with copper and many, but by no means all, gold grains occurred on the margins of chalcopyrite. This was confirmed in the metallurgical test programme finished in
Describe the significant mineralised zones encountered on the property, including a summary of the surrounding rock types, relevant geological controls, and the
length, width, depth, and continuity of the mineralisation, together with a description of the type, character, and distribution of the mineralisation.
The extent of the Mineral Resource model covers an area 1.1km (east-west) by 0.8km (north-south) by 1.1km (vertical). The top of the orebody is a minimum of 200m
below surface. Main porphyry type deposit for the main area. A zone known as ISS (intermediate sulphidation stage) is present to the west of the main mineralisation
but it is not included in the study.
Confirm that reliable geological models and / or maps and cross sections that support interpretations exist.
See section 2.1.iii above. Reliable geological models, maps and cross sections exist and are the basis of the Mineral Resource.
Section 3: Exploration and Drilling, Sampling Techniques and Data
Describe the data acquisition or exploration techniques and the nature, level of detail, and confidence in the geological data used (i.e. geological observations, remote
sensing results, stratigraphy, lithology, structure, alteration, mineralisation, hydrology, geophysical, geochemical, petrography, mineralogy, geochronology, bulk
density, potential deleterious or contaminating substances, geotechnical and rock characteristics, moisture content, bulk samples etc.). Confirm that data sets include
all relevant metadata, such as unique sample number, sample mass, collection date, spatial location etc.
Logging codes are defined and used by geologists, these are checked by the data entry team and after that database control scripts and a Competent Person for
database control are in place. AGA (Colombia) uses various software programs to collect the different forms of drilling data obtained during exploration. The main
packages are Microsoft Excel and Access. Drilling data is captured in the field directly into laptop computers.
Identify and comment on the primary data elements (observation and measurements) used for the project and describe the management and verification of these data
or the database. This should describe the following relevant processes: acquisition (capture or transfer), validation, integration, control, storage, retrieval and backup
processes. It is assumed that data are stored digitally but hand-printed tables with well-organized data and information may also constitute a database.
Logging information, geochemical sampling data and physical property measurements are entered by field staff. Daily drilling forms are completed by the driller in hard
copy and signed off by the geologist.
The database is managed with Microsoft SQL Server and the Century Fusion SQL data management system. The Century Fusion SQL data management system has
been specifically developed for AGAs Colombian exploration and development projects and contains special queries and data management utilities. Many of these or
additional processes have been modified or added to by AGA.
Acknowledge and appraise data from other parties and reference all data and information used from other sources.
All data captured produced internally, Regional geology compiled by the Colombian Geological Association.
Clearly distinguish between data / information from the property under discussion and that derived from surrounding properties.
Regional geology compiled by the Colombian Geological Association. Local geology produced from company mapping and drill hole data. A surface geological
interpretation was made during 2018 campaign for the infrastructures sites.
Describe the survey methods, techniques and expected accuracies of data. Specify the grid system used.
The drill collar position is firstly designed in the office by the geologist, according to target desired, and then revised in consideration of the forest, creeks or any
constraints before going to the field. Once a drill hole is designed, a field visit involving all disciplines takes place in order to ensure there are no restrictions that could
affect platform construction and subsequent drilling procedures.
Initially the drill hole position is marked using normal hand-held GPS (Trimble, Magellan or similar) with about 1-2 m position accuracy.
Once the platform is constructed and the machine is ready to align, the geologist travels to the rig and supervises the setup of the azimuth angle in order to finalise the
constructed base where the machine will be finally placed.
When the drill rig is ready to drill, the geologist returns to supervise and give the final inclination using a Brunton type compass.
Once the drill hole is finished, the final collar position is surveyed (Easting, Northing and Elevation) using total station or RTK GPS (normally 5mm to 20 cm accuracy
for Topcon or Trimble units).
Downhole measurements every 50 m are normally being done with Reflex Ez-Track equipment. Some Gyro measurements at a 5 m spacing were done in the past in
order to compare with EZ-Track survey. No significant differences were found.