents at end of period                                   $    586        $    227
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
Cash payments during the period for:
Interest                                                                $     90        $    118
Income taxes                                                            $    163        $    276
Non-cash investing and financing activities:
Liabilities assumed in acquisitions of businesses                       $      -        $     40
Liabilities disposed of in dispositions of businesses                   $      -        $    496

  See notes to quarterly financial statements.


                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                     Notes to Quarterly Financial Statements

Note 1.  Management Representations
         We employ  accounting  policies that are in accordance  with  generally
accepted accounting  principles in the United States of America. The preparation
of financial  statements  in conformity  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted  in the United  States of America  requires  us to make  estimates  and
assumptions that affect:
         -    the reported amounts of assets and liabilities  and  disclosure of
              contingent assets and liabilities at the  date  of  the  financial
              statements; and
         -    the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting
Ultimate results could differ from those estimates.
         The accompanying  unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
were  prepared  using  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  for  interim
financial  information,  the  instructions to Form 10-Q and applicable  rules of
Regulation  S-X.  Accordingly,  these  financial  statements  do not include all
information or footnotes  required by generally accepted  accounting  principles
for complete  financial  statements  and should be read  together  with our 2001
Annual  Report on Form  10-K.  All  adjustments  which  are,  in the  opinion of
management,  of  a  normal  recurring  nature  and  are  necessary  for  a  fair
presentation  of the interim  financial  statements  have been  included.  Prior
period  amounts  have  been  reclassified  to be  consistent  with  the  current
         In our opinion, the condensed consolidated financial statements present
fairly our  financial  position as of  September  30,  2002,  the results of our
operations  for the three and nine months ended  September 30, 2002 and 2001 and
our cash flows for the nine months then ended. The results of operations for the
three and nine months ended September 30, 2002 and 2001 may not be indicative of
results for the full year.

Note 2.  Business Segment Information
         During the first quarter of 2002, we announced plans to restructure our
businesses into two operating  subsidiary groups. One group is focused on energy
services and the other is focused on engineering  and  construction.  As part of
this  restructuring,  many support  functions which were previously  shared were
moved into the two business groups. We also decided that the operations of Major
Projects,  Granherne and  Production  Services  better  aligned with our Kellogg
Brown & Root  subsidiary,  or KBR, in the current  business  environment.  These
businesses  were moved for  management  and  reporting  purposes from the Energy
Services Group segment to the Engineering and Construction  Group segment during
the second  quarter.  All prior period  segment  results  have been  restated to
reflect  this  change.   Major  Projects,   which  currently   consists  of  the
Barracuda-Caratinga  project in Brazil,  is now  reported  through the  Offshore
Operations  product line,  Granherne is now reported in the Onshore product line
and Production  Services is now reported  under the  Operations and  Maintenance
product line.
         The tables  below  present  information  on our  continuing  operations
business segments on a comparable basis.

                                                Three Months                Nine Months
                                             Ended September 30          Ended September 30
                                          -------------------------    ------------------------
Millions of dollars                          2002         2001            2002         2001
Energy Services Group                      $  1,677     $  2,098        $  5,122     $   5,898
Engineering and Construction Group            1,305        1,293           4,102         3,976
Total                                      $  2,982     $  3,391        $  9,224     $   9,874

Operating income (loss):
Energy Services Group                      $    200     $    321        $    439     $     778
Engineering and Construction Group               12           36            (496)           84
General corporate                               (21)         (15)            (34)          (50)
Total                                      $    191     $    342        $    (91)    $     812


         Energy Services Group.  The Energy Services Group provides a wide range
of discrete services and products and integrated  solutions to customers for the
exploration,  development, and production of oil and gas. The customers for this
segment are major, national and independent oil and gas companies.  This segment
consists of:
         -    Halliburton   Energy  Services   provides  oilfield  services  and
              products  including  discrete products and services and integrated
              solutions for oil and gas exploration,  development and production
              throughout  the world.  Products  and  services  include  pressure
              pumping equipment and services, logging and perforating,  drilling
              systems  and  services,   drilling  fluids  systems,  drill  bits,
              specialized  completion,  and  production  equipment and services,
              well control, and integrated solutions;
         -    Landmark Graphics provides  integrated  exploration and production
              software   information   systems,    data   management   services,
              professional  services to the  petroleum  industry  and  reservoir
              description; and
         -    Other product service lines provide  installation and servicing of
              subsea facilities and pipelines,  and manufacture of flexible pipe
              for offshore applications. In January 2002, we sold to Saipem, our
              joint  venture  partner,  our  50%  interest  in  European  Marine
              Contractors  Ltd., a joint venture that provided pipeline services
              for offshore customers. In May 2002, we contributed  substantially
              all of our  Halliburton  Subsea assets to a newly formed  company,
              Subsea 7, Inc.  We own 50% of Subsea 7, Inc.  and DSND  Subsea ASA
              owns the other 50%. In September 2002, we sold our 50% interest in
              Bredero-Shaw,  a pipecoating joint venture, to our partner ShawCor
              Ltd. See Note 3.
         Engineering and  Construction  Group.  The Engineering and Construction
Group  provides  engineering,  procurement,  construction,  project  management,
program management, and facilities operation and maintenance for oil and gas and
other  industrial and governmental  customers.  The Engineering and Construction
Group, operating as KBR, includes the following five product lines:
         -    Onshore   operations   comprise   engineering   and   construction
              activities,  including  liquefied natural gas, ammonia,  crude oil
              refineries, and natural gas plants;
         -    Offshore   operations   include   specialty   offshore   deepwater
              engineering  and  marine  technology  and  worldwide   fabrication
         -    Government   operations   provide  operations,   maintenance   and
              logistics activities for government facilities and installations;
         -    Operations  and  maintenance  services  include plant  operations,
              maintenance and start up services for both upstream and downstream
              oil,  gas and  petrochemical  facilities  as  well as  operations,
              maintenance and logistics  services for the power,  commercial and
              industrial markets; and
         -  Infrastructure  provides civil  engineering,  consulting and project
management services.
         Intersegment revenues included in the revenues of the business segments
are  immaterial.  Our equity in pretax  earnings  and  losses of  unconsolidated
affiliates  that are  accounted for on the equity method is included in revenues
and operating income of the applicable segment.

Note 3.  Acquisitions and Dispositions
         Magic Earth acquisition.  We signed a definitive  agreement to purchase
Magic Earth,  Inc., a leading 3-D  visualization and  interpretation  technology
company  with broad  applications  in the area of data  interpretation  for $100
million in April 2001. At the consummation date of the transaction (November 19,
2001), shares with a value of $100 million were issued to complete the purchase.
We issued 4.2 million shares, valued at $23.93 per share, which was based on the
average closing stock price for the 30-day period  preceding  November 19, 2001.
Magic Earth became a wholly-owned  subsidiary and is reported  within our Energy
Services Group. We recorded intangible assets of $19 million and goodwill of $71
million,  all of which is nondeductible for tax purposes.  The intangible assets
will be amortized based on a five year life.
         PES acquisition. In February 2000, we acquired the remaining 74% of the
shares of PES (International) Limited that we did not already own for a value of
$126.7 million based on 3.3 million shares of Halliburton common stock valued at
$37.75 per share which was the closing  stock price on January 12, 2000.  PES is
based in Aberdeen,  Scotland,  and has  developed  technology  that  complements
Halliburton  Energy  Services'  real-time  reservoir  solutions.  To acquire the
remaining 74% of PES, we issued 1.2 million shares of Halliburton  common stock.
We also issued  rights that  resulted in the issuance of 2.1 million  additional


shares of Halliburton  common stock between  February 2001 and February 2002. We
issued 1  million  shares  in  February  2001;  400,000  in June  2001;  and the
remaining 700,000 shares in February 2002 under these rights.  These shares were
included in the cost of the acquisition as a contingent  liability.  We recorded
$115 million of goodwill in connection with acquiring the remaining 74%.
         During the second quarter of 2001, we contributed  the majority of PES'
assets and technologies,  including $130 million of goodwill associated with the
purchase of PES, to a newly formed joint venture with Shell Technology  Ventures
BV,  WellDynamics.  We received  $39  million in cash as an equity  equalization
adjustment,  which we  recorded as a reduction  in our  investment  in the joint
venture.  We own 50% of WellDynamics  and account for this investment  using the
equity  method.  The formation of  WellDynamics  resulted in a difference of $90
million  between the  carrying  amount of our  investment  and our equity in the
underlying net assets of the joint venture,  which has been recorded as goodwill
under "Equity in and advances to related  companies".  The remaining  assets and
goodwill of PES relating to completions and well intervention products have been
combined with our existing completions product service line.
         PGS Data  Management  acquisition.  In March 2001,  we acquired the PGS
Data Management  division of Petroleum  Geo-Services ASA (PGS) for $164 million.
The  agreement  also calls for Landmark to provide,  for a fee,  strategic  data
management  and  distribution  services  to PGS for  three  years.  We  recorded
intangible  assets of $14 million and  goodwill of $149  million,  $9 million of
which is nondeductible for tax purposes.
         European Marine Contractors Ltd. disposition.  In January 2002, we sold
our 50% interest in European Marine  Contractors Ltd., an  unconsolidated  joint
venture in the Energy Services Group, to our joint venture partner,  Saipem.  At
the date of sale,  we received  $115  million in cash and a  contingent  payment
option valued at $16 million resulting in a pretax operating income gain of $108
million.  The contingent payment option was based on a formula linked to the Oil
Service Index  performance.  In February 2002, we exercised our option receiving
an additional $19 million and recorded a pretax gain of $3 million in Other, net
in the income statement as a result of the increase in value of this option. The
total  transaction  resulted in an after-tax  gain of $68 million,  or $0.16 per
diluted share.
         Subsea 7 formation.  In May 2002, we contributed  substantially  all of
our  Halliburton  Subsea  assets to a newly  formed  company,  Subsea 7, Inc. We
contributed  assets  with  a  book  value  of  approximately  $82  million.  The
contributed  assets  were  recorded  by  the  new  company  at a fair  value  of
approximately  $94 million.  The $12 million  difference is being amortized over
ten  years  representing  the  average  remaining  useful  life  of  the  assets
contributed.  We own 50% of Subsea 7 and account for this  investment  using the
equity method. The remaining 50% is owned by DSND Inc.
         Bredero-Shaw  disposition.  On  September  30,  2002  we  sold  our 50%
interest in the  Bredero-Shaw  joint  venture to our partner  ShawCor  Ltd.  The
purchase price of $149 million is comprised of $53 million in cash, a short-term
note due  January  2003 for $25  million  and 7.7  million  of  ShawCor  Class A
Subordinate  shares.  Of the $53 million in cash  approximately  $15 million was
received on September 30, 2002.  The remaining  cash will be received by the end
of November.  In addition to our second quarter impairment charge of $61 million
($0.14 per diluted share after-tax) related to the pending sale of Bredero-Shaw,
we recorded a third quarter  pretax charge of $18 million,  or $0.04 per diluted
share.  Included  in this  charge  was $15  million  of  cumulative  translation
adjustment  loss which was realized upon the  disposition  of our  investment in
         Dresser Equipment Group disposition.  In April 2001, we disposed of the
remaining businesses in the Dresser Equipment Group.  See Note 5.

Note 4.  Restricted Cash
         At September 30, 2002, we had restricted cash of $192 million  included
in Other assets.  Restricted  cash consists of:
         -    $107  million  deposit that  collateralizes  a bond  for a  patent
              infringement judgment on appeal;
         -    $56 million  as collateral  for potential  future  insurance claim
              reimbursements; and
         -    $29 million  primarily related  to cash collateral agreements  for
              outstanding letters of credit for various construction projects.


Note 5.  Discontinued Operations
         In late 1999 and early 2000 we sold our interest in two joint  ventures
which were a significant  portion of our Dresser  Equipment  Group.  These sales
prompted a  strategic  review of the  remaining  businesses  within the  Dresser
Equipment Group. As a result of this review,  we determined that these remaining
businesses  did not closely fit with our core  businesses,  long-term  goals and
strategic  objectives.  In April 2000, our Board of Directors  approved plans to
sell all the remaining  businesses  within the Dresser  Equipment Group. We sold
these  businesses  on April 10,  2001 and we  recognized  a pretax  gain of $498
million  ($299  million  after-tax)  during  the  second  quarter  of 2001.  The
financial  results of the Dresser  Equipment  Group  through  March 31, 2001 are
presented as discontinued operations in our financial statements. As part of the
terms of the transaction, we retained a 5.1%  equity  interest of Class A Common
stock in the  Dresser Equipment Group, which has been  renamed Dresser, Inc.  In
July 2002,  Dresser Inc. announced a  reorganization  and we have  been asked to
exchange our shares for shares of Dresser Ltd.  Our equity interest is accounted
for under the cost method.
         For the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2002,  we  recorded a $202
million pretax charge in  discontinued  operations.  Included in this charge was
$153 million taken in the second  quarter 2002, in connection  with our asbestos
econometric  study,  for existing and future  asbestos  claims and defense costs
related  to  previously  disposed  businesses,   net  of  anticipated  insurance
recoveries.  The $153 million charge was comprised of $1,176 million  related to
the gross exposure on our asbestos claims, which was offset by $1,023 million in
amounts to be received from our insurance  carriers  related to asbestos claims.
Also included in the $202 million is a $40 million  payment  associated with the
Harbison-Walker  bankruptcy  filing  recorded in the first  quarter.  Due to the
recording  of our best  estimate  of current and future  asbestos  claims in the
second  quarter  of  2002,  there  were no  additional  discontinued  operations
expenses for asbestos  exposures in the third quarter of 2002. During the second
and third  quarters  of 2001,  we  recorded  a $95  million  pretax  expense  to
discontinued  operations.  This amount was  comprised of a $632  million  charge
related to the gross exposure on our asbestos  claims,  which was offset by $537
million  in  amounts  to be  received  from our  insurance  carriers  related to
asbestos claims. See Note 8.

                                                Three Months                 Nine Months
Loss from Discontinued                       Ended September 30          Ended September 30
Operations                                -------------------------    ------------------------
Millions of dollars                          2002         2001            2002        2001
Revenues                                   $      -    $     -          $     -     $   359
Operating income                           $      -    $     -          $     -     $    37
Asbestos litigation claims, net of
   insurance recoveries                           -         (3)            (202)        (95)
Tax benefit                                       -          1               34          18
Net loss                                   $      -    $    (2)         $  (168)    $   (40)

Note 6.  Unapproved Claims and Long-Term Construction Contracts
         Billing  practices  for  engineering  and  construction   projects  are
governed  by the  contract  terms of each  project  based upon  costs  incurred,
achievement of milestones, or pre-agreed schedules.  Billings do not necessarily
correlate with revenues  recognized under the percentage of completion method of
accounting.  Billings in excess of recognized  revenues are recorded in "Advance
billings on  uncompleted  contracts".  When  billings  are less than  recognized
revenues,   the   difference  is  recorded  in  "Unbilled  work  on  uncompleted
contracts".  With the  exception  of claims and change  orders  which are in the
process of being  negotiated  with  customers,  unbilled work is usually  billed
during  normal  billing  processes  following  achievement  of  the  contractual
         Recording  of profits  and losses on  long-term  contracts  requires an
estimate  of the  total  profit  or loss  over the life of each  contract.  This
estimate requires  consideration of contract revenue,  change orders and claims;
less costs  incurred  and  estimated  costs to complete.  Anticipated  losses on
contracts  are recorded in full in the period they are  identified.  Profits are
recorded  based  upon the total  estimated  contract  profit  times the  current
percentage complete for the contract.
           When  calculating  the amount of total  profit or loss on a long-term
contract,  we include unapproved claims as revenue when the collection is deemed
probable based upon the four criteria for  recognizing  unapproved  claims under
the American  Institute of Certified Public  Accountants'  Statement of Position


81-1   "Accounting   for   Performance   of   Construction-Type    and   Certain
Production-Type  Contracts."  Including  unapproved  claims in this  calculation
increases  the  operating  income  that  would  otherwise  be  recorded  without
consideration of the probable unapproved claims.  Unapproved claims are recorded
to the extent of costs  incurred  and include no profit.  In  substantially  all
cases, the probable unapproved claims included in determining contract profit or
loss are less than the actual  claim that will be or has been  presented  to the
         When recording the revenue and the associated  unbilled  receivable for
unapproved  claims, we only accrue an amount equal to the costs incurred related
to probable  unapproved claims.  Therefore,  the difference between the probable
unapproved  claims  included  in  determining  contract  profit  or loss and the
probable  unapproved  claims recorded in unbilled work on uncompleted  contracts
relates to  forecasted  costs  which  have not yet been  incurred.  The  amounts
included in determining  the profit or loss on contracts,  and the amount booked
to unbilled work on uncompleted contracts for each period is as follows:

                                               September 30        December 31
                                              ----------------    ---------------
Millions of dollars                                2002                2001
Probable unapproved claims (included
    in determining contract profit or loss)       $   199             $   137
Unapproved claims in unbilled work on
    uncompleted contracts                         $   153             $   102

         The claims at  September  30, 2002 listed in the above table  relate to
eight contracts,  most of which are complete or substantially  complete.  We are
actively  engaged in claims  negotiation  with the customer in all but one case,
and in  that  case we have  initiated  the  arbitration  process.  The  probable
unapproved claim in arbitration is $5 million.  The largest claim relates to the
Barracuda-Caratinga  contract which is approximately  54% complete at the end of
the  third  quarter  of  2002.  The  probable   unapproved  claims  included  in
determining this contract's loss were $101 million at September 30, 2002 and $43
million  at December 31, 2001  based on the project's percentage completion.  As
the  claim for  this contract  most likely will  not be settled within one year,
amounts in unbilled  work on uncompleted  contracts of $55  million at September
30, 2002 and $10  million at December 31, 2001 included  in the table above have
been  recorded to long-term  unbilled  work on  uncompleted  contracts  which is
included in Other  assets on the balance  sheet.  All other  claims  included in
the table above have  been recorded to  Unbilled  work on uncompleted  contracts
included in the Total receivables amount on the balance sheet.
         A summary of unapproved  claims  activity for the three and nine months
ended September 30, 2002 is as follows:

                                        Total Probable Unapproved         Probable Unapproved Claim
                                                 Claims                        Accrued Revenue
                                     -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
                                      Three Months     Nine Months      Three Months      Nine Months
Millions of dollars                       Ended           Ended            Ended             Ended
Beginning balance                       $ 193             $137            $135             $102
    Additions                               7               87               7               51
    Costs incurred during period            -                -              12               25
    Approved claim                         (1)              (6)             (1)              (6)
    Write-offs                              -               (3)              -               (3)
    Other   *                               -              (16)              -              (16)
Ending balance                          $ 199             $199            $153             $153

* Other  primarily  relates to claims  which the customer has agreed to a change
order relating to the scope of work.


         In addition,  our  unconsolidated  related  companies  include probable
unapproved claims as revenue to determine the amount of profit or loss for their
contracts.  Our "Equity in earnings of unconsolidated  affiliates"  includes our
equity  percentage  of unapproved  claims  related to  unconsolidated  projects.
Amounts for unapproved  claims from our related companies are included in equity
in and advances to related  companies  and totaled $9 million at  September  30,
2002 and $0.3 million at December 31, 2001.

Note 7.  Inventories
         Inventories  are  stated at the lower of cost or  market.  Some  United
States  manufacturing  and field service finished products and parts inventories
for drill bits,  completion products,  and bulk materials are recorded using the
LIFO  method.  Included  in the table  below  are  inventories  on the  last-in,
first-out  method of $50  million  at  September  30,  2002 and $54  million  at
December 31, 2001. If the average cost method had been used,  total  inventories
would have been about $20 million higher than reported at September 30, 2002 and
December 31, 2001.
         Over 90% of remaining inventory is recorded on the average cost method,
with the remainder on the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method.
         Inventories at September 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001 are composed of
the following:

                                   September 30        December 31
                                 ----------------    ---------------
Millions of dollars                   2002                2001
Finished products and parts          $  521              $   520
Raw materials and supplies              180                  192
Work in process                          68                   75
Total                                $  769              $   787

Note 8.  Commitments and Contingencies
         Asbestos  litigation.  Several of our  subsidiaries,  particularly  DII
Industries, LLC  (See Note 14) and Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc., are defendants in
a large  number of asbestos-related lawsuits.  The plaintiffs allege injury as a
result  of  exposure to asbestos  in products  manufactured or  sold  by  former
divisions  of  DII  Industries,  LLC  or  in  materials  used in construction or
maintenance  projects of Kellogg  Brown & Root,  Inc.  These claims are in three
general categories:
         -    refractory claims;
         -    other DII Industries, LLC claims; and
         -    construction claims.
         Refractory  claims.  Asbestos  was used in a small  number of  products
manufactured  or  sold  by  Harbison-Walker   Refractories  Company,  which  DII
Industries,  LLC acquired in 1967. The Harbison-Walker operations were conducted
as a division of DII Industries, LLC (then named Dresser Industries, Inc.) until
those  operations  were  transferred to another then existing  subsidiary of DII
Industries,  LLC in preparation for a spin-off.  Harbison-Walker was spun-off by
DII  Industries,  LLC in  July  1992.  At  that  time,  Harbison-Walker  assumed
liability  for asbestos  claims filed after the spin-off and it agreed to defend
and indemnify DII Industries,  LLC from liability for those claims, although DII
Industries,  LLC  continues to have direct  liability to tort  claimants for all
post spin-off refractory claims. DII Industries, LLC retained responsibility for
all  asbestos  claims  pending  as of the date of the  spin-off.  The  agreement
governing  the spin-off  provided that  Harbison-Walker  would have the right to
access   DII   Industries,   LLC's   historic   insurance   coverage   for   the
asbestos-related liabilities that Harbison-Walker assumed in the spin-off. After
the spin-off,  DII Industries,  LLC and  Harbison-Walker  jointly negotiated and
entered into  coverage-in-place  agreements with a number of insurance companies
that had issued historic  general  liability  insurance  policies which both DII
Industries,  LLC and  Harbison-Walker  had the right to access for,  among other
things,  bodily injury occurring between 1963 and 1985. These  coverage-in-place
agreements  provide  for the  payment of defense  costs,  settlements  and court
judgments paid to resolve refractory asbestos claims.


         As  Harbison-Walker's  financial  condition  worsened  in late 2000 and
2001,  Harbison-Walker  began  agreeing  to pay more in  settlement  of the post
spin-off  refractory  claims  than it  historically  had paid.  These  increased
settlement amounts led to  Harbison-Walker  making greater demands on the shared
insurance  asset. By July 2001, DII Industries,  LLC determined that the demands
that  Harbison-Walker  was  making on the  shared  insurance  policies  were not
acceptable to DII Industries, LLC and that Harbison-Walker probably would not be
able  to  fulfill  its  indemnification  obligation  to  DII  Industries,   LLC.
Accordingly,  DII Industries, LLC took up the defense of unsettled post spin-off
refractory   claims   that  name  it  as  a   defendant   in  order  to  prevent
Harbison-Walker from unnecessarily eroding the insurance coverage both companies
access for these  claims.  These  claims  are now stayed in the  Harbison-Walker
bankruptcy proceeding.
         As of  September  30,  2002,  there were  approximately  6,000 open and
unresolved  pre-spin-off  refractory  claims  against  DII  Industries,  LLC. In
addition,  there were  approximately  142,000 post spin-off claims that name DII
Industries, LLC as a defendant.
         Other DII Industries,  LLC claims. As of September 30, 2002, there were
approximately 136,000 open and unresolved claims alleging injuries from asbestos
used in other products  formerly  manufactured by DII  Industries,  LLC. Most of
these  claims  involve  gaskets  and packing  materials  used in pumps and other
industrial products.
         Construction  claims.  Our Engineering and Construction  Group includes
engineering and construction  businesses  formerly  operated by The M.W. Kellogg
Company and Brown & Root, Inc., now combined as Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. As of
September 30, 2002, there were  approximately  45,000 open and unresolved claims
alleging   injuries  from  asbestos  in  materials  used  in  construction   and
maintenance  projects,  most of  which  were  conducted  by  Brown & Root,  Inc.
Approximately  1,500 of these  claims  are  asserted  against  The M.W.  Kellogg
Company.  We  believe  that  Kellogg  Brown & Root has a good  defense  to these
claims,  and a prior owner of The M.W.  Kellogg Company provides Kellogg Brown &
Root a contractual indemnification for claims against The M.W. Kellogg Company.
         Harbison-Walker   Chapter  11   bankruptcy.   On  February   14,  2002,
Harbison-Walker  filed a voluntary petition for reorganization  under Chapter 11
of the United States  Bankruptcy  Code in the  Bankruptcy  Court in  Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania.  In its bankruptcy-related  filings,  Harbison-Walker said that it
would seek to utilize  Sections 524(g) and 105 of the Bankruptcy Code to propose
and have confirmed a plan of reorganization that would provide for distributions
for all legitimate, pending and future asbestos claims asserted directly against
it or asserted against DII Industries, LLC for which Harbison-Walker is required
to indemnify and defend DII Industries,  LLC. However,  Harbison-Walker  has not
yet submitted a proposed plan of reorganization to the Bankruptcy Court. If such
a plan of  reorganization  is submitted  and  confirmed,  all pending and future
refractory asbestos claims against Harbison-Walker or DII Industries,  LLC would
be channeled to a Section 524(g)/105 trust for resolution and payment.  In order
for a trust to be  confirmed,  at least a majority  of the equity  ownership  of
Harbison-Walker  would have to be contributed to the trust.  Creation of a trust
would also  require the approval of 75% of the  asbestos  claimant  creditors of
         We also anticipate a significant  financial  contribution would also be
required from DII  Industries,  LLC to obtain the  necessary  approvals for such
trust.  However,  we are not able to quantify the amount of such contribution in
light of numerous unresolved issues such as the amount of Harbison-Walker assets
available to satisfy its asbestos and trade creditors and the negotiations  that
must be completed among Harbison-Walker, the asbestos claims committee under its
Chapter 11 proceeding,  a legal  representative  for future  asbestos  claimants
(which has not yet been appointed by the Bankruptcy Court), DII Industries,  LLC
and the relevant insurance  companies.  In establishing our reserve for asbestos
liability,  we have included all post spin-off  claims  against  Harbison-Walker
that name DII Industries, LLC as a defendant.
         Harbison-Walker's failure to fulfill its indemnity obligations, and its
excessive  erosion of the insurance  coverage,  required DII Industries,  LLC to
assist  Harbison-Walker  in its  bankruptcy  proceeding  in order to protect the
shared insurance from  dissipation.  This insurance will be needed if a trust is
to be worked out with the asbestos claimants.  As a result, DII Industries,  LLC
agreed  to  provide  up to $35  million  of  debtor-in-possession  financing  to
Harbison-Walker  during the pendency of the Chapter 11  proceeding,  of which $5


million was advanced during the first quarter of 2002. On February 14, 2002, DII
Industries,  LLC also paid $40 million to Harbison-Walker's United States parent
holding company,  RHI Refractories  Holding Company.  This payment was made when
Harbison-Walker  filed its bankruptcy  petition and was charged to  discontinued
operations in our financial statements in the first quarter of 2002. The payment
to RHI Refractories led RHI Refractories to forgive intercompany debt owed to it
by  Harbison-Walker,   thus  increasing  the  assets  of  Harbison-Walker.   DII
Industries,  LLC will pay another $35 million to RHI  Refractories  if a plan of
reorganization  acceptable to DII Industries,  LLC is proposed in the bankruptcy
proceedings.  A further $85 million will be paid to RHI  Refractories  if a plan
acceptable  to DII  Industries,  LLC is approved  by 75% of the  Harbison-Walker
asbestos claimant creditors and confirmed by the Bankruptcy Court.
         In  connection  with the  Chapter  11  filing by  Harbison-Walker,  the
Bankruptcy  Court on February  14, 2002  issued a  temporary  restraining  order
staying all further  litigation of more than 200,000  asbestos claims  currently
pending  against DII Industries,  LLC in numerous  courts  throughout the United
States. As a result of DII Industries,  LLC's continuing settlement negotiations
with the Asbestos Claimants  Committee,  or ACC, which was formed as part of the
Harbison-Walker  bankruptcy,  and certain law firms that represent a substantial
percentage of the plaintiffs that have asserted  Harbison-Walker-related  claims
against DII Industries,  LLC, the temporary restraining order originally entered
by the  Bankruptcy  Court on February  14, 2002 has been  consensually  extended
until at least December 11, 2002. To the extent that the settlement negotiations
continue to make progress,  DII Industries,  LLC  anticipates  that the ACC will
consent to have the  temporary  restraining  order  extended  for an  additional
period of time.  Currently,  there is no  assurance  that a stay will  remain in
effect  beyond a short  period of time,  that a plan of  reorganization  will be
proposed or confirmed  for  Harbison-Walker,  or that any plan that is confirmed
will provide  relief to DII  Industries,  LLC. If a plan is not  confirmed  that
provides  relief  to DII  Industries,  LLC or if the  stay  is  terminated,  DII
Industries,  LLC will be  required  to defend  all open  claims in the courts in
which they have been filed, possibly with reduced access to the insurance shared
with Harbison-Walker.
         The stayed  asbestos  claims are those  covered by  insurance  that DII
Industries,   LLC  and  Harbison-Walker   each  access  to  pay  defense  costs,
settlements and judgments  attributable  to both  refractory and  non-refractory
asbestos  claims.  The stayed claims  include  approximately  142,000  post-1992
spin-off   refractory   claims,   6,000   pre-spin-off   refractory  claims  and
approximately  135,000  other  types of  asbestos  claims  pending  against  DII
Industries,  LLC.  Approximately  51,000 of the claims in the third category are
claims  made  against  DII  Industries,  LLC based on more than one  ground  for
recovery  and the stay  affects  only the  portion  of the claim  covered by the
shared insurance. The stay prevents litigation from proceeding while the stay is
in effect and also  prohibits  the filing of new claims.  One of the purposes of
the stay is to allow Harbison-Walker and DII Industries, LLC time to develop and
propose a plan of reorganization.
         Asbestos  insurance  coverage.  DII  Industries,  LLC  has  substantial
insurance  that  reimburses  it for  portions  of the costs  incurred  defending
asbestos  claims,  as well as amounts paid to settle claims and court judgments.
This  coverage is provided by a large  number of insurance  policies  written by
dozens of insurance companies. The insurance companies wrote the coverage over a
period of more than 30 years for DII  Industries,  LLC, its  predecessors or its
subsidiaries  and their  predecessors.  Large  amounts of this  coverage are now
subject to  coverage-in-place  agreements that resolve issues concerning amounts
and terms of coverage. The amount of insurance available to DII Industries,  LLC
and its  subsidiaries  depends on the nature and time of the alleged exposure to
asbestos,  the specific  subsidiary  against which an asbestos claim is asserted
and other factors.
         Refractory claims insurance. DII Industries, LLC has approximately $2.1
billion in  aggregate  limits of  insurance  coverage  for  refractory  asbestos
claims, of which over one-half is with Equitas or other  London-based  insurance
companies.  Most of this insurance is shared with  Harbison-Walker.  Many of the
issues  relating  to the  majority  of  this  coverage  have  been  resolved  by
coverage-in-place  agreements  with dozens of companies,  including  Equitas and
other  London-based  insurance  companies.   Coverage-in-place   agreements  are
settlement  agreements  between  policyholders  and the insurers  specifying the
terms and  conditions  under  which  coverage  will be  applied  as  claims  are
presented for payment.  These  agreements in an asbestos  claims  context govern


such things as what events will be deemed to trigger coverage, how liability for
a claim will be allocated  among insurers and what  procedures the  policyholder
must follow in order to obligate the insurer to pay claims.  Recently,  however,
Equitas  and  other   London-based   companies  have  attempted  to  impose  new
restrictive  documentation   requirements  on  DII  Industries,  LLC  and  other
insureds.  Equitas and the other London-based companies have stated that the new
requirements  are part of an effort to limit payment of settlements to claimants
who are truly  impaired by exposure to asbestos  and can identify the product or
premises that caused their exposure.
         On March 21, 2002, Harbison-Walker filed a lawsuit in the United States
Bankruptcy  Court for the  Western  District of  Pennsylvania  in its Chapter 11
bankruptcy proceeding.  This lawsuit is substantially similar to DII Industries,
LLC's lawsuit filed in Texas State Court in 2001 and seeks,  among other relief,
a determination as to the rights of DII Industries,  LLC and  Harbison-Walker to
the shared general liability  insurance.  The lawsuit also seeks damages against
certain  insurers  for  breach of  contract  and bad  faith,  and a  declaratory
judgment  concerning  the  insurers'  obligations  under the  shared  insurance.
Although  DII  Industries,  LLC is  also a  defendant  in this  lawsuit,  it has
asserted its own claim to coverage under the shared insurance and is cooperating
with  Harbison-Walker  to secure both companies' rights to the shared insurance.
The  Bankruptcy  Court has  ordered  the  parties  to this  lawsuit to engage in
non-binding mediation. The first mediation session was held on July 26, 2002 and
additional sessions have since taken place and further sessions are scheduled to
take place,  provided the Bankruptcy  Court's mediation order remains in effect,
in November 2002. Given the early stages of these negotiations,  DII Industries,
LLC cannot  predict  whether a negotiated  resolution of this dispute will occur
or, if such a resolution does occur, the precise terms of such a resolution.
         Prior  to the  Harbison-Walker  bankruptcy,  on  August  7,  2001,  DII
Industries,  LLC filed a lawsuit in Dallas  County,  Texas,  against a number of
these insurance companies asserting DII Industries, LLC rights under an existing
coverage-in-place  agreement  and under  insurance  policies  not yet subject to
coverage-in-place   agreements.  The  coverage-in-place   agreements  allow  DII
Industries,  LLC to enter into  settlements for small amounts without  requiring
claimants to produce detailed  documentation  to support their claims,  when DII
Industries,  LLC believes the  settlements  are an effective  claims  management
strategy. DII Industries,  LLC believes that the new documentation  requirements
are  inconsistent  with  the  current   coverage-in-place   agreements  and  are
unenforceable.  The insurance  companies that DII Industries,  LLC has sued have
not refused to pay larger claim settlements  where  documentation is obtained or
where court judgments are entered.  Also, they continue to pay previously agreed
to amounts of defense costs that DII Industries, LLC incurs defending refractory
asbestos claims.
         On May 10, 2002,  the  London-based  insuring  entities  and  companies
removed DII  Industries,  LLC's  Dallas  County State Court Action to the United
States  District Court for the Northern  District of Texas alleging that federal
court  jurisdiction  existed  over  the  case  because  it  is  related  to  the
Harbison-Walker  bankruptcy. DII Industries, LLC has filed an opposition to that
removal  and has asked the  federal  court to remand the case back to the Dallas
County state court.  On June 12, 2002, the  London-based  insuring  entities and
companies  filed  a  motion  to  transfer  the  case  to the  federal  court  in
Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania.  DII Industries,  LLC has filed an opposition to that
motion to transfer.  The federal court in Dallas has yet to rule on any of these
motions.  Regardless  of the  outcome of these  motions,  because of the similar
insurance   coverage  lawsuit  filed  by   Harbison-Walker   in  its  bankruptcy
proceeding,  it is  unlikely  that  DII  Industries,  LLC's  case  will  proceed
independently of the bankruptcy.
         Other DII Industries,  LLC claims  insurance.  DII Industries,  LLC has
substantial  insurance  to  cover  other  non-refractory  asbestos  claims.  Two
coverage-in-place   agreements  cover  DII  Industries,  LLC  for  companies  or
operations  that DII  Industries,  LLC,  either  acquired  or operated  prior to
November  1, 1957.  Asbestos  claims that are  covered by these  agreements  are
currently stayed by the Harbison-Walker  bankruptcy because the majority of this
coverage also applies to refractory  claims and is shared with  Harbison-Walker.
Other insurance  coverage is provided by a number of different policies that DII
Industries, LLC acquired rights to access when it acquired businesses from other
companies. Three coverage-in-place agreements provide reimbursement for asbestos
claims made against DII  Industries,  LLC's former  Worthington  Pump  division.
There is also other  substantial  insurance  coverage  with  approximately  $2.0
billion in aggregate  limits that has not yet been reduced to  coverage-in-place


         On August 28, 2001,  DII  Industries,  LLC filed a lawsuit in the 192nd
Judicial District of the District Court for Dallas County, Texas against certain
London-based  insuring  entities  that issued  insurance  policies  that provide
coverage to DII Industries, LLC for asbestos-related  liabilities arising out of
the historical  operations of Worthington  Corporation or its  successors.  This
lawsuit raises  essentially the same issue as to the documentation  requirements
as the  August 7, 2001  Harbison-Walker  lawsuit  filed in the same  court.  The
London-based insuring entities filed a motion in that case seeking to compel the
parties to binding  arbitration.  The trial  court  denied  that  motion and the
London-based  insuring  entities  appealed that decision to the state  appellate
court.  The state  appellate  courts denied the appeal and, most  recently,  the
London-based insuring entities have removed the case from the state court to the
federal  court.  DII  Industries,  LLC has moved to remand  the case back to the
state court, but that motion has not yet been ruled upon.
         A  significant   portion  of  the  insurance  coverage   applicable  to
Worthington claims is alleged by Federal-Mogul  Products, Inc. to be shared with
it. In 2001,  Federal-Mogul  Products, Inc. and a large number of its affiliated
companies filed a voluntary petition for reorganization  under Chapter 11 of the
Bankruptcy Code in the Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.
         In response to  Federal-Mogul's  allegations,  on December 7, 2001, DII
Industries,  LLC filed a lawsuit in the Delaware  Bankruptcy Court asserting its
rights to insurance coverage under historic general liability policies issued to
Studebaker-Worthington,  Inc. and its successor for asbestos-related liabilities
arising from, among other operations, Worthington's and its successors' historic
operations.  This  lawsuit  also seeks a  judicial  declaration  concerning  the
competing  rights of DII  Industries,  LLC and  Federal-Mogul,  if any,  to this
insurance  coverage.  DII  Industries,  LLC  recently  filed  a  second  amended
complaint  in that  lawsuit  and the  parties are now  beginning  the  discovery
         At the same time,  DII  Industries,  LLC filed its  insurance  coverage
action in the Federal-Mogul bankruptcy,  DII Industries, LLC also filed a second
lawsuit in which it has filed a motion for preliminary injunction seeking a stay
of all Worthington  asbestos-related  lawsuits against DII Industries,  LLC that
are  scheduled  for trial  within  the six  months  following  the filing of the
motion.  The stay that DII Industries,  LLC seeks,  if granted,  would remain in
place until the competing rights of DII Industries, LLC and Federal-Mogul to the
allegedly shared insurance are resolved. The Court has yet to schedule a hearing
on DII Industries, LLC motion for preliminary injunction.
         A number of insurers  who have agreed to  coverage-in-place  agreements
with DII  Industries,  LLC have suspended  payment under the shared  Worthington
policies until the Federal-Mogul Bankruptcy Court resolves the insurance issues.
Consequently,  the effect of the  Federal-Mogul  bankruptcy  on DII  Industries,
LLC's rights to access this shared insurance is uncertain.
         Construction claims insurance.  Nearly all of our construction asbestos
claims relate to Brown & Root,  Inc.  operations  before the 1980s.  Our primary
insurance  coverage for these claims was written by Highlands  Insurance Company
during the time it was one of our  subsidiaries.  Highlands  was spun-off to our
shareholders in 1996. On April 5, 2000,  Highlands filed a lawsuit against us in
the Delaware Chancery Court.  Highlands asserted that the insurance it wrote for
Brown & Root, Inc. that covered  construction  asbestos claims was terminated by
agreements  between  Halliburton and Highlands at the time of the 1996 spin-off.
In March 2001,  the Chancery  Court ruled that a termination  did occur and that
Highlands  was not  obligated  to  provide  coverage  for  Brown & Root,  Inc.'s
asbestos  claims.  This  decision was affirmed by the Delaware  Supreme Court on
March 13, 2002.  As a result of this  ruling,  we  wrote-off  approximately  $35
million in accounts receivable for amounts paid for claims and defense costs and
$45 million of accrued receivables in relation to estimated insurance recoveries
claims  settlements  from  Highlands in the first quarter 2002. In addition,  we
dismissed  the April 24,  2000  lawsuit  we filed  against  Highlands  in Harris
County, Texas.
         As noted in our 2001 Form  10-K,  the  amount of the  billed  insurance
receivable   related  to  Highlands   Insurance  Company  included  in  accounts
receivable was $35 million.
         As a consequence  of the Delaware  Supreme  Court's  decision,  Kellogg
Brown & Root no  longer  has  primary  insurance  coverage  from  Highlands  for
asbestos claims. However,  Kellogg Brown & Root has significant excess insurance
coverage.  The amount of this  excess  coverage  that will  reimburse  us for an


asbestos claim depends on a variety of factors. On March 20, 2002, Kellogg Brown
& Root filed a lawsuit in the 172nd  Judicial  District of the District Court of
Jefferson County,  Texas,  against Kellogg Brown & Root's historic insurers that
issued these excess  insurance  policies.  In the lawsuit,  Kellogg Brown & Root
seeks to establish the specific terms under which it can seek  reimbursement for
costs it incurs in settling  and  defending  asbestos  claims from its  historic
construction operations. Until this lawsuit is resolved, the scope of the excess
insurance  will  remain  uncertain.  We do not expect the excess  insurers  will
reimburse us for asbestos claims until this lawsuit is resolved.
         Significant  asbestos  judgments  on appeal.  During  2001,  there were
several adverse  judgments in trial court proceedings that are in various stages
of the appeal process.  All of these judgments concern asbestos claims involving
Harbison-Walker  refractory products.  Each of these appeals,  however, has been
stayed by the Bankruptcy Court in the Harbison-Walker Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
         On  November  29,  2001,  the Texas  District  Court in Orange,  Texas,
entered  judgments  against DII  Industries,  LLC on a $65 million  jury verdict
rendered in September 2001 in favor of five  plaintiffs.  The $65 million amount
includes $15 million of a $30 million judgment  against DII Industries,  LLC and
another defendant.  DII Industries,  LLC is jointly and severally liable for $15
million in addition to $65 million if the other defendant does not pay its share
of this judgment.  We believe that during the trial the court committed numerous
errors, including prohibiting DII Industries,  LLC from presenting evidence that
the alleged  illness of the plaintiffs was caused by products of other companies
that had  previously  settled  with the  plaintiffs.  We intend  to appeal  this
judgment and believe that the Texas  appellate  courts will  ultimately  reverse
this judgment.
         On November 29, 2001, the same District Court in Orange, Texas, entered
three additional  judgments against DII Industries,  LLC in the aggregate amount
of $35.7  million in favor of 100 other  asbestos  plaintiffs.  These  judgments
relate to an alleged breach of purported  settlement  agreements signed early in
2001 by a New Orleans lawyer hired by Harbison-Walker,  which had been defending
DII  Industries,  LLC  pursuant to the  agreement by which  Harbison-Walker  was
spun-off  by DII  Industries,  LLC in July  1992.  These  settlement  agreements
expressly bind Harbison-Walker  Refractories Company as the obligated party, not
DII Industries, LLC. DII Industries, LLC intends to appeal these three judgments
on the grounds that it was not a party to the  settlement  agreements and it did
not authorize  anyone to settle on its behalf.  We believe that these  judgments
are contrary to applicable law and will be reversed.
         On December 5, 2001, a jury in the Circuit  Court for  Baltimore  City,
Maryland,  returned  verdicts  against DII Industries,  LLC and other defendants
following  a trial  involving  refractory  asbestos  claims.  Each  of the  five
plaintiffs alleges exposure to  Harbison-Walker  products.  DII Industries,  LLC
portion of the  verdicts was  approximately  $30 million.  DII  Industries,  LLC
believes  that the trial  court  committed  numerous  errors  and that the trial
evidence did not support the verdicts.  The trial court has entered  judgment on
these  verdicts.  DII  Industries,  LLC  intends to appeal the  judgment  to the
Maryland  Supreme  Court  where we expect  the  judgment  will be  significantly
reduced, if not totally reversed.
         On  October  25,  2001,  in  the  Circuit   Court  of  Holmes   County,
Mississippi,  a jury  verdict  of $150  million  was  rendered  in  favor of six
plaintiffs against DII Industries,  LLC and two other companies. DII Industries,
LLC share of the  verdict  was  $21.3  million.  The award was for  compensatory
damages.  The jury did not  award any  punitive  damages.  The  trial  court has
entered judgment on the verdict. We believe there were serious errors during the
trial and we intend to appeal this judgment to the Mississippi Supreme Court. We
believe the judgment will ultimately be reversed  because there was a total lack
of evidence that the  plaintiffs  were exposed to a  Harbison-Walker  product or
that they suffered compensatory  damages.  Also, there were procedural errors in
the selection of the jury.
         Asbestos claims history.  Since 1976,  approximately  546,000  asbestos
claims have been filed  against us. Almost all of these claims have been made in
separate  lawsuits in which we are named as a  defendant  along with a number of
other defendants, often exceeding 100 unaffiliated defendant companies in total.
During the third  quarter of 2002, we received  approximately  21,000 new claims
and we closed  approximately  5,000  claims.  The number of open claims  pending
against us is as follows:


                               Total Open
       Period Ending             Claims
September 30, 2002               328,000
June 30, 2002                    312,000
March 31, 2002                   292,000
December 31, 2001                274,000
September 30, 2001               146,000
June 30, 2001                    145,000
March 31, 2001                   129,000
December 31, 2000                117,000

         The claims include approximately 142,000 at September 30, 2002, 139,000
at June 30, 2002,  133,000 at March 31, 2002 and 125,000 at December 31, 2001 of
post  spin-off   Harbison-Walker   refractory   related  claims  that  name  DII
Industries,  LLC as a  defendant.  All such claims have been  factored  into the
calculation of our asbestos liability.
         We manage  asbestos  claims to achieve  settlements of valid claims for
reasonable  amounts.  When  reasonable  settlement is not  possible,  we contest
claims in court. Since 1976, we have closed approximately 218,000 claims through
settlements and court proceedings at a total cost of approximately $189 million.
We have  received or expect to receive from our  insurers all but  approximately
$82 million of this cost,  resulting  in an average net cost per closed claim of
about $376.
         Asbestos  study and the  valuation  of  unresolved  current  and future
asbestos claims, and related insurance receivables. DII Industries, LLC retained
Dr. Francine F. Rabinovitz of Hamilton, Rabinovitz & Alschuler, Inc. to estimate
the probable number and value,  including  defense costs, of unresolved  current
and  future   asbestos-related   bodily  injury  claims  asserted   against  DII
Industries,  LLC and its subsidiaries.  Dr. Rabinovitz is a nationally  renowned
expert  in  conducting  such  analyses,   has  been  involved  in  a  number  of
asbestos-related  and other toxic tort-related  valuations of current and future
liabilities,  has  served  as the  expert  for  two  representatives  of  future
claimants  in  asbestos   related   bankruptcies   and  has  had  her  valuation
methodologies accepted by numerous courts.  Further, the methodology utilized by
Dr.  Rabinovitz  is the same  methodology  that is utilized by the expert who is
routinely  retained by the  asbestos  claimants  committee  in  asbestos-related
bankruptcies.  Dr.  Rabinovitz  estimated  the  probable  number  and  value  of
unresolved  current and future  asbestos-related  bodily injury claims  asserted
against DII Industries, LLC and its subsidiaries over a 50 year period, although
Dr.  Rabinovitz  also indicated that the bases for estimation in the later years
were less certain.
         In light of the uncertainties  inherent in making long-term projections
and as  indicated  in  Dr.  Rabinovitz's  analysis,  although  Dr.  Rabinovitz's
analysis covers 50 years, we do not believe that we have a reasonable  basis for
estimating asbestos claims,  defense costs or probable insurance recoveries past
2017 under  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standard No. 5  "Accounting  for
         The methodology  utilized by Dr.  Rabinovitz to project DII Industries,
LLC's and its  subsidiaries'  asbestos-related  liabilities  and  defense  costs
relied upon and included:
         -    an  analysis  of DII  Industries,  LLC's,  Kellogg,  Brown & Root,
              Inc.'s  and  Harbison-Walker   Refractories  Company's  historical
              asbestos   settlements   and  defense  costs  to  develop  average
              settlement   values  and  average   defense   costs  for  specific
              asbestos-related  diseases and for the specific business operation
              or entity allegedly responsible for the asbestos-related diseases;
         -    an  analysis  of DII  Industries,  LLC's,  Kellogg,  Brown & Root,
              Inc.'s  and   Harbison-Walker   Refractories   Company's   pending
              inventory of asbestos-related claims by specific  asbestos-related
              diseases  and  by  the  specific  business   operation  or  entity
              allegedly responsible for the asbestos-related disease;
         -    an analysis  of the claims  filing  history  for  asbestos-related
              claims against DII Industries,  LLC,  Kellogg,  Brown & Root, Inc.
              and  Harbison-Walker  Refractories  Company  since January 1, 2000
              (and    alternatively    since    January    1997)   by   specific
              asbestos-related  disease  and by  business  operation  or  entity
              allegedly responsible for the asbestos-related disease;


         -    an analysis of the population likely to have been exposed or claim
              exposure to products  manufactured  by DII  Industries,  LLC,  its
              predecessors and  Harbison-Walker  or to Brown & Root construction
              and renovation projects; and
         -    epidemiological studies to estimate the number of people who might
              allege  exposure to products  manufactured  by DII Industries LLC,
              its   predecessors  and   Harbison-Walker   or  to  Brown  &  Root
              construction  and  renovation  projects  that  would be  likely to
              develop asbestos-related diseases.
         Dr. Rabinovitz's estimates are based on historical data supplied by DII
Industries,  LLC, Kellogg,  Brown & Root, Inc. and  Harbison-Walker and publicly
available studies, including annual surveys by the National Institutes of Health
concerning  the  incidence  of  mesothelioma  deaths.  In  her  estimates,   Dr.
Rabinovitz  relied on the source data  provided by our  management;  she did not
independently  verify the  accuracy of the source  data.  In her  analysis,  Dr.
Rabinovitz  projected that the elevated and historically  unprecedented  rate of
claim filings of the last several years, especially as expressed by the ratio of
nonmalignant  claim filings to malignant claim filings,  would continue into the
future for 5 more years. After that, Dr. Rabinovitz  projected that the ratio of
nonmalignant  claim filings to malignant  claim filings will gradually  decrease
for a 10 year period  ultimately  returning to the historical  claiming rate and
claiming ratio. In making her calculation Dr. Rabinovitz  alternately  assumed a
somewhat lower rate of claim filings, based on an average of the last five years
of claims experience, would continue into the future for five more years, but we
used  the  two-year  period  in  establishing  reserves  for  our  probable  and
reasonably  estimable  liabilities  and defense  costs as we determined it to be
more appropriate and was also the more conservative approach.
         Other important  assumptions  utilized in Dr.  Rabinovitz's  estimates,
which we relied upon in making our accrual are:
         -    an assumption that there will be no legislative or other  systemic
              changes to the tort system;
         -    that  the  Company  will  continue  to aggressively defend against
              asbestos claims made against the Company; and
         -    an inflation rate  of 3% annually for  settlement  payments and an
              inflation rate of 4% annually for defense costs.
         Based upon her analysis, Dr. Rabinovitz estimated DII Industries, LLC's
total, undiscounted asbestos liabilities, including defense costs. Through 2017,
the period  during  which we believe we have a reasonable  basis for  estimating
under  SFAS No.  5, Dr.  Rabinovitz  estimated  the  current  and  future  total
undiscounted  liability for asbestos  claims,  including  defense costs would be
$2.2 billion  (which  includes  payments  related to the  approximately  328,000
claims currently  pending).  Based on that estimate,  we accrued asbestos claims
liability and defense costs for both known  outstanding  and future  refractory,
other DII Industries, LLC, and construction asbestos claims through 2017 of $2.2
billion.  Using Dr. Rabinovitz's  projections,  we then conducted an analysis to
determine  the amount of  insurance  that we estimate  is probable  that we will
recover in relation to the  projected  claims and defense costs through 2017. In
conducting this analysis, we:
         -    reviewed DII Industries,  LLC's historical course of dealings with
              its insurance companies concerning the payment of asbestos-related
              claims,  including DII  Industries,  LLC's over 15 year litigation
              and settlement history;
         -    reviewed  the  terms of DII  Industries, LLC's  prior and  current
              coverage-in-place settlement agreements;
         -    reviewed the status of DII Industries, LLC's and  Kellogg, Brown &
              Root, Inc.'s  current insurance-related  lawsuits  and the various
              legal  positions of  the parties in those  lawsuits in relation to
              the developed  and developing  case law and the historic positions
              taken by insurers in the earlier filed and settled lawsuits;
         -    engaged in discussions with our counsel; and
         -    analyzed publicly-available  information concerning the ability of
              the DII  Industries,  LLC's  insurers  to meet  their  obligations
              through 2017.


         Based on that  review,  analyses  and  discussions,  we made  judgments
concerning insurance coverage that we believe are reasonable and consistent with
our historical course of dealings with our insurers and the relevant case law to
determine the probable insurance  recoveries for DII Industries,  LLC's asbestos
liabilities  through  2017.  This analysis  factored in the probable  effects of
self-insurance  features,  such as self-insured  retentions,  policy exclusions,
liability caps and current insolvencies of DII Industries,  LLC's insurers,  and
various  judicial  determinations  relevant to DII  Industries,  LLC's insurance
programs.  Based  on our  analysis  of the  probable  insurance  recoveries,  we
recorded  receivables  for the  insurance  recoveries  that are deemed  probable
through 2017 of $1.6 billion.
         The  reserve of $2.2  billion for  probable  and  reasonably  estimable
liabilities  for  current  and future  asbestos  claims and the $1.6  billion in
insurance  receivables are included in noncurrent  assets and liabilities due to
the extended time periods  involved to settle  claims.  In the second quarter of
2002, we recorded a pretax charge of $483 million.  Of this pretax charge,  $330
million, $268 million after-tax, was recorded for claims related to Brown & Root
construction and renovation  projects and was recorded under the Engineering and
Construction Group segment. The balance of $153 million, $123 million after-tax,
related  to claims  associated  with  businesses  no longer  owned by us and was
recorded as discontinued operations.  The low effective tax rate on the asbestos
charge is due to the  recording  of a  valuation  allowance  against  the United
States federal  deferred tax asset  associated  with the accrual as the deferred
tax  asset  may  not be  fully  realizable  based  upon  future  taxable  income
         The total estimated claims through 2017,  including the 328,000 current
open claims,  are approximately one million. A summary of our reserves for these
claims and corresponding insurance recoveries is as follows:

                                                                          September 30, 2002
                                                                 Three Months           Nine Months
Millions of dollars                                                 Ended                  Ended
Gross asbestos litigation claims - beginning balance              $ 2,196                $    737
     Accrued reserves                                                   -                   1,542
     Payments on claims                                               (23)                   (106)
Gross asbestos litigation claims - ending balance                 $ 2,173                $  2,173

Estimated insurance recoveries:
     Highlands Insurance Company - beginning balance              $     -                $    (45)
         Write-off of receivable                                        -                      45
     Highlands Insurance Company - ending balance                       -                       -

     Other insurance carriers - beginning balance                 $(1,594)               $   (567)
         Accrued insurance recoveries                                   -                  (1,051)
         Insurance billings                                             6                      30
     Other insurance carriers - ending balance                    $(1,588)               $ (1,588)
Total estimated insurance recoveries                              $(1,588)               $ (1,588)
Net liability for known asbestos claims                           $   585                $    585

         Accounts  receivable  for billings to insurance  companies for payments
made on asbestos  claims were $35 million at September 30, 2002, and $18 million
at December 31, 200l,  excluding $35 million in accounts  receivable written off
at the conclusion of the Highlands litigation.
         The  insurance  recoveries  we have recorded do not assume any recovery
from insolvent  insurers or from any state  insurance  guaranty  association and
assume that all but one of our insurance  companies  that are currently  solvent
will remain solvent through 2017. However, there can be no assurances that these
assumptions  will be  correct.  The  insurance  receivables  do not  exhaust DII
Industries,  LLC's insurance  coverage for  asbestos-related  liabilities and we
believe that DII Industries, LLC has significant insurance coverage available to
it for asbestos-related liabilities that it may incur after 2017.
         Projecting  future events is subject to many  uncertainties  that could
cause the asbestos-related  liabilities and insurance recoveries to be higher or
lower than those projected and booked such as:


         -    the number of future asbestos-related lawsuits to be filed against
              DII Industries, LLC and Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc.;
         -    the average cost to resolve such future lawsuits;
         -    coverage  issues  among  layers  of   insurers  issuing  different
              policies to  different  policyholders  over  extended  periods  of
         -    the impact on the amount of insurance recoverable  in light of the
              Harbison-Walker and Federal-Mogul bankruptcies; and
         -    the continuing solvency of various insurance companies.
         Given the inherent uncertainty in making future projections, we plan to
have the  projections  periodically  reexamined,  and  update  them based on our
experience and other relevant factors such as changes in the tort system and the
resolution of the bankruptcies of various  asbestos  defendants.  Similarly,  we
will re-evaluate our projections concerning our probable insurance recoveries in
light  of any  updates  to Dr.  Rabinovitz's  projections,  developments  in DII
Industries, LLC's and Kellogg, Brown & Root, Inc.'s various lawsuits against its
insurance  companies  and  other  developments  that  may  impact  the  probable
insurance recoveries.
         Global  settlement  negotiations.  DII  Industries,  LLC is  continuing
settlement negotiations with the law firms that represent a substantial majority
of plaintiffs  that have  asserted  Harbison-Walker-related  claims  against DII
Industries,    LLC.    These    negotiations    have   not   been   limited   to
Harbison-Walker-related  claims.  Rather, DII Industries,  LLC is exploring with
these law firms the  possibility  of resolving,  on a global  basis,  all of the
refractory asbestos claims, all of the other DII Industries, LLC asbestos claims
(including  claims  related  to  historic  DII  Industries,   LLC  manufacturing
operations   and   Worthington   Corporation)   and  all  of  the   construction
asbestos-related  claims,  including all future  asbestos-related  claims. These
broader negotiations involve difficult and complex issues. At this time there is
no  assurance  that DII  Industries,  LLC  will be able to  reach an  acceptable
         Securities  and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  Preliminary  Inquiry and
Fortune 500 Review.  In late May 2002,  we received a letter from the Fort Worth
District  Office of the Securities and Exchange  Commission  stating that it was
initiating a preliminary  inquiry into certain of our accounting  practices.  On
June 11, 2002, we received an additional letter requesting information regarding
our  accounting  for cost overruns on  construction  projects and requesting our
voluntary assistance. We responded to that request promptly and met with members
of the SEC staff to discuss  our  response.  We  received a further  request for
voluntary assistance on July 11, 2002, which requested  additional  explanations
and supporting documentation.  Since then, we have communicated and corresponded
regularly  with  the SEC and,  to  date,  have  produced  approximately  200,000
documents  to the SEC. We continue to fully  cooperate  and  actively  engage in
assisting in the SEC's review.
         The SEC's  preliminary  inquiry  largely  relates  to our  accruals  of
revenue from  unapproved  claims on engineering and  construction  contracts and
whether we timely  disclosed  our  accrual  practice.  Accrual  of revenue  from
unapproved  claims is an accepted and widely  followed  accounting  practice for
companies in the  engineering  and  construction  business.  Although we accrued
unapproved  claims in 1998,  we first  disclosed the accruals in our 1999 Annual
Report on Form 10-K. We believe we properly applied the required  methodology of
the American  Institute of Certified Public  Accountants'  Statement of Position
81-1,   "Accounting   for   Performance   of   Construction-Type   and   Certain
Production-Type  Contracts,"  and satisfied  the relevant  criteria for accruing
this revenue. The SEC may conclude otherwise.
         On  December  21,  2001,  the SEC's  Division  of  Corporation  Finance
announced  that it would review the annual  reports of all Fortune 500 companies
that file  periodic  reports  with the SEC.  We received  the SEC's  comments in
letter form dated September 20, 2002 and have since responded.  We are confident
that our responses adequately addressed each of the SEC's comments.
         Securities  and related  litigation.  On June 3, 2002,  a class  action
lawsuit  was  filed  against  us in the  United  States  District  Court for the
Northern  District of Texas on behalf of purchasers of our common stock alleging
violations of the federal securities laws. After that date, in excess of fifteen
similar class  actions were filed  against us in that or other federal  district
courts. Several  of those lawsuits also named as defendants Arthur Andersen, LLP


("Arthur Andersen"),  our independent  accountants for the period covered by the
lawsuit,  and several of our present or former  officers  and  directors.  Those
lawsuits allege that we violated federal  securities laws in failing to disclose
a  change  in the  manner  in  which  we  accounted  for  unapproved  claims  on
engineering  and  construction  contracts,  and that we  overstated  revenue  by
accruing  the  unapproved  claims.  One such  action  has since  been  dismissed
voluntarily, without prejudice, upon motion by the filing plaintiff. The federal
securities  fraud class actions have all been  transferred to the U.S.  District
Court  for the  Northern  District  of  Texas  and are in the  process  of being
consolidated before the Honorable Judge David Godbey.
         Another case,  also filed in the United States  District  Court for the
Northern  District of Texas on behalf of three  individuals,  and based upon the
same revenue recognition  practices and accounting treatment that is the subject
of the securities class actions,  alleges only common law and statutory fraud in
violation  of Texas  state law.  We moved to dismiss  that action on October 24,
2002 as required by the court's scheduling order on the bases of lack of federal
subject  matter   jurisdiction   and  failure  to  plead  with  that  degree  of
particularity required by the rules of procedure.
         In addition to the  securities  class  actions,  one  additional  class
action,  alleging  violations of ERISA in connection with the Company's Benefits
Committee's  purchase of the Company's stock for the accounts of participants in
our 401 (k)  retirement  plan during the period we allegedly knew or should have
known that our revenue was  overstated  as a result of the accrual of revenue in
connection  with  unapproved  claims,  was  filed and  subsequently  voluntarily
         Finally,  on October 11, 2002, a shareholder  derivative action against
present and former  directors  and our former CFO was filed  alleging  breach of
fiduciary  duty  and  corporate  waste  arising  out  of  the  same  events  and
circumstances  upon which the securities class actions are based. We believe the
action is without merit and we intend to aggressively contest it.
         The damages in all of these cases are unspecified.  We believe that our
actions in accruing  revenue for  unresolved  construction  contract  claims and
related  disclosures were appropriate,  and that the various lawsuits  described
above  should  be  resolved  in our  favor.  Therefore,  we  intend  to deny any
wrongdoing and to vigorously  defend against these  lawsuits.  However,  at this
point all of these lawsuits are in a very  preliminary  stage,  we have not been
called upon to file responsive pleadings or, except as specifically noted above,
dispositive motions,  and discovery has not commenced.  Although we believe that
our position  ultimately will be vindicated,  it is not possible to estimate the
amount  of loss or range  of  possible  loss  that  might  result  from  adverse
judgments or settlements of these matters.
         BJ Services  Company  patent  litigation.  On April 12, 2002, a federal
court jury in Houston,  Texas,  returned a verdict  against  Halliburton  Energy
Services,  Inc.  in the  patent  infringement  lawsuit  brought  by BJ  Services
Company,  or BJ. The lawsuit alleged that a well fracturing fluid system used by
Halliburton  Energy Services infringed a patent issued to BJ in January 2000 for
a method of well fracturing using a specific  fracturing fluid. The jury awarded
BJ approximately $98 million in damages, plus pre-judgment  interest,  less than
one-quarter of BJ's claim at the beginning of the trial. A total of $102 million
was accrued in the first quarter which was comprised of the $98 million judgment
and $4 million in pre-judgment  interest  costs.  The jury also found that there
was no intentional  infringement by Halliburton Energy Services.  As a result of
the jury's determination of infringement, the court has enjoined us from further
use of our Phoenix  fracturing  fluid. We have posted a supersedeas  bond in the
amount of approximately $106 million to cover the damage award, pre-judgment and
post-judgment  interest,  and  awardable  costs.  We have timely  appealed  this
verdict  and filed our brief in the Court of Appeals  for the  Federal  Circuit,
which hears all appeals of patent cases.  We believe that BJ's patent is invalid
and  unenforceable on a number of grounds,  and intend to pursue  vigorously our
appeal. We have alternative products to use in our fracturing operations, and do
not  expect  the  loss  of the use of the  Phoenix  fracturing  fluid  to have a
material adverse impact on our overall energy services business.
         Improper payments  reported to the Securities and Exchange  Commission.
We have  reported to the SEC that one of our foreign  subsidiaries  operating in
Nigeria made improper payments of approximately  $2.4 million to an entity owned
by a Nigerian  national who held himself out as a tax consultant when in fact he


was an  employee  of a local tax  authority.  The  payments  were made to obtain
favorable tax treatment  and clearly  violated our Code of Business  Conduct and
our internal control procedures. The payments were discovered during an audit of
the foreign subsidiary.  We have conducted an investigation  assisted by outside
legal counsel.  Based on the findings of the  investigation  we have  terminated
several employees. None of our senior officers were involved. We are cooperating
with the SEC in its  review of the  matter.  We plan to take  further  action to
ensure that our foreign subsidiary pays all taxes owed in Nigeria,  which may be
as much as an additional $3 million,  which amount was fully accrued as of March
31, 2002. The integrity of our Code of Business Conduct and our internal control
procedures are essential to the way we conduct business.
         Environmental.  We are  subject  to  numerous  environmental, legal and
regulatory  requirements  related  to our  operations  worldwide.  In the United
States,  these laws and  regulations  include  the  Comprehensive  Environmental
Response,  Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA),  the Resources  Conservation
and Recovery Act (RCRA),  the Clean Air Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act and the Toxic  Substances  Control  Act,  among  others.  In addition to the
federal laws and  regulations,  states where we do business may have  equivalent
laws and regulations  by which we must also abide.  We  take an active  approach
evaluating  and  addressing  the  environmental  impact  of our  operations.  We
assess  and  remediate   contaminated   properties  in  order  to  avoid  future
liabilities and comply with legal and regulatory  requirements.  On occasion, we
are involved in specific  environmental  litigation  and claims,  including  the
clean-up  of  properties  we own or have  operated as well as efforts to meet or
correct compliance-related matters.
         We do not expect costs related to these requirements to have a material
adverse  effect  on  our  consolidated  financial  position  or our  results  of
operations.  Our accrued liabilities for environmental  matters were $50 million
as of September  30, 2002 and $49 million as of December  31, 2001.  The reserve
covers numerous properties and no individual property accounts for more than 10%
of the  current  reserve  balance.  In certain  instances,  we have been named a
potentially  responsible  party  by a  regulatory  agency,  but in each of those
cases, we do not believe we have any material liability.
         Letters of credit. In the normal course of business, we have agreements
with banks under which  approximately  $1.4 billion of letters of credit or bank
guarantees  have been issued,  including  $218 million which relate to our joint
ventures'  operations.  Subsequent to quarter end, we amended an agreement  with
banks  under  which $260  million of letters  of credit  have been  issued.  The
amended  agreement  removes the provision that  previously  allowed the banks to
require  collateralization  if ratings of Halliburton debt fell below investment
grade ratings.  The revised  agreements  include  provisions  that require us to
maintain  certain  ratios of debt (the  definition of debt includes our asbestos
liability)  to total  capital  and of total  earnings  before  interest,  taxes,
depreciation and amortization to interest expense.
         If our  debt  ratings  fall  below  investment  grade,  we  would be in
technical breach of a bank agreement covering another $176 million of letters of
credit at September 30, 2002, which might entitle the bank to set-off rights. In
addition,  a $151 million  letter of credit line, of which $103 million has been
issued,   includes   provisions   that   allow   the   bank  to   require   cash
collateralization for the full line if debt ratings of either rating agency fall
below the  rating of BBB by  Standard  & Poor's  or Baa2 by  Moody's  Investors'
Services.  These letters of credit and bank guarantees  generally  relate to our
guaranteed  performance or retention payments under our long-term  contracts and
         In the past, no  significant  claims have been made against  letters of
credit we have issued. We do not anticipate material losses to occur as a result
of these financial instruments.
         Liquidated  damages.  Most of our contracts have certain  milestone due
dates that must be met or we may be subject to penalties for liquidated  damages
if claims are asserted and we were  responsible for the delays.  These generally
relate to  delivery of  parts to  a project  or  specified  activities within  a
project by a set contractual  date, and many times are linked to a certain level
of output or  throughput  of a plant we  construct.  Each  contract  defines the
conditions  under which a customer may make a claim for liquidated  damages.  In
most  instances,  liquidated  damages are never asserted by the customer but the
potential to do so is used in  negotiating  claims and closing out the contract.
We have not accrued a liability  for $288 million at September  30, 2002 and $97
million  at  December  31,  2001 of  possible  liquidated  damages as we believe


payment is remote.  We believe  we have  valid  claims for  schedule  extensions
against the  customers  which  would  eliminate  any  liability  for  liquidated
damages. Of the total liquidated damages, $260 million at September 30, 2002 and
$77 million at December 31, 2001 relate to unasserted liquidated damages for the
Barracuda-Caratinga  project.  The  estimated  schedule  impact of change orders
requested  by the  customer is expected to cover  approximately  one-half of the
$260 million  exposure at September  30, 2002 and claims for schedule  extension
are expected to cover the remaining exposure.
         Other.  We are a party to various other legal  proceedings.  We expense
the cost of legal fees related to these proceedings.  We believe any liabilities
we  may  have  arising  from  these  proceedings  will  not be  material  to our
consolidated financial position or results of operations.

Note 9.  Income (loss) Per Share

                                                             Three Months                     Nine Months
                                                          Ended September 30              Ended September 30
Millions of dollars and shares except                 ----------------------------    ----------------------------
per share data                                            2002           2001             2002          2001
Income (loss) from continuing operations before
     change in accounting method, net                  $     94       $    181         $   (214)     $    410
Basic weighted average shares                               432            428              432           427
Effect of common stock equivalents                            2              1                -             3
Diluted weighted average shares                             434            429              432           430

Income (loss) per common share from continuing
     operations before change in
     accounting method, net:
Basic                                                  $   0.22      $    0.42         $  (0.49)     $   0.96
Diluted                                                $   0.22      $    0.42         $  (0.49)     $   0.95

         Basic income (loss) per share is based on the weighted  average  number
of common shares outstanding during the period.  Diluted income (loss) per share
includes  additional common shares that would have been outstanding if potential
common shares with a dilutive effect had been issued.  For the nine months ended
September  30,  2002,  we have used the  basic  weighted  average  shares in the
calculation as the effect of the common stock equivalents would be anti-dilutive
based upon the net loss from continuing operations.  Included in the computation
of  diluted  income  per share at  September  30,  2001 are  rights we issued in
connection with the PES acquisition for 0.7 million shares of Halliburton common
stock.  Excluded from the computation of diluted income per share are options to
purchase 17.1 million shares of common stock which were  outstanding  during the
three months ended  September 30, 2002,  options to purchase 10.6 million shares
which were  outstanding  during the three  months ended  September  30, 2001 and
options to purchase 8.1 million  shares which were  outstanding  during the nine
months ended  September  30, 2001.  These  options were  outstanding  during the
applicable  period,  but were  excluded  because the option  exercise  price was
greater than the average market price of the common shares.

Note 10.  Comprehensive Income (loss)
         The components of other comprehensive  income adjustments to net income
(loss)  include the  cumulative  translation  adjustment  of some of our foreign
entities,   minimum  pension  liability  adjustments  and  unrealized  gains  on
investments and derivatives.


                                                              Three Months                     Nine Months
                                                           Ended September 30              Ended September 30
                                                      ----------------------------    ----------------------------
Millions of dollars                                       2002           2001             2002          2001
Net income (loss)                                       $     94       $    179         $   (382)     $    670
Cumulative translation adjustment                              9             20               44           (26)
Realization of losses included in net income                  15              -               15           102
Net cumulative translation adjustment                         24             20               59            76
Adjustment to minimum pension liability                        -              -                -            12
Unrealized gains (losses) on investments
   and derivatives                                            (2)            (2)              (2)            -
Total comprehensive income (loss)                       $    116       $    197         $   (325)     $    758

         Accumulated  other  comprehensive  income  at  September  30,  2002 and
December 31, 2001 consisted of the following:

                                                             September 30         December 31
                                                            ---------------     ---------------
    Millions of dollars                                          2002                2001
    Cumulative translation adjustment                          $   (146)           $   (205)
    Pension liability adjustments                                   (27)                (27)
    Unrealized losses on investments and derivatives                 (6)                 (4)
    Total accumulated other comprehensive income               $   (179)           $   (236)

Note 11.  Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
         Effective  January  1,  2002,  we  adopted  the  Financial   Accounting
Standards  Board SFAS No. 142 "Goodwill  and Other  Intangible  Assets",  and in
accordance with the statement,  amortization of goodwill has been  discontinued.
We have reviewed this new statement and determined  that our reporting  units as
defined  under  SFAS  No.  142  will  be the  same as our  reportable  operating
segments:  Energy Services Group and Engineering and Construction Group. We have
completed the impairment  tests of goodwill as of January 1, 2002 and determined
that our goodwill for each reporting unit is not impaired.  We also  reevaluated
our  intangible  assets and  determined  that  their  remaining  useful  life is
         Had we been  accounting  for our  goodwill  under  SFAS No. 142 for all
periods  presented,  our net income  (loss) and earnings  (loss) per share would
have been as follows:

                                               Three Months                 Nine Months
                                             Ended September 30          Ended September 30
                                          -------------------------    ------------------------
Millions of dollars                          2002         2001            2002        2001
Reported net income (loss)                 $     94    $   179          $  (382)    $   670
Goodwill amortization, net of tax                 -          7                -          26
Adjusted net income (loss)                 $     94    $   186          $  (382)    $   696

Basic earnings (loss) per share:
    Reported net income (loss)             $    0.22   $  0.42          $ (0.88)    $  1.57
    Goodwill amortization, net of tax              -      0.02                -        0.06
    Adjusted net income (loss)             $    0.22   $  0.44          $ (0.88)    $  1.63

Diluted earnings (loss) per share:
    Reported net income (loss)             $    0.22   $  0.42          $ (0.88)    $  1.56
    Goodwill amortization, net of tax              -      0.02                -        0.06
    Adjusted net income (loss)             $    0.22   $  0.44          $ (0.88)    $  1.62


Note 12.  Accounts Receivable
         Our receivables are generally not collateralized.
         On April 15,  2002,  we  entered  into an  agreement  to sell  accounts
receivable to a bankruptcy-remote  limited-purpose funding subsidiary. Under the
terms of the agreement,  new receivables are added on a continuous  basis to the
pool of receivables, and collections reduce previously sold accounts receivable.
This funding  subsidiary sells an undivided  ownership  interest in this pool of
receivables to entities  managed by unaffiliated  financial  institutions  under
another agreement. Sales to the funding subsidiary have been structured as "true
sales"  under  applicable  bankruptcy  laws,  and  the  assets  of  the  funding
subsidiary  are not  available  to pay any  creditors of  Halliburton  or of its
subsidiaries  or  affiliates,   until  such  time  as  the  agreement  with  the
unaffiliated   companies  is  terminated  following  sufficient  collections  to
liquidate all outstanding undivided ownership interests.  The funding subsidiary
retains  the  interest  in the  pool of  receivables  that  are not  sold to the
unaffiliated companies,  and is fully consolidated and reported in our financial
         The amount of undivided interests, which can be sold under the program,
varies based on the amount of eligible Energy Services Group  receivables in the
pool at any given time and other factors.  As of June 30, 2002 and September 30,
2002,  the  funding  subsidiary  had  sold a $200  million  undivided  ownership
interest  to the  unaffiliated  companies,  and  may  from  time  to  time  sell
additional undivided ownership interests. We continue to service, administer and
collect the  receivables  on behalf of the  purchaser.  The amount of  undivided
ownership interest in the pool of receivables sold to the unaffiliated companies
is reflected as a reduction of accounts  receivable in our consolidated  balance
sheet  and as an  increase  in  cash  flows  from  operating  activities  in our
consolidated statement of cash flows.

Note 13.  Reorganization of Business Operations
         On March 18, 2002 we announced plans to restructure our businesses into
two operating  subsidiary  groups, the Energy Services Group and the Engineering
and Construction  Group. As part of this  reorganization,  we are separating and
consolidating  the entities in our Energy  Services Group together as direct and
indirect  subsidiaries  of  Halliburton  Energy  Services,   Inc.  We  are  also
separating and  consolidating  the entities in our Engineering and  Construction
Group  together  as direct  and  indirect  subsidiaries  of the  former  Dresser
Industries  Inc.,  which became a limited  liability  company  during the second
quarter of 2002 and was renamed  DII  Industries,  LLC.  The  reorganization  of
business   operations   will   facilitate  the   separation,   organizationally,
financially,  and operationally,  of our two business segments, which we believe
will  significantly  improve operating  efficiencies in both, while streamlining
management and easing manpower requirements. In addition, many support functions
which were  previously  shared  were moved into the two  business  groups.  As a
result,  we took  actions  in the first  nine  months of 2002 to reduce our cost
structure by reducing personnel, moving previously shared support functions into
the two business groups and realigning  ownership of international  subsidiaries
by group. In the 2002 third quarter, we incurred  approximately $11 million, for
a total of $78  million for the year,  of  personnel  reduction  costs and asset
related write-offs. Of this amount, $6 million remains in accruals for severance
arrangements.  We expect these remaining payments will be made during the fourth
quarter of 2002. Reorganization charges for the year consisted of $47 million in
personnel related expense, $16 million of asset related write-downs, $11 million
in  professional  fees related to the  restructuring,  and $4 million related to
contract  terminations.  Although  we  have no  specific  plans  currently,  the
reorganization  would  facilitate   separation  of  the  ownership  of  the  two
businesses in the future if we identify an  opportunity  that  produces  greater
value for our shareholders than continuing to own both businesses.

Note 14.  DII Industries, LLC Financial Information
         Dresser  Industries,   Inc.  was  converted  into  a  Delaware  limited
liability  company during the second quarter of 2002 and its name was changed to
DII Industries,  LLC. Since becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary,  DII Industries,
LLC has  ceased  filing  periodic  reports  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission.  DII  Industries,  LLC's 8%  guaranteed  senior  notes,  which  were
initially  issued by Baroid  Corporation,  remain  outstanding and are fully and
unconditionally  guaranteed by Halliburton.  In January 1999, as part of a legal


reorganization associated with the 1998 merger,  Halliburton Delaware, Inc., our
first tier holding company subsidiary, was merged into DII Industries,  LLC. The
majority  of our  operating  assets  and  activities  are  now  included  in DII
Industries,  LLC and its  subsidiaries.  In  August  2000,  the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission released revised rules governing the financial statements of
guarantors  and  issuers of  guaranteed  registered  securities.  The  following
condensed  consolidating  financial  information  presents  Halliburton  and our
subsidiaries  on a stand-alone  basis using the equity method of accounting  for
our interest in our subsidiaries.


                                     Condensed Consolidating Statements of Income
                                           Quarter ended September 30, 2002
                                            Non-issuer/     DII Industries, Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         LLC          Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
Total revenues                              $   2,982            $ 102        $  101         $  (203)        $ 2,982
Cost of revenues                               (2,702)               -             -               -          (2,702)
General and administrative                        (89)               -             -               -             (89)
Interest expense                                  (12)              (6)          (11)              -             (29)
Interest income                                     6                2            15             (15)              8
Other, net                                          2               (1)            -               -               1
Income from continuing operations
    before taxes and minority interest            187               97           105            (218)            171
Benefit (provision) for income taxes              (80)               4             4               -             (72)
Minority interest in net income of
    subsidiaries                                   (5)               -             -               -              (5)
Net income                                  $     102            $ 101        $  109         $  (218)        $    94

                                     Condensed Consolidating Statements of Income
                                           Quarter ended September 30, 2001
                                            Non-issuer/     DII Industries, Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         LLC          Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
Total revenues                              $   3,391            $ 209        $  197         $  (406)        $ 3,391
Cost of revenues                               (2,955)               -             -              -           (2,955)
General and administrative                        (94)               -             -               -             (94)
Interest expense                                   (9)             (10)          (15)              -             (34)
Interest income                                     7                4            14             (17)              8
Other, net                                          5               (4)           (2)             (1)             (2)
Income from continuing operations
    before taxes and minority interest            345              199           194            (424)            314
Benefit (provision) for income taxes             (129)               -             3               -            (126)
Minority interest in net income of
    subsidiaries                                   (7)               -             -               -              (7)
Income from continuing operations                 209              199           197            (424)            181
Loss from discontinued operations                   -               (2)            -               -              (2)
Net income                                  $     209            $ 197        $  197         $  (424)        $   179


                                    Condensed Consolidating Statements of Operations
                                          Nine Months ended September 30, 2002
                                            Non-issuer/     DII Industries, Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         LLC          Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
Total revenues                                $  9,224            $ (345)      $   (356)        $  701       $  9,224
Cost of revenues                                (9,076)                -              -              -         (9,076)
General and administrative                        (239)                -              -              -           (239)
Interest expense                                   (34)              (22)           (35)             -            (91)
Interest income                                     21                 6             43            (46)            24
Other, net                                          (6)               (4)             -              -            (10)
Loss from continuing operations
    before taxes and minority interest            (110)             (365)          (348)           655           (168)
Benefit (provision) for income taxes               (52)                9             12              -            (31)
Minority interest in net income of
    subsidiaries                                   (15)                -              -              -            (15)
Loss from continuing operations                   (177)             (356)          (336)           655           (214)
Loss from discontinued operations                 (168)                -              -              -           (168)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Net loss                                      $   (345)           $ (356)      $   (336)        $  655       $   (382)

                                      Condensed Consolidating Statements of Income
                                          Nine Months ended September 30, 2001
                                            Non-issuer/     DII Industries, Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         LLC          Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
Total revenues                                $   9,874            $ 515        $  870          $(1,385)       $ 9,874
Cost of revenues                                 (8,776)               -             -                -         (8,776)
General and administrative                         (286)               -             -                -           (286)
Interest expense                                    (30)             (27)          (59)               1           (115)
Interest income                                      16               10            43              (51)            18
Other, net                                            4              142            (6)            (146)            (6)
Income from continuing operations
    before taxes, minority interest and
    change in accounting method, net                802              640           848           (1,581)           709
Benefit (provision) for income taxes               (296)              (7)           18                -           (285)
Minority interest in net income of
    subsidiaries                                    (14)               -             -                -            (14)
Income from continuing operations before
    change in accounting method, net                492              633           866           (1,581)           410
Income from discontinued operations                  22              237             -                -            259
Cumulative effect of accounting change,               1                -             -                -              1
Net income                                    $     515            $ 870        $  866          $(1,581)       $   670


                                        Condensed Consolidating Balance Sheets
                                                  September 30, 2002
                                            Non-issuer/     DII Industries, Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         LLC          Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents                        $     272           $     8       $   306       $      -         $   586
Notes and accounts receivable, net              2,491                 2             1              -           2,494
Unbilled work on uncompleted contracts            903                 -             2              -             905
Total receivables                               3,394                 2             3              -           3,399
Inventories                                       769                 -             -              -             769
Other current assets                              413                 1            12              -             426
Total current assets                            4,848                11           321              -           5,180
Property, plant and equipment, net              2,591                 -             -              -           2,591
Equity in and advances to
    unconsolidated affiliates                     416                 -             -              -             416
Intercompany receivable from
    consolidated affiliates                         -                 -         1,640         (1,640)              -
Equity in and advances to
    consolidated affiliates                         -             5,317         3,709         (9,026)              -
Goodwill, net                                     719                 -             -              -             719
Insurance for asbestos related liabilities      1,588                 -             -              -           1,588
Other assets                                    1,109                22            86              -           1,217
Total assets                                $  11,271           $ 5,350       $ 5,756       $(10,666)        $11,711

  Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts and notes payable                  $   1,074           $   141       $   150       $      -         $ 1,365
Other current liabilities                       1,453                 -            35              -           1,488
Total current liabilities                       2,527               141           185              -           2,853
Long-term debt                                    207               300           613              -           1,120
Intercompany payable to
    consolidated affiliates                       166             1,190             -         (1,356)              -
Asbestos related liabilities                    2,173                 -             -              -           2,173
Other liabilities                               1,092                10            91              -           1,193
Minority interest in consolidated
    subsidiaries                                   51                 -             -              -              51
Total liabilities                               6,216             1,641           889         (1,356)          7,390
Shareholders' equity:
Common shares                                     175                 -         1,141           (175)          1,141
Other shareholders' equity                      4,880             3,709         3,726         (9,135)          3,180
Total shareholders' equity                      5,055             3,709         4,867         (9,310)          4,321
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity  $  11,271           $ 5,350       $ 5,756       $(10,666)        $11,711


                                        Condensed Consolidating Balance Sheets
                                                  December 31, 2001
                                            Non-issuer/     DII Industries, Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         LLC          Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents                        $     213           $     -       $    77       $      -         $   290
Notes and accounts receivable, net              3,002                13             -              -           3,015
Unbilled work on uncompleted contracts          1,080                 -             -              -           1,080
Total receivables                               4,082                13             -              -           4,095
Inventories                                       787                 -             -              -             787
Other current assets                              323                71             7              -             401
Total current assets                            5,405                84            84              -           5,573
Property, plant and equipment, net              2,669                 -             -              -           2,669
Equity in and advances to
    unconsolidated affiliates                     551                 -             -              -             551
Intercompany receivable from
    consolidated affiliates                       198                 -         1,805         (2,003)              -
Equity in and advances to
    consolidated affiliates                         -             6,583         4,409        (10,992)              -
Goodwill, net                                     636                84             -              -             720
Insurance for asbestos related liabilities        612                 -             -              -             612
Other assets                                      793                27            21              -             841
Total assets                                $  10,864           $ 6,778       $ 6,319       $(12,995)        $10,966

  Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts and notes payable                  $     808           $   129       $   105       $      -         $ 1,042
Other current liabilities                       1,791                20            55              -           1,866
Total current liabilities                       2,599               149           160              -           2,908
Long-term debt                                    211               439           753              -           1,403
Intercompany payable to
    consolidated affiliates                         -             1,765             -         (1,765)              -
Asbestos related liabilities                      737                 -             -              -             737
Other liabilities                               1,016                16            93              -           1,125
Minority interest in consolidated
    subsidiaries                                   41                 -             -              -              41
Total liabilities                               4,604             2,369         1,006         (1,765)          6,214
Shareholders' equity:
Common shares                                     175                 -         1,138           (175)          1,138
Other shareholders' equity                      6,085             4,409         4,175        (11,055)          3,614
Total shareholders' equity                      6,260             4,409         5,313        (11,230)          4,752
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity  $  10,864           $ 6,778       $ 6,319       $(12,995)        $10,966


                                   Condensed Consolidating Statements of Cash Flows
                                         Nine Months ended September 30, 2002
                                            Non-issuer/     DII Industries, Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         LLC          Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
Net cash flows from operating activities     $     986          $    (9)      $    23       $      -          $ 1,000
Capital expenditures                              (564)               -             -              -             (564)
Sales of property, plant and equipment             217                -             -              -              217
Other investing activities                         (13)               -           451           (508)             (70)
Payments on long-term borrowings                    (4)               -           (75)             -              (79)
Borrowings (repayments) of
    short-term debt, net                             3                -           (25)             -              (22)
Payments of dividends to shareholders                -                -          (164)             -             (164)
Payments to reacquire common stock                   -                -            (3)             -               (3)
Other financing activities                        (551)              17            22            508               (4)
Effect of exchange rate on cash                    (15)               -             -              -              (15)
Increase in cash and equivalents             $      59          $     8       $   229       $      -          $   296

                                   Condensed Consolidating Statements of Cash Flows
                                         Nine Months ended September 30, 2001
                                            Non-issuer/     DII Industries, Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         LLC          Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
Net cash flows from operating activities     $     561          $   (25)      $    20       $      -         $   556
Capital expenditures                              (568)               -             -              -            (568)
Sales of property, plant and equipment              77                -             -              -              77
Other investing activities                        (129)               -         1,096         (1,096)           (129)
Proceeds from long-term borrowings                   -                -           425              -             425
Payments on long-term borrowings                    (8)              (5)            -              -             (13)
Borrowings (repayments) of
    short-term debt, net                             -                -        (1,359)             -          (1,359)
Payments of dividends to shareholders                -                -          (161)             -            (161)
Proceeds from exercises of stock options             -                -            25              -              25
Payments to reacquire common stock                   -                -           (33)             -             (33)
Other financing activities                          42           (1,182)           38          1,096              (6)
Effect of exchange rate on cash                    (19)               -             -              -             (19)
Net cash flows from discontinued
    operations                                       -            1,201             -              -           1,201
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents  $     (44)         $   (11)      $    51       $      -         $    (4)


Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
         of Operations

         In this section, we discuss the operating results and general financial
condition of Halliburton Company and its subsidiaries. We explain:
         -    factors and risks that impact our business;
         -    results of our quarterly and year-to-date operating results;
         -    factors that impacted our cash flows and our liquidity; and
         -    other items  that materially  affect our  financial  condition  or

         Our business is organized around two business segments:
         -    Energy Services Group; and
         -    Engineering and Construction Group.
         The results of Dresser  Equipment  Group are  reported as  discontinued
operations through March 31, 2001.
         We  currently  operate  in over 100  countries  throughout  the  world,
providing a comprehensive range of discrete and integrated products and services
to the energy industry, and to other industrial and governmental customers.  The
majority of our consolidated  revenues are derived from the sale of services and
products,  including engineering and construction activities, to major, national
and  independent  oil and gas  companies.  These  services and products are used
throughout  the  energy  industry,  from the  earliest  phases  of  exploration,
development,  and  production  of oil and gas  resources  through  refining  and
         The industries we serve are highly  competitive  with many  substantial
competitors  within each segment.  The United States represents 33% of our total
revenue for the first nine months of 2002 and the United Kingdom represents 12%.
No other country accounts for more than 10% of our revenues. Unsettled political
conditions,  acts of terrorism,  expropriation  or other  governmental  actions,
inflation,  exchange  controls or currency  devaluation  may result in increased
business risk in any one country.  We believe the geographic  diversification of
our  business  activities  reduces  the risk  that loss of  business  in any one
country would be material to our consolidated results of operations.
         Halliburton Company
         Activity  levels  within our two business  segments  are  significantly
impacted by the following:
         -    spending  on exploration, development and  production  programs by
              major, national and independent oil and gas companies;
         -    capital expenditures  for refining and  processing facilities; and
         -    government spending levels.
Also  impacting  our  activity  is the  status  of  the  global  economy,  which
indirectly  impacts oil and gas consumption,  demand for petrochemical  products
and investment in infrastructure projects.
         One of the more  significant  barometers of current and future spending
levels of oil and gas companies is worldwide drilling  activity.  High levels of
worldwide  drilling  activity  during the first half of 2001 (as measured by the
Baker Hughes Incorporated rig count),  particularly in the United States for gas
drilling,  began to decline in the  latter  part of that year  reaching a low in
April 2002. The decline was partially due to general business  conditions caused
by global economic unrest and uncertainty which was accelerated by the terrorist
attacks on September 11, 2001.
         Quarterly  average  natural gas price at Henry Hub increased from $2.84
per million  cubic feet (mcf) in the 2001 third  quarter to $3.40 per mcf in the
2002  second  quarter  and  decreased  to $3.19 per mcf  during  the 2002  third
quarter.  Based upon data from Cambridge  Energy  Research  Associates,  the gas
price at Henry Hub is expected to average  slightly  above $3.00 per mcf for the
2002 fourth quarter and 2003 first quarter.
         While gas prices in the United States have historically varied somewhat
geographically,  this year we have seen  significantly  higher  fluctuations  in
regional gas prices in the United States. For example, while the price was $3.19
per mcf at Henry Hub,  it was less than a $1.00 per mcf in various  parts of the
Western United States during the third quarter. This is resulting in significant
variation in gas drilling activity by region in the United States and much lower
drilling and stimulation activity in gas basins of the Western United States.


         During  the  2002  third   quarter,   crude  oil  prices   (West  Texas
Intermediate  - expressed in United States  dollars per barrel)  remained  above
$25.00 per barrel. Quarterly average WTI decreased from $26.74 in the 2001 third
quarter, to $25.75 in the 2002 second quarter and increased to $28.23 during the
2002 third quarter. We believe that current oil prices reflect a war premium due
to the risk of supply disruption in the event of hostilities in the Middle East.
Prices for the  remainder of the year will be impacted by the ability of OPEC to
manage  country  production  quotas,  political  tensions in the Middle East and
level of production by major  non-OPEC  countries,  namely,  Norway,  Russia and
former Soviet Union countries of the Commonwealth of Independent  States as well
as global demand.
          Energy Services Group
         Lower natural gas and crude oil drilling  activity since the 2001 third
quarter resulted in decreased  demand for the services and products  provided by
the Energy  Services Group.  The quarterly  average rig count based on the Baker
Hughes Incorporated rig count information is as follows:

                                       Third Quarter     Second Quarter     Third Quarter
Average rig counts                         2002               2002              2001
United States                               853                 806            1,241
Canada                                      250                 147              320
International (excluding Canada)            718                 725              757
Worldwide total                           1,821               1,678            2,318

         The decrease in the 2002 third quarter  worldwide rig count as compared
to the third  quarter of 2001 was  primarily due to the decrease in rig count in
North America.  In the past, there has generally been a good correlation between
the  price  of oil  and  gas in the  United  States and rig  activity.  However,
this was not the case in recent  months  where the rig  count  has  declined  as
compared to the third quarter 2001, while WTI oil and Henry Hub gas prices  have
increased.  We  believe  this is due to the  uncertainty,  which  we  expect  to
continue into at least the next quarter or two, created by the following:
         -    oil prices include a premium for war risk;
         -    differences in gas prices geographically in the United States;
         -    less   spending   due   to   current   uncertain  global  economic
         -    risk of war in the Middle East;
         -    budgetary constraints of our customers;
         -    weather in  the upcoming  winter months  and its  impact on United
              States gas consumption; and
         -    higher level  of gas  storage in  the Northeast  (as  reported  by
              Energy  Information  Administration)  as  compared to  the  5-year
         The  worldwide rig count  increase from the second  quarter 2002 to the
third quarter 2002 was  attributable to increased  Canadian rig counts resulting
from seasonal  variations  as the second  quarter is  historically  lower due to
reduced  drilling  activity  during the spring thaw season,  and  increased  gas
drilling activity in the United States prior to the winter heating season.
         The  decreased  rig  activity in the third  quarter 2002 from the third
quarter  2001 in the  United  States  has  increased  pressure  on the  oilfield
services  product  service  lines to discount  prices.  The price  increases  we
implemented  last year have mostly been eroded by additional  pricing  pressures
and discounts.  Our operations have also been impacted by political and economic
instability in Latin America,  primarily in Venezuela and Argentina,  as well as
disruptions  due to Tropical  Storm  Isidore and  Hurricane  Lili in the Gulf of
Mexico.  Our  pressure  pumping  product  service  line has  been  significantly
impacted by the current economic slowdown due to its dependence on United States
gas  drilling.  Deepwater  activity has not been as  adversely  impacted as land
activity by the downturn in the industry, due to the level of investment and the
long term nature of contracts.  Our drilling systems product service line, which
has a large  percentage of its business outside the United States and is heavily
involved in  deepwater  oil and gas  exploration  and  development  drilling and
longer  term  contracts,  has  remained  relatively  strong  despite the overall
decline in the energy industry.


         Based upon data from Spears and  Associates,  drilling  activity in the
United States and Canada is expected to remain constant for the rest of the year
as compared to the third  quarter 2002.  This is lower than earlier  projections
because oil and gas producers  appear to continue to take a cautionary  attitude
on new  investments due to lack of confidence in  sustainability  of current oil
and gas prices  and have an  increased  focus on  reducing  debt.  International
drilling  activity is expected to decline  slightly in the fourth  quarter 2002.
Until economic,  political and weather related  uncertainties  impeding customer
spending become clearer,  we expect oilfield services activity to be essentially
flat in the short term.  In the longer term, we expect  increased  global demand
for  oil and  natural  gas  demand,  additional  customer  spending  to  replace
depleting  reserves and our continued  technological  advances to provide growth
         Engineering and Construction Group
         Our engineering and construction projects are longer term in nature and
are not as impacted by short-term fluctuations in oil and gas prices. The global
economy's  fragile recovery is continuing,  but its strength and  sustainability
are not  assured.  Based on the  uncertain  economic  recovery  and a continuing
excess  capacity in  petrochemical  supplies,  customers have continued to delay
project  awards  or reduce  the scope of  projects  involving  hydrocarbons  and
manufacturing.   A  number  of  large-scale   gas  and  liquefied   natural  gas
development,  offshore deepwater,  government,  and infrastructure  projects are
being awarded or actively  considered.  However,  in light of terrorist threats,
increasing  instability  in the Middle East and the modest  growth of the global
economy,  many  customers  could  delay some of their  capital  commitments  and
international investment.
         Growth  opportunities  also exist to provide  additional  security  and
defense support to government agencies in the United States and other countries.
Demands for these services are expected to grow as governmental agencies seek to
control costs and  efficiencies  by outsourcing  these  functions and due to new
demands created by increased efforts to combat terrorism.
         Engineering and  construction  contracts can be broadly  categorized as
fixed-price (sometimes referred to as lump sum) or cost reimbursable  contracts.
Cost reimbursable  contracts include contracts where the price is variable based
upon actual costs incurred for time and materials, or for variable quantities of
work  priced  at  defined  unit  rates.  Profit  elements  on cost  reimbursable
contracts  may be  based  upon a  percentage  of costs  incurred  and/or a fixed
         Fixed-price  contracts  are for a fixed  fee to cover all costs and any
profit element for a defined scope of work.  Fixed-price  contracts  entail more
risk to us, as we must pre-determine both the quantities of work to be performed
and the costs  associated  with  executing the work.  The risks to us arise from
having to judge the technical aspects and effort involved to accomplish the work
within the contract schedule, labor availability and productivity,  supplier and
subcontractor  pricing and performance,  and other risks.  Fixed-price  EPC/EPIC
(i.e., engineering,  procurement,  installation and  construction/commissioning)
involve even greater risks including:
         -    bidding  a   fixed-price  and  completion   date  before  detailed
              engineering work has been performed;
         -    bidding a fixed-price  and completion date before locking in price
              and delivery of significant  procurement  components  (often items
              which are specifically designed and fabricated for the project);
         -    bidding  a fixed-price and  completion   date  before   finalizing
              subcontractors terms and conditions;
         -    the risk of  subcontractors' individual performance  and  combined
              interdependencies  of multiple subcontractors (the majority of all
              construction    and    installation    work   is    performed   by
         -    contracts covering longer periods of time;
         -    contract values generally for much greater amounts; and
         -    contracts with significant liquidated damages provisions.
Cost  reimbursable  contracts are generally less risky as the owner retains many
of the risks.  While  fixed-price  contracts  involve  greater  risk,  they also
potentially  are more  profitable for the contractor as the owners pay a premium
to  transfer  the risks to the  contractor.  Some  contracts  can  involve  both
fixed-price and cost reimbursable elements.
         After careful  consideration,  we have decided to no longer pursue lump
sum engineering,  procurement,  installation and commissioning  (EPIC) contracts
for the offshore  oil and gas  industry where we  are required to make lump sum,


fixed price commitments.  An important aspect of our reorganization  process was
to  look   closely  at  each  of  our   businesses   to  insure  that  they  are
self-sufficient  including their use of capital and liquidity.  In that process,
we found that the EPIC offshore business was using a  disproportionate  share of
our bonding and letter of credit capacity  relative to its profit  contribution.
The risk/reward  relationship in that segment is no longer  attractive to us. We
provide a range of engineering,  fabrication and project management  services to
the offshore  industry  which we will  continue to service  through a variety of
other  contracting  forms.  We have seven  fixed  price EPIC  offshore  projects
underway and we are fully committed to successful  completion of these projects,
several of which are substantially complete.
We plan to retain our offshore engineering and services capabilities.
         Our total backlog at September 30, 2002, was $10 billion,  comprised of
$9.8 billion for the Engineering and Construction Group and $0.2 billion for the
Energy  Services  Group.  Approximately  34% of our  backlog is for  fixed-price
contracts.  About 46% of backlog is  estimated  to be  performed  in the next 12
months. Backlog relating to EPIC contracts for the offshore oil and gas industry
totaled $1.1 billion.
         Reorganization of Business Operations
         Earlier this year we announced plans to restructure our businesses into
two operating  subsidiary  groups, the Energy Services Group and the Engineering
and Construction  Group. As part of this  reorganization,  we are separating and
consolidating  the entities in our Energy  Services Group together as direct and
indirect  subsidiaries  of  Halliburton  Energy  Services,   Inc.  We  are  also
separating and  consolidating  the entities in our Engineering and  Construction
Group  together  as direct  and  indirect  subsidiaries  of the  former  Dresser
Industries  Inc.,  which became a limited  liability  company  during the second
quarter and was renamed DII  Industries,  LLC.  The  reorganization  of business
operations will facilitate the separation,  organizationally,  financially,  and
operationally, of our two business segments, which we believe will significantly
improve operating efficiencies in both, while streamlining management and easing
manpower requirements. In addition, many support functions which were previously
shared  were moved into the two  business  groups.  Although we have no specific
plans currently, the reorganization would facilitate separation of the ownership
of the two businesses in the future if we identify an opportunity  that produces
greater value for our shareholders than continuing to own both businesses.
         The corporate  reorganization is largely complete and is expected to be
concluded by the end of the year.  In the third quarter of 2002 we have incurred
pretax  restructuring  charges of $11  million,  which  brings the  year-to-date
restructuring costs to $78 million. The year-to-date charges include $47 million
in  personnel  related  costs,  $16  million in asset  write-downs,  $11 million
primarily in professional  fees related to the  restructuring  and $4 million in
contract  terminations.  We expect to incur  additional  charges  in the  fourth
quarter of approximately  $12 million.  We anticipate that the cost savings will
increase so that in 2003 they will  result in  annualized  cost  savings of $200
million compared to costs prior to the corporate reorganization.
         As a part of the  reorganization,  we decided  that the  operations  of
Major Projects,  Granherne and Production  Services were better aligned with KBR
in the current  business  environment  and these  businesses were moved from the
Energy  Services  Group to the  Engineering  and  Construction  Group during the
second  quarter.  All prior period segment results have been restated to reflect
this change. Major Projects, which currently consists of the Barracuda-Caratinga
project in Brazil, is now reported through the Offshore Operations product line,
Granherne is now reported in the Onshore product line and Production Services is
now reported under the Operations and Maintenance product line.
         Due to the  recording  of our  best  estimate  of  current  and  future
asbestos claims in the second quarter of 2002, there were no additional  charges
for asbestos exposures in the third quarter of 2002.



Third Quarter of 2002 Compared with the Third Quarter of 2001

                                                Third Quarter
REVENUES                                  -----------------------      Increase
Millions of dollars                          2002        2001         (decrease)
Energy Services Group                      $  1,677    $  2,098         $ (421)
Engineering and Construction Group            1,305       1,293             12
Total revenues                             $  2,982    $  3,391         $ (409)

         Consolidated revenues in the 2002 third quarter of $3 billion decreased
$0.4 billion compared to the 2001 third quarter. International revenues were 66%
of total  revenues for the 2002 third quarter and 61% in the 2001 third quarter,
highlighting the reduction in business levels in the United States.
         Energy  Services  Group  revenues  were $1.7 billion for the 2002 third
quarter, a decrease of 20% from the 2001 third quarter.  International  revenues
were 58% of total revenues in the 2002 third quarter compared to 52% in the 2001
third quarter due to decreased United States drilling activity.
         Our  oilfield  services  product  service  line  revenues  of over $1.5
billion  in the 2002 third  quarter  declined  15% from the 2001 third  quarter,
primarily due to reduced rig activity,  particularly  in the United States,  and
increased discounts. The change in  revenues in oilfield  services is broken out
by product service line as follows:
         -    pressure pumping was down 20%;
         -    logging was down 18%;
         -    completion products was down 11%;
         -    drilling fluids was down 15%;
         -    drill bits was down 8%; partially offset by
         -    drilling  systems  which was up 4% due to increased  international
              activity,  especially  in Thailand  and Saudi  Arabia,  offsetting
              lower activity levels in the United States.
         On a geographic basis:
         -    North America decreased 28%, reflecting lower drilling activity in
              both the United States and Canada;
         -    Latin America  decreased  14%  due  to  political  instability  in
              Venezuela, and the impact of the Argentina economic crisis;
         -    Europe/Africa  increased  3%  and the Middle  East increased  over
              17% due to increased activity  in Algeria, Nigeria,  Russia, Saudi
              Arabia, and Oman; and
         -    Asia Pacific increased 2%.
         Revenues for the balance of the segment  decreased $144 million for the
2002 third quarter as compared to the 2001 third  quarter,  primarily due to the
formation of Subsea 7 on May 23, 2002. We account for our 50% ownership interest
in Subsea 7 on the equity method of accounting versus full  consolidation of the
Halliburton  Subsea revenue in the 2001 third  quarter.  Had it not been for the
change to the equity method of accounting  in connection  with the  transaction,
revenues for the balance of the segment  would have been flat for the 2002 third
quarter  as  compared  to the 2001 third  quarter.  Integrated  exploration  and
production  information systems revenues experienced growth of 7%, primarily due
to increased data management services at Landmark Graphics Corporation.
         Engineering and Construction Group revenues of $1.3 billion in the 2002
third quarter were 1% higher than the 2001 third quarter. Our revenue comparison
of the 2002 third  quarter  versus the 2001 third  quarter by product line is as
         -    revenue in our Offshore operations increased 24% due to progress
              on the Barracuda-Caratinga project during 2002;
         -    we had a 16% increase in Onshore operations due to the start-up of
              new projects and progress on several existing large projects;


         -    Infrastructure  revenue  increased 13% due to  additional  revenue
              from the Alice Springs to Darwin  rail line  project in  Australia
              which started during third quarter of 2001;
         -    Government operations revenue declined 32%, due to completion of a
              major  project at our  shipyard  in the United  Kingdom  and lower
              volumes in our  logistical  support  contract in the Balkans.  The
              initial phase of the contract involved  extensive  procurement and
              construction related to building facilities to support the US Army
              in the Balkans.  We have  now  moved  out of the initial  phase of
              the  contract  and   are  providing   ongoing  support   at  these
              facilities; and
         -    Operations and  Maintenance  revenue declined 5% due to  decreased
              maintenance revenues on three international projects.
         International revenues  were 76%  for the third quarter of 2002 and 75%
for the  third quarter  of 2001.  On a geographic  basis,  our revenues  changed
between the 2002 third quarter and the 2001 third quarter as follows:
         -    North America increased 3%;
         -    Latin    America    increased    41%    due    to    progress   on
         -    Europe/Africa declined 11% due to the lower activity levels in the
              project  at  our  United  Kingdom  shipyard  and  in  our  Balkans
              logistical support contract;
         -    Middle East declined 16% due to project completions; and
         -    Asia Pacific declined 2%.

                                                Third Quarter
OPERATING INCOME                          --------------------------      Increase
Millions of dollars                          2002          2001          (decrease)
Energy Services Group                       $   200      $   321          $  (121)
Engineering and Construction Group               12           36              (24)
General corporate                               (21)         (15)              (6)
Total operating income                      $   191      $   342          $  (151)

         We had a  consolidated  operating  income of $191  million  in the 2002
third  quarter  compared to $342 million of  operating  income in the 2001 third
quarter. In the 2002 third quarter, we incurred certain charges, which included:
         -    $11 million in pretax expense related to restructuring charges, of
              which $5 million  related to the Energy Services Group, $2 million
              related to the Engineering and  Construction  Group and $4 million
              related to General corporate; and
         -    $18 million  pretax loss in the Energy  Services Group on the sale
              of our 50% equity investment in the Bredero-Shaw joint venture, of
              which $15 million  related to  cumulative  translation  adjustment
              losses which were realized on the disposition of our investment.
         In  the  2001  third  quarter,  we  incurred  $9  million  in  goodwill
amortization,  of which $7 million  related to the Energy  Services Group and $2
million related to the Engineering and Construction Group.
         Energy  Services  Group  operating  income for the 2002  third  quarter
decreased $121 million, or 38%, from the 2001 third quarter.  Excluding the loss
on the sale of our 50% investment in Bredero-Shaw and  restructuring  charges in
the third  quarter  2002,  and  goodwill  amortized in the third  quarter  2001,
operating income  decreased by 32%. On the same basis,  operating margin for the
2002 third  quarter  was 13%  compared  to 16% for the 2001 third  quarter.  The
results were significantly  impacted by the slower United States economy,  lower
gas drilling  activity  primarily in the United States  onshore  operations  and
increased  discount rates for our services in the United  States.  The political
and economic  instability in Latin America,  and tropical  storms in the Gulf of
Mexico also negatively impacted our operations. Results were positively impacted
by net pretax income of $21 million on integrated  solutions  projects.  The $21
million was made up of a sale of investments in integrated solutions projects in
the United  States for $130  million in cash with a pretax gain of $48  million,
offset by $27  million  in  pretax  losses in other  investments  in  integrated
solution projects in Indonesia, Colombia and the United States.
         Operating  income  for  our  oilfield  services  product  service  line
decreased 36% for the 2002 third quarter as compared to the 2001 third  quarter.
Excluding the above noted items, the decline was approximately  35%. Over 85% of
the decline related to pressure pumping activities in the United States.


         Geographically,  approximately  70% of the  decline  was in the  United
States.  Operating  income in Latin America  declined 17% due to lower  activity
resulting from political and economic instability in Venezuela and Argentina.
         Excluding the loss on the sale of our 50% interest in the  Bredero-Shaw
joint venture and restructuring  charges in the 2002 third quarter, and goodwill
amortization  in the 2001 third quarter,  operating  income for the remainder of
the  segment  increased  about  $3  million.   Increased  income  at  integrated
exploration  and product  information  systems,  Subsea,  and Wellstream  offset
operating  income reduction due to the sale of our interests in Bredero-Shaw and
EMC during 2002.
         Engineering  and  Construction  Group  operating  income  decreased $24
million, from the 2001 third quarter to the 2002 third quarter. Operating income
declined  $27  million,   excluding   the  impact  of  the  third  quarter  2002
restructuring  costs  and the  third  quarter  2001  goodwill  amortization  and
asbestos charge. On the same basis,  operating margin for the 2002 third quarter
was 1% as compared to 3% in the 2001 third quarter.  Operating  income decreases
by product  line are as follows:
         -    Offshore operations declined due to lower activity on a project in
              Nigeria,  as well  as  projects  in  the  Philippines  and  Brazil
              (Barracuda-Caratinga) for which no project income was recorded;
         -    Onshore operations declined due to several  jobs  being at or near
              their completion stages;
         -    Government  operations  declined due to lower income on the Balkan
              Support Contract; and
         -    these decreases were  partially offset by  higher operating income
              in Infrastructure and Operations and Maintenance.
The effect  on operating  income from  additional unapproved  claims  during the
quarter was $7 million.
         General corporate  expenses for the 2002 third quarter were $21 million
compared to $15 million for the 2001 third quarter. Excluding 2002 restructuring
costs,  general  corporate  expenses  were $17  million  or an  increase  of 13%
compared to the 2001 third quarter.

         Interest  expense of $29 million for the 2002 third quarter,  decreased
$5 million  compared  to the 2001 third  quarter.  The  decrease is due to lower
average borrowings in 2002.
         Interest  income  was $8  million  in the third  quarter of 2002 and $8
million in the third quarter of 2001.
         Foreign currency gains, net were $1 million in the third  quarter  2002
compared to a $2 million loss in the third quarter of last year.
         Provision  for income  taxes of $72  million in the 2002 third  quarter
resulted in an effective tax rate of 42%, versus a rate of 40% in the 2001 third
quarter.  Excluding  the  impact  of the  loss on the  sale of our  interest  in
Bredero-Shaw,  our effective tax rate was  approximately  39%. The  Bredero-Shaw
sale did not create a  significant  tax loss as the tax basis was  substantially
lower than the book basis.  In addition,  the tax loss created is a capital loss
which would only free up foreign tax  credits  and future  realization  of those
credits is uncertain. Therefore, no tax benefit was recorded for the loss.
         Income  from  continuing  operations  was $94 million in the 2002 third
quarter,  compared to income from  continuing  operations of $181 million in the
2001 third quarter.
         Loss from discontinued operations was $2 million, or less than one-half
of one cent per diluted share, for the 2001 third quarter.
         Net income for the 2002 third  quarter  was $94  million,  or $0.22 per
diluted share.  Net income was $179 million,  or $0.42 per diluted share for the
2001 third quarter.

First Nine Months of 2002 Compared with the First Nine Months of 2001

                                                 First Nine Months
REVENUES                                  ---------------------------------       Increase
Millions of dollars                            2002             2001             (decrease)
Energy Services Group                       $  5,122         $  5,898             $   (776)
Engineering and Construction Group             4,102            3,976                  126
Total revenues                              $  9,224         $  9,874             $   (650)


         Consolidated  revenues in the first nine months of 2002 of $9.2 billion
decreased 7% compared to the first nine months of 2001.  International  revenues
were 67% of total  revenues  for the  first  nine  months of 2002 and 61% in the
first  nine  months  of 2001.  International  revenues  increased  $123  million
partially  offsetting a $773 million  revenue decline in the United States where
oilfield  services  drilling  activity declined 32%, putting pressure on pricing
and discounting.
         Energy  Services  Group  revenues  declined  13% or $776 million in the
first nine months of 2002. International revenues were 59% of total revenues for
the first nine  months of 2002 as  compared  to 52% for the first nine months of
         Revenues  from our oilfield  services  product  service lines were $4.6
billion for the first nine months of 2002 compared to $5.2 billion for the first
nine months of 2001. The decline in revenue is  attributable  to lower levels of
activity  primarily  in North  America,  which also put  pressure on pricing and
discounting of  work in  the United  States.  The change in revenues in oilfield
services is broken out by product service line as follows:
         -    pressure pumping declined 16%;
         -    logging was down 13%;
         -    completion products was down 10%;
         -    drilling fluids was down 12%;
         -    drill bits was down 10%; partially offset by
         -    drilling systems  which was  up 7%  due to  increased activity  in
              Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates.
         On a geographic basis, our decrease in oilfield services revenues is as
         -    North America decreased 26%, due to lower rig activity;
         -    Latin America decreased  7% primarily in Argentina due to currency
              devaluation  and in Venezuela due to lower activity  brought on by
              uncertain market and political conditions; and
         -    partially  offsetting  these declines were  increased  revenues in
              Europe/Africa,  the  Middle  East  and  Asia  Pacific,  where  our
              activity  increased in Saudi  Arabia,  Algeria,  Nigeria,  Angola,
              Russia, and the former Commonwealth of Independent States.
         Revenues  for the  remainder  of the  segment  decreased  $193  million
year-over-year.  We account  for our 50%  ownership  interest in Subsea 7, which
began  operations in May 2002,  on the equity  method of accounting  versus full
consolidation of the Halliburton Subsea revenue prior to the formation of Subsea
7. Had it not  been  for the  change  to the  equity  method  of  accounting  in
connection with the  transaction,  revenues for the balance of the segment would
have been up $16  million  for the first nine  months of 2002 as compared to the
first nine months of 2001.  Integrated  exploration  and production  information
systems revenues increased 9% compared to the first nine months of 2001.
         Engineering and Construction Group revenues increased $126 million,  or
3%, in the first nine months of 2002  compared to the first nine months of 2001.
Year-over-year  revenues  were 3% lower in North  America  while  increasing  5%
outside North America. Our revenue comparison by product line is as follows:
         -    Offshore   revenues   increased  27%   due  to   progress  on  the
              Barracuda-Caratinga project in Brazil;
         -    Infrastructure  revenues  were  higher  by  12%  due  to increased
              progress  on  the  Alice  Springs  to  Darwin Rail Line project in
         -    Onshore  revenues  increased  by  5%  primarily due to progress on
              several new  projects in  2002 including  gas and  LNG projects in
              Algeria, Nigeria and Egypt;
         -    Government  operations product line revenues were 14% lower due to
              completion  of a  major  project  at our  shipyard  in the  United
              Kingdom and lower  volumes of  logistical  support in the Balkans;
         -    Operations  and Maintenance  revenue declined  7% primarily due to
              reduced downstream maintenance activity.


                                                  First Nine Months
OPERATING INCOME                          ---------------------------------       Increase
Millions of dollars                            2002             2001             (decrease)
Energy Services Group                       $   439          $    778              $  (339)
Engineering and Construction Group             (496)               84                 (580)
General corporate                               (34)              (50)                  16
Total operating income                      $   (91)         $    812              $  (903)

         The first nine months of 2002 resulted in a consolidated operating loss
of $91 million  compared to $812 million of  operating  income in the first nine
months of 2001.  In the 2002 first nine  months,  we incurred  gains and losses,
which included:
         -    $78 million in pretax expense related to restructuring charges, of
              which $47  million  related  to the  Energy  Services  Group,  $16
              million related to the Engineering and Construction  Group and $15
              million related to General corporate;
         -    $119 million pretax loss in the Engineering and Construction Group
              on the Barracuda-Caratinga project in Brazil;
         -    $330 million pretax loss in the Engineering and Construction Group
              related to asbestos exposures;
         -    $79 million pretax loss  in the Energy  Services Group on the sale
              of our 50% equity investment in the Bredero-Shaw joint venture;
         -    $108 million pretax gain in the Energy  Services Group on the sale
              of our 50% interest in European Marine Contractors;
         -    $98 million pretax expense in the Energy Services Group related to
              a patent infringement case;
         -    $80 million  pretax write-off  of billed  and accrued  receivables
              related  to the  Highlands Insurance  Company  litigation  in  the
              Engineering and  Construction Group,  formerly reported in General
              corporate; and
         -    $28 million  pretax gain for the value  of stock received from the
              demutualization of an insurance provider in General corporate.
         In the first nine  months of 2001 we  incurred  $32 million in goodwill
amortization  of which $19 million  related to the Energy Services Group and $13
million related to the Engineering and Construction Group.
         Energy  Services  Group  operating  income for the first nine months of
2002  declined  $339  million,  or 44%,  as compared to the first nine months of
2001.  Excluding  a $79  million  loss on the  sale of our 50%  interest  in the
Bredero-Shaw  joint venture,  a $108 million gain on the sale of our interest in
European Marine Contractors, $98 million related to the BJ Services judgment and
$47 million in restructuring  charges in 2002, and 2001 goodwill amortization of
$19 million,  operating income declined 30%. On the same basis, operating margin
for the first nine months 2002 was 11% compared to 14% for the first nine months
of 2001.
         Operating income in our oilfield services product service line declined
$386  million or 50%.  Excluding  the above  noted  items,  the decline was $256
million or 33%, reflecting lower rig activity primarily in North America and net
pretax losses of $11 million on integrated  solutions  projects.  The change  in
operating  income in oilfield  services is broken out by product service line as
         -    pressure  pumping operating  income decreased  39%, which has been
              adversely  impacted  by  reduced  oil  and  gas  drilling in North
         -    our logging and drilling  fluids product  services lines were also
              affected by the rig count decline with operating  income declining
              66% in logging and 32% in drilling fluids;
         -    offsetting  the  declines  were  improved  results in the drilling
              systems product service line with operating  income increasing 27%
              benefiting from improved international activity; and
         -    our completion  products  and services  product service line had a
              30% increase in  operating  income.
Operating income in the United States for our oilfield  services product service
line decreased $402 million due to lower activity  levels and pricing  pressures
while international operating income increased $16 million.


         Operating income for the remainder of the segment increased $47 million
in the first nine  months of 2002  compared  to the first  nine  months of 2001.
Excluding  the  $79  million  loss  on the  sale  of  our  50%  interest  in the
Bredero-Shaw  joint  venture,  $108  million gain on the sale of our interest in
European Marine Contractors and $9 million in restructuring charges in 2002, and
goodwill  amortization  for the  first  nine  months  of  2001  of $13  million,
operating  income for the remainder of the segment  increased $14 million due to
improved  profitability of software sales and professional  services at Landmark
Graphics Corporation.
         Engineering and  Construction  Group operating  income declined by $580
million  compared to the first nine months of 2001.  Excluding  the $119 million
loss on unapproved claims for the  Barracuda-Caratinga  project in Brazil,  $410
million  accrued  expenses  related to net  asbestos  liability,  $16 million in
restructuring costs,  goodwill amortization for the first nine months of 2001 of
$13  million,  and  asbestos  charges  for the first  nine  months of 2001 of $8
million,  operating  income declined $56 million.  On the same basis,  operating
margin for the first nine  months of 2002 was 1% as compared to 3% for the first
nine  months  in 2001.  This  decline  occurred  in  Offshore  operations  where
operating income decreased $54 million  primarily due to a $33 million loss on a
project in the Philippines.
         The effect on operating income from additional unapproved claims during
the first nine months of 2002 was a reduction  of  approximately  $87 million in
losses that would have otherwise been recorded.
         General  corporate  expenses for the first nine months of 2002 were $34
million  compared  to $50  million in the first nine  months of 2001.  Excluding
restructuring   charges  and  gain  from  the  value  of  stock   received  from
demutualization of an insurance provider, expenses would have been $47 million.

         Interest  expense  of $91  million  for the first  nine  months of 2002
decreased $24 million compared to the first nine months of 2001. The decrease is
due to lower average  borrowings in 2002,  partially offset by the $4 million in
interest related to the patent infringement judgment which we are appealing.
         Interest  income  was $24  million  in the  first  nine  months of 2002
compared to $18 million in the first nine months of 2001. The increased interest
income is for  interest  on a note  receivable  from a  customer  which had been
deferred until collection.
         Foreign currency losses,  net were $12 million in the first nine months
of 2002 compared to $6 million in the first nine months of 2001. The increase is
due to the continuing economic and financial crisis in Argentina.
         Other, net of $2 million in the first nine months of 2002,  includes $3
million pretax gain associated with the realized gain on the option component of
the European Marine Contractors Ltd. sale.
         Provision  for income taxes was $31 million in the first nine months of
2002  compared to a provision for income taxes of $285 million in the first nine
months of 2001. Excluding the tax impact of the loss on the sale of our interest
in Bredero-Shaw and charges associated with our asbestos exposure, our effective
tax rate was  approximately  39%,  compared  to 40% for the first nine months of
2001. The asbestos accrual  generates a United States Federal deferred tax asset
which may not be fully realizable based upon future taxable income  projections.
As a result we have recorded a partial  valuation  allowance.  The  Bredero-Shaw
sale did not create a  significant  tax loss as the tax basis was  substantially
lower than the book basis.  In addition,  the tax loss created is a capital loss
which would only free up foreign tax  credits  and future  realization  of those
credits is uncertain. Therefore, no tax benefit was recorded for the loss.
         Loss from  continuing  operations  was $214  million  in the first nine
months of 2002 compared to income from continuing  operations of $410 million in
the first nine months of 2001.
         Loss from discontinued operations was $202 million pretax, $168 million
after-tax,  or $0.39 per diluted share in the first nine months of 2002 compared
to a loss of $58 million  pretax,  $40 million  after-tax,  or $0.09 per diluted
share in the first nine months of 2001.  The loss in 2002 was due  primarily  to
charges recorded for asbestos  exposures.  We also recorded pretax expense of $6
million associated with the  Harbison-Walker  bankruptcy filing. The pretax loss
for 2001 represents operating income of $37 million from Dresser Equipment Group
through March 31, 2001 offset by a $95 million pretax asbestos accrual primarily
related to Harbison-Walker.


         Gain on disposal of discontinued  operations of $299 million after-tax,
or $0.70 per diluted  share,  in 2001  resulted  from the sale of our  remaining
businesses in the Dresser Equipment Group in April 2001.
         Cumulative  effect  of  accounting  change,  net in 2001 of $1  million
reflects the impact of adoption of Statement  of Financial  Accounting  Standard
No. 133,  "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments  and for Hedging  Activities."
After recording the cumulative effect of the change our estimated annual expense
under  Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 133 is not expected to be materially
different from amounts expensed under the prior accounting treatment.
         Net loss for the first nine months of 2002 was $382  million,  or $0.88
per  diluted  share.  Net  income  for the  first  nine  months of 2001 was $670
million, or $1.56 per diluted share.

         We ended the third  quarter of 2002 with cash and  equivalents  of $586
million, an increase of $296 million from the end of 2001.
         Cash flows from operating  activities  provided $1 billion in the first
nine months of 2002  compared to $556  million in the first nine months of 2001.
Working  capital  items,  which  include  receivables,   sales  of  receivables,
inventories,  accounts  payable and other working  capital,  net,  provided $401
million of cash in the first nine months of 2002  compared to using $494 million
in the same period of 2001.  Included in changes to other  operating  activities
for the  first  nine  months of 2002 is a $40  million  payment  related  to the
Harbison-Walker  bankruptcy  filing.  The 2002  change  in sales of  receivables
relates  to the  sale  of  $200  million  of  undivided  ownership  interest  to
unaffiliated  companies by the funding  subsidiary under the account  receivable
securitization agreement. See Note 12.
         Cash flows from  investing  activities  used $417  million in the first
nine months of 2002 and $620  million in the first nine months of 2001.  Capital
expenditures  in the first nine months of 2002 were $564  million as compared to
$568  million for the first nine months of 2001.  Capital  spending in the first
nine months of 2002  continued to be primarily  directed to  Halliburton  Energy
Services,  for fracturing  equipment and directional and  logging-while-drilling
tools. In addition,  we invested $60 million in an integrated solutions project.
Currently,  we expect  capital  expenditures  in 2002 to be about $700  million.
Included in sales of property,  plant and  equipment  is $130 million  collected
from the sale of Integrated  Solutions  projects.  Dispositions of businesses in
the first nine months of 2002 include $134  million  collected  from the sale of
our European Marine  Contractors  Ltd. joint venture.  Included in the change in
restricted cash for the first nine months of 2002 is a $107 million deposit that
collateralizes an appeal bond for a patent  infringement  judgment on appeal and
$56 million as collateral for potential future  insurance claim  reimbursements.
Also included in changes in restricted cash is $29 million  primarily related to
cash collateral  agreements for letters of credit we currently have  outstanding
for  various  construction  projects.  In  March  2001,  we  acquired  PGS  Data
Management division of Petroleum Geo-Services ASA for $164 million cash.
         Cash flows from  financing  activities  used $272  million in the first
nine  months of 2002 as  compared  to $1.1  billion for the first nine months of
2001. We paid  dividends of $164 million to our  shareholders  in the first nine
months of 2002  compared to $161  million in the first nine  months of 2001.  We
repaid a $75 million  medium-term  note during the third quarter 2002.  Proceeds
from exercises of stock options  provided cash flows of $25 million in the first
nine months of 2001. We used the proceeds from the sale of the Dresser Equipment
Group in April 2001 to repay short-term debt in 2001.
         Cash flows from  discontinued  operations  provided $1.2 billion in the
first nine months of 2001.  Discontinued  operations cash flows for 2001 include
the proceeds from the sale of the Dresser Equipment Group.
         Capital resources from internally generated funds and access to capital
markets are sufficient to fund our working  capital  requirements  and investing
activities.  Our combined short-term notes payable and long-term debt was 25% of
total  capitalization  at September  30, 2002 and 24% at December  31, 2001.  At
September 30, 2002,  we have $192 million in  restricted  cash included in Other
assets. See Note 4. In addition, on April 15, 2002, we entered into an agreement
to sell accounts receivable to provide additional liquidity. See Note 12.


         Late in 2001 and early in 2002, Moody's Investors' Services lowered its
ratings of our long-term senior unsecured debt to Baa2 and our short-term credit
and commercial paper ratings to P-2. In addition,  Standard & Poor's lowered its
ratings of our long-term senior  unsecured debt to A- and our short-term  credit
and  commercial  paper  ratings to A-2.  The  ratings  were  lowered  due to the
agencies'  concerns about asbestos  litigation and the general  weakening in the
oilfield services sector.  Although our long-term ratings continue at investment
grade  levels,  the cost of new  borrowing  is higher and our access to the debt
markets is more volatile at the new rating levels.  Reduced ratings and concerns
about  asbestos  litigation,  along  with  recent  changes  in the  banking  and
insurance  markets,  will also result in higher cost and more limited  access to
markets for other credit products  including letters of credit and surety bonds.
Investment  grade  ratings are BBB- or higher for  Standard & Poor's and Baa3 or
higher for Moody's  Investors'  Services.  Our current  ratings are three levels
above BBB- on Standard & Poor's and one level  above Baa3 on Moody's  Investors'
         We have $350 million of  committed  lines of credit from banks that are
available if we maintain an investment  grade rating.  This facility  expires on
August 16, 2006. As of September  30, 2002, no amounts have been borrowed  under
these lines.
         In the normal course of business,  we have  agreements with banks under
which  approximately  $1.4 billion of letters of credit or bank  guarantees were
issued,  including $218 million which relate to our joint ventures'  operations.
During the quarter we amended an  agreement  with banks under which $260 million
of letters  of credit  have been  issued.  The  amended  agreement  removes  the
provision  that  previously  allowed the banks to require  collateralization  if
ratings of Halliburton  debt fell below  investment  grade ratings.  The revised
agreements include provisions that require us to maintain certain ratios of debt
(the definition of debt includes our asbestos liability) to total capital and of
total earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization to interest
         If our debt ratings fall below  investment  grade,  we would also be in
technical breach of a bank agreement covering another $176 million of letters of
credit at September 30, 2002, which might entitle the bank to set-off rights. In
addition,  a $151 million  letter of credit line, of which $103 million has been
issued,   includes   provisions   that   allow   the  banks  to   require   cash
collateralization for the full line if debt ratings of either rating agency fall
below the rating of BBB by Standard & Poor's,  three downgrades from our current
rating or Baa2 by Moody's  Investors'  Services,  one downgrade from our current
         In the event the  ratings of our debt by either  agency  falls,  we may
have to issue additional debt or equity  securities or obtain  additional credit
facilities in order to satisfy the cash collateralization requirements under the
instruments  referred to above and meet our other liquidity needs. We anticipate
that any such new financing would not be on terms as attractive as those we have
currently  and that we would also be subject to  increased  borrowing  costs and
interest  rates.  These  letters  of credit  and bank  guarantees  relate to our
guaranteed  performance or retention payments under our long-term  contracts and
         In the past, no  significant  claims have been made against  letters of
credit we have issued. We do not anticipate material losses to occur as a result
of these financial instruments.
         Our  Halliburton  Elective  Deferral  Plan has a provision  that if the
Standard  &  Poor's  rating  falls  below  BBB  the  amounts   credited  to  the
participants' accounts will be paid to the  participants in a lump-sum within 45
days. At September 30, 2002 this was approximately $47 million.
         On  July  12,  2001  we  issued  $425  million  of two  and  five  year
medium-term notes under our medium-term note program.  The notes consist of $275
million of 6% fixed rate notes due August 1, 2006 and $150  million of  floating
rate  notes  due July 16,  2003.  Net  proceeds  from the two  medium-term  note
offerings were used to reduce short-term debt in 2001.

         We  are  subject  to  numerous   environmental,  legal  and  regulatory
requirements  related to our operations  worldwide.  In the United States, these
laws  and  regulations   include  the  Comprehensive   Environmental   Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Resources Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA),  the Clean Air Act, the Federal Water Pollution  Control Act and the
Toxic Substances Control Act, among others. In addition to the federal laws and


regulations,   states  where  we  do  business  may  have  equivalent  laws  and
regulations  by  which  we  must  also  abide.  We  take an active  approach  to
evaluating and addressing the environmental impact of our operations.  We assess
and remediate  contaminated  properties in order to avoid future liabilities and
comply with legal and  regulatory  requirements.  On occasion we are involved in
specific  environmental   litigation  and  claims,  including  the  clean-up  of
properties  we own or  have  operated  as  well as  efforts  to meet or  correct
compliance-related matters.
         We do not expect costs related to these requirements to have a material
adverse  effect  on  our  consolidated  financial  position  or our  results  of
operations.  In certain instances,  we have been named a potentially responsible
party by a  regulatory  agency,  but in each of those cases we do not believe we
have any material liability.

         In August 2001, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued SFAS
No. 143, "Accounting  for Asset  Retirement  Obligations"  which  addresses  the
financial   accounting  and  reporting  for  obligations   associated  with  the
retirement of tangible  long-lived assets and the associated  assets' retirement
costs. SFAS No. 143 requires that the fair value of a liability  associated with
an asset  retirement  be  recognized  in the period in which it is incurred if a
reasonable  estimate of fair value can be made. The associated  retirement costs
are  capitalized  as part of the  carrying  amount of the  long-lived  asset and
subsequently  depreciated  over the life of the asset. We currently  account for
liabilities   associated  with  asset  retirement   obligations  under  existing
accounting  standards,  such as SFAS 19, SFAS 5, SOP 96-1, and EITF 89-30, which
does not require the asset  retirement  obligations to be recorded at fair value
and in some  instances  does  not  require  the  costs to be  recognized  in the
carrying amount of the related asset.  The new standard will be effective for us
beginning  January 1, 2003,  and we are currently  reviewing and  evaluating the
effects this standard will have on our future  financial  condition,  results of
operations, and accounting policies and practices.
         In April 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No.
145,  "Rescission  of FASB  Statements  No.  4, 44,  and 64,  Amendment  of FASB
Statement No. 13, and Technical  Corrections".  This Statement rescinds SFAS No.
4, "Reporting  Gains and Losses from  Extinguishment  of Debt", the amendment to
SFAS  No.  4,  and  SFAS  No.  64,  "Extinguishments  of Debt  Made  to  Satisfy
Sinking-Fund Requirements". SFAS No. 145 also amends paragraph 14(a) of SFAS No.
13,  "Accounting  for  Leases",  to  eliminate  an  inconsistency   between  the
accounting for sale-leaseback  transactions and certain lease modifications that
have economic effects that are similar to sale-leaseback transactions.  This new
standard will not have a material  effect on our future  financial  condition or
         In July 2002 the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued SFAS No.
146, "Accounting  for Costs Associated  with Exit or Disposal  Activities".  The
standard requires  companies to recognize costs associated with exit or disposal
activities  when  the  liabilities  are  incurred  rather  than at the date of a
commitment  to an exit or  disposal  plan.  Examples  of  costs  covered  by the
standard include lease termination costs and some employee  severance costs that
are associated with a restructuring,  discontinued operation,  plant closing, or
other exit or disposal activity.  SFAS No. 146 is to be applied prospectively to
exit or disposal activities initiated after December 31, 2002.

         The Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995  provides  safe
harbor provisions for forward-looking  information.  Forward-looking information
is  based  on  projections  and  estimates,  not  historical  information.  Some
statements in this Form 10-Q are  forward-looking and use words like "may," "may
not,"  "believes,"  "do  not  believe,"  "expects,"  "do  not  expect,"  "do not
anticipate,"  and  other  expressions.  We may  also  provide  oral  or  written
forward-looking  information  in  other  materials  we  release  to the  public.
Forward-looking  information  involves risks and  uncertainties and reflects our
best judgment  based on current  information.  Our results of operations  can be
affected  by  inaccurate  assumptions  we make or by known or unknown  risks and
uncertainties.  In  addition,  other  factors  may  affect the  accuracy  of our
forward-looking  information. As a result, no forward-looking information can be
guaranteed. Actual events and the results of operations may vary materially.


         While it is not possible to identify  all factors,  we continue to face
many risks and uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ from our
forward-looking statements including:
              -   asbestos litigation including the judgments against us in late
                  2001 and their related appeals;
              -   the ability of our insurers for our asbestos exposures  to pay
                  claims in the future;
              -   the   ability  to   access  insurance   policies  shared  with
                  Harbison-Walker   Refractories   Company   and   Federal-Mogul
                  Products, Inc.;
              -   future asbestos  claims settlement and defense costs including
                  current negotiations on a possible global settlement;
              -   continuation  of   the  temporary  restraining  order  in  the
                  Harbison-Walker bankruptcy court; and
              -   number and type of future asbestos claims;
              -   litigation,  including,  for example, class action shareholder
                  and   derivative   lawsuits,    contract   disputes,    patent
                  infringements, and environmental matters;
              -   trade  restrictions and  economic  embargoes  imposed  by  the
                  United States and other countries;
              -   restrictions  on our  ability to provide products and services
                  to  Iran,  Iraq  and  Libya,  all  of  which  are  significant
                  producers of oil and gas;
              -   many  of the  countries  that  we  operate  in are  developing
                  economies  which  have  protective  governmental   regulations
                  including, for example, regulations that:
                       -     encourage   or   mandate   the   hiring   of  local
                             contractors; and
                       -     require foreign  contractors to employ citizens of,
                             or    purchase   supplies   from,    a   particular
              -   potentially adverse  customer reaction,  and time  and expense
                  responding to,  the increased  scrutiny of  Halliburton by the
                  media and others;
              -   environmental  laws and  regulations, including,  for example,
                  those that:
                       -     require    emission   performance   standards   for
                             facilities; and
                       -     the  potential  regulation in  the United States of
                             our Energy  Services Group's  hydraulic  fracturing
                             services and products as underground injection;
              -   the proposed excise tax in the United States targeted at heavy
                  equipment of the type we own and use in our  operations  would
                  negatively impact our Energy Services Group operating income;
              -   any unexpected  adverse outcome of the SEC's current inquiries
                  into   Halliburton's   accounting   policies,   practices  and
                  procedures; and
              -   adverse   results   of   increased   review  and  scrutiny  of
                  Halliburton by regulatory authorities, media and others;
              -   due  to  the  unsettled  political   conditions  in  many  oil
                  producing   countries   and  countries  in  which  we  provide
                  governmental  logistical  support our  revenues and profit are
                  subject to the  adverse  consequences  of war,  the effects of
                  terrorism,   civil  unrest,  strikes,  currency  controls  and
                  governmental  actions.  Countries  where we operate which have
                  significant  amounts  of   political  risk  include:  Algeria,
                  Angola,  Argentina,   Colombia,   Indonesia,  Libya,  Nigeria,
                  Russia, and Venezuela. For example, recent strikes by offshore
                  workers in Norway and general  strikes in Venezuela as well as
                  seizures of offshore  oil rigs by  protestors  in Nigeria have
                  disrupted  our  Energy  Services  Group's  ability  to provide
                  services and products to our customers in these countries;
              -   any changes in foreign exchange rates and exchange controls as
                  were experienced in Argentina in late 2001 and early 2002. For
                  example,  the changes in Argentina exchange rates in late 2001
                  and early  2002 were  detrimental  to  results  of our  Energy
                  Services Group  operations in  Argentina.  Continued  economic
                  unrest in  Argentina  has reduced the demand for our  services
                  and products in Argentina; and
              -   potential military action in the Middle East could:


                       -     impact the demand and pricing for oil and gas;
                       -     disrupt   our   operations   in   the   region  and
                             elsewhere; and
                       -     increase our costs for security worldwide;
              -   additional reductions in debt ratings by rating agencies
                       -     access  to  lines  of  credit,  credit  markets and
                             credit from suppliers under acceptable terms;
                       -     borrowing costs in the future;
                       -     ability to issue letters of credit and surety bonds
                             with or without cash collateral; and
                       -     debt and letter of credit covenants;
              -   volatility in the surety bond market;
              -   availability of financing from the United States Export/Import
                  Bank; and
              -   ability to raise capital via the sale of stock;
         Weather related
              -   our  business is  impacted by  severe weather, particularly in
                  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  where  we  have significant operations.
                  Impacts may include:
                       -     evacuation   of   personnel   and   curtailment  of
                       -     weather related damage to offshore   drilling  rigs
                             resulting in suspension of operations;
                       -     weather related damage to our facilities;
                       -     inability  to  deliver  materials  to  jobsites  in
                             accordance with contract schedules; and
                       -     loss of productivity;
              -   demand  for  natural  gas  in  the  United   States  drives  a
                  disproportionate  amount of our Energy Services Group's United
                  States  business.  As a result,  warmer than normal winters in
                  the  United  States  are  detrimental  to the  demand  for our
                  services  to gas  producers.  Conversely,  colder  than normal
                  winters in the United  States  result in increased  demand for
                  our services to gas producers;
              -   the magnitude of  governmental  spending and  outsourcing  for
                  military and  logistical  support of the type that we provide,
                  including, for example, support services in the Balkans;
              -   changes in capital  spending by  customers  in the oil and gas
                  industry for exploration, development, production, processing,
                  refining, and pipeline delivery networks;
              -   changes in capital spending by governments for  infrastructure
                  projects of the sort that we perform;
              -   consolidation of customers including, for example, the  merger
                  of Conoco  and Phillips  Petroleum, has  caused  customers  to
                  reduce  their capital  spending which  has negatively impacted
                  the demand for our services and products;
              -   customer  personnel changes  due to  mergers and consolidation
                  which  impacts   the  timing   of  contract  negotiations  and
                  settlements of claims;
              -   claim negotiations with engineering and construction customers
                  on  cost  variances  and  change  orders  on  major  projects,
                  including,  for example,  the  Barracuda-Caratinga  project in
                  Brazil; and
              -   ability of our customers to timely pay the amounts due us;
              -   our operations  are tied to the  price of oil and natural gas.
                  Changes in oil and gas prices resulting from:
                       -     OPEC's  ability  to  set  and  maintain  production
                             levels and prices for oil;
                       -     the level of oil  production by non-OPEC countries;
                       -     the policies  of governments  regarding exploration
                             for and production and development of their oil and
                             natural gas reserves;
                       -     the level  of demand  for  oil  and  natural   gas,
                             especially natural gas in the United  States  where
                             demand is currently below last years' usage;
              -   obsolescence of  our proprietary technologies,  equipment  and
                  facilities, or work processes;


              -   changes in the  price or the  availability of commodities that
                  we use;
              -   ability to obtain key insurance coverage at acceptable prices;
              -   nonperformance,  default   or  bankruptcy  of   joint  venture
                  partners, key suppliers or subcontractors;
              -   risks that result from performing fixed-price projects,  where
                  failure  to  meet  schedules,  cost estimates  or  performance
                  targets could result in reduced profit margins or losses;
              -   risks  that  result  from  entering   into  complex   business
                  arrangements for technically  demanding projects where failure
                  by one or more parties could result in monetary penalties; and
              -   the risk inherent  in the use of derivative instruments of the
                  sort that  we use which  could cause a change  in value of the
                  derivative instruments as a result of:
                       -     adverse   movements  in   foreign  exchange  rates,
                             interest rates, or commodity prices; or
                       -     the value  and time period  of the derivative being
                             different than the exposures or cash flows being
              -   the  successful  deployment  of  SAP throughout  our remaining
                  Energy Services Group businesses, principally Sperry-Sun;  and
              -   the successful  identification, procurement  and  installation
                  of a  new financial  system to replace  the current system for
                  the Engineering and Construction Group;
         Personnel and mergers/reorganizations/dispositions
              -   integration   of   acquired   businesses   into   Halliburton,
                       -     standardizing  information  systems  or integrating
                             data from multiple systems;
                       -     maintaining     uniform     standards,    controls,
                             procedures, and policies; and
                       -     combining  operations  and  personnel  of  acquired
                             businesses with ours;
              -   effectively  restructuring  operations  and  personnel  within
                  Halliburton  including,  for example,  the  segregation of our
                  business into two separate entities under Halliburton;
              -   ensuring acquisitions and new  products and services add value
                  and complement our core businesses; and
              -   successful completion of planned dispositions.
         In  addition,   future  trends  for  pricing,   margins,  revenues  and
profitability  remain difficult to predict in the industries we serve. We do not
assume  any  responsibility  to  publicly  update  any  of  our  forward-looking
statements  regardless of whether factors change as a result of new information,
future  events  or for any  other  reason.  You  should  review  any  additional
disclosures  we make in our press  releases and Forms 10-Q,  8-K and 10-K to the
United  States  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  We also suggest that you
listen  to our  quarterly  earnings  release  conference  calls  with  financial

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

         We are exposed to  financial  instrument  market  risk from  changes in
foreign  currency  exchange  rates,  interest  rates  and to a  limited  extent,
commodity  prices.  We  selectively  manage these  exposures  through the use of
derivative  instruments  to mitigate our market risk from these  exposures.  The
objective of our risk  management  is to protect our cash flows related to sales
or purchases of goods or services from market  fluctuations  in currency  rates.
Our use of derivative instruments includes the following types of market risk:
              -   volatility of the currency rates and commodity prices;
              -   time horizon of the derivative instruments;
              -   market cycles; and
              -   the type of derivative instruments used.
         We do not use derivative  instruments for trading  purposes.  We do not
consider any of these risk management activities to be material.


Item 4.  Controls and Procedures

         Under the  supervision  and with the  participation  of our management,
including our principal  executive officer and principal  financial officer,  we
have evaluated the  effectiveness  of the design and operation of our disclosure
controls  and  procedures  within 90 days of the filing  date of this  quarterly
report,  and, based on their  evaluation,  our principal  executive  officer and
principal  financial  officer have  concluded that these controls and procedures
are effective.  There were no significant changes in our internal controls or in
other factors that could  significantly  affect these controls subsequent to the
date of their evaluation.
            Disclosure  controls  and  procedures  are our  controls  and  other
procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed
by us in the reports  that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded,
processed,  summarized  and reported,  within the time periods  specified in the
Securities and Exchange  Commission's rules and forms.  Disclosure  controls and
procedures  include,  without  limitation,  controls and procedures  designed to
ensure that  information  required to be  disclosed by us in the reports that we
file under the Exchange Act is accumulated  and  communicated to our management,
including our principal  executive officer and principal  financial officer,  as
appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.


Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         (a)    Exhibits

   *  10.1      Halliburton Company  Directors' Deferred  Compensation  Plan  as
                amended and restated effective as of October 22, 2002.

   *  24.1      Powers of attorney for the following directors:

                Robert L. Crandall
                Kenneth T. Derr
                Charles J. DiBona
                Lawrence S. Eagleburger
                W. R. Howell
                Ray L. Hunt
                David J. Lesar
                Aylwin B. Lewis
                J. Landis Martin
                Jay A. Precourt
                Debra L. Reed
                C. J. Silas

   *  24.2      Powers of attorney for the following executive officers:

                Jerry H. Blurton
                Lester L. Coleman
                Albert O. Cornelison, Jr.
                Douglas L. Foshee
                Robert R. Harl
                Arthur D. Huffman
                Weldon J. Mire
                R. Charles Muchmore, Jr.
                Edgar Ortiz
                David R. Smith
                *     Filed with this Form 10-Q.


         (b)    Reports on Form 8-K

Date Filed                     Date of Earliest Event      Description of Event
---------------------------    ------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------
During the third quarter of 2002:

July 11, 2002                  July 10, 2002               Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing the
                                                           response to the news of the Judicial Watch Lawsuit.

July 24, 2002                  July 16, 2002               Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing that
                                                           asbestos plaintiffs agree to extend current stay on
                                                           asbestos claims until September 18, 2002.

July 24, 2002                  July 22, 2002               Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing
                                                           second quarter charges.

July 29, 2002                  July 22, 2002               Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing that
                                                           a letter of intent has been signed to sell interest in
                                                           Bredero-Shaw to ShawCor Ltd.

July 30, 2002                  July 24, 2002               Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing
                                                           second quarter results.

August 7, 2002                 August 1, 2002              Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing a
                                                           response to false statements by Citizensworks.

August 13, 2002                August 13, 2002             Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure for the filing of
                                                           certificates pertaining to facts and circumstances
                                                           relating to Exchange Act filings.

August 14, 2002                August 13, 2002             Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure for the filing of
                                                           statements pertaining to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

August 23, 2002                August 23, 2002             Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing the

September 18, 2002             September 18, 2002          Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing
                                                           asbestos plaintiffs agree to extend current stay on
                                                           asbestos claims until November 7, 2002.

October 1, 2002                September 30, 2002          Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing the
                                                           selling of our interest in Bredero-Shaw to ShawCor Ltd.

During the fourth quarter of 2002:

October 2, 2002                October 1, 2002             Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing a
                                                           conference call to discuss third quarter financial

November 5, 2002               November 4, 2002            Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure for a press release
                                                           announcing the revision of credit rating agreements.



         As required by the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has
authorized  this  report  to be  signed  on  behalf  of  the  registrant  by the
undersigned authorized individuals.

                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY

Date: November 12, 2002            By: /s/  Douglas L. Foshee
     --------------------             ----------------------------------
                                            Douglas L. Foshee
                                       Executive Vice President and
                                         Chief Financial Officer

                                       /s/   R. Charles Muchmore, Jr.
                                             R. Charles Muchmore, Jr.
                                        Vice President and Controller and
                                           Principal Accounting Officer





I, David J. Lesar, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Halliburton Company;

2. Based on my  knowledge,  this  quarterly  report  does not contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such statements
were made, not  misleading  with respect to the period covered by this quarterly

3.  Based  on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
information  included in this quarterly  report,  fairly present in all material
respects the financial  condition,  results of operations  and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

4.  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and  I are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

a) designed  such  disclosure  controls and  procedures  to ensure that material
information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries,
is made known to us by others  within those  entities,  particularly  during the
period in which this quarterly report is being prepared;

b) evaluated  the  effectiveness  of the  registrant's  disclosure  controls and
procedures  as of a date  within  90  days  prior  to the  filing  date  of this
quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

c) presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the effectiveness of
the  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  based  on our  evaluation  as of the
Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation,  to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):

a) all significant  deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls
which  could  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability  to record,  process,
summarize and report  financial data and have  identified  for the  registrant's
auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

b) any  fraud,  whether  or not  material,  that  involves  management  or other
employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and


6. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and I have  indicated in this
quarterly  report  whether or not there  were  significant  changes in  internal
controls or in other factors that could  significantly  affect internal controls
subsequent to the date of our most recent  evaluation,  including any corrective
actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: November 8, 2002

                             /s/ David J. Lesar
                                 David J. Lesar
                            Chief Executive Officer

* Provide a separate  certification  for each  principal  executive  officer and
principal financial officer of the registrant.  See Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14. The
required certification must be in the exact form set forth above.



I, Douglas L. Foshee, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Halliburton Company;

2. Based on my  knowledge,  this  quarterly  report  does not contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such statements
were made, not  misleading  with respect to the period covered by this quarterly

3.  Based  on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
information  included in this quarterly  report,  fairly present in all material
respects the financial  condition,  results of operations  and cash flows of the
registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

4.  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and  I are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the registrant and we have:

a) designed  such  disclosure  controls and  procedures  to ensure that material
information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries,
is made known to us by others  within those  entities,  particularly  during the
period in which this quarterly report is being prepared;

b) evaluated  the  effectiveness  of the  registrant's  disclosure  controls and
procedures  as of a date  within  90  days  prior  to the  filing  date  of this
quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

c) presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the effectiveness of
the  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  based  on our  evaluation  as of the
Evaluation Date;

5. The registrant's other certifying officers and I have disclosed, based on our
most recent evaluation,  to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of
registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):

a) all significant  deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls
which  could  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability  to record,  process,
summarize and report  financial data and have  identified  for the  registrant's
auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

b) any  fraud,  whether  or not  material,  that  involves  management  or other
employees who have a significant role in the registrant's internal controls; and


6. The  registrant's  other  certifying  officers  and I have  indicated in this
quarterly  report  whether or not there  were  significant  changes in  internal
controls or in other factors that could  significantly  affect internal controls
subsequent to the date of our most recent  evaluation,  including any corrective
actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Date: November 8, 2002

                            /s/ Douglas L. Foshee
                                Douglas L. Foshee
                          Executive Vice President and
                             Chief Financial Officer
