Washington, D.C. 20549
Form 6-K
For the Quarter Ended December 31, 2005
Commission File Number 1-15182
(Translation of registrants name into English)
7-1-27, Ameerpet
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500 016, India
(Address of principal executive office)
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Quarter Ended December 31, 2005
Currency of Presentation and Certain Defined Terms
In this Quarterly Report, references to $ or dollars or U.S.$ or U.S. dollars are to
the legal currency of the United States and references to Rs. or rupees or Indian rupees are
to the legal currency of India. Our financial statements are presented in Indian rupees and
translated into U.S. dollars and are prepared in accordance with United States Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). References to a particular fiscal year are to our fiscal
year ended March 31 of such year. References to ADS are to our American Depository Shares, to
the FASB means the Financial Accounting Standards Board, to SFAS means Statements of Financial
Accounting Standards, to SAB means Staff Accounting Bulletin and to the EITF means the Emerging
Issues Task Force.
References to U.S. or United States are to the United States of America, its territories
and its possessions. References to India are to the Republic of India. Dr. Reddys is a
registered trademark of Dr. Reddys Laboratories Limited in India. With respect to other trademarks
or trade names used in this Quarterly Report, some are registered trademarks in our name and some
are pending before the respective trademark registries.
Except as otherwise stated in this report, all translations from Indian rupees to U.S. dollars
are based on the noon buying rate in the City of New York on December 31, 2005 for cable transfers
in Indian rupees as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which
was Rs.44.95 per U.S.$1.00. No representation is made that the Indian rupee amounts have been,
could have been or could be converted into United States dollars at such a rate or any other rate.
Any discrepancies in any table between totals and sums of the amounts listed are due to rounding.
Information contained in our website, www.drreddys.com, is not part of this Quarterly Report
and no portion of such information is incorporated herein.
Forward-Looking and Cautionary Statement
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
As of March 31, |
As of December 31, |
2005 |
2005 |
2005 |
Convenience |
translation into U.S.$ |
(Unaudited) |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Rs. |
9,287,864 |
Rs. |
8,142,300 |
U.S.$ |
181,141 |
Investment securities |
310,887 |
14,531 |
323 |
Accounts receivable, net of allowances |
3,587,289 |
4,511,940 |
100,377 |
Inventories |
3,499,606 |
4,382,879 |
97,506 |
Deferred income taxes and deferred charges |
236,931 |
189,904 |
4,225 |
Other current assets |
1,430,256 |
1,849,893 |
41,154 |
Total current assets |
18,352,833 |
19,091,447 |
424,726 |
Property, plant and equipment, net |
7,058,308 |
7,021,491 |
156,207 |
Investment securities |
995,431 |
1,252,722 |
27,869 |
Goodwill and intangible assets |
2,588,381 |
2,442,528 |
54,339 |
Other assets |
293,407 |
3,019,340 |
67,171 |
Total assets |
Rs. |
29,288,360 |
Rs. |
32,827,528 |
U.S.$ |
730,312 |
Current liabilities: |
Borrowings from banks |
Rs. |
2,796,330 |
Rs. |
3,832,852 |
U.S.$ |
85,269 |
Current portion of long-term debt |
5,920 |
5,920 |
132 |
Trade accounts payable |
1,415,648 |
2,149,721 |
47,825 |
Accrued expenses |
2,375,087 |
2,530,296 |
56,291 |
Other current liabilities |
988,937 |
884,949 |
19,687 |
Total current liabilities |
7,581,922 |
9,403,738 |
209,204 |
Long-term debt, excluding current portion |
25,145 |
20,705 |
461 |
Deferred income taxes |
551,789 |
519,576 |
11,559 |
Other liabilities |
176,345 |
399,947 |
8,898 |
Total liabilities |
Rs. |
8,335,201 |
Rs. |
10,343,966 |
U.S.$ |
230,122 |
Stockholders equity: |
Equity shares at Rs.5 par value; 100,000,000 shares
authorized; Issued and outstanding; 76,518,949 shares
and 76,538,949 shares as of March 31, 2005 and
December 31, 2005 respectively |
Rs. |
382,595 |
Rs. |
382,695 |
U.S.$ |
8,514 |
Additional paid-in capital |
10,089,152 |
10,103,623 |
224,775 |
Equity-options outstanding |
400,749 |
509,469 |
11,334 |
Retained earnings |
10,009,305 |
11,438,209 |
254,465 |
Equity shares held by a controlled trust: 41,400 shares |
(4,882 |
) |
(4,882 |
) |
(109 |
) |
Accumulated other comprehensive income |
76,240 |
54,448 |
1,211 |
Total stockholders equity |
20,953,159 |
22,483,562 |
500,190 |
Total liabilities and stockholders equity |
Rs. |
29,288,360 |
Rs. |
32,827,528 |
U.S.$ |
730,312 |
See accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
Three months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
2005 |
Convenience |
translation into |
U.S.$ |
(Unaudited) |
Revenues: |
Sales, net of allowances for sales returns
(includes excise duties of Rs.184,123, Rs.285,632
Rs.621,449 and Rs.876,265 for the three months
ended December 31, 2004 and 2005 and nine months
ended December 31, 2004 and 2005 respectively) |
Rs. |
4,644,050 |
Rs. |
5,898,101 |
Rs. |
14,899,927 |
Rs. |
17,245,738 |
U.S.$ |
383,665 |
License fees |
60,561 |
4,050 |
319,944 |
47,339 |
1,053 |
Service Income |
20,071 |
24,199 |
40,979 |
42,308 |
941 |
4,724,682 |
5,926,350 |
15,260,850 |
17,335,385 |
385,659 |
Cost of revenues |
2,245,185 |
2,910,472 |
7,167,781 |
8,380,783 |
186,447 |
Gross profit |
2,479,497 |
3,015,878 |
8,093,069 |
8,954,602 |
199,213 |
Operating expenses: |
Selling, general and administrative expenses |
1,719,286 |
2,022,668 |
5,069,991 |
5,736,769 |
127,626 |
Research and development expenses |
705,443 |
516,482 |
1,857,499 |
1,474,682 |
32,807 |
Amortization expenses |
87,505 |
85,944 |
263,486 |
257,966 |
5,739 |
Foreign exchange (gain)/loss |
48,340 |
29,008 |
419,595 |
107,728 |
2,397 |
Other operating (income)/loss |
1,154 |
(385,687 |
) |
789 |
(324,827 |
) |
(7,226 |
) |
Total operating expenses |
2,561,728 |
2,268,415 |
7,611,360 |
7,252,318 |
161,342 |
Operating income |
(82,231 |
) |
747,463 |
481,709 |
1,702,284 |
37,871 |
Equity in loss of affiliates |
(15,005 |
) |
(9,192 |
) |
(41,928 |
) |
(39,539 |
) |
(880 |
) |
Other (expense)/income, net |
108,593 |
177,393 |
312,490 |
521,527 |
11,602 |
Income before income taxes and minority interest |
11,357 |
915,664 |
752,271 |
2,184,272 |
48,593 |
Income taxes (expense)/benefit |
26,872 |
(286,777 |
) |
(33,024 |
) |
(319,756 |
) |
(7,114 |
) |
Minority interest |
1,826 |
(519 |
) |
11,256 |
756 |
17 |
Net income |
Rs. |
40,055 |
Rs. |
628,368 |
Rs. |
730,503 |
Rs. |
1,865,272 |
U.S.$ |
41,497 |
Earnings per equity share: |
Basic |
0.52 |
8.21 |
9.55 |
24.37 |
0.54 |
Diluted |
0.52 |
8.19 |
9.54 |
24.33 |
0.54 |
Weighted average number of equity shares used in
computing earnings per equity share: |
Basic |
76,518,949 |
76,538,949 |
76,518,949 |
76,536,913 |
76,536,913 |
Diluted |
76,535,703 |
76,716,813 |
76,539,972 |
76,663,317 |
76,663,317 |
See accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated )
Equity Shares held by |
Equity Shares |
a Controlled Trust |
Accumulated |
Additional |
Other |
Total |
No. of |
Paid In |
Comprehensive |
No. of |
Comprehensive |
Equity-options |
Retained |
Stockholders |
shares |
Amount |
Capital |
Income |
Shares |
Amount |
Income |
outstanding |
Earnings |
Equity |
Balance as of March
31, 2005 |
76,518,949 |
Rs. |
382,595 |
Rs. |
10,089,152 |
41,400 |
Rs. |
(4,882 |
) |
Rs. |
76,240 |
Rs. |
400,749 |
Rs. |
10,009,305 |
Rs. |
20,953,159 |
Dividend paid |
(436,368 |
) |
(436,368 |
) |
Issuance of Equity
shares on exercise
of options |
20,000 |
100 |
14,471 |
(14,471 |
) |
100 |
Comprehensive income |
Net income |
Rs. |
1,865,272 |
1,865,272 |
1,865,272 |
adjustment |
(21,805 |
) |
(21,805 |
) |
(21,805 |
) |
Unrealized gain
on investments,
net of tax |
13 |
13 |
13 |
Comprehensive income |
Rs. |
1,843,480 |
Application of SFAS
123 |
123,191 |
123,191 |
Balance as of
December 31, 2005 |
76,538,949 |
Rs. |
382,695 |
Rs. |
10,103,623 |
41,400 |
Rs. |
(4,882 |
) |
Rs. |
54,448 |
Rs. |
509,469 |
Rs. |
11,438,209 |
Rs. |
22,483,562 |
translation into
U.S.$ (unaudited) |
U.S.$ |
8,514 |
U.S.$ |
224,775 |
U.S.$ |
(109 |
) |
U.S.$ |
1,211 |
U.S.$ |
11,334 |
U.S.$ |
254,465 |
U.S.$ |
500,190 |
See accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
Nine months ended December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2005 |
Convenience |
translation into |
U.S.$ (unaudited) |
Cash flows from operating activities: |
Net income |
Rs. |
730,503 |
Rs. |
1,865,272 |
U.S.$ |
41,497 |
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash from operating activities: |
Income tax expenses |
18,983 |
319,756 |
7,114 |
Gain on sale of available for sale securities, net |
(49,317 |
) |
(14,510 |
) |
(323 |
) |
Depreciation and amortization |
961,956 |
1,097,448 |
24,415 |
Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment, net |
(4,297 |
) |
(324,831 |
) |
(7,226 |
) |
Equity in loss of affiliates |
41,928 |
39,539 |
880 |
Unrealized exchange loss on remeasurement |
230,461 |
234,282 |
5,212 |
Employees stock based compensation |
94,138 |
123,191 |
2,741 |
Minority interest |
(11,256 |
) |
(756 |
) |
(17 |
) |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities: |
Accounts receivable |
(454,918 |
) |
(883,096 |
) |
(19,646 |
) |
Inventories |
(637,171 |
) |
(887,411 |
) |
(19,742 |
) |
Other assets |
117,270 |
(867,434 |
) |
(19,298 |
) |
Trade accounts payable |
(445,398 |
) |
738,705 |
16,434 |
Accrued expenses |
237,587 |
149,347 |
3,323 |
Other liabilities |
(215,833 |
) |
(27,218 |
) |
(606 |
) |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
614,636 |
1,562,284 |
34,756 |
Cash flows from investing activities: |
Expenditure on property, plant and equipment, net of proceeds from
sale |
(1,299,412 |
) |
(519,566 |
) |
(11,559 |
) |
Proceeds from sale of investment securities, net of purchases |
1,630,942 |
51,715 |
1,150 |
Expenditure on intangible assets |
(539,165 |
) |
(120,482 |
) |
(2,680 |
) |
Cash paid for acquisition, net of cash acquired |
(2,564,043 |
) |
(57,042 |
) |
Net cash provided by/(used in) investing activities |
(207,635 |
) |
(3,152,376 |
) |
(70,130 |
) |
Cash flows from financing activities: |
Proceeds from borrowing from banks, net |
1,838,276 |
904,772 |
20,128 |
Repayment of long-term debt |
(155,996 |
) |
(4,440 |
) |
(99 |
) |
Dividends |
(431,614 |
) |
(436,368 |
) |
(9,708 |
) |
Net cash provided by financing activities |
1,250,666 |
463,964 |
10,322 |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash |
156,037 |
(19,436 |
) |
(432 |
) |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents during the period |
1,813,704 |
(1,145,564 |
) |
(25,485 |
) |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period |
4,376,235 |
9,287,864 |
206,627 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
Rs. |
6,189,939 |
Rs. |
8,142,300 |
U.S.$ |
181,141 |
Supplemental disclosures: |
Cash paid for: |
Interest (net of interest capitalized) |
85,067 |
Rs. |
131,665 |
U.S.$ |
2,929 |
Income taxes |
10,000 |
222,469 |
Supplemental schedule of non-cash investing activities: |
Property, plant and equipment purchased on credit during the year |
31,157 |
693 |
See accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
1. Basis of preparation of financial statements
The accompanying unaudited interim condensed consolidated balance sheets as of December 31,
2005, and consolidated statements of income and statements of cash flows for the three months and
nine months ended December 31, 2004 and 2005, have been prepared on substantially the same basis as
the audited financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2005, and include all adjustments
consisting only of normal recurring adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of the financial
information set forth herein. The preparation of condensed consolidated financial statements in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management
to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities,
revenues and expenses and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. Actual results could
differ from these estimates.
2. Interim information
These unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and related notes contained in the
Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended March 31, 2005. The results of the interim periods
are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected for the full fiscal year.
3. Convenience translation
The accompanying unaudited interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in
Indian rupees. Solely for the convenience of the reader, the financial statements as of December
31, 2005 have been translated into United States dollars at the noon buying rate in New York City
on December 31, 2005 for cable transfers in Indian rupees, as certified for customs purposes by the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York of U.S.$1 = Rs.44.95. No representation is made that the Indian
rupee amounts have been, could have been or could be converted into United States dollars at such a
rate or any other rate.
4. Stock based compensation
Dr. Reddys Laboratories Limited (the Company or DRL) uses the Black-Scholes option
pricing model to determine the fair value of each option grant. The Black-Scholes model includes
assumptions regarding dividend yields, expected volatility, expected lives and risk free interest
rates. These assumptions reflect managements best estimates, but these assumptions involve
inherent market uncertainties based on market conditions generally outside of the control of the
Company. As a result, if other assumptions had been used in the current period, stock-based
compensation expense could have been materially impacted. Furthermore, if management uses different
assumptions in future periods, stock based compensation expense could be materially impacted in
future years.
The fair value of each option is estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes model
with the following assumptions:
Three months ended December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
Dividend yield |
0.7 |
% |
0.7 |
% |
Expected life |
42-78 months |
12-78 months |
Risk free interest rates |
4.5 - 6.8 |
% |
4.5 - 7.1 |
% |
Volatility |
41.6 - 50.7 |
% |
23.4 - 50.7 |
% |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
4. Stock based compensation (continued)
Dividend yield assumptions have not been considered in determining the fair value in respect of
options issued by the Companys subsidiaries, as these companies are not listed and have not
declared dividends.
At December 31, 2005, the Company had three stock-based employee compensation plans, which are
described more fully in Note 12, including two stock based employee compensation plans in its
subsidiary, Aurigene Discovery Technologies Ltd. The Company has accounted for these plans under
SFAS 123, using the Black-Scholes option pricing model to determine the fair value of each option
5. Acquisition of Trigenesis Therapeutics, Inc.
On April 27, 2004, the Company acquired the entire share capital of Trigenesis Therapeutics,
Inc. (Trigenesis) for a total consideration of Rs.496,715 (U.S.$11,000).
Trigenesis is a U.S. based research company specializing in the dermatology field. As a
result of the acquisition, DRL has acquired certain technology platforms and marketing rights. The
acquisition has been accounted for as a purchase of intangible assets as Trigenesis did not meet
the definition of a business as described in EITF Issue No. 98-3, and accordingly the transaction
did not meet the definition of a business combination.
The total purchase consideration has been allocated to the acquired assets as of March 31,
2005 based on a valuation carried out by an independent valuer.
Core-technology rights and licenses |
Rs. |
132,753 |
Marketing rights |
Rs. |
86,619 |
In-Process technology |
Rs. |
277,343 |
The Company has expensed the amount allocated towards in-process technology, being research
and development projects having no future alternate uses as research and development expenses
during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005. The core-technology rights and licenses and marketing
rights have been capitalized as intangible assets to be amortized over the period over which the
intangible assets are expected to contribute directly or indirectly to future cash flows.
6. Formation of Perlecan Pharma Private Limited
In September 2005, the Company announced the formation of an integrated drug development
company, Perlecan Pharma Private Limited (Perlecan Pharma), as a joint venture with Citigroup
Venture Capital International Growth Partnership Mauritius Limited (Citigroup Venture) and ICICI
Venture Funds Management Company (ICICI Venture). Perlecan Pharma is engaged in the clinical
development and out-licensing of New Chemical Entity (NCE) assets. Under the agreement,
Citigroup Venture and ICICI Venture each committed to contribute U.S.$22.5 million to Perlecan
Pharmas initial capital and the Company committed to contribute U.S.$7.5 million. In addition, as
part of this arrangement, the Company will transfer all rights and title, including the development
and commercialization rights, of four NCE assets to Perlecan Pharma after satisfaction of certain
conditions precedent in the agreement.
As a result, the Company will initially own approximately 14.29% of the equity of Perlecan
Pharma. In addition, Perlecan Pharma will issue to the Company warrants to purchase 95 million
equity shares of Perlecan Pharma, at Rs.1.00 per warrant, the exercise of which will be contingent
upon the success of certain research and development milestones. If the warrants are fully
exercised, then the Company will own approximately 76.9% of the equity shares of Perlecan Pharma.
As discussed in Recent Developments below, the terms of this agreement have been subsequently
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
7. Acquisition of Industrias Quimicas Falcon De Mexico S.A.De.C.V. (Falcon)
On December 30, 2005 the Company acquired 100% of the share capital of Industrias Quimicas
Falcon de Mexico (Falcon), a Roche group company for a total purchase consideration of Rs.2,
773,126 (U.S.$ 61,233) .
The operations of Falcon relate to the manufacture and sale of active pharmaceutical
ingredients and steroids. Its product portfolio is comprised of 18 products, including mature
active pharmaceutical ingredients (i.e, those which support off patent brands) and a range of
intermediates and steroids. The Company acquired Falcon with an intent to add unique steroid
manufacturing capabilities to its product portfolio and to enable it to offer a full range of
services in its custom pharmaceutical services business. .
The Company is in the process of identification of the various tangible and intangible assets
acquired from Falcon and is in the process of obtaining fair values from independent appraiser for
the measurement of fair values for these assets and related liabilities. This process is expected
to be completed within the next three months. Pending such identification and measurement of fair
value for the assets and liabilities acquired, no preliminary allocation of the purchase
consideration has been done.
Pro forma information: The table reflects unaudited pro forma consolidated results of operations as
if the above acquisition had been made at the beginning of the periods presented below.
Three months |
Nine months |
ended December 31, |
ended December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Revenues |
Rs. |
5,688,165 |
Rs. |
6,957,543 |
Rs. |
17,534,094 |
Rs. |
19,167,786 |
Net income |
123,854 |
733,274 |
927,675 |
2,051,670 |
Earnings per equity share: |
Basic |
1.62 |
9.58 |
12.12 |
26.81 |
Diluted |
1.62 |
9.56 |
12.12 |
26.76 |
Weighted average number of
equity shares used in
computing earnings per equity
share: |
Basic |
76,518,949 |
76,538,949 |
76,518,949 |
76,536,913 |
Diluted |
76,535,703 |
76,716,813 |
76,539,972 |
76,663,317 |
8. Deferred revenue
The Company had, pursuant to an agreement entered into with Novartis Pharma AG (Novartis),
agreed to provide Novartis with an exclusive license to develop, promote, distribute, market and
sell certain products to be further developed into drugs for the treatment of specified diseases.
Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, during the year ended March 31, 2002, the Company received
Rs.235,550 (U.S.$5,000) as an up-front license fee. As the up-front license fee did not represent
the culmination of a separate earning process, the up-front license fee had been deferred to be
recognized in accordance with the Companys accounting policy proportionately upon the receipt of
stated milestone payments. The agreement with Novartis for the further development of the compound
expired on May 30, 2004 and Novartis has decided to discontinue further development and,
accordingly, the Company recognized the entire amount of deferred revenue of Rs.235,550
(U.S.$5,000) as license fees during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005.
The Company has entered into certain dossier sales, licensing and supply arrangements in
Europe and Japan. These arrangements include certain performance obligations and based on an
evaluation that these obligations are not inconsequential or perfunctory, the Company has deferred
the upfront payments received towards these arrangements. These amounts will be recognized in the
income statement in the period in which the Company completes all its performance obligations.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
8. Deferred revenue (continued)
Upon completion of all of its performance obligations for some of the contracts, the Company
recognized income of Rs.4,050 and Rs.47,339 in the income statement for the three months ended and
nine months ended December 31, 2005. The balance, aggregating to Rs.78,112, represents the deferred
revenue relating to these arrangements which is included in other current liabilities.
9. Goodwill and intangible assets
On April 1, 2002, the Company adopted SFAS No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets.
Adoption of SFAS No. 142 did not result in reclassification of existing goodwill and intangible
As required by SFAS No. 142, the Company identified its reporting units and assigned assets
and liabilities, including goodwill to the reporting units on the date of adoption. Subsequently,
the Company compared the fair value of the reporting unit to its carrying value including goodwill,
to determine whether goodwill is impaired at the date of adoption. This transitional impairment
evaluation did not indicate an impairment loss.
Subsequent to the adoption of SFAS No. 142, the Company does not amortize goodwill but tests
goodwill for impairment at least annually. The carrying value of the goodwill (including the
goodwill arising on investment in affiliate of Rs.181,943) and net other intangible assets on the
date of adoption was Rs.1,473,605 and Rs.1,276,397 respectively.
Trademarks, marketing know-how, customer related intangibles and non-compete arrangements are
amortized over the expected benefit period or the legal life, whichever is lower.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
9. Goodwill and intangible assets (continued)
The following table presents the changes in goodwill during the year ended March 31, 2005 and
nine months ended December 31, 2005:
Year ended |
Nine months ended |
March 31, 2005 |
December 31, 2005 |
Balance at the beginning of the period |
Rs. |
1,704,492 |
Rs. |
1,743,442 |
Acquired during the period |
38,950 |
109,882 |
Balance at the end of the period |
Rs. |
1,743,442 |
Rs. |
1,853,324 |
During the nine months ended December 31, 2005, the Company released the balance of the
escrow amount relating to the contingent consideration payable for its acquisition of Dr. Reddys
Laboratories (EU) Limited (formerly BMS Laboratories Limited) and its consolidated subsidiary, Dr.
Reddys Laboratories (U.K.) Limited (formerly Meridian Healthcare Limited), amounting to Rs.81,133,
as the contingency related to certain legal and tax matters was resolved.
In March 2000, Dr. Reddys Laboratories Inc. (DRLI), a consolidated subsidiary, acquired 25%
of its common stock held by a minority shareholder for a cash consideration of Rs.1,072, which was
accounted for by the purchase method. The terms of the purchase also provide for contingent
consideration not exceeding U.S.$14,000 over the next ten years based on achievement of certain
specified targets. Such payments would be recorded as goodwill in the periods in which the
contingency is resolved in accordance with the consensus reached by the Emerging Issues Task Force
on Issue 95-8, Accounting for Contingent Consideration Paid to the Shareholders of an Acquired
Enterprise in a Purchase Business Combination. During the nine month period ended December 31,
2005, as certain specified targets have been met, DRLI has paid/accrued Rs.28,749 (U.S.$648) which
has been recorded as goodwill.
The following table presents acquired and amortized intangible assets as of March 31, 2005 and
December 31, 2005:
As of March 31, 2005 |
As of December 31, 2005 |
Gross carrying |
Accumulated |
Gross carrying |
Accumulated |
amount |
amortization |
amount |
amortization |
Trademarks |
Rs. |
2,570,242 |
Rs. |
1,833,303 |
Rs. |
2,568,732 |
Rs. |
2,054,937 |
Core-technology rights |
132,753 |
132,753 |
Non-compete arrangements |
111,289 |
98,602 |
109,504 |
101,986 |
Marketing know-how |
80,000 |
80,000 |
80,000 |
80,000 |
Marketing rights |
94,852 |
3,659 |
94,382 |
7,763 |
Customer related
intangibles |
125,156 |
73,908 |
118,015 |
88,071 |
Others |
8,027 |
5,965 |
7,569 |
7,051 |
Rs. |
3,122,319 |
Rs. |
2,095,437 |
Rs. |
3,110,955 |
Rs. |
2,339,808 |
The aggregate amortization expense for the three months and nine months ended December
31, 2004 and 2005 was Rs.87,505, Rs.85,944, Rs.263,486 and Rs.257,966 respectively.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
9. Goodwill and intangible assets (continued)
Estimated amortization expense for the next five years with respect to such assets is as
For the three months ending March 31, 2006 |
Rs. |
67,897 |
For the year ending March 31,
2007 |
262,256 |
2008 |
192,793 |
2009 |
70,565 |
2010 |
18,907 |
Thereafter |
158,729 |
Total |
Rs. |
771,147 |
The intangible assets (net of amortization) as of December 31, 2005 have been allocated
to the following segments:
Active |
Pharmaceutical |
Ingredients and |
Formulations |
Intermediates |
Generics |
Drug Discovery |
Total |
Goodwill |
Rs. |
349,774 |
Rs. |
997,025 |
Rs. |
416,088 |
Rs. |
90,437 |
Rs. |
1,853,324 |
Trademarks |
460,696 |
53,099 |
513,795 |
Core-technology rights |
132,753 |
132,753 |
Non-compete arrangements |
7,518 |
7,518 |
Customer related intangibles |
29,944 |
29,944 |
Marketing rights |
86,619 |
86,619 |
Others |
518 |
518 |
Rs. |
810,470 |
Rs. |
997,025 |
Rs. |
726,539 |
Rs. |
90,437 |
Rs. |
2,624,471 |
The intangible assets (net of amortization) as of March 31, 2005 have been allocated to
the following segments:
Active |
Pharmaceutical |
Ingredients and |
Drug |
Formulations |
Intermediates |
Generics |
Discovery |
Total |
Goodwill |
Rs. |
349,774 |
Rs. |
997,025 |
Rs. |
306,206 |
Rs. |
90,437 |
Rs. |
1,743,442 |
Trademarks |
647,369 |
89,570 |
736,939 |
Core-technology rights |
132,753 |
132,753 |
Non-compete arrangements |
12,687 |
12,687 |
Customer related intangibles |
51,248 |
51,248 |
Marketing rights |
91,193 |
91,193 |
Others |
2,062 |
2,062 |
Rs. |
997,143 |
Rs. |
997,025 |
Rs. |
685,719 |
Rs. |
90,437 |
Rs. |
2,770,324 |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
10. Property, plant and equipment, net
Property, plant and equipment consist of the following:
As of March 31, |
As of December 31, |
2005 |
2005 |
Land |
Rs. |
519,902 |
Rs. |
529,746 |
Buildings |
2,064,956 |
2,066,665 |
Plant and machinery |
6,947,490 |
6,924,254 |
Furniture, fixtures and equipment |
734,721 |
698,281 |
Vehicles |
238,556 |
281,344 |
Computer equipment |
429,266 |
419,434 |
Capital work-in-progress |
567,974 |
799,580 |
11,502,865 |
11,719,304 |
Accumulated depreciation |
(4,444,557 |
) |
(4,697,813 |
) |
Rs. |
7,058,308 |
Rs. |
7,021,491 |
Depreciation expense for the three months and nine months ended December 31, 2004 and
2005 was Rs.253,342, Rs.286,221, Rs.698,470, and Rs.839,482 respectively.
On October 29, 2005 the Company entered into an agreement to sell one of its formulations
manufacturing facilities located in Goa, India to a subsidiary of a U.S. based pharmaceutical
company. The sale was subject to the fulfillment of certain closing conditions. During the three
months ended December 31, 2005 the Company fulfilled all the closing conditions and the sale was
completed. The profit on sale of this facility amounting to Rs.388.14 million has been included in
Other (expense)/income, net in the three months and nine months ended December 31, 2005.
11. Inventories
Inventories consist of the following:
As of March 31, |
As of December 31, |
2005 |
2005 |
Raw materials |
Rs. |
1,008,729 |
Rs. |
1,453,507 |
Stores and spares |
316,915 |
331,303 |
Work-in-process |
1,068,115 |
1,266,944 |
Finished goods |
1,105,847 |
1,331,125 |
Rs. |
3,499,606 |
Rs. |
4,382,879 |
During the nine months ended December 31, 2004 and 2005, the Company recorded an
inventory write-down of Rs.59,518 and Rs.72,810 respectively, resulting from a decline in the
market value of certain finished goods and a write down of certain raw materials, which amounts are
included in cost of goods sold.
12. Employee stock incentive plans
Dr. Reddys Employees Stock Option Plan-2002 (the DRL 2002 Plan):
The Company instituted the DRL 2002 Plan for all eligible employees in pursuance of the
special resolution approved by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on September 24,
2001. The DRL 2002 Plan covers all employees and directors of the Company and its subsidiaries.
Under the DRL 2002 Plan, the Compensation Committee of the Board (the Compensation Committee)
shall administer the DRL 2002 Plan and grant stock options to eligible employees and directors of
the Company and its subsidiaries. The Compensation Committee shall determine the employees eligible
for receiving the options, the number of options to be granted, the exercise price, the vesting
period and the exercise period. The vesting period is determined for all options issued on the date
of the grant.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
12. Employee stock incentive plans (continued)
The DRL 2002 Plan was amended on July 28, 2004 at the annual general meeting of shareholders
to provide for stock option grants in two categories:
Category A: 1,721,700 stock options out of the total of 2,295,478 reserved for grant
of options having an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the underlying equity shares
on the date of grant; and
Category B: 573,778 stock options out of the total of 2,295,478 reserved for grant of
options having an exercise price equal to the par value of the underlying equity shares (i.e., Rs.5
per option).
The DRL 2002 Plan was further amended on July 27, 2005 at the annual general meeting of
shareholders to re-allocate the stock options to be granted pursuant to Category A and Category B
as follows:
Category A: 300,000 stock options out of the total of 2,295,478 reserved for grant of
options having an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the underlying equity shares on
the date of grant; and
Category B: 1,995,478 stock options out of the total of 2,295,478 reserved for grant
of options having an exercise price equal to the par value of the underlying equity shares (i.e.,
Rs.5 per option).
The fair market value of a share on each grant date falling under Category A above is defined
as the average closing price for 30 days prior to the grant in the stock exchange where there is
highest trading volume during that period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Compensation
Committee may, after obtaining the approval of the shareholders in the annual general meeting,
grant options with a per share exercise price other than fair market value and par value of the
equity shares.
Stock option activity under the DRL 2002 Plan is as follows:
Three months ended December 31, 2004 |
Weighted- |
Weighted- |
average remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of exercise |
average exercise |
contractual life |
out of options |
prices |
price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
1,319,753 |
Rs. |
51,396 |
Rs. |
887.89 |
69 |
Granted during the period |
22,900 |
747 |
747 |
89 |
Expired during the period |
(88,972 |
) |
8831,063.02 |
912.82 |
Exercised during the period |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
1,253,681 |
51,396 |
883.55 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
466,368 |
Rs. |
8831,149 |
Rs. |
968.25 |
42 |
Nine months ended December 31, 2004 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of exercise |
average |
contractual life |
out of options |
prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
911,038 |
Rs. |
8831,396 |
Rs. |
968.95 |
66 |
Granted during the period |
516,500 |
5-885 |
742.11 |
84 |
Expired during the period |
(173,857 |
) |
8831,063.02 |
910.90 |
Exercised during the period |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
1,253,681 |
51,396 |
883.55 |
66 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
466,368 |
Rs. |
8831,149 |
Rs. |
968.25 |
42 |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
12. Employee stock incentive plans (continued)
The weighted average grant date fair values for options granted during the three months and
nine months ended December 31, 2004 were Rs.318.89 and Rs.436.15 respectively. During the period
80,000 options were granted at an exercise price of Rs.5. The weighted average grant date fair
values for 80,000 options granted at Rs.5 was Rs.716.63.
A Fair Market Value Options
Three months ended December 31, 2005 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising out |
Range of exercise |
average |
contractual life |
of options |
prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
202,250 |
7251,149 |
908.88 |
54 |
Granted during the period |
Expired / forfeited during the period |
Surrendered by employees during the period |
Exercised during the period |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
202,250 |
7251,149 |
908.88 |
51 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
120,382 |
Rs. |
7471,149 |
Rs. |
949.62 |
32 |
Category B Par Value Options
Three months ended December 31, 2005 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising out |
Range of exercise |
average |
contractual |
of options |
prices |
exercise price |
life (months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
464,628 |
Rs. |
5 |
Rs. |
5 |
83 |
Granted during the period |
Forfeited during the period |
(10,660 |
) |
5 |
5 |
Exercised during the period |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
453,968 |
Rs. |
5 |
Rs. |
5 |
80 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
Category A Fair Market Value Options
Nine months ended December 31, 2005 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising out |
Range of exercise |
average |
contractual life |
of options |
prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
298,950 |
Rs. |
7471149 |
Rs. |
977.31 |
50 |
Granted during the period |
32,500 |
725 |
725 |
90 |
Expired / forfeited during the period |
(39,200 |
) |
7251,147 |
990 |
Surrendered by employees during the period |
(90,000 |
) |
977.30-1,063.02 |
1,034 |
Exercised during the period |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
202,250 |
7251,149 |
908.88 |
51 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
120,382 |
Rs. |
7471,149 |
Rs. |
949.62 |
32 |
Category B Par Value Options
Nine months ended December 31, 2005 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising out |
Range of exercise |
average |
contractual |
of options |
prices |
exercise price |
life (months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
379,549 |
Rs. |
5 |
Rs. |
5 |
84 |
Granted during the period |
216,860 |
5 |
5 |
90 |
Forfeited during the period |
(122,441 |
) |
5 |
5 |
Exercised during the period |
(20,000 |
) |
5 |
5 |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
453,968 |
Rs. |
5 |
Rs. |
5 |
80 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
12. Employee stock incentive plans (continued)
No options were granted during the three months ended December 31, 2005 under the DRL 2002
Plan. The weighted average grant date fair value for options granted under the DRL 2002 Plan at par
value during nine months ended December 31, 2005 was Rs.776.50. The weighted average grant date
fair value for options granted under the DRL 2002 Plan at fair market value during the nine months
ended December 31, 2005 was Rs.293.42.
Aurigene Discovery Technologies Ltd. Employee Stock Option Plan (Aurigene ESOP Plan):
In fiscal 2004, Aurigene Discovery Technologies Limited (Aurigene), a consolidated
subsidiary, adopted the Aurigene ESOP Plan to provide for issuance of stock options to employees.
Aurigene has reserved 4,550,000 of its ordinary shares for issuance under this plan. Under the
Aurigene ESOP Plan, stock options may be granted at a price per share as may be determined by
Aurigenes Compensation Committee. The options vest at the end of three years from the date of
grant of the option.
Stock option activity under the Aurigene ESOP Plan was as follows:
Three months ended December 31, 2004 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of |
average |
contractual life |
out of options |
exercise prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
227,306 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
65 |
Granted during the period |
Expired during the period |
(17,153 |
) |
10 |
10 |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
210,153 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
62 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
Nine months ended December 31, 2004 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of |
average |
contractual life |
out of options |
exercise prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
169,188 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
65 |
Granted during the period |
342,381 |
10 |
10 |
70 |
Expired during the period |
(301,416 |
) |
10 |
10 |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
210,153 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
62 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
The weighted average grant date fair values for options granted during the three months
and nine months ended December 31, 2004 was Rs.4.29.
Three months ended December 31, 2005 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of |
average |
contractual life |
out of options |
exercise prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
110,502 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
53 |
Granted during the period |
Forfeited during the period |
(20,631 |
) |
10 |
10 |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
89,871 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
50 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
12. Employee stock incentive plans (continued)
Nine months ended December 31, 2005 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of |
average |
contractual life |
out of options |
exercise prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
197,178 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
59 |
Granted during the period |
Forfeited during the period |
(107,307 |
) |
10 |
10 |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
89,871 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
50 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
No options were granted during the three months and nine months ended December 31, 2005 under
the Aurigene ESOP Plan.
Aurigene Discovery Technologies Ltd. Management Group Stock Grant Plan (Management Plan):
In fiscal 2004, Aurigene adopted the Management Plan to provide for issuance of stock options
to management employees of Aurigene and its subsidiary Aurigene Discovery Technologies Inc.
Aurigene has reserved 2,950,000 ordinary shares for issuance under this plan. Under the Management
Plan, stock options may be granted at a price per share as may be determined by Aurigenes
compensation committee. The options vest on the date of grant of the options.
Stock option activity under the Management Plan was as follows:
Three months ended December 31, 2004 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of |
average exercise |
contractual life |
out of options |
exercise prices |
price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
1,000,000 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
75 |
Granted during the period |
Expired during the period |
(900,000 |
) |
10 |
10 |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
100,000 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
72 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
100,000 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
72 |
Nine months ended December 31, 2004 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of |
average |
contractual life |
out of options |
exercise prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
616,666 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
77 |
Granted during the period |
616,667 |
10 |
10 |
67 |
Expired during the period |
(1,133,333 |
) |
10 |
10 |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
100,000 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
72 |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
100,000 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
72 |
The weighted average grant date fair values for options granted during the nine months
ended December 31, 2004 was Rs.3.76.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
12. Employee stock incentive plans (continued)
Nine months ended December 31, 2005 |
Weighted- average |
Weighted- |
remaining |
Shares arising |
Range of |
average |
contractual life |
out of options |
exercise prices |
exercise price |
(months) |
Outstanding at the beginning of the period |
100,000 |
Rs. |
10 |
Rs. |
10 |
65 |
Granted during the period |
Forfeited during the period |
100,000 |
10 |
10 |
Outstanding at the end of the period |
Exercisable at the end of the period |
No options were granted during the three months and nine months ended December 31, 2005
under the Management Plan.
As of December 31, 2005, there were no outstanding stock options under the Management Plan.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
13. Employer Benefit Plans
Gratuity benefits: In accordance with applicable Indian laws, the Company provides for
gratuity a defined benefit retirement plan (the Gratuity Plan) covering certain categories of
employees. The Gratuity Plan provides a lump sum payment to vested employees, at retirement or
termination of employment, an amount based on the respective employees last drawn salary and the
years of employment with the Company. Effective September 1, 1999, the Company established the Dr.
Reddys Laboratories Gratuity Fund (the Gratuity Fund). Liabilities with regard to the Gratuity
Plan are determined by an actuarial valuation, based upon which the Company makes contributions to
the Gratuity Fund. Trustees administer the contributions made to the Gratuity Fund. The amounts
contributed to the Gratuity Fund are invested in specific securities as mandated by law and
generally consist of federal and state government bonds and the debt instruments of
government-owned corporations.
The components of net periodic benefit cost for the three months and nine months ended
December 31, 2004 and 2005 is as follows:
Three months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Service cost |
Rs. |
5,095 |
Rs. |
6,731 |
Rs. |
15,285 |
Rs. |
20,193 |
Interest cost |
2,554 |
3,814 |
7,662 |
11,442 |
Expected return on plan assets |
(2,617 |
) |
(2,303 |
) |
(7,851 |
) |
(6,909 |
) |
Amortization of transition Obligation / (Assets) |
193 |
156 |
579 |
468 |
Recognized net actuarial (Gain) / Loss |
72 |
1,804 |
216 |
5,412 |
Net amount recognized |
Rs. |
5,297 |
Rs. |
10,202 |
Rs. |
15,891 |
Rs. |
30,606 |
14. Commitments and Contingencies
Capital Commitments: As of March 31, 2005 and December 31, 2005, the Company had committed to
spend approximately Rs.192,161 and Rs.513,342 respectively, under agreements to purchase property
and equipment. The amount is net of capital advances paid in respect of such purchases.
Guarantees: The Company adopted the provisions of FASB Interpretation No. 45, Guarantors
Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, including Indirect Guarantees of
Indebtedness of Others. The Interpretation requires that the Company recognize the fair value of
guarantee and indemnification arrangements issued or modified by the Company after December 31,
2002, if these arrangements are within the scope of that Interpretation. In addition, under
previously existing generally accepted accounting principles, the Company continues to monitor the
conditions that are subject to the guarantees and indemnifications to identify whether it is
probable that a loss has occurred, and would recognize any such losses under the guarantees and
indemnifications when those losses are estimable.
On December 14, 2001, in order to enable the Companys affiliate Pathnet India Private Limited
(Pathnet) to secure a credit facility of Rs.250 million from ICICI Bank Ltd. (ICICI Bank), the
Company issued a corporate guarantee amounting to Rs.122.5 million in favor of ICICI Bank. Pathnet
was an equity investee accounted for by the equity method. During the nine months ended December
31, 2005, the Company sold its stake in Pathnet and settled the guarantee by paying ICICI Bank
Rs.21.0 million, a portion of the loan amount then outstanding. The Companys payment was
determined based on the Companys share of the outstanding guarantees of Pathnets credit facility.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
14. Commitments and Contingencies (continued)
Kunshan Rotam Reddy Pharmaceutical Co. Limited (KRRP) secured a credit facility of Rs.32
million from Citibank ,N.A. To enhance the credit standing of KRRP, the Company issued during the
nine months ended December 31, 2005, a corporate guarantee amounting to Rs.45,000 in favor of
Citibank. The guarantee is required to be renewed every year and the liability of the Company may
arise in the case of non-payment or non-performance of other obligations of KRRP under its credit
facility agreement with Citibank. As of December 31, 2005, it is not probable that the Company will
be required to make payments under the guarantee. Accordingly, no liability has been accrued for a
loss related to the Companys obligation under this guarantee arrangement.
Litigations / Contingencies: The Company manufactures and distributes Norfloxacin, a
formulations product. Under the Drugs Prices Control Order (the DPCO), the Government of
India has the authority to designate a pharmaceutical product as a specified product and fix the
maximum selling price for such product. In 1995, the Government of India notified Norfloxacin as a
specified product and fixed the maximum selling price. In 1996, the Company filed a statutory
Form III before the Government of India for the upward revision of the price and a legal suit
in the Andhra Pradesh High Court (the High Court) challenging the validity of the notification on
the grounds that the applicable rules of the DPCO were not complied with while fixing the
ceiling price. The High Court had earlier granted an interim order in favor of the Company,
however it subsequently dismissed the case in April 2004. The Company filed a review petition in
the High Court in April 2004 which was also dismissed by the High Court in October 2004.
Subsequently the Company appealed to the Supreme court of India, New Delhi (the Supreme Court),
by filing a Special Leave Petition. The appeal is currently pending with the Supreme Court.
During the nine months ended December 31, 2005, the Company received a notice from the
government of India demanding the recovery of the price we charged for norfloxacin in excess of the
maximum selling price fixed by the government of India, amounting to Rs.284,984 including interest
thereon. The Company filed a writ petition in the High Court challenging the Government of Indias
demand order. The High Court has admitted the writ petition and granted an interim order, however
it ordered the Company to deposit 50% of the principal amount claimed by the government of India,
which amounts to Rs.77,149. The Company deposited this amount with the government of India on
November 14, 2005 while it awaits the outcome of its appeal with the Supreme Court. The Company has
provided an amount of Rs.183.6 million representing the potential liability in respect of the
principal amount demanded.
In the event that the Company is unsuccessful in the litigation in the Supreme Court, it will
be required to remit the sale proceeds in excess of the maximum selling price to the government of
India and penalties or interest if any, the amounts of which are not readily ascertainable.
During the year ended March 31, 2003, the Central Excise Authorities of India (the
Authorities) issued a demand notice on one of the Companys vendors with regard to the assessable
value of its products supplied to the Company. The Company has been named as a co-defendant in the
notice. The Authorities demanded payment of Rs.175,718 from the vendor including a penalty of
Rs.90,359. The Authorities, through the same notice, issued a penalty claim of Rs.70,000 against
the Company.
During the year ended March 31, 2005, the Authorities issued an additional notice on the
vendor demanding Rs.225,999 from the vendor including a penalty of Rs.51,152. The Authorities,
through the same notice, issued a penalty claim of Rs.6,500 against the Company.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
14. Commitments and Contingencies (continued)
Further, during the nine months ended December 31, 2005, the Authorities issued an additional
notice on the vendor demanding payment of Rs.33,549. The Company has filed appeals against these
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
14. Commitments and Contingencies (continued)
The Indian Council for Environmental Legal Action filed a writ in 1989 under article 32 of the
Constitution of India against the Union of India and others in the Supreme Court of India for the
safety of people living in the Patancheru and Bollarum areas of Medak district of Andhra Pradesh.
The Company has been named in the list of polluting industries.
In 1996, the Andhra Pradesh District Judge proposed that the polluting industries compensate
farmers in the Patancheru, Bollarum and Jeedimetla areas for discharging effluents which damaged
the farmers agricultural land. The compensation was fixed at Rs.1.3 per acre for dry land and
Rs.1.7 per acre for wet land over the following three years. Accordingly, the Company has paid a
total compensation of Rs.2,013. The matter is still pending in the courts and the possibility of
additional liability is remote. The Company would not be able to recover the compensation paid,
even if the decision of the court is in its favor.
Additionally, the Company is also involved in other lawsuits, claims, investigations and
proceedings, including patent and commercial matters, which arise in the ordinary course of
business. However, there are no such matters pending that the Company expects to be material in
relation to its business.
15. Segment reporting and related information
a) Segment information
The Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM) evaluates the Companys performance and allocates
resources based on an analysis of various performance indicators by product segments. The product
segments and the respective performance indicators reviewed by the CODM are as follows:
Formulations Revenues by therapeutic product category; |
Active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates Gross profit, revenues by
geography and revenues by key products; |
Generics Gross profit, and revenues by key products; |
Critical care and biotechnology Gross Profit; and |
Drug discovery Revenues and expenses. |
The CODM of the Company does not review the total assets for each reportable segment. The
property, plant and equipment used in the Companys business, depreciation and amortization
expenses are not fully identifiable with/ allocable to individual reportable segments, as certain
assets are used interchangeably between segments. The other assets are not specifically allocable
to the reportable segments. Consequently, management believes that it is not practicable to provide
segment disclosures relating to total assets since allocation among the various reportable segments
is not possible.
Formulations, also referred to as finished dosages, consist of finished pharmaceutical
products ready for consumption by the patient. An analysis of revenues by therapeutic category of
the formulations segment is given below:
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
15. Segment reporting and related information (continued)
Three months |
Nine months |
ended December 31, |
ended December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Gastrointestinal |
Rs. |
401,187 |
Rs. |
515,235 |
Rs. |
1,345,590 |
Rs. |
1,693,184 |
Pain control |
390,868 |
475,078 |
1,239,317 |
1,455,076 |
Cardiovascular |
363,174 |
374,389 |
1,169,520 |
1,291,001 |
Anti-infectives |
270,327 |
275,155 |
823,410 |
888,616 |
Dermatology |
87,399 |
125,402 |
297,884 |
360,033 |
Others |
403,651 |
618,180 |
1,203,919 |
2,024,735 |
Revenues from external customers |
1,916,606 |
2,383,439 |
6,079,640 |
7,712,645 |
Intersegment revenues1 |
3,686 |
14,259 |
11,207 |
30,234 |
Adjustments2 |
93,189 |
293,730 |
219,485 |
102,985 |
Total revenues |
Rs. |
2,013,481 |
Rs. |
2,691,428 |
Rs. |
6,310,332 |
Rs. |
7,845,864 |
Cost of revenues |
534,713 |
751,714 |
1,814,197 |
2,324,647 |
Intersegment cost of revenues3 |
52,126 |
44,015 |
199,577 |
199,123 |
Adjustments2 |
21,080 |
45,340 |
(19,014 |
) |
(93,824 |
) |
Rs. |
607,919 |
Rs. |
841,069 |
Rs. |
1,994,760 |
Rs. |
2,429,946 |
Gross profit |
Rs. |
1,333,453 |
Rs. |
1,601,969 |
Rs. |
4,077,073 |
Rs. |
5,219,109 |
Adjustments2 |
72,109 |
248,390 |
238,499 |
196,809 |
Rs. |
1,405,562 |
Rs. |
1,850,359 |
Rs. |
4,315,572 |
Rs. |
5,415,918 |
(1) |
Intersegment revenues is comprised of transfers to the active pharmaceutical
ingredients and intermediates segment and are accounted for at cost to the transferring
segment. |
(2) |
The adjustments represent reconciling items to conform the segment
information to U.S. GAAP. Such adjustments primarily relate to elimination of sales made to
subsidiaries and other adjustments. |
(3) |
Intersegment cost of revenues is comprised of transfers from the active
pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates segment to formulations and is accounted for at
cost to the transferring segment. |
Active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates
Active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates, also known as active pharmaceutical
products or bulk drugs, are the principal ingredients for formulations. Active pharmaceutical
ingredients and intermediates become formulations when the dosage is fixed in a form ready for
human consumption such as a tablet, capsule or liquid using additional inactive ingredients.
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
15. Segment reporting and related information (continued)
An analysis of gross profit for the active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates
(API) Segment is given below:
Three months |
Nine months |
ended December 31, |
ended December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Revenues from external customers |
Rs. |
1,220,634 |
Rs. |
2,000,525 |
Rs. |
4,454,762 |
Rs. |
5,772,289 |
Intersegment revenues1 |
168,527 |
200,463 |
562,487 |
662,033 |
Adjustments2 |
34,353 |
(93,047 |
) |
168,018 |
(286,964 |
) |
Total revenues |
Rs. |
1,423,514 |
Rs. |
2,107,941 |
Rs. |
5,185,267 |
Rs. |
6,147,358 |
Cost of revenues |
Rs. |
997,294 |
Rs. |
1,455,588 |
Rs. |
3,358,325 |
Rs. |
4,137,815 |
Intersegment cost of revenues3 |
3,686 |
14,259 |
11,205 |
30,234 |
Adjustments2 |
113,270 |
57,288 |
369,171 |
155,770 |
Rs. |
1,114,250 |
Rs. |
1,527,135 |
Rs. |
3,738,701 |
Rs. |
4,323,819 |
Gross profit |
Rs. |
388,181 |
Rs. |
731,141 |
Rs. |
1,647,719 |
Rs. |
2,266,273 |
Adjustments2 |
(78,917 |
) |
(150,335 |
) |
(201,153 |
) |
(442,734 |
) |
Rs. |
309,264 |
Rs. |
580,806 |
Rs. |
1,446,566 |
Rs. |
1,823,539 |
(1) |
Intersegment revenues is comprised of transfers to the formulations, generics
and custom pharmaceutical synthesis and are accounted for at cost to the transferring
segment. |
(2) |
The adjustments represent reconciling items to conform the segment
information to U.S. GAAP. Such adjustments primarily relate to elimination of sales made
to subsidiaries and other adjustments. |
(3) |
Intersegment cost of revenues is comprised of transfers from formulations
to the active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates segment and is accounted for at
cost to the transferring segment. |
An analysis of revenue by geography is given below:
Three months |
Nine months ended |
ended December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
North America |
Rs. |
404,791 |
Rs. |
378,659 |
Rs. |
1,447,998 |
Rs. |
1,204,159 |
India |
422,126 |
619,384 |
1,601,740 |
1,808,586 |
Europe |
215,548 |
383,591 |
786,062 |
1,083,479 |
Others |
402,165 |
744,610 |
1,360,008 |
2,109,780 |
Rs. |
1,444,630 |
Rs. |
2,126,244 |
Rs. |
5,195,808 |
Rs. |
6,206,004 |
Adjustments1 |
(21,116 |
) |
(18,303 |
) |
(10,541 |
) |
(58,646 |
) |
Rs. |
1,423,514 |
Rs. |
2,107,941 |
Rs. |
5,185,267 |
Rs. |
6,147,358 |
(1) |
The adjustments represent reconciling items to conform the segment information
to U.S. GAAP. Such adjustments primarily relate to elimination of sales made to subsidiaries and
other adjustments. |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
15. Segment reporting and related information (continued)
An analysis of revenues by key products for the three months and nine months ended December
31, 2004 and 2005 is given below:
Three months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride |
Rs. |
89,812 |
Rs. |
212,025 |
Rs. |
470,307 |
Rs. |
581,988 |
Sertraline Hydrochloride |
23,461 |
155,237 |
75,820 |
395,262 |
Ramipril |
136,983 |
148,227 |
551,536 |
464,905 |
Naproxen sodium |
147,186 |
135,185 |
395,887 |
250,215 |
Ranitidine hydrochloride form 2 |
72,465 |
111,810 |
211,961 |
269,709 |
Montelukast |
14,429 |
107,813 |
32,835 |
202,109 |
Ibuprofen |
87,713 |
101,595 |
323,979 |
341,966 |
Naproxen |
29,199 |
91,677 |
154,733 |
249,303 |
Terbinafine hydrochloride |
41,989 |
60,880 |
108,019 |
413,806 |
Losartan potassium |
29,135 |
60,805 |
142,189 |
146,359 |
Nizatidine |
40,152 |
54,390 |
168,523 |
114,806 |
Dextromethorphan HBr |
36,963 |
52,273 |
113,903 |
97,777 |
Sparfloxacin |
30,205 |
47,386 |
93,358 |
116,770 |
Pantoprazole |
12,501 |
43,699 |
26,444 |
92,352 |
Omeprazole Pellets |
27,992 |
42,450 |
73,785 |
89,814 |
Others |
603,329 |
682,489 |
2,241,986 |
2,320,217 |
Rs. |
1,423,514 |
Rs. |
2,107,941 |
Rs. |
5,185,267 |
Rs. |
6,147,358 |
Generics are generic finished dosages with therapeutic equivalence to branded formulations.
An analysis of gross profit for the generics segment is given below:
Three months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Revenues |
Rs. |
965,852 |
Rs. |
830,851 |
Rs. |
2,821,558 |
Rs. |
2,481,908 |
Less: |
Cost of revenues |
340,805 |
339,006 |
898,547 |
1,004,249 |
Intersegment cost
revenues1 |
102,299 |
123,980 |
320,200 |
364,950 |
443,104 |
462,986 |
1,218,747 |
1,369,199 |
Gross profit |
Rs. |
522,748 |
Rs. |
367,865 |
Rs. |
1,602,811 |
Rs. |
1,112,709 |
(1) |
Intersegment cost of revenues is comprised of transfers from the active
pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates segment to the generics segment and are accounted
for at cost to the transferring segment. |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
15. Segment reporting and related information (continued)
An analysis of revenues by key products for the three months and nine months ended December
31, 2004 and 2005 is given below:
Three months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Omeprazole |
Rs. |
95,224 |
Rs. |
149,152 |
Rs. |
293,236 |
Rs. |
633,611 |
Amlodipine maleate |
35,028 |
79,339 |
139,846 |
325,617 |
Fluoxetine |
227,544 |
99,644 |
773,934 |
268,700 |
Ibuprofen |
60,744 |
70,176 |
172,653 |
185,372 |
Ranitidine |
52,332 |
64,709 |
224,593 |
165,320 |
Glimepiride |
66,062 |
66,062 |
Others |
494,980 |
301,769 |
1,217,296 |
837,226 |
Rs. |
965,852 |
Rs. |
830,851 |
Rs. |
2,821,558 |
Rs. |
2,481,908 |
Critical care and biotechnology
Oncology pharmaceuticals and specialist products are produced and marketed by the Company
primarily for anti-cancer and critical care. An analysis of gross profit for the critical care and
biotechnology segment is given below:
Three months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Revenues |
Rs. |
136,180 |
Rs. |
170,749 |
Rs. |
393,734 |
Rs. |
527,214 |
Cost of revenues |
66,657 |
51,839 |
166,281 |
165,037 |
Gross profit |
Rs. |
69,523 |
Rs. |
118,910 |
Rs. |
227,453 |
Rs. |
362,177 |
Drug discovery
The Company is involved in drug discovery through research facilities located in the United
States and India. The Company commercializes drugs discovered with other products and also
licenses these discoveries to other companies. An analysis of the revenues and expenses of the
drug discovery segment is given below:
Three months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
Revenues |
Rs. |
52,832 |
Rs. |
288,382 |
Research and development expenses |
Rs. |
200,728 |
Rs. |
197,668 |
Rs. |
703,617 |
Rs. |
62,217 |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
15. Segment reporting and related information (continued)
a) Reconciliation of segment information to entity total
Three months ended |
Three months ended |
December 31, 2004 |
December 31, 2005 |
Revenues |
Gross profit |
Revenues |
Gross profit |
Formulations |
Rs. |
2,013,481 |
Rs. |
1,405,562 |
Rs. |
2,691,428 |
Rs. |
1,850,359 |
ingredients and
intermediates |
1,423,514 |
309,264 |
2,107,941 |
580,806 |
Generics |
965,852 |
522,748 |
830,851 |
367,865 |
Critical care and
biotechnology |
136,180 |
69,523 |
170,749 |
118,910 |
Drug discovery |
52,832 |
52,832 |
Others |
132,823 |
119,568 |
125,381 |
97,938 |
Rs. |
4,724,682 |
Rs. |
2,479,497 |
Rs. |
5,926,350 |
Rs. |
3,015,878 |
Nine months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, 2004 |
December 31, 2005 |
Revenues |
Gross profit |
Revenues |
Gross profit |
Formulations |
Rs. |
6,310,332 |
Rs. |
4,315,572 |
Rs. |
7,845,864 |
Rs. |
5,415,918 |
ingredients and
intermediates |
5,185,267 |
1,446,566 |
6,147,358 |
1,823,539 |
Generics |
2,821,558 |
1,602,811 |
2,481,908 |
1,112,709 |
Critical care and
biotechnology |
393,734 |
227,453 |
527,214 |
362,177 |
Drug discovery |
288,382 |
288,382 |
Others |
261,577 |
212,285 |
333,041 |
240,259 |
Rs. |
15,260,850 |
Rs. |
8,093,069 |
Rs. |
17,335,385 |
Rs. |
8,954,602 |
b) Analysis of revenue by geography
The Companys business is organized into five key geographic segments. Revenues are attributed
to individual geographic segments based on the location of the customer.
Three months ended |
Nine months ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2004 |
2005 |
India |
Rs. |
1,490,790 |
Rs. |
2,053,887 |
Rs. |
5,384,236 |
Rs. |
6,354,227 |
North America |
1,180,330 |
939,211 |
3,551,986 |
2,497,766 |
Europe |
621,629 |
836,646 |
2,112,661 |
2,742,754 |
Russia and other
countries of the
former Soviet Union |
837,688 |
1,102,930 |
2,276,737 |
2,997,581 |
Others |
594,245 |
993,676 |
1,935,230 |
2,743,057 |
Rs. |
4,724,682 |
Rs. |
5,926,350 |
Rs. |
15,260,850 |
Rs. |
17,335,385 |
(in thousands, except share data and where otherwise stated)
15. Segment reporting and related information (continued)
c) Analysis of property, plant and equipment by geography
Property, plant and equipment (net) attributed to individual geographic segments are given
As of March 31, |
As of December 31, |
2005 |
2005 |
India |
Rs. |
6,723,966 |
Rs. |
6,733,587 |
North America |
157,549 |
141,008 |
Russia and other countries of
the former Soviet Union |
34,681 |
31,423 |
Europe |
122,449 |
101,071 |
Others |
19,663 |
14,402 |
Rs. |
7,058,308 |
Rs. |
7,021,491 |
d) Major customers
Pursuant to the terms of agreements with Par Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (PAR), the Company
supplies certain active pharmaceutical ingredients for manufacturing into finished dosages by PAR
and also generic formulations to PAR for further sale to customers in the United States. Under
these agreements, the Company sells its products to PAR at an agreed price. Subsequently, PAR
remits additional amounts upon further sales made by it to the end customer. Receivables from PAR
under these agreements as of March 31, 2005 and December 31, 2005 were Rs.210,463 and Rs.85,074
respectively, representing 5.9% and 1.9% respectively of the Companys total receivables. During
the three months and nine months ended December 31, 2004 and 2005, revenues under these agreements
aggregated Rs.344,256, Rs.127,699, Rs.1,414,194 and Rs.445,528 respectively, which represents 7.3%,
2.2%, 9.3% and 2.6% respectively, of the total revenues of the Company.
Quarter ended December 31, 2005 compared to Quarter ended December 31, 2004
The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the condensed
consolidated financial statements and the related notes and the Operating and Financial Review and
Prospects included in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005 on
file with the SEC (our Form 20-F) and the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial
statements contained in this Report on Form 6-K and the related notes.
This discussion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. When
used in this discussion, the words anticipate, believe, estimate, intend, will and
expect and other similar expressions as they relate to us or our business are intended to
identify such forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise
the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or
otherwise. Actual results, performances or achievements could differ materially from those
expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to
such differences include those described under the heading Risk Factors in our Form 20-F.
Readers are cautioned not to place reliance on these forward-looking statements that speak only as
of their dates.
Total revenues increased by 26.0% to Rs.5,926.3 million in the quarter ended December 31,
2005, as compared to Rs.4,704.6 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004, primarily due to an
increase in revenues in our active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates and formulations
segment partially offset by decrease in our North America generics business. In the quarter ended
December 31, 2005, we received 15.8% of our revenues from the North America (United States and
Canada), 34.7% from India, 18.6% from Russia and other former Soviet Union countries, 14.1% from
Europe and 16.8% from other countries.
Revenues from sales in India increased by 37.8% to Rs.2,053.9 million in the quarter ended
December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.1,490.8 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This
increase was primarily due to an increase in revenues in our formulations segment as well as our
active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates segment. Revenues from sales in Russia and
other former Soviet Union countries increased by 31.7% to Rs.1,102.9 million in the quarter ended
December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.837.7 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This
increase was primarily due to an increase in sales of our key brands such as Nise, Ketorol and
Omez. Revenues from sales in Europe increased by 34.6% to Rs.836.6 million in the quarter ended
December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.613.2 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This
increase was primarily due to an increase in sales in our generics segment as well as an increase
in sales in our active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates segment. Revenues from sales in
North America decreased by 19.1% to Rs.915.0 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as
compared to Rs.1,160.3 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This was due to a decrease
in revenues in our generics segment as well as in our active pharmaceutical ingredients and
intermediates segment.
Formulations. In the quarter ended December 31, 2005, we received 45.4% of our total revenues
from our formulations segment, as compared to 42.8% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Revenues in this segment increased by 33.7% to Rs.2,691.4 million in the quarter ended December 31,
2005, as compared to Rs.2,013.5 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Revenues from sales in India constituted 49.5% of our total formulations sales in the quarter
ended December 31, 2005, as compared to 49.3% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. Revenues from
sales in India increased by 34.1% to Rs.1,331.7 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as
compared to Rs.993.1 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This increase in on account
of increase in sales of our key brands compared to the quarter ended December 31,2004. The increase
in sales was on account of an increase in sales of Nise, our brand of nimesulide, Omez, our brand
of omeprazole, Stamlo Beta, our brand of amlodipine and Razo, our brand of rabeprazole. New
products launched in the quarter ended December 31, 2005 contributed Rs.28.2 million in revenues.
Revenues from sales of formulations outside India increased by 33.3% to Rs.1,359.8 million in
the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.1,020.4 million in the quarter ended
December 31, 2004. Revenues from sales of formulations in Russia increased by 35.0% to Rs.803.2
million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.594.8 million in the quarter
ended December 31, 2004. This increase was on account of an increase in sales of our key brands
such as Nise, our brand of nimesulide, Ketorol, our brand of ketorolac, and Omez, our brand of
omeprazole. Revenues from other former Soviet Union countries increased by 23.2% to Rs.270.7
million for the quarter ended December 31, 2005 as compared to Rs.219.8 million for the quarter
ended December 31, 2004, primarily driven by an increase in revenues in Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Intermediates. In the quarter ended December 31, 2005,
we received 35.7% of our total revenues from this segment, as compared to 30.2% in the quarter
ended December 31, 2004. Revenues in this segment increased by 48.1% to Rs.2,107.9 million in the
quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.1,423.5 million in the quarter ended December
31, 2004.
During the quarter ended December 31, 2005, revenues from sales in India accounted for 28.5%
of our revenues from this segment, as compared to 28.2% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Sales in India increased by 49.9% to Rs.601.1 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as
compared to Rs.401.0 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This increase was primarily
due to an increase in sales of certain key products such as ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, losartan
potassium and sparfloxacin.
Revenues from sales outside India increased by 47.4% to Rs.1,506.9 million in the quarter
ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.1,022.5 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Revenues from sales in other markets increased by 85.2% to Rs.744.6 million in the quarter ended
December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.402.2 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004 primarily
due to an increase in revenues from sales in key markets. Revenues from sales in Europe increased
by 78.0% to Rs.383.6 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.215.5
million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The increase in revenues was mainly on account of
higher revenues from sales of montelukast, terbinafine and omeprazole pellets, which were partially
offset by a decrease in revenues from sales of ramipril. Revenues from sales in the United States
and Canada decreased by 6.5% to Rs.378.7 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as
compared to Rs.404.8 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The decrease was mainly on
account of a decrease in revenues from ranitidine hydrochloride form 1 and naproxen sodium, which
was partially offset by an increase in revenues from sales of sertraline hydrochloride and
Generics. In the quarter ended December 31, 2005, we received 14.1% of our total revenues from
this segment, as compared to 20.5% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. Revenues decreased by
14.0% to Rs.830.9 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.965.9 million
in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. Revenues from sales in Europe increased by 9.8% to Rs.347.3
million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.316.2 million in the quarter
ended December 31, 2004 primarily due to volume growth in omeprazole and amlodipine maleate in the
United Kingdom market. Revenues from sales in the North America (United States and Canada)
decreased by 25.8% to Rs.480.2 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to
Rs.647.6 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The decrease was primarily due to a
decrease in revenues from fluoxetine capsules by Rs.95.1 million, on account of continued higher
competition, as well as a decrease in revenues from citalopram tablets by Rs.159.6 million, on
account of increased competition subsequent to our initial product in the quarter ended December
31, 2004. This decline was partially offset by revenues from glimepiride, launched during the
quarter ended December 31, 2005.
Critical Care and Biotechnology. We received 2.9% of our total revenues from this segment in
the quarter ended December 31, 2005 as compared to 2.9% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Revenues in this segment increased by 25.4% to Rs.170.7 million in the quarter ended December 31,
2005, as compared to Rs.136.2 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Revenues in this segment increased primarily due to an increase in revenues from our critical
care division by Rs.19.8 million and an increase in revenues from our biotechnology division by
Rs.14.7 million. The increase in revenues from our critical care division was on account of higher
revenues from sales in India, which increased by Rs.11.7 million, as well as sales from outside
India, which increased by Rs.8.1 million. The increase in revenues in our biotechnology division
was driven by sales volume growth of Grafeel, our brand of filgrastim.
Others: In the quarter ended December 31, 2005, the revenues from our custom pharmaceutical
services segment increased to Rs.125.4 million compared to Rs.112.8 million for the quarter ended
December 31, 2004. This increase was primarily on account of changes in our product portfolio
(i.e., an increase in the proportion of sales of lower margin products). During the quarter ended
31 December 2004 we recognized deferred revenue in an amount of Rs.52.3 million towards DRF 2593
pursuant to the discontinuation of the agreement with Novo Nordisk.
Cost of revenues
Total cost of revenues increased by Rs.665.8 million to Rs.2,911.0 million for the quarter
ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.2,245.2 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Cost of revenues as a percentage of total revenues was 49.3% for the quarter ended December 31,
2005, as compared to 47.7% for the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Formulations. Cost of revenues in this segment was 31.2% of formulations revenues for the
quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to 30.2% of formulations revenues for the quarter
ended December 31, 2004. Cost of revenues increased by 38.4% to Rs.841.1 million in the quarter
ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.607.9 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
The marginal increase in cost of revenues as a percentage of revenues was primarily due to decrease
in the availability of customs duty credits.
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Intermediates. Cost of revenues in this segment
decreased to 72.4% of this segments revenues in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared
to 78.3% of the segments revenues in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. Cost of revenues
increased by 37.1% to Rs.1,527.1 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to
Rs.1,114.3 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The decrease in cost of revenues as a
percentage of sales was primarily on account of sales growth of 48.1% together with changes in our
overall product portfolio (i.e., an increase in the proportion of sales of lower margin products)
compared to the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Generics. Cost of revenues was 55.7% of this segments revenues in the quarter ended December
31, 2005, as compared to 45.9% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. Cost of revenues increased
by 4.5% to Rs.463.0 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.443.1 million
in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. As a percentage of revenue, cost of revenue increased in
this segment on account of a decrease in price realization of fluoxetine and citalopram due to
increased competition. The decrease in revenues from sales in North America was partially offset
by increase in price realization of omeprazole and amlodipine in Europe.
Critical Care and Biotechnology. Cost of revenues in this segment decreased to 30.4% of this
segments revenues in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to 48.9% in the quarter
ended December 31, 2004. The decrease in cost of revenues as a percentage of revenues was on
account of a decrease in our consumption of materials and a lower excise duty compared to the
quarter ended December 31, 2004. This decrease in excise duty was on account of a higher
proportion of sales from products exempt from excise duty during the quarter ended December 31,
Gross profit
As a result of the trends described in Revenues and Cost of revenues above, our gross
profit increased by 22.6% to Rs.3,015.9 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2005 as compared
to Rs.2,459.4 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2004. Gross margin was 50.9% in the
quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to 52.3% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Gross margin for our formulations segment was at 68.8% in the quarter ended December 31, 2005,
as compared to 69.8% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The gross margin for our active
pharmaceutical ingredients segment increased to 27.6% in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as
compared to 21.7% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The gross margin for our generics segment
decreased to 44.3% in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to 54.1% in the quarter
ended December 31, 2004. The gross margin for our critical care and biotechnology segment increased
to 69.9% in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to 51.1% in the quarter ended December
31, 2004.
Selling, general and administrative expenses
Selling, general and administrative expenditures as a percentage of total revenues were 34.1%
for the quarter ended December 31, 2005 as compared to 36.5% for the quarter ended December 31,
2004. Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by 17.9% to Rs.2,022.7 million in the
quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.1,715.0 million in the quarter ended December
31, 2004. This increase was largely due to an increase in marketing and general expenses. Marketing
expenses increased by 30.5% to Rs.769.0 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2005 from
Rs.589.5 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This increase in marketing expenses is
primarily due to an increase in selling expenses in our formulations segment, as well as shipping
costs in our generics segment on account of higher sales volumes. General expenses increased by
18.2% to Rs.591.4 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2005 from Rs.500.4 million for the
quarter ended December 31, 2004 due to higher consultancy expenses in India.
Research and development expenses
Research and development costs decreased by 26.8% to Rs.516.5 million for quarter ended
December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.705.4 million for quarter ended December 31, 2004. As a
percentage of revenues, research and development expenditure accounted for 8.8% of total revenue in
the quarter ended December 31, 2005 as compared to 15.0% in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Under the terms of the research and development partnership agreement with I-VEN Pharma Capital
Limited (I-VEN), we received U.S.$22.5 million in March 2005, of which U.S.$2.5 million was
recorded as a reduction in the research and development expense line item in the quarter ended
December 31, 2005. Excluding the impact of this reduction, expenses have decreased by Rs.76.8
million. This decrease was primarily on account of lower expenses incurred towards biostudies in
generics, as well as a decrease in expenses in our discovery segment, partially offset by an
increase in research and development activities in our other businesses.
Amortization expenses
Amortization expenses decreased by 1.8% to Rs.85.9 million in the quarter ended December 31,
2005, as compared to Rs.87.5 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The decrease was on
account of a decrease in expenses in our generics businesses on account of certain brands being
fully amortized.
Foreign exchange gain/loss
Foreign exchange loss was Rs.29.0 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2005 as compared
to a loss of Rs.48.3 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This decrease in foreign
exchange loss was on account of depreciation of USD/INR by Rs.1.03 during the quarter ended
December 31, 2005, resulting in translation gains of Rs.34 million on our foreign currency
receivables. The translation gains were partially offset, however, by translation loss on our
foreign currency loans and, as a result, the net foreign exchange gain for the quarter ended
December 31, 2005 is Rs. 5.9mn. During the quarter ended December 31, 2004, we incurred
foreign exchange loss due to translation loss on receivables resulting from rupee appreciation of
Other operating expense/(income)
Other operating income amounted to Rs.385.7 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2005 as
compared to other operating income of zero for the quarter ended December 31, 2004. This includes
profit on sale of finished dosages facility at Goa amounting to Rs.388.2 million for the quarter
ended December 31, 2005.
Operating income
As a result of the foregoing, our operating income increased to Rs.747.5 million in the
quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to loss of Rs.96.9 million in the quarter ended
December 31, 2004.
Other income, net
For the quarter ended December 31, 2005 our other income, net of other expenses, was Rs.177.4
million, as compared to Rs.123.2 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2004. Net interest
income increased by Rs.79.0
million. The increase in interest income was primarily due to a higher deposit base and an
increase in average interest rate by 109 basis points.
Equity in loss of affiliates
Equity in loss of affiliates was at Rs.9.2 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2005
compared to Rs.15.0 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The decrease in loss pick up
was on account of lower losses at Kunshan Rotam Reddy Pharmaceuticals Co. Limited, which was
accounted under the equity investee method.
Income before income taxes and minority interest
As a result of the foregoing, income before income taxes and minority interest increased to
Rs.915.7 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.11.4 million in the
quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Income tax benefit/expense
We recorded an income tax expense of Rs.286.8 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2005,
as compared to benefit of Rs.26.9 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2004. The income tax
expense is on account of higher profit compared to the quarter ended December 31,2004.
Minority interest
Minority interest was at Rs.0.5 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2005, as compared to
Rs.1.8 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004. Minority interest represents the share of
losses/profits of our minority interest in Dr. Reddys South Africa.
Net income
As a result of the above, our net income increased to Rs.628.4 million in the quarter ended
December 31, 2005, as compared to Rs.40.1 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2004.
Critical Accounting Policies
Critical accounting policies are those most important to the portrayal of our financial
condition and results and that require the most exercise of our judgment. We consider the policies
discussed under the following paragraphs to be critical for an understanding of our financial
statements. Our significant accounting policies and application of these are discussed in detail in
Note 2 to the Consolidated Financial Statements as at and for the year ended March 31, 2005,
included in our annual report in Form 20-F.
Accounting Estimates
While preparing financial statements we make estimates and assumptions that affect the
reported amount of assets, liabilities, disclosure of contingent liabilities at the balance sheet
date and the reported amount of revenues and expenses for the reporting period. Financial reporting
results rely on our estimate of the effect of certain matters that are inherently uncertain. Future
events rarely develop exactly as forecast and the best estimates require adjustments, as actual
results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. We continually
evaluate these estimates and assumptions based on the most recently available information.
Specifically, we make estimates of:
the useful life of property, plant and equipment; |
impairment of long-lived assets, including identifiable intangibles and goodwill; |
our future obligations under employee retirement and benefit plans; |
allowances for sales returns; |
allowances for doubtful accounts receivable; and |
inventory write-downs. |
We depreciate property, plant and equipment over their useful lives using the straight-line
method. Estimates of useful life are subject to changes in economic environment and different
assumptions. Assets under capital leases are amortized over their estimated useful life or lease
term as appropriate. We review long-lived assets, including identifiable intangibles and goodwill,
for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an
asset may not be recoverable. We measure recoverability of assets to be held and used by comparing
the carrying amount of an asset to future net undiscounted cash flows expected to be generated by
the asset. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is
measured by the amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceeds the fair value of the
assets. Considerable management judgment is necessary to estimate discounted future cash flows.
Accordingly, actual outcomes could vary significantly from such estimates. Factors such as changes
in the planned use of buildings, machinery or equipment or lower than anticipated sales for
products with capitalized rights could result in shortened useful lives or impairment.
In accordance with applicable Indian laws, we provide a defined benefit retirement plan
(Gratuity Plan) covering certain categories of employees. The Gratuity Plan provides a lump sum
payment to vested employees at retirement or termination of employment, in an amount based on the
respective employees last drawn salary and the years of employment with us. Liabilities with
regard to the Gratuity Plan are determined by an actuarial valuation, based upon which we make
contributions to the Gratuity Fund. In calculating the expense and liability related to the plans,
assumptions are made about the discount rate, expected rate of return on plan assets, withdrawal
and mortality rates and rate of future compensation increases as determined by us, within certain
guidelines. The assumptions used may differ materially from actual results, resulting in a probable
significant impact to the amount of expense recorded by us.
Allowances for sales returns are estimated and provided for in the year of sales. Such
allowances are made based on our historical trends. We have the ability to make a reasonable
estimate of the amount of future returns due to our large volume of homogeneous transactions and
historical experience with similar types of sales of products. In respect of new products for which
sales have commenced or are expected to commence, the sales returns are not expected to be
different from the existing products as such products relate to the therapeutic categories where
established products exist and are sold in the market. Further, we evaluate the sales returns of
all products at the end of each reporting period and necessary adjustments, if any, are made.
However, no significant revisions have been determined to be necessary to date.
We make allowance for doubtful accounts receivable, including receivables sold with recourse,
based on the present and prospective financial condition of the customer and ageing of the accounts
receivable after considering historical experience and the current economic environment. Actual
losses due to doubtful accounts may differ from the allowances made. However, we believe that such
losses will not materially affect our consolidated results of operations.
We provide for inventory obsolescence, expired inventory and inventories with carrying values
in excess of realizable values based on our assessment of future demands, market conditions and our
specific inventory management initiatives. If the market conditions and actual demands are less
favorable than our estimates, additional inventory write-downs may be required. In all cases,
inventory is carried at the lower of historical costs or realizable value.
Revenue Recognition
Product sales: Revenue is recognized when significant risks and rewards in respect of
ownership of products are transferred to the customer, generally the stockists or the formulations
manufacturers, and when the following criteria are met:
Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists; |
The price to the buyer is fixed and determinable; and |
Collectibility of the sales price is reasonably assured. |
Revenue from domestic sales of formulation products is recognized on dispatch of the product
to the stockist by our consignment and clearing and forwarding agent. Revenue from domestic sales
of active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates is recognized on dispatch of products to
customers from our factories. Revenue from export sales is recognized when significant risks and
rewards are transferred to the customer, generally upon shipment of products.
Revenue from product sales includes excise duties and is shown net of sales tax and applicable
discounts and allowances.
Sales of formulations in India are made through clearing and forwarding agents to stockists.
Significant risks and rewards in respect of ownership of formulation products is transferred by us
when the goods are shipped to stockists from clearing and forwarding agents. Clearing and
forwarding agents are generally compensated on a commission basis as a percentage of sales made by
Sales of active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates in India are made directly to the
end customers, generally formulation manufacturers, from the factories. Sales of formulations and
active pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates outside India are made directly to the end
customers, generally stockists or formulations manufacturers, from us or our consolidated
We have entered into marketing arrangements with certain marketing partners for the sale of
goods. Under such arrangements, we sell generic products to the marketing partners at a price
agreed in the arrangement. Revenue is recognized on these transactions upon delivery of products
to the marketing partners as all the conditions under Staff Accounting Bulletin No.104 (SAB 104)
are then met. Subsequently, the marketing partners remit an additional amount upon further sales
made by them to the end customer. Such amount is determined as per the terms of the arrangement
and is recognized by us when the realization is certain under the guidance given in SAB 104.
Sales Returns: Allowances for sales returns are estimated and provided for in the year of
sales. Such allowances are made based on historical trends. We have the ability to make a
reasonable estimate of the amount of future returns due to large volumes of homogeneous
transactions and historical experience with similar types of sales of products. In respect of new
products for which sales have commenced or are expected to commence, the sales returns are not
expected to be different from the existing products as such products relate to the therapeutic
categories where established products exist and are sold in the market. Further, we evaluate the
sales returns of all the products at the end of each reporting period and necessary adjustments, if
any, are made. However, no significant revisions have been determined to be necessary to date.
We account for sales returns in accordance with SFAS 48 by establishing an accrual in an
amount equal to our estimate of sales recorded for which the related products are expected to be
returned. We deal in various products and operate in various markets and our estimate is determined
primarily by our experience in these markets for our products. For returns of established
products, we determine an estimate of the sales returns accrual primarily based on historical
experience regarding sales returns, but we also consider other factors that could impact sales
returns to the extent relevant in our business. With respect to new products that we introduce,
they are either extensions of an existing line of products or in a generally therapeutic category
where we have historical experience. Our new product launches have historically been in
therapeutic categories where established products exist and are sold either by our competitors or
us. We have not yet introduced any products in any new therapeutic category where the acceptance
of such products is not known. Therefore, we believe that the amount of sales returns for our newly
launched products are not significantly different from current products marketed by our competitors
or us. Consequently, we do not expect sales returns for new products to be significantly different
than expected sales returns of current products. Further, we evaluate the sales returns of all of
our products at the end of each reporting period and necessary adjustments, if any, are made.
However, to date, no significant revision has been determined to be necessary. Other factors that
we consider in our estimate of sales returns include levels of inventory in the distribution
channel, estimated shelf life, product discontinuances, price changes of competitive products,
introductions of generic products and introductions of competitive new products to the extent each
of them has an impact on our business and markets. We consider all of these factors and adjust our
accrual to reflect actual experience.
License fees: We have entered into certain dossier sales, licensing and supply arrangements
that include certain performance obligations. Based on an evaluation of whether or not these
obligations are inconsequential or perfunctory, we defer the upfront payments received towards
these arrangements. Such deferred amounts are recognized in the income statement in the period in
which we complete our remaining performance obligations.
Non-refundable milestone payments are recognized in the statement of income when earned, in
accordance with the terms prescribed in the license agreement, and where we have no future
obligations or continuing involvement pursuant to such milestone payment. Non-refundable up-front
license fees are deferred and recognized when the milestones are earned, in proportion that the
amount of each milestone earned bears to the total milestone amounts agreed in the license
agreement. As the upfront license fees are a composite amount and cannot be attributed to a
specific molecule, they are amortized over the development period. The milestone payments during
the development period increase as the risk involved decreases. The agreed milestone payments
reflect the progress of the development of the molecule and may not be spread evenly over the
development period. Further, the milestone payments are a fair representation of the extent of
progress made in the development of these molecules. Hence, the upfront license fees are amortized
over the development period in proportion to the milestone payments received. In the event the
development is discontinued, the corresponding amount of deferred revenue is recognized in the
income statement in the period in which the project is effectively terminated.
Stock Based Compensation
We use the Black-Scholes option pricing model to determine the fair value of each option
grant. The Black-Scholes model includes assumptions regarding dividend yields, expected volatility,
expected lives and risk free interest rates. These assumptions reflect our best estimates, but
these assumptions involve inherent market uncertainties based on market conditions generally
outside of our control. As a result, if other assumptions had been used in the current period,
stock-based compensation expense could have been materially impacted. Furthermore, if we use
different assumptions in future periods, stock based compensation expense could be materially
impacted in future years.
The fair value of each option is estimated on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes model with
the following assumptions:
Three months ended December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
Dividend yield |
0.7 |
% |
0.7 |
% |
Expected life |
42-78 months |
12-78 months |
Risk free interest rates |
4.5 - 6.8 |
% |
4.5 - 7.1 |
% |
Volatility |
41.6 - 50.7 |
% |
23.4 - 50.7 |
% |
Prior to April 1, 2003, we accounted for our plans under the recognition and measurement
provisions of APB Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees, and related
interpretations. No stock-based employee compensation cost was reflected in previously reported
results, as all options granted under those plans had an exercise price equal to the market value
of the underlying equity shares on the date of grant. During the first quarter of fiscal 2004, we
adopted the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS No. 123, Accounting for Stock- Based
Compensation, for stock-based employee compensation. We have selected the retroactive method of
adoption described in SFAS No. 148 Accounting for Stock Based Compensation Transition and
Disclosure for all options granted after January 1, 1995.
Deferred Taxes
Deferred taxes are accounted for using the asset and liability method. Deferred tax assets and
liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to differences between the
financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax
bases and operating loss carry-forwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using
enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary
differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on deferred tax assets and
liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in the statement of operations in the period
that includes the enactment date. The measurement of deferred tax assets is reduced, if necessary,
by a valuation allowance for any tax benefits the future realization of which is uncertain.
Functional Currency
Our foreign subsidiaries have different functional currencies, determined based on the
currency of the primary economic environment in which they operate. For subsidiaries that operate
in a highly inflationary economy, the
functional currency is determined as the Indian rupee. Due to various subsidiaries operating
in different geographic locations, a significant level of judgment is involved in evaluating the
functional currency for each subsidiary.
In respect of our foreign subsidiaries which market our products in their respective
countries/regions, the functional currency has been determined as Indian rupee, based on an
individual and collective evaluation of the various economic factors listed below.
The operations of these foreign subsidiaries are largely restricted to importing finished
goods from us in India, sale of these products in the foreign country and remitting the sale
proceeds to us. The cash flows realized from sale of goods are readily available for remittance to
us and cash is remitted to us on a regular basis. The costs incurred by these subsidiaries are
primarily the cost of goods imported from us. The financing of these subsidiaries is done directly
or indirectly by us.
In respect of other subsidiaries, the functional currency is determined as the local currency,
being the currency of the primary economic environment in which they operate.
Income Taxes
As part of the process of preparing our financial statements, we are required to estimate our
income taxes in each of the jurisdictions in which we operate. We are subject to tax assessments in
each of these jurisdictions. A tax assessment can involve complex issues, which can only be
resolved over extended time periods. Additionally, the provision for income tax is calculated based
on our assumptions as to our entitlement to various benefits under the applicable tax laws in the
jurisdictions in which we operate. The entitlement to such benefits depends upon our compliance
with the terms and conditions set out in these laws. Although we have considered all these issues
in estimating our income taxes, there could be an unfavorable resolution of such issues that may
affect our results of operations.
We also assess the temporary differences resulting from differential treatment of certain
items for tax and accounting purposes. These differences result in deferred tax assets and
liabilities, which are recognized in our consolidated financial statements. We also assess our
deferred tax assets on an ongoing basis by assessing our valuation allowance we consider the future
taxable incomes and the feasibility of tax planning initiatives. If we estimate that the deferred
tax assets cannot be realized at the recorded value, a valuation allowance is created with a charge
to the statement of income in the period in which such assessment is made.
We are involved in various lawsuits, claims, investigations and proceedings, including U.S.
Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) filings and other patent and commercial matters, which
arise in the ordinary course of our business. However, we evaluate specific risks related to the
foregoing based on current conditions and, at the balance sheet date, there are no such matters
pending that we expect to be material in relation to our business.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
We have primarily financed our operations through cash flows generated from operations and, to a
lesser extent, through short-term borrowings for working capital. Our principal liquidity and
capital needs are for making investments, the purchase of property, plant and equipment, regular
business operations and drug discovery.
Our principal sources of short-term liquidity are our existing cash and internally generated
funds, which we believe are sufficient to meet our working capital requirements and anticipated
capital expenditures over the near term. As part of our growth strategy, we continue to review
opportunities to acquire companies, complementary technologies or product rights. To the extent
that any such acquisitions involve cash payments, rather than the issuance of shares, we may need
to borrow from banks or raise additional funds from the debt or equity markets.
The following table summarizes our statements of cash flows for the periods presented:
Nine Months Ended December 31, |
2004 |
2005 |
2005 |
(Rs. in thousands, U.S.
$ in thousands) |
Net cash provided by /(used in): |
Operating activities |
Rs. |
614,636 |
Rs. |
1,562,284 |
U.S.$34,756 |
Investing activities |
(207,635 |
) |
(3,152,376 |
) |
(70,130 |
) |
Financing activities |
1,250,666 |
463,964 |
10,322 |
Effect of exchange rate
changes on cash |
156,037 |
(19,436 |
) |
(432 |
) |
Net increase / (decrease)
in cash and cash equivalents |
Rs. |
1,813,704 |
( Rs.1,145,564 |
) |
U.S.$(25,485 |
) |
Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Net cash provided by operating activities was Rs.1,562,284 and Rs.614,636 for the nine months
ended December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, respectively. Net cash provided by operating
activities consisted primarily of net income and changes in working capital.
During the nine months ended December 31, 2005, our cash inflow increased due to higher net
income at Rs.1,865,272 as compared to Rs.730,503 for the nine months ended December 31, 2004.
During the nine months ended December 31, 2005, our accounts receivable increased by
Rs.883,096 on account of lower collections, our inventories increased by Rs.887,411, and our other
assets increased by Rs.867,434. These were partially offset by an increase by Rs.738,705 in our
trade payables for the nine months ended December 31, 2005.
Cash Flow From Investment Activities
Cash used by investment activities was Rs.3,152,376 for the nine months ended December 31,
2005, primarily due to cash paid for acquisition of a facility in Mexico amounting to Rs.2,564,043,
expenditure on intangibles amounting to Rs.120,482 and expenditure on property, plant and equipment
net of proceeds from the sale of our plant in Goa, India amounting to Rs.519,566. This was
partially offset by proceeds from sales of investment securities amounting to Rs.51,715.
Cash Flows From Financing Activities
Net cash provided by financing activities for the nine months ended December 31, 2005 was
Rs.463,964 primarily due to short-term borrowings in foreign currency from banks amounting to
Rs.904,772. This was partially offset by dividends amounting to Rs.436,368 and by repayment of long
term debt amounting to Rs.4,440.
The following table provides a list of our principal debts outstanding as of December 31,
Principal Amount |
Interest Rate |
(in thousands) |
Debt |
Working capital loans |
Rs. |
3,832,852 |
U.S $85,269 |
LIBOR + 50 - 65bps
for FC denominated
loans and 10.25%
for INR borrowings |
Long term loan |
26,625 |
539 |
2 |
%* |
Total |
Rs. |
3,859,477 |
U.S $85,808 |
* |
Loan received at a subsidized rate of interest from Indian Renewable Energy Development
Agency Limited promoting use of alternative sources of energy. |
Trend information
Fiscal year 2006 continues to be another challenging year for us as we continue to implement
our long-term strategy of being a discovery-led global pharmaceutical company.
Formulations. According to the Operations Research Group International Medical Statistics
(ORG IMS) Annual Report 2004, the Indian retail pharmaceutical market, valued at Rs.205 billion
for the twelve-month period ending December 31, 2004, grew by 6.4%. Much of this growth was driven
by the contribution from new products launched in the 24 month period ending on December 31, 2004.
Downward pressure on prices continues to negatively impact the market, although the magnitude of
the resulting decline in prices has gone down to 0.2% for the year ended December 31, 2004 as
compared to 0.7% for the year ended December 31, 2003.
Some of the readily apparent changes in our industry are as follows:
§ |
Introduction of the product patent regime with effect from January 1, 2005. |
§ |
Implementation of the Value Added Tax (VAT) system with effect from April 1, 2005. |
§ |
Introduction of the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) based excise duty structure for the
pharmaceutical industry. |
§ |
Increased investments of Indian companies in research and development as well as in new
product launches. |
§ |
Improvement in performance of multi-national corporations (MNCs) and increasing
interest of top global innovators as well as generic companies in India. |
In 2004, although Indian based companies dominated the Indian market with 77% of the market
share, the MNCs improved their performance. The implementation of the product patent regime has
triggered MNCs to enter or plan to enter the market. The top global MNCs have established a direct
or indirect presence in India either through product introduction for sales and marketing,
establishment of manufacturing facilities or alliances with existing manufacturing facilities and
entry into new segments like clinical research organizations and biotechnology. During fiscal 2005,
key global generic players also evidenced greater interest in establishing a manufacturing presence
in India. The market is also undergoing a change in the way that Indian companies are operating.
Indian companies have formed alliances with partners to leverage on their core strengths and
consolidate operations. The results of the consolidation efforts are seen in the increased market
share realized by the top ten Indian pharmaceutical companies in the last two years. Along with the
changes in the competitive structure, the market has also shifted towards lifestyle disorders as
the ailment pattern in India has migrated to lifestyle disorders. It is notable that chronic
therapies now account for close to 24% of the market and was growing at the end of 2004 at 12% per
year. While the growth of our revenues in India for fiscal 2005 was below industry average, in
fiscal 2006, the momentum of our new product launches in the last three years including fiscal 2006
as well as the recovery from the loss of sales in March 2005 due to the implementation in India of
the value added tax is expected to drive revenue growth.
On March 22, 2005, the government of India passed the Patents (Amendment) Bill 2005 (the
Amendment), introducing a product patent regime for food, chemicals and pharmaceuticals in India.
The Amendment specifically provides that new medicines (patentability of which is not specifically
excluded) for which a patent has been applied for in India on or after January 1, 1995 and for
which a patent is granted cannot be manufactured or sold in India by other than the patent holder
and its assignees and licensees. This has resulted in a reduction of new product introductions in
India, as well as other countries where similar legislation has been introduced, for all Indian
pharmaceutical companies engaged in the development and marketing of generic finished dosages and
APIs. Processes for the manufacture of APIs and formulations were patentable in India even prior to
the Amendment, so no additional impact is anticipated from patenting of such processes.
The competitive environment in the emerging markets (outside India) is changing with most
countries moving towards recognizing product patents. This has the effect of reducing the window of
opportunity for new product launches. In order to compete effectively in such a challenging
environment, we are focusing on both our key therapeutic categories on a global basis and niche
therapeutic segments. As part of our global business development program, we will continue to
explore in-licensing and other opportunities to strengthen our product pipeline. In addition, we
will continue to consolidate and expand our presence in Russia and other countries of the former
Soviet Union.
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Intermediates. In this segment, we are focused on the
regulated markets of North America and Europe.
In North America and Europe, we do not anticipate commencing any significant sales of new
products in fiscal 2006. The success of our existing API products in our key markets is contingent
upon the extent of competition in the generics market, which we anticipate will continue to be
Generics. In this segment, we are focused on the regulated markets of North America and
Europe. During fiscal 2005, in the United States, our key products of fluoxetine and tizanidine
were subjected to additional competition from existing market participants which impacted the sales
of these two products. In the remaining quarter of fiscal 2006, while we do not anticipate
commencing any significant sales of new products, the success of our existing products is
contingent upon the extent of competition in the generics market, which we anticipate will continue
to be significant. Further, we expect that we will continue to expand our product pipeline for
North America as well as Europe. As of December 31, 2005, we had 51 ANDAs pending approval with the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, including 30 patent challenges. The launch of these products is
contingent upon the successful outcome of litigation related to such products.
Critical Care and Biotechnology. We expect that we will continue to market our existing
products and develop additional products. The success of our existing products is contingent upon
the extent of competition in this segment.
Drug Discovery. During fiscal 2005, we commenced the second international clinical development
for our internally discovered NCE known as RUS 3108, our drug candidate for the treatment of
atheroslerosis. As of March 31, 2005, we had concluded Phase I clinical trials on DRF 10945, our
drug candidate for the treatment of dyslipidemia, while the Phase I clinical trials on RUS 3108,
our drug candidate for the treatment of atheroslerosis were in progress in Ireland. As we make
progress in advancing our pipeline into development, we are building capabilities in drug
development. We believe this will help to enhance the value of our NCE assets. We expect to further
complement our internal research and development efforts by pursuing strategic partnerships and
alliances in our key focus areas.
During fiscal 2005, we entered into a U.S.$56 million partnership with I-VEN Pharma Capital
Limited (I-VEN) for the joint development and commercialization of certain generic drug
products.. As per the terms of the agreement, I-VEN will have the right to fund up to fifty percent
of the project costs (development, registration and legal costs) related to these products and the
related U.S. Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDA) filed or to be filed in the fiscal years
ended March 31, 2005 and March 31, 2006, subject to a maximum contribution of U.S.$56 million. The
terms of the arrangement do not require us to repay the funds or purchase I-VENs interest in the
event that we are not able to develop or commercialize one or more of the products subject to this
agreement. However, upon the commercialization of these products, we will pay I-VEN a royalty on
net sales at agreed rates for a period of five years from the date of commercialization of each
product. I-VEN has already invested U.S.$22.5 million as of March 31, 2005, and has the option to
invest an additional U.S.$33.5 million, in which event I-VEN will be entitled to additional
royalties. We have recognized U.S.Rs.2.2 million from the initial investment of U.S. $22.5 million
as a reduction in our research and development expenses for fiscal 2005. We have recognized
U.S.$2.5 million from the initial investment of U.S.$22.5 million as a reduction in our research
and development expenses for the quarter ended December 31, 2005. A significant portion of the
balance of such initial investment is available to reduce the research and development expenses
based on the ANDA filing program and litigation milestones for fiscal 2006. Going forward, we will
attempt to structure similar mutually beneficial arrangements for reducing our development risks in
our Drug Discovery and Specialty businesses.
Recent Developments
In January 2006, we entered into an agreement with Merck & Co., Inc., allowing us to
distribute and sell generic versions of finasteride and simvastatin (sold by Merck under the brand
names Proscar® and Zocor®), upon the expiry of Mercks patents covered by these products, provided
that another company obtains 180-day exclusivity after the expiration of the patents for either
In February 2006, we entered into an agreement with Argenta Discovery Limited (Argenta) for
the joint development and commercialization of a novel approach to the treatment of Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Under the terms of the agreement, the parties agreed to
collaborate to identify clinical candidates from a certain class of our compounds for use as
potential treatments for COPD. Both parties agreed to jointly develop the selected candidates from
the pre-clinical stage up to Phase IIa (proof-of-concept). Upon successful completion of a Phase
IIa trial, the parties may either license-out the candidate for further development and
commercialization to a larger pharmaceutical company or continue the further co-development and
commercialization themselves. We and
Argenta have agreed to fund the joint collaboration up to proof-of-concept and share the
development expenses equally. Currently, both the parties are in the process of identifying
clinical candidates as mentioned above.
In March 2006, we acquired 100% of beta Holding Gmbh (betapharm) from 3i Group plc, a
European private equity house. The sale price for this transaction
was 478.9 million in
cash. The transaction was funded using a combination of our internal cash reserves and committed
term loan . betapham was founded in 1993 and, according to INSIGHT Healths National Pharmaceutical
Information for Germany (NPI-Gx) reports, betapharm is the fourth-largest generics company (by
sales) in Germany with a market share of approximately 3.5%. betapharm markets high-quality generic
drugs with a focus on long-term therapy products with high prescription rates. betapharms current
portfolio is comprised of approximately 145 marketed products, and it has a strong track record of
successful product launches. Located in Augsburg, Germany, betapharm currently employs
approximately 370 people, including a sales force of approximately
250, with gross revenues of
164 million for the year ended November 30, 2005 (including value added taxes).
Also during March 2006, we amended the terms of our joint venture entity, Perlecan Pharma. As
a result, we now own approximately 14.28% of the equity of Perlecan Pharma (reduced from 14.29%)
and we have the right to designate three out of seven directors on the board of Perlecan Pharma.
In addition, Perlecan Pharma has issued to us warrants to purchase 45 million equity shares of
Perlecan Pharma (prior to amendment, we were to receive warrants to purchase 95 million equity
shares), the exercise of which will be contingent upon the success of certain research and
development milestones. If the warrants are fully exercised, then we will own approximately 62.5%
of the equity shares of Perlecan Pharma (prior to amendment, full exercise of our warrants would
have resulted in our ownership of approximately 76.9% of the equity shares).
In April 2006 the U. S. Food and Drug Administration granted final approval for the Companys
Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for fexofenadine hydrochloride tablets 30 mg, 60 mg and 180
mg. The Company has commenced the commercial marketing of this product immediately. In September
2002, we filed the ANDA for fexofenadine hydrochloride tablets 30 mg, 60 mg and 180 mg with a
Paragraph IV certification on all orange book patents. The Company was granted summary judgment
with respect to three patents. Five patents remain in the litigation. The litigation is pending at
the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. No date is currently set for
trial. The 30-month period identified in section 505(j)(5)(B)(iii) of the Federal Food, Drug and
Cosmetic Act has expired. The 180-day generic drug exclusivity awarded to Barr Laboratories has
also expired. Fexofenadine hydrochloride is the AB-rated generic equivalent of Sanofi-Aventis
Allegra®. Allegra® is indicated for the relief of symptoms associated with seasonal allergic
rhinitis and for the treatment of uncomplicated skin manifestations of chronic idiopathic urticaria
in adults and children 6 years of age and older. According to the ORG IMS Annual Report 2005,
had annual U.S. sales of approximately $1.4 billion for the 12 month period ended
December 31, 2005.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: September 11, 2006 |
By: |
/s/ Saumen Chakraborty
Name: |
Saumen Chakraborty |
Title: |
Chief Finance Officer |