Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in South Africa)
(Registration number: 1979/003231/06)
ISIN Code: ZAE000006896
("Sasol" or “the Company)
Shareholders are advised that the results of the business
conducted at the annual general meeting of Sasol held in Rosebank
today, are as follows:
1. The financial statements of the Company as well as the reports
of the directors and auditors for the year ended 30 June 2007
were accepted and adopted;
2. Mss E le R Bradley, V N Fakude, I N Mkhize and Messrs A Jain
and S Montsi retired by rotation at the meeting and were re-
elected for a further term of office in terms of Articles 75(d)
and 75(e)
of the Company’s Articles of Association;
3. One director appointed by the board during the course of the
calendar year, Mr T A Wixley retired at the meeting, but was
elected for a further term of office in terms of Article 75(h) of
the Company's Articles of Association;
4. KPMG Incorporated was re-appointed as auditors of the Company
until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting;
5. Special Resolution number 1 to adopt the English version of
the company’s memorandum and articles of association, initialled
by the chairman, to replace the Afrikaans version as the official
version of the memorandum and articles of association of the
company, with effect from the date of the adoption of this
resolution, was approved;
6. Special Resolution number 2 to amend the articles of
association (which have been adopted in terms of special
resolution number 1 above) by the insertion of a new article
143A, to enable the company to deliver notices and company
communications to shareholders electronically, to allow for the
use of electronic proxies and to allow for retention of documents
by way of electronic means, was approved;