Washington, D.C. 20549


                          SCHEDULE 13D

                        (Amendment No.31)

            Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                       WMS INDUSTRIES INC.
                        (Name of Issuer)

                          Common Stock
                 (Title of Class of Securities)

                         (CUSIP Number)

                       Sumner M. Redstone
                         200 Elm Street
                   Dedham, Massachusetts 02026
                    Telephone: (781) 461-1600
             (Name, Address and Telephone Number of
    Person Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications)

                       February 18, 2002
     (Date of Event which Requires Filing of this Statement)


If the filing person has previously filed a statement on Schedule
13G to report the acquisition which is the subject of this
Schedule 13D, and is filing this schedule because of Rule 13d-
1(b)(3) or (4), check the following box / /.

Check the following box if a fee is being paid with this
statement / /.

CUSIP No. 969-901-107
                         Schedule 13D/A
(1)  Name of Reporting Person
     S.S. or I.R.S. Identification No. of Above Person

                    SUMNER M. REDSTONE
(2)  Check the Appropriate Box if a Member of Group (See
/  / (a)
/  / (b)
(3)  SEC Use Only
(4)  Sources of Funds (See Instructions)
(5)  Check if Disclosure of Legal Proceedings is Required
     Pursuant to Items 2(d) or 2(e).
(6)  Citizenship or Place of Organization      United States
Number of           (7)  Sole Voting Power                   0*
  Shares		----------------------------------------
Beneficially        (8)  Shared Voting Power                  0*
 Owned by		----------------------------------------
   Each             (9)  Sole Dispositive Power       4,453,700
Reporting		----------------------------------------
Person With         (10) Shared Dispositive Power     3,483,900**
(11) Aggregate Amount Beneficially Owned by Each Reporting Person
(12) Check if the Aggregate Amount in Row (11) Excludes Certain
     Shares (See Instructions)
(13) Percent of Class Represented by Amount in Row (11)
			25.74 percent
(14) Type of Reporting Person (See Instructions)

*Voting power subject to Voting Proxy Agreement described in
 Item 6 of Amendment No. 19 to this Statement.

**Includes shares owned by National Amusements, Inc.

CUSIP No. 969-901-107
                         Schedule 13D/A
(1)  Name of Reporting Person
     S.S. or I.R.S. Identification No. of Above Person

                    NATIONAL AMUSEMENTS, INC.
                    I.R.S No.  04-2261332
(2)  Check the Appropriate Box if a Member of Group (See
/  / (a)
/  / (b)
(3)  SEC Use Only
(4)  Sources of Funds (See Instructions)                N/A
(5)  Check if Disclosure of Legal Proceedings is Required
     Pursuant to Items 2(d) or 2(e).
(6)  Citizenship or Place of Organization        Maryland
Number of           (7)  Sole Voting Power          0*
  Shares		----------------------------------------
Beneficially        (8)  Shared Voting Power        0*
Owned by		----------------------------------------
   Each             (9)  Sole Dispositive Power     0
Reporting		----------------------------------------
Person With         (10) Shared Dispositive Power   3,483,900
(11) Aggregate Amount Beneficially Owned by Each Reporting Person
(12) Check if the Aggregate Amount in Row (11) Excludes Certain
     Shares (See Instructions)
(13) Percent of Class Represented by Amount in Row (11) 11.3
(14) Type of Reporting Person (See Instructions)        CO

*Voting power subject to Voting Proxy Agreement,described in Item
 6 of Amendment No. 19 to this Statement.

Item 1.   Security and Issuer.

          This Amendment No. 31 amends the Statement on Schedule
13D previously filed with the SEC by Mr. Sumner M. Redstone and
National Amusements, Inc. ("NAI") with respect to the voting
common stock, $.50 par value per share (the "Common Shares"), of
WMS Industries Inc. (the "Issuer") as follows:

Item 3.   Source and Amount of Funds or Other Consideration.

	  The purchases of Common Shares by Mr. Sumner M. Redstone
have been made by using his personal funds as well as through margin
and cash accounts at Bear Stearns.

Item 5.   Interest in Securities of the Issuer.

          Item 5 is hereby amended as follows:

   (a)    NAI is currently the beneficial owner, with shared
        dispositive and no voting power, of 3,483,900 Common
        Shares, or approximately 11.3%, of the issued and
        outstanding Common Shares of the Issuer (based on the
        number of Common Shares that were reported to be issued
        and outstanding as of December 31, 2002).

   (b)    Mr. Sumner M. Redstone is currently the beneficial
        owner, with sole dispositive and no voting power, of
        4,453,700 Common Shares, or approximately 14.44%, of the
        issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Issuer
        (based on the number of Common Shares that were reported
        by the Issuer to be issued and outstanding as of
        December 31, 2002).  As a result of his stock ownership
        in NAI, Mr. Sumner M. Redstone is deemed the beneficial
        owner of an additional 3,483,900 Common Shares of the
        issued and outstanding Common Shares of the Issuer, for
        a total of 7,937,600 Common Shares, or approximately
        25.74% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares of the
        Issuer (based on the number of Common Shares that were
        reported by the Issuer to be issued and outstanding as
        of December 31, 2002).

   The lack of voting power described in paragraphs (a) and (b)
of this Item 5 is pursuant to the Voting Proxy Agreement,
described in Item 6 of Amendment No. 19  of this Statement.

   (c)    Transactions effected since the filing of the Statement
        on Schedule 13 D Amendment Number 30 filed with the SEC
        on December 4, 2002:
        All transactions were executed by Bear Stearns, New
        York, N.Y.

   	12/04/02	1,000	17.44
	12/04/02	1,000	17.43
	12/04/02	500	17.43
        12/04/02	200	17.32
	12/04/02	400	17.46
	12/04/02	200	17.46
	12/04/02	500	17.29
	12/04/02	200	17.34
	12/04/02	200	17.40
	12/04/02	200	17.16
	12/04/02	400	17.14
	12/04/02	200	17.17
	12/04/02	200	17.21
	12/04/02	200	17.20
	12/04/02	200	17.25
	12/04/02	400	17.28
	12/04/02	400	17.22
	12/04/02	200	17.08
	12/04/02	200	17.08
	12/04/02	100	17.08
	12/04/02	200	17.08
	12/04/02	900	17.10
	12/04/02	400	17.14
	12/04/02	500	17.14
	12/04/02	500	17.05
	12/04/02	1,000	17.05
	12/04/02	1,000	17.08
	12/05/02	1,000	17.18
	12/05/02	200	17.20
	12/05/02	1,000	17.35
	12/05/02	100	17.33
	12/05/02	100	17.33
	12/05/02	100	17.33
	12/05/02	400	17.30
	12/05/02	400	17.34
	12/05/02	1,000	17.34
	12/05/02	100	17.25
	12/05/02	100	17.25
	12/05/02	100	17.33
	12/05/02	100	17.27
	12/05/02	200	17.27
	12/05/02	200	17.28
	12/05/02	200	17.28
	12/05/02	200	17.28
	12/05/02	100	17.19
	12/05/02	300	17.20
	12/05/02	200	17.21
	12/05/02	200	17.24
	12/05/02	300	17.24
	12/05/02	100	17.21
	12/05/02	1,100	17.00
	12/05/02	100	17.06
	12/05/02	300	17.06
	12/05/02	300	16.94
	12/05/02	200	17.11
	12/05/02	200	17.11
	12/05/02	500	17.15
	12/05/02	1,000	17.04
	12/05/02	400	17.07
	12/05/02	500	17.07
        12/05/02	300	17.00
	12/05/02	200	17.02
	12/05/02	200	16.93
	12/05/02	200	16.98
	12/05/02	200	16.97
	12/05/02	1,000	17.02
	12/05/02	100	17.03
	12/05/02	400	16.91
	12/05/02	100	16.88
	12/05/02	500	16.89
	12/05/02	300	16.89
	12/05/02	500	16.89
	12/05/02	1,000	16.95
	12/05/02	1,300	16.95
	12/05/02	800	17.00
	12/05/02	1,000	17.00
	12/05/02	200	16.97
	12/05/02	500	16.97
	12/05/02	1,000	16.94
	12/05/02	500	16.92
	12/05/02	1,200	16.95
	12/05/02	1,000	16.95
	12/05/02	300	16.95
	12/05/02	500	17.00
	12/05/02	100	16.98
	12/05/02	1,400	16.99
	12/05/02	800	17.01
	12/05/02	100	17.01
	12/05/02	700	16.94
	12/05/02	1,300	16.98
	12/05/02	500	16.98
	12/05/02	300	16.98
	12/05/02	100	16.98
	12/05/02	1,300	17.04
	12/05/02	1,500	16.99
	12/05/02	1,000	17.00
	12/06/02	1,000	17.05
	12/06/02	300	17.05
	12/06/02	200	17.05
	12/06/02	100	17.05
	12/06/02	200	17.08
	12/06/02	200	17.14
	12/06/02	100	17.14
	12/06/02	100	17.13
	12/06/02	100	17.08
	12/06/02	100	17.09
	12/06/02	100	17.13
	12/06/02	100	17.18
	12/06/02	200	17.17
	12/06/02	100	17.23
	12/06/02	200	17.24
	12/06/02	200	17.24
	12/06/02	200	17.24
	12/06/02	100	17.21
	12/06/02	100	17.28
	12/06/02	100	17.28
	12/06/02	200	17.29
        12/06/02	200	17.29
	12/06/02	200	17.29
	12/06/02	100	17.27
	12/06/02	100	17.28
	12/06/02	100	17.20
	12/06/02	100	17.28
	12/06/02	100	17.28
	12/06/02	100	17.29
	12/06/02	200	17.29
	12/06/02	200	17.28
	12/06/02	1,000	17.25
	12/06/02	200	17.13
	12/06/02	200	17.13
	12/06/02	1,700	17.13
	12/06/02	200	17.08
	12/06/02	100	17.12
	12/06/02	1,200	17.15
	12/06/02	1,300	17.15
	12/06/02	1,000	17.18
	12/06/02	1,000	17.18
	12/06/02	1,000	17.22
	12/06/02	1,000	17.22
	12/06/02	1,000	17.23
	12/06/02	2,000	17.15
	12/06/02	1,000	17.15
	12/06/02	2,200	17.15
	12/09/02	1,500	17.16
	12/09/02	200	17.16
	12/09/02	100	17.14
	12/09/02	400	17.17
	12/09/02	100	17.16
	12/09/02	100	17.17
	12/09/02	100	17.18
	12/09/02	100	17.22
	12/09/02	200	17.34
	12/09/02	200	17.50
	12/09/02	400	17.42
	12/09/02	300	17.40
	12/09/02	300	17.37
	12/09/02	200	17.38
	12/09/02	200	17.45
	12/09/02	200	17.39
	12/09/02	100	17.41
	12/09/02	100	17.45
	12/09/02	100	17.46
	12/09/02	100	17.47
	12/09/02	100	17.46
	12/09/02	200	17.46
	12/09/02	200	17.43
	12/09/02	200	17.44
	12/09/02	100	17.41
	12/09/02	200	17.42
	12/09/02	100	17.44
	12/09/02	100	17.45
	12/09/02	200	17.38
	12/09/02	200	17.39
	12/09/02	200	17.40
        12/09/02	200	17.39
	12/09/02	200	17.09
	12/09/02	200	16.93
	12/09/02	700	16.99
	12/09/02	800	17.00
	12/09/02	300	16.90
	12/09/02	200	16.95
	12/09/02	1,000	17.00
	12/09/02	300	17.03
	12/09/02	500	17.00
	12/09/02	1,100	17.05
	12/10/02	1,000	17.09
	12/10/02	200	17.14
	12/10/02	200	17.15
	12/10/02	100	17.29
	12/10/02	100	17.30
	12/10/02	200	17.06
	12/10/02	200	17.03
	12/10/02	200	17.03
	12/10/02	200	17.03
	12/10/02	300	17.02
	12/10/02	200	17.03
	12/10/02	200	17.05
	12/10/02	300	17.00
	12/10/02	100	16.97
	12/10/02	200	16.97
	12/10/02	200	16.97
	12/10/02	100	17.00
	12/10/02	300	16.99
	12/10/02	100	16.99
	12/10/02	100	16.99
	12/10/02	800	16.95
	12/10/02	300	16.94
	12/10/02	300	16.99
	12/10/02	1,000	17.00
	12/10/02	200	16.99
	12/10/02	100	16.99
	12/10/02	100	16.99
	12/10/02	200	16.99
	12/10/02	200	17.00
	12/10/02	300	17.00
	12/10/02	300	17.02
	12/10/02	500	17.01
	12/10/02	500	16.83
	12/10/02	1,000	16.85
	12/10/02	500	16.92
	12/10/02	200	16.94
	12/10/02	300	16.94
	12/10/02	100	16.91
	12/10/02	1,000	16.99
	12/10/02	300	17.00
	12/10/02	200	16.99
	12/10/02	300	16.98
	12/10/02	1,200	17.00
	12/10/02	100	17.03
	12/10/02	400	17.06
	12/10/02	400	17.04
        12/10/02	500	17.04
	12/10/02	300	17.04
	12/10/02	1,000	17.05
	12/11/02	1,000	17.00
	12/11/02	400	17.01
	12/11/02	100	17.01
	12/11/02	200	17.04
	12/11/02	100	17.04
	12/11/02	100	17.04
	12/11/02	100	17.00
	12/11/02	200	17.04
	12/11/02	100	17.03
	12/11/02	200	16.99
	12/11/02	100	16.98
	12/11/02	300	17.07
	12/11/02	100	17.02
	12/11/02	200	17.09
	12/11/02	300	17.10
	12/11/02	300	17.10
	12/11/02	300	17.15
	12/11/02	300	17.11
	12/11/02	100	17.12
	12/11/02	300	17.16
	12/11/02	300	17.20
	12/11/02	300	17.03
	12/11/02	300	17.05
	12/11/02	300	17.06
	12/11/02	300	17.06
	12/11/02	300	17.00
	12/11/02	300	16.99
	12/11/02	300	17.04
	12/11/02	300	17.04
	12/11/02	300	17.04
	12/11/02	400	16.99
	12/11/02	300	17.02
	12/11/02	200	16.97
	12/11/02	300	16.99
	12/11/02	200	16.99
	12/11/02	100	17.02
	12/11/02	300	17.04
	12/11/02	100	17.08
	12/11/02	100	17.08
	12/11/02	300	17.06
	12/11/02	200	17.02
	12/11/02	200	17.04
	12/11/02	100	17.05
	12/11/02	200	17.08
	12/11/02	300	17.07
	12/11/02	200	17.05
	12/11/02	100	17.04
	12/11/02	200	17.05
	12/11/02	300	17.05
	12/11/02	300	17.10
	12/11/02	200	17.06
	12/11/02	300	17.09
	12/11/02	300	17.05
	12/11/02	200	17.04
        12/11/02	300	17.04
	12/11/02	300	17.05
	12/11/02	200	17.01
	12/11/02	200	17.07
	12/11/02	200	16.88
	12/11/02	200	16.87
	12/11/02	200	16.83
	12/11/02	100	16.84
	12/11/02	400	16.87
	12/11/02	100	16.84
	12/11/02	200	16.87
	12/11/02	200	16.91
	12/11/02	200	16.90
	12/11/02	200	16.90
	12/11/02	400	16.92
	12/11/02	200	16.91
	12/11/02	300	16.92
	12/11/02	500	16.97
	12/11/02	200	16.93
	12/11/02	100	16.93
	12/11/02	400	16.99
	12/11/02	100	16.99
	12/11/02	100	16.97
	12/11/02	200	16.98
	12/11/02	300	16.99
	12/11/02	100	17.05
	12/11/02	300	17.01
	12/11/02	100	17.00
	12/11/02	100	17.00
	12/11/02	400	16.97
	12/11/02	400	17.00
	12/11/02	100	17.01
	12/11/02	200	17.00
	12/11/02	1,000	17.01
	12/12/02	1,000	17.10
	12/12/02	500	17.15
	12/12/02	300	17.18
	12/12/02	100	17.12
	12/12/02	100	17.13
	12/12/02	200	16.95
	12/12/02	300	16.76
	12/12/02	300	16.76
	12/12/02	400	16.79
	12/12/02	200	16.80
	12/12/02	300	16.80
	12/12/02	200	16.80
	12/12/02	200	16.81
	12/12/02	300	16.82
	12/12/02	300	16.81
	12/12/02	200	16.86
	12/12/02	100	16.86
	12/12/02	100	16.86
	12/12/02	200	16.85
	12/12/02	200	16.85
	12/12/02	200	16.86
	12/12/02	300	16.84
	12/12/02	300	16.84
        12/12/02	200	16.84
	12/12/02	200	16.84
	12/12/02	100	16.84
	12/12/02	300	16.84
	12/12/02	200	16.88
	12/12/02	200	16.83
	12/12/02	200	16.84
	12/12/02	200	16.84
	12/12/02	200	16.85
	12/12/02	200	16.85
	12/12/02	200	16.85
	12/12/02	200	16.84
	12/12/02	200	16.81
	12/12/02	300	16.81
	12/12/02	600	16.82
	12/12/02	200	16.82
	12/12/02	300	16.82
	12/12/02	200	16.70
	12/12/02	200	16.70
	12/12/02	400	16.73
	12/12/02	100	16.74
	12/12/02	100	16.79
	12/12/02	400	16.79
	12/12/02	500	16.88
	12/12/02	500	16.81
	12/12/02	100	16.80
	12/12/02	500	16.94
	12/12/02	200	16.94
	12/12/02	700	16.95
	12/12/02	700	16.95
	12/12/02	700	17.03
	12/12/02	700	17.03
	12/12/02	200	17.03
	12/12/02	200	17.04
	12/12/02	200	17.05
	12/12/02	200	17.03
	12/12/02	200	17.04
	12/12/02	200	17.04
	12/12/02	500	17.05
	12/12/02	300	17.03
	12/12/02	300	17.04
	12/12/02	300	17.03
	12/12/02	300	17.03
	12/12/02	200	17.03
	12/12/02	200	17.03
	12/12/02	400	17.02
	12/12/02	1,000	17.03
	12/12/02	400	17.03
	12/12/02	400	17.03
	12/12/02	500	17.03
	12/12/02	700	17.03
	12/12/02	700	17.03
	12/12/02	700	17.03
	12/12/02	200	17.04
	12/12/02	300	17.04
	12/12/02	500	17.05
	12/12/02	1,500	17.05
        12/13/02	1,100	17.00
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	200	16.99
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	100	17.00
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	300	16.99
	12/13/02	300	17.00
	12/13/02	200	17.00
	12/13/02	200	16.99
	12/13/02	500	17.06
	12/13/02	100	17.02
	12/13/02	200	17.02
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	200	16.98
	12/13/02	400	16.90
	12/13/02	300	16.99
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	300	16.98
	12/13/02	300	17.05
	12/13/02	500	17.07
	12/13/02	500	17.07
	12/13/02	200	17.04
	12/13/02	100	17.01
	12/13/02	100	17.02
	12/13/02	200	17.04
	12/13/02	300	17.04
	12/13/02	400	17.04
	12/13/02	500	16.95
	12/13/02	500	16.95
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	300	16.97
	12/13/02	400	16.99
	12/13/02	300	17.00
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	500	17.00
	12/13/02	200	16.99
	12/13/02	100	16.98
	12/13/02	200	16.99
	12/13/02	300	16.99
	12/13/02	200	16.99
	12/13/02	500	16.99
	12/13/02	300	16.99
	12/13/02	500	16.99
	12/13/02	100	16.99
     	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	200	16.99
	12/13/02	200	16.99
	12/13/02	300	16.99
	12/13/02	100	16.99
	12/13/02	200	16.98
	12/13/02	400	16.99
	12/13/02	200	16.99
	12/13/02	300	16.99
	12/13/02	200	16.99
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	02/14/03	100	11.26
	02/14/03	200	11.26
	02/14/03	100	11.26
	02/14/03	800	11.35
	02/14/03	500	11.34
	02/18/03	2,500	11.50
	02/18/03	200	11.58
	02/18/03	200	11.60
	02/18/03	200	11.92
	02/18/03	300	11.92
	02/18/03	200	12.53
	02/18/03	600	12.56
	02/18/03	200	12.43
	02/18/03	100	12.30
	02/18/03	100	12.30
	02/18/03	100	12.30
	02/18/03	200	12.26
	02/18/03	200	11.98
	02/18/03	1,100	11.98
	02/18/03	500	11.98
	02/18/03	2,500	12.00
	02/19/03	1,000	12.15
	02/19/03	400	12.20
	02/19/03	200	12.23
	02/19/03	500	12.32
	02/19/03	200	12.25
	02/19/03	200	12.13
	02/19/03	300	12.13
	02/19/03	200	12.16
	02/19/03	100	12.13
	02/19/03	200	12.14
	02/19/03	100	12.07
	02/19/03	200	12.08
	02/19/03	200	12.01
	02/19/03	2,500	11.95

Item 7.   Material to Be Filed as Exhibits

      A joint filing agreement between Mr. Sumner M. Redstone and
National Amusements, Inc. is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.


     After reasonable inquiry and to the best of our knowledge
and belief, we certify that the information set forth in this
statement is true, complete and correct.  Pursuant to Rule 13d-
1(k)(1), each of the undersigned agrees that this statement is
filed on behalf of each of us.

February 20,2002                   /s/ Sumner M. Redstone
                                   Sumner M. Redstone,

                                   National Amusements, Inc.

                                   By:   /s/ Sumner M. Redstone
                                   Name: Sumner M. Redstone,
                                   Title:Chairman and Chief
                                         Executive Officer


                                             Exhibit 1

                     JOINT FILING AGREEMENT

     The undersigned hereby agree that the Statement on Schedule
13D, dated November 21, 1985 (the "Schedule 13D"), with respect
to the common stock, $.50 par value per share (the "Common
Shares"), of WMS Industries Inc. (the "Issuer") is, and any
amendments executed by us shall be, filed on behalf of each of us
pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Rule 13d-
1(k) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
that this Agreement shall be included as an exhibit to the
Schedule 13D and each such amendment.  Each of the undersigned
agrees to be responsible for the timely filing of the Schedule
13D and any amendments thereto, and for the completeness and
accuracy of the information concerning itself contained therein.
This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, all
of which taken together shall constitute one and the same

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this
Agreement as of the 30th day of July, 2002.

                         NATIONAL AMUSEMENTS, INC.

                         By: /s/ Sumner M. Redstone
                              Sumner M. Redstone
                              Chairman and
                              Chief Executive Officer

                         By: /s/ Sumner M. Redstone
                              Sumner M. Redstone