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Values Journal With Activities For Children’s Creativity & Confidence Announced

My Values Journal has announced their themed diary and activities workbook for children ages 5 and up, designed to encourage ethical development and confidence.

-- A newly announced children’s workbook from "My Values Journal" is designed to foster high self-esteem and creativity while helping kids develop a positive outlook on life.

More information can be found at

With a range of activities to help children discover a strong sense of identity, the journal focuses on teaching the value of hard work, compassion, self-belief, honesty, and learning from one’s mistakes.

A recent report from Psychology Today shows that low self-esteem is an epidemic among adolescents and even pre-teens, often giving rise to high levels of anxiety, problems with peers, and trouble when it comes to decision making. With activities and prompts structured specifically for young people, "My Values Journal" has been structured to support mental and emotional health.

“We are parents too, and we wanted to create this journal so that kids of all age can grow up to be good human beings with high self-esteem and a positive outlook on life,” says a spokesperson. “The journal helps instill key values and reinforce personal awareness for kids and teens.”

A colorful cast of fictional characters - including Rita, Maryam, Eric, Fadel, and Crystal - is present with kids as they work through the journal, allowing for a sense of cultural diversity, friendly camaraderie, and positive teamwork.

Topics included in "My Values Journal" include prompts about the value of making donations of unwanted belongings to charity, as well as a starting guide to mindful meditation, helping kids learn about the value of increased awareness, concentration, and decision making.

The journal also focuses on specific values, with explanations and examples. For instance, the team highlights the virtue of determination, explaining what it is, how it works, and why it is useful for a child’s daily life and future goals.

Kids and parents offer positive reviews for "My Values Journal." “My six-year-old daughter is absolutely enamored with the journal and eagerly engages with it,” says Brian P. “She is actively acquiring new skills and discussing them in a delightful manner, demonstrating her assimilation of the concepts beyond the designated journal time. Highly recommend this book for families!

Interested parties can find more information and place orders at

Contact Info:
Name: Rajinder Sawhney
Email: Send Email
Organization: My Values Journal
Address: London, london, Middlesex TW14, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-7757-108741

Source: NewsNetwork

Release ID: 89154031

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