Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.
Filed by the Registrant
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
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Proxy Statement |
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
o Definitive
Proxy Statement
o Definitive
Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12
Eastman Chemical Company
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if
other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
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o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act
Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
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Title of each class of securities to which
transaction applies:
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which
transaction applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of
transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
(set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as
provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the
filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.
Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
March , 2010
Fellow Stockholder:
Our 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held at the Toy
F. Reid Employee Center, located at 400 South Wilcox Drive, in
Kingsport, Tennessee, on May 6, 2010, at 11:30 a.m.
Doors to the meeting will open at 10:30 a.m. The business
to be considered and voted upon at the meeting is explained in
this proxy statement. A copy of Eastmans 2009 Annual
Report to Stockholders is also included with these materials.
Your vote is important for this years annual meeting,
regardless of the number of shares you own. Signing and
returning a proxy card or submitting your proxy by Internet or
telephone in advance of the meeting will not prevent you from
voting in person, but will assure that your vote is counted if
you are unable to attend the meeting. Whether you choose to
vote by proxy card or electronically by telephone or the
Internet, I urge you to vote as soon as possible. If you are
a record holder of Eastman stock, an admission ticket for the
meeting is included with your proxy card or electronic form of
proxy. Please bring this ticket with you if you plan to attend
the meeting in person. If you received our proxy materials from
a broker or bank and do not have an admission ticket but wish to
attend the meeting, please call (423) 229-4647.
Thank you for your support of our Company.
J. Brian Ferguson
Executive Chairman
200 South Wilcox Drive
Kingsport, Tennessee 37662
(423) 229-2000
To Our
The 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Eastman Chemical
Company (Eastman or the Company) will be
held at the Toy F. Reid Employee Center, located at 400 South
Wilcox Drive, Kingsport, Tennessee, on May 6, 2010, at
11:30 a.m., local time. The purposes of the meeting are:
Elect Directors. To elect three directors to
serve in the class for which the term in office expires at the
2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors
are duly elected and qualified;
Ratify Appointment of Independent Auditors. To
ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
independent auditors for the Company for 2010;
Approve Amendment to Certificate of
Incorporation. To approve the proposed amendment
to the Companys Certificate of Incorporation to permit
holders of 25% of shares to call a special meeting;
Vote on Stockholder Proposal. To vote on a
proposal submitted by a stockholder, if properly presented at
the meeting, requesting that the Board of Directors take steps
necessary to elect each director annually; and
Transact Any Other Business. To transact such
other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on
March 10, 2010 are entitled to vote at the meeting.
It is important that your shares be represented and
voted at the meeting. Please vote by proxy in one of these
Use the toll-free telephone number shown on your proxy
card, electronic form of proxy, or voting instruction form (if
you received the proxy materials by mail from a broker or bank);
By Internet at the web address shown on your proxy card,
electronic form of proxy, or voting instruction form; or
Mark, sign, date, and promptly return or submit your proxy
card, electronic form of proxy, or voting instruction form
(in the postage-paid envelope provided if you are returning a
paper proxy card).
Signing and returning the proxy card or submitting your proxy
electronically by Internet or telephone does not affect your
right to vote in person if you attend the meeting.
By order of the Board of Directors
Theresa K. Lee
Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary
March ,
Statement and Annual Meeting
This proxy statement is dated March , 2010 and is
first being mailed and delivered electronically to Eastman
stockholders, and made available on the Internet at the
Companys website ( and at,
on or about March , 2010. Our Board of Directors (the
Board) is furnishing you this proxy statement in
connection with its solicitation of proxies to be voted at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held on
May 6, 2010, and at any adjournments or postponements of
the meeting. A proxy statement is a document that Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations require us to
give you when we ask you to vote your stock by proxy. At the
meeting, stockholders will be asked to consider and vote on the
items of business listed and described in this proxy statement.
Voting By
A proxy is a legal designation of another person to vote the
stock you own. That other person is called a proxy. If you
designate someone as your proxy in a written document, that
document is also called a proxy, a proxy card, or a form of
By completing and returning your proxy (either by returning the
paper proxy card or by submitting your proxy electronically via
the Internet, or by telephone), you appoint Curtis E. Espeland,
the Companys Chief Financial Officer, and Theresa K. Lee,
the Companys Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary,
to represent you at the meeting and direct them to vote your
shares at the meeting according to your instructions. Shares of
common stock represented by proxy will be voted by the proxy
holders at the meeting in accordance with your instructions as
indicated in the proxy. If you properly execute and return
your proxy (in paper form or electronically by the Internet or
telephone) but do not indicate any voting instructions, your
shares will be voted in accordance with the recommendations of
the Board as to the matters identified in this proxy statement
and in the best judgment of the proxy holders as to any other
If your shares are registered in your name, you are a
stockholder of record. Stockholders of record may vote by
proxy in one of three ways:
by telephone: call (888) 693-8683 and follow the instructions on
your proxy card or electronic form of proxy;
via the Internet: visit the website and follow
the instructions on your proxy card or electronic form of proxy;
by mail (if you received a paper proxy card): mark, sign, date,
and mail your proxy card in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
If you received via Internet the Important Notice Regarding
Availability of Proxy Materials, follow the instructions on that
notice to access an electronic form of proxy. The Internet and
telephone voting procedures are designed to authenticate
stockholder identities, to allow stockholders to give voting
instructions, and to confirm that stockholders
instructions have been recorded properly.
If your shares are held in street name through a
broker, bank or other holder of record, you will receive
instructions from that registered holder that you must follow in
order for your shares to be voted for you by that record holder.
Telephone and Internet voting may be offered to stockholders
who own their shares through certain brokers and banks.
How to
Revoke Your Proxy
You may revoke your proxy at any time before its exercise at the
meeting by:
giving written notice of revocation to the Corporate Secretary
of the Company;
executing and delivering a later-dated, signed proxy card or
submitting a later-dated proxy via the Internet or by telephone
before the meeting; or
voting in person at the meeting.
All written notices of revocation or other communications with
respect to revocation of proxies should be sent to Eastman
Chemical Company, P.O. Box 431, Kingsport, Tennessee
37662-5280, Attention: Corporate Secretary, so that they are
received before the meeting.
Date; Stockholders Entitled to Vote; Voting Rights
The record date for the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders is
March 10, 2010. Owners of record of common stock at the
close of business on the record date are entitled to receive
notice of the meeting and to vote at the meeting. The record
date is established by the Board as required by Delaware law. If
your shares are held in street name through a
broker, bank or other holder of record, you must obtain a proxy,
executed in your favor, from the holder of record to be able to
vote in person at the meeting.
On the record date, there
were shares
of common stock issued and outstanding. Holders of common stock
are entitled to one vote on each of the three director-nominees,
and one vote on each other matter voted upon at the meeting for
each share of common stock they hold of record on the record
The presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of a
majority of the shares of common stock entitled to vote at the
meeting is necessary to constitute a quorum to conduct business.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted as
present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining a
quorum. A broker non-vote occurs when a registered
holder (such as a broker or bank) holding shares in street
name for a beneficial owner does not vote on a particular
proposal because the registered holder does not have
discretionary voting power for that particular item and has not
received voting instructions from the beneficial owner. Banks
and brokers which have not received voting instructions from
their clients cannot vote on their clients behalf on the
election of directors or on the stockholder proposal, but may
vote their clients shares on the ratification of the
appointment of independent auditors and the proposal to amend
the Certificate of Incorporation.
Required for Approval of Matters to be Considered
Each director who receives a majority of votes cast (number of
shares voted for exceeds the number of shares voted
against) will be elected as a director. With respect
to the election of directors, stockholders may by proxy
(1) vote for all three of the nominees,
(2) vote against all three of the nominees,
(3) vote against any individual nominee or
nominees but vote for the other nominee(s), or
(4) abstain from voting on one or more
nominees. Shares not present, in person or by proxy, at the
meeting and abstentions will have no effect on the outcome of
the election of directors. Similarly, any broker non-votes are
not considered to be votes cast and therefore will have no
effect on the outcome of the election of directors.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast is required
for each of the ratification of the appointment of independent
auditors and the recommendation of the stockholder proposal.
With respect to each of these items, stockholders may
(1) vote for, (2) vote
against, or (3) abstain from
voting. Abstentions and broker non-votes are not considered to
be votes cast and therefore will have no effect on the outcome
of these proposals.
The affirmative vote of a majority of shares outstanding and
entitled to vote at the meeting is required to approve the
amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to permit holders
of 25% of shares to call a special meeting. Stockholders may (1)
vote for, (2) vote against, or (3)
abstain from voting on the proposed amendment.
Abstentions and broker
will have the same effect as a vote against the proposal to
approve the amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation.
Solicitation Costs
We will bear the cost of soliciting proxies and the cost of the
meeting. In addition to the solicitation of stockholders by mail
and electronic means, proxies may be solicited by telephone,
facsimile, personal contact, and similar means by our directors,
officers, or employees, none of whom will be specially
compensated for these activities. We have also contacted
brokerage houses, banks, nominees, custodians, and fiduciaries
which can be identified as record holders of common stock. Such
holders, after inquiry by us, have provided certain information
concerning beneficial owners not objecting to the disclosure of
such information and the quantities of proxy materials and
annual reports needed to supply such materials to beneficial
owners, and we will reimburse such record holders for the
expense of providing such beneficial ownership information and
of mailing or otherwise delivering proxy materials and annual
reports to beneficial owners. We have retained Georgeson Inc. to
assist with the solicitation of proxies and vote projections for
a fee of $18,500 plus reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses.
Raised at the Annual Meeting Not Included in this Proxy
We do not expect any business to be acted upon at the meeting
other than as described in this proxy statement. If, however,
other matters are properly brought before the meeting, the
persons appointed as proxies will have the discretion to vote or
act on those matters for you according to their best judgment.
Proposals for the 2011 Annual Meeting
In accordance with rules of the SEC, if you wish to submit a
proposal for presentation at Eastmans 2011 Annual Meeting
of Stockholders, it must be received by the Company at its
principal executive offices on or before November 25, 2010
in order to be included in the Companys proxy materials
relating to its 2011 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Any such
proposal should be sent to Eastman Chemical Company, P.O. Box
431, Kingsport, Tennessee 37662-5280, Attention: Corporate
In addition, our Bylaws require that a proposal to be submitted
by a stockholder for a vote of the Companys stockholders
at an annual meeting of stockholders, whether or not also
submitted for inclusion in the Companys proxy materials,
must be preceded by adequate and timely notice to the Corporate
Secretary of the Company. To be adequate, the notice must set
forth certain information specified in our Bylaws about the
stockholder and the proposal. The Bylaws are available through
the Investors Corporate Governance
section of the Companys website, and also will be provided
to any stockholder upon written request to Eastman Chemical
Company, P.O. Box 431, Kingsport,
Tennessee 37662-5280, Attention: Investor Relations. To be
timely, the notice must be delivered to the Corporate Secretary
of the Company not less than 45 days prior to the day of the
month on which the notice of the immediately preceding
years annual meeting of stockholders was first sent to the
stockholders of the Company. If, as expected, notice of the 2010
Annual Meeting of Stockholders is first sent to stockholders on
March , 2010, then such advance notice would be
timely if delivered on or before February ,
by Stockholders for Election to the Board of Directors
Our Bylaws provide that nominations by stockholders of persons
for election to the Board may be made by giving adequate and
timely notice to the Corporate Secretary of the Company. To be
adequate, the nomination notice must set forth certain
information specified in our Bylaws about each stockholder
submitting a nomination and each person being nominated. The
Bylaws are available through the Investors
Corporate Governance section of the Companys
website, and also will be provided to any stockholder upon
written request to Eastman Chemical Company, P.O. Box 431,
Kingsport, Tennessee 37662-5280, Attention: Investor
Relations. To be timely, the nomination notice must be delivered
to the Corporate Secretary of the Company not less than
45 days prior to the day of the month on which the notice
of the immediately preceding years annual meeting of
stockholders was first sent to the stockholders of the Company.
If, as described above, the notice of the 2010 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders is first sent to stockholders on
March , 2010, then such notice would be timely
if delivered on or before February , 2011. The
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board will
consider persons properly and timely nominated by stockholders
and recommend to the full Board whether such nominee should be
included with the Boards nominees for election by
Report to Stockholders, Annual Report on
Form 10-K,
and Corporate Governance Materials
Our Annual Report to Stockholders for 2009, including our
consolidated financial statements for the year ended
December 31, 2009, is being mailed and delivered
electronically to stockholders, and made available on the
Internet at the Companys website and at,
concurrently with this proxy statement but does not form any
part of any proxy solicitation material. The Companys
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009 as filed with the SEC
is also available via the Internet at the Companys website
( and at the SECs website (
We also make available free of charge, through the
Investors Corporate Governance section
of the Eastman website, the Companys Corporate Governance
Guidelines, the charters of each of the committees of the Board,
and codes of business conduct and ethics for our directors,
officers, and employees. Such materials are also available in
print upon written request of any stockholder to Eastman
Chemical Company, P.O. Box 431, Kingsport, Tennessee
Attention: Investor Relations.
to the Board of Directors
Stockholders, and other interested parties, may communicate with
non-management directors in writing by directing such
communications to the Chair of the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee, Eastman Chemical Company,
P.O. Box 1976, Kingsport, Tennessee
or by telephone toll free by calling 800-782-2515. Any
communications concerning substantive Board or Company matters
are promptly forwarded by the office of the Corporate Secretary
to the Chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee, and the office of the Corporate Secretary keeps and
regularly provides to the Chair of the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee a summary of any communications received.
The Companys Certificate of Incorporation divides the
Board into three classes, with the terms of office of the
respective classes ending in successive years. Under the
Companys Bylaws, a director reaching age 70 during any
term of office continues to be qualified to serve only until the
next annual meeting of stockholders following his or her 70th
birthday (or, if approved by unanimous action of the Board,
until the next annual meeting following his or her 71st
birthday). Unless additional terms of office are approved by the
Board in certain circumstances, the maximum number of
consecutive full three-year terms of office that may be served
by any director (other than a director who is the Chief
Executive Officer) is three.
Four directors are in the class for which the term in office
expires at the 2010 Annual Meeting, and three of these four
directors have been nominated for reelection for a new
three-year term. Under the Board retirement and term limit
policies, Peter M. Wood, whose current term expires at the
2010 Annual Meeting, is not standing for reelection. The terms
of the other eight directors continue after the meeting.
Stockholders are being asked to vote on the election of three
directors to the class for which the term of office shall expire
at the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and their successors
are duly elected and qualified. If any nominee is unable or
unwilling to serve (which we do not anticipate), the persons
designated as proxies will vote your shares for the remaining
nominees and for another nominee proposed by the Board or, as an
alternative, the Board could reduce the number of directors to
be elected at the meeting.
Majority Vote Standard for Election of
Directors. The Companys Bylaws provide that
directors be elected by a majority of votes cast by
stockholders. If a nominee who is serving as a director is not
reelected by a majority of votes cast at a meeting, under
Delaware law the director would continue to serve on the Board
as a holdover director. However, under the director
election provision of our Bylaws, any incumbent director who
does not receive a majority of votes cast in favor of reelection
and whose successor has not been elected by stockholders would
be required to offer to resign from the Board. The Nominating
and Corporate Governance Committee would then make a
recommendation to the Board whether to accept or reject the
resignation, or whether other action should be taken. The Board
would act on the recommendation and publicly disclose its
decision and the rationale behind it within 90 days from
the date the election results are certified. The director who
tenders his or her resignation would not participate in the
Boards decision. If a nominee who was not already serving
as a director was not elected at an annual meeting, under
Delaware law that nominee would not become a director and would
not serve on the Board as a holdover director. In
2010, all nominees for director are currently serving on the
The nominees have been recommended to the Board of Directors
by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the
Board. The Board of Directors recommends that you vote
FOR election of the three nominees identified
Set forth below is information about each director nominated for
reelection or whose term in office will continue after the
Term Expiring Annual Meeting 2013
GARY E. ANDERSON (director since August 2007)
Mr. Anderson is retired Chairman of the Board of the Dow
Corning Corporation. He joined Dow Corning, a diversified
company specializing in the development, manufacture, and
marketing of silicones and related silicone-based products, in
1967 and served in various executive capacities for over
25 years, including Chairman, President, and Chief
Executive Officer, retiring as Chairman in 2005.
Mr. Anderson is also a member of the Board of Directors of
Chemical Financial Corporation. Mr. Anderson is 64.
In addition to serving on the Board, Mr. Anderson is also
Chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Audit
Committee and the Health, Safety, Environmental and Security
Committee. We believe that Mr. Andersons deep
operational knowledge and experience in the chemical industry
allows him to provide valuable skills when working with
companies like Eastman which develop, manufacture, and market
chemical products. Specifically, Mr. Anderson offers
significant financial acumen and an understanding of risk and
capital-related matters that are critical to our success and
which are important in his leadership of the Finance Committee.
Mr. Anderson also brings to us experience from serving on
other public company boards of directors, which allows us to
benefit from his insight into working with directors generally
and the appropriate exercise of diligence and oversight.
RENÉE J. HORNBAKER (director since September 2003)
Ms. Hornbaker has served as Chief Financial Officer of
Shared Technologies, Inc., a provider of converged voice and
data networking solutions, since October 2006, and was
Consultant to the Chief Executive Officer of CompuCom Systems,
Inc., an information technology services provider, from 2005 to
2006. She was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
Flowserve Corporation, a global manufacturer and service
provider, from 1997 until 2004, and served as Vice President of
Business Development and Chief Information Officer from 1997 to
1998. In 1977, Ms. Hornbaker joined the accounting firm
Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, where she became a senior
manager of its audit practice in the firms Chicago office.
Following that, she served in senior financial positions with
several major companies from 1986 until 1996, including five
years at Phelps Dodge Corporation where she had financial
responsibilities for its international businesses including
Columbian Chemicals Corporation. Ms. Hornbaker is 57.
Ms. Hornbakers expertise in a variety of financial
and accounting matters, experience in business development,
strategy and technology, and service with large global
businesses makes her a valuable member of the Board, and
enhances the value of her service as Chair of the Audit
Committee and as a member of the Finance Committee and the
Health, Safety, Environmental and Security Committee.
Ms. Hornbakers significant experience in several
senior financial positions at various companies, including her
current service as a chief financial officer, as well as her
previous service as a senior manager at an accounting firm,
provides a solid platform for her to advise and consult with the
Board on financial and audit-related matters as Chair of the
Audit Committee.
THOMAS H. McLAIN (director since February 2004)
Mr. McLain has since March 2009 been Chief Executive
Officer of Claro Scientific, LLC, an early-stage biomedical
company that utilizes breakthroughs in biophotonic research to
develop portable, low-cost devices to rapidly identify
micro-organisms from bodily fluid samples. He previously served
as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Nabi
Biopharmaceuticals, a biotechnology company that applies its
knowledge of the human immune system to develop and market
products that address serious medical conditions, from 2004
until his resignation in February 2007, and was Chief Executive
Officer, President and a director of Nabi from 2002 until 2004,
President, Chief Operating Officer and a director in 2002 and
2003, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in
2001 and 2002, and Senior Vice President, Corporate Services and
Chief Financial Officer from 1998 to 2001. From 1988 to 1998,
Mr. McLain was employed by Bausch & Lomb, Inc., a
global eye care company, where he held various senior financial
management positions of increasing responsibility. Before
joining Bausch & Lomb, Mr. McLain practiced with
the accounting firm of Ernst & Young LLP.
Mr. McLain is 52.
Mr. McLain is also Chair of the Health, Safety,
Environmental and Security Committee, and a member of the Audit
Committee and the Finance Committee. Mr. McLains
substantial management experience as a chief executive officer
of research and development focused companies is of substantial
importance to the Board in addressing similar growth aspects of
the Companys business. Mr. McLain also possesses a
strong financial management and accounting background as
evidenced by the various financial management and accounting
positions held during his career, which further has value in the
oversight of the Company through his service as a member of the
Audit Committee and the Finance Committee.
Term Expiring Annual Meeting 2011
MICHAEL P. CONNORS (director since March 2005)
Mr. Connors has been Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of Information Services Group, Inc., an
information-based services company, since July 2006.
Mr. Connors served as a member of the Executive Board of
VNU N.V., a major worldwide media and marketing information
company, from the merger of ACNielsen into VNU in 2001 until
2005, and served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of VNU
Media Measurement & Information Group and Chairman of
VNU World Directories until 2005. He previously was Vice
Chairman of the Board of ACNielsen from its spin-off from the
Dun & Bradstreet Corporation in 1996 until 2001, was
Senior Vice President of American Express Travel Related
Services from 1989 until 1995, and before that was a Corporate
Vice President of Sprint Corporation. Mr. Connors was also
during the last five years a member of the Boards of Directors
of R.H. Donnelley Corporation and NetRatings, Inc.
Mr. Connors is 54.
Mr. Connors brings to the Board substantial corporate
management experience in a variety of industries as well as
expertise in marketing through his high-level positions at
marketing and information-based companies.
Mr. Connors skills are enhanced through his
experience serving on several public company boards, which
furthers his ability to provide valued oversight and guidance to
the Company and strategies to inform the Boards general
decision-making, particularly with respect to management
development. For these reasons, Mr. Connors is also Chair
of the Compensation and Management Development Committee, and a
member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, the
Finance Committee, and the Health, Safety, Environmental and
Security Committee.
J. BRIAN FERGUSON (director since January 2002)
Mr. Ferguson has served as Executive Chairman of the Board
since May 7, 2009. He joined Eastman in 1977.
Mr. Ferguson was named Vice President, Industry and Federal
Affairs in 1994, Managing Director, Greater China in 1997,
President, Eastman Chemical Asia Pacific in 1998, President,
Polymers Group in 1999, President, Chemicals Group in 2001, and
was named Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer in
2002. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of FPL
Group, Inc., parent company of Florida Power & Light
Company. Mr. Ferguson serves as Chairman of the American
Chemistry Council Board of Directors and on the Executive
Committee of the Society of the Chemical Industry,
U.S. Section. Mr. Ferguson is 55.
Mr. Fergusons over thirty years of experience at the
Company, culminating in his service as Eastmans Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer for seven years, gives him unique
knowledge of the opportunities and challenges associated with
our business. Mr. Fergusons familiarity with the
Company, the chemical industry and various market participants
makes him uniquely qualified to lead and advise the Board as
Executive Chairman.
HOWARD L. LANCE (director since December 2005)
Mr. Lance has served as President, Chief Executive Officer,
and a director of Harris Corporation since January 2003, and was
appointed Chairman of the Board in June 2003. Harris is an
international communications and information technology company
serving government and commercial markets. Mr. Lance was
President of NCR Corporation, an information technology services
provider, and Chief Operating Officer of its Retail and
Financial Group from July 2001 until October 2002. Prior to
joining NCR, he spent 17 years with Emerson Electric
Company, an electronic products and systems company, where he
held increasingly senior management positions. Earlier,
Mr. Lance held sales and marketing positions with the
Scott-Fetzer Company and Caterpillar, Inc. Mr. Lance is
also a member of the Board of Directors of Stryker Corporation,
and was during the last five years a member of the Board of
Directors of Harris Stratex Networks, Inc. Mr. Lance is
Mr. Lance is also Chair of the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee, and a member of the Compensation and
Management Development Committee, the Finance Committee, and the
Health, Safety, Environmental and Security Committee.
Mr. Lance brings to the Company considerable corporate
management experience and expertise in managing information
systems through his high-level positions at information
technology companies, which we believe are of significant
importance as the Company seeks further growth opportunities. As
chief executive officer of a multinational manufacturing
company, Mr. Lance has significant exposure to, and we
significantly benefit from his experiences related to, the
necessary capital requirements and risk assessments for large
manufacturing operations. Mr. Lances experience
serving on the boards of directors of other public companies
allows us to leverage his experiences with respect to, among
other things, appropriate oversight and related actions utilized
in the board environment, including concerning corporate
governance matters as Chair of the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee.
JAMES P. ROGERS (director since December 2008)
Mr. Rogers has been President and Chief Executive Officer
of the Company since May 7, 2009. He joined the Company in
1999 as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and in
2002 also became Chief Operations Officer of Eastman Division,
was named Executive Vice President of the Company and President
of Eastman Division in November 2003, and was named President of
Eastman Chemical Company and Chemicals & Fibers
Business Group Head in 2006. Mr. Rogers served previously
as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of GAF
Materials Corporation, Executive Vice President, Finance, of
International Specialty Products, Inc., Treasurer of Amphenol
Corporation, a Vice President in the Corporate Finance group of
Morgan Guaranty Trust, and a naval aviator in the United States
Navy. Mr. Rogers serves on the Board of Directors of the
Lord Corporation, a private technology company, and is a member
of the American Section of the Société de Chemie
Industrielle. Mr. Rogers is 58.
Mr. Rogers has over ten years of experience at the Company
in a variety of functional, financial, and business areas,
currently serving as President and Chief Executive Officer, and
has senior management experience with the Company and other
companies and firms in areas of operations, manufacturing, and
finance. As a result, he is appropriately and uniquely able to
advise the Board on the opportunities and challenges of managing
the Company, as well as its
operations and risks. Among other things, he brings to our Board
his extensive background in managing merger and
acquisition-intensive businesses. We believe the perspective of
the Chief Executive Officer of the Company is critical for the
Board in order for it effectively to oversee the affairs of the
Company and its strategy for growth.
Term Expiring Annual Meeting 2012
STEPHEN R. DEMERITT (director since February 2003)
Mr. Demeritt served as Vice Chairman of General Mills, Inc.
from 1999 until his retirement in 2005. General Mills is a
leading producer of packaged consumer foods. He joined General
Mills in 1969 and served in a variety of marketing positions,
including President, International Foods from 1991 to 1993 and
Chief Executive Officer of Cereal Partners Worldwide, General
Mills global cereal joint venture with Nestle, from 1993
to 1999. Mr. Demeritt is 66.
Mr. Demeritt is also a member of the Finance Committee, the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, the Compensation
and Management Development Committee, and the Health, Safety,
Environmental and Security Committee. He provides to the Board a
significant base of marketing and operational expertise through
his professional experience at consumer-products companies with
significant marketing capabilities and operations, and he also
furthers the Boards knowledge base in corporate and
product branding. Mr. Demeritts experience serving on
the board of directors of a large public company allows us to
leverage his experiences with respect to, among other things,
appropriate oversight and related actions utilized in the board
ROBERT M. HERNANDEZ (director since August 2002)
Mr. Hernandez was Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief
Financial Officer of USX Corporation from 1994 until his
retirement in 2001, and was a director of USX from 1991 until
2001. He joined U.S. Steel Corporation, the predecessor of
USX, in 1968, and held positions of increasing responsibility in
the financial and operating organizations, including Vice
President and Treasurer from 1984 to 1987, Senior Vice President
and Controller from 1987 to 1989, President,
U.S. Diversified Group from 1989 to 1990, Senior Vice
President, Finance from 1990 to 1991, and Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer from 1991 to 1994.
Mr. Hernandez is non-executive Chairman of the Board of RTI
International Metals, Inc., Lead Director of ACE Ltd., Chairman
of the Board of Trustees of BlackRock Open End Long Term
Bond & Equity Funds, and a member of the Board of
Directors of Tyco Electronics Ltd. Mr. Hernandez is 65.
Mr. Hernandez brings a diverse financial and business
management background to the Board and the Audit Committee, the
Finance Committee, and the Health, Safety, Environmental and
Security Committee, as evidenced by his holding a variety of
senior management positions throughout his career in a company
producing basic materials and commodity-type products. This
history and experience is critical to the Boards knowledge
base as it pertains to multiple applications. Mr. Hernandez
has also served as a member of several boards of directors,
which allows him to leverage his experience for the further
benefit of the Company.
LEWIS M. KLING (director since October 2006)
Mr. Kling served as President, Chief Executive Officer, and
a director of Flowserve Corporation, a provider of industrial
flow management products and services, from 2005 until October
2009, and was Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
of Flowserve until his retirement in February 2010. He was Chief
Operating Officer of Flowserve from 2004 to 2005. Before joining
Flowserve, Mr. Kling was Group Vice President and Corporate
Vice President of SPX Corporation from 1999 to 2004, and served
as President of Dielectric Communications, a division of General
Signal Corporation, purchased by SPX Corporation, from 1997 to
1999. Mr. Kling is 65.
In addition, to his Board service, Mr. Kling also serves as
a member of the Audit Committee, the Finance Committee, and the
Health, Safety, Environmental and Security Committee.
Mr. Klings extensive corporate management experience
and expertise in manufacturing through his high-level positions
at several industrial product companies, including as CEO of a
global manufacturer and aftermarket service provider of flow
control systems to oil and gas, basic materials, and chemical
manufacturing companies, allow him to offer a unique perspective
on long-term growth strategies for manufacturing companies.
DAVID W. RAISBECK (director since December 2000)
Mr. Raisbeck was Vice Chairman of Cargill, Incorporated, an
agricultural trading and processing company, from 1999 until his
retirement in 2008, and was a director of Cargill until
September 2009. He joined Cargill in 1971 and held a
variety of merchandising and management positions focused
primarily in the commodity and financial trading businesses.
Mr. Raisbeck was appointed President of Cargills
Financial Markets Division in 1988 and President of
Cargills Trading Sector in 1993, was elected a director of
Cargill in 1994 and Executive Vice President in 1995.
Mr. Raisbeck is a director of CarVal, a distressed asset
management company owned by Cargill, and was a director of Black
River Asset Management, a hedge fund owned by Cargill, until
August 2009. He is also a member of the Boards of Directors
of Cardinal Health, Inc., Canadian Pacific Railway Company and
Canadian Pacific Railway Limited. Mr. Raisbeck is 60.
Mr. Raisbeck is also a member of the Finance Committee, the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, the Compensation
and Management Development Committee, and the Health, Safety,
Environmental and Security Committee. Mr. Raisbecks
depth of experience in the areas of trading and risks related to
commodities and raw materials, which are significant components
of our operations and the manufacturing of our products, is a
valuable addition to our Board and its Finance Committee. Given
his professional experience managing trading businesses and
other risk-based, finance-related transactions, we believe
Mr. Raisbeck has unique capabilities with respect to the
managing of risk exposure and execution of financing
transactions, and his insight is a significant factor in our
The Board
of Directors and Corporate Governance
The Board is elected by the stockholders to oversee management
and to assure that the long-term interests of the stockholders
are being served. The primary role of the Board is to maximize
stockholder value over the long-term. Eastmans business is
conducted by its employees, managers, and officers, under the
direction of the Chief Executive Officer and the oversight of
the Board. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of
the Board periodically reviews and assesses the Companys
Corporate Governance Guidelines and governance practices.
The Board held five meetings during 2009. Each director attended
at least 75% of the aggregate of the total number of meetings of
the Board and the total number of meetings held by all
committees of the Board on which he or she served. The Board
meets before each annual meeting of stockholders, and the
directors in attendance at such Board meeting attend the annual
meeting of stockholders. All directors then in office attended
the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
Leadership Structure
The Chairman of the Board provides leadership to the Board and
works with the Board to define its structure and activities in
the fulfillment of its responsibilities. The Company believes
that the members of the Board possess considerable experience
and unique knowledge of the challenges and opportunities the
Company faces, and therefore are in the best position to
evaluate the needs of the Company and how best to organize the
capabilities of our directors and senior executives to meet
those needs. As a result, the Company believes that the decision
as to who should serve as Chairman and as Chief Executive
Officer, and whether the offices should be combined or separate,
is properly the responsibility of the Board, to be exercised
from time to time in appropriate consideration of then-existing
facts and circumstances. Our Corporate Governance Guidelines
provide the Board the flexibility to determine whether or not
the separation or combination of the Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer offices is in the best interests of the
Our current Chief Executive Officer, James P. Rogers, was
appointed to the Board on December 8, 2008, the date he was
elected by the Board to serve as Chief Executive Officer of the
Company (with such election being effective May 7, 2009).
Our current Executive Chairman of the Board, J. Brian Ferguson,
served as both our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman until
May 7, 2009, at which time his appointment as Executive
Chairman became effective. Given his recent years of service to
Eastman, his significant breadth and depth of knowledge of the
Company, and his current leadership in the chemical industry, as
well as the efficiencies that his continued service to the
Company provides, the Board deemed it appropriate that he
continue to serve as Executive Chairman through 2010.
In order to give a significant voice to our non-management
directors, our Corporate Governance Guidelines provide for
executive sessions of our non-management directors at each
regular meeting of our Board. These Guidelines specifically
provide for the appointment of a presiding director to lead all
executive sessions of non-management directors. In order to best
manage such sessions, the presiding director of each such
executive session is the Chair of the Committee with authority
and expertise pertinent to the subject matters to be discussed
or, if the subjects to be addressed do not directly pertain to
one of the Committees, a presiding director is appointed by the
Chairman of the Board on a rotating basis. The Executive
Chairman and the Chairs of the Board Committees serve as
liaisons between management and the independent directors,
approve information to be sent to the Board and its Committees,
approve meeting agendas, and have the authority to call
meetings. Additionally, interested parties, including our
stockholders, may communicate directly with non-management
directors by mail or phone, with such communication being
directed to the Chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance
We believe that the foregoing structure, policies, and
practices, when combined with the Companys other
governance policies and procedures, provide appropriate
opportunities for oversight, discussion, and evaluation of
decisions and direction from the Board.
The Board maintains oversight responsibility for the management
of the Companys risks, and oversees an enterprise-wide
approach to risk management, designed to provide a holistic view
of organizational objectives, including strategic objectives, to
improve long-term organizational performance, to prioritize and
manage identified risks, and to enhance stockholder value. A
fundamental part of risk management is not only understanding
the risks the Company faces and what steps management is taking
to manage those risks, but also understanding what level of risk
is appropriate for the Company. The full Board reviews with
management its process for managing enterprise risk.
Additionally, the Audit Committee is charged with overseeing our
risk management process each year, including ensuring that
management has instituted processes to identify major risks and
has developed plans to manage such risks and reviewing with
management the identified most significant risks and
managements plans for addressing and mitigating the
potential effects of such risks. During the Companys risk
management review process, risk is assessed throughout our
entire business, and is reported to a management corporate risk
committee comprised of members of our various business units and
control functions. Risks that are identified as
high-level risks are reported to the Audit Committee
and thereafter assigned, as appropriate, to various of the
Boards Committees, or to the Board as a whole, for further
review, analysis, and development of appropriate plans for
management and mitigation of the identified risks.
While the Board maintains the ultimate oversight responsibility
for risk management, each of the various Committees of the Board
have been assigned responsibility for risk management oversight
of specific areas. In particular, and in addition to its
responsibility to conduct an annual assessment of the risk
management process and report its findings to the Board, the
Audit Committee maintains responsibility for overseeing risks
related to the Companys financial reporting, audit
process, and internal controls over financial reporting and
disclosure controls and procedures. The Finance Committee has
oversight responsibility related to the Companys financial
position and financing activities, including such areas as raw
material and energy costs and large capital projects. The
Health, Safety, Environmental and Security Committee assists the
Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility with respect to
health, safety, environmental and security issues that affect
the Company and works closely with the Companys legal and
regulatory management with respect to such matters. In addition,
in setting compensation, the Compensation and Management
Development Committee endeavors to develop a program of
incentives that encourage an appropriate level of risk-taking
behavior consistent with the Companys long-term business
strategy and also reviews the leadership development of our
employees. Finally, the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee conducts an annual assessment of nominees to our Board
and is charged with developing and recommending to the Board
corporate governance principles and policies and Board
Committees structure, leadership, and membership, including
those related to, affecting, or concerning the Boards and
its Committees risk oversight.
The Board and its Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
have reviewed the standards of independence for directors
established by applicable laws and regulations, including the
listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange, and by
the Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines and have
reviewed and evaluated the relationships of directors with the
Company and its management. Based upon this review and
evaluation, the Board has determined that none of the current
non-employee members of the Board has a relationship with the
Company or its management that would interfere with such
directors exercise of independent judgment, and that each
non-employee member of the Board is an independent director.
In making this determination, the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee and the Board reviewed and evaluated all
direct and indirect transactions and relationships between the
Company and non-employee directors and their affiliates and
immediate family members. Under the New York Stock Exchange
listing standards and the Corporate Governance Guidelines, an
independent director is one who has no direct
or indirect material relationship with the Company or its
management and who:
has not been employed by the Company or any of its subsidiaries
or affiliates, and who has no immediate family member who has
been an executive officer of the Company, within the previous
three years;
has not received, and whose immediate family member has not
received, in any 12-month period within the previous three
years, more than $120,000 in direct compensation from the
Company, other than director and committee fees and pension or
other forms of deferred compensation for prior service, provided
such compensation is not contingent in any way on continued
as to the Companys internal or external auditor, is not,
and whose immediate family member is not, a partner; is not
employed by; has not been, and whose immediate family member has
not been, within the last three years, and is not currently, a
partner or employee and personally worked on the Companys
is not and has not in the past three years been employed, and
whose immediate family member is not and has not in the past
three years been employed, as an executive officer of another
company where any of the Companys present executives at
the same time serve or served on that companys
compensation committee;
is not an employee of, and whose immediate family member is not
an executive officer of, another company that has made payments
to, or received payments from, the Company for property or
services in an amount that exceeds, in any of the last three
years, the greater of $1 million or 2% of such other
companys consolidated gross revenues;
has no personal services contract with the Company, any
subsidiary or affiliate of the Company or any executive officer;
does not have any other business relationship with the Company
or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (other than service as
a director) that the Company would be required to disclose in
proxy statements or in annual reports on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC;
is not an executive officer of another company that is indebted
to the Company or to which the Company is indebted and the total
amount of either companys indebtedness to the other is
more than 1% of the total consolidated assets of the company
that he or she serves as an executive officer;
is not an officer, director, or trustee of a charitable
organization to which discretionary charitable contributions to
the organization by the Company or an affiliate are more than 1%
of that organizations total annual charitable receipts or
$100,000, whichever is less; and
is not a director, executive officer, partner, or greater than
10% equity holder of an entity that provides advisory,
consulting, or professional services to the Company, any of its
affiliates, or any executive officer.
with Directors, Executive Officers, and Related
As described above, at least annually the Board reviews and
evaluates all current and recent past transactions involving the
Company in which non-management directors and their affiliates
(including immediate family members and other firms,
corporations, or entities with which the director has a
relationship) have or had a direct or indirect interest. The
Board also reviews any such transactions and relationships in
which executive officers of the Company or members of their
immediate families have or had an interest. In the most recent
such review, the Board considered purchases and sales of
products and services in the ordinary course of business to and
from companies of which non-employee directors were executive
officers. Each such transaction was below the thresholds of the
categorical standards listed above and determined by the Board
not to be a material transaction or relationship.
Written Company policies require approval by the Board (in the
case of the Chief Executive Officer) or senior management (in
the case of all other employees) of each transaction in which an
employee has a direct or indirect financial or other personal
interest, and restrict direct or indirect reporting
relationships between immediate family member employees.
The Board has an Audit Committee, a Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee, a Compensation and Management Development
Committee, a Finance Committee, and a Health, Safety,
Environmental and Security Committee. All committee members are
non-employee, independent directors. The written charter of each
committee of the Board is available in the
Investors Corporate Governance section
of the Companys Internet website (
Committee. The members of the Audit Committee are
Ms. Hornbaker (Chair) and Messrs. Anderson, Hernandez,
Kling, and McLain. The Audit Committee held 10 meetings during
2009. The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board
in fulfilling the Boards oversight responsibilities
relating to:
the integrity of the financial statements of the Company and the
Companys system of internal controls;
the Companys management of and compliance with legal and
regulatory requirements;
the independence and performance of the Companys internal
the qualifications, independence, and performance of the
Companys independent auditors;
the retention and termination of the Companys independent
auditors, including the approval of fees and other terms of
their engagement, and the approval of non-audit relationships
with the independent auditors; and
risk assessment and risk management.
The Board of Directors has determined that each current member
of the Audit Committee is independent and that each
of Ms. Hornbaker and Messrs. Anderson, Hernandez, and McLain is
an audit committee financial expert under applicable
provisions of the New York Stock Exchanges listing
standards and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In making
such determination, the Board took into consideration, among
other things, the express provision in Item 407(d) of SEC
Regulation S-K
that the determination that a person has the attributes of an
audit committee financial expert shall not impose any greater
responsibility or liability on that person than the
responsibility and liability imposed on such person as a member
of the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, nor shall it
affect the duties and obligations of other Audit Committee
members or the Board.
Committee Report
The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed with the
Companys management and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the
Companys independent auditors, the audited financial
statements of the Company contained in the Companys Annual
Report to Stockholders for the year ended December 31,
2009. The Audit Committee has also discussed with the
Companys independent auditors the matters required to be
discussed by the Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61,
as amended (AICPA, Professional Standards, Vol. 1,
AU Section 380), as adopted by the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board in Rule 3200T.
The Audit Committee has received and reviewed the written
disclosures and the letter from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
required by applicable requirements of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board regarding PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLPs communications with the Audit Committee concerning
independence and has discussed with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
their independence. The Audit Committee has also considered
whether the provision of non-audit services to the Company by
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is compatible with maintaining their
Based on the review and discussions referred to above, the Audit
Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited
financial statements be included in the Companys Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 filed with the
Audit Committee
Renée J. Hornbaker (Chair)
Gary E. Anderson
Robert M. Hernandez
Lewis M. Kling
Thomas H. McLain
Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee. The members of the Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee are Messrs. Lance (Chair),
Connors, Demeritt, Raisbeck, and Wood. The Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee held four meetings during 2009.
The purpose of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
is to:
identify individuals qualified to become Board members;
recommend to the Board candidates to fill Board vacancies and
newly-created director positions;
recommend to the Board whether incumbent directors should be
nominated for re-election to the Board upon the expiration of
their terms;
develop and recommend corporate governance principles;
review and make recommendations to the Board regarding director
compensation; and
recommend committee structures, membership, and chairs.
Nominations. The Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing and
recommending to the Board potential directors who possess the
skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to be valued
members of the Board in order to assist it in successfully
performing its role in corporate oversight and governance. The
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee considers not only
an individual directors or possible nominees
qualities, performance, and professional responsibilities, but
also the then-current composition of the Board and the
challenges and needs of the Board as a whole in an effort to
ensure that the Board, at any time, is comprised of a diverse
group of members who, individually and collectively, best serve
the needs of the Company and its stockholders. In general, and
in giving due consideration to the composition of the Board at
that time, the desired attributes of individual directors,
including those of any nominees of stockholders, are as follows:
integrity and demonstrated high ethical standards;
experience with business administration processes and principles;
the ability to express opinions, raise difficult questions, and
make informed, independent judgments;
knowledge, experience, and skills in at least one specialty
area, for example:
accounting or finance,
corporate management,
information systems,
international business, or
legal or governmental matters.
the ability to devote sufficient time to prepare for and attend
Board meetings (it is assumed that service on up to three other
boards of directors will not impair a directors service on
the Companys Board; the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee reviews instances in which a director
serves on more than three other for-profit companies
boards of directors);
willingness and ability to work with other members of the Board
in an open and constructive manner;
the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively; and
diversity with respect to other characteristics, which may
include, at any time, gender, ethnic background, geographic
origin, or personal, educational and professional experience.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will consider
persons nominated by stockholders and recommend to the full
Board whether such nominee should be included with the
Boards nominees for election by stockholders. The Board
and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee have from
time to time engaged the services of director search firms to
assist in the identification of qualified potential director
Compensation and Management Development
Committee. The members of the Compensation and
Management Development Committee (the Compensation
Committee) are Messrs. Connors (Chair), Demeritt, Lance,
Raisbeck, and Wood. The Compensation Committee held six meetings
during 2009. The purpose of the Compensation Committee is to
establish and administer the Companys policies, programs,
and procedures for evaluating, developing, and compensating the
Companys senior management. Among other things, the
Compensation Committee discharges the Boards
responsibilities relating to compensation of the Companys
executive officers, reviews and approves the adoption of cash
and equity-based incentive management compensation plans, and
oversees the administration of the Companys benefits plans.
Committee Report
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis which appears
later in this proxy statement. Based on the review and
discussions, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board
that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in the
Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 filed with the
SEC and in this proxy statement.
Compensation and Management Development Committee
Michael P. Connors (Chair)
Stephen R. Demeritt
Howard L. Lance
David W. Raisbeck
Peter M. Wood
Committee. All of the directors except
Messrs. Ferguson and Rogers are members, and
Mr. Anderson is the Chair, of the Finance Committee. The
Finance Committee held four meetings during 2009. The purpose of
the Finance Committee is to review with management and, where
appropriate, make recommendations to the Board regarding the
Companys financial position and financing activities,
including consideration of the Companys financing plans,
corporate transactions (including acquisitions and
divestitures), capital expenditures, financial status of the
Eastman Retirement Assistance Plan (the Companys defined
benefit pension plan), payment of dividends, and use of
financial instruments, commodity purchasing, and other hedging
arrangements and strategies to manage exposure to market risks.
Health, Safety, Environmental and Security
Committee. All of the directors except
Messrs. Ferguson and Rogers are members, and
Mr. McLain is the Chair, of the Health, Safety,
Environmental and Security Committee. The Health, Safety,
Environmental and Security Committee held two meetings during
2009. The purpose of the Health, Safety, Environmental and
Security Committee is to review with management and, where
appropriate, make recommendations to the Board regarding the
Companys policies and practices concerning health, safety,
environmental, security and sustainability matters.
The following table sets forth certain information concerning
compensation of the Companys non-employee directors for
2009. Directors who are also employees of the Company receive no
Board or committee fees.
Compensation for Year Ended December 31, 2009
Change in
Pension Value
and Nonqualified
or Paid
All Other
in Cash
Gary E. Anderson
Michael P. Connors
Stephen R. Demeritt
Robert M. Hernandez
Renée J. Hornbaker
Lewis M. Kling
Howard L. Lance
Thomas H. McLain
David W. Raisbeck
Peter M. Wood
1) |
Consists of director retainer fees and, where applicable,
committee chair or Audit Committee member retainer fees and
compensation on an event basis for significant time
spent outside Board or committee meetings for director training,
interviewing director candidates, meeting with Company
management, meeting with external auditors, or other meetings or
activities as directed by the Board or one of its committees.
Cash fees for 2009 were paid according to the following schedule: |
Director Retainer
Event Fee (Per Event)
Chair Retainer Audit Committee
Chair Retainer Compensation and Management
Development Committee
Chair Retainer Nominating and Corporate Governance
Chair Retainer Finance Committee
Chair Retainer Health, Safety, Environmental and
Security Committee
Audit Committee Member Retainer
Event fees were paid for 2009 to Mr. Connors ($7,500),
Mr. Demeritt ($7,500), Mr. Hernandez ($1,500),
Ms. Hornbaker ($7,500), and Mr. Kling ($3,000). |
Effective July 1, 2009, the Board decreased the annual
director retainer by five percent, consistent with the
Companys reduction of the base pay of employees in
response to the global recession and then-current business
conditions. The Company restored the five percent base salary
reduction for employees and the Board made a corresponding five
percent increase in the annual director retainer effective
January 1, 2010. |
2) |
Grant date fair value of annual award of restricted shares of
common stock (restricted shares) having a fair
market value equal to $50,000 (with the number of restricted
shares awarded rounded up in the case of fractional shares) on
the date of the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders under the
2008 Director Long-Term Compensation Subplan of the Omnibus
Long-Term Compensation Plan (the DLTP), computed in
accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) Accounting Standards Codification
(ASC) Topic 718 (Stock Compensation). See
note 1 to the Summary Compensation Table later in this
proxy statement and note 15 to the Companys
consolidated financial statements in the Annual Report to
Stockholders for 2009 mailed and delivered electronically with
this proxy statement for discussion of the assumptions made in
the valuation of stock awards under FASB ASC Topic 718. |
The number of outstanding restricted shares held by individual
directors at December 31, 2009 was: Mr. Anderson
(1,446), Mr. Connors (1,374), Mr. Demeritt (1,374),
Mr. Hernandez (1,374), Ms. Hornbaker (1,374),
Mr. Kling (1,374), Mr. Lance (1,374), Mr. McLain
(1,374), Mr. Raisbeck (1,374), and Mr. Wood (1,374). |
Except as described below the restricted shares are not
transferable (except by will or the laws of descent and
distribution) and are subject to forfeiture until the earliest
of: (i) the third anniversary of grant (provided the
grantee is still a director), (ii) death, disability, or
resignation due to term limit or retirement age during the three
years after grant, or (iii) departure from the Board at the
end of the term of service to which elected. If none of the
three alternative vesting events occurs by the third anniversary
of the grant date, then the restricted shares are forfeited.
During the restricted period, the director has all of the rights
of a stockholder (other than the right to transfer the shares)
with respect to the restricted shares, including voting and
dividend rights. The DLTP contains provisions regarding the
treatment of restricted shares in the event of a change in
control (as defined in the DLTP, generally involving
circumstances in which the Company is acquired by another entity
or its controlling ownership is changed). In such event, all
outstanding restricted shares would immediately vest and become
transferable, and would be valued and cashed out on the basis of
the change in control price as soon as practicable, but in no
event more than 90 days after the change in control. The
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee has the
discretion, notwithstanding any particular event constituting a
change in control, to determine that such event is of the type
that does not warrant the described result with respect to
restricted shares under the DLTP, in which case such result
would not occur. |
3) |
The Company maintains the Directors Deferred Compensation
Plan (the DDCP), an unfunded, non-qualified,
deferred compensation plan under which non-employee directors of
the Company may elect to defer compensation received as a
director until such time as they cease to serve as a director.
Non-employee directors may make an annual advance irrevocable
election to defer compensation for services to be rendered the
following year. Compensation that may be deferred includes all
or a portion of cash compensation for service as a director,
including retainer and event fees. In addition, as
described in note (4) below, in 2009 each non-employee
director received an automatic deferral of $50,000 into the
directors stock account of the DDCP. Compensation deferred
into the DDCP is credited at the election of the non-employee
director to individual interest accounts or stock accounts.
Amounts deferred to the interest account are credited with
interest at the prime rate until transfer or distribution, and
amounts deferred to the stock account increase or decrease in
value depending on the market price of Eastman common stock.
When cash dividends are declared on the common stock, each stock
account receives a dividend equivalent which is used to
hypothetically purchase additional shares. Upon
termination as a director, the value of the directors DDCP
account is paid, in cash, in a single lump sum or up to ten
annual installments as elected in advance by the director. For
2009, no non-qualified deferred compensation earnings are
reported because there were no preferential or above-market
earnings on amounts in individual stock accounts (defined as
appreciation in value and dividend equivalents earned at a rate
higher than appreciation in value and dividends on common stock)
or in individual interest accounts (defined as interest on
amounts deferred at a rate exceeding 120% of the federal
long-term rate). |
Eastman does not offer a pension plan for directors. |
4) |
Amount of annual retainer deferred into the stock account of the
DDCP. Perquisites and personal benefits provided to non-employee
directors (company-provided personal liability insurance and
company-provided insurance for non-employee director travel) are
not reported for 2009 since the total amount per individual was
less than $10,000. |
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has retained
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to serve as independent auditors for
the year ending December 31, 2010.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP also served as the Companys
independent auditors for the years ended December 31, 2009
and 2008, and has billed the Company the following amounts for
fees and related expenses for professional services rendered
during 2009 and 2008:
Fees: $4.8 million, in the aggregate, for
the year ended December 31, 2009 and $5.6 million, in
the aggregate, for the year ended December 31, 2008 for
professional services rendered for the audits of the
consolidated financial statements of the Company (including the
audit of internal controls over financial reporting), statutory
and subsidiary audits, issuance of comfort letters, and
assistance with review of documents filed with the SEC.
Fees: $110,700, in the aggregate, for the year
ended December 31, 2009 and $63,500, in the aggregate, for
the year ended December 31, 2008 for assurance and related
services, including employee benefit plan audits, other audit
procedures, and consultations concerning financial accounting
and reporting standards. In addition, various employee benefit
plans were billed for fees and related expenses of
$203,000 for 2009 and $218,000 for 2008 for audits of their
plan financial statements by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Fees: $1.1 million, in the aggregate, for
the year ended December 31, 2009 and $1.5 million, in
the aggregate, for the year ended December 31, 2008 for
services related to tax compliance, including expatriate tax
services and preparation of tax returns and claims for refunds,
tax planning and tax advice, assistance with respect to tax
audits, and requests for rulings for technical advice from tax
All Other
Fees: $12,375 , in the aggregate, for the
year ended December 31, 2009 and $17,900, in the aggregate,
for the year ended December 31, 2008 for all services other
than those covered above under Audit Fees,
Audit-Related Fees, and Tax Fees.
All Other Fees for 2009 and 2008 were for services
related to technology access and conference fees.
All audit and non-audit services provided to the Company by the
independent auditors are pre-approved by the Audit Committee or
in certain instances by the Chair of the Audit Committee
pursuant to delegated authority. At the beginning of each year,
the Audit Committee reviews and approves all known audit and
non-audit services and fees to be provided by and paid to the
independent auditors. During the year, specific audit and
non-audit services or fees not previously approved by the Audit
Committee are approved in advance by the Audit Committee or by
the Chair of the Audit Committee pursuant to delegated
authority. In addition, during the year the Chief Financial
Officer and the Audit Committee monitor actual fees to the
independent auditors for audit and non-audit services.
The stockholders are being asked to ratify the Audit
Committees appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. If
the stockholders fail to ratify this appointment, the Audit
Committee may, but is not required to, reconsider whether to
retain that firm. Even if the appointment is ratified, the Audit
Committee in its discretion may direct the appointment of a
different accounting firm at any time during the year if it
determines that such a change would be in the best interests of
the Company and its stockholders.
A representative of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is expected to
attend the meeting and will have the opportunity to make a
statement on behalf of the firm if he desires to do so. The
representative is also expected to be available to respond to
appropriate questions from stockholders.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote
FOR ratification of the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent auditors.
The Companys Certificate of Incorporation currently
provides that a special meeting of stockholders may be called
only by the Board of Directors pursuant to a resolution adopted
by a majority of the members of the Board then in office. The
Board is committed to sound corporate governance practices and
is mindful of the approval by a majority of votes cast, although
less than a majority of shares outstanding, at our 2009 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders of a stockholder proposal to allow the
holders of 10% of our outstanding common shares to call a
special meeting. Following careful consideration of the
implications of that proposal, the Board, upon the
recommendation of the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee, has determined that it is appropriate
to propose an amendment to the Companys Certificate of
Incorporation to allow the holders of not less than 25% of our
outstanding common shares to call a special meeting.
The Board believes that establishing an ownership threshold of
25% of our outstanding common shares for the right to call a
special meeting strikes a reasonable balance between ensuring
accountability to stockholders and protecting against the risk
that a small minority of stockholders could call special
meetings in order to advance their own, potentially conflicting,
interests that could be extremely disruptive to the conduct of
the Companys operations, require significant attention
from our Board and management, create major confusion for other
stockholders, and impose significant administrative and
financial burdens on the Company. We believe that allowing
holders of 25% of outstanding shares to call a special meeting,
when added to our other existing governance mechanisms, will
afford management and the Board the ability to respond to
proposals and concerns of all stockholders, regardless of their
level of share ownership.
The Companys Bylaws also currently provide that a special
meeting of stockholders may be called only by the Board. If this
proposal is approved by stockholders, our Board will amend our
Bylaws to allow the holders of not less than 25% of our
outstanding common shares to call a special meeting of
stockholders. In such event, the Bylaws will also be amended to
provide for advance notice procedures for special meetings
similar to those currently in place for stockholders to bring an
item of business for an annual meeting.
The text of the proposed amendments to the Companys
Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws, each marked to show the
proposed changes, are attached as Appendix A to this proxy
statement. If adopted by stockholders, the proposed amendment to
the Certificate of Incorporation, and the related amendment to
the Bylaws, will become effective upon filing of a certificate
of amendment with the Secretary of State of Delaware. We
anticipate that this filing would be made as promptly as
reasonably practicable following the 2010 Annual Meeting.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote
FOR adoption of this proposal to approve an
amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to permit holders
of 25% of shares to call a special meeting.
Stockholder Gerald R. Armstrong, 910 Sixteenth Street,
No. 412, Denver, Colorado
owner of 98 shares of Eastman common stock, has given notice
that he intends to submit the following proposal and supporting
That the shareholders of EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY ask our
Company to take the steps necessary to reorganize the Board of
Directors into one class with each Director being subject to
election, or re-election, each year and to complete this
proposed transition within one-year.
This proposal received more than 58% support of shares at the
2008 annual meeting and proposals often receive higher votes on
subsequent presentations.
The Council of Institutional Investors,,
recommends that management adopt shareholder proposals upon
receiving their first majority vote and adoption of annual
election of each director.
The current practice of electing only one-third of the directors
for three-year terms is not in the best interest of the
corporation or its shareholders. Eliminating this staggered
system increases accountability and gives shareholders the
opportunity to express their views on the performance of each
director annually. The proponent believes the election of
directors is the strongest way that shareholders influence the
direction of any corporation and our corporation should be no
As a professional investor, the proponent has introduced the
proposal at several corporations which have adopted it. In
others, opposed by the board or management, it has received
votes in excess of 70% and is likely to be reconsidered
The proponent believes that increased accountability must be
given our shareholders whose capital has been entrusted in the
form of share investments especially during these times of great
economic challenge.
Arthur Levitt, former Chairman of The Securities and Exchange
Commission said, In my view, its best for the
investor if the entire board is elected once a year. Without
annual election of each director, shareholders have far less
control over who represents them.
While management may argue that directors need and deserve
continuity, management should become aware that continuity and
tenure may be best assured when their performance as directors
is exemplary and is deemed beneficial to the best interests of
the corporation and its shareholders.
The proponent regards as unfounded the concern expressed by some
that annual election of all directors could leave companies
without experienced directors in the event that all incumbents
are voted out by shareholders.
In the unlikely event that shareholders do vote to replace all
directors, such a decision would express dissatisfaction with
the incumbent directors and reflect the need for change.
If you agree that shareholders may benefit from greater
accountability afforded by annual election of all
directors, please vote FOR this proposal.
of the Company
The Board first determined that a classified board
structure where the Board of Directors is divided
into three classes and directors are elected to staggered
three-year terms with members of one of the three classes being
elected every year was in the best interests of
Eastman and its stockholders in 1994 when the Company became
independent. Since then, the Board has remained committed to
corporate governance policies that are in the particular best
interests of the Company. The Board regularly reviews the
Companys governance structure, policies, and practices,
and makes changes that it determines to be in the best interests
of the Company and its stockholders. Recent changes include the
implementation of majority voting in the election of directors
and the repeal of the Companys stockholder rights plan, as
well as the current proposal for stockholders to approve an
amendment to the Companys Certificate of Incorporation to
permit holders of a certain amount of our outstanding common
shares to call a special meeting that is discussed in more
detail under Item 3 above.
Management and the Board continue to believe that a classified
board structure remains in the best interests of Eastman and its
stockholders. We believe that the election of directors by
classes complements the implementation of the previously
disclosed long-term strategy for creating stockholder value and
assists the Company to recruit and retain more experienced
directors while allowing an orderly evolution of the Board.
Given the cyclical nature of Eastmans industry and the
markets in which the Company operates, we believe our
stockholders are uniquely positioned to benefit from a long-term
strategy requiring commitment, stability, and vision. Our
long-term strategy to leverage our heritage of
expertise and innovation in acetyl, polyester, and olefins
chemistries to be an outperforming chemical company through
solid financial results from our core businesses and plans for
profitable growth is furthered by continuity and
stability in corporate governance and leadership. We believe
that the classified board structure has helped, and will
continue to help, to provide continuity and stability, enabling
the development and implementation of the Companys value
creation strategy and continued focus on sustained performance
rather than just short-term results.
The classified Board structure has allowed the Company to
attract and retain a diverse group of experienced directors who
develop in-depth knowledge of Eastmans industry, strategy,
and affairs. Such knowledge and experience is especially
important because of the complex nature of our business and
strategy for growth and the interconnected strategies for our
various businesses, product lines, and technologies.
Contrary to the general assertions of opponents of classified
boards, Eastmans classified board structure has not been a
deterrent to orderly and significant change in the composition
of the Board. Rather, over the last 10 years, the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee has nominated a
total of 12 new directors to serve on the Board. As a result,
since 2000, all of the directors have been new to the Board.
This orderly evolution of the Board is expected to continue due,
in part, to the Companys Bylaw provisions that require
mandatory retirement and impose term limits on directors.
Finally, while a classified board may help prevent a third party
from acquiring control of the Company without the cooperation of
the Board, we believe such an effect is beneficial to the
interests of our stockholders. A classified structure, along
with other takeover preparedness measures, is a useful tool in
ensuring that the Board would be able to obtain fair value for
our stockholders in the event of an unsolicited takeover
attempt. In fact, studies show that the premiums paid by bidders
to stockholders of companies with structural defenses, including
a classified board, are typically greater than premiums paid to
stockholders of companies without these defenses.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote
AGAINST this proposal.
The table below sets forth certain information regarding the
beneficial ownership of Eastman common stock as of
December 31, 2009 by each director and by each executive
officer named in the Summary Compensation Table (under
Executive Compensation Compensation
Tables below), and by the directors, the named executive
officers, and the other executive officers as a group.
Number of
Shares of
Common Stock
Beneficially Owned(1)(2)
J. Brian Ferguson
James P. Rogers
Mark J. Costa
Curtis E. Espeland
Theresa K. Lee
Ronald C. Lindsay
Gary E. Anderson
Michael P. Connors
Stephen R. Demeritt
Robert M. Hernandez
Renée J. Hornbaker
Lewis M. Kling
Howard L. Lance
Thomas H. McLain
David W. Raisbeck
Peter M. Wood
Directors, named executive officers, and other executive
officers as a group (20 persons)
Information relating to beneficial ownership is based upon
information furnished by each person using beneficial
ownership concepts set forth in rules of the SEC. Under
those rules, a person is deemed to be a beneficial
owner of a security if that person has or shares
voting power, which includes the power to vote or to
direct the voting of such security, or investment
power, which includes the power to dispose of, or to
direct the disposition of, such security. The person is also
deemed to be a beneficial owner of any security of which that
person has a right to acquire beneficial ownership (such as by
exercise of options) within 60 days. Under such rules, more
than one person may be deemed to be a beneficial owner of the
same securities, and a person may be deemed to be a beneficial
owner of securities as to which he or she may disclaim any
beneficial interest. Except as indicated in other notes to this
table, directors and executive officers possessed sole voting
and investment power with respect to all shares of common stock
referred to in the table.
The total number of shares of common stock beneficially owned by
the directors, the named executive officers, and the other
executive officers as a group represents approximately 2.78% of
the shares of common stock outstanding as of December 31,
2009. The percentage beneficially owned by any individual
director or executive officer other than Mr. Ferguson (who
beneficially owned approximately 1.30% of the outstanding
shares) did not exceed one percent of the outstanding shares of
common stock. Shares not outstanding which are subject to
options exercisable within 60 days by persons in the group
or a named individual are deemed to be outstanding for the
purpose of computing the percentage of outstanding shares of
common stock owned by the group or such individual.
Includes 774,556 shares that may be acquired upon exercise
of options and 582 shares allocated to Mr. Fergusons
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) account.
Includes 210,965 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options, 1,033 shares allocated to Mr. Rogers ESOP
account, 22,086 shares held by a grantor retained annuity trust
of which Mr. Rogers is trustee and as to which he has
voting and investment power, and 55,609 shares pledged as
security in a margin brokerage account.
Includes 114,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options and 741 shares allocated to Mr. Costas ESOP
Includes 31,150 shares that may be acquired upon exercise
of options and 792 shares allocated to
Mr. Espelands ESOP account. Also includes
82,674 shares owned by the Eastman Chemical Company
Foundation, Inc., of which shares Mr. Espeland may also be
deemed a beneficial owner by virtue of his shared voting and
investment power as a director of the Foundation but in which he
has no pecuniary interest.
Includes 95,571 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options and 740 shares allocated to Ms. Lees ESOP
Includes 58,500 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options and 455 shares allocated to Mr. Lindsays ESOP
Includes 1,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options, 147 restricted shares that generally vest in August
2010, but as to which Mr. Anderson currently has voting
power, 69 restricted shares that generally vest in May
2011, but as to which he currently has voting power, and 1,230
restricted shares that generally vest in May 2012, but as to
which he currently has voting power.
Includes 7,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2010,
but as to which Mr. Connors currently has voting power, 69
restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but as to
which he currently has voting power, and 1,230 restricted shares
that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which he currently
has voting power.
Includes 11,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise
of options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May
2010, but as to which Mr. Demeritt currently has voting
power, 69 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but
as to which he currently has voting power, and 1,230 restricted
shares that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which he
currently has voting power.
Includes 11,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise
of options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May
2010, but as to which Mr. Hernandez currently has voting
power, 69 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but
as to which he currently has voting power, and 1,230 restricted
shares that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which he
currently has voting power.
Includes 9,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2010,
but as to which Ms. Hornbaker currently has voting power,
69 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but as to
which she currently has voting power, and 1,230 restricted
shares that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which she
currently has voting power.
Includes 3,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2010,
but as to which Mr. Kling currently has voting power, 69
restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but as to
which he currently has voting power, and 1,230 restricted shares
that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which he
currently has voting power.
Includes 5,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise of
options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2010,
but as to which Mr. Lance currently has voting power, 69
restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but as to
which he currently has voting power, and 1,230 restricted shares
that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which he
currently has voting power.
Includes 9,000 shares that maybe acquired upon exercise of
options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2010,
but as to which Mr. McLain currently has voting power, 69
restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but as to
which he currently has voting power, and 1,230 restricted shares
that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which he
currently has voting power. Also includes 52 shares held by
Mr. McLains spouse, as to which shares
Mr. McLain disclaims beneficial ownership.
Includes 15,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise
of options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May
2010, but as to which Mr. Raisbeck currently has voting
power, 69 restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but
as to which he currently has voting power, and 1,230 restricted
shares that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which he
currently has voting power.
Includes 10,000 shares that may be acquired upon exercise
of options, 75 restricted shares that generally vest in May
2010, but as to which Mr. Wood currently has voting power, 69
restricted shares that generally vest in May 2011, but as to
which he currently has voting power, 1,230 restricted shares
that generally vest in May 2012, but as to which he currently
has voting power, and 4,287 shares pledged as security in a
margin brokerage account. Also includes 1,000 shares held by
Mr. Woods spouse, as to which shares Mr. Wood
disclaims beneficial ownership.
Includes a total of 1,483,523 shares that may be acquired
upon exercise of options and 4,361 shares allocated to
executive officers ESOP accounts. Also includes
82,674 shares owned by the Eastman Chemical Company
Foundation, Inc., of which shares Mr. Espeland and one
other executive officer not named above may each be deemed a
beneficial owner by virtue of their shared voting and investment
power as directors of the Foundation.
Stock and Common Stock Units
As described elsewhere in this proxy statement, in addition to
shares of Eastman common stock beneficially owned, certain
executive officers and directors have units of common stock
credited to their individual stock accounts in the Eastman
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan (the EDCP) and
in the Directors Deferred Compensation Plan (the
DDCP), respectively.
Eastman has stock ownership guidelines for its directors and
executive officers. These guidelines require such persons to
acquire and maintain a stake in the Company valued at $250,000
for non-employee directors, five times annual base pay for the
Chief Executive Officer, and two and one-half times annual base
pay for the other executive officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table. Common stock units are counted with certain
shares of common stock beneficially owned (excluding certain
shares that may be deemed beneficially owned under SEC rules,
such as shares underlying options and shares over which the
individual shares voting and investment power but in which the
individual has no pecuniary interest) for purposes of the
Companys stock ownership guidelines. Common stock units
represent hypothetical investments in Eastman common
stock. The value of one common stock unit is equal to the market
value of one share of Eastman common stock. Although the DDCP
and EDCP allow common stock units to be paid out only in the
form of cash, and not in shares of common stock, common stock
units create essentially the same stake in the market
performance of the Companys common stock as do actual
shares of common stock. The table below shows, for each director
and each executive officer named in the Summary Compensation
Table, and for the directors, the named executive officers, and
the other executive officers as a group, the aggregate of the
number of shares of common stock beneficially owned by such
person and group, as set forth in the preceding table, and the
number of common stock units credited to the stock accounts of
such person and group as of December 31, 2009. The table
below is included to provide a better indication of the stake of
the named individuals, and of the group, with respect to Eastman
common stock.
Number of
Shares of
Common Stock
and Common
Stock Units
Beneficially Owned
J. Brian Ferguson
James P. Rogers
Mark J. Costa
Curtis E. Espeland
Theresa K. Lee
Ronald C. Lindsay
Gary E. Anderson
Michael P. Connors
Stephen R. Demeritt
Robert M. Hernandez
Renée J. Hornbaker
Lewis M. Kling
Howard L. Lance
Thomas H. McLain
David W. Raisbeck
Peter M. Wood
Directors, named executive officers, and other executive
officers as a group (20 persons)
(1) |
Includes 82,674 shares owned by the Eastman Chemical
Company Foundation, Inc., over which shares Mr. Espeland
and one other executive officer not named share voting and
investment power as directors of the Foundation but in which
shares such executive officers have no pecuniary interest.
The following table sets forth information about persons we know
to be the beneficial owners of more than five percent of Eastman
common stock as of December 31, 2009.
Number of
Shares of
Common Stock
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Beneficially Owned
BlackRock, Inc.
40 East 52nd Street
New York, New York 10022
LSV Asset Management
1 North Wacker Drive
Suite 4000
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Todasa S.A.
Via Augusta, 200
6th Floor
Barcelona, Spain 08201
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
100 Vanguard Boulevard
Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355
Based upon the number of shares of common stock outstanding and
entitled to be voted at the meeting as of March 10, 2010,
the record date for the Annual Meeting.
As of December 31, 2009, based on a Schedule 13G filed
with the SEC by BlackRock, Inc. as parent holding company of
certain broker-dealer and investment adviser entities, including
institutions. According to the Schedule 13G, BlackRock,
Inc. and such affiliated entities together have sole investment
and voting power with respect to all of such shares.
As of December 31, 2009, based on a Schedule 13G filed
with the SEC by LSV Asset Management, an investment adviser.
According to the Schedule 13G, LSV Asset Management has
sole investment and voting power with respect to all of such
As of December 12, 2007, based on a Schedule 13G filed with
the SEC by Todasa S.A. According to the Schedule 13G, Todasa has
sole investment and voting power with respect to all of such
As of December 31, 2009, based on a Schedule 13G filed
with the SEC by The Vanguard Group, Inc., an investment adviser.
According to the Schedule 13G, The Vanguard Group has sole
investment power with respect to 3,978,214 of such shares,
shared investment power with respect to 103,684 of such shares,
and sole voting power with respect to 115,984 of such shares.
Discussion and Analysis
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis is
intended to provide context for the executive compensation
information detailed in the tables and narrative in the
remaining sections of this proxy statement under Executive
Compensation. What follows is a summary of compensation
objectives for executive officers, the relationship of corporate
performance to executive compensation, and the bases for the
compensation of executive officers. The Compensation and
Management Development Committee of the Board of Directors (the
Compensation Committee) establishes and oversees the
administration of the policies, programs, and procedures for
evaluating, developing, and compensating our senior management,
and determines the components, structure, forms, terms, and
amounts of the compensation of our executive officers.
The Compensation Committee believes that the compensation of the
executive officers is appropriate based on Eastmans
performance and the competitive market. For 2009, the
compensation of the executive officers named in the
Summary Compensation Table below (the named
executive officers) consisted of three principal elements:
long-term stock-based awards in the form of performance share
and restricted stock unit awards and stock option grants, annual
variable cash pay, and base salary. The Company uses annual
variable cash pay to tie executive compensation to attainment of
key company and individual objectives, and uses long-term
stock-based pay to link the executive compensation program and
the long-term interests of the Companys stockholders and
to attract and retain an outstanding executive team. The
Compensation Committee believes that this mix of executive pay
components strikes an appropriate balance between the short- and
long-term focus of the executives and the types of performance
incented and risks encouraged, and aligns their interests with
those of stockholders.
In 2009, the executive officers:
had their annual base pay decreased in March 2009 by five
percent, consistent with the Companys reduction of the
base pay of all employees in response to the global recession
and then-current business conditions, and increased in December
2009 to restore the five percent base salary reduction,
consistent with the restoration of the base pay of employees;
had their annual base salaries and target annual variable cash
pay increased to reflect new or additional responsibilities
during 2009 (Messrs. Rogers, Costa, and Lindsay);
received annual variable cash pay awards ranging from 101% to
135% of target amounts as a result of the Companys
above-target corporate earnings from operations and the
individual executives organizational and personal
performance meeting or exceeding expectations;
received payouts of common stock of 130% of target award levels
under previously awarded long-term performance shares as a
result of the Companys three-year total stockholder return
ranking in the 2nd quintile of compared companies and average
return on capital of 0.08% in excess of target return;
received stock option grants and long-term performance share and
restricted stock unit awards designed to link their future pay
to long-term performance of the Company and return to other
stockholders and as retention incentive; and
had certain of their perquisites and personal benefits
eliminated and their base pay increased as partial replacement
of the eliminated perquisites.
Compensation Philosophy and Program
Our Business. Eastman is a global chemical
company which manufactures and sells a broad portfolio of
chemicals, plastics, and fibers products to customers throughout
the world. The Companys products and operations are
managed and reported in five operating segments: the Coatings,
Adhesives, Specialty Polymers, and Inks (CASPI)
segment, the Fibers segment, the Performance Chemicals and
Intermediates (PCI) segment, the Performance
Polymers segment, and the Specialty Plastics segment. In
addition to these segments, the Company
manages certain strategic initiatives at the corporate level,
including various research and development initiatives.
Eastmans objective is to be an outperforming chemical
company through solid financial results from its core businesses
and its plans for profitable growth. Management believes that
the Company can increase the revenues from its core businesses
with increasing profitability through a balance of new
applications for existing products, development of new products,
and sales growth in adjacent markets and emerging geographic
regions. These revenue and earnings increases are expected to
result from organic initiatives and through acquisitions and
joint ventures.
Our Compensation Philosophy. The
Companys business strategy for value creating growth is to
leverage the capabilities of its employees to innovate and
execute its growth strategy while remaining focused on positive
free cash flow generation. Our compensation philosophy supports
this strategy by stressing the importance of pay for corporate
and individual performance in meeting strategic and business
goals for value creation and financial strength and flexibility,
and maintains flexibility to meet changing employee, business,
and market conditions. Our executive compensation program is
designed to attract and retain a talented and creative team of
executives who will provide disciplined leadership for the
Companys success in dynamic, competitive markets. The
Company seeks to accomplish this by motivating executives with
an appropriate mix of compensation elements described in more
detail below.
Our Compensation Objectives. With the
management compensation program, our primary objectives are to:
Provide the appropriate amount of annual pay, including a mix of
base and variable pay, that allows us to compete for talent in
the job market.
Attract and retain highly-qualified executives by providing
incentives for the attainment of the Companys strategic
business objectives, while rewarding superior performance.
Provide appropriate short-term and long-term incentives to
reward the attainment of short-term and long-term corporate and
individual objectives.
Ensure performance targets are appropriately challenging and
properly aligned with the business strategy and stockholder
Maintain balance in the types of corporate and individual
performance incented and the levels and types of risks managers
are encouraged to evaluate and take, and ensure that
compensation does not encourage managers to take unnecessary or
excessive risks.
Components of our Management Compensation Program and How
Each Component Complements our Philosophy and
Objectives. Our management compensation program
has three primary components:
Base pay
Provides a market-based annual salary at a level consistent with
the individuals position and contributions.
Variable pay
Designed to align the executives financial interests with
the Companys shorter-term business objectives, making a
portion of each managers annual cash compensation
dependent upon the annual success of the Company, organizational
performance, and attainment of individual objectives.
Stock-based incentive pay
Encourages an ownership mindset by aligning the interests of
senior managers with other stockholders, focusing on the
achievement of strategic long-term financial objectives and
outperforming other peer companies.
The Compensation Committee, with the assistance of management
and the Committees outside consultant, designs,
administers, and assesses the effectiveness of all compensation
elements against the market and our overall compensation
philosophy. The table below describes each element and its
primary links to the objectives of our compensation philosophy.
Performance and
Performance in
Alignment With
of Individual
And Risk
Compensation Element
in Market
Annual Base Cash Pay
Annual Variable Cash Pay
Stock-Based Long-Term Incentive Pay Stock Options
Stock-Based Long-Term Incentive Pay Performance
Stock-Based Long-Term Incentive Pay RSUs
Other Compensation and Benefits
Each year, the Compensation Committee conducts a review of the
relative mix of the compensation components to those of peer
companies. As described below, the Company believes that a
significant portion of our executives compensation should
be at risk to business and individual performance, and that the
at-risk amount should increase with the executives level
of responsibility. There is also a need to ensure a balance
between the short-term and long-term focus of the executives,
and in the types of performance incented and risks encouraged,
as well as to align their interests with those of stockholders,
by providing a meaningful portion of their compensation in the
form of stock-based pay.
Other Compensation and Benefits. The
Companys executive officers also participate in benefits
plans generally available to all other employees. We have also
entered into change in control agreements with certain of our
executive officers and provide a modest program of executive
perquisites and personal benefits as further described in this
Compensation Discussion and Analysis and the tables that follow.
Mix of Total Compensation. The following
charts illustrate the percentage of total compensation for our
CEO and our other named executive officers on average,
respectively, represented by each element of compensation for
2009. The CEO compensation is the performance share award payout
for 2007-2009 to Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Rogers CEO
base pay annualized and actual variable cash pay, option grant,
and all other compensation.
* |
Grant date fair value of options granted in 2009, computed in
accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) Accounting Standards Codification
(ASC) Topic 718 (Stock Compensation).
See Note 1 to the Summary Compensation Table below. |
** |
Market value of shares of common stock paid out under
performance shares previously awarded for the
performance period, and grant date fair value of restricted
stock units awarded in 2009 computed in accordance with FASB ASC
Topic 718. |
*** |
Perquisites and other personal benefits, annual Company
contributions to defined contribution plans, and reimbursement
for payment of taxes on compensation and benefits. |
Each component of pay plays an important role in accomplishing
our compensation objectives:
Base cash pay provides a market-based annual salary at a level
consistent with the individuals position and contributions.
The Companys short-term variable cash incentive pay
program is designed to align managements financial
interests with the Companys short-term business objectives
and to take into account the incentive value and
level of influence on Company results by participants in the
program. Individual variable pay for management employees
correlates to the Companys annual financial results
compared to targeted results. The total amount available for
variable pay is based upon annual financial results. All levels
of management participate in the short-term variable cash
incentive pay program in order to retain a focus on execution of
the Companys short-term strategic and tactical goals.
Stock-based incentive compensation, including stock options,
performance shares, and restricted stock units, is designed to
create incentives for our management to meet strategic long-term
objectives, which are aligned with the creation of value for the
Companys stockholders. Stock-based incentive compensation
is generally awarded to upper levels of management with the most
influence over the strategic, long-term direction of the Company.
Risk Analysis of Executive Compensation. The
balance of short-term and long-term compensation as devices to
drive individual behaviors and risk management is carefully
considered in the design and administration of the
Companys compensation programs. The management
compensation program is structured so that a considerable amount
of compensation of our executives is tied to the long-term
performance of Eastman. We strive to avoid disproportionately
large short-term incentives that could encourage unnecessary
risk-taking which is not in the Companys long-term
interests. While a significant portion of our executive
compensation is performance-based, we do not believe that our
philosophy or objectives encourage unnecessary or excessive
risk-taking. While risk is inherent in any strategy for growth,
the Compensation Committee has focused our management
compensation program on aligning the Companys compensation
with the long-term interests of Eastman, and has designed
elements of our executive compensation program to discourage
management decisions that could pose inappropriate long-term
risks to the Company and its stockholders, as follows:
The compensation of our executive officers is not
overly-weighted toward short-term incentives. For instance, our
CEOs target variable cash pay for 2009 was about 17% of
his total target compensation, and the target variable cash pay
for the other named executive officers was 20% of their total
target pay. Moreover, annual variable cash pay awards are capped
at 200% of an executives target award to protect against
disproportionately large short-term incentives, and the
Compensation Committee has broad discretion in determining the
amount of variable cash payouts to executives based upon
individual performance and other factors, including whether an
executive has caused Eastman to take unnecessary or excessive
Our stock ownership guidelines require the executive officers to
hold Eastman stock having a value of at least two-and-one-half
times base annual pay, or five times in the case of the CEO. See
Stock Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers.
This ensures that each executive will have a significant amount
of personal wealth tied to the long-term performance of Eastman
The largest percentage of total target executive pay is
stock-based long-term incentive compensation that vests over a
period of years. The stock payout combined with a vesting period
encourages our executives to focus on maximizing Eastmans
long-term performance. These grants and awards are made
annually, so executives will continue to have unvested awards
that will provide value only if our business is managed for the
long term.
A significant portion of executives long-term incentive
compensation consists of performance shares. Performance share
payouts are tied to how Eastman performs on certain metrics
identified by the Compensation Committee periodically as
appropriately driving long-term stockholder value over a
three-year period, which focuses management on sustaining the
Companys long-term performance. These awards also have
overlapping performance periods, so risks taken to
inappropriately increase the payout under one performance share
award in the near-term could significantly jeopardize the
potential long-term payouts under other awards. To further
ensure that there is not a significant incentive for unnecessary
risk-taking, the payout of these awards has been capped at 300%
of target.
The variety of performance metrics set by the Compensation
Committee to determine variable pay (for 2009, operating
earnings and earnings per share, cash flow, return on capital,
capital spending, employee safety, and total stockholder return
relative to peer companies) are intended to appropriately align
our managements decisions to long-term creation of
stockholder value.
Company policy requires reimbursement by the CEO and the CFO of
certain variable and incentive compensation in the event of an
accounting restatement due to material noncompliance by the
Company with any financial reporting requirements as the result
of misconduct, and the plan under which our long-term
stock-based incentive compensation awards are made requires
reimbursement by award recipients of certain amounts in the
event of an accounting restatement due to material noncompliance
by the Company with any financial reporting requirements as the
result of misconduct.
We believe that this combination of factors encourages our
executives to manage Eastman and execute our strategy for growth
in a prudent manner.
Review of
2009 Executive Compensation
The Compensation Committee reviewed overall compensation of the
Chief Executive Officer and the other executive officers
included in the Summary Compensation Table below (collectively
referred to as the named executive officers) and
determined each component of executive compensation for 2009 as
described below.
The Compensation Committee also:
Reviewed the value of each type of compensation and benefit for
each of the executive officers, including short-term cash and
long-term stock-based compensation, perquisites and personal
benefits, deferred accounts, and retirement plans and determined
the amounts, as adjusted by the Committee during 2009 as
described above and below, individually and in the aggregate,
were appropriate and in line with internal and external market
Considered the estimated value of outstanding unvested,
unexercised, and unrealized stock-based awards in its review of
the types and values of each executive officers
Determined the amount and forms of compensation considering the
individual performance,
compensation relative to that for similar positions in other
the mix of short- and long-term compensation, and total
compensation, relative to other executive officers and other
whether the features of each form of compensation are
appropriately balanced in terms of the types of corporate and
individual performance being incented, the levels and types of
risk they encourage managers to evaluate and take, and whether
the compensation encourages managers to take unnecessary risks,
background information and recommendations from the
Companys management compensation organization and from the
external compensation consultant engaged by the Compensation
Committee, and
the recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer for the other
named executive officers.
In connection with its review of external market data, the
Compensation Committee has directly engaged Hewitt Associates
(Hewitt) as its external compensation consultant.
Under the terms of Hewitts engagement by the Compensation
Committee, Hewitt reports to, and receives its direction from,
the Compensation Committee, and a representative of Hewitt
attends each meeting of the Compensation Committee as its
advisor. Hewitt provides the Compensation Committee with
third-party survey information used in setting short- and
long-term compensation levels, perspective on emerging trends in
compensation issues, and expertise in incentive compensation
structure, terms, and design, and does not provide other
non-executive compensation consulting services to the Company.
The Companys management also uses the services of several
other outside firms for compensation analysis, third-party
surveys, and management pay research and analysis.
of our Executive Compensation
Cash Compensation Base Pay and Variable
How Base Pay and Variable Pay Levels Are
Determined. For executive officers, targeted
total cash compensation is intended to be competitive with
comparable pay for similar jobs when target levels of corporate,
organizational, and individual performance are achieved. The
targeted levels of cash compensation are based upon information
provided by Hewitt and publicly available information. For 2009,
a significant portion of each executive officers pay was
variable. Depending upon Company, organizational, and individual
performance, executive officers could receive more or less than
the target amount.
For 2009, the Compensation Committee compared total cash
compensation levels for the Companys executive officers
with those of the following companies selected based upon
industry, number of employees, revenues, number and type of
commercialized products, and market capitalization:
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Olin Corporation
The Dow Chemical Company
Praxair Inc.
Ecolab Inc.
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company
FMC Corporation
Solutia Inc.
H. B. Fuller Company
The Valspar Corporation
Nalco Holding Company
As requested by the Compensation Committee, Hewitt provided
benchmarking analysis of the comparable companies total
cash compensation information, and also advised the Compensation
Committee of general market cash compensation practices and
trends. In determining each executive officers targeted
total cash compensation, the Compensation Committee also applied
its judgment in considering the competitive market for executive
talent, comparative pay levels of each other executive officer,
relative cash compensation of other jobs in the Company, and
differences between the Companys executive positions and
those in the benchmark information. For 2009, the Compensation
Committee set the targeted cash pay for executives within a
range of 10% above or below the median level of the total cash
compensation for comparable positions of the peer companies.
Base pay. Other than increases in the base pay
of Messrs. Rogers, Costa, and Lindsay for changes in job
responsibilities, for 2009 the Committee did not increase the
base pay of executives, consistent with the Companys
decision in December 2008 that the base salaries of employees
for 2009 would not be increased from 2008 levels in response to
the global recession and then-current business conditions. The
base pay increases were based on review of market competitive
pay levels. In March 2009 the Committee decreased the base pay
of executives by five percent, consistent with the
Companys reduction of the base pay of employees, and in
December 2009 the Committee restored the five percent base
salary reduction, consistent with the restoration of the base
pay of employees.
Variable Cash Pay Unit Performance
Plan. For 2009, the variable portion of cash
compensation paid to the executive officers was determined
solely under the Unit Performance Plan (the UPP).
The UPP is designed to determine a portion of the annual cash
compensation of management level employees according to
corporate performance and the attainment of certain individual
objectives and expectations. The UPP is intended to provide an
incentive for superior business and individual performance and
to tie the interests of our management level employees,
including our named executive officers, to the performance of
our businesses and the interests of our stockholders.
The amount of the award pool from which UPP payouts are made is
determined annually by the Compensation Committee, and is based
upon annual performance of the Company. For 2009, the
Compensation Committee determined that the appropriate measure
of corporate performance under the UPP was earnings from
operations because such measure would align with the
Companys business objectives for 2009. Annual performance
goals are established such that the target level is deemed
reached if corresponding Company performance goals for the year
are achieved. In determining earnings from operations for the
purpose of measuring performance, the UPP provides for
adjustments by the Compensation Committee for certain cost,
charge, and income items, typically the same as those excluded
from operating earnings in the non-GAAP pro forma financial
measures disclosed by the Company
in its public sales and earnings disclosures. The target level
for 2009 earnings from operations ($500 million)
corresponded to the Companys operating earnings target
under the annual business plan for 2009 as approved by the Board
in late 2008.
The total UPP award pool is determined as the aggregate of the
UPP payouts for each participant if the individuals
organizational and individual performance were at target levels,
multiplied by a performance factor determined by
actual corporate performance compared to the pre-set performance
goals. In addition, the Committee may, in its discretion, adjust
the award pool to reflect overall corporate performance and
business and financial conditions; for 2009, the total Company
award pool was not so adjusted.
At the end of 2008, the Compensation Committee evaluated the
Companys financial and strategic performance targets under
the Companys annual business plan for 2009 and set the UPP
payout performance factor multipliers at 0% of
aggregate target payouts if earnings from operations were below
71% of the target level; at 100% of aggregate target payouts if
earnings from operations were equal to the target; and at 200%
of aggregate target payouts if earnings from operations were at
or above the maximum, as shown in the following table. Linear
interpolation is used to determine the performance
factor and award pool if actual performance falls between
the threshold and target or between the target and maximum
levels. The 2009 UPP threshold, target, and maximum adjusted
earnings from operations targets for UPP award pool funding were:
(50% Award Pool Funding)
(100% Award Pool Funding)
(200% Award Pool Funding)
Earnings From Operations
355 million
500 million
645 million
Earnings from operations for 2009, as adjusted, were
$517 million, resulting in a performance factor
of 1.12 and a UPP award pool for all management level employees,
including the named executive officers, of $25.4 million.
The calculation of earnings from operations under the UPP for
2009 was adjusted to exclude the impact on financial results of
net asset impairments and restructuring charges for the
Companys discontinuance of its Beaumont, Texas, industrial
gasification project and for severance resulting from a
reduction in force. These adjustments, which were the same as
those excluded from operating earnings in the non-GAAP pro forma
financial measures disclosed by the Company and were consistent
with the Compensation Committees past practice, increased
the calculated earnings from operations under the UPP by
$200 million. Without the adjustments, earnings from
operations would have been below the threshold for UPP award
pool funding.
The Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the other
executive officers, determined the allocation of the overall UPP
award pool to the various organizations within the Company based
on their assessment of the performance of each organization
relative to objectives established at the beginning of the
performance year. The Compensation Committee determines the
portions of the overall UPP award pool to the CEO and to the
executive officers as a group. In 2009, the named executive
officers (other than the CEOs) participated in an organization
consisting of all executive officers directly reporting to the
Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Ferguson (until May 7,
2009) and Mr. Rogers (beginning May 7,
2009) participated in the UPP in an organization
established for the Chief Executive Officer.
Once each organizations portion of the overall award pool
was determined, management within each organization (the Chief
Executive Officer in the case of the named executive officers
other than the CEO and, in the case of the Chief Executive
Officer, the Compensation Committee) allocated the
organizations portion of the Company award pool for
individual payouts, based upon individual performance against
financial, organizational, and strategic performance objectives
and expectations established at the beginning of the performance
year (described below for the CEOs and the other named executive
For each executive officer, including the named executive
officers, the Compensation Committee established a target UPP
incentive opportunity based upon a peer company review, and
expressed as a percentage of base salary. The individuals with
the greatest overall responsibility for corporate performance
had larger incentive opportunities in comparison to their base
salaries in order to weight their overall pay mix more heavily
performance-based compensation. For the named executive
officers, the target annual incentive opportunities for 2009
were as follows:
Target UPP
as % of Base Salary
J. Brian Ferguson
CEO (until May 7, 2009)
100% (0% as
Executive Chairman)
James P. Rogers
President and Chemicals & Fibers Business Group Head (until
May 7, 2009) and CEO (from May 7, 2009 through
year-end 2009)
80% (100% as CEO)
Curtis E. Espeland
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Mark J. Costa
Executive Vice President, Polymers Business Group and Chief
Marketing Officer (until May 7, 2009) and Executive Vice
President, Specialty Polymers, Coatings and Adhesives and Chief
Marketing Officer (from May 7, 2009 through year-end 2009)
Ronald C. Lindsay
Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Regional
Leadership (until May 7, 2009) and Executive Vice
President, Performance Polymers and Chemical Intermediates (from
May 7, 2009 through year-end 2009)
Theresa K. Lee
Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate
The Compensation Committee established individual financial,
organizational, and strategic performance objectives and
expectations for Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Rogers for their
respective service as CEO, and determined their pool allocations
and payouts (equal to 107% and 108% of their respective target
variable pay amounts) based upon the Compensation
Committees assessment of their respective performance
against these objectives for 2009 as described below.
The portion of the overall 112% of target UPP award pool
allocated to the other named executive officers was
$1.415 million (equal to 109% of their aggregate individual
target variable pay amounts), with their individual payouts
based upon the CEOs assessment of each executives
individual performance compared to their objectives as described
For 2009, the following corporate performance target objectives
were established for the CEOs and the other named executive
officers, with no specific weighting among the objectives, and
actual performance against these objectives was assessed by the
Compensation Committee (for the CEOs) and by the CEO and the
Compensation Committee (for the other named executive officers)
in determining the amounts of the individual payouts from the
respective award pools:
Earnings from operations*
$500 million*
$517 million*
Earnings per share*
Cash from operating activities
$650 million
$758 million
Capital expenditures
<$450 million
$310 million
Employee safety days away from work
(measured as days away from work per 200,000 hours worked)
< 0.15
OSHA recordable injuries (measured per 200,000 hours worked)
< 0.75
* |
Non-GAAP financial measure, with adjustments as described above. |
Additionally, each of the named executive officers had
individual performance commitments targeted to each
executives area of responsibility, with no specific
weighting among the commitments, and actual performance as
assessed by the Compensation Committee (for the CEOs) and by the
CEO and the Compensation Committee (for the other named
executive officers), as follows:
J. Brian Ferguson*
(CEO until May 7, 2009)
Facilitate transition of CEO responsibilities to new CEO
Continue to improve corporate governance practices
Adjust and redirect human and financial resources to align to
highest and best uses as defined by corporate strategy
Monitor and change incentives, structures, and personnel to
manage during recession in order to optimize operational and
financial results
Executive management and leadership development
Overall Company financial and business performance (primarily
earnings from operations, earnings per share, and cash flow)
Met partially (EFO and cash flow)
Execution of strategic initiatives (primarily Beaumont, Texas
industrial gasification project)
Did not meet
James P. Rogers**
(President and Chemicals and Fibers Group
Head until May 7, 2009 and CEO from May 7, 2009 through
year-end 2009)
Overall financial and business
performance of CASPI, PCI, and Fibers (primarily earnings from
operations and cash flow) (until May 7, 2009)
Successful transition into new CEO responsibilities
Implement plans to achieve growth goals for CASPI, PCI, and
Fibers (until May 7, 2009)
Continue to improve corporate governance practices
Adjust and redirect human and financial resources to align to
highest and best uses as defined by corporate strategy
Monitor and change incentives, structures and personnel to
manage during recession in order to optimize operational and
financial results
Executive management and leadership development
Overall Company financial and business performance (primarily
earnings from operations, earnings per share, and cash flow)
Met partially (EFO and cash flow)
Execution of strategic initiatives (primarily Beaumont, Texas
industrial gasification project)
Did not meet
Curtis E. Espeland
Implement cash conversion cycle and working capital initiatives
Positive free cash flow (cash from operations
less capital expenditures and dividends)
+$320 million
Cash from operating activities - $650 million
$758 million
Lead discretionary spending control during recession
Implement investor relations initiatives to clarify
communication of core performance and strategy and support
transition to new CEO and CFO
Enhance currency and commodity risk management
Evaluate merger and acquisition opportunities and recommend
actions for targeted acquisitions
Mark J. Costa
(Executive Vice President, Polymers Business Group and Chief
Marketing Officer
Manage and implement innovation portfolio, sustainability
strategy, and branding initiatives
until May 7, 2009 and Executive Vice President, Specialty
Polymers, Coatings and Adhesives and Chief Marketing Officer
Specialty Plastics growth strategy
core co-polyester, and displays growth initiatives)
from May 7, 2009 through year-end 2009)
Manage and support marketing, sales and pricing capabilities
CASPI (partial year), Performance Polymers (partial year), and
Specialty Plastics business results:
Did not meet
EFO - $239 million***
$186 million
Cash from operating activities -
$363 million
$343 million
Ronald C. Lindsay
(Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Regional
Leadership until May 7, 2009
Evaluate and recommend decision on Beaumont, Texas industrial
gasification project
and Executive Vice President, Performance Polymers and Chemical
Intermediates from May 7, 2009 through
Evaluate olefins stream strategic alternatives, including
evaluation of improved cost position and growth
year-end 2009)
Outside U.S. businesses growth strategy, restructuring, and
business development leadership (until May 7, 2009)
Performance Polymers (partial year) and PCI (partial year)
business results:
Did not meet
EFO - $134 million***
$7 million
Cash from operating activities - $198 million
$139 million
Theresa K. Lee
Manage intellectual property legal strategy
Develop and lead implementation and execution of health, safety,
and environment public policy and compliance strategy and
initiatives, including greenhouse gas emission and energy policy
advocacy and REACH compliance
Support corporate growth initiatives
Coordination and consolidation of corporate assessments and
Lead continued improvement of corporate governance practices
* |
Mr. Ferguson participated in the UPP until May 7, 2009
as CEO and did not participate in the UPP from May 7, 2009
until December 31, 2009 as Executive Chairman. |
** |
Mr. Rogers performance objectives were based on the
position of President and Chemicals & Fibers Business
Group Head until May 7, 2009 and were for CEO from
May 7, 2009 until December 31, 2009. |
*** |
Non-GAAP financial measure, with adjustments as described above. |
The Compensation Committee determined that, based upon the
actual corporate performance against targets as listed above,
each executives individual performance and leadership that
resulted in this performance was satisfactory and met or
exceeded expectations for purposes of determining his or her
allocated individual portion of the respective award pools (107%
and 108% of Mr. Fergusons and Mr. Rogers
respective CEO individual target variable pay amounts and 109%
of the other named executives aggregate individual target
variable pay amounts).
Additionally, the Compensation Committee evaluated each
executives performance against his or her individual
commitments as described above and concluded that each
executives individual performance in these areas was
overall at or above target performance for purposes of
determining their individual portions of the respective award
Based upon the amount of the UPP award pool allocated to the
CEOs and to the other named executive officers, respectively, as
described above, and the assessments of the CEOs and other
executives individual performance against established
goals and expectations as described above, the Compensation
Committee determined the amounts of the individual payouts from
the allocated portions of the UPP award pools based upon the
Committees and the CEOs judgment of overall Company
performance, each individual executives overall
contribution and leadership, and external business conditions
and circumstances, as follows:
Actual UPP Payout
Named Executive Officer
Actual UPP Payout
Target UPP Payout
as % of Target
J. Brian Ferguson
James P. Rogers
Curtis E. Espeland
Mark J. Costa
Ronald C. Lindsay
Theresa K. Lee
Incentive Pay
Equity-Based Compensation
Program. Equity-based compensation is designed to
facilitate stock ownership in order to link senior
managers pay to long-term return to other stockholders.
Important elements of the current executive equity-based
compensation program are:
Stock Options
Stock option program, implemented under the Companys
Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan (the Omnibus
Plan), creates a direct link between compensation of key
Company managers and long-term performance of the Company
through appreciation of stock price.
Performance Shares
Awarded under the Omnibus Plan to provide an incentive for key
managers to earn stock awards by meeting specified business or
individual performance goals.
Other Stock-Based Incentive Pay
Under the Omnibus Plan, the Compensation Committee may also
award additional stock-based compensation (with or without
restrictions), performance units, restricted stock units, or
additional options, including options with performance-based or
other conditions to vesting.
Stock Ownership Expectations
Established for executive officers to encourage long-term stock
ownership and the holding of shares awarded under the Omnibus
Plan or acquired upon exercise of options. Over a five year
period, executive officers are expected to accumulate stock with
a value of two and one-half times their annual base pay (five
times base pay for the Chief Executive Officer) in Company stock
or stock equivalents. All named executive officers have met or
are on schedule to meet their ownership expectations.
How Stock-Based Incentive Pay Levels Were
Determined. The Compensation Committee
established the value and mix of total stock-based incentive pay
for 2009 by considering recommendations from Hewitt based on
long-term compensation surveys of the following manufacturing,
industrial, and chemical companies of comparable size in the
same market as the Company for executive talent:
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Olin Corporation
The Dow Chemical Company
Praxair Inc.
Ecolab Inc.
The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company
FMC Corporation
Solutia Inc.
H. B. Fuller Company
The Valspar Corporation
Nalco Holding Company
As requested by the Compensation Committee, Hewitt provided
benchmarking analysis of this long-term stock-based compensation
information, and also advised the Compensation Committee of
general market stock-based incentive compensation practices and
Stock options and performance shares were awarded so that total
stock-based incentive compensation for 2009 approximated the
mid-range of total stock-based compensation of the compared
companies. The current values of total stock-based incentive pay
for 2009 ranged from 34% to 65% of total compensation for the
named executive officers.
The Compensation Committee also considered the estimated value
of all outstanding unvested, unexercised, and unrealized
stock-based awards in determining stock-based incentive pay
levels. The Committee made no changes to award levels based on
the review of outstanding awards.
Stock Options. In 2009, the Compensation
Committee determined to deliver approximately 40% of each
executive officers stock-based equity value as stock
options. In determining the size of option awards, the
Compensation Committee used the services of Hewitt to derive
values of options using a variation of the Black-
Scholes option-pricing model. Computation of the value of option
awards is comparable to values determined under FASB ASC Topic
718 and reported in the Grants of Plan Based Awards
table below.
Long-Term Performance Shares. In 2009, the
Company awarded performance shares for the 2010 - 2012
performance period to each executive officer, representing
approximately 60% of each executive officers stock-based
equity value, to provide incentives for exceeding internal
financial objectives and external return objectives versus a
peer group of companies.
In 2007, the Compensation Committee revised the percentage of
long-term performance shares to overall stock based pay in order
to reduce the Companys burn rate (generally
defined as the total number of shares subject to all equity
awards granted during the year divided by the total number of
shares outstanding at the end of the year) and to reduce its
overhang (generally defined as the number of shares
subject to granted and outstanding equity awards plus the number
of shares reserved for future awards, divided by the sum of
total shares outstanding, granted and outstanding equity awards,
and shares reserved for future awards).
For performance shares, performance is determined by comparing
the Companys multi-year performance as measured against a
return on capital target established at the beginning of the
three year performance period, and the Companys total
return to stockholders (change in stock price plus dividends
declared during the performance period, assuming reinvestment of
dividends) relative to a peer group of industrial companies
comprising the Standard and Poors Materials
Sector from Standard and Poors Super Composite 1500
Index. The return on capital target is established considering
corporate and strategic business plans and expectations for the
performance period. Performance relative to the total return to
stockholders target is determined by the Companys quintile
placement relative to the peer group of industrial companies at
the end of the three year performance period. If earned, awards
are paid after the end of the performance period in unrestricted
shares of Eastman common stock.
The Compensation Committee reviewed and certified performance
results and approved a payout of shares to the executive
officers under performance shares previously awarded for the
performance period. The following tables show the targets and
the payout matrix for the
performance shares corresponding to return on capital and total
stockholder return targets:
Total Stockholder Return
Performance Year
Target Return on Capital
(TSR) Target Quintile
3rd Quintile
3rd Quintile
3rd Quintile
Eastman TSR Relative
Differential from Target Return on Capital
to Comparison
5 to
3 to
1 to
0.99 to
+1.01 to
+3.01 to
+5.01 to
+7.01 to
0-19% (5th quintile)
(4th quintile)
40-59% (3rd
60-79% (2nd
80-99% (1st
Payouts under the
performance share awards for the named executive officers ranged
from 57,200 shares to 4,160 shares, and represented
130% of the target award (of a possible 300% of the target
award) based upon the Companys total stockholder return
ranking in the 2nd quintile of the compared companies and
an average return on capital of 0.08% in excess of the return on
capital target. Measurement of return on capital under
performance shares is based on reported GAAP earnings, and does
not exclude charges or other items excluded in the non-GAAP
pro-forma financial measures disclosed by the Company.
Restricted Stock Unit Award. The Compensation
Committee made a special restricted stock unit award to
Mr. Espeland. This award was designed to serve as a
retention incentive and as recognition and incentive for his
performance in the area of financial management and to promote
stability in the financial organizations disciplined
leadership of the Companys strategy for profitable growth.
The Committee set the value and the terms of this award to be
consistent with recent similar retention awards to executive
Stock-Based Compensation Award Practices. The
Compensation Committee has historically granted stock options
with an exercise price equal to the market price of the
underlying stock at the grant date, and on the date of its
authorization of grants has set a grant date that is on or after
the date of approval of the grant by the Compensation Committee.
The Compensation Committees recent practice has been to
grant stock options and other stock-based awards annually in the
fall, and to set effective dates for stock option grants on the
third business day after the next release of quarterly financial
results. This is designed to ensure that the market price of the
underlying common stock, and thus the exercise price of the
options, reflects such results.
Perquisites and Personal Benefits
The Company provides limited executive perquisites and personal
benefits designed to provide a level of personal and financial
security for our executives. The Compensation Committee annually
reviews the types and values of perquisites provided, the
imputation to the executives of taxable income for the provided
perquisites, and tax treatment of the perquisites to the Company
and executives. Perquisites and personal benefits provided to
executives for 2009 were:
personal financial counseling, estate planning, and tax
preparation (discontinued after 2009),
personal umbrella liability insurance coverage,
home security system and associated reimbursement for the cost
of taxes associated with imputed income (tax reimbursement
discontinued after 2009), and
non-business travel on corporate aircraft by executives, their
families, and invited guests when seats are available and the
aircraft is otherwise being used for Company business.
In addition, in considering time demands on the Chief Executive
Officer, the Compensation Committee has authorized the personal
use of corporate aircraft by the Chief Executive Officer, and
his family when traveling with him, whenever possible for
business and personal travel.
In 2009 the Compensation Committee eliminated personal financial
counseling, estate planning, and tax preparation; reimbursement
for the cost of taxes for imputed income related to the home
security system; and the personal travel allowance for
Mr. Costa which was approved under the terms of his
employment agreement when he was hired in 2006. The Committee
increased Mr. Costas annual base salary in the amount
of $43,000 as partial replacement of the annual personal travel
allowance and increased the annual base salary of each of the
executive officers in the amount of $10,000 as partial
replacement of the personal financial counseling, estate
planning, and tax preparation executive perquisite.
Termination and Change in Control Agreements
The Company believes that severance protections in the context
of a change in control transaction can play a valuable role in
attracting and retaining key executive officers. Accordingly, we
provide such protections for certain of our executive officers.
Detailed information regarding these change in control
agreements and the benefits they provide is included in the
Termination and
Arrangements section of this proxy statement.
The Compensation Committee evaluates the level of severance
benefits payable to each such officer on a
basis, and considers these severance protections an important
part of executives compensation and consistent with
practices of peer companies.
Eastman believes that the occurrence, or potential occurrence,
of a change in control transaction will create uncertainty
regarding the continued employment of our executive officers.
This uncertainty results from the fact that many change in
control transactions result in significant organizational
changes, particularly at the senior executive level. In order to
encourage our executive officers to remain employed with the
Company during an important time when their prospects for
continued employment following the transaction are often
uncertain, we provide certain of our named executive officers
with severance benefits if their employment is terminated by the
Company without cause or by the executive for
good reason in connection with a change in control.
In addition, Mr. Costas employment agreement provides
for a cash severance payment and vesting of certain outstanding
stock-based compensation awards in the event of his termination
without cause or his resignation for good
reason, and for certain circumstances in addition to those
covered by the executive change in control severance agreements.
The Compensation Committee approved Mr. Costas
termination arrangements and the other terms of his employment
agreement when he was hired in 2006. Detailed information
regarding the termination provisions of Mr. Costas
employment agreement is included in the Termination and
Arrangements section of this proxy statement.
Treatment of Executive Officer Compensation
The Compensation Committee intends to preserve the
Companys ability to deduct compensation paid to the
Companys Chief Executive Officer and other executive
officers to the extent possible while also maintaining the
flexibility to compensate such officers in accordance with the
Companys compensation policies.
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally
limits the deductibility to the Company of annual compensation
(other than qualified performance-based
compensation) in excess of $1 million paid to certain of
the Companys executive officers. Base salaries, variable
compensation under the UPP, any bonus payments outside the UPP,
and stock and stock-based compensation payable other than solely
based on corporate performance conditions are generally subject
to the $1 million limit on deductible compensation.
Compensation attributable to stock options granted and
performance shares awarded beginning in 2009 under the
Companys 2007 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan
qualifies for deductibility under Section 162(m).
A portion of each named executive officers compensation
for 2009 was non-deductible to the Company under
Section 162(m). The anticipated amount of the
Companys taxes for non-deductible compensation in 2009 is
approximately $2 million. The Compensation Committee will
continue to retain the discretion to pay non-deductible amounts.
The Compensation Committee believes that such flexibility best
serves the interests of the Company and its stockholders by
allowing the Committee to recognize and motivate executive
officers as circumstances warrant.
of Certain Compensation Following Restatements
Pursuant to Section 304 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,
a Company policy governs the process for reimbursement by the
Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of any
bonus or other incentive-based or equity-based compensation
received during the
period following public disclosure of an accounting restatement
due to material noncompliance by the Company with any financial
reporting requirements as the result of misconduct. In addition,
our 2007 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan requires
reimbursement of certain amounts from awards following public
disclosure of an accounting restatement due to material
noncompliance by the Company with any financial reporting
requirement as a result of misconduct if the award recipient
knowingly or grossly negligently engaged in or failed to prevent
the misconduct. Company officers and directors are prohibited
from use of derivative financial instruments to hedge or
mitigate their exposure to changes in the market price of
Eastman common stock.
The following Summary Compensation Table sets forth information
concerning compensation of the individuals serving as
Eastmans Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer during 2009, and the Companys three other most
highly compensated executive officers for the year ended
December 31, 2009.
Compensation Table
Change in
All Other
Name and Principal
J. Brian Ferguson(6)
Executive Chairman
Of the Board
James P. Rogers(7)
President and Chief
Executive Officer
Curtis E. Espeland
Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial
Mark J. Costa
Executive Vice
President, Specialty
Polymers, Coatings
and Adhesives
and Chief Marketing
Ronald C. Lindsay
Executive Vice
President, Performance
Polymers and Chemical
Theresa K. Lee
Senior Vice President,
Chief Legal Officer and
Corporate Secretary
(1) |
Grant date fair value of awards of performance shares and
restricted stock units (reported in the Stock Awards
column) and options (reported in the Option Awards
column) made in the year indicated, computed in accordance with
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Accounting Standards Codification (ASC)
Topic 718 (Stock Compensation). See note 15 to
the Companys consolidated financial statements in the
Annual Report to Stockholders for 2009 mailed and delivered
electronically with this proxy statement for discussion of the
assumptions made in the valuation of stock awards under FASB ASC
Topic 718. For more information about stock and option awards,
see Grants of Plan-Based Awards, Outstanding
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End, and Option
Exercises and Stock Vested tables. |
(2) |
Contingent stock awards (performance shares and
restricted stock units) with future payment subject
to satisfaction of continued employment for specified time
periods and the achievement of specified performance-based
conditions. Performance share awards were made for performance
periods beginning January 1, 2007 and ending
December 31, 2009, beginning January 1, 2008 and
ending December 31, 2010, and beginning January 1,
2009 and ending December 31, 2011, respectively. Restricted
stock units were awarded on December 4, 2008 for
performance and continued employment periods ending
December 31, 2012 and on December 2, 2009 for
performance and continued employment period ending
December 2, 2013. The potential maximum grant date value of
the performance share awards assuming the highest level of
performance conditions, computed in accordance with FASB ASC
Topic 718, were: Mr. Ferguson (2007 - $7,926,600,
2008 $10,093,200, 2009 $4,953,713);
Mr. Rogers (2007 $1,922,201, 2008 - $2,980,017,
2009 |
$1,455,491); Mr. Espeland (2008 $807,456,
2009 $1,266,950); Mr. Costa (2007
$1,345,721, 2008 $1,814,253, 2009
$1,101,225); Mr. Lindsay (2009 $815,411); and
Ms. Lee (2007 $1,345,721, 2008
$1,814,253, 2009 $885,063). |
(3) |
Cash payments made in the following year for performance in the
year indicated under the Unit Performance Plan. As described in
the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section
preceding these tables under Executive Compensation
and in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table, the
Unit Performance Plan is the Companys variable pay program
under which a portion of the total annual compensation of
managers is dependent upon corporate, organizational, and
individual performance. |
(4) |
Change in Pension Value is the aggregate change in
actuarial present value of the executive officers
accumulated benefit under all defined benefit and actuarial
retirement plans (including supplemental plans) accrued during
the year. These plans are the Companys tax-qualified
defined benefit pension plan (the Eastman Retirement Assistance
Plan, or ERAP) and unfunded, nonqualified retirement
plans supplemental to the ERAP and providing benefits in excess
of those allowed under the ERAP (the Eastman Unfunded Retirement
Income Plan, or URIP, and the Eastman Excess
Retirement Income Plan, or ERIP). The aggregate
increase in actuarial value of the pension plans is computed as
of the same pension plan measurement date used for financial
statement reporting purposes with respect to the Companys
financial statements for 2009, 2008 and 2007, respectively. The
actuarial present value calculations for 2009 and 2008 are based
on the IRS 2013 Prescribed 417(e)(3) Unisex table. The actuarial
present value calculation for 2007 is based on the 1994 Group
Annuity Reserve Unisex post-retirement mortality
table, and assume individual compensation and service through
December 31, 2009, December 31, 2008 and
December 31, 2007, respectively, with benefit commencement
at the normal retirement age of 65. Benefits are discounted
using a 5.72% discount rate for the 2009 calculation, a 6.08%
discount rate for the 2008 calculation, and a 6.16% discount
rate for the 2007 calculation. See the Pension
Benefits table for additional information about the named
executive officers pension benefits. |
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings refers
to above-market or preferential earnings on compensation that is
deferred on a basis that is not tax-qualified, including such
earnings on nonqualified defined contribution plans. The Company
maintains the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan (the
EDCP), an unfunded, nonqualified deferred
compensation plan into which executive officers can defer
compensation until retirement or termination from the Company.
For 2009, 2008, and 2007, there were no preferential or
above-market earnings on amounts in individual EDCP stock
accounts (defined as appreciation in value and dividend
equivalents earned at a rate higher than appreciation in value
and dividends on common stock) or on individual EDCP interest
accounts (defined as interest on amounts deferred at a rate
exceeding 120% of the federal long term rate). See the
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation table for
additional information about the named executive officers
EDCP accounts. |
(5) |
The items of All Other Compensation reported for the
named executive officers for 2009 are identified and quantified
below: |
Annual Company
Contributions to
for Payment of
Perquisites and
Taxes on
Other Personal
Compensation and
J. B. Ferguson
J. P. Rogers
C. E. Espeland
M. J. Costa
R. C. Lindsay
T. K. Lee
Perquisites and other personal
benefits. The amounts reported are the aggregate
values, based upon the incremental cost to the Company, of the
following perquisites and other personal benefits made available
to executive officers during 2009: personal financial
counseling, estate planning, and tax preparation; personal
umbrella liability insurance coverage; home security system;
personal travel allowance; non-business travel on corporate
aircraft by executives, their families, and invited guests when
seats are available and the
aircraft is otherwise being used for Company business purposes,
including an added destination of a flight when the plane is
otherwise in reasonable proximity to the added destination; and
personal use of corporate aircraft by the Chief Executive
Officer and his family. The aggregate incremental cost to the
Company for flying additional passengers on business flights is
a de minimis amount, and no amount is included for these
flights for purposes of determining All Other
Compensation. The aggregate incremental cost to the
Company for operating the corporate aircraft for non-business
added destination portions of business flights and for personal
flights for the Chief Executive Officer and his family is based
upon calculation of direct operating costs including fuel, fuel
additives, lubricants, maintenance, reserves for engine
restoration and overhaul, landing and parking expenses, crew
expenses, and miscellaneous supplies and catering. The aggregate
incremental costs to the Company of umbrella liability
insurance, home security system, financial counseling, and
personal travel allowance are based upon the actual amounts paid
by the Company for such perquisites and personal benefits. The
perquisites and other personal benefits reported as All
Other Compensation are further quantified in the following
table: |
Perquisites and Other Personal Benefits
Use of
J. B. Ferguson
J. P. Rogers
C. E. Espeland
M. J. Costa
R. C. Lindsay
T. K. Lee
* |
Annual personal travel allowance, payable in quarterly
installments, under Mr. Costas employment agreement. |
Annual Company contributions to defined contribution
plans. The amounts reported for 2009 are annual
Company contributions to the accounts of Messrs. Ferguson,
Espeland, Rogers, and Lindsay, and Ms. Lee in the Eastman
Investment Plan, a 401(k) retirement plan, and in the EDCP, and
to Mr. Costa in the Eastman Stock Ownership Plan
(ESOP) and EDCP. Contributions to the Eastman
Investment Plan or ESOP equaled $12,250 for each named
executive, with the remaining Company contributions to their
EDCP accounts. See the Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation table for additional information about
Company contributions into the named executive officers
EDCP accounts. Annual Company contributions were based upon
actual compensation paid during the calendar year. |
Amounts reimbursed during 2009 for the payment of taxes on
certain compensation and benefits. Consists of
tax reimbursements for imputed income for home security systems
(Mr. Ferguson, $418; Mr. Rogers, $7,376;
Mr. Espeland, $2,479; Mr. Costa, $3,918;
Mr. Lindsay, $185; and Ms. Lee, $397) and non-business
flights on corporate aircraft (Mr. Ferguson, $680;
Mr. Rogers $1,052; and Mr. Espeland $474). Tax
reimbursements for non-business flights on corporate aircraft
were not tax
gross-ups on
perquisites, but rather were reimbursement of taxes imputed for
business-related uses of the company plane in which a spouse or
other non-employee accompanied the executive for a business
purpose which was a taxable non-business use in
accordance with IRS regulations. Eastman makes no tax
payments for personal uses of the company plane (those uses
disclosed as perquisites above), including
non-business travel on corporate aircraft when seats are
available and the aircraft is otherwise being used for business
purposes and personal use by the CEO. |
As described in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis section preceding these tables under
Executive Compensation, the Compensation Committee
has eliminated the personal travel allowance and personal
financial counseling, estate planning, and tax preparation
executive perquisites. The Compensation Committee also
eliminated reimbursement for the cost of taxes associated with
imputed income for home security systems and non-business
flights on corporate aircraft.
(6) |
Mr. Ferguson was Chief Executive Officer until May 7,
2009, when he became Executive Chairman. As Executive Chairman
Mr. Fergusons sole compensation is an annual salary
of $750,000. |
(7) |
Mr. Rogers became President and Chief Executive Officer
effective May 7, 2009, and previously served as President
and Chemicals & Fibers Business Group Head. |
The following table sets forth certain information regarding
grants in 2009 to the individuals named in the Summary
Compensation Table of non-equity incentive awards, equity
incentive awards, and all other non-incentive stock and option
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
All Other
All Other
Estimated Future Payouts
Estimated Future
Exercise or
Date Fair
Payouts Under Equity
Number of
Number of
Base Price
Value of
Incentive Plan
Shares of
of Option
Stock and
Plan Awards(4)
Stock or
J. B. Ferguson
J. P. Rogers
C. E. Espeland
M. J. Costa
R. C. Lindsay
T. K. Lee
(1) |
The Compensation Committee approved a stock option grant to
executive officers and other eligible managers at its regularly
scheduled meeting in September 2009, and approved performance
share awards for executive officers and other eligible officers
for the
performance period at its regularly scheduled meeting in October
2008. |
(2) |
For stock options, the grant effective date was the third
business day after public release of the Companys third
quarter 2009 financial results. Performance share awards for
were effective as of the beginning of the performance period on
January 1, 2009. |
(3) |
Estimated payouts under the UPP, a variable cash pay program
which makes a portion of participants total annual
compensation dependent upon corporate, organizational, and
individual performance. The Threshold column
reflects the payout level if performance is at minimum of 71% of
target levels. The Target column reflects the payout
level if performance is at 100% of target levels. The
Maximum column reflects the payout level if
performance is at 129% of target levels for specified above-goal
performance. See the Summary Compensation Table for
actual payout under the UPP for 2009 and Compensation
Discussion and Analysis for a more complete description of
the UPP and how the amounts of payouts are determined. |
(4) |
Estimated future shares awarded at threshold, target, and
maximum levels for performance shares for the
performance period, assuming performance conditions are
satisfied. See also Compensation Discussion and
Analysis for a more complete description of how
performance share payouts are determined, Outstanding
Equity Awards at Year-End table, and Termination and
Arrangements. |
(5) |
Restricted stock units, representing the right to receive the
same number of unrestricted shares of common stock on
December 2, 2013, subject to continued employment (other
than termination by reason of death or disability). An amount
equal to cash dividends paid during the period that the
restricted stock units are outstanding and unvested with respect
to shares underlying restricted stock units which vest is
payable in cash on the vesting date of the restricted stock
units. |
(6) |
Non-incentive based stock options granted during the fiscal
year. Options granted in 2009 have an exercise price equal to
the closing price on the New York Stock Exchange of the
underlying common stock as of the date of grant. The stock
options vest and become exercisable in one-third increments on
each of the first three anniversaries of the grant date, with
acceleration of vesting in the event of a change in
ownership or in certain circumstances following a
change in control. Stock options generally expire
ten years from the date of grant. Upon termination by reason of
death, disability, or retirement, the stock options remain
exercisable for the lesser of five years following the date of
termination or the expiration date. If an optionee resigns, the
stock options remain exercisable for the lesser of ninety days
or the expiration date. Stock options not previously exercised
are canceled and forfeited upon termination for cause. See
Summary Compensation Table, Outstanding Equity
Awards at Year-End and Option Exercises and Stock
Vested tables, and Termination and
Arrangements. |
(7) |
Per-share exercise price of stock options granted in 2009. The
exercise price is the closing price of Eastman common stock on
the New York Stock Exchange on the grant date. |
(8) |
Grant date fair value of each stock-based award, computed in
accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) Accounting Standards Codification
(ASC) Topic 718 (Stock Compensation). |
The following table sets forth information regarding outstanding
option and stock awards as of December 31, 2009 held by
individuals named in the Summary Compensation Table.
Equity Awards at Year-End
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Equity Incentive
Equity Incentive
Plan Awards:
Number of
Number of
Equity Incentive
Market Value
Plan Awards:
Market or
Plan Awards:
Number of
of Shares
Number of
Payout Value
Number of
Shares or
or Units
of Unearned
Units of
of Stock
Shares, Units
Shares, Units
Stock That
That Have
or Other Rights
or Other Rights
Have Not
Not Vested
That Have Not
That Have Not
Options (#)
Price ($)
Vested (#)
Vested (#)(2)
Vested ($)(3)
J. B. Ferguson
J. P. Rogers
C. E. Espeland
M. J. Costa
R. C. Lindsay
T. K. Lee
(1) |
Market value of shares of common stock payable under restricted
stock units, based on the per share closing price of the common
stock on the New York Stock Exchange on December 31, 2009. |
(2) |
Number of shares of common stock to be paid under outstanding
performance shares, assuming achievement of target performance
goals for
performance periods. See Compensation Discussion and
Analysis for more complete description of how performances
share payouts are determined. If earned, the awards will be paid
after the end of the performance period in unrestricted shares
of Eastman common stock (subject to proration if the
executives employment is terminated during the performance
period because of retirement, death, or disability, and to
cancellation in the event of resignation or termination for
cause). |
(3) |
Value of shares of common stock to be paid under outstanding
performance shares, assuming achievement of target performance
goals for
performance periods and assuming a market value equal to the
closing price of the common stock on the New York Stock Exchange
as of December 31, 2009. |
(4) |
Reload stock options received to purchase a number
of shares equal to the number of previously owned shares of
Eastman common stock surrendered in payment of the exercise
price of previously granted stock options. Option exercise price
is based upon the market price of underlying common stock on the
date of exercise of the underlying option grant. Reload options
are exercisable at grant and expire as of the date of the
original underlying option grant. Stock options granted after
2003 do not include a reload feature, and no
additional options will be granted upon exercise of those
options. |
(5) |
Option becomes exercisable on October 30, 2010. |
(6) |
Option becomes exercisable as to one-half of the shares on
October 28, 2010 and as to the remaining shares on
October 28, 2011. |
(7) |
Option becomes exercisable as to one-third of the shares on each
of October 27, 2010, October 27, 2011, and
October 27, 2012. |
(8) |
Restricted stock units, representing the right to receive the
same number of unrestricted shares of common stock on
December 31, 2012 (or in the case of 25,000 of
Mr. Rogers restricted stock units, prior to
December 31, 2012 but in no event before December 31,
2011), subject to continued employment (other than termination
by reason of death or disability) and, in the case of 25,000 of
Mr. Rogers restricted stock units, satisfactory
performance in the area of management and leadership
development, including the development of internal candidates
for senior leadership positions. |
(9) |
Restricted stock units, representing the right to receive the
same number of unrestricted shares of common stock on
December 2, 2013, subject to continued employment (other
than termination by reason of death or disability). |
The following table summarizes aggregate values realized upon
exercise of options, vesting of restricted stock, and payout of
stock under performance shares for the individuals named in the
Summary Compensation Table for 2009.
Exercises and Stock Vested
Option Awards
Stock Awards(1)
Number of
Number of
Shares Acquired
Shares Acquired
on Exercise
Value Realized
on Vesting
Value Realized
on Exercise($)
on Vesting($)
J. B. Ferguson
J. P. Rogers
C. E. Espeland
M. J. Costa
R. C. Lindsay
T. K. Lee
(1) |
Represents: (i) for Mr. Costa, 10,000 shares of
common stock for which transfer restrictions lapsed during 2009,
and the aggregate value of such shares of common stock based
upon the per share closing price of the common stock on the New
York Stock Exchange on the vesting date; and (ii) number of
shares received upon payout under
performance shares, and the aggregate value of such shares of
common stock based upon the per share closing price of the
common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the payout date. |
The following table summarizes the portion of post-employment
benefits payable to the individuals named in the Summary
Compensation Table from Company pension arrangements for 2009.
Number of
Present Value
Payments During
Plan Name
Years of Credited
of Accumulated
Last Fiscal
Service (#)
Benefit ($)(3)
J. B. Ferguson
J. P. Rogers
C. E. Espeland
M. J. Costa(4)
R. C. Lindsay
T. K. Lee
(1) |
The Eastman Retirement Assistance Plan (ERAP) is a
tax-qualified, non-contributory defined benefit pension plan for
essentially all active U.S. employees, other than employees of
certain subsidiaries and some employees covered by collective
bargaining agreements. A participants total ERAP benefit
consists of his or her Pre-2000 Benefit and
Pension Equity Benefit, as described below: |
Pre-2000 Benefit. Prior to 2000, the ERAP used
a traditional pension formula which gave each participant a life
annuity commencing at age 65. A participant is eligible for
an unreduced Pre-2000 Benefit when such participants
aggregate age plus years of eligible service totals 85, or at
age 65. At retirement, the actuarial present value of the
future annual Pre-2000 Benefit payments may at the election of
the participant be paid in a lump sum. Benefits earned during
1998 and 1999, upon the election of the participant, may be
payable over five years. The Pre-2000 Benefits payable upon
retirement are based upon the participants years of
service with the Company and average participating
compensation, which is the average of three years of those
earnings described in the ERAP as participating
compensation. Participating compensation, in
the case of the named executive officers consists of salary,
bonus, and non-equity incentive plan compensation, including an
allowance in lieu of salary for authorized periods of absence,
such as illness, vacation, and holidays. To the extent that any
participants annual Pre-2000 Benefit exceeds the amount
payable under the ERAP, such excess will be paid from one or
more unfunded, supplementary plans. |
Pension Equity Benefit. Effective
January 1, 2000, the Company redesigned the ERAP to use a
pension equity formula. Under the pension equity formula,
beginning January 1, 2000, a participant earns a certain
percentage of final average earnings each year based upon age
and total service with the Company. When a participant
terminates employment, he or she is entitled to a pension
amount, payable over five years. The amount may also be
converted to various forms of annuities. To the extent that any
participants Pension Equity Benefit exceeds the amount
payable under the ERAP, such excess will be paid from one or
more unfunded, supplementary plans. |
(2) |
The Company maintains two unfunded, nonqualified plans, the
Unfunded Retirement Income Plan (URIP) and the
Excess Retirement Income Plan (ERIP). The ERIP and
the URIP will restore to participants in the ERAP benefits that
cannot be paid under the ERAP because of restrictions under the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and benefits that are
not accrued under the ERAP because of a voluntary deferral by
the participant of compensation that would otherwise be counted
under the ERAP. As to accruals after December 31, 2004, in
order to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue
Code, it may be necessary to delay commencement of payment until
six months after the participants separation from service
with the Company. The Company has established a Rabbi
Trust to provide a degree of financial security for the
participants unfunded account balances under the ERIP and
URIP. See Termination and
Arrangements Benefit Security Trust. |
(3) |
Actuarial present value of the accumulated benefit, computed as
of the same pension plan measurement date used for financial
statement reporting purposes with respect to the Companys
audited financial statements for 2009. The actuarial present
value calculation is based on the IRS 2013 Prescribed
417(e)(3)-Unisex post-retirement mortality tables, and assumes
individual compensation and service through December 31,
2009, with benefit commencement at normal retirement age of 65.
Benefits are discounted using a 5.72% discount rate. |
(4) |
Mr. Costa had not met the minimum vesting requirement for
his retirement benefits as of December 31, 2009. Accrued
benefits vest after five years of service, which would be in
June 2011 for Mr. Costa. Accumulated benefits shown are
calculated as if minimum vesting requirements had been met. |
The following table is a summary of participation by the
individuals named in the Summary Compensation Table in the
Executive Deferred Compensation Plan (the EDCP), an
unfunded, nonqualified deferred compensation plan into which
executive officers and other management-level employees can
defer compensation until retirement or termination from the
Company. Annual base and incentive cash compensation, stock and
stock-based awards which are payable in cash and allowed to be
deferred, and cash signing, retention, or special recognition
bonuses, may be deferred into the EDCP. Compensation deferred
into the EDCP is credited at the election of the employee to
individual interest accounts or stock accounts. Amounts deferred
into interest accounts are credited with interest at the prime
rate until transfer or distribution, and amounts deferred into
stock accounts increase or decrease in value depending on the
market price of Eastman common stock. When cash dividends are
declared on the common stock, each stock account receives a
dividend equivalent which is used to hypothetically
purchase additional shares. Upon retirement or
termination of employment, the value of a participants
EDCP account is paid, in cash, in a single lump sum or in up to
ten annual installments as elected in advance by the participant.
The EDCP provides for early withdrawal by a participant of
amounts in his or her EDCP account in certain limited
circumstances. The EDCP also provides that a participant may
withdraw amounts deferred prior to January 1, 2005 at any
time, provided that the participant forfeit 10% of his or her
balances in the EDCP and not be permitted to participate in the
EDCP for a period of 36 months from the date of the early
withdrawal payment. In addition, if, within any six month
period, either 50% or more of the EDCP participants with amounts
deferred prior to January 1, 2005 elect early withdrawal
from the EDCP or 20% or more of the EDCP participants with
amounts deferred prior to January 1, 2005 with aggregate
account balances valued at 50% or more of the total value of all
EDCP accounts elect such early withdrawal, then all amounts
deferred by all participants prior to January 1, 2005 will
be distributed in a single lump sum.
Deferred Compensation
in Last
in Last
in Last
Balance at
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
Last Fiscal
J. B. Ferguson
J. P. Rogers
C. E. Espeland
M. J. Costa
R. C. Lindsay
T. K. Lee
(1) |
Annual Company contributions were made to the accounts of
Messrs. Ferguson, Rogers, Espeland, and Lindsay, and
Ms. Lee in the Eastman Investment Plan, a 401(k) retirement
plan, and in the EDCP, and to Mr. Costa in the Eastman ESOP
and EDCP. Amounts shown are the amounts contributed into the
EDCP and represent amounts that could not be contributed into
the 401(k) retirement plan or ESOP accounts of the individuals
due to Internal Revenue Code restrictions. The total amount of
the contributions for each named executive officer in the
Eastman Investment Plan, the ESOP, and the EDCP was five percent
of his or her 2009 earnings. These contributions are included in
the Summary Compensation Table in the All
Other Compensation column. |
(2) |
Aggregate amounts credited to participant accounts during 2009.
No earnings on deferred amounts are included in the
Summary Compensation Table in the Change in
Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
Earnings column because there were no preferential or
above-market earnings on individual stock accounts or interest
accounts. Quarterly dividend equivalents of $0.44 per
hypothetical share were credited to amounts in individual stock
accounts, and the prime rate of interest credited to amounts in
individual interest accounts varied from 7.75% to 8.25%, during
2009. |
(3) |
Balance in individual EDCP accounts as of December 31,
2009. The portions of the balances from annual Company
contributions before provision for certain taxes ($639,159 for
Mr. Ferguson, $300,030 for Mr. Rogers, $51,453 for
Mr. Espeland, $51,785 for Mr. Costa, $60,805 for
Mr. Lindsay and $146,858 for Ms. Lee) were reported as
All Other Compensation in the Summary Compensation
Table in this proxy statement and in the annual meeting proxy
statements for previous years; the portions of the balances from
deferred salary ($80,700 for Mr. Espeland, $748,237 for
Mr. Rogers, $37,800 for Mr. Lindsay, and $390,500 for
Ms. Lee) were included in the amounts reported as
Salary in the Summary Compensation Table in this
proxy statement and in the annual meeting proxy statements for
previous years; the portions of the balances from deferred
annual incentive compensation and bonuses ($15,542 for
Mr. Ferguson, $31,250 for Mr. Espeland, $536,861 for
Mr. Rogers, $30,718 for Mr. Lindsay and $70,104 for
Ms. Lee) were included in the amounts reported as
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation in the
Summary Compensation Table in this proxy statement and in the
annual meeting proxy statements for 2009, 2008 and 2007 and in
the amounts reported as Bonus in the Summary
Compensation Table in the annual meeting proxy statements for
previous years; the portions of the balances from deferred
stock-based awards ($502,663 for Mr. Ferguson, $220,502 for
Mr. Espeland, $2,489,931 for Mr. Rogers, $220,881 for
Mr. Lindsay, and $146,019 for Ms. Lee) are not
reported in the Summary Compensation Table in this proxy
statement and in the annual meeting proxy statements for 2009,
2008 and 2007 and were reported as Long-Term Incentive
Plan Payouts in the Summary Compensation Table in the
annual meeting proxy statements for previous years. The portions
of the balances from earnings on deferred amounts were not
reported in the Summary Compensation Table in this
proxy statement or in the annual meeting proxy statements for
previous years because there were no preferential or
above-market earnings on individual EDCP stock accounts or
interest accounts. Amounts in the Registrant Contributions
for Last Fiscal Year column were paid in February 2010,
and are not included in the aggregate balance as of
December 31, 2009. |
The Companys Change in Control Agreements with certain
executive officers, including the individuals named in the
Summary Compensation Table, and the Omnibus Long-Term
Compensation Plans, provide for compensation and benefits in
certain circumstances upon or following termination of the
executive or a change in control of the Company. In addition,
Mr. Costas employment agreement also includes certain
additional termination arrangements. Circumstances that trigger
compensation or provision of benefits related to termination or
change in control, how such compensation and benefits are
determined, and conditions or obligations applicable to the
receipt of payments and benefits are described below.
Change in Control Agreements. For the reasons
described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the
Company has entered into Change in Control Agreements with the
individuals named in the Summary Compensation Table and certain
other executive officers of the Company. The Agreements provide
for specified compensation and benefits following a change
in control of the Company. A change in control
is generally defined in the Agreements to include the following,
subject to certain exceptions: (i) the acquisition by a
person of 35% or more of the voting stock of the Company;
(ii) the incumbent Board members (and subsequent directors
approved by them) ceasing to constitute a majority of the Board;
(iii) approval by the Companys stockholders of a
reorganization or merger unless, after such proposed
transaction, the former stockholders of the Company will own
more than 50% of the resulting corporations voting stock,
no person will own 35% or more of the resulting
corporations voting stock, and the incumbent Board members
will continue to constitute at least a majority of the Board of
the resulting corporation; or (iv) approval by the
Companys stockholders of a complete liquidation or
dissolution of the Company.
Pursuant to the Agreements, in the event that a change in
control of the Company occurs during the change in control
period, the Company agrees to continue to employ the
executive for a period of two years after the occurrence of such
change in control (the Employment Period). The
change in control period means the period commencing
on November 30, 2005, and ending three years after such
date; provided that on each anniversary of the Agreements, the
change in control period is automatically extended
so as to terminate three years after such anniversary, unless
the Company provides timely notice to the executive that it will
not extend the period.
During the Employment Period, the executive would be entitled to
(i) an annual base salary at a rate at least equal to the
base salary in effect on the date of the change in control;
(ii) an annual bonus at least equal to the executives
target bonus opportunity for the last full fiscal year prior to
the change in control; and (iii) continued participation in
all incentive, savings, retirement, welfare benefit, and fringe
benefit plans applicable to other peer executives of the Company
on terms no less favorable than those in effect during the
period preceding the change in control.
The Agreements also specify the payments and benefits to which
an executive would be entitled upon a termination of employment
during the Employment Period for specified reasons, including
death, retirement, disability, termination by the Company with
or without cause, and termination by the executive for or
without good reason (as such terms are defined in
the Agreement).
If an executives employment were to be terminated by the
Company for any reason other than for cause or disability, or by
the executive for good reason, during the Employment Period, the
Company would be required to:
(i) pay to the executive a lump sum cash payment equal to
his or her accrued obligations (unpaid base salary
through the date of termination, a prorated target bonus for the
year of termination, and any accrued vacation pay),
(ii) pay to the executive a lump sum severance payment
equal to three-times the sum of his or her then-current annual
base salary plus the amount of his or her target annual bonus
for the year in which the termination occurs,
(iii) continue to provide all welfare benefits to the
executive and his or her eligible dependents, subject to certain
limitations, for 36 months following termination,
(iv) accelerate the vesting of the executives
unvested benefits under the Companys retirement plans, and
pay to the executive a lump sum cash payment equal to the value
of such unvested benefits, plus an amount
calculated to provide the executive with the additional benefits
he or she would have been entitled to had he or she accumulated
three additional years of service under the Companys
retirement plans, and
(v) pay or provide to the executive any other amounts or
benefits to which he or she was entitled under any of the
Companys plans, programs, policies, practices, contracts,
or agreements then in effect.
Upon the termination of an executives employment by reason
of death, disability, or retirement, or upon a termination by
the Company for cause or by the executive without good reason,
the Agreement would terminate without further obligation of the
Company other than the payment of base salary through the date
of termination and any other amounts or benefits to which the
executive was entitled under any of the Companys plans,
programs, policies, practices, contracts, or agreements then in
The Agreements provide that if a payment to or for the benefit
of an executive would be subject to the excise tax imposed by
Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code, then the
executive will be entitled to a full
gross-up for
any excise tax imposed, including any income and excise taxes on
amount (subject to a net after-tax benefit threshold of $75,000).
The Agreements require that the executive not disclose any
confidential information of the Company following termination of
employment, and provide that the Company will reimburse the
executive on a then-current basis for reasonable fees and
expenses in seeking to enforce the Agreement (subject to
repayment if his or her claims are determined to be frivolous or
in bad faith).
Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plans. The
Companys 2007 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation Plan (like
its predecessor 1997 and 2002 Omnibus Long-Term Compensation
Plans, collectively referred to as the Omnibus
Plans) provides for grants to employees of nonqualified
and incentive stock options, stock appreciation rights, stock
awards, performance shares, and other stock and stock-based
awards (collectively, awards).
The Omnibus Plans contain provisions regarding the treatment of
awards in the event of a change in ownership (as
defined, generally involving circumstances in which the
Companys common stock is no longer publicly traded) and of
a change in control (as defined, generally involving
circumstances in which the Company is acquired by another entity
or its controlling ownership is changed). Upon a change in
ownership or change in control, the rules described below will
apply to awards granted under the Omnibus Plans.
However, the Compensation Committee has the discretion,
notwithstanding any particular transaction constituting a change
in ownership or a change in control, either to determine that
such transaction is of the type that does not warrant the
described consequences with respect to awards (in which case
such consequences would not occur) or to alter the way in which
awards are treated from the consequences outlined in the Omnibus
If a change in ownership occurs (and the Compensation Committee
has not exercised its discretion described above) during the
term of one or more performance periods for outstanding
performance shares, the performance period will immediately
terminate and, unless the Committee has already determined
actual performance for such period, it will be assumed that the
performance objectives have been attained at a level of 100%.
Participants will be considered to have earned a prorated share
of the awards for such performance period. In addition, upon a
change in ownership, all outstanding awards will be valued and
cashed out on the basis of the change in ownership price.
In the event of a change in control (assuming the Compensation
Committee has not exercised its discretion described above), if
a participants employment terminates within two years
following the change in control, unless such termination is due
to death, disability, cause, resignation (other than as a result
of certain actions by the Company and any successor), or
retirement, participants will be entitled to the following
treatment. All conditions, restrictions, and limitations in
effect with respect to any unexercised awards will immediately
lapse and no other terms or conditions will be applied. Any
unexercised, unvested, unearned, or unpaid awards will
automatically become 100% vested. Performance shares will be
treated in a manner similar to that described above in the case
of a change in ownership. A participant will be entitled to a
lump sum cash payment with respect to all of such
participants awards.
In order to comply with Section 409A of the Internal
Revenue Code, it may be necessary for the Company to delay
payments until six months following the officers
separation from service with the Company.
Mark J. Costa Employment Agreement. The
Employment Agreement with Mr. Costa includes certain
termination arrangements in addition to those of the standard
Change in Control Agreements. If Mr. Costas
employment is terminated without cause or if he
resigns for good reason, other than in circumstances
covered by the Change in Control Agreements:
(i) he would receive a lump-sum cash payment equal to the
sum of:
(a) all accrued and unused vacation pay through the date of
(b) an amount equal to one year of base annual
salary; and
(c) an amount equal to 100% of his target annual incentive
pay for the year in which his employment terminates;
(ii) his unvested stock options would immediately vest and
become exercisable and remain exercisable for the lesser of five
years following the date of termination or the expiration date
of the options;
(iii) all restrictions on transfer of issued shares of
common stock would lapse; and
(iv) Eastman would issue to Mr. Costa shares of common
stock underlying outstanding performance shares on a pro rata
basis as if all performance objectives had been met at a level
of 100%.
Cause is defined in the Employment Agreement as
material breach by Mr. Costa of any provision of the
Employment Agreement or of Eastman codes of conduct or ethics,
conviction of a criminal act, or conduct that is grossly
inappropriate or insubordinate and demonstrably likely to lead
to material injury to Eastman. Good reason is
defined in the Employment Agreement as assignment of duties
materially inconsistent with Mr. Costas executive
position when he was hired, reduction in base salary or target
annual or long-term incentive pay, or failure by Eastman to
comply with the provisions of the Employment Agreement.
Benefit Security Trust. The Company has
established a Benefit Security Trust (sometimes referred to as
the Rabbi Trust) to provide a degree of financial
security for its unfunded obligations under the Executive
Deferred Compensation Plan, the supplemental ERAP plans, and the
Change in Control Agreements with the Companys executives.
The assets of the Rabbi Trust would be subject to the claims of
the Companys creditors in the event of insolvency. Upon
the occurrence of a change in control or a
potential change in control (each as defined), or if
the Company fails to meet its payment obligations under the
covered plans and agreements, the Company would be required to
transfer to the trustee cash or other liquid funds in an amount
equal to the value of the Companys obligations under the
covered plans and agreements. The Company has conveyed to the
trustee rights to certain assets as partial security for the
Companys funding obligations under the Rabbi Trust.
A change in control for purposes of the Rabbi Trust
is generally defined to include the following, subject to
certain exceptions: (i) the acquisition by a person (other
than the Company, certain affiliated entities, or certain
institutional investors) of 19% or more of the voting stock of
the Company; (ii) the incumbent Board members (and
subsequent directors approved by them) ceasing to constitute a
majority of the Board; (iii) approval by the Companys
stockholders of a reorganization or merger unless, after such
proposed transaction, the former stockholders of the Company
will own more than 75% of the resulting corporations
voting stock; or (iv) approval by the Companys
stockholders of a complete liquidation and dissolution of the
Company or the sale or other disposition of substantially all of
the assets of the Company, other than to a subsidiary or in a
spin-off transaction. A potential change in control
will generally be deemed to have occurred if (i) the
Company enters into an agreement, the consummation of which
would result in the occurrence of a change in control;
(ii) any person (including the Company) publicly announces
an intention to take action which, if consummated, would
constitute a change in control; or (iii) any person (other
than the Company, certain affiliated entities, or certain
institutional investors) becomes the beneficial owner of 10% or
more of the combined voting power of the Companys
then-outstanding securities.
The Rabbi Trust is irrevocable until participants and their
beneficiaries are no longer entitled to payments under the
covered plans and agreements, but may be amended or revoked by
agreement of the trustee, the Company, and a committee of
individual beneficiaries of the Rabbi Trust.
Payments Under Termination and
The following table shows, for each of the named executive
officers, the payments and benefits that would have been
provided under the Change in Control Agreements if the executive
had been terminated without cause or had resigned for good
reason on December 31, 2009 following a change in control.
Amount of Payment
J. B.
J. P.
C. E.
M. J.
R. C.
T. K.
Form of Payment
Cash severance(1)
Value of unvested stock-based awards at target(2)
Additional pension credit(3)
Health and welfare continuation(4)
Excise tax payment(5)
Total Payments
(1) |
Lump sum cash severance under Change in Control Agreement equal
to three times the sum of annual base pay and the target Unit
Performance Plan payout. |
(2) |
Value of unvested awards at target, which vest and are paid out
under the Omnibus Plans at termination following a change in
control (or earlier upon a change in control that is a change in
ownership as shown in the next table below, in which case the
payment would not also be received upon a subsequent termination
without cause or resignation for good reason). Awards are valued
as of year-end 2009 based upon the closing price of Eastman
common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on December 31,
2009. |
(3) |
Lump sum present value of additional pension credit under Change
in Control Agreement. |
(4) |
Value of continuation of health and welfare benefits for three
years following termination under Change in Control Agreement. |
(5) |
Estimated payment under Change in Control Agreement for excise
tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The calculation of the
amount in the above table is based upon an excise tax rate of
20%, a 35% federal income tax rate, and a 1.45% Medicare tax
rate. |
The following table shows, for each of the named executive
officers, the payment that would have been provided under the
Omnibus Plans if there had been a change in ownership of the
Company on December 31, 2009.
Amount of Payment
J. B.
J. P.
C. E.
M. J.
R. C.
T. K.
Form of Payment
Value of unvested stock-based awards at target(1)
(1) |
Value of unvested awards at target which vest and are paid out
under the Omnibus Plans following a change in ownership of the
Company. Awards are valued as of year-end 2009 based upon the
closing price of Eastman common stock on the New York Stock
Exchange on December 31, 2009. |
The following table shows the payments that would have been
provided to Mr. Costa under his Employment Agreement if he
had been terminated without cause or had resigned for good
reason other than in circumstances covered by the Change in
Control Agreement on December 31, 2009.
Amount of payment
to M. J. Costa
Form of Payment
Cash severance
Value of unvested stock-based awards at target
Total Payments
In addition to the payments described above, the executive
officers would also receive the following payments for amounts
already earned or vested as the result of participation in
compensation or benefit plans on the same basis as other Company
value of outstanding vested stock-based awards (see the
Outstanding Equity Awards at Year-End table),
earned Unit Performance Plan payout (see Estimated Future
Payouts Under Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards column in
the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table),
earned Company contribution to vested and unvested defined
contribution plans (see All Other Compensation
column in the Summary Compensation Table),
account balance in the Eastman Investment Plan, a 401(k)
retirement plan, and the ESOP,
account balance in the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan (see
Aggregate Balance at Last Fiscal Year-End column in
the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
table), and
lump sum present value of pension under the Companys
qualified and non-qualified pension arrangements (see
Present Value of Accumulated Benefit column in the
Pension Benefits table).
Actions and Meetings of Stockholders
Except as may be provided in a resolution or resolutions
providing for any class or series of Preferred Stock pursuant to
Article IV hereof, any action required or permitted to be
taken by the stockholders of the Corporation must be effected at
a duly called annual or special meeting of such holders and may
not be effected by any consent in writing by such holders.
Special meetings of stockholders of the Corporation may be
called only by the Board of Directors
pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the members of
the Board of Directors then in
or (ii) upon the written request of the holders of at least
twenty-five percent of the outstanding voting stock of the
Corporation in accordance with the requirements set forth in the
Bylaws of the Corporation
. Elections of directors need
not be by written ballot, unless otherwise provided in the
of Stockholders
Section 2.2.
Special. (a) Special meetings
of stockholders for any purpose or purposes may be called only
by the Board of Directors, (i) pursuant to a
resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the Board of
Directors then in office, or (ii) upon the written
request of the holders of at least twenty-five percent of the
outstanding voting stock of the Corporation (a
Request) in accordance with the requirements set
forth in Section 2.2(b) hereof.
(b) Any Request shall set forth with particularity
(i) the names and business addresses of the stockholder or
stockholders requesting the meeting (each a Meeting
Proponent) and all Persons (as such term is defined in
Article V of the Certificate of Incorporation) acting in
concert with any Meeting Proponent; (ii) the name and
address of each Meeting Proponent and the Persons identified in
clause (i), as they appear on the Corporations books (if
they so appear); (iii) the class and number of shares of
the Corporation beneficially owned by each Meeting Proponent and
the Persons identified in clause (i); (iv) the text of the
proposal or business (including the text of any resolutions
proposed for consideration and, if the business includes a
proposal to amend these Bylaws or the Certificate of
Incorporation, the language of the proposed amendment); and
(v) all arrangements or understandings between each Meeting
Proponent and any other Persons, including their names, in
connection with the proposed business of the special meeting and
any material interest of each Meeting Proponent in such
business. Except as permitted in Section 2.2(c), the only
business that may be conducted at the special meeting shall be
the business proposed in the Request. The Request shall be
delivered personally or sent by registered mail to the Secretary
of the Corporation at its principal executive offices. If the
Board of Directors determines that the Request complies with the
Certificate of Incorporation and the provisions of these Bylaws
and that the proposal to be considered or business to be
conducted is a proper subject for stockholder action under
applicable law, the Board of Directors shall call and send
notice of a special meeting for the purpose set forth in the
Request in accordance with Section 2.3 of these Bylaws. The
Board of Directors shall determine the date for such special
meeting, which date shall be not later than 90 days
following the Corporations receipt of the Request, and the
record date(s) for stockholders entitled to notice of and to
vote at such special meeting.
(c) Special meetings may be held at any
place, within or without the State of Delaware, as determined by
the Board of Directors. The only business which may be conducted
at such a special meeting, other
than procedural matters and matters relating to the conduct of
the special meeting, shall be the matter or
matters described in the notice of the meeting.
Section 2.3. Notice. Notice of each
meeting of stockholders, shall be made in writing, or
electronically to such stockholders as have consented to the
receipt of such notice by electronic means, or by any such other
means permitted by the Delaware General Corporation Law. Such
notice shall state the date, time, place and, in the case of a
special meeting, the purpose thereof, shall be given as provided
by law by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary not less than
ten days nor more than 60 days before such meeting (unless
a different time is specified by law) to every stockholder
entitled by law to notice of such meeting.
In accordance with federal securities laws, Eastman has elected to make its proxy materials
relating to its 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders available on the Internet to stockholders receiving
the accompanying notice (the Notice). The purpose of Internet availability of proxy materials is
to promote the use of the Internet as a reliable and cost-effective means of making proxy materials
available to stockholders. The Company expects that it may realize significant cost savings
related to the printing and distribution of proxy materials to stockholders by the use of the
The purpose of the Notice is to provide you with important instructions for obtaining the
Companys proxy materials. The Notice is NOT a form for voting. We encourage you to
review all of the important information contained in the proxy materials before voting.
Although you have received the Notice and may access and review the proxy materials via the
Internet, you may also elect to receive a paper or e-mail copy of the proxy materials. In order to
receive a paper or e-mail copy of the proxy materials, you must specifically request a copy by
following the instructions contained in the Notice.
If you choose to vote via the Internet, you must follow the instructions on the Notice
regarding accessing the Companys proxy materials via the Internet.
You may also attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person. If you choose to vote in person,
you must obtain the admission ticket that is included with the electronic form of proxy (accessible
through the Internet site contained in the Notice), and bring it with you to the Annual Meeting of
Eastman Chemical Company |
P.O. Box 431 |
Kingsport, Tennessee 37662-5280 |
Theresa K. Lee |
Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, |
and Corporate Secretary |
Phone: (423) 229-2097 |
FAX: (423) 224-9399 |
| |
March ___,
Re: |
2010 Annual Meeting Materials |
Dear Fellow Eastman Employee and Stockholder:
Our 2010
Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held on May 6, and it is important that your shares
be represented. Again this year, all employees who own Eastman shares through the ESOP or Eastman
Investment Plan will access the Notice and Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting and Eastmans
Annual Report to Stockholders electronically on the Internet. Making these materials available to
you electronically rather than by sending printed material in the mail significantly reduces the
Companys printing and postage expenses and reflects our continuing efforts to increase efficiency
and reduce costs through the expanded use of technology.
To access
the 2009 Annual Report and the Notice and Proxy Statement for the 2010 Annual Meeting,
please go to and click on the icon for each document. (If you like, you may use your Eastman employee
account to access the Internet website and review the materials.) The business to be considered and
voted upon at the Annual Meeting is explained in the Proxy Statement. Please review the Proxy
Statement, and the Annual Report, before voting your shares. If you wish to receive a paper copy of
the Annual Report and Proxy Statement, select MaterialRequest and
enter the 11-digit number in the box by the arrow on your proxy card.
It is important that your shares be represented and voted at the Annual Meeting. As explained on
the enclosed proxy card, you can vote by proxy by Internet, by telephone, or by marking, signing,
dating, and mailing your proxy card in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. Whether you choose to
vote by computer, telephone, or proxy card, please vote as soon as possible. Your vote is
important, regardless of the number of shares you own.
Yours very truly,
Theresa K. Lee
Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary