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Steve Goncalves, father of Idaho murder victim, speaks out as police try to find a suspect

Kaylee Goncalves' father, Steve Goncalves, shared his thoughts on the Idaho murder investigation and the hunt for the killer on "Lawrence Jones Cross Country."

The father of Idaho murder victim Kaylee Goncalves spoke with Fox News on Saturday to weigh in on the ongoing investigation that has left law enforcement puzzled. 

Steve Goncalves is the father of Kaylee Goncalves, one of the four University of Idaho students who were stabbed to death on Nov. 13 at a house near campus in Moscow, Idaho.

The case has gained national attention, with the killer still on the loose two weeks after the stabbings.

Kaylee's father shared with "Lawrence Jones Cross Country" some of the communication he's had with law enforcement

"Law enforcement told me that they were going to drop off a little bit and not to expect the same type of communication that I had gotten before." 

Goncalves told Jones that 5 p.m. on Wednesday was the last time that they reached out to him.

"They're kind of just telling me that they can't tell me much, which is frustrating to me because I've been very trustworthy," Goncalves said. "I do know things, I haven't shared things."

When asked whether he has any new information or insight on the case, Goncalves said he doesn't want to talk badly about law enforcement because they are "hardworking individuals," adding that he would be "doomed" without them.


Goncalves decried the Defund the Police movement, calling it a "terrible idea" and an "absolute atrocity."

"The fact that we're finding out that there's more than just my daughter and these children that have suffered, it's terrible to think that we can defund these guys."

Goncalves shared that he has had some private detectives who reached out, but said he takes it with a "grain of salt" and tries to be careful.


Goncalves told Jones they are waiting patiently and acknowledged that they are "definitely concerned." 

The probe enters two weeks without a suspect

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