1. Name and Address of Reporting Person
   Kuhn, Paul R.
   3 Bedford Court
   Farmington, CT 060320000
2. Issuer Name and Ticker or Trading Symbol
   Kaman Corporation (KAMNA)
3. IRS or Social Security Number of Reporting Person (Voluntary)
4. Statement for Month/Day/Year
5. If Amendment, Date of Original (Month/Day/Year)
6. Relationship of Reporting Person(s) to Issuer (Check all applicable)
   (X) Director                   ( ) 10% Owner
   (X) Officer (give title below) ( ) Other (specify below)
   Chairman, President and CEO
7. Individual or Joint/Group Filing (Check Applicable Line)
   (X) Form filed by One Reporting Person
   ( ) Form filed by More than One Reporting Person

TABLE I -- Non-Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned

|1. Title of Security          |2. Trans- |2A.Execu- |3. Trans-|4. Securities Acquired (A)|5. Amount of  |6. Owner-  |7. Nature   |
|                              |   action |   action |   action|   or Disposed of (D)     |Securities    |   ship    |   of In-   |
|                              |   Date   |   Date   |   Code  |                          |Beneficially  |   Form:   |   direct   |
|                              |          |          |         |                          |Owned         |   Direct  |   Bene-    |
|                              |  (Month/ |  (Month/ |         |                          |Following     |   (D) or  |   ficial   |
|                              |   Day/   |   Day/   +-----+---+-----------+---+----------+Reported      |   Indirect|   Owner-   |
|                              |   Year)  |   Year)  |Code |V  |Amount     |A/D|Price     |Transaction(s)|   (I)     |   ship     |
Kaman Class A Common            02/25/2003            A     V   14000   A   $0.0000    137342.57  D
Kaman Class B Common                                                                       3288           D

TABLE II -- Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned

|1.        |2.      |3.     |3A.    |4.       |5.         |6.                   |7.              |8.        |9.     |10.    |11.   |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |                |          |Number |Owner- |      |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |                |          |of     |ship   |      |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |                |          |Deriv- |Form of|      |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |Title and Amount|          |ative  |Deriv- |      |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |of Underlying   |          |Secur- |ative  |Nature|
|          |Conver- |Trans- |Execu- |         |Number of  |                     |Securities      |          |ities  |Secur- |of    |
|          |sion or |action |tion   |         |Derivative |Date Exercisable     +-------+--------+          |Benefi-|ity:   |In-   |
|          |Exercise|Date   |Date   |         |Securities |and Expiration Date  |       |Amount  |          |cially |Direct |direct|
|          |Price of|       |       |Transac- |Acquired(A)|(Month/Day/Year)     |       |or      |          |Owned  |(D) or |Bene- |
|Title of  |Deriv-  |(Month/|(Month/|tion Code|Disposed(D)+----------+----------+       |Number  |Price of  |       |In-    |ficial|
|Derivative|ative   | Day/  | Day/  +------+--+-----+-----+Date Exer-|Expira-   |       |of      |Derivative|       |direct |Owner-|
|Security  |Security|Year)  |Year)  |Code  |V |(A)  |(D)  |cisable   |tion Date |Title  |Shares  |Security  |       |(I)    |ship  |
Stock       $0                                                                   Kaman                       166000  D
Options                                                                          Class A
(Right to                                                                        Common
Stock       $9.9     02/25/2         A      V  90000                     Kaman   90000    $9.9000    437000  D
Appreciatio          003                                                         Class A
n Rights                                                                         Common

Explanation of Responses:

Includes acquisition of 672.98 shares under the Corporation's Employees Stock
Purchase Plan, a 16(b)-3 qualified plan

Represents a restricted stock award under the Corporation's 16b-3 qualified 1993
Stock Incentive Plan


All options and stock appreciation rights are issued under the Corporation's
16b-3 qualified Stock Incentive Plan, including options issued under predecessor
plan.  The Plans include a feature which permits the exercise price for an
option to be paid by withholding a portion of the shares otherwise issuable upon

Exercisable at the rate of 20% per year, beginning one year after grant date;
expires ten (10) years after grant.

/s/ Paul R. Kuhn
