Washington, D.C. 20549

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer

                     Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 under
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For November 21, 2003
Commission File Number:   0-30204

                         Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)
 Jinbocho Mitsui Bldg. 1-105 Kanda Jinbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan

                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit         Date                        Description of Exhibit
-------         ----                        ----------------------

  1       11/21/2003     IIJ Announces Second Quarter Results for the Year
                         Ending March 31, 2004


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                      Internet Initiative Japan Inc.

Date: November 21, 2003               By: /s/  Koichi Suzuki
                                          Koichi Suzuki
                                          President, Chief Executive Officer and
                                          Representative Director

                                                                       Exhibit 1

     IIJ Announces Second Quarter Results for the Year Ending March 31, 2004

    TOKYO & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 20, 2003--Internet
Initiative Japan Inc. (Nasdaq:IIJIE) ("IIJ"), one of Japan's leading
Internet access and comprehensive network solutions providers, today
announced its financial results for the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year
ending March 31, 2004 ("Fiscal Year 2003").

    Second Quarter FY2003 Highlights(1)

    2nd Quarter FY2003:

    --  Revenues totaled JPY 9,185 million ($ 82.4 million), an
        increase of 10.1% from JPY 8,344 million in 1Q03, though a
        decrease of 13.1% compared to 2Q02. The increase from 1Q03 is
        mainly due to revenue increases from Systems Integration
        ("SI"), Data Center and other value-added services.

    --  Operating loss was JPY 830 million ($ 7.4 million), a decrease
        from 1,206 million in 1Q03 and an increase from JPY 194
        million in 2Q02. The loss includes accounts receivable
        write-offs of JPY 287 million that related to transactions
        with Crosswave Communications Inc. ("Crosswave"), a former
        equity method affiliate of IIJ. The improvement in operating
        loss from 1Q03 was mainly due to increased SI profitability
        and a reduction of domestic backbone costs.

    --  Adjusted EBITDA(2)was JPY 126 million ($ 1.1 million), an
        increase from the JPY 243 million adjusted EBITDA loss in
        1Q03, though a decrease from JPY 662 million in 2Q02.

    --  On August 20, Crosswave filed a voluntary petition for the
        commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings in Japan.
        IIJ has written-off all of its investments in, deposits for,
        loans to and accounts receivable due from Crosswave regarding
        the above through the end of this quarter. As a result of
        Crosswave no longer being accounted for under the equity
        method, the net loss decreased from JPY 2,326 million in 2Q02
        to JPY 278 million in 2Q03. IIJ will not have further equity
        loss from Crosswave, which in the past had a significant
        negative impact on IIJ's financial statements.

    --  IIJ completed an approximately JPY 12 billion private
        placement to NTT Group, Itochu Corporation, Sumitomo
        Corporation and three other companies on September 17, 2003.
        With this capital injection, the financial impact due to
        Crosswave's reorganization proceedings has been offset. As a
        result, IIJ's shareholders' equity has become positive.

    --  IIJ received notice from Nasdaq that IIJ's American Depositary
        Shares will continue to be listed on the Nasdaq National
        Market, subject to requirements that IIJ file its annual
        report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2004
        with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Nasdaq on
        or before September 30, 2004, and the IIJ demonstrate
        compliance with all requirements for continued listing on the
        Nasdaq National Market throughout this period. The fifth
        character "E" will remain appended to IIJ's trading symbol
        pending confirmation that IIJ has evidenced full compliance
        with Nasdaq's filling requirement and all other requirements
        for continued listing on the Nasdaq Stock Market.


    --  By improving gross-margins and expanding SI service revenues,
        IIJ expects to reach a break-even level of operating income in
        3Q03 and to achieve positive operating income in 4Q03. In
        addition, IIJ expects an additional one-time increase in
        "other income" of approximately JPY 1.6 billion in 3Q03 from
        the sales of our shares of DLJdirectSFG Securities Inc. and
        approximately JPY 120 million by repurchasing and canceling a
        portion of IIJ's convertible notes that are due in 2005.

    Overview of 2nd Quarter FY2003 Financial Results and Business

    Financial Results and Business Outlook

    "As Japan's economy is beginning to show indications that it is in
a recovery phase, there seems to be an environment where Japanese
corporate customers are considering investing in their networks," said
Koichi Suzuki, President and CEO of IIJ. "With the rapid changes in
corporate networks, as expansion of broadband and increasing
complexity, Japanese corporate customers are focusing more on in-house
networks including the gateway to Internet. For example, Japanese
companies are starting to use the latest network technology to connect
branch offices or other sites at higher speeds with lower cost,
increasing security on Internet traffic and outsourcing the operations
of network equipment and servers. We are currently changing our SI
development and business to meet those demands rapidly. We call this
"Network Integration". Our strategy in the coming quarters is to seek
new source of revenue by cross-selling these new solutions to meet the
requirements of our current connectivity customers".
    Koichi Suzuki continued, "On September 17, we completed the
private placement to third parties to improve our capital structure,
and NTT Group became our largest shareholder holding 31.6%. While we
will retain our operating independence even after the private
placement, we are going to have a collaborative relationship with NTT
in the technological development and sales partnership".
    "In 2Q03, revenues recovered compared to 1Q03, mainly driven by
sales of SI, Data Center Services and other value-added services",
said Yasuhiro Nishi, CFO of IIJ. "We have succeeded in acquiring new
customers for network integration services, and the revenue from these
cases will be accounted for in 3Q03. By continuing to expand in the
higher-margin SI area and cross-selling to customers as well as
reducing costs, we will keep on track for a recovery in profitability
and hopefully achieve positive operating income in the second half of
the year".
    Yasuhiro Nishi also stated, "As for Crosswave's commencement of
reorganization proceedings, we have written off all investments in,
deposits for, loans to and accounts receivable due from Crosswave
regarding the above through this quarter. We believe that the private
placement on September 17 will cover the financial impact of
Crosswave's reorganization, and we will not have further equity losses
from Crosswave, which in the past had a significant negative impact on
IIJ's financial statements".

    Recent Trends in Major Services and Contracts

    As for connectivity services, there appears to be new demand for
broadband services such as using these services for access lines for
site connectivity utilizing Internet VPN technology. IIJ has already
acquired several customers for these services connecting over 100
sites. In addition to proposing bandwidth upgrades to existing
customers and approaching new customers, we expect these new demands
might help us to maintain current levels of revenue of connectivity
services, as well as related network integration and equipment sales.
    Revenues for SI services benefited as IIJ won several network
integration customers from the manufacturing and financial sectors.
The major contents of the integration work was mail and web gateway
services that control outgoing and incoming e-mails and web access,
server housing in Data Centers and outsourcing of operation and
network consultation for disaster recovery. Also, we increased
revenues from equipment sales, such as database servers, web servers,
data storage and firewall equipment.

    2nd Quarter FY2003 Financial Results


    Revenues in 2Q03 totaled JPY 9,185 million, a decrease of 13.1%
compared to 2Q02 and an increase of 10.1% from JPY 8,344 million in

Table 1. Revenues (JPY in millions)
Revenues                                         YoY            QoQ
                                                  %              %
                                  2Q03   2Q02   change  1Q03    change
Connectivity and value-added
   Dedicated access services     3,236   3,546   (8.7%) 3,321   (2.6%)
   Dial-up access services         784     792   (1.0%)   768     2.1%
       Total Connectivity
        Services                 4,020   4,338   (7.3%) 4,089   (1.7%)
   Value-added services          1,081     893    21.0%   987     9.5%
   Other                           536     468    14.6%   520     3.2%
 Total Connectivity and
  value-added services           5,637   5,699   (1.1%) 5,596     0.7%
Systems integration revenues     2,549   3,094  (17.6%) 2,408     5.9%
Equipment sales                    999   1,775  (43.7%)   340   193.2%
                  Total revenues 9,185  10,568  (13.1%) 8,344    10.1%

    Connectivity and value-added services revenues were JPY 5,637
million in 2Q03, a decrease of 1.1% compared to 2Q02, but an increase
of 0.7% compared to 1Q03.

Table 2. Connectivity Services (JPY in millions)
Connectivity Services                             YoY            QoQ
                                                   %              %
                                   2Q03   2Q02   change  1Q03   change
Dedicated access services:
     IP Service + DC
      (connectivity)              2,485  2,657   (6.5%) 2,534   (2.0%)
     Others(4)                      751    889  (15.4%)   787   (4.5%)
 Total Dedicated Access Services  3,236  3,546   (8.7%) 3,321   (2.6%)

    Dedicated access services revenues were JPY 3,236 million in 2Q03,
a decrease of 8.7% compared to 2Q02 and a decrease of 2.6% compared to
1Q03. IP Service, including Data Center Connectivity services,
decreased by 6.5% in 2Q03 compared to 2Q02 and decreased by 2.0%
compared to 1Q03, mainly due to the decline of unit prices despite an
increase in the number of contracts. Customers continued to shift from
dedicated line-based connectivity services such as IIJ T1 Standard and
IIJ Economy, to lower-cost broadband services such as IIJ
FiberAccess/F service (Maximum 10-100Mbps), and the increase in IIJ
FiberAccess/F service did not offset the decrease in IIJ T1 Standard
and IIJ Economy.

Table 3. Number of Contracts
                                              2Q03     2Q02     1Q03
IP Services          64kbps - 128kbps            79      111       90
                    192kbps - 768kbps            23       30       26
                    1Mbps - 2Mbps               226      266      239
                    3Mbps - 1.2Gbps             336      205      294
Number of Contracts of DC Connectivity
 Services                                       184      129      171
Other                                         5,402    3,568    5,056
            Total Dedicated Access Services   6,250    4,309    5,876
IIJ4U (Dial-up access services for retail
 market)                                     72,560   84,432   76,209
Other Dial-Up Access Services               563,086  309,950  515,363
              Total Dial-Up Access Services 635,646  394,382  591,572

    Dial-up access service revenues were JPY 784 million in 2Q03, a
decrease of 1.0% compared to 2Q02 and an increase of 2.1% compared to
1Q03. The revenue increased sequentially because of continued revenue
increases of OEM services including CDN platform and NTT's regional
L-mode service.

Table 4. Number of Contract Bandwidth (Unit: Gbps)
                                                     2Q03  2Q02  1Q03
Dedicated Access Services                            51.6  18.0  41.1
DC Connectivity Services                             15.1   4.7  10.3
Total Contract Bandwidth                             66.7  22.7  51.4

    Value-added service revenues were JPY 1,081 million in 2Q03, an
increase of 21.0% compared to 2Q02 and an increase of 9.5% compared to
1Q03. These increases were mainly due to revenue increases from Data
Center services and security related services, including mail gateway

Table 5. Value-added Services (JPY in millions)
Value-Added Services                                YoY          QoQ
                                                     %            %
                                       2Q03  2Q02  change 1Q03  change
  Internet Data Center services         371  371     0.0%  337   10.1%
  Other value-added services            710  522    36.0%  650    9.2%
Total Value-Added Service Revenues    1,081  893    21.0%  987    9.5%

    Systems integration services revenues decreased 17.6% to JPY 2,549
million in 2Q03 compared to 2Q02 but recovered 5.9% compared to 1Q03
due to increase of new network integration contracts.
    Equipment sales revenues were JPY 999 million in 2Q03, a decrease
of 43.7% compared to 2Q02 but an increase of 193.2% compared to 1Q03.

    Cost and expenses

    Cost of total revenues was JPY 8,337 million in 2Q03, a decrease
of 11.4% compared to 2Q02, and an increase of 6.0% compared to 1Q03.

Table 6. Costs and Expenses (JPY in millions)
Costs and expenses:                               YoY            QoQ
                                                  %              %
                                 2Q03    2Q02    change  1Q03   change
Cost of Revenues:
  Cost of connectivity and
   value-added services          5,127   5,081     0.9% 5,234   (2.1%)
  Cost of systems integration    2,275   2,682  (15.1%) 2,324   (2.1%)
  Cost of equipment sales          935   1,648  (43.3%)   311   200.6%
  Total of Cost of Revenues      8,337   9,411  (11.4%) 7,869     6.0%
Sales and marketing              1,100     743    47.9%   973    13.0%
General and administrative         482     514   (6.2%)   612  (21.2%)
Research and development            96      94     2.7%    96     0.0%
  Total costs and expenses      10,015  10,762   (6.9%) 9,550     4.9%

    Cost of connectivity and value-added services was JPY 5,127
million, an increase of 0.9% compared to 2Q02 and a decrease of 2.1%
compared to 1Q03. The gross margin ratio for connectivity and
value-added services in 2Q03 was 9.1%, compared to 10.8% in 2Q02 and
6.5% in 1Q03. The improvement of the gross margin ratio compared to
1Q03 was as a result of our effort for overall cost reduction such as
backbone costs, the expense for network nodes and office rent
    International backbone costs were JPY 247 million, a decrease of
44.8% compared to 2Q02 and a decrease of 5.2% compared to 1Q03. The
monthly unit backbone costs per Mbps declined by 61% compared to 2Q02
and by 29% compared to 1Q03.

Table 7. Backbone Costs (JPY in millions)
Backbone Costs                                    YoY            QoQ
                                                  %              %
                                       2Q03 2Q02 Change  1Q03   Change
International Backbone Costs           247  448 (44.8%)   261   (5.2%)
Domestic Backbone Costs                993  815   21.9% 1,057   (6.0%)

    Domestic backbone costs were JPY 993 million, an increase of 21.9%
compared to 2Q02 and a decrease of 6.0% compared to 1Q03. The
year-over-year increase was due to an increase in connection fees with
NTT's regional access networks (FLET'S), along with our broadband
strategy to strengthen our backbone network to provide various
broadband network services and solutions nationwide.
    Cost of SI Revenues was JPY 2,275 million in 2Q03, a decrease of
15.1% compared to 2Q02 and a decrease of 2.1% compared to 1Q03. The
gross margin for SI deteriorated to 10.7% in 2Q03 compared to 13.3% in
2Q02 but improved from 3.5% in 1Q03. The gross margin ratio in 2Q03
improved compared to 1Q03 because of improvement of profitability in
SI development contracts.
    Sales and Marketing Expenses were JPY 1,100 million in 2Q03, an
increase of 47.9% compared to 2Q02 and an increase of 13.0% compared
to 1Q03. The 2Q03 expenses include the written-off accounts receivable
due from Crosswave, which amounted to JPY 287 million.
    General and administrative expenses were JPY 482 million in 2Q03,
a decrease of 6.2% compared to 2Q02 and a decrease of 21.2% compared
to 1Q03. The 1Q03 expenses included the cost of the move to new

    Operating loss

    Operating loss increased to JPY 830 million in 2Q03 compared to a
loss of JPY 194 million in 2Q02. The increase is primarily due to the
write-off of accounts receivable from Crosswave and a decrease in
connectivity service revenues. The operating loss in 2Q03 declined
compared to a loss of JPY 1,206 million in 1Q03, due to improved
profitability in IIJ's SI business.
    Other expenses for 2Q03 were JPY 157 million, compared to JPY 160
million in 2Q02 and JPY 204 million in 1Q03. IIJ recorded a gain on
sales of available-for-securities, which amounted to JPY 47 million in
    Income tax benefit (expense) for 2Q03 was a benefit of JPY 572
million, compared to an expense of JPY 515 million in 2Q02 and a
benefit of JPY 390 million in 1Q03. This is due to a decrease in the
valuation allowance for deferred tax assets attributable primarily to
the income tax effect of increasing unrealized gains during the
quarter on certain available-for-sale securities.
    Equity in net loss of equity method investees amounted to JPY 50
million in 2Q03, compared to JPY 1,480 million in 2Q02, and JPY 1,709
million in 1Q03. The equity in net loss of Crosswave is included in
the equity in net loss of equity method investees in 1Q03 and 2Q02,
but not included in 2Q03.
    Net loss was JPY 278 million in 2Q03, compared to JPY 2,326
million in 2Q02 and JPY 2,475 million in 1Q03. The decreases in net
loss was a result of the increasing income tax benefit reflecting the
increasing unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities and the
absence of equity method loss in Crosswave due to the full write-down
of IIJ's equity investment in Crosswave. Basic net loss per ADS
equivalent was JPY -5.04 in 2Q03, compared to JPY -51.74 in 2Q02 and
JPY -54.72 in 1Q03.

Table 8. Other Financial Statistics (JPY in millions)
                                                 %              QoQ
Other Financial Statistics         2Q03  2Q02   Change  1Q03  % Change
Adjusted EBITDA(5)                 126    662    81.0%  (243) (152.0%)
CAPEX, including capitalized
 leases(6)                         579  1,504  (61.5%) 1,421   (59.2%)
Depreciation and amortization(7)   984    884    11.3%   990    (0.7%)

    Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

    The following table summarizes the reconciliation of adjusted
EBITDA to net loss per the consolidated statements of operations
prepared and presented in accordance with U.S. generally accepted
accounting principles in Appendices 1:

Table 9. Adjusted EBITDA (JPY in millions)
                                                 2Q03   2Q02    1Q03
Adjusted EBITDA                                   126     662    (243)
Depreciation and amortization(8)                 (956)   (856)   (963)
Operating loss                                   (830)   (194) (1,206)
Other expenses                                   (157)   (160)   (204)
Income tax expense (benefit)                     (572)    515    (390)
Minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries   187      23     254
Equity in net loss of equity method investees     (50) (1,480) (1,709)
Net loss                                         (278) (2,326) (2,475)

    The following table summarizes the reconciliation of capital
expenditures to purchase of property and equipment per the
consolidated statements of cash flows prepared and presented in
accordance with the U.S. generally accepted accounting principles in
Appendices 3:

Table 10. CAPEX (JPY in millions)
                                                    2Q03  2Q02   1Q03
Capital expenditures                                579  1,504  1,421
Acquisition of assets by entering into capital
 leases                                             431  1,282    487
Purchase of property and equipment                  148    222    934

    2nd Quarter FY2003 Business Review

    Service Development

    Outsourcing Solutions: Under IIJ Technology, the IIJ Group further
expanded its Integration & Business Platform Service (IBPS) product
line. IBPS is a service offered to corporate customers which allows
them to combine ready-made network service components with
integration. These components include network equipment, controlling
functions of outgoing and incoming Internet traffic (virus check,
auditing and archiving e-mails and controlling web-access), data
storage, operational resources, etc. By providing these components on
demand at the Group's data centers and allowing customers to use these
network components without having to purchase them, IIJ's corporate
customers can launch the network systems more smoothly and cost
effectively. In October 2003, IIJ Technology started to provide over
40 terabyte storage service.
    Network Management Solutions: In 2Q03, we began "IIJ
NetLightning", based on Netli, Inc's technology which improves web
application performance. By using IIJ NetLightning, end users can more
quickly access to customer websites and customers can reduce the cost
to set up mirror sites.
    Also in June 2003, IIJ launched IIJ SMF (SEIL Management
Framework), a service which provides remote configuration and
monitoring features for IIJ's high-end SEIL/neu Series routers at
customer remote sites from central management servers at IIJ and
customer main office/data center. SMF, the technology used for this
service is patent pending.
    Hosting Services: In 2Q03, we began "IIJ Document Exchange
Service" for medium and small-sized corporate customers. This service
allows the creation of virtual folders on Internet, and customers to
share files with workers outside the office or with commercial

    Network Infrastructure Development and Optimization

    In 2Q03, IIJ increased the capacity of ten of its domestic
backbone network lines and also established two new lines. IIJ also
increased the capacity of three U.S. backbone network lines and
established one additional U.S. backbone network line to maintain
current throughput and quality. At the same time, from a cost point of
view, IIJ is now trying to optimize the network in accordance with the
number of customers connected to the network nodes, and has ceased the
operations of several network nodes for dedicated line-based Internet
connectivity services.


    Financial Impact of Crosswave's Commencement of Reorganization

    On August 20, Crosswave filed a voluntary petition for the
commencement of corporate reorganization. In light of Crosswave's
reorganization, IIJ has fully written-off the accounts receivable due
from Crosswave prior to entering corporate reorganization, amounting
to JPY 287 million in 2Q03. As a result, IIJ has fully written-off the
remaining value of its investment in and deposits for, loans to and
accounts receivable due from Crosswave through the end of this

    Capital Improvement Plan:

    On September 17, 2003, IIJ completed a private placement to NTT
Group, Itochu Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation and three other
companies for a total amount of approximately JPY 12 billion. With
this capital injection, the financial impact of Crosswave's
commencement of reorganization has been offset and IIJ's shareholders'
equity has turned positive.

    Key Developments of the IIJ Group


    In November 2003, IIJ developed and announced a new technology
called, IP*VLAN (Internet Protocol-Virtual Local Area Network). This
technology is for the construction and management of layer 2 networks
over existing IP networks (layer 3) for Internet or corporate users.
It enables PCs and other client devices to connect to the same LAN,
regardless of distances between offices, and it enables access control
for all services without requiring client certification (patent


    On November 21 at 9:00 am (EST), IIJ will host a conference call
to discuss the results and the Company's outlook. There will be a
simultaneous webcast available at A replay will also be
available at the same URL.

    Company Information

    Founded in 1992, Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (IIJ,
NASDAQ:IIJIE) is Japan's leading Internet-access and comprehensive
network solutions provider. The company has built one of the largest
Internet backbone networks in Japan, and between Japan and the United
States. IIJ and its group of companies provide total network solutions
that mainly cater to high-end corporate customers. Services range from
the delivery of new generation network services over an optical-fiber
infrastructure that is optimized for data communications, to the
construction of pan-Asian IP backbone networks. The company also
offers high-quality systems integration and security services,
internet access, hosting/housing, and content design.

    Statements made in this press release regarding IIJ's or
management's intentions, beliefs, expectations, or predictions for the
future are forward-looking statements that are based on IIJ's and
managements' current expectations, assumptions, estimates and
projections about its business and the industry. These forward-looking
statements, such as statements regarding 3Q03 total revenues and
operating profitability, are subject to various risks, uncertainties
and other factors that could cause IIJ's actual results to differ
materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement.
These risks, uncertainties and other factors include: IIJ's
expectation that net losses will continue or may increase; IIJ's
ability to raise additional capital to cover its accumulated deficit;
IIJ's ability to continue to increase subscribers to its connectivity
services, particularly at higher bandwidths; IIJ's ability to generate
significant revenues from its other services such as systems
integration; the ability to compete in a rapidly evolving and
competitive marketplace; the impact of technological changes in its
industry; and other risks referred to from time to time in IIJ's
filings on Form 20F of its annual report and other filings with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

                           Tables to follow

    (1) Unless otherwise stated, all financial figures discussed in
        this announcement are prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.
        All financial figures are unaudited, consolidated, and
        represent comparisons between the three-month period ended
        September 300, 2003, and the equivalent three-month period
        ended September 30, 2002. For all 2Q03 results, translations
        of Japanese yen amounts into US dollars are solely for the
        convenience of readers outside of Japan and have been made at
        the rate of JPY111.43 = US$1., the approximate exchange rate
        on September 30, 2003.

    (2) Please refer to the Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial
        Measures on page 6.

    (3) This Overview and Business Outlook contains forward-looking
        statements and projections such as statements regarding 3Q03
        total revenues and operating profitability that are subject to
        known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause
        actual results to differ materially from those expressed or
        implied by these statements. These risks and uncertainties
        include, but are not limited to, the factors noted at the end
        of this release and to the risk factors and other information
        contained in IIJ's filings on Form 20-F and Form 6-K, as well
        as other filings and documents furnished to the Securities and
        Exchange Commission. IIJ plans to keep this press release
        publicly available on its Web site (, but may
        discontinue this practice at any time. IIJ intends to publish
        its next Overview and Business Outlook in its 3Q03 earnings
        release, presently scheduled for February 12, 2004.

    (4) Others are IIJ FiberAccess/F service, IIJ Ether Standard, IIJ
        DSL/F service, IIJ T1 Standard and IIJ Economy.

    (5) Please refer to the Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial
        Measures on this page.

    (6) Please refer to the Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial
        Measures on this page.

    (7) Depreciation and amortization includes amortization of
        issuance cost of convertible notes.

    (8) Depreciation and amortization excludes amortization of
        issuance cost of convertible notes that was presented as other

                                                            Appendix 1

        For the Three Months Ended Sept 30, 2003, Sept 30, 2002
                           and Jun 30, 2003
 (Expressed in Thousands of Japanese Yen (JPY) and U.S. Dollars (USD)
                Except for Per Share and ADS Data) (1)

                               Year-over-year Comparison

                        Sept 30, 2003             Sept 30, 2002
                  -------------------------- -------------------------
                                      % of               % of
                                     Total              Total    YOY
                  USD (1)    JPY    Revenues    JPY    Revenues  Chg %
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------
   and value-
     services     29,044  3,236,405    35.2% 3,546,372    33.6% (8.7%)
     services      7,032    783,589     8.5    791,738     7.5   (1.0)
     services      9,700  1,080,876    11.8    893,135     8.4   21.0
    Other          4,814    536,389     5.9    467,976     4.4   14.6
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------
       and value-
       services   50,590  5,637,259    61.4  5,699,221    53.9   (1.1)

   revenues       22,879  2,549,379    27.7  3,094,168    29.3  (17.6)
   sales           8,962    998,621    10.9  1,774,953    16.8  (43.7)
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------
       revenues   82,431  9,185,259   100.0 10,568,342   100.0  (13.1)
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------

Costs and
  Cost of
   and value-
   services       46,008  5,126,708    55.8  5,081,186    48.1    0.9
  Cost of
   revenues       20,423  2,275,704    24.8  2,681,946    25.3  (15.1)
  Cost of
   sales           8,388    934,711    10.2  1,648,106    15.6  (43.3)
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------
       costs      74,819  8,337,123    90.8  9,411,238    89.0  (11.4)

  Sales and
   marketing       9,868  1,099,560    12.0    743,230     7.0   47.9
  General and
   administrative  4,327    482,218     5.2    514,082     4.9   (6.2)
  Research and
   development       863     96,118     1.0     93,574     0.9    2.7
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------
      Total costs
       expenses   89,877 10,015,019   109.0 10,762,124   101.8   (6.9)

                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------
Operating loss    (7,446)  (829,760)   (9.0)  (193,782)   (1.8) 328.2
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------

Other expenses    (1,412)  (157,294)   (1.7)  (160,247)   (1.5)  (1.8)

                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------
Loss before income
 tax expense
 (benefit)        (8,858)  (987,054)  (10.7)  (354,029)   (3.3) 178.8
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------

Income tax
 expense(benefit) (5,130)  (571,642)   (6.2)   514,872     4.9 (211.0)
Minority interests
 in consolidated
 subsidiaries      1,677    186,931     2.0     23,146     0.2  707.6
Equity in net loss
 of equity method
  Equity method
   net income
   (loss)           (448)   (49,945)   (0.5)(1,480,411)  (14.0) (96.6)
  Impairment loss
   on investment
   in and advances
   to Crosswave
                  ------- --------- -------- --------- -------- ------
Net loss          (2,499)  (278,426)  (3.0%)(2,326,166) (22.0%)(88.0%)
                  ======= ========= ======== ========= ======== ======

Basic Net Loss Per
 Share                      (10,082)          (103,477)
Basic Net Loss Per
 ADS Equivalent               (5.04)            (51.74)
Weighted Average
 Number of Shares            27,617             22,480
Weighted Average
 Number of ADS
 Equivalents             55,233,050         44,960,000

                                              Sequential Comparison
                                                   Jun 30, 2003
                                                         % of
                                                        Total    QOQ
                                                JPY    Revenues Chg %
                                            ---------- -------- ------
 Connectivity and value-added services:
      Dedicated access services              3,321,229    39.8% (2.6%)
      Dial-up access services                  767,418     9.2    2.1
      Value-added services                     987,198    11.9    9.5
      Other                                    519,709     6.2    3.2
                                            ---------- -------- ------
            Total connectivity and value-
             added services                  5,595,554    67.1    0.7

      Systems integration revenues           2,407,923    28.8    5.9
      Equipment sales                          340,569     4.1  193.2
                                            ---------- -------- ------
                         Total revenues      8,344,046   100.0   10.1
                                            ---------- -------- ------

Costs and expenses:
Cost of connectivity and value-added
 services                                    5,234,158    62.7   (2.1)
Cost of systems integration revenues         2,323,392    27.9   (2.1)
Cost of equipment sales                        310,946     3.7  200.6
                                            ---------- -------- ------
                         Total costs         7,868,496    94.3    6.0

Sales and marketing                            973,054    11.7   13.0
General and administrative                     612,047     7.3  (21.2)
Research and development                        96,098     1.2    0.0
                                            ---------- -------- ------
                         Total costs
                          and expenses       9,549,695   114.5    4.9

                                            ---------- -------- ------
Operating loss                              (1,205,649)  (14.5) (31.2)
                                            ---------- -------- ------

Other expenses                                (204,398)   (2.4) (23.0)

                                            ---------- -------- ------
Loss before income tax expense(benefit)     (1,410,047)  (16.9) (30.0)
                                            ---------- -------- ------

Income tax expense(benefit)                   (390,035)   (4.7)  46.6
Minority interests in consolidated
 subsidiaries                                  254,886     3.0  (26.7)
Equity in net loss of equity method
    Equity method net income(loss)              10,559     0.1 (573.0)
    Impairment loss on investment in and
     advances to Crosswave                  (1,719,981)  (20.6)(100.0)

                                            ---------- -------- ------
Net loss                                    (2,474,548) (29.7%)(88.7%)
                                            ========== ======== ======

Basic Net Loss Per Share                      (109,440)
Basic Net Loss Per ADS Equivalent               (54.72)
Weighted Average Number of Shares               22,611
Weighted Average Number of ADS Equivalents  45,222,494

    Note (1):The translation of Japanese yen amounts into US dollar
        amounts with respect to the three months ended Sept 30, 2003
        are included solely for the convenience of readers outside
        Japan and have been made at the rate of JPY 111.43 =$1, the
        approximate rate of exchange on Sept 30, 2003.

                                                            Appendix 2
          As of Sept 30, 2003, Sept 30,2002 and Jun 30, 2003
             (Expressed in Thousands of Japanese Yen (JPY)
                      and U.S. Dollars (USD)) (1)

                                                 Sept 30, 2003
                                          USD (1)       JPY          %
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalent                    105,743  11,782,935  30.7%
Accounts receivable, net                     60,366   6,726,563  17.5
Inventories                                   2,410     268,519   0.7
Prepaid expenses                              5,871     654,269   1.7
Other current assets                          4,168     464,418   1.2

            Total current assets            178,558  19,896,704  51.8

Investments in and Advances to Equity
 Method Investees                             9,926   1,106,062   2.9
Other Investments                            49,476   5,513,137  14.3
Property and Equipment, net                  81,744   9,108,783  23.7
Restricted Cash
Guarantee Deposits                           18,673   2,080,764   5.4
Other Assets                                  6,539     728,580   1.9

            Total assets                    344,916  38,434,030 100.0%


Current Liabilities:
Short-term borrowings                        38,633   4,304,906  11.2%
Accounts payable                             43,582   4,856,325  12.6
Accrued expenses                              4,393     489,568   1.3
Other current liabilities                     3,685     410,577   1.1
Long-term borrowings-current portion         26,442   2,946,377   7.7
Capital lease obligations-current
 portion                                     23,230   2,588,505   6.7

            Total current liabilities       139,965  15,596,258  40.6

Long-term Borrowings                         17,793   1,982,612   5.2
Convertible Notes                           134,614  15,000,000  39.0
Capital Lease Obligations-Noncurrent         28,700   3,198,073   8.3
Accrued Retirement and Pension Costs            626      69,794   0.2
Other Noncurrent Liabilities                  1,732     193,043   0.5

            Total liabilities               323,430  36,039,780  93.8

Minority Interest                             3,928     437,678   1.1

Shareholders' Equity(Capital
Common stock(2)                             123,534  13,765,372  35.8
Additional paid-in capital(2)               212,130  23,637,628  61.5
Accumulated deficit                        (335,980)(37,438,265)(97.4)
Accumulated other comprehensive income       17,875   1,991,900   5.2
Treasury stock                                   (1)        (63)  0.0

            Total shareholders'
             equity(capital deficiency)      17,558   1,956,572   5.1

          Total liabilities and       --------------------------------
          shareholders' equity(capital
          deficiency)                       344,916  38,434,030 100.0%

                                   Sept. 30, 2002     Jun  30, 2002
                                       JPY    %           JPY       %
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalent           4,772,753  12.2%  2,819,007   10.2%
Accounts receivable, net           7,844,256  20.1   5,889,315   21.3
Inventories                          415,771   1.1     347,971    1.3
Prepaid expenses                     498,668   1.3     845,908    3.1
Other current assets                 141,923   0.3     534,025    1.9

      Total current assets        13,673,371  35.0  10,436,226   37.8

Investments in and Advances
 to Equity Method Investees        5,896,219  15.1   1,141,728    4.1
Other Investments                  3,751,532   9.6   3,967,719   14.4
Property and Equipment, net        8,617,873  22.1   9,244,442   33.5
Restricted Cash                    5,000,000  12.8
Guarantee Deposits                 1,392,519   3.6   2,082,118    7.6
Other Assets                         706,828   1.8     714,367    2.6

      Total assets                39,038,342 100.0% 27,586,600  100.0%

Current Liabilities:
Short-term borrowings              4,832,286  12.4%  5,675,341   20.6%
Accounts payable                   5,131,068  13.1   4,406,928   16.0
Accrued expenses                     271,557   0.7     537,236    1.9
Other current liabilities            442,564   1.1     542,538    1.9
Long-term borrowings-
 current portion                   1,400,000   3.6   1,545,452    5.6
Capital lease obligations-
 current portion                   2,271,145   5.8   2,677,038    9.7

      Total current liabilities   14,348,620  36.7  15,384,533   55.7

Long-term Borrowings               3,400,000   8.7   3,419,555   12.4
Convertible Notes                 15,000,000  38.4  15,000,000   54.4
Capital Lease Obligations-
 Noncurrent                        3,250,922   8.4   3,407,735   12.3
Accrued Retirement and
 Pension Costs                        83,058   0.2      74,764    0.3
Other Noncurrent
 Liabilities                         153,993   0.4     187,579    0.7

      Total liabilities           36,236,593  92.8  37,474,166  135.8

Minority Interest                    942,650   2.4      624,609   2.3

Shareholders' Equity(Capital
Common stock(2)                    7,082,336  18.1   7,765,048   28.2
Additional paid-in capital(2)     17,068,353  43.7  17,751,065   64.3
Accumulated deficit              (23,129,652)(59.2)(37,159,839)(134.7)
Accumulated other
comprehensive income                 838,062   2.2   1,131,644    4.1
Treasury stock                                             (93)   0.0

            Total shareholders'
            deficiency)            1,859,099   4.8 (10,512,175) (38.1)

          Total liabilities and
             shareholders' equity
            (capital deficiency)  39,038,342 100.0% 27,586,600  100.0%

    Note (1): The translation of Japanese yen amounts into US dollar
        amounts with respect to Sept 30, 2003 are included solely for
        the convenience of readers outside Japan and have been made at
        the rate of JPY111.43 =$1, the approximate rate of exchange on
        Sept 30, 2003.

    Note (2): New 12,615 shares have been issued on Sept 17, 2003, in
        the net proceeds of JPY11,886,887.

                                                            Appendix 3

        For the Three Months Ended Sept 30, 2003, Sept 30, 2002
                           and Jun 30, 2003
             (Expressed in Thousands of Japanese Yen (JPY)
                      and U.S. Dollars (USD)) (1)

                                                 Sept 30,    Jun 30,
                             Sept 30, 2003         2002        2003
                          -------------------- ----------- -----------
                          USD (1)      JPY         JPY         JPY
                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Operating Activities:
        Net loss           (2,499)   (278,426) (2,326,166) (2,474,548)
        Depreciation and
         amortization       8,828     983,736     883,732     990,190
        Provision for
         accounts           2,818     313,968      (5,048)    149,378
        Equity method net
         loss (income)        448      49,945   1,480,411     (10,559)
        Impairment loss
         on investment in
         and advances to
         Crosswave              -           -           -   1,719,981
         interests in net
         loss of
         subsidiaries      (1,677)   (186,931)    (23,146)   (254,886)
        Foreign exchange
         losses (gains)        30       3,282     (39,060)      3,245
        Losses on other
         investments          875      97,530      13,620      37,572
         (increase) in
         receivable        (9,878) (1,100,671)   (972,056)  4,229,010
         (decrease) in
         accounts payable   1,941     216,306       7,462  (3,671,049)
         (increase) in
         inventories          650      72,432    (142,950)     69,689
        Deferred income
         taxes             (5,182)   (577,444)    509,228    (395,698)
        Other              (1,078)   (120,151)     (3,003)    264,043
                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
        Net cash provided
         by (used in)
         activities        (4,724)   (526,424)   (616,976)    656,368
                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Investing Activities:
        Purchase of
         property and
         equipment         (1,328)   (148,007)   (222,308)   (933,646)
        Proceeds from
         sales of other
         investment         1,101     122,650         480      34,672
        Investments in
         and advances to
         equity method
         investees              -           -           -  (1,719,981)
        Purchase of other
         investments       (2,733)   (304,517)    (33,294)    (12,971)
        Refund (payment)
         of guarantee
         deposits-net          11       1,199     (87,518)    123,632
        Other                  88       9,875       2,473          11
                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
        Net cash used in
         activities        (2,861)   (318,800)   (340,167) (2,508,283)
                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Financing Activities:
        Repayments of
         borrowings          (323)    (36,017)          -    (434,994)
         payments under
         capital leases    (6,025)   (671,376)   (601,144)   (697,830)
        Net increase
         (decrease) in
         borrowings       (12,299) (1,370,436)    282,164     851,742
        Proceeds from
         issuance of
         common stock     106,676  11,886,887           -   1,365,424
                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
        Net cash provided
         by (used in)
         activities        88,029   9,809,058    (318,980)  1,084,342
                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Effect of Exchange Rate
 Changes on Cash                1          94      34,183      (1,772)

                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Net Increase (Decrease)
 in Cash                   80,445   8,963,928  (1,241,940)   (769,345)
                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Cash, Beginning of Period  25,298   2,819,007   6,014,693   3,588,352

                          -------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Cash, End of Period       105,743  11,782,935   4,772,753   2,819,007
                          ======== =========== =========== ===========

    Note (1): The translations of Japanese yen amounts into US dollar
        amounts with respect to the three months ended Sept 30, 2003
        are included solely for the convenience of readers outside
        Japan and have been made at the rate of JPY111.43 =$1, the
        approximate rate of exchange on Sept 30, 2003.

    CONTACT: Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
             Taisuke Ono or Hiroaki Tsuno, +81-3-5259-6500