Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 6-K
                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer
                        Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                         For the Month of February 2005


                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.
                 (Translation of Registrant's Name into English)
           Advanced Technology Center, P.O.B. 539, Haifa 31053, Israel
                    (Address of Principal Corporate Offices)

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permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): |_|

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Form 6-K if submitted  solely to provide an attached  annual  report to security

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Form 6-K  submitted to furnish a report or other  document  that the  registrant
foreign  private  issuer  must  furnish  and make  public  under the laws of the
jurisdiction  in which the  registrant  is  incorporated,  domiciled  or legally
organized  (the  registrant's  "home  country"),  or under the rules of the home
country exchange on which the registrant's securities are traded, as long as the
report or other document is not a press  release,  is not required to be and has
not been distributed to the registrant's  security holders, and, if discussing a
material  event,  has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other
Commission filing on EDGAR.

Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  by  furnishing  the  information
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                 |_|      Yes               |X|      No

If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in
connection with Rule

12g3-2(b):  82-______________

     Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated by reference herein is the
Registrant's Proxy Statement, mailed to the Registrant's shareholders on or
about February 7, 2005.

     Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and incorporated by reference herein is the
Registrant's proxy card, mailed to the Registrant's shareholders on or about
February 7, 2005.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                     ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.

                                     By: /s/ Ilan Pacholder
                                     Name:  Ilan Pacholder
                                     Title: Corporate Secretary

Dated:  February 7, 2005

    Exhibit No.            Description
    -----------            -----------

    1.                     Proxy statement.

    2.                     Proxy card.

                                                                       EXHIBIT 1


                                                                February 7, 2005

Dear Fellow Shareholder,

     You are cordially  invited to attend the Elbit  Systems Ltd.  Extraordinary
General  Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at 3:00 p.m. local time on February
28, 2005, at our offices at the Advanced Technology Center, Haifa, Israel.

     The agenda of the meeting and the proposals to be voted on are described in
the  accompanying  proxy  statement.  For the  reasons  described  in the  proxy
statement,  the Board of Directors  recommends that you vote "FOR" Items 1 and 2
as specified on the enclosed proxy card.

     We look forward to greeting all the shareholders who will be present at the
meeting.  However,  whether or not you are able to attend,  it is important that
your shares be represented. Therefore, at your earliest convenience please sign,
date and mail the  enclosed  proxy card in the  envelope  provided so that it is
received not later than 24 hours before the meeting.

     Thank you for your cooperation.

                                           Very truly yours,

                                           MICHAEL FEDERMANN
                                           Chairman of the Board of Directors

                                           JOSEPH ACKERMAN
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer

                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.


                                                       Haifa, Israel
                                                       February 7, 2005

     This is notice that an  Extraordinary  General  Meeting of  Shareholders of
Elbit Systems Ltd. (the "Company") will be held at the Company's  offices at the
Advanced  Technology Center,  Haifa,  Israel, on February 28, 2005, at 3:00 p.m.
local time, for the following purposes:

1.   to  approve  and  ratify  the  agreements  entered  into by the  Company on
     December 27, 2004 regarding the purchase from Koor  Industries  Ltd. of its
     ordinary shares in Tadiran Communications Ltd.; and

2.   to elect Nathan Sharony,  who currently  serves as an External  Director on
     the Company's  Board of Directors,  to an additional  three-year term as an
     External Director.

     Shareholders  of record at the close of business  on February 3, 2005,  are
entitled to receive notice of, and to vote at, the meeting. All shareholders are
cordially invited to attend the meeting in person.

     Shareholders  who are unable to attend the meeting in person are  requested
to complete, date and sign the enclosed proxy card and return it promptly in the
pre-addressed  envelope  provided so that it is received by the Company at least
24 hours  before the  meeting.  No postage is  required  if mailed in the United
States.  Shareholders  who attend the meeting may revoke their  proxies and vote
their shares in person.

                                   By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                   MICHAEL FEDERMANN
                                   Chairman of the Board of Directors

                                   JOSEPH ACKERMAN
                                   President and Chief Executive Officer


                                 GENERAL MEETING

The following  questions and answers  summarize the major issues to be discussed
at the  Extraordinary  General Meeting.  For a more complete  description of the
issues please see the accompanying Proxy Statement.

Q: When and where is the Meeting?

A: The Meeting will take place at 3:00 p.m. local time, on Monday, February 28,
2005, at the Company's offices at the Advanced Technology Center, Haifa, Israel.

Q: What is the record date for the Meeting?

A: The record date is February 3, 2005, and all  shareholders  holding shares at
the close of business on that date will be entitled to receive  notice of and to
vote at the Meeting.

Q: What are the items to be voted on at the Meeting?

A: The items to be voted on include:

     o    to approve and ratify the  agreements  entered  into by the Company on
          December 27, 2004  regarding  the purchase from Koor  Industries  Ltd.
          (Koor) of its ordinary shares in Tadiran Communications Ltd. (Tadiran)
          (the Tadiran Acquisition).

     o    to elect Nathan Sharony,  who currently serves as an External Director
          on the Company's Board of Directors,  to an additional three-year term
          as an External Director.

Q: Does the Company and its Board of Directors support the proposals to be voted
on at the Meeting?

A: Yes.

Q: What voting majority is required?

A: The  required  voting  majority,  whether  voting in person or by proxy,  for
approval  of each of the Items in the Proxy  Statement  (in each case not taking
into account abstentions) is:

     Approval of Item 1 (the  agreements  relating  to the Tadiran  Acquisition)

          (1)  A  majority  of the  shares  voted  regarding  that  Item  in the
               Meeting,  provided  that  (i)  the  majority  includes  at  least
               one-third (1/3) of the  total  votes  of  shareholders  having no
               "Personal  Interest"  in the  Item  who  vote on the  Item at the
               Meeting  or (ii) the total  number  of votes of the  shareholders
               mentioned in (i) above that are voted  against such Item does not
               exceed one percent (1%) of the Company's voting rights.

             (2)  Each  shareholder  must indicate,  either on the proxy card or
                  prior to voting in person at the  Meeting,  whether or not the
                  shareholder  has a "Personal  Interest"  in the matter.  Under
                  Israeli law, a Personal  Interest means a person's interest in
                  an act or transaction  of a company,  including an interest of
                  such  person's  relative  or of  another  entity in which such
                  person  or his or her  relative  are  interested  parties.  An
                  interest resulting merely from such person's holding of shares
                  in that company will not be considered a Personal Interest.

     Approval of Item 2 (election  of Mr.  Sharony to an  additional  three-year
     term as External  Director) requires a majority of the votes cast regarding
     such election at the Meeting,  whether in person or by proxy, provided that
     (i) that majority  includes at least  one-third (1/3) of the total votes of
     non-controlling  shareholders  or anyone voting on their behalf  present at
     the Meeting in person or by proxy or (ii) the total  number of votes of the
     shareholders  mentioned in (i) above that are voted  against such  election
     does not exceed one percent (1%) of the Company's voting rights.

Q: Does the Company's  management believe the Tadiran  Acquisition is beneficial
to the Company?

A: Yes.  The  Company's  management  believes  that the Tadiran  Acquisition  is
beneficial to the Company both from a financial and a strategic standpoint.

Q: Why are you being  asked to approve  the  agreements  relating to the Tadiran

A: Under Israeli law, the Tadiran Acquisition is considered an "interested party
transaction"  in  which a  controlling  shareholder  of the  Company,  Federmann
Enterprises  Ltd. (FEL) has a Personal  Interest.  This is due to the signing of
the agreements and performance of the Tadiran Acquisition  concurrently with the
agreements and  transaction  between Koor and FEL regarding the purchase by Koor
from  FEL of  shares  in the  Company,  as  described  in the  Proxy  Statement.
Therefore, even though the Company's management supports the Tadiran Acquisition
irrespective  of the Koor - FEL  transaction,  Israeli law  requires  that as an
"interested  party  transaction",  the  Tadiran  Acquisition  be approved by the
Company's  Audit  Committee  and Board of Directors  (without  participation  by
directors  having  a  Personal  Interest  in the  transaction),  as  well as the
Company's shareholders.

Q: What  process was followed to review and approve the Tadiran  Acquisition  by
members of the Company's  Audit Committee and Board of Directors who do not have
a Personal Interest in the transaction?

A: As further described in the Proxy Statement,  the Audit Committee in a series
of meetings  considered  the impact of the Tadiran  Acquisition  on the Company,
irrespective of the Koor - FEL transaction. For this purpose the Audit Committee
members  included  four  directors  with no  Personal  Interest  in the  Tadiran
Acquisition or the Koor - FEL transaction,  and each of those directors meet the
board member independence criteria of the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act as well as the
Nasdaq Marketplace Rules.

During its considerations, the Audit Committee obtained an independent "fairness
opinion" regarding the Tadiran  Acquisition,  an English translation of which is
attached  to the  Proxy  Statement.  Following  its  considerations,  the  Audit
Committee as well as the Board of Directors,  consisting for this purpose of the
same  directors who served on the Audit  Committee,  concluded  that the Tadiran
Acquisition is beneficial  both to the Company and all of its  shareholders  and
unanimously approved the Tadiran Acquisition agreements.

Q: Why is it necessary to elect an External Director at this time?

A: Under Israeli law, a publicly  traded company such as the Company is required
to have two External  Directors who meet the independence  criteria specified in
the  Israeli  Companies  Law and who are elected by the  required  majority at a
general shareholders meeting. An External Director serves for a three-year term.
The term of Nathan Sharony,  who was elected to serve as an External Director in
March 2002, expires in March 2005.

Q: Is Nathan Sharony  permitted to be elected for an additional  three-year term
as an External Director?

A:  Yes.  External  Directors  such as Mr.  Sharony,  who  continue  to meet the
qualification criteria, are permitted to be elected for an additional three-year

Q: What do I need to do now?

A: Just  indicate on your proxy card how you want to vote,  and sign and mail it
in the enclosed return envelope as soon as possible, so that your shares will be
represented at the Meeting.  The signed proxy must be received by the Company at
least 24 hours before the Meeting. If you sign and send in your proxy but do not
indicate  how you want to vote,  your proxy will be counted as a vote for all of
the  proposals,  however for  purposes of Item 1 you must  indicate on the proxy
card whether or not you have a personal interest in the transaction.

Q: What do I do if I want to change my vote?

A: Just mail a later-dated,  signed proxy card or other  document  revoking your
proxy in time for it to be received by the Company at least 24 hours  before the
Meeting or attend the Meeting in person and vote.

Q: If my  shares  are  held in  "street  name"  by my  broker,  a bank or  other
representative, will my representative vote my shares for me?

A: If you hold  your  shares  through a  broker,  bank or other  representative,
generally the broker or other  representative  may only vote the shares it holds
for you in accordance with your  instructions.  However,  if the broker or other
representative  does not  receive  your  instructions  in  time,  it may vote on
certain types of matters for which it has discretionary authority.

Q: Who can help answer my questions?

A: For additional  information about the Meeting,  please contact during regular
office hours, Sunday through Thursday,  Ilan Pacholder,  the Company's Corporate
Secretary   at   the   Company's   offices   in   Haifa,    Israel,    telephone

                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.

                           Advanced Technology Center

                                  P.O. Box 539

                               Haifa 31053, Israel

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

This Proxy  Statement is provided to the  shareholders of ordinary  shares,  NIS
1.00 nominal value, of Elbit Systems Ltd. (the "Company" or "Elbit  Systems") in
connection with the Board of Directors'  solicitation of proxies for votes to be
cast at the  Shareholders'  Extraordinary  General Meeting to be held on Monday,
February 28, 2005 (the  "Meeting"),  or at any  adjournment  of the Meeting,  as
specified  in the  accompanying  Notice  of  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  of

It is proposed that the shareholders adopt resolutions  concerning the following
matters at the Meeting:

     1.   to approve and ratify the  agreements  entered  into by the Company on
          December 27, 2004 regarding the purchase from Koor  Industries Ltd. of
          its ordinary shares in Tadiran Communications Ltd.; and

     2.   to elect Nathan Sharony,  who currently serves as an External Director
          on the Company's Board of Directors,  to an additional three-year term
          as an External Director.

Shares represented by properly signed and unrevoked proxies will be voted in the
manner directed by the persons designated as proxies.

                         QUORUM AND VOTING REQUIREMENTS

Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on February 3, 2005, have
the right to receive notice and to vote at the Meeting.

The Company had  outstanding on February 1, 2005,  40,665,654  ordinary  shares,
each giving a right of one vote for each of the matters to be  presented  at the
Meeting.  (This amount  includes  23,091 ordinary shares held by a subsidiary of
the Company but does not include 385,000  ordinary shares held by the Company as
treasury  shares.) No less than two shareholders  present in person or by proxy,
and holding or representing  between them one-third of the outstanding  ordinary
shares, will constitute a quorum at the Meeting.

If a quorum  is not  present  within  one-half  hour  after the time set for the
Meeting,  the Meeting will be adjourned and will be reconvened one week later at
the same time and place unless other notice is given by the Board of  Directors.
If there is not a quorum  within  one-half  hour of the


time for the reconvened  meeting, a quorum will be considered present as long as
at least two shareholders participate in person or by proxy.

Joint holders of shares should note that according to the Company's  Articles of
Association the vote, whether in person or by proxy, of the more senior of joint
holders of any voted  share will be  accepted  over  vote(s) of the other  joint
holders of that share.  For this purpose  seniority  will be  determined  by the
order the joint holders' names appear in the Company's Register of Shareholders.

Approval  of Item 1 of this Proxy  Statement  (the  agreements  relating  to the
purchase  from  Koor   Industries   Ltd.  of  its  ordinary  shares  in  Tadiran
Communications Ltd.) requires a majority of the shares voted regarding that Item
in the Meeting,  whether in person or by proxy,  provided  that (i) the majority
includes at least one-third (1/3) of the total votes of  shareholders  having no
"Personal Interest" in the Item who vote on the Item at the Meeting (abstentions
will  not be  taken  into  account)  or (ii) the  total  number  of votes of the
shareholders  mentioned  in (i) above that are voted  against such Item does not
exceed one percent (1%) of the Company's voting rights.

In  order  to be  counted  for  voting  with  respect  to Item 1 of  this  Proxy
Statement,  a shareholder  must  indicate,  either on the proxy card or prior to
voting in person at the Meeting,  whether or not the  shareholder has a Personal
Interest in the matter. Shares of a shareholder who does not so indicate whether
or not there is a Personal Interest will not be voted for that Item.

Under  the  Israeli  Companies  Law - 1999 (the  "Companies  Law"),  a  Personal
Interest  means a  person's  interest  in an act or  transaction  of a  company,
including an interest of such  person's  relative or of another  entity in which
such person or his or her relative are interested parties. An interest resulting
merely  from such  person's  holding  of shares in that  company  will not to be
considered a Personal Interest.

Approval  of Item 2 of this  Proxy  Statement  (election  of Mr.  Sharony  to an
additional three-year term as an External Director),  requires a majority of the
votes cast  regarding  such  election  at the  Meeting,  whether in person or by
proxy,  provided that (i) that majority includes at least one-third (1/3) of the
total votes of  non-controlling  shareholders  or anyone  voting on their behalf
present at the Meeting in person or by proxy (abstentions will not be taken into
account) or (ii) the total number of votes of the shareholders  mentioned in (i)
above that are voted  against such  election does not exceed one percent (1%) of
the Company's voting rights.

                                 VOTING BY PROXY

A proxy form for use at the Meeting and a return envelope for the proxy form are
enclosed. Shareholders may revoke any proxy form prior to its exercise by filing
with the Company a written notice of revocation or a properly  signed proxy form
of a later date,  or by voting in person at the Meeting.  In order to be counted
for  purposes of voting at the  Meeting,  a properly  signed  proxy form must be
received by the Company at least 24 hours before the Meeting.


Unless otherwise  indicated on the proxy form, shares  represented by a properly
signed and received proxy in the enclosed form will be voted in favor of all the
above  described  matters to be presented  for voting at the  Meeting,  provided
that, as described above,  voting for Item 1 requires  specifying whether or not
there is a Personal  Interest.  Abstentions will not be treated as either a vote
"for" or "against"  the matter,  although they will be counted to determine if a
quorum is present.

Proxy forms are being mailed to  shareholders  on or about February 7, 2005, and
will be  solicited  mostly  by  mail.  However,  in some  cases  proxies  may be
solicited by telephone, telegram or other personal contact. The Company will pay
for the cost of the  solicitation  of proxies,  including the cost of preparing,
assembling  and mailing the proxy  material,  and will  reimburse the reasonable
expenses of brokerage firms and others for forwarding material to shareholders.



The following  table shows, as of February 1, 2005, to the best of the Company's
knowledge, the number of ordinary shares (1) owned by (i) all shareholders known
by the Company to own 5% or more of the Company's  ordinary  shares and (ii) all
directors and officers of the Company as a group.

Federmann Enterprises Ltd.                19,915,884               48.97%
99 Hayarkon Street
Tel-Aviv, Israel(2)

Heris Aktiengesellschaft                   3,836,458(3)             9.43%

c/o 99 Hayarkon Street
Tel-Aviv, Israel

Bank Leumi Group                           2,471,252                6.08%
Tel-Aviv, Israel(4)

Bank Hapoalim Group                        2,282,562                5.61%
Tel-Aviv, Israel(4)

All officers and directors                   426,562(5)             1.05%
as a group (25 persons)


(1)  The total number of ordinary shares includes 23,091 ordinary shares held by
     a subsidiary of the Company but excludes  385,000  ordinary  shares held by
     the Company as treasury shares.

(2)  Federmann  Enterprises  Ltd.  ("FEL")  owns the  shares  of  Elbit  Systems
     directly and indirectly through Heris Aktiengesellschaft ("Heris") which is
     controlled by FEL.


     FEL is controlled by Beit Federmann Ltd. ("BFL"). BFL is controlled by Beit
     Bella Ltd. ("BBL") and Beit Yekutiel Ltd. ("BYL"). Michael Federmann is the
     controlling  shareholder  of BBL and BYL. He is also the  Chairman of Elbit
     Systems'  Board and the  Chairman  of the  Board  and the  Chief  Executive
     Officer of FEL. Therefore, Mr. Federmann controls, directly and indirectly,
     the vote of the shares owned by Heris and FEL.

(3)  The  amount of shares  owned by Heris  also is  included  in the  amount of
     shares held by FEL as set forth in footnote (2) above.

(4)  The holdings in Elbit Systems'  shares by the Bank Leumi Group and the Bank
     Hapoalim  Group are divided  among several  entities,  mainly mutual and/or
     provident funds.

(5)  This  amount  does  not  include  any  shares  that  may  be  deemed  to be
     beneficially owned by Michael Federmann as described in footnote (2) above.
     The amount includes  202,880 shares  underlying  options that are currently
     exercisable or that will become  exercisable  within 60 days of February 1,
     2005. A portion of the underlying  options are "phantom  options" that have
     been  calculated  based on Elbit  Systems'  February 1, 2005 share  closing
     price of $25.04 on the Nasdaq National Market.

                             TADIRAN COMMUNICATIONS

The Tadiran Acquisition

On December 27, 2004,  the Company  signed a Share  Transfer  Deed (the "Tadiran
Deed") and a Shareholders Agreement (the "Tadiran Shareholders  Agreement") with
Koor Industries Ltd. ("Koor")  regarding the Company's purchase from Koor of the
3,944,276  ordinary  shares  held  by  Koor  in  Tadiran   Communications   Ltd.
("Tadiran"),  which  represent  approximately  31.8%  of  Tadiran's  issued  and
outstanding  ordinary  shares based on Tadiran's  current share capital  without
reduction of treasury shares. The transactions described in the Tadiran Deed and
the Tadiran Shareholders Agreement are referred to as the "Tadiran Acquisition",
and the  Tadiran  Deed  and  Tadiran  Shareholders  Agreement  are  referred  to
collectively as the "Tadiran Acquisition Agreements".  The overall consideration
to be paid by the Company to Koor for the Tadiran  Acquisition is  approximately
$146 million,  based on a purchase  price of $37 per share.  Interest is payable
for any amounts paid after April 1, 2005.

The Tadiran  Acquisition will be made in two stages. In "Stage A" (as defined in
the Tadiran Deed), the Company will purchase from Koor 1,700,000 ordinary shares
of Tadiran, which currently constitute approximately 13.7% of Tadiran's ordinary
shares.  Together with the approximately  5.2% of Tadiran's ordinary shares held
by the Company on February 1, 2005, the


Company  would  own  approximately  18.9% of  Tadiran's  ordinary  shares on the
completion  of  Stage A  (based  on  Tadiran's  current  share  capital  without
reduction of treasury shares). Also on completion of Stage A, Koor has agreed to
support the  appointment  or election of at least 3 directors (but not less than
20% of Tadiran's  directors)  nominated  by the Company to the Tadiran  Board of
Directors  (the "Tadiran  Board").  Currently,  the Tadiran Board consists of 10
directors,  although 12 directors  have been nominated for election at a General
Shareholders  Meeting of Tadiran  scheduled to be held on February 16, 2005. The
Tadiran Shareholders Agreement, which will become effective on the completion of
Stage  A of  the  Tadiran  Acquisition,  also  provides  for  other  rights  and
obligations of Koor and the Company as  shareholders  in Tadiran,  as more fully
described in Annex A hereto.

In "Stage B" (as defined in the Tadiran  Deed),  the Company  will  purchase the
balance  (an  additional  2,244,276  shares)  of  the  Tadiran  ordinary  shares
currently  held by Koor,  which would  result in the Company  holding a total of
approximately 37% of Tadiran's ordinary shares (based on Tadiran's current share
capital without reduction of treasury  shares).  Also, on completion of Stage B,
Koor will support the  appointment or election of directors to Tadiran's  Board,
so that following such  appointment or election,  more than 50% of the directors
on  Tadiran's  Board  (including  External  Directors)  will be  nominees of the

Stage B is subject,  among other  conditions  precedent  as described in Annex A
hereto,  to Tadiran  purchasing at least 70% of the outstanding share capital of
Elisra  Electronic  Systems Ltd.  ("Elisra")  (such purchase  referred to as the
"Elisra  Acquisition").  Koor currently owns 70% of Elisra's  outstanding  share
capital. Should the Elisra Acquisition not occur within 16 months of the date of
the  Tadiran  Acquisition  Agreements,  and  subject to the terms of the Tadiran
Deed, neither the Company nor Koor shall be obligated to complete Stage B of the
Tadiran  Acquisition.  However, in such case Koor will act to cause Koor and the
Company to have equal  representation  on the  Tadiran  Board,  as  provided  in
Tadiran Shareholders Agreement.

The Tadiran  Acquisition  is subject to the  approvals  specified in the Tadiran
Deed,  as described in Annex A hereto,  including  the approval of the Company's
shareholders  at a General  Shareholders  Meeting as is being  requested in this
Proxy Statement.

The Tadiran  Acquisition  is to be  performed  concurrently  with the Koor - FEL
Transaction as described below.

The Tadiran  Acquisition  and the major  provisions  of the Tadiran  Acquisition
Agreements  are  summarized  in Annex A to this  Proxy  Statement,  and  English
translations  of the Tadiran  Deed and the Tadiran  Shareholders  Agreement  are
attached  in their  entirety  as  Annexes C and D,  respectively,  to this Proxy

All the  translations  referenced in this Proxy Statement are being attached for
the convenience of the reader,  and in the event of any discrepancy  between the
translations  and the  original  Hebrew  documents,  the Hebrew  documents  will


The Koor - FEL Transaction

Concurrently with the signing of the Tadiran Acquisition Agreements, Koor signed
a Share Transfer Deed (the "Koor - FEL Deed") and a Shareholders  Agreement (the
"Koor - FEL Shareholders  Agreement") with Federmann Enterprises Ltd. and one of
Federmann  Enterprises Ltd.'s subsidiaries  (collectively "FEL") relating to the
purchase  by  Koor  from  FEL of  4,000,000  ordinary  shares  of  the  Company,
representing approximately 9.8% of the Company's issued and outstanding ordinary
shares  based  on  the  Company's   current  share  capital  (the  "Koor  -  FEL
Transaction").  (The Koor - FEL Deed and the Koor - FEL  Shareholders  Agreement
are referred to as the "Koor - FEL Agreements").  The total  consideration to be
paid by Koor to FEL  under  the  Koor - FEL  Transaction  is  approximately  $99
million,  based on a purchase  price of $24.70 per  Company  share.  Interest is
payable for any amounts paid after April 1, 2005.

The Koor - FEL  Transaction  will occur in two stages.  "Stage A" (as defined in
the Koor - FEL Deed) of the Koor - FEL Transaction will occur  concurrently with
Stage A of the  Tadiran  Acquisition.  "Stage B" (as  defined  in the Koor - FEL
Deed) of the Koor - FEL Transaction will also occur concurrently with Stage B of
the Tadiran Acquisition,  subject to certain exceptions as described in the Koor
- FEL  Deed.  Pursuant  to  Stage A of the  Koor - FEL  Transaction,  Koor  will
purchase  2,160,000  ordinary  shares,  representing  approximately  5.3% of the
Company's  shares (based on the Company's  current share capital),  and FEL will
support the appointment of one director nominated by Koor to the Company's Board
of  Directors  (the  "Company's  Board").  Under  Stage  B of  the  Koor  -  FEL
Transaction,  Koor  will  purchase  from FEL an  additional  1,840,000  ordinary
shares,  representing  approximately  4.5% of the Company's shares (based on the
Company's  current share  capital),  and FEL will support the  appointment of an
additional director to the Company's Board (such that Koor nominees will consist
of not less than 20% of the directors on the Company's Board).

Under the Koor - FEL  Shareholders  Agreement,  which will become effective upon
the  completion  of  Stage A of the Koor - FEL  Transaction,  Koor  will  obtain
certain  tag along  rights in the event of FEL's sale of shares in the  Company,
and Koor will be subject to certain  restrictions  on the transfer of its shares
in the Company.  Also, Koor has agreed to vote at General Shareholders  Meetings
of the Company in accordance with FEL's  instructions,  with certain exceptions,
and  Koor  will  receive  certain  additional  non-transferable  rights,  all as
described in Annex A hereto.

The major  provisions of the Koor - FEL  Agreements are summarized in Annex A of
this Proxy  Statement,  and English  translations of the Koor - FEL Deed and the
Koor - FEL  Shareholders  Agreement are attached in their  entirety as Annexes E
and F, respectively, of this Proxy Statement.

General descriptions of Koor, Tadiran and Elisra appear in Annex A to this Proxy

Interested Party Transaction

The Company's  management believes that the Tadiran Acquisition is beneficial to
the Company irrespective of the Koor - FEL Transaction.  However,  under Israeli
law,  since  the  agreements


relating  to  the  two  transactions  were  signed  concurrently,  and  the  two
transactions will occur concurrently,  and since FEL is considered a controlling
shareholder of the Company, the Tadiran Acquisition is considered an "interested
party  transaction"  in which  FEL has a  Personal  Interest.  Accordingly,  the
Tadiran  Acquisition is subject to the approval of the Company's Audit Committee
and the Company's  Board,  each with the  participation of directors who are not
affiliated with FEL, as well as to the approval of the Company's shareholders by
a special  majority  required  by the  Companies  Law for  transactions  of this

The Audit  Committee of the Company's Board (the  "Committee")  has reviewed the
Tadiran  Acquisition  due to it  being  considered  under  Israeli  law to be an
interested  party  transaction  in which a controlling  shareholder,  FEL, has a
Personal Interest. The Committee's members, for this purpose,  consisted of four
directors,  none of whom are affiliated with FEL or have a Personal  Interest in
the Tadiran Acquisition or the Koor - FEL Transaction and each of whom meets the
independence criteria of the U.S.  Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Nasdaq Marketplace

In the course of several meetings over a two-week period, the Committee reviewed
the Tadiran  Acquisition  in order to determine  whether it is beneficial to the
Company,  without regard to the Koor - FEL Transaction.  The Committee  reviewed
the Tadiran Acquisition from a financial and strategic perspective,  taking into
account,  among  other  considerations,  the  potential  impact  of  the  Elisra
Acquisition  (assuming it occurs) under the terms set forth in the Tadiran Deed.
In the course of its  considerations  the  Committee  requested  and obtained an
independent opinion as to the fairness of the Tadiran Acquisition to the Company
and all of its  shareholders  (the  "Fairness  Opinion").  A copy of an  English
translation  of the  Fairness  Opinion  is  attached  as  Annex B to this  Proxy
Statement.  A further  description of the process  followed by the Committee and
the issues that it considered in approving the Tadiran  Acquisition is contained
in Annex A to this Proxy Statement.

At the conclusion of its  deliberations the Committee  unanimously  approved the
Tadiran  Acquisition  Agreements,  finding the Tadiran  Acquisition to be in the
interest of the Company and to all of its  shareholders.  In turn, the Company's
Board,  in a  forum  consisting  solely  of  the  directors  who  served  on the
Committee,  unanimously  approved  the  Tadiran  Acquisition  Agreements  and is
recommending  them for approval by the Company's  shareholders  pursuant to this
Proxy Statement.

At the  Meeting,  the  Board  of  Directors  will  propose  that  the  following
resolution be adopted:

          "RESOLVED, that the Share Transfer Deed and the Shareholders
          Agreement between the Company and Koor Industries Ltd., each
          dated December 27, 2004,  are hereby  approved and ratified,
          and that Joseph Ackerman,  the Company's President and Chief
          Executive   Officer,   and  Joseph  Gaspar,   the  Company's
          Corporate Vice President and Chief  Financial  Officer,  are
          hereby  authorized  to take any and all required  actions on
          behalf  of  the   Company  to  complete   the   transactions
          contemplated  by  the  aforesaid  Share  Transfer  Deed  and
          Shareholders Agreement."

The members of the Board of Directors who  participated in approving this matter
recommend a vote FOR approval of this resolution.


                              ITEM 2 - ELECTION OF
                             AS AN EXTERNAL DIRECTOR

     The  Company  is  required  under  the  Companies  Law to have at least two
External  Directors on its Board of Directors.  Among other  requirements of the
Companies Law, a person may not serve as an External  Director if such person or
such person's  relative,  partner or employer,  or any entity controlled by such
person has, at any time during the two years up to the date of appointment,  any
affiliation  with the  Company,  entities  controlling  the  Company or entities
controlled  by the Company.  The term  "affiliation"  is broadly  defined in the
Companies Law. In addition,  no person may serve as an External Director if such
person's  position or other  business  creates any conflict of interest  with or
impairs his or her responsibilities as an External Director.

     Each  committee of the Company's  Board of Directors is required to include
at least one External  Director,  and all External  Directors must be members of
the Board of Directors'  Audit  Committee.  An External  Director is entitled to
compensation and to  reimbursement of expenses as provided in regulations  under
the  Companies  Law  and  is  otherwise  prohibited  from  receiving  any  other
compensation, directly or indirectly, in connection with services provided as an
External  Director.  External  Directors  are elected at a General  Shareholders
Meeting  and  serve  for a  three-year  term.  The term may be  extended  for an
additional   three-year   term  if  the  extension  is  approved  by  a  General
Shareholders Meeting.

     Nathan  Sharony  and  Yaacov  Lifshitz  currently  serve  as the  Company's
External  Directors.  Mr. Sharony has served as an External Director since March
2002, and his term of office as an External  Director expires in March 2005. The
term of office of Mr.  Lifshitz,  who was  elected as an  External  Director  in
August 2003, expires in August 2006.

     The Company's Board of Directors has recommended that Mr. Sharony's term as
an External Director be extended for an additional  three-year  period,  and Mr.
Sharony has agreed to stand for re-election.

     The Companies Law provides that a General Shareholders Meeting at which the
appointment of an External  Director is to be considered will not be held unless
the  nominee  has  declared  to the  Company  that he or she  complies  with the
qualifications  for appointment as an External  Director.  The proposed nominee,
Mr.   Sharony,   has  declared  to  the  Company  that  he  complies   with  the
qualifications  for  re-appointment as an External  Director.  If elected for an
additional  term as an  External  Director,  he will hold  office  for a further
three-year  period unless his office is vacated  earlier in accordance  with the
provisions of the Companies Law or the Company's Articles of Association. If for
any reason Mr. Sharony should be unable to serve, another person will be elected
in accordance with applicable law.

     Background information regarding Mr. Sharony, who is 70 on the date of this
Proxy Statement, is as follows:


     Nathan  Sharony has served since 1997 as a director for several  companies.
He  currently   serves  as  a  director  for  Technorov   Holdings  (1993)  Ltd.
("Technorov"),  a high technology investment company, Bituach Yashir Ltd., Union
Bank,  Ormat  Industries  Ltd.,  Genoa   Technologies   Ltd.  and  Israel  Bonds
International  Inc. From 1997 to 1999, he served as Chairman of Technorov.  From
1994 to 1997, he was Chief Executive Officer of Israel Bonds, a U.S.  brokerage.
Mr.  Sharony served as the Director  General of the Israel  Ministry of Industry
and  Trade  from  1992 to 1994.  Prior to that,  Mr.  Sharony  held a number  of
positions in industry and government  including  head of the Israeli  Government
Economic  Mission to the U.S.,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Elop
Electro-Optics Industries, Ltd. and Vice President for Logistics of Tadiran Ltd.
In 1982, Mr. Sharony completed 30 years of service in the IDF, retiring with the
rank of Major General.  Mr. Sharony  participated in the Field Artillery Battery
Officers Course in Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

At the  Meeting,  the  Board  of  Directors  will  propose  that  the  following
resolution be adopted:

          "RESOLVED,  that  Mr.  Nathan  Sharony  be  elected  for  an
          additional  three-year  term as an External  Director of the
          Company commencing on March 24, 2005."

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR approval of this resolution.

                                  By Order of the Board of Directors

                                           MICHAEL FEDERMANN

                                           Chairman of the Board of Directors

                                           JOSEPH ACKERMAN

                                           President and Chief Executive Officer

Date:  February 7, 2005


                                     ANNEX A



                                FEBRUARY 7, 2005



A.   Overview of the Transaction

The Tadiran Acquisition

A general  description of the Tadiran Acquisition appears in Item 1 to the Proxy
Statement.  The terms, time periods,  conditions precedent and approvals for the
Tadiran  Acquisition are set forth in the Tadiran Deed, the major  provisions of
which are summarized in Section D.1 below.  The full text of a translation  into
English of the  Tadiran  Deed  appears in Annex C of this Proxy  Statement.  The
terms  relating  to Koor and the  Company as  shareholders  in Tadiran are fully
described in the Tadiran Shareholders  Agreement,  the major provisions of which
are summarized in Section D.2 below. The full text of a translation into English
of  the  Tadiran  Shareholders  Agreement  appears  in  Annex  D to  this  Proxy

Koor - FEL Transaction

A general  description  of the Koor - FEL  Acquisition  appears in Item 1 to the
Proxy Statement. The terms, time periods, conditions precedent and approvals for
the Koor - FEL  Transaction  are set  forth in the Koor - FEL  Deed,  the  major
provisions  of which are  summarized  in Section  E.1 below.  The full text of a
translation into English of the Koor - FEL Deed appears in Annex E of this Proxy
Statement. The terms relating to Koor and FEL as shareholders in the Company are
fully described in the Koor - FEL Shareholders  Agreement,  the major provisions
of which are  summarized  in Section E.2 below.  The full text of a  translation
into English of the Koor - FEL Shareholders Agreement appears in Annex F to this
Proxy Statement.

The Elisra Acquisition

Prior to the Company and Koor entering into the Tadiran Acquisition  Agreements,
Tadiran's  Board of Directors and  management had announced  their  intention to
pursue  the  acquisition  of at least 70% of the  outstanding  share  capital of
Elisra.  This  transaction  is considered  under Israeli law to be an interested
party transaction in which Koor, who is considered a controlling  shareholder of
Tadiran,  has a  Personal  Interest.  It should be noted  that  other  than as a
shareholder  in  Tadiran,  the Company  has no other  involvement  in the Elisra

Tadiran has established a committee of members of its Board of Directors who are
not  affiliated  with Koor, to review the process for, and approve the terms of,
the Elisra Acquisition.  This process will include  investigation of the synergy
of Elisra's and Tadiran's  businesses,  the impact of the Elisra  Acquisition on
Tadiran, due diligence and obtaining an outside independent  financial appraisal
of Elisra.  If the Tadiran  Board  committee  approves  such  terms,  the Elisra
Acquisition  will be submitted  for approval to Tadiran's  audit  committee  and
Tadiran's  Board,  and upon their approval,  for approval to the shareholders of
Tadiran  at a General  Shareholders  Meeting,  subject to the  special  majority
required under the Companies Law for  shareholder  approval of interested  party
transactions.  Due to the terms of the  Tadiran  Acquisition,  during the


period  that the  Tadiran  Deed is in effect  and  binding on the  Company,  the
Company will be deemed to have a Personal Interest in the Elisra Acquisition for
purposes of the voting requirements at a General Shareholders Meeting of Tadiran
convened for approving the Elisra Acquisition.

Under the terms of the Tadiran  Deed,  the Company has agreed to vote its shares
in  Tadiran  in support  of the  Elisra  Acquisition,  subject to the  favorable
recommendation of the Tadiran Board committee as described above (in reliance on
an outside  independent  financial  appraiser),  determining  that the price and
terms of the Elisra Acquisition are not contrary to the interests of Tadiran. In
addition,  the Tadiran  Deed  provides  that in the event the  company  value of
Elisra  established for the Elisra  Acquisition  exceeds $225 million,  then the
Company  shall not be  required  to vote in favor of the Elisra  Acquisition  or
complete  Stage B of the  Tadiran  Acquisition,  but shall be  entitled to equal
representation on the Tadiran Board under the terms of the Tadiran  Shareholders

Descriptions of Koor, Tadiran and Elisra

Koor.  Koor  Industries  Ltd. is a major  Israeli  investment  holding  company,
focusing  on  high-growth   internationally  oriented  Israeli  companies.  Koor
holdings  include  companies  in the  area  of  telecommunications  through  ECI
Telecom,  Telrad Networks and ECTel; in  agrochemicals  through  Makhteshim Agan
Industries;  and in defense electronics  through Tadiran  Communications and the
Elisra  Defense  Group.  Koor also invests in start-ups  through Koor  Corporate
Venture Capital.  Koor's American  Depository  Shares are traded on the New York
Stock Exchange  (NYSE:  KOR), and its ordinary shares are traded on the Tel Aviv
Stock Exchange (TASE: KOR).

Tadiran.  Tadiran  Communications  Ltd.  is an  Israeli  company  and one of the
leading  companies in the worldwide market for military  communications  systems
and  equipment.   Tadiran  currently  has  approximately   1,100  employees  and
significant  design,  manufacturing  and  logistics  support  capabilities.   It
reported  annual  sales  for  2003  in  excess  of $270  million  and  sales  of
approximately  $236 million for the first three  quarters of 2004, of which over
80% was derived from exports,  with sales to more than 50  countries.  Tadiran's
shares are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: TDCM). Koor is currently
the largest shareholder in Tadiran, with no other individual shareholder holding
more than 10% of Tadiran's shares.

Elisra. The Elisra Defense Group is comprised of Elisra Electronic Systems Ltd.,
a  privately  held  Israeli  company,  and  Elisra's  two wholly  owned  Israeli
subsidiaries - Tadiran Electronic Systems Ltd. and Tadiran  Spectralink Ltd. The
Elisra  Defense  Group,  which  currently  has  approximately  1,250  employees,
specializes  in the  design,  manufacture,  integration  and support of advanced
defense  solutions  for air, sea and land  deployment  for  customers in over 25
countries.  Koor currently owns 70% of Elisra's  shares,  with the balance being
owned by Elta Systems Ltd., a subsidiary of Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd.

B.   Requirement for Shareholders' Approval


As described in Item 1 of the Proxy Statement,  since the Tadiran Acquisition is
being  made  concurrently  with  the  Koor  - FEL  Transaction,  and  since  the
agreements underlying the two transactions were signed concurrently, the Tadiran
Acquisition  is  considered  under  Israeli  law as  being an  interested  party
transaction  in which  FEL,  which  is  considered  under  the  Companies  Law a
controlling  shareholder  of the  Company,  has a Personal  Interest.  Under the
Companies  Law,  a Personal  Interest  means a  person's  interest  in an act or
transaction of a company,  including an interest of such person's relative or of
another  entity in which  such  person  or his or her  relative  are  interested

Accordingly, the Companies Law requires that the Tadiran Acquisition be approved
by both the Audit Committee of the Company's  Board of Directors,  as well as by
the Board of Directors as a whole, in each case without the participation of any
directors  who are  affiliated  with FEL or who may  otherwise  have a  Personal
Interest in the transaction.

In addition to the above  mentioned  approvals by the Company's  Audit Committee
and Board of Directors,  the Companies Law requires that such  interested  party
transactions be approved by a special majority of the Company's  shareholders at
a General Shareholders Meeting. The majority required includes a majority of the
shares voted  regarding the  transaction  at the meeting,  provided that (i) the
majority  includes at least one-third (1/3) of the total  votes of  shareholders
having  no  Personal  Interest  in  the  transaction  who  vote  on  the  matter
(abstentions  will not be taken into  account) or (ii) the total number of votes
of  the  shareholders  mentioned  in  (i)  above  that  are  voted  against  the
transaction does not exceed one percent (1%) of the Company's voting rights.

C.   Basis for Audit  Committee  and Board of Directors  Approval of the Tadiran

Review by Independent Directors

Due to the concurrent signing and performance of the Tadiran Acquisition and the
Koor - FEL Transaction, the Company's Audit Committee (the "Committee") reviewed
the Tadiran  Acquisition  from the  perspective  of its benefit to the  Company,
irrespective  of the Koor - FEL  Transaction.  For this  purpose,  the Committee
consisted  of four  members,  none of whom are  affiliated  with FEL or have any
Personal  Interest in the  Tadiran  Acquisition  or the Koor - FEL  Transaction,
including the two External  Directors.  Each of the Committee  members meets the
board member independence criteria under the U.S.  Sarbanes-Oxley Act as well as
those of the Nasdaq Marketplace Rules.

Process Followed

The Committee  met on five separate  occasions  over an  approximately  two-week
period to  extensively  review the  transaction  and  proposed  agreements.  The
Committee received


presentations  from Company  management  regarding  the  strategic and financial
aspects of the Tadiran  Acquisition.  The Committee also consulted with both the
Company's  in-house  counsel  as well  as  outside  counsel,  who had no role in
advising FEL in the Koor - FEL Transaction,  regarding legal implications of the
transactions and the Committee's role in reviewing a transaction of this nature.

 Matters Considered

The Committee reviewed the terms of the Tadiran Acquisition Agreements in detail
as well as the  terms of the Koor - FEL  Transaction.  Company  management  made
presentations to the Committee regarding the various implications to the Company
of the Tadiran  Acquisition,  including  the  possibility  that only Stage A may
occur as well as the  possibility  that Tadiran may make the Elisra  Acquisition
under terms that are not all known at this point in time. The Company's  finance
department presented the Committee with the anticipated  financial impact of the
Tadiran Acquisition on the Company and its financial results.

Fairness Opinion

The Committee reviewed the  qualifications of Giza Singer Even Ltd. ("GSE"),  an
experienced independent financial consultant, and following such review retained
GSE to  provide  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  with a  fairness  opinion
regarding  the Tadiran  Acquisition.  The fairness  opinion was made in reliance
upon interviews  conducted by GSE with representatives of the management of Koor
and  Tadiran.   GSE  also  conducted  general  discussions  with  the  Company's
management  regarding the business  environment  in which the various  companies
operate.  The fairness opinion  considered only publicly  available  information
regarding Elisra, and did not include a company valuation of Elisra.

The fairness opinion, which was provided to the Board of Directors on January 4,
2005, indicates that in the opinion of GSE the Tadiran  Acquisition,  subject to
all of its terms and stages,  including the possibility  that only Stage A would
occur and/or the possibility that Tadiran would make the Elisra Acquisition,  is
fair  and  reasonable  from  the  perspective  of  the  Company  and  all of its
shareholders.  A copy of a translation  into English of the fairness  opinion is
attached as Annex B to this Proxy Statement.

Audit Committee and Board Approval

Following the Committee's  extensive  review of the above  mentioned  issues and
receipt of the fairness opinion, the Committee  unanimously approved the Tadiran
Agreements on January 5, 2005.  Immediately  thereafter,  the Company's Board of
Directors,  consisting for this purpose of only those directors who participated
in the Committee,  also unanimously  approved the Tadiran Agreements as being in
the interest of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.


D.   Summary of the Major Provisions of the Tadiran Acquisition Agreements

1.   Tadiran  Deed (for a full  English  translation  see Annex C to this  Proxy


The Tadiran Deed is an agreement for the Company's  purchase,  in two stages, of
Koor's  3,944,276  ordinary shares of Tadiran (the  "Transaction  Shares") which
currently  constitute  approximately  31.8% of the Tadiran's  outstanding  share
capital without  reduction of treasury shares,  for an overall  consideration of
approximately $146 million.


Under the Tadiran Deed, the Company will purchase the  Transaction  Shares on an
"as is" basis and on the basis that the  condition of Tadiran and its assets are
"as is".  However,  Koor undertook that upon the completion of each stage of the
Tadiran  Acquisition  the  Transaction  Shares  that  will be  purchased  at the
relevant  stage will be  transferred  to the Company free and clear of any third
party rights. Koor also warranted that from the time the Transaction Shares were
acquired  by Koor until the time of signing the  Tadiran  Deed,  Tadiran had not
brought to Koor's attention nor given any report to the public that any material
agreement to which  Tadiran is a party had been  terminated  or modified or that
there was any intent to  terminate  or modify any  material  agreement  to which
Tadiran is a party.

Stage A

Timing. The completion  deadline for Stage A of the Tadiran Acquisition is March
31, 2005.  However,  if by March 31, 2005 all the Stage A  conditions  precedent
(see  below)  have  been  fulfilled,  other  than the  approval  of the  Israeli
Commissioner  of  Restrictive  Trade  Practices,  the Stage A deadline  shall be
automatically deferred until May 31, 2005 or to such later date as may be agreed
by the parties.

Share Purchase and Consideration

Pursuant to Stage A of the Tadiran  Acquisition,  the Company will purchase from
Koor  1,700,000   ordinary  shares  of  Tadiran,   which  currently   constitute
approximately 13.7% of Tadiran's  outstanding share capital without deduction of
treasury shares,  for a consideration of $37 per share,  totalling  $62,900,000.
Insofar as all or part of that amount is unpaid after April 1, 2005, such unpaid
amount  shall  accrue  interest  from  April 1,  2005  until  the time of actual
payment.  The interest  will be at the rate of  three-month  LIBOR at Bank Leumi
Le-Israel B.M., plus annual interest at the rate of 1.5%, compounded every three


The Tadiran Deed also includes  provisions for modification of the consideration
to be paid for the Transaction Shares or of the quantity of Transaction  Shares,
if certain  changes  occur in the share capital or equity of Tadiran as a result
of distribution of dividends,  distribution of bonus shares,  rights  offerings,
consolidations, sub-divisions or similar events.

Board  Nominees.  Subject to the completion of Stage A, Koor will act to support
the  appointment  or election to Tadiran's  Board of such number of directors as
are  nominated  by the  Company,  and  who  meet  qualification  conditions  for
membership on Tadiran's  Board,  such that after their  appointment or election,
the number of  directors  who have been  nominated  by the  Company  will be the
greater of:

(1)  three directors; or

(2)  a number of directors equal to 20% of the number of the Tadiran's directors
     (including  External  Directors  and the  directors  who are  appointed  or
     elected in accordance with the Company's nomination as aforesaid),  rounded
     up to the nearest whole number.

Conditions Precedent.  Stage A of the Tadiran Deed and Stage A of the Koor - FEL
Deed will be completed  concurrently.  Therefore  obtaining all the consents and
approvals necessary for the fulfilment of the Koor - FEL Deed Stage A conditions
precedent  and the  completion  of Stage A of the Koor - FEL Deed is a condition
precedent for the completion of Stage A of the Tadiran Deed.

The other  conditions  precedent for the  performance  of Stage A of the Tadiran
Deed are:

(1)  obtaining   approval   from  the  Company's   shareholders   at  a  General
     Shareholders  Meeting for the Company to enter into the Tadiran Acquisition

(2)  insofar as necessary,  obtaining applicable  regulatory approvals in Israel
     and outside Israel; and

(3)  insofar as necessary,  obtaining applicable approvals from certain banks or
     other financial institutions.

Stage B

Timing. The completion  deadline for Stage B of the Tadiran  Acquisition is June
30, 2005. However, if all the Stage B conditions  precedent (see below) have not
been  fulfilled  by June  30,  2005,  the  Stage  B  completion  deadline  shall
automatically  be deferred until September 30, 2005.  Moreover,  if by September
30, 2005, all the Stage B conditions  precedent have been fulfilled,  except for
the  completion  of the Elisra  Acquisition,  Koor shall be  entitled to provide
written  notice to the Company of deferral  of the Stage B  completion  deadline
until April 30, 2006 or such later date as may be determined by the parties.


Share  Purchase  and   Consideration.   Pursuant  to  Stage  B  of  the  Tadiran
Acquisition,  the Company will purchase from Koor 2,244,276  ordinary  shares of
Tadiran, which currently constitute approximately 18.1% of Tadiran's outstanding
share capital without  deduction of treasury shares,  for a consideration of $37
per  share,  totalling  $83,038,212.  Insofar  as all or part of that  amount is
unpaid after April 1, 2005,  such unpaid amount shall accrue interest from April
1, 2005 until the time of actual  payment,  at the same rate of  interest  as is
applicable  to Stage A. The  amount of the  consideration  and the  quantity  of
Transaction  Shares are subject to modification  under the same circumstances as
described above with respect to Stage A.

Board Nominees.  Subject to the completion of Stage B, Koor shall act to support
the  appointment  or election to Tadiran's  Board of such number of directors as
are  nominated  by the  Company,  and who meet the  Board  member  qualification
conditions,  such that  after  their  appointment  or  election,  the  number of
directors  nominated by the Company will  constitute  more than 50% of the total
directors of Tadiran at that time.

Conditions Precedent

Stage B of the  Tadiran  Deed  and  Stage  B of the  Koor - FEL  Deed  are to be
completed  concurrently.  Therefore  obtaining  all the consents  and  approvals
necessary for the fulfilment of the Koor - FEL Deed Stage B conditions precedent
and the  completion  of Stage B of the Koor - FEL Deed is a condition  precedent
for the completion of Stage B of the Tadiran Deed. Nevertheless,  this condition
may not apply if the completion deadline for Stage B of the Koor - FEL Deed will
not be extended  concurrently with the extension of Stage B of the Tadiran Deed,
under the  circumstances  described  below  under the heading of "The Koor - FEL
Deed" relating to the timing of Stage B of the Koor - FEL Deed.

The other conditions precedent for the performance of Stage B are:

(1)  the completion of Stage A of the Tadiran Acquisition;

(2)  the completion of the Elisra Acquisition;

(3)  insofar as necessary,  obtaining applicable  regulatory approvals in Israel
     and outside Israel; and

(4)  insofar as necessary,  obtaining applicable approvals from certain banks or
     other financial institutions.

Lock-up Period

The Company and Koor agreed to a lock-up  period from the signing of the Tadiran
Deed  until  April 30,  2006,  during  which each of them will not  conduct  any
transaction in Tadiran shares.  This obligation  shall continue in force even if
the Tadiran Deed is cancelled for any reason,  except for termination due to its
breach by Koor and except if the Company  exercises its  walk-away  rights under
the terms of the  Tadiran  Deed as  described  below.  Nevertheless,  during the
lock-up period either party may purchase up to 350,000 shares of Tadiran. To the
extent one of


the parties does not  exercise its right to purchase  such a quantity of shares,
the other party may exercise the right in the first  party's  place,  subject to
certain notice provisions. This lock-up period undertaking will be applicable to
the  Company  only if the  Company's  shareholders,  at a  General  Shareholders
Meeting  pursuant  to this Proxy  Statement,  approve  the  Tadiran  Acquisition

Voting for the Elisra Acquisition

During the period that the Tadiran Deed is in effect and binding on the Company,
the  Company  has agreed to vote all of the  shares in Tadiran  then held by the
Company at a General Shareholders Meeting of Tadiran's  shareholders in favor of
approving the Elisra Acquisition.  This obligation will apply whether or not any
or  all of the  transactions  contemplated  by the  Tadiran  Deed  are  actually
implemented, provided that:

(1)  the Elisra  Acquisition  consideration to be paid by Tadiran is established
     in reliance on an evaluation by an outside  independent  appraiser obtained
     by Tadiran for the purpose of the Elisra Acquisition, and the consideration
     and terms and conditions of the Elisra  Acquisition have been duly approved
     by Tadiran's  audit committee and board of directors and by any independent
     committee  of  Tadiran  that is or may be  established  for the  purpose of
     considering the Elisra Acquisition, and Tadiran's audit committee and board
     of directors have determined that the Elisra Acquisition is not contrary to
     the interests of Tadiran;

(2)  the  consideration  for the Elisra  Acquisition,  as  payable  by  Tadiran,
     reflects a company value for Elisra of not more than $225 million; and

(3)  the Elisra  Acquisition  is approved by a General  Shareholders  Meeting of
     Tadiran's shareholders by April 30, 2006.

This undertaking by the Company to vote in favor of the Elisra  Acquisition will
be applicable to the Company only if the  Company's  shareholders,  at a General
Shareholders  Meeting  pursuant  to this Proxy  Statement,  approve  the Tadiran
Acquisition Agreements.

Further Undertakings by Koor

Koor has undertaken that, from the date of the signature of the Tadiran Deed and
until the earlier of:

(1)  the Stage A completion  deadline,  if the Stage A conditions precedent have
     not been fulfilled by that time; or

(2)  the Stage B completion  deadline,  if the Stage B conditions precedent have
     not been fulfilled by that time; or

(3)  the "Second Closing Date", as defined in the Tadiran Deed;

Koor and/or its subsidiaries and/or the controlling shareholders and/or officers
of Koor and/or companies under the control of any of them will not enter into an
extraordinary  transaction  with


Tadiran  in which any of them has a  Personal  Interest,  other  than the Elisra
Acquisition.  In  addition,  Koor has  undertaken  that it will  oppose and vote
against  certain  shareholder  resolutions  of  Tadiran,  in relation to certain
events as specified in the Tadiran Deed.

"Walk-away" Provisions

The Company may rescind the Tadiran Deed or any of its stages  before such stage
has been  completed and performed in the event of the  occurrence of one or more
of certain  events such as:  liquidation,  insolvency  or similar proceedings of
Tadiran;  merger proceedings of Tadiran;  alterations to Tadiran's incorporation
documents; private placements that vest a right to more than 1,500,000 shares of
Tadiran (with certain exclusions);  certain new transactions of Tadiran that are
not in the  ordinary  course of business or that involve the sale or purchase of
assets or equity, if their aggregate amount exceeds $35 million,  except for the
Elisra Acquisition;  distributions of dividends in an aggregate amount exceeding
New  Israeli  Shekels  2.5 per share of  Tadiran  in any  calendar  quarter;  or
completion  of  the  Elisra   Acquisition  for  consideration  paid  by  Tadiran
reflecting a company value for Elisra in excess of $225 million.

Relation to Koor - FEL Deed

Contemporaneously  with the signing of the Tadiran Deed, the Koor - FEL Deed was
also  signed.  The  Company  is not a  party  to the  Koor - FEL  Deed,  and the
provisions  of the Koor - FEL Deed do not  impose  any  obligation,  that is not
expressly provided in the Tadiran Deed, on Koor to the Company or on the Company
to Koor.


2.   Tadiran Shareholders  Agreement (for a full English translation see Annex D
     to this Proxy Statement)

Effective Date and Duration

The  Tadiran  Shareholders  Agreement  signed  between the Company and Koor will
become effective upon the completion of Stage A of the Tadiran Acquisition,  and
will remain in force so long as the parties  cumulatively hold shares of Tadiran
entitling them to at least 15% of the voting rights in Tadiran and provided that
each party holds shares of Tadiran.

Nomination of Directors following the Completion of Stage A

Following completion of Stage A of the Tadiran Acquisition, Koor and the Company
shall act to support the  appointment or election of directors  nominated by the
Company to Tadiran's  Board,  as provided in the Tadiran Deed  described  above.
Subject to  applicable  law,  Koor and the Company shall act so that there shall
serve  at  least  one  director  nominated  by the  Company  on  every  board of
directors'  committee of Tadiran,  other than the audit  committee.  The parties
also shall act so that a director  of  Tadiran,  who has been  nominated  by the
Company, shall serve as chairperson of the finance committee of Tadiran's Board.

If Koor  exercises  its  right  under  the  Tadiran  Deed to defer  the  Stage B
completion   deadline  from  September  30,  2005  until  April  30,  2006  (the
"Additional Period"), on commencement of the Additional Period Koor will support
the appointment or election of an additional  director  nominated by the Company
to  Tadiran's  Board,  so that  there  shall be a total of twelve  directors  on
Tadiran's  board of  directors,  four of whom shall have been  nominated  by the
Company.  Also, during the Additional Period,  Koor shall act to support that on
every board of directors' committee, at least one-third of the committee members
shall be directors who were nominated by the Company.

Arrangements Following Completion of Stage B

Voting at  Shareholder  Meetings.  After and subject to completion of Stage B of
the Tadiran  Acquisition,  if and to the extent that at that time Koor continues
to be a shareholder  of Tadiran,  Koor has  undertaken to  participate  in every
General  Shareholders  Meeting of Tadiran and vote in respect of all the Tadiran
shares  held by it on  every  matter  and/or  decision  that is  referred  for a
resolution of Tadiran's  shareholders in accordance with  instructions  that are
given to it by the Company. However, Koor shall not be so obligated with respect
to shareholders'  resolutions concerning the approval of transactions of Tadiran
in which the Company, or the Company's controlling shareholders or officers, has
a Personal  Interest,  if such voting by Koor as instructed by the Company would
cause Koor to breach any obligations imposed on Koor by law.

Company's Option to Purchase Koor's Additional Shares in Tadiran


Subject to the completion of Stage B of the Tadiran Acquisition, Koor grants the
Company  the  option to  purchase  from Koor any or all of the shares of Tadiran
that may be issued to or vested in Koor by Tadiran  after the  signature  of the
Tadiran Deed (the "Additional Shares"). Said option shall apply as follows:

(1)  to  all of  the  Additional  Shares  for a  period  of 90  days  after  the
     completion of Stage B;

(2)  to one-half of the Additional  Shares for a period commencing at the end of
     90 days from the  completion  of Stage B and  ending  180 days  after  said
     completion,  provided  these  shares were not  purchased  by the Company in
     accordance with the sub-section (1) above; and

(3)  to one-quarter of the Additional  Shares for a period commencing at the end
     of 180 days from the  completion  of Stage B and ending 365 days after said
     completion,  provided  these  shares were not  purchased  by the Company in
     accordance with sub-sections (1) or (2) above.

The Additional  Shares shall be purchased for consideration per Additional Share
equal to the average of: (a) the price per share at which the Additional  Shares
were issued to Koor by Tadiran or vested in Koor by Tadiran,  less any dividends
distributed  for each share by Tadiran,  commencing  from the date on which Koor
was issued or vested in the share, and (b) the price per share of Tadiran on the
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. For this purpose, the stock exchange price per share of
Tadiran  shall be the  average  price of the share at the end of each of the ten
stock  exchange  trading days  preceding the date on which notice is provided by
the Company in respect of the option's exercise.

Arrangements if Stage B is Not Completed

If after the Stage B completion  deadline,  including any extension of that date
in  accordance  with the Tadiran  Deed,  Stage B is not  completed the following
arrangements  shall  apply  between  Koor and the  Company  in  respect of their
cumulative holdings in Tadiran:

Board of Directors

(1)  So long as the  holdings  of each of the  parties  are not less than 12% of
     Tadiran's issued share capital, the parties shall act and vote by virtue of
     all their cumulative holdings so that:

          (a)  There shall be 12  directors of Tadiran,  including  five who are
               nominated by the Company,  five who are nominated by Koor and two
               External Directors.

          (b)  On all  board  of  directors'  committees  there  shall  be equal
               representation of the directors who are nominated by each party.

          (c)  When  the  term  of  office  of the  first  of the  two  External
               Directors serving on Tadiran's Board comes to an end, the Company
               shall be  entitled  to  nominate  a  candidate  for the office of
               External  Director.  When the term of  office of the other of the
               two External Directors comes to an end, Koor shall be entitled to
               nominate a candidate for the office of External Director.


          (d)  Until December 31, 2006, the chairperson of Tadiran's Board shall
               be a director recommended to that office by Koor. For the next 24
               months, the office shall be held by a director recommended to the
               office by the Company,  and thereafter the right to recommend the
               chairperson shall so alternate every 24 months.

(2)  Should the  holdings of either of the parties  fall below 12% of  Tadiran's
     issued share  capital,  but so long as such  party's  holdings are not less
     than 9% of  Tadiran's  issued share  capital,  that party shall be entitled
     (under the above mentioned  arrangements) to a number of directors equal to
     its percentage holdings in Tadiran divided by the total cumulative holdings
     of the parties  multiplied  by the number of directors  then serving on the
     Tadiran  Board  (rounded to the nearest  whole  number),  provided that the
     number of directors who are appointed or elected on the  recommendation  of
     that  party  shall not be less than 20% of the  total  number of  directors
     (rounded up to a whole number).

(3)  Should the  holdings of either of the  parties  fall below 9% of the issued
     share  capital of Tadiran,  but so long as they have not fallen below 5% of
     Tadiran's  issued share  capital,  that party shall be entitled  (under the
     above  mentioned  arrangements)  to a  number  of  directors  equal  to its
     percentage  holdings in Tadiran divided by the total cumulative holdings of
     the  parties  multiplied  by the number of  directors  then  serving on the
     Tadiran Board (rounded to the nearest whole number).

(4)  Should the  holdings of either of the  parties  fall below 5% of the issued
     share capital of Tadiran, that party shall not be entitled (under the above
     mentioned arrangements) to representation on Tadiran's Board.

Voting at Shareholders' Meetings

(1)  The parties  shall  coordinate  between them in advance the manner in which
     they will vote on every  resolution  at a General  Shareholders  Meeting of
     Tadiran.  The  parties  shall act and vote by  virtue  of their  cumulative
     holdings against any proposed resolution in a General  Shareholders Meeting
     unless it is first agreed in writing between them to vote in its favor.

(2)  Should the  holdings of a party fall below 12% of  Tadiran's  issued  share
     capital,  but so long as they have not fallen  below 9% of the issued share
     capital,  the  provisions  regarding  coordination  in advance of voting at
     General Shareholders Meetings shall not apply between the parties.

(3)  If the holdings of a party fall below 9% of Tadiran's issued share capital,
     that  party  undertakes  to vote with all its  shares in  Tadiran  at every
     General   Shareholders   Meeting  in  accordance  with  the  other  party's
     instructions,   except  in  connection  with  a  shareholders'   resolution
     concerning  the approval of a  transaction  in which the other party or its
     controlling  shareholders or officers has a Personal Interest, if so voting
     would cause the first party to breach duties imposed on it by law.


Restrictions on Transfer of Shares

(1)  A transfer by either the Company or Koor of any of the 4,462,764  shares of
     Tadiran,  constituting  all the shares held by Koor or by the Company as of
     December  27,  2004,  and any  shares  which may be  issued or vested  with
     respect to these shares,  (the "Core Shares"),  shall be subject to a right
     of first  refusal of the other  party,  excluding a sale by a party of Core
     Shares on the stock  exchange,  provided  that such sale  meets both of the
     following conditions:  (a) a party shall not sell more than 3% of Tadiran's
     issued share capital  during a 12-month  period;  and (b) a party shall not
     sell more than 1.5% of Tadiran's  issued share capital in the course of one
     transaction or one act.

(2)  If a party's total holdings in Tadiran's shares fall below 5% of the issued
     share  capital of Tadiran,  that party may sell the shares in the course of
     trading on the stock exchange  without the  application the above mentioned
     right of first refusal  provisions or the  conditions for sale on the stock

(3)  Koor granted the Company  options to purchase from Koor shares that are not
     part of the Core  Shares,  which may be issued to Koor by Tadiran or vested
     in Koor by Tadiran after signature of the Tadiran Deed, at the times and on
     the  terms  described  above  under  the  heading  "Arrangements  following
     Completion of Stage B".

E.   Summary of the Major Provisions of the Koor - FEL Agreements

1.   Koor - FEL Deed (for a full English  translation  see Annex E to this Proxy


The Koor - FEL Deed is an agreement setting out the terms and conditions for the
Koor - FEL Transaction, under which Koor will purchase, in two stages, 4,000,000
of the Company's  ordinary shares from FEL (the  "Transaction  Shares"),  for an
overall  consideration  of  approximately  $99 million.  The Transaction  Shares
currently  constitute  approximately 9.8% of the Company's issued share capital.
Contemporaneously  with the signing of the Koor - FEL Deed, the Tadiran Deed was
also signed.


Under the Koor - FEL Deed, Koor will purchase the  Transaction  Shares on an "as
is" basis and on the basis that the  condition of the Company and its assets are
"as is".  However,  FEL undertook  that upon the completion of each stage of the
Koor - FEL Transaction  the  Transaction  Shares to be purchased at the relevant
stage, would be free and clear of any third party rights.


Stage A

Timing.  The  completion  deadline for Stage A of the Koor - FEL  Transaction is
March  31,  2005.  However,  if by March  31,  2005 all the  Stage A  conditions
precedent (see below) have been fulfilled, other than receipt of the approval of
the Israeli Commissioner of Restrictive Trade Practices,  the Stage A completion
deadline  shall be  automatically  deferred until May 31, 2005, or to such later
date as may be agreed by the parties.

Share Purchase and Consideration

Pursuant to Stage A of the Koor - FEL  Transaction,  Koor will purchase from FEL
2,160,000   ordinary  shares  of  the  Company,   which   currently   constitute
approximately 5.3% of the Company's issued share capital, for a consideration of
$24.70 per share, totaling $53,352,000. Insofar as all or part of that amount is
unpaid by April 1, 2005,  such unpaid amount shall accrue interest from April 1,
2005  until  the  time  of  actual  payment,  at the  same  interest  rate as is
applicable to payments under the Tadiran Deed as described above.

The Koor - FEL Deed includes provisions allowing  modifications to the amount of
the  consideration to be paid for the Transaction  Shares and to the quantity of
the  Transaction  Shares if  certain  changes  in the  capital  or equity of the
Company occur, such as distribution of dividends,  distribution of bonus shares,
rights offerings, consolidations, sub-divisions or similar events.

Board  Nominees.  Subject  to  the  completion  of  Stage  A of  the  Koor - FEL
Transaction,  FEL shall  support the  appointment  or election to the  Company's
Board of one nominee  proposed by Koor, who meets the  applicable  qualification
conditions for serving on the Company's Board.

Conditions Precedent

Stage A of the Koor - FEL Deed and Stage A of the Tadiran Deed will be completed
together.  Therefore  obtaining  the consents and  approvals  necessary  for the
fulfillment of the Tadiran Deed Stage A conditions  precedent and the completion
of Stage A of the Tadiran Deed is a condition  precedent  for the  completion of
Stage A of the Koor - FEL Deed.

Other  conditions  precedent  for the  performance  of Stage A of the Koor - FEL
Transaction are:

(1) insofar as necessary,  obtaining  applicable  regulatory approvals in Israel
and abroad; and

(2) insofar as necessary,  obtaining  applicable  approvals from banks and other
financial institutions.

Stage B

Timing.  The  completion  deadline for Stage B of the Koor - FEL  Transaction is
June 30, 2005.  However,  subject to FEL's rights as provided  below, if all the
Stage B conditions precedent have not been fulfilled by June 30, 2005, the Stage
B completion deadline shall be automatically  deferred until September 30, 2005.
The Stage B completion  deadline shall be further  deferred if and to the extent
the Stage B completion deadline for the Tadiran Acquisition is deferred,  unless


FEL informs Koor that FEL is unwilling to defer the Stage B completion deadline.
If FEL so informs  Koor,  Koor may elect to  complete  Stage B of the Koor - FEL
Transaction  even if Stage B of the Tadiran  Acquisition has not been completed,
if all other conditions precedent for Stage B of the Koor - FEL Transaction have
been met other than the completion of the Elisra  Acquisition and the conditions
precedent specified in the Tadiran Deed for Stage B of the Tadiran Acquisition.

Share  Purchase  and  Consideration.  Pursuant  to  Stage  B of  the  Koor - FEL
Transaction,  Koor  will  purchase  from FEL  1,840,000  ordinary  shares of the
Company,  which currently constitute  approximately 4.5% of the Company's issued
share capital,  for a consideration of $24.7 per share,  totalling  $45,448,000.
Insofar as all or part of that  amount is unpaid by April 1, 2005,  such  unpaid
amount shall accrue interest from April 1, 2005 until the time of actual payment
at the same rate  interest  as  applicable  to Stage A. Also,  the amount of the
consideration and the quantity of Transaction Shares are subject to modification
under the same circumstances as described above with respect to Stage A.

Board  Nominees.  Subject  to  the  completion  of  Stage  B of  the  Koor - FEL
Transaction, FEL will support the appointment or election to the Company's Board
of such number of directors as are  nominated by Koor,  who meet the  applicable
qualification  conditions,  so that after their  appointment  or  election,  the
number of directors nominated by Koor shall be the greater of:

          (1)  two directors; or

          (2)  a number of directors equal to 20% of the number of the Company's
               directors  (including  External  Directors  and the  director  or
               directors  appointed or elected pursuant to Koor's  nomination as
               aforesaid), rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Conditions Precedent

Stage B of the Koor - FEL Deed and Stage B of the Tadiran Deed will be completed
together.  Therefore  obtaining all the consents and approvals necessary for the
fulfillment of the Tadiran Deed Stage B conditions  precedent and the completion
of Stage B of the Koor - FEL Deed is a condition precedent for the completion of
Stage B of the Koor - FEL Deed.  Nevertheless,  this  condition may not apply if
the  completion  deadline  for  Stage B of the Koor - FEL  Deed is not  extended
contemporaneously with Stage B of the Tadiran Deed, as described above.

Other  conditions  precedent  for the  performance  of Stage B of the Koor - FEL
Transaction are:

(1)  the completion of Stage A of the Koor - FEL Transaction;

(2)  the completion of the Elisra Acquisition; and

(3)  insofar as necessary, obtaining applicable regulatory approvals in Israel.

Koor shall be entitled to waive fulfillment of part of the conditions  precedent
for the completion of Stage B of the Koor - FEL  Transaction as described in the
Koor - FEL Deed,  and in this case,  Stage B will be  completed  notwithstanding
non-fulfillment of such conditions precedent.

Transactions with Interested Parties


From the date of signing the Koor - FEL Deed until the earlier of:

(1)  the Stage A completion  deadline,  if the Stage A conditions precedent have
     not been fulfilled by that time;

(2)  the Stage B completion  deadline,  if the Stage B conditions precedent have
     not been fulfilled by that time; or

(3)  the Second Closing Date;

FEL and/or its subsidiaries and/or the controlling  shareholders and/or officers
of FEL and/or  companies under the control of any of them,  shall not enter into
an  extraordinary  transaction  with  the  Company  in  which  any of them has a
Personal  Interest,  other than the transactions  contemplated by the Koor - FEL
Deed and the Tadiran Deed. In addition,  FEL has undertaken  that it will oppose
and vote against certain  shareholder  resolutions of the Company in relation to
certain events as described in the Koor - FEL Deed.

"Walk-away" Provisions

Koor may rescind the Koor - FEL Deed or any of its stages  before such stage has
been  completed  upon the  occurrence of one or more of certain  events such as:
liquidation,  insolvency  or  similar  proceedings  of  the  Company  or  merger
proceedings of the Company.

2.   Koor - FEL Shareholders Agreement (for a full English translation see Annex
     F to this Proxy Statement)

Effective Date and Duration

The Koor - FEL Shareholders Agreement shall take effect upon completion of Stage
A of the Koor - FEL  Transaction.  The Koor - FEL  Shareholders  Agreement shall
remain in effect for a period of 15 years from its effective  date or until such
time as FEL's (or a  "Transferor  Party" as  defined  in Clause 12 of Koor - FEL
Shareholders  Agreement)  holdings in the FEL Shares  together with Koor's (or a
Transferor  Party)  holdings in the "Koor  Shares" (as defined in the Koor - FEL
Shareholders  Agreement) fall below 25% of the Company's  issued and outstanding
share capital, whichever is earlier.

In addition,  after April 1, 2009,  Koor may elect to bring to an end its rights
and obligations under the Koor - FEL Shareholders Agreement,  with the exception
of the provisions specified in Clauses 11.6 and 11.7 thereof.

Board Members

Currently the Company has 8 directors, including the two External Directors. The
Company's Articles of Association  provide that the standard number of directors
on the  Company's  Board shall be ten,  including  the two  External  Directors.
However,  the Board or a General  Shareholders Meeting may determine a different
number of directors between 5 and 17.


After  the  completion  of Stage A of the Koor - FEL  Transaction  and until the
completion of Stage B of the Koor - FEL Transaction,  and if Stage B of the Koor
- FEL Transaction does not occur, then until such time as Koor's holdings of the
Koor Shares fall below 4.32% of the Company's share capital,  or below 2,050,000
shares,  whichever is sooner,  FEL shall vote all its holdings of the  Company's
shares in favor of the election of one director nominated by Koor.

Commencing from the time of completion of Stage B of the Koor - FEL Transaction,
FEL will  support the  appointment  or vote for the election of directors to the
Company's  Board who are  nominated by Koor,  in a number equal to the higher of
either: (a) two or (b) 20% of the number of the Company's  directors  (including
External  Directors and the director(s)  appointed or elected pursuant to Koor's
nomination), rounded up to the nearest whole number.

After the completion of Stage B of the Koor - FEL Transaction, from such time as
Koor's  holdings  of the Koor Shares  fall below  6.45% of the  Company's  share
capital,  or below  3,050,000  shares,  whichever  is sooner,  and until  Koor's
holdings in the Koor Shares  fall below  4.32% of the Company  share  capital or
2,050,000 shares,  whichever is earlier,  FEL shall vote all its holdings in the
Company's shares in favor of the election of one director nominated by Koor.

Koor has undertaken to vote for the election of all the candidates  nominated by
FEL for the offices of the other  directors of the Company  (including  External

Koor also has undertaken to support the  appointment of the candidate  nominated
by FEL as chairperson of the Company's Board.

Voting at Shareholders Meetings

Koor has undertaken to vote, in every matter and proposed  resolution  that will
be submitted  for approval to a General  Shareholders  Meeting of the  Company's
shareholders,  in accordance with  instructions that will be given to it by FEL,
subject to certain exceptions.

Restrictions on Transfer of Company's Shares

Both Koor and FEL are subject under the Koor - FEL  Shareholders  Agreement,  to
certain limitations and rights regarding the transfer of their respective shares
in the Company.  Accordingly,  under the conditions  described in the Koor - FEL
Shareholders Agreement:

     (1)  Koor has been  granted a right to tag along to FEL's sale of shares in
          the  Company in the event FEL wishes to transfer to a third party more
          than half of FEL's shares in the Company;

     (2)  FEL has been  granted  a right  of first  refusal  if Koor  wishes  to
          transfer to a third party any of the Koor Shares;

     (3)  If Koor  elects to withdraw  from the  "Controlling  Interest"  in the
          Company  (according  to the  provisions of Clause 16 of the Koor - FEL
          Shareholders  Agreement)  FEL  shall  have a right of  first  offer to
          acquire Koor's shares in the Company;


     (4)  The parties have been granted a mutual right to jointly participate in
          the  acquisition  of shares from a single  third party if the proposed
          acquisition will exceed a total consideration of $25 million;

     (5)  Koor  shall not  transfer  any of the Koor  Shares  during  the period
          commencing  on  the  date  of  signing  the  Koor  - FEL  Shareholders
          Agreement and ending on the later of the following:

          (a)  12  months  after  completion  of  Stage  A of  the  Koor  -  FEL
               Transaction; or

          (b)  if Stage B of the Koor - FEL Transaction has been completed - 
               then nine months after the Second Closing Date.

     (6)  A transfer  to a third  party of: (1) Koor  Shares that are subject to
          FEL's right of first refusal, or (2) "Federmann Shares" (as defined in
          the Koor - FEL Deed) that are subject to Koor's tag along rights, will
          be subject to the third party  transferee's  undertaking to assume the
          transferor's  undertakings  according  to the Koor-  FEL  Shareholders

The above  mentioned  limitations and rights on transfer of Company shares apply
only to the  Federmann  Shares and the Koor Shares and not to any other  Company
shares that may be held by FEL or Koor, as the case may be.

Additional Non-Transferable Rights Granted to Koor

After  the  completion  of Stage B of the Koor - FEL  Transaction,  Koor will be
granted,   subject  to  applicable  law,  certain  non-transferable  rights,  as
specified  below,  which will expire if Koor's  holdings fall below 6.45% of the
Company's  share  capital,  or below  3,050,000  ordinary  shares,  whichever is

(1)  The  appointment of one of the directors  nominated by Koor to the position
     of Vice  Chairperson  of the Company's  Board,  and the  appointment of one
     director nominated by Koor to each of the Company Board's committees.  Such
     right may be  terminated by FEL in the event of a change of control of Koor
     as specified in Clause 6.1 of the Koor - FEL Shareholders Agreement.

(2)  Establishment of a Company Board Committee for Strategic Planning, in which
     at least one  member  will be a  director  nominated  by Koor,  having  the
     authority to assist and recommend on strategic issues;

(3)  In the  event of a change of the  current  Company  President  and CEO (Mr.
     Joseph Ackerman), a search committee having the authority to recommend will
     be appointed to attempt to identify a suitable  candidate for the office of
     CEO of the Company. If the search committee does not succeed in unanimously
     so recommending a candidate,  the Company's Board will appoint a CEO of the
     Company by a majority vote of its members.

(4)  FEL will support, if so requested by Koor, granting  registration rights to

(5)  In the event that an officer or any of the holders of control in FEL serves
     as a  director  in a  subsidiary  of the  Company,  Koor will be  entitled,
     subject to applicable  law, to appoint as a director in that subsidiary one
     of the directors of the Company  nominated by Koor. It


     should be noted that currently officers or holders of control in FEL do not
     serve as directors in any of the Company's subsidiaries.


                                     ANNEX B



                                FEBRUARY 7, 2005




                                                           GIZA-SINGER-EVEN LTD.

                                                                  4 January 2005


The Board of Directors of Elbit Systems Ltd. (Elbit")
3 Azrieli Center

Tel Aviv

Dear Members of the Board of Directors,

     Subject: Fairness Opinion for the Transaction to Purchase the Controlling
              Shares of Tadiran Communications (the "Transaction")

1.   We have been asked by you to express our professional opinion on the
     fairness of the planned Transaction under which Elbit will purchase from
     Koor Industries Ltd. ("Koor") all of Koor's holdings in Tadiran
     Communications Ltd. ("Tadiran Communications") (approximately 32%) in two
     stages. As a condition for completing the second stage of the Transaction,
     Tadiran is to purchase from Koor its holdings (70%) in Elisra Electronic
     Systems Ltd. ("Elisra").

     The opinion focuses on whether the price stated in the Transaction reflects
     from an economic standpoint fair and reasonable consideration, so far as
     Elbit is concerned, for Koor's holdings in Tadiran Communications,
     including the possibility that Tadiran Communications will acquire Koor's
     holdings in Elisra as set out in the share transfer deed made between Koor
     and Elbit dated 27 December 2004 (the "Share Transfer Deed").

2.   For the purpose of preparing our opinion we have, inter alia, relied on
     periodic reports, audited financial statements, interim financial
     statements and prospectuses that have been published by Tadiran
     Communications and the material companies that are held by it, reports and
     other information made public in connection with Elisra and other documents
     given to us for the preparation of the opinion. It should be noted that
     Tadiran Communications is a public company that is legally obligated to
     publish, among other information, periodic reports, financial statements
     and immediate reports, which contain the information material to a
     reasonable investor.

3.   For the purpose of preparing our opinion we have met management
     representatives of Tadiran Communications and Elbit. In addition, we have
     relied on data and other


     explanations that we have obtained from management representatives of
     Tadiran Communications, including with respect to the material companies
     held by it, on general information that we have obtained from management
     representatives of Elbit in connection with the business environment in
     which Elbit operates and on public data and surveys that have been
     published about the companies and the business areas in which they operate.

4.   The opinion does not include a position or recommendation as to whether to
     perform the Transaction described above, and the opinion does not
     constitute a recommendation to Elbit's shareholders and other holders of
     shares as to how to vote at the general meeting in connection with the
     Transaction. This opinion does not constitute an evaluation of the assets
     of Tadiran Communications but rather relates to its activities as a whole.

5.   We have relied on sources that appear reliable to us, and nothing that
     might indicate that the data used by us is unreasonable has come to our
     attention. Nevertheless, we have not independently examined the data, and
     our work therefore does not constitute verification or confirmation of the
     correctness, completeness or accuracy of the data.

6.   An economic appraisal should reasonably and fairly reflect a given
     situation at a particular time on the basis of known data and with
     reference to basic assumptions and forecasts that have been estimated on
     the basis of that information.

7.   We have in the past performed for payment various economic works for Elbit,
     Koor, Federmann Enterprises and/or companies held by them.

8.   We hereby certify that we have no personal interest in Elbit and/or Koor
     and/or Tadiran Communications and/or Federmann Enterprises and that we have
     no personal interest in the described Transaction, apart from receiving
     professional fees with respect to the services that are to be provided by
     our company. It should be clarified that we were not party to negotiations
     in the described Transaction.

9.   In connection with the opinion, Elbit has undertaken to indemnify Giza
     Singer Even Ltd. ("Giza Singer Even"), as set out in the document signed
     between Giza Singer Even and Elbit, pursuant to which if a claim is brought
     against Giza Singer Even in a legal or any other proceeding by a third
     party in connection with the performance of the services provided by it,
     Elbit will bear two-thirds of the reasonable expenses up to aggregate
     overall expenses of US$150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars)
     (namely Giza Singer Even will bear expenses up to a maximum of US$50,000
     (fifty thousand US dollars)), and all reasonable expenses exceeding
     US$150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars), that Giza Singer
     Even pays or is required to pay in connection with any claim, demand or
     other proceedings the cause whereof derives from or is connected with,
     directly or indirectly, the services


     that have been provided by Giza Singer Even in accordance with said
     document. Elbit will be under no duty of indemnity if it is held that Giza
     Singer Even acted fraudulently in connection with the provision of the

10.  Having examined the documents and followed the procedures mentioned in
     clauses 2 and 3, which should be emphasized did not include an evaluation
     of Elisra, we estimate, to the best of our professional knowledge, that
     Elbit's Transaction for the purchase of Tadiran Communications in
     accordance with all its conditions and stages, including the possibility
     that Tadiran Communications will purchase Elisra as described in the Share
     Transfer Deed, is fair and reasonable so far as Elbit and all of its
     shareholders are concerned.

11.  The opinion does not express a view on the price of the Elisra shares
     and/or the price at which the shares of Tadiran Communications and/or Elbit
     and/or any company related to any of them are traded either on or after the
     giving of our opinion and/or on or after the notice of the Transaction's
     approval or performance.

12.  We hereby agree that our opinion herein may be included and/or mentioned in
     reports to be given in connection with the Transaction by Elbit in
     accordance with the duties of disclosure owed by it under securities laws
     in the United States and Israel or any statute and/or law that replaces
     and/or augments them, including in any amended and/or other report that
     Elbit is legally required to file. Moreover, Elbit may make use of the
     opinion in the proceedings relating to the Transaction's approval and in
     the meetings necessary to that end and before any person, entity and/or
     authority that it deems fit.

Yours faithfully,

(Signed)                                    (Signed)

Dr Eli Kreisberg                            Yuval Silberstein

                    Giza Singer Even Ltd.


                                     ANNEX C



                                FEBRUARY 7, 2005

                               SHARE TRANSFER DEED


                              KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.


                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.



                               SHARE TRANSFER DEED

                 Made in Tel Aviv this 27th day of December 2004


                              KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.

                         Public Company No. 52-001414-3

        of 14 Hamalacha Street, Afek Industrial Park, Rosh Ha'ayin 48091


                                                                 of the one part


                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.

                         Public Company No. 52-004302-7

                 of the Advanced Technology Center, Haifa 31053


                                                               of the other part

WHEREAS        Koor is the holder of 3,944,276 Ordinary Shares of the issued and
               paid up share  capital of Tadiran  Communications  Ltd., a public
               company  duly  incorporated  in  Israel,  whose  number  with the
               Companies   Registrar   is   Public   Company   No.   51-207441-0
               (hereinafter the "Company");

AND WHEREAS    Koor  wishes  to sell  and  transfer  to  Elbit,  in two  stages,
               3,944,276 Ordinary Shares, which on the date of signing this Deed
               constitute  approximately 32% of the Company's issued and paid-up
               share  capital,  while in the  first  stage  Koor  will  sell and
               transfer to Elbit 1,700,000 Ordinary Shares, which on the date of
               signing this Deed constitute approximately 13.8% of the Company's
               issued and paid-


               up share  capital,  and in the  second  stage  Koor will sell and
               transfer to Elbit 2,244,276 Ordinary Shares, which on the date of
               signing this Deed constitute approximately 18.2% of the Company's
               issued and paid-up  share  capital,  subject to and in accordance
               with the provisions of this Deed;

AND WHEREAS    Elbit  wishes to purchase  and receive from Koor the Shares Being
               Sold,  subject to and in accordance  with the  provisions of this

AND WHEREAS    the  performance of this Deed, in both stages,  is subject to the
               Conditions Precedent as set out below in this Deed;

AND WHEREAS    Elbit believes,  without placing Elbit under any obligation prior
               to the transaction contemplated by this Deed being duly approved,
               if at all, by Elbit's General Meeting of shareholders, that there
               should be a  consolidation  of defense  industries  in Israel and
               that in that context the transaction contemplated by this Deed as
               well  as  the  Elisra  Transaction,   on  appropriate  terms  and
               conditions,  are in the interest of Elbit and the  Company,  from
               the perspective of Elbit as a shareholder of the Company;

AND WHEREAS    Koor  is  interested  in  the   performance  of  the  transaction
               contemplated by this Deed as part of an overall  transaction,  in
               the  scope of which  Koor  will  purchase  shares  of Elbit  from
               Federmann  Enterprises Ltd, as set out in the Koor-Federmann Deed
               and this Deed;

AND WHEREAS    the parties  wish to set forth their  relationship  in respect of
               the sale and  purchase of the Shares Being Sold in the context of
               this Deed.


1.   Preamble, Appendices and Interpretations

     1.1  The preamble and Appendices hereto constitute an integral part hereof.

1.2  The clause headings in this Deed are solely for the sake of convenience and
     shall not be applied in the interpretation hereof.


2.   Definitions

     2.1  In this Deed, the following expressions shall have the meanings herein
          ascribed to them, unless expressly stated otherwise:

          "Elbit" means as defined in the preamble hereto;

          "Elisra" means Elisra  Electronic  Systems Ltd. , Private  Company No.

          "General  Meeting"  means as defined  in the  Companies  Law,  and any
          adjourned meeting;

          "U.S. dollar" or "$" means United States dollars;

          "Stock Exchange" means the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd.;

          "Company" means as defined in the preamble hereto;

          "Shareholders  Agreement" means an agreement between Koor and Elbit in
          the  form  of  Appendix   "10.7"   hereto,   which  is  to  be  signed
          contemporaneously with the signature of this Deed and will take effect
          on the First Closing Date;

          "Stage 'A' Conditions  Precedent"  means the Conditions  Precedent for
          Stage 'A' of the Transaction, as set out in Appendix "9.2" hereto;

          "Stage 'B' Conditions  Precedent"  means the Conditions  Precedent for
          Stage 'B' of the Transaction, as set out in Appendix "12.2" hereto;

          "Conditions  Precedent"  means the Stage 'A' Conditions  Precedent and
          the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent;

          "Companies Law" means the [Israel] Companies Law, 5759-1999;

          "Business  Day" means a day on which the two major banks in Israel are
          open for business,  other than Fridays and holiday  eves,  which shall
          not be treated as a Business Day;

          "Koor" means as defined in the preamble hereto;


          "First  Closing  Date" means the third  Business Day after the date on
          which all the Stage 'A' Suspending  Conditions  have been fulfilled or
          such later date as may be agreed by the parties, as provided in Clause
          20.3 below;

          "Koor-Federmann  Deed First Closing Date" means the First Closing Date
          as the term is defined in the Koor-Federmann Deed;

          "Second  Closing Date" means the third  Business Day after the date on
          which all the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent  have been fulfilled or
          such later date as may be agreed by the parties, as provided in Clause
          20.3 below;

          "Koor-Federmann  Deed Second  Closing  Date" means the Second  Closing
          Date as the term is defined in the Koor-Federmann Deed;

          "Stage 'A' Completion Deadline" means as defined in Clause 9.1 below;

          "Stage 'B' Completion Deadline" means as defined in Clause 12.1 below;

          "Koor-Federmann  Deed Stage 'B' Completion  Deadline"  means the Stage
          'B' Completion  Deadline as the term is defined in the  Koor-Federmann

          "Confidential  Information"  means  all  information  relating  to the
          parties hereto or to the Company,  other than (a) information that was
          in the public domain or came into the public domain otherwise than due
          to a breach of this Deed and (b)  information  the disclosure of which
          is required in accordance with the provisions of applicable law;

          "Ordinary  Share" or "Ordinary  Shares" means ordinary shares of 1 NIS
          par value each of the Company's issued capital;

          "Stage 'A' Shares" mean 1,700,000 (one million seven hundred thousand)
          Ordinary Shares;

          "Stage 'B' Shares" mean 2,244,276 (two million two hundred  forty-four
          thousand two hundred and seventy-six) Ordinary Shares;

          "Koor-Federmann  Deed Stage 'A' Shares"  means the Stage 'A' Shares as
          the term is defined in the Koor-Federmann Deed;


          "Koor-Federmann  Deed Stage 'B' Shares"  means the Stage 'B' Shares as
          the term is defined in the Koor-Federmann Deed;

          "Shares  Being  Sold"  means the Stage  'A'  Shares  and the Stage 'B'

          "Federmann  Enterprises"  means Federmann  Enterprises  Ltd.,  Private
          Company No. 51-227839-1;

          "Free  and  Clear"  means  free  and  clear  of  any  charge,  pledge,
          attachment,  levy, debt, lien, claim,  right of pre-emption,  right of
          refusal,  option, lock-up arrangement or any additional or other third
          party right whatsoever;

          "Elisra Transaction" means a transaction pursuant to which the Company
          will  purchase  shares  constituting  at least 70% of Elisra's  issued

          "Interest" means  three-month LIBOR at Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M., plus
          annual interest at the rate of 1.5%, compounded every three months;

          "Deed" or "this Deed" means this Share Transfer Deed together with all
          the Appendices hereto;

          "Koor-Federmann  Deed" means the Share Transfer Deed together with all
          the  Appendices  thereto made between Koor and  Federmann  Enterprises
          contemporaneously  with the  signature  of this  Deed,  subject to the
          terms thereof  pursuant to which Federmann  Enterprises  will sell and
          transfer to Koor, in two stages,  4,000,000  (four  million)  ordinary
          shares of 1 NIS par value each of Elbit,  which on the date of signing
          this  Deed  constitute  approximately  9.8% of  Elbit's  issued  share

          "Stage 'A' of the Transaction" means as defined in Clause 8.1 below;

          "Stage 'B' of the Transaction" means as defined in Clause 11.1 below;

          "Koor-Federmann  Deed Stage 'A'"  means  Stage 'A' of the  transaction
          contemplated by the Koor-Federmann  Deed as the term is defined in the
          Koor-Federmann Deed;

          "Koor-Federmann  Deed Stage 'B'"  means  Stage 'B' of the  transaction
          contemplated by the Koor-Federmann  Deed as the term is defined in the
          Koor-Federmann Deed;


          "Stage 'A' Consideration"  means US$37 (thirty-seven U.S. dollars) for
          each of the  Stage  'A'  Shares,  totalling  US$62,900,000  (sixty-two
          million nine hundred  thousand  U.S.  dollars),  and insofar as all or
          part of that amount is actually paid after April 1, 2005,  such amount
          shall be subject to the addition of Interest  from April 1, 2005 until
          the time of actual payment,  all subject to the adjustments as set out
          in Clause 15 below;

          "Stage 'B' Consideration"  means US$37 (thirty-seven U.S. dollars) for
          each of the Stage 'B' Shares,  totalling  US$83,038,212  (eighty-three
          million  thirty-eight  thousand two hundred and twelve U.S.  dollars),
          and insofar as all or part of that amount is actually paid after April
          1, 2005, such amount shall be subject to the addition of Interest from
          April 1, 2005  until the time of actual  payment,  all  subject to the
          adjustments as set out in Clause 15 below;

          "Consideration"  means the Stage 'A'  Consideration  and the Stage 'B'
          Consideration together;

          "Qualification  Conditions"  means all the  requirements in accordance
          with  applicable  law  and  pursuant  to the  Company's  incorporation
          documents  for a  person  to  serve  as a  director  of  the  Company,
          including  security clearance as required in Israel for the purpose of
          such service.

     2.2  The  following  terms shall have the meanings  defined in Section 1 of
          the [Israel] Securities Law, 5728-1968:

          "securities",  "company",  "subsidiary",  "acquisition of securities",
          "holding and acquisition" and "control".

     2.3  The  following  terms shall have the meanings  defined in Section 1 of
          the Companies Law:

          "dividend",   "director",   "external  director",   "public  company",
          "distribution",   "bonus  shares",  "officer",   "personal  interest",
          "transaction",   "extraordinary   transaction",   "act"  and  "Company

3.   Appendices

     The following  Appendices,  which  constitute an integral part hereof,  are
     annexed to this Deed:

     3.1  Appendix 9.2 - the Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent;


     3.2  Appendix  10.7 - the  Shareholders  Agreement  between Koor and Elbit,
          which is to be entered into  contemporaneously  with the  signature of
          this Deed and will take effect on the First Closing Date;

     3.3  Appendix 12.2 - the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent.

4.   The Koor-Federmann Deed

     Contemporaneously  with the signing this Deed, the  Koor-Federmann  Deed is
     also being signed. The  Koor-Federmann  Deed and this Deed are separate and
     unrelated  deeds,  except  as  expressly  provided  in this  Deed.  For the
     avoidance of doubt it is hereby  clarified that Elbit is not a party to the
     Koor-Federmann  Deed, and the provisions of the Koor-Federmann  Deed do not
     impose any obligation, that is not expressly provided in this Deed, on Koor
     to Elbit or on Elbit to Koor.

5.   The Parties' Warranties and Undertakings

     The parties hereby warrant and undertake to each other as follows:

     5.1  The  representations  and  warranties  of the parties in this Deed are
          solely as set out in this  Clause 5 and in  Clauses 6 and 7 below,  as
          the case may be.

     5.2  The parties'  warranties and  undertakings as set out in this Clause 5
          and in Clauses 6 and 7 below,  as the case may be, will continue to be
          correct,  complete and  accurate as of the First  Closing Date and the
          Second  Closing  Date,  and they shall be deemed as having  been given
          again by each of the parties as of both the First  Closing Date and on
          the Second Closing Date.

6.   Koor's Warranties and Undertakings

     Koor hereby warrants and undertakes to Elbit as follows:

     6.1  That it is a duly  incorporated  public company,  that its number with
          the Companies  Registrar is as appears in the preamble hereto and that
          no actions or  proceedings  for  delisting,  liquidation,  winding-up,
          receivership  or like acts have been taken or are  threatened  against

     6.2  That on signing this Deed and until the completion of Stage 'A' of the
          Transaction it is and shall be the sole owner of the Shares Being Sold
          (subject to the Fixed Lien),  and after the completion of Stage 'A' of
          the  Transaction  and  until  the  completion  of  Stage  'B'  of  the
          Transaction  it is and shall be the sole owner of the Stage 'B' Shares
          (subject to the Fixed Lien,  as will be modified as provided in Clause
          10.3 below),  that it will not grant any person or entity an option or
          right to purchase all or any of


          the Shares  Being Sold,  that it has not  undertaken  to grant such an
          option or right as  aforesaid,  that no person or entity has any right
          of first refusal or tag-along  right in connection  with all or any of
          the Shares Being Sold and that on the date of signing this Deed, apart
          from the Shares Being Sold, it does not hold securities of the Company
          or any rights to receive or acquire securities of the Company.

     6.3  That the Shares Being Sold are fully paid and Free and Clear, save for
          a fixed lien in favor of Bank Hapoalim B.M.. (in this Deed the "Bank")
          over all the Shares Being Sold,  including all the rights,  income and
          proceeds  that Koor now or in  future  has from them (in this Deed the
          "Fixed  Lien")  and that in the  context  of the Fixed Lien the Shares
          Being  Sold  are  held in a trust  account  at the Bank in the name of
          Poalim Trust Services Ltd. (in this Deed the "Trust Account") and that
          on the First  Closing  Date,  upon the Stage 'A'  Consideration  being
          received  in Koor's  account,  the Stage 'A'  Shares  will be Free and
          Clear  and  that on the  Second  Closing  Date,  upon  the  Stage  'B'
          Consideration  being received in Koor's account,  the Stage 'B' Shares
          will be Free and Clear.

     6.4  That apart from Koor's board of directors' approval, Koor has no need,
          including pursuant to its incorporation  documents and applicable law,
          in Israel or  abroad,  to obtain any other  approvals  from any of its
          organs for the purpose of entering into this Deed and  performing  all
          its obligations pursuant hereto.

     6.5  That  subject  to  ratification  by  Koor's  board of  directors,  the
          signatories on Koor's behalf to this Deed and the documents  ancillary
          hereto are the persons who are empowered,  on Koor's  behalf,  to sign
          this Deed and the documents  ancillary hereto and/or necessary for the
          performance  hereof and to obligate Koor by their signature,  and this
          Deed,  together with all its terms and  conditions,  obligates Koor in
          all respects.

     6.6  That  subject to the  approval of Koor's  board of  directors  and the
          fulfilment  of the  Conditions  Precedent,  there is no legal or other
          impediment to its entering into this Deed and the  performance  hereof
          and that this Deed and the  performance  of its  obligations  pursuant
          hereto are not  contrary  to any  judgment,  order or  direction  of a
          court, to any contract,  understanding or agreement to which Koor is a
          party, to its  incorporation  documents or to any other  obligation of
          Koor,  whether by virtue of contract  (oral, by conduct or written) or
          by virtue of law.

     6.7  That apart from Koor's board of directors' approval and the Conditions
          Precedent, all the approvals,  consents and permits have been obtained
          and all the necessary proceedings have been performed,  including with


          authorities, government entities or any other body, for the purpose of
          Koor's entering into this Deed and performing its obligations pursuant
          hereto, including transferring the Shares Being Sold to Elbit.

     6.8  That from the time of Koor's  acquisition  of the Shares  Being  Sold,
          Koor and/or its  controlling  shareholders  and/or  officers  have not
          entered  into a  transaction  in  which  any of  them  has a  personal
          interest  with the  Company  and/or its  subsidiaries,  apart from the
          payment of remuneration to the Company's directors,  as customary with
          the  Company,  and apart  from  arrangements  for the grant of relief,
          insurance and indemnity by the Company to the Company's directors.

          Nothing in this  Clause  6.8 shall be deemed to  prevent  Koor and the
          Company from entering into the Elisra Transaction or into transactions
          to which Elbit has given its consent by written  notice  signed by two
          officers of Elbit, without any further approval being necessary.

     6.9  That as at the time of  signing  this  Deed,  the  Company  and/or its
          subsidiaries  have not entered into a transaction in which Koor and/or
          its  subsidiaries   and/or  Koor's  controlling   shareholders  and/or
          officers  and/or  companies  controlled by any of them have a personal
          interest,  other than:  (1)  transactions  in the  ordinary  course of
          business with Elisra and its  subsidiaries,  the total financial value
          of which does not exceed  $5,000,000;  (2) a transaction in connection
          with  the  provision  of  warehousing   services  by  the  Company  to
          subsidiaries  of Elisra;  (3) payment of remuneration to the Company's
          directors;  (4)  arrangements  for the grant of relief,  insurance and
          indemnity by the Company to the Company's directors; and that from the
          time of signing this Deed until the Second  Closing Date,  the Company
          and/or its  subsidiaries  will not enter into a  transaction  in which
          Koor and/or its subsidiaries  and/or controlling  shareholders  and/or
          officers of Koor and/or the companies controlled by any of them have a
          personal interest, other than: (1) transactions in the ordinary course
          of business with Elisra and its subsidiaries;  (2) transactions not in
          the ordinary  course of business,  the total  financial value of which
          does not exceed  $5,000,000;  (3) a transaction in connection with the
          provision of warehousing  services by the Company to  subsidiaries  of
          Elisra;  (4) payment of  remuneration  to the  Company's  directors as
          customary  in the  Company;  and (5)  arrangements  for the  grant  of
          relief,  insurance  and  indemnity  by the  Company  to the  Company's

          Nothing in this Clause 6.8 [sic]  shall be deemed to prevent  Koor and
          the Company from entering into the Elisra  Transaction or transactions
          to which Elbit has granted its consent by written notice signed by two
          officers of Elbit, without any further approval being necessary.


     6.10 That from the time the Shares  Being Sold were  acquired by Koor until
          the time of signing  this Deed,  the Company had not brought to Koor's
          attention  nor  given  any  report  to the  public  that any  material
          agreement  to which  the  Company  is a party had been  terminated  or
          modified  or that  there was any  intent to  terminate  or modify  any
          material agreement to which the Company is a party.

7.   Elbit's Warranties and Undertakings

     Elbit hereby warrants and undertakes to Koor as follows:

     7.1  That it is a duly  incorporated  public company,  that its number with
          the Companies  Registrar is as appears in the preamble hereto and that
          no actions or  proceedings  for  delisting,  liquidation,  winding-up,
          receivership  or like  acts have  been  taken or are being  threatened
          against it.

     7.2  That it has the  ability  and  resources  to perform  its  obligations
          pursuant to this Deed in full and on time and that it is in possession
          of the financial resources sufficient for payment of the Consideration
          in full and at the times set out in this Deed.

     7.3  That  apart from  approval  by Elbit's  audit  committee  and board of
          directors,  Elbit has no need, including pursuant to its incorporation
          documents and law, in Israel or abroad,  to obtain any other approvals
          from any of its organs for the purpose of entering  into this Deed and
          performing all its obligations pursuant hereto, except for approval by
          Elbit's  General  Meeting  in  accordance  with  Section  275  of  the
          Companies  Law,  if and  insofar as not yet  obtained.  At the time of
          signing this Deed, Elbit's General Meeting's approval had not yet been

     7.4  That subject to the approvals of Elbit's audit  committee and board of
          directors,  the  signatories  on  behalf of Elbit to this Deed and the
          documents  ancillary  hereto are those who are  empowered,  on Elbit's
          behalf,  to sign this Deed and the documents  ancillary  hereto and/or
          necessary for the performance  hereof,  and to obligate Elbit by their
          signatures,  and this Deed,  including  all its terms and  conditions,
          obligates Elbit in all respects,  subject to obtaining Elbit's General
          Meeting's approval.

     7.5  That subject to the approvals of Elbit's audit  committee and board of
          directors and the fulfilment of the Conditions Precedent,  there is no
          legal or other  impediment  to its entering into and  performing  this
          Deed  and  that  this  Deed  and the  performance  of its  obligations
          pursuant  hereto are not contrary to any judgment,  order or direction
          of a court, to any contract,


          understanding   or  agreement   to  which  it  is  a  party,   to  its
          incorporation  documents or to any other obligation of Elbit,  whether
          by virtue of  contract  (oral,  by conduct or written) or by virtue of

     7.6  That apart from the approvals of Elbit's audit  committee and board of
          directors and apart from the Conditions  Precedent,  including Elbit's
          General Meeting's  approval,  all the approvals,  consents and permits
          have  been  obtained  and  all the  necessary  proceedings  have  been
          performed, including with any authorities,  government entities or any
          other  body,  for the purpose of Elbit's  entering  into this Deed and
          performing its obligations pursuant hereto,  including the acquisition
          from Koor of the Shares Being Sold.

     7.7  That on signing this Deed it is the holder of 518,488 Ordinary Shares.

     7.8  That subject only to Koor's warranties and  representations in Clauses
          5 and 6 of this Deed,  the Shares  Being Sold are being  purchased  in
          their actual  condition,  and the actual  condition of the Company and
          its assets, and they are "As Is", without any other representations or
          warranties  being  received  from or on  behalf  of Koor  and that the
          Consideration,  as agreed  between the parties,  has been fixed having
          regard also to the fact that the purchase is on such an "As Is" basis.

8.   Stage 'A' of the Transaction

     8.1  On the First  Closing Date and subject to the  fulfilment of Stage 'A'
          Conditions Precedent by the Stage 'A' Completion Deadline,  Koor shall
          sell and  transfer to Elbit,  on and  against  payment of the whole of
          Stage  'A'   Consideration,   1,700,000  (one  million  seven  hundred
          thousand) Ordinary Shares (the Stage 'A' Shares),  fully paid and Free
          and Clear,  and Elbit shall  purchase  and receive from Koor the Stage
          'A' Shares and pay Koor the full amount of the Stage 'A' Consideration
          (in this Deed "Stage 'A' of the Transaction").

     8.2  Furthermore,  on the First  Closing  Date,  Koor shall  purchase  from
          Federmann  Enterprises  2,160,000  (two  million one hundred and sixty
          thousand)  ordinary shares of 1 NIS par value each of Elbit,  which on
          the date of signing this Deed constitute approximately 5.3% of Elbit's
          issued share  capital,  in accordance  with the  Koor-Federmann  Deed,
          which  is  being  signed   contemporaneously   with  this  Deed.   The
          Koor-Federmann  Deed Stage 'A' and Stage 'A' of the Transaction  shall
          be  performed  contemporaneously,  and  Stage  'A' of the  Transaction
          (contemplated  by  this  Deed)  shall  not be  performed  without  the
          Koor-Federmann Deed Stage 'A' being performed.


     8.3  For the avoidance of doubt,  after the  performance  and completion of
          Stage 'A' of the Transaction, Stage 'A' of the Transaction will not be
          revoked,  even if Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  is not  performed  or
          completed for any reason.

9.   The Stage 'A' Completion Deadline and the Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent

     9.1  In this Deed the "Stage 'A" Completion Deadline" means:

          9.1.1     31 March 2005;

          or -

          9.1.2     If by 31 March 2005 all the Stage 'A'  Conditions  Precedent
                    have been fulfilled, other than the approval of the [Israel]
                    Commissioner of Restrictive  Trade Practices,  as set out in
                    Clause  (3) of  Appendix  "9.2",  the Stage  'A'  Completion
                    Deadline shall be  automatically  deferred until 31 May 2005
                    or to such  later  date as may be  fixed by the  parties  as
                    provided in Clause 20.3 below.

     9.2  The Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent are set out in Appendix "9.2".

     9.3  Should all the Stage 'A' Conditions  Precedent not have been fulfilled
          by the  Stage  'A'  Completion  Deadline,  this  Deed  shall be void -
          except, if and insofar as Elbit's General  Meeting's  approval for its
          entering  into  the  transaction  contemplated  by this  Deed has been
          obtained,  the provisions of Clauses 14.3 (except  insofar as concerns
          the  acquisition  of  Ordinary  Shares),  14.5 and 17 hereof,  without
          either of the parties having any complaint  and/or claim and/or demand
          against the other. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that if
          the Stage 'A'  Conditions  Precedent  have not been  fulfilled  by the
          Stage 'A' Completion Deadline, neither of the parties shall be subject
          to any restriction as regards the acquisition of Ordinary Shares.

          Nothing in the  provisions of this Clause 9.3 above shall be deemed to
          derogate  from any right or other  remedy  pursuant to this Deed or by
          law that is  available to the parties in respect of a breach of any of
          the provisions of this Deed (insofar as breached).  Without  prejudice
          to the above  provisions  of this Clause 9.3, it is clarified  that no
          provision of this Deed shall obligate Elbit in any manner  whatsoever,
          prior to obtaining the approval of its General Meeting,  to enter into
          the transactions contemplated by this Deed.


10.  The First Closing Date

     Subject to the Stage 'A' Conditions  Precedent being fulfilled by the Stage
     'A' Completion  Deadline,  the parties shall meet on the First Closing Date
     at such place as determined by the parties and the following interdependent
     acts shall be performed contemporaneously:

     10.1 Elbit  shall  remit the Stage 'A'  Consideration  by bank  transfer to
          Koor's  bank  account  at the  Bank,  the  details  of which  shall be
          provided to it in writing by Koor by the First  Closing  Date (in this
          Deed  "Koor's  Account")  and  confirmation  from  the  Bank  shall be
          provided to Koor that the Stage 'A' Consideration has been received in
          Koor's Account.

     10.2 Koor shall  provide  Elbit  confirmation  from the Bank,  according to
          which the Bank  agrees  that on and  against  receipt of the Stage 'A'
          Consideration in Koor's Account, it will discharge the Fixed Lien from
          the Stage 'A' Shares.

     10.3 Koor shall  provide Elbit a letter of  instructions  from the Bank, in
          the  Bank's  standard  form,  addressed  to the  Companies  Registrar,
          pursuant to which the Bank applies to the Companies Registrar to amend
          the Fixed  Lien to the effect  that the Fixed Lien will be  discharged
          from the Stage 'A' Shares.

     10.4 Koor shall  provide  Elbit a written  certificate  from  Poalim  Trust
          Services Ltd., in which Poalim Trust Services Ltd. gives  instructions
          to  transfer  the Stage 'A' Shares  from the Trust  Account to Elbit's
          securities account,  the details of which shall be provided to Koor by
          Elbit in  writing  by the First  Closing  Date  (hereinafter  "Elbit's

     10.5 Koor shall provide the Bank an irrevocable instruction to transfer the
          Stage  'A'  Shares,  by  means  of a  transaction  outside  the  Stock
          Exchange,  from the Trust Account to Elbit's Account, and confirmation
          from the Bank that the Stage 'A' Shares have been  received in Elbit's
          Account shall be provided to Elbit.

     10.6 Koor shall provide  Elbit a copy of the Company's  board of directors'
          resolution to the effect that, subject to the performance of Stage 'A'
          of the  Transaction,  there shall be added to the  Company's  board of
          directors  and serve  thereon as directors  such number of nominees as
          proposed for office by Elbit, who meet the  Qualification  Conditions,
          such that after their  addition to the board of directors,  the number
          of directors proposed for office by Elbit shall be the greater of:


          (1)  three directors; or

          (2)  a number of directors equal to 20% of the number of the Company's
               directors (including external directors and the directors who are
               added  in  accordance  with  Elbit's  nomination  as  aforesaid),
               rounded up to the  nearest  whole  number  (for  example,  if the
               number of  directors  who are serving in the Company  immediately
               after the addition of Elbit's  nominees is 11, three nominees who
               have been proposed by Elbit shall be added as directors).

          In said  board of  directors'  resolution  it shall be  provided  that
          Elbit's nominees as aforesaid shall be added to the Company's board of
          directors on the First Closing Date.

          Koor  undertakes  that  there  shall be  sufficient  vacancies  on the
          Company's  board of  directors  to  enable  the  addition  of  Elbit's
          nominees as aforesaid.

          If for any reason any of the  nominees  proposed by Elbit as aforesaid
          cannot be appointed as a director or directors of the Company, another
          nominee or nominees,  as proposed by Elbit,  shall be appointed in his
          or their place.

          Elbit shall give prior  written  notice to Koor and the Company of the
          name of such  nominees as aforesaid or of the other  nominees in their
          place,  and Elbit (with the assistance of Koor) shall  coordinate with
          the Company's corporate  secretary such nominees'  compliance with the
          Qualification  Conditions,  all by no later  than 14 days prior to the
          earlier  of (1) the Stage  'A'  Completion  Deadline  or (2) the First
          Closing  Date.  Without  prejudice  to  the  foregoing,  if any of the
          nominees  proposed by Elbit as aforesaid is not added to the Company's
          board of  directors  on the First  Closing  Date,  Koor  shall  hold a
          General  Meeting  of the  Company as soon as  possible,  the agenda of
          which shall be the appointment of the nominees  proposed by Elbit, who
          have not been  appointed  as  aforesaid,  as directors of the Company.
          Koor  undertakes to vote in favor of the  appointment  of the nominees
          proposed by Elbit who have not been  appointed as aforesaid but who do
          meet the Qualification Requirements.  If and insofar as it is required
          by  law  that  a  majority  of  the  Company's   directors   meet  any
          Qualification Requirements,  then if the number of directors appointed
          in accordance with Elbit's  nomination is an equal number, one half of
          the  directors  appointed in  accordance  with Elbit's  nomination  as
          aforesaid shall meet said  conditions,  and if the number of directors
          appointed in accordance with Elbit's  nomination is an odd number, the
          majority of the


            Company's  directors who are  appointed in  accordance  with Elbit's
            nomination as aforesaid shall meet the above conditions.

      10.7  The Shareholders  Agreement, in the terms annexed hereto as Appendix
            "10.7", shall become effective.

      10.8  Koor shall provide Elbit a written declaration, duly signed by Koor,
            according to which all the warranties and representations of Koor as
            set out in Clauses 5 and 6 of this Deed are also  correct,  complete
            and accurate as of the First Closing Date.

      10.9  Elbit  shall  provide  Koor a written  declaration,  duly  signed by
            Elbit,  according to which all the warranties and representations of
            Elbit as set out in  Clauses 5 and 7 of this Deed are also  correct,
            complete and accurate as of the First Closing Date.

      10.10 The Koor-Federmann Deed Stage 'A' shall be completed, namely all the
            acts  that are to be  performed  on the  Koor-Federmann  Deed  First
            Closing  Date shall be  performed,  as  provided in Clause 10 of the
            Koor-Federmann Deed.

      10.11 Each party undertakes to do all the acts for which it is responsible
            pursuant to this Clause 10.

      10.12 All the acts  mentioned  above in this  Clause 10 shall be deemed as
            having been performed contemporaneously,  no individual act shall be
            deemed as completed  and no individual  document  shall be deemed as
            delivered  until  all such  acts  have  been  completed  and all the
            documents have been delivered.

11.   Stage 'B' of the Transaction

      11.1  On the Second  Closing  Date and  subject to the  fulfilment  of the
            Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent by the Stage 'B' Completion Deadline,
            Koor shall sell and transfer to Elbit, on and against payment of the
            full Stage 'B'  Consideration,  2,244,276  (two  million two hundred
            forty-four  thousand two hundred and  seventy-six)  Ordinary  Shares
            (the Stage 'B'  Shares),  fully  paid and Free and Clear,  and Elbit
            shall  purchase  and receive  from Koor the Stage 'B' Shares and pay
            Koor the full amount of the Stage 'B' Consideration  (hereinafter in
            this Deed "Stage 'B' of the Transaction").

      11.2  On the  Second  Closing  Date Koor  shall  purchase  from  Federmann
            Enterprises 1,840,000 (one million eight hundred and forty thousand)
            ordinary  shares  of 1 NIS par  value  each of  Elbit,  constituting


            approximately  4.51% of Elbit's  issued and paid up share capital in
            accordance  with the  Koor-Federmann  Deed,  which  is being  signed
            contemporaneously  with this Deed, and Stage 'B' of the  Transaction
            and the Koor-Federmann  Deed Stage 'B' shall be performed  together,
            and Stage 'B' of the Transaction  (contemplated  by this Deed) shall
            not be performed without the performance of the Koor-Federmann  Deed
            Stage 'B'.  Nevertheless,  it is agreed that the  provisions of this
            Clause 11.2 shall not apply if Federmann gives notice as provided in
            Clause  12.1.3 of the  Koor-Federmann  Deed or as provided in Clause
            12.1.5 of the Koor-Federmann Deed, as the case may be.

12.     The Stage 'B' Completion Deadline and the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent

        12.1    In this Deed the "Stage 'B' Completion Deadline" means:

                12.1.1  30 June 2005; or

                12.1.2  if all the Stage 'B' Conditions  Precedent have not been
                        fulfilled  by 30 June  2005,  the Stage  'B'  Completion
                        Deadline  shall   automatically  be  deferred  until  30
                        September 2005; or

                12.1.3  if by 30  September  2005 all the Stage  'B'  Conditions
                        Precedent have been fulfilled, except for the completion
                        of the  Elisra  Transaction  as set out in Clause (2) of
                        Appendix  "12.2",  Koor  shall be  entitled  to  provide
                        written notice to Elbit, to be received by Elbit by said
                        date, of the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline's  deferral
                        until  30  April  2006  or  such  later  date  as may be
                        determined  by the  parties,  as provided in Clause 20.3

        12.2    The  Stage  'B'  Conditions  Precedent  are set out in  Appendix

        12.3    Should all the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent not be fulfilled
                by  the  Stage  'B'  Completion  Deadline,   Stage  'B'  of  the
                Transaction shall not be performed, the provisions in connection
                with the  performance  of Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  in this
                Deed  shall be  deemed  null and void and be of no  effect  and,
                inter  alia,  Koor shall not sell Elbit the Stage 'B' Shares and
                Elbit  shall not pay the Stage 'B'  Consideration  to Koor,  and
                neither party shall have any demand,  claim or complaint against
                the other in connection with Stage 'B' of the  Transaction.  For
                the  avoidance  of doubt,  it is  clarified  that the  foregoing
                provisions  of this  Clause 12.3 shall not be deemed to derogate
                from  the  validity  of  any  other  provision,   including  the
                provisions  of Clauses  14.3  (except  insofar as  concerns  the
                acquisition  of  Ordinary  Shares)  or 14.5  of this  Deed or as
                provided in the Shareholders  Agreement,  which shall enter into
                effect on the First  Closing  Date,  or from


                any other  right or remedy  pursuant to this Deed or by law that
                is available to the parties in respect of a breach of any of the
                provisions of this Deed (if and insofar as breached).

        12.4    Should  Federmann  act  as  provided  in  Clause  12.1.3  of the
                Koor-Federmann  Deed or as  provided  in  Clause  12.1.5  of the
                Koor-Federmann   Deed,  and  should  the  Stage  'B'  Conditions
                Precedent be fulfilled by the Stage 'B' Completion Deadline, the
                parties shall perform and Complete Stage 'B' of the  Transaction
                pursuant  to  this  Deed on the  Second  Closing  Date,  and the
                provisions  of Clause 11.2 above and Clause 13.9 below shall not

13.     The Second Closing Date

         Subject to the fulfilment of the Stage 'B' Conditions  Precedent by the
         Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline,  the parties  shall meet on the Second
         Closing Date at such place as  determined  by them,  and the  following
         interdependent acts shall be performed contemporaneously:

        13.1    Elbit shall remit the Stage 'B'  Consideration  by bank transfer
                to  Koor's  Account,  and  confirmation  from the Bank  shall be
                provided  to Koor  that the  Stage  'B'  Consideration  has been
                received in Koor's Account.

        13.2    Koor shall provide Elbit  confirmation from the Bank,  according
                to which the Bank  agrees  that on and  against  receipt  of the
                Stage 'B' Consideration in Koor's Account, it will discharge the
                Fixed Lien from the Stage 'B' Shares.

        13.3    Koor shall provide Elbit a letter of instructions from the Bank,
                in  the  Bank's  standard  terms,  addressed  to  the  Companies
                Registrar  pursuant to which the Bank  applies to the  Companies
                Registrar to discharge the Fixed Lien from the Stage 'B' Shares.

        13.4    Koor shall provide Elbit a written certificate from Poalim Trust
                Services Ltd. in which it provides  instructions to transfer the
                Stage 'B' Shares from the Trust Account to Elbit's Account.

        13.5    Koor  shall  provide  the  Bank an  irrevocable  instruction  to
                transfer the Stage 'B' Shares by means of a transaction  outside
                the Stock  Exchange from the Trust  Account to Elbit's  Account,
                and  confirmation  from the Bank that the Stage 'B' Shares  have
                been received in Elbit's Account shall be provided to Elbit.


        13.6    Koor  shall  cause  the  addition  to  the  Company's  board  of
                directors on the Second  Closing Date of such number of nominees
                who are  proposed  for  their  office  by  Elbit  and  meet  the
                Qualification  Requirements  so that on the appointment of those
                nominees to the  Company's  board of  directors  those  nominees
                will,  together with the directors appointed to their office per
                Elbit's nomination as provided in Clause 10.6 above,  constitute
                more  than 50% of the total  directors  of the  Company  at that
                time,   including  external  directors  and  directors  who  are
                appointed to their position per Elbit's nomination as aforesaid.
                Without  prejudice  to the  generality  of the  foregoing,  Koor
                undertakes  that  there  will  be  sufficient  vacancies  on the
                Company's   board  of  directors  for  the  performance  of  its
                foregoing obligations.

                Elbit shall provide Koor and the Company prior written notice of
                its  nominees  as  aforesaid  or of the other  nominees in their
                place  as  provided  below  in  this  Clause,  and  Elbit  shall
                coordinate with the Company's corporate secretary such nominees'
                compliance  with all the  conditions  required of the  Company's
                directors,  all by no later than 14 days from the earlier of (1)
                the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline  or (2) the  Second  Closing
                Date. If for any reason any of such nominees as aforesaid cannot
                be appointed as a director or directors of the Company,  another
                nominee  or  nominees,  as  proposed  by  Elbit,  who  meet  the
                Qualification  Requirements,  shall be appointed in his or their

        13.7    Koor shall  provide Elbit a written  declaration  duly signed by
                Koor   according   to   which   all   Koor's    warranties   and
                representations  as set out in  Clauses 5 and 6 of this Deed are
                also  correct,  complete and  accurate as of the Second  Closing

        13.8    Elbit shall  provide Koor a written  declaration  duly signed by
                Elbit   according   to  which   all   Elbit's   warranties   and
                representations  as set out in  Clauses 5 and 7 of this Deed are
                also  correct,  complete and  accurate as of the Second  Closing

        13.9    The Koor-Federmann Deed Stage 'B' shall be completed, namely all
                the acts that are to be  performed  on the  Koor-Federmann  Deed
                Second   Closing   Date  as   provided   in  Clause  13  of  the
                Koor-Federmann  Deed  shall be  performed.  Nevertheless,  it is
                agreed that this Clause 13.9 shall not apply if  Federmann  acts
                as provided in Clause  12.1.3 or as provided in Clause 12.1.5 of
                the Koor-Federmann Deed.

        13.10   Each party  undertakes  to perform  all the acts for which it is
                responsible pursuant to this Clause 13.


        13.11   All the acts  mentioned  above in this Clause 13 shall be deemed
                as having been  performed  contemporaneously,  no individual act
                shall be deemed  as  having  been  completed  and no  individual
                document shall be construed as delivered until all such acts are
                completed and all the documents are delivered.

14.     Acts and Obligations after the Signature of this Deed

        14.1    Immediately  after the signature of this Deed, the parties shall
                act and use their best  efforts to cause the  fulfilment  of all
                the Conditions  Precedent,  including obtaining all the required
                certificates,  permits and  consents,  as early as possible.  In
                such  connection and without  derogating  from the generality of
                the  foregoing,  the  parties  shall  apply to  every  competent
                authority and to every other entity whose  approval is necessary
                for the performance of the transaction involved in this Deed, in
                both its  stages,  they shall  submit all the  applications  and
                deliver  all the  information,  data  and  particulars  in their
                possession,  without  delay,  and  act to  resolve  or  avoid  a
                disapproval,  if any, by the various  government  authorities in
                any respect relating to or arising out of this Deed.

        14.2    It is hereby  agreed  that the  provisions  of this Deed are not
                such as to place either of the parties  under a duty to make any
                payment for the fulfilment of the Conditions Precedent or any of
                them,  other than  official fees and other  reasonable  expenses
                (such  payment as aforesaid,  excluding  official fees and other
                reasonable  expenses  as  aforesaid,  a  "Fulfilment  Payment"),
                provided  that  if a  party  to  this  Deed  refuses  to  make a
                Fulfilment  Payment,  the  other  party  may  make  it  for  the
                fulfilment of all or any of the Conditions  Precedent,  provided
                that the first party shall not be liable to indemnify  the other
                party in respect  of a  Fulfilment  Payment,  and the party that
                makes the  Fulfilment  Payment  shall have no  demand,  claim or
                right of  recourse  against  the other  party in  respect of the
                making of such payment.

        14.3    Subject to the  provisions  of Clause 9.3 above and Clause  14.4
                below,  from the date of  signing  this Deed until 30 April 2006
                (the  "Lock-up  Period"),  Koor and Elbit  shall not conduct any
                transaction  (including any transfer,  sale or  acquisition)  in
                Ordinary Shares, either on or outside the Stock Exchange, unless
                otherwise  agreed between the parties,  by written notice signed
                by two  officers of each of Koor and Elbit,  without any further
                approval  being  necessary.  Said  obligation  shall continue in
                force even if this Deed is  cancelled  for any reason,  save for
                rescission  due to its  breach  by  Koor  and  except  if  Elbit
                exercises  its  right  to  rescind  the  Deed  pursuant  to  the
                provisions of Clause 16.1 below.


        14.4    Notwithstanding  as provided  in Clause  14.3 above,  during the
                Lock-up Period each party may purchase, either on or outside the
                Stock Exchange,  up to 350,000  Ordinary Shares (the "Acquirable
                Quantity")  without the other party's consent,  provided that it
                gives  written  notice to the other party of the purchase of the
                shares and the quantity of shares  purchased  within 48 hours of
                making each purchase. Should one party purchase 350,000 Ordinary
                Shares (in this  Clause the  "Purchasing  Party")  and the other
                party not purchase 350,000 Ordinary Shares, the Purchasing Party
                may send  written  notice to the other party (in this Clause the
                "Purchase Notice") stating that it wishes to purchase additional
                shares of the Company in a quantity not exceeding the difference
                between  350,000  Ordinary  Shares  and the  quantity  of shares
                purchased  under this  Clause by the other party (in this Clause
                the "Acquirable Shares"). Should 14 days elapse from the date of
                providing the Purchase Notice (in this Clause the "Other Party's
                Purchase Period") and the other party not have purchased all the
                Acquirable  Shares  in  trading  on  the  Stock  Exchange,   the
                Purchasing  Party may purchase the Acquirable  Shares in trading
                on the  Stock  Exchange  within  14 days of the end of the other
                party's  Purchase  Period.   Should  the  Purchasing  Party  not
                purchase the Acquirable  Shares during said period,  it shall be
                responsible to provide the other party Purchase  Notice in order
                to purchase additional shares.

        14.5    Subject to the provisions in Clause 9.3 above,  Elbit shall vote
                in the Company's  General Meeting by virtue of all the Shares in
                the  Company  that  are  held by it at that  time  in  favor  of
                approving the Elisra  Transaction,  whether or not all or any of
                the transactions involved in this Deed are actually implemented,
                provided  that:  (a) the  Elisra  Transaction  consideration  is
                established   in  reliance  on  an   evaluation  by  an  outside
                independent  appraiser  obtained  for the  purpose of the Elisra
                Transaction,  and the  consideration and terms and conditions of
                the Elisra  Transaction have been duly approved by the Company's
                audit committee and board of directors and by every  independent
                committee of the Company that is established  for the purpose of
                considering the Elisra Transaction,  insofar as established, and
                the  Company's  audit  committee  and  board of  directors  have
                determined  that the Elisra  Transaction  is not contrary to the
                Company's  interests;  (b)  the  consideration  for  the  Elisra
                Transaction, as payable by the Company, reflects a company value
                for  Elisra  of  up  to  US$225  million;  and  (c)  the  Elisra
                Transaction  has been referred to the Company's  General Meeting
                for a vote by 30  April  2006.  Elbit's  said  obligation  shall
                expire on the earlier of: (1) 1 May 2006, or (2) the  completion
                of the Elisra Transaction, or (3) on the rescission of this Deed
                due to its breach by Koor, whichever is earlier.


        14.6    Without  prejudice  to  Clauses  15 and 16  below,  Koor  hereby
                undertakes  that  from the date of the  signature  of this  Deed
                until the earlier of: (1) the Stage 'A' Completion Deadline,  if
                the Stage 'A'  Conditions  Precedent  have not been fulfilled by
                that  time;  or (2) the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline,  if the
                Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent have not been fulfilled by that
                time;  or  (3)  the  Second   Closing  Date,   Koor  and/or  its
                subsidiaries and/or the controlling shareholders and/or officers
                of Koor and/or  companies under the control of any of them shall
                not enter into an extraordinary transaction with the Company, in
                which any of them has a personal interest, except for the Elisra

        14.7    From the date of obtaining Elbit's General Meeting's approval of
                its  entering  into the  transaction  contemplated  by this Deed
                until the Second Closing Date,  Koor's president shall from time
                to time, in his discretion,  update Elbit's president  regarding
                the status of the Company's business,  all subject to applicable
                legal requirements (including antitrust laws).

        14.8    Subject to applicable  law and except for the purpose  mentioned
                in  Clause  3.4.3  of the  Shareholders  Agreement,  Koor,  as a
                shareholder of the Company,  undertakes that after the Company's
                annual  General  Meeting  that is held after the date of signing
                this Deed, it will not act to hold an annual General  Meeting of
                the Company  before the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline,  unless
                Elbit consents  thereto by written notice signed by two officers
                of Elbit, without any further approval being necessary.

15.     Modifications to the Consideration or the Number of Shares Being Sold

        15.1    During the period  from the date of signing  this Deed until the
                earlier of: (1) the Stage 'A' Completion Deadline,  if the Stage
                'A'  Conditions  Precedent have not been fulfilled by that time;
                (2)  the  Stage  'B'  Completion  Deadline,  if  the  Stage  'B'
                Conditions  Precedent  have not been  fulfilled by that time; or
                (3) the Second Closing Date; Koor shall,  insofar as it is able,
                oppose and vote by virtue of all the  Company's  Shares  that it
                holds at that  time  against  any  resolution,  except - for the
                purpose of  sub-clauses  (c),  (e) and (f) - a  resolution  with
                regard to the Elisra Transaction, which concerns: (a) the making
                of any distribution  whatsoever,  whether in cash or in kind, or
                by  a   distribution   of  bonus   shares,   to  the   Company's
                shareholders,  except from the  distribution  of a regular  cash
                dividend  of not  more  than 1.5 NIS per  Ordinary  Share in any
                calendar  quarter;  (b) a rights offering for the acquisition of
                any  securities  of the  Company;  (c) a sale  of the  Company's
                shares that are held by the Company or its subsidiaries; (d) any
                modification to the Company's  incorporation  documents,  except
                for the purpose of  increasing  the Company's  authorized  share
                capital; (e) transactions that are not in the ordinary course of
                the  Company's   business


                and  transactions  that concern an investment or  acquisition of
                rights in entities and/or the  acquisition of businesses  (Asset
                Transactions)  (in  this  Deed  the  "New  Transactions"),   the
                aggregate   financial  amount  of  which  exceeds   $25,000,000,
                excluding  the  Elisra  Transaction;  (f) any  allotment  of the
                Company's  securities except for an allotment of shares deriving
                from the  exercise  of options  existing  at the time of signing
                this Deed and, without  derogating from the provisions of Clause
                14.5 above,  except for an  allotment of options to employees of
                the Company or its subsidiaries in a proportion not exceeding 2%
                of the  Company's  issued  share  capital  and on the  Company's
                customary  terms, all unless Elbit's consent thereto is provided
                by written notice to be signed by two officers of Elbit, without
                any further approval being necessary.

        15.2    Insofar as during the period from the date of signing  this Deed
                until the First  Closing Date or until the Second  Closing Date,
                as the case may be,  one or more of the  below-mentioned  events
                occurs,  despite or in accordance  with the provisions of Clause
                15.1  above,  the  Consideration  or number of the Shares  Being
                Sold, as the case may be, shall be adjusted in  accordance  with
                the following provisions:

                15.2.1  If the Company  resolves to make any distribution to its
                        shareholders,  the Consideration shall be subject to the
                        deduction of any amount  (translated into dollars at the
                        representative  exchange rate on the earlier of the date
                        of actually making the distribution or the First Closing
                        Date or the  Second  Closing  Date,  as the case may be)
                        that Koor will be  entitled to receive in respect of the
                        Shares  Being Sold  (gross)  (namely the record date for
                        its  distribution  is prior to the First Closing Date or
                        the Second Closing Date, as the case may be).

                15.2.2  If the Company  offers its  shareholders  rights for the
                        acquisition of any  securities,  the record date for the
                        exercise of which is prior to the First  Closing Date or
                        the Second  Closing Date, as the case may be, the amount
                        of the  Consideration  shall be  adjusted  for the bonus
                        element embodied (if at all) in the rights, unless Elbit
                        instructs  Koor in writing prior to the exercise date in
                        respect of those  rights to  exercise  the rights and in
                        such event Koor shall  exercise  the rights by virtue of
                        the   Shares   Being   Sold  which  have  not  yet  been
                        transferred  to  Elbit  as of  that  time  and it  shall
                        transfer to Elbit,  immediately on the occurrence of the
                        earlier  of (1)  the  exercise  date  or (2)  the  First
                        Closing Date,  or after the Second  Closing Date, as the
                        case may be, the  securities  exercised  as aforesaid on
                        and against  payment of the entire  exercise amount paid
                        by Koor to the Company for the  exercise


                        thereof,  plus  Interest  from the date of Koor's paying
                        the exercise price to the date of actual payment to Koor
                        by Elbit.

                15.2.3  If the Company  distributes bonus shares or dividends in
                        kind to its  shareholders  before the First Closing Date
                        or the  Second  Closing  Date,  as the case may be,  the
                        Consideration shall not be adjusted but the Shares Being
                        Sold  shall be  subject  to the  addition  of the  bonus
                        shares,  Free  and  Clear,  or  of  assets  received  as
                        dividends in kind (gross) in respect of the Shares Being
                        Sold,  Free and Clear,  without Elbit being  required to
                        pay additional consideration for them.

                15.2.4  If the  Company  makes  a  consolidation,  reduction  or
                        sub-division  of its share capital or does any other act
                        of similar effect,  the Stage 'A'  Consideration  and/or
                        the Stage 'B'  Consideration,  as the case may be, shall
                        be  adjusted  and the number of Shares  Being Sold shall
                        also  be  adjusted  pro  rata  to the  consolidation  or

16.     Elbit's Right to Rescind the Deed

        16.1    On the occurrence of one or more of the events set out in Clause
                16.2 below,  unless it occurs with  Elbit's  consent,  Elbit may
                rescind  this  Deed  or any of its  stages  before  it has  been
                completed and performed  (provided that if one of the events set
                out in Clause 16.2 below occurs before the  performance of Stage
                'A' of the  Transaction,  Elbit  may only  rescind  this Deed in
                full).  Such  rescission  shall be  effected by Elbit by written
                notice,  to be received  by Koor within 10 Business  Days of the
                date on  which  Elbit  learns  of the  occurrence  of one of the
                events set out in Clause 16.2 below.  Should Elbit  provide such
                notice of the  rescission  of this Deed after the  completion of
                Stage 'A' of the  Transaction,  the sale of the Stage 'A' Shares
                to Elbit shall not be rescinded,  Elbit shall not return to Koor
                the  Stage 'A'  Shares  and Koor  shall not  refund to Elbit the
                Stage 'A'  Consideration,  and  nevertheless,  all the  parties'
                other  obligations  and  rights  pursuant  to this  Deed and the
                Appendices hereto, except for the Shareholders Agreement and the
                provision of Clause 14.5 above, shall be void. For the avoidance
                of doubt,  it is clarified  that after Elbit has given notice in
                accordance with this Clause 16.1, Elbit may sell Ordinary Shares
                held by it or purchase Ordinary Shares without any restriction.


        16.2    The events are as follows:

                16.2.1  If a receiver or  temporary  receiver  and/or  temporary
                        liquidator and/or liquidator and/or trustee is appointed
                        for the  Company  and/or if a  winding-up  order  and/or
                        receivership  order  and/or  suspension  of  proceedings
                        order  is  awarded  against  it  and/or  if  any  of the
                        Company's  material  assets is attached,  provided  that
                        such  appointment,  order or attachment is not set aside
                        within 30 days.

                16.2.2  If  the  Company  enters  into  merger   proceedings  as
                        provided  in  Chapter  Eight  of  the  Companies  Law or
                        compromise or arrangement proceedings in accordance with
                        Section 350 of the Companies Law or restructuring and/or
                        merger proceedings in accordance with Section 351 of the
                        Companies Law.

                16.2.3  If any alteration is made to the Company's incorporation
                        documents,  except  for the  purpose of  increasing  the
                        Company's authorized share capital.

                16.2.4  If the Company  makes a private  placement  that vests a
                        right to more than 1,500,000 Ordinary Shares, except for
                        an  issuance  of shares  deriving  from the  exercise of
                        options  existing  on the date of signing  this Deed and
                        except for an  issuance of options to  employees  of the
                        Company  and its  subsidiaries  in a amount  of not more
                        than  2% of the  Company's  issued  and  paid  up  share
                        capital as  customary  in the  Company,  at an  exercise
                        price per  share  that is not  materially  less than the
                        market price.

                16.2.5  If the Company enters into New Transactions,  as defined
                        in Clause 15.1 above,  insofar as their aggregate amount
                        exceeds   US$35   million,   except   for   the   Elisra

                16.2.6  If the Company makes a  distribution,  either in cash or
                        in kind  (except for a  distribution  of bonus shares or
                        rights  offering) in an aggregate  amount  exceeding 2.5
                        NIS per share in any calendar  quarter  commencing  on 1
                        January 2005.

                16.2.7  If  the  Elisra   Transaction  has  been  completed  for
                        consideration  that has  been  paid by the  Company  and
                        reflects a company  value for Elisra in excess of US$225


        16.3    Koor shall  provide  Elbit  written  notice  immediately  on the
                occurrence  of any of the events set out in Clause  16.2  above,
                all in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

17.     Confidentiality and Notices

        17.1    The parties shall use  Confidential  Information that comes into
                their  possession in  connection  with this Deed and the Company
                solely for the performance of their obligations pursuant to this
                Deed,  and they shall not  disclose  or  transfer  in any manner
                whatsoever  Confidential  Information to any third party,  other
                than to their  employees  or  independent  advisors  and  except
                insofar  as  required  for  the  fulfilment  of  the  Conditions
                Precedent and insofar as possible by prior coordination with the
                other  party.  Without  derogating  from the  foregoing,  if the
                transaction   contemplated   by  this   Deed  is  not   actually
                implemented,  each party shall  return to the other party hereto
                all  Confidential  Information that has come into its possession
                in connection  with this Deed,  if any.  This  obligation is not
                limited in time and shall  continue  in force even after the end
                of the  term  of  this  Deed or if  this  Deed  is  annulled  or
                rescinded for any reason.

        17.2    If and  insofar as  possible,  and subject to  applicable  legal
                requirements  and to the  time  periods  mandated  by  law,  the
                parties shall coordinate in advance the wording of every report,
                application, communication or notice published by either of them
                in  connection   with  their   entering  into  this  Deed,   its
                performance  and  the  fulfilment  of  the  conditions  pursuant

18.     Taxes and Mandatory Payments

        18.1    Unless  otherwise  provided in this Deed,  each party shall bear
                the  mandatory  payments  and taxes that may be imposed on it by
                law (if and  insofar  as  charged)  in  respect  of the  sale or
                acquisition of the Shares Being Sold pursuant to this Deed.

        18.2    If any amount payable in accordance  with the provisions of this
                Deed is subject to a duty to withhold  tax at source,  tax shall
                be duly withheld by the paying party unless the party  receiving
                the  payment   produces  a  valid  tax   withholding   exemption
                certificate issued by the tax authorities.

        18.3    Each  party  shall  bear  its  own   expenses,   including   the
                professional  fees of its legal advisers in connection  with the
                preparation and performance of this Deed.

        18.4    If any amount paid by one party to the other in accordance  with
                the  provisions of this Deed is subject under  applicable law to
                value added tax


                (VAT),  the paying party shall, at the same time and in the same
                manner  as it pays  that  amount,  also pay the VAT at its legal
                rate on and against a duly issued tax invoice.

19.     Entry into Effect

        19.1    This Deed shall  enter into  effect  upon the receipt of all the
                following approvals:

                19.1.1  Approval of Koor's board of directors  for Koor to enter
                        into this Deed and the  Shareholders  Agreement  and for
                        performance  thereof  by Koor in  accordance  with their
                        terms  and  conditions,  including  ratification  of the
                        signatures of Messrs. Jonathan Kolber and Danny Biran to
                        this Deed and the Shareholders Agreement.

                19.2.1  Approval  of  Elbit's  audit   committee  and  board  of
                        directors  for  Elbit to enter  into  this  Deed and the
                        Shareholders  Agreement and for  performance  thereof by
                        Elbit in  accordance  with their  terms and  conditions,
                        including  ratification  of the  signatures  of  Messrs.
                        Joseph  Ackerman and Joseph  Gaspar to this Deed and the
                        Shareholders Agreement.

                Provided that:

                (1)     such approvals as mentioned in Clauses 19.1.1 and 19.1.2
                        have been  obtained by no later than  January 6, 2005 by
                        17:00 (in this Clause the "Effective Date");

                (2)     by  the  Effective  Date,  a copy  of  Koor's  board  of
                        directors'  resolution,  as mentioned  in Clause  19.1.1
                        above,  has been  received at Elbit's  offices  together
                        with written confirmation from Koor's legal counsel that
                        the said  resolutions  were  duly  adopted  and  Messrs.
                        Jonathan  Kolber and Danny Biran were empowered  jointly
                        to sign, on behalf of Koor,  this Deed and the documents
                        ancillary  hereto or those  necessary for the purpose of
                        its performance,  and also the  Shareholders  Agreement,
                        and to obligate Koor thereunder;

                (3)     by the  Effective  Date,  copies of the  resolutions  of
                        Elbit's  audit  committee  and  board of  directors,  as
                        mentioned in Clause 19.1.2 above,  have been received at
                        Koor's offices,  together with written confirmation from
                        Elbit's attorneys that the resolutions were duly adopted
                        and  Messrs.  Joseph  Ackerman  and Joseph


                        Gaspar  were  empowered  jointly  to  sign,  on  Elbit's
                        behalf,  this Deed and the documents ancillary hereto or
                        those  necessary for the purpose of its  performance and
                        also the  Shareholders  Agreement and to obligate  Elbit
                        thereunder,  subject to the approval of Elbit's  General
                        Meeting; and

                (4)     all the  approvals,  as  mentioned in Clause 19.1 of the
                        Federmann-Koor Deed, have been obtained by the Effective

        19.2    Should all the  approvals  as  mentioned  in Clauses  19.1.1 and
                19.1.2 not have been obtained by the Effective Date, and without
                derogating  from the provisions of Clause 20.3 below,  this Deed
                shall automatically  expire and be null and void, without either
                of the parties having any complaint, claim or demand against the

        19.3    This Deed shall become  effective,  if and insofar as it becomes
                effective,  at such  time as  mentioned  in Clause  19.1  above,

                19.3.1  none of the provisions of this Deed shall obligate Elbit
                        in any way until Elbit's  General  Meeting duly approves
                        its entering into the  transaction  contemplated by this
                        Deed; and

                19.3.2  the  performance  and  completion  of  Stage  'A' of the
                        Transaction are  conditioned  upon the fulfilment of all
                        the  Stage  'A'  Conditions  Precedent  by the Stage 'A'
                        Completion  Deadline and, apart from the  obligations in
                        Clauses 14 to 18 above and Clause  20.8  below,  neither
                        party shall be liable to do any act for the  performance
                        and  completion of Stage 'A' of the  Transaction  before
                        the   fulfilment   of  all  the  Stage  'A'   Conditions
                        Precedent; and

                19.3.3  the  performance  and  completion  of  Stage  'B' of the
                        Transaction are  conditional  upon the fulfilment of all
                        the  Stage  'B'  Conditions  Precedent  by the Stage 'B'
                        Completion  Deadline and, apart from the  obligations in
                        Clauses 14 to 18 above and Clause  20.8  below,  neither
                        party shall be liable to do any act for the  performance
                        and  completion of Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  before
                        the   fulfilment   of  all  the  Stage  'B'   Conditions


20.     Miscellaneous

        20.1    This Deed shall be  governed by the laws of the State of Israel.
                Sole and exclusive jurisdiction in all respects relating to this
                Deed shall be vested only in the courts of the District Court in
                the  City of Tel  Aviv-Jaffa,  and no  other  court  shall  have
                jurisdiction thereover.

        20.2    Any  modification,  addendum  or  addition,  waiver,  extension,
                concession or failure to exercise a right  pursuant to this Deed
                shall only be effective if done in an express document signed by
                all  the  parties  hereto  and  shall  only  apply  to the  case
                specified in such  document  and shall not  derogate  from other
                rights of any party pursuant to this Deed.

        20.3    The parties  hereto may extend or reduce any time  specified  in
                this Deed and waive the  performance of any of the provisions of
                this Deed,  either  once or  several  times,  by written  notice
                signed by two  officers  of each of Koor and Elbit,  without any
                further authority being necessary.

        20.4    This  Deed  fully  contains,  embodies,  merges,  expresses  and
                exhausts all the  understandings of the parties hereto solely in
                respect  of  the  matters   mentioned   herein.   Any  promises,
                guarantees or agreements,  whether written or oral, undertakings
                or  representations  concerning  the subject matter of this Deed
                given or made by the parties  prior to entering  into this Deed,
                orally  or in  writing,  that  are  not  specifically  expressed
                herein,   shall  not  be  deemed  to  augment   the  rights  and
                obligations  prescribed  in  this  Deed or to  derogate  from or
                modify them, and the parties shall not be bound by them, insofar
                as they  were  bound,  as from  the date of this  Deed.  Without
                derogating  from the generality of the foregoing,  the documents
                exchanged  between the parties  prior to the  signature  hereof,
                including  the  drafts  exchanged  between  them,  shall have no
                significance  in  the  interpretation  of  this  Deed.  For  the
                avoidance of doubt, the terms of the  Koor-Federmann  Deed shall
                not be applied in the interpretation of this Deed.

        20.5    No  conduct by either of the  parties  shall be  construed  as a
                waiver of any of its  rights  pursuant  hereto or by law or as a
                waiver  on  its  behalf  of or  acquiescence  in any  breach  or
                non-performance of a condition of the Deed by the other party or
                as granting a  postponement  or extension or as a  modification,
                cancellation or addition of any condition, unless done expressly
                and in writing.

        20.6    Unless  otherwise  expressly  provided in this Deed, the parties
                hereto may not assign or transfer  their  rights or  obligations
                pursuant  to this Deed to any third  party or perform  this deed
                through any third party,  unless


                the other party's prior written  consent has been obtained,  and
                nothing in this Deed shall be deemed to vest any right in anyone
                who is not a party hereto.

        20.7    Should  either of the parties not enforce or delay in  enforcing
                any of the rights  vested in it  pursuant to this Deed or by law
                in a  particular  case or  series of  cases,  such  shall not be
                deemed a waiver of said right or of any other rights.

        20.8    Subject in the  provisions  of Clause  14.2 above in  connection
                with the  Conditions  Precedent,  the  parties  shall  cooperate
                between them in the  implementation  of the  provisions  of this
                Deed, and they shall assist each other insofar as reasonable and
                necessary,   and  in  such  connection  they  shall  sign  every
                reasonable document, application and approval necessary for such

        20.9    Notices  pursuant  to this Deed shall be given in writing to the
                parties'  addresses as set out in the heading  hereto or to such
                other  addresses  of  which  the  parties  may  give  notice  in
                accordance  with the provisions of this Clause.  Any notice sent
                by one party to the other by registered  mail shall be deemed to
                have reached the  addressee  following the passage of three days
                from the date of being posted, and notice delivered in person by
                17:00 hours on any  Business Day shall be treated as received on
                delivery, or if delivered after 17:00 hours on any Business Day,
                then on the first Business Day after its delivery.


__(signed)_________________                          __(signed)_________________
KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.                                 ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.

By: Jonathan Kolber                                  By: Joseph Ackerman

--------------------                                 -------------------

By: Danny Biran                                      By: Joseph Gaspar

--------------------                                 -------------------


                                                                    Appendix 9.2

The Conditions Precedent for the Performance of Stage 'A' of the Transaction

Set out below are the Conditions  Precedent and approvals  required,  insofar as
necessary,  for the Completion of Stage 'A' of the  Transaction  contemplated by
the Deed of which this Appendix is an integral part ("this Deed"):

(1)      Obtaining all the consents and approvals  necessary and the  fulfilment
         of all the Koor-Federmann Deed Stage 'A' Conditions  Precedent,  as set
         out in the Koor - Federmann Deed,

(2)      Obtaining  approval from Elbit's General  Meeting for Elbit's  entering
         into this Deed,  in both its  stages,  as required by law and after the
         transaction  contemplated  by the  Koor-Federmann  Deed has  also  been
         presented to Elbit's  General  Meeting,  and also written  confirmation
         from Elbit's attorneys that such approval has been duly obtained.

(3)      Insofar  as   necessary,   obtaining  the  [Israel]   Commissioner   of
         Restrictive  Trade Practices'  approval,  after the entire framework of
         the transaction contemplated by this Deed has been provided to him, for
         the  parties'  to enter  into  this Deed and  perform  Stage 'A' of the
         Transaction,  provided that the said  authority's  disapproval of Stage
         'B' of the Transaction is not received.

(4)      Insofar as necessary,  obtaining approval from the antitrust  authority
         in the United States and/or Europe,  after the entire  framework of the
         Transaction  contemplated by this Deed has been provided to it, for the
         parties'  to enter  into  this  Deed and to  perform  Stage  'A' of the
         Transaction,  provided that the disapproval of any such  authorities as
         aforesaid to approve Stage 'B' of the Transaction is not received.

(5)      Obtaining  approval  from the  [Israel]  Ministry  of  Defense  for the
         parties'  to  enter  into  this  Deed  and   perform  the   transaction
         contemplated by this Deed, insofar as required.

(6)      Obtaining  approval  from the  [Israel]  Investment  Center  and/or the
         [Israel]  Chief  Scientist  in respect of the terms and  conditions  of
         grants or benefits that the Company has obtained,  for the  performance
         of Stage 'A' of the Transaction  contemplated by this Deed,  insofar as

(7)      Obtaining approvals from Bank Hapoalim B.M., Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M.,
         United  Mizrahi Bank Ltd.,  Israel  Discount Bank Ltd.,  BNP Paribas or
         other banks or financial  institutions for the performance of Stage 'A'
         of the Transaction contemplated by this Deed, insofar as required.


In this Appendix 9.2,  "approval"  means - including an approval that is subject
to conditions  but excluding an approval that is subject to conditions  that are
such as to materially  alter the business  activity of Elbit and/or the Company,
as existing at the time of signing this Deed or that may arise in the future, in
accordance with  resolutions  that have been passed by Elbit and/or the Company,
as the case may be, prior to signing this Deed, or the way in which Elbit and/or
the Company conducts its business.


                                                                   Appendix 12.2

The Conditions Precedent for the Performance of Stage 'B' of the Transaction

Set out below are the Conditions  Precedent and approvals  required,  insofar as
necessary,  for the completion of Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  contemplated by
the Deed of which this Appendix is an integral part ("this Deed"):

(1)      The  completion of Stage 'A' of the  Transaction  contemplated  by this

(2)      The completion of the Elisra Transaction.

(3)      Obtaining all the consents and approvals  necessary and the  fulfilment
         of all the Koor-Federmann Deed Stage 'B' Conditions  Precedent,  as set
         out in the Koor-Federmann Deed.  Nevertheless,  this condition will not
         apply if  Federmann  gives  notice as set out in  Clause  12.1.3 of the
         Koor-Federmann Deed or in Clause 12.1.5 of the Koor - Federmann Deed.

(4)      Insofar  as   necessary,   obtaining  the  [Israel]   Commissioner   of
         Restrictive Trade Practices'  approval of the parties' to enter into to
         this Deed and perform Stage 'B' of the Transaction contemplated by this
         Deed,  insofar  as such  approval  is not  given  in  Stage  'A' of the

(5)      Insofar as necessary,  obtaining approval from the antitrust  authority
         in the United  States  and/or Europe of the parties' to enter into this
         Deed and the performance of Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  contemplated
         by this Deed,  insofar  as said  authority's  approval  is not given in
         Stage 'A' of the Transaction.

(6)      Obtaining  approval  from the  [Israel]  Investment  Center  and/or the
         [Israel]  Chief  Scientist  in respect of the terms and  conditions  of
         grants or benefits that the Company has obtained,  for the  performance
         of Stage 'B' of the Transaction  contemplated by this Deed,  insofar as

(7)      Obtaining approvals from Bank Hapoalim B.M., Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M.,
         United  Mizrahi Bank Ltd.,  Israel  Discount Bank Ltd.,  BNP Paribas or
         other banks or financial institutions to enter into in Stage 'B' of the
         Transaction contemplated by this Deed, insofar as required.

In this Appendix 12.2,  "approval" means - including an approval that is subject
to conditions  but excluding an approval that is subject to conditions  that are
such as to materially  alter the business  activity of Elbit and/or the Company,
as existing at the time of signing this Deed or that may arise in the future, in
accordance with  resolutions  that have been passed by Elbit and/or the Company,
as the case may be, prior to signing this Deed, or the way in which Elbit and/or
the Company conducts its business.


                                     ANNEX D



                                FEBRUARY 7, 2005

                             SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT


                              KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.


                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.



                             SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT

                 Made in Tel Aviv this 27th day of December 2004


                              KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.

                         Public Company No. 52-001414-3

        of 14 Hamalacha Street, Afek Industrial Park, Rosh Ha'ayin 48091

                                    ( "Koor")

                                                                 of the one part


                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.

                         Public Company No. 52-004302-7

                 of the Advanced Technology Center, Haifa 31053

                                   ( "Elbit")

                                                               of the other part

WHEREAS           Koor and Elbit have on signing this  Agreement  entered into a
                  share  transfer  deed  (hereinafter  referred to as the "Share
                  Transfer  Deed"),  pursuant to which Elbit will  purchase from
                  Koor  and  Koor  will  sell  to  Elbit,  in  Stage  'A' of the
                  Transaction, 1,700,000 Ordinary Shares of 1 NIS par value each
                  of Tadiran Communications Ltd., which is a public company duly
                  incorporated in Israel (hereinafter the "Company");

AND WHEREAS       after  the  completion  of Stage  'A' of the  Transaction  (as
                  defined in the Share Transfer  Deed),  Koor will be the holder
                  of at least 2,244,276  Ordinary Shares of 1 NIS par value each
                  of the  Company's  issued share  capital and Elbit will be the
                  holder  of at least  2,218,488  Ordinary  Shares  of 1 NIS par
                  value each of the Company's issued share capital;


AND WHEREAS       in accordance with the Share Transfer Deed Elbit will purchase
                  from  Koor and  Koor  will  sell to Elbit in Stage  'B' of the
                  Transaction,  as defined in the Share Transfer Deed, 2,244,276
                  Ordinary  Shares,  although there is a possibility  that Stage
                  'B' of the Transaction  will not be completed or that, even if
                  Stage 'B' of the Transaction is completed, Elbit and Koor will
                  both remain shareholders of the Company;

AND WHEREAS       the parties wish to set forth the overall relationship between
                  them as shareholders of the Company, as provided below in this


1.    Preamble, Headings and Interpretation

1.1   The preamble to this Agreement constitutes an integral part hereof and one
      of its terms.

      1.2   The  clause  headings  in the  Agreement  are solely for the sake of
            convenience and are not to be applied in the interpretation hereof.

      1.3   In this Agreement, the following expressions shall have the meanings
            ascribed to them, unless expressly stated otherwise:

            "Shares" or "Shares of the Company" means  ordinary  shares of 1 NIS
            par value each in the Company's issued share capital;

            "Cumulative  Holdings"  means all the Shares of the Company that the
            parties to this Agreement hold from time to time;

            "Transfer"  means a sale,  gift,  realization of a lien (but not the
            creation  of a lien),  loan and any other  transfer of any kind of a
            Share  and/or any right vested in the Share's  owner and/or  holder,
            whether  or  not  for   consideration   and  whether   voluntary  or

            "Stock  Exchange Sale" means a sale in trading on the Stock Exchange
            or a sale in a  transaction  outside the Stock  Exchange,  through a
            broker to purchasers whose identities are not known to the seller or
            a sale to mutual  funds in Israel  or abroad or  provident  funds or
            provident fund management companies;

            "Qualification  Conditions" means all the requirements in accordance
            with  applicable  law and  pursuant to the  Company's  incorporation
            documents  for a  person  to  serve as a  director  of the  Company,


            including  security  clearance as required in Israel for the purpose
            of such service;

            "Core Shares" means 4,462,764  Shares,  constituting  all the Shares
            that are held by Koor  and/or  Elbit  on the date  specified  in the
            preamble to this Deed,  together  with all the bonus shares that may
            be issued in the future in respect thereof and together with all the
            Shares  that are  acquired  on issue by virtue  of  rights  that are
            vested in the  context of a rights  offering  of the  Company to its
            shareholders in respect of those Shares.

      1.4   The following terms shall have the meanings  ascribed to them in the
            Share Transfer Deed: the "First Closing Date",  the "Second  Closing
            Date",  the  "Stage  'A'  Completion   Deadline",   the  "Stage  'B'
            Completion  Deadline",  the  "Stage  'A'  Shares",  the  "Stage  'B'
            Shares",  the "Shares Being Sold",  "Stage 'A' of the  Transaction",
            "Stage 'B' of the  Transaction",  the  "Companies  Law",  the "Stock
            Exchange", "General Meeting", "Free and Clear" and "Business Day".

      1.5   The following terms shall have the meanings  defined in Section 1 of
            the [Israel] Securities Law, 5728-1968

            "securities", "company", "subsidiary",  "acquisition of securities",
            "holding and acquisition" and "control".

      1.6   The following terms shall have the meanings  defined in Section 1 of
            the Companies Law:

            "dividend",   "director",  "external  director",  "public  company",
            "distribution",  "bonus  shares",  "officer",  "personal  interest",
            "transaction", "extraordinary transaction" and "act".

2.    The Parties' Warranties and Undertakings

      Each party hereby  respectively  warrants and  undertakes  to the other as

      2.1   That it is a duly incorporated public company,  that its number with
            the  Companies  Registrar is as appears in the  preamble  hereto and
            that  no  actions  or  proceedings   for   delisting,   liquidation,
            winding-up,  receivership  or like acts have been taken or are being
            threatened against it.

      2.2   That there is no legal or other impediment to its entering into this
            Agreement  and  that  this  Agreement  and  the  performance  of its
            obligations pursuant hereto are not contrary to any judgment,  order


            direction of a court, to any contract, understanding or agreement to
            which it is a party, to its incorporation  documents or to any other
            of its  obligations,  whether  by virtue  of a  contract  (oral,  by
            conduct or written) or by virtue of law.

      2.3   That by the time this  Agreement  enters  into effect as provided in
            Clause 7 below,  all the  approvals,  consents  and permits  will be
            obtained and all the necessary proceedings will have been performed,
            including the approvals of any authorities,  government  entities or
            any other body,  for its entering into this Agreement and performing
            its  obligations  pursuant  hereto,  and that the signatories on its
            behalf are those who are  empowered  to sign this  Agreement  on its
            behalf,  subject in all cases to  obtaining  the approval of Elbit's
            audit  committee,   board  of  directors  and  General  Meeting  and
            obtaining  the approval of Koor's board of directors to the parties'
            entering into and  performing  this Agreement and the Share Transfer

      2.4   That it is not a party to any voting agreement or other  arrangement
            concerning  the  Company's  Shares  with other  shareholders  of the
            Company, save for the other party hereto, and it will not enter into
            any such agreement  and/or  arrangement so long as this Agreement is
            in force, except in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement
            and subject to the provisions of Clause 5.11 below.

3.    Arrangements after the Completion of Stage 'A' of the Transaction

      After the completion of Stage 'A' of the  Transaction,  as provided in the
      Share  Transfer  Deed and until the Second  Closing  Date or the Stage 'B'
      Completion Deadline, whichever is earlier, and without derogating from the
      provisions of the Share Transfer Deed,  the following  arrangements  shall
      apply between the parties in connection with the Company's management:

      3.1   On completion of Stage 'A' of the  Transaction,  directors  shall be
            appointed to the  Company's  board of directors in  accordance  with
            Elbit's nomination, as provided in Clause 10.6 of the Share Transfer
            Deed,  and the  provisions of Clause 10.6 of the Share Transfer Deed
            shall be deemed part of this Agreement's provisions.

      3.2   Subject to  applicable  law, the parties  shall act so that on every
            board of directors'  committee of the Company,  other than the audit
            committee,  there shall  serve at least one  director  nominated  by
            Elbit, as provided in Clause 3.1 above.

      3.3   Subject to applicable  law, the parties shall act so that a director
            of the  Company,  who has been  nominated  for the  office by Elbit,
            shall serve as chairperson of the Company's finance committee.


      3.4   Notwithstanding  the provisions of Clauses 3.1 and 3.2 above, should
            Koor exercise its right to defer the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline
            from 30  September  2005 until 30 April 2006,  as provided in Clause
            12.1.3 of the  Share  Transfer  Deed  (hereinafter  the  "Additional
            Period"), the following arrangements shall apply between the parties
            during the  Additional  Period with  respect to the  appointment  of

            3.4.1   On  commencement  of the  Additional  Period,  an additional
                    director  nominated  by  Elbit  shall  be  appointed  to the
                    Company's  board of directors so that there shall be a total
                    of  12  (twelve)   directors  on  the  Company's   board  of
                    directors,  of whom four (4) shall  have been  nominated  by
                    Elbit,   provided  that  they  meet  all  the  Qualification
                    Conditions. Subject to applicable law, the parties shall act
                    so that on every board of directors' committee, at least one
                    third of the  committee  members shall be directors who were
                    nominated  for their office by Elbit,  provided  that in any
                    event at least one  director  nominated by Elbit shall serve
                    on every board of directors' committee of the Company, other
                    than the audit committee.

            3.4.2   The  parties  undertake  to act so that  the  provisions  of
                    Clause 3.4.1 shall take effect as of the commencement of the
                    Additional  Period  including,  if  necessary,  by calling a
                    shareholders  meeting of the  Company on the agenda of which
                    shall  be  such  appointment  of  the  director,   and  they
                    undertake  to support  the  appointment  of the  director in
                    accordance  with  Elbit's  nomination  at that  meeting,  as
                    provided in Clause 3.4.1.

      3.5   After the First Closing Date and during the Additional  Period,  the
            parties shall  cooperate at every General  Meeting of the Company on
            the agenda of which is the  appointment of directors to the Company,
            and they  shall vote at every  such  meeting in favor of  appointing
            directors  in  accordance  with Elbit's  nomination,  as provided in
            Clause  3.1 or 3.4 of this  Agreement,  as the case  may be,  and in
            favor of the  appointment of all the other directors of the Company,
            including  the  external   directors,   in  accordance  with  Koor's

4.    Arrangements after Completion of Stage 'B' of the Transaction

      After  and  subject  to  completion  of Stage  'B' of the  Transaction  as
      provided  in the Share  Transfer  Deed,  and without  derogating  from the
      provisions  of the Share  Transfer  Deed,  if and to the extent that after
      completion of Stage 'B' of


      the  Transaction  Koor is a  shareholder  of the  Company,  the  following
      arrangements  shall apply  between the  parties in  connection  with their
      holdings in the Company:

      4.1   Koor  undertakes to participate in every General Meeting and vote in
            respect of all the Shares held by it on every matter and/or decision
            that is referred for a resolution of the Company's  shareholders  in
            accordance with written  instructions  that are given to it by Elbit
            at least seven days before the date the applicable  resolution is to
            be  voted  on by the  Company's  shareholders,  unless  the  parties
            otherwise agree in writing.  Koor's said undertaking shall not apply
            with  respect to a resolution  of the  shareholders  concerning  the
            approval of a  transaction  of the Company in which Elbit or Elbit's
            controlling shareholders or officers, or any of them, has a personal
            interest,  if such  voting as  required by Elbit would cause Koor to
            breach any  obligations  imposed on it by law. For the  avoidance of
            doubt,  it is hereby  clarified  that Koor shall not be  entitled to
            appoint  directors on its own behalf by virtue of its holding  those

      4.2   Koor hereby  grants Elbit  options to purchase from it all or any of
            the Shares that are issued to or vested in Koor by the Company after
            the  signature  of this  Agreement  (in this Clause the  "Additional
            Shares"), in whole or in part, such Additional Shares being Free and
            Clear, under the following time periods and conditions:

            4.2.1   During the 90 day period  commencing  on the Second  Closing
                    Date (in this Clause the "Base Date"),  Elbit shall have the
                    right to provide  Koor written  notice of Elbit's  desire to
                    purchase  any or all of the  Additional  Shares on the terms
                    set out in Clauses 4.2.4 - 4.2.8 below. Koor undertakes that
                    until the end of said  period  it will not sell or  Transfer
                    the  Additional  Shares.  After the end of the said  period,
                    Koor  may,  without  any  restriction,  sell not  more  than
                    one-half of the Additional Shares.

            4.2.2   During the period  commencing at the end of 90 days from the
                    Base  Date and  ending  180 days from the Base  Date,  Elbit
                    shall  have the  right to  provide  Koor  written  notice of
                    Elbit's  desire  to  purchase  any or all of a  quantity  of
                    Additional Shares not exceeding half the Additional  Shares,
                    on the  terms set out in  Clauses  4.2.4 - 4.2.8  below,  if
                    those  Shares  have  not yet  been  purchased  by  Elbit  as
                    provided  in  Clause  4.2.1  above.  After  the  end to said
                    period,  Koor may, without any  restriction,  sell a further
                    amount of Additional Shares, so that the total of Additional
                    Shares  sold by Koor as  provided


                    in Clauses 4.2.1 - 4.2.2 does not exceed  three-quarters  of
                    the Additional Shares.

            4.2.3   During the period commencing at the end of 180 days from the
                    Base  Date and  ending  365 days from the Base  Date,  Elbit
                    shall  have the  right to  provide  Koor  written  notice of
                    Elbit's desire to purchase any or all Additional  Shares not
                    exceeding one-quarter of the Additional Shares, on the terms
                    set out in Clauses 4.2.4 - 4.2.8 below, if those Shares have
                    not yet been purchased by Elbit as provided in clauses 4.2.1
                    and 4.2.2 above. After the end of said period, Koor may sell
                    all the Additional Shares without any restriction.

            4.2.4   The Additional  Shares shall be purchased for  consideration
                    in respect of each  Additional  Share  equal to the  average
                    between the price per Share at which the  Additional  Shares
                    were  issued to Koor by the Company or vested in Koor by the
                    Company, less any dividend distributed for each Share by the
                    Company,  commencing  from the date on which Koor was issued
                    to or vested in it until the Option  Transaction  Completion
                    Date,  as  defined  below,  and the  price  per Share of the
                    Company on the Stock Exchange.  For this purpose, the "Stock
                    Exchange  Price  Per  Share  of the  Company"  shall  be the
                    average  price  of the  Share  at the end of each of the ten
                    Stock  Exchange  trading  days  preceding  the date on which
                    notice is  provided  by Elbit with  respect to the  option's

            4.2.5   Should  option  exercise  notice  be  provided  by  Elbit in
                    accordance with Clauses 4.2.1 - 4.2.3 with respect to any or
                    all of the  Additional  Shares,  the sale of the  Shares  in
                    respect  of which the  option  has been  exercised  shall be
                    completed  within 14 Business Days after the notice is given
                    (in this Clause the "Option  Transaction  Completion Date").
                    On the Option Transaction  Completion Date Elbit shall remit
                    to Koor  the  consideration  for the  Additional  Shares  in
                    respect of which exercise  notice has been given by Elbit by
                    bank  transfer  to Koor's  account  of which Koor shall give
                    Elbit written  notice at least five Business Days before the
                    Option Transaction  Completion Date, and upon the remittance
                    of the  consideration  Koor  shall  transfer  to  Elbit  the
                    Additional  Shares in  respect of which  exercise  notice is
                    given  by  Elbit,  Free and  Clear,  to  Elbit's  securities
                    account,  the  details  of  which  shall be given to Koor by
                    Elbit by written  notice at least five  Business Days before
                    the Option Transaction Completion Date.


            4.2.6   If the  Company  distributes  bonus  shares or a dividend in
                    kind  to its  shareholders  before  the  option  transaction
                    exercise date, the  consideration  shall not be adjusted but
                    the Shares  Being Sold on the  option  transaction  exercise
                    date shall be subject to the  addition of the bonus  shares,
                    Free and  Clear,  or assets  received  as  dividend  in kind
                    (gross)  with  respect to the Shares  Being  Sold,  Free and
                    Clear,  without  Elbit  being  required  to  pay  additional
                    consideration for them.

            4.2.7   If  the  Company   makes  a   consolidation,   reduction  or
                    sub-division  of its share  capital or does any other act of
                    similar  effect,  the price per Share and the  number of the
                    Additional  Shares  Being Sold shall be adjusted pro rata to
                    the consolidation or sub-division.

5.    Arrangements  between  the  Parties if Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  is
      not Completed

      If after the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline,  including  any extension of
      that date in accordance  with the Share  Transfer  Deed,  Stage 'B' of the
      Transaction  is not  completed,  the  following  arrangements  shall apply
      between the parties in respect of the Cumulative Holdings:

      Board of Directors

      5.1   So long as the  holdings of each of the parties  hereto are not less
            than 12% of the Company's  issued share  capital,  the parties shall
            act and vote by virtue of all the Joint Holdings so that there shall
            be 12 directors on the board of the Company  including  five who are
            nominated for office by Elbit,  five who are nominated for office by
            Koor and two external  directors,  provided  that all the  directors
            shall meet the Qualification Conditions.  The parties shall also act
            subject  to  applicable  law so that on all the board of  directors'
            committees there shall be equal  representation of the directors who
            are nominated for office by each party. The parties undertake to act
            so that this provision is implemented,  including,  if necessary, by
            calling a  shareholders'  meeting of the Company as soon as possible
            in accordance  with  applicable law, on the agenda of which shall be
            the  appointment  of directors as aforesaid,  and they  undertake to
            support the appointment of directors as aforesaid at that meeting.

      5.2   When the term of office of the first of the two  external  directors
            serving on the  Company's  board of directors on the date of signing
            this Agreement  comes to an end, Elbit shall be entitled to nominate
            a different  candidate  for the office of  external  director in his


            When the term of office of the other of the two  external  directors
            serving on the  Company's  board of directors on the date of signing
            this  Agreement  comes to an end, Koor shall be entitled to nominate
            another  candidate  for the  position  of  external  director in his
            place.  Each party shall act and vote by virtue of all the Shares of
            the Company that are held by it in favor of the  appointment  of the
            candidate  nominated  by the other party to the position of external
            director  as  aforesaid.  Said  arrangement  shall also  continue in
            similar fashion in respect of the appointment to the Company's board
            of directors of the subsequent  external  directors so long as there
            is a legal duty to appoint external directors.

      5.3   Subject  to  applicable  law,  the  parties  shall  act so that  the
            Company's articles of association are amended to the effect that the
            chairperson of the Company's  board of directors shall be elected by
            the Company's  General Meeting from among the directors who are then
            in  office,  whose  office  will not  expire  before the end of that
            General  Meeting or from among the new  directors who are elected to
            office at that General Meeting.  It is agreed that until 31 December
            2006, the chairperson of the Company's board of directors shall be a
            director  recommended  to that  post by Koor.  Thereafter,  the post
            shall be held by a director  recommended  to the post by Elbit for a
            period of 24 months,  and thereafter the chairperson of the board of
            directors  shall be replaced every 24 months.  The parties shall act
            by virtue of the Cumulative Holdings to vote in favor of nominees as

      5.4   Subject to applicable  law, the parties shall act so that so long as
            a  director  recommended  by one of the  parties  hereto  serves  as
            chairperson  of the  Company's  board of  directors,  the  Company's
            finance committee shall be chaired by a director  recommended to the
            post by the other party hereto.

      5.5   Should the  holdings of either of the parties  fall below 12% of the
            Company's issued share capital but so long as they are not less than
            9% of the  Company's  issued  share  capital,  that  party  shall be
            entitled to a number of directors  equal to its percentage  holdings
            in the Company divided by the total Cumulative  Holdings  multiplied
            by the number of  directors  serving in the Company  (rounded to the
            nearest whole number), provided that the number of directors who are
            appointed on the recommendation of that party shall not be less than
            20% of the number of directors serving in the Company (rounded up to
            a whole number).

      5.6   Should the  holdings of either of the  parties  fall below 9% of the
            issued  share  capital of the  Company  but so long as they have not
            fallen below 5% of the Company's  issued share  capital,  that party
            shall be entitled


            to a number of  directors  equal to its  percentage  holdings in the
            Company divided by the total Cumulative  Holdings  multiplied by the
            number of directors  serving in the Company  (rounded to the nearest
            whole number).

      5.7   Should the  holdings of either of the  parties  fall below 5% of the
            issued  share  capital  of the  Company,  that  party  shall  not be
            entitled,  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  to  representation  on the
            Company's board of directors.

      5.8   It is  hereby  clarified  that if the  holdings  of a  party  to the
            Agreement fall below the percentages specified in Clauses 5.5 to 5.7
            above and as a result  thereof the number of directors  appointed on
            its recommendation is reduced,  as the case may be, that party shall
            not be  entitled  to  reinstate  representation  in  addition to the
            representation  retained by it, if at all, on the Company's board of
            directors,  even if it  subsequently  acquires Shares of the Company
            and again increases its holdings beyond said percentages.

      General Meeting

      5.9   The parties shall  coordinate  between them in advance the manner in
            which they will vote on every  resolution in the  Company's  General
            Meeting.  Subject to the provisions of Clauses 5.1 to 5.8 above, the
            parties shall act and vote by virtue of all the Cumulative  Holdings
            against any proposed  resolution in the Company's  General  Meeting,
            unless it is first  agreed in  writing  between  them to vote in its

      5.10  Should  the  holdings  of a party  fall  below 12% of the  Company's
            issued share capital but so long as they have not fallen below 9% of
            the Company's  issued share  capital,  the  provisions of Clause 5.9
            above shall not apply between the parties.

      5.11  Notwithstanding  the provisions of Clause 5.9 above, if the holdings
            of a party (in this Clause the "First  Party")  fall below 9% of the
            Company's  issued share capital,  the First Party undertakes to vote
            with all its  Shares in the  Company  at every  General  Meeting  in
            accordance with the other party's instructions, to be given to it in
            writing at least four days prior to the date of each meeting, except
            in  connection  with  a  shareholders'   resolution  concerning  the
            approval of a transaction of the Company in which the other party or
            its  controlling  shareholders  or officers,  or any of them,  has a
            personal  interest,  if so voting  would  cause  the First  Party to
            breach  duties  imposed  on it by law.  The  other  party  shall not
            require  the First  Party's  prior  consent as regards its voting by
            virtue of the Company's shares. Moreover, if the holdings of a party
            fall below 9% of the  Company's  issued  share  capital,  that party


            alone  shall  be  bound  by the  provisions  of  Clause  2.4 of this
            Agreement,  without the other party  being so bound,  provided  that
            said party's rights pursuant to this Agreement are not impaired.

      Right of First Refusal

      5.12  A Transfer  of Company  Shares from the Core Shares by either of the
            parties shall not be effective  unless made in  accordance  with the
            provisions   of  this   Agreement   (including   a  forced  sale  in
            receivership or execution proceedings).

      5.13  If either of the parties (in this  Clause the  "Offeror")  wishes to
            Transfer all or any of the Core Shares it holds to a third party, it
            shall  first  offer  them to the  other  party (in this  Clause  the
            "Offeree")  on the  terms and in the  manner  set out below (in this
            Clause the  "Offer").  The parties  hereby give their consent to the
            granting  of a temporary  and/or  permanent  injunction  against the
            making of a  transaction  that does not comply with the terms of the
            Clause,  and they agree that any  transaction  whereby either of the
            parties  purports to Transfer the Company's Shares otherwise than in
            accordance with these provisions shall be null and void.

      5.14  The Offer shall be made in writing and sent to the Offeree.

      5.15  In the Offer,  the  Offeror  shall  detail the number of Core Shares
            that are offered for Transfer (in this Clause the "Offered Shares"),
            their  class,  the price  requested  for each Share  (which shall be
            payable  only in  cash)  and all the  material  commercial  terms in
            connection  with the  Transfer,  together  with the  identity of the
            purchaser  (in this  Clause  the  "Purchaser"),  and  insofar as the
            Purchaser   is  a  company,   the   identity   of  its   controlling
            shareholders,  to the best of the Offeror's  knowledge,  through the
            private   individuals  who  control  the  Purchaser  and/or  to  the
            companies  that control the  Purchaser,  whose shares are listed for
            trading on a stock exchange in Israel or the United States.  Without
            derogating  from the provisions of Clause 5.21 below, in the case of
            a sale to an insurance  company in Israel,  which is purchasing  the
            Shares for  investments  that are not for its  "nostro"  and/or to a
            provident fund and/or trust fund and/or pension fund in Israel,  the
            Offeror shall be entitled to detail a number of insurance  companies
            that are  purchasing the Shares  otherwise than for their  "nostro",
            and/or  provident funds and/or trust funds and/or pension funds, one
            of which will be the Purchaser.  Moreover, in the event of a sale to
            a  provident  fund or trust  fund or  pension  fund in  Israel,  the
            Offeror   need  not  detail  the   identity  of  their   controlling
            shareholders.  The  Offeree  shall  keep the  contents  of the Offer
            confidential,  except as may be  necessary  in order to exercise its
            rights pursuant to this Agreement.


      5.16  The Offeree shall be entitled to give written  notice to the Offeror
            within a period of 21 Business  Days from the date of receiving  the
            Offer (in this Clause the "Notice  Period") that it wishes to accept
            the Offer and  purchase  all the Shares  offered at the price and on
            the terms of the Offer (in this Clause the  "Acceptance  Notice") or
            that it does not accept the Offer.

      5.17  Should  Acceptance  Notice be given by the Offeree during the Notice
            Period,  the Shares  offered  shall be  transferred  to the  Offeree
            within 14  Business  Days of the end of the  Notice  Period (in this
            Clause the "Exercise Period"),  Free and Clear, in consideration for
            payment  of the  price  specified  in  the  Offer  and on the  terms
            specified in the Offer. Notwithstanding the foregoing if an approval
            required  by law for  the  Transfer  of the  Shares  offered  to the
            Offeree cannot be obtained during the Exercise Period,  the Exercise
            Period  shall be  extended  by a further  period of not more than 21
            Business Day  (hereinafter in this Clause the "Additional  Period"),
            provided that on obtaining all the approvals  required by law during
            the Additional  Period,  the Shares offered shall be transferred and
            the consideration for them shall be paid within two Business Days of
            the end of the Additional Period.

      5.18  Should  Acceptance  Notice  not be  given  at the end of the  Notice
            Period or should  notice be given to the effect  that the Offeree is
            not accepting the Offer (in this Clause the  "Rejection  Notice") or
            should the transaction not be completed  within two Business Days of
            the end of the Additional Period otherwise than due to the Offeror's
            breach, the Offeror may Transfer to the Purchaser the Shares offered
            in consideration for the price specified in the Offer or at a higher
            price and on the material  commercial  terms prescribed in the Offer
            or commercial terms more favorable to the seller,  provided that the
            Shares  offered  shall be  transferred  to the Purchaser and all the
            rights and  obligations  in accordance  with the  provisions of this
            Agreement  shall be assigned to it, and provided  that the Purchaser
            assumes  all the  rights  and  obligations  in  accordance  with the
            provisions of this  Agreement,  subject to the  provisions of Clause
            5.23 below,  within a period of 90 Business Days from the end of the
            Notice  Period  or from the  time the  Rejection  Notice  is  given,
            whichever is earlier.

      5.19  For the purposes of Clauses 5.12 - 5.18 above,  a Transfer of Shares
            from the Core Shares by way of a distribution  of a dividend in kind
            by Koor to its  shareholders  shall be treated  as a Share  Transfer
            made on the date  determining  the rights to receive the dividend in
            kind by Koor's  shareholders,  and such Transfer shall be treated as
            though made at the average  closing price of the Company's  Share on
            the Stock Exchange during the 12 trading days before, and during the


            trading  days  after,  the date of giving  Koor's  written  Offer as
            provided in Clause 5.13 above.

      5.20  Notwithstanding  in the  provisions  of this Clause 5, a Transfer of
            Shares  from the Core Shares by a party  hereto to a related  entity
            shall not be subject  to the  provisions  of this  Clause but such a
            Transfer  shall be prohibited  and shall be  ineffective  unless the
            transferor and transferee have jointly and severally assumed all the
            transferor's  obligations  pursuant to this  Agreement and confirmed
            the same in a written  notice  given in advance  to the other  party
            hereto,  duly signed by the transferor and the  transferee.  In this
            Agreement  a "related  entity" to a party to the  Agreement  means a
            person or entity that controls it or is controlled by it or is under
            the same  control as it,  and also an entity to which  Shares in the
            Company  are  transferred  by a party  hereto  in the  course of the
            transferor  party's  merger into that entity,  pursuant to which the
            transferor's legal personality is nullified.

      5.21  Notwithstanding  in the  provisions  of this Clause 5, a sale on the
            Stock  Exchange  of Shares  from the Core  Shares by a party  hereto
            shall not be subject to the  provisions  of this Clause 5,  provided
            that it  meets  all the  following  conditions:  (a) a party to this
            Agreement shall not sell more than 3% of the Company's  issued share
            capital  during  a  period  of 12  months;  and (b) a  party  to the
            Agreement  shall not sell more  than  1.5% of the  Company's  issued
            share  capital  in  the  course  of  one  transaction  or  one  act.
            Nevertheless,  if a party's total  holdings of the Company's  Shares
            fall below 5% of the Company's issued share capital,  that party may
            sell the  Shares in the  course  of  trading  on the Stock  Exchange
            without the  application  of the provisions of Clauses 5.12 to 5.21.
            For the  avoidance of doubt,  the  provisions of this Clause 5 shall
            apply in full to a sale  outside  the Stock  Exchange of Shares from
            the Core  Shares  but they  shall  not  apply to a sale on the Stock
            Exchange  or off the  Stock  Exchange  of  Shares  that are not Core

      Share Purchase Option

      5.22  Koor hereby grants Elbit options to purchase from it Shares that are
            not part of the Core  Shares,  which have been issued to Koor by the
            Company  or vested in Koor by the  Company  after  signature  of the
            Share Transfer Deed, at the times and on the terms set out in Clause
            4.2 above, mutatis mutandis.


      5.23  Condition  for  Transferring  Shares and  Joining  the  Shareholders

            Without  derogating  from the other  provisions  of this  Agreement,
            including this Clause 5, it is agreed that on any Transfer of Shares
            from  the  Core  Shares  by a  party  hereto  (in  this  Clause  the
            "Transferor Party") the following provisions shall apply:

            If the  Transferor  Party  wishes to Transfer all or any of the Core
            Shares  it  holds,  the  Transferor  Party  may not do so and such a
            Transfer  shall be  ineffective  unless the  recipient of the Shares
            being  transferred (in this Clause the  "Acquiror")  assumes all the
            rights  and  obligations  pursuant  to this  Agreement  so that  the
            Transferor  Party and the Acquiror shall be jointly  entitled to the
            rights of the  Transferor  Party pursuant to this Agreement (but not
            more) and so that the  Transferor  Party and the  Acquiror  shall be
            jointly  and  severally  liable  for  all  the  Transferor   Party's
            obligations pursuant to this Agreement, and provided that the number
            of  shareholders  that  hold  the  Transferor   Party's  rights  and
            obligations pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed two.

6.    Provisions Regarding the Appointment and Replacement of Directors

      6.1   If a party to this Agreement  requests to replace or bring to an end
            the term of office of a director nominated to the Company's board of
            directors by that party,  the parties shall act insofar as necessary
            to hold a  General  Meeting  of the  Company  and vote in favor of a
            proposal to remove such a director  from office and appoint  another
            director in his place in accordance with the nomination of the party
            seeking to remove such director from office as aforesaid.

      6.2   The parties  shall vote against a proposal to remove a member of the
            Company's board of directors from office,  if his nomination for the
            office  was  proposed  by Koor or  Elbit,  unless  the party to this
            Agreement  that  nominated  said  director's   appointment   directs
            otherwise in advance and in writing.

      6.3   If the  position  of a  member  of the  board of  directors  who was
            elected  in  accordance  with  the  nomination  of Koor or  Elbit is
            vacated for any reason,  the parties  shall act insofar as necessary
            to hold a  General  Meeting  of the  Company  and  vote in  favor of
            removing  from  office  a  director  who has been  appointed  by the
            Company's  board of  directors  in place of the board  member  whose
            position  has  been  vacated,  if so  appointed,  and  in  favor  of
            appointing the candidate nominated by Koor or Elbit, as the case may
            be, for the  position of board  member  instead of the board  member
            whose  position has been  vacated,  provided that such nominee meets
            the Qualification Conditions.


      6.4   Before any General  Meeting of the Company on the agenda of which is
            the appointment of directors in the Company,  and in accordance with
            the  provisions  of  the  Company's   articles  of  association  and
            applicable law, each party shall give written notice to the Company,
            with a copy to the other, of the candidates  nominated by it for the
            position of director in the Company.

7.    The Term of the Agreement

      7.1   This Agreement shall enter into effect on the First Closing Date and
            remain in force so long as the parties  hereto  together hold Shares
            of the Company  entitling  them to at least 15% of the voting rights
            in the Company,  provided that each party hereto holds Shares of the

      7.2   Should the holdings of a party or the parties to this Agreement,  as
            the case may be,  fall below the  percentages  set out in Clause 7.1
            above,  this Agreement shall  automatically  expire and not vest any
            rights in either of the  parties  hereto or impose on either of them
            under any obligations.  The provisions of the Agreement shall not be
            renewed or again become  effective,  even if the holdings of a party
            or  parties  to this  Agreement  increase  after it has  expired  as
            provided in this Clause.

8.    Confidentiality and Notices

      8.1   Subject to  applicable  law and the  provisions of Clause 8.2 below,
            the parties  shall not publish or provide  information  to any third
            party in connection  with this  Agreement  without the other party's
            prior written consent to the publication and its contents.

      8.2   The parties shall provide all the reports required by applicable law
            concerning  entering into and performing  this Agreement as required
            by applicable law, by prior coordination,  if and insofar as legally
            possible, with the other party hereto.

      8.3   The parties shall use Confidential Information that comes into their
            possession in connection  with this  Agreement or the Company solely
            for the performance of their obligations pursuant to this Agreement,
            and they shall not in any manner provide Confidential Information to
            any third party.

      8.4   For the  purpose of this Clause 8.3,  "Confidential  Information"  -
            means any  information  relating  to the parties  hereto  and/or the
            Company, other than (a) information that was in the public domain or
            came into the public domain  otherwise  than due to a breach of this


            Agreement by a party hereto;  and (b)  information the disclosure of
            which is required by law.

      8.5   The obligations pursuant to Clauses 8.1 to 8.4 of this Agreement are
            not limited in time.

9.    Miscellaneous

      9.1   Any  modification,  amendment  and/or addendum,  waiver,  extension,
            concession or failure to exercise a right pursuant to this Agreement
            shall only be effective if done in an express document signed by all
            the  parties  hereto and shall only apply to the case  specified  in
            such  document as aforesaid and shall not derogate from other rights
            of a party pursuant to this Agreement.

      9.2   The parties  hereto may extend or reduce any time  specified in this
            Agreement  and  waive  the  performance  of any of this  Agreement's
            provisions,  either once or several times,  by written notice signed
            by two officers of Koor and of Elbit,  without any further authority
            being necessary.

      9.3   No conduct by either of the parties  shall be  construed as a waiver
            of any of its rights pursuant to this Agreement  and/or by law or as
            its waiver of or  acquiescence to any breach or  non-performance  of
            the terms of the  Agreement  by the  other  party or as  granting  a
            postponement  or extension  or as a  modification,  cancellation  or
            addition of any condition, unless done expressly and in writing.

      9.4   This  Agreement  fully  contains,  embodies,  merges,  expresses and
            exhausts  all the  understandings  of the parties  hereto  solely in
            respect of the matters mentioned herein.  Any promises,  guarantees,
            undertakings or representations with regard to the subject matter of
            this  Agreement  that  were  given or made by the  parties  prior to
            entering  into this  Agreement,  in writing or orally,  that are not
            specifically expressed herein, shall not augment, modify or derogate
            from the rights and obligations  prescribed  herein, and the parties
            shall not be bound by them,  insofar as they were bound, as from the
            date of this  Agreement.  Without  derogating from the generality of
            the foregoing,  the documents  exchanged  between the parties before
            the signature  hereof,  including the drafts exchanged between them,
            shall have no significance in the  interpretation of this Agreement.
            For the avoidance of doubt, the terms of the shareholders  agreement
            made   between   Koor,   Federmann   Enterprises   Ltd.   and  HERIS
            KTIENGESELLSCHAFT,  contemporaneously  with  the  signature  of this
            Agreement  shall  not be  applied  in  the  interpretation  of  this


      9.5   Unless otherwise  expressly provided in this Agreement,  the parties
            hereto may not assign or transfer their rights or obligations  under
            this Agreement to any third party or perform this Agreement  through
            any third party,  unless the other party's prior written consent has
            been obtained, and nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to vest
            any right in anyone who is not a party hereto.

      9.6   Should  either of the parties not enforce or delay in enforcing  any
            of the rights vested in it pursuant to this Agreement and/or by law,
            in a particular case or series of cases, such shall not be construed
            as a waiver of said right or of any other rights.

      9.7   This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Israel.
            Sole and  exclusive  jurisdiction  in all  matters  relating to this
            Agreement is vested only in the courts of the District  Court in the
            City of Tel Aviv - Jaffa and in them alone, and no other court shall
            have jurisdiction thereover.

      9.8   Notices  under  this  Agreement  shall be given  in  writing  to the
            parties'  addresses as set out in the preamble hereto and/or to such
            other  addresses of which the parties give notice in accordance with
            the  provisions of this Clause.  Any notice sent by one party to the
            other  by  registered  mail  shall be  deemed  to have  reached  the
            addressee following the passage of three days from the date of being
            posted and notice that is  delivered in person by 17:00 hours on any
            Business  Day  shall be  treated  as  received  on  delivery,  or if
            delivered  after 17:00 hours on any Business  Day, then on the first
            Business Day after its delivery.


______(signed)______                                 ______(signed)____
KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.                                 ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.


                                     ANNEX E



                                FEBRUARY 7, 2005

                               SHARE TRANSFER DEED


                           FEDERMANN ENTERPRISES LTD.


                              KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.



                               SHARE TRANSFER DEED

                 Made in Tel Aviv this 27th day of December 2004


                           FEDERMANN ENTERPRISES LTD.
                       (Public Company No. 51 - 227839-1)
                         of 99 Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv

                                                                 of the one part


                              KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.
                       (Public Company No. 52 - 001414-3)
        of 14 Hamalacha Street, Afek Industrial Park, Rosh Ha'ayin 48091

                                                               of the other part

                           (hereinafter the "Parties")

WHEREAS       Federmann  is the  holder  of  19,915,448  Ordinary  Shares of the
              issued and paid up share  capital of Elbit  Systems Ltd., a public
              company  duly  incorporated  in  Israel,  whose  number  with  the
              Companies Registrar is Public Company No. 52-004302-7 (hereinafter
              the "Company");

AND WHEREAS   Federmann  wishes to sell and  transfer  to Koor,  in two  stages,
              4,000,000  (four million)  Ordinary  Shares,  which on the date of
              signing this Deed constitute  approximately  9.8% of the Company's
              issued  and  paid-up  share  capital,  while  in the  first  stage
              Federmann  will sell and transfer to Koor  2,160,000  (two


              million one hundred and sixty thousand) Ordinary Shares,  which on
              the date of signing this Deed constitute approximately 5.3% of the
              Company's  issued and  paid-up  share  capital,  and in the second
              stage  Federmann  will sell and  transfer to Koor  1,840,000  (one
              million eight hundred and forty thousand)  Ordinary Shares,  which
              on the date of signing this Deed constitute  approximately 4.5% of
              the Company's issued and paid-up share capital,  subject to and in
              accordance with the provisions of this Deed;

AND           WHEREAS  Koor wishes to purchase and receive  from  Federmann  the
              Shares  Being  Sold,   subject  to  and  in  accordance  with  the
              provisions of this Deed;

AND           WHEREAS the  performance of this Deed, in both stages,  is subject
              to Conditions Precedent as provided below in this Deed;

AND           WHEREAS the  Parties  wish to set forth  their  relationship  with
              respect to the sale and  purchase of the Shares  Being Sold in the
              context of this Deed;

AND           WHEREAS Koor is interested in the  performance of the  Transaction
              contemplated  by this Deed as part of an overall  Transaction,  in
              the scope of which Koor will sell to the Company shares of Tadiran
              Communications, as set out in the Elbit-Koor Deed and this Deed.


1.    Preamble, Appendices and Interpretation

      1.1   The preamble  and  appendices  hereto  constitute  an integral  part

      1.2   The  clause  headings  in this  Deed  are  solely  for  the  sake of
            convenience and shall not be applied in the interpretation hereof.

2.    Definitions

      2.1   In this Deed,  the  following  terms shall have the meanings  herein
            ascribed to them, unless expressly stated otherwise:

            "Elisra" means Elisra Electronic  Systems Ltd.,  Private Company No.


            "General  Meeting"  means as defined in the  Companies  Law, and any
            adjourned meeting;

            "U.S. Dollar" or "$" means United States dollars;

            "Company" means as defined in the preamble hereto;

            "Shareholders  Agreement" means the Agreement  between Federmann and
            Koor in the form of Appendix "10.7" hereto, which is to be signed on
            the  signature  of this Deed and will enter into effect on the First
            Closing Date;

            "Stage 'A' Conditions  Precedent" means the Conditions Precedent for
            Stage 'A' of the Transaction, as provided in Appendix "9.2" hereto;

            "Stage 'B' Conditions  Precedent" means the Conditions Precedent for
            Stage 'B' of the Transaction, as provided in Appendix "12.2" hereto;

            "Conditions  Precedent" means the Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent and
            the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent;

            "Companies Law" means the [Israel] Companies Law, 5759-1999;

            "Business  Day"  means a day on which the two major  banks in Israel
            are open for business,  other than Fridays and holiday  eves,  which
            shall not be treated as a "Business Day";

            "Koor" means as defined in the preamble hereto;

            "First  Closing Date" means the third Business Day after the date on
            which all the Stage 'A' Conditions  Precedent have been fulfilled or
            such later date as agreed by the Parties, as provided in Clause 20.3

            "Elbit-Koor Deed First Closing Date" means the First Closing Date as
            the term is defined in the Elbit-Koor Deed;

            "Second Closing Date" means the third Business Day after the date on
            which all the Stage 'B' Conditions  Precedent have been fulfilled or
            in the event  that the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent  are  deemed
            wholly fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of Clause 12.4 or
            12.5  below,  as the case may be, the 14th  Business  Day after 30th
            June 2005 or after the date of receiving  Koor's notice  pursuant to


            12.5,  as the case  may be,  or such  later  date as  agreed  by the
            Parties, as provided in Clause 20.3 below;

            "Elbit-Koor  Deed Second Closing Date" means the Second Closing Date
            as the term is defined in the Elbit-Koor Deed;

            "Stage  'A'  Completion  Deadline"  means as  defined  in Clause 9.1

            "Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline"  means as  defined in Clause  12.1

            "Elbit-Koor Deed Stage 'B' Completion  Deadline" means the Stage 'B'
            Completion Deadline as the term is defined in the Elbit-Koor Deed;

            "Confidential  Information"  means all  information  relating to the
            Parties hereto or to the Company,  other than (a)  information  that
            was in the public  domain or came into the public  domain  otherwise
            than due to a breach of this Deed and (b) information the disclosure
            of which is required in accordance with the provisions of law;

            "Ordinary Share" or "Ordinary Shares" means Ordinary Shares of 1 NIS
            par value each of the Company's issued share capital;

            "Stage 'A' Shares" mean 2,160,000 (two million one hundred and sixty
            thousand) Ordinary Shares;

            "Stage 'B' Shares" mean  1,840,000  (one million  eight  hundred and
            forty thousand) Ordinary Shares;

            "Shares  Being  Sold"  means the Stage 'A'  Shares and the Stage 'B'

            "Free  and  Clear"  means  free  and  clear of any  charge,  pledge,
            attachment, levy, debt, lien, claim, right of pre-emption,  right of
            refusal,  option,  lock-up arrangement or any further or other third
            party right whatsoever,  other than restrictions with respect to the
            transfer and/or negotiability of shares that are imposed pursuant to
            U.S.  securities  law (shares  which are not  registered  under U.S.
            securities laws);

            "Elisra  Transaction" means a transaction  pursuant to which Tadiran
            Communications  will purchase  shares  constituting  at least 70% of
            Elisra's issued share capital;


            "Federmann" means as defined in the preamble to this Deed;

            "Interest"  means  three-month  LIBOR at Bank Leumi  Le-Israel B.M.,
            plus  annual  interest at the rate of 1.5%,  compounded  every three

            "Deed"  means  this  Share  Transfer  Deed  together  with  all  the
            appendices hereto;

            "Elbit-Koor  Deed" means the Share  Transfer  Deed together with all
            the  appendices  thereto  made  between  the Company and Koor on the
            signature  of this  Deed,  subject  to and in  accordance  with  the
            conditions  of which Koor will sell and transfer to the Company,  in
            two  stages,   3,944,276  (three  million  nine  hundred  forty-four
            thousand two hundred and  seventy-six)  Ordinary Shares of 1 NIS par
            value each of Tadiran  Communications,  which on the date of signing
            this Deed constitute  approximately  32% of Tadiran  Communication's
            issued share capital;

            "Stage 'A' of the Transaction" means as defined in Clause 8.1 below;

            "Stage  'B' of the  Transaction"  means as  defined  in Clause  11.1

            "Elbit-Koor  Deed  Stage  'A'"  means  Stage 'A' of the  Transaction
            contemplated  by the  Elbit-Koor  Deed as the term is defined in the
            Elbit-Koor Deed;

            "Elbit-Koor  Deed  Stage  'B'"  means  Stage 'B' of the  Transaction
            contemplated  by the  Elbit-Koor  Deed as the term is defined in the
            Elbit-Koor Deed;

            "Tadiran  Communications" means Tadiran Communications Ltd. (Private
            [sic] Company No. 51-207441-0);

            "Stage 'A' Consideration"  means US$24.70  (twenty-four U.S. dollars
            and  seventy  cents)  for each of the  Stage  'A'  Shares,  totaling
            US$53,352,000  (fifty-three  million  three  hundred  and  fifty-two
            thousand U.S. dollars), and insofar as all or part of that amount is
            actually paid after April 1, 2005, such amount as aforesaid shall be
            subject to the addition of the Interest from April 1, 2005 until the
            time of actual  payment,  all subject to the adjustments as provided
            in Clause 15 below;


            "Stage 'B' Consideration"  means US$24.70  (twenty-four U.S. dollars
            and seventy  cents) for each of the Stage 'B' Shares,  totaling US$-
            45,448,000 (forty-five million four hundred and forty-eight thousand
            U.S. dollars), and insofar as all or part of that amount is actually
            paid after April 1, 2005,  such amount as aforesaid shall be subject
            to the addition of the Interest from April 1, 2005 until the time of
            actual payment, all subject to the adjustments as provided in Clause
            15 below;

            "Consideration"  means the Stage 'A' Consideration and the Stage 'B'
            Consideration together;

            "Qualification  Conditions" means all the requirements in accordance
            with  applicable  law and  pursuant to the  Company's  incorporation
            documents  for a  person  to  serve as a  director  of the  Company,
            including  security  clearance as required in Israel for the purpose
            of such service,  but excluding the  conditions  for an  Independent

            "Independent  Director" means a director who meets the  independence
            criteria in  accordance  with U.S.  securities  law,  including  the
            Sarbanes-Oxley  Act and the rules and regulations that have been and
            are in  future  issued  by virtue  thereof,  including  rules of the

      2.2   The following terms shall have the meanings  defined in Section 1 of
            the [Israel] Securities Law, 5728-1968:

            "securities", "company", "subsidiary",  "acquisition of securities",
            "holding and acquisition" and "control".

      2.3   The following terms shall have the meanings  defined in Section 1 of
            the Companies Law:

            "dividend",   "director",  "external  director",  "public  company",
            "distribution",  "bonus  shares",  "officer",  "personal  interest",
            "transaction",  "extraordinary  transaction",  "act", the "Companies
            Registrar" and "share certificate".

3.    Appendices

      The following  appendices,  which constitute an integral part hereof,  are
      annexed to this Deed:

      3.1   Appendix "9.2" - the Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent;


      3.2   Appendix "10.7" - the Shareholders  Agreement  between Federmann and
            Koor, which is to be signed  contemporaneously with the signature of
            this Deed and will enter into effect on the First Closing Date;

      3.3   Appendix "12.2" - the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent.

4.    The Elbit-Koor Deed

      Contemporaneously  with the signing of this Deed, the  Elbit-Koor  Deed is
      also being  signed.  The  Elbit-Koor  Deed and this Deed are  separate and
      unrelated  deeds,  except as  expressly  provided  in this  Deed.  For the
      avoidance of doubt it is hereby  clarified that the Company is not a Party
      to this Deed, and the provisions of the Elbit-Koor  Deed do not impose any
      duty on Koor to Federmann  or on  Federmann to Koor that is not  expressly
      provided in this Deed.

5.    The Parties' Warranties and Undertakings

      The Parties hereby warrant and undertake to each other as follows:

      5.1   The  representations  and warranties of the Parties in this Deed are
            solely as provided in this Clause 5 and in Clauses 6 and 7 below, as
            the case may be.

      5.2   The Parties'  warranties and undertakings as provided in this Clause
            5 and in Clauses 6 and 7 below, as the case may be, will continue to
            be correct,  complete and accurate on the First Closing Date and the
            Second  Closing  Date,  and they  shall be  deemed  as  having  been
            provided again by each of the Parties on both the First Closing Date
            and on the Second Closing Date.

6.    Federmann's Warranties and Undertakings

      Federmann hereby warrants and undertakes to Koor as follows:

      6.1   That it is a duly incorporated private company, that its number with
            the  Companies  Registrar is as appears in the  preamble  hereto and
            that  no  actions  or  proceedings   for   delisting,   liquidation,
            winding-up,  receivership  or  like  acts  have  been  taken  or are
            threatened against it.

      6.2   That on signing this Deed and until the  completion  of Stage 'A' of
            the  Transaction  it is and  shall be the sole  owner of the  Shares
            Being Sold (subject to the Lien),  and after the completion of Stage
            'A' of the  Transaction and until the completion of Stage 'B' of the
            Transaction  it is and  shall be the sole  owner  of the  Stage  'B'
            Shares  (subject  to the  Lien,  as will  be  modified,  amended  as
            provided in Clause 10.4 below),


            that it will not  grant  any  person or entity an option or right to
            purchase  all or any of the  Shares  Being  Sold,  that  it has  not
            undertaken  to grant such an option or right as  aforesaid,  that no
            person or entity has any right of first  refusal or tag-along  right
            in  connection  with all or any of the Shares Being Sold and that on
            the date of signing this Deed it holds 19,915,448 Ordinary Shares.

      6.3   That the Shares Being Sold are fully paid and Free and Clear, except
            for a first  ranking  fixed lien and an assignment by way of charge,
            of unlimited  amount,  which are  registered  in favor of Bank Leumi
            Le-Israel  B.M. (in this Deed the "Bank") over the Shares Being Sold
            and over  Federmann's  rights in the Shares Being Sold (in this Deed
            the "Lien") and that  pursuant to the Lien the Shares Being Sold are
            held by and registered in the name of Bank Leumi Le-Israel Trust Co.
            Ltd.,  and  that on the  First  Closing  Date,  upon the  Stage  'A'
            Consideration being received in Federmann's  Account,  the Stage 'A'
            Shares will be Free and Clear and that on the Second  Closing  Date,
            upon the Stage  'B'  Consideration  being  received  in  Federmann's
            Account, the Stage 'B' Shares will be Free and Clear.

      6.4   That apart from approval by Federmann's General Meeting and board of
            directors,   Federmann  has  no  need,  including  pursuant  to  its
            incorporation  documents and applicable law, in Israel or abroad, to
            obtain any other approvals from any of its organs for the purpose of
            entering into this Deed and performing all its obligations  pursuant

      6.5   That subject to  ratification  by  Federmann's  General  Meeting and
            board of directors,  the  signatories on Federmann's  behalf to this
            Deed and the  documents  ancillary  hereto are the  persons  who are
            empowered,  on  Federmann's  behalf,  to  sign  this  Deed  and  the
            documents  ancillary  hereto and/or  necessary  for the  performance
            hereof and to obligate Federmann by their signature,  and this Deed,
            together with all its terms and conditions,  obligates  Federmann in
            all respects.

      6.6   That  subject to the  approval of  Federmann's  General  Meeting and
            board of directors and the fulfillment of the Conditions  Precedent,
            there is no legal or other impediment to its entering into this Deed
            and the performance hereof and that this Deed and the performance of
            its  obligations  pursuant  hereto are not contrary to any judgment,
            order or direction of a court,  to any  contract,  understanding  or
            agreement  to  which  Federmann  is a  party,  to its  incorporation
            documents or to any other obligation of Federmann, whether by virtue
            of an contract (oral, by conduct or written) or by virtue of law.


      6.7   That apart from the  approval  of  Federmann's  General  Meeting and
            board of directors and the Conditions Precedent,  all the approvals,
            consents  and  permits  have  been  obtained  and all the  necessary
            proceedings  have been  performed,  including with any  authorities,
            government   entities  or  any  other  body,   for  the  purpose  of
            Federmann's  entering into this Deed and performing its  obligations
            pursuant  hereto,  including  transferring  the Shares Being Sold to

      6.8   That neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries is party to any
            transaction or agreement in which Federmann  and/or its subsidiaries
            and/or the  controlling  shareholders  and/or  officers of Federmann
            and/or  the  companies  controlled  by any of  them  has a  personal
            interest, other than (1) payment of remuneration to directors of the
            Company,  in the  same  amounts  as paid to the  Company's  external
            directors;  (2) arrangements for the grant of relief,  insurance and
            indemnity by the Company to the Company's  directors;  and (3) apart
            from, for the avoidance of doubt,  Federmann's holding of securities
            of companies whose securities are also held by the Company.

7.    Koor's Warranties and Undertakings

      Koor hereby warrants and undertakes to Federmann as follows:

      7.1   That it is a duly incorporated public company,  that its number with
            the  Companies  Registrar is as appears in the  preamble  hereto and
            that no actions or proceedings for delisting,  liquidation,  winding
            up the  receivership  or like  acts  have  been  taken or are  being
            threatened against it.

      7.2   That it has the ability  and  resources  to perform its  obligations
            pursuant  to  this  Deed  in  full  and on  time  and  that it is in
            possession of the financial resources  sufficient for payment of the
            Consideration in full and at the times provided in this Deed.

      7.3   That apart from approval by Koor's board of  directors,  Koor has no
            need,   including  pursuant  to  its  incorporation   documents  and
            applicable  law, in Israel or abroad,  to obtain any other approvals
            from any of its organs for the  purpose of  entering  into this Deed
            and performing all its obligations pursuant hereto.

      7.4   That  subject to  ratification  by Koor's  board of  directors,  the
            signatories  on  behalf  of  Koor  to this  Deed  and the  documents
            ancillary hereto are those who are empowered,  on Koor's behalf,  to
            sign this Deed and the documents  ancillary  hereto and/or necessary
            for  the  performance   hereof,   and  to  obligate  Koor  by  their
            signatures,  and this


            Deed, including all its terms and conditions,  obligates Koor in all

      7.5   That subject to the  approval of Koor's  board of directors  and the
            fulfillment of the Conditions Precedent,  there is no legal or other
            impediment  to its entering into and  performing  this Deed and that
            this Deed and the performance of its obligations pursuant hereto are
            not contrary to any judgment,  order or direction of a court, to any
            contract,  understanding or agreement to which it is a party, to its
            incorporation  documents or to any other obligation of Koor, whether
            by virtue of a contract  (oral,  by conduct or written) or by virtue
            of law.

      7.6   That except for the approval of Koor's board of directors and except
            for the  Conditions  Precedent,  all  the  approvals,  consents  and
            permits have been  obtained and all the necessary  proceedings  have
            been performed, including with any authorities,  government entities
            or any other body, for the purpose of Koor's entering into this Deed
            and  performing  its  obligations  pursuant  hereto,  including  the
            acquisition from Federmann of the Shares Being Sold.

      7.7   That subject only to Federmann's  warranties and  representations in
            Clauses  5 and 6 of this  Deed,  the  Shares  Being  Sold are  being
            purchased in their actual condition, and the actual condition of the
            Company  and its  assets,  and they are "As Is",  without  any other
            representations  or warranties  being  received from or on behalf of
            Federmann and that the Consideration, as agreed between the Parties,
            has been fixed  having  regard also to the fact that the purchase is
            on such a "As Is" basis as aforesaid.

8.    Stage 'A' of the Transaction

      8.1   On the First  Closing  Date and  subject to the  fulfillment  of the
            Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent by the Stage 'A' Completion Deadline,
            Federmann shall sell and transfer to Koor, on and against payment of
            the full  amount  of the  Stage 'A'  Consideration,  2,160,000  (two
            million one hundred and sixty  thousand)  Ordinary Shares (the Stage
            'A' Shares),  fully paid and Free and Clear, and Koor shall purchase
            and receive from  Federmann  the Stage 'A' Shares and pay  Federmann
            the full amount of the Stage 'A'  Consideration (in this Deed "Stage
            'A' of the Transaction").

      8.2   Furthermore,  on the First Closing Date,  the Company shall purchase
            from Koor  1,700,000 (one million seven hundred  thousand)  Ordinary
            Shares of 1 NIS par value each of Tadiran  Communications,  which on
            the date of  signing  this Deed  constitute  approximately  13.8% of
            Tadiran Communication's issued share capital, in accordance with the


            Elbit-Koor Deed, which is being signed  contemporaneously  with this
            Deed. The Elbit-Koor Deed Stage 'A' and Stage 'A' of the Transaction
            contemplated by this Deed shall be performed  contemporaneously  and
            Stage 'A' of the Transaction  (contemplated  by this Deed) shall not
            be performed without the Elbit-Koor Deed Stage 'A' being performed.

      8.3   For the avoidance of doubt,  after the performance and completion of
            Stage 'A' of the Transaction,  Stage 'A' of the Transaction will not
            be revoked, even if Stage 'B' of the Transaction is not performed or
            completed for any reason.

9.    The Stage 'A' Completion Deadline and the Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent

      9.1   In this Deed the "Stage 'A' Completion Deadline" means:

            9.1.1   March 31, 2005; or

            9.1.2   if by March 31, 2005 all the Stage 'A' Conditions  Precedent
                    have been fulfilled, other than the approval of the [Israel]
                    Commissioner of Restrictive Trade Practices,  as provided in
                    Clause  1  of  Appendix  "9.2",  the  Stage  'A'  Completion
                    Deadline shall be automatically  deferred until May 31, 2005
                    or to such later date as agreed by the  Parties as  provided
                    in Clause 20.3 below.

      9.2   The Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent are provided in Appendix "9.2".

      9.3   Should  all  the  Stage  'A'  Conditions  Precedent  not  have  been
            fulfilled by the Stage 'A' Completion  Deadline,  this Deed shall be
            void, except for the provisions of Clause 17 hereof,  without either
            of the Parties  having any  complaint  and/or  claim  and/or  demand
            against the other. The foregoing provisions of this Clause 9.3 shall
            not derogate from any right or other remedy pursuant to this Deed or
            by law that is  available to the Parties with respect to a breach of
            any of the provisions of this Deed (insofar as breached).

10.   The First Closing Date

      Subject to the Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent being fulfilled by the Stage
      'A' Completion Deadline,  the Parties shall meet on the First Closing Date
      at  such  place  as   determined   by  the  Parties   and  the   following
      interdependent acts shall be performed contemporaneously:


      10.1  Koor shall  remit the Stage 'A'  Consideration  by bank  transfer to
            Federmann's  bank account at the Bank, the details of which shall be
            provided to it in writing by Federmann by the First Closing Date (in
            this Deed  "Federmann's  Account"),  and confirmation  from the Bank
            that the Stage 'A'  Consideration  has been received in  Federmann's
            Account shall be provided to Federmann.

      10.2  Federmann  shall  deliver  to the  Company  a  share  transfer  deed
            pursuant  whereto  the Stage 'A' Shares are being  transferred  from
            Bank  Leumi  Le-Israel  Trust Co. Ltd to  Federmann,  signed by Bank
            Leumi Le-Israel  Trust Co. Ltd and Federmann,  and the Company shall
            enter  Federmann  in its  shareholder  registry as the holder of the
            Stage 'A' Shares.

      10.3  Federmann shall provide Koor confirmation  from the Bank,  according
            to which the Bank agrees that,  on and against  receipt of the Stage
            'A' Consideration in Federmann's Account, it will discharge the Lien
            from the Stage 'A' Shares.

      10.4  Federmann shall provide Koor written  instructions from the Bank, in
            the Bank's  standard  form,  addressed to the  Companies  Registrar,
            pursuant to which the Bank  applies to the  Companies  Registrar  to
            amend the Lien to the effect that the Lien will be  discharged  from
            the Stage 'A' Shares.

      10.5  Federmann  and Koor  shall  deliver  this Deed to the  Company,  and
            Federmann  shall  procure  that  Koor is  entered  in the  Company's
            shareholder  registry as the holder of the Stage 'A' Shares and that
            Koor receives a share certificate from the Company, in the Company's
            standard  form,  attesting  to  Koor's  ownership  of the  Stage 'A'

      10.6  Federmann  shall  provide  Koor a copy  of the  Company's  board  of
            directors' resolution to the effect that, subject to the performance
            of Stage 'A' of the Transaction,  as of the First Closing Date there
            shall be added to the Company's board of directors and serve thereon
            as a director one nominee who shall be nominated  for office by Koor
            and who meets the  Qualification  Conditions.  Federmann  undertakes
            that there will be a vacancy on the Company's  board of directors so
            that it will be possible to add Koor's  nominee as  aforesaid to the
            Company's board of directors.  Koor shall provide  Federmann and the
            Company  prior  written  notice  of the name of such  nominee  or of
            another nominee,  as nominated by Koor, in his place, and Koor (with
            Federmann's   assistance)   shall   coordinate  with  the  Company's
            corporate secretary such nominee's compliance with the Qualification
            Conditions,  all no later than 14 days prior to the  earlier of: (1)
            the Stage 'A' Completion Deadline or (2) the First Closing Date.


            If for  any  reason  it is  not  possible  to  appoint  the  nominee
            nominated by Koor as aforesaid as a director of the Company, another
            nominee nominated by Koor, who meets the  Qualification  Conditions,
            shall  be  appointed  in his  place.  Without  derogating  from  the
            foregoing,  if the nominee  nominated  by Koor as  aforesaid  is not
            added to the Company's board of directors on the First Closing Date,
            Federmann  shall call a General  Meeting  of the  Company as soon as
            possible,  on the agenda of which  shall be the  appointment  of the
            nominee nominated by Koor as aforesaid as a director of the Company.
            Federmann  undertakes  to vote in  favor of the  appointment  of the
            nominee  nominated by Koor,  who was not  appointed as aforesaid but
            does meet the Qualification Conditions.

      10.7  The Shareholders  Agreement,  in the form annexed hereto as Appendix
            "10.7", shall become effective.

      10.8  Federmann shall provide Koor a written  declaration,  duly signed by
            Federmann, according to which all the warranties and representations
            of  Federmann  as  provided in Clauses 5 and 6 of this Deed are also
            correct, complete and accurate as of the First Closing Date.

      10.9  Koor shall provide Federmann a written  declaration,  duly signed by
            Koor,  according to which all the warranties and  representations of
            Koor as provided  in Clauses 5 and 7 of this Deed are also  correct,
            complete and accurate as of the First Closing Date.

      10.10 The  Elbit-Koor  Deed Stage 'A' shall be  completed,  namely all the
            acts that are to be performed on the  Elbit-Koor  Deed First Closing
            Date shall be performed,  as provided in Clause 10 of the Elbit-Koor

      10.11 Each Party undertakes to do all the acts for which it is responsible
            pursuant to this Clause 10.

      10.12 All the acts  mentioned  above in this  Clause 10 shall be deemed as
            being  made  concurrently,  no  individual  act  shall be  deemed as
            completed  and no individual  document  shall be deemed as delivered
            until  all the  concurrent  acts  have  been  completed  and all the
            documents have been delivered.

11.   Stage 'B' of the Transaction

      11.1  On the Second Closing Date:

            11.1.1  subject  to the  fulfillment  of the  Stage  'B'  Conditions
                    Precedent by the Stage 'B' Completion Deadline; or


            11.1.2  in the event  that the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent  are
                    treated  as  wholly   fulfilled  in   accordance   with  the
                    provisions of Clause 12.4 below or Clause 12.5 below, as the
                    case may be;

            Federmann shall sell and transfer to Koor, on and against payment of
            the full  amount  of the  Stage 'B'  Consideration,  1,840,000  (one
            million eight hundred and forty thousand) Ordinary Shares (the Stage
            'B' Shares),  fully paid and Free and Clear, and Koor shall purchase
            and receive from  Federmann  the Stage 'B' Shares and pay  Federmann
            the full amount of the Stage 'B'  Consideration (in this Deed "Stage
            'B' of the Transaction").

      11.2  On the Second  Closing  Date the Company  shall  purchase  from Koor
            2,244,276  Ordinary  Shares  of 1 NIS  par  value  each  of  Tadiran
            Communications,   constituting   approximately   18.2%  of   Tadiran
            Communication's   issued  share  capital  in  accordance   with  the
            Elbit-Koor Deed, which is being signed  contemporaneously  with this
            Deed,  so that Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  (contemplated  by this
            Deed)  and  the  Elbit-Koor   Deed  Stage  'B'  shall  be  performed
            contemporaneously, and Stage 'B' of the Transaction (contemplated by
            this Deed) shall not be  performed  without the  performance  of the
            Elbit-Koor  Deed  Stage  'B'.  This  Clause  11.2 shall not apply if
            Federmann provides notice to Koor as provided in Clause 12.1.3 below
            or Clause 12.1.5 below, as the case may be.

12.   The Stage 'B' Completion Deadline and the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent

      12.1  In this Deed "the Stage 'B' Completion Deadline" means:

      12.1.1 30th June 2005; or -

            12.1.2  subject to the provisions of Clause 12.1.3 and Clause 12.1.4
                    below,  if all the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent have not
                    been  fulfilled by 30th June 2005,  the Stage 'B' Completion
                    Deadline   shall  be   automatically   deferred  until  30th
                    September 2005;

            12.1.3  notwithstanding  as provided in Clause 12.1.2  above,  it is
                    agreed  that  Federmann  may provide  notice to Koor,  to be
                    received by Koor by 21st June 2005,  that  Federmann  is not
                    willing  to  extend  the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline  as
                    provided in Clause 12.1.2 above, and in such event the Stage


                    'B'  Completion  Deadline  shall  be the date  specified  in
                    Clause 12.1.1 above, namely 30th June 2005;

            12.1.4  notwithstanding  as provided in Clause 12.1.2 above, if Koor
                    provides  notice to the Company as provided in Clause 12.1.3
                    of the  Elbit-Koor  Deed,  and  Federmann  does not  provide
                    notice as provided in Clause 12.1.3 of this Deed,  the Stage
                    'B'  Completion  Deadline  shall be deferred until April 30,

            12.1.5  notwithstanding  as provided in Clause 12.1.4 above, if Koor
                    provides  notice to the Company as provided in Clause 12.1.3
                    of the  Elbit-Koor  Deed,  Federmann  may provide  notice to
                    Koor,  to be  received by Koor within  seven  Business  Days
                    after the date on which  Koor's  notice is  received  by the
                    Company  as  aforesaid,  that  Federmann  is not  willing to
                    extend the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline  as  provided  in
                    Clause  12.1.4  above,  and in  such  event  the  Stage  'B'
                    Completion  Deadline  shall be the date  specified in Clause
                    12.1.2,  namely  September  30,  2005,  even if  Federmann's
                    notice as aforesaid is provided to Koor after  September 30,

      12.2  The Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent are provided in Appendix "12.2".

      12.3  Subject to  Clauses  12.4 and 12.5  below,  should all the Stage 'B'
            Conditions  Precedent  not be fulfilled by the Stage 'B'  Completion
            Deadline,  Stage 'B' of the Transaction shall not be performed,  the
            provisions in connection  with Stage 'B' of the  Transaction in this
            Deed shall be deemed  null and void and be of no effect  and,  inter
            alia, Federmann shall not sell to Koor the Stage 'B' Shares and Koor
            shall not pay the Stage 'B' Consideration to Federmann,  and neither
            Party shall have any demand, claim or complaint against the other in
            connection with Stage 'B' of the  Transaction.  It is clarified that
            the  provisions of this Clause 12.3 are not such as to derogate from
            the  validity  of any other  provision  of this Deed and/or from the
            effect of the Shareholders Agreement,  which shall enter into effect
            on the First  Closing  Date,  or to derogate from any other right or
            remedy  pursuant  to this  Deed or by law that is  available  to the
            Parties  with respect to a breach of any of the  provisions  of this
            Deed (if and insofar as breached).

      12.4  Notwithstanding  as provided in Clause 12.3 above, it is agreed that
            if the Stage 'B'  Completion  Deadline is  determined  in accordance
            with the  provisions  of Clause  12.1.3  above,  and insofar as Koor
            wishes  to


            perform Stage 'B' of the Transaction  despite the non-fulfillment of
            all the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent,  Koor may provide  written
            notice to  Federmann,  to be received by  Federmann by no later than
            30th June 2005,  that Koor waives the  fulfillment  of the Stage 'B'
            Conditions  Precedent.  In such  event  and  provided  that  all the
            Conditions  Precedent  for the  completion  of Stage 'B' detailed in
            Appendix "12.2" of this Deed, other than the Conditions Precedent in
            Clauses 3 and 4 of Appendix "12.2", have been fulfilled by the Stage
            'B'  Completion  Deadline,  all the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent
            shall be treated as though wholly  fulfilled,  and the Parties shall
            perform  and  complete  Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  on the Second
            Closing Date. The foregoing is without the Elbit-Koor Deed Stage 'B'
            being  performed  and  completed  at the same time and  without  the
            provisions  of Clause 11.2 above and Clause 13.9 below  applying and
            without Clauses 3 and 4 of Appendix "12.2"  constituting  Conditions
            Precedent  for Stage  'B'.  The  foregoing  shall not  preclude  the
            performance of the Elbit-Koor Deed Stage 'B' pursuant to and subject
            to the  provisions of the  Elbit-Koor  Deed on the  Elbit-Koor  Deed
            Second  Closing  Date if and  when the  Elbit-Koor  Deed  Stage  'B'
            Conditions  Precedent  (as  defined  in  the  Elbit-Koor  Deed)  are
            fulfilled  by  the  deadline  fixed  for  their  performance  in the
            Elbit-Koor Deed.

      12.5  Notwithstanding  as provided in Clause 12.3 above, it is agreed that
            if the  transaction's  Stage  'B'  Completion  Deadline  is fixed in
            accordance  with the provisions of Clause 12.1.5 and insofar as Koor
            wishes  to  perform  Stage  'B'  of  the  Transaction   despite  the
            non-fulfillment of all the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent,  Koor may
            provide  Federmann  written  notice  (in this  Deed  "Koor's  Notice
            Pursuant to Clause 12.5"),  to be received by Federmann within seven
            Business  Days  after the date on which  Koor  receives  Federmann's
            notice  as  provided  in Clause  12.1.5  above,  that it waives  the
            fulfillment of the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent. In such event and
            provided  that all the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent  detailed in
            Appendix "12.2" of this Deed, other than the Conditions Precedent in
            Clauses 3 and 4 of Appendix "12.2", have been fulfilled by the Stage
            'B'  Completion  Deadline,  all the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent
            shall be deemed as wholly  fulfilled  and the Parties  shall perform
            and  complete  Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  on the Second  Closing
            Date. The foregoing is without the  Elbit-Koor  Deed Stage 'B' being
            performed and completed at the same time and without the  provisions
            of Clause  11.2 above and Clause  13.9 below  applying  and  without
            Clauses 3 and 4 of Appendix "12.2" constituting Conditions Precedent
            for Stage 'B'. The foregoing  shall not preclude the  performance of
            the  Elbit-Koor  Deed  Stage  'B'  pursuant  to and  subject  to the
            provisions  of the  Elbit-Koor  Deed on the  Elbit-Koor  Deed Second
            Closing Date, if and when the  Elbit-Koor  Deed Stage 'B'


            Conditions  Precedent  (as  defined  in  the  Elbit-Koor  Deed)  are
            fulfilled  by  the  deadline  fixed  for  their  performance  in the
            Elbit-Koor Deed.

13.   The Second Closing Date

      Subject to the  fulfillment of the Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent by the
      Stage 'B' Completion Deadline or if they are deemed as wholly fulfilled in
      accordance  with the provisions of Clause 12.4 above or Clause 12.5 above,
      as the case may be, the Parties  and the Company  shall meet on the Second
      Closing Date at such place as  determined  by the Parties and the Company,
      and   they   shall    perform   the    following    interdependent    acts

      13.1  Koor shall  remit the Stage 'B'  Consideration  by bank  transfer to
            Federmann's  Account,  and confirmation from the Bank that the Stage
            'B' Consideration has been received in Federmann's  Account shall be
            provided to Federmann.

      13.2  Federmann  shall  deliver  to the  Company  a  share  transfer  deed
            pursuant  to which the Stage 'B' Shares are being  transferred  from
            Bank Leumi  Le-Israel  Trust Co. Ltd. to  Federmann,  signed by Bank
            Leumi Le-Israel Trust Co. Ltd. and Federmann,  and the Company shall
            enter  Federmann in its  shareholders  registry as the holder of the
            Stage 'B' Shares.

      13.3  Federmann shall provide Koor confirmation  from the Bank,  according
            to which the Bank agrees  that on and  against  receipt of the Stage
            'B' Consideration in Federmann's Account, it will discharge the Lien
            from the Stage 'B' Shares.

      13.4  Federmann shall provide Koor a letter of instructions from the Bank,
            in the Bank's standard terms,  addressed to the Companies  Registrar
            pursuant  whereto the Bank  applies to the  Companies  Registrar  to
            amend the Lien to the effect that the Lien will be  discharged  from
            the Stage 'B' Shares.

      13.5  Federmann  and Koor  shall  deliver  this Deed to the  Company,  and
            Federmann   shall  procure  the  entry  of  Koor  in  the  Company's
            shareholder  registry as the holder of the Stage 'B' Shares and that
            Koor receives a share  certificate from the Company in the Company's
            standard form attesting to Koor's ownership of the Stage 'B' Shares.

      13.6  Federmann  shall  provide  Koor a copy  of the  Company's  board  of
            directors'  resolution that, subject to the performance of Stage 'B'
            of the  Transaction,  there shall be added to the Company's board of
            directors  and  serve  on it an  additional  director  or  directors
            another  nominee  or such  number  of other  nominees  who is or are


            for office by Koor to the effect that after his or their addition to
            the board of directors,  the number of the  Company's  directors who
            have been  nominated  for office by Koor and meet the  Qualification
            Requirements, including the director added to the Board of Directors
            as provided in Clause 10.6 above, shall be the greater of:

            (1)     two directors; or

            (2)     a number  of  directors  equal to 20% of the  number  of the
                    Company's   directors   (including  external  directors  and
                    including   the  director  or  directors   added  on  Koor's
                    nomination  as  aforesaid),  rounded up to the nearest whole

            Said  board of  directors'  resolution  shall  provide  that  Koor's
            nominee or nominees  as  aforesaid  shall be added to the  Company's
            board of directors on the Second Closing Date.

            Federmann  undertakes that there will be sufficient vacancies on the
            Company's  board of directors to make the addition of Koor's nominee
            or nominees as aforesaid possible.

            Koor shall  arrange  to  provide  Federmann  and the  Company  prior
            written  notice of the name or names of its  nominee or  nominees as
            aforesaid or of another nominee or other  nominees,  as nominated by
            Koor in his or their place, and Koor (with  Federmann's  assistance)
            shall  coordinate  with  the  Company's  corporate  secretary  those
            nominees' compliance with the Qualification Requirements,  all by no
            later  than 14 days  prior  to the  earlier  of (i)  the  Stage  'B'
            Completion Deadline; or (ii) the Second Closing Date.

            If for any  reason it is not  possible  to  appoint  the  nominee or
            nominees  that Koor proposes as aforesaid as a director or directors
            of  the  Company,   another   nominee  or   nominees,   meeting  the
            Qualification Requirements,  shall be appointed on Koor's nomination
            in his or their place.

            If and insofar as according to U.S.  securities laws,  including the
            U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the rules and regulations that have been
            and are in future issued by virtue  thereof,  including the rules of
            Nasdaq, it is required that a majority of the Company's directors be
            Independent  Directors,  then there shall be appointed as additional
            directors of the Company,  on Koor's  nomination as aforesaid,  such
            number of  nominees  who fulfill the  requirements  for  Independent
            Directors,  equal to one half (50%) of the total number of directors
            who are elected to office on Koor's nomination as provided in Clause


            above and in this Clause 13.6,  that number being  rounded up to the
            nearest whole number.

      13.7  Federmann  shall provide Koor a written  declaration  duly signed by
            Federmann that all  Federmann's  warranties and  representations  as
            provided in Clauses 5 and 6 of this Deed are also correct,  complete
            and accurate as of the Second Closing Date.

      13.8  Koor shall provide  Federmann a written  declaration  duly signed by
            Koor that all Koor's warranties and  representations  as provided in
            Clauses 5 and 7 of this Deed are also correct, complete and accurate
            as of the Second Closing Date.

      13.9  The  Elbit-Koor  Deed Stage 'B' shall be  completed,  namely all the
            acts that are to be performed on the Elbit-Koor  Deed Second Closing
            Date as  provided  in  Clause  13 of the  Elbit-Koor  Deed  shall be
            performed.  Nevertheless,  this  Clause  13.9  shall  not  apply  if
            Federmann  provides  notice  as  provided  in  Clause  12.1.3  or as
            provided in Clause 12.1.5 above.

      13.10 Each  Party  undertakes  to  perform  all the acts  for  which it is
            responsible pursuant to this Clause 13.

      13.11 All the acts  mentioned  above in this  Clause 13 shall be deemed as
            being performed  concurrently,  no individual act shall be deemed as
            completed  and no individual  document  shall be deemed as delivered
            until  all the  concurrent  acts  have  been  completed  and all the
            documents are delivered.

14.   Acts and Obligations after the Signature of this Deed

      14.1  Immediately  after the signature of this Deed, the Parties shall act
            and use their best efforts for the fulfillment of all the Conditions
            Precedent,  including  obtaining all the  certificates,  permits and
            consents  necessary,  as early as possible.  In such  connection and
            without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, the Parties
            shall apply to every  competent  authority and to every other entity
            whose approval is necessary for the  performance of the  transaction
            contemplated by this Deed, in both its stages, they shall submit all
            the  applications   and  deliver  all  the  information,   data  and
            particulars in their  possession,  without delay, and act to resolve
            or  avoid  a  disapproval,   if  any,  by  the  various   government
            authorities in any respect relating to or arising out of this Deed.

      14.2  It is hereby agreed that the provisions of this Deed are not such as
            to place either of the Parties  under a duty to make any payment for


            fulfillment of the Conditions  Precedent or any of them,  other than
            official  fees  and  other  reasonable  expenses  (such  payment  as
            aforesaid, excluding official fees and other reasonable expenses, is
            hereinafter a  "Fulfillment  Payment"),  provided that if a Party to
            this Deed refuses to make a Fulfillment Payment, the other Party may
            make  it for  the  fulfillment  of  all  or  any  of the  Conditions
            Precedent, provided that the first Party shall not be responsible to
            indemnify  the other Party in respect of a  Fulfillment  Payment and
            the Party that makes the  Fulfillment  Payment shall have no demand,
            claim or right of recourse  against the other Party with  respect to
            the making of such payment.

      14.3  Without  prejudice  to the  provisions  of  Clauses 15 and 16 below,
            Federmann hereby  undertakes that from the date of signing this Deed
            until the earlier of:

            14.3.1  the  Stage  'A'  Completion  Deadline,   if  the  Stage  'A'
                    Conditions  Precedent  have not been fulfilled by that time;

            14.3.2  the  Stage  'B'  Completion  Deadline,   if  the  Stage  'B'
                    Conditions  Precedent  have not been fulfilled by that time;

            14.3.3  the Second Closing Date;

            Federmann   and/or   its   subsidiaries   and/or   the   controlling
            shareholders and/or officers of Federmann and/or companies under the
            control  of any of  them  shall  not  enter  into  an  extraordinary
            transaction  with the  Company  in which any of them has a  personal
            interest, other than the transactions  contemplated by this Deed and
            the Elbit-Koor Deed.

15.   Modifications to the Consideration or the Number of Shares Being Sold

      15.1  During  the  period  from the date of  signing  this Deed  until the
            earlier of: (1) the Stage 'A' Completion Deadline,  if the Stage 'A'
            Conditions  Precedent  have not been fulfilled by that time; (2) the
            Stage 'B' Completion Deadline, if the Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent
            have not been  fulfilled  by that time;  or (3) the  Second  Closing
            Date;  Federmann  shall,  insofar as it is able,  oppose and vote by
            virtue  of all the  Company's  shares  that it  holds  at that  time
            against  any  resolution  that  concerns:  (a)  the  making  of  any
            distribution   whatsoever,   whether  in  cash,  in  kind  or  by  a
            distribution of bonus shares, to the Company's  shareholders,  apart
            from the distribution of a current dividend in cash of not more than
            $ 0.23 per  Ordinary  Share in any calendar  quarter;  (b) an rights
            offering for the  acquisition of any securities of the Company;  (c)
            any  modification to the Company's  incorporation


            documents  that is such as to affect Koor's  rights  pursuant to the
            Company's  incorporation  documents in a way that is  prejudicial to
            Koor in comparison  with  Federmann,  all unless  Koor's  consent is
            provided  thereto by written  notice to be signed by two officers of
            Koor without any further approval being necessary.

      15.2  Insofar  as during the  period  from the date of  signing  this Deed
            until the First  Closing Date or until the Second  Closing  Date, as
            the case may be, one or more of the following events occurs, despite
            or in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Clause 15.1  above,  the
            Consideration  or number of the Shares  Being Sold,  as the case may
            be, shall be adjusted in accordance with the following provisions:

            15.2.1  If the  Company  resolves  to make any  distribution  to its
                    shareholders,  the  Consideration  shall be  subject  to the
                    deduction  of any  amount  (translated  into  Dollars at the
                    representative  exchange  rate on the earlier of the date of
                    actually  making the  distribution or the First Closing Date
                    or the  Second  Closing  Date,  as the  case  may  be)  that
                    Federmann  will be  entitled  to  receive  in respect of the
                    Shares Being Sold  (gross)  (namely that the record date for
                    its  distribution  is prior to the First Closing Date or the
                    Second Closing Date, as the case may be).

            15.2.2  If the  Company  offers  its  Shareholders  rights  for  the
                    acquisition  of any  securities,  the  record  date  for the
                    exercise of which is prior to the First  Closing Date or the
                    Second  Closing Date, as the case may be, the  Consideration
                    shall be adjusted for the bonus element embodied (if at all)
                    in the rights,  unless Koor  instructs  Federmann in writing
                    prior to the  exercise  date in respect  of those  rights to
                    exercise  the  rights  and in  such  event  Federmann  shall
                    exercise the rights by virtue of the Shares Being Sold which
                    have not yet been  transferred  to Koor as at that time, and
                    it shall transfer to Koor,  immediately on the occurrence of
                    the  earlier  of (1) the  exercise  date  or (2)  the  First
                    Closing Date, or after the Second  Closing Date, as the case
                    may be, the securities exercised as aforesaid on and against
                    payment of the whole exercise price paid by Federmann to the
                    Company for the exercise  thereof,  plus  Interest  from the
                    date of Federmann's paying the exercise price to the date of
                    actual payment to Federmann by Koor.

            15.2.3  If the Company  distributes bonus shares or dividend in kind
                    to its  shareholders  prior to the First Closing Date or the
                    Second  Closing Date, as the case may be, the  Consideration


                    shall not be  adjusted  but the  Shares  Being Sold shall be
                    subject to the addition of the bonus Shares, Free and Clear,
                    or of assets received as dividend in kind (gross) in respect
                    of the Shares Being Sold, Free and Clear, without Koor being
                    required to pay additional Consideration for them.

            15.2.4  If  the  Company   makes  a   consolidation,   reduction  or
                    sub-division  of its share  capital or does any other act of
                    similar  effect,  the  number of Shares  Being Sold shall be
                    adjusted pro rata to the  consolidation  or sub-division and
                    the Consideration shall not be modified.

16.   Koor's Right to Rescind the Deed

      16.1  On the  occurrence  of one or more of the  events  set out in Clause
            16.2 below,  unless it occurs with Koor's consent,  Koor may rescind
            this  Deed or any of its  stages  before it has been  completed  and
            performed (provided that if one of the events set out in Clause 16.2
            below  occurs  prior  to  the   performance  of  Stage  'A'  of  the
            Transaction,  Koor  may  only  rescind  this  Deed  in  full).  Such
            rescission  shall  be  effected  by Koor by  written  notice,  to be
            received by Federmann  within 10 Business  Days of the date on which
            Koor learns of the occurrence of one of the events set out in Clause
            16.2 below.  Should Koor  provide such notice of the  rescission  of
            this Deed after the completion of Stage 'A' of the Transaction,  the
            sale of the Stage 'A' Shares to Koor  shall not be set  aside,  Koor
            shall not return to  Federmann  the Stage 'A'  Shares and  Federmann
            shall not refund to Koor the Stage 'A' Consideration.  Nevertheless,
            all the Parties' other  obligations and rights pursuant to this Deed
            and the appendices  hereto,  except for the Shareholders  Agreement,
            shall be void.

      16.2  The events are as follows:

            16.2.1  If  a  temporary  or  permanent  receiver  and/or  temporary
                    liquidator and/or liquidator and/or trustee is appointed for
                    the Company and/or if a winding-up order and/or receivership
                    order  and/or  suspension  of  proceedings  order is awarded
                    against it and/or if any of the Company's material assets is
                    attached,   provided   that  such   appointment,   order  or
                    attachment is not set aside within 30 days.

            16.2.2  If the Company enters into merger proceedings as provided in
                    Chapter   Eight  of  the  Companies  Law  or  compromise  or
                    arrangement  proceedings  in accordance  with Section 350 of
                    the Companies Law or restructuring and/or merger


                    proceedings in accordance  with Section 351 of the Companies

      16.3  Subject to applicable law, Federmann shall provide written notice to
            Koor of the  occurrence  of any of the events set out in Clause 16.2
            above, immediately upon its publication.

      16.4  The  foregoing  provisions of this Clause 16 shall not derogate from
            any other  right or remedy  pursuant  to this Deed or by law that is
            available to Koor with respect to a breach of any of the  provisions
            of this Deed (if and insofar as breached).

17.   Confidentiality and Notices

      17.1  The Parties shall use Confidential Information that comes into their
            possession in connection  with this Deed and the Company  solely for
            the performance of their obligations pursuant to this Deed, and they
            shall not disclose or transfer in any manner whatsoever Confidential
            Information  to any third  party,  other than to their  employees or
            independent   advisors  and  except  insofar  as  required  for  the
            fulfillment of the  Conditions  Precedent and insofar as possible by
            prior coordination with the other Party. Without derogating from the
            foregoing,  if the  transaction  contemplated  by  this  Deed is not
            actually  implemented,  each Party  shall  return to the other Party
            hereto  all   Confidential   Information  that  has  come  into  its
            possession in connection  with this Deed, if any. This obligation is
            not limited in time and shall  continue in force even after the term
            of this  Deed or if this  Deed is  cancelled  or  rescinded  for any

      17.2  If and insofar as possible and subject to applicable  law and to the
            time  periods  mandated by law,  the  Parties  shall  coordinate  in
            advance  the  wording  of  every  report,  communication  or  notice
            published by either of them in connection  with their  entering into
            this Deed, its performance and the fulfillment of the terms pursuant

18.   Taxes and Mandatory Payments

      18.1  Unless  otherwise  provided in this Deed,  each Party shall bear the
            mandatory  payments  and taxes  that may be imposed on it by law (if
            and insofar as charged) in respect of the sale or acquisition of the
            Shares Being Sold pursuant to this Deed.

      18.2  If any amount payable in accordance with the provisions of this Deed
            is subject to a duty to withhold  taxes at source,  the tax shall be
            duly  withheld  by the  paying  Party  unless  the  recipient  Party
            produces a


            valid  tax  withholding  exemption  certificate  issued  by the  tax

      18.3  Each Party shall bear its own expenses,  including the  professional
            fees of its legal advisers in connection  with the  preparation  and
            performance of this Deed.

      18.4  If any amount paid by one Party to the other in accordance  with the
            provisions  of this Deed is subject  under  applicable  law to value
            added tax (VAT), the paying Party shall, at the same time and in the
            same  manner as it pays that  amount,  also pay the VAT at its legal
            rate on and against a duly issued tax invoice.

19.   Entry into Effect

      19.1  This Deed  shall  enter  into  effect  upon the  receipt  of all the
            following approvals:

            19.1.1  Approval  from  Federmann's  General  Meeting  and  board of
                    directors   for  it  to  enter   into   this  Deed  and  the
                    Shareholders   Agreement  and  for  performance  thereof  by
                    Federmann  in  accordance  with their terms and  conditions,
                    including  ratification  of the signatures of Messrs Michael
                    Federmann  and Dov Ninveh to this Deed and the  Shareholders

            19.1.2  Approval by Koor's board of  directors  for it to enter into
                    this Deed and the Shareholders Agreement and for performance
                    thereof  by  Koor  in   accordance   with  their  terms  and
                    conditions,  including  ratification  of the  signatures  of
                    Messrs  Jonathan Kolber and Danny Biran to this Deed and the
                    Shareholders Agreement.

                    Provided that:

                    (1)  such  approvals  as  mentioned  in  Clauses  19.1.1 and
                         19.1.2 have been  obtained by no later than  January 6,
                         2005 by 17:00 hours (in this Clause  referred to as the
                         "Effective Date");

                    (2)  by the  Effective  Date  copies of the  resolutions  of
                         Federmann's General Meeting and board of directors,  as
                         mentioned in Clause 19.1.1 above, have been received at
                         Koor's offices jointly with written  confirmation  from
                         Federmann's  attorneys that the said  resolutions  were
                         duly  adopted  and  Messrs  Michael  Federmann  and Dov


                         were   together   empowered  to  sign,   on  behalf  of
                         Federmann, this Deed and the documents ancillary hereto
                         or those necessary for the purpose of its  performance,
                         and also the Shareholders Agreement, and to obligate it
                         thereunder; and written confirmation from the attorneys
                         of Heris  Aktiengesellschaft  that the competent organs
                         of Heris  Aktiengesellschaft have approved its entering
                         into  the   Shareholders   Agreement  and  Mr.  Michael
                         Federmann  has been  empowered  to sign,  on  behalf of
                         Heris  Aktiengesellschaft,  the Shareholders  Agreement
                         and obligate it by virtue thereof;

                    (3)  by  the  Effective  Date a copy  of the  resolution  of
                         Koor's  board of  directors,  as  mentioned  in  Clause
                         19.1.2 above, has been received at Federmann's offices,
                         together  with written  confirmation  from Koor's legal
                         counsel that the resolution was duly adopted and Messrs
                         Jonathan Kolber and Danny Biran were together empowered
                         to sign, on Koor's behalf,  this Deed and the documents
                         ancillary  hereto or those necessary for the purpose of
                         its performance and also the Shareholders Agreement and
                         to obligate it thereunder; and

                    (4)  all the  approvals,  as mentioned in Clause 19.1 of the
                         Koor-Elbit  Deed,  have been  obtained by the Effective

      19.2  Should all the  approvals as mentioned in Clauses  19.1.1 and 19.1.2
            not have been obtained by the Effective Date, and without derogating
            from  the   provisions  of  Clause  20.3  below,   this  Deed  shall
            automatically  expire  and be null and void,  without  either of the
            Parties having any complaint, claim or demand against the other.

      19.3  This Deed  shall  become  effective,  if and  insofar  as it becomes
            effective,   at  such  time  as  mentioned  in  Clause  19.1  above.

            19.3.1  the   performance   and  completion  of  Stage  'A'  of  the
                    Transaction are conditional  upon the fulfillment of all the
                    Stage 'A'  Conditions  Precedent by the Stage 'A' Completion
                    Deadline and, except for the obligations in Clauses 14 to 18
                    above and Clause 20.8 below,  neither  Party shall be liable
                    to do any act for the  performance  and  completion of Stage
                    'A' of the  Transaction  before the  fulfillment  of all the
                    Stage 'A' Conditions Precedent; and

            19.3.2  the   performance   and  completion  of  Stage  'B'  of  the
                    Transaction are conditional  upon the fulfillment of all the


                    Stage 'B'  Conditions  Precedent by the Stage 'B' Completion
                    Deadline and, except for the obligations in Clauses 14 to 18
                    above and Clause 20.8 below,  neither  Party shall be liable
                    to do any act for the  performance  and  completion of Stage
                    'B' of the  Transaction  before the  fulfillment  of all the
                    Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent.

20.   Miscellaneous

      20.1  This Deed shall be governed by the laws of the State of Israel. Sole
            and  exclusive  jurisdiction  in all respects  relating to this Deed
            shall be vested only in the courts of the District Court in the City
            of Tel  Aviv-Jaffa,  and no  other  court  shall  have  jurisdiction

      20.2  Any   modification,   addendum  or  addition,   waiver,   extension,
            concession  or failure to  exercise  a right  pursuant  to this Deed
            shall only be effective if done in an express document signed by all
            the  Parties  hereto and shall only apply to the case  specified  in
            such  document and shall not derogate from other rights of any Party
            pursuant to this Deed.

      20.3  The Parties  hereto may extend or reduce any time  specified in this
            Deed and  waive the  performance  of any of the  provisions  of this
            Deed,  either once or several times, by written notice signed by two
            officers  of  each  of  Federmann  and  Koor,  without  any  further
            authority being necessary.

      20.4  This Deed fully contains,  embodies,  merges, expresses and exhausts
            all the  understandings  of the Parties  hereto solely in respect of
            the  matters   mentioned   herein.   Any  promises,   guarantees  or
            agreements, whether written or oral, undertakings or representations
            concerning  the subject  matter of this Deed provided or made by the
            Parties prior to entering into this Deed, orally or in writing, that
            are not  specifically  expressed  herein,  shall  not be  deemed  to
            augment  the rights and  obligations  prescribed  in this Deed or to
            derogate from or modify them,  and the Parties shall not be bound by
            them,  insofar as  existed,  as from the date of this Deed.  Without
            derogating  from the  generality  of the  foregoing,  the  documents
            exchanged  between  the  Parties  prior  to  the  signature  hereof,
            including  the  drafts   exchanged   between  them,  shall  have  no
            significance in the  interpretation  of this Deed. For the avoidance
            of doubt,  the terms of the Elbit-Koor  Deed shall not be applied in
            the interpretation hereof.

      20.5  No conduct by either of the Parties  shall be  construed as a waiver
            of any of its rights  pursuant  hereto or by law or as its waiver of
            or acquiescence to any breach or  non-performance  of a condition of


            Deed by the other Party or as granting a  postponement  or extension
            or as a  modification,  cancellation  or addition of any  condition,
            unless done expressly and in writing.

      20.6  Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Deed, the Parties hereto
            may not assign or transfer their rights or  obligations  pursuant to
            this Deed to any third party or perform  this Deed through any third
            party,  unless the other  Party's  prior  written  consent  has been
            obtained, and nothing in this Deed shall be deemed to vest any right
            in anyone who is not a Party hereto.

      20.7  Should  either of the Parties not enforce or delay in enforcing  any
            of the  rights  vested  in it  pursuant  to this Deed or by law in a
            particular  case or  series  of  cases,  such  shall not be deemed a
            waiver of said right or of any other rights.

      20.8  Subject to the  provisions of Clause 14.2 above in  connection  with
            the Conditions  Precedent,  the Parties shall cooperate between them
            in the  implementation of the provisions of this Deed and they shall
            assist each other  insofar as  reasonable  and necessary and in such
            connection they shall sign every  reasonable  document,  application
            and approval necessary for such purpose.

      20.9  Notices  pursuant  to this Deed shall be  provided in writing to the
            Parties'  addresses  as set out in the  preamble  hereto  or to such
            other   addresses  of  which  the  Parties  may  provide  notice  in
            accordance  with the  provisions of this Clause.  Any notice sent by
            one Party to the other by  registered  mail  shall be deemed to have
            reached the  addressee  following the passage of three days from the
            date of being posted,  and notice delivered in person by 17:00 hours
            on any  Business  Day shall be treated as  received  immediately  on
            delivery,  or if delivered after 17:00 hours on any Business Day, it
            shall be treated as  received  on the first  Business  Day after its


___(signed)_________                    _________(signed)_________
Koor Industries Ltd.                    Federmann ENTERPRISES LTD.

By: Jonathan Kolber                               By: Michael Federmann
    Danny Biran                                       Dov Ninveh


                                                                    Appendix 9.2

The Conditions Precedent for the Performance of Stage 'A' of the Transaction

Set out below are the Conditions  Precedent and approvals  required,  insofar as
necessary,  for the completion of Stage 'A' of the  Transaction  contemplated by
the Deed of which this Appendix is an integral part ("this Deed") -

1.       Obtaining the [Israel]  Commissioner  of Restrictive  Trade  Practices'
         approval  of the  Parties'  contracting  pursuant  to this Deed and the
         performance  of  Stage  'A'  of  the  Transaction,  provided  that  the
         Commissioner's  disapproval  of  Stage  'B' of the  Transaction  is not

2.       Obtaining all the consents and approvals  necessary and the fulfillment
         of all the Conditions  Precedent for the  Elbit-Koor  Deed Stage 'A' to
         become effective, as provided in the Elbit-Koor Deed.

3.       Obtaining the [Israel]  Ministry of Defense's  approval of the Parties'
         contracting  pursuant  to this  Deed and the  performance  of all their
         obligations pursuant hereto,  including in connection with Stage 'B' of
         the Transaction, all insofar as necessary.

4.       Obtaining  the  [Israel]  Chief  Scientist's  approval of the  Parties'
         contracting  pursuant  to this  Deed and the  performance  of all their
         obligations pursuant hereto,  including in connection with Stage 'B' of
         the Transaction, all insofar as necessary.

5.       Obtaining  the [Israel]  Investment  Center's  approval of the Parties'
         contracting  pursuant  to this  Deed and the  performance  of all their
         obligations pursuant hereto,  including in connection with Stage 'B' of
         the Transaction, all insofar as necessary.

6.       Obtaining approval from banks, all insofar as necessary.

In this Appendix 9.2,  "approval"  means - including an approval that is subject
to conditions  but excluding an approval that is subject to conditions  that are
such as to materially  alter the business  activity of Elbit, as existing at the
time of  signing  this Deed or as may arise in the  future  in  accordance  with
resolutions  that have been adopted by Elbit prior to signing this Deed,  or the
way in which Elbit conducts its business.


                                                                   Appendix 12.2

Set out below are the Conditions  Precedent and approvals  required,  insofar as
necessary,  for the completion of Stage 'B' of the  Transaction  contemplated by
the Deed of which this Appendix is an integral part ("this Deed") -

1.       Insofar  as   necessary,   obtaining  the  [Israel]   Commissioner   of
         Restrictive  Trade  Practices'  approval  of the  Parties'  contracting
         pursuant  to  this  Deed  and  the  performance  of  Stage  'B'  of the
         Transaction  contemplated by this Deed, insofar as such approval is not
         provided in Stage 'A' of the Transaction.

2.       The  completion of Stage 'A' of the  Transaction  contemplated  by this

3.       The completion of the Elisra Transaction.

4.       Obtaining all the consents and approvals  necessary and the fulfillment
         of all the Koor-Elbit Deed Stage 'B' Conditions Precedent,  as provided
         in  the   Koor-Elbit   Deed,   except  for  completion  of  the  Elisra

In this Appendix 12.2,  "approval" means - including an approval that is subject
to conditions  but excluding an approval that is subject to conditions  that are
such as to materially  alter the business  activity of Elbit, as existing at the
time of  signing  this Deed or as may arise in the  future  in  accordance  with
resolutions  that have been adopted by Elbit prior to signing this Deed,  or the
way in which Elbit conducts its business.


                                     ANNEX F



                                FEBRUARY 7, 2005

                             SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT


                           FEDERMANN ENTERPRISES LTD.


                              KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.



                                  Appendix 10.7

                             SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT

                 Made in Tel Aviv this 27th day of December 2004


                              Koor Industries Ltd.
                 whose address for the purpose of this Agreement
               is 14 Hamalacha Street, Afek Industrial Park, Rosh
                                  Ha'ayin 48091

                                                                 of the one part


                          1. Federmann Enterprises Ltd.
                             ("Federmann Enterprises")

                          2. Heris Aktiengesellschaft
            whose address solely for the purpose of this Agreement is
                          99 Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv
                (Federmann Enterprises and Heris are hereinafter
                jointly and severally referred to as "Federmann")

                                                               of the other part

                           (hereinafter the "Parties")

WHEREAS       on the date of signing this  Agreement  Federmann is the holder of
              19,915,448  Ordinary  Shares  of 1 NIS par  value  each  of  Elbit
              Systems Ltd, a public  company  whose Shares are traded on the Tel
              Aviv  Stock   Exchange   and  on  Nasdaq  in  the  United   States
              (hereinafter  the "Company"),  of which  Federmann  Enterprises is
              owner of 16,078,990 Ordinary Shares of 1 NIS par value each of the
              Company and Heris is the owner of 3,836,458  Ordinary


              Shares  of 1 NIS par value  each of the  Company  (those  specific
              Shares and bonus  Shares  that are in future  issued in respect of
              them, if at all,  excluding the Koor Shares, as defined below, are
              hereinafter the "Federmann Shares");

AND WHEREAS   in  accordance  with  a  Share  Transfer  Deed  between  Federmann
              Enterprises  and Koor,  together with the appendices  thereto,  of
              which this Agreement  constitutes  Appendix 10.7 (herein the "Deed
              of Sale"),  Federmann  Enterprises  and Koor have  agreed upon the
              sale of  4,000,000  (four  million)  Ordinary  Shares of 1 NIS par
              value each of the  Company  from  Federmann  Enterprises  to Koor,
              subject to various conditions  precedent and in two stages, in the
              first stage 2,160,000 (two million one hundred and sixty thousand)
              Ordinary  Shares of 1 NIS par value each of the Company being sold
              to Koor,  and in the second  stage an  additional  1,840,000  (one
              million eight hundred and forty  thousand)  Ordinary Shares of the
              Company being sold to Koor, all subject to and in accordance  with
              the  provisions of the Deed of Sale (the specific  Shares that are
              to be transferred to Koor from Federmann  Enterprises  pursuant to
              the Deed of Sale and bonus Shares issued in respect of them, if at
              all, are herein referred to as the "Koor Shares");

AND WHEREAS   the Parties wish to set forth their  relationship  with respect to
              their holdings of the Company's Shares.


1.    Preamble and Interpretation

      1.1   The preamble  and  appendices  hereto  constitute  an integral  part
            hereof and are as binding as the other terms hereof.

      1.2   The Clause  headings  herein are solely for the sake of  convenience
            and are not to be applied in the interpretation hereof.

2.    Definitions

      In this Agreement the following terms shall have the meanings  ascribed to
      them, unless expressly stated otherwise:

      2.1   "Heris" means Heris Aktiengesellschaft (Company No. 56-002196-6);


      2.2   "Independent   Director"   means  a  director   who  meets  all  the
            independence criteria in accordance with the Foreign Law;

      2.3   "Stock  Exchange"  means the Tel Aviv  Stock  Exchange  Ltd.  or the
            Nasdaq  National  Market or any other  stock  exchange  on which the
            Company's Shares are listed for trade;

      2.4   "External Director" means as defined in the Companies Law;

      2.5   "Foreign  Law"  means  the  law  applicable  in  the  United  States
            regarding securities, including the provisions of the Sarbanes Oxley
            Act and the rules and  regulations  that have been and are in future
            issued by virtue  thereof,  and  including  the rules of the  Nasdaq
            National Market;

      2.6   "Agreement"  means  this  Agreement  together  with  the  appendices

      2.7   "Company" means Elbit Systems Ltd. (Public Company No. 520043027);

      2.8   "First  Minimum  Quantity"  means  3,050,000  (three  million  fifty
            thousand)  Ordinary Shares,  together with all bonus Shares that are
            issued in respect of them,  if any, and together with all the Shares
            that are issued to Koor by virtue of rights  that are vested in Koor
            solely in  respect  of the Koor  Shares in the  context  of a rights
            offering of the Company to its  shareholders,  if any,  all from the
            time of signing this Agreement;

      2.9   "Second  Minimum   Quantity"  means  2,050,000  (two  million  fifty
            thousand)  Ordinary Shares,  together with all bonus Shares that are
            issued in respect of them,  if any, and together with all the Shares
            that are issued to Koor by virtue of rights  that are vested in Koor
            solely in  respect  of the Koor  Shares in the  context  of a rights
            offering of the Company to its  shareholders,  if any,  all from the
            time of signing this Agreement;

      2.10  "Transfer"  means a sale,  gift,  realization of a lien (but not the
            creation of a lien),  loan and any other  transfer  whatsoever  of a
            Share  and/or any right vested in the Share's  owner and/or  holder,
            whether  or  not  for   consideration   and  whether   voluntary  or

      2.11  "Companies Law" means the [Israeli] Companies Law, 5759-1999;

      2.12  "First Minimum Percentage" means 6.45% of the Company's issued share
            capital at the time of computation;


      2.13  "Second  Minimum  Percentage"  means 4.32% of the  Company's  issued
            share capital at the time of computation;

      2.14  "Business  Day"  means a day on which the two major  banks in Israel
            are open for business,  other than Fridays and holiday  eves,  which
            shall not be treated as a Business Day;

      2.15  "Koor" means Koor Industries Ltd. (Public Company No. 520014143);

      2.16  "First Closing Date" means as defined in the Deed of Sale;

      2.17  "Second Closing Date" means as defined in the Deed of Sale;

      2.18  "Stock  Exchange Sale" means a sale in the context of trading on the
            Stock Exchange or a sale in a transaction outside the Stock Exchange
            by means of a distributor to buyers whose identity is unknown to the
            seller or a sale to trust funds in Israel or abroad or to  provident
            funds or to provident fund management companies;

      2.19  "Koor Shares" means as stated in the preamble hereto;

      2.20  "Federmann Shares" means as stated in the preamble hereto;

      2.21  "Ordinary Shares", "Shares" or the "Company's Shares" means Ordinary
            Shares of 1 NIS par value each in the Company;

      2.22  "Federmann  Enterprises"  means Federmann  Enterprises Ltd. (Private
            Company No. 512278391);

      2.23  "Officer" means as defined in the Companies Law;

      2.24  "Free  and  Clear"  means  free  and  clear of any  charge,  pledge,
            attachment, levy, debt, lien, claim, right of pre-emption,  right of
            refusal,  option,  lock-up arrangement or any further or other third
            party right  whatsoever,  other than  restrictions in respect of the
            Transfer and/or negotiability of Shares that are imposed pursuant to
            the  Foreign  Law  (Shares  which  are  not  registered  under  U.S.
            securities laws);

      2.25  "Federmann" means as stated in the preamble hereto;

      2.26  "Acquisition" means acquisition, purchase, receipt of a gift and any
            receipt of a  Transfer,  in any way  whatsoever,  of a Share  and/or
            right vested in the owner and/or holder of the Share, whether or not
            for consideration;


      2.27  "Deed of Sale" means as stated in the preamble hereto;

      2.28  "Direct  Control"  means Control  deriving from holding Shares alone
            and not together with others;

      2.29  "Control"  means as the term is defined in the  [Israel]  Securities
            Law, 5728-1968;

      2.30  "Qualification  Conditions" means all the requirements in accordance
            with  applicable  law and  pursuant to the  Company's  documents  of
            incorporation  for a person to serve as a director  of the  Company,
            including  security  clearance as required in Israel for the purpose
            of such service,  but excluding the  conditions  for an  Independent

3.    The Parties' Warranties

      3.1   Federmann  hereby  warrants that Federmann  Enterprises is a limited
            company,  duly  registered  in  Israel  and that  Heris is a foreign
            company, duly registered in Liechtenstein.

      3.2   Koor hereby warrants that it is a limited  company,  duly registered
            in Israel.

      3.3   Each of the Parties warrants that it is empowered to enter into this
            Agreement and perform all its  obligations  pursuant hereto and that
            its signatories hereto are duly empowered to obligate it.

      3.4   Each of the Parties hereto  warrants and undertakes that there is no
            legal impediment and/or no impediment  pursuant to its incorporation
            documents  and/or  applicable law and/or any order or direction of a
            court and/or any contract, understanding or agreement to which it is
            a party,  to its entering into this Agreement and performing all its
            obligations pursuant hereto.

      3.5   Except  as set out in this  Agreement,  each of the  Parties  hereby
            warrants  that it is in possession of all the approvals and consents
            necessary for the purpose of signing and performing this Agreement.

      3.6   Each of the Parties  further  warrants that it is not a party to any
            agreement,  arrangement  or  obligation  that is  contrary to and/or
            impairs its ability to perform all its obligations pursuant hereto.


4.    Voting Agreement - Board of Directors

      4.1   From the Second  Closing Date until such time as Koor's  holdings of
            the Koor Shares  fall below the First  Minimum  Percentage  or until
            such time as Koor's holdings of the Koor Shares fall below the First
            Minimum  Quantity,  whichever  is earlier,  Federmann  shall vote by
            virtue of all its holdings in the  Company's  Shares in favor of the
            election  to the  Company's  Board of  Directors  of such  number of
            candidates as are nominated to office by Koor,  which is the greater

            (1)     two directors; or

            (2)     a number  of  directors  equal to 20% of the  number  of the
                    Company's   directors,   including  External  Directors  and
                    including  the  directors  who are elected as  aforesaid  in
                    accordance with Koor's nomination, rounded up to the nearest
                    whole number.

            It is hereby  agreed that if it is required in  accordance  with the
            Foreign  Law  that  a  majority  of  the  Company's   directors  are
            Independent Directors, Koor undertakes that at least one half of the
            directors  who  are  elected  to  office  in  accordance   with  its
            nomination as aforesaid, that number being rounded up to the nearest
            whole  number,  will  fulfil the  conditions  required in respect of
            Independent Directors.

      4.2   After the Second Closing Date,  from such time as Koor's holdings of
            the Koor Shares fall below the First Minimum Percentage or from such
            time as Koor's  holdings  of the Koor  Shares  fall  below the First
            Minimum  Quantity,  whichever is earlier,  until such time as Koor's
            holdings of the Koor Shares fall below the Second Minimum Percentage
            or until such time as Koor's  holdings of the Koor Shares fall below
            the Second Minimum Quantity,  whichever is earlier,  Federmann shall
            vote by virtue of all its holdings in the Company's  Shares in favor
            of the  election of one  director  who has been  nominated  by Koor,
            provided   that  the   candidate   fulfils  all  the   Qualification

      4.3   From the First Closing Date until:

            (i)     the Second Closing Date; or

            (ii)    to the extent that the Second  Closing  Date does not occur,
                    until such time as Koor's  holdings  of the Koor Shares fall
                    below the Second  Minimum  Percentage  or until such time as
                    Koor's  holdings  of the Koor  Shares  fall below the Second
                    Minimum Quantity, whichever is earlier;


            Federmann  shall vote by virtue of all its holdings in the Company's
            Shares  in  favor  of the  election  of one  director  who has  been
            nominated  by Koor,  provided  that the  candidate  fulfils  all the
            Qualification Conditions.

      4.4   From the First Closing Date, so long as Federmann  holds 20% or more
            of the Company's  issued share capital and so long as Koor holds the
            Company's  Shares,  Koor shall vote by virtue of all its holdings in
            the Company's Shares:

            4.4.1   In favor of the election of all the directors of the Company
                    whose  candidacy for office has been nominated by Federmann,
                    except for the  directors for whose  election  Federmann has
                    undertaken to vote as provided in Clauses 4.1 or 4.2 or 4.3,
                    as the  case may be,  except  for a  candidate  who does not
                    fulfil the Qualification Conditions.

            4.4.2   Without  derogating  from the  generality  of  Clause  4.4.1
                    above,  in  favor  of the  appointment  of all the  external
                    directors whose candidacy is nominated by Federmann.

            4.4.3   In favor of the  appointment of the chairperson of the board
                    of directors who has been nominated for office by Federmann,
                    provided that if at the time of the General Meeting at which
                    the appointment of the chairperson of the Company's board of
                    directors  is  raised  for  discussion  and  vote,  Koor  is
                    entitled to the  restricted  right  described  in Clause 6.3
                    below,  then at the time of the General  Meeting there shall
                    serve one of the directors who has been elected to office in
                    accordance with Koor's  nomination as provided in Clause 4.1
                    above,  who is nominated by Koor as Vice  chairperson of the
                    Company's board of directors.

      4.5   In Clauses 4.6 to 4.8 below,  "Proposing  Party"  means the Party on
            whose  nomination,  as  provided in Clauses 4.1 or 4.2 or 4.3 or 4.4
            above,  a particular  candidate has been  appointed as a director of
            the Company.

      4.6   If a Proposing  Party wishes to replace or terminate the office of a
            director  elected in  accordance  with its  nomination,  the Parties
            shall act, to the extent necessary, to hold a General Meeting of the
            Company and vote in favor of a proposal to remove said director from
            office and in favor of the  appointment  of another  director in his
            place whose  candidacy is nominated by the  Proposing  Party and who
            fulfils all the Qualification Conditions.


      4.7   The  Parties  shall vote  against a proposal to remove from office a
            director whose candidacy was nominated by Koor or Federmann,  unless
            the Proposing Party otherwise instructs in writing and in advance.

      4.8   If the post of a director  is vacated  for any  reason,  the Parties
            shall act, to the extent necessary, to hold a General Meeting of the
            Company and vote for the appointment as a director of such candidate
            as nominated by the Proposing  Party in place of the director  whose
            post has become vacant,  provided that such candidate  meets all the
            Qualification Conditions.

      4.9   Before holding any General Meeting of the Company,  on the agenda of
            which is the appointment of directors,  notice shall be given by the
            Company or by  Federmann  to Koor in  connection  with  holding  the
            General  Meeting  and, in  accordance  with  applicable  law and the
            Company's incorporation documents, each Party shall give the Company
            three Business Days' prior written notice, with a copy to the other,
            of the  candidates  nominated  by it for the office of a director in
            the Company, as provided in this Clause 4 above.

      4.10  Should  Koor's  holdings  of the Koor  Shares  fall  below the First
            Minimum Percentage or should Koor's holdings of the Koor Shares fall
            below the First Minimum Quantity,  whichever is earlier,  Koor shall
            use its best efforts, subject to applicable law, in order to procure
            that all the directors  who have been  appointed to office on Koor's
            nomination as provided in Clause 4.1 above, other than one director,
            will  immediately  resign  from  their  office as  directors  of the

      4.11  Should  Koor's  holdings  of the Koor  Shares  fall below the Second
            Minimum Percentage or should Koor's holdings of the Koor Shares fall
            below the Second Minimum Quantity,  whichever is earlier, Koor shall
            use its best efforts, subject to applicable law, to procure that the
            director  appointed  to office on its  nomination,  as  provided  in
            Clauses  4.2 and/or 4.3 above,  shall  immediately  resign  from his
            office as a director.

5.    General Voting Agreement

      5.1   From the First Closing Date and subject to the  provisions of Clause
            4 above,  Koor  undertakes  to vote by virtue of all its holdings in
            the Company's Shares,  on every matter and proposed  resolution that
            is put to the Company's  General  Meeting for decision  and/or for a
            resolution of the Company's  shareholders in any manner  whatsoever,
            in  accordance  with  written  instructions  that are given to it by
            Federmann at least seven Business Days in advance before the time of
            the  relevant


            General Meeting or the time of passing the relevant  resolution,  as
            the case may be.

            Solely for the purpose of this Clause 5.1,  Koor shall not be deemed
            holder of the Company's Shares that are exclusively owned by related
            private companies that are not companies under Koor's Control and by
            related public companies of Koor. At Federmann's request and subject
            to  applicable  law,  Koor  shall  make a  recommendation  to  those
            companies to vote in accordance with such  instructions as have been
            given to Koor by Federmann as aforesaid.

      5.2   The provisions of Clause 5.1 above shall not apply:

            (i)     as regards  approval  by the  Company's  General  Meeting of
                    transactions  that are to be  approved by reason of the fact
                    that Federmann,  Federmann's controlling shareholders or the
                    officers  of any of them have a personal  interest  in them;

            (ii)    in  connection  with  a  proposal  to  alter  the  Company's
                    Articles  of  Association  that is such as to affect  Koor's
                    rights  in  accordance   with  the  Company's   Articles  of
                    Association  in a  manner  that  is  prejudicial  to Koor in
                    comparison with Federmann.

      5.3   For the performance of the provisions of Clauses 4 and 5 above,  the
            Parties undertake to attend every General Meeting of the Company and
            do all acts necessary,  at the times  prescribed  therefor,  so that
            their voting in the General  Meeting by virtue of all their holdings
            in the  Company  will be valid  and  effective  in  accordance  with
            applicable   law  and  pursuant  to  the   Company's   incorporation

6.    Other Non-Transferable Rights

      6.1   Koor undertakes to give Federmann  written notice  immediately after
            it learns that members of Charles  Bronfman's  family  and/or trusts
            for the  benefit of Charles  Bronfman's  family  have  ceased  being
            Koor's controlling shareholders.

            Federmann may, in its discretion, give written notice to Koor within
            90 days of the date on which it receives  Koor's  written  notice as
            aforesaid  that it has  decided  to bring  to an end the  additional
            non-transferable  rights  set out in Clause  6.3 below  (the date on
            which Federmann's  written notice is received by Koor being referred
            to below in this Clause as the "Termination Date").


      6.2   The  provisions  of Clauses 6.3 to 6.8 below shall only apply in the
            period  between  the  Second  Closing  Date and the  earlier  of the
            following two dates:

            6.2.1   such  time  as  the  number  of the  Koor  Shares  that  are
                    exclusively  owned by Koor  falls  below the  First  Minimum
                    Percentage  or such time as the  number  of the Koor  Shares
                    that are  exclusively  owned by Koor  falls  below the First
                    Minimum Quantity, whichever is earlier. For the avoidance of
                    doubt,  Shares  owned by a person or entity that is not Koor
                    shall not be deemed as Shares that are exclusively  owned by
                    Koor,  even if Koor is  deemed  to hold  them by  virtue  of
                    Clause 17.6 below; or

            6.2.2   the Termination Date, as defined in Clause 6.1 above.

      6.3   The  Parties  shall  act,   subject  to  applicable   law,  for  the
            appointment  of one of the directors who have been elected to office
            on the nomination of Koor as provided in Clause 4.1 above, who shall
            be nominated by Koor, as Vice  Chairperson of the Company's Board of

      6.4   The Parties shall act,  subject to applicable  law, so that on every
            one of the Company's Board of Directors' committees there shall be a
            member one of the directors  elected for office on Koor's nomination
            as provided in Clause 4.1 above, who shall be nominated by Koor.

      6.5   The  Parties  shall act,  subject to  applicable  law, so that there
            shall be established in the Company a board of directors'  committee
            for  strategic  planning,  its members  being:  one of the directors
            elected  for office on Koor's  nomination  as provided in Clause 4.1
            above,  who shall be nominated by Koor, at least one of the external
            directors  and such other  directors as  determined by the Company's
            board of directors (hereinafter the "Strategic Planning Committee").
            The function of the Strategic  Planning Committee shall be to assist
            and make  recommendations to the Company's board of directors on the
            strategic planning of the Company's business activity.

      6.6   When the tenure of Mr Joseph Ackerman  (hereinafter "Mr.  Ackerman")
            as  President  and CEO of the Company  comes to an end,  the Parties
            shall act,  subject to the provisions of applicable law, so that the
            Company's board of directors establishes a special search committee,
            the  composition of which shall include the Chairperson of the board
            of directors,  the Vice  Chairperson  of the board of  directors,  a
            director  elected  to  office  on the  nomination  of  Federmann  as
            provided in Clause  4.4.1 above and a director  elected to office on
            the nomination of Koor, as provided in Clause 4.1 above (hereinafter


            "Search  Committee").  The Search Committee shall act for 30 days in
            an attempt to  identify a  candidate  for the post of the  Company's
            CEO, who is agreed by all the members of the  Committee and it shall
            make a  recommendation  to the Company's board of directors to elect
            that candidate to the post of the Company's CEO. In any event,  even
            if the Search Committee has been unable to locate a candidate agreed
            by all  the  members  of the  Search  Committee  within  30  days as
            aforesaid, the Company's CEO shall be elected by the Company's board
            of directors.

            For the  avoidance  of doubt,  it is  clarified  that the  Company's
            President  and CEO is currently Mr Ackerman,  and that the Company's
            board of directors may extend Mr Ackerman's  tenure as it deems fit,
            and  that  the  Search  Committee   mentioned  above  shall  not  be
            established for that purpose.

      6.7   To the extent  requested to do so by Koor,  Federmann  shall vote in
            the Company's  General  Meeting by virtue of all its holdings in the
            Company in order to pass a resolution  of the Company  approving the
            Company's  entering into a Registration  Rights Agreement with Koor,
            which  will  vest  Koor,  so  long  as it  holds  5% or  more of the
            Company's  issued share  capital,  with one demand right on the same
            conditions,  mutatis  mutandis,   ("Registration  Right")  as  those
            detailed  in the  Registration  Rights  Agreement  dated 5 July 2000
            among the Company,  Elron  Electronic  Industries Ltd. and Federmann
            (the "Registration  Rights Agreement").  Federmann hereby undertakes
            that  to  the  extent  that  pursuant  to  the  Registration  Rights
            Agreement  it is vested  with more than one demand  right and to the
            extent that the Company so requires  for the purpose of granting the
            Registration   Right  to  Koor,   Federmann   shall,   without   any
            consideration or  compensation,  relinquish one demand right that is
            vested in it pursuant to the Registration Rights Agreement.

      6.8   Should  officers or controlling  shareholders  of Federmann serve as
            directors of any  subsidiary of the Company,  the Parties shall act,
            subject to  applicable  law, so that the Company also  appoints as a
            director of that  subsidiary one of the directors of the Company who
            has been  appointed  to office on Koor's  nomination  as provided in
            Clause 4 above.  The foregoing shall not apply if there is any legal
            restriction to the  appointment of more than one director,  who is a
            director of the Company,  to the subsidiary's  board of directors as

7.    For the  avoidance of doubt,  it is clarified  that the rights  granted to
      Koor  pursuant to Clause 6 above,  in all its  sub-clauses,  are  personal
      (non-transferable)  rights  that are not  attached to the Koor Shares that
      are held by


      Koor.  Said rights are not  assignable  and/or  transferable  to any third
      party, either together with a Transfer of all or any of the Koor Shares in
      the Company or otherwise.

8.    Restrictions on Transfer of Shares

      8.1   From the First Closing  Date,  Koor shall not Transfer all or any of
            the Koor  Shares,  including  in the  event of a forced  sale due to
            receivership,   execution  proceedings  or  winding-up  proceedings,
            except  subject to and in accordance  with the provisions of Clauses
            10, 11 and 12 below.

      8.2   From the First Closing Date, Federmann shall not Transfer all or any
            of the Federmann Shares, including in the event of a forced sale due
            to receivership,  execution  proceedings or winding-up  proceedings,
            except subject to and in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 9
            and 12 below.

9.    Koor's Tag-Along Right on a Sale of the Federmann Shares

      9.1   Should  Federmann wish to Transfer any of the Federmann  Shares that
            constitute  more than  half the  Federmann  Shares  that are held by
            Federmann  for the time being to a third party (in this Clause 9 the
            "Third   Party"),   Federmann  shall  provide  Koor  written  notice
            detailing  the number of Shares  that it intends to  Transfer to the
            Third Party (in this Clause "the Offered  Shares"),  the identity of
            the Third  Party,  the  identity of all the Third  Party's  ultimate
            interested  parties or, to the extent that the Third Party wishes to
            receive  a  Transfer  of the  Offered  Shares  indirectly  through a
            trustee  and/or  another  person and/or another entity in any manner
            whatsoever,  the identity of every such trustee and other person and
            entity as aforesaid and the identity of the third party  beneficiary
            and all its ultimate interested  parties,  the number of Shares that
            are held by Federmann  at the time of giving the notice,  all to the
            level of detail for which the  Company  and/or the Third Party would
            be  obligated,  in  accordance  with Israeli  securities  laws,  for
            reporting  the identity of the said  entities and persons,  were the
            Third  Party  an   interested   party  in  the   Company,   and  the
            consideration  that the Third Party has  undertaken to pay Federmann
            for the Offered Shares, the payment terms and all the other material
            conditions  of  the   transaction,   including   the   transaction's
            conditions precedent (hereinafter in this Clause the "Sale Notice").

      9.2   By the end of a period of 7 Business  Days  starting  on the date of
            Koor's receipt of the Sale Notice (hereinafter the "Tag-Along Notice
            Period"),  Koor may provide  Federmann written notice that it wishes
            to sell to the  Third  Party the Koor  Shares  that it holds at that
            time or a


            portion  thereof  together with the Offered  Shares and at the price
            and on the payment terms and other conditions  specified in the Sale
            Notice (in this Clause 9 the "Tag-Along  Notice").  In the Tag-Along
            Notice,  which will be provided during the Tag-Along  Notice Period,
            Koor shall  specify the  quantity of Shares,  solely out of the Koor
            Shares, that Koor wishes to sell the Third Party as aforesaid.

      9.3   Should Koor provide a Tag-Along  Notice during the Tag-Along  Notice
            Period,  Federmann  shall be entitled to Transfer  its Shares to the
            Third Party, provided that the Third Party also purchases from Koor,
            at the price and on the payment terms and other conditions specified
            in the Sale Notice,  and at the same time, the Koor Shares specified
            by Koor in the Tag-Along  Notice.  If the number of Offered  Shares,
            together  with  the  number  of the  Koor  Shares  specified  in the
            Tag-Along  Notice,  exceeds  the  quantity  of Shares that the Third
            Party is  willing  to  purchase,  the  quantity  of  Shares  that is
            purchased by the Third Party shall be  apportioned  pro rata between
            Federmann  and Koor in the ratio between the number of the Federmann
            Shares  that are held by  Federmann  prior to  completing  the Share
            Transfer  to the Third  Party and the number of the Koor Shares that
            are held by Koor prior to completing the Share Transfer to the Third

      9.4   Should  Koor not  provide a Tag-Along  Notice  during the  Tag-Along
            Notice  Period,  Federmann  may Transfer  the Offered  Shares to the
            Third  Party  for  consideration  and on  payment  terms  and  other
            conditions  no better to Federmann  than those  detailed in the Sale
            Notice,  provided  that an Agreement for the Transfer of the Offered
            Shares is signed by Federmann and the Third Party within 30 Business
            Days of the end of the  Tag-Along  Notice Period and the Transfer of
            the Offered Shares pursuant  thereto is completed within 180 days of
            the  end  of  the  Tag-Along  Notice  Period,  all  subject  to  the
            provisions of Clauses 12.1 to 12.3 below.

      9.5   For the avoidance of doubt, to the extent that a transaction for the
            Transfer to the Third  Party of the Offered  Shares is not signed by
            the  expiration  of 30 Business  Days from the end of the  Tag-Along
            Notice  Period or the  transaction  for the  Transfer of the Offered
            Shares is not completed  within 180 days of the end of the Tag-Along
            Notice Period,  Federmann may only Transfer the Offered Shares after
            again providing a Tag-Along Notice to Koor as provided above in this
            Clause 9.

      9.6   For the purpose of the foregoing provisions of Clause 9, there shall
            be deemed as a single Transfer (1) a number of transactions  for the
            Transfer  of Shares  that are  effected  with a single  Third  Party
            during a six-month  period and for such purpose a  "Transaction  for
            the Transfer


            of Shares"  includes  the grant,  Transfer  or sale of any option or
            right to acquire or receive  Shares;  and the "Single  Third  Party"
            includes  any related  company (as  defined in the  Securities  Law,
            5728-1968) of the Third Party and any  interested  party (as defined
            in the Securities Law, 5728-1968) in any of them and includes anyone
            acting with the Third  Party,  in  cooperation  under an  agreement,
            whether written or oral, and also (2) a transaction for the Transfer
            of  Shares  (as  defined  above)  in the  scope of which  there  are
            Transferred  in any manner  whatsoever  - including as a result of a
            Transfer of Control in Heris from  Federmann  Enterprises to a Third
            Party or Third  Parties  and/or in other  subsidiaries  of Federmann
            from Federmann to any Third Party or Third Parties and/or a Transfer
            of actual economic control of the Federmann Shares that are owned by
            Heris and/or other  subsidiaries  of Federmann from Federmann to any
            Third Party or Third Parties - Shares of Federmann,  from  Federmann
            to any Third Party or Third  Parties,  in a percentage  of more than
            50% of the Federmann Shares that are then held by Federmann.

      9.7   For the  avoidance  of  doubt,  the  foregoing  shall  not  preclude
            Federmann  from  entering  into an agreement to Transfer the Offered
            Shares to the Third Party before  giving the Sale  Notice,  provided
            that such does not preclude  Koor from tagging  along in the sale of
            the  Offered  Shares  to the  Third  Party  in  accordance  with the
            provisions of this Clause 9.

      9.8   Without  derogating from and in addition to the provisions of Clause
            9.6, the provisions of Clauses 9.1 to 9.7 above shall not apply, and
            Koor shall not have a Tag-Along  Right,  in respect of a Transfer of
            any of the Federmann Shares from Federmann  Enterprises to Heris and
            vice versa. Nevertheless,  if Federmann Enterprises sells Control of
            Heris and at the time of the sale  Heris  holds more than 50% of the
            Federmann Shares,  Federmann shall grant Koor the Tag-Along Right as
            provided  in Clauses  9.1 to 9.7  above,  mutatis  mutandis.  To the
            extent that at the time of the  Transfer of Control of Heris,  Heris
            holds other assets, in addition to the Federmann  Shares,  the value
            of the Federmann Shares that are held by Heris at that time shall be
            determined by an appraiser  agreed  between the Parties,  and in the
            absence of such agreement, then by the chairperson of the accounting
            firm of Somekh Chaikin (KPMG), who may also appoint himself.

      9.9   It is agreed  that the  foregoing  provisions  of Clauses 9.1 to 9.8
            shall not apply and Koor's  Tag-Along  Right shall  expire from such
            time as Koor's  holdings  of the Koor  Shares  fall below the Second
            Minimum  Percentage or from such time as Koor's  holdings fall below
            the Second Minimum Quantity, whichever is earlier.


10.   Non-Transfer of Shares by Koor

      Koor shall not  Transfer  the Koor Shares or any of them during the period
      commencing  on the date of signing this  Agreement and ending at the later
      of the following two dates:

      10.1  on the expiration of 12 months after the First Closing Date; or

      10.2  if the performance of Stage `B' of the  Transaction  pursuant to the
            Deed of Sale is completed - the  expiration of nine months after the
            Second Closing Date;

         (hereinafter the "Prohibited Sales Period").

11.   Federmann's Right of First Refusal

      11.1  Subject to the provisions of Clause 10 above and Clause 12 below, if
            Koor wishes to Transfer any of the Koor Shares to a Third Party,  it
            may only do so if it first enters into an agreement  with a specific
            Third Party for the Transfer of those Shares,  the  agreement  being
            subject to the Right of First Refusal  vested in Federmann  pursuant
            to this Agreement, and subject to the following provisions.

            Koor shall provide  Federmann  written notice within 2 Business Days
            of entering the  agreement  with the Third Party,  in which it shall
            notify  Federmann  that it has entered into a binding  agreement for
            the  Transfer  of Shares  from the Koor  Shares to a Third Party (in
            this  Clause 11 the  "Third  Party"),  subject to the Right of First
            Refusal  vested in Federmann  pursuant to this Clause 11, and in the
            notice it shall  detail the number of Shares that it has  undertaken
            to  Transfer  to the  Third  Party  (in  this  Clause  the  "Offered
            Shares"),  the  identify of the Third Party and the  identity of all
            the Third Party's ultimate  interested parties or to the extent that
            the Third Party  wishes to receive a Transfer of the Offered  Shares
            indirectly  through a trustee  and/or other person  and/or entity in
            any manner, then the identity of every such trustee and other person
            and entity as aforesaid, the identity of the Third Party beneficiary
            and of all its ultimate interested parties, the number of the Shares
            held by the Third Party on the date of providing the notice,  all to
            the same  level of detail  for which the  Company  and/or  the Third
            Party would be  obligated,  in  accordance  with Israeli  securities
            laws,  for  reporting the identity of the said entities and persons,
            were the Third Party an  interested  party in the  Company,  and the
            consideration that the Third Party has undertaken to pay to Koor for
            the Offered  Shares  (which shall only be cash  consideration),  the
            payment  terms  and  all  the  other  material   conditions  of  the


            including   all  the   conditions   precedent  of  the   transaction
            (hereinafter in this Clause the "Sales Notice").

      11.2  Until the end of a period of 21 Business Days commencing on the date
            of  Federmann's  receipt of the Sales  Notice  (hereinafter  in this
            Clause 11 the "Acceptance  Notice Period"),  Federmann may give Koor
            written  notice that it has decided to purchase  the Offered  Shares
            for the  consideration and on the payment terms and other conditions
            detailed in the Sales Notice (hereinafter the "Acceptance Notice").

      11.3  In the  event  of  Acceptance  Notice  being  provided,  Koor  shall
            Transfer to Federmann and Federmann  shall take a Transfer from Koor
            of all the Offered Shares, Free and Clear, for the consideration and
            on the terms and  conditions  detailed in the Sale Notice,  within 7
            Business  Days of the date on which all the  approvals  and  permits
            necessary  for such  transaction  as  aforesaid in  accordance  with
            applicable  law are  obtained  and in any event  not later  than the
            expiration  of 60 days  from  the  date  the  Acceptance  Notice  is
            provided  (hereinafter the "Completion  Period").  The Parties shall
            cooperate in order to obtain all the approvals and permits necessary
            for the transaction as aforesaid as soon as possible.

      11.4  Should Federmann not provide Koor an Acceptance Notice in writing by
            the end of the Acceptance  Notice Period or should Federmann provide
            an Acceptance  Notice but the  transaction  mentioned in Clause 11.3
            above not be  completed  by the end of the  Completion  Period other
            than due to a breach of this  Agreement  by Koor,  Koor may Transfer
            the Offered Shares to the Third Party for the  consideration  and on
            the payment terms and other conditions detailed in the Sales Notice,
            provided that the transaction for the sale to the Third Party of the
            Offered  Shares is completed by the  expiration of 120 days from the
            end  of  the  Acceptance  Notice  Period  or  from  the  end  of the
            Completion  Period,  as the case may be  (hereinafter  the  "Maximum
            Sales  Period"),  all subject to the  provisions  of Clauses 12.1 to
            12.3 below.

      11.5  For the avoidance of doubt,  should the  transaction for the sale of
            the Offered Shares to the Third Party not be completed by the end of
            the Maximum Sales Period,  Koor may only Transfer the Offered Shares
            after  again  providing  a Right of First  Refusal to  Federmann  as
            provided above in this Clause 11.

      11.6  From the end of the  Prohibited  Sales  Period,  the  provisions  of
            Clauses  11.1 to 11.5 above shall not apply with  respect to a Stock
            Exchange sale of the Koor Shares by Koor in aggregate quantities not
            exceeding in any 12-month  period 2% of the  Company's  issued share


      11.7  Notwithstanding  the  provision  of Clause 11.6 above,  Koor may not
            Transfer, pursuant to Clause 11.6 above, in the aggregate, more than
            950,000 of the Koor Shares that are held by it:

            11.7.1  unless  Federmann  Transfers  any of the  Federmann  Shares,
                    except  on a  Transfer  subject  to Koor's  Tag-Along  Right
                    pursuant  to Clause 9 above,  and except for a Transfer to a
                    person or  entity,  the  Shares  held by which are deemed as
                    held by  Federmann  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of
                    Clause 17.6 below; or

            11.7.2  unless the quantity of the  Federmann  Shares  together with
                    the Koor  Shares  falls  below 45% of the  Company's  issued
                    share  capital,  other  than as a result of a breach of this
                    Agreement by Koor.

12.   Transfer of Shares and Obligations Pursuant to the Agreement

      Without derogating from the other provisions of this Agreement,  including
      Clause 7 above, it is agreed that on any Transfer of the Federmann  Shares
      by  Federmann  that is subject to Koor's  Tag-Along  Right under  Clause 9
      above,  and on any  Transfer of the Koor Shares by Koor that is subject to
      Federmann's  Right of First Refusal under Clause 11 above  (hereinafter in
      this  Clause 12 the "Shares  Being  Transferred",  and Koor and  Federmann
      being respectively the "Transferor Party"), the following provisions shall

      12.1  If the Transferor  Party wishes to Transfer all the Federmann Shares
            or all the Koor Shares, as the case may be, the Transferor Party may
            not do so and  such a  Transfer  shall  be  ineffective  unless  the
            Transferor  Party Transfers and assigns to the transferee the Shares
            Being Transferred (in this Clause 12 the "Purchaser"), together with
            the  Transfer of the Shares  Being  Transferred,  all the rights and
            obligations of the Transferor Party pursuant to this Agreement,  and
            the Purchaser and the Transferor  Party so confirm in writing to the
            other Party as provided in Clause 12.3 below.  On  completion of the
            assignment  and Transfer of all the  Transferor  Party's  rights and
            obligations as aforesaid,  the Transferor  Party shall cease being a
            Party to this Agreement and shall be succeeded by the Purchaser.

      12.2  If the  Transferor  Party  wishes to Transfer  only a portion of the
            Federmann  Shares or only a portion of the Koor Shares,  as the case
            may be, then the Transferor  Party may not do so and such a Transfer
            shall be  ineffective,  unless,  together  with the  Transfer of the
            Shares being Transferred,  the Purchaser assumes all the obligations
            of the  Transferor  Party jointly and severally  with the Transferor
            Party and


            confirms  said  obligation in writing to the other Party as provided
            in Clause 12.3 below.  For the  avoidance of doubt,  it is clarified
            that the  Transferor  shall  continue  to be entitled as against the
            other Party to all the rights vested in the Federmann  Shares or the
            Koor Shares, as the case may be, that are held by it.

      12.3  In the event that Koor is the Transferor  Party,  Koor shall provide
            Federmann,  together  with the Sales  Notice as  mentioned in Clause
            11.1 above,  the written  confirmation  of Koor and the Purchaser as
            provided  in Clause 12.1 above or the  written  confirmation  of the
            Purchaser as provided in Clause 12.2 above, as the case may be, duly
            signed by the Purchaser and/or Koor, as the case may be.

            In the event that Federmann is the Transferor Party, Federmann shall
            provide Koor,  within 2 Business  Days of signing an agreement  with
            the Purchaser for the Transfer of the Offered Shares, as provided in
            Clause 9.4 or Clause  9.7 above,  the  written  confirmation  of the
            Purchaser,   as  provided  in  Clause  12.1  above  or  the  written
            confirmation  of Federmann and the Purchaser,  as provided in Clause
            12.2 above, as the case may be, duly signed by the Purchaser  and/or
            Federmann, as the case may be.

      12.4  In  addition  to the  foregoing,  even in a case or  cases  in which
            Federmann Transfers any of the Federmann Shares that are held by it,
            the  Transfer  of which is not  subject  to Koor's  Tag-Along  Right
            pursuant to Clause 9 above, Federmann may, if it so desires,  assign
            and Transfer its  obligations  pursuant to this  Agreement or any of
            them so that the  transferee  of the Shares and  Federmann  shall be
            jointly  and  severally  liable  to Koor  for  all  the  obligations
            pursuant to this Agreement or a portion of them, in such  proportion
            as determined  between  Federmann and the  transferee of the Shares.
            For the  avoidance  of doubt,  Federmann  may  exercise its right to
            assign and  Transfer  all or any of its  obligations  as provided in
            this Clause 12.4  together  with a Transfer of any of the  Federmann
            Shares, once or several times, in its discretion.

13.   Limitation on Restrictions and Rights

      The  limitations  imposed with respect to a Share  Transfer and the rights
      vested in the  Parties in  connection  with a Share  Transfer  pursuant to
      Clauses 9 to 12 above  only  apply to the  Federmann  Shares  and the Koor
      Shares,  and those  limitations and rights shall not apply with respect to
      other Shares in the Company that may be held by Federmann or Koor,  as the
      case may be.


14.   Tag-Along Right to Purchase

      Should  a Party  to this  Agreement  (in this  Clause  14 the  "Purchasing
      Party") directly or indirectly,  including through subsidiaries and/or any
      trustee,  acquire Shares of the Company for total  consideration in excess
      of US$ 25 million (in this Clause 14 the "Purchased Shares") from a Single
      Third  Party,  as  defined  in Clause  9.6  above  (in this  Clause 14 the
      "Seller"),  whether or not on the Stock  Exchange  (in this  Clause 14 the
      "Purchase Transaction"),  the other Party to the Agreement (in this Clause
      14 the "Other Party") shall have a right to tag along on such  Acquisition
      as aforesaid,  on the terms of the Purchase Transaction,  and to acquire a
      portion of the securities  that are being purchased (in this Clause 14 the
      "Purchase  Tag-Along  Right") in accordance  with the  provisions  set out

      14.1  The  Purchasing  Party shall provide the other Party written  notice
            within  3  Business   Days  of  the   completion   of  the  Purchase
            Transaction, detailing the terms of the Purchase Transaction that it
            has made,  including  the quantity of additional  Shares,  the price
            (which shall only be cash  consideration),  the payment  terms,  the
            Seller's identity and every other material condition (in this Clause
            14 the "Seller's Notice").

      14.2  Within 14 Business Days of receiving  the  Purchaser's  notice,  the
            Other Party shall give the Purchasing  Party written notice if it is
            tagging  along in the  Purchase  Transaction  and of the quantity of
            Shares,  out of the additional  Shares,  that it wishes to purchase,
            not exceeding  such quantity the ratio between which it and the rest
            of the additional Shares is equal to the ratio:

            (i)     if Koor is the Other  Party - between  the Koor  Shares that
                    are held by Koor on the date the Purchaser's notice is given
                    and the  Federmann  Shares that are held by Federmann on the
                    date the Purchaser's notice is given;

            (ii)    if  Federmann  is the Other  Party - between  the  Federmann
                    Shares  that  are  held  by   Federmann   on  the  date  the
                    Purchaser's  notice  is given and the Koor  Shares  that are
                    held by Koor on the date the Purchaser's notice is given.

      14.3  Should the Other Party give the Purchasing Party Tag-Along notice at
            such time as mentioned in Clause 14.2 above,  the  Purchasing  Party
            shall  Transfer  to the Other  Party  Shares of the  Company  in the
            quantity specified in the Tag-Along notice,  Free and Clear, for the


            consideration  and on the terms detailed in the Purchaser's  notice,
            all  within 7  Business  Days of the date of  giving  the  Tag-Along

15.   Term of the Agreement and Effect of the Agreement

      15.1  This Agreement  shall take effect on the First Closing Date.  Should
            Stage `A' of the  Transaction (as the term is defined in the Deed of
            Sale) not be performed  and  completed by the end of 3 Business Days
            after the Stage `A'  Completion  Deadline (as defined in the Deed of
            Sale),  then this Agreement shall be null and void and  ineffective,
            without either of the Parties having any claim,  complaint or demand
            against the other.

      15.2  This  Agreement  shall be in effect  until the end of a period of 15
            years from the date on which it enters  into  effect as  provided in
            Clause 15.1 above or until such time as Federmann's  holdings of the
            Federmann  Shares  together with Koor's  holdings of the Koor Shares
            fall below 25% of the Company's  issued share capital,  whichever is
            the earlier.

      15.3  For the  avoidance  of doubt,  it is clarified  that this  Agreement
            shall  not come to an end if Koor or  Federmann  ceases to hold Koor
            Shares or the Federmann Shares, as the case may be, if together with
            a Transfer  of the  remainder  of the  Federmann  Shares or the Koor
            Shares,  as the case may be,  the  Transferor  Party (as  defined in
            Clause  12  above)  Transferred  and  assigned  all its  rights  and
            obligations  pursuant to this Agreement to the Purchaser (as defined
            in Clause 12 above),  and the  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall
            continue to apply and obligate the Purchaser and the Other Party.

16.   Koor's Withdrawal from the Controlling Interest

      16.1  Koor may at any time from October 1, 2008, provide written notice to
            Federmann  in which it shall inform  Federmann  of Koor's  desire to
            bring to an end its rights and obligations  pursuant to Clauses 4, 6
            (if Koor is entitled  to rights  pursuant to Clause 6 at that time),
            7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (except for Clauses 11.6 and 11.7), 12, 13 and 14 of
            this  Agreement   (hereinafter   in  this  Clause  16  the  "Revoked
            Clauses"),  and on the expiration of 6 months from the date on which
            Federmann is given Koor's written  notice as aforesaid  (hereinafter
            in this Clause 16 the  "Expiration  Date"),  all the Parties' rights
            and obligations pursuant to the Revoked Clauses shall expire so that
            the sole rights and  obligations  that will continue to obligate and
            entitle the Parties  pursuant to this Agreement  shall be the rights
            and  obligations  in Clause 5 above and this  Clause 16, all without
            prejudice  to either of the Party's  rights to any relief in respect
            of a breach of any of the


            provisions  of  the  Revoked  Clauses  that  occurred  prior  to the
            Expiration Date.

      16.2  Should such notice be given by Koor and to the extent that Federmann
            so wishes,  the  Parties  shall  discuss the  possibility  of Koor's
            Shares  that  are  held  by  Koor at that  time  being  acquired  by
            Federmann,  alone or together with others, without the provisions of
            this Clause being such as to obligate either of the Parties to enter
            into such a purchase  agreement  or to permit Koor to  Transfer  the
            Koor Shares  otherwise  than in  accordance  with the  provisions of
            Clauses 16.3 and 16.4 below.

      16.3  As from the  Expiration  Date,  Koor may  Transfer all or any of the
            Koor  Shares  that  are  held by it in any  way,  either  by a Stock
            Exchange sale or otherwise,  including a distribution in kind to its
            shareholders,  subject  nevertheless  to Federmann's  Right of First
            Offer as  provided in Clause  16.4 below or in  accordance  with the
            provisions of Clauses 11.6 and 11.7 above.

      16.4  Federmann's Right of First Offer

            16.4.1  As of the Expiration  Date, Koor may not Transfer any of the
                    Koor Shares unless it first gives  Federmann  written notice
                    detailing  the quantity of the Koor Shares that it wishes to
                    transfer (hereinafter the "Offered Shares").

            16.4.2  Federmann  may, but is not  required to,  within 14 Business
                    Days of receiving Koor's notice as aforesaid (hereinafter in
                    this Clause 16.4 the "Offer  Period"),  provide Koor written
                    notice   (hereinafter  in  this  Clause  16.4   "Federmann's
                    Notice"),  informing  Koor that it wishes to  purchase  from
                    Koor the Offered  Shares or the portion of them as specified
                    by  Federmann in  Federmann's  Notice  (hereinafter  in this
                    Clause  16. the  "Shares  for  Purchase")  and the price per
                    Share  that  it  is   willing   to  pay  for  those   Shares
                    (hereinafter in this Clause 16.4 the "Price Offered").

            16.4.3  Within  7  Business  Days of  Koor's  receiving  Federmann's
                    Notice,   Koor  shall  provide   Federmann   written  notice
                    (hereinafter in this Clause 16.4 the "Koor's  Notice") if it
                    agrees or if it does not agree to Transfer to Federmann  the
                    Shares for Purchase at the Price Offered. Should Koor inform
                    Federmann  in Koor's  Notice  that it agrees to  Transfer to
                    Federmann the Shares for Purchase at the Price Offered, Koor
                    shall Transfer to Federmann and Federmann  shall accept from
                    Koor a Transfer of the Shares for  Purchase,  and


                    Federmann  shall  pay Koor  the  Price  Offered,  all by the
                    expiration  of 21 Business  Days from the date Koor's Notice
                    is received by  Federmann  (hereinafter  in this Clause 16.4
                    the "Completion Period").

            16.4.4  Should Koor inform  Federmann in Koor's  Notice that it does
                    not agree to Transfer to  Federmann  the Shares for Purchase
                    at the Price  Offered,  Koor may  Transfer  the  Shares  for
                    Purchase  to a Third Party or Third  Parties,  but only at a
                    price  greater  than the Price  Offered  on the same or more
                    favorable  payment  terms to Koor than  those  specified  in
                    Clause 16.4.3 above, without any further obligation of Koor,
                    all within 90  Business  Days of the date  Koor's  Notice is
                    given.  For the  avoidance of doubt,  to the extent that the
                    Shares for Purchase have not been  Transferred  by Koor to a
                    Third Party as aforesaid within 90 Business Days of the date
                    of Koor's notice being provided,  Koor may only Transfer the
                    Shares for  Purchase  after again  providing  Federmann  the
                    Right of First Offer as provided in this Clause 16.4.

            16.4.5  Should Federmann not provide  Federmann's  Notice within the
                    14 Business Days  mentioned in Clause 16.4.2 above or should
                    Federmann  state in  Federmann's  Notice  that it  wishes to
                    acquire  only some of the Offered  Shares or if the Transfer
                    of the Shares for Purchase has not been completed by the end
                    of the Completion Period,  otherwise than due to a breach of
                    contract by Koor,  Koor may,  within 90 Business Days of the
                    date on which  Koor's  Notice was  provided  as  provided in
                    Clause  16.4.3  above  or  from  the  end of the  Completion
                    Period,  as the case may be,  sell the  Offered  Shares  (if
                    Federmann's  Notice has not been  provided as  aforesaid) or
                    that portion of them that are not included in the Shares for
                    Purchase (if Federmann's  Notice is provided with respect to
                    only a portion of the offered Shares).

            16.4.6  For the  purpose of  Clauses  16.4.3  and  16.4.5  above,  a
                    Transfer  of  Shares  by means of  their  distribution  as a
                    dividend in kind by Koor to its shareholders shall be deemed
                    as a Transfer of Shares that is made on the date determining
                    the  rights  to  receive  the  dividend  in kind  by  Koor's
                    shareholders, and such Transfer as aforesaid shall be deemed
                    as though made at the average closing price of the Company's
                    shares on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in the 12 trading days
                    before and in the 12  trading  days after the date of giving
                    Koor's written notice as provided in Clause 16.4.1 above.


17.   Miscellaneous

      17.1  This  Agreement  may be signed in several  separate  copies and each
            copy  signed by one of the  Parties  shall be treated as an original
            and all  together  they  shall  be  treated  as a  single,  complete

      17.2  No conduct by either of the Parties  shall be deemed a waiver of any
            of its rights  pursuant to this Agreement or by law or as its waiver
            of or  acquiescence  to in  any  breach  or  non-performance  of any
            condition,   unless   the   waiver,   acquiescence,    postponement,
            modification,  cancellation  or addendum has been done expressly and
            in writing.

      17.3  This  Agreement  contains,  embodies,  merges and  expresses all the
            terms and  conditions  agreed  between  the  Parties on the  matters
            mentioned  herein.  Any promises,  guarantees,  agreements,  whether
            written or oral,  undertakings  or  representations  on the  matters
            mentioned in this  Agreement  that were given or made by the Parties
            prior to the making of this  Agreement  that have not found specific
            expression  herein shall not be deemed to augment,  derogate from or
            modify the rights and  obligations  provided  in this  Agreement  or
            deriving  herefrom,  and the Parties shall not be bound by them from
            the  date  of  this  Agreement   (hereinafter   "Revocation  of  the
            Obligations  Preceding  Signature").  It is hereby  expressly agreed
            that the Revocation of the Obligations  Preceding Signature shall be
            effective  even in the  event  that this  Agreement  is  revoked  or
            rescinded  for any  reason.  The  foregoing  shall not be such as to
            impair the effect of the Parties' rights and obligations pursuant to
            the Sale [sic] Agreement.

      17.4  For the  avoidance  of doubt,  the  provisions  of the  Shareholders
            Agreement  between Koor and the Company,  including  wording that is
            different  from the  wording  of this  Agreement,  shall  not in any
            manner be applied in the  interpretation of this Agreement.  Without
            prejudice  to the  generality  of the  foregoing,  the  exchanges of
            documents  between  the  Parties  prior  to the  signature  of  this
            Agreement,  including the drafts exchanged  between them, shall have
            no significance in the interpretation of this Agreement.

      17.5  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,  the Parties' rights
            and obligations pursuant to this Agreement are not assignable and/or
            transferable.  The  provisions  of this  Clause  are not  such as to
            affect  Federmann's  right to exercise its right of first refusal as
            provided in Clause 11 above by means of any third party and/or third

      17.6  In this  Agreement  any person or entity  shall be deemed as holding
            all the Shares  held by it,  directly  or  indirectly  and,  without


            to the generality of the foregoing, all the Shares held, directly or
            indirectly,  by any related  entity and by any member of his family,
            as they are defined in the Securities Law,  5728-1968;  and also all
            the  Shares  that  are  held by any  person  and/or  entity  that is
            construed in accordance  with the provisions of the Securities  Law,
            5728-1968 as holding Shares of the Company together with that person
            or entity  and also all the  Shares  held  through a trustee  and/or
            registration  company,  and  also  all the  Shares  that are held by
            another  shareholder  of the Company  who is jointly  and  severally
            liable with a Party to this Agreement for the  obligations  pursuant
            to this  Agreement.  Nevertheless,  a Party to this Agreement  shall
            not, for the purpose of this Agreement, be treated as holding Shares
            that are held by the other Party to this Agreement.

      17.7  This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Israel,
            without  taking  into  account  its choice of law  rules.  Exclusive
            jurisdiction  on all matters  relating to this Agreement or deriving
            herefrom  is  vested  in the  competent  courts  in the  City of Tel
            Aviv-Jaffa and in them alone.

      17.8  Each of the Parties to this Agreement  shall bear the legal expenses
            that it is charged in respect of this Agreement.

      17.9  An  obligation  to vote by virtue of all of a Party's  Shares in the
            Company in connection  with any  resolution in any way also includes
            the  obligation  to  participate  in the vote by virtue of all those
            Shares, and not to vote for any further or other proposed resolution
            that is such as to contradict, cancel or diminish said resolution.

      17.10 Without  being  such as to impose  any  further  limitations  on the
            Transfer  of Shares  other  than  that  expressly  provided  in this
            Agreement,  each of the  Parties  undertakes  to act in  good  faith
            towards  the  other  and  not,  by act or  omission,  to  cause  the
            frustration of this Agreement's  provisions or any of them and/or to
            make them unrealizable.

      17.11 The Parties hereto may extend any time specified in this  Agreement,
            either  once or  several  times,  by  written  notice  signed by two
            officers  of each  Party  to this  Agreement,  without  any  further
            approval being necessary.

18.   Notices

      18.1  The Parties'  addresses for the purpose of this Agreement are as set
            out in the  heading  hereto or any other  address in Israel of which
            one Party gives the other written notice.


      18.2  Any notice  pursuant  to this  Agreement  shall be in writing and be
            sent by  registered  mail or personal  delivery by  messenger to the
            address of the  relevant  Party,  as mentioned in Clause 18.1 above,
            and that  address  shall in all  respects  in  connection  with this
            Agreement also be the address of that Party for the service of court

      18.3  Notice that is sent shall be treated as having reached the addressee
            and  come to its  knowledge  within  five  Business  Days if sent by
            registered  mail or, if  delivered  in person by  messenger by 17:00
            hours on any  Business  Day,  it shall be treated as received on the
            Business Day after delivery.


___(signed)_________                                _____(signed)___________
Koor Industries Ltd.                                Federmann Enterprises Ltd.

                            Heris Aktiengesellschaft


                                                                       EXHIBIT 2

                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.
                        TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 28, 2005

     KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned hereby appoints
true and lawful proxies of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to
vote with respect to all of the undersigned's ordinary shares of ELBIT SYSTEMS
LTD. (the "Company"), at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of
the Company to be held at the Company's offices at Advanced Technology Center,
Haifa, Israel, on Monday, February 28, 2005, at 3 p.m. local time, and at any
adjournments, with all power that the undersigned would have if personally
present and especially (but without limitation) to vote as follows:

The shares  represented by this Proxy will be voted in the manner directed,  and
if no  instructions  to the  contrary  are  indicated,  will be voted  "FOR" all
Proposals listed on the reverse side, subject to indicating whether or not there
is a personal interest in Item 1.

(Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)


                               ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD.
                               February 28, 2005

                           Please date, sign and mail
                             your proxy card in the
                          envelope provided as soon as

     Please detach along perforated line and mail in the envelope provided.


                                                           FOR  AGAINST ABSTAIN
                  1.   APPROVAL AND RATIFICATION OF THE    
                       AGREEMENTS DATED DECEMBER 27, 2004  [_]    [_]     [_]
                       FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN REGARDING THE   
                       PURCHASE OF KOOR INDUSTRIES LTD.'S  
                       SHARES IN TADIRAN COMMUNICATIONS    
                                                           YES    NO
                       Indicate whether you do or do not   
                       have a personal interest in this    [_]    [_]
                                                           FOR  AGAINST ABSTAIN 
                  2.   ELECTION OF NATHAN SHARONY TO AN                         
                       ADDITIONAL TERM AS AN EXTERNAL      [_]    [_]     [_]   

To change the address on your account,
please check the box at right and
indicate your new address in the address [_]
space above. Please note that D changes
to the registered name(s) on the account
may not be submitted via this method.

Signature of Shareholder _______________________ Date: ____________
Signature of Shareholder _______________________ Date: ____________

Note: Please sign exactly as your name or names appear on this Proxy. When
shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. When signing as executor,
administrator, attorney, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. If
the signer is a corporation, please sign full corporate name by duly authorized
officer, giving full title as such. If signer is a partnership. please sign in
partnership name by authorized person.