SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20549 FORM 6-K Report of Foreign Private Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the month of April, 2006 CHINA PETROLEUM & CHEMICAL CORPORATION A6, Huixindong Street, Chaoyang District Beijing, 100029 People's Republic of China Tel: (8610) 6499-0060 (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.) Form 20-F X Form 40-F --------- --------- (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. ) Yes No X --------- --------- (If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-__________. ) N/A This Form 6-K consists of: The announcement on results for the year ended December 31, 2005 of China Petroleum & Chemical corporation (the "Registrant"), made by the Registrant in English on March 31, 2006. SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation By: /s/ Chen Ge ----------- Name: Chen Ge Title: Secretary to the Board of Directors Date: April 3, 2006 [GRAPHIC OMITTED] (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code : 0386) Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2005 ss.1. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation ("Sinopec Corp.") and the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management warrant that there are no material omissions from, or misrepresentations or misleading statements contained in this announcement, and jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this announcement. This announcement is a summary of the annual report. The entire report can be downloaded from the websites of the Shanghai Stock Exchange ( and Sinopec Corp. ( Investors should read the annual report for the year 2005 for more details. 1.2 The annual report for this year has been approved unanimously at the twenty-fifth meeting of the Second Session of the Board. No Director has any doubt as to, or the inability to warrant, the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the annual report. 1.3 Messrs., Gao Jian, Fan Yifei, Ho Tsu Kwok, Charles and Zhang Youcai, Directors of Sinopec Corp., could not attend the twenty-fifth meeting of the Second Session of the Board for reasons of official duties. Mr. Gao Jian and Ho Tsu Kwok, Charles, Directors of Sinopec Corp., authorised Mr. Cao Xianghong, Mr. Fan Yifei, Director of Sinopec Corp., authorised Mr. Wang Jiming, Vice Chairman and Mr. Zhang Youcai, Directors of Sinopec Corp., authorised Mr. Shi Wanpeng, to vote on their behalf in respect of the resolutions put forward in the twenty-fifth meeting of the Second Session of the Board. 1.4 The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005 of Sinopec Corp. and its subsidiaries ("the Company") prepared in accordance with the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") have been audited by KPMG Huazhen and KPMG, respectively, and both firms have issued unqualified opinions on the financial statements. 1.5 Mr. Chen Tonghai (Chairman of the Board), Mr. Wang Tianpu (President), Mr. Zhang Jiaren (Director and Chief Financial Officer) and Mr. Liu Yun (Head of the Accounting Department) warrant the authenticity and completeness of the financial statements contained in the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2005. ss.2. Basic Information about Sinopec Corp. 2.1 Basic information Stock name SINOPEC CORP SINOPEC CORP SINOPEC CORP SINOPEC CORP Stock code 0386 SNP SNP 600028 Place of listing Hong Kong New York London Shanghai Stock Exchange Stock Exchange Stock Exchange Stock Exchange Registered address 6A Huixindong Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China and office address Postcode 100029 Website E-mail / 2.2 Contact persons of Sinopec Corp. and means of communication Secretary Representative on to the Board Securities Matters Authorised representatives Name Mr. Chen Ge Mr. Huang Wensheng Mr.Wang Jiming Mr. Chen Ge Address 6A Huixindong Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Tel 86-10-6499 0060 86-10-6499 0060 86-10-6499 0060 86-10-6499 0060 Fax 86-10-6499 0022 86-10-6499 0022 86-10-6499 0022 86-10-6499 0022 E-mail / ss.3. SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING DATA AND FINANCIAL INDICATORS 3.1 Principal accounting data and financial indicators prepared under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations for the year 2005 3.1.1 Principal accounting data For the For the For the year ended year ended year ended 31 December 31 December Increase/ 31 December Item 2005 2004 decrease (%) 2003 Income from principal operations (RMB million) 799,115 590,632 35.30 417,191 Profit before taxation (RMB million) 61,482 53,535 14.84 30,015 Net Profit (RMB million) 39,558 32,275 22.57 19,011 Net profit before non-operating profits/losses (RMB million) 34,999 35,996 -2.77 22,307 ============ ============= ============ ============ At At At 31 December 31 December Increase/ 31 December Item 2005 2004 decrease (%) 2003 Total assets (RMB million) 520,572 460,081 13.15 390,213 Shareholders' funds (excluding minority interests) (RMB million) 215,623 186,350 15.71 162,946 Net cash flow from operating activities (RMB million) 84,963 70,139 21.14 64,448 ============ ============= ============ ============ 3.1.2 Principal financial indicators For the For the For the year ended year ended year ended 31 December 31 December Increase/ 31 December Item 2005 2004 decrease (%) 2003 Earnings per share (RMB) (Fully diluted) 0.456 0.372 22.57 0.219 Return on net assets (%) (Fully diluted) 18.346 17.320 1.026 11.667 percentage point Return (adjusted for non-operating profits/ (losses) on net assets (%) -3.084 (Fully diluted) 16.232 19.316 prcentage 13.690 points (Weighted average) 17.414 20.524 -3.110 14.137 percentage points Net cash flow from operating activities per share (RMB) 0.980 0.809 21.14 0.743 ============ ============= ============ ============ For the For the For the year ended year ended year ended 31 December 31 December Increase/ 31 December Item 2005 2004 decrease (%) 2003 Net assets per share (RMB) (Fully diluted) 2.487 2.149 15.71 1.879 Adjusted net assets per share (RMB) 2.426 2.102 15.41 1.850 ============ ============= ============ ============ Notes:(i) The Company adopted the revised "Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises - Events occurring after the balance sheet date" that resulted in a change in accounting policy which has been applied retrospectively. Please refer to Note 2 of the financial statements prepared under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations for details. 3.1.3 Items under non-operating profits/losses: For the year ended 31 December 2005 (Income)/expense (RMB million) Loss on disposal of long-term equity investments (25) Written back of provisions on assets provided in previous years (1,115) Non-operating expenses (excluding normal provisions on assets provided in accordance with the Accounting Regulations for Business Enterprises) 4,118 of which: loss on disposal of fixed assets 2,422 employee reduction expenses 369 donations 203 Non-operating income (367) Subsidy income (9,415) Tax effect 2,245 ------------ Total (4,559) ============ 3.2 Principal accounting data and financial indicators prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") for the year 2005 For the For the For the year ended year ended year ended 31 December 31 December Increase/ 31 December Item 2005 2004 decrease (%) 2003 Operating profit (RMB million) 66,814 63,069 5.94 38,883 Profit attributable to shareholders (RMB million) 40,920 36,019 13.61 22,424 Return on capital employed* (%) -0.85 percentage 11.99 12.84 points 9.01 Basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.472 0.415 13.61 0.259 Net cash flow from operating activities per share (RMB) 0.882 0.797 10.66 0.716 ============ ============= ============ ============ * Return on capital employed = operating profit x (1-income tax rate)/capital employed At At At 31 December 31 December Increase/ 31 December Item 2005 2004 decrease (%) 2003 Current assets (RMB million) 145,291 120,271 20.80 103,039 Current liabilities (RMB million) 170,649 146,277 16.66 129,272 Total Assets (RMB million) 537,321 474,594 13.22 420,184 Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company (RMB million) 223,556 193,040 15.81 171,515 Net assets per share (RMB) 2.578 2.226 15.81 1.978 Adjusted net assets per share (RMB) 2.518 2.187 15.13 1.950 ============ ============= ============ ============ 3.3 Material differences between the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations and IFRS [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable The PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations IFRS Net profit (RMB million) 39,558 40,920 ============ =========== Explanation on the differences See Subsection 9.2.3 ss. 4. Changes in Share Capital and Shareholdings of the Principal Shareholders [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable 4.1 CHANGES IN THE SHARE CAPITAL OF SINOPEC CORP. UNIT: 1,000 SHARES Pre-movement Increase/(decrease) Post-movement Conversion Percentage New shares Bonus from Percentage Numbers % issued issued reserves Others Sub-total Number % Shares not listed 67,121,951 77.4 - - - - - 67,121,951 77.4 1 Promoter shares 58,885,561 67.9 - - - 2,871,764 2,871,764 61,757,325 71.2 Of which: State-owned shares 58,885,561 67.9 - - - 2,871,764 2,871,764 61,757,325 71.2 2 Raised legal person shares - - - - - - - 3 Internal employee shares - - - - - - - - - 4 Preferential shares or others *8,236,390 9.5 - - - (2,871,764) (2,871,764) 5,364,626 6.2 Total listed outstanding shares 19,580,488 22.6 - - - - - 19,580,488 22.6 1 RMB ordinary shares 2,800,000 3.2 - - - - - 2,800,000 3.2 2 Shares traded in non-RMB currencies and listed domestically - - - - - - - - - 3 Shares traded in non-RMB currencies and listed overseas 16,780,488 19.4 - - - - - 16,780,488 19.4 4 Others - - - - - - - - - Total Shares 86,702,439 100.0 - - - - - 86,702,439 100.0 * "Preferential shares or others" under "Shares not listed" refers to the balance of shares which were transferred from China Petrochemical Corporation, the promoter of Sinopec Corp., to domestic asset management corporations in 2000, after deducting the shares which were subsequently transferred to China Petrochemical Corporation. 4.2 Number of Shareholders and shareholdings of principal shareholders Number of shareholders of Sinopec Corp. as at 31 December 2005 was 224,808, including 215,258 holders of A Shares and 9,550 holders of H Shares. (1) Top ten Shareholders UNIT: 1,000 SHARES Percentage Number of among total shares held shares held at the end of Number of Number of Nature of at the end of reporting non-tradable pledges or Name of shareholders shareholders reporting period period shares lock-ups China Petrochemical Corporation State-owned shares 71.2% 61,757,325 61,757,325 - HKSCC (Nominees) Limited H shares 19.2% 16,679,304 - unknown China Cinda Asset Management State-owned shares 3.3% 2,848,886 2,848,886 - Corp. China Orient Asset Management State-owned shares 1.5% 1,296,410 1,296,410 - Corp. China Development Bank State-owned shares 0.7% 632,570 632,570 - Guo Tai Jun An Corp. State-owned legal 0.7% 605,041* 586,760 548,530(pledges)/ person shares + A 38,230 Shares (lock-ups) Fortis Haitong Growth A Shares 0.1% 89,668 - - Investment Fund EFUND 50 Securities Investment A Shares 0.1% 70,984 - - Fund Shanghai Securities 50ETF A Shares 0.1% 67,016 - - Investment Fund Qingdao Port (Group) Co Ltd. A Shares 0.1% 60,000 - - * of which 586,760,000 shares are state-owned legal person shares and the remaining 18,281,000 shares are A share. (2) Top ten shareholders with tradable shares Unit: 1,000 shares Number of Type of Name of shareholders tradable shares held shares held HKSCC (Nominees) Limited 16,679,304 H Shares Fortis Haitong Growth Investment Fund 89,668 A Shares EFUND 50 Securities Investment Fund 70,984 A Shares Shanghai Securities 50ETF Investment Fund 67,016 A Shares Qingdao Port (Group) Co., Ltd. 60,000 A Shares Boshi Selected Equity Securities Investment Fund 45,931 A Shares Jingfu Securities Investment Fund 41,103 A Shares Communication-Shroders Selected Equity Securities Investment Fund 40,019 A Shares CITIC Classic Securities Co., Ltd. 38,850 A Shares Tianyuan Securities Investment Fund 38,000 A Shares We are not aware of any connection or activities in concert among the top ten shareholders and top ten shareholders with tradable shares or between them. 4.3 Information about the controlling shareholder and the effective controller 4.3.1 Changes of the controlling shareholder and the effective controller in the reporting period [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 4.3.2 Basic information about the controlling shareholder and the other effective controller (1) Controlling shareholder The controlling shareholder of Sinopec Corp. is China Petrochemical Corporation ("Sinopec Group Company"). Established in July 1998, Sinopec Group Company is a State authorised investment organisation and a State-owned company. Its registered capital is RMB 104.9 billion, and the legal representative is Mr. Chen Tonghai. Through reorganisation in 2000, Sinopec Group Company injected its principal petroleum and petrochemical operations into Sinopec Corp. and retained certain petrochemical facilities and small-scale refineries. It provides well-drilling services, oil testing services, downhole operation services, services in connection with manufacturing and maintenance of production equipment, engineering construction, utility services and social services. (2) Basic information of other legal person shareholders holding 10% or more of shares of Sinopec Corp. other than HKSCC (Nominees) Limited None. (3) Basic information of the effective controller China Petrochemical Corporation is the effective controller of Sinopec Corp. (4) Diagram of the equity and controlling relationship between Sinopec Corp. and its effective controller [GRAPHIC OMITTED] ss.5. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management and Employees 5.1 Information on the changes in the shares held by the directors, supervisors and senior management and employees [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 5.1.1 Information of Directors Shares Held at Sinopec Position with Term of from any shareholderReason of Name Gender Age Sinopec Corp. Office (as at 31 December) change 2005 2004 Chen Tonghai M 57 Chairman 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Wang Jiming M 63 Vice Chairman 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Mou Shuling M 61 Director 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Zhang Jiaren M 61 Director and 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Chief Financial Officer Cao Xianghong M 60 Director 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Liu Genyuan M 60 Director 2003.6-2006.4 0 0 - Gao Jian M 56 Director 2004.5-2006.4 0 0 - Fan Yifei M 42 Director 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Chen Qingtai M 68 Independent 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Non-executive Director Ho Tsu Kwok Charles M 56 Independent 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Non-executive Director Shi Wanpeng M 68 Independent 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Non-executive Director Zhang Youcai M 64 Independent 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Non-executive Director Cao Yaofeng M 52 Employee 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Representative Director 5.1.2 Supervisors Shares Held at Sinopec Position with Term of from any shareholderReason of Name Gender Age Sinopec Corp. Office (as at 31 December) change 2005 2004 Wang Zuoran M 55 Chairman of the 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Supervisory Committee Zhang Chongqing M 61 Supervisor 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Wang Peijun M 60 Supervisor 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Wang Xianwen M 61 Supervisor 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Zhang Baojian M 61 Supervisor 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Kang Xianzhang M 57 Supervisor 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Cui Jianmin M 73 Independent Supervisor 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Li Yonggui M 65 Independent Supervisor 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Su Wensheng M 49 Employee Representative 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Supervisor Cui Guoqi M 52 Employee Representative 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Supervisor Zhang Xianglin M 59 Employee Representative 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Supervisor Zhang Haichao M 48 Employee Representative 2003.4-2005.11 0 0 - Supervisor 5.1.3 Other Members of the Senior Management Shares Held at Sinopec Position with Term of from any shareholder Reason of Name Gender Age Sinopec Corp. Office (as at 31 December) change 2005 2004 Wang Tianpu M 43 President 2005.3 0 0 - Zhang Jianhua M 41 Senior Vice President 2005.3 0 0 - Wang Zhigang M 48 Senior Vice President 2005.3 0 0 - Cai Xiyou M 44 Senior Vice President 2005.11 0 0 - Dai Houliang M 42 Vice President 2005.11 0 0 - Zhang Haichao M 48 Vice President 2005.11 0 0 - Chen Ge M 43 Secretary to the 2003.4-2006.4 0 0 - Board of Directors 5.1.4 Remunerations of Directors and Superisors Total remuneration this year RMB 4.648 million Total remunerations of top 3 directors RMB 1.39 million Total remunerations of top 3 senior management RMB 1.39 million Allowance to independent directors and RMB 141.000 independent supervisor Other benefits to independent directors Reasonable costs related to Sinopec Corp., such as attending board meetings and general meetings (eg. accommodation and travelling expenses) Directors and supervisors not receiving Messers Chen Tonghai, Liu Genyuan, Gao Jian, remuneration or allowance from the company Fan Yifei, Wang Zuoran, Zhang Chongqing, Wong Peijun, Wang Peijun, Wang Xianwen, Zhang Baojian and Kang Xianzhang. Range of remuneration (RMB) 400,000-500,000 5 200,000-300,000 7 100,000-200,000 3 5.2 NEW APPOINTMENT OR TERMINATION OF DIRECTORS, SUPERVISORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT The 16th Meeting of the Second Session of the Board of Directors of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation approved the resignation by Mr. Wang Jiming as President of Sinopec Corp. and the resignation by Mr. Mou Shuling as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. for work-related reasons. Mr. Wang Tianpu was appointed as President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Zhang Jianhua and Mr. Wang Zhigang were appointed as Senior Vice Presidents of Sinopec Corp. The 22nd Meeting of the Second Session of the Board of Directors of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation approved the resignation by Mr. Zhang Jiaren as the Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp., the resignation by Mr. Cao Xianghong as the Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. and the resignation by Mr. Li Chunguang as Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Cai Xiyou was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Dai Houliang and Mr. Zhang Haichao was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp. ss.6 Report of the Board of Directors 6.1 Business review in the reportly period 6.1.1 Business review In 2005, the Chinese economy continued to grow at a steady and rapid rate, with a GDP growth rate of 9.9%, and domestic demand for petroleum and petrochemical products kept increasing. In a market environment characterised with soaring international crude oil price, tight government control of domestic refined oil products prices and volatile petrochemical market, the Company managed to achieve satisfactory operating results, maintained growth in production and profitability and improved asset quality by relying on the collective efforts of its employees, leveraging on its overall advantages, strengthening internal management and optimising production operations with a market-based approach and a focus on profits. Review of Market Environment (1) Crude oil market In 2005, international crude oil prices were fluctuating at high levels. The Platts' Brent spot price averaged US$ 54.53 per barrel, up by 42.5% compared with 2004. The domestic crude oil price basically followed the trend in the international market. Average realised crude oil price produced by the Company was RMB 2,664.7 per tonne in 2005, up by 36.2% compared with 2004. [GRAPHIC OMITTED] Price Trend of International Crude Oil (2) Refined oil products market In 2005, domestic demand for refined oil products maintained a moderate growth. According to the Company's statistics, the apparent domestic consumption of refined oil products (inclusive of gasoline, diesel and kerosene including jet fuel) in 2005 was 164.44 million tonnes, up by 4.7% compared with 2004. International refined oil prices experienced a significant increase following the trend in the international crude oil market. However, due to tight control over the domestic prices of refined oil products, there was a significant gap between domestic and international prices of refined oil products. (3) Chemicals market In 2005, domestic demand for chemicals continued to show a relatively strong growth. According to the Company's statistics, the apparent consumption of synthetic fibers and synthetic rubbers increased by 10.2% compared with 2004 while domestic ethylene equivalent consumption increased by 8.6% compared with 2004. Domestic chemicals prices witnessed a similar trend as that of the international market. However, due to the rise of chemical feedstock prices in the second half of 2005, the gross profit margin of chemicals declined noticeably. Production and Operation (1) Exploration and production In 2005, the Company achieved good results in oil and gas exploration and production by intensifying its exploration activities, optimising and adjusting its exploration and production plans. In connection with exploration activities, the Company attached great importance to new discoveries in both mature and new blocks, completed 15,380 kilometers of 2D seismic and 7,164 square kilometers of 3D seismic, and drilled 545 exploration wells with a total footage of 1,467 kilometers. Relying on theoretical innovation and technological advances, the Company discovered the largest and most aboundant gas field in marine facies carbonate sturcture ever found in China, the Puguang Gas Field. Important discoveries were also made in exploration activities in mature blocks in east China as well as in Junger and Tahe blocks, achieving over 100% replacement of oil and gas reserves and laying a solid foundation for future resources. In oil and gas production, the Company intensified its progressive exploration activities and oil reserve evaluation, and effectively developed proved reserves. Under the high oil price environment, the company actively developed low yield reverves and improved the quality and efficiency of new capacity construction in the new blocks to increase oil and gas production. The Company also put a premium on application of new processes and new technologies to the development of mature blocks, continually improving recovery rate in mature blocks. In 2005, 2,348 development wells were drilled with total drilling footage of 5,109 kilometers, and new capacities totaling 5.79 million tonnes per annum and 2.1 billion cubic meters per annum. In 2005, the Company's production of crude oil and natural gas reached 278.82 million barrels and 221.9 billion cubic feet, respectively, representing an increase of 1.7% and 7.2%, respectively, compared with 2004. Summary of Operations of the Exploration and Production Segment Change from 2004 2005 2004 2003 to 2005 (%) Crude oil production (mmbbls) 278.82 274.15 270.96 1.70 Natural gas production (bcf) 221.9 207.0 187.7 7.20 Newly added proved reserves of crude oil (mmbbls) 306 284 208 7.75 Newly added proved reserves of natural gas (bcf) 140.6 352.0 (254.3) (60.05) Year-end proved reserves of crude oil (mmbbls) 3,294 3,267 3,257 0.83 Year-end proved reserves of natural gas (bcf) 2,951.7 3,033.0 2,887.6 (2.68) Year-end proved reserves of crude oil and natural gas (mmboe) 3,786 3,773 3,738 0.34 Summary of Production and Operations of Shengli Oil Field Change from 2004 2005 2004 2003 to 2005 (%) Crude oil production (mmbbls) 191.31 189.88 189.25 0.75 Natural gas production (bcf) 31.1 31.8 28.6 (2.20) Newly added proved reserves of crude oil (mmbbls) 247 225 196 9.78 Newly added proved reserves of natural gas (bcf) (3.6) 79.9 70.1 (104.51) Year-end proved reserves of crude oil (mmbbls) 2,362 2,306 2,271 2.43 Year-end proved reserves of natural gas (bcf) 322.4 357.1 308.9 (9.72) Year-end proved reserves of crude oil and natural gas (mmboe) 2,415 2,366 2,322 2.07 Note: crude oil volume is converted at 1 tonne to 7.1 barrels, and gas volume is converted at 1 cubic meter to 35.31 cubic feet (2) Refining In 2005, the Company actively worked on full-load operations to meet market demand. Crude oil throughput reached 139.94 million tonnes, up by 5.26% compared with 2004. The Company endeavored to reduce crude oil purchase costs by optimising crude oil procurement, allocation and transportation efficiency, and by increasing the processing ratio of high sulphur and heavy crude oil. The Company strived to increase the sales volume of higher value-added products through optimised production plan and product mix. It intensified technical revamping of refining facilities and upgraded gasoline and diesel quality on schedule. The Company also improved its main technical and economic performance indicators in the refining segment by relying on strengthened management and advances in technologies. As a result, both light products yield and overall refining yield went up. Sources of Crude oil Unit: million tonnes from 2004 2005 2004 2003 to 2005 (%) Self-supplied 28.62 28.14 28.20 1.71 PetroChina Company Ltd. 8.75 10.31 13.08 (15.13) CNOOC Ltd. 5.05 6.69 5.57 (24.51) Imported 99.13 89.03 71.14 11.34 Total 141.55 134.17 117.99 5.50 Summary of Production of the Refining Segment Change from 2004 to 2005 2004 2003 2005 (%) Crude throughput (mbbls/day) 2,817.9 2,677.2 2,350.0 5.26 of which sour crude throughput (mbbls/day): 698.8 551.1 478.7 26.80 Refining utilisation rate (%) 94.01 93.43 88.10 0.58 percentage point Gasoline, diesel and kerosene including jet fuel (million tonnes) 84.53 80.83 69.01 4.58 of which: Gasoline (million tonnes) 22.98 23.58 21.79 (2.54) Diesel (million tonnes) 54.92 50.89 41.91 7.92 Kerosene including jet fuel (million tonnes) 6.63 6.36 5.31 4.25 Light chemical feedstock (million tonnes) 21.10 17.70 16.46 19.21 Light products yield (%) 74.16 74.02 73.80 0.14 percentage point Overall refining yield (%) 93.24 93.09 92.63 0.15 percentage point Note: (1) Crude oil processing volume is converted at 1 tonne to 7.35 barrels. (2) The operational data for 2003 include operational results of Xi'an Petrochemical and Tahe Petrochemical. (3) Marketing and distribution In 2005, while maintaining full-load operations of its refining facilities to increase production of refined oil products, the Company increased procurement of refined oil products from other sources to meet the market demand. It also endeavored to reduce storage and transportation costs by fully leveraging its modern logistics systems and optimising resource allocation. It further expanded retail and direct sales by improving service-oriented awareness, service quality and standards as well as marketing structure . The sales of refined oil products for 2005 exceeded 100 million tonnes for the first time, representing a year on year increase of 10.54%, of which retail volume increased by 19.29%. The efficiency of petrol stations continued to improve with the annual throughput per petrol station exceeding 2,321 tonnes, up by 15.88% compared with 2004. Retail and direct sales volume of refined oil products accounted for 80.24% of the total domestic sales volume. In addition, the Company is actively marketing its petrol IC cards, which allows customers to use one single card at its petrol stations across the nation. Summary of Operations of Marketing and Distribution Segment Change Change from 2004 2005 2004 2003 to 2005 (%) Total domestic sales of refined oil products (million tonnes) 104.56 94.59 75.92 10.54 Of which: Retail volume (million tonnes) 63.52 53.25 38.85 19.29 Direct sales volume (million tonnes) 20.38 19.65 15.33 3.72 Wholesale volume (million tonnes) 20.66 21.69 21.74 (4.75) Average annual throughput per petrol station (tonne/station) 2,321 2,003 1,686 15.88 Total number of petrol stations under SINOPEC brand 29,647 30,063 30,242 (1.38) Of which: Number of COCO petrol stations 27,367 26,581 24,506 2.96 Number of franchised petrol stations 2,280 3,482 5,736 (34.52) Retail volume/total domestic sales volume (%) 60.7 56.3 51.2 4.4 percentage points (4) Chemicals In 2005, the Company achieved safe, stable, sustained, full-load and optimal operation of its core facilities. The Company's two major ethylene joint ventures, Shanghai Secco and BASF-YPC, were put into commercial operation on schedule, and as a result, the Company's ethylene capacity significantly increased. The Company produced 5.319 million tonnes of ethylene in 2005, up by 30.56% from 2004. The Company proactively tried to improve its chemicals product mix with more higher value-added products, which allowed the Company to further increase its production of performance compound resins and differential fibres. The Company also established a specialised sales company for chemical products to enhance its overall competitiveness and gradually integrate or centralise its marketing strategies, market development, logistics, resource allocations, sales practices and branding. Production of Major Chemicals Unit: 1,000 tonnes Change from 2004 2005 2004 2003 to 2005 (%) Ethylene 5,319 4,074 3,982 30.56 Synthetic resins 7,605 6,221 5,805 22.25 of which: performance compound resins 3,498 3,034 2,707 15.29 Synthetic rubbers 626 561 553 11.59 Monomers and polymers for synthetic fibres 6,725 6,021 5,633 11.69 Synthetic fibre, 1,570 1,654 1,659 (5.08) of which: differential fibres 811 753 623 7.70 Urea 1,780 2,630 2,028 (32.32) Note: (1) The operational data for 2003 and 2004 include the production of Maoming Ethylene, and, also that of various chemical assets acquired from Sinopec Group in 2004. (2) The operational data for 2005 include the production of the two joint venture ethylene facilities, Shanghai Secco and BASF-YPC. (5) Research and development In 2005, the Company adhered to the application of research and engineering design into production, focused on technological innovation and development of key technologies, achieved a string of important scientific and technological results and obtained 706 domestic and international patents. The technologies in non-crystal state alloy catalyst and stable magnetic bed reactor were used for commercial application for the first time in the world, generating significant economic benefits due to its lower catalyst consumption. With greater air velocity ratio, which is 5 to 10 times of that of the traditional reactor bed. Its catalyst consumption only accounts for 30% of the amount consumed with traditional technologies. The technology was the only grand prize awarded by the National Technology Invention Prizes in 2005. Another ten technologies including the geo-steering drilling technology, a new catalyst cracking process which can increase production of propylene while reducing olefin content in gasoline, and a 200,000 tonne per annum EB/styrene, were successfully developed and put into commercial application. Breakthroughs were made in researches over 20 technologies, including technologies in the field of oil reserve geophysics. A series of technologies, including a catalytic cracking technology to maximise isoalkane production, and aromatics extraction technology, were applied extensively, generating meaningful economic benefits. Information technologies were applied to improve management. Applications of ERP and other IT systems are playing increasingly important roles in the Company's business development and operation management. (6) Cost saving In 2005, the Company took various measures to reduce cost, such as reducing transportation costs by optimising resource allocation and leveraging on existing logistics system, reducing crude procurement cost by further increasing the processing volume of sour and heavy crude oil and reducing consumption of energy and materials in the production process by optimising operation of the facilities. In 2005, the Company effectively saved RMB 2.762 billion in cost, which exceeded the original target of RMB 2.5 billion by RMB 262 million. Of the total cost saved, the exploration and production segment, the refining segment, the marketing and distribution segment and the chemicals segment achieved cost saving of RMB 638 million, RMB 706 million, RMB 712 million, and RMB 706 million, respectively. (7) Capital expenditure In 2005, the Company adjusted and optimised its investment allocation in line with its development strategy and core businesses based on market conditions, and worked for better organisation and implementation of major projects. The total capital expenditure in 2005 was RMB 58.726 billion. Among which, the expenditure for exploration and production segment was RMB 23.095 billion. With the investment, significant amount of oil and gas reserves were discovered in some major exploratory areas, including Jiyang Depression, Tahe and northeast Sichuan. Newly built crude oil and gas production capacity increased by 5.79 million tonnes per annum and 2.1 billion cubic meters per annum respectively. The newly built proved crude oil reserves reached 305.62 million barrels and realised increases in both oil and gas reserves and production. The expenditure for refining segment was RMB 14.127 billion. With the investment, newly added crude oil processing capacity, hydro-fining capacity and coking capacity increased by 6.7 million tonnes per annum, 3.73 million tonnes per annum and 2.8 million tonnes per annum, respectively; the revamping of facilities for upgrading refined oil product quality was completed on schedule and Ningbo-Shanghai-Nanjing pipeline for imported crude oil was completed and put into operation. The expenditure for marketing and distribution segment was RMB 10.954 billion. With the investment, the Southwest refined oil pipeline was fully completed and put into operation, the refined oil products sales network further improved by way of construction, acquisition and renovation of petrol stations. The Company's leading position in the strategic market was further solidified, with a net increase of 786 self-operated petrol stations. The expenditure for chemicals segment was RMB 9.386 billion. With the investment, Maoming Ethylene expansion project, PTA revamping project at Shanghai Petrochemical and Yangzi Petrochemical progressed smoothly, the coal gasification projects for fertiliser production was on schedule. The expenditure for corporate and others was RMB 1.164 billion. With the investment, construction of the information technology systems made new progresses. In addition, the Company's two large joint ventures, Shanghai Secco and BASF-YPC, with a total capital expenditure of RMB 2.602 billion, were successfully put into commercial operation. 6.1.2 Management Discussion and Analysis The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the company's Audited Financial Statements and the Accompanying notes. Part of the Financial Information Presented in this section in derived from the company's audited financial statements that have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). Consolidated results of operations In 2005, the Company's turnover, other operating revenues and other income were RMB 832.5 billion, and the operating profit was RMB 66.8 billion, representing an increase of 34.3% and 5.9%, respectively, over those in the previous year. These results were largely attributable to the following factors: International crude oil prices continued to be volatile and remained at a high level; chemical products prices remained at a high level; the Company strived to mitigate the effect of the tight price control over refined oil products, proactively developed the market, increased oil and gas production, optimised crude oil processing and output structure, increased chemicals production and sales of refined oil products. In addition, the Company received a one-time refund of RMB 9.4 billion from the central government to compensate the Company's inability to fully pass the increased crude oil costs to the refined oil products due to the tight government control over prices of domestic refined oil products, which to some extent relieved the pressures imposed by the increased crude oil costs and contributed to the comparatively good operating results. The following table sets forth the major items in the consolidated income statement of the Company for the indicated periods. Years Ended 31 December Rate of 2005 2004 Change (RMB in millions) (%) Turnover, other operating revenues and other income 832,532 619,783 34.3 Of which: Turnover 799,115 597,197 33.8 Other operating revenues 24,002 22,586 6.3 Other income 9,415 i-D N/A Operating expenses (765,718) (556,714) 37.5 Of which: Purchased crude oil, products, and operating supplies and expenses (653,056) (443,590) 47.2 Selling, general and administrative (33,709) (31,843) 5.9 expenses Depreciation, depletion and amortisation (31,413) (32,342) (2.9) Exploration expenses (including dry holes) (6,411) (6,396) 0.2 Personnel expenses (18,483) (18,634) (0.8) Employee reduction expenses (369) (919) (59.8) Taxes other than income tax (17,152) (16,324) 5.1 Other operating expenses, net (5,125) (6,666) (23.1) Operating profit 66,814 63,069 5.9 Net finance costs (4,621) (4,371) 5.7 Investment income and share of profit less losses from associates 1,035 908 14.0 Profit before tax 63,228 59,606 6.1 Taxation (19,388) (17,815) 8.8 Profit for the year 43,840 41,791 4.9 Attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Company 40,920 36,019 13.6 Minority interests 2,920 5,772 (49.4) (1) Turnover, Other Operating Revenues and Other Income In 2005, the Company's turnover, other operating revenues and other income were RMB 832.5 billion, of which, the turnover was RMB 799.1 billion, representing an increase of 33.8% over 2004. These results were largely attributable to the increase in international prices of crude oil and chemical products, and the Company's efforts in expanding the sales volume of our petroleum and chemical products and optimising our sales and marketing structure. In 2005, the Company's other operating revenues went up to RMB 24 billion, representing an increase of 6.3% compared with 2004. In 2005, the Company received from the central government a one-time compensation of RMB 9.4 billion to compensate the Company's inability to fully pass the increased crude oil costs to refined oil products due to the tight government control over prices of domestic refined petroleum products. The following table sets forth the Company's external sales volume, average realised prices and the respective rate of changes from 2004 to 2005 for the Company's major products. Average realised prices Sales Volume (RMB per tonne, RMB per (thousand tonnes) thousand cubic meters) Rate of Rate of Change change 2005 2004 (%) 2005 2004 (%) Crude oil 5,289 6,012 (12.0) 2,680 1,872 43.2 Natural gas (million 4,356 3,775 15.4 673 609 10.5 cubic meters) Gasoline 30,191 27,353 10.4 4,432 3,765 17.7 Diesel 67,247 60,419 11.3 3,772 3,221 17.1 Kerosene 6,003 5,680 5.7 3,710 2,923 26.9 Basic chemical feedstock8,658 6,664 29.9 4,846 4,429 9.4 Monomers and polymers for synthetic fiber 2,993 2,704 10.7 8,879 8,022 10.7 Synthetic resin 6,343 5,401 17.4 9,005 7,986 12.8 Synthetic fiber 1,585 1,741 (9.0) 11,123 10,818 2.8 Synthetic rubber 678 556 21.9 13,040 10,238 27.4 Chemical fertiliser 1,822 2,622 (30.5) 1,539 1,355 13.6 Most of the crude oil and a small portion of the natural gas produced by the Company were internally used for refining and chemicals production, the remaining was sold to the refineries of Sinopec Group Company and other customers. In 2005, the turnover from crude oil and natural gas that were sold externally amounted to RMB 19.9 billion, representing an increase of 24.4% over 2004, accounting for 2.4% of the Company's total turnover, other operating revenues and other income. The increase was mainly due to the increase in crude oil prices and expansion of natural gas business. The Company's refining segment and marketing and distribution segment sell refined oil products (mainly consisting of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, kerosene and other refined oil products) to third parties. In 2005, the external sales revenue of refined oil products by these two segments were RMB 542.1 billion, representing an increase of 33.5% over 2004, accounting for 65.1% of the Company's turnover, other operating revenues and other income. The increase was mainly due to the rise of refined oil products price, and our proactive efforts in increasing sales volume, optimising sales and marketing structure and expanding the market of other refined oil products. The sales revenues of gasoline, diesel and kerosene were RMB 409.7 billion, representing an increase of 30.4% over 2004, and accounting for 75.6% of the total sales revenues of refined oil products. The sales revenues of other refined oil products were RMB 132.4 billion, representing an increase of 43.9% over 2004, accounting for 24.4% of the total sales revenues of refined oil products. The Company's external sales revenues of chemical products were RMB 160.8 billion, representing an increase of 27.6% over 2004, accounting for 19.3% of the Company's total turnover, other operating revenues and other income. The increase was mainly due to the fact that the Company captured the opportunity of the high level price of chemical products and increased its sales volume accordingly. (2) Operating expenses In 2005, the Company's operating expenses amounted to RMB 765.7 billion, representing an increase of 37.5% compared with 2004. The operating expenses mainly consisted of the following: Purchased Crude Oil, Products, and Operating Supplies and Expenses In 2005, the Company's purchased crude oil, products and operating supplies and expenses were RMB 653.1 billion, representing an increase of 47.2% over 2004, accounting for 85.3% of the total operating expenses, of which: o Purchased crude oil expenses were RMB 338.2 billion, representing an increase of 45.4% compared with 2004, accounting for 44.2% of the total operating expenses, up by 2.4 percentage points over 2004. To meet the increasing market demands in the fast growing Chinese economy, the Company increased its throughput of crude oil purchased from third parties. In 2005, the throughput of the Company's crude oil purchased externally was RMB 107.95 million tonnes (excluding amounts processed for third parties), representing an increase of 7.3% compared with 2004. Average cost for crude oil purchased externally in 2005 was RMB 3,133 per tonne (approximately US$ 52.11 per barrel), representing an increase of 35.5% compared with 2004. o In 2005, the Company's other purchase expenses were RMB 314.9 billion, representing an increase of 49.2% compared with 2004, accounting for 41.1% of the total operating expenses. The increase was mainly due to the increased costs of refined petroleum products and chemical feedstock purchased externally. Selling, general and administrative expenses In 2005, the Company's selling, general and administrative expenses totaled RMB 33.7 billion, representing an increase of 5.9% compared with 2004. The increase was largely due to: o An increase of RMB 1.5 billion in the selling expenses, such as transportation costs, compared with 2004, resulted from the increase in the total sales volume of refined petroleum products and chemical products, and increased sales volume through retail and direct distribution; o An increase of RMB 1.2 billion in operating lease expenses compared with 2004 mainly due to the increased lease of operating facilities to increase sales volume; o A decrease in repairing and maintenance expenses by RMB 800 million, mainly as a result of the increased maintenance carried out in 2004 for petrol stations. Depreciation, depletion and amortisation In 2005, the Company's depreciation, depletion and amortisation were RMB 31.4 billion, down by 2.9% compared with 2004. The decrease was mainly due to disposal of, and impairment loss on, less efficient assets in the previous years. Exploration expenses In 2005, the Company's exploration expenses were RMB 6.4 billion, maintaining at the same level as in 2004. Personnel expenses In 2005, the Company's personnel expenses were RMB 18.5 billion, down by 0.8% compared with 2004. The decrease was mainly due to the reduction of operating personnel resulting from the disposal of downhole operation assets in 2004. Employee reduction expenses In 2005, in accordance with the Company's voluntary employee reduction plan, the Company recorded employee reduction expenses of approximately RMB 370 million. Taxes other than income tax In 2005, the Company's taxes other than income tax were RMB 17.2 billion, representing an increase of 5.1% compared with 2004. The increase was largely due to the increased consumption tax and associated surcharges as a result of the increase in the sales volume of gasoline and diesel. Other operating expenses, net In 2005, the Company's other operating expenses, net were RMB 5.1 billion, representing a decrease of 23.1% compared with 2004. The decrease was largely due to the decrease of RMB 2.1 billion in impairment loss on long-lived assets and an increase of RMB 400 million in net losses of disposal of assets compared with 2004. (3) Operating profit In 2005, the Company's operating profit was RMB 66.8 billion, representing an increase of 5.9% compared with 2004. (4) Net finance costs In 2005, the Company's net finance costs were RMB 4.6 billion, representing an increase of 5.7% over 2004. The increase was mainly due to the following factors: o An increase of RMB 1.3 billion in net interest expenses as a result of the increase in long term loans borrowed in accordance with the investment plans, and the increase in short term debts attributable to the increased working capital requirement, as a result of the increased crude oil price and the expansion of production and operation; o An increase of RMB 1.1 billion in net foreign exchange gains due to fluctuation of the foreign exchange rate. (5) Profit before income tax In 2005, the Company's profit from ordinary activities before income tax was RMB 63.2 billion, representing an increase of 6.1% compared with 2004. (6) Taxation In 2005, the Company's taxation was RMB 19.4 billion, representing an increase of 8.8% compared with 2004. (7) Profit attributable to minority interests In 2005, the Company's profit attributable to minority interests was RMB 2.9 billion, representing a decrease of 49.4% compared with 2004. The decrease was largely due to the decreased profit in certain subsidiaries and our privatisation of Beijing Yanhua. (8) Profit attributable to equity shareholders to the Company In 2005, the Company's profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company was RMB 40.9 billion, up by 13.6% over 2004. Assets, Liabilities, Equity and Cash Flows The Company's primary sources of funding were from operating activities, short-term and long-term borrowings, and primary uses of funds were for operating expenses, capital expenditures and repayments for short-term and long-term borrowings. (1) Assets, liabilities and equity Unit: RMB in millions As of 31 December Amount 2005 2004 Changes Total assets 537,321 474,594 62,727 Current assets 145,291 120,271 25,020 Non-current assets 392,030 354,323 37,707 Total liabilities 284,325 250,508 33,817 Current liabilities 170,649 146,277 24,372 Non-current liabilities 113,676 104,231 9,445 Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company 223,556 193,040 30,516 Share capital 86,702 86,702 i-D Reserves 136,854 106,338 30,516 Minority interests 29,440 31,046 (1,606) Total equity 252,996 224,086 28,910 The Company's total assets were RMB 537.321 billion, representing an increase of RMB 62.727 billion compared with those at the end of 2004, of which: o The current assets increased by RMB 25.02 billion from those at the end of 2004 to RMB 145.291 billion. The increase was mainly due to the increases in inventories of crude oil and refined oil products as a result of the increase in prices and volume of crude oil and refined oil products. o The non-current assets increased by RMB 37.707 billion from those at the end of 2004 to RMB 392.03 billion. The increase was mainly due to the increase of RMB 30.45 billion in property, plant and equipment and the increase of RMB 2.082 billion in construction in progress. The total liabilities were RMB 284.325 billion, representing an increase of RMB 33.817 billion compared with those at the end of 2004, of which : o The current liabilities increased by RMB 24.372 billion from those at the end of 2004 to RMB 170.649 billion. The increase was mainly due to the increase of RMB 29.175 billion in accounts payable associated with the expansion of production and operation, and the decrease of RMB 7.554 billion in bills payable resulted from adjustment of financing structures. o The non-current liabilities increased by RMB 9.445 billion from those at the end of 2004 to RMB 113.676 billion. The decrease was mainly due to the fact that long-term loans of the Company increased by RMB 9.405 billion compared with those at the end of 2004. The equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company was RMB 223.556 billion, representing an increase of RMB 30.516 billion in reserves compared with those at the end of 2004. (2) Cash flow In 2005, the Company's cash and cash equivalent decreased by RMB 2.614 billion, which, together with the decrease of RMB 22 million due to the change in foreign exchange rates, contributed to the net decrease of RMB 2.636 billion, down from RMB 16.381 billion as of 31 December, 2004 to RMB 13.745 billion as of 31 December 2005. The following table sets forth the major items on the consolidated cash flow statements in 2004 and 2005. Unit: RMB in millions Years ended 31 December Major items of cash flows 2005 2004 Net cash flow from operating activities 76,497 69,081 Net cash flow from investing activities (71,051) (73,992) Net cash flow from financing activities (8,060) 5,028 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalent (2,614) 117 Net cash flow from operating activities was RMB 76.497 billion. In 2005, profit before taxation was RMB 63.228 billion; after adjusting the non-cash expenses items, the adjusted cash flow from operating activities was RMB 105.23 billion. Major non-cash expense items included: depreciation, depletion and amortisation of RMB 31.413 billion, dry holes costs of RMB 2.992 billion, net losses from disposal of properties, plants and equipments of RMB 2.095 billion, and impairment losses on long-lived assets of RMB 1.851 billion. The changes in operating-related accounts receivable and payable items reduced cash inflow of RMB 1.828 billion. In order to meet the market demand, the Company expanded production and operation, as a result, the working capital required by the ordinary business settlement increased, of which, the changes in inventory led to a decreased cash inflow of RMB 24.998 billion , the increase in accounts payable due to the increase in operation and purchase costs led to an increased cash inflow of RMB 28.97 billion, and the increase in accounts receivable and other assets led to a decreased cash inflow of RMB 5.8 billion. After adjusting the non-cash expense items and accounts receivable and payable items with regard to the profit before taxation, and deducting the cash outflow for payment of income tax totaling RMB 20.998 billion, and the net cash outflow for net interests paid as well as the dividend received totaling RMB 5.907 billion, the net cash flow from operating activities was RMB 76.497 billion. Net cash flow for investing activities was RMB 71.051 billion. The net cash flow for investing activities mainly represented cash outflows of RMB 63.135 billion for capital expenditures and RMB 4.324 billion for acquisition of minority interests in subsidiaries such as Beijing Yanhua by the Company, and cash outflows of RMB 2.474 billion for capital expenditures by the Company's jointly controlled entities. Net cash flow for financing activities was RMB 8.06 billion. The net cash outflow for financing activities increased because the amount of newly added bank loans and other loans by the Company and its jointly controlled entities was less than the amount of repayment of bank loans and other loans, resulting in a cash outflow of RMB 2.921 billion. The net cash outflow for financing activities was further increased by the distribution of final dividend for 2004 and interim dividend for 2005 totaling RMB 10.404 billion; and the distribution of cash in connection with petrochemical assets and catalyst assets totaling RMB 3.128 billion. On the other hand, the cash outflow was partially offset by the proceeds from the issuance of short term financial bonds totaling RMB 9.875 billion. During 2005, the Company captured the opportunity of robust market demand to steadily increase cash flow from operating activities. At the same time, the Company tightened its control over integrated cash management and strictly controlled the scale of cash and cash equivalents to decrease the amount of idle cash, and accelerate capital turnover. As a result, the overall cash efficiency of the Company improved. (3) Contingent liabilities Refer to the descriptions under Major Guarantees and Performance in the section entitled Disclosure of Significant Events. (4) Capital expenditure Refer to the descriptions under Capital Expenditure in the section entitled Business Review and Prospects. (5) Research and development expenses and environmental expenses Research and development expenses refer to the expenses that have been recognised during the period in which they incurred. In 2005, the Company's research and development expenses were RMB 2.243 billion. Environmental expenses refer to the normal routine pollutant discharge fees paid by the Company, excluding any capitalised costs of pollutant discharge facilities. In 2005, the Company's environmental expenses were RMB 493 million. (6) Analysis of financial statements prepared under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations The major differences between the Company's financial statements prepared under the IFRS and those under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations are set out in section 9.2.3 of this announcement. The following table sets forth each of its segments' income and profit from principal operations, costs of sales, taxes and surcharges, as prepared under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations. Unit: RMB in millions Years Ended 31 December 2005 2004 Income from principal operations Exploration and Production Segment 104,285 76,023 Refining Segment 469,266 352,548 Marketing and Distribution Segment 462,464 345,671 Chemicals Segment 172,982 122,118 Others 121,265 79,145 Elimination of inter-segment sales (531,147) (384,873) -------------- -------------- Consolidated income from principal operations 799,115 590,632 ============== ============== Cost of sales, sales taxes and surcharges Exploration and Production Segment 40,118 36,073 Refining Segment 477,843 340,360 Marketing and Distribution Segment 427,308 306,309 Chemicals Segment 149,431 96,994 Others 118,152 78,410 Elimination of inter-segment cost of sales (527,451) (382,736) -------------- -------------- Consolidated cost of sales, sales taxes and surcharges 685,401 475,410 ============== ============== Profit from principal operations Exploration and Production Segment 59,732 37,997 Refining Segment (7,838) 12,005 Marketing and Distribution Segment 35,156 39,362 Chemicals Segment 23,551 25,123 Others 3,113 735 -------------- -------------- Consolidated profit from principal operations 113,714 115,222 ============== ============== Net profit 39,558 32,275 ============== ============== Profit from principal operation: in 2005, the Company's realised profit from principal operations was RMB 113.714 billion, representing a decrease of RMB 1.508 billion compared with 2004. The decrease was mainly due to the fact that crude oil price continued to be volatile and remained at a high level in international market, and the Chinese government implemented tight price control over domestic refined oil product, resulting in smaller increase in the price of refined oil products as compared with that in crude oil price. The Company strived to expand sales volume and optimise marketing and distribution structures, but was still unable to completely offset the pressure from the increased crude oil costs. As a result, profit from principal operations declined compared with 2004. Net profit: in 2005, the net profit realised by the Company was RMB 39.558 billion, representing an increase of RMB 7.283 billion, or 22.57%, over that in 2004. Financial data prepared under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations: Unit: RMB in millions At 31 December 2005 2004 Changes Total assets 520,572 460,081 60,491 Long-term liabilities 107,774 98,407 9,367 Shareholders' funds 215,623 186,350 29,273 Analysis of changes: Total assets: in 2005, the total assets increased by RMB 60.491 billion from those at the end of 2004 to RMB 520.572 billion. The increase was primarily due to a number of factors, of which, the fixed assets increased by RMB 32.706 billlion as a result of the Company's implementation of a prudent investment policy to meet the market demands; the current assets increased by RMB 24.84 billion resulted from increases in inventories of crude oil and refined oil products in line with the rise of price and expansion of production and operation; other assets, including intangible assets, increased by RMB 2.945 billion. Long-term liabilities: the Company's long-term liabilities were RMB 107.774 billion as of 31 December 2005, representing an increase of RMB 9.367 billion from those as of 31 December 2004, which was primarily due to the increase in long term borrowings in line with investment plans. Shareholders' funds: At the end of 2005, shareholders' funds of the Company was RMB 215.623 billion, representing an increase of RMB 29.273 billion compared with those at the end of 2004. This increase was primarily due to: first, the realised net profit in 2005 amounted to RMB 39.558 billion; second, in 2005, the distribution of the final dividend of 2004 amounted to RMB 6.936 billion and the interim dividend for 2005 totaled RMB 3.468 billion. (7) Significant differences between the financial statements prepared under IFRS and U.S. GAAP The major differences between the Company's financial statements prepared under IFRS and US GAAP are set out in section 9.2.4 of this announcement. 6.2 The Principal Operations Categorised by Business Segments and the Status of the Connected Transactions The following data are extracted from the financial statements prepared under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations. Increase/ Increase/ Increase/income decrease of decrease from principal cost of principal of gross profit operations operation margin compared compared compared Income from Cost of with the with the with the principal principal Gross preceding year preceding year preceding year Categorised by operations operations profit margin percentage percentage percentage business segments (RMB millions) (RMB millions) (%) points points points Exploration and production 104,285 38,464 57.28 37.18 10.12 7.30 Refining 469,266 463,682 (1.67) 33.11 41.98 (5.08) Chemicals 172,982 148,710 13.61 41.65 54.36 (6.96) Marketing and distribution 462,464 426,727 7.60 33.79 39.59 (3.79) Corporate and others 121,265 118,117 2.57 53.22 50.67 1.64 Elimination of inter-segment sales (531,147) (527,451) N/A N/A N/A N/A Total 799,115 668,249 14.23 35.30 45.52 (5.28) Of which: connected transactions 80,096 74,628 5.90 36.38 37.70 (1.45) Connected transactions Please refer to "Connected Transactions" at 8.4 below Principle of pricing for (1) Government-prescribed prices and government-guided prices are adopted for products or connected transactions projects if such prices are available; (2) Where there is no government-prescribed price or government-guided price for products or projects, the market price (inclusive of bidding price) will apply; (3) Where none of the above is applicable, the price will be decided based on the cost incurred plus a reasonable profit of not more than 6% of the price. * Gross profit = Profit from principal operations/income from principal operations 6.3 Principal operations in different regions [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 6.4 Information about suppliers and customers Total amount of purchase from RMB120,969 billion Percentage in Sinopec Corp.'s total the top five suppliers amount of purchase 37.68% Total amount of sales to the RMB62,115 billion Percentage in Sinopec Corp.'s total top five Ecustomers amount of sales 8% 6.5 Operations of equity subsidiaries (applicable to the circumstance when the return on investment is more than 10% of the listed company's net profit) [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 6.6 Explain the reason of material changes in the principal operations and their structure [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 6.7 Explain the reason of material changes in the principal operations' earning power (gross profit ratio) as compared to the preceding year [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 6.8 Analyze the reason of material changes in operating result and profit composition as compared to the preceding year [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable See 6.1.1 "Business Review" and 6.1.2 "Management's Discussion and Analysis" Analyze the reason of material changes in the overall financial position as compared to the preceding year [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable See 6.1.1 "Business Review" and 6.1.2 "Management's Discussion And Analysis" 6.9 Explanation of the material changes in operating environment and macro policies and rules and regulations that have produced, are producing or will produce significant influences on the company's financial conditions and operating result [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 6.10 Fulfillment of the predicted profit [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 6.11 Fulfillment of the operating plan [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable The Company has not disclosed the Operating Plan for year 2005 (e.g. revenue, cost and expenses etc), and therefore it is not applicable. 6.12 Use of the proceeds from share issue [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable 6.12.1 Use of the proceeds from A share issue Unit: RMB billion Total proceeds from share issue after deducting the issuance expenses 11.648 Total amount of proceeds used in this year 61.100 Total amount of proceeds already used 11.648 Proposed Whether Whether investment Actual the planned the expected Projects under in this year Any investment Yield progress is return is commitment Amounts change Amounts Amounts satisfied satisfied For the Company's working capital 1.302 N 1.302 0.061 A Y Acquisition of National Star from Sinopec Group 6.446 N 6.446 1.200 A Y Southwest refined oil product pipeline project 2.436 N 2.436 0.146 A Y For the Ningbo-Shanghai-Nanjing crude oil pipeline 1.464 N 1.464 0.150 A Y Total 11.648 - 11.648 - - Reason of failure to satisfy the planned progress and expected return (according to specific project) Reason and procedure of change (according to specific project) N/A 6.12.2 Change of projects [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable 6.13 Projects not funded by proceeds from share issue [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable Capital investment in project Project name Project progress Project (RMB billion) progress Profit from project Exploration and production segment: Development in Shengli 23.095 progressing Crude output 39.27 million Oilfields and capacity smoothly tons, gas output 6.285 billion building in Xinjiang cubic meters, newly added Tahe oilfield crude capacity 5.788 million tons, newly added as capacity 2.1 billion cubic meters in 2005. Realized optimization of reserves and growth of oil and gas production, reinforced the foundation of its resources, and rationalized the possible, probable and proved reserves Refining segment: E Expansion and revamping 14.127 progressing Newly added 6.7mta crude-run of refining capacity of smoothly capacity. Products quality Yanshan and Guangzhou is up to the National standard and projects for improving product quality and structure Marketing and distribution segment: Mainly for construction of 10.343 progressing Further optimized the marketing new pipeline for refined oil smoothly networks and secured our leading products andEprojects of position in the principal market construction and renovation and raised brand awareness and of petrol stations and oil further enhanced customer loyalty depots Chemicals segment: Expansion and revamping 9.386 progressing Newly added 1.5mta of ethylene of Maoming ethylene project smoothly capacity, 1.67mta of PVC capacity revamping of Yangzi PX, and 0.93mta synthetic fibre PTA projects, and revamping monomer and polymer capacity of Baling fertilizer project, which stress the core business and increase the return ratio of capital occupied Scientific research information and others segment: Mainly used for the 1.164 progressing The application of ERP was Company's scientific smoothly expanded; the efficiency of research development management was increased. and IT construction Further optimized the associated facilities of scientific research Total 58.115 - - 6.14 Explanation of the board of directors about the accounting firm's "non-standard comments" [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicablee 6.15 Operating plan for the new fiscal year formulated by the Board of Directors Business Prospect 6.15.1 Market Outlook Looking forward for 2006, China's economy is expected to maintain a stable and rapid growth, which would help sustain a stable growth of domestic demand for oil and petrochemical products, providing good market conditions for the Company. The international crude oil prices are expected to continue to maintain at a high price level. The domestic prices of refined oil products are expected to gradually reflect the international prices following the integrated reform of crude oil pricing mechanism, but currently the refining segment would likely to continue facing challenges. While the prices for chemicals are expected to continue to stay at relatively high level, but due to the expected increase of feedstock cost, the gross profit margin for chemicals segment may experience further decline. Meanwhile, with the opening of the domestic wholesale market of refined oil products, competitions in domestic refined oil products market may be stronger. 6.15.2 Production and Operation Faced with the complicated market environment in 2006, the Company intends to adopt flexible operating strategies and focus on the following areas: Exploration and production segment: The Company will make further efforts to develop economic reserves, complement the construction of production capacity in new blocks and accelerate construction of natural gas production capacity, trial production and marketing to ensure stable growth of oil and gas production and to improve the recovery rate and commodity rate of oil and gas as well as total production and economic benefits. The Company plans to produce 39.8 million tonnes of crude oil and 7 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2006. Refining segment: The Company intends to optimise the existing systems while increasing throughput of sour and heavy oil to reduce crude oil costs. It intends to more efficiently utilise the capacity of large wharfs, ports and pipeline transportation to reduce transportation costs. It intends to optimise the processing plans of each refinery to strive for more flexible adjustment of processing volume in line with the demand of each regional market and the overall situations of crude supply and demand, while endeavoring to adjust product mix and increase production of higher value-added products. The Company plans to process 146 million tonnes of crude oil in 2006. Marketing and distribution segment: The Company intends to better deploy its marketing networks to improve service quality and increase the percentage of retail and direct sales. Moreover, it intends to better deploy its refined oil product pipelines to reduce storage and transportation costs. The Company plans to have a total sales volume of refined oil products of 110 million tonnes, including a retail sales volume of 66.2 million tonnes. Chemicals segment: The Company intends to strengthen its management to ensure safe, stable and high load operation of its chemical facilities, and intends to produce more higher value-added products. Priority will be given to test run and commercial operation of those revamping facilities including Maoming Ethylene revamping. It intends to fully leverage on the strengths of its chemicals sales subsidiary to improve competitiveness by optimising operational process, improving sales networks and solidifying the linkage between production and sales. In 2006, the Company plans to produce 5.92 million tonnes of ethylene, 8.15 million tonnes of synthetic resins, 0.6 million tonnes of synthetic rubbers, 1.53 million tonnes of synthetic fibers and 7.14 million tonnes of synthetic fiber monomers and polymers. Research and development: In line with the needs of production and development, the Company intends to further refine exploration technologies for uncovering operational process oil and gas in the mature blocks in eastern China, strengthen its research over key technologies, and accelerate theoretical innovation as well as key technological innovation in marine facies oil and gas exploration in western China. The Company also intends to intensify its efforts in technologies for enhancing the quality of gasoline and diesel and production technologies for increasing higher value-added new chemical products, while accelerating application of technological achievements and providing technical support for improving the Company's core competitiveness. Cost saving: In 2005, the Company intends to rely on scientific and technological advancement and reinforced management practices to deepen reforms and enhance operating efficiency. It plans to achieve a cost saving of RMB 2.5 billion, among which exploration and production segment plans to achieve a cost saving of RMB 600 million, refining segment RMB 600 million, chemicals segment RMB 700 million, and marketing and distribution segment RMB 600 million. Capital expenditure: The Company's planned capital expenditure is RMB 70 billion for 2006. The projected expenditure for exploration and production segment is RMB 29.8 billion, for refining segment is RMB 14.6 billion, for chemicals segment is RMB 12.5 billion, for marketing and distribution segment is RMB 11 billion and for corporate and others is RMB 2.1 billion. The capital expenditure will be primarily invested in the following activities within each of the various segments: in the exploration and production segment, the Company will continue to pursue the principle of "coordination of reserves, production, investment and returns", under which the concept of oil reserve management will be strengthened, construction of oil and gas production capacity in western China and development of Puguang Gas Field in northeastern Sichuan will be accelerated. The Company will also endeavor to enhance overall deployment of its production capacity, increase the production in low-yield reserves and maintain a positive balance between the production and newly found reserves. In the refining segment, the Company will continue to refine and accelerate construction of crude oil pipeline and related receiving and unloading facilities, ensure the smooth progress of the revamping efforts at refining facilities in Guangzhou, Yanshan and other areas aimed at upgrading oil product quality, and push forward Qingdao oil refining project and Fujian integrated project. In the chemicals segment, the Company will focus on the successful commencement of operation of the revamped facilities at Maoming Ethylene, the PX and PTA facilities at Yangzi Petrochemical and three fertiliser facilities, and the orderly commencement of construction of the ethylene facilities at Fujian, Tianjin and Zhenhai. In the marketing and distribution segment, the Company will continue to optimise and adjust the sales network, accelerate construction of refined oil product pipelines, and construct more petrol stations in central cities, new urban districts and along expressways. Employee reduction: The Company plans to reduce its number of employee by over 6,000 employees in 2006 so that the total number of employee will be controlled at approximately 358,500 as of the end of 2006, which would make the total employees reduction exceed 150,000 since the establishment of the Company. In 2006, the Company will strive to overcome various difficulties and meet operational objectives of 2006 in line with the operating policies set forth by the Board of Directors, and will endeavor to set new records, deliver sound performances in its business operations and maintain sustainable development. The Company has long been dedicated to achieving a coordinated development between health, safety and environment (HSE) and economic growth and has instituted a mechanism for effective long-term operations. While maintaining full load and longer cycle production, the Company in 2005 continued to focus on operational safety and improved environmental protection and made continuous efforts to care for the health of its employees and its relations with the communities to achieve harmonious growth. 6.15.3 Risk Factors In the course of its production and operations, Sinopec Corp. will actively take various measures to mitigate operational risks. However, in practice, it may not be possible to prevent all risks and uncertainties. (1) Fluctuation of Crude Oil Prices: a significant amount of the Company's demand for crude oil is satisfied from external purchases. In recent years, the international crude oil prices continued to be volatile and remained at a high level and are subject to wild fluctuations. Although the Company has taken flexible measures to cope with the high prices, it may not be fully shielded from risks associated with any wild fluctuation of the international crude oil prices. (2) Cyclic Effects: as an integrated energy and chemicals company, the Company is also subject to cyclic effects which characterise to the chemicals industry. Affected by the fast growth of new production capacities worldwide and oil price fluctuation, the gross profit margin in the chemicals industry may fall, and the operational performance of the Chemicals Segment may be affected by cyclic factors. (3) Government Regulation: although the government is gradually liberalising the petroleum and petrochemicals sector, the petroleum and petrochemical industry in China are still subject to some form of regulation, which include: issuing petroleum production License, setting of guidance prices for retail of gasoline and diesel, provision and pricing of certain resources and services, determination of taxes and fees, formulation of import & export quotas and procedures, formulation of safety, quality and environmental protection standards. Such regulation may have material effect over the operations and economic returns of the Company. (4) Full market access: under China's commitments for access into the WTO, the refined oil products market will be fully opened soon and market competition will grow fiercer. Although the Company has actively taken various measures and optimised its sales network for refined oil products, it may still experience some of the impact from full market access. (5) Uncertainties with Oil & Gas Reserves: various data disclosed in this annual report, including the oil and gas reserves, are only estimates derived by adoption of certain appraisal methods. The reliability of such estimates depends on many factors including techniques used and involves various uncertainties, and there is a risk that the actual data may differ substantially from such estimates. (6) Operational Risks and Natural Disasters: the process of chemical production is exposed to the risk of inflammation, explosion and environmental pollution and is vulnerable to natural disasters. Such contingencies may cause serious impact to the society, grievous injuries to people and major financial losses to the Company. The Company has formulated and is implementing a strict HSE management system, in an effort to avoid such risks as much as possible. The Company also subscribed to the SPI Fund. However, it may happen that the claimed proceeds under the SPI fund is not enough to cover actual financial losses suffered by the Company. (7) Exchange Rate and Interest Rate: according to the existing rules of foreign exchange, the government has lifted the control over foreign exchange transactions under current accounts, but foreign exchange transactions under capital accounts still need approval from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. These restrictions may influence the Company's ability to get foreign currencies through financing activities or the ability to get foreign currencies for capital expenditure. On 21st July 2005, China began to adopt an administered floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies. Exchange rate fluctuation may also have certain impact on the operations of the Company. Profit forecast for the new fiscal year (if has) [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 6.16 Plan of the board of directors for profit appropriation or dividend dispatch In accordance with the provisions of Sinopec Corp.'s Articles of Association, the appropriation of profit for the relevant fiscal year would be conducted on the basis of distributable profit determined in accordance with the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations or IFRS, whichever is lower. Thus, on the basis of the distributable profit of Sinopec Corp. audited under IFRS, which was RMB 38.907 billion, after deducting the statutory surplus reserve and the statutory public welfare fund totaled RMB7.912 billion, and deducting the final dividend for year 2004 distributed in 2005, the interim dividend for 2005 totaled RMB 10.404 billion, the amount of undistributed profit of Sinopec Corp. for 2005 was RMB 20.591 billion. On the basis of the total number of 86,702,439,000 shares at the end of 2005, the Board proposed a final dividend of RMB 0.09 per share (including tax) in cash for year 2005 (totaled RMB 7.803 billion), adding the distributed interim cash dividends of 0.04 per share (totaled RMB 3.468 billion), the total cash dividends for 2005 shall be RMB 0.13 per share (RMB 11.271 billion in total). The preliminary plan for profit appropriation will be subject to consideration and approval at Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for year 2005. The final dividends will be distributed on or before 30th June 2006 (Friday) to those shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of Sinopec Corp. at the close of business on 16th June 2006 (Friday). The register of members of Sinopec Corp.'s H shares will be closed from 12th June 2006 (Monday) to 16th June 2006 (Friday) (both dates are inclusive). In order to qualify for the final dividend for H shares, the shareholders must lodge all share certificates accompanied by the transfer documents with HKSCC Nominees Limited, at Shops 1712 to 1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong before 4:00 p.m. on 9th June 2006 (Friday) for registration. ss.7. Report of the Supervisory Committee Independent Opinion of the Supervisory Committee Regarding Operation of the Company During this reporting period, notification, convening and holding of the general meetings of shareholders and the meetings of Board of Directors were compliant with relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association, and the Board of Directors diligently discharged its obligations and exercised its rights under the Company Law of the PRC and the Company's Articles of Association, fully implemented the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders and the meetings of Board of Directors and made decisions in a timely manner over material affairs including the capital operations, production and operating plans and development goals. The Board fully implemented the internal control system to further improve the Company's corporate governance structure. The Directors and the senior management officers acted diligently and in good faith, and operated in compliance with laws and regulations. No violation or breach of laws, regulations or the Articles of Association on the part of the aforementioned persons, nor any act to the detriment of the Company's interest, was found during the reporting period. ss.8. Significant events 8.1 Acquisition of assets [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable Net profit contributed to the listed Whether company in the Connected Whether the liabilities period from transaction or ownership of the related the date of not (If yes, of the assets has Counterpart of acquisition to explain the related been transaction and Date of Acquisition the end of principle of price assets has been transferred the assets acquired acquisition price this year determination) transferred or not or not Acquisition of 51% November 24, 2005 RMB98 million None No In progress Yes equity held by China Resources Petrochems (Group) Co., Ltd. in Dongguan Huarun Acquisition of 95% June 21, 2005 RMB194,980,850 None No In progress Yes equity held by Beijing Yanhua Hi-tech Co., Ltd. in Beijing Yauhua Hi-tech Catalyst Co., Ltd. 8.2 Sales of assets [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable The above do not have a significant impact on the continuity of operation and the management stability of Sinopec Corp. 8.3 Material guarantees [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable Guarantees provided by the Company (excluding the guarantees provided for subsidiaries) Date of Occurrence Whether (Date of Guaranteed Whether for a Execution of amount Type of completed connected Obligors the Agreement) (RMB millions) guarantee Term or not party (1) Shanghai Secco 9 February 2002 2,857 Joint and 9 February 2002 No Yes Petrochemical several liability -20 December 2021 Co, Ltd. Shanghai Secco 9 February 2002 4,062 Joint and 9 February 2002 No Yes Petrochemical several liability - 20 December 2013 Co, Ltd. BASF-YPC Co., Ltd. 7 March 2003 4,680 Joint and 7 March 2003 No Yes several liability - 31 December 2008 Yueyang Sinopec 10 December 2003 377 Joint and 10 December 2003 No Yes Shell Coal several liability - 10 December 2017 Gasification Co. Ltd. Fujian Zhangzhao 21 January 2003 10 Joint and 21 January 2003 No Yes Expressway Service several liability - 31 October 2007 Company Limited Balance of Guarantee by Shanghai Petrochemical for its associates and joint ventures 38 No Yes Total amount of guarantee provided during the reporting period (2) None Total amount of guarantee outstanding at the end of the reporting period (2) RMB 12,024 million Guarantees for subsidiaries Total amount of guarantee provided for subsidiaries during the reporting period RMB 27 million Total amount of guarantee for subsidiaries outstanding at the end of the reporting period RMB 2,583 million Total amount of guarantee (including those provided for subsidiaries) Total amount of guarantee(3) RMB 14,607 million Total amount of guarantee as a percentage of Sinopec Corp.'s net assets 6.7% Guarantee provided for shareholders, effective controller and connected parties None Amount of debt guarantee provided directly or indirectly for the companies with liabilities to assets ratio of over 70% RMB 179 million The amount of guarantee in excess of 50% of the net assets None Total amount of the above three guarantee items(4) RMB 179 million Note 1: As defined in the stock listing rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange. Note 2: The amount of guarantee provided during the reporting period and the amount of guarantee outstanding at the end of the reporting period include the guarantees provided by the subsidiaries to external parties. The amount of the guarantee provided by these subsidiaries is the guarantee provided by the Company's subsidiaries multiplied by the shareholdings held by Sinopec Corp. in such subsidiaries. Note 3: Total amount of guarantee is the aggregate of the above "total amount of guarantee outstanding at the end of the reporting period (excluding the guarantee provided for subsidiaries)"and "total amount of guarantee for subsidiaries outstandingEat the end of the reporting period". Note 4: "Total guarantee amount of the above three guarantee items" is the aggregate of "guarantee provided for shareholders, effective controller and connected parties", "amount of debt guarantee provided directly or indirectly Efor the companies with liabilities to assets ratio of over 70%" and "the amount guarantee in excess of 50% of the net assets". If the above three conditions are borne in one guarantee item, they will be calculated only once in the total amount. Performing Material Guarantees At the fourteenth meeting of the First Session of the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp., the Board approved Sinopec Corp. to provide conditional guarantee in both domestic and foreign currencies for the Shanghai Secco project loan, and the amount of guarantee was equivalent to RMB 6.992 billion. For further details, please refer to Sinopec Corp.'s results announcement for the year 2001 published in China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News and Securities Times in Mainland China and South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Economic Times in Hong Kong on 2 April 2002. At the fourteenth meeting of the First session of the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp., the Board approved the proposal regarding Sinopec Corp.'s provision of guarantee for completion of construction of the BASF-YPC project. On 7 March 2003, Sinopec Corp. entered into guarantee agreements for the completion of construction of the BASF-YPC project with domestic and foreign banks, whereby it guaranteed 40% of a domestic and foreign currencies denominated loan equivalent to around RMB 11.7 billion provided by these banks to BASF-YPC Co., Ltd. for completion of construction. At the twenty-second meeting of the First Session of the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp., the Board approved the proposal regarding Sinopec Corp.'s provision of an equity pledge for the BASF-YPC project loan on the condition that BASF should provide an equity pledge on the same terms. At the twenty-second meeting of the First Session of the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp., the Board also approved the proposal regarding Sinopec Corp.'s provision of guarantee for Yueyang Sinopec Shell Coal Gasification Co., Ltd., in the amount of RMB 377 million. At the thirteenth meeting of the Second Session of the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp, the Board approved Sinopec Corp. in providing China International United Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. with a credit line guarantee equivalent to RMB 2.421 billion. 8.4 Material Connected Transactions The aggregate amount of connected transactions actually occurred in relation to the Company during the year was RMB 179.296 billion, of which, incoming trade amounted to RMB 84.073 billion, and outgoing trade amounted to RMB 95.223 billion (including, RMB 95.123 billion of sales of products and services, RMB 52 million of interest earned, RMB 48 million of income from agency fee). All of these transactions satisfied the conditions of waiver granted by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In 2005, the products and services provided by Sinopec Group Company (procurement, storage, transportation, exploration and production services, production-related services) to the Company were RMB 75.486 billion, representing 9.86% of the Company's operating expenses for year 2005, a decrease of 1.33 percentage points compared with those in 2004, which were within the cap of 18% for waiver. The auxiliary and community services provided by Sinopec Group Company to the Company were RMB 1.79 billion, representing 0.23% of the operating expenses, with a slight decrease compared with 0.31% in the preceding year, which were within the cap of 2% for waiver. In 2005, the product sales from the Company to Sinopec Group Company amounted to RMB 58.579 billion, representing 7.12% of the Company's operating revenue, which were within the cap of 14% for waiver. With regard to the Leasing Agreement for Land Use Rights, the amount of rent paid by the Company as of December 31, 2005 was approximately RMB 2.557 billion. With regard to the premium payable under SPI Fund Document, the amount of fund paid by the Company in 2005 shall not be less than the amount specified in the SPI Fund Document. 8.4.1 Connected sales and purchases [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable Unit: RMB million Sales of goods and provision of Purchase of goods and services to connected party services from connected party Percentage of Percentage of the total amount the total amount Transaction of the type of Transaction of the type of Connected party amount transaction amount transaction Sinopec Group Company 58,579 7.3% 77,276 10.7% Other connected parties 36,544 4.6% 2,581 0.4% ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total 95,123 11.9% 79,857 11.1% ============ ============= ============ ============ 8.4.2Connected obligatory rights and debts [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable Unit: RMB million Funds provided to Fund provided to the connected party Company by connected party Occurrence Occurrence Connected party amount Balance amount Balance Sinopec Group Company (3,647) 2,488 (4,261) (5,418) Other connected parties 209 517 i-D i-D ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total (3,438) 3,005 (4,261) (5,418) ============ ============= ============ ============ 8.5 Entrusted Money Management [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 8.6 Performance of commitments [ X ] Applicable [ ] Not applicable At the end of the reporting period, the major undertakings given by Sinopec Group Company to the Company included: i Complying with agreements regarding connected transactions; ii Solving the issues arising from the land use rights certificates and property ownership rights certificates within a specified period of time; iii Implementing the Reorganisation Agreement (as defined in the Prospectus for the Issuance of H Shares); iv Granting licenses for intellectual property rights; v Refraining from involvement in competition within the industry; and vi Withdrawing from the business competition and conflict of interests with Sinopec Corp. Details of the above commitments are included in the Prospectus for the Issuance of A Shares published by Sinopec Corp. in China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News and Securities Times on 22 June 2001. During this reporting period, Sinopec Corp. was not aware of any breach of above commitments by the above principal shareholder. 8.7 Litigation and arbitration of significant importance [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable 8.8 Other significant events 8.8.1 Discovery of Large-scale Marine FACIES Gas Field - Puguang gas Field The Company discovered the largest and most abundant marine facies natural gas field (Puguang Gas Field) in China, which is located in northeast Sichuan Province. According to the appraisal undertaken by the Mineral Resource Reserve Evaluation Center under the Ministry of Land and Resources, reserve in place in the Puguang Gas Field is estimated at 251.071 billion cubic meters, with technical recoverable reserve of 188.304 billion cubic meters. Puguang Gas Field meets the conditions for commercial development. Sinopec Corp. has prepared a Phase I Development Plan, which plans to achieve commercial production of more than 4 billion cubic meters per annum of gas by 2008 and 8 billion cubic meters per annum by 2010. In connection with the contemplated project, a natural gas pipeline from northeast Sichuan Province to Jinan, Shandong Province will be constructed. The government has approved Sinopec Corp. to proceed with preparatory work for the project. The discovery of Puguang Gas Field is attributable to the innovations in marine facies exploration theory, exploration methodology, exploration technology and management innovation, representing a major breakthrough in marine facies exploration theory and practices in China. The discovery expanded the Company's exploration territory, thereby paving the way for future growth in both reserve and production. 8.8.2 Issuance of Short-term Commercial paper On September 19, 2005, Sinopec Corp. convened the first Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for 2005, at which a resolution was passed for issuance of short term commercial paper. For details, please refer to Sinopec Corp.'s announcements published in China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, and Securities Times in Mainland China, and Hong Kong Economic Times and South China Morning Post in Hong Kong on September 20, 2005. The tranche of six-month 2.54% commercial paper was issued on October 24, 2005 to institutional investors in PRC inter-bank bond market (excluding investors prohibited by relevant PRC laws and regulations), raising a total of RMB 10 billion. 8.8.3 The transfer of state-owned shares from CBD and Cinda to Sinopec Group Company During the reporting period, China Development Bank ("CDB") and China Cinda Asset Management Corporation ("Cinda"), both of which are shareholders of Sinopec Corp., entered into a share transfer agreement with Sinopec Group Company, pursuant to which CDB and Cinda respectively transferred 2 billion (2.31% of the total issued shares of Sinopec Corp.) and 871,763,776 (1.01% of the total issued shares of Sinopec Corp.) state-owned shares to Sinopec Group Company. The respective total cash considerations of RMB 4.2 billion and RMB 1.8307 billion were paid to CDB and Cinda by Sinopec Group Company. The above-mentioned share transfers were completed on December 29, 2005. 8.8.4 Major projects (1) Tianjin one million tpa ethylene project Sinopec Tianjin one million tpa ethylene and associated facilities project was approved by the State Council in December 2005. The project includes the ethylene project, revamping of refinery and thermal power generation facilities, with its total investment being about RMB 21 billion, and Sinopec Corp. is proceeding with preparatory work for the project. (2) ZRCC one million tpa ethylene project ZRCC one million tpa ethylene and associated facilities project was approved by the State Council in March 2006. The project includes the ethylene project, expansion of thermal power generation facilities, with its total investment being about RMB 22 billion, and Sinopec Corp. and ZRCC are proceeding with preparatory work for the project. 8.8.5 Establishment of Sinopec Chemicals Sales Company Sinopec Chemicals Sales Company was established on May 10, 2005 in Beijing. To meet the requirements posed by the new system and mechanism, the Chemicals Sales Company will integrate the Company's marketing strategy, branding strategy, market development, logistics optimisation, resource allocation and sales activities, so as to fully leverage the overall strength of extensive operations and maximise overall profitability. 8.8.6 The transfer of state-owned legal person shares of China phoenix held by Sinopec Corp. On October 18, 2005, Sinopec Corp. and China Changjiang National Shipping Group ("Changhang Group") entered into a share transfer agreement, under which Sinopec Corp. agreed to transfer to Changhang Group a total of 211,423,651 state-owned legal person shares held by Sinopec Corp. in Sinopec Wuhan Phoenix Company Limited ("China Phoenix") (representing 40.72% of the total issued share capital of China Phoenix). For further details, please refer to the "Report on Changes of Shareholdings in Sinopec Wuhan Phoenix Company Limited" dated October 20, 2005 published by Sinopec Corp. on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The proposed asset restructuring is pending approval by the China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC"). 8.8.7 Acquisition of shares of Beijing Yanhua Hi-tech Catalyst Co., Ltd. Held by Yanhua Hi-tech Corp., On June 21, 2005, Sinopec Corp. entered into an agreement with Beijing Yanhua Hi-tech Co., Ltd., pursuant to which Sinopec Corp. acquired 95% equity of Beijing Yanhua Hi-tech Catalyst Co., Ltd., held by Yanhua Hi-tech Corp., at a consideration of RMB 195 million. 8.8.8 Merger by Absorption of Zhenhai Refinery and Chemicals According to the Agreement of Merger by Absorption between Ningbo Yonglian Co., Ltd. ("Ningbo Yonglian"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sinopec Corp. established for the purpose of such a merger, and Sinopec Zhenhai Refinery and Chemicals Co., Ltd. ("ZRCC") signed on November 12, 2005, Ningbo Yonglian will purchase the listed H shares of ZRCC from its shareholders at the price of HK$ 10.60 per share in cash, the total consideration being HK$ 7.672 billion. For further details, please refer to Sinopec Corp.'s announcement published in China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News and Securities Times in Mainland China and South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Economic Times in Hong Kong on November 14, 2005. The proposed merger was approved on January 12, 2006 at the general meeting of shareholders and the general meeting of independent shareholders of ZRCC and was approved by the shareholders of Ningbo Yonglian, as well as by domestic and overseas securities regulators. 8.8.9 Tender Offer by Sinopec Corp. to Four A-share Subsidiaries On February 25, 2006, the 24th meeting of the Second Session of the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp. respectively approved its voluntary tender offers to acquire all the tradable shares of Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Co., Ltd. at a price of RMB 10.18 per share, all the tradable shares of Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Co., Ltd. at a price of RMB 13.95 per share, all the tradable shares of Sinopec Zhongyuan Oil & Gas Hi-tech Co., Ltd. at a price of RMB 12.12 per share, all the tradable shares of Sinopec Shengli Oil Field Dynamic (Group) Co., Ltd. at a price of RMB 10.30 per share and all the non-tradable shares of Sinopec Shengli Oil Field Dynamic (Group) Co., Ltd. held by investors other than Sinopec Corp. at a price of RMB 5.60 per share. For further details, please refer to relevant announcements published in China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News and Securities Times in Mainland China on February 16 and March 6, 2006 (Sinopec Shengli Oil Field Dynamic (Group) Co., Ltd.'s announcements were only published in China Securities Journal and Securities Times). 8.8.10 De-registration of Sinopec Shengli Oil Field Co., Ltd. Sinopec Corp. de-registered Sinopec Shengli Oil Field Co., Ltd. and on January 16, 2006 established Shengli Oilfield branch. Prior to the de-registration, Sinopec Shengli Oil Field Co., Ltd. was a wholly owned subsidiary of Sinopec Corp. 8.8.11 Receipt of one-off rebate from the central government During the reporting period, international crude oil prices fluctuated and climbed at a high level, and domestic prices of refined oil products were tightly controlled. In December 2005, Sinopec Group Company received a Circular, referenced as Cai Qi [2005] No. 298, from the Ministry of Finance, pursuant to which the central government provided a one-off rebate of RMB 10 billion to Sinopec Group Company. Sinopec Corp. received RMB 9.415 billion out of the RMB 10 billion, which has been included as other income in the financial statements for 2005. 8.8.12 Reduction of employees Sinopec Corp. plans to reduce the number of employees by 100,000 through retirement, voluntary resignation and/or dismissal within 5 years, from 2001 to 2005, to improve its efficiency and profitability In 2005, Sinopec Corp. assumed RMB 369 million in voluntary resignation compensation for approximately 7,000 voluntarily resigned employees. By the end of 2005, the aggregate net headcount reduction during the past five years had amounted to 143,700 persons. 8.8.13 A share Reform on non-tradable shares The Company is currently reorganising its internal management systems to provide favorable conditions for such reform. Sinopec Group Company has not formed definitive plans for such reform with regard to Sinopec Corp. 8.9 Code on Corporate Governance Practice Sinopec Corp. has complied with the Code provisions of the Code on Corporate Governance Practice. The Corporate Goverance Report of Sinopec Corp. will be contained in its 2005 Annual Report. ss.9. Financial statements 9.1 Auditors' opinion Financial Statements [ ] Unaudited [ X ] Audited Auditor's opinion [ X ] Standard unqualified [ ] Not standard opinion opinion 9.2 The Group's and the Company's balance sheets and income statement and profit appropriation statements with comparatives, and cash flow statements for the year 9.2.1 Financial statements prepared in accordance with the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations (1) Balance Sheet At 31 December 2005 At 31 December 2004 The Group The Company The Group The Company RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions Current assets Cash at bank and in hand 14,747 5,124 18,280 6,299 Bills receivable 7,143 1,334 7,812 1,597 Trade accounts receivable 14,532 8,826 9,756 8,245 Other receivables 11,487 9,604 12,462 19,625 Advance payments 5,051 4,118 4,828 4,358 Inventories 88,936 49,862 63,918 33,951 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total current assets 141,896 78,868 117,056 74,075 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Long-term equity investments (Including the Group's and the Company's equity investment differences of RMB 2,003 million and RMB 2,017 million respectively (2004: RMB 383 million and RMB 400 million)) 14,146 133,203 13,409 124,211 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Fixed assets Fixed assets, at cost 572,465 294,206 519,462 271,120 Less: Accumulated depreciation 265,611 123,747 243,510 113,572 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Net book value of fixed assets before impairment losses 306,854 170,459 275,952 157,548 Less: Provision for impairment loss of fixed assets 6,234 4,191 5,816 4,038 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Net book value of fixed assets 300,620 166,268 270,136 153,510 Construction materials 555 555 430 93 Construction in progress 48,073 38,937 45,976 28,779 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total fixed assets 349,248 205,760 316,542 182,382 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Intangible assets and other assets Intangible assets 5,924 4,238 5,345 4,261 Long-term deferred expenses 3,657 2,656 3,563 2,530 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total intangible assets and other assets 9,581 6,894 8,908 6,791 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Deferred taxation Deferred tax assets 5,701 3,203 4,166 3,708 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total assets 520,572 427,928 460,081 391,167 ============ ============= ============ ============ At 31 December 2005 At 31 December 2004 The Group The Company The Group The Company RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions Current liabilities Short-term loans 16,124 6,940 26,723 16,254 Bills payable 23,243 19,077 30,797 21,589 Trade accounts payable 52,967 28,833 23,792 21,137 Receipts in advance 14,086 12,491 8,605 6,106 Wages payable 3,436 2,525 3,223 1,854 Staff welfare payable 1,052 514 1,101 498 Taxes payable 5,262 2,075 6,741 3,170 Other payables 1,830 527 1,519 442 Other creditors 24,161 22,914 26,459 34,156 Accrued expenses 512 173 652 430 Short-term debentures payable 9,921 9,921 - - Current portion of long-term loans 15,198 12,144 14,298 11,506 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total current liabilities 167,792 118,134 143,910 117,142 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ At 31 December 2005 At 31 December 2004 The Group The Company The Group The Company RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions Long-term liabilities Long-term loans 103,492 89,113 94,087 82,332 Debentures payable 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Other long-term liabilities 782 315 820 438 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total long-term liabilities 107,774 92,928 98,407 86,270 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Deferred taxation Deferred tax liabilities - - 198 16 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total liabilities 275,566 211,062 242,515 203,428 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Minority interests 29,383 - 31,216 - ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Shareholders' funds Share capital 86,702 86,702 86,702 86,702 Capital reserve 37,121 37,797 37,121 37,797 Surplus reserves (Including statutory public welfare fund of RMB 13,514 million (2004: RMB 9,558 million)) 34,028 34,028 26,116 26,116 Unrecognised investment losses (594) - (713) - Retained profits (Including dividend proposed after the balance sheet date in respect of year 2005 of RMB 7,803 million (2004: RMB 6,936 million)) 58,366 58,339 37,124 37,124 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total shareholders' funds 215,623 216,866 186,350 187,739 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total liabilities and shareholders' funds 520,572 427,928 460,081 391,167 ============ ============= ============ ============ (2) Income statement and profit appropriation statement For the year ended For the year ended 31 December 2005 31 December 2004 The Group The Company The Group The Company RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions Income from principal operations 799,115 532,621 590,632 397,789 Less: Cost of sales 668,249 480,866 459,207 336,089 Sales taxes and surcharges 17,152 11,249 16,203 10,094 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Profit from principal operations 113,714 40,506 115,222 51,606 Add: Profit from other operations 839 512 1,102 108 Less: Selling expenses 22,690 14,672 19,477 13,055 Administrative expenses 23,330 14,573 23,167 15,523 Financial expenses 5,266 3,539 4,331 2,770 Exploration expenses, including dry holes 6,411 5,052 6,396 4,951 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Operating profit 56,856 3,182 62,953 15,415 Add: Investment income 813 51,646 1,088 39,374 Subsidy income 9,415 6,584 - - Non-operating income 367 224 665 377 Less: Non-operating expenses 5,969 3,967 11,171 7,879 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Profit before taxation 61,482 57,669 53,535 47,287 Less: Income tax 18,903 18,138 16,060 14,769 Minority interests 2,902 - 5,670 - Add: (Reversal of) unrecognised investment losses (119) - 470 - ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Net profit 39,558 39,531 32,275 32,518 Add: Retained profits at the beginning of year 37,124 37,124 19,975 19,732 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Distributable profits 76,682 76,655 52,250 52,250 Less: Transfer to statutory surplus reserve 3,956 3,956 3,228 3,228 Transfer to statutory public welfare fund 3,956 3,956 3,228 3,228 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Distributable profits to shareholders 68,770 68,743 45,794 45,794 Less: Distribution of ordinary shares' final dividend 6,936 6,936 5,202 5,202 Distribution of ordinary shares' interim dividend 3,468 3,468 3,468 3,468 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Retained profits at the end of the year (Including dividend proposed after the balance sheet date in respect of year 2005 of RMB 7,803 million (2004: RMB 6,936 million)) 58,366 58,339 37,124 37,124 ============ ============= ============ ============ (3) Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 December 2005 The Group The Company Note RMB millions RMB millions Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services 965,505 645,438 Rentals received 387 273 Government grants received 9,415 6,584 Other cash received relating to operating activities 3,572 2,929 -------------- -------------- Sub-total of cash inflows 978,879 655,224 Cash paid for goods and services (790,429) (568,978) Cash paid for operating leases (5,629) (4,991) Cash paid to and on behalf of employees (18,710) (9,946) Value added tax paid (27,928) (13,623) Income tax paid (20,998) (3,396) Taxes paid other than value added tax and income tax (17,288) (11,372) Other cash paid relating to operating activities (12,934) (16,231) -------------- -------------- Sub-total of cash outflows (893,916) (628,537) -------------- -------------- Net cash flow from operating activities (a) 84,963 26,687 -------------- -------------- Cash flows from investing activities Cash received from sales of investments 417 102 Dividends received 668 36,700 Net cash received from sale of fixed assets and intangible assets 510 169 Cash received on maturity of time deposits with financial institutions 1,462 184 Other cash received relating to investing activities 386 123 -------------- -------------- Sub-total of cash inflows 3,443 37,278 -------------- -------------- Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets (65,031) (44,167) Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets of jointly controlled entities (2,474) - Cash paid for purchases of investments (3,605) (6,927) Cash paid for purchase of time deposits with financial institutions (565) (46) Cash paid for acquisition of operating assets and related liabilities from Sinopec Group Company (3,128) (3,128) Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries (4,324) (4,324) -------------- -------------- Sub-total of cash outflows (79,127) (58,592) -------------- -------------- Net cash flow from investing activities (75,684) (21,314) -------------- -------------- Cash flows from financing activities Cash received from contribution from minority shareholders 129 - Cash received from issuance of corporate bonds, net of issuing expenses 9,875 9,875 Cash received from borrowings 550,557 348,381 Cash received from borrowings of jointly controlled entities 3,954 - -------------- -------------- Sub-total of cash inflows 564,515 358,256 -------------- -------------- Cash repayments of borrowings (557,432) (349,794) Cash paid for dividends, profits distribution or interest expenses (17,365) (14,872) Dividends paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries (1,611) - -------------- -------------- Sub-total of cash outflows (576,408) (364,666) -------------- -------------- Net cash flow from financing activities (11,893) (6,410) -------------- -------------- Effects of changes in foreign exchange rate (22) - -------------- -------------- Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (b) (2,636) (1,037) ============== ============== Note to the cash flow statement For the year ended 31 December 2005 The Group The Company RMB millions RMB millions (a) Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities Net profit 39,558 39,531 Add: Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts (144) (448) Provision for/(reversal of) diminution in value of inventories 82 (17) Depreciation of fixed assets 30,845 15,186 Amortisation of intangible assets 986 755 Impairment losses on fixed assets 1,851 1,082 Impairment losses on long term investments 77 14 Net loss on disposal of fixed assets and intangible assets 2,202 1,681 Financial expenses 5,266 3,539 Dry hole costs 2,992 2,271 Investment income (890) (34,690) Deferred tax liabilities (less: assets) (1,733) 489 Increase in inventories (25,078) (16,356) Increase in operating receivables (2,256) 12,853 Increase in operating payables 28,303 797 Minority interests 2,902 - -------------- -------------- Net cash flow from operating activities 84,963 26,687 ============== ============== (b) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 13,745 5,014 Less: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 16,381 6,051 -------------- -------------- Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (2,636) (1,037) ============== ============== 9.2.2 Financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards Consolidated income statements For the year ended For the year ended 31 December 2005 31 December 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Turnover and other operating revenues Turnover 799,115 597,197 Other operating revenues 24,002 22,586 ------------- -------------- 823,117 619,783 ------------- -------------- Other income 9,415 i-D ------------- -------------- Operating expenses Purchased crude oil, products and operating supplies and expenses (653,056) (443,590) Selling, general and administrative expenses (33,709) (31,843) Depreciation, depletion and amortisation (31,413) (32,342) Exploration expenses, including dry holes (6,411) (6,396) Personnel expenses (18,483) (18,634) Employee reduction expenses (369) (919) Taxes other than income tax (17,152) (16,324) Other operating expenses, net (5,125) (6,666) ------------- -------------- Total operating expenses (765,718) (556,714) ------------- -------------- Operating profit 66,814 63,069 ------------- -------------- Finance costs Interest expense (5,920) (4,583) Interest income 382 374 Foreign exchange losses (79) (223) Foreign exchange gains 996 61 ------------- -------------- Net finance costs (4,621) (4,371) ------------- -------------- Investment income 178 111 ------------- -------------- Share of profits less losses from associates 857 797 ------------- -------------- Profit before taxation 63,228 59,606 Taxation (19,388) (17,815) ------------- -------------- Profit for the year 43,840 41,791 ============= ============== Attributable to: Equity shareholders of the Company 40,920 36,019 Minority interests 2,920 5,772 ------------- -------------- Profit for the year 43,840 41,791 ============= ============== Dividends payable to equity shareholders of the Company attributable to the year: Interim dividend declared during the year 3,468 3,468 Final dividend proposed after the balance sheet date 7,803 6,936 ------------- -------------- 11,271 10,404 ============= ============== Basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.47 0.42 ============= ============== Balance Sheet At 31 December 2005 At 31 December 2004 The Group The Company The Group The Company RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 314,573 170,711 284,123 158,011 Construction in progress 48,267 39,086 46,185 28,948 Interest in subsidiaries - 75,579 - 66,930 Investments 2,926 1,037 2,538 158 Interests in associates 9,217 5,933 10,222 6,424 Interests in jointly controlled entities - 7,280 - 3,763 Deferred tax assets 6,072 3,220 4,558 3,724 Lease prepayments 1,908 - 750 - Long-term prepayment and other assets 9,067 4,316 5,947 3,660 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total non-current assets 392,030 307,162 354,323 271,618 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 13,745 5,014 16,381 6,051 Time deposits with financial institutions 1,002 110 1,899 248 Trade accounts receivable 14,532 8,826 9,756 8,245 Bills receivable 7,143 1,334 7,812 1,597 Inventories 89,474 50,417 64,329 34,044 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 19,395 15,556 20,094 26,471 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total current assets 145,291 81,257 120,271 76,656 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Current liabilities Short-term debts 40,411 25,059 32,307 20,033 Loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries 832 3,946 8,714 7,727 Trade accounts payable 52,967 28,833 23,792 21,137 Bills payable 23,243 19,077 30,797 21,589 Accured expenses and other payables 48,167 40,559 45,276 45,565 Income tax payable 5,029 2,494 5,391 3,142 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total current liabilities 170,649 119,968 146,277 119,193 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Net current liabilities (25,358) (38,711) (26,006) (42,537) ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total assets less current liabilities 366,672 268,451 328,317 229,081 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Non-current liabilities Long-term debts 67,059 53,401 60,822 49,515 Loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries 39,933 39,212 36,765 36,317 Deferred tax liabilities 5,902 2,216 5,636 2,025 Other liabilities 782 315 1,008 626 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total non-current liabilities 113,676 95,144 104,231 88,483 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ 252,996 173,307 224,086 140,598 ============ ============= ============ ============ Equity Share capital 86,702 86,702 86,702 86,702 Reserves 136,854 86,605 106,338 53,896 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company 223,556 173,307 193,040 140,598 Minority interests 29,440 - 31,046 - ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Total equity 252,996 173,307 224,086 140,598 ============ ============= ============ ============ Consolidated cash flow statement For the year ended 31 December 2005 Note RMB millions Net cash generated from operating activities (a) 76,497 -------------- Investing activities Capital expenditure (63,135) Capital expenditure of jointly controlled entities (2,474) Purchase of investments and investments in associates (2,942) Proceeds from disposal of investments and investments in associates 417 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 510 Acquisition of minority interests in subsidiaries (4,324) Purchase of time deposits with financial institutions (565) Maturity of time deposits with financial institutions 1,462 -------------- Net cash used in investing activities (71,051) -------------- Financing activities Proceeds from bank and other loans 550,557 Proceeds from bank and other loans of jointly controlled entities 3,954 Proceeds from issuance of corporate bonds, net of issuing expenses 9,875 Repayments of bank and other loans (557,432) Distributions to minority interests (1,611) Contributions from minority interests 129 Dividend paid (10,404) Cash and cash equivalent distributed to Sinopec Group Company (3,128) -------------- Net cash used in financing activities (8,060) -------------- Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (2,614) Effect of foreign exchange rate changes (22) Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 16,381 -------------- Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 13,745 ============== (a) Reconciliation of profit before taxation to net cash generated from operating activities For the year ended 31 December 2005 RMB millions Operating activities Profit before taxation 63,228 Adjustments for: Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 31,413 Dry hole costs 2,992 Share of profits less losses from associates (857) Investment income (178) Interest income (382) Interest expense 5,920 Unrealised foreign exchange gains (852) Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net 2,095 Impairment losses on long-lived assets 1,851 -------------- Operating profit before changes in working capital 105,230 Increase in trade accounts receivable (4,773) Decrease in bills receivable 669 Increase in inventories (24,998) Decrease in prepaid expenses and other current assets 1,647 Increase in lease prepayments (715) Increase in long-term prepayments and other assets (2,628) Increase in trade accounts payable 28,799 Decrease in bills payable (7,554) Increase in accrued expenses and other payables 7,952 Decrease in other liabilities (227) -------------- Cash generated from operations 103,402 Interest received 386 Interest paid (6,961) Investment and dividend income received 668 Income tax paid (20,998) -------------- Net cash generated from operating activities 76,497 ============== 9.2.3 Major differences between the financial statements prepared under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations and IFRS Other than the differences in the classifications of certain financial statements captions and the accounting for the items described below, there are no material differences between the Group's financial statements prepared under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations and IFRS. The major differences are: (1) Effects of major differences between the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations and IFRS on net profit are analysed as follows: For the year ended For the year ended 31 December 2005 31 December 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Net profit under the PRCAccounting Rules and Regulations 39,558 32,275 Adjustments: Depreciation of oil and gas properties 751 761 Capitalisation of general borrowing costs, net of depreciation effect 507 480 Pre-operating expenditures 435 (288) Equity investment differences 200 - Unrecognised losses of subsidiaries 119 (531) Acquisition of Sinopec National Star 117 117 Acquisitions of Tianjin Petrochemical, Luoyang Petrochemical, Zhongyuan Petrochemical and Catalyst Plants - 2,119 Reduced amortisation on revaluation of land use rights 24 19 Reduced depreciation on government grants 4 3 Impairment losses on revalued assets - 709 Disposal of oil and gas properties, net of depreciation effect (310) 2,110 Effects of the above adjustments on taxation (485) (1,755) Minority interests 2,920 5,772 -------------- -------------- Profit for the year under IFRS* 43,840 41,791 ============= ============== (2) Effects of major differences between shareholders' fund under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations and the total equity under IFRS are analysed as follows: At 31 At 31 December 2005 December 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Shareholders' funds under the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations 215,623 186,350 Adjustments: Depreciation of oil and gas properties 12,233 11,482 Capitalisation of general borrowing costs 2,112 1,605 Pre-operating expenditures (22) (457) Equity investment differences 200 i-D Acquisition of Sinopec National Star (2,578) (2,695) Revaluation of land use rights (953) (977) Government grants (588) (592) Disposal of oil and gas properties 3,060 3,370 Effects of the above adjustments on taxation (5,531) (5,046) Minority interests 29,440 31,046 -------------- -------------- Total equity under IFRS* 252,996 224,086 ============= ============== * The above figure is extracted from the financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS which have been audited by KPMG. 9.2.4 Supplemental information for North American Shareholders The Group's accounting policies conform with IFRS which differ in certain significant respects from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("US GAAP"). See the text of the Annual Report for details. The effect on profit attributable to shareholders of significant differences between IFRS and US GAAP is as follows: For the years ended 31 December 2005 2005 2004 US$ millions RMB millions RMB millions Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company under IFRS 5,071 40,920 36,019 US GAAP adjustments: Foreign exchange gains and losses 7 54 60 Capitalisation of property, plant and equipment - - 22 Depreciation on revalued property, plant and equipment 498 4,016 4,301 Disposal of property, plant and equipment 228 1,838 2,099 Exchange of assets 3 23 23 Depreciation effect of reversal of impairment of long-lived assets 9 76 29 Capitalised interest on investments in associates, net of amortisation effect (5) (40) 205 Goodwill amortisation for the year - - 13 Deferred tax effect of US GAAP adjustments (221) (1,786) (2,277) Minority interests (61) (489) (519) ------------ ------------ ------------ Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company under US GAAP 5,529 44,612 39,975 ============ ============ ============ Basic and diluted earnings per share under US GAAP US$0.06 RMB0.51 RMB0.46 ============ ============ ============ Basic and diluted earnings per ADS under US GAAP* US$6.38 RMB51.45 RMB46.11 ============ ============ ============ * Basic and diluted earnings per ADS is calculated on the basis that one ADS is equivalent to 100 shares. The effect on shareholders' funds of significant differences between IFRS and US GAAP is as follows: At 31 December 2005 2005 2004 US$ millions RMB millions RMB millions Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company under IFRS 27,701 223,556 193,040 US GAAP adjustments: Foreign exchange gains and losses (30) (241) (295) Revaluation of property, plant and equipment (228) (1,838) (7,692) Exchange of assets (63) (509) (532) Reversal of impairment of long-lived assets (57) (456) (532) Capitalised interest on investments in associates 60 486 526 Goodwill 5 43 43 Effect of US GAAP adjustments on deferred tax assets 115 921 2,720 Effect of US GAAP adjustments on deferred tax liabilities (17) (134) (147) Minority interests 28 230 719 ------------ ------------ ------------ Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company under US GAAP 27,514 222,058 187,850 ============ ============ ============ Note: United States dollar equivalents For the convenience of readers, amounts in Renminbi have been translated into United States dollars at the rate of US$1.00 = RMB 8.2765 being the noon buying rate in New York City on 31 December 2004 for cable transfers in Renminbi as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. No representation is made that the Renminbi amounts could have been, or could be, converted into United States dollars at that rate. 9.3 Change in accounting policy The IASB has issued a number of new and revised IFRS that are effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005. The accounting policies of the Group after the adoption of these new and revised IFRS have been summarised in Note 2 of financial statements prepared under IFRS. The following sets out information on the significant changes in accounting policies for the current and prior accounting periods reflected in these financial statements. (a) Minority interests (IAS 1 "Presentation of financial statements" and IAS 27 "Consolidated and separate financial statements") In prior years, minority interests at the balance sheet date were presented in the consolidated balance sheet separately from liabilities and as deduction from net assets. Minority interests in the results of the Group for the year were also separately presented in the consolidated statement of income as a deduction before arriving at the profit attributable to shareholders. With effect from 1 January 2005, in order to comply with IAS 1 and IAS 27, the Group has changed its accounting policy relating to presentation of minority interests. Under the new accounting policy, minority interests are presented in the consolidated balance sheet within equity, separately from the equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company, and minority interests in the results of the Group for the year to be presented on the face of the consolidated income statement as an allocation of the total profit or loss for the year between the minority interests and equity shareholders of the Company. The presentations of minority interests in the consolidated balance sheet, consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of changes in equity for the comparative period have been restated accordingly. (b) Accounting for investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities (IAS 27 "Consolidated and separate financial statements", IAS 28 "Investments in associates" and IAS 31 "Interests in joint ventures") In prior years, in the balance sheet of the Company investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities are accounted for using the equity method. With effect from 1 January 2005, in order to comply with IAS 27, IAS 28 and IAS 31, investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities are accounted for using the cost method. Investments in subsidiaries, interest in associates, interest in jointly controlled entities and reserves balance in the balance sheet of the Company for the comparative period has been restated accordingly. There was no impact to the Group's consolidated financial statements. The following table discloses the adjustments that have been made in accordance with IAS 27, IAS 28 and IAS 31 to each of the line items in the balance sheet of the Company as previously reported as at 31 December 2004. Effect on new accounting policies 2004 (increase/ (as previously (decrease) 2004 reported) in net assets) (as restated) RMB millions RMB millions RMB millions Investments in subsidiaries 118,451 (51,521) 66,930 Interest in associates 7,540 (1,116) 6,424 Interest in jointly controlled entities 3,568 195 3,763 Reserves 106,338 (52,442) 53,896 (c) Related party disclosures (IAS 24 "Related party disclosures") The definition of related parties under IAS 24 as disclosed in Note 35 of financial statements prepared under IFRS has been expanded to clarify that related parties include entities that are under the significant influence of a related party that is an individual (i.e. key management personnel, significant shareholders and/or their close family members) and post-employment benefit plans which are for the benefit of employees of the Group or of any entity that is a related party of the Group. With effect from 1 January 2005, in order to comply with IAS 24, the Group has made further disclosure of key management personnel compensation and contributions to post-retirement benefit plans. (d) Property, Plant and Equipment (IAS 16 "Property, Plant and Equipment") With effect from 1 January 2005, IAS 16 requires an entity to determine cost, useful life and depreciation charge separately for each significant part of an item of property, plant and equipment, and derecognise the carrying amount of a part of an item of property, plant and equipment if that part has been replaced. IAS 16 also requires an entity to include the costs of dismantlement, removal or restoration, the obligation for which an entity incurs as a consequence of installing the item in the cost of that item of property, plant and equipment. The change in accounting policy relating to these new requirements of IAS 16 did not have a material impact on the Group's financial statements. 9.4 Notes on the financial statements prepared under IFRS 9.4.1 Turnover Turnover represents revenue from the sales of crude oil, natural gas, petroleum and chemical products, net of value-added tax. 9.4.2 Taxation Taxation in the consolidated income statement represents: For the years ended 31 December 2005 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Current tax - Provision for the year 20,159 18,441 - Under-provision in prior years 477 94 Deferred taxation (1,248) (720) ------------- -------------- 19,388 17,815 ============= ============== A reconciliation between actual tax expense and accounting profit at applicable tax rates is as follows: For the years ended 31 December 2005 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Profit before taxation 63,228 59,606 ------------- -------------- Expected PRC income tax expense at a statutory tax rate of 33% 20,865 19,670 Tax effect of non-deductible expenses 450 812 Tax effect of non-taxable income (567) (216) Tax effect of differential tax rate on subsidiaries' income (Note) (2,010) (2,408) Tax effect of tax losses not recognised for deferred tax 381 409 Under-provision in prior years 477 94 Tax credit for domestic equipment purchases (208) (546) ------------- -------------- Actual tax expense 19,388 17,815 ============= ============== Substantially all income before income tax and related tax expense is from PRC sources. Note: The provision for PRC current income tax is based on a statutory rate of 33% of the assessable income of the Group as determined in accordance with the relevant income tax rules and regulations of the PRC, except for certain subsidiaries of the Company which are taxed at a preferential rate of 15%. 9.4.3 Basic earnings per share The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2005 is based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company of RMB 40,920 million (2004: RMB 36,019 million) and the weighted average number of shares of 86,702,439,000 (2004: 86,702,439,000) during the year. The amount of diluted earnings per share is not presented as there were no dilutive potential ordinary shares in existence during the years presented. 9.4.4 Dividends Dividends payable to equity shareholders of the Company attributable to the year represent: For the years ended 31 December 2005 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Dividends declared and paid during the year of RMB 0.04 per share (2004: RMB 0.04 per share) 3,468 3,468 Dividends declared after the balance sheet date of RMB 0.09 per share (2004: RMB 0.08 per share) 7,803 6,936 ------------- -------------- 11,271 10,404 ============= ============== Pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association and a resolution passed at the Directors' meeting on 26 August 2005, the directors authorised to declare an interim dividends for the year ended 31 December 2005 of RMB 0.04 (2004: RMB 0.04) per share totalling RMB 3,468 million (2004: RMB 3,468 million), which was paid on 30 September 2005 (2004: 30 September 2004). Pursuant to a resolution passed at the Directors' meeting on 31 March 2006, a final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2005 of RMB 0.09 (2004: RMB 0.08) per share totalling RMB 7,803 million (2004: RMB 6,936 million) was proposed for shareholders' approval at the Annual General Meeting. Final dividend of RMB 7,803 million (2004: RMB 6,936 million) proposed after the balance sheet date has not been recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date. Dividends payable to equity shareholders of the Company attributable to the previous financial year, approved and paid during the year represent: For the years ended 31 December 2005 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Final dividends in respect of the previous financial year, approved and paid during the year of RMB 0.08 per share (2004: RMB 0.06 per share) 6,936 5,202 ============= ============== Pursuant to the shareholders' approval at the Annual General Meeting on 18 May 2005, a final dividend of RMB 0.08 per share totalling RMB 6,936 million in respect of the year ended 31 December 2004 was declared and paid on 27 June 2005. Pursuant to the shareholders' approval at the Annual General Meeting on 18 May 2004, a final dividend of RMB 0.06 per share totalling RMB 5,202 million in respect of the year ended 31 December 2003 was declared and paid on 28 June 2004. 9.4.5 Segmental reporting Reportable information on the Group's business segments is as follows: For the years ended 31 December 2005 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Turnover Exploration and production External sales 19,862 15,970 Inter-segment sales 84,423 60,053 ------------- -------------- 104,285 76,023 ------------- -------------- Refining External sales 82,810 63,388 Inter-segment sales 386,456 289,699 ------------- -------------- 469,266 353,087 ------------- -------------- Marketing and distribution External sales 459,292 342,840 Inter-segment sales 3,172 2,831 ------------- -------------- 462,464 345,671 ------------- -------------- Chemicals External sales 160,783 126,013 Inter-segment sales 12,199 12,510 ------------- -------------- 172,982 138,523 ------------- -------------- Corporate and others External sales 76,368 48,986 Inter-segment sales 44,897 32,046 ------------- -------------- 121,265 81,032 ------------- -------------- Elimination of inter-segment sales (531,147) (397,139) ------------- -------------- Turnover 799,115 597,197 ------------- -------------- Other operating revenues Exploration and production 10,745 9,283 Refining 5,421 5,186 Marketing and distribution 1,358 755 Chemicals 5,841 6,170 Corporate and others 637 1,192 Corporate and others 637 1,192 ------------- -------------- Other operating revenues 24,002 22,586 ------------- -------------- Other income Refining 9,415 - ------------- -------------- Total other income 9,415 - ------------- -------------- 832,532 619,783 ============= ============== For the years ended 31 December 2005 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Result Operating profit By segment - Exploration and production 46,871 25,614 - Refining (3,505) 5,943 - Marketing and distribution 10,350 14,716 - Chemicals 14,296 18,721 - Corporate and others (1,198) (1,925) ------------- -------------- Total operating profit 66,814 63,069 ------------- -------------- Share of profits less losses from associates - Exploration and production 326 447 - Refining 23 58 - Marketing and distribution 241 302 - Chemicals 1 (164) - Corporate and others 266 154 ------------- -------------- Aggregate share of profits less losses from associates 857 797 ------------- -------------- Finance costs Interest expense (5,920) (4,583) Interest income 382 374 Foreign exchange losses (79) (223) Foreign exchange gains 996 61 ------------- -------------- Net finance costs (4,621) (4,371) ------------- -------------- Investment income 178 111 ------------- -------------- Profit before taxation 63,228 59,606 Taxation (19,388) (17,815) ------------- -------------- Profit for the year 43,840 41,791 ============= ============== Assets and liabilities dedicated to a particular segment's operations are included in that segment's total assets and liabilities. Assets which benefit more than one segment or are considered to be corporate assets are not allocated. OOUnallocated assets" consists primarily of cash and cash equivalents, time deposits with financial institutions, investments and deferred tax assets. Unallocated liabilities" consists primarily of short-term and long-term debts, loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, income tax payable, deferred tax liabilities and other liabilities. As 31 December 2005 2004 RMB millions RMB millions Assets Segment assets - Exploration and production 123,631 110,509 - Refining 135,731 111,878 - Marketing and distribution 102,935 93,722 - Chemicals 115,942 105,032 - Corporate and others 20,570 17,574 ------------- -------------- Total segment assets 498,809 438,715 ------------- -------------- Interests in associates - Exploration and production 1,494 1,396 - Refining 521 314 - Marketing and distribution 4,298 2,410 - Chemicals 1,092 4,315 - Corporate and others 1,812 1,787 ------------- -------------- Aggregate interests in associates 9,217 10,222 ------------- -------------- Unallocated assets 29,295 25,657 ------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- Total assets 537,321 474,594 ============= ============== Liabilities Segment liabilities - Exploration and production 18,882 16,241 - Refining 26,486 28,130 - Marketing and distribution 23,713 23,419 - Chemicals 19,442 16,528 - Corporate and others 35,855 15,547 ------------- -------------- Total segment liabilities 124,378 99,865 ------------- -------------- Unallocated liabilities 159,947 150,643 ------------- -------------- Total liabilities 284,325 250,508 ============= ============== 9.5 As compared to the last annual report, there are no changes in the scope of consolidation. [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable ss.10. Repurchase, Sales and Redemption of Shares [ ] Applicable [ X ] Not applicable ss.11. Compliance with the Code of Best Practice The Board of Directors believes that, during this reporting period, Sinopec Corp. complied with the Code of Best Practice as set out in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. ss.12. Application of the Model Code During this reporting period, none of the directors had breached the requirements set out in the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers, Appendix 10 to the Listing Rules stipulated by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. ss.13. A detailed results announcement containing all the information required by Paragraphs 45 (1) to (3) of Appendix 16 to the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange will be published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in due course. This announcement is published in both English and Chinese languages. The Chinese version shall prevail. By order of the Board Chen Tonghai Chairman Beijing, China, 31 March 2006 As at the date of this announcement, the directors of Sinopec Corp. are Messrs. Chen Tonghai, Wang Jiming, Mou Shuling, Zhang Jiaren, Cao Xianghong, Liu Genyuan, Gao Jian and Fan Yifei; the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Messrs. Chen Qingtai, Ho Tsu Kwok Charles, Shi Wanpeng and Zhang Youcai; and the employee representative director of the Company is Mr. Cao Yaofeng.