1. Name and Address of Reporting Person
   Clark, Candace A.
   290 Waterville Road
   Avon, CT 060010000
2. Issuer Name and Ticker or Trading Symbol
   Kaman Corporation (KAMNA)
3. IRS or Social Security Number of Reporting Person (Voluntary)
4. Statement for Month/Day/Year
5. If Amendment, Date of Original (Month/Day/Year)
6. Relationship of Reporting Person(s) to Issuer (Check all applicable)
   ( ) Director                   ( ) 10% Owner
   (X) Officer (give title below) ( ) Other (specify below)
   Sr VP, CLO and Secretary
7. Individual or Joint/Group Filing (Check Applicable Line)
   (X) Form filed by One Reporting Person
   ( ) Form filed by More than One Reporting Person

TABLE I -- Non-Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned

|1. Title of Security          |2. Trans- |2A.Execu- |3. Trans-|4. Securities Acquired (A)|5. Amount of  |6. Owner-  |7. Nature   |
|                              |   action |   action |   action|   or Disposed of (D)     |Securities    |   ship    |   of In-   |
|                              |   Date   |   Date   |   Code  |                          |Beneficially  |   Form:   |   direct   |
|                              |          |          |         |                          |Owned         |   Direct  |   Bene-    |
|                              |  (Month/ |  (Month/ |         |                          |Following     |   (D) or  |   ficial   |
|                              |   Day/   |   Day/   +-----+---+-----------+---+----------+Reported      |   Indirect|   Owner-   |
|                              |   Year)  |   Year)  |Code |V  |Amount     |A/D|Price     |Transaction(s)|   (I)     |   ship     |
Kaman Class A Common            02/25/2003            A     V   4250    A   $0.0000    34874.11   D
Kaman Class B Common                                                                       1042           D

TABLE II -- Derivative Securities Acquired, Disposed of, or Beneficially Owned

|1.        |2.      |3.     |3A.    |4.       |5.         |6.                   |7.              |8.        |9.     |10.    |11.   |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |                |          |Number |Owner- |      |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |                |          |of     |ship   |      |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |                |          |Deriv- |Form of|      |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |Title and Amount|          |ative  |Deriv- |      |
|          |        |       |       |         |           |                     |of Underlying   |          |Secur- |ative  |Nature|
|          |Conver- |Trans- |Execu- |         |Number of  |                     |Securities      |          |ities  |Secur- |of    |
|          |sion or |action |tion   |         |Derivative |Date Exercisable     +-------+--------+          |Benefi-|ity:   |In-   |
|          |Exercise|Date   |Date   |         |Securities |and Expiration Date  |       |Amount  |          |cially |Direct |direct|
|          |Price of|       |       |Transac- |Acquired(A)|(Month/Day/Year)     |       |or      |          |Owned  |(D) or |Bene- |
|Title of  |Deriv-  |(Month/|(Month/|tion Code|Disposed(D)+----------+----------+       |Number  |Price of  |       |In-    |ficial|
|Derivative|ative   | Day/  | Day/  +------+--+-----+-----+Date Exer-|Expira-   |       |of      |Derivative|       |direct |Owner-|
|Security  |Security|Year)  |Year)  |Code  |V |(A)  |(D)  |cisable   |tion Date |Title  |Shares  |Security  |       |(I)    |ship  |
Stock       $0                                                                   Kaman                       52000   D
Options                                                                          Class A
(Right to                                                                        Common
Stock       $9.9     02/25/2         A      V  27600                     Kaman   27600    $9.9000    27600   D
Appreciatio          003                                                         Class A
n Rights                                                                         Common

Explanation of Responses:

Includes acquisition of 2.49 shares under the Corporation's Employees Stock
Purchase Plan, a 16(b)-3 qualified plan

Represents a restricted stock award under the Corporation's 16b-3 qualified 1993
Stock Incentive Plan


All options and stock appreciation rights are issued under the Corporation's
16b-3 qualified Stock Incentive Plan, including options issued under predecessor
plan.  The Plans include a feature which permits the exercise price for an
option to be paid by withholding a portion of the shares otherwise issuable upon

Exercisable at the rate of 20% per year, beginning one year after grant date;
expires ten (10) years after grant.

/s/ Candace A. Clark
