OMB Number:
3235-0059 |
January 31, 2008 |
Estimated average burden hours per
response |
14 |
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant
þ |
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o |
Check the appropriate box: |
o Preliminary Proxy Statement |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ Definitive Proxy Statement |
o Definitive Additional Materials |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
Noble Energy, Inc.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy
Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ No fee required. |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
and 0-11. |
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
1) Amount Previously Paid: |
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
SEC 1913 (11-01) |
Persons who are to respond to the collection of information
contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid
OMB control number. |
100 Glenborough Drive
Suite 100
Houston, Texas 77067
To Be Held On April 24,
To the Stockholders of
Noble Energy, Inc.:
The annual meeting of stockholders of NOBLE ENERGY, INC., a
Delaware corporation (Company), will be held on
Tuesday, April 24, 2007, at 9:30 a.m., Central Time,
at the Companys offices at 100 Glenborough Drive,
Suite 100, Houston, Texas 77067, for the following purposes:
To elect the members of the Board of Directors of the Company to
serve until the next annual meeting of the Companys
To ratify the appointment of the independent auditor by the
Companys Audit Committee;
To approve an amendment to the Companys 1992 Stock Option
and Restricted Stock Plan to increase the number of shares of
common stock authorized for issuance under the plan from
18,500,000 to 22,000,000;
To consider a stockholder proposal, if properly presented at the
annual meeting; and
To transact such other business as may properly come before the
meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.
The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on
March 13, 2007 as the record date for the determination of
stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting
and any adjournment or postponement thereof. Only stockholders
of record at the close of business on the record date are
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the meeting. A complete
list of the stockholders will be available for examination at
the offices of the Company in Houston, Texas during ordinary
business hours for a period of 10 days prior to the meeting.
A record of the Companys activities during 2006 and its
financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31,
2006 are contained in the Companys 2006 Annual Report on
Form 10-K.
The Annual Report does not form any part of the material for
solicitation of proxies.
All stockholders are cordially invited to attend the meeting.
Stockholders are urged, whether or not they plan to attend
the meeting, to complete, date and sign the accompanying proxy
card and to return it promptly in the postage-paid return
envelope provided, or, alternatively, to vote their proxy by
telephone or the internet according to the instructions on the
proxy card. If a stockholder who has returned a proxy
attends the meeting in person, the stockholder may revoke the
proxy and vote in person on all matters submitted at the meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors of
Noble Energy, Inc.
Arnold J. Johnson
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Houston, Texas
March 22, 2007
100 Glenborough Drive
Suite 100
Houston, Texas 77067
For Annual Meeting of Stockholders
To Be Held On April 24, 2007
The accompanying proxy, mailed together with this proxy
statement, is solicited by and on behalf of the Board of
Directors (Board of Directors or Board)
of Noble Energy, Inc., a Delaware corporation
(Company), for use at the annual meeting of
stockholders of the Company to be held at 9:30 a.m. Central
Time on Tuesday, April 24, 2007, at our offices at 100
Glenborough Drive, Suite 100, Houston, Texas 77067, and at
any adjournment or postponement thereof. The approximate date on
which this proxy statement and the accompanying proxy will first
be mailed to our stockholders is March 22, 2007.
Shares represented by valid proxies will be voted at the meeting
in accordance with the directions given. If no directions are
given, the shares will be voted in accordance with the
recommendations of our Board unless otherwise indicated. Any
stockholder of the Company returning a proxy has the right to
revoke the proxy at any time before it is voted by communicating
the revocation in writing to Arnold J. Johnson, Secretary, Noble
Energy, Inc., 100 Glenborough Drive, Suite 100,
Houston, Texas 77067, or by executing and delivering a proxy
bearing a later date. No revocation by written notice or by
delivery of another proxy will be effective until the notice of
revocation or other proxy, as the case may be, has been received
by the Company at or prior to the meeting.
In order for an item of business proposed by a stockholder to be
considered properly brought before the annual meeting of
stockholders as an agenda item or to be eligible for inclusion
in our proxy statement, our By-laws require that the stockholder
give written notice to our Secretary. The notice must specify
certain information concerning the stockholder and the item of
business proposed to be brought before the meeting. The notice
must be received by our Secretary no later than 120 calendar
days before the first anniversary of the release date of the
previous years annual meeting proxy statement; provided,
however, that in the event that (1) no annual meeting was
held in the previous year or (2) the date of the annual
meeting has changed by more than 30 days from the date of
the previous years meeting, notice by the stockholder must
be received no later than the close of business on the tenth day
following the earlier of the day on which notice of the meeting
date was mailed or public disclosure of the meeting date was
made for such notice to be timely. Accordingly, proper notice of
a stockholder proposal for the 2008 annual meeting must be
received by us no later than November 23, 2007.
Procedures and Tabulation
Holders of record of our common stock may vote using one of the
following three methods:
By Mail: Stockholders of record may vote by
signing, dating and returning the proxy card in the accompanying
postage-paid envelope.
By Telephone: Stockholders of record may call
the toll-free number on the accompanying proxy card to vote by
telephone, in accordance with the instructions set forth on the
proxy card and through voice prompts received during the call.
By Internet: By accessing the voting website
listed on the accompanying proxy card, stockholders of record
may vote through the internet in accordance with the
instructions included on the proxy card and on the voting
website. Stockholders electing to vote through the internet may
incur telephone and internet access charges.
Proxies submitted by telephone or the internet are treated in
the same manner as if the stockholder had signed, dated and
returned the proxy card by mail. Therefore, stockholders of
record electing to vote by telephone or the internet should not
return their proxy cards by mail.
Stockholders whose shares of our common stock are held in the
name of a bank, broker or other holder of record (that is,
street name) will receive separate instructions from
such holder of record regarding the voting of proxies.
We will appoint one or more inspectors of election to act at the
meeting and to make a written report thereof. Prior to the
meeting, the inspectors will sign an oath to perform their
duties in an impartial manner and according to the best of their
ability. The inspectors will ascertain the number of shares
outstanding and the voting power of each, determine the shares
represented at the meeting and the validity of proxies and
ballots, count all votes and ballots, and perform certain other
duties as required by law.
The inspectors will tabulate the number of votes cast for, or
withheld from, each matter submitted at the meeting for a
stockholder vote. Votes that are withheld will be excluded
entirely from the vote and will have no effect. Under the rules
of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), brokers who
hold shares in street name have the discretionary authority to
vote on certain routine items when they have not
received instructions from beneficial owners. For purposes of
our 2007 annual meeting, routine items include the election of
directors and the ratification of the appointment of the
independent auditor. In instances where brokers are prohibited
from exercising discretionary authority and no instructions are
received from beneficial owners with respect to such item
(so-called broker non-votes), the shares they hold
will not be considered part of the voting power present and,
therefore, will have no effect on the vote. For purposes of our
2007 annual meeting, brokers will be prohibited from exercising
discretionary authority with respect to the proposal to approve
the amendment to our 1992 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Plan
(1992 Plan) and the stockholder proposal requiring
the separation of the positions of Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer.
We are committed to integrity, reliability and transparency in
our disclosures to the public. To this end, we adhere to
corporate governance practices designed to ensure that our
business is conducted in the best interest of our stockholders
and in compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations,
including the listing standards of the NYSE and the rules and
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC). We monitor developments in the area of
corporate governance.
The standards applied by our Board in affirmatively determining
whether a director is independent in compliance with
the listing standards of the NYSE generally provide that a
director is not independent if:
1. the director is, or has been within the last three
years, an employee of the Company, or an immediate family member
(defined as including a persons spouse, parents, children,
siblings, mothers- and
brothers- and
and anyone, other than domestic employees, who shares such
persons home) is, or has been within the last three years,
an executive officer, of the Company;
2. the director has received, or has an immediate family
member who has received, during any twelve-month period within
the last three years, more than $100,000 per year in direct
compensation from us, other than director and committee fees and
pension or other forms of deferred compensation for prior
service (provided such compensation is not contingent in any way
on continued service);
3. (a) the director or an immediate family member is a
current partner of a firm that is our internal or external
auditor; (b) the director is a current employee of such a
firm; (c) the director has an immediate family member who
is a current employee of such a firm and who participates in the
firms audit, assurance or tax compliance (but not tax
planning) practice; or (d) the director or an immediate
family member was within the
last three years (but is no longer) a partner or employee of
such a firm and personally worked on our audit within that time;
4. the director or an immediate family member is, or has
been within the last three years, employed as an executive
officer of another company where any of our present executive
officers at the same time serves or served on that
companys compensation committee; or
5. the director is a current employee, or an immediate
family member is a current executive officer, of a company that
has made payments to, or received payments from, us for property
or services in an amount which, in any of the last three fiscal
years, exceeds the greater of $1 million or 2% of such
other companys consolidated gross revenues.
In addition to these objective standards, our Board has adopted
a general standard, also in compliance with the NYSE listing
standards, to the effect that no director qualifies as
independent unless the Board affirmatively
determines that the director has no material relationship with
the Company that could interfere with the directors
ability to exercise independent judgment. Our Board exercises
appropriate discretion in identifying and evaluating the
materiality of any relationships directors may have with us or
with parties that conduct business with us.
On March 3, 2007, our Board reviewed our directors
relationships with the Company (and those of their immediate
family members), including information related to transactions,
relationships or arrangements between the Company and our
directors or parties related to our directors. The following is
a description of categories or types of transactions,
relationships or arrangements considered by our Board (in
addition to the matters described under the Certain
Transactions section of this proxy statement) in making
its determination that these directors are independent:
Jeffrey L. Berenson is a director and member of the compensation
committee of Epoch Holdings Corporation, a holding company that
provides investment management and advisory services.
Mr. Berenson is a former director of Patina Oil &
Gas Corporation, which we acquired by merger in May 2005.
Michael A. Cawley is President and Chief Executive Officer of
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.
(Foundation), which we paid $128,216 for the use of
its aircraft during 2006. During that same period, the
Foundation paid $45,309 to us for the use of our aircraft.
Mr. Cawley received payments totaling approximately $14,500
in 2006 attributable to his interests in certain oil and gas
royalties that he purchased from the Company in the 1990s.
Mr. Cawley is also a director of Noble Corporation, a
publicly traded drilling company.
Edward F. Cox received payments in 2006 totaling $177,051
attributable to his interests in certain oil and gas royalties
and interests in two general partnerships that hold royalties
and are managed by the Company. Mr. Cox purchased these
interests from the Company in the 1980s and 1990s.
Kirby L. Hedrick is a director and member of the compensation
committee of Pengrowth Energy Trust, a closed-end investment
trust that engages in the acquisition, ownership, and management
of working interests and royalty interests in oil and natural
gas properties and processing facilities in Canada.
Mr. Hedrick is also a member of the Wyoming Environmental
Quality Council.
Bruce A. Smith is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
Tesoro Corporation (Tesoro), a publicly traded
petroleum refiner and marketer.
William T. Van Kleef is a director of Oil States International,
Inc., a publicly traded company that provides specialty products
and services to oil and gas drilling and production companies
worldwide. Mr. Van Kleef retired as Chief Operating Officer
of Tesoro in 2005.
After reviewing these transactions, relationships and
arrangements, and after applying the NYSE independence standards
described above, our Board affirmatively determined that no
material relationship existed that would interfere with the
ability of Messrs. Berenson, Cawley, Cox, Hedrick, Smith or
Van Kleef to exercise independent judgment and that each is
independent for Board membership purposes. Our Board also
determined that all members of our Audit Committee, Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee and Compensation,
Benefits and Stock Option Committee are independent under the
NYSE independence standards and applicable SEC rules.
Independent Director and Executive Sessions
We have an empowered Lead Independent Director, currently
Michael A. Cawley, who is elected annually by the independent
directors. The Lead Independent Directors responsibilities
and authority generally include approving the scheduling of
regular and, where feasible, special meetings of the Board to
assure that there is sufficient time for discussion of all
agenda items; consulting with the Chairman to establish the
agenda for each Board meeting; discussing with the Chairman and
approving the scope of materials to be delivered to the
directors in advance of Board meetings; presiding at all
executive sessions of the independent or non-management
directors and all other Board meetings at which the Chairman is
not present: serving as a liaison between the Chairman and the
independent or non-management directors; coordinating the
activities of such directors; coordinating the agenda for and
moderating sessions of the Boards independent directors
and other non-management directors; facilitating communications
among the other members of the Board; and consulting with the
chairs of the Board committees and soliciting their
participation to avoid diluting their authority or
responsibilities. Our Lead Independent Directors
responsibilities and authority are more specifically described
in our Corporate Governance Guidelines.
Our non-management directors hold executive sessions without
management at regularly scheduled meetings of our Board. These
sessions take place outside the presence of our Chief Executive
Officer or any of our other employees. The Lead Independent
Director presides at these executive sessions, which allow the
non-management directors the opportunity to separately consider
management performance and broader matters of strategic
significance to us. During 2006, our non-management directors
met five times in executive sessions of the Board.
All members of our Audit Committee have been determined to meet
the standards of independence required of audit committee
members by the NYSE and applicable SEC rules. See Director
Independence above.
Our Board has determined that all members of our Audit Committee
are financially literate. Further, our Board has determined that
Bruce A. Smith and William T. Van Kleef each possesses
accounting or related financial management expertise within the
meaning of the listing standards of the NYSE, and is an
audit committee financial expert within the meaning
of applicable SEC rules.
Our Audit Committee operates under a charter adopted by our
Board that governs its duties and conduct. A copy of the charter
is attached to this proxy statement as Appendix A and can
also be obtained free of charge from our website,, or by written request to
us at the address appearing on the first page of this proxy
statement to the attention of our Corporate Secretary or by
(281) 872-3100.
KPMG LLP, our independent auditor, reports directly to our Audit
Our Audit Committee, consistent with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
2002 and the rules adopted thereunder, meets with management and
our independent auditor prior to the filing of officers
certifications with the SEC to receive information concerning,
among other things, the integrity of our financial controls and
Our Audit Committee has adopted a Policy on Reporting Concerns
and Complaints Regarding Accounting, Internal Accounting
Controls and Auditing Matters to enable confidential and
anonymous reporting to the Audit Committee of concerns regarding
questionable accounting matters.
Benefits and Stock Option Committee
All members of our Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option
Committee (Compensation Committee) have been
determined to meet the NYSE standards for independence. See
Director Independence above. Further, each member of
our Compensation Committee is a Non-Employee
Director as defined in
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and an outside
director as defined for purposes of Section 162(m) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Our Compensation Committee operates under a charter adopted by
our Board that governs its duties and conduct. A copy of the
charter is attached to this proxy statement as Appendix B
and can also be obtained free of charge from our website,, or by written request to
us at the address appearing on the first page of this proxy
statement to the attention of our Corporate Secretary or by
(281) 872-3100.
Governance and Nominating Committee
All members of our Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
(Governance Committee) have been determined to meet
the NYSE standards for independence. See Director
Independence above.
Our Governance Committee operates under a charter adopted by our
Board that governs its duties and conduct. A copy of the charter
is attached to this proxy statement as Appendix C and can
also be obtained free of charge from our website,, or by written request to
us at the address appearing on the first page of this proxy
statement to the attention of our Corporate Secretary or by
(281) 872-3100.
Our Governance Committee considers candidates for Board
membership suggested by its members and other Board members, as
well as by our management and stockholders. A stockholder who
wishes to recommend a prospective nominee for the Board should
follow the procedures described in this proxy statement under
the caption Evaluation of Director Nominees.
Governance Guidelines
We have adopted a set of Corporate Governance Guidelines,
including standards for director qualification and director
responsibilities. The guidelines can be obtained free of charge
from our website,, or by
written request to us at the address appearing on the first page
of this proxy statement to the attention of our Corporate
Secretary or by calling
(281) 872-3100.
Codes of
Business Conduct and Ethics
We have adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that
applies to our directors, officers and employees and sets out
our policy regarding laws and business conduct, contains other
policies relevant to business conduct and sets out a process for
reporting violations thereof. A copy of this code can be
obtained free of charge from our website,, or by written request to
us at the address appearing on the first page of this proxy
statement to the attention of our Corporate Secretary or by
(281) 872-3100.
Amendments to this code will be promptly posted on our website.
We have also adopted a Code of Ethics for Chief Executive and
Senior Financial Officers, violations of which may be reported
to our Audit Committee. A copy of this code can be obtained free
of charge from our website,, or by written request to
us at the address appearing on the first page of this proxy
statement to the attention of our Corporate Secretary or by
(281) 872-3100.
Amendments to this code will also be promptly posted on our
Loans to Executive Officers and Directors
We comply with, and operate in a manner consistent with,
applicable law prohibiting extensions of credit in the form of
personal loans to, or for the benefit of, our directors and
executive officers.
Attendance at Annual Meetings of Stockholders
All of our directors are expected to attend each annual meeting
of our stockholders. A director who is unable to attend the
annual meeting, which it is understood will occur on occasion,
is expected to notify the Chairman of the
Board in advance of such meeting. Attendance at our annual
meeting will be considered by our Governance Committee in
assessing each directors performance. Last year, all
directors attended our annual meeting of stockholders.
with the Board of Directors
Stockholders and other interested parties may contact any member
of our Board, any Board committee or any chair of any such
committee by mail, electronically or by calling our independent,
toll-free compliance line. To communicate by mail with our
Board, any individual director or any group or committee of
directors, correspondence should be addressed to our Board or
any individual director or group or committee of directors by
either name or title. All correspondence should be sent to Noble
Energy, Inc., Attention: Corporate Secretary, at 100
Glenborough, Suite 100, Houston, Texas 77067. To
communicate with any of our directors electronically,
stockholders should go to our website at Under the headings
Corporate Governance/Corporate Governance
Guidelines, you will find a link under Exhibit 3
(Shareholder Communications with Directors) that may
be used for writing an electronic message to our Board, any
individual director, or any group or committee of directors. In
addition, stockholders may call our independent, toll-free
compliance line listed on our website under the heading
Corporate Governance/Audit Committee Complaints
All stockholder communications properly received will be
reviewed by the office of our General Counsel to determine
whether the contents represent a message to our directors. Any
contents that are not in the nature of advertising, promotions
of a product or service, or patently offensive material will be
forwarded promptly to the appropriate director or directors.
Only holders of record of our common stock, par value
per share, at the close of business on March 13, 2007, the
record date for our annual meeting, are entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the meeting. A majority of the shares of common
stock entitled to vote, present in person or represented by
proxy, is necessary to constitute a quorum. Abstentions and
broker non-votes on filed proxies and ballots are counted as
present for establishing a quorum. On the record date for our
annual meeting, there were issued and outstanding
170,677,575 shares of common stock. Each share of common
stock is entitled to one vote.
The following tabulation sets forth, as of March 1, 2007,
information with respect to the only persons who were known to
us to be beneficial owners of more than five percent of the
outstanding shares of our common stock, based on statements
filed with the SEC pursuant to Section 13(g) or 13(d) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Number of Shares
of Common Stock
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Beneficially Owned
of Class
NWQ Investment Management Company,
2049 Century Park East,
16th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067
AXA Financial, Inc.
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104
Wellington Management Company, LLP
75 State Street
Boston, MA 02109
FMR Corp.
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109
(1) |
Includes shares of common stock beneficially owned by clients of
NWQ Investment Management Company, LLC, which clients may
include investment companies registered under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended,
employee benefit plans, pension funds, charitable funds, and
other institutional and high net |
worth clients. NWQ has sole voting power with respect to
21,161,841 shares of common stock and sole dispositive
power with respect to 24,177,675 shares of common stock. |
(2) |
Included in the shares of common stock that are beneficially
owned by AXA Financial, Inc. are (a) 22,862,972 shares
beneficially owned by AllianceBernstein L.P., acquired solely
for investment purposes on behalf of client discretionary
investment advisory accounts, (b) 59,141 shares
acquired solely for investment purposes by AXA Rosenberg
Investment Management LLC and (c) 34,532 shares
acquired solely for investment purposes by AXA Investment
Managers Paris (France). AXA Financial, Inc. has sole voting
power with respect to 17,411,444 shares of common stock,
shared voting power with respect to 504,952 shares of
common stock, sole dispositive power with respect to
22,890,124 shares of common stock and shared voting power
with respect to 60 shares of common stock. |
(3) |
Wellington Management Company LLP, in its capacity as investment
adviser, may be deemed to beneficially own
11,056,845 shares of common stock, which are held of record
by clients of Wellington Management Company LLP. Wellington has
shared voting power with respect to 7,086,000 shares of
common stock and shared dispositive power with respect to
11,039,745 shares of common stock. |
(4) |
Included in the shares of common stock that are beneficially
owned by FMR Corp. are (a) 3,131 shares beneficially
owned by Strategic Advisers, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
FMR Corp. and an investment adviser registered under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and (b) 6,700 shares
beneficially owned by Pyramis Global Advisors Trust Company, an
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of FMR Corp., which has sole
voting power with respect to 60,431 shares of common stock
and sole dispositive power with respect to 9,370,189 shares
of common stock. |
As of the date of this proxy statement, our Board consists of
eight directors, six of whom are independent. Information
regarding the business experience of each nominee is provided
below. All directors are elected annually to serve until the
next annual meeting and until their successors are elected.
Directors are elected by plurality vote of the shares present at
our annual meeting, meaning that the director nominee with the
most affirmative votes for a particular slot is elected for that
slot. The proxyholders will vote in favor of the eight persons
listed below unless contrary instructions are given.
If you sign your proxy card but do not give instructions with
respect to the voting of directors, your shares will be voted
for the eight persons recommended by our Board, except where
authorization to do so is withheld.
Our Board expects that all of the nominees will be available to
serve as directors as indicated. In the event that any nominee
should become unavailable, however, the proxyholders will vote
for a nominee or nominees who would be designated by our Board
unless the Board chooses to reduce the number of directors
serving on our Board.
Nominees for Director
Jeffrey L. Berenson Mr. Berenson,
age 56, is President and Chief Executive Officer of
Berenson & Company, a private investment banking firm
in New York City that he co-founded in 1990. From 1978 until
co-founding Berenson & Company, Mr. Berenson was
with Merrill Lynchs Mergers and Acquisitions department,
becoming head of that department in 1986 and then co-head of its
Merchant Banking unit in 1988. He was appointed to the Board of
Directors of Patina Oil & Gas Corporation
(Patina) in December 2002 and joined our Board upon
completion of our merger with Patina on May 16, 2005.
Mr. Berenson is also a member of the Board of Directors of
Epoch Holdings Corporation.
Michael A. Cawley Mr. Cawley,
age 59, has served as President and Chief Executive Officer
of The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.
(Foundation) since February 1, 1992, after
serving as Executive Vice President of the Foundation since
January 1, 1991. Prior to 1991, Mr. Cawley was the
President of Thompson, Cawley, Veazey & Burns, a
professional corporation, attorneys at law. Mr. Cawley has
served as a trustee of the Foundation since 1988
and is also a director of Noble Corporation. He has served as a
director of the Company since 1995 and our Lead Independent
Director since 2001.
Edward F. Cox Mr. Cox, age 60, has
been a partner in the law firm of Patterson Belknap
Webb & Tyler
llp, New York, New
York for more than five years and has served as the chair of the
firms corporate department and as a member of the
firms management committee. He is chair of the New York
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, of the New
York Regional Commission on Parks and of the Finance Committee
of the Trustees of The State University of New York.
Mr. Cox has served as a director of the Company since 1984.
Charles D. Davidson Mr. Davidson,
age 57, has served as President and Chief Executive Officer
of the Company since October 2000 and has served as Chairman of
the Board since April 2001. Prior to October 2000, he served as
President and Chief Executive Officer of Vastar Resources, Inc.
(Vastar) from March 1997 to September 2000 (Chairman
from April 2000) and was a Vastar director from March 1994
to September 2000. From September 1993 to March 1997, he served
as a Senior Vice President of Vastar. From 1972 to October 1993,
he held various positions with ARCO.
Thomas J. Edelman Mr. Edelman,
age 56, founded Patina and served as its Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer from its formation in 1996 until its May 2005
merger with the Company. He co-founded Snyder Oil Corporation
and was its President from 1981 through 1997. From 1980 to 1981,
he was with The First Boston Corporation and, from 1975 through
1980, with Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Incorporated.
Mr. Edelman serves as Chairman of Bear Cub Investments LLC,
President of Lenox Hill Neighborhood House and Trustee and Chair
of the Development Committee of The Hotchkiss School. He joined
our Board upon completion of our merger with Patina on
May 16, 2005.
Kirby L. Hedrick Mr. Hedrick,
age 54, served as Executive Vice President over upstream
operations for Phillips Petroleum Company from 1997 until his
retirement in 2000. Mr. Hedrick was elected to our Board on
August 1, 2002.
Bruce A. Smith Mr. Smith, age 63,
has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Tesoro
Corporation (Tesoro) since 1995 and has served as
its Chairman since 1996. Mr. Smith joined Tesoro in 1992.
He was elected to our Board on March 6, 2002.
William T. Van Kleef Mr. Van Kleef,
age 55, served in executive management positions at Tesoro
from 1993 to 2005, most recently as Tesoros Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer. During his tenure at
Tesoro, Mr. Van Kleef held various positions, including
President, Tesoro Refining and Marketing, and Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer. Before joining Tesoro,
Mr. Van Kleef, a Certified Public Accountant, served in
various financial and accounting positions with Damson Oil from
1982 to 1991, most recently as Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer. He joined our Board on November 11,
2005. Mr. Van Kleef is also a member of the Board of
Directors of Oil States International, Inc.
Generally, our By-laws provide that a stockholder must deliver
written notice to our Secretary no later than 90 calendar days
prior to our annual meeting naming the stockholders
nominee(s) for director and specifying certain information
concerning the stockholder and nominee(s). Accordingly, a
stockholders nominee(s) for director to be presented at
our 2008 annual meeting of stockholders must be received by us
no later than January 23, 2008.
Our Board unanimously recommends that stockholders
vote FOR the election of each of its nominees.
Our Board held twelve meetings in 2006, consisting of five
regular meetings, its annual organizational meeting and six
special meetings.
of Director Nominees
Our Governance Committee believes that the minimum
qualifications for serving as a director of the Company are that
a nominee demonstrate, by significant accomplishment in his or
her field, an ability to make a meaningful contribution to our
Boards oversight of the business and affairs of the
Company and have an impeccable record and
reputation for honest and ethical conduct in both his or her
professional and personal activities. Nominees for director
shall be those people who, after taking into account their
skills, expertise, integrity, diversity, character, judgment,
age, independence, corporate experience, length of service,
potential conflicts of interest and commitments (including,
among other things, service on the boards or comparable
governing bodies of other public companies, private business
companies, charities, civic bodies or similar organizations) and
other qualities, are believed to enhance our Boards
ability to manage and direct, in an effective manner, the
affairs and business of the Company, including, when applicable,
to enhance the ability of committees of our Board to fulfill
their duties
and/or to
satisfy any independence requirements imposed by law, regulation
or listing standards of the NYSE.
In general, nominees for director should have an understanding
of the workings of large business organizations such as the
Company and senior level executive experience, as well as the
ability to make independent, analytical judgments, the ability
to be an effective communicator and the ability and willingness
to devote the time and effort to be an effective and
contributing member of our Board. In addition, our Governance
Committee will examine a candidates specific experiences
and skills, time availability in light of other commitments,
potential conflicts of interest and independence from management
and the Company. Our Governance Committee will also seek to have
our Board represent a diversity of backgrounds, experience,
gender and race.
Our Governance Committee will identify potential nominees by
asking current directors and executive officers to notify the
committee if they become aware of persons, meeting the criteria
described above, who have had a change in circumstances that
might make them available to serve on our Board for
example, retirement as a CEO or CFO of a public company or
exiting government or military service or business and civic
leaders in the communities in which our facilities are located.
Our Governance Committee also, from time to time, will engage
firms that specialize in identifying director candidates. Our
Governance Committee will also consider candidates recommended
by our stockholders.
Once a person has been identified by our Governance Committee as
a potential candidate, the committee may collect and review
available information regarding the person to assess whether the
person should be considered further. If our Governance Committee
determines that the candidate warrants further consideration,
the committee Chair or another member of our Governance
Committee will contact the individual. Generally, if the
individual expresses a willingness to be considered and to serve
on our Board, our Governance Committee will request information
from the candidate, review the persons accomplishments and
qualifications, including in light of any other candidates that
the committee might be considering, and conduct one or more
interviews with the candidate. In certain instances, Governance
Committee members may contact one or more references provided by
the candidate or may contact other members of the business
community or other persons that may have greater first-hand
knowledge of the candidates accomplishments. Our
Governance Committees evaluation process will be the same
whether or not a candidate is recommended by a stockholder,
although our Board may take into consideration the number of
shares held by the recommending stockholder and the length of
time that such shares have been held.
Our Governance Committee will consider director nominees of
stockholders, provided that such recommendations are made in
writing to the attention of our Corporate Secretary and received
not less than 90 days in advance of our annual stockholder
meeting. A stockholder must include the following information
with each recommendation for a director nominee:
the name and address of the stockholder and evidence of the
persons ownership of our stock, including the number of
shares owned and the length of time of ownership;
whether the stockholder intends to appear in person or by proxy
at our annual stockholders meeting to make the nomination;
a description of all arrangements or understandings between the
stockholder and the nominee and any other person or persons
(naming such person or persons) pursuant to which the nomination
is made; and
the name of the candidate, the candidates résumé
or a listing of his or her qualifications to be a member of our
Board and the persons consent to be named as a director if
selected by our Governance Committee and nominated by our Board.
of the Board of Directors
Our Board has four standing committees, whose names, current
members and purposes are as follows:
Audit Committee William T. Van Kleef, Chair;
Michael A. Cawley; and Bruce A. Smith. The primary purpose of
our Audit Committee is to: (1) assist our Board in
fulfilling its responsibility to oversee the integrity of our
financial statements, our compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements, the independent auditors qualifications and
independence, and the performance of our internal audit function
and independent auditor and (2) prepare a committee report
as required by the SEC to be included in our annual proxy
statement. Our Audit Committee held nine meetings during 2006.
For more details, see information under the section Report
of the Audit Committee.
Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option
Committee Kirby L. Hedrick, Chair; Jeffrey L.
Berenson; and Edward F. Cox. The purpose of our Compensation
Committee is to: (1) review and approve corporate goals and
objectives in the areas of: (a) salary and bonus
compensation, (b) benefits, and (c) equity-based
compensation, as these areas relate to the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO), evaluating the CEOs performance
based on those goals and objectives and, either as a committee
or together with the other independent directors (as directed by
our Board), determine and approve the CEOs compensation
level based on that evaluation; (2) make recommendations to
the Board with respect to non-CEO executive officer
compensation, incentive-compensation plans and equity-based
plans that are subject to board approval; and (3) produce a
committee report on executive compensation as required by the
SEC to be included, or incorporated by reference, in our proxy
statement or other applicable SEC filings. Our Board has
delegated authority to the Compensation Committee to determine
and approve our compensation philosophy; the annual salary,
bonus, equity-based compensation and other benefits applicable
to our executive officers; and equity-based compensation
applicable to non-executive-officer employees. Our Compensation
Committee held seven meetings during 2006. For more details, see
information under the section Compensation Discussion and
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
Michael A. Cawley, Chair; Jeffrey L. Berenson; Edward F. Cox;
Kirby L. Hedrick; Bruce A. Smith; and William T. Van Kleef. The
overall purpose of our Governance Committee is to: (1) take
a leadership role in providing a focus on corporate governance
to enable and enhance our short- and long-term performance;
(2) engage in appropriate identification, selection,
retention and development of qualified directors consistent with
criteria approved by our Board; (3) develop, and recommend
to our Board, a set of corporate governance principles or
guidelines applicable to us; (4) advise our Board with
respect to the Boards composition, procedures and
committees; and (5) oversee the evaluation of our Board and
management. Our Governance Committee held five meetings during
Environment, Health and Safety Committee
Edward F. Cox, Chair; Charles D. Davidson; Thomas J. Edelman;
and Kirby L. Hedrick. The overall purpose of our Environment,
Health and Safety Committee is to assist our Board in
determining whether we have appropriate policies and management
systems in place with respect to environment, health and safety
(EH&S) matters and to monitor and review
compliance with applicable EH&S laws, rules and regulations.
Our Environment, Health and Safety Committee held four meetings
during 2006.
Each of our directors attended at least 75% of the meetings of
our Board and its committees of which such director was a member
during 2006.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
Kirby L. Hedrick, Jeffrey L. Berenson, Edward F. Cox and Bruce
A. Smith served on the Compensation Committee for all or part of
2006. There were no Compensation Committee interlocks nor
insider (employee) participation during 2006.
The Audit Committee of our Board has appointed the firm of KPMG
LLP to serve as our independent auditor for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2007. This firm has audited our
accounts since May 2002. Although action by our stockholders on
this matter is not required, our Audit Committee believes that
it is important to seek stockholder ratification of this
appointment in light of the critical role played by our
independent auditor in maintaining the integrity of our
financial controls and reporting.
One or more representatives of KPMG LLP are expected to be
present at our annual meeting, will be able to make a statement
if they so desire, and will be available to respond to
appropriate questions.
Our Board unanimously recommends that stockholders
vote FOR ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as our
independent auditor.
Our 1992 Plan was adopted by our Board and approved by our
stockholders at the 1992 annual meeting of stockholders, and was
subsequently amended in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2005. At the
2007 annual meeting, our stockholders are being asked to approve
an amendment to our 1992 Plan to increase the number of shares
of common stock authorized for issuance under the plan from
18,500,000 shares to 22,000,000 shares (an increase of
3,500,000 shares). Our Board unanimously adopted this
amendment on March 3, 2007, subject to stockholder approval
at our annual meeting.
and Purpose
Our Board recommends approval of the amendment to the 1992 Plan
to enable the continued use of the plan for stock-based grants
as a key element of our compensation program in order to:
promote the long-term success of the Company;
continue to attract and retain high quality talent;
motivate key employees by instilling a sense of business
ownership in the Company;
provide incentive compensation opportunities that are
competitive with those of our peer group of similar publicly
traded oil and gas exploration and production companies; and
further align the interests of our stockholders and our
executive officers.
We believe that the success of our compensation program,
including the use of stock-based grants under our 1992 Plan, is
well-evidenced by the performance of our common stock over the
last several years. We led our peer group with an annual
stockholder return of 22.5 percent for 2006 and were in the
top third of our peer group with an average annual stockholder
return of 30.9 percent for the three-year period 2004
through 2006.
The use of stock-based grants under our 1992 Plan continues to
be a key element of our compensation program. Of the
18,500,000 shares currently authorized for issuance under
the 1992 Plan, 2,532,802 shares remain as of March 13,
2007, after February 1, 2007 grants totalling
1,927,273 shares. We do not believe that this leaves
sufficient shares available for more than one additional year of
grants under the 1992 Plan. By increasing the number of shares
authorized for issuance under our 1992 Plan by 3,500,000, a
total of 22,000,000 shares would be available. We believe
that this increase would give us the flexibility to continue to
make stock-based grants over the next three years in amounts
determined appropriate by our Compensation Committee. The
proposed amendment will not be implemented unless approved by
our stockholders. If the proposed amendment is not approved by
our stockholders, the 1992 Plan will remain in effect in its
present form.
Our average burn rate for 2004 through 2006 (which is the total
number of shares subject to stock-based grants under the 1992
Plan in a given year divided by the total number of shares of
our common stock outstanding) was 0.53%. As of the record date,
the total number of shares of our outstanding common stock was
170,677,575. Our current dilution (which is the number of shares
available for grant under the 1992 Plan plus the outstanding
stock options and restricted stock granted under the plan,
divided by the total number of shares of our common stock
outstanding) is approximately five percent and, with the
proposed amendment to our 1992 Plan, our dilution would increase
to approximately seven percent.
The following is a summary of the principal features of our 1992
Plan as amended to reflect the proposed plan amendment. The
summary does not purport to be a complete description of all
provisions of our 1992 Plan and is qualified in its entirety by
the text of the 1992 Plan, a copy of which (as amended to
reflect the proposed plan amendment) is attached to this proxy
statement as Appendix D. Capitalized terms not otherwise
defined below have the meanings ascribed to them in the 1992
Under our 1992 Plan, shares of Common Stock may be subject to
grants of Nonqualified Options, SARs or awards of Restricted
Stock to officers and other employees of the Company or one of
its Affiliates. Our 1992 Plan originally also permitted grants
of Incentive Options but was amended in 1996 to provide, among
other things, that no Incentive Options or any SARs that relate
to such Incentive Options could be granted after
December 9, 2006. Nonqualified Options and any SARs related
thereto may be granted, and Restricted Stock may be awarded,
until the shares of Common Stock available under the 1992 Plan
have been exhausted or the 1992 Plan has been terminated. Shares
of Common Stock covered by a Nonqualified Option that expires or
terminates prior to exercise and shares of Restricted Stock
returned to the Company are again available for grant of
Nonqualified Options and awards of Restricted Stock. Our 1992
Plan contains antidilution provisions applicable in the event of
an increase or decrease in the number of outstanding shares of
Common Stock, effected without receipt of consideration therefor
by the Company, through a stock dividend or any recapitalization
or merger or otherwise in which the Company is the surviving
company, resulting in a stock
combination or exchange of our shares, in which event
appropriate adjustments will be made in the maximum number of
shares subject to the 1992 Plan and the number of shares and
option prices under then outstanding Nonqualified Options.
Our 1992 Plan provides that it is to be administered by a
committee of our Board. The committee must consist of two or
more of our directors, all of whom must be (1) Non-Employee
Directors as defined in
Rule 16b-3
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(Exchange Act) and (2) Outside Directors as
defined in Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (Internal Revenue Code), and the
regulations promulgated thereunder. Our Compensation Committee
meets these requirements and thus administers our 1992 Plan. In
doing so, our Compensation Committee determines the grants of
Nonqualified Options and awards of Restricted Stock, the terms
and provisions of the respective agreements covering the grants
or awards and all other decisions concerning the 1992 Plan. Our
1992 Plan provides that the determination of the committee is
binding with respect to all questions of interpretation and
application of the 1992 Plan and of Nonqualified Options granted
or awards of Restricted Stock made thereunder, subject to the
express provisions of the 1992 Plan and except as set forth
below under Stock Options and SARs and
Amendment and Duration of the 1992 Plan.
All of our regular salaried executive officers and other
employees and those of our Affiliates are eligible to
participate in the 1992 Plan. As of March 13, 2007, all of
our executive officers and approximately 342 other employees
participate in the 1992 Plan.
On March 13, 2007, the reported closing price per share of
our Common Stock on the NYSE was $56.26.
Options and SARs
Our 1992 Plan provides that, from time to time during the term
of the plan, the committee, in its sole discretion, may grant
Nonqualified Options, Restricted Stock or any combination
thereof to any employee eligible under the 1992 Plan. Each
person who accepts a Nonqualified Option is required to enter
into an agreement with the Company whereupon the person shall
become a participant in the 1992 Plan in accordance with the
terms of the agreement.
The committee may, from time to time, grant SARs in conjunction
with all or any portion of a Nonqualified Option either at the
time of the initial Nonqualified Option grant or at any time
after the initial grant while the Nonqualified Option is
outstanding. SARs generally will be subject to the same terms
and conditions and exercisable to the same extent as
Nonqualified Options, as described above. SARs entitle an
Optionee to receive without payment to the Company (except for
applicable withholding taxes) the excess of the aggregate fair
market value per share with respect to which the SAR is then
being exercised (determined as of the date of the exercise) over
the aggregate purchase price of the shares as provided in the
related Nonqualified Option. Payment may be made in shares of
already owned Common Stock or in cash, or a combination thereof,
as determined by the committee.
The option price for each Share covered by a Nonqualified Option
shall not be less than the greater of (1) the par value of
the Share or (2) 100 percent of the Fair Market Value
of the Share at the time the Nonqualified Option is granted. If
the Company agrees to substitute a new option under the 1992
Plan for an old Nonqualified Option, or to assume an old
Nonqualified Option, as provided for in the 1992 Plan, the
option price of the Shares covered by each of the new
Nonqualified Option or assumed Nonqualified Option may be
otherwise determined by a formula; provided, however, in no
event shall: (a) the excess of the aggregate Fair Market
Value of the Shares subject to the Nonqualified Option
immediately after the substitution or assumption over the
aggregate option price of the Shares be more than the excess of
the aggregate Fair Market Value of all Shares subject to the
option immediately prior to the substitution or assumption over
the aggregate option price of the Shares; or (b) the ratio
of the option price to the Fair Market Value of the stock
subject to the Nonqualified Option immediately after the
substitution or assumption be more favorable to the Optionee
than the ratio of the option price to the Fair Market Value of
the stock subject to the old Nonqualified Option immediately
prior to the substitution or assumption, on a Share by Share
Our 1992 Plan provides that Restricted Stock may be awarded by
the committee to the eligible recipients as it may determine
from time to time. The eligible recipients are those individuals
who are eligible for Nonqualified Option grants. Restricted
Stock is Common Stock that may not be sold, assigned,
transferred, discounted, exchanged, pledged or otherwise
encumbered or disposed of until the terms and conditions set by
the committee, which terms and conditions may include, among
other things, the achievement of specific goals, have been
satisfied (Restricted Period). During the Restricted
Period, unless specifically provided otherwise in accordance
with the terms of the 1992 Plan, the recipient of Restricted
Stock would be the record owner of the shares and have all the
rights of a stockholder with respect to the shares, including
the right to vote and the right to receive dividends or other
distributions made or paid with respect to the shares.
Our 1992 Plan provides that the committee has the authority to
cancel all or any portion of any outstanding restrictions prior
to the expiration of the Restricted Period with respect to any
and all of the shares of Restricted Stock awarded to an
individual on the terms and conditions as the committee may deem
appropriate. If during the Restricted Period an
individuals continuous employment terminates for any
reason, any Restricted Stock remaining subject to restrictions
will be forfeited by the individual and transferred at no cost
to the Company; provided, however, that as noted above, the
committee has the authority to cancel any or all outstanding
restrictions prior to the end of the Restricted Period.
and Duration of the 1992 Plan
The Board may at any time amend, suspend or terminate our 1992
Plan; provided, however, the Board may not, without approval of
the stockholders of the Company, amend the 1992 Plan so as to
(1) increase the maximum number of shares subject thereto,
or (2) reduce the option price per share covered by Options
granted under the 1992
Plan below the price specified in the 1992 Plan. Additionally,
the Board may not modify, impair or cancel any outstanding
Option or SARs related thereto, or the restrictions, terms or
conditions applicable to Shares of Restricted Stock, without the
consent of the holder thereof.
States Federal Income Tax Consequences
The following summary is based upon an analysis of the Internal
Revenue Code, existing laws, judicial decisions, administrative
rulings, regulations and proposed regulations, all of which are
subject to change. Moreover, the following is only a summary of
United States federal income tax consequences and the
consequences may be either more or less favorable than those
described below depending on an employees particular
Nonqualified Options. No income will be
recognized by an Optionee for federal income tax purposes upon
the grant of a Nonqualified Option. Upon exercise of a
Nonqualified Option, the Optionee will recognize ordinary income
in an amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the
shares on the date of exercise over the amount paid for such
shares, and subject to the deduction limitations described
below, the Company will be entitled to a deduction equal to the
ordinary income recognized by the Optionee.
The basis of shares transferred to an Optionee pursuant to
exercise of a Nonqualified Option is the price paid for the
shares plus an amount equal to any income recognized by the
Optionee as a result of the exercise of the option. If an
Optionee thereafter sells shares acquired upon exercise of a
Nonqualified Option, any amount realized over the basis of the
shares will constitute capital gain to the Optionee for federal
income tax purposes.
If an Optionee uses already-owned shares of Common Stock to pay
the exercise price for shares under a Nonqualified Option, the
number of shares received pursuant to the Nonqualified Option
which is equal to the number of shares delivered in payment of
the exercise price will be considered received in a nontaxable
exchange, and the fair market value of the remaining shares
received by the Optionee upon the exercise will be taxable to
the Optionee as ordinary income. If the already-owned shares of
Common Stock are not statutory option stock (as
defined in Section 424(c)(3)(B) of the Internal Revenue
Code) or are statutory option stock with respect to which the
applicable holding period referred to in
Section 424(c)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code has been
satisfied, the shares received pursuant to the exercise of the
Nonqualified Option will not be statutory option stock and the
Optionees basis in the number of shares received in
exchange for the stock delivered in payment of the exercise
price will be equal to the basis of the shares delivered in
payment. The basis of the remaining shares received upon the
exercise will be equal to the fair market value of the shares.
However, if the already-owned shares of Common Stock are
statutory option stock with respect to which the applicable
holding period has not been satisfied, it is not presently clear
whether the exercise will be considered a disqualifying
disposition of the statutory option stock, whether the shares
received upon the exercise will be statutory option stock, or
how the Optionees basis will be allocated among the shares
The ordinary income recognized by an Optionee upon the exercise
of a Nonqualified Option is compensation subject to withholding
for federal income tax purposes, and the Company must make
arrangements with the Optionee to ensure that the amount of the
tax required to be withheld by the Company is paid to the
Internal Revenue Service for the benefit of the Optionee. This
tax withholding obligation may be satisfied by an Optionee at
the time of the exercise of a Nonqualified Option by paying cash
to the Company or by transferring already-owned shares of Common
Stock to the Company. If an Optionee transfers already-owned
shares of Common Stock to the Company in order to satisfy the
Companys tax withholding obligation, the transfer of such
shares will be a taxable event.
If the already-owned shares of Common Stock are not statutory
option stock or are statutory option stock with respect to which
the applicable holding period has been satisfied, the amount by
which the consideration received by the Optionee (i.e.,
the amount of the Optionees tax withholding that is
satisfied by the transfer, plus any cash paid by the Company to
the Optionee in lieu of a fractional share) exceeds the
Optionees basis in the transferred stock will be a capital
gain to the Optionee (or, if the consideration received is less
than the Optionees basis, the difference will be a capital
loss to the Optionee). If the already-owned shares of Common
Stock are statutory option stock with respect to which the
applicable holding period has not been satisfied, the transfer
of the shares will be a disqualifying disposition of statutory
option stock.
SARs. There will be no federal income tax
consequences to either the recipient or the Company upon the
grant of SARs. Generally, the recipient will recognize ordinary
income subject to withholding upon the exercise of SARs in an
amount equal to the amount of cash received and the fair market
value of any shares acquired pursuant to the exercise. Subject
to the deduction limitations described below, the Company
generally will be entitled to a corresponding tax deduction
equal to the amount includable in the recipients income.
Restricted Stock. If the restrictions on an
award of Restricted Stock are of a nature that the shares are
both subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture and are not
freely transferable within the meaning of Section 83 of the
Internal Revenue Code, the recipient will not recognize income
for federal income tax purposes at the time of the award unless
the recipient affirmatively elects to include the fair market
value of the shares of restricted stock on the date of the
award, less any amount paid therefor, in gross income for the
year of the award pursuant to Section 83(b) of the Internal
Revenue Code. In the absence of an election, the recipient will
be required to include in income for federal income tax purposes
in the year in which the shares either become freely
transferable or are no longer subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture within the meaning of Section 83 of the Internal
Revenue Code, the fair market value of the shares of restricted
stock on that date, less any amount paid therefor. The Company
will be entitled to a deduction at the time of income
recognition to the recipient in an amount equal to the amount
the recipient is required to include in income with respect to
the shares, subject to the deduction limitations described
below. If a Section 83(b) election is made within
30 days after the date the Restricted Stock is received,
the recipient will recognize ordinary income at the time of
receipt of the Restricted Stock and the Company will be entitled
to a corresponding deduction equal to the fair market value
(determined without regard to applicable restrictions) of the
shares at the time less the amount paid, if any, by the
recipient for the Restricted Stock. If a Section 83(b)
election is made, no additional income will be recognized by the
recipient upon the lapse of restrictions on the Restricted
Stock, but, if the Restricted Stock is subsequently forfeited,
no deduction will be allowed to the recipient with respect to
the forfeiture. Dividends paid to a recipient holding restricted
stock before the expiration of the restriction period will be
additional compensation taxable as ordinary income to the
recipient, unless the recipient made an election under
Section 83(b). Subject to the deduction limitations
described below, the Company generally will be entitled to a
corresponding tax deduction equal to the dividends includable in
the recipients income as compensation. If the recipient
has made a Section 83(b) election, the dividends will be
dividend income rather than additional compensation to the
If the restrictions on an award of Restricted Stock are not of a
nature that the shares are both subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture and not freely transferable, within the meaning of
Section 83 of the Internal Revenue Code, the recipient will
recognize ordinary income for federal income tax purposes at the
time of the award in an amount equal to the fair market value of
the shares of Restricted Stock on the date of the award, less
any amount paid therefor. The Company will be entitled to a
deduction at that time in an amount equal to the amount the
recipient is required to include in income with respect to the
shares, subject to the deduction limitations described below.
Limitations on the Companys Compensation
Deduction. Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code limits the deduction that the Company may take for
otherwise deductible compensation payable to certain officers of
the Company to the extent that compensation paid to any such
officer for the year exceeds $1 million, unless the
compensation is performance-based. Compensation attributable to
a stock option or SAR is deemed to satisfy the requirements for
performance-based compensation if (1) the grant or award is
made by a compensation committee composed of two or more outside
directors; (2) the plan under which the option or right is
granted states the maximum number of shares with respect to
which options or rights may be granted during a specified period
to any employee; and (3) under the terms of the option or
right, the amount of compensation the employee could receive is
based solely on an increase in the value of the stock after the
date of the grant or award. The 1992 Plan has been designed to
enable awards of Options and SARs granted by the committee to
qualify as performance-based compensation for purposes of
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Our Board unanimously recommends that stockholders
vote FOR the approval of the proposed amendment to our 1992
The owner of approximately 19,772 shares of common stock
has advised the Company that it intends to present the following
resolution at the annual meeting of stockholders. In accordance
with the applicable proxy statement regulations, the proposed
resolution and supporting statement, for which the Board of
Directors and the Company accept no responsibility, are set
forth below. Approval of this proposal would require the
affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the
Company stock present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote
at the annual meeting. The Company will provide to any
stockholder the name and address of the proposing stockholder
upon receiving an oral or written request from such stockholder.
Our Board unanimously opposes, and recommends that
stockholders vote
AGAINST, the adoption of this stockholder proposal.
Resolved: that Noble Energy, Inc. shareholders
recommend that the Board of Directors revise the Corporate
Governance Guidelines of the Company to establish a policy of
separating the positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors
and Chief Executive Officer so that the Chairman of the Board of
Directors will be an independent member of the Board, except in
explicitly spelled out extraordinary circumstances.
It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors
(Board) to protect shareholders interest by
providing independent and objective oversight of management.
Separating the positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors
(Chairman) and Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) promotes greater management accountability to
shareholders and leads to a more objective evaluation of
The Chairman controls the flow of information between management
and the Board and also is the final determiner of the Board
meeting agendas and Board strategies. Consequently, a CEO who
also acts as Chairman has great power to influence the
information received by the Board. The CEO has a personal
interest in conveying information that reflects well on his or
her performance. Thus, when the CEO also acts as Chairman, a
conflict of interest arises and the CEO may not adequately
represent the interests of all shareholders or provide impartial
leadership. A non-CEO Chairman, on the other hand, can provide
an independent assessment of management, strengthen the
Boards credibility, and improve shareholder confidence in
the corporation.
An objective and independent Board leader can provide the
necessary oversight of management. In light of recent corporate
scandals, investors must be able to rely on the Board to provide
an impartial review of management and its affairs. Merely
requiring that the majority of the Board be independent and
establishing a Lead Independent Director are not sufficient to
prevent the type of scandal that affected Enron, WorldCom and
Tyco. These corporations had a majority of independent directors
on the Board when the scandals occurred. Each company also had
an insider serving as Chairman. Shareholders cannot derive
confidence solely from the fact that a majority of the members
of the Board of Directors of a company are independent when the
CEO serves as Chairman.
Because of this very concern, separating the roles of Chairman
and CEO is a growing trend in the effort to reform the way
corporations operate. According to a 2003 report in The
Corporate Board Member Magazine, hundreds of
U.S. companies, including about one-quarter of those listed
on Standard & Poors 500 stock index, have already
split the two positions. Furthermore, a 2004 survey published in
McKinsey Quarterly, found that two-thirds of directors
favor splitting the Chairman and CEO positions.
This proposal would enhance management accountability to
shareholders by ensuring that an independent director, rather
than a party with a potential conflict of interest, serves as
Chairman and controls the information and agenda presented to
the Board of Directors.
Based on the considerations outlined above, I urge you to
vote FOR this proposal.
Board of
Directors Response:
At our 2006 annual meeting, the same stockholder proposal was
defeated by a substantial margin. The Board strongly endorses
the view that one of its primary functions is to protect
stockholders interests by providing independent and
objective oversight of management, including the Chief Executive
Officer. However, as we stated last year, the Board does not
believe that mandating a particular structure, such as separate
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer status, is necessary to
achieve independent oversight of management. Rather, the Board
believes that the interests of the Company and its stockholders
are best served at this time by the leadership and direction
provided by a full-time Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
with an empowered Lead Independent Director serving as a key
component of the Companys governance structure, subject to
oversight by the independent members of the Board.
The Board believes that it should be free to exercise its
judgment to determine who should serve as Chairman at any
particular point in time in light of the Companys
then-current and anticipated future circumstances. The proposal
submitted by a stockholder of the Company would mandate a
particular structure and deprive the Board of its flexibility to
organize its functions and conduct its business in the manner it
deems in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders.
directors make up a substantial majority of the
The Board has been, and continues to be, a strong proponent of
Board independence. Currently, six of the eight members of the
Board are independent directors under the applicable NYSE
listing standards and SEC rules. Each director is a full and
equal participant in the major strategic, oversight and policy
decisions of the Company. While the six independent directors
comprise a substantial majority of the Board, the Boards
Audit Committee, Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option
Committee and Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
consist entirely of independent directors. Moreover, the Board,
and each committee of the Board, has the power to hire
independent legal, financial, accounting, or other advisors, as
it may deem necessary, without consulting or obtaining the
approval of any officer of the Company in advance. The Board
believes that this structure provides effective independent
oversight of the Companys management and key issues
related to long-range business plans, long-range strategic
issues and risks, ethics and integrity.
Lead Independent Director is empowered with specific
responsibilities and duties.
The Company already has an empowered Lead Independent Director
who is elected annually by the non-management directors. The
Lead Independent Directors responsibilities and authority
are clearly defined in the Corporate Governance Guidelines
posted on the Companys website and include the following:
approving the scheduling of regular and, where feasible, special
meetings of the Board to assure that there is sufficient time
for discussion of all agenda items;
consulting with the Chairman to establish the agenda for each
Board meeting;
discussing with the Chairman and approving the scope of
materials to be delivered to the directors in advance of Board
presiding at all executive sessions of the independent directors;
coordinating the activities of the independent directors;
coordinating the agenda for and moderating sessions of the
Boards independent directors and other non-management
facilitating communications among the other members of the
Board; and
consulting with the chairs of the appropriate Board committees
and soliciting their participation to avoid diluting the
authority or responsibilities of those committee chairs.
The Board considers the Lead Independent Director to be a key
component of the Companys overall corporate governance
structure and believes that this empowered Lead Independent
Director provides strong and independent oversight of the
Companys management and business affairs.
fully independent Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option
Committee regularly evaluates the performance and compensation
of the Chief Executive Officer.
The Board strongly endorses the independent review, evaluation
and compensation of the Companys Chief Executive Officer.
The Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option Committee, which is
comprised entirely of independent directors, annually reviews
and approves corporate goals and objectives relevant to the
compensation of the Chief Executive Officer, evaluates the
performance of the Chief Executive Officer in light of those
goals and objectives, and sets the compensation of the Chief
Executive Officer based on this evaluation, without the
participation of the Chief Executive Officer or other directors,
if any, who are members of management.
fully independent Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
is responsible for planning for the succession of the Chief
Executive Officer.
The Boards Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
conducts an annual review on succession planning (including
policies regarding succession in the event of an emergency),
evaluating potential successors to the Chief Executive Officer.
The Governance Committee also conducts a similar annual review
of succession planning for other Company officer positions.
directors meet separately in executive sessions on a regular
An executive session of the independent directors without
management is scheduled at each regularly scheduled meeting of
the Board. These sessions take place outside the presence of the
Chief Executive Officer or any other Company employee. The Lead
Independent Director presides at these executive sessions, which
allows the independent directors the opportunity to separately
consider management performance and broader matters of strategic
significance to the Company.
data indicates that the vast majority of the largest
U.S. public companies do not have a separate chairman and
chief executive officer.
Shearman & Sterling
llps 2006
Trends in the Corporate Governance Practices of the 100 Largest
US Public Companies reports that a vast majority of the 100
largest publicly listed U.S. companies have a single person
serving as both the chairman and chief executive officer and
that only 6% maintain a policy requiring separation of the two
Likewise, 9 of the Companys 13 peer group companies for
2006 had a single person serving as both the chairman and CEO
according to the most recent proxy statements and other
available SEC filings. Furthermore, only two of the 13 peer
group companies had an independent chairman and no member of the
Companys peer group had a policy requiring the appointment
of an independent board chairman.
interests of the Company and its stockholders have been
well-served by the current Chairman and Chief Executive
The Chief Executive Officer bears primary responsibility for
managing the Companys business day to day. As such, the
Board believes that the Chief Executive Officer is the person in
the best position to ensure that key business issues and
stakeholder interests are brought to the Boards attention.
In addition, the Lead Independent Director may request the
inclusion of specific agenda items for Board meetings as is
stipulated in the Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines.
The Board believes that the Company is strengthened by the
chairmanship of Mr. Charles D. Davidson, who provides
strategic, operational, and technical expertise, vision and a
proven ability to lead the Company to the successes it has
experienced. Under Mr. Davidsons leadership, the
Company has continued to reflect solid growth and increasing
profits. The Board believes that under present circumstances the
interests of the Company and its stockholders are best served by
the leadership and direction of Mr. Davidson as Chief
Executive Officer and Chairman.
For the foregoing reasons, the Board unanimously opposes, and
recommends that stockholders vote AGAINST, the adoption of
the stockholder proposal.
The following tabulation sets forth, as of March 1, 2007,
the shares of common stock beneficially owned by each director,
each named executive officer listed in the Summary Compensation
Table included elsewhere in this proxy statement, and all
directors and named executive officers as a group.
Common Stock Beneficially Owned(1)
Number of
Percent of
Jeffrey L. Berenson
Michael A. Cawley
Edward F. Cox
Charles D. Davidson
Thomas J. Edelman
Kirby L. Hedrick
Bruce A. Smith
William T. Van Kleef
Named Executive Officers
(excluding any director named above)
Alan R. Bullington
Susan M. Cunningham
David L. Stover
Chris Tong
All directors and named executive
officers as a group (12 persons)
(1) |
Unless otherwise indicated, all shares are directly held with
sole voting and investment power. |
(2) |
Includes shares not outstanding but subject to options that are
currently exercisable (or that will become exercisable on or
before April 30, 2007), as follows:
Mr. Berenson 21,677 shares;
Mr. Cawley 53,683 shares;
Mr. Cox 16,385 shares;
Mr. Davidson 746,985 shares;
Mr. Edelman 1,092,223 shares;
Mr. Hedrick 53,683 shares;
Mr. Smith 53,683 shares; Mr. Van
Kleef 14,883 shares;
Mr. Bullington 109,756 shares;
Ms. Cunningham 179,475 shares;
Mr. Stover 86,253 shares; and
Mr. Tong 51,714 shares. |
(3) |
Mr. Cawley is one of 12 trustees of The Samuel Roberts
Noble Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation). The
Foundation holds of record 1,902,166 shares of our common
stock. As with other corporate action, the voting of the shares
held by the Foundation requires a majority vote of its trustees
at a meeting at which a quorum of trustees is present. Where
there are multiple trustees of a company and a majority vote is
required for corporate action, no individual trustee is deemed
to have beneficial ownership of securities held by such company.
Accordingly, the 1,902,166 shares held of record by the
Foundation are not reflected in Mr. Cawleys
beneficial ownership of common stock. |
(4) |
Includes shares indirectly held in a qualified 401(k) Plan, as
follows: Mr. Davidson 2,986 shares and
Mr. Bullington 8,338 shares. |
(5) |
Includes restricted stock awards not currently vested, as
follows: Mr. Berenson 1,982 shares;
Mr. Cawley 1,982 shares;
Mr. Cox 1,982 shares;
Mr. Davidson 102,143 shares;
Mr. Edelman 1,982 shares;
Mr. Hedrick 1,982 shares;
Mr. Smith 1,982 shares; Mr. Van
Kleef 1,982 shares;
Mr. Bullington 21,132 shares;
Ms. Cunningham 22,929 shares;
Mr. Stover 27,955 shares; and
Mr. Tong 38,398 shares. |
(6) |
Includes 1,100,000 shares held under deferred compensation
plans. |
of Executive Compensation Program
Our executive compensation program is overseen by our
Compensation Committee, with input from our management and
outside compensation consultants.
of the Compensation Committee
The purposes of our Compensation Committee are to:
review and approve our goals and objectives in the areas of:
(1) salary and bonus compensation, (2) benefits, and
(3) equity-based compensation, as they relate to our CEO,
evaluating our CEOs performance based on those goals and
objectives and, either as a committee or together with the other
independent directors (as directed by our Board), determining
and approving our CEOs compensation level based on that
make recommendations to our Board with respect to non-CEO
executive officer compensation, incentive compensation plans and
equity-based plans that are subject to Board approval; and
produce a committee report on executive compensation as required
by the SEC to be included, or incorporated by reference, in our
proxy statement or other applicable SEC filings.
Our Board has delegated authority to the Compensation Committee
to determine and approve (1) our compensation philosophy,
(2) the annual salary, bonus, equity-based compensation and
other benefits applicable to our executive officers, and
(3) equity-based compensation applicable to
non-executive-officer employees.
Our Board appoints our Compensation Committee members and Chair,
and these appointees continue to be members until their
successors are elected and qualified or until their earlier
resignation or removal. Any member of our Compensation Committee
may be removed, with or without cause, by our Board. Our
Governance Committee, after consultation with our Lead
Independent Director, makes recommendations to our Board with
respect to the appointment of Board members to all of its
committees considering, in the case of our Compensation
Committee, criteria such as experience in compensation matters,
familiarity with our management and other key personnel,
understanding of public company compensation issues, time
availability necessary to fulfill committee responsibilities and
independence and other regulatory requirements. No member of our
Compensation Committee participates in any of our employee
compensation programs, and our Board has determined that none of
our Compensation Committee members has any material business
relationship with us.
We believe that Kirby L. Hedrick, Jeffrey L. Berenson and Edward
F. Cox, who currently serve on our Compensation Committee,
satisfy these criteria. Messrs. Hedrick and Cox served on
the committee throughout 2006 and to-date. Our Board appointed
Mr. Berenson to our Compensation Committee on
April 25, 2006 in connection with its annual review of
committee assignments. Bruce A. Smith served on our Compensation
Committee from January 1, 2006 through the date of
Mr. Berensons appointment. Each member of our
Compensation Committee has been determined by our Board to meet
the NYSE standards for independence, to be a Non-Employee
Director as defined in
Rule 16b-3
under the Exchange Act, and to be an outside
director as defined for purposes of Section 162(m) of
the Internal Revenue Code.
Our Compensation Committees meeting schedule is determined
annually, and meeting agendas are based on an annual calendar of
recurring agenda items approved by the committee. The meeting
agendas may include additional items as determined by the
committee in its discretion. All Compensation Committee meeting
agendas are reviewed by our Lead Independent Director and
approved by the committee Chair. Special meetings may also be
held by the committee. Our Compensation Committee held seven
meetings during 2006.
In an effort to minimize the need for special meetings of our
Compensation Committee to address routine compensation matters
involving non-executive-officer employees, the committee has
delegated limited authority to our CEO to grant stock options,
restricted stock and, prior to the 2007 grant year, performance
unit awards to non-
executive-officer new hires for employment inducement purposes.
Grants made by the CEO under these delegations are required to
be reported to our Compensation Committee at its next regularly
scheduled meeting.
Our Compensation Committee charter was last revised and approved
by our Board on January 23, 2007. A copy is attached to
this proxy statement as Appendix B and can also be obtained
free of charge from our website,, by written request to us
at the address appearing on the first page of this proxy
statement to the attention of our Corporate Secretary or by
(281) 872-3100.
of Management
Our CEO and Senior Vice President for Business Administration
generally attend Compensation Committee meetings and provide
input to the committee with respect to executive compensation,
key responsibilities, performance objectives and compensation
trends, and coordinate with the Companys compensation
consultant to ensure that committee requests regarding executive
compensation are addressed. Our Compensation Committee also
meets in executive session to discuss executive compensation
matters outside of the presence of our management.
of Compensation Consultant
Our Compensation Committee may retain, at our expense,
independent compensation consultants it deems advisable to
assist it in executive compensation matters. The committee meets
with the compensation consultants, with and outside the presence
of our management, to review findings based on market research
regarding executive compensation and considers those findings in
determining and making adjustments to our executive compensation
The committee retained Towers Perrin as its independent
compensation consultant for purposes of reviewing our 2006
executive compensation program and providing comparative market
data on compensation practices and programs based on an analysis
of our peer companies and other factors. For 2006, Towers Perrin
provided these services to the Compensation Committee with
respect to (1) determining base salaries for executive
officers, (2) setting performance goals and determining
award payouts under our short-term incentive plan and
(3) setting performance goals and determining grants under
our long-term incentive plan. Towers Perrin continues to advise
the Compensation Committee in 2007.
Towers Perrin also provided similar services to our Governance
Committee in 2006 to assist it with respect to reviewing and
determining fees and equity compensation paid or awarded, as the
case may be, to our non-employee directors.
Peer Group
To ensure that our executive compensation program is
competitive, our Compensation Committee works with its
compensation consultant to evaluate and compare certain elements
of total compensation against a peer group of similar publicly
traded oil and gas exploration and production companies
(Compensation Peer Group). Our Compensation Peer
Group consists of larger and smaller companies in our industry
that have similar operating and financial characteristics. The
companies comprising our Compensation Peer Group in 2006, prior
to certain industry consolidation and activity in 2006, were:
Anadarko Petroleum Corp., Apache Corp., Burlington Resources
Inc., Chesapeake Energy Corp., Devon Energy Corp., EOG
Resources, Inc., Forest Oil Corp., Houston Exploration Company,
Kerr-McGee Corp., Murphy Oil Corp., Newfield Exploration
Company, Noble Energy, Inc., Pioneer Natural Resources Company,
Pogo Producing Company, Stone Energy Corp., Vintage Petroleum
Inc. and XTO Energy Inc.
The Compensation Peer Group is periodically reviewed and revised
by our Compensation Committee, in conjunction with advice from
our compensation consultant. In January 2007, the Compensation
Peer Group was revised, given industry consolidation and
activity in 2006, to consist of: Anadarko Petroleum Corp.,
Apache Corp., Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, Chesapeake
Energy Corp., Devon Energy Corp., EOG Resources, Inc., Forest
Oil Corp., Murphy Oil Corp., Newfield Exploration Company, Noble
Energy, Inc., Pioneer Natural Resources Company, Plains
Exploration and Production Company, Pogo Producing Company,
Range Resources Corporation, Southwestern Energy Company and XTO
Energy Inc.
of Our Executive Compensation Program
Our executive compensation program is designed to reward
performance measured against performance goals and supports our
long-term growth strategy, which is focused on value creation
for our stockholders. The objectives of our executive
compensation program are to:
compensate employees for the value of their contributions;
provide total compensation that is flexible enough to respond to
changing market conditions and that also aligns compensation
levels with absolute performance as well as performance compared
to industry benchmarks; and
provide total compensation that will attract, motivate and
retain individuals of high quality and support a long-standing
internal culture of loyalty and dedication to our interests.
We believe that linking executive compensation to Company
performance is in the best interest of our stockholders. As
performance goals are met or exceeded, resulting in increased
value to stockholders, our executive officers should be rewarded
commensurately. We believe that our 2006 executive compensation
program fulfilled these objectives.
of Our Executive Compensation Program
Our executive compensation program consists of four principal
elements: base salary, a short-term incentive plan, a long-term
incentive plan and post-employment compensation. In determining
the amount and significance of each of these four principal
elements, we believe that:
a sufficient portion of total compensation should be at risk in
order to align the interests of executives with those of our
the variable portion of total compensation should reflect both
Company and individual performance;
as an individuals level of responsibility increases, a
greater portion of total compensation should be at risk and the
mix of total compensation should be weighted more heavily in
favor of incentive-based compensation; and
stock options and restricted stock are compensation elements
that most effectively align the interests of our stockholders
and our executives.
The following is a discussion of each of the four principal
elements of our executive compensation program:
Base Salary: Base salary for executive officer
positions is determined principally by competitive factors. Our
Compensation Committee believes that base salaries for executive
officers should be competitive with comparable positions in peer
companies and obtains competitor information through oil and gas
industry compensation surveys and other analyses conducted by
our compensation consultant. Our Compensation Committee analyzes
this information and makes appropriate annual adjustments. The
policy of our Compensation Committee generally is to establish
base salary levels that in aggregate approximate market median.
Based on the results of market data provided by Towers Perrin
regarding 2006 executive compensation, adjustments were made in
2006 to certain executive officers base salaries to more
closely approximate market median.
Short-Term Incentive Plan: Our short-term
incentive plan (STIP) is a performance-based annual
incentive bonus plan available to all of our full-time
employees, including executive officers. The target bonus for an
employee is the employees base salary at year-end
multiplied by the percentage factor assigned to the
employees salary classification. Target bonus percentage
factors range from 6 to 100 percent, with factors of
100 percent for the CEO and either 75 or 85 percent
for the other named executive officers, with the differences
primarily attributable to each officers level of
experience and scope of responsibility within the Company.
In January of each year, our Compensation Committee sets annual
STIP performance-based measures, including their relative
weighting and specified targets, in addition to a discretionary
component to be determined by the committee as discussed below.
The performance-based measures, weighting and specified targets
are communicated to our executive officers at that time. The
2006 performance-based measures approved by our Compensation
Committee on January 23, 2006 accounted for 50% of the STIP
formula and consisted of
discretionary cash flow, proved reserve additions, production,
and controllable unit costs. Discretionary cash flow is composed
of net income, adding back depreciation, depletion and
amortization and various other non-cash expense items. The
specified targets were determined by considering prior year
results, current and projected activity and other competitive
factors involving our industry.
The discretionary component, which accounted for the remaining
50% of the 2006 STIP formula, was determined by our Compensation
Committee based on the committees review of overall
Company performance, including other performance-based measures
such as annual stockholder return compared to that of our
Compensation Peer Group.
In January of each year, our Compensation Committee assesses the
overall performance of the Company for the prior fiscal year,
considering input from the CEO, including the appropriate
achievement factors to that years performance measures and
specified targets, and determines the discretionary component.
Payout under the plan based on the Companys 2006
performance occurred in February 2007.
Long-Term Incentive Plan: Our long-term
incentive plan (LTIP) was approved by our
Compensation Committee and adopted by our Board on
January 27, 2004 and is available to our executive officers
and certain other key employees determined on an annual basis.
Its objectives are to:
provide a comprehensive long-term incentive program that is
performance-driven and rewards long-term business success;
offer competitive long-term incentive compensation opportunities;
provide motivation to maximize long-term stockholder value
reward outstanding achievement of those who can most directly
affect our performance and instill a sense of business
ownership; and
assist us in attracting and retaining high quality talent.
Under our LTIP, which was effective January 1, 2004, grants
or awards of stock options, restricted stock and performance
units were made in 2004, 2005 and 2006. The stock options and
restricted stock were granted under our 1992 Plan, which was
approved by our stockholders in 1992 and amended in 1997, 2000,
2002, 2003 and 2005. The 1992 Plan permits the use of different
types of stock-based grants or awards: nonqualified stock
options, with or without stock appreciation rights, and
restricted stock. Option grants represent the right to purchase
shares of our common stock over a period of up to ten years at
fair market value, as defined in the 1992 Plan, on the date of
grant and upon such terms and conditions, consistent with the
provisions of the plan, as are specified by our Compensation
Committee at the time of grant. Restricted stock may be granted
by our Compensation Committee subject to such terms and
conditions as may be specified by the committee. Restricted
stock granted under the LTIP in 2004, 2005 and 2006 will
generally vest after three years, provided that certain
performance goals are achieved during the relevant three-year
performance period; specifically, that total stockholder return
over that period meets or exceeds the 25th percentile of
our Compensation Peer Group at the time of grant. In January
2007, our Compensation Committee reviewed the Companys
performance for the three-year performance period covered by the
restricted stock granted in 2004, confirming that the relevant
performance goal necessary for vesting had been achieved.
Performance units awarded under our LTIP in 2004, 2005 and 2006
will vest and be paid out in cash at the end of the three-year
period following the date of the award if specific predetermined
performance goals are satisfied. For 2006, the performance goals
were growth in reserves and production per share, both
debt-adjusted, and total stockholder return relative to our
Compensation Peer Group. Performance units have a target value
of $1.00 per unit with a maximum payout of $2.00 per
unit. Our Compensation Committee establishes the performance
goals and target award levels prior to the beginning of each
performance period. At the end of each performance period, cash
payouts are determined based on the level of achievement of the
goals. The payout of performance units awarded in 2004 was
determined by the Compensation Committee and occurred in early
In January 2007, and with information regarding competitive
compensation practices from Towers Perrin, our Compensation
Committee reviewed the effectiveness of the LTIP structure in
light of the LTIP objectives. Based on that review, our
Compensation Committee concluded that a combination of stock
options and time-vested restricted
stock would reduce plan complexity and most effectively meet the
LTIP objectives. Accordingly, for the 2007 grants, the
Compensation Committee suspended the making of performance
criteria grants under the LTIP and made 1992 Plan grants of
stock options and time-vested restricted stock.
Granting Practices
Stock options and shares of restricted stock are granted to our
executive officers under our 1992 Plan. The Compensation
Committee approves all such grants, which are determined based
on input from the CEO and market data provided by the
compensation consultant. Grants for the executive officers and
the CEO are approved by our Compensation Committee and discussed
with our Board, outside the presence of the CEO or other
executive officers.
The regular Board and Compensation Committee meeting schedule
for the upcoming year is set in April of the prior year, with
regular Board meetings held in January, April, July, October and
December. Our Compensation Committee meetings are usually held
the day before each Board meeting. The timing of these meetings
is not determined by executive officers and is usually in
advance of the announcement of earnings. We do not time the
release of material non-public information for the purpose of
affecting the values of executive compensation. At the time of
making stock option and restricted stock grant decisions, our
Compensation Committee may be aware of approximate earnings
results, but it does not adjust the size or timing of grants to
reflect possible market reaction.
Generally, annual stock option and restricted stock grants are
approved at the January meeting of our Compensation Committee.
Stock options and restricted stock are granted annually on
February 1 (or the nearest business day if February 1 falls on a
Saturday, Sunday or holiday), effective and priced on that date.
It is our policy to make grants to executive officers and other
employees at the same time. However, specific grants of stock
options or restricted stock may be made at other regular or
special meetings to recognize the completion of a significant
transaction, a change in an employees responsibility or a
specific achievement, or as an inducement to, or retention of,
employment. No such special grants were made to executive
officers in 2006. We communicate grants to executive officers
and other employees shortly after the date of approval, in
accordance with our customary human resource practices.
Stock option grants represent the right to purchase shares of
our common stock over a period of up to ten years at fair market
value, as defined in the 1992 Plan, on the date of grant and
upon such terms and conditions, consistent with the provisions
of the plan, as are specified by our Compensation Committee at
the time of grant. The 1992 Plan defines fair market
value for grant purposes as the average of the reported
high and low trading price of our common stock on the NYSE on
the date of grant (or if there was no reported sale on such
date, on the last preceding date on which any reported sale
occurred). We believe that this method of determining fair
market value is neutral to the use of the closing price of our
common stock and provides a valid representation of fair market
value. Therefore, consistent with the terms of our 1992 Plan, we
continue to grant stock options on this basis.
Our Compensation Committee has not delegated to the CEO any of
its authority to grant stock options or restricted stock to
executive officers. However, as noted above, it has delegated
limited authority to the CEO to grant stock options, restricted
stock and, prior to the 2007 grant year, performance unit awards
to non-executive-officer new hires for employment inducement
Post-Employment Compensation: Our
post-employment compensation is provided under qualified and
non-qualified defined benefit plans, qualified and non-qualified
defined contribution plans, and either individual change of
control agreements or, alternatively, a change of control plan.
Defined Benefit Plan
Our qualified defined benefit plan (Retirement Plan)
provides employees, including our executive officers, with
retirement income benefits commencing upon retirement after
attaining the normal retirement age of 65 or upon early or
deferred vested retirement after attaining age 55 and
completing 5 years of vesting service. Early retirement
reductions apply if retirement benefits are commenced prior to
age 65. The amount of an employees monthly Retirement
Plan benefit will depend upon the employees final average
monthly compensation, age and the number of his or her years of
credited service (which are limited to a maximum of
30 years). Monthly Retirement
Plan benefits commencing upon retirement after attaining the
normal retirement age of 65 are calculated using the greater of
the following two formulas:
Formula 1
Formula 2
1.25% × final
average monthly compensation × years of credited
service (up to 30) + 0.50% × final
average monthly compensation that exceeds Social Security
covered compensation × years of credited service
(up to 30)
2% × final average
monthly compensation × years of credited service
(up to 30)
Final average monthly compensation generally means the
employees average monthly compensation from the Company
for the 60 consecutive months prior to retirement that results
in the highest average monthly compensation for the employee.
The compensation taken into account for Retirement Plan purposes
includes the employees salary and STIP payment. The annual
amount of compensation that can be taken into account for
Retirement Plan purposes is limited by the Internal Revenue
Code. This annual compensation limit was $220,000 for 2006 and
is $225,000 for 2007. The maximum annual benefit that may be
paid to an employee under our Retirement Plan is also limited by
the Internal Revenue Code. This maximum annual benefit was
$175,000 for 2006 and is $180,000 for 2007.
With information regarding competitive compensation practices
from Towers Perrin, during 2006 our Compensation Committee
reviewed our Retirement Plan in light of costs, competitive
considerations and other available post-employment compensation
arrangements. Based on that review, our Compensation Committee
concluded that an enhanced defined contribution plan better
addresses our current needs. Accordingly, beginning on
May 1, 2006, our Retirement Plan was closed to new
participants and new employees became eligible to participate in
the qualified defined contribution plan described below with an
enhanced Company contribution. Employees hired prior to
May 1, 2006, which include all of our current executive
officers, continue to accrue benefits under the Retirement Plan.
Non-Qualified Defined Benefit Plan
Our non-qualified defined benefit plan (Restoration
Plan) is an unfunded plan that provides the benefits under
the Retirement Plans benefit formula that cannot be
provided by the Retirement Plan because of the annual
compensation and annual benefit limitations applicable to the
Retirement Plan under the Internal Revenue Code. The amount of
an employees monthly Restoration Plan benefit will depend
upon the employees final average monthly compensation, age
and the number of his or her years of credited service (which
are limited to a maximum of 30 years). Restoration Plan
benefits are calculated using the same methodology utilized for
our Retirement Plan. Employees hired prior to May 1, 2006,
which include all of our current executive officers, continue to
accrue benefits under the Restoration Plan.
Qualified Defined Contribution Plan
Our qualified defined contribution plan (Thrift
Plan) allows employees to make pre-tax contributions to
the plan out of their basic compensation. For the purposes of
the Thrift Plan, basic compensation generally means cash
compensation, including overtime but excluding incentive
payments, bonuses, allowances and other extraordinary
remuneration. The amount of an employees basic
compensation taken into account under the Thrift Plan cannot
exceed the Internal Revenue Code limit, which was $220,000 for
2006 and is $225,000 for 2007. The annual contribution made by
an employee to the Thrift Plan cannot exceed 50% of his or her
basic compensation and is limited to a maximum contribution
amount specified under the Internal Revenue Code (which for 2006
was $15,000, plus a $5,000
contribution for employees who are at least 50 years of
age, and for 2007 is $15,500, plus a
contribution of $5,000 for employees who are at least
50 years of age). An employees pre-tax contributions
(other than
contributions) made to the Thrift Plan are matched by the
Company on a
basis up to 6% of the employees basic compensation. In
addition, beginning in 2006, the Company makes the following
age-weighted contribution to the Thrift Plan for each
participant whose initial employment date with the Company is on
or after May 1, 2006 and who is employed by or on
authorized leave of absence from
the Company on the last day of the calendar year (or whose
retirement, permanent disability or death occurred during such
year while employed by or on authorized leave of absence from
the Company):
Contribution Percentage
Contribution Percentage
for Portion of Basic
for Portion of Basic
Compensation Below
Compensation Above
Age of Participant
the FICA Taxable Wage Base
the FICA Taxable Wage Base
Under 35
At least 35 but under 48
At least 48
The contributions made to our Thrift Plan by or for a
participant are credited to accounts maintained for such
participant under the plan. The amounts credited to a
participants accounts are invested at the direction of the
participant in various investment fund options available under
the Thrift Plan, including investment in shares of our common
stock. The amounts credited to a participants accounts
that are attributable to his or her pre-tax contributions are
immediately 100% vested. Amounts attributable to the
Companys matching contributions become 34% vested upon the
completion of one year of service, 67% vested upon the
completion of two years of service, and 100% vested upon the
completion of three years of service. The amounts attributable
to the Companys age-weighted contributions become vested
after three years of service. The amounts credited to a
participants accounts become distributable upon the
participants termination of employment with the Company,
and certain amounts are available for loans, hardship
distributions and in-service withdrawals.
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan
Our non-qualified deferred compensation plan (Deferred
Compensation Plan) allows executive officers, and certain
other employees, to save for retirement in a tax-effective way
at minimal cost to us. Under the Deferred Compensation Plan,
participants are allowed to defer portions of their salary and
bonus and to receive certain matching contributions that would
have been made to our Thrift Plan if the Thrift Plan had not
been subject to Internal Revenue Code compensation and
contribution limitations. Under this unfunded program, amounts
deferred by the participant are credited annually with interest
at a rate equal to the greater of 125% of the
rolling average of
U.S. Treasury Notes or the
rolling average of the prime rate as published in The Wall
Street Journal.
Change of Control Arrangements
We have adopted change of control arrangements for our executive
officers and certain other employees. These arrangements are
intended to preserve morale and productivity and encourage
retention in the face of the disruptive impact of an actual or
rumored change of control of the Company. We believe that these
arrangements are common practice and align our executive officer
interests with those of our stockholders by enabling our
executive officers to consider corporate transactions that are
in the best interest of stockholders without undue concern over
whether the transactions may jeopardize their continued
A change of control will be deemed to have occurred under our
change of control arrangements if any of the following events
individuals who constituted our Board on October 24, 2006
(or such other date as may be specified in individual change of
control agreements) (Incumbent Board) cease to
constitute at least 51% of the Board, provided that any
individual whose election was approved by a vote of at least a
majority of the directors of the Incumbent Board will be
considered a member of the Incumbent Board;
our stockholders approve a reorganization, merger or
consolidation whereby the persons who were stockholders
immediately prior to the reorganization, merger or consolidation
do not immediately thereafter own at least 51% of the voting
shares of the new entity;
our stockholders approve a liquidation or dissolution of the
Company or a sale of all or substantially all of our assets to a
non-related party; or
a new person or entity becomes the owner of at least 25% of our
outstanding common stock or voting power in the Company.
We believe that these change of control events are an accurate
depiction of circumstances that could reasonably be expected to
result in a material change in the leadership and direction of
the Company, creating uncertainties among employees and
executive officers in such areas as the continuity of
management, continued employment opportunities, and our ability
to execute existing programs.
All of our change of control arrangements include provisions
regarding severance benefits that our executive officers and
certain other employees may be entitled to receive if they are
terminated within two years following a change of control of the
Company. Under these arrangements, if an executive officer is
terminated for any reason (other than for cause, disability or
death) within two years after a change of control, we will then
pay or provide the following to that executive officer:
all unpaid salary, expenses, compensation and benefits;
a lump sum equal to a multiple of his or her annual cash
compensation (made up of annual salary and bonus) ranging from
2.5 times to 2.99 times;
an amount equal to his or her pro-rata target bonus for
the then-current year;
life, disability, medical and dental insurance benefits, upon
his or her written request, ranging among executive officers
from 30 to 36 months or such shorter period until the
executive obtains substantially equivalent coverage from a
subsequent employer;
the vesting of his or her stock options, restricted stock and
performance units; and
reimbursement for reasonable fees up to $15,000 for
out-placement employment services.
If we terminate the executive officer for cause, no benefit is
payable to, or with respect to, that executive officer under our
change of control arrangements. A termination for cause may only
be made by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of
our Board.
Our change of control arrangements also provide for a tax
payment to the executive officer that will fully offset the
effect of (1) any excise tax imposed by Section 4999
of the Internal Revenue Code upon the benefits payable under
such arrangements (or under any other Company plan, arrangement
or agreement), and (2) any federal, state or local income
tax or additional Section 4999 excise tax that is
attributable to the tax
Our change of control arrangements include a plan or, in the
alternative, individual change of control agreements.
Specifically, on October 24, 2006, our Board approved a
Change of Control Severance Plan for Executives (Executive
Change of Control Plan), which became effective on that
date. The plan covers our executive officers and certain key
employees, provided that they are not already party to
pre-existing change of control agreements with us. All of our
named executive officers, however, are parties to pre-existing
change of control agreements and therefore may not participate
in the plan at this time.
Severance Benefit Plan
Our Severance Benefit Plan (Severance Benefit Plan)
is an unfunded plan that provides for severance benefits to
eligible employees, including our executive officers, in certain
instances based upon years of completed service. The severance
benefits are comprised of:
a cash payment of two weeks of pay for every year of completed
service, with a minimum of 12 weeks of pay and a maximum of
52 weeks of pay;
a pro-rated STIP payment based on the number of months of
employment during the calendar year of termination;
six months of reduced-rate contributions under our medical and
dental plans; and
twelve weeks of coverage under our employee assistance plan.
Because all of our named executive officers are parties to
pre-existing change of control agreements, they are not eligible
to receive severance benefits under our Severance Benefit Plan
in the event of a change of control of the Company.
Perquisites: We do not consider perquisites to
be a principal element of executive compensation. In 2006,
certain of our executive officers received non-material personal
benefits in the following circumstances: a club membership and
an executive physical examination.
Compensation Matters
and Welfare Programs
We offer a number of other benefits to our executive officers
pursuant to benefit programs that provide for broad-based
employee participation. These benefit programs include medical,
dental and vision insurance, long-term disability
(LTD) and short-term disability insurance, life and
accidental death and dismemberment insurance
(AD&D), health and dependent care flexible
spending accounts, relocation/expatriate programs and services,
educational assistance, employee assistance and certain other
We have entered into an indemnification agreement with each of
our non-employee directors and our executive officers. These
agreements provide for us to indemnify such persons against
certain liabilities that may arise by reason of their status or
service as directors or executive officers and to advance their
expenses incurred as a result of a proceeding as to which they
may be indemnified. We also cover such persons under a
directors and officers liability insurance policy
that we choose, in our discretion, to maintain. These
indemnification agreements are intended to provide
indemnification rights to the fullest extent permitted under
applicable indemnification rights statutes in the State of
Delaware and are in addition to any other rights the individual
may have under our Certificate of Incorporation, By-laws and
applicable law. We believe these indemnification agreements
enhance our ability to attract and retain knowledgeable and
experienced executive officers and non-employee directors.
and Accounting Considerations
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code limits our
ability to deduct annual compensation in excess of $1,000,000
that is paid to our CEO or any other of our named executive
officers, unless that compensation is performance-based
compensation within the meaning of Section 162(m) and
the regulations promulgated thereunder. We believe that all of
the stock options granted under the 1992 Plan qualify as
performance-based compensation and therefore are not subject to
the deduction limitation of Section 162(m). However, the
salary and bonuses paid to our executive officers, certain
restricted stock and performance units awards, and certain
payments provided for under our change of control agreements
with the executive officers are not exempt from this deduction
Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code limits our
ability to deduct amounts paid to certain disqualified
individuals, including our executive officers, that are treated
as excess parachute payments. Excess parachute payments are also
subject to an excise tax payable by the recipient of such
payment. Parachute payments are payments that are contingent on
a change in the ownership or effective control of the Company or
in the ownership of a substantial portion of our assets, and
they become excess parachute payments with respect to a
disqualified individual to the extent that the total amount of
the parachute payments made to such individual exceeds a certain
threshold amount. Examples of the types of payments that could
give rise to parachute payments are the accelerated vesting of
stock options and restricted stock upon a change of control and
severance payments made upon a termination of employment in
connection with a change of control.
We consider tax deductibility in the design and administration
of our executive officer compensation plans and programs.
However, we believe that it is in the best interests of the
Company and its stockholders that we retain flexibility and
discretion to make compensation awards, whether or not
deductible, when such awards are consistent with the strategic
goals of the Company.
Rules under generally accepted accounting principles determine
the manner in which we account in our financial statements for
grants of equity-based compensation to our employees. Our
accounting policies for equity-based compensation are further
discussed in Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements,
Footnotes 2 and 9, of our 2006
Form 10-K.
The following report of the Compensation, Benefits and Stock
Option Committee of the Board of Directors shall not be deemed
to be soliciting material or to be filed
with the SEC or subject to the SECs proxy rules, except
for the required disclosure in this proxy statement, or subject
to the liabilities of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 (Exchange Act), and the information
shall not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any
filing made by the Company under the Securities Act of 1933 or
the Exchange Act.
The Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option Committee has
reviewed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis contained in
this Proxy Statement and discussed this disclosure with
management. Based on this review and discussions with
management, the Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option
Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this Proxy
Statement and incorporated by reference in the Companys
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006 for filing with
the SEC.
March 22, 2007
Compensation, Benefits and
Stock Option Committee
Kirby L. Hedrick, Chair
Jeffrey L. Berenson
Edward F. Cox
Compensation Table
The following table sets forth certain summary information
concerning the compensation earned by our CEO and Chief
Financial Officer and each of our three most-highly compensated
executive officers other than the CEO and Chief Financial
Officer (collectively, named executive officers)
during 2006.
Change in
Pension Value
and Non-
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and
Principal Position
Earnings ($)(5)
Charles D. Davidson
President and Chief Executive
Chris Tong
Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer
David L. Stover
Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating Officer
Alan R. Bullington
Senior Vice President
International Division
Susan M. Cunningham
Senior Vice President
Exploration and Corporate Reserves
(1) |
Reflects salary earned in 2006. Certain of our named executive
officers deferred a portion of their 2006 base salaries under
our Deferred Compensation Plan: Mr. Davidson deferred 45%
($435,004); Mr. Tong deferred 20% ($77,084);
Mr. Stover deferred 5% ($20,834); and Mr. Bullington
deferred 50% ($182,502). |
(2) |
Reflects the compensation expense recognized in our financial
statements for the 2006 fiscal year for restricted stock granted
under our 1992 Plan to our named executive officers.
Compensation expense was computed in accordance with Financial
Accounting Standards Board Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 123 (revised 2004), Share-Based Payment
(SFAS 123(R)). A discussion of the assumptions
used in calculating these values may be found in Note 9 to
our financial statements in the
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the
SEC. Pursuant to SEC rules, the amounts shown exclude the impact
of estimated forfeitures related to service-based vesting
conditions. Dividends payable on the restricted stock were
accounted for under SFAS 123(R). Shares of restricted stock
granted in 2004 and 2006, and a portion of the shares granted in
2005, will vest on the third anniversary of the grant date if
specified performance goals are satisfied. Performance goals are
satisfied if total stockholder return is at or above the
25th percentile of the total stockholder return for our
Compensation Peer Group at the time of grant. The remaining
shares of restricted stock granted in 2005 to our named
executive officers will vest on the third anniversary of the
grant date. The vesting of these shares is not contingent upon
the satisfaction of any performance goals. See the Grants of
Plan Based Awards table for information on restricted stock
granted in 2006. |
(3) |
Reflects the compensation expense recognized in our financial
statements for the 2006 fiscal year for nonqualified stock
options granted under our 1992 Plan to our named executive
officers. Compensation expense was computed in accordance with
SFAS 123(R). A discussion of the assumptions used in
calculating these values may be found in Note 9 to our
financial statements in the
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the
SEC. Pursuant to SEC rules, the amounts shown exclude the impact
of estimated forfeitures related to service-based vesting
conditions. Options represent the right to purchase shares |
of common stock at a price per share equal to fair market value
on the date of grant, respectively. Options will vest ratably
over three years in equal installments (33.33%) on the first,
second and third anniversaries of the date of grant. Vesting of
these options is not contingent upon the satisfaction of any
performance goals, although none of the options may be exercised
before the first anniversary (absent a change of control of the
Company) or after the tenth anniversary of the date of grant.
See the Grants of Plan Based Awards table for information on
stock options granted in 2006. |
(4) |
Reflects payments under our STIP based on the achievement of
certain performance goals during the 2006 fiscal year. STIP
awards earned during the 2006 fiscal year were paid or deferred
in February 2007 as follows: Mr. Davidson
$2,562,500; Mr. Tong $649,965;
Mr. Stover $977,262;
Mr. Bullington $619,376; and
Ms. Cunningham $599,717. Also includes payout
for performance units granted in 2004 for the performance period
beginning on January 1, 2004 and ending on
December 31, 2006 as follows: Mr. Davidson
$816,125; Mr. Tong $125,594;
Mr. Stover $121,329;
Mr. Bullington $121,329; and
Ms. Cunningham $161,140. |
(5) |
Reflects the aggregate increase in actuarial present value of
the named executive officers benefits under our Retirement
Plan and our Restoration Plan during 2006 as follows:
Mr. Davidson $467,766;
Mr. Tong $78,688; Mr. Stover
$77,117; Mr. Bullington $205,662; and
Ms. Cunningham $104,529. Beginning of year
values for calculating the aggregate increase in actuarial
present value reflect a 5.5% discount rate; end of year values
reflect a 5.75% discount rate. Present values are based on the
same actuarial assumptions and measurement dates disclosed in
Note 11 to our financial statements in the
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the
SEC, except that for purposes of the present value calculations
participants are assumed to work until age 65 and commence
their benefits at that time. Also includes above-market Deferred
Compensation Plan earnings based on the difference between the
2006 plan crediting rate of 6.9% and 120% of the annual
long-term Applicable Federal Rate as of September 2005 (5.43%)
as follows: Mr. Davidson $94,062;
Mr. Tong $2,822; Mr. Stover
$8,053; Mr. Bullington $15,803; and
Ms. Cunningham $0. |
(6) |
Includes (a) Thrift Plan matching contributions for each
named executive officer ($13,200); (b) club memberships
paid for Messrs. Davidson ($3,964), Stover ($4,516), and
Bullington ($5,213); (c) matching contributions to our
Deferred Compensation Plan for Messrs. Davidson ($44,800),
Tong ($9,925), Stover ($11,800), and Bullington ($8,700);
(d) premiums paid for group term life insurance and
AD&D coverage for each named executive officer as follows:
Mr. Davidson $2,280; Mr. Tong
$1,710; Mr. Stover $1,710;
Mr. Bullington $1,550; and
Ms. Cunningham $1,710; (e) Christmas bonus
of $100 for each named executive officer, grossed up for income
and payroll taxes; and (f) the value of physical
examinations provided in 2006 for Messrs. Stover and
Bullington ($1,900 each) and Ms. Cunningham ($2,200). |
As reflected in the table above, the salary received by each of
our named executive officers as a percentage of their respective
total compensation during 2006 was as follows:
Mr. Davidson 14.4%; Mr. Tong
19.9%; Mr. Stover 20.6%;
Mr. Bullington 21.6%; and
Ms. Cunningham 22.9%.
Grants of
Plan Based Awards
The table below sets forth information regarding grants of
plan-based awards made to our named executive officers during
Exercise or
Estimated Future Payouts Under
Estimated Future
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards(2)
Payouts Under Equity
Number of
Price of
Incentive Plan Awards(3)
Number of
Value of
$1.00 per
$2.00 per
Shares of
Stock and
Stock or
Units (#)
Charles D. Davidson
Chris Tong
David L. Stover
Alan R. Bullington
Susan M.
(1) |
Awards were approved at our January 2006 Compensation Committee
meeting; grants were effective and priced February 1, 2006. |
(2) |
Represents the grant of performance units under our LTIP in
2006. These columns show the number of performance units granted
to each named executive officer under our LTIP and the potential
value of the payout if the threshold, target or maximum goals
are satisfied for the stated performance measures. Performance
units have a target value of $1.00 per unit with a maximum
payout of $2.00 per unit. Performance units will vest at
the end of a three-year performance period
if specified performance objectives are met. The potential
payouts are performance-driven and therefore are completely at
risk. The performance objectives for determining the payout are
described in the Compensation Discussion & Analysis
(CD&A). |
(3) |
Represents the shares of restricted stock granted under our 1992
Plan in 2006. The shares will vest on February 1, 2009 if
specified performance goals are satisfied. Performance goals for
determining vesting are described in the CD&A under the
heading Long-Term Incentive Plan. Dividends declared
on shares of restricted stock are accrued during the three-year
restricted period. Accrued dividends will be paid upon vesting
of restricted shares at the end of the performance period.
Dividends accrued during 2006 as follows:
Mr. Davidson $4,725; Mr. Tong
$969; Mr. Stover $969;
Mr. Bullington $878; and
Ms. Cunningham $969. |
(4) |
Represents grant of nonqualified stock options under our 1992
Plan. Options represent the right to purchase shares of common
stock at the price per share (equal to fair market value on the
date of grant) indicated in the table. Options will vest ratably
over three years in equal installments (33.33%) on the first,
second and third anniversaries of the date of grant. |
(5) |
Exercise price at fair market value is defined in
our 1992 Plan as the average of the reported high and low
trading price of our common stock on the New York Stock Exchange
on the date of grant. The closing price of our common stock on
February 1, 2006 was $45.10. |
(6) |
Reflects grant date fair value of restricted stock and
nonqualified stock options granted to our named executive
officers on February 1, 2006 determined pursuant to
SFAS 123(R). Dividends payable on restricted stock awards
are accounted for under SFAS 123(R). A discussion of the
assumptions used in calculating these values may be found in
Note 9 to our financial statements in the
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the
SEC. Grant date fair value of stock options reported above is as
follows: Mr. Davidson $1,275,377;
Mr. Tong $261,433; Mr. Stover
$261,433; Mr. Bullington $237,024; and
Ms. Cunningham $261,433. Grant date fair value
of restricted stock reported above is as follows:
Mr. Davidson $678,821;
Mr. Tong $139,154; Mr. Stover
$139,154; Mr. Bullington $126,155; and
Ms. Cunningham $139,154. |
Compensation of CEO
Our Compensation Committee, with input from our other directors,
evaluates Mr. Davidsons performance, with that
evaluation supporting the determination of
Mr. Davidsons compensation level. Among the
Companys 2006 accomplishments under
Mr. Davidsons leadership were:
the highest stockholder return among our Compensation Peer Group
for the 2006 fiscal year;
record net income of approximately $678.4 million, or
$3.86 per basic share;
record discretionary cash flow of approximately
$2.1 billion;
total reserve additions of approximately 119 million
barrels of oil equivalent;
a 28 percent increase in daily equivalent production
compared to 2005;
completion of the sale of our Gulf of Mexico shelf assets;
start-up of
Lorien and Ticonderoga deepwater Gulf of Mexico
projects; and
achievement of various other project and performance milestones.
Mr. Davidson earned a total salary of $966,676 in 2006,
which reflects an increase in base salary from $925,000 to
$1,025,000 effective August 1, 2006. Based on the results
of Towers Perrins review of 2006 executive compensation,
our Compensation Committee determined that this increase was
appropriate to more closely approximate market median for
Mr. Davidsons position relative to our Compensation
Peer Group giving consideration to the scope and nature of our
Mr. Davidson received a total STIP payment of $2,562,500 in
February 2007, based on our Compensation Committees review
of overall performance of the Company for the 2006 fiscal year,
as well as Mr. Davidsons performance as measured by
predetermined operational and financial goals for 2006,
considering the Companys 2006 accomplishments under
Mr. Davidsons leadership.
Mr. Davidson was granted awards under our LTIP of 77,957
stock options, 17,181 shares of restricted stock and
1,641,196 performance units on February 1, 2006, based in
part on market data from Towers Perrin and considering our
performance against our Compensation Peer Group and
Mr. Davidsons leadership performance.
We believe that Mr. Davidsons compensation level is
consistent with the objectives of our compensation program,
provides an appropriate mix of salary and incentive
compensation, rewards leadership performance by
Mr. Davidson that has resulted in significant
accomplishments by the Company in 2006 and provides motivation
for the future achievement of short-term and long-term goals
necessary to stockholder value creation.
Compensation of Other Named Executive Officers
In determining the compensation of Messrs. Tong, Stover and
Bullington and Ms. Cunningham for 2006, our Compensation
Committee compared their relative achievements against the
performance goals established for each of them at the beginning
of the year. Our Compensation Committee also evaluated each of
their respective contributions to the overall performance of the
Company, as well as the performance of their respective business
Based on the results of Towers Perrins review of 2006
executive compensation, our Compensation Committee determined
that an increase in base salary for each of our named executive
officers was appropriate to more closely approximate market
median for their respective positions relative to our
Compensation Peer Group giving consideration to the scope and
nature of our operations. Effective August 1, 2006, the
base salary of Mr. Stover was increased to $475,000 and the
base salaries of Messrs. Tong and Bullington and
Ms. Cunningham were increased to $400,000.
After reviewing the overall performance of the Company for the
2006 fiscal year and the contributions to that performance of
each non-CEO named executive officer and his or her respective
business unit, our Compensation Committee approved the following
STIP payments: Mr. Tong $649,965;
Mr. Stover $977,262;
Mr. Bullington $619,376; and
Ms. Cunningham - $599,717. The STIP payments for 2006
performance for these named executive officers increased
approximately 62%, 139%, 76% and 65%, respectively, over 2005.
In each case, the STIP payment amounts were determined based on
an evaluation of Company, business and individual performance,
as relevant, against the performance goals established at the
beginning of the year for each named executive officer. We
believe that these STIP payments are appropriate in light of the
Companys performance in 2006 and reflect the relative
contributions of these executive officers.
On February 1, 2006, Messrs. Tong and Stover and
Ms. Cunningham were each granted awards under our LTIP of
15,980 stock options, 3,522 shares of restricted stock and
336,413 performance units. On that same date,
Mr. Bullington was granted awards of 14,488 stock options,
3,193 shares of restricted stock and 305,014 performance
units. Our Compensation Committee considered the Companys
performance against our Compensation Peer Group plus individual
performance in determining the level of these grants. These
grants were also based on market data from Towers Perrin
regarding our compensation program and appropriate long-term
incentive grant levels in light of Compensation Peer Group
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to restricted stock and stock options held by our named
executive officers as of December 31, 2006.
Equity Incentive
Plan Awards
Incentive Plan
Equity Incentive
Number of
Number of
Plan Awards:
Number of
Number of
Shares or
of Shares
Number of
Market or Payout
Units of
or Units of
Value of Unearned
Shares, Units or
Shares, Units or
Held That
Held That
Other Rights
Other Rights That
Options (#
Options (#
Have Not
Have Not
That Have Not
Have Not Vested
Price ($)
Vested (#)
Vested (#)
Charles D. Davidson
Chris Tong
David L. Stover
Alan R. Bullington
Susan M. Cunningham
(1) |
Remaining stock options vested February 1, 2007. |
(2) |
50% of stock options vested February 1, 2007; 50% of stock
options vest February 1, 2008. |
(3) |
50% of stock options vest May 16, 2007; 50% of stock
options vest May 16, 2008. |
(4) |
50% of stock options vest August 1, 2007; 50% of stock
options vest August 1, 2008. |
(5) |
of stock options vested February 1, 2007;
of stock options vest February 1, 2008; and
of stock options vest February 1, 2009. |
(6) |
Restricted stock vested February 1, 2007, as performance
goals were satisfied. The performance goals for determining
vesting are described in the CD&A under the heading
Long-Term Incentive Plan. |
(7) |
Restricted stock vests February 1, 2008 if performance
goals are satisfied. The performance goals for determining
vesting are described in the CD&A under the heading
Long-Term Incentive Plan. |
(8) |
Restricted stock vests May 16, 2008. |
(9) |
Restricted stock vests February 1, 2009 if performance
goals are satisfied. The performance goals for determining
vesting are described in the CD&A under the heading
Long-Term Incentive Plan. |
(10) |
Market value based on December 29, 2006 closing price of
$49.07. |
(11) |
50% of stock options vested January 3, 2007; 50% of stock
options vest January 3, 2008. |
(12) |
Restricted stock vests on January 3, 2008. |
(13) |
Restricted stock vests February 1, 2008. |
Option Exercises and Stock Vesting
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to vesting of restricted stock and the exercise of stock options
held by our named executive officers during fiscal year 2006.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Number of Shares
Value Realized on
Exercise (#)
Exercise ($)
Acquired on Vesting (#)
Vesting ($)
Charles D. Davidson
Chris Tong
David L. Stover
Alan R. Bullington(1)
Susan M. Cunningham
(1) |
Mr. Bullington exercised 18,000 stock options on
November 29, 2006, under a
Rule 10b5-1
trading plan, with an exercise price of $21.605. Fair market
value at the time of exercise ranged from $52.25 to $54.25. |
The amounts reported in the table below reflect the present
value of accumulated benefits as of December 31, 2006 for
the named executive officers under our Retirement Plan and
Restoration Plan. The estimates assume that benefits are
received in the form of a ten-year certain and life annuity.
Number of
Years of
Present Value of
Payments During
Last Fiscal Year
Plan Name
Benefit ($)(2)
Charles D. Davidson
Retirement Plan
Restoration Plan
Chris Tong
Retirement Plan
Restoration Plan
David L. Stover
Retirement Plan
Restoration Plan
Alan R. Bullington
Retirement Plan
Restoration Plan
Susan M. Cunningham
Retirement Plan
Restoration Plan
(1) |
Messrs. Davidson and Bullington and Ms. Cunningham are
fully vested in their retirement benefits. Messrs. Davidson
and Bullington are currently eligible for early retirement under
the plans. If Mr. Davidson commences his retirement
benefits immediately following retirement on December 31,
2006, his monthly benefits from our Retirement Plan and
Restoration Plan, reduced for early retirement, would be $1,533
and $9,867, respectively. If Mr. Bullington commences his
retirement benefits immediately following retirement on
December 31, 2006, his monthly benefits from our Retirement
Plan and Restoration Plan, reduced for early retirement, would
be $2,800 and $3,562, respectively. |
(2) |
Represents the actuarial present value of the accumulated
pension benefits for our named executive officers as of
December 31, 2006 under our Retirement Plan and Restoration
Plan. Present values are based on the same actuarial assumptions
and measurement dates utilized in our
Form 10-K
filing for the year ended December 31, 2006 except that,
for purposes of the present value calculations, participants are
assumed to work until age 65 and commence their benefits at that
time. |
Deferred Compensation Table
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to contributions made to our Deferred Compensation Plan by our
named executive officers during fiscal year 2006.
Contributions in
Contributions in
Distributions in
Aggregate Balance at
Last FY ($)(1)
Last FY ($)(2)
in Last FY ($)(3)
Last FY
Last FYE ($)(4)
Charles D. Davidson
Chris Tong
David L. Stover
Alan R. Bullington
Susan M. Cunningham
(1) |
Mr. Davidson deferred 100% of the STIP payment he earned in
2005 (otherwise payable in 2006) ($1,202,500) and 45% ($435,004)
of base salary in 2006. Mr. Tong deferred 25% of the STIP
payment he earned in 2005 (otherwise payable in 2006) ($99,924)
and 20% ($77,083) of base salary in 2006. Mr. Stover
deferred 35% of the STIP payment he earned in 2005 (otherwise
payable in 2006) ($143,120) and 5% ($20,833) of base salary in
2006. Mr. Bullington deferred 100% of the STIP payment he
earned in 2005 (otherwise payable in 2006) ($352,028) and 50%
($182,500) of base salary in 2006. |
(2) |
Represents matching contributions of 100% of the first 6% of
base salary deferred, to the extent not matched in our Thrift
Plan. |
(3) |
Interest is paid at the greater of 125% of the
rolling average of the
Treasury Note, or the
rolling average of the Prime Rate. Interest paid in 2006 based
on Prime Rate average of 6.9%, compounded monthly. |
(4) |
All named executive officers except Mr. Tong are 100%
vested in these balances. Mr. Tongs vested balance is
$241,556. Mr. Tong will be 100% vested on January 1,
2008. |
The matching contributions and a portion of the interest
earnings credited to the Deferred Compensation Plan accounts of
our named executive officers are reflected in the All
Other Compensation and the Change in Pension
Value columns of the Summary Compensation Table above,
Payments and Benefits Upon Termination of Employment
The tables below estimate the amount of compensation payable to
each of our named executive officers upon voluntary and
involuntary termination of employment, termination following a
change of control and in the event of disability or death, in
each case effective as of December 31, 2006. The actual
amount of compensation payable to each of our named executive
officers can only be determined at the time of his or her
separation from the Company.
Made Upon Termination
Upon termination of employment for reasons other than
disability, death or in connection with a change of control,
each named executive officer is entitled to receive amounts
earned during his or her term of employment. Such amounts
amounts contributed under our Deferred Compensation Plan;
unused vacation pay; and
amounts accrued and vested through our Retirement Plan and
Restoration Plan.
Made Upon Retirement
In the event of the retirement of a named executive officer, in
addition to the items identified above, the named executive
will have until the earlier of (1) the fifth anniversary of
his or her retirement date or (2) the expiration of the
remainder of the outstanding ten-year option term, to exercise
all stock options that are vested as of his or her retirement
may be entitled to receive a prorated share of outstanding
unvested restricted stock and performance unit awards at such
time as the performance criteria associated with the awards is
may elect to continue to participate in our medical and dental
plans at subsidized retiree rates until he or she reaches
age 65 (continued coverage for medical and dental benefits
for the named executive officers dependents may also be
elected at subsidized retiree rates); and
may continue to receive life insurance coverage until the
attainment of age 65 at subsidized premium rates.
Made Upon Death or Disability
In the event of the death or disability of a named executive
officer, in addition to the benefits listed under the headings
Payments Made Upon Termination and Payments
Made Upon Retirement above, the named executive officer or
his or her named beneficiary will receive benefits under our
disability plan or payments under our life insurance plan, as
Made Upon a Change of Control
We have entered into change of control agreements with each of
our named executive officers. If a named executive
officers employment is terminated within two years after a
change of control of the Company, he or she may be entitled to
receive certain severance benefits pursuant to the terms of his
or her change of control agreement. These benefits are described
above more fully in the CD&A under the heading Change
of Control Arrangements.
D. Davidson
The following table shows the potential payments to
Mr. Davidson, President, CEO and Chairman of our Board, in
the event of his termination of employment as of
December 31, 2006.
Involuntary Termination or
Termination without Cause
in Connection with a
Executive Benefits and
Termination on
Termination on
Change of Control on
Disability on
Payments Upon Separation
Death on
STIP Payments
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Units
Benefits and Perquisites:
Retirement Plans
Deferred Compensation Plan
Health & Welfare Benefits
Disability Income
Life Insurance Benefits
Excise Tax &
Accrued Vacation Pay
Employment Services
(1) |
Mr. Davidson was eligible for early retirement as of
December 31, 2006. Upon his termination of employment, he
will be entitled to retiree benefits under all of our benefit
plans. |
(2) |
Mr. Davidson would not be entitled to a STIP payment for
2006 in the event of his termination of employment on
December 31, 2006, other than in the event of a change of
control. Employees must be employed on the STIP payment date
(February 2007) in order to receive payment. |
(3) |
Represents the difference between the exercise price of each
stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options vested and
exercisable as of December 31, 2006. |
(4) |
As a retiree, or due to termination as a result of disability or
death, Mr. Davidson or his named beneficiary may be
entitled to a prorated portion of all unvested restricted stock
awards. The prorated portion of these awards will only vest at
the end of each restricted period if the performance goals for
that period have been satisfied. The prorated portion is based
on the number of months of service completed by
Mr. Davidson during the restricted period. Value is based
on the closing price of our common stock on December 29,
2006 ($49.07). We have assumed that the performance goals will
be satisfied and the following prorated awards will vest: 2004
award 100% of shares awarded will vest in 2007
(22,320 shares); 2005 award two-thirds of
shares awarded will vest in 2008 (17,800 shares); and 2006
award one-third of shares awarded
(5,727 shares) will vest in 2009. |
(5) |
As a retiree, or due to termination as a result of disability or
death, Mr. Davidson or his named beneficiary may be
entitled to a prorated portion of all unvested performance unit
awards. The prorated portion of these awards may vest at the end
of each performance period based on the level of achievement of
the applicable performance objectives for that period. The
prorated portion is based on the number of months of service
completed by Mr. Davidson during the performance period.
Value is based on the assumption that performance units will
payout at target level. We have assumed that the performance
objectives will be satisfied and the following prorated awards
will vest: 2004 award 100% of units awarded will
vest in 2007 (1,033,200 units); 2005 award
two-thirds of units awarded will vest in 2008
(480,000 units); and 2006 award one-third of
units awarded (547,065 units) will vest in 2009. |
(6) |
Reflects the present value of Mr. Davidsons accrued
benefits under our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan. Based
on a December 31, 2006 termination date,
Mr. Davidsons monthly age 65 retirement benefits
from our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan would be $2,128
and $13,678, respectively. If Mr. Davidson commences his
retirement benefits immediately following retirement on
December 31, 2006, his monthly benefits from our Retirement
Plan and Restoration Plan, reduced for early retirement, would
be $1,533 and $9,867, respectively. |
(7) |
Reflects Mr. Davidsons current vested balance in our
Deferred Compensation Plan. |
(8) |
Reflects the present value of expected future medical and dental
benefits that will be paid by the Company in connection with
Mr. Davidsons participation in the medical and dental
plans as a retiree. Assumptions used for this calculation are
the same assumptions disclosed in Note 11 to our financial
statements in the
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the
SEC, for post-retirement calculations. |
(9) |
Mr. Davidson is entitled to five weeks of paid vacation
each calendar year. Unused vacation does not carry over from
year to year. We have assumed for purposes of this table that
Mr. Davidson used all of his vacation during 2006 and would
therefore not be entitled to payment for any unused vacation in
the event of his termination on December 31, 2006. In the
event of termination during the year, all amounts of unused
vacation would be paid based on Mr. Davidsons salary. |
(10) |
Mr. Davidson is not a party to any agreement that provides
for a severance payment absent termination of employment
following a change of control. However, our Severance Benefit
Plan provides for a severance payment in certain instances based
upon years of completed service. If Mr. Davidson is
entitled to a severance payment under the plan, he would receive
two weeks of pay for every year of completed service, plus a
prorated STIP payment based on his STIP target percentage (100%)
for a total payment of $492,788. |
(11) |
We entered into a Change of Control Agreement with
Mr. Davidson that provides for severance benefits in the
event that Mr. Davidsons employment terminates within
two years after a change of control of the Company. Under
Mr. Davidsons Change of Control Agreement, if
Mr. Davidson is terminated following a change of control
(other than termination by the Company for cause or by reason of
death or disability), he is entitled to |
receive a lump sum severance payment equal to 2.99 times his
annual cash compensation (consisting of annual salary and STIP).
Mr. Davidson is also entitled to a prorated STIP payment
based on his termination date in the year of the change of
control. |
(12) |
Vesting of stock options accelerates in the event of a change of
control. Represents the difference between the exercise price of
each stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options held by
Mr. Davidson as of December 31, 2006. |
(13) |
Vesting of restricted stock accelerates in the event of a change
of control. Represents the value of all restricted stock held by
Mr. Davidson on December 31, 2006 based on the closing
price of our common stock on December 29, 2006 ($49.07). |
(14) |
Vesting of performance units accelerates in the event of a
change of control. Represents the value of all unvested
performance units held by Mr. Davidson on December 31,
2006 based on a target value of $1.00 per unit. |
(15) |
Mr. Davidsons Change of Control Agreement provides
for continued medical, dental, life, AD&D, and LTD benefits
for a period of 36 months following a change of control.
The value reflected is the total estimated cost to us to provide
these benefits. Mr. Davidson is also entitled to continue
his medical and dental coverage following this
period as a participant in our retiree medical plan at
subsidized premium rates as discussed above. The value reflected
also includes the present value of the expected future medical
and dental benefits that will be paid by us in connection with
Mr. Davidsons participation in the retiree medical
plan following the
period. |
(16) |
Mr. Davidson is entitled to a
payment for any excise tax due in connection with a change of
control pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Sections 280G and
4099. The estimated
payment for Mr. Davidson based on a December 31, 2006
change of control and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 of $49.07 is $5,200,000. |
(17) |
Mr. Davidsons Change of Control Agreement provides
for reimbursement for reasonable fees up to $15,000 for
out-placement employment services. |
(18) |
In the event of Mr. Davidsons termination of
employment due to permanent and total disability, his
age 65 retirement benefits from our Retirement Plan and
Restoration Plan will be calculated as if he had continued to
work until age 65. The value reflected represents the
actuarial present value of Mr. Davidsons age 65
benefits based on a disability date of December 31, 2006.
The calculation is based on Mr. Davidsons final
average compensation as of his date of disability. Upon
commencement of his benefits at age 65,
Mr. Davidsons monthly benefit from our Retirement
Plan and Restoration Plan will be $36,950. In the event that
Mr. Davidson elects to immediately commence his retirement
benefits, the amounts payable will be as described in
Note 6 above. |
(19) |
Our LTD benefits are fully insured through CIGNA. Eligibility
for benefits is determined by CIGNA only after the
employees termination of employment because of a medical
condition. Benefits pay at 60% of monthly income, capped at
$15,000 per month. |
(20) |
In the event of Mr. Davidsons death while an active
employee, his named beneficiary is entitled to a death benefit
under our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan. The death
benefit payable in the event of his death on December 31,
2006 is $1,054,672. This lump sum payment was calculated using a
4.69% interest rate (the
Treasury rate for November 2006) and the GAR 1994 mortality
tables as required by our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan.
The accrued death benefit was reduced for early commencement. |
(21) |
We provide group term life insurance coverage equal to two times
base salary, capped at $1,000,000. |
The following table shows the potential payments to
Mr. Tong, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of the Company, in the event of his termination of employment as
of December 31, 2006.
Involuntary Termination or
Termination without Cause
in Connection with a
Executive Benefits and
Termination on
Termination on
Change of Control on
Disability on
Death on
Payments Upon Separation
STIP Payments
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Units
Benefits and Perquisites:
Retirement Plans
Deferred Compensation Plan
Health & Welfare Benefits
Disability Income
Life Insurance Benefits
Excise Tax &
Accrued Vacation Pay
Employment Services
(1) |
Mr. Tong would not be entitled to a STIP payment for 2006
in the event of his termination of employment on
December 31, 2006, other than in the event of a change of
control. Employees must be employed on the STIP payment date
(February 2007) in order to receive payment. |
(2) |
Represents the difference between the exercise price of each
stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options vested and
exercisable as of December 31, 2006. |
(3) |
All unvested shares of restricted stock will be forfeited upon
Mr. Tongs voluntary termination of employment on
December 31, 2006, including 2005 award
23,176 shares and 2006 award 3,522 shares;
provided, however, that 16,000 shares of Mr. Tongs
2006 restricted stock award will vest in the event of his
termination by the Company without cause. |
(4) |
All unvested performance units will be forfeited upon
Mr. Tongs termination of employment on
December 31, 2006. The following performance units will be
forfeited: 2004 award 159,000 units, 2005
award 190,600 units and 2006 award
336,413 units. |
(5) |
Mr. Tong is not vested in either our Retirement Plan or our
Restoration Plan. |
(6) |
Reflects Mr. Tongs current vested balance in our
Deferred Compensation Plan. |
(7) |
Mr. Tong would not be eligible to participate in our
retiree medical and dental plans in the event of his termination
of employment on December 31, 2006. |
(8) |
Mr. Tong is entitled to five weeks of paid vacation each
calendar year. Unused vacation does not carry over from year to
year. We have assumed for purposes of this table that
Mr. Tong used all of his vacation during 2006 and would
therefore not be entitled to payment for any unused vacation in
the event of his termination on December 31, 2006. In the
event of termination during the year, all amounts of unused
vacation would be paid based on Mr. Tongs salary. |
(9) |
Mr. Tong is not a party to any agreement that provides for
a severance payment absent termination of employment following a
change of control. However, our Severance Benefit Plan provides
for a severance payment in certain instances based upon years of
completed service. If Mr. Tong is entitled to a severance
payment under the plan, he would receive two weeks of pay for
every year of completed service, plus a STIP payment based on
his STIP target percentage (75%) for a total payment of $167,308. |
(10) |
We entered into a Change of Control Agreement with Mr. Tong
that provides for severance benefits in the event that
Mr. Tongs employment terminates within two years
after a change of control of the Company. |
Under Mr. Tongs Change of Control Agreement, if
Mr. Tong is terminated following a change of control (other
than termination by the Company for cause or by reason of death
or disability), he is entitled to receive a lump sum severance
payment equal to 2.5 times his annual cash compensation
(consisting of annual salary and STIP). Mr. Tong is also
entitled to a prorated STIP payment based on his termination
date in the year of the change of control. |
(11) |
Vesting of stock options accelerates in the event of a change of
control. Represents the difference between the exercise price of
each stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options held by
Mr. Tong as of December 31, 2006. |
(12) |
Vesting of restricted stock accelerates in the event of a change
of control. Represents the value of all restricted stock held by
Mr. Tong on December 31, 2006 based on the closing
price of our common stock on December 29, 2006 ($49.07). |
(13) |
Vesting of performance units accelerates in the event of a
change of control. Represents the value of all unvested
performance units held by Mr. Tong on December 31,
2006 based on a target value of $1.00 per unit. |
(14) |
Mr. Tongs Change of Control Agreement provides for
continued medical, dental, life, AD&D, and LTD benefits for
a period of 30 months following a change of control. The
value reflected is the total estimated cost to us to provide
these benefits. |
(15) |
Mr. Tong is entitled to a
payment for any excise tax due in connection with a change of
control pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Sections 280G and
4099. The estimated
payment for Mr. Tong based on a December 31, 2006
change of control and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 of $49.07 is $1,500,000. |
(16) |
Mr. Tongs Change of Control Agreement provides for
reimbursement for reasonable fees up to $15,000 for
out-placement employment services. |
(17) |
In the event of termination of employment as a result of
disability or death, Mr. Tong or his named beneficiary may
be entitled to a prorated portion of all unvested restricted
stock awards. The prorated portion of these awards will only
vest at the end of each restricted period if the performance
goals for that period have been satisfied. The prorated portion
is based on the number of months of service completed by
Mr. Tong during the restricted period. Value is based on
the closing price of our common stock as of December 29,
2006 ($49.07). We have assumed that the performance goals will
be satisfied and the following prorated awards will vest: 2005
award two-thirds of the shares awarded will vest in
2008 (15,451 shares); and 2006 award one-third
of shares awarded (1,174 shares) will vest in 2009. |
(18) |
In the event of termination of employment as a result of
disability or death, Mr. Tong or his named beneficiary may
be entitled to a prorated portion of all unvested performance
unit awards. The prorated portion of these awards may vest at
the end of each performance period based on the level of
achievement of the applicable performance goals for that period.
The prorated portion is based on the number of months of service
completed by Mr. Tong during the performance period. Value
is based on the assumption that performance units will payout at
target level. We have assumed that the performance goals will be
satisfied and the following prorated awards will vest: 2004
award 100% of units awarded will vest in 2007
(159,000 units); 2005 award two thirds of the
units awarded will vest in 2008 (127,067 units); and 2006
award one-third of units awarded
(112,138 units) will vest in 2009. |
(19) |
In the event of Mr. Tongs termination of employment
due to permanent and total disability, his age 65
retirement benefits from our Retirement Plan and Restoration
Plan will be calculated as if he had continued to work until
age 65. The value reflected represents the actuarial
present value of Mr. Tongs age 65 benefits based
on a disability date of December 31, 2006. The calculation
is based on Mr. Tongs final average compensation as
of his date of disability. Upon commencement of his benefits at
age 65, Mr. Tongs monthly benefit from our Retirement
Plan and Restoration Plan would be $15,716. Mr. Tong is not
eligible to commence his benefits prior to age 65. |
(20) |
Our LTD benefits are fully insured through CIGNA. Eligibility
for benefits is determined by CIGNA only after the
employees termination of employment because of a medical
condition. Benefits pay at 60% of monthly income, capped at
$15,000 per month. |
(21) |
In the event of Mr. Tongs death while an active
employee, his named beneficiary is entitled to a death benefit
under the Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan. The death
benefit payable in the event of Mr. Tongs death on
December 31, 2006 is $41,708. This lump sum payment was
calculated using a 4.69% interest rate (the
Treasury rate for November 2006) and the GAR 1994 mortality
tables as required by the Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan
documents. The accrued death benefit was reduced for early
commencement. |
(22) |
We provide group term life insurance coverage equal to two times
base salary, capped at $1,000,000. |
(23) |
Represents the value of 16,000 shares of unvested
restricted stock granted in January 2005 that will immediately
vest in the event of Mr. Tongs involuntary
termination without cause on December 31, 2006. Value is
based on the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07). All other unvested shares of
restricted stock will be forfeited upon Mr. Tongs
involuntary termination of employment on December 31, 2006,
including 2005 awards of 7,176 shares and 2006 awards of
David L.
The following table shows the potential payments to
Mr. Stover, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating
Officer of the Company, in the event of his termination of
employment as of December 31, 2006.
Involuntary Termination or
Termination without Cause
in Connection with a
Executive Benefits and
Termination on
Termination on
Change of Control on
Disability on
Death on
Payments Upon Separation
STIP Payments
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Units
Benefits and Perquisites:
Retirement Plans
Deferred Compensation Plan
Health & Welfare Benefits
Disability Income
Life Insurance Benefits
Excise Tax &
Accrued Vacation Pay
Employment Services
(1) |
Mr. Stover would not be entitled to a STIP payment for 2006
in the event of his termination of employment on
December 31, 2006, other than in the event of a change of
control. Employees must be employed on the STIP payment date
(February 2007) in order to receive payment. |
(2) |
Represents the difference between the exercise price of each
stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options vested and
exercisable as of December 31, 2006. |
(3) |
All unvested shares of restricted stock will be forfeited upon
Mr. Stovers voluntary or involuntary termination of
employment on December 31, 2006, including: 2004
award 3,318 shares; 2005 award
7,176 shares; and 2006 award 3,522 shares. |
(4) |
All unvested performance units will be forfeited upon
Mr. Stovers voluntary or involuntary termination of
employment on December 31, 2006. The following performance
units will be forfeited: 2004 award
153,600 units; 2005 award 190,600 units;
and 2006 award 336,413 units. |
(5) |
Mr. Stover is not vested in either our Retirement Plan or
our Restoration Plan. |
(6) |
Reflects Mr. Stovers current vested balance in our
Deferred Compensation Plan. |
(7) |
Mr. Stover would not be eligible to participate in our
retiree medical and dental plans in the event of his termination
of employment on December 31, 2006. |
(8) |
Mr. Stover is entitled to five weeks of paid vacation each
calendar year. Unused vacation does not carry over from year to
year. We have assumed for purposes of this table that
Mr. Stover used all of his vacation during 2006 and would
therefore not be entitled to payment for any unused vacation in
the event of his termination on December 31, 2006. In the
event of termination during the year, all amounts of unused
vacation would be paid based on Mr. Stovers salary. |
(9) |
Mr. Stover is not a party to any agreement that provides
for a severance payment absent termination of employment
following a change of control. However, our Severance Benefit
Plan provides for a severance payment in certain instances based
upon years of completed service. If Mr. Stover is entitled
to a severance payment under the plan, he would receive two
weeks of pay for every year of completed service, plus a STIP
payment based on his STIP target percentage (85%) for a total
payment of $210,553. |
(10) |
We entered into a Change of Control Agreement with
Mr. Stover that provides for severance benefits in the
event that Mr. Stovers employment terminates within
two years after a change of control of the Company. Under
Mr. Stovers Change of Control Agreement, if
Mr. Stover is terminated following a change of control
(other than termination by the Company for cause or by reason of
death or disability), he is entitled to receive a lump sum
severance payment equal to 2.5 times his annual cash
compensation (consisting of annual salary and STIP).
Mr. Stover is also entitled to a prorated STIP payment
based on his termination date in the year of the change of
control. |
(11) |
Vesting of stock options accelerates in the event of a change of
control. Represents the difference between the exercise price of
each option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options held by
Mr. Stover as of December 31, 2006. |
(12) |
Vesting of restricted stock accelerates in the event of a change
of control. Represents the value of all restricted stock held by
Mr. Stover on December 31, 2006 based on the closing
price of our common stock on December 29, 2006 ($49.07). |
(13) |
Vesting of performance units accelerates in the event of a
change of control. Represents the value of all unvested
performance units held by Mr. Stover on December 31,
2006 based on a target value of $1.00 per unit. |
(14) |
Mr. Stovers Change of Control Agreement provides for
continued medical, dental, life, AD&D, and LTD benefits for
a period of 30 months following a change of control. The
value reflected is the total estimated cost to us to provide
these benefits. |
(15) |
Mr. Stover is entitled to a
payment for any excise tax due in connection with a change of
control pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Sections 280G and
4099. The estimated
payment for Mr. Stover based on a December 31, 2006
change of control and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 of $49.07 is $1,600,000. |
(16) |
Mr. Stovers Change of Control Agreement provides for
reimbursement for reasonable fees up to $15,000 for
out-placement employment services. |
(17) |
In the event of termination of employment as a result of
disability or death, Mr. Stover or his named beneficiary
may be entitled to a prorated portion of all unvested restricted
stock awards. The prorated portion of these awards will only
vest at the end of each restricted period if the performance
goals for that period have been satisfied. The prorated portion
is based on the number of months of service completed by
Mr. Stover during the restricted period. Value is based on
the closing price of our common stock on December 29, 2006
($49.07). We have assumed that the performance goals will be
satisfied and the following prorated awards will vest: 2004
award 100% of shares awarded will vest in 2007
(3,318 shares); 2005 award two-thirds of the
shares awarded will vest in 2008 (4,784 shares); and 2006
award one-third of shares awarded
(1,174 shares) will vest in 2009. |
(18) |
In the event of termination of employment as a result of
disability or death, Mr. Stover or his named beneficiary
may be entitled to a prorated portion of all unvested
performance unit awards. The prorated portion of these awards
may vest at the end of each performance period based on the
level of achievement of the applicable performance goals for
that period. The prorated portion is based on the number of
months of service completed by Mr. Stover during the
performance period. Value is based on the assumption that |
performance units will payout at target level. We have assumed
that the performance goals will be satisfied and the following
prorated awards will vest: 2004 award 100% of
units awarded will vest in 2007 (153,600 units); 2005
award two thirds of the units awarded will vest in
2008 (127,067 units); and 2006 award one-third
of units awarded (112,138 units) will vest in 2009. |
(19) |
In the event of Mr. Stovers termination of employment
due to permanent and total disability, his age 65
retirement benefits from our Retirement Plan and Restoration
Plan will be calculated as if he had continued to work until
age 65. The value reflected represents the actuarial
present value of Mr. Stovers age 65 benefits
based on a disability date of December 31, 2006. The
calculation is based on Mr. Stovers final average
compensation as of his date of disability. Upon commencement of
his benefits at age 65, Mr. Stovers monthly
benefit from our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan will be
$16,526. Mr. Stover is not eligible to commence his
benefits prior to age 65. |
(20) |
Our LTD benefits are fully insured through CIGNA. Eligibility
for benefits is determined by CIGNA only after the
employees termination of employment because of a medical
condition. Benefits pay at 60% of monthly income, capped at
$15,000 per month. |
(21) |
In the event of Mr. Stovers death while an active
employee, his named beneficiary is entitled to a death benefit
under the Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan. The death
benefit payable in the event of Mr. Stovers death on
December 31, 2006 is $69,189. This lump sum payment was
calculated using a 4.69% interest rate (the
Treasury rate for November 2006) and the GAR 1994 mortality
tables as required by the Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan
documents. The accrued death benefit was reduced for early
commencement. |
(22) |
We provide group term life insurance coverage equal to two times
base salary, capped at $1,000,000. |
Alan R.
The following table shows the potential payments to Mr.
Bullington, Senior Vice President International
Division, in the event of his termination of employment as of
December 31, 2006.
or Termination
without Cause
in Connection
with a Change
Executive Benefits and
Termination on
Termination on
of Control on
Disability on
Death on
Payments Upon Separation
STIP Payments
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Units
Benefits and Perquisites:
Retirement Plans
Deferred Compensation Plan
Health & Welfare Benefits
Disability Income
Life Insurance Benefits
Excise Tax &
Accrued Vacation Pay
Employment Services
(1) |
Mr. Bullington was eligible for early retirement as of
December 31, 2006. Upon his termination of employment he
will be entitled to retiree benefits under all of our benefit
plans. |
(2) |
Mr. Bullington would not be entitled to a STIP payment for
2006 in the event of his termination of employment on
December 31, 2006, other than in the event of a change of
control. Employees must be employed on the STIP payment date
(February 2007) in order to receive payment. |
(3) |
Represents the difference between the exercise price of each
stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options vested and
exercisable as of December 31, 2006. |
(4) |
As a retiree, or due to termination as a result of disability or
death, Mr. Bullington or his named beneficiary may be
entitled to a prorated portion of all unvested restricted stock
awards. The prorated portion of these awards will only vest at
the end of each restricted period if the performance goals for
that period have been satisfied. The prorated portion is based
on the number of months of service completed by
Mr. Bullington during the restricted period. Value is based
on the closing price of our common stock as of December 29,
2006 ($49.07). We have assumed that the performance goals will
be satisfied and the following prorated awards will vest: 2004
award 100% of shares awarded will vest in 2007
(3,318 shares); 2005 award two-thirds of shares
awarded will vest in 2008 (3,451 shares); and 2006
award one-third of shares awarded
(1,064 shares) will vest in 2009. |
(5) |
As a retiree, or due to termination as a result of disability or
death, Mr. Bullington or his named beneficiary may be
entitled to a prorated portion of all unvested performance unit
awards. The prorated portion of these awards may vest at the end
of each performance period based on the level of achievement of
the applicable performance objectives for that period. The
prorated portion is based on the number of months of service
completed by Mr. Bullington during the performance period.
Value is based on the assumption that performance units will
payout at target level. We have assumed that the performance
objectives will be satisfied and the following prorated awards
will vest: 2004 award 100% of units awarded will
vest in 2007 (153,600 units); 2005 award two
thirds of units awarded will vest in 2008 (127,067 units);
and 2006 award one-third of units awarded
(101,671 units) will vest in 2009. |
(6) |
Reflects the present value of Mr. Bullingtons accrued
benefits under our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan. Based
on a December 31, 2006 termination date,
Mr. Bullingtons monthly age 65 retirement
benefits from our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan would be
$4,342 and $5,878, respectively. If Mr. Bullington
commences his retirement benefits immediately following
retirement on December 31, 2006, his monthly benefits from
our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan, reduced for early
retirement, would be $2,800 and $3,562, respectively. |
(7) |
Reflects Mr. Bullingtons current vested balance in
our Deferred Compensation Plan. |
(8) |
Reflects the present value of expected future medical and dental
benefits that will be paid by the Company in connection with
Mr. Bullingtons participation in the medical and
dental plans as a retiree. Assumptions used for this calculation
are the same assumptions disclosed in Note 11 to our
financial statements in the
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the
SEC, for post-retirement calculations. |
(9) |
Mr. Bullington is entitled to five weeks of paid vacation
each calendar year. Unused vacation does not carry over from
year to year. We have assumed for purposes of this table that
Mr. Bullington used all of his vacation during 2006 and
would therefore not be entitled to payment for any unused
vacation in the event of his termination on December 31,
2006. In the event of termination during the year, all amounts
of unused vacation would be paid based on
Mr. Bullingtons salary. |
(10) |
Mr. Bullington is not a party to any agreement that
provides for a severance payment absent termination of
employment following a change of control. However, our Severance
Benefit Plan provides for a severance payment in certain
instances based upon years of completed service. If
Mr. Bullington is entitled to a severance payment under the
plan, he would receive two weeks of pay for every year of
completed service, plus a STIP payment based on his STIP target
percentage (75%) for a total payment of $321,154. |
(11) |
We entered into a Change of Control Agreement with
Mr. Bullington that provides for severance benefits in the
event that Mr. Bullingtons employment terminates
within two years after a change of control of the Company. Under
Mr. Bullingtons Change of Control Agreement, if
Mr. Bullington is terminated following a change of control
(other than termination by the Company for cause or by reason of
death or disability), he is entitled to receive a lump sum
severance payment equal to 2.5 times his annual cash
compensation (consisting of annual salary and STIP).
Mr. Bullington is also entitled to a prorated STIP payment
based on his termination date in the year of the change of
control. |
(12) |
Vesting of stock options accelerates in the event of a change of
control. Represents the difference between the exercise price of
each stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options held by
Mr. Bullington as of December 31, 2006. |
(13) |
Vesting of restricted stock accelerates in the event of a change
of control. Represents the value of all restricted stock held by
Mr. Bullington on December 31, 2006 based on the
closing price of our common stock on December 29, 2006
($49.07). |
(14) |
Vesting of performance units accelerates in the event of a
change of control. Represents the value of all unvested
performance units held by Mr. Bullington on
December 31, 2006 based on a target value of $1.00 per
unit. |
(15) |
Mr. Bullingtons Change of Control Agreement provides
for continued medical, dental, life, AD&D, and LTD benefits
for a period of 30 months following a change of control.
The value reflected is the total estimated cost to us to provide
these benefits. Mr. Bullington is also entitled to continue
his medical and dental coverage following this
period as a participant in our retiree medical plan at
subsidized premium rates as discussed above. The value reflected
also includes the present value of the expected future medical
and dental benefits that will be paid by us in connection with
Mr. Bullingtons participation in the retiree medical
plan following the
period. |
(16) |
Mr. Bullington is entitled to a
payment for any excise tax due in connection with a change of
control pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Sections 280G and
4099. The estimated
payment for Mr. Bullington based on a December 31,
2006 change of control and the closing price of our common stock
on December 29, 2006 of $49.07 is $1,100,000. |
(17) |
Mr. Bullingtons Change of Control Agreement provides
for reimbursement for reasonable fees up to $15,000 for
out-placement employment services. |
(18) |
In the event of Mr. Bullingtons termination of
employment due to permanent and total disability, his
age 65 retirement benefits from our Retirement Plan and
Restoration Plan will be calculated as if he had continued to
work until age 65. The value reflected represents the
actuarial present value of Mr. Bullingtons
age 65 benefits based on a disability date of
December 31, 2006. The calculation is based on
Mr. Bullingtons final average compensation as of his
date of disability. Upon commencement of his benefit at
age 65, Mr. Bullingtons monthly benefits from
our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan will be $16,008. In the
event that Mr. Bullington elects to immediately commence
his retirement benefits, the amounts payable will be as
described in Note 6 above. |
(19) |
Our LTD benefits are fully insured through CIGNA. Eligibility
for benefits is determined by CIGNA only after the
employees termination of employment because of a medical
condition. Benefits pay at 60% of monthly income, capped at
$15,000 per month. |
(20) |
In the event of Mr. Bullingtons death while an active
employee, his named beneficiary is entitled to a death benefit
under the Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan. The death
benefit payable in the event of Mr. Bullingtons death
on December 31, 2006 is $557,150. This lump sum payment was
calculated using a 4.69% interest rate (the
Treasury rate for November 2006) and the GAR 1994 mortality
tables as required by the Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan
documents. The accrued death benefit was reduced for early
commencement. |
(21) |
We provide group term life insurance coverage equal to two times
base salary, capped at $1,000,000. |
Susan M.
The following table shows the potential payments to Ms.
Cunningham, Senior Vice President Exploration and Corporate
Reserves of the Company, in the event of her termination of
employment as of December 31, 2006.
or Termination
without Cause
in Connection
with a Change
Executive Benefits and
Termination on
Termination on
of Control on
Disability on
Death on
Payments Upon Separation
STIP Payments
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Performance Units
Benefits and Perquisites:
Retirement Plans
Deferred Compensation Plan
Health & Welfare Benefits
Disability Income
Life Insurance Benefits
Excise Tax &
Accrued Vacation Pay
Employment Services
(1) |
Ms. Cunningham would not be entitled to a STIP payment for
2006 in the event of her termination of employment on
December 31, 2006, other than in the event of a change of
control. Employees must be employed on the STIP payment date
(February 2007) in order to receive payment. |
(2) |
Represents the difference between the exercise price of each
stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options vested and
exercisable as of December 31, 2006. |
(3) |
All unvested shares of restricted stock will be forfeited upon
Ms. Cunninghams voluntary or involuntary termination
of employment on December 31, 2006, including: 2004
award 4,406 shares; 2005 award
7,176 shares; and 2006 award 3,522 shares. |
(4) |
All unvested performance units will be forfeited upon
Ms. Cunninghams voluntary or involuntary termination
of employment on December 31, 2006. The following
performance units will be forfeited: 2004 award
204,000 units; 2005 award 190,600 units;
and 2006 award 336,413 units. |
(5) |
Ms. Cunningham is not vested in either our Retirement Plan
or our Restoration Plan. |
(6) |
Reflects Ms. Cunninghams current vested balance in
our Deferred Compensation Plan. |
(7) |
Ms. Cunningham would not be eligible to participate in our
retiree medical and dental plans in the event of her termination
of employment on December 31, 2006. |
(8) |
Ms. Cunningham is entitled to five weeks of paid vacation
each calendar year. Unused vacation does not carry over from
year to year. We have assumed for purposes of this table that
Ms. Cunningham used all of her vacation during 2006 and
would therefore not be entitled to payment for any unused
vacation in the event of her termination on December 31,
2006. In the event of termination during the year, all amounts
of unused vacation would be paid based on
Ms. Cunninghams salary. |
(9) |
Ms. Cunningham is not a party to any agreement that
provides for a severance payment absent termination of
employment following a change of control. However, our Severance
Benefit Plan provides for a severance payment in certain
instances based upon years of completed service. If
Ms. Cunningham is entitled to a severance payment under the
plan, she would receive two weeks of pay for every year of
completed service, plus a STIP payment based on her STIP target
percentage (75%) for a total payment of $167,308. |
(10) |
We entered into a Change of Control Agreement with
Ms. Cunningham that provides for severance benefits in the
event that Ms. Cunninghams employment terminates
within two years after a change of control of the Company. Under
Ms. Cunninghams Change of Control Agreement, if
Ms. Cunningham is terminated following a change of control
(other than termination by the Company for cause or by reason of
death or disability), she is entitled to receive a lump sum
severance payment equal to 2.5 times her annual cash
compensation (consisting of annual salary and STIP).
Ms. Cunningham is also entitled to a prorated STIP payment
based on her termination date in the year of the change of
control. |
(11) |
Vesting of stock options accelerates in the event of a change of
control. Represents the difference between the exercise price of
each stock option and the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07) on all stock options held by
Ms. Cunningham as of December 31, 2006. |
(12) |
Vesting of restricted stock accelerates in the event of a change
of control. Represents the value of all restricted stock held by
Ms. Cunningham on December 31, 2006 based on the
closing price of our common stock on December 29, 2006
($49.07). |
(13) |
Vesting of performance units accelerates in the event of a
change of control. Represents the value of all unvested
performance units held by Ms. Cunningham on
December 31, 2006 based on a target value of $1.00 per
unit. |
(14) |
Ms. Cunninghams Change of Control Agreement provides
for continued medical, dental, life, AD&D, and LTD benefits
for a period of 30 months following a change of control.
The value reflected is the total estimated cost to us to provide
these benefits. |
(15) |
Ms. Cunningham is entitled to a
payment for any excise tax due in connection with a change of
control pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Sections 280G and
4099. The estimated
payment for Ms. Cunningham based on a December 31,
2006 change of control and the closing price of our common stock
on December 29, 2006 of $49.07 is $1,300,000. |
(16) |
Ms. Cunninghams Change of Control Agreement provides
for reimbursement for reasonable fees up to $15,000 for
out-placement employment services. |
(17) |
In the event of termination of employment as a result of
disability or death, Ms. Cunningham or her named
beneficiary may be entitled to a prorated portion of all
unvested restricted stock awards. The prorated portion of these
awards will only vest at the end of each restricted period if
the performance goals for that period have been satisfied. The
prorated portion is based on the number of months of service
completed by Ms. Cunningham during the restricted period.
Value is based on the closing price of our common stock on
December 29, 2006 ($49.07). We have assumed that the
performance goals will be satisfied and the following prorated
awards will vest: 2004 award 100% of shares awarded
will vest in 2007 (4,406 shares); 2005 award
two-thirds of the shares awarded will vest in 2008
(4,784 shares); and 2006 award one-third of
shares awarded (1,174 shares) will vest in 2009. |
(18) |
In the event of termination of employment as a result of
disability or death, Ms. Cunningham or her named
beneficiary may be entitled to a prorated portion of all
unvested performance unit awards. The prorated portion of these
awards may vest at the end of each performance period based on
the level of achievement of the applicable performance goals for
that period. The prorated portion is based on the number of
months of service completed by Ms. Cunningham during the
performance period. Value is based on the assumption that
performance units will payout at target level. We have assumed
that the performance goals will be satisfied and the following
prorated awards will vest: 2004 award 100% of units
awarded will vest in 2007 (204,000 units); 2005
award two thirds of the units awarded will vest in
2008 (127,067 units); and 2006 award one-third
of units awarded (112,138 units) will vest in 2009. |
(19) |
In the event of Ms. Cunninghams termination of
employment due to permanent and total disability, her
age 65 retirement benefits from our Retirement Plan and
Restoration Plan will be calculated as if she had continued to
work until age 65. The value reflected represents the
actuarial present value of Ms. Cunninghams
age 65 benefits based on a disability date of
December 31, 2006. The calculation is based on
Ms. Cunninghams final average compensation as of her
date of disability. Upon commencement of her benefits at
age 65, Ms. Cunninghams monthly benefit from our
Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan would be $18,019.
Ms. Cunningham is not eligible to commence her benefits
prior to age 65. |
(20) |
Our LTD benefits are fully insured through CIGNA. Eligibility
for benefits is determined by CIGNA only after the
employees termination of employment because of a medical
condition. Benefits pay at 60% of monthly income, capped at
$15,000 per month. |
(21) |
In the event of Ms. Cunninghams death while an active
employee, her named beneficiary is entitled to a death benefit
under our Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan. The death
benefit payable in the event of Ms. Cunninghams death
on December 31, 2006 is $121,776. This lump sum payment was
calculated using a 4.69% interest rate (the
Treasury rate for November 2006) and the GAR 1994 mortality
tables as required by the Retirement Plan and Restoration Plan
documents. The accrued death benefit was reduced for early
commencement. |
(22) |
We provide group term life insurance coverage equal to two times
base salary, capped at $1,000,000. |
Our director compensation program consists of two principal
elements, which are discussed below: annual retainer and
committee fees and equity grants of stock options and restricted
stock. Our Governance Committee reviews our director
compensation program annually. Towers Perrin provided services
to our Governance Committee in 2006 to assist it with respect to
reviewing and determining fees and equity compensation paid or
awarded, as the case may be, to our non-employee directors.
Based upon that review, (1) the annual retainer was
increased from $37,500 to $50,000 and meeting attendance fee was
increased from $1,000 to $2,000, in each case effective
August 1, 2006, and (2) grants of stock options and
restricted stock were made to our non-employee directors on
February 1, 2006.
Annual Retainer and Committee
Fees: Non-employee directors receive an annual
retainer of $50,000 and a fee of $2,000 for each Board or
committee meeting attended. With the exception of our Audit
Committee, the chair of each committee, if not also an employee
or officer of the Company, receives an additional annual fee of
$5,000. The chair of the Audit Committee receives an additional
annual fee of $15,000. The position of Lead Independent
Director, which is filled by a non-employee director, receives
an additional annual fee of $20,000. Non-employee directors are
entitled to participate in our Non-Employee Director Fee
Deferral Plan. Under the terms of this plan, non-employee
directors may, during a specified period of time each year,
elect to have all or any portion of their director fees deferred
for future payment by the Company. We also reimburse directors
for travel, lodging and related expenses they incur in attending
Board and committee meetings and director continuing education
programs relevant to their service on our Board.
Equity Grants: The 2005 Stock Plan for
Non-Employee Directors of Noble Energy, Inc. (2005
Plan) was approved by our stockholders at our
April 26, 2005 annual meeting. The primary purpose of the
2005 Plan is to provide each of our non-employee directors with
an added incentive to continue in the service of the Company and
a more direct interest in the future success of our operations
by granting to such directors options to purchase shares of our
common stock and awards of restricted shares of our stock. The
2005 Plan provides for a fixed grant of stock options and an
award of restricted stock upon the directors joining our
Board and thereafter annually on each February 1 during the term
of the plan. In addition, our Board has the discretion, subject
to certain limitations, to grant stock options and award
restricted stock to the non-employee directors in addition to
the February 1 automatic grant and to determine the
restrictions, terms and conditions applicable to such grants and
The table below sets forth certain information concerning the
compensation earned in 2006 by our non-employee directors who
served in 2006.
Change in
Value and
Fees Earned
Incentive Plan
All Other
or Paid in
Cash ($)(1)
Jeffrey L. Berenson
Michael A. Cawley
Edward F. Cox
Thomas J. Edelman
Kirby L. Hedrick
Bruce A. Smith
William T. Van Kleef
(1) |
Reflects fees paid or earned by our non-employee directors in
2006. Each non-employee director earned the following: an annual
retainer of $50,000 (after adjustment effective August 1,
2006) and $2,000 for each Board or committee meeting attended
(after adjustment effective August 1, 2006).
Mr. Cawley also received $20,000 as compensation for
serving as the Lead Independent Director. Mr. Van Kleef
received an additional $15,000 for serving as the Chair of the
Audit Committee. Messrs. Hedrick and Cox each received an
additional $5,000 for serving as Chair of the Compensation
Committee and Environmental, Health and Safety Committee,
respectively. Mr. Cawley waived his right to the $5,000
annual retainer that he was entitled to for serving as the Chair
of the Governance Committee through October 2006. |
(2) |
Reflects the compensation expense recognized in our financial
statements for the 2006 fiscal year for restricted stock grants
to our non-employee directors in 2005 and 2006 under our 2005
Plan. Compensation expense was computed in accordance with
SFAS 123(R). A discussion of the assumptions used in
calculating these values may be found in Note 9 to our 2006
audited financial statements on
pages 84-86
of our annual report on
Form 10-K.
Pursuant to SEC rules, amounts shown exclude the impact of
estimated forfeitures. Restricted stock granted to our
non-employee directors in 2006 will vest on the one-year
anniversary of the grant date. The vesting of the restricted
shares will accelerate in the event of a change of control of
the Company. Each non-employee director received an award of
1,577 shares of restricted stock on February 1, 2006
that was unvested as of December 31, 2006. |
(3) |
Reflects the compensation expense recognized in our financial
statements for the 2006 fiscal year for nonqualified stock
options granted to our non-employee directors in 2005 and 2006
under our 2005 Plan. Compensation expense was computed in
accordance with SFAS 123(R). A discussion of the
assumptions used in calculating these values may be found in
Note 9 to our 2006 audited financial statements on
pages 84-86
of our annual report on
Form 10-K.
Pursuant to SEC rules, amounts shown exclude the impact of
estimated forfeitures. Options represent the right to purchase
shares of common stock at a fixed price per share equal to fair
market value on the date of grant. Our 2005 Plan defines
fair market value as the closing price of our common
stock on the NYSE on the date of grant. Options granted to our
non-employee directors in 2006 will vest on the one-year
anniversary of the grant date. The vesting of the options will
accelerate in the event of a change of control of the Company.
Vesting of these options is not contingent upon the satisfaction
of any performance criteria, although none of the options may be
exercised until the first anniversary (absent a change of
control of the Company) or after the tenth anniversary of the
date of grant. Our non-employee directors each received 3,683
nonqualified stock options on February 1, 2006 that were
unvested as of December 31, 2006. The following directors
have option awards outstanding as of December 31, 2006:
Mr. Berenson 33,677;
Mr. Cawley 23,683; Mr. Cox
3,683; Mr. Edelman 1,145,509;
Mr. Hedrick 53,683; Mr. Smith
53,683; and Mr. Van Kleef 14,883. |
(4) |
Reflects 2006 compensation of $225,806 and reimbursements for
office space rent of $72,000 paid to Mr. Edelman pursuant
to a consulting agreement effective May 16, 2005 in
connection with our acquisition of Patina. |
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our directors
and executive officers, and persons who beneficially own more
than 10 percent of our common stock, to file with the SEC
initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership
of our common stock. Directors, executive officers and more than
10 percent stockholders are required by SEC regulations to
provide us with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.
To our knowledge, based solely on a review of the copies of the
reports furnished to us and written representations that no
other reports were required, all Section 16(a) filing
requirements applicable to our directors, officers and more than
10 percent beneficial owners were complied with during the
year ended December 31, 2006.
In the ordinary course of our business, we purchase products or
services from, or engage in other transactions with, various
third parties. Occasionally, these transactions may involve
entities that are affiliated with one or more members of our
Board. When they occur, these transactions are conducted in the
ordinary course and on an arms-length basis.
and Approval of Related Party Transactions
We review all relationships and transactions in which the
Company and our directors and executive officers or their
immediate family members are participants to determine whether
such persons have a direct or indirect material interest. We
have developed and implemented processes and controls to obtain
information from our directors and executive officers with
respect to related person transactions and for then determining,
based on the facts and circumstances, whether the Company or a
related person has a direct or indirect material interest in the
transaction. As required under SEC rules, transactions that are
determined to be directly or indirectly material to the Company
or a related person are disclosed in our annual proxy statement.
In addition, our Governance Committee or Board (if appropriate)
reviews and approves or ratifies any related person transaction
that is required to be disclosed. In the course of its review
and approval or ratification of a disclosable related party
transaction, consideration is given to:
the nature of the related persons interest in the
the material terms of the transaction, including, without
limitation, the amount and type of transaction;
the importance of the transaction to the related person;
the importance of the transaction to the Company;
whether the transaction would impair the judgment of a director
or executive officer to act in the best interest of the
Company; and
any other matters deemed appropriate.
Any director who is a related person with respect to a
transaction under review may not participate in the
deliberations or vote respecting approval or ratification of the
transaction; provided, however, that such director may be
counted in determining the presence of a quorum at the meeting
where the transaction is considered.
Party Transactions
During 2006, we paid approximately $297,806 to Thomas J.
Edelman, a member of our Board, pursuant to the terms of a
consulting agreement between Mr. Edelman and the Company.
We entered into the consulting agreement effective May 16,
2005 to retain the services of Mr. Edelman as an
independent contractor of, and consultant for, the Company for a
period of twelve months from the effective date of the
agreement, which expired, with limited
exception, on May 16, 2006. The consulting agreement
required Mr. Edelman to provide us with advice on specific
matters, with a principal focus on the integration of the
operations of Patina into our operations. Throughout the term of
the agreement, we paid Mr. Edelman a consulting fee of
$50,000 per month and provided certain benefits to him
including reimbursements for office space rent.
During 2006, we paid approximately $128,216 to The Samuel
Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc., principally relating to
reimbursement of expenses for our use of aircraft owned by the
Foundation, and we received payments of approximately $45,309
for the Foundations use of our aircraft. Michael A. Cawley
is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation, and
a trustee of the Foundation.
To the Stockholders of
Noble Energy, Inc.:
The primary purpose of the Audit Committee of the Companys
Board of Directors is to: (1) assist the Board of Directors
in fulfilling its responsibility to oversee the integrity of the
Companys financial statements, the Companys
compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the
independent auditors qualifications and independence, and
the performance of the Companys internal audit function
and independent auditor and (2) prepare a committee report
as required by the SEC to be included in the Companys
annual proxy statement. The Audit Committees function is
more fully described in its charter, which was adopted by the
Audit Committee and the Board of Directors on March 4, 2004
and most recently amended on January 23, 2007 in connection
with the Audit Committees annual review of its charter. A
copy of the charter is available on our website at under the Corporate
Governance section and is also available in print to any
stockholder who requests it. The Audit Committee held nine
meetings during 2006, including regular meetings and special
meetings addressing earnings releases and related matters.
Throughout 2006 and continuing to-date, the Audit Committee has
been comprised entirely of independent directors, as defined and
required by current NYSE listing standards and
Section 10A(m)(3) of the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
and as so determined by our Board of Directors. The Board of
Directors has also determined that Messrs. Smith and Van
Kleef are each an audit committee financial expert
as that term is defined in Item 401(h) of
Regulation S-K.
and Discussion
The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the
Companys audited financial statements with management. It
has also discussed with KPMG LLP, the Companys independent
auditor, the matters required to be discussed by Statement of
Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communication with Audit
Committees), as amended by SAS No. 90 (Audit Committee
Communications). Additionally, KPMG LLP has provided to the
Audit Committee the written disclosures required by Independence
Standards Board Standard No. 1 Independence Discussions
with Audit Committees, and the committee discussed the
auditors independence with management and the auditors.
The Audit Committee also has considered whether KPMG LLPs
rendering of non-audit services to the Company is compatible
with maintaining its independence. The Audit Committee has
concluded that the rendering of the non-audit services by KPMG
LLP has not impaired its independence.
Based on the Audit Committees discussions with management
and the independent auditor, and its review of the
representations of management and the report of KPMG LLP to the
Audit Committee, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of
Directors the inclusion of the audited consolidated financial
statements in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the SEC.
March 22, 2007
Audit Committee
William T. Van Kleef, Chair
Michael A. Cawley
Bruce A. Smith
Fees and Services for Fiscal Years 2006 and 2005
Audit Fees(1)
Audit Related Fees(2)
(1) |
Services rendered in 2006 and 2005 includes auditing our
financial statements and managements assessment of
internal controls included in the Companys annual report
filed on
Form 10-K.
Services also include quarterly reviews of our interim financial
statements filed on
Form 10-Q. |
(2) |
Includes fees paid for statutory and retirement plan audits. |
(3) |
Includes fees paid in 2005 for various tax consultations. |
(4) |
Includes fees paid in 2006 for online accounting research
subscription. |
Committee Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures
The Audit Committee approves all audit and non-audit services to
be provided by our independent auditor prior to the receipt of
such services. The Audit Committee Chair has the authority to
pre-approve services of up to $25,000 rendered by our
independent auditor. Any pre-approval of services by the Audit
Committee Chair shall be reported to the Audit Committee at its
next scheduled meeting.
All audit-related services, tax services and other services for
2006 set forth in the table above were pre-approved by the Audit
Committee Chair or the Audit Committee, as provided above, which
in either case determined that such services would not impair
the independence of our auditor and are consistent with the
SECs rules on auditor independence.
Stockholder proposals intended to be brought before the annual
meeting of stockholders as an agenda item or to be included in
our proxy statement relating to our 2008 annual meeting of
stockholders, which is currently scheduled to be held on
April 22, 2008, must be received by us at our office in
Houston, Texas, addressed to our Corporate Secretary, no later
than November 23, 2007.
We will bear the cost of solicitation of proxies. Solicitation
may be made by mail, personal interview, telephone or telegraph
by our officers, agents or employees, who will receive no
additional compensation for these efforts. To aid in the
solicitation of proxies, we have employed the firm of Georgeson,
Inc., which will receive a fee of approximately $7,500 plus
expenses. We will bear the reasonable expenses incurred by
banks, brokerage firms, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries in
forwarding proxy material to beneficial owners.
Our Board does not intend to present any other matter at the
meeting and knows of no other matters that will be presented.
However, if any other matter comes before the meeting, the
persons named in the enclosed proxy intend to vote thereon in
accordance with their best judgment.
Noble Energy, Inc.
Houston, Texas
March 22, 2007
Chris Tong
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Appendix A
This Audit Committee Charter was revised and approved by the
Board of Directors (the Board) of Noble Energy, Inc.
(the Company) on January 23, 2007. It is
intended as a component of the flexible framework within which
the Board, assisted by its committees, directs the affairs of
the Company. While it should be interpreted in the context of
all applicable laws, regulations and listing requirements, as
well as in the context of the Companys Certificate of
Incorporation and By Laws, it is not intended to establish by
its own force any legally binding obligations.
The Committee will be comprised of three or more directors as
determined by the Board. The members of the Committee will meet
the independence, experience, and other criteria required by
laws, regulations and listing requirements including, without
limitation, the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The members
of the Committee will be elected annually at the organizational
meeting of the full Board held immediately following the annual
shareholders meeting, or appointed thereafter as appropriate,
and will be listed in the annual report to shareholders.
The primary purpose of the Committee is to (1) assist the
Board in fulfilling its responsibility to oversee the integrity
of the Companys financial statements, the Companys
compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the
independent auditors qualifications and independence, and
the performance of the Companys internal audit function
and independent auditors and (2) prepare a Committee report
as required by the SEC to be included in the Companys
annual proxy statement.
While the Committee has the responsibilities and powers set
forth in this Charter, it is not the duty of the Committee to
plan or conduct audits or to determine that the Companys
financial statements are complete, accurate
and/or in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; this
is the responsibility of management and the independent auditor.
The Committee is granted the authority to investigate any matter
or activity involving financial accounting and financial
reporting, as well as the internal controls of the Company. In
this regard, or as otherwise necessary to carry out its duties,
the Committee will have full access to all books, records,
facilities and personnel of the Company and the authority to
approve the retention of external professionals (including,
without limitation, independent counsel and other advisors) to
render advice and counsel in such matters at the Companys
expense. All employees will be directed to cooperate with
respect thereto as requested by members of the Committee.
The Committee will meet at least five times annually and as many
additional times as the Committee deems necessary. Meetings of
the Committee may be held telephonically. The presence of a
majority of the Committee members will constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business, and the affirmative vote of a
majority of the Committee members present and constituting that
quorum will be required for Committee action on any voting
matter. The Committee will meet in separate executive sessions
at least annually with management, including the chief financial
officer, and the director of the internal auditing department,
and the independent accountants to discuss any matters that the
Committee or each of these groups believes should be discussed.
The Committee Chair shall approve contents of the agenda for
each meeting. The Committee shall maintain minutes of such
Committee members will strive to be present at all meetings. As
necessary or desirable, any member of the Committee may request
that members of management and representatives of the
independent auditors
internal auditors be present at Committee meetings.
In carrying out its responsibilities, the Committee will:
1. Review and reassess the adequacy of this Charter
annually and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for
approval; this should be done in compliance with applicable
legal and regulatory audit committee requirements.
2. Review and meet separately, periodically, with the
Companys management, the director of the internal auditing
department, and independent auditors, the Companys general
accounting and financial reporting controls, and obtain annually
in writing from the independent auditors their letter as to the
adequacy of such controls.
3. Review the internal auditing plans and receive summary
reports of major findings by internal auditors and how
management is addressing the conditions reported.
4. Assume direct responsibility for the appointment,
compensation, retention and oversight of the work of any
registered public accounting firm engaged by the Company
(including resolution of disagreements between management and
the auditor regarding financial reporting) for the purpose of
preparing or issuing an audit report or performing other audit,
review, attest or related services for the Company, and each
such registered public accounting firm shall report directly to
the Committee.
5. Review and, in its sole discretion, approve in advance
the independent auditors annual engagement letter,
including the proposed fees contained therein, and, as provided
in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the SEC rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder, all permitted non-audit
arrangements and relationships between the Company and such
independent auditor.
6. Set clear hiring policies for employees or former
employees of the independent auditor.
7. At least annually, obtain and review a report by the
independent auditor describing (a) the firms internal
quality control procedures, (b) any material issues raised
by the most recent internal quality-control review, or peer
review, of the firm, or by any inquiry or investigation by
governmental or professional authorities, within the preceding
five years, respecting one or more independent audits carried
out by the firm, and any steps taken to deal with any such
issues, and (c) all relationships between the independent
auditor and the Company in order to assess independent auditor
independence as contemplated by applicable laws, regulations and
listing requirements including, without limitation, Independence
Standards Board Standard No. 1, Independence Discussions
with Audit Committees.
8. Review and discuss with management and the independent
auditor the following:
The annual audited financial statements and quarterly financial
statements (including the Companys disclosures under
Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations) and related footnotes
and financial information to be included in the Companys
annual report to shareholders and on
Form 10-K
Form 10-Q.
Results of the audit of the financial statements and the related
report thereon and, if applicable, a report on changes during
the year in accounting principles and their application.
Significant changes to the audit plan, if any, and any serious
disputes, audit problems, or difficulties with management
encountered during the audit and managements response
Other communications as required to be communicated by the
independent auditors by Statement of Auditing Standards (SAS) 61
as amended by SAS 90 relating to the conduct of the audit.
Further receive a written communication provided by the
independent auditors concerning their judgment
about the quality of the Companys accounting principles,
as outlined, in SAS 61 as amended by SAS 90, and that they
concur with managements representation concerning audit
9. Establish procedures for (a) the receipt,
retention, and treatment of complaints received by the Company
regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing
matters and (b) the confidential, anonymous submission by
employees of the Company of concerns regarding questionable
accounting or auditing matters.
10. Discuss the Companys earnings press releases, as
well as financial information and earnings guidance provided to
analysts and, as applicable, ratings agencies.
11. Discuss policies with respect to risk assessment and
risk management, including those guidelines and policies
governing the process by which senior management of the Company
and the relevant departments of the Company, including the
internal auditing department, assess and manage the
Companys exposure to risk, as well as the Companys
major financial risk exposures and the steps management has
taken to monitor and control such exposures.
12. Assume direct responsibility for the appointment,
compensation, retention and oversight of the work of any
qualified oil and gas reserve engineering firm engaged by the
Company (including resolution of disagreements between
management and the firm regarding reserve determination) for the
purpose of preparing or issuing an annual reserve report, and
each such firm shall report directly to the Committee.
13. As the Committee may deem appropriate, obtain, weigh,
and consider expert advice as to the Committee, related rules of
any governing body, and other accounting, legal and regulatory
14. Determine, and have access to, appropriate funding
necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities set out
15. Conduct an annual evaluation of the performance of the
Committee, including its effectiveness and compliance with this
16. Report regularly to the Board by distributing the
minutes of Committee meetings and by oral report at Board
Appendix B
This Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option Committee Charter
was revised and approved by the Board of Directors (the
Board) of Noble Energy, Inc. (the
Company) on January 23, 2007. It is intended as
a component of the flexible framework within which the Board,
assisted by its committees, directs the affairs of the Company.
While it should be interpreted in the context of all applicable
laws, regulations, and listing requirements, as well as in the
context of the Companys Certificate of Incorporation and
By Laws, it is not intended to establish by its own force any
legally binding obligations.
The purpose of the Compensation, Benefits and Stock Option
Committee (the Committee) is to (a) review and
approve corporate goals and objectives in the areas of:
(1) salary and bonus compensation, (2) benefits, and
(3) equity based compensation, as these areas relate to the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), evaluating the
CEOs performance based on those goals and objectives and,
either as a committee or together with the other independent
directors (as directed by the Board) determine and approve the
CEOs compensation level based on that evaluation;
(b) make recommendations to the Board with respect to
non-CEO executive officer compensation, incentive-compensation
plans and equity-based plans that are subject to Board approval;
and (c) produce an annual report on executive compensation
as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) to be included in or incorporated by reference
into the Companys proxy statement or other applicable SEC
In support of this purpose, the overall goal of the Committee is
to target total compensation (consisting of base pay, bonus pay,
equity based compensation and other benefits) that reinforces
planned performance and competitive market practices, and that
also balances short-term pay and long-term incentives.
Subject to the powers and duties of the Board, the
Committees principal responsibilities include the
(1) Review, at least annually, the overall compensation
philosophy, goals and objectives of the Company and, if
appropriate, amend or recommend that the Board amend those goals
and objectives;
(2) review and approve Company goals and objectives
relevant to compensation for the CEO;
(3) in support of (2), and in light of the approved goals
and objectives, perform an annual qualitative and quantitative
evaluation of the CEOs performance, obtaining input as
appropriate from the Corporate Governance and Nominating
(4) based on the evaluation under (3), either as a
committee or together with the other independent directors (as
directed by the Board), determine and approve the annual salary,
bonus, equity based compensation and other benefits of the CEO;
(5) as to non-CEO executive officers, make recommendations
to the Board with respect to annual salary, bonus, equity based
compensation and other benefits plans that are subject to Board
(6) as appropriate, investigate competitive practices and
trends to determine the adequacy of the Companys executive
compensation philosophy and programs;
(7) in compliance with federal securities laws,
(a) meet to review and discuss with management the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis (the CD&A)
required by the SECs rules and regulations;
(b) recommend to the Board whether the CD&A should be
included in the Companys proxy statement or other
applicable SEC filings; and (c) prepare a Compensation
Committee Report for inclusion in the Companys applicable
filings with the SEC, which report will state (i) whether
the Committee reviewed and discussed with management the
CD&A, and (ii) whether, based on such review and
discussion, the Committee recommended to the Board that the
CD&A be included in the Companys proxy statement or
other applicable SEC filings;
(8) periodically, at least annually, review (and, if
appropriate, recommend changes to the Board) the Companys
overall base pay, bonus pay, equity based compensation and other
benefit programs (but not individual pay, compensation or
benefits) for employees below the executive level;
(9) in the Committees sole discretion, retain
(including making fee arrangements and setting other retention
terms), at the Companys expense, and terminate,
compensation consultants, if deemed advisable to assist the
Committee regarding compensation matters;
(10) conduct an annual evaluation of the performance of the
Committee, including its effectiveness and compliance with this
(11) review and reassess the adequacy of this Charter
annually and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for
approval; this should be done in compliance with applicable
legal and regulatory requirements; and
(12) perform such other duties as may be assigned it by the
and Operations
Committee Member Qualifications. The Committee
will be composed of no less than three and no more than five
directors, each of whom has been determined by the Board to be
independent in accordance with the applicable rules
of the New York Stock Exchange. In addition, no director may
serve unless he or she (i) is a Non-employee
director for purposes of
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
(ii) satisfies the requirements of an outside
director for purposes of Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
Committee Member Appointment and Removal. The
Board will appoint the Committee members and a Committee Chair,
and such appointees shall continue to be members until their
successors are elected and qualified or until their earlier
resignation or removal. Any member of the Committee may be
removed, with or without cause, by the Board.
Committee Structure and Operations. The
Committee will meet at least three times per year at such times
and places as it deems advisable. Meetings of the Committee may
be held telephonically. The presence of a majority of the
Committee members will constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business and the affirmative vote of a majority of the
Committee members present and constituting that quorum will be
required for Committee action on any voting matter. The
Committee, in its discretion, may ask members of management or
others to attend its meetings and provide pertinent information.
The Secretary of the Committee will be the Secretary or an
Assistant Secretary of the Company. The Committee will determine
other rules of procedure as it deems appropriate. The Committee
may delegate responsibilities of the Committee to committees of
its own denomination, provided that such committees are composed
entirely of independent directors and, provided further, the
Committee shall not delegate to any such committee any power or
authority required by law, regulation or listing standard to be
exercised by the Committee as a whole. Any such committee must
have a published charter.
Committee Reporting to the Board. The
Committee will (i) report (which may be oral) regularly to
the Board on Committee findings and recommendations and any
other matters the Committee deems appropriate or the Board
requests, and (ii) maintain minutes or other records of
Committee meetings and activities.
Access to Senior Management. The Committee
will have access to the Companys senior management and all
pertinent documents, and will be provided the resources
necessary to carry out its Charter responsibilities.
Appendix C
This Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee Charter was
revised and approved by the Board of Directors (the
Board) of Noble Energy, Inc. (the
Company) on January 23, 2007. It is intended as
a component of the flexible framework within which the Board,
assisted by its committees, directs the affairs of the Company.
While it should be interpreted in the context of all applicable
laws, regulations, and listing requirements, as well as in the
context of the Companys Certificate of Incorporation and
By Laws, it is not intended to establish by its own force any
legally binding obligations.
The overall purpose of the Corporate Governance and Nominating
Committee (the Committee) is: (1) to take a
leadership role in providing a focus on corporate governance to
enable and enhance the Companys short and long-term
performance; (2) to engage in appropriate identification,
selection, retention and development of qualified directors
consistent with criteria approved by the Board; (3) to
develop, and recommend to the Board, a set of corporate
governance principles or guidelines applicable to the Company;
(4) to advise the Board with respect to the Boards
composition, procedures and committees; and (5) to oversee
the evaluation of the Board and management.
In support of this purpose, the Committee subscribes to the
following characteristics of effective corporate governance:
(a) selection and retention of independent and
appropriately-skilled directors; (b) appropriate level of
management oversight; (c) appropriate disclosure of
relevant financial and operational information; and
(d) protection of the rights of shareholders.
and Operations
a. Committee Member Qualifications. The
Committee will be composed of not fewer than three directors and
not more than nine directors, each of whom has been determined
by the Board to be independent in accordance with
the applicable rules of the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE). In addition, no director may serve unless he
or she (i) is a Non-employee director for
purposes of
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
(ii) satisfies the requirements of an outside
director for purposes of Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
b. Committee Member Appointment and
Removal. The Board will appoint the Committee
members and a Committee Chair, and such appointees shall
continue to be members until their successors are elected and
qualified or until their earlier resignation or removal. Any
member of the Committee may be removed, with or without cause,
by the Board.
c. Committee Structure and
Operations. The Committee will meet at least
three times each year at such times and places as it deems
appropriate. Meetings of the Committee may be held
telephonically. The presence of a majority of the Committee
members will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business
and the affirmative vote of a majority of the Committee members
present and constituting that quorum will be required for
Committee action on any voting matter. The Committee, in its
discretion, may ask members of management or others to attend
its meetings and provide pertinent information. The Committee
will determine its own rules of procedure. The Secretary of the
Committee will be the Secretary of the Company or an Assistant
Secretary of the Company. The Committee may delegate
responsibilities of the Committee to committees of its own
denomination, provided that such committees are composed
entirely of independent directors and, provided further, the
Committee shall not delegate to any such committee any power or
authority required by law, regulation or listing standard to be
exercised by the Committee as a whole. Any such committee must
have a published charter.
d. Access to Senior Management. The
Committee will have access to the Companys senior
management and documents and will be provided with the resources
necessary to carry out its Charter responsibilities.
e. Independent Advice. From time to time,
as deemed required by the Committee in its sole discretion, the
Committee may retain (including making fee arrangements and
setting other retention terms), at the Companys
expense, and terminate independent advice regarding governance
or nominating issues (including, without limitation, search
firms to be used to identify director candidates).
In addition to any other authority provided herein, the
Committee has the authority to:
a. Develop and maintain a long-term plan for Board
composition that takes into consideration the current strengths,
skills and experience on the Board, retirement dates and the
strategic direction of the Company;
b. develop recommendations regarding the essential and
desired experiences and skills for potential directors;
c. recommend to the Board, in consultation with the
President and Chief Executive Officer, nominees for election as
members of the Board at the next annual meeting of shareholders
or otherwise as appropriate;
d. review, monitor and make recommendations regarding the
orientation, retention and ongoing development of directors;
e. review the directors compensation program and make
appropriate recommendations to the Board;
f. assess the needs of the Board in terms of the frequency,
structure, and location of Board and committee meetings, meeting
agendas, meeting materials and the conduct of meetings, and make
recommendations to the Board as appropriate;
g. recommend to the Board and, upon approval, implement an
appropriate evaluation process for the Board as a whole and the
committees of the Board;
h. recommend committee members and committee chair
appointments to the Board for approval and review the need for,
and the performance and suitability of, those committees and
make recommendations to the Board as appropriate;
i. review, and make recommendations to the Board in regard
to, succession plans for Senior Management;
j. obtain separate independent advice on governance
nominating matters in appropriate circumstances in accordance
with item e. under Composition and Operations above;
k. develop, and review at least annually, the
Companys policies and procedures for the review, approval,
or ratification of any related person transaction requiring
disclosure under Item 404 of
Regulation S-K
as promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(Related Person Transactions);
l. review, approve, or ratify Related Person Transactions
between the Company and related persons that are to be disclosed
under Item 404 of
Regulation S-K;
m. develop, and review at least annually, corporate
governance principles or guidelines adopted by the Board to
ensure that they are appropriate for the Company and comply with
the requirements of the NYSE, and make recommendations to the
Board as appropriate;
n. conduct an annual evaluation of the performance of the
Committee, including its effectiveness and compliance with this
o. review and reassess the adequacy of this Charter
annually and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for
approval; this should be done in compliance with applicable
legal and regulatory requirements; and
p. recommend to the Board any other action on corporate
governance that may be required or considered advisable.
Reporting to the Board
The Committee shall report its discussions to the Board by
distributing the minutes of its meetings and by oral report at
Board meetings.
Appendix D
Amended Through April 24, 2007)
The purpose of this Plan is to assist Noble Energy, Inc., a
Delaware corporation formerly known as Noble Affiliates, Inc.,
in attracting and retaining, as officers and key employees of
the Company and its Affiliates, persons of training, experience
and ability and to furnish additional incentive to such persons
by encouraging them to become owners of Shares of the
Companys capital stock, by granting to such persons
Incentive Options, Nonqualified Options, Restricted Stock, or
any combination of the foregoing.
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following words as
used herein shall have the following meanings:
(a) Affiliate means any corporation (other than
the Company) in any unbroken chain of corporations
(i) beginning with the Company if, at the time of the
granting of the Option or award of Restricted Stock, each of the
corporations other than the last corporation in the unbroken
chain owns stock possessing 50 percent or more of the total
combined voting power of all classes of stock in one of the
other corporations in such chain, or (ii) ending with the
Company if, at the time of the granting of the Option or award
of Restricted Stock, each of the corporations, other than the
Company, owns stock possessing 50 percent or more of the
total combined voting power of all classes of stock in one of
the other corporations in such chain.
(b) Agreement means the written agreement
(i) between the Company and the Optionee evidencing the
Option and any SARs that relate to such Option granted by the
Company and the understanding of the parties with respect
thereto or (ii) between the Company and a recipient of
Restricted Stock evidencing the restrictions, terms and
conditions applicable to such award of Restricted Stock and the
understanding of the parties with respect thereto.
(c) Board means the Board of Directors of the
Company as the same may be constituted from time to time.
(d) Code means the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended.
(e) Committee means the Committee provided for
in Section 3 of the Plan as the same may be constituted
from time to time.
(f) Company means Noble Energy, Inc., a
Delaware corporation.
(g) Corporate Transaction shall have the
meaning as defined in Section 8 of the Plan.
(h) Exchange Act means the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended.
(i) Fair Market Value means the fair market
value per Share as determined by the Committee in good faith;
provided, however, that if a Share is listed or admitted to
trading on a securities exchange registered under the Exchange
Act, the Fair Market Value per Share shall be the average of the
reported high and low sales price on the date in question (or if
there was no reported sale on such date, on the last preceding
date on which any reported sale occurred) on the principal
securities exchange on which such Share is listed or admitted to
trading, or if a Share is not listed or admitted to trading on
any such exchange but is listed as a national market security on
the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated
Quotations System (NASDAQ) or any similar system
then in use, the Fair Market Value per Share shall be the
average of the reported high and low sales price on the date in
question (or if there was no reported sale on such date, on the
last preceding date on which any reported sale occurred) on such
system, or if a Share is not listed or admitted to trading on
any such exchange and is not listed as a national market
security on NASDAQ but is quoted on NASDAQ or any similar system
then in use, the Fair Market Value per Share shall be the
average of the closing high bid and low
asked quotations on such system for such Share on the date in
question. For purposes of valuing Shares to be made subject to
Incentive Options, the Fair Market Value per Share shall be
determined without regard to any restriction other than one
which, by its terms, will never lapse.
(j) Incentive Option means an Option that is
intended to satisfy the requirements of Section 422(b) of
the Code and Section 17 of the Plan.
(k) Nonqualified Option means an Option that
does not qualify as a statutory stock option under
Section 422 or 423 of the Code.
(l) Non-Employee Director means a director of
the Company who satisfies the definition thereof under
Rule 16b-3
promulgated under the Exchange Act.
(m) Option means an option to purchase one or
more Shares granted under and pursuant to the Plan. Such Option
may be either an Incentive Option or a Nonqualified Option.
(n) Optionee means a person who has been
granted an Option and who has executed an Agreement with the
(o) Outside Director means a director of the
Company who is an outside director within the meaning of
Section 162(m) of the Code and the regulations promulgated
(p) Plan means this Noble Energy, Inc. 1992
Stock Option and Restricted Stock Plan, as amended from time to
(q) Restricted Stock means Shares issued or
transferred pursuant to Section 20 of the Plan.
(r) Retirement means a termination of
employment with the Company or an Affiliate either (i) on a
voluntary basis by a person who (A) is at least
55 years of age with five years of credited service with
the Company or one or more Affiliates or (B) has at least
20 years of credited service with the Company or one or
more Affiliates, immediately prior to such termination of
employment or (ii) otherwise with the written consent of
the Committee in its sole discretion.
(s) SARs means stock appreciation rights
granted pursuant to Section 7 of the Plan.
(t) Securities Act means the Securities Act of
1933, as amended.
(u) Share means a share of the Companys
present common stock, par value
per share, and any share or shares of capital stock or other
securities of the Company hereafter issued or issuable in
respect of or in substitution or exchange for each such present
share. Such Shares may be unissued or reacquired Shares, as the
Board, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall from time to
time determine.
Section 3.
The Plan shall be administered by, and the decisions concerning
the Plan shall be made solely by, a Committee of two or more
directors of the Company, all of whom are (a) Non-Employee
Directors, and (b) not later than immediately after the
first meeting of stockholders of the Company at which its
directors are elected that occurs after December 31, 1996,
Outside Directors. Each member of the Committee shall be
appointed by and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The
Board shall have the sole continuing authority to appoint
members of the Committee. In making grants or awards, the
Committee shall take into consideration the contribution the
person has made or may make to the success of the Company or its
Affiliates and such other considerations as the Board may from
time to time specify.
The Committee shall elect one of its members as its chairman and
shall hold its meetings at such times and places as it may
determine. A majority of the members of the Committee shall
constitute a quorum. All decisions and determinations of the
Committee shall be made by the majority vote or decision of the
members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present;
provided, however, that any decision or determination reduced to
writing and signed by all members of the Committee shall be as
fully effective as if it had been made by a majority vote or
decision at a meeting duly called and held. The Committee may
appoint a secretary (who need not be a member of the Committee)
who shall keep minutes of its meetings. The Committee may make
any rules and regulations for the
conduct of its business that are not inconsistent with the
express provisions of the Plan, the bylaws or certificate of
incorporation of the Company or any resolutions of the Board.
All questions of interpretation or application of the Plan, or
of a grant of an Option and any SARs that relate to such Option
or an award of Restricted Stock, including questions of
interpretation or application of an Agreement, shall be subject
to the determination of the Committee, which determination shall
be final and binding upon all parties.
Subject to the express provisions of the Plan, the Committee
shall have the authority, in its sole and absolute discretion,
(a) to adopt, amend or rescind administrative and
interpretive rules and regulations relating to the Plan;
(b) to construe the Plan; (c) to make all other
determinations necessary or advisable for administering the
Plan; (d) to determine the terms and provisions of the
respective Agreements (which need not be identical), including
provisions defining or otherwise relating to (i) the term
and the period or periods and extent of exercisability of the
Options, (ii) the extent to which the transferability of
Shares issued upon exercise of Options or any SARs that relate
to such Options is restricted, (iii) the effect of
termination of employment upon the exercisability of the
Options, and (iv) the effect of approved leaves of absence
(consistent with any applicable regulations of the Internal
Revenue Service) upon the exercisability of such Options;
(e) subject to Sections 9 and 11 of the Plan, to
accelerate, for any reason, regardless of whether the Agreement
so provides, the time of exercisability of any Option and any
SARs that relate to such Option that have been granted or the
time of the lapsing of restrictions on Restricted Stock;
(f) to construe the respective Agreements; and (g) to
exercise the powers conferred on the Committee under the Plan.
The Board may correct any defect or supply any omission or
reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan in the manner and to the
extent it shall deem expedient to carry it into effect, and it
shall be the sole and final judge of such expediency. The
determinations of the Committee or Board, as the case may be, on
the matters referred to in this Section 3 shall be final
and conclusive.
Section 4.
Shares Subject
to the Plan
(a) The total number of Shares that may be purchased
pursuant to Options, issued or transferred pursuant to the
exercise of SARs or awarded as Restricted Stock shall not exceed
a maximum of 22,000,000 in the aggregate, and the total number
of shares for which Options and SARs may be granted, and which
may be awarded as Restricted Stock, to any one person during a
calendar year is 400,000 in the aggregate; provided that each
such maximum number of Shares shall be increased or decreased as
provided in Section 13 of the Plan.
(b) At any time and from time to time after the Plan takes
effect, the Committee, pursuant to the provisions herein set
forth, may grant Options and any SARs that relate to such
Options and award Restricted Stock until the maximum number of
Shares shall be exhausted or the Plan shall be sooner
terminated; provided, however, that no Incentive Option and any
SARs that relate to such Option shall be granted after
December 9, 2006.
(c) Shares subject to an Option that expires or terminates
prior to exercise and Shares that had been previously awarded as
Restricted Stock that have since been forfeited shall be
available for further grant of Options or award as Restricted
Stock. No Option shall be granted and no Restricted Stock shall
be awarded if the number of Shares for which Options have been
granted and which pursuant to this Section are not again
available for Option grant, plus the number of Shares that have
been awarded as Restricted Stock, would, if such Option were
granted or such Restricted Stock were awarded, exceed 22,000,000.
(d) Any Shares withheld pursuant to Section 19(c) of
the Plan shall not be available after such withholding for being
optioned or awarded pursuant to the provisions hereof.
(e) Unless the Shares awarded as Restricted Stock are
Shares that have been reacquired by the Company as treasury
shares, Restricted Stock shall be awarded only for services
actually rendered, as determined by the Committee.
The persons who shall be eligible to receive grants of Options
and any SARs that relate to such Options, and to receive awards
of Restricted Stock, shall be regular salaried officers or other
employees of the Company or one or more of its Affiliates.
Section 6.
Grant of Options
(a) From time to time while the Plan is in effect, the
Committee may, in its sole and absolute discretion, select from
among the persons eligible to receive a grant of Options under
the Plan (including persons who have already received such
grants of Options) such one or more of them as in the opinion of
the Committee should be granted Options. The Committee shall
thereupon, likewise in its sole and absolute discretion,
determine the number of Shares to be allotted for option to each
person so selected.
(b) Each person so selected shall be offered an Option to
purchase the number of Shares so allotted to him, upon such
terms and conditions, consistent with the provisions of the
Plan, as the Committee may specify. Each such person shall have
a reasonable period of time, to be fixed by the Committee,
within which to accept or reject the proffered Option. Failure
to accept within the period so fixed may be treated as a
(c) Each person who accepts an Option offered to him shall
enter into an Agreement with the Company, in such form as the
Committee may prescribe, setting forth the terms and conditions
of the Option, whereupon such person shall become a participant
in the Plan. In the event a person is granted both one or more
Incentive Options and one or more Nonqualified Options, such
grants shall be evidenced by separate Agreements, one for each
Incentive Option grant and one for each Nonqualified Option
grant. The date on which the Committee completes all action
constituting an offer of an Option to a person, including the
specification of the number of Shares to be subject to the
Option, shall constitute the date on which the Option covered by
such Agreement is granted. In no event, however, shall an
Optionee gain any rights in addition to those specified by the
Committee in its grant, regardless of the time that may pass
between the grant of the Option and the actual signing of the
Agreement by the Company and the Optionee.
(d) Each Agreement that includes SARs in addition to an
Option shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 of the
The Committee may from time to time grant SARs in conjunction
with all or any portion of any Option either (i) at the
time of the initial Option grant (not including any subsequent
modification that may be treated as a new grant of an Incentive
Option for purposes of Section 424(h) of the Code) or
(ii) with respect to Nonqualified Options, at any time
after the initial Option grant while the Nonqualified Option is
still outstanding. SARs shall not be granted other than in
conjunction with an Option granted hereunder.
SARs granted hereunder shall comply with the following
conditions and also with the terms of the Agreement governing
the Option in conjunction with which they are granted:
(a) The SAR shall expire no later than the expiration of
the underlying Option.
(b) Upon the exercise of an SAR, the Optionee shall be
entitled to receive payment equal to the excess of the aggregate
Fair Market Value of the Shares with respect to which the SAR is
then being exercised (determined as of the date of such
exercise) over the aggregate purchase price of such Shares as
provided in the related Option. Payment may be made in Shares,
valued at their Fair Market Value on the date of exercise, or in
cash, or partly in Shares and partly in cash, as determined by
the Committee in its sole and absolute discretion.
(c) SARs shall be exercisable (i) only at such time or
times and only to the extent that the Option to which they
relate shall be exercisable, (ii) only when the Fair Market
Value of the Shares subject to the related Option exceeds the
purchase price of the Shares as provided in the related Option,
and (iii) only upon surrender of the related Option or any
portion thereof with respect to the Shares for which the SARs
are then being exercised.
(d) Upon exercise of an SAR, a corresponding number of
Shares subject to option under the related Option shall be
canceled. Such canceled Shares shall be charged against the
Shares reserved for the Plan, as provided in Section 4 of
the Plan, as if the Option had been exercised to such extent and
shall not be available for future Option grants or Restricted
Stock awards hereunder.
Section 8. Option
The option price for each Share covered by an Incentive Option
shall not be less than the greater of (a) the par value of
such Share or (b) the Fair Market Value of such Share at
the time such Option is granted. The option price for each Share
covered by a Nonqualified Option shall not be less than the
greater of (a) the par value of such Share or
(b) 100 percent of the Fair Market Value of such Share
at the time the Option is granted. Notwithstanding the two
immediately preceding sentences, if the Company or an Affiliate
agrees to substitute a new Option under the Plan for an old
Option, or to assume an old Option, by reason of a corporate
merger, consolidation, acquisition of property or stock,
separation, reorganization, or liquidation (any of such events
being referred to herein as a Corporate
Transaction), the option price of the Shares covered by
each such new Option or assumed Option may be other than the
Fair Market Value of the Shares at the time the Option is
granted as determined by reference to a formula, established at
the time of the Corporate Transaction, which will give effect to
such substitution or assumption; provided, however, in no event
(a) the excess of the aggregate Fair Market Value of the
Shares subject to the Option immediately after the substitution
or assumption over the aggregate option price of such Shares be
more than the excess of the aggregate Fair Market Value of all
Shares subject to the Option immediately prior to the
substitution or assumption over the aggregate option price of
such Shares;
(b) in the case of an Incentive Option, the new Option or
the assumption of the old Option give the Optionee additional
benefits that he would not have under the old Option; or
(c) the ratio of the option price to the Fair Market Value
of the stock subject to the Option immediately after the
substitution or assumption be more favorable to the Optionee
than the ratio of the option price to the Fair Market Value of
the stock subject to the old Option immediately prior to such
substitution or assumption, on a Share by Share basis.
Notwithstanding the above, the provisions of this Section 8
with respect to the option price in the event of a Corporate
Transaction shall, in the case of an Incentive Option, be
subject to the requirements of Section 424(a) of the Code
and the Treasury regulations and revenue rulings promulgated
thereunder. In the case of an Incentive Option, in the event of
a conflict between the terms of this Section 8 and the
above cited statute, regulations and rulings, or in the event of
an omission in this Section 8 of a provision required by
said laws, the latter shall control in all respects and are
hereby incorporated herein by reference as if set out at length.
Section 9. Option
Period and Terms of Exercise
(a) Each Option shall be exercisable during such period of
time as the Committee may specify, but in no event for longer
than 10 years from the date when the Option is granted;
provided, however, that
(i) All rights to exercise an Option and any SARs that
relate to such Option shall, subject to the provisions of
subsection (c) of this Section 9, terminate one
year after the date the Optionee ceases to be employed by at
least one of the employers in the group of employers consisting
of the Company and its Affiliates, for any reason other than
death, becoming disabled (within the meaning of
Section 22(e)(3) of the Code) or Retirement, except that,
in the event of the termination of employment of the Optionee on
account of (a) fraud or intentional misrepresentation, or
(b) embezzlement, misappropriation or conversion of assets
or opportunities of the Company or its Affiliates, the Option
and any SARs that relate to such Option shall thereafter be null
and void for all purposes. Employment shall not be deemed to
have ceased by reason of the transfer of employment, without
interruption of service, between or among the Company and any of
its Affiliates.
(ii) If the Optionee ceases to be employed by at least one
of the employers in the group of employers consisting of the
Company and its Affiliates, by reason of his death, becoming
disabled (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the
Code) or Retirement, all rights to exercise such Option and any
SARs that relate to such Option shall, subject to the provisions
of subsection (c) of this Section 9, terminate
five years thereafter.
(b) If an Option is granted with a term shorter than
10 years, the Committee may extend the term of the Option
and any SARs that relate to such Option, but for not more than
10 years from the date when the Option was originally
(c) In no event may an Option or any SARs that relate to
such Option be exercised after the expiration of the term
Section 10. Transferability
of Options and SARs
Except as provided in this Section 10, no Option or any
SARs that relate to an Option shall be (i) transferable
otherwise than by will or the laws of descent and distribution,
or (ii) exercisable during the lifetime of the Optionee by
anyone other than the Optionee. A Nonqualified Option granted to
an Optionee, and any SARs that relate to such Nonqualified
Option, may be transferred by such Optionee to a permitted
transferee (as defined below), provided that (i) there is
no consideration for such transfer (other than receipt by the
Optionee of interests in an entity that is a permitted
transferee); (ii) the Optionee (or such Optionees
estate or representative) shall remain obligated to satisfy all
income or other tax withholding obligations associated with the
exercise of such Nonqualified Option or SARs; (iii) the
Optionee shall notify the Company in writing that such transfer
has occurred and disclose to the Company the name and address of
the permitted transferee and the relationship of the permitted
transferee to the Optionee; and (iv) such transfer shall be
effected pursuant to transfer documents in a form approved by
the Committee. A permitted transferee may not further assign or
transfer any such transferred Nonqualified Option or any SARs
that relate to such Nonqualified Option otherwise than by will
or the laws of descent and distribution. Following the transfer
of an Nonqualified Option and any SARs that relate to such
Nonqualified Option to a permitted transferee, such Nonqualified
Option and SARs shall continue to be subject to the same terms
and conditions that applied to them prior to their transfer by
the Optionee, except that they shall be exercisable by the
permitted transferee to whom such transfer was made rather than
by the transferring Optionee. For the purposes of the Plan, the
term permitted transferee means, with respect to an
Optionee, (i) any child, stepchild, grandchild, parent,
stepparent, grandparent, spouse, former spouse, sibling, niece,
of the Optionee, including adoptive relationships, (ii) any
person sharing the Optionees household (other than a
tenant or an employee), (iii) a trust in which the persons
described in clauses (i) and (ii) above have more than
fifty percent of the beneficial interest, (iv) a foundation
in which the Optionee
persons described in clauses (i) and (ii) above
control the management of assets, and (v) any other entity
in which the Optionee
persons described in clauses (i) and (ii) above own
more than fifty percent of the voting interests.
Section 11. Exercise
of Options and SARs
(a) In the event of an Optionees death, any then
exercisable portion of an Option that has been granted to such
Optionee, and any SARs that relate to such Option, may be
exercised, within the period ending with the earlier of the
fifth anniversary of the date of the Optionees death or
the date of the termination of such Option, by the duly
authorized representative of the deceased Optionees estate
or the permitted transferee to whom such Option and SARs have
been transferred.
(b) At any time, and from time to time, during the period
when any Option and any SARs that relate to such Option, or a
portion thereof, are exercisable, such Option or SARs, or
portion thereof, may be exercised in whole or in part; provided,
however, that the Committee may require any Option or SAR that
is partially exercised to be so exercised with respect to at
least a stated minimum number of Shares.
(c) Each exercise of an Option, or a portion thereof, shall
be evidenced by a notice in writing to the Company accompanied
by payment in full of the option price of the Shares then being
purchased. Payment in full shall mean payment of the full amount
due: (i) in cash, (ii) by certified check or
cashiers check, (iii) with Shares owned by the
exercising Optionee or permitted transferee having a Fair Market
Value at least equal to the aggregate option price payable in
connection with such exercise, but only to the extent that such
Shares are mature as determined by the Corporation
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or
(iv) by any combination of clauses (i) through (iii).
If the exercising Optionee or permitted transferee chooses to
remit Shares in payment of all or any portion of the option
price, then (for purposes of payment of the option price) those
Shares shall be deemed to have a
cash value equal to their aggregate Fair Market Value determined
as of the date the exercising Optionee or permitted transferee
exercises such Option.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, at
the request of an exercising Optionee or permitted transferee
and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Committee
shall approve arrangements with a brokerage firm or firms under
which any such brokerage firm shall, on behalf of the exercising
Optionee or permitted transferee, make payment in full to the
Company of the option price of the Shares then being purchased,
and the Company, pursuant to an irrevocable notice in writing
from the exercising Optionee or permitted transferee, shall make
prompt delivery of one or more certificates for the appropriate
number of Shares to such brokerage firm. Payment in full for
purposes of the immediately preceding sentence shall mean
payment of the full amount due, either in cash or by certified
check or cashiers check.
(d) Each exercise of SARs, or a portion thereof, shall be
evidenced by a notice in writing to the Company.
(e) No Shares shall be issued upon exercise of an Option
until full payment therefor has been made, and an exercising
Optionee or permitted transferee shall have none of the rights
of a shareholder until Shares are issued to him.
(f) Nothing herein or in any Agreement shall require the
Company to issue any Shares upon exercise of an Option or SAR if
such issuance would, in the opinion of counsel for the Company,
constitute a violation of the Securities Act or any similar or
superseding statute or statutes, or any other applicable statute
or regulation, as then in effect. Upon the exercise of an Option
or SAR (as a result of which the exercising Optionee or
permitted transferee receives Shares), or portion thereof, the
exercising Optionee or permitted transferee shall give to the
Company satisfactory evidence that he is acquiring such Shares
for the purposes of investment only and not with a view to their
distribution; provided, however, if or to the extent that the
Shares delivered to the exercising Optionee or permitted
transferee shall be included in a registration statement filed
by the Company under the Securities Act, such investment
representation shall be abrogated.
Section 12. Delivery
of Stock Certificates
As promptly as may be practicable after an Option or SAR (as a
result of the exercise of which the exercising Optionee or
permitted transferee receives Shares), or a portion thereof, has
been exercised as hereinabove provided, the Company shall make
delivery of one or more certificates for the appropriate number
of Shares. In the event that an Optionee exercises both
(i) an Incentive Option or SARs that relate to such Option
(as a result of which the Optionee receives Shares), or a
portion thereof, and (ii) a Nonqualified Option or SARs
that relate to such Option (as a result of which the Optionee
receives Shares), or a portion thereof, separate stock
certificates shall be issued, one for the Shares subject to the
Incentive Option and one for the Shares subject to the
Nonqualified Option.
Section 13. Changes
in Companys Shares and Certain Corporate
If at any time while the Plan is in effect there shall be any
increase or decrease in the number of issued and outstanding
Shares of the Company effected without receipt of consideration
therefor by the Company, through the declaration of a stock
dividend or through any recapitalization or merger or otherwise
in which the Company is the surviving corporation, resulting in
a stock
combination or exchange of Shares of the Company, then and in
each such event:
(a) An appropriate adjustment shall be made in the maximum
number of Shares then subject to being optioned or awarded as
Restricted Stock under the Plan, to the end that the same
proportion of the Companys issued and outstanding Shares
shall continue to be subject to being so optioned and awarded;
(b) Appropriate adjustment shall be made in the number of
Shares and the option price per Share thereof then subject to
purchase pursuant to each Option previously granted and then
outstanding, to the end that the same proportion of the
Companys issued and outstanding Shares in each such
instance shall remain subject to purchase at the same aggregate
option price; and
(c) In the case of Incentive Options, any such adjustments
shall in all respects satisfy the requirements of
Section 424(a) of the Code and the Treasury regulations and
revenue rulings promulgated thereunder.
Except as is otherwise expressly provided herein, the issue by
the Company of shares of its capital stock of any class, or
securities convertible into shares of capital stock of any
class, either in connection with a direct sale or upon the
exercise of rights or warrants to subscribe therefor, or upon
conversion of shares or obligations of the Company convertible
into such shares or other securities, shall not affect, and no
adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with respect to, the
number of or option price of Shares then subject to outstanding
Options granted under the Plan. Furthermore, the presence of
outstanding Options granted under the Plan shall not affect in
any manner the right or power of the Company to make, authorize
or consummate (i) any or all adjustments,
recapitalizations, reorganizations or other changes in the
Companys capital structure or its business; (ii) any
merger or consolidation of the Company; (iii) any issue by
the Company of debt securities or preferred stock that would
rank above the Shares subject to outstanding Options granted
under the Plan; (iv) the dissolution or liquidation of the
Company; (v) any sale, transfer or assignment of all or any
part of the assets or business of the Company; or (vi) any
other corporate act or proceeding, whether of a similar
character or otherwise.
Section 14. Effective
The Plan was originally adopted by the Board on January 28,
1992, and approved by the stockholders of the Company on
April 28, 1992. The Plan was amended and restated on
December 10, 1996, and was approved by the stockholders of
the Company on April 22, 1997. The Plan was amended and
restated on February 1, 2000, and was approved by the
stockholders of the Company on April 25, 2000. The Plan as
amended and restated through January 29, 2002, was approved
and adopted by the Board on January 29, 2002, to be
effective as of that date. The Plan was amended by the Board on
January 27, 2003, and was approved by the stockholders of
the Company on April 29, 2003. The Plan was amended by the
Board on July 22, 2003, to be effective as of that date.
The Plan was amended by the Board on April 25, 2005, to be
effective as of that date. The Plan was amended by the Board on
March 3, 2007, and was approved by the stockholders of the
Company on April 24, 2007.
Section 15. Amendment,
Suspension or Termination
The Board may at any time amend, suspend or terminate the Plan;
provided, however, that after the shareholders have approved and
ratified the Plan in accordance with Section 14 of the
Plan, the Board may not, without approval of the shareholders of
the Company, amend the Plan so as to (a) increase the
maximum number of Shares subject thereto, as specified in
Sections 4(a) and 13 of the Plan, (b) reduce the
option price for Shares covered by Options granted hereunder
below the price specified in Section 8 of the Plan or
(c) permit the repricing of Options and any
SARs that relate to such new Options in contravention of
Section 18 of the Plan; and provided further, that the
Board may not modify, impair or cancel any outstanding Option or
SAR that relates to such Option, or the restrictions, terms or
conditions applicable to Shares of Restricted Stock, without the
consent of the holder thereof.
Section 16. Requirements
of Law
Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in any Agreement to
the contrary, the Company shall not be required to sell or issue
Shares under any Option or SAR if the issuance thereof would
constitute a violation by the Optionee or the Company of any
provision of any law or regulation of any governmental authority
or any national securities exchange; and as a condition of any
sale or issuance of Shares upon exercise of an Option or SAR,
the Company may require such agreements or undertakings, if any,
as the Company may deem necessary or advisable to assure
compliance with any such law or regulation.
Section 17. Incentive
The Committee may, in its sole and absolute discretion,
designate any Option granted under the Plan as an Incentive
Option intended to qualify under Section 422(b) of the
Code. Any provision of the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding,
(a) no Incentive Option shall be granted to any person who,
at the time such Incentive Option is granted, owns stock
possessing more than 10 percent of the total combined
voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or any
Affiliate unless the option price under such Incentive Option is
at least 110 percent of the Fair Market Value of the Shares
subject to the Incentive Option at the date of its grant and
such Incentive Option is not exercisable after the expiration of
five years from the date of its grant; and (b) the
aggregate Fair Market Value of the
Shares subject to an Incentive Option and the aggregate Fair
Market Value of the shares of stock of the Company or any
Affiliate (or a predecessor corporation of the Company or an
Affiliate) subject to any other incentive stock option (within
the meaning of Section 422(b) of the Code) of the Company
and its Affiliates (or a predecessor corporation of any such
corporation), that may become first exercisable in any calendar
year, shall not (with respect to any Optionee) exceed $100,000,
determined as of the date the Incentive Option is granted.
Section 18. Modification
of Options and SARs
Subject to the terms and conditions of and within the
limitations of the Plan, the Committee may modify, extend or
renew outstanding Options and any SARs that relate to such
Options granted under the Plan. The Committee shall not have
authority to accept the surrender or cancellation of any Options
and any SARs that relate to such Options outstanding hereunder
(to the extent not theretofore exercised) and grant new Options
and any SARs that relate to such new Options hereunder in
substitution therefor (to the extent not theretofore exercised)
at an Option Price that is less than the Option Price of the
Options surrendered or canceled. Notwithstanding the foregoing
provisions of this Section 18, no modification of an
outstanding Option and any SARs that relate to such Option
granted hereunder shall, without the consent of the Optionee,
alter or impair any rights or obligations under any Option and
any SARs that relate to such Option theretofore granted
hereunder to such Optionee, except as may be necessary, with
respect to Incentive Options, to satisfy the requirements of
Section 422(b) of the Code.
Section 19.
(a) Each Agreement shall contain such provisions
(including, without limitation, restrictions or the removal of
restrictions upon the exercise of the Option and any SARs that
relate to such Option and the transfer of shares thereby
acquired) as the Committee shall deem advisable. Each Agreement
relating to an Option shall identify the Option evidenced
thereby as an Incentive Option or Nonqualified Option, as the
case may be. Incentive Options and Nonqualified Options may not
both be covered by a single Agreement. Each such Agreement
relating to Incentive Options shall contain such limitations and
restrictions upon the exercise of the Incentive Option as shall
be necessary for the Incentive Option to which such Agreement
relates to constitute an incentive stock option, as defined in
Section 422(b) of the Code.
(b) Each Agreement shall recite that it is subject to the
Plan and that the Plan shall govern where there is any
inconsistency between the Plan and the Agreement.
(c) Each Agreement shall contain a covenant by the
Optionee, in such form as the Committee may require in its
discretion, that he consents to and will take whatever
affirmative actions are required, in the opinion of the
Committee, to enable the Company or appropriate Affiliate to
satisfy its Federal income tax and FICA and any applicable state
and local withholding obligations incurred as a result of such
Optionees (or his permitted transferees) exercise of
an Option granted to such Optionee or any SARs that relate to
such Option. Upon the exercise of an Option or SARs requiring
tax withholding, an exercising Optionee or permitted transferee
may (i) direct the Company to withhold from the Shares to
be issued to the exercising Optionee or permitted transferee the
number of Shares (based upon the aggregate Fair Market Value of
the Shares at the date of exercise) necessary to satisfy the
Companys obligation to withhold taxes, (ii) deliver
to the Company sufficient Shares (based upon the aggregate Fair
Market Value of the Shares at the date of exercise) to satisfy
the Companys tax withholding obligations,
(iii) deliver sufficient cash to the Company to satisfy the
Companys tax withholding obligations, or (iv) any
combination of clauses (i) through (iii). In the event the
Committee subsequently determines that the aggregate Fair Market
Value (as determined above) of any Shares withheld as payment of
any tax withholding obligation is insufficient to discharge that
tax withholding obligation, then the Optionee to whom the Option
and SARs in question were granted shall pay (or cause the
permitted transferee to whom such Option and SARs were
transferred to pay) to the Company, immediately upon the
Committees request, the amount of that deficiency.
(d) Each Agreement relating to an Incentive Option shall
contain a covenant by the Optionee immediately to notify the
Company in writing of any disqualifying disposition (within the
meaning of Section 421(b) of the Code) of Shares received
upon the exercise of an Incentive Option.
Section 20. Restricted
(a) The Committee may from time to time, in its sole and
absolute discretion, award Shares of Restricted Stock to such
persons as it shall select from among those persons who are
eligible under Section 5 of the Plan to receive awards of
Restricted Stock. Any award of Restricted Stock shall be made
from Shares subject hereto as provided in Section 4 of the
(b) A Share of Restricted Stock shall be subject to such
restrictions, terms and conditions, including forfeitures, if
any, as may be determined by the Committee, which may include,
without limitation, the rendition of services to the Company or
its Affiliates for a specified time or the achievement of
specific goals, and to the further restriction that no such
Share may be sold, assigned, transferred, discounted, exchanged,
pledged or otherwise encumbered or disposed of until the terms
and conditions set by the Committee at the time of the award of
the Restricted Stock have been satisfied. Each recipient of an
award of Restricted Stock shall enter into an Agreement with the
Company, in such form as the Committee shall prescribe, setting
forth the restrictions, terms and conditions of such award,
whereupon such recipient shall become a participant in the Plan.
If a person is awarded Shares of Restricted Stock, whether or
not escrowed as provided below, the person shall be the record
owner of such Shares and shall have all the rights of a
shareholder with respect to such Shares (unless the escrow
agreement, if any, specifically provides otherwise), including
the right to vote and the right to receive dividends or other
distributions made or paid with respect to such Shares. Any
certificate or certificates representing Shares of Restricted
Stock shall bear a legend similar to the following:
The shares represented by this certificate have been issued
pursuant to the terms of the Noble Energy, Inc. 1992 Stock
Option and Restricted Stock Plan and may not be sold, assigned,
transferred, discounted, exchanged, pledged or otherwise
encumbered or disposed of in any manner except as set forth in
the terms of the agreement embodying the award of such shares
dated , .
In order to enforce the restrictions, terms and conditions that
may be applicable to a persons Shares of Restricted Stock,
the Committee may require the person, upon the receipt of a
certificate or certificates representing such Shares, or at any
time thereafter, to deposit such certificate or certificates,
together with stock powers and other instruments of transfer,
appropriately endorsed in blank, with the Company or an escrow
agent designated by the Company under an escrow agreement in
such form as by the Committee shall prescribe.
After the satisfaction of the restrictions, terms and conditions
set by the Committee at the time of an award of Restricted Stock
to a person, a new certificate, without the legend set forth
above, for the number of Shares that are no longer subject to
such restrictions, terms and conditions shall be delivered to
the person.
If a person to whom Restricted Stock has been awarded dies after
satisfaction of the restrictions, terms and conditions for the
payment of all or a portion of the award but prior to the actual
payment of all or such portion thereof, such payment shall be
made to the persons beneficiary or beneficiaries at the
time and in the same manner that such payment would have been
made to the person.
The Committee shall have the authority (and the Agreement
evidencing an award of Restricted Stock may so provide) to
cancel all or any portion of any outstanding restrictions prior
to the expiration of such restrictions with respect to any or
all of the Shares of Restricted Stock awarded to a person
hereunder on such terms and conditions as the Committee may deem
(c) Without limiting the provisions of the first paragraph
of subsection (b) of this Section 20, if a person
to whom Restricted Stock has been awarded ceases to be employed
by at least one of the employers in the group of employers
consisting of the Company and its Affiliates, for any reason,
prior to the satisfaction of any terms and conditions of an
award, any Restricted Stock remaining subject to restrictions
shall thereupon be forfeited by the person and transferred to,
and reacquired by, the Company or an Affiliate at no cost to the
Company or the Affiliate; provided, however, if the cessation is
due to the persons death, disability or Retirement, the
Committee may, in its sole and absolute discretion, deem that
the terms and conditions have been met for all or part of such
remaining portion. In the event of such forfeiture, the person,
or in the event of his death, his personal representative, shall
forthwith deliver to the Secretary of the Company the
certificates for the Shares of Restricted Stock remaining
subject to such restrictions, accompanied by such instruments of
transfer, if any, as may reasonably be required by the Secretary
of the Company.
(d) In case of any consolidation or merger of another
corporation into the Company in which the Company is the
surviving corporation and in which there is a reclassification
or change (including a change to the right to receive cash or
other property) of the Shares (other than a change in par value,
or from par value to no par value, or as a result of a
subdivision or combination, but including any change in such
shares into two or more classes or series of shares), the
Committee may provide that payment of Restricted Stock shall
take the form of the kind and amount of shares of stock and
other securities (including those of any new direct or indirect
parent of the Company), property, cash or any combination
thereof receivable upon such consolidation or merger.
(a) The proceeds received by the Company from the sale of
Shares pursuant to Options shall be used for general corporate
(b) Nothing contained in the Plan or in any Agreement shall
confer upon any Optionee or recipient of Restricted Stock the
right to continue in the employ of the Company or any Affiliate,
or interfere in any way with the rights of the Company or any
Affiliate to terminate his employment at any time, with or
without cause.
(c) Neither the members of the Board nor any member of the
Committee shall be liable for any act, omission or determination
taken or made in good faith with respect to the Plan or any
Option and any SARs that relate to such Option granted hereunder
or any Restricted Stock awarded hereunder; and the members of
the Board and the Committee shall be entitled to indemnification
and reimbursement by the Company in respect of any claim, loss,
damage or expenses (including counsel fees) arising therefrom to
the full extent permitted by law and under any directors
and officers liability or similar insurance coverage that
may be in effect from time to time.
(d) Any payment of cash or any issuance or transfer of
Shares to an exercising Optionee or permitted transferee, or to
his legal representative, heir, legatee or distributee, in
accordance with the provisions hereof, shall, to the extent
thereof, be in full satisfaction of all claims of such persons
hereunder. The Committee may require an exercising Optionee or
permitted transferee, legal representative, heir, legatee or
distributee, as a condition precedent to such payment, to
execute a release and receipt therefor in such form as it shall
(e) Neither the Committee, the Board nor the Company
guarantees the Shares from loss or depreciation.
(f) All expenses incident to the administration,
termination or protection of the Plan, including, but not
limited to, legal and accounting fees, shall be paid by the
Company or its Affiliates.
(g) Records of the Company and its Affiliates regarding a
persons period of employment, termination of employment
and the reason therefor, leaves of absence, re-employment and
other matters shall be conclusive for all purposes hereunder,
unless determined by the Committee to be incorrect.
(h) Any action required of the Company shall be by
resolution of its Board or by a person authorized to act by
resolution of the Board. Any action required of the Committee
shall be by resolution of the Committee or by a person
authorized to act by resolution of the Committee.
(i) If any provision of the Plan or any Agreement is held
to be illegal or invalid for any reason, the illegality or
invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions of the Plan
or such Agreement, as the case may be, but such provision shall
be fully severable and the Plan or such Agreement, as the case
may be, shall be construed and enforced as if the illegal or
invalid provision had never been included herein or therein.
(j) Whenever any notice is required or permitted hereunder,
such notice must be in writing and personally delivered or sent
by mail. Any notice required or permitted to be delivered
hereunder shall be deemed to be delivered on the date on which
it is personally delivered, or, whether actually received or
not, on the third business day after it is deposited in the
United States mail, certified or registered, postage prepaid,
addressed to the person who is to receive it at the address
which such person has theretofore specified by written notice
delivered in accordance herewith. The Company, an Optionee or a
recipient of Restricted Stock may change, at any time and from
time to time, by written notice to the other, the address that
it or he had theretofore specified for receiving
notices. Until changed in accordance herewith, the Company and
each Optionee and recipient of Restricted Stock shall specify as
its and his address for receiving notices the address set forth
in the Agreement pertaining to the Shares to which such notice
(k) Any person entitled to notice hereunder may waive such
(l) The Plan shall be binding upon the Optionee or
recipient of Restricted Stock, his heirs, legatees,
distributees, legal representatives and permitted transferees,
upon the Company, its successors and assigns, and upon the
Committee, and its successors.
(m) The titles and headings of Sections and paragraphs are
included for convenience of reference only and are not to be
considered in the construction of the provisions hereof.
(n) All questions arising with respect to the provisions of
the Plan shall be determined by application of the laws of the
State of Texas except to the extent Texas law is preempted by
Federal law.
(o) Words used in the masculine shall apply to the feminine
where applicable, and wherever the context of the Plan dictates,
the plural shall be read as the singular and the singular as the
Any provision of this Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, the
Committee may grant to the employees of the Company or one of
its Affiliates whose compensation from the Company or such
Affiliate is subject to taxation under the laws of the United
Kingdom Options which (i) will terminate one year after the
Optionees death, (ii) cannot be transferred to a
permitted transferee pursuant to the provisions of
Section 10, (iii) cannot be exercised using a means of
payment other than cash or a certified check or cashiers
check, and (iv) will not be adjusted pursuant to
Section 13 without the approval of the Board of Inland
Revenue of the United Kingdom.
April 24, 2007
9:30 a.m. Central Time
Noble Energy, Inc.
100 Glenborough Drive
Suite 100
Houston, Texas 77067
Noble Energy, Inc. |
100 Glenborough Drive, Suite 100 |
Houston, Texas 77067
This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors for use at the Annual Meeting on April 24, 2007. |
The shares of stock you hold in your account or in a dividend reinvestment account will be voted as
you specify on the reverse side. |
If no choice is specified, the proxy will be voted FOR Items 1, 2 and 3 and AGAINST Item 4. |
By signing the proxy, you revoke all prior proxies and appoint Charles D. Davidson and Chris Tong,
and each of them with full power of substitution, to vote your shares on the matters shown on the
reverse side and any other matters which may come before the Annual Meeting and all adjournments. |
See reverse for voting instructions.
There are three ways to vote your Proxy
Your telephone or Internet vote authorizes the Named Proxies to vote your shares
in the same manner
as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card. |
TOLL FREE 1-800-560-1965 QUICK
Use any touch-tone telephone to vote your proxy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, until 12:00
p.m. (CT) on April 23, 2007. |
Please have your proxy card and the last four digits of your Social Security Number or Tax
Identification Number available. Follow the simple instructions the voice provides you. |
Use the Internet to vote your proxy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, until 12:00 p.m. (CT) on
April 23, 2007. |
Please have your proxy card and the last four digits of your Social Security Number or Tax
Identification Number available. Follow the simple instructions to obtain your records and
create an electronic ballot. |
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope weve provided or
return it to Noble Energy, Inc., c/o Shareowner Services SM, P.O. Box 64873, St. Paul,
MN 55164-0873. |
If you vote by Phone or Internet, please do not mail your Proxy Card |
The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote FOR Items 1, 2 and 3 and AGAINST Item 4.
1. |
Election of directors: |
01 Jeffrey L. Berenson |
05 Thomas J. Edelman |
o |
Vote FOR |
o |
02 Michael A. Cawley |
06 Kirby L. Hedrick |
all nominees |
from all nominees |
03 Edward F. Cox |
07 Bruce A. Smith |
(except as marked) |
04 Charles D. Davidson |
08 William T. Van Kleef |
(Instructions: To withhold authority to vote for any indicated
nominee, write the number(s) of the nominee(s) in the box
provided to the right.) |
ò Please fold here ò |
2. |
Proposal to ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Companys
independent auditor. |
o |
For |
o |
Against |
o |
Abstain |
3. |
Proposal to approve an amendment to the Companys 1992 Stock Option
and Restricted Stock Plan to increase the number of shares of common
stock authorized for issuance under the 1992 Plan from 18,500,000
to 22,000,000. |
o |
For |
o |
Against |
o |
Abstain |
4. |
Stockholder proposal that the Board of Directors revise the Corporate
Governance Guidelines of the Company to establish a policy of
separating the positions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and
Chief Executive Officer so that the Chairman of the Board of Directors
will be an independent member of the Board, except in explicitly spelled
out extraordinary circumstances. |
o |
For |
o |
Against |
o |
Abstain |
5. |
In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business or matters
as may properly come before the meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof. |
Address Change? Mark Box o Indicate changes below: |
Date |
Signature(s) in Box |
Please sign exactly as your name(s)
appears on Proxy. If held in joint
tenancy, all persons should sign.
Trustees, administrators, etc., should
include title and authority. Corporations
should provide full name of corporation
and title of authorized officer signing
the Proxy.