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Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
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2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
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Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
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4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
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Date Filed: |
April 8, 2008
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Insulet Corporation (the Company) to
be held at 8:30 a.m., local time, on Thursday, May 8,
2008 at the offices of Goodwin Procter LLP, 53 State Street,
Boston, MA 02109.
At this Annual Meeting, the agenda includes the election of
three Class I directors for three-year terms, the approval
of an amendment to the Companys 2007 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan, the ratification of the appointment of
Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2008 and the consideration and vote upon such
other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or
any adjournments or postponements thereof. The Board of
Directors unanimously recommends that you vote FOR the election
of the director nominees, the amendment of the Companys
2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan and the ratification of the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP.
Details regarding the matters to be acted upon at this Annual
Meeting appear in the accompanying Proxy Statement. Please give
this material your careful attention.
If you are a stockholder of record, please vote in one of the
following three ways whether or not you plan to attend the
Annual Meeting: (1) by completing, signing and dating the
accompanying proxy card and returning it in the enclosed
postage-prepaid envelope, (2) by completing your proxy
using the toll-free telephone number listed on the proxy card,
or (3) by completing your proxy on the Internet at the
address listed on the proxy card. It is important that your
shares be voted whether or not you attend the meeting in person.
Votes made by phone or on the Internet must be received by
11:59 p.m., local time, on May 7, 2008. If you attend
the Annual Meeting, you may vote in person even if you have
previously returned your proxy card or completed your proxy by
phone or on the Internet. Your prompt cooperation will be
greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours,
President and Chief Executive Officer
9 Oak Park Drive
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
To Be Held on May 8,
To the Stockholders of Insulet Corporation:
The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Insulet Corporation, a
Delaware corporation (the Company), will be held at
8:30 a.m., local time, on Thursday, May 8, 2008, at
the offices of Goodwin Procter LLP, 53 State Street,
Boston, MA 02109, for the following purposes:
1. to elect three (3) Class I directors to the
Board of Directors, each to serve for a three-year term and
until his successor has been duly elected and qualified or until
his earlier resignation or removal;
2. to approve an amendment to the Companys 2007 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan to increase the aggregate number of
shares authorized for issuance under such plan by
600,000 shares of the Companys common stock;
3. to ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as the Companys independent registered public accounting
firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008; and
4. to consider and vote upon such other business as may
properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournments or
postponements thereof.
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on
March 24, 2008 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting and at any adjournment or postponement thereof.
In the event there are not sufficient shares to be voted in
favor of any of the foregoing proposals at the time of the
Annual Meeting, the Annual Meeting may be adjourned in order to
permit further solicitation of proxies.
All stockholders are cordially invited to attend the Annual
Meeting in person. However, to assure your representation at the
Annual Meeting, you are urged to vote in one of the following
three ways whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting:
(1) by completing, signing and dating the accompanying
proxy card and returning it in the postage-prepaid envelope
enclosed for that purpose, (2) by completing your proxy
using the toll-free number listed on the proxy card, or
(3) by completing your proxy on the Internet at the address
listed on the proxy card. Votes made by phone or on the Internet
must be received by 11:59 p.m., local time, on May 7,
2008. If you attend the Annual Meeting, you may vote in person
even if you have previously returned your proxy card or
completed your proxy by telephone or on the Internet.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
General Counsel and Secretary
Bedford, Massachusetts
April 8, 2008
9 Oak Park Drive
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
For the 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
to be held on May 8, 2008 at 8:30 a.m.
at the offices of Goodwin Procter LLP, 53 State Street,
Boston, MA 02109
April 8, 2008
Proxies in the form enclosed with this Proxy Statement are
solicited by the Board of Directors of Insulet Corporation, a
Delaware corporation (the Company), for use at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held at 8:30 a.m.,
local time, on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at the offices of
Goodwin Procter LLP, 53 State Street, Boston, MA 02109, or at
any adjournments or postponements thereof (the Annual
An Annual Report to Stockholders, containing financial
statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007, is
being mailed together with this Proxy Statement to all
stockholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. The Annual
Report, however, is not a part of the proxy solicitation
As more fully described in this Proxy Statement, the purposes of
the Annual Meeting are to (i) elect three (3)
Class I directors for three-year terms; (ii) to
approve an amendment to the Companys 2007 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan to increase the aggregate number of shares
authorized for issuance under such plan by 600,000 shares
of the Companys common stock; (iii) ratify the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys
independent registered accounting firm for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2008; and (iv) consider and vote
upon such other business as may properly come before the Annual
Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof. Only
stockholders of record at the close of business on
March 24, 2008 (the Record Date) will be
entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.
As of that date, 27,532,798 shares of common stock, par
value $0.001 per share, of the Company (the Common
Stock) were issued and outstanding, and there were
60 stockholders of record. The holders of Common Stock are
entitled to one vote per share on any proposal presented at the
Annual Meeting. You may vote in one of the following three ways
whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting:
(1) by completing, signing and dating the accompanying
proxy card and returning it in the postage-prepaid envelope
enclosed for that purpose, (2) by completing your proxy
using the toll-free telephone number listed on the proxy card,
or (3) by completing your proxy on the Internet at the
address listed on the proxy card. Votes made by phone or on the
Internet must be received by 11:59 p.m., local time, on
May 7, 2008. If you attend the Annual Meeting, you may vote
in person even if you have previously returned your proxy card
or completed your proxy by phone or on the Internet.
Any proxy given pursuant to this solicitation may be revoked by
the person giving it at any time before it is voted. Proxies may
be revoked by (a) filing with the Secretary of the Company,
before the taking of the vote at the Annual Meeting, a written
notice of revocation bearing a later date than the proxy,
(b) duly completing a later-dated proxy relating to the
same shares and delivering it to the Secretary of the Company
before the taking of the vote at the Annual Meeting, or
(c) attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person
(although attendance at the Annual Meeting will not in and of
itself constitute a revocation of a proxy). Any written notice
of revocation or subsequent proxy should be sent so as to be
delivered to Insulet Corporation, 9 Oak Park Drive,
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730, Attention: Secretary, before the
taking of the vote at the Annual Meeting.
The representation in person or by proxy of at least a majority
of the outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote at
the Annual Meeting is necessary to constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. Votes withheld from any nominee,
abstentions and broker non-votes are counted as
present or represented for purposes of determining the presence
or absence of a quorum for the Annual Meeting. A
occurs when a nominee holding shares for a beneficial owner
votes on one proposal but does not vote on another proposal
because, with respect to such other proposal, the nominee does
not have discretionary voting power and has not received
instructions from the beneficial owner.
For Proposal 1, the election of Class I directors, the
nominees receiving the highest number of affirmative votes of
the shares present or represented by proxy and entitled to vote
on such matter at the Annual Meeting shall be elected as
directors. For each of Proposal 2, the approval of an
amendment the Companys 2007 Stock Option and Incentive
Plan, and Proposal 3, the ratification of the appointment
of Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys independent
registered accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2008, an affirmative vote of a majority of the
shares present, in person or represented by proxy, and voting on
each such matter is required for approval. Abstentions are
included in the number of shares present or represented and
voting on each matter. Broker non-votes are not
considered voted for the particular matter and have the effect
of reducing the number of affirmative votes required to achieve
a majority for such matter by reducing the total number of
shares from which the majority is calculated.
The persons named as attorneys-in-fact in the proxies, Duane
DeSisto and Carsten Boess, were selected by the Board of
Directors and are officers of the Company. All properly executed
proxies returned in time to be counted at the Annual Meeting
will be voted by such persons at the Annual Meeting. Where a
choice has been specified on the proxy with respect to the
foregoing matters, the shares represented by the proxy will be
voted in accordance with the specifications. If no such
specifications are indicated, such proxies will be voted FOR
the election of the director nominees, the approval of the
amendment to the Companys 2007 Stock Option and Incentive
Plan, and the ratification of the appointment of
Ernst & Young LLP.
Aside from the election of directors, the Board of Directors
knows of no other matters to be presented at the Annual Meeting.
If any other matter should be presented at the Annual Meeting
upon which a vote properly may be taken, shares represented by
all proxies received by the Board of Directors will be voted
with respect thereto in accordance with the judgment of the
persons named as attorneys-in-fact in the proxies.
The Companys Board of Directors currently consists of
eight members. The Companys certificate of incorporation
divides the Board of Directors into three classes. One class is
elected each year for a term of three years. The Board of
Directors, upon the recommendation of the Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee, has nominated Alison de Bord,
Regina Sommer and Joseph Zakrzewski, and recommended that each
be elected to the Board of Directors as a Class I director,
each to hold office until the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to
be held in the year 2011 and until his successor has been duly
elected and qualified or until the earlier of his death,
resignation or removal. Ms. de Bord is currently a Class I
director whose term expires at this Annual Meeting.
Ms. Sommer, who was recommended to our Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee by one of our non-management
directors, is standing for election as a director for the first
time and, if elected, will take the position currently filled by
Gordie Nye. Mr. Zakrzewski, who was recommended to our
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee by one of our
non-management directors, is standing for election as a director
for the first time and, if elected, will take the position
currently filled by Jonathan Silverstein.
The current Board of Directors is also composed of
(i) three Class II directors (Ross Jaffe, M.D.,
Gary Eichhorn and Charles Liamos), whose terms expire upon the
election and qualification of directors at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders to be held in 2009 and (ii) two Class III
directors (Duane DeSisto and Steven Sobieski), whose terms
expire upon the election and qualification of directors at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held in 2010.
The Board of Directors knows of no reason why any of the
nominees would be unable or unwilling to serve, but if any
nominee should for any reason be unable or unwilling to serve,
the proxies will be voted for the election of such other person
for the office of director as the Board of Directors may
recommend in the place of such nominee. Unless otherwise
instructed, the proxy holders will vote the proxies received by
them for the nominees named below.
Required For Approval
A quorum being present, the nominees receiving the highest
number of affirmative votes of the shares present or represented
by proxy and entitled to vote on such matter at the Annual
Meeting shall be elected as directors.
The following table sets forth certain information concerning
the nominees to be elected at the annual meeting and our
continuing directors based on information provided to the
Company by each nominee and director.
Class I nominees for election at 2008 Annual
Meeting nominated to serve a term that expires in
Alison de Bord
Regina Sommer
Joseph Zakrzewski
Class II continuing directors term expires
in 2009
Ross Jaffe, M.D.
Gary Eichhorn
Charles Liamos
Class III continuing directors term expires
in 2010
Duane DeSisto
Steven Sobieski
and Executive Officers
The following table sets forth certain information as of
March 24, 2008 concerning the director nominees to be
elected at the Annual Meeting, as well as the continuing
directors and executive officers of the Company.
Duane DeSisto
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Carsten Boess
Chief Financial Officer
Luis Malavé
Chief Operating Officer
Lars Boesgaard
Vice President of Finance
Stephen Bubrick
Vice President of Customer Care and Reimbursement
Robert Campbell
Vice President of Clinical Services and Research
Ruthann DePietro
Vice President of Quality and Regulatory Affairs
John Garibotto
Vice President of Research, Development and Engineering
Shawna Gvazdauskas
Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Jason Ng
Vice President of Asian Operations
Kevin Schmid
Vice President of Manufacturing
Jeff Smith
Vice President of Business Development
R. Anthony Diehl, Esq.
General Counsel
Alison de Bord(1)(3)
Gary Eichhorn(2)(3)
Ross Jaffe, M.D.(2)(3)
Charles Liamos(1)
Steven Sobieski(1)
Regina Sommer
Director Nominee
Joseph Zakrzewski
Director Nominee
(1) |
Member of the Audit Committee. |
(2) |
Member of the Compensation Committee. |
(3) |
Member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. |
Duane DeSisto. Mr. DeSisto has served as
our President, Chief Executive Officer and a director since
2003. From 2002 to 2003, he served as our President, Chief
Financial Officer and acting Chief Executive Officer. From 2001
to 2002, he served as our Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.
From 1999 to 2001, Mr. DeSisto served in various positions
at, Inc., a business solutions provider for
the pulp and paper industry, including as president, chief
executive officer and chief financial officer. From 1995 to
1999, Mr. DeSisto served as the chief financial officer of
FGX International Holdings Limited (formerly AAI-Foster Grant,
Inc.), an accessories wholesaler, where he had overall
responsibility for the accounting, information technology and
human resource departments. From 1986 to 1995, Mr. DeSisto
served as the chief financial officer of ZOLL Medical
Corporation, a medical device company specializing in
noninvasive resuscitation devices and related software
solutions. Mr. DeSisto currently serves on the board of
directors of LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. Mr. DeSisto earned a
Bachelor of Science from Providence College and a Master of
Business Administration from Bryant College.
Carsten Boess. Mr. Boess has served as
our Chief Financial Officer since June 2006. From 2005 to May
2006, he served as the executive vice president of finance on
the management team for Serono, Inc., a
biotechnology company focusing on reproductive health, metabolic
endocrinology and neurology. From 2004 to 2005, he served as the
chief financial officer for Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a
biotechnology company that develops antibody therapeutics.
Mr. Boess began his career at insulin-maker Novo Nordisk
A/S in 1991 as corporate controller and subsequently took on
various assignments including manager of investor relations and
finance for Novo Nordisk of North America, Inc., senior director
of finance and information technology for the North American
operations of Novozymes A/S and finally as vice president of
finance for the international operations of Novo Nordisk A/S.
Mr. Boess earned Bachelor and Masters degrees in economics
and finance from the University of Odense, Denmark.
Luis Malavé. Mr. Malavé has
served as our Chief Operating Officer since January 2007. He
also served as our Senior Vice President of Research,
Development and Engineering from 2003 to December 2006 and our
Vice President of Research and Development from 2002 to 2003.
From 1986 to 2002, he served in various positions at Medtronic
MiniMed, Inc., a company specializing in insulin infusion
systems for intensive insulin management, including as the
director of engineering and external products.
Mr. Malavé earned a Bachelor of Science from the
University of Minnesota, a Masters degree in software
engineering from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul
and a Master of Business Administration from the University of
Shawna Gvazdauskas. Ms. Gvazdauskas has
served as our Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing since
January 2008. Previously, she served as our Vice President of
Sales since joining us in 2004. From 2002 to 2004, she served as
the vice president of sales at TheraSense, Inc., a blood glucose
monitoring company that was acquired by Abbott Laboratories in
2004. From 2001 to 2002, she served as the national sales
director for Ortho-Neutrogena, a division of Neutrogena
Corporation, a Johnson & Johnson company that
manufactures and sells over-the-counter and prescription skin
and hair care products. From 1998 to 2001, Ms. Gvazdauskas
was the director of professional sales at Neutrogena
Corporation. Ms. Gvazdauskas has also held sales and sales
management positions at Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals, MediSense,
Inc., Pharmacia Opthalmics, Inc. and Syntex Laboratories, Inc.
Ms. Gvazdauskas earned a Bachelor of Science from Worcester
State College.
Lars Boesgaard. Mr. Boesgaard has served
as our Vice President of Finance since June 2007. Prior to
joining us, Mr. Boesgaard served as director of financial
services for Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biotechnology
company that develops antibody therapeutics, from 2004 to 2007.
From 2000 to 2004, Mr. Boesgaard served as director of
finance for ACNielsen. Previously, he held various finance
positions at Novo Nordisk A/S. Mr. Boesgaard earned a
Bachelor of Science degree from Copenhagen Business School and a
Masters in Business Administration from the University of
Western Ontario.
Stephen Bubrick. Mr. Bubrick has served
as our Vice President of Customer Care and Reimbursement since
August 2007. Prior to joining us, Mr. Bubrick served as
director of worldwide in vivo marketing for Abbott Diabetes Care
from 2004 to 2007. Previously, he held various product
development and customer-interfacing positions at TheraSense
Inc., a blood glucose monitoring company acquired by Abbott
Laboratories, and United States and European customer service
roles at LifeScan Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company.
Mr. Bubrick earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the
University of California, Berkeley.
Robert Campbell. Mr. Campbell has served
as our Vice President of Clinical Services and Research since
June 2007. Previously, he served as our director of innovation
and product research and held various marketing, sales, and
clinical roles since joining us in 2001. Previously,
Mr. Campbell held positions at the Joslin Diabetes Center,
Primus Telecommunications and the United States Department of
Agriculture. Mr. Campbell earned a Bachelor of Science
degree in Engineering from Humboldt State University.
Ruthann DePietro. Ms. DePietro has served
as our Vice President of Quality and Regulatory Affairs since
March 2006. From 2000 to 2005, she served as the vice president
in charge of quality and regulatory matters for ONUX Medical,
Inc., a medical device company focusing on innovative surgical
devices for minimally invasive and open procedures.
Ms. DePietro has also worked at Bard Vascular Systems, Bard
Interventional and USCI, each of which are divisions of C.R.
Bard, Inc., as well as Adam Spence Corporation and Mallinckrodt
Cardiology, in each case in positions relating to quality
assurance. Ms. DePietro earned a Bachelor of Science from
the University of Rochester and a Master of Business
Administration from Northeastern University.
John Garibotto. Mr. Garibotto has served
as our Vice President of Research, Development and Engineering
since January 2007. He also served as our Vice President of
Engineering from 2003 to December 2006 and Director of
Engineering from 2000 to 2003. From 1996 to 2000,
Mr. Garibotto served in various positions at Transvascular
Inc., a medical device company that developed a proprietary
platform delivery technology for certain intravascular
procedures that was purchased by Medtronic, Inc. in 2003.
Mr. Garibotto has also worked at Strato/Infusaid Inc. and
Lau Technologies. Mr. Garibotto earned a Bachelor of
Science from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, and a
Master of Business Administration from Northeastern University.
Jason Ng. Mr. Ng has served as our Vice
President of Asian Operations since January 2008. He also served
as our Director of Manufacturing Engineering, External Projects
from January 2007 to January 2008. From 2006 to 2007,
Mr. Ng served as the director of product development for
Nipro Diabetes Systems. From 2005 to 2006, he served as senior
product engineer for Pall Medical Corporation, and from 2002 to
2005, Mr. Ng served as a senior manufacturing and research
and development engineer at Medtronic Minimed, Inc. Mr. Ng
earned a Bachelor of Science degree from ITT Technical Institute.
Kevin Schmid. Mr. Schmid has served as
our Vice President of Manufacturing since 2003. From 2000 to
2002, he served at JDS Uniphase Corporation as the manager of
production and advanced manufacturing. From 1995 to 2000,
Mr. Schmid served as the advanced engineering manager for
Bose Corporation. Mr. Schmid has also worked at American
Cyanamid, BIC Corporation, New Jersey Machine and Microtech
Association, in each case in positions relating to manufacturing
engineering. Mr. Schmid earned a Bachelor of Science from
the Clarkson University and a Master of Business Administration
from Sacred Heart University.
Jeff Smith. Mr. Smith has served as our
Vice President of Business Development since January 2008. He
previously served as our Vice President of Marketing and
Business Development from October 2004 to January 2008 and our
Vice President of Sales and Marketing from June 2004 to October
2004. He was previously the vice president of sales and
marketing at MediSense Products/Abbott Laboratories from 1999 to
2004. Mr. Smith earned a Bachelor of Science from Mount
Allison University, Canada.
R. Anthony
Diehl, Esq. Mr. Diehl has served as our
General Counsel since 2003. From 2001 to 2003, he was Of Counsel
at Bourque & Associates, P.A. where his practice
covered all areas of intellectual property law including patent,
trademark and copyright prosecution, counseling and litigation.
Mr. Diehl earned a Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University
and a Juris Doctor degree from Villanova University School of
Alison de Bord. Ms. de Bord has served on our
board of directors since 2004. She also serves on the board of
directors for Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Prolacta
Bioscience, Inc., Sierra Surgical Technologies, Inc. and SurgRx,
Inc. Ms. de Bord has been affiliated with Alta Partners, a
venture capital firm in life sciences, since 2001 and is a
director of Alta Partners, VIII, L.P. Prior to joining Alta, she
was a senior associate in Robertson Stephens &
Companys Life Sciences Investment Banking Group from 1999
to 2001, with primary responsibilities for the execution of
corporate finance transactions including IPOs, follow-on equity
and convertible preferred offerings. From 1995 to 1997, she was
an associate at Robertson, Stephens & Company, where
she focused on growth medical technology companies in the equity
research group. She began her career in the business development
group of Geron Corporation, a biotechnology company. Ms. de Bord
earned a Bachelor of Arts from Colgate University and a Master
of Business Administration from Columbia Business School.
Gary Eichhorn. Mr. Eichhorn has served on
our board of directors since 2003. Mr. Eichhorn is
currently a management consultant and has served as the
president of Eichhorn Group LLC, a venture consulting firm,
since 2000. Mr. Eichhorn is on the board of directors of
two privately-held technology companies: Chosen Security, Inc.
and Eikonus, Inc., and is a member of the National Association
of Corporate Directors. Previously, Mr. Eichhorn was the
president, chief executive officer and a director of Open Market
Inc., an Internet commerce software provider, from 1995 to 2000.
From 1991 to 1995, Mr. Eichhorn worked at Hewlett-Packard
Company, most recently serving as group vice president and
general manager of Hewlett Packards Medical Systems Group.
From 1975 to 1991, Mr. Eichhorn held various sales and
management positions at Digital Equipment Corporation, a
computer company. Mr. Eichhorn earned a Bachelor of Arts
from Colgate University and attended the Advanced Management
Program at Harvard Business School.
Ross Jaffe, M.D. Dr. Jaffe has
served on our board of directors since 2001. Dr. Jaffe is a
managing director of Versant Ventures, a healthcare-focused
venture capital firm that he co-founded in 1999. In addition, he
currently serves on the boards of directors of several privately
held companies, including Calypso Medical Technologies, Inc.,
Ablation Frontiers, Inc., NDO Surgical, Inc., Acclarent, Inc.,
Impedance Cardiology Systems, Inc., Vital Therapies, Inc. and
Portaero, Inc. Dr. Jaffe is also a partner at Brentwood
Venture Capital, a private venture capital firm that he has
worked with since 1990. Dr. Jaffe is a board-certified
internist, having completed his residency training in Internal
Medicine/Primary Care at the University of California,
San Francisco, where he remained a part-time attending
physician until 1995. Before and during medical school, he was
an analyst for Lewin and Associates, a healthcare consulting
firm, and a research associate at Dartmouth Medical School.
Dr. Jaffe earned a Bachelor of Arts from Dartmouth College,
a Medical Degree from John Hopkins University and a Master of
Business Administration from Stanford University.
Charles Liamos. Mr. Liamos has served on
our board of directors since 2005. Mr. Liamos has been
associated with MedVenture Associates since September 2006,
first as the executive in residence and currently as a partner
in MedVenture Associates Management V Co., LLC, which is the
general partner of MedVenture Associates V, L.P. and
MedVenture Affiliates V, L.P. From 2005 to 2006,
Mr. Liamos served as the president and chief executive
officer of FoviOptics, a medical device company that focused on
blood glucose monitoring. Before joining FoviOptics,
Mr. Liamos served as the chief operating officer and chief
financial officer of TheraSense, Inc. from 2001 to 2004, as its
vice president and chief financial officer from 1999 to 2001,
and as its director of purchasing and finance from 1998 to 1999.
When Abbott Laboratories acquired TheraSense in 2004,
Mr. Liamos was named group vice president of business
operations for Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc., and served on the
committee that integrated TheraSense into its new parent
company. From 1995 to 1998, Mr. Liamos was the director of
worldwide sourcing at LifeScan, Inc., a division of
Johnson & Johnson. Mr. Liamos earned a Bachelor
of Science from the University of Vermont and is a graduate of
the General Electric Financial Management Program.
Steven Sobieski. Mr. Sobieski has served
on our board of directors since December 2006. Mr. Sobieski
currently serves as chief financial officer and vice president
of finance and administration of LifeCell Corporation, a
position he has held since 2000. Prior to joining LifeCell
Corporation, Mr. Sobieski was vice president of finance at
Osteotech, Inc. From 1981 through 1991, he served in various
positions with Coopers & Lybrand, a public accounting
firm. Mr. Sobieski earned a Bachelor of Science from
Monmouth University and a Master of Business Administration from
Rutgers University. He is a Certified Public Accountant.
Regina Sommer. Ms. Sommer currently
serves on the board of directors of ING Direct, Soundbite
Communications and Wright Express Corporation. From 2002 through
2005, she served as the vice president and chief financial
officer of Netegrity, Inc., which was acquired by Computer
Associates in November 2004. From 1999 to 2001, she served as
the vice president and chief financial officer of Revenio, Inc.
From 1995 to 1999, she served as senior vice president and chief
financial officer of Open Market, Inc., and from 1989 to 1994,
she served as the vice president of finance at The Olsten
Corporation. She also worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from
1980 to 1989. Ms. Sommer earned a Bachelor of Arts degree
from the College of the Holy Cross. She is a Certified Public
Joseph Zakrzewski. Mr. Zakrzewski
currently serves as the chief executive officer of Xcellerex
Incorporated. From 2005 to 2007, Mr. Zakrzewski served as
the chief operating officer of Reliant Pharmaceuticals. From
1988 to 2005, Mr. Zakrzewski served in a variety of
positions at Eli Lilly and Company, including as Vice President,
Corporate Business Development from 2003 to 2005.
Mr. Zakrzewski earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical
Engineering and a Masters degree in Biochemical Engineering from
Drexel University, as well as a Master of Business
Administration from Indiana University.
Executive officers of the Company are elected by the Board of
Directors on an annual basis and serve until their successors
have been duly elected and qualified.
Board of
The Board of Directors met 13 times during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2007, and took action by unanimous written
consent one time. Each of the directors attended at least 75% of
the aggregate of the total
number of meetings of the Board of Directors and the total
number of meetings of all committees of the Board of Directors
on which he served during fiscal 2007. The Board of Directors
has an Audit Committee, a Compensation Committee and a
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Each committee
has a charter that has been approved by the Board of Directors.
Each committee is required to review the appropriateness of its
charter at least annually.
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors currently consists
of Steve Sobieski, Charles Liamos and Alison de Bord.
Mr. Sobieski is the Chairman of the Audit Committee. The
Board of Directors has determined that each member of the Audit
Committee meets the independence requirements promulgated by The
Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (Nasdaq) and the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including
Rule 10A-3(b)(1)
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
Exchange Act). In addition, the Board of Directors
has determined that each member of the Audit Committee is
financially literate and that Messrs. Sobieski and Liamos
each qualify as an audit committee financial expert
under the rules of the SEC. Stockholders should understand that
this designation is a disclosure requirement of the SEC related
to his experience and understanding with respect to certain
accounting and auditing matters. The designation does not impose
upon Messrs. Sobieski and Liamos any duties, obligations or
liability that are greater than are generally imposed on other
members of the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, and
designation as an audit committee financial expert pursuant to
this SEC requirement does not affect the duties, obligations or
liability of any other member of the Audit Committee or the
Board of Directors.
The purposes of the Audit Committee are to, among other
functions, oversee our accounting and financial reporting
processes and the audits of our financial statements, and take,
or recommend that our board of directors take, appropriate
action to oversee the qualifications, independence and
performance of our independent auditors. The Audit Committee is
also responsible for preparing the Audit Committee Report for
inclusion in this and subsequent proxy statements in accordance
with applicable rules and regulations.
The Audit Committee met eight times during the year ended
December 31, 2007, and did not take any action by unanimous
written consent. The Audit Committee operates under a written
charter adopted by the Board of Directors, a copy of which is
included as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement and is also
available at the Corporate Governance section of the
Companys website at
The Compensation Committee currently consists of Gary Eichhorn,
Ross Jaffe, M.D. and Jonathan Silverstein.
Mr. Eichhorn is the Chairman of the Compensation Committee.
The Board of Directors has determined that each member of the
Compensation Committee meets the independence requirements
promulgated by Nasdaq. The purposes of the Compensation
Committee are to, among other functions, discharge our board of
directors responsibilities relating to compensation of our
directors and executives, oversee our overall compensation
programs and prepare the compensation committee report required
to be included in our annual proxy statement. See the section
entitled Executive and Director Compensation for a
more detailed description of the policies and procedures of the
Compensation Committee.
The Compensation Committee met seven times during the year ended
December 31, 2007, and did not take any action by unanimous
written consent. The Compensation Committee operates under a
written charter adopted by the Board of Directors, a current
copy of which is available at the Corporate Governance section
of the Companys website at
and Corporate Governance Committee
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board
of Directors currently consists of Ross Jaffe, M.D., Alison
de Bord and Gary Eichhorn. Dr. Jaffe is the Chairman of the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The Board of
Directors has determined that each member of the Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee meets the independence
requirements promulgated by Nasdaq. The purposes of the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee are to, among
other functions, identify
individuals qualified to become board members, recommend that
our board of directors select the director nominees for election
at each annual meeting of stockholders and periodically review
and recommend any changes to our corporate governance guidelines
to our board of directors.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee met five times
during the year ended December 31, 2007, and did not take
any action by unanimous written consent. The Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee operates under a written charter
adopted by the Board of Directors, a current copy of which is
available at the Corporate Governance section of the
Companys website at
As described below in the section entitled Policies
Governing Director Nominations, the Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee will consider nominees
recommended by stockholders.
For more corporate governance information, you are invited to
access the Corporate Governance section of the Companys
website available at
of Members of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors and the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee have determined that our director nominees
(Ms. de Bord, Ms. Sommers and Mr. Zakrzewski) and our
non-management directors (Dr. Jaffe and
Messrs. Eichhorn, Liamos and Sobieski) are independent
within the meaning of the director independence standards of
both Nasdaq and the SEC, including
Rule 10A-3(b)(1)
under the Exchange Act.
Sessions of Independent Directors
Non-management members of the Board of Directors meet without
the employee director of the Company following most regularly
scheduled in-person meetings of the Board of Directors. These
executive sessions include only those directors who meet the
independence requirements promulgated by Nasdaq, and
Dr. Jaffe is responsible for chairing these executive
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
During 2007, Dr. Jaffe and Messrs. Eichhorn and
Silverstein served as members of the Compensation Committee. No
member of the Compensation Committee was an employee or former
employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, or had any
relationship with the Company requiring disclosure herein.
During 2007, no executive officer of the Company served as:
(i) a member of the compensation committee (or other
committee of the board of directors performing equivalent
functions or, in the absence of any such committee, the entire
board of directors) of another entity, one of whose executive
officers served on the Compensation Committee of the Company;
(ii) a director of another entity, one of whose executive
officers served on the Compensation Committee of the Company; or
(iii) a member of the compensation committee (or other
committee of the board of directors performing equivalent
functions or, in the absence of any such committee, the entire
board of directors) of another entity, one of whose executive
officers served as a director of the Company.
Governing Director Nominations
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board
of Directors is responsible for reviewing with the Board of
Directors from time to time the appropriate qualities, skills
and characteristics desired of members of the Board of Directors
in the context of the needs of the business and current
make-up of
the Board of Directors. The Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee must be satisfied that each committee-recommended
nominee shall have the highest personal and professional
integrity, shall have demonstrated exceptional ability and
judgment, and shall be most effective, in conjunction with the
continuing directors, in collectively serving the long-term
interests of the stockholders. In addition to these minimum
qualifications, the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee will recommend that the Board of Directors select
persons for nomination to help ensure that a majority of the
Board of Directors shall be
independent, in accordance with the standards
established by Nasdaq, and that at least one member of the Audit
Committee shall have such experience, education and other
qualifications necessary to qualify as an audit committee
financial expert, as defined by SEC rules. Finally, in
addition to any other standards the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee may deem appropriate from time to time for
the overall structure and composition of the Board of Directors,
the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee may consider
whether a nominee has direct experience in the industry or in
the markets in which the Company operates and whether the
nominee, if elected, will assist in achieving a mix of Board
members that represents a diversity of background and experience.
for Identifying and Evaluating Director Nominees
The Board of Directors is responsible for approving nominees to
the Board. The Board of Directors delegates the selection and
nomination process to the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee, with the expectation that other members of the Board
of Directors, and of management, will be requested to take part
in the process as appropriate.
Generally, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
identifies candidates for director nominees in consultation with
management, through the use of search firms or other advisors,
through the recommendations submitted by stockholders or through
such other methods as the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee deems to be helpful to identify candidates. Once
candidates have been identified, the Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee confirms that the candidates meet all of
the minimum qualifications for director nominees established by
the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee may gather
information about the candidates through interviews, detailed
questionnaires, background checks or any other means that the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee deems to be
helpful in the evaluation process. The Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee then meets as a group to discuss and
evaluate the qualities and skills of each candidate, both on an
individual basis and taking into account the overall composition
and needs of the Board of Directors. Based on the results of the
evaluation process, the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee recommends candidates for the Board of Directors
approval as director nominees for election to the Board of
Directors. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
also recommends candidates to the Board of Directors for
appointment to the committees of the Board of Directors.
for Recommendation of Director Nominees by
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will consider
director nominee candidates who are recommended by stockholders
of the Company. Stockholders, in submitting recommendations to
the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee for director
nominee candidates, must follow the following procedures:
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee must receive
any such recommendation for nomination not less than 120
calendar days prior to the first anniversary of the date the
Companys proxy statement was released to stockholders in
connection with the previous years annual meeting.
All recommendations for nomination must be in writing and
include the following:
The name and address of record of the stockholder.
A representation that the stockholder is a record holder of our
securities, or if the stockholder is not a record holder,
evidence of ownership in accordance with
Rule 14a-8(b)(2)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
The name, age, business and residential address, educational
background, current principal occupation or employment, and
principal occupation or employment for the preceding five
(5) full fiscal years of the proposed director candidate.
A description of the qualifications and background of the
proposed director candidate which addresses the minimum
qualifications and other criteria approved by the Nominating and
Corporate Governance
Committee from time to time and set forth in the Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee charter.
A description of all arrangements or understandings between the
stockholder and the proposed director candidate.
The consent of the proposed director candidate (i) to be
named in the proxy statement relating to the Companys
annual meeting of stockholders and (ii) to serve as a
director if elected at such annual meeting.
Any other information regarding the proposed director candidate
that is required to be included in a proxy statement filed
pursuant to SEC rules.
Nominations must be sent to the attention of the Secretary of
the Company by U.S. mail (including courier or expedited
delivery service) to:
Insulet Corporation
9 Oak Park Drive
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
Attn: Secretary of Insulet Corporation
The Secretary of the Company will promptly forward any such
nominations to the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee. As a requirement to being considered for nomination
to the Companys Board of Directors, a candidate may need
to comply with the following minimum procedural requirements:
A candidate must undergo a comprehensive private investigation
background check by a qualified company of the Companys
choosing; and
A candidate must complete a detailed questionnaire regarding his
or her experience, background and independence.
Once the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee receives
the nomination of a candidate and the candidate has complied
with the minimum procedural requirements above, such candidacy
will be evaluated and a recommendation with respect to such
candidate will be delivered to the Board of Directors. In
addition to these procedures for recommending a director nominee
to the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, a
stockholder may propose an individual for election to the Board
of Directors in accordance with the Companys By-Laws, as
described in the Stockholder Proposals section of
this Proxy Statement.
Governing Securityholder Communications with the Board of
The Board of Directors provides to every securityholder the
ability to communicate with the Board of Directors as a whole
and with individual directors on the Board of Directors through
an established process for securityholder communication as
For securityholder communications directed to the Board of
Directors as a whole, securityholders may send such
communications to the attention of the Chairman of the Board of
Directors by U.S. mail (including courier or expedited
delivery service) to:
Insulet Corporation
9 Oak Park Drive
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
Attn: Chairman of the Board of Directors
For securityholder communications directed to an individual
director in his or her capacity as a member of the Board of
Directors, securityholders may send such communications to the
attention of the individual director by U.S. mail
(including courier or expedited delivery service) to:
Insulet Corporation
9 Oak Park Drive
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
Attn: [Name of the director]
The Company will forward any such securityholder communication
to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, as a representative
of the Board of Directors, or to the director to whom the
communication is addressed.
Governing Director Attendance at Annual Meetings of
The Companys policy is that all directors are encouraged
to attend the Companys Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
This is our first Annual Meeting of Stockholders since we
consummated our initial public offering on May 15, 2007.
Board of
Directors Evaluation Program
In order to maintain the Companys governance standards,
the Board of Directors is required to undertake annually a
formal self-evaluation process. As part of this process, the
Board of Directors evaluates a number of competencies, including
but not limited to: Board structure; Board roles; Board
processes; Board composition, orientation and development; and
Board dynamics, effectiveness and involvement.
Code of
The Company has adopted a code of ethics, as defined
by regulations promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and the Exchange Act, that applies to all of the
Companys directors and employees worldwide, including its
principal executive officer, principal financial officer,
principal accounting officer or controller, or persons
performing similar functions. A current copy of the Code of
Business Conduct is available at the Investor Relations section
of the Companys website at
A copy of the Code of Business Conduct may also be obtained,
free of charge, from the Company upon a request directed to:
Insulet Corporation, 9 Oak Park Drive, Bedford, Massachusetts
01730, Attention: Secretary. The Company intends to disclose any
amendment to or waiver of a provision of the Code of Business
Conduct that applies to its principal executive officer,
principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or
controller, or persons performing similar functions, by posting
such information on its website available at
For more corporate governance information, you are invited to
access the Investor Relations section of the Companys
website available at
and Procedures With Respect to Related Party
In accordance with its written charter, the Audit Committee
conducts an appropriate review of all related party transactions
for potential conflict of interest situations on an ongoing
basis, and the approval of the Audit Committee is required for
all related party transactions. The term related party
transaction refers to transactions required to be
disclosed in our filings with the SEC pursuant to Item 404
Regulation S-K.
With Related Persons
There were no related party transactions in fiscal 2007.
The following table sets forth certain information regarding
beneficial ownership of the Companys Common Stock as of
February 1, 2008: (i) by each person who is known by
the Company to beneficially own more than 5% of the outstanding
shares of Common Stock; (ii) by each director or nominee of
the Company; (iii) by each executive officer of the Company
named in the Summary Compensation Table set forth below under
Executive and Director Compensation; and
(iv) by all directors and executive officers of the Company
as a group.
The applicable ownership percentage is based upon
27,532,798 shares of our Common Stock outstanding as of
March 24, 2008.
Number of
Name and Address(1)
Directors and Executive Officers
Duane DeSisto (2)
Carsten Boess (3)
Luis Malavé (4)
Jeff Smith (5)
Shawna Gvazdauskas (6)
Alison de Bord (7)
Gary Eichhorn (8)
Ross Jaffe (9)
Charles T. Liamos (10)
Gordie Nye (11)
Jonathan Silverstein (12)
Steven T. Sobieski (13)
Ruthann DePietro
John Garibotto
Jason Ng
Kevin Schmid
R. Anthony Diehl, Esq.
Lars Boesgaard
Stephen Bubrick
Robert Campbell
All Directors and Executive Officers as a group
(20 persons) (14)
More Than 5% Holders
Samuel D. Isaly (15)(16)
OrbiMed Capital GP II LLC (15)(16)
Prism Venture Partners III, LLC (17)
Prism Investment Partners III, L.P. (17)
Prism Venture Partners III, L.P. (18)
Versant Ventures I, L.L.C. (19)
Versant Venture Capital I, L.P. (20)
Unicredito Italiano S.p.A. (21)
* |
Represents less than 1% of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock. |
(1) |
Unless otherwise indicated, the address of each stockholder is
c/o Insulet
Corporation, 9 Oak Park Drive, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730. |
(2) |
Includes 514,027 shares of our common stock issuable upon
the exercise of options exercisable on or within 60 days
after February 1, 2008. |
(3) |
Includes 175,000 shares of our common stock issuable upon
the exercise of options exercisable on or within 60 days
after February 1, 2008. |
(4) |
Includes 104,243 shares of our common stock issuable upon
the exercise of options exercisable on or within 60 days
after February 1, 2008. |
(5) |
Includes 137,054 shares of our common stock issuable upon
the exercise of options exercisable on or within 60 days
after February 1, 2008. |
(6) |
Includes 34,211 shares of our common stock issuable upon
the exercise of options exercisable on or within 60 days
after February 1, 2008. |
(7) |
Ms. de Bord is a member of Alta BioPharma Management III, LLC,
which is the general partner of Alta BioPharma Partners III,
L.P. and the managing limited partner of Alta BioPharma
Partners III GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG. Ms. de
Bord is also affiliated with Alta Embarcadero BioPharma Partners
III, LLC. Alta BioPharma Partners III GmbH & Co.
Beteiligungs KG beneficially owns 73,349 shares of common
stock, Alta BioPharma Partners III, L.P. beneficially owns
1,092,187 shares of our common stock and Alta Embarcadero
BioPharma Partners III, LLC beneficially owns 26,915 shares
of our common stock. Ms. de Bord does not possess voting and/or
investment power over the shares held by these entities and
disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares held by these
entities, except to the extent of her pecuniary interests. |
(8) |
Includes 10,711 shares of our common stock issuable upon
the exercise of options exercisable on or within 60 days
after February 1, 2008 and 41,940 shares of our common
stock beneficially owned by Mr. Eichhorn. |
(9) |
Includes 1,957,713 shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by Versant Venture Capital I, L.P.,
38,301 shares of our common stock beneficially owned by
Versant Side Fund I, L.P., 42,557 shares of our common
stock beneficially owned by Versant Affiliates
Fund I-A,
L.P. and 89,372 shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by Versant Affiliates
Fund I-B,
L.P. Dr. Jaffe is a managing director of Versant
Ventures I, L.L.C., which is the general partner of each of
Versant Venture Capital I, L.P., Versant Side Fund I,
L.P., Versant Affiliates
Fund I-A,
L.P. and Versant Affiliates
Fund I-B,
L.P. Dr. Jaffe disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares
held by Versant Venture Capital I, L.P., Versant Side
Fund I, L.P., Versant Affiliates
Fund I-A,
L.P. and Versant Affiliates Fund I-B, L.P., except to the extent
of his pecuniary interests. |
(10) |
Includes 19,035 shares of our common stock issuable upon
the exercise of options exercisable on or within 60 days
after February 1, 2008. |
(11) |
Mr. Nye is affiliated with Prism Venture Partners III, LLC,
which is the general partner of Prism Investment Partners III,
L.P., which is the general partner of each of Prism Venture
Partners III, L.P. and Prism Venture Partners III-A, L.P. Prism
Venture Partners III, L.P. beneficially owns
2,567,242 shares of our common stock and Prism Venture
Partners III-A, L.P. beneficially owns 79,000 shares of our
common stock beneficially owned by Prism Venture Partners III-A,
L.P. Mr. Nye does not possess voting and/or investment
power over the shares held by these entities and disclaims
beneficial ownership of the shares held by these entities,
except to the extent of his pecuniary interests. |
(12) |
Includes 1,047,028 shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by Caduceus Private Investments II, LP,
392,028 shares of our common stock beneficially owned by
Caduceus Private Investments (QP) II, LP and 129,785 shares
of our common stock beneficially owned by UBS Juniper Crossover
Fund, L.L.C. Mr. Silverstein is a partner of OrbiMed
Capital GP II LLC, which is the general partner of each of
Caduceus Private Investments II, LP and Caduceus Private
Investments (QP) II, LP. Mr. Silverstein is also a partner
of OrbiMed Advisors LLC, which is the investment advisor to, and
a member of the managing member of UBS Juniper Crossover Fund,
L.L.C. Mr. Silverstein disclaims beneficial ownership of
the shares held by Caduceus Private Investments II, LP, Caduceus
Private Investments (QP) II, LP and UBS Juniper Crossover Fund,
L.L.C., except to the extent of his pecuniary interests. |
(13) |
Includes 19,035 shares of our common stock issuable upon
the exercise of options exercisable on or within 60 days
after February 1, 2008. |
(14) |
Includes an aggregate of 417,742 shares of our common stock
issuable upon the exercise of options exercisable on or within
60 days after February 1, 2008. See also notes
(2) (13) above. |
(15) |
Includes 1,047,028 shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by Caduceus Private Investments II, LP and
392,028 shares of our common stock beneficially owned by
Caduceus Private Investments (QP) II, LP and 129,785 shares
of our common stock beneficially owned by UBS Juniper Crossover
Fund, L.L.C., OrbiMed Capital GP II LLC is the general partner
of each of Caduceus Private Investments II, LP and Caduceus
Private Investments (QP) II, LP. Samuel D. Isaly, a natural
person (Isaly), owns a controlling interest in the
outstanding limited liability company interests of OrbiMed
Capital GP II LLC pursuant to the terms of the limited liability
company agreement of such entity. Sam Isaly owns a controlling
interest in OrbiMed Advisors LLC which is the investment advisor
to, and a managing member of UBS Juniper Crossover Fund, L.L.C.
Mr. Isaly disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares held
by Caduceus Private Investments II, LP, Caduceus Private
Investments (QP) II, LP and UBS Juniper Crossover Fund, L.L.C.
except to the extent of his pecuniary interest therein. As a
result, Isaly and OrbiMed Capital GP II LLC share power to
direct the vote and to direct the disposition of such shares.
The address of OrbiMed Capital GP II LLC is 767 Third Avenue,
30th Floor, New York, New York 10017. |
(16) |
Includes 1,047,028 shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by Caduceus Private Investments II, LP and
392,028 shares of our common stock beneficially owned by
Caduceus Private Investments (QP) II, LP, OrbiMed Capital GP II
LLC is the general partner of each of Caduceus Private
Investments II, LP and Caduceus Private Investments (QP) II, LP.
Samuel D. Isaly, a natural person (Isaly), owns a
controlling interest in the outstanding limited liability
company interests of OrbiMed Capital GP II LLC pursuant to the
terms of the limited liability company agreement of such entity.
As a result, Isaly and OrbiMed Capital GP II LLC share power to
direct the vote and to direct the disposition of such shares.
The address of OrbiMed Capital GP II LLC is 767 Third Avenue,
30th Floor, New York, New York 10017. |
(17) |
Includes 2,567,242 shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by Prism Venture Partners III, L.P. and 79,000 shares
of our common stock beneficially owned by Prism Venture Partners
III-A, L.P. Prism Venture Partners III, LLC is the general
partner of Prism Investment Partners III, L.P., which is the
general partner of each of Prism Venture Partners III, L.P. and
Prism Venture Partners III-A, L.P. William M. Seifert and
John L. Brooks, III (the principals) are
managing directors of Prism Venture Partners III and Prism
Venture Partners III-A. The principals may be deemed to share
voting and investment powers over the shares held by the funds.
The principals disclaim beneficial ownership of all such shares
held by the fund, except to the extent of their proportionate
pecuniary interest therein. The address of Prism Venture
Partners III, LLC and Prism Investment Partners III, L.P. is 117
Kendrick Street, Suite 200, Needham, Massachusetts 02494. |
(18) |
The address of each of Prism Venture Partners III, L.P. and
Prism Venture Partners III-A, L.P. is 117 Kendrick Street,
Suite 200, Needham, Massachusetts 02494. |
(19) |
Includes 1,957,713 shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by Versant Venture Capital I, L.P.,
38,301 shares of our common stock beneficially owned by
Versant Side Fund I, L.P., 42,557 shares of our common
stock beneficially owned by Versant Affiliates
Fund I-A,
L.P. and 89,372 shares of our common stock beneficially
owned by Versant Affiliates
Fund I-B,
L.P. Versant Ventures I, L.L.C. is the general partner of
each of Versant Venture Capital I, L.P., Versant Side
Fund I, L.P., Versant Affiliates
Fund I-A,
L.P. and Versant Affiliates
Fund I-B,
L.P. Versant Ventures I, LLC has the voting and dispositive
control of the Insulet shares owned by Versant Venture
Capital I, LP. No one limited partner in Versant Venture
Capital I L.P. owns 10% or more of Versant Venture
Capital I, L.P. and no natural persons have an ownership
interest in Versant Venture Capital I, L.P. The managing
directors of Versant Ventures I, LLC are Brian G. Atwood,
Samuel D. Colella, Ross Jaffe, M.D., William J. Link,
Barbara N. Lubash, Donald M. Milder and Rebecca R.
Robertson (collectively the principals). The
principals may be deemed to share voting and investment powers
over the shares held by the funds. The principals disclaim
beneficial ownership of all such shares held by the fund, except
to the extent of their proportionate pecuniary interest therein.
The address of Versant Ventures I, L.L.C. is 3000 Sand Hill
Road, Bldg. 4, Suite 210, Menlo Park, California 94025. |
(20) |
The address of Versant Venture Capital I, L.P. is 3000 Sand
Hill Road, Bldg. 4, Suite 210, Menlo Park, California 94025. |
(21) |
The address of Unicredito Italiano S.p.A. is Piazza Cordusio 2,
20123 Milan, Italy. |
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the
Companys directors, executive officers and holders of more
than 10% of the Companys Common Stock (collectively,
Reporting Persons) to file with the SEC initial
reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of
Common Stock of the Company. Such persons are required by
regulations of the SEC to furnish the Company with copies of all
such filings. The Company became subject to Section 16(a)
reporting obligations on May 14, 2007, upon the SEC
declaring the registration statement for our initial public
offering effective. Based on its review of the copies of such
filings received by it from May 14, 2007 to the present,
the Company believes that no Reporting Person filed a late
report during the most recent fiscal year, except for a report
by Lars Boesgaard with respect to an option grant on
November 8, 2007 for 37,000 shares of the
Companys Common Stock. In January 2008, the omission was
discovered by the Company and a report was immediately filed.
Discussion and Analysis
We provide what we believe is a competitive total compensation
opportunity to our executive management team through a
combination of base salary, target annual cash incentive
bonuses, long-term equity incentive compensation and broad-based
benefits programs. For each individual, the amount of pay that
is actually realized will be primarily driven by the performance
of the company and each individual. We believe this construct is
a key underpinning of our pay for performance philosophy.
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis explains the following:
our compensation objectives
our executive compensation process
our company policies and practices with respect each
compensation element
Included in each of the above will be the rationale for
decisions made in 2007 regarding pay policies and practices to
our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the
other three most highly-compensated executive officers as
determined in accordance with applicable SEC rules, which are
collectively referred to as the named executive officers.
of Our Executive Compensation Programs
Our compensation programs for our named executive officers are
designed to achieve the following objectives:
attract and retain talented and experienced executives in the
highly competitive and dynamic medical device industry;
motivate and reward executives whose knowledge, skills and
performance are critical to our success;
align the interests of our executives and stockholders by
motivating executives to increase stockholder value and
rewarding executives when stockholder value increases;
provide competitive compensation opportunity in which a
significant portion of actual realized pay is determined by
company and individual results and the creation of stockholder
ensure fairness among the executive management team by
recognizing the contributions each executive makes to our
foster a shared commitment among executives by coordinating
their company and individual goals; and
motivate our executives to manage our business to meet our
short- and long-term objectives, and reward them for meeting
these objectives.
Executive Compensation Process
The Compensation Committee of our Board of Directors is
primarily responsible for determining the compensation for our
executives. The Board of Directors has determined that each
member of the Compensation Committee is independent
as that term is defined in the applicable Nasdaq rules. In
determining executive Compensation, our Compensation Committee
annually reviews the performance of our executives with our
Chief Executive Officer, and our Chief Executive Officer makes
recommendations to our Compensation Committee with respect to
the appropriate base salary, annual cash incentive bonus
payments and performance measures and grants of long-term equity
incentive awards for each of our executives, excluding himself.
The Compensation Committee makes determinations on the above
elements for the Chief Executive Officer. Historically, our
Compensation Committee has then made recommendations to our
Board of Directors for these executives, and our Board of
Directors has approved our executive compensation.
Prior to the completion of our initial public offering in May
2007, we were a privately-held company and most of our directors
and Compensation Committee members were appointed by and
affiliated with our largest stockholders. As a result, the total
amount of compensation that we paid to our executives, the types
of executive compensation programs we maintained and the amount
of compensation paid to our executives under each program had
been determined by our Compensation Committee and Board of
Directors based on their understanding of executive compensation
for comparable positions at similarly situated companies,
experience in making these types of decisions and judgment
regarding the appropriate amounts and types of executive
compensation to pay. Additionally, the number of shares
available to be granted under our 2000 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan had been limited by agreements entered into with
our stockholders.
In connection with our initial public offering, our Compensation
Committee engaged an independent compensation consultant, Watson
Wyatt Worldwide, to assist us in reviewing our executive
compensation programs and appropriately adjusting these
programs. Going forward, we expect to continue to rely on our
independent compensation consultant and other more formal market
data regarding comparable companies executive compensation
programs and amounts in determining executive compensation.
Executive Compensation Programs
Our executive compensation primarily consists of base salary,
annual cash incentive bonuses, long-term equity incentive
compensation and broad-based benefits programs. Overall, we
designed our executive compensation programs to achieve the
objectives described above. In particular, consistent with the
significant emphasis we place on performance-based incentive
compensation, long-term equity incentive compensation in the
form of stock options constitutes a significant portion of our
total executive compensation. We also structured our annual cash
incentive bonuses to be primarily tied to the achievement of
predetermined performance goals.
Within the context of the overall objectives of our compensation
programs, we determined the specific amounts of compensation,
both target and realized, to each of our executives in 2007
based on a number of factors including:
our understanding of the amount of compensation paid by our peer
companies to their executives with similar roles and
our executives performance during 2007 in general and as
measured against predetermined performance goals;
the roles and responsibilities of our executives;
the individual experience and skills of, and expected
contributions from, our executives;
the amounts of compensation being paid to our other executives;
our executives historical compensation at our
company; and
any contractual commitments we have made to our executives
regarding compensation.
Each of the primary elements of our executive compensation is
discussed in detail below, including a description of the
particular element and how it fits into our overall executive
compensation and a discussion of the amounts of compensation
paid to our named executive officers in 2007 under each of these
elements. In the descriptions below, we highlight particular
compensation objectives that we have designed specific elements
of our executive compensation program to address; however, it
should be noted that we have designed our compensation programs
to complement each other and collectively serve all of our
executive compensation objectives described above. Accordingly,
whether or not specifically mentioned below, we believe that
each element of our executive compensation program to a greater
or lesser extent serves each of our objectives.
We pay our executives a base salary, which we review and
determine annually. We believe that a competitive base salary is
a necessary element of any compensation program that is designed
to attract and retain talented and experienced executives. We
also believe that attractive base salaries can motivate and
reward executives for their overall performance. Although base
salaries are established in part based on the individual
experience, skills and expected contributions during the coming
year of our executive and our executives performance
during the prior year, we do not view base salaries as primarily
serving our objective of paying for performance.
In 2007, we increased the base salaries of our named executive
officers as follows: Mr. DeSistos base salary
increased from $300,000 to $325,000 per year,
Mr. Boess base salary increased from $275,000 to
$282,000 per year, Mr. Malavés base salary
increased from $240,000 to $275,000 per year,
Ms. Gvazdauskas base salary increased from $216,300
to $227,000 per year and Mr. Smiths base salary
increased from $216,300 to $227,000 per year.
Mr. DeSistos base salary was increased in order to
remain competitive based on our review of market data and
maintain a base salary structure among our executives that, in
our judgment, appropriately reflects their respective roles and
responsibilities. The base salaries of our other executives
reflected 2.5% to 5.0% increases. Our executives base
salaries reflect the initial base salaries that we negotiated
with each of our executives at the time of his or her initial
employment or promotion and our subsequent adjustments to these
amounts to reflect market increases, the growth and stage of
development of our company, our executives performance and
increased experience, any changes in our executives roles
and responsibilities and other factors. The initial base
salaries that we negotiated with our executives were based on
our understanding of base salaries for comparable positions at
similarly situated companies at the time, the individual
experience and skills of, and expected contribution from, each
executive, the roles and responsibilities of the executive, the
base salaries of our existing executives and other factors.
Cash Incentive Bonuses
Consistent with our emphasis on performance incentive
compensation programs, our executives are eligible to receive
annual cash incentive bonuses primarily based upon their
performance as measured against predetermined goals established
by us, including financial measures and the achievement of
strategic objectives. The primary objective of our annual cash
incentive bonuses is to motivate and reward our named executive
officers for meeting our short-term objectives using a
performance-based compensation program with objectively
determinable goals. In addition, we reserve a portion of each
executives annual cash incentive bonus to be paid at our
discretion based on the executives overall performance. We
maintain this discretionary portion of the annual cash incentive
bonuses in order to motivate our executives overall
performance and their performance relating to matters that are
not specifically addressed in the predetermined performance
goals that we set. We believe that every important aspect of
executive performance is not capable of being specifically
quantified in a predetermined objective goal. For example,
events outside of our control may occur after we have
established the executives performance goals for the year
that require our executives to focus their attention on
different or other strategic objectives.
We establish the target amount of our annual cash incentive
bonuses at a level that represents a meaningful portion of our
executives currently paid out cash compensation, and set
additional threshold and maximum performance levels above and
below these target levels. In establishing these levels, in
addition to considering the incentives that we want to provide
to our executives, we also consider target bonus levels for
comparable positions at our peer competitor companies, our
historical practices and any contractual commitments that we
have relating to executive bonuses.
In 2007, we established a target annual cash incentive bonus for
each of our named executive officers of between 20% and 25% of
his or her base salary, depending on the executives role.
Of this amount, 10% to 20% of the bonus was reserved to be paid
at our discretion based on the executives overall
performance. The amount of the discretionary portion of the
annual cash incentive bonus paid to each of our executives was
based on our assessment of their overall performance during the
year. The remainder of the annual cash
incentive bonus for each of our executives was based on their
achievement of a number of predetermined performance goals.
The goals for 2007 related to obtaining and supporting a
predetermined number of customers, meeting a specific financial
goal of budgeted earnings before income tax, depreciation and
amortization for Messrs. DeSisto and Boess and budgeted
spending limits for each other named executive officer, and, for
each executive, achieving other specific individualized
strategic objectives. A specified percentage of the annual cash
incentive bonus is payable based on the achievement of each of
the different performance goals, and generally, for each goal,
the executive has the ability to earn between 50% and 125% of
the target bonus amount.
Overall, the targets for the performance measures were set at
levels that we believed to be achievable with strong performance
by our executives. Although we cannot always predict the
different events that will impact our business during an
upcoming year, we set our performance goals for the target
amount of annual incentive cash bonuses at levels that we
believe will be achieved by our executives a majority of the
time. Our maximum and threshold levels for these performance
goals are determined in relation to our target levels, are
intended to provide for correspondingly greater or lesser
incentives in the event that performance is within a specified
range above or below the target level, and are correspondingly
easier or harder to achieve. We set the performance goals for
the maximum amount at a level that we believe will be achieved
in some years, but will not be achieved a majority of the time.
During 2008, our Compensation Committee adjusted the target
annual incentive bonuses for certain of our executive officers,
which adjustments will apply to bonuses to be paid for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2008.
Ms. Gvazdauskas target bonus, which had been 20% for
2007, was increased to 100% for 2008. The discretionary portion
was eliminated and the predetermined performance goals were
altered as follows: 80% of the bonus will be based on
Ms. Gvazdauskas attainment of a specific revenue goal
and 20% will be based on the achievement of budgeted spending
limits. These changes were made to reflect the importance to our
growing business of Ms. Gvazdauskas sales and
marketing efforts in fiscal 2008 and to provide her with
appropriate incentives. Other named executive officers
target bonuses were also increased as follows based on
comparative data provided to us by Watson Wyatt:
Mr. DeSistos target bonus increased from 25% to 60%,
Mr. Boess target bonus increased from 25% to 45%,
Mr. Malavés target bonus increased from 25% to
45%, and Mr. Smiths target bonus increased from 25%
to 30%.
Equity Incentive Compensation
We grant long-term equity incentive awards in the form of stock
options to executives as part of our total compensation package.
Consistent with our emphasis on performance-based incentive
compensation, these awards represent a significant portion of
total executive compensation. We use long-term equity incentive
awards in order to align the interests of our executives and our
stockholders by providing our executives with strong incentives
to increase stockholder value and a significant reward for doing
so. Based on the early stage of our companys development
and the incentives we are trying to provide to our executives,
we have chosen to use stock options, which derive value
exclusively from increases in stockholder value, as opposed to
restricted stock or other forms of equity awards. Our decisions
regarding the amount and type of long-term equity incentive
compensation and relative weighting of these awards among total
executive compensation have also been based on our understanding
of market practices of similarly situated companies and our
negotiations with our executives in connection with their
initial employment or promotion by our company.
Stock option awards provide our executive officers with the
right to purchase shares of our common stock at a fixed exercise
price typically for a period of up to ten years, subject to
continued employment with our company. Stock options are earned
on the basis of continued service to us and have generally
vested over four years, beginning with one-fourth vesting one
year after the date of grant, then pro-rata vesting monthly
thereafter. Prior to our initial public offering, all stock
option awards were made pursuant to our 2000 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan. Following the closing of our initial public
offering in May 2007, option awards are made pursuant to our
2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. See
Potential Payments Upon Termination or
for a discussion of the
provisions related to stock options.
The exercise price of each stock option granted under our 2000
Stock Option and Incentive Plan or to be granted under our 2007
Stock Option and Incentive Plan is based on the fair market
value of our common stock on the grant date. Historically, the
fair market value of our common stock for purposes of
determining the exercise price of stock options has been
determined by our board of directors based on its analysis of a
number of factors including, among others, the total company
valuation implied by the most recent venture capital round of
financing, the market value of similarly situated public
companies, our anticipated future risks and opportunities, the
rights and preferences of our preferred stock existing at the
time and the discounts customarily applicable to common stock of
privately-held companies. More recently, our board of directors
has based its determination on independent appraisals by an
outside valuation consultant. Following our initial public
offering, all stock options continue to be granted with an
exercise price equal to the fair market value of our common
stock on the date of grant, but fair market value is defined as
the closing market price of a share of our common stock on the
date of grant. We do not have any program, plan or practice of
setting the exercise price based on a date or price other than
the fair market value of our common stock on the grant date.
We have granted all of our stock options to executives as
incentive stock options under Section 422 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, subject to the volume
limitations contained in the Internal Revenue Code. Generally,
for stock options that do not qualify as incentive stock
options, we are entitled to a tax deduction in the year in which
the stock options are exercised equal to the spread between the
exercise price and the fair market value of the stock for which
the stock option was exercised. The holders of the stock options
are generally taxed on this same amount in the year of exercise.
For stock options that qualify as incentive stock options, we do
not receive a tax deduction and the holder of the stock option
may receive more favorable tax treatment than he or she would
for a non-qualified stock option. Historically, we have granted
primarily incentive stock options in order to provide these
potential tax benefits to our executives, particularly given the
limited expected benefits to our company of the tax deductions
as a result of our historical net losses.
We have made grants to our named executive officers on a
periodic, but not necessarily annual, basis. In 2007, we
considered a number of factors in determining what, if any,
stock options to grant to our executives, including:
the number of shares subject to, and exercise price of,
outstanding options, both vested and unvested, held by our
the vesting schedule of the unvested stock options held by our
executives; and
the amount and percentage of our total equity on a diluted basis
held by our executives.
In 2007, we granted Mr. Malavé a stock option under
our 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan to purchase
91,369 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of
$11.64 per share. Other than this grant, we determined not to
make any new stock option grants to our executives in 2007.
Benefits Programs
All full-time employees, including our named executive officers,
may participate in our health and welfare benefit programs,
including medical, dental and vision care coverage, disability
insurance and life insurance, employee stock purchase plan and
our 401(k) plan.
and Change in Control Programs
Certain of our executive officers have entered into employment
agreements that require us to make payments to them if they are
terminated by us without cause or if there is a
change in control. We agreed to provide such payments to these
executives in these circumstances based on our negotiations with
each of our executives at the time they joined our company and
in order to provide a total compensation package that we
believed to be competitive. For a detailed description of these
potential payments, see the section below entitled
Potential Payments Upon Termination or
The Compensation Committee is satisfied that the executive
officers of the Company are dedicated to achieving significant
improvements in the long-term financial performance of the
Company and that the compensation policies and programs
implemented and administered have contributed and will continue
to contribute towards achieving that goal.
Committee Report
No portion of this Compensation Committee Report shall be
deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended, through any general statement
incorporating by reference in its entirety the proxy statement
in which this report appears, except to the extent that the
Company specifically incorporates this report or a portion of it
by reference. In addition, this report shall not be deemed filed
under either the Securities Act or the Exchange Act.
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed with
management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis contained in
this proxy statement. Based on its review of, and the
discussions with management with respect to the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis, the Compensation Committee recommended
to the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors has agreed
that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in
this proxy statement.
Respectfully submitted by the Compensation Committee,
Gary Eichhorn (Chairman)
Ross Jaffe, M.D.
Jonathan Silverstein
of Executive Compensation
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to compensation for the years ended December 31, 2007 and
2006 earned by or paid to our Chief Executive Officer, Chief
Financial Officer and our three other most highly-compensated
executive officers, as determined in accordance with applicable
SEC rules, which are collectively referred to as the named
executive officers.
Name and Principal
Incentive Plan
All Other
Duane DeSisto
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Carsten Boess
Chief Financial
Luis Malavé
Chief Operating
Shawna Gvazdauskas
Senior Vice
President, Sales and Marketing
Jeff Smith
Vice President,
Business Development
(1) |
Based on the dollar amount recognized for financial statement
reporting purposes with respect to the years ended
December 31, 2006 and 2007 in accordance with
SFAS 123R, excluding the impact of forfeitures, and
assuming that we used the prospective transition method for
reporting awards granted prior to 2006. The assumptions we used
for calculating the grant date fair values are set forth in
notes 2 and 10 to our consolidated financial statements
included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2007. |
(2) |
Represents 401(k) matching contributions that we made. |
(3) |
Mr. Boess joined our company in June 2006, and his annual
base salary for 2006 was $275,000. |
(4) |
Mr. Malavé served as our Senior Vice President of
Research, Development and Engineering, until December 31,
2006. On January 2, 2007, he was named our Chief Operating
Officer. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to grants of plan-based awards for the year ended
December 31, 2007 to the named executive officers.
All Other
Estimated Possible Payouts
Exercise or
Under Non-Equity
of Securities
Base Price
Incentive Plan Awards
of Option
Grant Date
Grant Date
Options (#)
Fair Value
Duane DeSisto
Carsten Boess
Luis Malavé
Shawna Gvazdauskas
Jeff Smith
of Summary Compensation and Grants of Plan-Based Awards
Our executive compensation policies and practices, pursuant to
which the compensation set forth in the Summary Compensation
Table and the Grants of Plan Based Awards Table was paid or
awarded, are described above under
Compensation Discussion and Analysis. A
summary of certain material terms of our compensation plans and
arrangements is set forth below.
As of December 31, 2007, we had employment agreements with
Duane DeSisto, our President and Chief Executive Officer;
Carsten Boess, our Chief Financial Officer. As of
December 31, 2007, we did not have currently effective
employment agreements with Luis Malavé, our Chief Operating
Officer (formerly our Senior Vice President of Research,
Development and Engineering); Shawna Gvazdauskas, our Vice
President of Sales; or Jeff Smith, our Vice President of
Marketing and Business Development. We did enter into employment
agreements with Mr. Malavé, Ms. Gvazdauskas and
Mr. Smith when we initially hired them, but these
agreements have since expired. The following is a description of
the material terms of our employment agreements with
Messrs. DeSisto and Boess that were in effect as of
December 31, 2007.
Mr. DeSisto. We entered into an
employment agreement with Mr. DeSisto effective as of
March 1, 2005, which provides for a two-year initial term
of employment that is automatically extended for additional
one-year periods unless either party notifies the other of
non-extension at least 45 days prior to the end of a term.
The current term of the agreement is schedule to expire on
February 29, 2008. Under the agreement, we agreed to pay
Mr. DeSisto an annual base salary determined by our board
of directors that may not be less than $250,000. Additionally,
in the event that Mr. DeSistos employment agreement
is terminated by us without cause, as defined in the employment
agreement, and Mr. DeSisto signs a release acceptable to
us, we will be obligated to continue to pay Mr. DeSisto his
base salary for a period of twelve months following termination.
Our obligation to make these severance payments is subject to
Mr. DeSistos continued compliance with his
confidentiality, non-compete and non-solicitation obligations
under his non-competition and non-solicitation agreement and
employee nondisclosure and developments agreement with us.
Mr. Boess. We entered into an employment
agreement with Mr. Boess effective as of June 1, 2006,
which provides for a two-year term of employment from
June 1, 2006. Under the agreement, Mr. Boesss
initial base salary was established at $275,000, subject to
annual review by our Chief Executive Officer. We also agreed to
grant Mr. Boess a stock option to purchase
209,353 shares of our common stock at an exercise price
equal to fair market value on the date of grant. In the event
that Mr. Boesss employment agreement is terminated by
us without cause, as defined in the employment agreement, and
Mr. Boess signs a release acceptable to us, we will be
obligated to continue to pay Mr. Boess his base salary for
a period of six months following termination. Our obligation to
make these severance payments is also subject to
Mr. Boesss
continued compliance with his confidentiality, non-compete and
non-solicitation obligations under his non-competition and
non-solicitation agreement and employee non-disclosure and
developments agreement with us.
In addition to these employment agreements, each of our named
executive officers has entered into a non-competition and
non-solicitation agreement and an employee non-disclosure and
developments agreement with us, which provide for protection or
our confidential information, assignment to us of intellectual
property developed by our executives and non-compete and
non-solicitation obligations that are effective while the
executive is employed by us and for a period of 12 months
Cash Incentive Bonuses
In 2007, we established target annual cash incentive bonuses for
each of our named executive officers as a percentage of that
executives base salary, as follows:
Mr. DeSisto 25%; Mr. Boess
25%; Mr. Malavé 25%;
Ms. Gvazdauskas 20%; and
Mr. Smith 20%. The following percentages of
these total target annual cash incentive bonuses were reserved
to be paid at our discretion based on the executives
overall performance: Mr. DeSisto 20%;
Mr. Boess 10%; Mr. Malavé
10%; Ms. Gvazdauskas 20%; and
Mr. Smith 20%. The discretionary bonus amounts
paid are reported as Bonus in the Summary
Compensation Table. The remainder of the bonuses were paid based
on the executives achievement of a number of predetermined
performance goals, as described above under
Our Executive Compensation
Programs Annual Cash Incentive Bonuses.
Generally, for each goal, the executive had the ability to earn
between 50% and 125% of the target bonus amount based on the
level of achievement of that goal. The bonuses paid upon the
achievement of these predetermined performance goals are
reported as Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation
in the Summary Compensation Table.
Additionally, in the 2007 Grants of Plan-Based Awards table, the
Estimated Possible Payouts under Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Awards column for each of the executives relates to the
portion of our annual cash incentive bonuses that was payable
upon the achievement of these predetermined performance goals.
The threshold payouts represent the payout that would have been
received if each performance goal was met at the minimum level,
the target represents the payout that would have been received
if each performance goal was met at the target level and the
maximum represents the payout that would have been received if
each performance goal was met at the maximum level.
Stock Option Grants
In 2007, we granted Mr. Malavé a stock option under
our 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan to purchase
91,369 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of
$11.64 per share. This stock option has a term of ten years and
may be exercised at any time and from time to time prior to its
expiration for all or a portion of such option shares. This
stock option vests over four years with 25% of the total award
vesting after one year and the remainder vesting in equal
monthly installments each month thereafter for 36 months.
Vesting of this stock option is also subject to acceleration in
connection with a
as described in Potential Payments Upon
Termination or
Stock Option and Incentive Plan
Our 2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan was initially adopted
by our board of directors and approved by our stockholders in
October 2000. Following our initial public offering in May 2007,
no additional grants are being made under our 2000 Stock Option
and Incentive Plan.
As a matter of practice, most stock options issued under our
2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan have been issued as
incentive stock options, subject to the volume limitations
contained in the Internal Revenue Code, and subject to a
four-year vesting period, with 25% of the total award vesting
after one year and the remainder vesting in equal monthly
installments each month thereafter for 36 months.
Additionally, most of the stock options granted under our 2000
Stock Option and Incentive Plan, including all stock options
issued prior to December 20, 2006, allow for the exercise
of unvested options at any time after the options were issued,
provided that the vesting terms will continue to apply to the
shares acquired upon such an exercise and
any unvested shares will be subject to repurchase by us at the
exercise price paid to acquire the shares. After termination of
an optionee, he or she may exercise his or her vested options
for the period of time stated in the stock option agreement
issued under our 2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan.
Generally, if termination is due to death or disability, the
vested option will remain exercisable for 180 days; if
termination is for cause, the option may no longer be exercised;
and, in all other cases, the vested options will remain
exercisable for three months. In addition, each stock option we
have granted under our 2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan
generally expires ten years after the issuance of such option,
regardless of whether the optionee has been terminated.
Stock Option and Incentive Plan
Background. Our 2007 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan was adopted by our board of directors and
approved by our stockholders in April 2007.
Administration. Our Compensation Committee of
our board of directors is responsible for administering our 2007
Stock Option and Incentive Plan. Under our 2007 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan, the plan administrator has the power to
determine the terms of the awards, including the officers,
employees, non-employee directors and key persons (including
consultants and prospective employees) who will receive awards,
the exercise price, the number of shares subject to each award,
the vesting schedule and exercisability of awards and the form
of consideration payable upon exercise of an option.
Eligibility. All of our officers, employees,
non-employee directors and key persons (including consultants
and prospective employees) are eligible to be granted awards
under our 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan.
Number of Shares Available for Issuance. The
maximum number of shares of our common stock that are authorized
for issuance under our 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan
currently is 535,000 shares, which amount will be increased
on January 1, 2008, and on each January 1 thereafter
through January 1, 2012, by a number of shares equal to 3%
of the number of shares of our common stock outstanding as of
the immediately preceding December 31, up to the maximum
increase of 725,000 additional shares per year. In addition,
each share of deferred stock, restricted stock, unrestricted
stock or performance shares awarded under the 2007 Stock Option
and Incentive Plan will count as 1.5 shares against the
total pool of shares available for issuance under the plan.
Shares issued under the 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan may
be authorized but unissued shares or shares reacquired by us.
Any shares subject to awards that are forfeited, canceled, held
back upon exercise of an option or settlement of an award to
cover the exercise price or tax withholding, reacquired by us
prior to vesting, satisfied without the issuance of shares or
otherwise terminated (other than by exercise) shall be added
back to the shares available for issuance under the 2007 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan. Upon the occurrence of a merger,
consolidation, recapitalization, reclassification, stock split,
stock dividend, combination of shares or the like, the plan
administrator will make an appropriate or proportionate
adjustment in the shares reserved for issuance under, and the
number of shares or exercise price applicable to any award
outstanding under, the 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan.
Types of Awards. The plan administrator may
grant the following types of awards under our 2007 Stock Option
and Incentive Plan: stock options; stock appreciation rights;
deferred stock awards; restricted stock; unrestricted stock;
cash based awards; performance share awards; or dividend
equivalent rights. Stock options awarded under our 2007 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan may be nonqualified stock options or
incentive stock options under Section 422 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. With the exception of
incentive stock options, the plan administrator may grant, from
time to time, any of the types of awards under our 2007 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan to our officers, employees,
non-employee directors and key persons (including consultants
and prospective employees). Incentive stock options may only be
granted to our employees.
Stock Options. A stock option is the right to
acquire shares of our common stock at a fixed price for a fixed
period of time and generally is subject to a vesting
requirement. We typically grant options subject to a four-year
vesting period, with 25% of the total award vesting after one
year and the remainder vesting in equal quarterly installments
each quarter thereafter for 36 months. In the event we are
acquired or are otherwise subject to a change in control, all of
the outstanding options granted under our 2007 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan will become fully vested. A stock option will be
in the form of a nonqualified stock option or an incentive stock
option. The exercise price is set by the plan administrator but
cannot be less than 100% of the fair market value of our common
stock on the date of grant, or, in the case of incentive stock
options granted to an employee who owns 10% or more of total
combined voting power of our common stock, or a 10% owner, the
exercise price cannot be less than 110% of the fair market value
of our common stock on the date grant. The term of a stock
option may not exceed ten years or five years in the case of
incentive stock options granted to a 10% owner. After an
optionees employment with us is terminated, he or she may
exercise his or her vested options for the period of time stated
in the stock option agreement. Generally, if termination is due
to death or disability, the vested option will remain
exercisable for 180 days; if termination is for cause, the
option may no longer be exercised; and, in all other cases, the
vested options will remain exercisable for three months.
However, an option may not be exercised later than its
expiration date.
Amendment and Discontinuance; Term. Our board
of directors may at any time amend or discontinue our 2007 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan, and the plan administrator may at any
time amend or cancel any outstanding award for the purpose of
satisfying changes in law or for any other lawful purpose, but
no such action will adversely affect rights under any
outstanding awards without the holders consent. To the
extent required by applicable laws or rules, plan amendments may
be subject to stockholder approval. Unless terminated earlier,
our 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan will expire on the
tenth anniversary of its effective date.
Employee Stock Purchase Plan
Our 2007 Employee Stock Purchase Plan was adopted by our board
of directors and approved by our stockholders in April 2007 and
became effective upon the closing of our initial public offering
in May 2007. Our 2007 Employee Stock Purchase Plan authorizes
the issuance of up to a total of 380,000 shares of our
common stock to participating employees.
All of our employees who have been employed by us for at least
six months and whose customary employment is for more than
20 hours a week are eligible to participate in our 2007
Employee Stock Purchase Plan. Any employee who owns 5% or more
of the voting power or value of our stock is not eligible to
purchase shares under our 2007 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.
We will make one or more offerings each year to our employees to
purchase stock under our 2007 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. The
first offering began on the date of the closing of our initial
public offering and will end on December 31, 2007.
Subsequent offerings will usually begin on each January 1 and
July 1 and will continue for six-month periods, referred to as
offering periods. Each employee eligible to participate on the
date of the closing of our initial public offering was
automatically deemed to be a participant in the initial offering
Each employee who is a participant in our 2007 Employee Stock
Purchase Plan may purchase shares by authorizing payroll
deductions of up to 10% of his or her cash compensation during
an offering period. Unless the participating employee has
previously withdrawn from the offering, his or her accumulated
payroll deductions will be used to purchase common stock on the
last business day of the offering period at a price equal to 85%
of the fair market value of the common stock on the last day of
the offering period. Under applicable tax rules, an employee may
purchase no more than $25,000 worth of common stock, valued at
the start of the purchase period, under our 2007 Employee Stock
Purchase Plan in any calendar year.
The accumulated payroll deductions of any employee who is not a
participant on the last day of an offering period will be
refunded. An employees rights under our 2007 Employee
Stock Purchase Plan terminate upon voluntary withdrawal from the
plan or when the employee ceases employment for any reason.
Our 2007 Employee Stock Purchase Plan may be terminated or
amended by our board of directors at any time. An amendment that
increases the number of shares of our common stock that is
authorized under our 2007 Employee Stock Purchase Plan and
certain other amendments require the approval of our
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to outstanding equity awards at December 31, 2007 with
respect to the named executive officers.
Option Awards
Number of Securities
Unexercised Options
Exercisable(1) (#)
Price ($)
Expiration Date
Duane DeSisto
Carsten Boess
Luis Malavé
Shawna Gvazdauskas
Jeff Smith
(1) |
All options may be exercised at any time, whether vested or not,
but, upon termination of employment, we may repurchase any
unvested shares at the exercise price paid for the shares.
Unless otherwise noted: |
each option is subject to a four-year vesting
period, with 25% of the total award vesting one year after the
grant date and the remainder vesting in equal monthly
installments each month thereafter for 36 months, subject
to continued employment; and
the expiration date for each option is the date that
is ten years after the grant date.
See Potential Payments Upon Termination or
for a description of the acceleration provisions upon
termination or
change-in-control. |
(2) |
This option vested 25% on February 1, 2003 with the
remainder vesting in equal monthly installments each month
thereafter for 36 months. |
(3) |
This option vested 25% on July 1, 2005 with the remainder
vesting in equal monthly installments each month thereafter for
36 months. |
(4) |
This option vested 25% on June 14, 2005 with the remainder
vesting in equal monthly installments each month thereafter for
36 months. |
The following table shows information regarding option exercises
and vesting of stock awards for each named executive officer
during the year ended December 31, 2007.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Value Realized
Value Realized
on Exercise
on Exercise
on Vesting
on Vesting
Duane DeSisto
Carsten Boess
Luis Malavé
Shawna Gvazdauskas
Jeff Smith
(1) |
The aggregate dollar amount realized upon exercise of the
options is calculated based on the difference between the market
price for our common stock on The Nasdaq Global Market and the
exercise price of such options on the date of exercise. |
Payments Upon Termination or
In the event that any of Mr. DeSistos or
Mr. Boesss employment agreement is terminated by us
without cause and he signs a release acceptable to
us, he will be entitled to continue to be paid his base salary
for a period of six months, in the case of Mr. Boess, or
twelve months, in the case of Mr. DeSisto, as applicable,
following termination. Additionally, these named executive
officers will be entitled to payment for any accrued unused
vacation time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, our obligation to
make these severance payments to any of these named executive
officers is subject to that executives continued
compliance with his confidentiality, non-compete and
non-solicitation obligations under his non-competition and
non-solicitation agreement and employee non-disclosure and
developments agreement with us. We agreed to provide severance
payments to these executives in these circumstances based on our
negotiations with each of our executives at the time they joined
our company and in order to provide a total compensation package
that we believed to be competitive.
Cause means any of the following: the failure or
refusal of the named executive officer to render services to us
in accordance with his obligations under the employment
agreement or a determination by us that the named executive
officer has failed to perform the duties of his employment;
disloyalty, gross negligence, dishonesty, breach of fiduciary
duty or breach of the terms of the employment agreement or the
other agreements executed in connection therewith; the
commission by the named executive officer of an act of fraud,
embezzlement or disregard of our rules or policies or the
commission by the named executive officer of any other action
which injures us; acts which, in the judgment of our board of
directors, would tend to generate adverse publicity toward us;
the commission, or plea of nolo contendere, by the named
executive officer of a felony; the commission of an act which
constitutes unfair competition with us or which induces any of
our customers to breach a contract with us; or a breach by the
named executive officer of the terms of the non-competition and
non-solicitation agreement or the employee non-disclosure and
developments agreement between us and the named executive
If Mr. DeSisto or Mr. Boess had been terminated
without cause on December 31, 2007, the approximate value
of the severance benefits, assuming three weeks of accrued
unused vacation time, under the employment agreement for each
such named executive officer would have been as follows:
Mr. DeSisto $343,750 and Mr. Boess $156,962. Also, any
remaining unvested options granted to such named executive
officer under the 2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan would
have ceased vesting on that date.
If Mr. DeSisto or Mr. Boess had been terminated for
cause or if such named executive officer had terminated his
employment for any reason, the approximate value of the
severance benefits, assuming three weeks of accrued unused
vacation time, under the employment agreement for each such
named executive officer would have been as follows:
Mr. DeSisto $18,750 and Mr. Boess $16,269. Also, any
unvested options granted to such named executive officer under
the 2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan would have ceased
vesting on that date.
Upon a
a named executive officer will be entitled to accelerated
vesting for 50% of any remaining unvested options granted under
the 2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan and 100% of any
unvested options granted under the 2007 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan. Further, in the event that, within twelve months
following a
a named executive officers employment is terminated
without cause, he or she experiences a material negative change
in his or her compensation or responsibilities or he or she is
required to be based at a location more than 50 miles from
his or her current work location, any remaining unvested options
granted under the 2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan will
become fully vested.
means any of the following: a sale or other disposition of all
or substantially all of our assets; or a merger or consolidation
after which our voting securities outstanding immediately before
the transaction cease to represent at least a majority of the
combined voting power of the successor entitys outstanding
voting securities immediately after the transaction. We agreed
to provide payments to these executives in these circumstances
in order to provide a total compensation package that we
believed to be competitive. Additionally, the primary purpose of
our equity-based incentive awards is to align the interests of
our executives and our stockholders and provide our executives
with strong incentives to increase stockholder value over time.
transactions typically represent events where our stockholders
are realizing the value of their equity interests in our
company, we believe it is appropriate for our executives to
share in this realization of stockholder value, particularly
where their employment is terminated in connection with the
transaction. We believe that this acceleration of vesting will
also help to better align the interests of our executives with
our stockholders in pursuing and engaging in these transactions.
If a
had occurred on December 31, 2007, the value of 50% of any
remaining unvested options granted under the 2000 Stock Option
and Incentive Plan for each named executive officer, calculated
based on the spread between the exercise price of the unvested
options and $23.48, which was the closing price for our common
stock on The Nasdaq Global Market on December 31, 2007,
would have been approximately as follows: Mr. DeSisto
$161,155, Mr. Boess $526,170, Mr. Malavé
$558,601, Ms. Gvazdauskas $24,835 and Mr. Smith
If a
had occurred on December 31, 2007 and on that date each
named executive officer had been terminated without cause,
experienced a material negative change in his or her
compensation or responsibilities or was required to be based at
a location more than 50 miles from his or her current work
location, the value of any remaining unvested options granted
under the 2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan for each named
executive officer, calculated based on the spread between the
exercise price of the unvested options and $23.48, which was the
closing price for our common stock on The Nasdaq Global Market
on December 31, 2007, would have been approximately as
follows: Mr. DeSisto $322,310, Mr. Boess $1,052,340,
Mr. Malavé $1,117,202, Ms. Gvazdauskas $49,670
and Mr. Smith $43,172.
During 2007, our director compensation policy was to pay all of
our non-employee directors the following compensation:
an annual retainer of $25,000;
a $1,000 fee for each meeting attended (except that the fee for
the Audit Committee chairman will be $1,750 for each Audit
Committee meeting attended);
an additional annual retainer of $10,000 to the Audit Committee
an additional annual retainer of $6,000 to each of the
Compensation Committee chairman, Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee chairman and lead director;
upon initial election to our board of directors, a grant of an
option to purchase 9,520 shares of our common
stock; and
an annual grant of an option to purchase 3,810 shares of
our common stock, such grant to be made effective on the third
business day following our annual stockholders meeting.
All options granted to non-employee directors will have an
exercise price equal to the closing price of our common stock on
the date of grant and will vest 50% on the first anniversary of
the grant date and 25% on each of the second and third such
anniversaries, subject to continued service as a director.
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to our director compensation during the year ended
December 31, 2007.
Fees Earned or
Paid in Cash
Option Awards(1)
Alison de Bord
Gary Eichhorn
Ross Jaffe, M.D.
Charles Liamos
Gordie Nye
Jonathan Silverstein
Steve Sobieski
(1) |
Based on the dollar amount recognized for financial statement
reporting purposes with respect to the year ended
December 31, 2007 in accordance with SFAS 123R,
excluding the impact of forfeitures, and assuming that we used
the prospective transition method for reporting awards granted
prior to 2006. The assumptions we used for calculating the grant
date fair values are set forth in notes 2 and 10 to our
consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2007. As of
December 31, 2007, our non-employee directors held options
that had been granted by us as director compensation to purchase
the following number of shares of our common stock:
Mr. Eichhorn 10,711 shares;
Mr. Liamos 19,035 shares; and
Mr. Sobieski 19,035 shares. |
In addition to the compensation described above, we also
reimburse all non-employee directors for their reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending meetings of our
board of directors or any committees thereof.
The Companys 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan was
adopted by the Board of Directors and approved by our
stockholders in April 2007. On March 27, 2008, our Board of
Directors voted to amend the Companys 2007 Stock Option
and Incentive Plan, or the 2007 Plan, and is recommending the
amendment to the 2007 Plan to our stockholders for approval.
As of March 24, 2008, there are 356,143 shares of
common stock available under the Companys 2007 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan. The amendment to the 2007 Plan
increases the reserved shares of our common stock under the plan
by 600,000 shares. The addition of these shares of common
stock allows the Compensation Committee to continue to use
stock-based awards to attract and retain employees and
directors, further align employee and stockholder interests,
continue to link employee compensation with Company performance
and maintain a culture of ownership.
Based solely on the closing price of our common stock as
reported by the Nasdaq Global Market on March 27, 2008, the
maximum aggregate market value of the additional 600,000 new
shares of common stock that could be issued under the 2007 Plan
is $8,982,000. The shares we issue under the 2007 Plan will be
authorized but unissued shares.
of the 2007 Plan
The following description of certain features of the 2007 Plan
is intended to be a summary only. The summary is qualified in
its entirety by the full text of the 2007 Plan. A copy of the
2007 Plan, including the amendments thereto, may be obtained on
the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission at or from Insulet upon request.
The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors is
responsible for administering the 2007 Plan. The Compensation
Committee has the power, subject to the provisions of the 2007
Plan, to determine the nature and extent of the awards to be
made to each participant; to determine the time when awards will
be made to participants; to establish the performance goals and
determine the period of time within which performance is
measured with respect to performance units; to establish the
various targets and bonus amounts which may be earned by certain
employees; to specify the relationship between the performance
goals and the targets and amounts that may be earned by certain
employees; to determine the period of time during which shares
of restricted common stock or units are subject to restrictions;
to determine the conditions for the payment of awards; and to
prescribe the forms of agreements and documents evidencing the
awards. The Board of Directors or the Compensation Committee may
also delegate to one or more of our officers the power to
designate which of our non-officer employees shall receive stock
awards, and the number of shares of common stock that will be
subject to each award, subject to a maximum aggregate number of
shares specified by the Board of Directors or the Compensation
Committee at the time the delegation to the officers is made.
However, the Board of Directors may not delegate to the
Compensation Committee or otherwise, the power to grant stock
awards to independent directors.
All of our officers, employees, non-employee directors and key
persons (including consultants and prospective employees) are
eligible to be granted awards under the 2007 Plan. Approximately
310 individuals are currently eligible to participate in the
2007 Plan.
of Shares Available for Issuance
The maximum number of shares of our common stock that are
authorized for issuance under the 2007 Plan, as amended, is
1,860,000 shares, which amount includes 725,000 shares
of common stock added on January 1, 2008 pursuant to the
2007 Plan. This amount will be increased on January 1,
2009, and on each
January 1 thereafter through January 1, 2012, by a number
of shares equal to 3% of the number of shares of our common
stock outstanding as of the immediately preceding
December 31, up to the maximum increase of 725,000
additional shares per year. In addition, each share of deferred
stock, restricted stock, unrestricted stock or performance
shares awarded under the 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan
will count as 1.5 shares against the total pool of shares
available for issuance under the plan. Shares issued under the
2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan may be authorized but
unissued shares or shares reacquired by us. Any shares subject
to awards that are forfeited, canceled, held back upon exercise
of an option or settlement of an award to cover the exercise
price or tax withholding, reacquired by us prior to vesting,
satisfied without the issuance of shares or otherwise terminated
(other than by exercise) shall be added back to the shares
available for issuance under the 2007 Stock Option and Incentive
Plan. Upon the occurrence of a merger, consolidation,
recapitalization, reclassification, stock split, stock dividend,
combination of shares or the like, the plan administrator will
make an appropriate or proportionate adjustment in the shares
reserved for issuance under, and the number of shares or
exercise price applicable to any award outstanding under, the
2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan.
of Awards
Stock Options. Options granted under the 2007
Plan may be either incentive stock options (within the meaning
of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code) or
non-qualified stock options. Incentive options may be granted
only to employees of the Company or any domestic subsidiary.
Options granted under the 2007 Plan will be non-qualified
options if they (i) fail to qualify as incentive options,
(ii) are granted to a person not eligible to receive
incentive options under the Internal Revenue Code, or
(iii) are granted pursuant to an award agreement that
otherwise so provides. Non-qualified options may be granted to
any persons eligible to receive incentive stock options and to
non-management directors and other key persons.
Other Option Terms. The Compensation Committee
has authority to determine the terms of options granted under
the 2007 Plan. Options shall be granted with an exercise price
that is not less than the fair market value of the shares of
common stock on the date of the option grant.
The term of each option will be fixed by the Compensation
Committee and may not exceed ten years from the date of grant.
The Compensation Committee will determine at what time or times
each option may be exercised and, subject to the provisions of
the 2007 Plan, the period of time, if any, after retirement,
death, disability or termination of employment during which
options may be exercised. Options may be made exercisable in
installments, and the exercisability of options may be
accelerated under certain circumstances by the Compensation
In general, unless otherwise permitted by the Compensation
Committee, no option granted under the 2007 Plan is transferable
by the optionee other than by will or by the laws of descent and
distribution, and options may be exercised during the
optionees lifetime only by the optionee, or by the
optionees legal representative or guardian in the case of
the optionees incapacity.
Options granted under the 2007 Plan may be exercised for cash,
check or by transfer to the Company (either actually or by
attestation) of shares of the Companys common stock that
are not then subject to restrictions under any the
Companys stock plans, and that have been held by the
optionee for at least six months or were purchased on the open
market, and that have a fair market value equivalent to the
option exercise price of the shares being purchased. Subject to
applicable law, options granted under the 2007 Plan also may be
exercised by compliance with certain provisions pursuant to
which a securities broker delivers the purchase price for the
shares to the Company.
To qualify as incentive options, options must meet additional
federal tax requirements, including a $100,000 limit on the
value of shares subject to incentive options which first become
exercisable in any one calendar year, and a shorter term and
higher minimum exercise price in the case of certain large
Stock Appreciation Rights. The Compensation
Committee may award a stock appreciation right either as a
freestanding award or in tandem with a stock option. Upon
exercise of the stock appreciation right, the holder will be
entitled to receive an amount equal to the excess of the fair
market value on the date of exercise
of one share of common stock over the price per share specified
in such right, multiplied by the number of shares of common
stock with respect to which the stock appreciation right is
exercised. This amount shall be paid in shares of common stock.
The exercise price per share of stock appreciation rights may
not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the shares of
common stock on the date of grant.
Restricted Stock Awards. The Compensation
Committee may grant shares of common stock, at a purchase price
(which may be zero) determined by the Compensation Committee,
subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Compensation
Committee may determine. These conditions and restrictions may
include the achievement of pre-established performance goals
continued employment with the Company through a specified
vesting period. The vesting period shall be determined by the
Compensation Committee. However, in the event these awards have
a performance-based goal, the restriction period will be at
least one year, and in the event these awards have a time-based
restriction, the restriction period will be at least three
years. If the applicable performance goals and other
restrictions are not attained, the participant will forfeit his
or her award of restricted stock.
Deferred Stock Awards. The Compensation
Committee also may award phantom stock units as deferred stock
awards to participants. The deferred stock awards are ultimately
payable in the form of shares of common stock and may be subject
to such conditions and restrictions as the Compensation
Committee may determine. These conditions and restrictions may
include the achievement of certain performance goals
continued employment with the Company through a specified
vesting period. However, in the event these awards have a
performance-based goal, the restriction period will be at least
one year, and in the event these awards have a time-based
restriction, the restriction period will be at least three
years. During the deferral period, subject to terms and
conditions imposed by the Compensation Committee, the deferred
stock awards may be credited with dividend equivalent rights
(discussed below). Deferred stock awards will comply with the
requirements of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code.
Unrestricted Stock Awards. The Compensation
Committee may also grant shares (at no cost or for a purchase
price determined by the Compensation Committee) of common stock
that are free from any restrictions under the 2007 Plan.
Unrestricted stock may be granted to any participant in
recognition of past services or other valid consideration, and
may be issued in lieu of cash compensation due to such
Cash-based Awards. Each cash-based award shall
specify a cash-denominated payment amount, formula or payment
ranges as determined by the Compensation Committee. Payment, if
any, with respect to a cash-based award may be made in cash or
in common shares, as the Compensation Committee determines.
Performance Awards. Holders of performance
shares will be entitled to receive payment in shares of our
common stock if the performance goals established by the
Compensation Committee are achieved. The Compensation Committee
may also award incentive bonuses in the form of cash.
Dividend Equivalent Rights. The Compensation
Committee may grant dividend equivalent rights that entitle the
recipient to receive credits for dividends that would be paid if
the recipient had held specified shares of common stock.
Dividend equivalent rights may be granted as a component of
another award or as a freestanding award. Dividend equivalent
rights credited under the 2007 Plan may be paid currently or be
deemed to be reinvested in additional shares of common stock,
that may thereafter accrue additional dividend equivalent rights
at fair market value at the time of deemed reinvestment or on
the terms then governing the reinvestment of dividends under our
dividend reinvestment plan, if any. Dividend equivalent rights
may be settled in cash, shares of common stock or a combination
thereof, as specified in the award.
Participants under the 2007 Plan are responsible for the payment
of any federal, state or local taxes, including those that we
are required by law to withhold upon any option exercise or
vesting of other awards. Subject to approval by the Compensation
Committee, participants may elect to have the minimum tax
withholding obligations satisfied either by authorizing the
Company to withhold shares of common stock to be issued pursuant
to an option exercise or other award, or by transferring to the
Company shares of common stock having a value up to the amount
of such taxes.
and Discontinuance; Term
The Board of Directors may at any time amend or discontinue the
2007 Plan, and the plan administrator may at any time amend or
cancel any outstanding award for the purpose of satisfying
changes in law or for any other lawful purpose, but no such
action will adversely affect rights under any outstanding awards
without the holders consent. To the extent required by
applicable laws or rules, plan amendments may be subject to
stockholder approval. Unless terminated earlier, the 2007 Plan
will expire on the tenth anniversary of its effective date.
New 2007
Plan Benefits
Because the grant of awards under the 2007 Plan is within the
discretion of the Board of Directors and the Compensation
Committee, we cannot determine the dollar value or number of
shares of common stock that will in the future be received by or
allocated to any participant in the 2007 Plan. Accordingly, in
lieu of providing information regarding benefits that will be
received under the 2007 Plan, the following table provides
information concerning the benefits that were received by the
following persons and groups under the 2007 Plan during the year
ended December 31, 2007: each named executive officer; all
current executive officers, as a group; all current directors
who are not executive officers, as a group; and all employees
who are not executive officers, as a group.
Corporation 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan
Name and Position
Dollar Value ($)
Number of Shares
Duane DeSisto
Carsten Boess
Luis Malavé
Shawna Gvazdauskas
Jeff Smith
All current executive officers, as a group
All current directors who are not executive officers, as a group
All current employees who are not executive officers, as a group
As of March 24, 2008, the number of shares of common stock
to be issued under the 2007 Plan upon exercise of outstanding
options is 2,867,070, the weighted average exercise price of
outstanding options is equal to $9.28, and the weighted average
term is equal to 7.9 years. The number of shares of common
stock remaining available for future issuance under the 2007
Plan is equal to 356,143.
The following table sets forth information regarding securities
authorized for issuance under our equity compensation plans as
of December 31, 2007.
Number of Securities
Remaining Available for
Number of Securities to be
Weighted Average
Future Issuance Under
Issued Upon Exercise of
Exercise Price of
Equity Compensation Plans
Outstanding Options,
Outstanding Options,
(Excluding Securities
Plan Category
Warrants and Rights
Warrants and Rights
Reflected in Column (a))
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders(1)
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders(2)
(1) |
Includes our 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan and our 2000
Stock Option and Incentive Plan. |
(2) |
There are no equity compensation plans in place not approved by
shareholders. |
(3) |
The maximum number of shares of our common stock that are
authorized for issuance under our 2007 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan as of December 31, 2007 is
124,832 shares, which amount will be increased on
January 1, 2009, and on each January 1 thereafter through
January 1, 2012, by a number of shares equal to 3% of the
number of shares of our common stock outstanding as of the
immediately preceding December 31, up to the maximum
increase of 725,000 additional shares per year. |
Aspects Under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
The following is a summary of the principal United States
federal income tax consequences of transactions under the 2007
Plan. It does not describe all federal tax consequences under
the 2007 Plan, nor does it describe state, local or foreign tax
Incentive Options. No taxable income is
generally realized by the optionee upon the grant or exercise of
an incentive option. If shares of common stock issued to an
optionee pursuant to the exercise of an incentive option are
sold or transferred after two years from the date of grant and
after one year from the date of exercise, then (i) upon
sale of such shares, any amount realized in excess of the option
price (the amount paid for the shares) will be taxed to the
optionee as a long-term capital gain, and any loss sustained
will be a long-term capital loss, and (ii) there will be no
deduction for the Company for federal income tax purposes.
However, the exercise of an incentive option will give rise to
an item of tax preference that may result in alternative minimum
tax liability for the optionee. An optionee will not have any
FICA (e.g., Social Security and Medicare) taxes upon exercise of
an incentive option.
If shares of common stock acquired upon the exercise of an
incentive option are disposed of prior to the expiration of the
two-year and one-year holding periods described above (a
disqualifying disposition), generally (i) the
optionee will realize ordinary income in the year of disposition
in an amount equal to the excess (if any) of the fair market
value of the shares of common stock at exercise (or, if less,
the amount realized on a sale of such shares of common stock)
over the option price thereof, and (ii) the Company will be
entitled to deduct such amount. Special rules will apply where
all or a portion of the exercise price of the incentive option
is paid by tendering shares of common stock.
If an incentive option is exercised at a time when it no longer
qualifies for the tax treatment described above, the option is
treated as a non-qualified option. Generally, an incentive
option will not be eligible for the tax treatment described
above if it is exercised more than three months following
termination of employment (or one year in the case of
termination of employment by reason of disability). In the case
of termination of employment by reason of death, the three-month
rule does not apply.
Non-Qualified Options. No income is realized
by the optionee at the time a non-qualified option is granted.
Generally (i) at exercise, ordinary income is realized by
the optionee in an amount equal to the difference between the
option price and the fair market value of the shares of common
stock on the date of exercise, and the Company receives a tax
deduction for the same amount, and (ii) at disposition,
appreciation or depreciation after the date of exercise is
treated as either short-term or long-term capital gain or loss
depending on how long the shares of common stock have been held.
Special rules will apply where all or a portion of the exercise
price of the non-qualified option is paid by tendering shares of
common stock. Upon exercise, the optionee will also be subject
to FICA taxes on the excess of the fair market value over the
exercise price of the option.
Restricted Stock. An award of restricted stock
will not result in taxable income to the participant at the time
of grant. Upon the lapse of the restrictions, the participant
will recognize ordinary income in the amount of the fair market
value of the shares of common stock at the time that the
restriction lapses. The Company will be entitled to a deduction
in the year in which the participant recognizes ordinary income
with respect to the restricted stock in an amount equal to such
Other Awards. The current federal income tax
consequences of other awards authorized under the 2007 Plan
generally follow certain basic patterns: stock appreciation
rights and deferred stock awards are taxed and deductible in
substantially the same manner as non-qualified stock options,
except to the extent Section 409A of the Internal Revenue
Code applies, in which case recipients would be taxed at the
time these items cease to be subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture. Stock-based performance awards and dividend
equivalent rights are generally subject to tax at the time of
payment. In each of the foregoing cases, the Company will
generally have a corresponding deduction at the time the
participant recognizes income.
Parachute Payments. The vesting of any portion
of any option or other award that is accelerated due to the
occurrence of a change of control may cause a portion of the
payments with respect to such accelerated awards to be treated
as parachute payments as defined in the Internal
Revenue Code. Any such parachute payments may be non-deductible
to the Company, in whole or in part, and may subject the
recipient to a non-deductible 20% federal excise tax on all or a
portion of such payment (in addition to other taxes ordinarily
Limitation on the Companys
Deductions. As a result of Section 162(m) of
the Internal Revenue Code, the Companys deduction for
certain awards under the 2007 Plan may be limited to the extent
that a covered employee (generally the executives listed in the
summary compensation table of the proxy statement) receives
compensation in excess of $1,000,000 in such taxable year of the
Company (other than performance-based compensation that
otherwise meets the requirements of Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code).
For a discussion of the Companys executive compensation
philosophy, see Compensation Discussion and Analysis
included in this Proxy Statement.
Under our By-Laws, the affirmative vote of a majority of shares
of common stock present in person or represented by proxy at the
meeting and entitled to vote on this proposal is required for
the approval of the 2007 Plan. Abstentions shall be included in
determining the number of shares present and entitled to vote on
the proposal, thus having the effect of a vote against the
proposal. Broker non-votes are not counted in determining the
number of shares present and entitled to vote and will therefore
have no effect on the outcome.
of our Board of Directors
No portion of this Audit Committee Report shall be deemed to
be incorporated by reference into any filing under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended, through any general statement
incorporating by reference in its entirety the proxy statement
in which this report appears, except to the extent that the
Company specifically incorporates this report or a portion of it
by reference. In addition, this report shall not be deemed filed
under either the Securities Act or the Exchange Act.
This report is submitted by the Audit Committee of the Board of
Directors. The Audit Committee currently consists of Steve
Sobieski (Chairman), Charles Liamos and Alison de Bord. None of
the members of the Audit Committee is an officer or employee of
the Company. Ms. de Bord and Messrs. Sobieski and Liamos
are each independent for Audit Committee purposes
under the applicable rules of Nasdaq and the SEC.
Messrs. Sobieski and Liamos are each an audit
committee financial expert as is currently defined under
SEC rules. The Audit Committee operates under a written charter
adopted by the Board of Directors, a copy of which is attached
as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement.
The Audit Committee oversees the Companys accounting and
financial reporting processes on behalf of the Board of
Directors. The Companys management has the primary
responsibility for preparing the Companys financial
statements, for maintaining effective internal control over
financial reporting, and for assessing the effectiveness of
internal control over financial reporting. In fulfilling its
oversight responsibilities, the Audit Committee has reviewed and
discussed with management the Companys consolidated
financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2007, including a discussion of, among other things, the quality
of the Companys accounting principles, the reasonableness
of significant estimates and judgments, and the clarity of
disclosures in the Companys financial statements.
The Audit Committee also reviewed with Ernst & Young
LLP, the Companys independent registered public accounting
firm, the results of their audit and discussed matters required
to be discussed by the Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61 (Communications with Audit and Finance
Committees), as currently in effect, other standards of the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, rules of the SEC and
other applicable regulations. The Audit Committee has reviewed
permitted services under rules of the SEC, as currently in
effect, and discussed with Ernst & Young LLP their
independence from management and the Company, including the
matters in the written disclosures and the letter from the
independent registered public accounting firm required by
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1
(Independence Discussions with Audit and Finance
Committees), as currently in effect, and has considered and
discussed the compatibility of non-audit services provided by
Ernst & Young LLP with that firms independence.
The Audit Committee meets with the independent registered public
accounting firm, with and without management present, to discuss
the results of their examinations; their evaluations of the
Companys internal controls, including internal control
over financial reporting; and the overall quality of the
Companys financial reporting.
Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the
Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the
audited financial statements be included in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2007 for filing with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
Respectfully submitted by the Audit Committee,
Steve Sobieski (Chairman)
Charles Liamos
Alison de Bord
The Audit Committee charter contains procedures for the
pre-approval of audit and non-audit services (the
Pre-Approval Policy) to ensure that all audit and
permitted non-audit services to be provided to the Company have
been pre-approved by the Audit Committee Specifically, the Audit
Committee pre-approves the use of Ernst & Young LLP
for specific audit and non-audit services, except that
pre-approval of non-audit services is not required if the
de minimus provisions of
Section 10A(i)(1)(B) of the Exchange Act are satisfied. If
a proposed service has not been pre-approved pursuant to the
Pre-Approval Policy, then it must be specifically pre-approved
by the Audit Committee before it may be provided by
Ernst & Young LLP. All of the audit-related, tax and
all other services provided by Ernst & Young LLP to
the Company in fiscal 2007 were approved by the Audit Committee
by means of specific pre-approvals or pursuant to the
Pre-Approval Policy. All non-audit services provided in 2007
were reviewed with the Audit Committee, which concluded that the
provision of such services by Ernst & Young LLP was
compatible with the maintenance of that firms independence
in the conduct of its auditing functions. For additional
information concerning the Audit Committee and its activities
with Ernst & Young LLP, see
Management Audit Committee and
Report of the Audit Committee of the Board of
We expect that a representative of Ernst & Young LLP
will attend the Annual Meeting, and the representative will have
an opportunity to make a statement if he or she so desires. The
representative will also be available to respond to appropriate
questions from stockholders.
Billed by Ernst & Young LLP
The following table shows the aggregate fees for professional
services rendered by Ernst & Young LLP to the Company
for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2006 and 2007.
Fiscal Year Ended December 31,
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Audit Fees for both years consist of fees for professional
services associated with the annual consolidated financial
statements audit, review of the interim consolidated financial
statements and services that are normally provided by
Ernst & Young LLP in connection with statutory audits
required in regulatory filings. Audit Fees for the year ended
December 31, 2007 also include $1,430,516 of fees for
professional services in connection with the Companys two
public offerings, which were completed in May and November 2007.
Tax Fees consist of fees for professional services rendered for
assistance with federal and state tax compliance.
Other Fees
Other Fees for the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2007
consist of fees for using the on-line accounting research tools
of Ernst & Young LLP.
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has appointed
Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for its fiscal year ending
December 31, 2008. Ernst & Young LLP has served
as the Companys independent registered public accounting
firm since December 2002. The Audit Committee is directly
responsible for the appointment, retention, compensation and
oversight of the work of the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for the purpose of preparing
or issuing an audit report or related work. In making its
determinations regarding whether to appoint or retain a
particular independent registered public accounting firm, the
Audit Committee takes into account the views of management and
will take into account the vote of the Companys
stockholders with respect to the ratification of the appointment
of the Companys independent registered public accounting
A representative of Ernst & Young LLP is expected to
be present at the Annual Meeting. He or she will have an
opportunity to make a statement, if he or she desires to do so,
and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.
of our Board of Directors
DECEMBER 31, 2008.
The cost of solicitation of proxies will be borne by the Company
and, in addition to soliciting stockholders by mail through its
regular employees, the Company may request banks, brokers and
other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to solicit their
customers who have stock of the Company registered in the names
of a nominee and, if so, will reimburse such banks, brokers and
other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable
out-of-pocket costs. Solicitation by officers and employees of
the Company may also be made of some stockholders in person or
by mail, telephone,
e-mail or
telegraph following the original solicitation.
Proposals of stockholders intended for inclusion in the Proxy
Statement to be furnished to all stockholders entitled to vote
at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company,
pursuant to
Rule 14a-8
promulgated under the Exchange Act by the SEC, must be received
at the Companys principal executive offices not later than
January 8, 2009. If a stockholder who wishes to present a
proposal fails to notify the Company by January 8, 2009 and
such proposal is brought before the 2009 Annual Meeting, then
under the SECs proxy rules, the proxies solicited by
management with respect to the 2009 Annual Meeting will confer
discretionary voting authority with respect to the
stockholders proposal on the persons selected by
management to vote the proxies. If a stockholder makes a timely
notification, the proxies may still exercise discretionary
voting authority under circumstances consistent with the
SECs proxy rules. In order to curtail controversy as to
the date on which a proposal was received by the Company, it is
suggested that proponents submit their proposals by Certified
Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to Insulet Corporation, 9 Oak
Park Drive, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730, Attention: Secretary.
The Board of Directors knows of no other matters to be brought
before the Annual Meeting. If any other matters are properly
brought before the Annual Meeting, the persons appointed in the
accompanying proxy intend to vote the shares represented thereby
in accordance with their best judgment on such matters, under
applicable laws.
Audit Committee Charter
Statement of Purpose
The primary purposes of the Audit Committee of the Board of
Directors (the Audit Committee) of Insulet
Corporation (the Company) are to:
oversee the accounting and financial reporting processes of the
Company and the audits of the Companys financial
take, or recommend that the Board of Directors of the Company
(the Board) take, appropriate action to oversee the
qualifications, independence and performance of the
Companys independent auditors; and
prepare the report required by the rules of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (the SEC) to be included in the
Companys annual proxy statement.
The Audit Committee shall consist of at least three members of
the Board, each of whom must (1) be independent
as defined in Rule 4200(a)(15) under the Marketplace Rules
of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
(NASD); (2) meet the criteria for
independence set forth in
Rule 10A-3(b)(1)
promulgated under Section 10A(m)(3) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange
Act), subject to the exemptions provided in
Rule 10A-3(c)
under the Exchange Act; and (3) not have participated in
the preparation of the financial statements of the Company or a
current subsidiary of the Company at any time during the past
three years.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, only (1) one member of the
Audit Committee must meet the requirements set forth in the
preceding sentence prior to the 90th day after the
effectiveness of the registration statement filed by the Company
with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
Securities Act), in connection with the
initial public offering of the Companys common stock (the
Registration Statement Effectiveness Date)
and (2) a majority of the members of the Audit Committee
must meet the requirements set forth in the preceding sentence
prior to the date that is one year after the Registration
Statement Effectiveness Date; provided that if the Company is
relying on the exceptions set forth in this paragraph, the
Company must disclose its assessment of whether, and if so, how,
such reliance would materially adversely affect the ability of
the Audit Committee to act independently and to satisfy the
other requirements of
Rule 10A-3
under the Exchange Act in any proxy or information statement for
a meeting of stockholders at which directors are elected that is
filed with the SEC pursuant to the requirements of
Section 14 of the Exchange Act.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph of this section, one
director who (1) is not independent as defined
in Rule 4200 under the Marketplace Rules of the NASD;
(2) satisfies the criteria for independence set forth in
Section 10A(m)(3) of the Exchange Act and the rules
thereunder; and (3) is not a current officer or employee or
a Family Member of such officer or employee, may be appointed to
the Audit Committee, if the Board, under exceptional and limited
circumstances, determines that membership on the Audit Committee
by the individual is required by the best interests of the
Company and its stockholders, and the Board discloses, in the
next annual proxy statement subsequent to such determination
(or, if the Company does not file a proxy statement, in its
Form 10-K),
the nature of the relationship and the reasons for that
determination. A member appointed under this exception may not
serve on the Audit Committee for more than two years and may not
chair the Audit Committee.
If the Company fails to comply with the requirements set forth
in the first paragraph of this section because an Audit
Committee member ceases to be independent for reasons outside
the members reasonable control, the Audit Committee member
may remain on the Audit Committee until the earlier of the
next annual stockholders meeting or one year from the occurrence
of the event that caused the failure to comply with these
requirements. Additionally, if the Company fails to comply with
the requirement set forth in the first paragraph that the Audit
Committee consist of three members because of one vacancy on the
Audit Committee, and the cure period set forth in the preceding
sentence is not otherwise being relied upon for another member,
the Company will have until the earlier of the next annual
stockholders meeting or one year from the occurrence of the
event that caused the failure to comply with this requirement.
Each member of the Audit Committee must be able to read and
understand fundamental financial statements, including a
companys balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow
statement. At least one member of the Audit Committee shall have
past employment experience in finance or accounting, requisite
professional certification in accounting, or any other
comparable experience or background which results in the
individuals financial sophistication, including being or
having been a chief executive officer, chief financial officer
or other senior officer with financial oversight
responsibilities. One or more members of the Audit Committee
shall qualify as an audit committee financial expert
under the rules promulgated by the SEC or, if not, the Company
shall disclose its lack of an audit committee financial
expert and the reasons why in its annual report.
The members of the Audit Committee shall be appointed annually
by the Board and may be replaced or removed by the Board with or
without cause. Resignation or removal of a Director from the
Board, for whatever reason, shall automatically and without any
further action constitute resignation or removal, as applicable,
from the Audit Committee. Any vacancy on the Audit Committee,
occurring for whatever reason, may be filled only by the Board.
The Board shall designate one member of the Audit Committee to
be Chairman of the Audit Committee. All indemnification,
exculpation, expense reimbursement and advancement provisions
and rights available to members of the Audit Committee in their
capacities as directors of the Company shall be fully applicable
with respect to their service on the Audit Committee or any
subcommittee thereof.
A member of the Audit Committee may not, other than in his or
her capacity as a member of the Audit Committee, the Board or
any other committee established by the Board, receive directly
or indirectly from the Company any consulting, advisory or other
compensatory fee from the Company. A member of the Audit
Committee may receive additional directors fees
(including, but not limited to, stock options) to compensate
such member for the significant time and effort expended by such
member to fulfill his or her duties as an Audit Committee member.
The Audit Committee shall meet as often as it determines is
appropriate to carry out its responsibilities under this
Charter, but not less frequently than quarterly. A majority of
the members of the Audit Committee shall constitute a quorum for
purposes of holding a meeting and the Audit Committee may act by
a vote of a majority of the members present at such meeting. In
lieu of a meeting, the Audit Committee may act by unanimous
written consent. The Chairman of the Audit Committee, in
consultation with the other committee members, may determine the
frequency and length of the committee meetings and may set
meeting agendas consistent with this Charter.
and Authority
The Audit Committee shall review and reassess the adequacy of
this Charter annually and recommend to the Board any amendments
or modifications to this Charter that the Audit Committee deems
Matters Relating to Selection, Performance and Independence
of Independent Auditor
The Audit Committee shall be directly responsible for the
appointment, retention and termination, and for determining the
compensation, of the Companys independent auditor engaged
for the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or
performing other audit, review or attest services for the
Company. The Audit Committee may consult with management in
fulfilling these duties, but may not delegate these
responsibilities to management.
The Audit Committee shall be directly responsible for oversight
of the work of the independent auditor (including resolution of
disagreements between management and the independent auditor
regarding financial reporting) engaged for the purpose of
preparing or issuing an audit report or performing other audit,
review or attest services for the Company.
The Audit Committee shall instruct the independent auditor that
the independent auditor shall report directly to the Audit
The Audit Committee shall pre-approve all auditing services and
the terms thereof (which may include providing comfort letters
in connection with securities underwritings) and non-audit
services (other than non-audit services prohibited under
Section 10A(g) of the Exchange Act or the applicable rules
of the SEC or the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) to
be provided to the Company by the independent auditor; provided,
however, the pre-approval requirement is waived with respect to
the provision of non-audit services for the Company if the
de minimus provisions of
Section 10A(i)(1)(B) of the Exchange Act are satisfied. The
authority to pre-approve audit and non-audit services may be
delegated to one or more members of the Audit Committee, who
shall present all decisions to pre-approve an activity to the
full Audit Committee at its first meeting following such
The Audit Committee may review and approve the scope and
staffing of the independent auditors annual audit plan(s).
The Audit Committee shall request that the independent auditor
provide the Audit Committee with the written disclosures and the
letter required by Independence Standards Board Standard
No. 1, as modified or supplemented, require that the
independent auditor submit to the Audit Committee on a periodic
basis a formal written statement delineating all relationships
between the independent auditor and the Company, discuss with
the independent auditor any disclosed relationships or services
that may impact the objectivity and independence of the
independent auditor, and based on such disclosures, statement
and discussion take or recommend that the Board take appropriate
action in response to the independent auditors report to
satisfy itself of the independent auditors independence.
The Audit Committee may consider whether the provision of the
services covered in Items 9(e)(2) and 9(e)(3) of
Regulation 14A of the Exchange Act (or any successor
provision) is compatible with maintaining the independent
auditors independence.
The Audit Committee shall evaluate the independent
auditors qualifications, performance and independence, and
shall present its conclusions with respect to the independent
auditors to the full Board. As part of such evaluation, at least
annually, the Audit Committee shall:
obtain and review a report or reports from the independent
auditor describing (1) the auditors internal
quality-control procedures, (2) any material issues raised
by the most recent internal quality-control review or peer
review of the auditors or by any inquiry or investigation by
government or professional authorities, within the preceding
five years, regarding one or more independent audits carried out
by the auditors, and any steps taken to address any such issues,
and (3) in order to assess the auditors independence,
all relationships between the independent auditor and the
Company; and
review and evaluate the performance of the independent auditor
and the lead partner (and the Audit Committee may review and
evaluate the performance of other members of the independent
auditors audit staff).
In this regard, the Audit Committee may also (1) seek the
opinion of management and the internal auditors, if any, of the
independent auditors performance and (2) consider
whether, in order to assure continuing auditor independence,
there should be regular rotation of the audit firm.
The Audit Committee shall assure the regular rotation of the
audit partners (including, without limitation, the lead and
concurring partners) as required under the Exchange Act and
Regulation S-X.
The Audit Committee may recommend to the Board policies with
respect to the potential hiring by the Company of current or
former employees of the independent auditor.
Audited Financial Statements and Annual Audit
The Audit Committee shall review the overall audit plan (both
internal and external) with the independent auditor and the
members of management who are responsible for preparing the
Companys financial statements, including the
Companys Chief Financial Officer
principal accounting officer or principal financial officer (the
Chief Financial Officer
and/or such
other officer or officers are referred to herein collectively as
the Senior Accounting Executive).
The Audit Committee shall review and discuss with management
(including the Companys Senior Accounting Executive) and
with the independent auditor the Companys annual audited
financial statements, including (a) all critical accounting
policies and practices used or to be used by the Company,
(b) the Companys disclosures under
Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Conditions and Results of Operations prior to the filing
of the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K,
and (c) any significant financial reporting issues that
have arisen in connection with the preparation of such audited
financial statements.
The Audit Committee may review:
any analyses prepared by management
and/or the
independent auditors setting forth significant financial
reporting issues and judgments made in connection with the
preparation of the financial statements, including analyses of
the effects of alternative GAAP methods on the financial
statements. The Audit Committee may consider the ramifications
of the use of such alternative disclosures and treatments on the
financial statements, and the treatment preferred by the
independent auditor. The Audit Committee may also consider other
material written communications between the registered public
accounting firm and management, such as any management letter or
schedule of unadjusted differences;
major issues as to the adequacy of the Companys internal
controls and any special audit steps adopted in light of
material control deficiencies;
major issues regarding accounting principles and procedures and
financial statement presentations, including any significant
changes in the Companys selection or application of
accounting principles; and
the effects of regulatory and accounting initiatives, as well as
off-balance sheet transactions and structures, on the financial
statements of the Company.
The Audit Committee shall review and discuss with the
independent auditor (outside of the presence of management) how
the independent auditor plans to handle its responsibilities
under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and
request assurance from the auditor that Section 10A(b) of
the Exchange Act has not been implicated.
The Audit Committee may review and discuss with the independent
auditor any audit problems or difficulties and managements
response thereto. This review may include (1) any
encountered by the auditor in the course of performing its audit
work, including any restrictions on the scope of its activities
or its access to information; (2) any significant
disagreements with management; (3) any accounting
adjustments that were noted or proposed by the auditors but were
passed (as immaterial or otherwise); (4) any
communications between the audit team and the audit firms
national office regarding auditing or accounting issues
presented by the engagement; and (5) any management or
internal control letter issued, or proposed to be issued, by the
The Audit Committee shall discuss with the independent auditors
those matters brought to the attention of the Audit Committee by
the auditors pursuant to Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61, as amended (SAS 61).
The Audit Committee shall also review and discuss with the
independent auditors the report required to be delivered by such
auditors pursuant to Section 10A(k) of the Exchange Act.
If brought to the attention of the Audit Committee, the Audit
Committee shall discuss with the CEO and CFO of the Company
(1) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in
the design or operation of internal control over financial
reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the
Companys ability to record, process, summarize and report
financial information required to be disclosed by the Company in
the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act,
within the time periods specified in the SECs rules and
forms, and (2) any fraud involving management or other
employees who have a significant role in the Companys
internal control over financial reporting.
Based on the Audit Committees review and discussions
(1) with management of the audited financial statements,
(2) with the independent auditor of the matters required to
be discussed by SAS 61, and (3) with the independent
auditor concerning the independent auditors independence,
the Audit Committee shall make a recommendation to the Board as
to whether the Companys audited financial statements
should be included in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the last fiscal year.
The Audit Committee shall prepare the Audit Committee report
required by Item 407(d) of
Regulation S-K
(or any successor provision) promulgated by the SEC to be
included in the Companys annual proxy statement.
Unaudited Quarterly Financial Statements
The Audit Committee shall discuss with management and the
independent auditor, prior to the filing of the Companys
Quarterly Reports on
Form 10-Q,
(1) the Companys quarterly financial statements and
the Companys related disclosures under
Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations, (2) such issues
as may be brought to the Audit Committees attention by the
independent auditor pursuant to Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 100, and (3) any significant financial reporting
issues that have arisen in connection with the preparation of
such financial statements.
Risk Assessment and Management
The Audit Committee may discuss the guidelines and policies that
govern the process by which the Companys exposure to risk
is assessed and managed by management.
In connection with the Audit Committees discussion of the
Companys risk assessment and management guidelines, the
Audit Committee may discuss or consider the Companys major
financial risk exposures and the steps that the Companys
management has taken to monitor and control such exposures.
Procedures for Addressing Complaints and Concerns
The Audit Committee shall establish procedures for (1) the
receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the
Company regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or
auditing matters and (2) the confidential, anonymous
submission by employees of the Company of concerns regarding
questionable accounting or auditing matters.
The Audit Committee may review and reassess the adequacy of
these procedures periodically and adopt any changes to such
procedures that the Audit Committee deems necessary or
Regular Reports to the Board
The Audit Committee shall regularly report to and review with
the Board any issues that arise with respect to the quality or
integrity of the Companys financial statements, the
Companys compliance with legal or regulatory requirements,
the performance and independence of the independent auditors and
any other matters that the Audit Committee deems appropriate or
is requested to review for the benefit of the Board.
The Audit Committee is authorized, on behalf of the Board, to do
any of the following as it deems necessary or appropriate:
Engagement of Advisors
The Audit Committee may engage independent counsel and such
other advisors it deems necessary or advisable to carry out its
responsibilities and powers, and, if such counsel or other
advisors are engaged, shall determine the compensation or fees
payable to such counsel or other advisors.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
The Audit Committee may discuss with management and the
independent auditor, and review with the Board, the legal and
regulatory requirements applicable to the Company and its
subsidiaries and the Companys compliance with such
requirements. After these discussions, the Audit Committee may,
if it determines it to be appropriate, make recommendations to
the Board with respect to the Companys policies and
procedures regarding compliance with applicable laws and
The Audit Committee may discuss with management legal matters
(including pending or threatened litigation) that may have a
material effect on the Companys financial statements or
its compliance policies and procedures.
Related Party Transaction Approval and Disclosure Policy
The Audit Committee shall conduct an appropriate review of all
related party transactions for potential conflict of interest
situations on an ongoing basis, and the approval of the Audit
Committee shall be required for all such transactions. The term
related party transactions shall refer to
transactions required to be disclosed by the Company pursuant to
Item 404 of
Regulation S-K
(or any successor provision) promulgated by the SEC.
The Audit Committee may form and delegate authority to
subcommittees consisting of one or more of its members as the
Audit Committee deems appropriate to carry out its
responsibilities and exercise its powers.
The Audit Committee may perform such other oversight functions
outside of its stated purpose as may be requested by the Board
from time to time.
In performing its oversight function, the Audit Committee shall
be entitled to rely upon advice and information that it receives
in its discussions and communications with management, the
independent auditor and such experts, advisors and professionals
as may be consulted with by the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee is authorized to request that any officer or
employee of the Company, the Companys outside legal
counsel, the Companys independent auditor or any other
professional retained by the Company to render advice to the
Company attend a meeting of the Audit Committee or meet with any
members of or advisors to the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee is authorized to incur such ordinary
administrative expenses as are necessary or appropriate in
carrying out its duties.
Notwithstanding the responsibilities and powers of the Audit
Committee set forth in this Charter, the Audit Committee does
not have the responsibility of planning or conducting audits of
the Companys financial statements or determining whether
the Companys financial statements are complete, accurate
and in accordance with GAAP. Such responsibilities are the duty
of management and, to the extent of the independent
auditors audit responsibilities, the independent auditor.
In addition, it is not the duty of the Audit Committee to
conduct investigations or to ensure compliance with laws and
regulations or the Companys Code of Business Conduct and
ADOPTED: May 14, 2007
Electronic Voting Instructions
You can vote by Internet or telephone
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
Instead of mailing your proxy, you may choose one of the two voting
methods outlined below to vote your proxy. VALIDATION DETAILS ARE LOCATED BELOW IN THE TITLE BAR.
Proxies submitted by the Internet or telephone must be received by 11:59 p.m., EDT, on May 7, 2008. |
Vote by Internet
on to the Internet and go to
Follow the steps outlined on the secured website. |
Vote by
Call toll free 1-800-652-VOTE (8683) within the United
States, Canada &
Puerto Rico any time on a touch tone
telephone. There is NO CHARGE to you for the call. Follow the instructions provided by the recorded message. |
Using a black ink pen, mark your votes with an X as shown in
this example. Please do not write outside the designated areas.
x |
Meeting Proxy Card
Proposals The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all the nominees listed and FOR Proposal 2 and 3.
1. Election of Class I Directors: |
For |
Withhold |
For |
Withhold |
For |
Withhold |
01 - |
Alison de Bord*
o |
02 - Regina O. Sommer*
03 - Joseph S. Zakrzewski*
o |
to serve for a three-year term and until his/her successor has been duly
elected and qualified or until his/her earlier resignation or
removal. |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
To approve an amendment to the Companys 2007 Stock Option and Incentive Plan to increase the aggregate number of shares authorized for issuance under such plan by 600,000 shares of the Companys common stock.
o |
3. |
To ratify the appointment of Ernst &Young LLP as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008. |
o |
B Non-Voting
Items |
Change of Address
Please print new address below.
Comments Please print your comments below.
Meeting Attendance |
Mark the box to the right
if you plan to attend the
Annual Meeting.
o |
C |
Signatures This section must be completed for your vote to be counted.
Date and Sign
Please sign exactly as name(s) appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, corporate officer, trustee, guardian, or custodian, please give full title.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Please print date below
Signature 1 - Please keep signature within the box
Signature 2 - Please keep signature within the box |
Proxy Insulet Corporation
Notice of 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Goodwin Procter, LLP
Second Floor Conference Center
Exchange Place
53 State Street
Boston, MA 02109
Proxy Solicited by Board of Directors for Annual Meeting May 8, 2008 at 8:30 a.m.
Duane DeSisto and Carsten Boess, or either of them, each with the power of substitution, are hereby authorized to represent and vote the shares of the undersigned, with all the powers which the undersigned would possess if personally present, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Insulet Corporation to be held on May 8, 2008 or at any postponement or adjournment thereof.
Shares represented by this proxy will be voted as directed by the stockholder. If no such directions are indicated, the proxies will have authority to vote FOR each of the director nominees and FOR Proposals 2 and 3. In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.
(Items to be voted appear on reverse side.)