Washington, D.C. 20549
(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
LyondellBasell Industries N.V.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule
0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
5) |
Total fee paid:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its
filing. |
1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
3) |
Filing Party: |
4) |
Date Filed: |
Industries N.V.
5, 2011
To the Shareholders of LyondellBasell Industries N.V.:
You are hereby notified that the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders (the Annual Meeting) of LyondellBasell
Industries N.V. will be held at the Companys offices at
Weena 737, 3013 AM, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, at
1:00 p.m., local time, on Thursday, May 5, 2011, for
the following purposes:
1. Opening;
2. To discuss application of the Dutch Corporate Governance
3. To re-elect or elect, as applicable, three Class I
directors to serve as members of the Supervisory Board until the
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2014;
4. To elect two Class II directors to serve as members
of the Supervisory Board until the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders in 2012;
5. To elect one Class III directors to serve as a
member of the Supervisory Board until the Annual General Meeting
of Shareholders in 2013;
6. To discuss our annual report of Company for the year
ended December 31, 2010 and to adopt our Dutch statutory
annual accounts for the year ended December 31, 2010;
7. To discharge the sole member of our Management Board
from liability in respect of the exercise of his duties during
the year ended December 31, 2010;
8. To discharge the members of our Supervisory Board from
liability in respect of the exercise of their duties during the
year ended December 31, 2010;
9. To appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm, who will audit our accounts
for the year ending December 31, 2011;
10. To approve the compensation of the members of the
Supervisory Board;
11. To approve certain ministerial amendments to our
Articles of Association;
12. To discuss our dividend policy;
13. To approve the authority of our Management Board,
acting with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to declare a
dividend in respect of the 2010 fiscal year;
14. To approve, in an advisory (non-binding) vote,
LyondellBasells executive compensation as disclosed in the
accompanying proxy statement;
15. To approve an advisory (non-binding) proposal to
determine whether the shareholder vote to approve executive
compensation (Item 10 above) should occur every 1, 2 or
3 years; and
16. Closing.
The matters set forth in items 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13
are presented to our shareholders as a result of our being
organized under the laws of The Netherlands. Under Dutch law,
several matters that are within the authority of the directors
under most U.S. state corporate laws require shareholder
approval. Additionally, Dutch governance provisions require
certain discussion topics for annual meetings of shareholders,
that are not voted on, to be included in proxy statements. More
information regarding the requirements and provisions of Dutch
law applicable to each of these matters is set forth in the
description of each such matter in this proxy statement.
Our Dutch statutory annual accounts and the related annual
report, our Annual Report on
Form 10-K,
the draft amendment to our Articles of Associations, charters of
each of our Audit, Nominating and Governance, Compensation, and
Health, Safety and Environmental Committees, our Corporate
Governance Guidelines; our Code of Conduct and our Code of
Ethics for principle officers can be accessed through our
website,, and, along with directions to
attend the Annual Meeting, may be obtained free of charge by
request to our administrative offices
c/o Lyondell
Chemical Company, 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 700, Houston,
Texas 77010 Attn: Secretary to the Supervisory Board. Copies of
the documents listed above are also available for inspection by
shareholders free of charge at our offices in Rotterdam listed
March 24, 2011
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy
Materials for the Shareholder Meeting to be held on May 5,
2011: The proxy statement and annual report to security holders
are available on the Internet at
Table of
Industries N.V.
This proxy statement, which is first being mailed or made
available to holders of registered shares on or about
March 25, 2011, is furnished in connection with the
solicitation of proxies on behalf of LyondellBasell Industries
N.V. (we, LyondellBasell or the
Company), who ask you to vote promptly, and if
voting by mail, to complete, sign, date and mail the enclosed
proxy for use at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to
be held at the Companys offices at Weena 737,
3013 AM, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, at1:00 p.m.,
local time, on Thursday, May 5, 2011 (the Annual
Meeting), for the purposes set forth in the foregoing
notice and agenda.
We are utilizing U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
rules allowing companies to furnish proxy materials over the
Internet. Instead of receiving a paper copy of this proxy
statement, our 2010 Annual Report and a form of proxy card (the
proxy materials), most of our shareholders are
receiving a notice regarding the availability of our proxy
materials. The notice includes instructions on how to access the
proxy materials over the Internet. The notice also contains
instructions on how each shareholder can receive a paper copy of
the proxy materials. Internet distribution of our proxy
materials is designed to expedite receipt by shareholders, lower
the costs of the Annual Meeting, and conserve natural resources.
Each share entitles the holder thereof to one vote on each
matter submitted to a vote at the Annual Meeting. All shares
represented by proxies duly executed and received by us within
the time indicated on the enclosed proxy (the Voter
Deadline) will be voted at the Annual Meeting in
accordance with the terms of the proxies. If no choice is
indicated on the proxy, the proxyholders will vote for all
proposals described in this proxy statement. If any other
business is properly brought before the Annual Meeting under our
Articles of Association or Dutch law, the proxies will be voted
in accordance with the best judgment of the proxyholders. In
general, only those items appearing on the agenda can be voted
on at the Annual Meeting.
A shareholder may revoke a proxy by submitting a document
revoking it prior to the Voter Deadline, by submitting a duly
executed proxy bearing a later date prior to the Voter Deadline
or by attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person (with
regard to which the requirements below apply).
Only holders of record of the registered shares of our share
capital, par value 0.04 (the common shares or
shares), issued at the close of business on
April 7, 2011 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting. Shareholders must give notice in writing of
their intention to attend the Annual Meeting prior to
April 29, 2011. Such notices may be emailed to Admittance of shareholders and
acceptance of written voting proxies shall be governed by Dutch
Although there is no quorum requirement under Dutch law,
abstentions, directions to withhold authority to vote for a
Supervisory Director nominee and broker non-votes
will be considered present at the meeting but will not be
counted to determine the total number of votes cast. Broker
non-votes occur when nominees, such as brokers and banks holding
shares on behalf of the beneficial owners, are prohibited from
exercising discretionary voting authority for beneficial owners
who have not provided voting instructions. If you do not give
instructions to your bank, brokerage firm or other agent, the
bank, brokerage firm or other agent will nevertheless be
entitled to vote your shares of common stock in its discretion
on routine matters and may give or authorize the
giving of a proxy to vote the shares of common stock in its
discretion on such matters. We believe that each of the matters
to be voted on at the meeting, other than the election of
directors (Items 1, 2 and 3 on the Proxy Card); the
advisory vote on executive compensation (Item 11 on the
Proxy Card); and the advisory vote on frequency of executive
compensation (Item 12 on the Proxy Card) are considered
routine matters for determining whether brokers may vote without
instruction. For these reasons, please promptly vote in
accordance with the instructions provided by your bank,
brokerage firm or other agent.
We will bear the cost of soliciting proxies on the accompanying
proxy card. Some of our directors, officers and regular
employees may solicit proxies in person or by mail, telephone or
fax, but will not receive any additional compensation for their
services. We may reimburse brokers and others for their
reasonable expenses in forwarding proxy solicitation material to
the beneficial owners of our shares.
We have adopted a procedure approved by the SEC called
householding. Under this procedure, stockholders of
record who have the same address and last name and do not
participate in electronic delivery of proxy materials will
receive only one copy of the proxy materials unless we are
notified that one or more of these individuals wishes to receive
separate copies. This procedure helps reduce our printing costs
and postage fees.
If you participate in householding and wish to receive a
separate copy of proxy materials, please contact our
administrative offices
c/o Lyondell
Chemical Company, 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 700, Houston,
Texas 77010, attention: Secretary to the Supervisory Board.
If you do not wish to participate in householding in the future,
and prefer to receive separate copies of the proxy materials,
please contact: Broadridge Financial Solutions, Attention
Householding Department, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717,
If you are eligible for householding but are currently receiving
multiple copies of proxy materials and wish to receive only one
copy for your household, please contact Broadridge.
Shareholders and other interested persons may communicate with
the Supervisory Board or one or more directors by sending a
letter addressed to the Supervisory Board or to any one or more
directors in care of Craig B. Glidden, Secretary to the
Supervisory Board, at the Companys administrative offices
c/o Lyondell
Chemical Company, 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 700, Houston,
Texas 77010, in an envelope clearly marked Shareholder
Communication. Mr. Gliddens office will forward
such correspondence unopened to Marvin O. Schlanger, Chairman,
unless the envelope specifies that it should be delivered to
another director.
The business and general affairs of the Company and the
management of the business of the Company by the Management
Board are supervised by the Board of Supervisory Directors (the
Supervisory Board).
Our Supervisory Board currently has eight members. Our Articles
of Association provide that the Supervisory Board will consist
of at least nine members and the Rules of the Supervisory Board
provide that the Supervisory Board, in its sole discretion,
shall determine the size of the Supervisory Board in accordance
with and in order to comply with our Articles, nomination
agreements in effect and the listing standards of the New York
Stock Exchange.
The NYSE listing standards require that we have a majority of
independent directors. Pursuant to transition provisions of the
listing standards, we have until one October 14, 2011 to
meet this requirement. As discussed under
Independence of Supervisory Board
Members, three of our current eight members are deemed
independent. Access Industries, an approximately 16%
shareholder, has advised us that it has selected Robin Buchanan
for nomination as a member to our Supervisory Board at the
Annual Meeting. As a result, in March 2011, our Supervisory
Board determined that our Supervisory Board should consist of
thirteen members, seven of whom will be independent and six of
whom are not. Enabling the election of four additional
independent members to the Supervisory Board will allow us to
meet the listing standards requirement.
Our Supervisory Board is divided into three classes, each
consisting of approximately one-third of the total number of the
members of the Supervisory Board. The increase in the size of
the Supervisory Board has created additional vacancies in each
class of directors. Milton Carroll and Rudy der Meer are each
Class I directors, whose terms expire at the Annual
Meeting. Our Supervisory Board has nominated each of them for
re-election as Class I directors. The Supervisory Board has
nominated additional individuals to serve as Class I, II
and III directors as described under Election of
Directors. The Supervisory Board intends to take all
necessary action to fill the remaining vacancy with an
independent director as soon as practicable.
The members of the Supervisory Board are elected by the general
meeting of shareholders from a list that is drawn up by the
Supervisory Board. Pursuant to our Articles of Association, the
list is, in principle, binding
and includes two candidates for each vacancy to be filled. The
binding nature of the Supervisory Boards nomination may be
overridden by a vote of two-thirds of the votes cast at the
meeting if such two-thirds vote constitutes more than one-half
of the issued share capital of the Company. In that case,
shareholders would be free to cast their votes for persons other
than those nominated below.
Leadership Structure
The Company maintains a two-tier governance structure,
consisting of a Management Board, responsible for the management
of the Company, and a Supervisory Board, responsible for the
general oversight of the Management Board. The Management Board
may consist only of executive directors and the Supervisory
Board of non-executive directors. Marvin O. Schlanger is the
non-executive Chairman of our Supervisory Board. James L.
Gallogly, our Chief Executive Officer, is the sole member of our
Management Board and is not a member of the Supervisory Board.
Our Articles of Association provide that to the extent there is
only one member of the Management Board, such member must be our
CEO. Our two-tier board structure has the effect of separating
the roles of chief executive officer and chairman of the board.
Maintaining the two-tier board structure allows our CEO to focus
on managing our day-to-day business, including achieving our
aims, strategy and risk profile, and results of operations. It
also allows the non-executive chairman of the Supervisory Board
to lead the Board in its fundamental role of supervising the
policies of the Management Board and the general affairs of the
Company as well as providing advice to the Management Board. The
Supervisory Board recognizes the time, effort, and energy that
the CEO is required to devote to his position in the current
business environment, as well as the commitment required of our
non-executive chairman. The Supervisory Board believes this
separation of responsibilities is appropriate for LyondellBasell
not only because of the size and composition of the Board, the
scope and complexity of the Companys operations, and the
responsibilities of the Board and management, but also as a
demonstration of our commitment to good corporate governance.
Role in
Risk Oversight
While the Companys management is responsible for the
day-to-day management of risks to the Company, the Supervisory
Board has broad oversight responsibility for the Companys
risk management programs. In this oversight role, the Board is
responsible for satisfying itself that the risk management
processes designed and implemented by the Companys
management are functioning as directed, and that necessary steps
are taken to foster a culture of risk-adjusted decision-making
throughout the organization. The primary means by which our
Supervisory Board oversees our risk management structures and
policies is through its regular communications with management.
The Company believes that its leadership structure is conducive
to comprehensive risk management practices, and that the
Supervisory Boards involvement is appropriate to ensure
effective oversight.
The Supervisory Board and its committees meet in person
approximately six times a year, including one meeting that is
dedicated specifically to strategic planning. At each of these
meetings, our Chief Executive Officer; Chief Financial Officer;
and Chief Legal Officer are asked to report to the Supervisory
Board and, when appropriate, specific committees. Additionally,
other members of management and employees periodically are
requested to attend meetings and present information. One of the
purposes of these presentations is to provide direct
communication between members of the Supervisory Board and
members of management; the presentations provide members of the
Supervisory Board with the information necessary to understand
the risk profile of the Company, including information regarding
the specific risk environment, exposures affecting the
Companys operations and the Companys plans to
address such risks. In addition to information regarding general
updates to the Companys operational and financial
condition, management reports to the Supervisory Board on a
number of specific issues meant to inform the Board about the
Companys outlook and forecasts, and any impediments to
meeting those or its pre-defined strategies generally. These
direct communications between management and the Supervisory
Board allow the Board to assess managements evaluation and
management of the day-to-day risks of the Company.
In carrying out its oversight responsibility, the Supervisory
Board has delegated to individual Board committees certain
elements of its oversight function. The Audit Committee assists
the Board in its
involvement in the Companys risk management process by
providing oversight for the integrity of the Companys
financial statements; the Companys independent
accountants qualifications and independence; the
performance of the Companys internal audit function,
independent accountant and the Companys compliance
program; and the Companys system of disclosure and
internal controls. The Compensation Committee undertakes risk
oversight of the Companys compensation programs through
its responsibility to the Board to monitor the Companys
compensation structure from the point of view of not encouraging
risks inconsistent with the interests of our shareholders. The
Nominating & Governance Committee also participates in
identifying and participating in the management of risk factors
facing the Company. The Nominating & Governance
Committees participation involves the review of policies
and practices in the areas of corporate governance;
consideration of the overall relationship of the Supervisory
Board and the Companys management; and the development,
review and recommendation of governance guidelines applicable to
the Company. The Health, Safety and Environmental
(HSE) Committee reviews and monitors compliance with
health, safety and environmental matters affecting the Company.
The Company has also initiated an enterprise risk management
process, which is coordinated by the Companys Director of
Risk Management. This process initially involved the
identification of the Companys programs and processes
related to risk management, and the individuals responsible for
them. Included was a self-assessment survey completed by senior
personnel requesting information regarding perceived risks to
the Company, with
interviews with members of senior management to review the
responses. The information gathered is tailored to coordinate
with the Companys strategic planning process such that the
risks can be categorized in a manner that identify the specific
Company strategies that may be jeopardized and plans can be
developed to address the risks to those strategies.
The results of these efforts are reported to the Audit Committee
of the Supervisory Board, which is responsible for the
overseeing the design of the risk assessment process. Since the
initiation of the enterprise risk management process, regular
updates are given to the Supervisory Board on material Company
risks. In addition, the Audit Committee is responsible for
ensuring that an effective risk assessment process is in place,
and quarterly reports are made to the Audit Committee on all
financial and compliance risks in accordance with New York Stock
Exchange requirements.
of Supervisory Board Members
The Supervisory Board has determined that each of the following
six directors and director nominees is independent in
accordance with the New York Stock Exchange listing standards
and the Dutch Corporate Governance Code:
Aigrain (nominee)
Jagjeet S. (Jeet) Bindra (nominee)
Milton Carroll
Robert G. Gwin (nominee)
Bruce A. Smith
Rudy van der Meer
Messrs. Buchanan, Cooper, Harris, Kleinman, Schlanger and
Serota are not considered independent, as described below.
To assist in determining independence, the Supervisory Board
adopted categorical standards of director independence, which
meet or exceed the requirements of both the New York Stock
Exchange and the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. These
standards specify certain relationships that must be avoided in
order for directors to be deemed independent.
The categorical standards our Supervisory Board uses in
determining independence are included in our Corporate
Governance Guidelines, which can be found on our website, at The Supervisory Board has determined
that each of the six directors and director nominees listed
above meets these categorical standards and that there are no
other relationships that would affect the independence of these
The Company is party to nomination agreements with each of
Access Industries, Apollo Management and Ares Management,
pursuant to which each entity has the right to select
individuals for nomination to our Supervisory Board based on
certain share ownership levels. Messrs. Buchanan, Cooper,
Harris, Kleinman, Schlanger and Serota were selected for
nomination to our Supervisory Board based on these agreements.
Each of Access, Apollo and Ares played significant roles in the
bankruptcy proceedings of our predecessor, LyondellBasell
Industries, AF S.C.A. Access was the beneficial owner of the
predecessor company until the emergence from bankruptcy
proceedings. Each of Apollo and Ares held significant amounts of
the predecessors debt and, as a result, exerted
significant influence in the bankruptcy proceedings.
Additionally, each of Access, Apollo and Ares were parties to an
equity commitment agreement pursuant to which they provided a
backstop for a significant portion of the Companys
emergence financing. In connection therewith, they each demanded
and received the above mentioned nomination rights as well as
registration rights with respect to certain of the securities
they received in the bankruptcy proceedings.
The information below describes the results of the analyses
conducted to determine the independence of the nominees and
directors named in the table:
Designated Directors and Nominees
Robin Buchanan
Mr. Buchanan serves as a consultant to Access. As a result, and
(Nominee for Director)
given his designation to the Supervisory Board by Access, the
Supervisory Board has determined that he is not independent.
Stephen F. Cooper
Mr. Cooper was recruited by our predecessor company to serve as
Vice Chairman of its Supervisory Board and as Chairman of its
Restructuring Committee given Mr. Coopers vast
experience in reorganization proceedings. The Remuneration
Committee of the Companys predecessor determined to pay
Mr. Cooper a fee of $9.75 million in April 2010 in
addition to his regular board fees, which was approved by the
bankruptcy court, for his contribution in assisting the
predecessor in its bankruptcy proceedings. As a result of this
payment, and in addition to his designation to the Supervisory
Board by Access, given the relationships between Access and the
Company described above, the Supervisory Board has determined
that he is not independent.
Designated Directors
Joshua J. Harris
Mr. Harris is a founding Managing Partner of Apollo Management
LLC. Given the relationships between Apollo and the Company
described above, and his designation to the Supervisory Board by
Apollo, the Supervisory Board has determined that he is not
Scott M. Kleinman
Mr. Kleinman is a Senior Partner at Apollo. Given the
relationships between Apollo and the Company described above,
and his designation to the Supervisory Board by Apollo, the
Supervisory Board has determined he is not independent.
Marvin O. Schlanger
Mr. Schlanger is affiliated with Apollo, and receives
compensation from Apollo for certain services. Given the
relationships between Apollo and the Company described above,
and his designation to the Supervisory Board by Apollo, the
Supervisory Board has determined that he is not independent.
Designated Director
Jeffrey S. Serota
Mr. Serota is a Senior Partner in Ares Managements Private
Equity Group. Given the relationships between Ares and the
Company described above, and his designation to the Supervisory
Board by Ares, the Supervisory Board has determined he is not
and Board Committees
The Supervisory Board held three meetings in 2010 as well as an
informational and orientation meeting. Each of the Supervisory
Directors attended at least 75% of the meetings of the
Supervisory Board and of each committee of which he was a
member. We expect that each member of the Supervisory Board will
attend the Annual Meeting.
The Supervisory Board has four standing committees to assist the
Supervisory Board in the execution of its responsibilities. The
committees are the Audit Committee, the Nominating &
Governance Committee, the Compensation Committee and the HSE
Committee. The charters of each committee states that it will be
composed of a minimum of three members of the Supervisory Board.
Currently, the HSE Committee comprises two members. The
Supervisory Board intends to appoint additional members to the
HSE Committee after additional directors are elected at the
Annual Meeting. Each committee functions under a charter adopted
by the Supervisory Board that can be accessed through our
The current members of the Audit Committee are Mr. Smith
(Chairman) and Messrs. Carroll and Kleinman.
Each of Messrs. Smith and Carroll satisfies the additional
New York Stock Exchange independence standards for audit
committees. Mr. Kleinman is not independent. However, the
transitional rules of the SEC and New York Stock Exchange
require us to have only a majority of independent Audit
Committee members until one year after listing, at which time
all members must be independent. The Company believes that
Mr. Kleinmans service on the Audit Committee is
appropriate, given his knowledge and experience and does not
believe that his lack of independence adversely affects the
ability of the Committee to act independently or satisfy any of
its responsibilities. However, on or before October 14,
2011, the anniversary of our listing on the New York Stock
Exchange, Mr. Kleinman will cease to serve as a member of
our Audit Committee and one or more of the independent director
nominees to be elected at the Annual Meeting will be appointed
to the Committee.
SEC rules require that we have at least one financial expert on
our Audit Committee. Our Supervisory Board has determined that
Mr. Smith is an Audit Committee expert for purposes of the
SECs rules based on a thorough review of his education and
financial and public company experience.
Mr. Smith previously served as the Chief Financial Officer
of Tesoro Corporation, a Fortune 100 manufacturer and marketer
of petroleum products. He also served as the Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer of Tesoro. Before joining Tesoro,
Mr. Smith served in various financial positions, including
Treasurer of Valero Energy Corporation, manager of a division of
Continental Illinois National bank and Trust and a financial
analyst at Ford Motor Company. Mr. Smith also holds a
masters degree in business administration with a
concentration in finance from the University of Kansas.
The Supervisory Board has also determined that each member of
the Audit Committee possesses the necessary level of financial
literacy required to enable them to serve effectively as Audit
Committee members.
Mr. Smith serves on one public company audit committee in
addition to ours and Mr. Kleinman serves on two public
company audit committees in addition to ours.
The Audit Committee met three times during 2010. The Audit
Committee generally is responsible for overseeing all matters
relating to our financial statements and reporting; internal
audit function and
independent auditors; and our compliance function. As part of
its function, the Audit Committee reports the results of its
activities to the full Supervisory Board. Listed below are the
general responsibilities of the Audit Committee. The Audit
Committees duties are set forth in a written charter that
was approved by the Supervisory Board. A copy of the charter can
be found on our website, at
Report to the Board, at least annually, all public company audit
committee memberships by members of the Audit Committee;
Perform an annual review of its performance relative to its
charter and report the results of its evaluation to the full
Engage an independent auditor, determine the auditors
compensation and replace the auditor if necessary;
Review the independence of the independent auditor and establish
our policies for hiring current or former employees of the
independent auditor;
Evaluate the lead partner of our independent audit team and
review a report, at least annually, describing the independent
auditors internal control procedures;
Pre-approve all services, including non-audit engagements,
provided by the independent auditor;
Review the plans, staffing, reports and activities of the
internal auditors;
Review significant difficulties and disagreements with
management encountered by the internal audit department and
review the effectiveness of the internal audit function;
Review financial statements and
Forms 10-K
and 10-Q
with management and the independent auditor;
Review earnings press releases and discuss with management the
type of earnings guidance, if any, that we provide to analysts
and rating agencies;
Discuss with the independent auditor any material changes to our
accounting principles and matters required to be communicated
under Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 relating to
the conduct of the audit;
Review our financial reporting, accounting and auditing
practices with management, the independent auditor and our
internal auditors;
Review managements and the independent auditors
assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of financial
reporting controls;
Review the plans, staffing, reports and activities of the
compliance function;
Review significant difficulties and disagreements with
management encountered by the compliance department and review
the effectiveness of the compliance function;
Establish procedures for receiving, retaining and handling
complaints, including anonymous complaints by our employees,
regarding accounting, internal controls and auditing
matters; and
Periodically review the Companys Code of Conduct and
ensure management has established a system to monitor and
enforce the Code of Conduct.
Committee Report
The Audit Committee operates under a written charter, a copy of
which is available on LyondellBasells website, As required by the charter, the Audit
Committee reviews and reassesses the charter annually and
recommends any changes to the Supervisory Board for approval.
The role of the Audit Committee is, among other things, to
oversee the Companys financial reporting process on behalf
of the Supervisory Board, to recommend to the Board whether the
Companys financial statements should be included in the
Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
and to select and nominate the independent auditor for
appointment by shareholders. Company management is responsible
for the Companys financial statements as well as for its
financial reporting process, accounting principles and internal
controls. The Companys independent auditors are
responsible for performing an audit of the Companys
financial statements and expressing an opinion as to the
conformity of such financial statements with generally accepted
accounting principles.
The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the
Companys audited financial statements as of April 30,
2010 and for the four month period then ended and
December 31, 2010 and for the eight month period then ended
with management and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the independent
registered public accounting firm (PwC), and has
taken the following steps in making its recommendation that the
Companys financial statements be included in its annual
Discussed with PwC, the Companys independent registered
public accounting firm for period ended December 31, 2010,
those matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 61, including information regarding the scope
and results of the audit. These communications and discussions
are intended to assist the Audit Committee in overseeing the
financial reporting and disclosure process.
Discussed with PwC its independence, including communications
PwC is required to provide us under applicable Public Company
Oversight Board requirements. This discussion and disclosure
helped the Audit Committee in evaluating such independence. The
Audit Committee also considered whether the provision of other
non-audit services to the Company is compatible with the
auditors independence.
Met periodically with members of management, the internal
auditors and PwC to review and discuss internal controls over
financial reporting. The Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the eight month period ended December 31, 2010 does not
include a report of managements assessment regarding
internal control over financial reporting or an attestation
report of PwC due to a transition period established by rules of
the Securities and Exchange Commission for new public companies.
As a result, the Audit Committee was unable to review and
discuss such reports.
Reviewed and discussed, with the Companys management and
PwC, the Companys audited consolidated balance sheet as of
December 31, 2010, and consolidated statements of income,
cash flows and changes in stockholders equity for the
eight month period ended December 31, 2010, including the
quality, not just the acceptability, of the accounting
principles, the reasonableness of significant judgments and the
clarity of the disclosure.
The Committee has also discussed with the Companys
internal auditors and independent registered public accounting
firm the overall scope and plans of their respective audits. The
Committee meets periodically with both the internal auditors and
independent registered public accounting firm, with and without
management present, to discuss the results of their examinations
and their evaluations of the Companys internal controls.
The members of the Audit Committee are not engaged in the
accounting or auditing profession and, consequently, are not
experts in matters involving auditing or accounting. In the
performance of their oversight
function, the members of the Audit Committee necessarily relied
upon the information, opinions, reports and statements presented
to them by Company management and by the independent registered
public accounting firm.
Based on the reviews and discussions explained above (and
without other independent verification), the Audit Committee
recommended to the Supervisory Board (and the Supervisory Board
approved) that the Companys financial statements be
included in its annual report for its fiscal year ended
December 31, 2010. The Committee has also approved the
selection of PwC as the Companys independent registered
public accounting firm for fiscal year 2011.
The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board
Bruce A. Smith, Chairman
Milton Carroll
Scott M. Kleinman
The current members of the Compensation Committee are
Messrs. Carroll (Chairman), van der Meer and Kleinman. Each
of Messrs. Carroll and van der Meer is independent in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the NYSE.
Mr. Kleinman is not independent. However, the transitional
rules of the NYSE also apply to our Compensation Committee. On
or before October 14, 2011, Mr. Kleinman will cease to
serve as a member of our Compensation Committee and one or more
of the independent director nominees to be elected at the Annual
Meeting will be appointed to the Committee.
The Compensation Committee met two times in 2010. The
Compensation Committee is responsible for overseeing all of our
executive compensation and developing the Companys
compensation philosophy generally. The Compensation
Committees written charter, which was approved by the
Supervisory Board, can be found on our website, at In fulfilling its duties as set forth in
the charter, the Compensation Committee has the following
Establish and review the compensation philosophy, structure,
policies and guidelines for the managing directors, executive
officers and senior management of the Company for recommendation
to the Supervisory Board;
Review periodically the objectives of the Companys
executive compensation consistent with corporate objectives and
shareholder interests;
Approve multi-employer welfare, pension or benefit plan or
arrangement established or maintained by a labor organization
(including without limitation any multi-employer trust providing
retirement benefits);
Review periodically reports from management regarding funding of
the Companys pension and other benefit plans;
Review and approve corporate goals and objectives relating to
Chief Executive Officer compensation, and evaluate the
performance of the Chief Executive Officer in light of the
corporate goals and objectives;
Incorporate the performance evaluation results in setting the
Chief Executive Officers compensation level and make
compensation decisions for all senior officers of the Company,
including the Chief Executive Officer, and review these
decisions with the Supervisory Board; and
Conduct an annual self-evaluation.
In overseeing compensation matters, the Compensation Committee
may delegate authority for day-to-day administration and
interpretation of the Companys plans, including selection
of participants, determination of award levels within plan
parameters, and approval of award documents, to Company
employees. However, the
Compensation Committee may not delegate any authority under
those plans for matters affecting the compensation and benefits
of the executive officers.
For additional information on the Compensation Committee, see
the Compensation Discussion and Analysis on page 32.
Committee Report
The Compensation Committee of the Supervisory Board has reviewed
and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis with
management, and based on such review and discussions, the
Compensation Committee recommended to the Supervisory Board that
the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this
Proxy Statement.
The Compensation Committee of the Supervisory Board
Milton Carroll, Chairman
Rudy van der Meer
Scott M. Kleinman
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
No member of the Compensation Committee was, during fiscal year
2010, an officer or employee of the Company or any of our
subsidiaries, or was formerly an officer of the Company or any
of our subsidiaries, or had any relationships requiring
disclosure by us under Item 404 of
Regulation S-K.
During fiscal year 2010, none of our executive officers served
as (i) a member of the compensation committee (or other
Board committee performing equivalent functions) of another
entity, one of whose executive officers served on the
Compensation Committee, (ii) a director of another entity,
one of whose executive officers served on the Compensation
Committee, or (iii) a member of the compensation committee
(or other Board committee performing equivalent functions) of
another entity, one of whose executive officers served as a
director of the Company.
Nominating &
Governance Committee
The current members of the Nominating & Governance
Committee are Messrs. Smith (Chairman), Carroll and
Kleinman. Each of Messrs. Smith and Carroll is independent
in accordance with NYSE rules and regulations. The NYSEs
transitional rules apply to the Nominating &
Governance Committee. On or before October 14, 2011,
Mr. Kleinman will cease to serve as a member of our
Nominating & Governance Committee and one or more of
the independent director nominees to be elected at the Annual
Meeting will be appointed to the Committee.
The Nominating & Governance Committee formally met one
time during 2010. One of the primary responsibilities of the
Nominating & Governance Committee is to identify
nominees for election to the Supervisory Board. As described in
this proxy statement, the Supervisory Board intends to nominate
several individuals for election at the Annual Meeting. The
Nominating & Governance Committee performed
substantial work during 2010 in identifying appropriate and
suitable candidates for nomination.
The Nominating & Governance Committee has a written
charter that has been approved by the Supervisory Board and can
be viewed by accessing our website, at
It is the duty of the Nominating & Governance
Committee to oversee matters regarding corporate governance. In
fulfilling its duties, the Nominating & Governance
Committee has the following responsibilities:
Reviewing the overall effectiveness of the Supervisory Board and
the Management Board and the conduct of their business;
Coordinating an evaluation by the directors of the Supervisory
Boards and committees (including this
Committees) performances and procedures;
Reviewing individual directors performance as a part of
the process for recommending nominees to the Supervisory Board;
Reviewing the Companys corporate governance profile and
make recommendations to the Supervisory Board;
Recommending to the Supervisory Board compensation to be paid to
non-employee directors;
Reviewing any shareholder proposals received by the Company for
inclusion in the Companys proxy statement; and
Identifying and recommending to the Supervisory Board candidates
for membership on the Supervisory Board.
Potential director candidates are identified through various
methods; the Nominating & Governance Committee
welcomes suggestions from directors, members of management, and
shareholders. From time to time, the Nominating &
Governance Committee uses outside consultants to assist in
identifying potential director candidates. For all potential
candidates, the Nominating & Governance Committee
considers all factors it deems relevant, such as a
candidates personal and professional integrity and sound
judgment, business and professional skills and experience,
independence, possible conflicts of interest, diversity, and the
potential for effectiveness, in conjunction with the other
directors, to serve the long-term interests of the
Companys stakeholders. While there is no formal policy
with regard to consideration of diversity in identifying
director nominees, the Committee considers diversity in business
experience, professional expertise, gender and ethnic
background, along with various other factors when evaluating
potential director nominees.
Before being recommended by the Nominating &
Governance Committee, director candidates are interviewed by the
Chief Executive Officer; a minimum of two members of the
Nominating & Governance Committee; and the Chairman of
the Supervisory Board. Additional interviews may include other
members of the Supervisory Board, representatives from senior
levels of management and an outside consultant.
The Supervisory Board intends to maintain the size of the Board
at a manageable size, as stated in our Corporate Governance
Guidelines; however, if shareholders party to nomination
agreements with the Company acquire additional shares of the
Company, entitling them to nominate additional directors, the
Supervisory Board will increase its size as necessary to ensure
there are a majority of independent members. The
Nominating & Governance Committee considers all
potential nominees for vacancies on their merits without regard
to the source of recommendation. The Nominating &
Governance Committee believes that the nominating process will
and should continue to involve significant subjective judgments.
To suggest a nominee, you should submit your candidates
name, together with biographical information and his written
consent to nomination to the Chairman of the
Nominating & Governance Committee at the
Companys administrative offices,
c/o Lyondell
Chemical Company, 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 700, Houston
Texas 77010, before November 24, 2011.
The current members of the HSE Committee are Messrs. van der
Meer (Chairman) and Schlanger. The HSE Committee met one time
during 2010. The Committee has a written charter that can be
reviewed by accessing our website, at It
is the duty of the HSE Committee to assist the Supervisory Board
in its oversight responsibilities by assessing the effectiveness
of environment, health and safety programs and initiatives that
support the health, safety and environmental policy of the
Company. In fulfilling its duties, the HSE Committee has the
following responsibilities:
Review and monitor the Companys health, safety and
environmental performance statistics and ensure processes are in
place to record such statistics consistently;
Review and approve the scope of the health, safety and
environmental audit program;
Review and, following appropriate consultation, recommend to the
Supervisory Board the annual budget for the health, safety and
environmental audit program; and
Report periodically to the Supervisory Board on health, safety
and environmental matters affecting the Company.
Party Transactions
We have adopted a written Related Party Transaction Approval
Policy, which requires the disinterested members of the Audit
Committee to review and approve, in advance of commitment,
certain transactions that we may enter into with the following
related parties:
members of the Supervisory Board;
executive officers;
holders of 5% or more of our shares;
entities for which a LyondellBasell Industries N.V. officer or
Supervisory Board member serves as an officer or a member of
that entitys board of directors or equivalent governing
immediate family members of the foregoing; and
entities, of which any of the foregoing own more than 10%.
The transactions covered by the policy are those which are:
in the ordinary course of business and have a value of
$25 million or more, or
not in the ordinary course of business, regardless of value.
Additionally, transactions covered include any transactions
where an officer or director of the Company will have a material
interest and the transaction has a value of $120,000 or more.
The disinterested members of the Audit Committee determine the
fairness of the transactions to LyondellBasell Industries N.V.
by considering whether the transactions have terms no less
favorable than those which could be obtained from non-related
parties. Below is a description of related party transactions
since the beginning of the last fiscal year.
In connection with Stephen F. Coopers service as Chairman
of the Restructuring Committee and Vice Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of LyondellBasell AF during bankruptcy
proceedings and his extraordinary efforts and contributions in
furtherance of the restructuring of our predecessor, the
remuneration committee of our predecessor determined to award
Mr. Cooper a payment, which was approved by the bankruptcy
court, of $9.75 million in addition to his regular board
fees in April 2010.
Additionally, we entered into certain agreements with the Access
Industries, Apollo Management and Ares Management, or their
affiliates upon our emergence from bankruptcy. These agreements
include a registration rights agreement dated April 30,
2010 obligating us to, at our own cost, register for resale
certain of our securities owned by Access, Apollo and Ares or
their affiliates. Additionally, we entered into nomination
agreements with each of Access, Apollo and Ares or their
affiliates that give them the right to nominate individuals for
appointment to the Supervisory Board if certain ownership
thresholds are met. The nomination rights continue for so long
as the shareholders meet the required thresholds.
These transactions were approved by the bankruptcy court; they
were not approved pursuant to the Related Party Transaction
Policy, nor were they approved by our Audit Committee, as the
Company became obligated before the Related Party Transaction
Policy was adopted and the Audit Committee was formed.
In December 2010, the Company entered into a cooperation
agreement with Access Industries. Employees of the Company have
been providing assistance and support to Access Industries in
connection with certain tax and accounting matters related to
the time period during which LyondellBasell AF S.C.A. was
wholly-owned by certain affiliates of Access Industries.
Pursuant to the cooperation agreement, we charge Access
Industries for these services on a time and materials basis, and
in 2010 charged $110,000. The agreement terminates
December 31, 2014, and we reasonably believe that the
amounts ultimately charged through the
term will far exceed $120,000. The Audit Committee approved the
cooperation agreement at its November 2010 meeting.
In addition, at least annually, our Controllers Department
will prepare a summary of all transactions and all currently
proposed transactions with those related parties, including
transactions that did not require pre-approval under the policy,
and the summary is presented to the Audit Committee for review.
Each director, officer and employee must make prompt and full
disclosure of all conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest
includes a financial interest in any contract with us or in any
organization doing business with us, or the receipt of improper
personal benefits or loans as a result of his or her position in
the Company. On an annual basis, each Supervisory Director and
executive officer is obligated to complete a Director and
Officer Questionnaire which requires disclosure of any
transactions with the Company in which the Supervisory Director
or executive officer, or any member of his or her immediate
family, has a direct or indirect material interest. These
obligations are set forth in writing in our Code of Conduct
available through our website,
Any waivers of our Code of Conduct for our executive officers or
members of our Supervisory Board will be reported promptly.
We also have a Code of Ethics, applicable to our Chief Executive
Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Controller, as defined by
applicable SEC rules.
of the Members of the Supervisory Board
Under our Articles of Association, any decisions on compensation
of members of our Supervisory Board are made by our general
meeting of shareholders. If any changes need to be made to
compensation of members of our Supervisory Board, the
Nominating & Governance Committee makes
recommendations to the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board
would then approve or modify those recommendations and propose
them to the shareholders at a general meeting. The Supervisory
Board is proposing the compensation of the Supervisory Board as
Item 10 in this proxy statement. For more information, see
page 55.
Compensation in 2010
The members of our Supervisory Board receive equity and cash
compensation for their service on the Board and its committees.
Compensation for members of the Supervisory Board is reviewed
annually by the Nominating & Governance Committee, and
is approved by shareholders. The Boards goal in designing
directors compensation is to provide a competitive package
that will enable it to attract and retain highly skilled
individuals with relevant experience and that reflects the time
and talent required to serve on the board of a complex
international company. The Supervisory Board seeks to provide
sufficient flexibility in the form of compensation delivered to
meet the needs of different individuals while ensuring that a
substantial portion of directors compensation is linked to
the long-term success of the Company.
Members of the Supervisory Board received grants of restricted
stock units and cash retainers and fees. At the Extraordinary
General Meeting of shareholder in August 2010, our shareholders
approved an aggregate of $2.5 million for Supervisory Board
compensation, consisting of $1.5 million in cash and
restricted stock units valued at $1 million. In accordance
with our Articles of Association, these amounts were allocated
based on determinations made by the Supervisory Board.
The table below sets forth the allocation of the aggregate
amount approved by shareholders. The amounts included in the
table are the annual compensation amounts under the Supervisory
Board compensation program. Actual amounts earned by or paid to
Supervisory Directors in 2010 are in the following table
entitled Director Compensation.
Annual Retainer
$60,000 ($80,000 for Chairman of the Board)
Restricted stock units
Valued at $120,000 ($150,000 for Chairman of the Board)
Board Meeting Fees
Intercontinental Travel
$12,500 for each Supervisory Board meeting attended
Continental Travel
$2,000 for each Supervisory Board meeting attended
Committee Fees
$10,000 ($11,000 for Audit Committee)
$15,000 ($20,000 for Audit Chair)
Fees Earned or
Paid in
Cash ($)(1)
Total ($)
Marvin O. Schlanger, Chairman of the Board
Milton Carroll
Stephen F. Cooper
Joshua J. Harris(3)
Scott M. Kleinman(3)
Jeffrey S. Serota(3)
Bruce A. Smith
Rudy M. J. van der Meer
(1) |
Includes retainers, meeting and committee fees earned or paid
through December 31, 2010. Messrs. Cooper and Kleinman
each elected to have his Dutch sourced compensation taxed under
the so-called Dutch 30% tax ruling. Under the
ruling, the reimbursement by the Company of expenses may be
considered income in The Netherlands, and each of
Messrs. Cooper and Kleinman were taxed on certain
reimbursements of expenses. The amounts in the table include
$17,951 and $499 for Messrs. Cooper and Kleinman,
respectively, for
paid by the Company as a result of their reimbursements of
expenses being taxed. The
were paid in Euros, and the dollar amounts are based on a
conversion rate of 1.339 on December 31, 2010. |
(2) |
Includes 5,541 restricted stock units for all directors, other
than Mr. Schlanger, who received 6,926 restricted stock
units. In accordance with FASB Topic ASC 718,
Compensation Stock Compensation, the grant
date fair value of the awards generally is the number of shares
issued times the market value of our shares on that date. See
Note 19 to our Consolidated Financial Statement included in
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010 for a description
accounting for equity-based compensation in accordance with ASC
718. |
(3) |
Each of Messrs. Harris and Kleinman received these
securities as a nominee for the sole benefit of an affiliate of
Apollo. Mr. Serota received the securities as a nominee for
the sole benefit of an affiliate of Ares. Such affiliates have
all economic, pecuniary and voting rights, if any, in respect of
such securities. Accordingly, Messrs. Harris, Kleinman and
Serota each disclaim beneficial ownership of these securities. |
Corporate Governance Code
In addition to the New York Stock Exchange listing standards and
rules and regulations as promulgated by the SEC, as a Dutch
company, our governance practices are governed by the Dutch
Corporate Governance
Code (the Code). The Code (as last amended on
December 10, 2008) contains a number of principles and
best practices. The Code is based on the apply or
explain principle, on the basis of which we must either
apply the relevant provisions of the Code or provide an
explanation for any non-compliance. A copy of the Code can be
found at
There is considerable overlap between the requirements we must
meet under U.S. rules and regulations and the provisions of
the Code. We comply with the majority of the provisions of the
Code; however, where there are conflicting provisions of the
Code and the requirements of the NYSE and the SEC, we have
chosen to comply with the NYSE and SEC requirements. As an SEC
registrant and NYSE listed company, we believe that it is
appropriate to maintain governance practices that are in line
with our peers. Additionally, as noted elsewhere in this proxy
statement, the NYSE listing standards and certain SEC rules
contain transitional provisions for newly listed companies; we
have taken advantage of these provisions given we emerged from
bankruptcy proceedings less than a year ago and have only been
an SEC registrant and NYSE listed company for fewer than six
months. The Code has no transitional provisions. In certain
cases, we have not applied the Codes practices and
provisions but expect to do so in the future.
For clarity purposes, we have listed below deviations from the
Code and our reasons for deviating. The deviations follow the
order of the recommendations in the Code.
practice provision II.1.1
Mr. Gallogly was appointed as a member of the Management
Board for an initial term of five years, which exceeds the
maximum of four years contained in the Code.
Mr. Gallogly was appointed to the Management Board upon the
Companys emergence from bankruptcy proceedings. Given the
unique and challenging circumstances surrounding the Company
beginning with its emergence from bankruptcy proceedings, it was
considered appropriate to ensure continuity in the effective
management of the Company. Specifically, Mr. Gallogly was
recruited to the Company not only to lead the efforts in
emerging from bankruptcy, but also to grow the Company and
increase value to stakeholders over the long term. As a result,
Mr. Galloglys initial term was set at five years.
Subsequent terms of Mr. Gallogly or any other member of the
Management Board will be for a maximum of four years, in
accordance with the Companys Articles of Association and
Rules of the Management Board.
practice provisions of Principle II.2
The Company has followed all of Principle II.2 in determining
the compensation of the Management Board, as described in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of this proxy
statement. However, there are specific best practice provisions
set forth under that principle that were not followed, given the
unique situation of the Company in 2009 and 2010.
Mr. Gallogly, the sole member of the Management Board, was
recruited and hired to join the Company in May 2009, during
bankruptcy proceedings. Many components of
Mr. Galloglys compensation were negotiated,
determined and then approved by the bankruptcy court. As
described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the
Company believes that the level and structure of
Mr. Galloglys compensation was necessary to recruit
him and is appropriate for his responsibilities.
The Compensation Committee of the Supervisory Board has spent
considerable time reviewing and understanding the policies,
procedures and practices that were put in place during the
Companys bankruptcy and upon its emergence in April 2010.
The Compensation Committee also retained the services of an
independent consultant to assist in its evaluation of
appropriate remuneration for the Management Board and the
executive officers of the Company. The scenario analyses
mentioned in provisions II.2.1. and II.2.2. of the Code are
planned for 2011; given Mr. Galloglys 2010
compensation was agreed to in 2009, and thus prior to the
establishment of the Supervisory Board, it was not possible for
the Supervisory Board to perform the analysis provided for in
best practice provision II.2.1, or determining the level and
structure of Mr. Galloglys compensation by reference
to such analysis. However, as discussed in the Companys
Discussion and Analysis, internal pay equity is one of the
factors considered by the Compensation Committee in making
compensation determinations, and it is expected this will be a
factor in future compensation decisions. Additionally, the
Compensation Committee expects to make use of tally
sheets, which show each component of executives
compensation, the tally of all of the compensation elements, as
well as potential payments in different termination scenarios.
The use of these tally sheets enables the Compensation Committee
to understand each element of total compensation and potential
compensation, potential total payments, and analyze the internal
equity amongst executives.
Pursuant to Mr. Galloglys employment agreement, he
was granted options to purchase Company shares that vest ratably
over a five year period beginning one year after his date of
employment. This is contrary to best practice provision II.2.4,
which states that options shall not be exercisable in the first
three years after the date of grant. Further, the number of
options granted to Mr. Gallogly was negotiated at the time
of his recruitment and approved by the bankruptcy court; as a
result, the number of options granted was not determined based
on the achievement of targets specified beforehand in accordance
with best practice provision II.2.4. Nonetheless, the Company
believes that the vesting schedule and number of options granted
to Mr. Gallogly is appropriate. A five year ratable vesting
schedule properly incentivizes Mr. Gallogly over a long
period of time, since only twenty percent of the total award can
be exercised each year.
Mr. Galloglys employment agreement with the Company
contains provisions that entitle him to payments upon
termination of his employment agreement that exceed one annual
salary payment. As previously mentioned,
Mr. Galloglys employment agreement was negotiated at
the time of his recruitment when the Company was in bankruptcy
and faced an uncertain future. The Company believes that the
provisions with respect to payments to Mr. Gallogly upon
termination of his employment agreement are appropriate,
particularly given that they were included in part as a means to
recruit Mr. Gallogly while the Company was in bankruptcy
proceedings. The protections afforded by his employment
agreement allow Mr. Gallogly to focus on the Companys
performance and the creation of shareholder value through very
difficult and demanding times for the Company and its Management
The Companys employment agreement with Mr. Gallogly
does not contain any claw-back provisions. However, the
Compensation Committee recognizes the benefits to the Company
and its stakeholders of claw-back policies for its
executive officers, including Mr. Gallogly. Under
Section 954 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act, the Securities and Exchange Commission
has been charged with requiring stock exchanges, including the
NYSE on which our shares are listed, to prohibit listing of
securities of any company that has not developed and implemented
compensation claw-back policies. The Dodd-Frank Acts
provisions regarding claw-back policies are specific as to what
is required, although implementing regulations have not yet been
promulgated. The Compensation Committee currently is reviewing
those requirements and, in light of its compensation programs
generally, is developing such a policy.
The Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines and each of
the Supervisory Board committees charters require
evaluations of the Supervisory Board and its committees to be
conducted at least annually. The Supervisory Board was
originally constituted on April 30, 2010 and consisted of
five members. In August 2010, one member of the Supervisory
Board resigned and four new members were appointed after an
extensive search for qualified, independent members. As a
result, the current Supervisory Board has only been comprised
since August and formal discussions and evaluations of the
functioning of the Supervisory Board, its committees and the
individual Supervisory Board members have not yet been carried
out. Such evaluations are planned during 2011.
The Supervisory Board currently consists of eight members, and
the Supervisory Board is nominating four additional individuals
for election at the Annual Meeting, three of whom are considered
independent. Of the current eight members, three are considered
independent for purposes of the Code and NYSE listing standards
and are deemed to be independent based on the Companys
categorical standards of independence contained in the
Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines.
NYSE listing standards require that a majority of the members of
the Supervisory Board must be independent within one year of
listing of the Companys shares, which will occur on
October 14, 2011. In an effort to meet this requirement,
the Company has and will conduct extensive searches for
qualified individuals who meet the Supervisory Boards
desired profile for composition and also meet all necessary
independence requirements.
The Company is party to nomination agreements with certain
shareholders that allow those shareholders to select up to three
individuals for nomination to the Supervisory Board dependent on
their share ownership levels. Each of our non-independent
directors was selected for nomination pursuant to these
agreements. The Supervisory Board believes that each of its
non-independent members brings with him a level of skill,
experience and qualifications that benefit the workings of the
Supervisory Board, notwithstanding his lack of independence. The
Supervisory Board will ensure that at all times beginning no
later than October 14, 2011, at least a majority of its
members are independent, but must also fulfill its obligations
under the nomination agreements.
The Supervisory Board has not yet developed and published a
profile of its size and composition, dealing with diversity in
composition, and therefore has not specifically disclosed any
reasons for divergence or the time period in which it aims to
achieve the desired profile in accordance with best practice
provision III.3.1.
As discussed, the Company is currently taking actions to add
members to its Supervisory Board such that there will be a
majority of independent members as soon as is practicable, and
in no event later than October 14, 2011. As also discussed,
the Supervisory Board has not yet conducted its evaluations of
itself and the individual committees. The Supervisory Board
believes it is appropriate that additional members be elected
and serve for a period of time and conduct evaluations after
such time before it develops its profile. Only after the
Supervisory Board has functioned for a period of time does the
Supervisory Board believe that assessing the desired profile is
Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed for terms of up
to three years; however, there is no limit on the number of
terms a Supervisory Board member may serve.
Currently, the Supervisory Board does not believe there is a
driving interest in limiting members to the three
four-year terms provision of the Code, given the early
stages of development of the Company post-bankruptcy and the
formation of the Supervisory Board. To the contrary, the
Supervisory Board believes that a depth of history and knowledge
of the Company, which can be developed through long term
service, currently is key to an effective oversight of the
Company. The Supervisory Board intends to revisit the provisions
in its governing documents on a continuous basis and may
determine that limitations of the number of terms for
Supervisory Board members is appropriate. Notwithstanding any
such determinations, under the nomination rights described
above, as long as certain shareholders maintain their share
ownership at required levels, they will be able to nominate
individuals of their choosing; the result of which may be for
individuals nominated by them to serve for longer than any
Supervisory Board determined terms.
Members of the Supervisory Board have been granted restricted
stock units as a portion of their annual remuneration. The
restricted stock units entitle the recipient to an equal number
of the Companys shares after
certain time-based vesting requirements have been met. This is a
deviation from the Code, which states that supervisory board
members shall not be granted shares
rights to shares by remuneration.
The remuneration of the Supervisory Board was recommended by the
Supervisory Board and approved by shareholders at a meeting held
in August 2010, and consists of both cash and shares. The
Supervisory Board believes that granting rights to acquire
shares of the Company aligns the Supervisory Board members
interests with those of shareholders, thereby increasing the
incentive to make decisions that create long-term value for the
The Company does not have specific policies with respect to
holding periods of equity by members of its Supervisory Board.
The restricted stock units vest on June 30 of the year in which
the directors term expires. As a result, the currently
outstanding restricted stock units vest between one to three
years, depending on the directors term. Future grants will
similarly be tied to the directors current terms of
office. The Supervisory Board is of the opinion that tying the
vesting period to the members term effectively places a
holding period on the members interests as a shareholder,
as he will not vest in those shares until he has served a full
As described in this proxy statement, the Supervisory Board has
set the number of its members at thirteen and, as a result,
there are five vacancies to be filled. Our Supervisory Board is
classified into three classes, each of which should represent
approximately one-third of the total Supervisory Board. The
Supervisory Board is proposing the re-election of
Messrs. Carroll and van der Meer, whose terms are expiring,
as Class I directors and is also proposing the election of
one new Class I director, two new Class II directors,
and one new Class III director.
We have provided information regarding the nationality, age,
term of office on our Supervisory Board and experience within
the last five years of each of the nominees for director as well
as our directors who are not up for re-election. We also have
included the qualifications we considered when inviting each
individual to join our Supervisory Board or in nominating such
individual for re-election. Required information relating to the
share ownership of our Supervisory Directors and nominees may be
found in the Director Compensation Table, above, and under the
Director, Director Nominee and Management Share
Ownership section on page 28.
Under our Articles of Association, binding nominations of
individuals for appointment to the Supervisory Board must
consist of two persons for each vacancy. For each vacancy, the
candidate receiving the greatest number of FOR votes
will be elected.
(Item 1 on the Proxy Card)
The first proposal on the agenda is the election of three
individuals to serve until the annual general meeting of
shareholders in 2014 or until their respective successors have
been duly elected and qualified.
The current terms of Milton Carroll and Rudy van der Meer will
expire at the Annual Meeting on May 5, 2011.
Messrs. Carroll and van der Meer are eligible for
re-election, and the Supervisory Board has made binding
proposals to re-elect them as Class I directors. The
Supervisory Board also has made a binding proposal to elect
Jagjeet S. Bindra as a Class I director.
First Vacancy
Milton Carroll, American, 60.
Member of LyondellBasell Supervisory Board since July 2010.
Chairman of CenterPoint Energy, a public utility holding
company, since 2002.
Chairman of Instrument Products, a private oil-tool
manufacturing company, since 1977.
Director of Halliburton, an oilfield services company, since
Chairman of Health Care Service Corporation, a health benefits
company, since 1998.
Director of Western Gas Holdings, the general partner of Western
Gas Partners, an owner, operator and developer of midstream
energy assets, since 2008.
Previously served as:
Director of Devon Energy, an oil and gas exploration and
production company.
Director of EGL, Inc., a global logistics and supply chain
management company.
Mr. Carroll has extensive knowledge of the oil and natural gas
industries, corporate management, international operations,
public company governance and board practices, among other
skills, which strengthen the Supervisory Boards collective
qualifications, skills and experience.
Rudy van der Meer is nominated as the legally required second
Second Vacancy
Rudy van der Meer, Dutch, 66.
Member of LyondellBasell Supervisory Board since July 2010.
Chairman of Supervisory Board of Imtech N.V., an electrical
engineering technical service provider, since 2005.
Chairman of Supervisory Board of Energie Beheer Nederland B.V.,
a Dutch state owned natural gas exploration, production
transportation and sale company, since 2006.
Supervisory Director of James Hardie Industries, an industrial
fibre cement products and systems manufacturer, since 2007.
Chairman of Supervisory Board of Gazelle Holding B.V., a bicycle
manufacturing company, since 2005.
Previously served as:
Supervisory Director of ING Bank Nederland N.V. and ING
Verzekeringen (Insurance) Nederland, retail banking and
insurance subsdiriaries, respectively, of ING Groep N.V.
Supervisory Director of Hagemeyer N.V., a distribution services
focusing on electrical materials, safety and other maintenance,
repair and operations products.
Chairman of Supervisory Board of Norit International B.V., a
global water purification technology and applications company.
Mr. van der Meer has extensive knowledge of global businesses,
Dutch companies, and the chemicals industry, among other skills,
which strengthen the Supervisory Boards collective
qualifications, skills and experience.
Milton Carroll is nominated as the legally required second
Third Vacancy
Jagjeet S. Bindra, American, 63.
Director of Edison International, a generator and distributor of
electric power, and its subsidiary, Southern California Edison
Co., an electric utility company, since 2010.
Director of Larsen & Toubro, a technology,
engineering, construction and manufacturing company, since 2009.
Deputy Chairman of Transfield Services, a global provider of
operations, maintenance and asset and project management
services, since 2010.
President, Chevron Global Manufacturing, Chevron Corp.s
worldwide manufacturing division, from 2004 to 2009.
Previously served as:
Director of Advisory Board of Hart Energy Consulting, an energy
industry publisher.
Director of GS Caltex, a South Korean oil refiner.
Sriya Innovations, an alternative energy firm.
Reliance Petroleum Limited, a petroleum refiner and marketer.
Caltex Australia Limited, an integrated oil refining and
marketing company.
We believe that Mr. Bindras extensive knowledge and global
experience in asset intensive industries, as well as his
expertise in energy value chain and asset management, among
other skills, will strengthen the Supervisory Boards
collective qualifications, skills and experience.
Jacques Aigrain is nominated as the legally required second
The Supervisory Board recommends shareholders vote FOR the
election of each of the first named candidates as Class I
(Item 2 on the Proxy Card)
The second proposal on the agenda is the election of two
Class II directors to serve until the annual general
meeting of shareholders in 2012 or until their successors have
been duly elected and qualified. The
Supervisory Board has made binding proposals to elect Robin
Buchanan and Robert G. Gwin as Class II directors.
First Vacancy
Robin Buchanan, British, 58.
Director of Schroders plc, a global asset management company,
since 2010.
Director of the Centre for Corporate Governance at the London
Business School since 2009.
Senior Advisor to Bain & Company, a global management
consulting firm since 2007.
Advisor to Coller Capital Ltd., a private equity firm.
Dean and then President of the London Business School, from 2007
to 2009.
Managing Partner and then the Senior Partner, Bain &
Company Inc. UK and South Africa between 1990 and 2007.
Previously served as:
Director of Liberty International plc, a retail property
Director of Shire plc, a global specialty bio-pharmaceutical
We believe that Mr. Buchanans extensive knowledge and
experience relating to business management, finance and
international board service, as well as his extensive experience
in advising and consulting for companies in an array of
industries, including in the industrial sector, among other
skills, will strengthen the Supervisory Boards collective
qualifications, skills and experience.
Robert G. Gwin is nominated as the legally required second
Second Vacancy
Robert G. Gwin, American, 47.
Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of
Anadarko Petroleum, an oil and gas exploration and production
company, since 2009.
Senior Vice President, Finance of Anadarko Petroleum from 2008
to 2009.
Vice President, Finance and Treasurer of Anadarko Petroleum from
2006 to 2008.
President of Western Gas Holdings, the general partner of
Western Gas Partners, an owner, operator and developer of
midstream energy assets, from 2007 to 2009.
Chief Executive Officer of Western Gas Holdings from 2007 to
We believe that Mr. Gwins skills and knowledge relating to
the oil and gas industry, finance, public company board
experience and executive management expertise, among other
skills, will strengthen the Supervisory Boards collective
qualifications, skills and experience.
Robin Buchanan is nominated as the legally required second
The Supervisory Board recommends shareholders vote FOR the
election of the candidates first named as Class II
(Item 3 on the Proxy Card)
The third proposal on the agenda is the election of one
Class III director to serve until the annual general
meeting of shareholders in 2013 or until his successor has been
duly elected and qualified. The Supervisory Board has made a
binding proposal to elect Jacques Aigrain as a Class III
Jacques Aigrain, French-Swiss, 56.
Chairman of LCH Clearnet Group, Limited, an independent
clearinghouse group, since 2010.
Chief Executive Officer of SwissRe, a global reinsurance
company, from 2006 to 2009.
Director of Swiss International Air Lines, Switzerlands
national airline, since 2001.
Director of Lufthansa German Airlines, the leading German
airline, since 2007.
Director of Resolution Ltd., a financial services company that
acquires businesses in the insurance industry, since 2010.
Previously served as:
Member of Board of Trustees of ETH Foundation.
Member of Industry Advisory Council of the Mayor of Shanghai.
Member of Advisory Council of the Monetary Authority of
Chairman of Swiss American Chamber of Commerce.
Chairman of the Geneva Association.
We believe that Mr. Aigrains extensive operational and
management expertise, as well as his experience with
international companies and board service, among other skills,
will strengthen the Supervisory Boards collective
qualifications, skills and experience.
Jagjeet S. Bindra is nominated as the legally required second
Information with respect to the Supervisory Directors whose
terms do not expire this year and who are not up for re-election
is as follows:
Stephen F. Cooper, American, 64
Class II Supervisory Director since July 2010
Advisor at Zolfo Cooper, a leading financial advisory and
management firm, of which he is co-founder and former chairman,
Managing Partner of Cooper Investment Partners, a private equity
specializing in underperforming
Previously served as:
Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Restructuring Committee of
LyondellBasell Industries AF S.C.A., the Companys
Vice Chairman and member of the office of Chief Executive
Officer of
a privately held motion picture and theatrical
production and distribution company.
Chief Executive Officer of Hawaiian Telcom, a provider of
internet and wireless communication services to Hawaii.
Executive Chairman of Blue Bird Corporation, a manufacturer of
and transit buses and motor coaches.
Chairman of the Board of Collins & Aikman, which
designed, engineered and manufactures automotive components,
systems and modules.
Chief Executive Officer of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, a branded
and wholesaler of doughnuts and packaged sweets.
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Restructuring Officer of
Mr. Cooper has more than thirty years of experience as a
financial advisor and interim executive and advisor to companies
facing operational and performance issues. We believe his
substantial and expansive experience in various industries
provides him with significant experience in all aspects of
supervising management of large, complex companies.
Joshua J. Harris, American, 46
Class III Supervisory Director since April 2010
Senior Managing Director of Apollo Global Management, LLC, a global alternative asset manager and Managing Partner of Apollo Management, L.P. which he co-founded in 1990.
Director of the general partner of AP Alternative Assets, Apollo Global Management, LLC, Berry Plastics Group Inc., manufacturer of injection-molded plastic packaging, thermoformed products, flexible films and tapes and coatings, CEVA Group plc, a global logistics and transportation company and Momentive Performance Materials Holdings LLC, a producer of silicones and silicone derivatives.
Previously served as a director of:
Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc., a specialty chemicals and materials company (acquired by Momentive Performance in 2010).
Verso Paper, a producer of coated paper and specialty paper products.
Metals USA Holdings Corp., a provider of processed carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, red metals and manufactured metal components.
Nalco Company, a sustainability services company focused on industrial water, energy and air applications.
Pacer International, a freight transportation and third-party logistics services provider.
General Nutrition Centers, a specialty retailer of health and wellness products worldwide.
Furniture Brands International, Inc., a designer, manufacturer, and retailer of home furnishings.
Compass Minerals Group, Inc., a producer and marketer of inorganic mineral products.
Alliance Imaging, Inc., a provider of outpatient diagnostic imaging services.
NRT LLC, a provider residential real estate brokerage services.
Covalence Specialty Materials Corp., a manufacturer of plastic film products and producer of specialty adhesives and flexible packaging products.
United Agri Products Inc., a distributer agricultural inputs and noncrop products.
Quality Distribution, Inc., transporter of bulk chemicals in North America.
Whitmire Distribution Corporation, a pharmaceutical distributor.
Noranda Aluminum Holding Corporation, a producer of primary aluminum products and rolled aluminum coils.
Mr. Harris has significant experience in financing, analyzing,
investing in and managing investments in public and private
companies. Mr. Harris has substantial expertise in strategic and
financial matters that inform his contributions to our
Supervisory Board and enhance his oversight and direction of us.
Mr. Harris service as a director of other companies
in a variety of industries gives him a range of experience as a
director on which he can draw in serving as our director and
augments his knowledge of effective corporate governance.
Scott M. Kleinman, American, 38
Class III Supervisory Director since April 2010
Partner of Apollo Management, LP, a global alternative asset
where he has worked since 1996.
Chairman of Verso Paper, a producer of coated paper
and specialty paper products, since 2006.
Director of Noranda Aluminum Holding, a producer of aluminum
products, since 2007.
Director of Realogy Corporation, a provider of residential real
estate and
relocation services, since 2007.
Director of Momentive Performance Materials, a producer of
and silicone derivatives, since 2006.
Previously served as:
Director of Hexion Specialty Chemicals, a specialty chemicals
materials company (acquired by Momentive Performance in
Mr. Kleinman has significant experience in financing, analyzing,
investing in and managing investments in public and private
companies. Mr. Kleinman gained substantial expertise in
strategic and financial matters that inform his contributions to
our Supervisory Board and enhance his oversight and direction of
us through his involvement in Apollos diligence team that
managed Apollos investments in us during our
reorganization proceedings, which provided him with a unique
knowledge of our organization. Mr. Kleinmans service as a
director of other companies in a variety of industries gives him
a range of experience as a director on which he can draw in
serving as our director and augments his knowledge of effective
corporate governance.
Jeffery S. Serota, American, 45
Class II Supervisory Director since April 2010
Senior Partner in the Private Equity Group of Ares Management
LCC, a
global alternative asset manager, since 1997.
Director of Exco Resources, a natural gas and oil company since
Director of SandRidge Energy, Inc., an oil and gas exploration
production company since 2007.
Director of WCA Waste Corporation, a full service non-hazardous
company since 2006.
Mr. Serota has extensive experience managing investments in, and
serving on the boards of directors of, companies operating in
various industries, including in the oil and natural gas
exploration and production industries. Mr. Serotas
background and experience provide him with extensive investment,
capital markets and strategic experience.
Marvin O. Schlanger, American, 62
Chairman of the Board since June 2010.
Class II Supervisory Director since April 2010
Principal of Cherry Hill Chemical Investments, LLC, a firm that
management services and capital to the chemical industry, since
Chairman of CEVA Group Plc, a global supply chain management
company, since 2009.
Director of Momentive Performance Materials Holdings, a
chemicals and materials company, since 2010.
Director of UGI Corporation, a distributer and marketer of
products and services, and its subsidiaries, UGI Utilities Inc.
Amerigas Propane, Inc., since 1998.
Consultant to Apollo Management LLP.
Previously served as:
Vice Chairman of Hexion Specialty Chemicals, a specialty
chemicals and
materials company (acquired by Momentive Performance in
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Resolution
Products, a manufacturer of specialty and intermediate chemicals
Resolution Specialty Materials LLC, which, together with
Chemical, formed Hexion Specialty Chemicals in 2005.
Chairman of Covalence Specialty Materials Corp., which was
into Berry Plastics in 2007.
Director of Wellman, Inc., a manufacturer and marketer of PET
packaging resins.
Mr. Schlanger has significant senior management experience as
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief
Financial Officer of Arco Chemical Company, a large public
chemical company, as well as experience serving as chairman,
director and committee member of the boards of directors of
large public and private international companies, including his
experience representing a major private equity firms
shareholder interest.
Bruce A. Smith, American, 67
Class III Supervisory Director since July 2010
Chairman of Tesoro Corporation, manufacturer and marketer of
petroleum products, from 1996 to 2010. President and Chief
Officer of Tesoro from 1995 to 2010.
Director of GEVO, Inc., a renewable chemicals and advanced
company, since 2010.
Previously served as:
Director of Noble Energy, an independent energy company.
Mr. Smith has extensive senior leadership experience in the
refining and marketing industry, substantial management
background in publicly traded companies and previous experience
serving as a director and chairman of the audit and compensation
committees of publicly traded companies.
Under SEC rules, we are required to include, in tabular format,
information relating to the beneficial ownership of our shares
by each (i) director, (ii) director nominee, and
(iii) executive officer named in the Summary Compensation
Table on page 44 as of March 18, 2011. We also are
required to include information with respect to all of these
individuals, and all other executive officers, as a group.
Beneficial ownership of shares generally means voting or
investment power over the shares, as well as shares that the
individual has the right to acquire within 60 days. Our
directors and executive officers, other than Mr. Gallogly,
have all been granted restricted stock units under our long term
incentive program. The restricted stock units granted to
directors in 2010 vest on June 30 in the year that their term of
office expires, which is 2011 for Class I directors
(Messrs. Carroll and van der Meer), 2012 for Class II
directors (Messrs. Cooper, Schlanger and Serota) and 2013
for Class III directors (Messrs. Harris, Kleinman and
Smith). Because these units do not vest within 60 days, the
shares underlying the units are not yet deemed
beneficially owned, and are not included in the
table. Additionally, as noted under Supervisory Board of
Directors Compensation of Members of the Supervisory
Board, each of Messrs. Harris, Kleinman and Serota
hold their securities as a nominee for the benefit of affiliates
of the entities that selected them for nomination to our
Supervisory Board. As a result, they each disclaim all
beneficial ownership in the restricted stock units.
Our executive officers restricted stock units vest in
2015, and therefore the shares underlying those units are
similarly not considered to be beneficially owned.
Mr. Gallogly was granted restricted shares in April 2010.
These shares vest in full in 2014, and are therefore not deemed
to be beneficially owned for SEC disclosure purposes.
Our executive officers, including Mr. Gallogly, have been
granted stock options to purchase our shares.
Mr. Galloglys stock options vest in five equal,
annual increments beginning on May 14, 2010. Our other
executive officers stock options grant in three equal,
annual increments beginning on the second anniversary of the
dates of grant, which occurred in 2010; as a result, executive
officers other than Mr. Gallogly do not have the right to
acquire the shares underlying the options within 60 days.
Our directors, director nominees and executive officers, both
individually and in the aggregate, beneficially own less than 1%
of our outstanding shares as of March 18, 2011.
Ownership Table
Common Shares
Covered by
Shares Owned
Exercisable Options
Jacques Aigrain
Jagjeet S. Bindra
Robin Buchanan
Milton Carroll
Stephen F. Cooper
Robert G. Gwin
Joshua J. Harris(1)
Scott M. Kleinman(2)
Marvin O. Schlanger
Jeffrey S. Serota(3)
Bruce A. Smith
Rudy M.J. van der Meer
James L. Gallogly
C. Kent Potter
Craig Glidden
Common Shares
Covered by
Shares Owned
Exercisable Options
Kevin Brown
Bhavesh V. (Bob) Patel
All directors, nominees and executive officers as a group
(26 persons)
(1) |
Mr. Harris is associated with Apollo Management, a more
than 5% beneficial owner of our shares. Mr. Harris
disclaims beneficial ownership of ordinary shares owned by
Apollo and any other shareholder, except to the extent of any
pecuniary interest therein. |
(2) |
Mr. Kleinman also is associated with Apollo, a more than 5%
beneficial owner of our shares. Mr. Kleinman disclaims
beneficial ownership of ordinary shares owned by Apollo and any
other shareholder, except to the extent of any pecuniary
interest therein. |
(3) |
Mr. Serota is a Senior Partner in the Private Equity Group
of Ares Management. Mr. Serota disclaims beneficial
ownership of ordinary shares owned by the Ares Recordholders
(defined below) and any other shareholder, except to the extent
of any pecuniary interest therein. |
(4) |
Includes 1,127,804 vested options to purchase shares and
1,127,804 options that will vest within 60 days. The options
have an exercise price of $17.61 and expire April 30, 2017.
Mr. Gallogly will vest in an additional 1,127,804 options
on each of May 14, 2012, 2013 and 2014. |
The table below shows information for shareholders known to us
to beneficially own more than 5% of our common shares, based on
their filings with the SEC through March 18, 2011.
Shares Beneficially Owned
Name and Address
Apollo Management Holdings, L.P.(2)
9 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Certain affiliates of Access Industries, LLC(3)
730 Fifth Ave., 20th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Bank of America Corporation
Bank of America Center
100 N. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28255
Certain affiliates of Ares Management LLC(4)
2000 Avenue of the Stars, 12th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109
(1) |
All percentages are based on 568,013,997 shares outstanding
as of March 18, 2011. |
(2) |
Apollo Management Holdings, L.P. is the general partner or
manager of various Apollo investment managers that, through
various affiliated investment managers, manage four of the
Apollo investments funds that hold our shares. Apollo Principal
Holdings II, L.P. is the general partner or manager of various
Apollo investment advisors that, indirectly through various
affiliated investment advisors, provide investment advisor
services to various Apollo investment funds, including one of
the Apollo investment funds that hold our shares. Apollo
Principal Holdings III, L.P. is the general partner or manager
of various Apollo investment advisors that, indirectly through
various affiliated investment advisors, provide investment
advisor |
services to various Apollo investment funds, including one of
the Apollo investment funds that hold our shares. Apollo
Management Holdings GP, LLC is the general partner of Apollo
Management Holdings, L.P., Apollo Principal Holdings II GP,
LLC is the general partner of Apollo Principal Holdings II, L.P.
and Apollo Principal Holdings III GP Ltd. is the general
partner of Apollo Principal Holdings III, L.P. Leon Black,
Joshua Harris and Marc Rowan are the principal executive
officers and managers of Apollo Management Holdings GP, LLC and
of Apollo Principal Holdings II GP, LLC. Each of Apollo
Management Holdings GP, LLC, Apollo Management Holdings, L.P.
and its affiliated investment managers, Apollo Principal
Holdings II GP, LLC, Apollo Principal Holdings II, L.P. and
its affiliated investment advisors, Apollo Principal
Holdings III GP Ltd., Apollo Principal Holdings III, L.P.
and its affiliated investment advisors, and Messrs. Black,
Harris and Rowan disclaims beneficial ownership of any ordinary
shares that may be held or acquired by any of the Apollo
investment funds, except to the extent of any pecuniary interest
therein. |
(3) |
Access Industries is a privately-held U.S. industrial group
with holdings primarily in natural resources and chemicals,
media and telecommunications and real estate, which controls
directly or indirectly AI International Chemicals S.à r.l.
and certain other entities that became recordholders of our
outstanding ordinary shares on or after the Emergence Date
(collectively, the Access Recordholders). Len
Blavatnik, an individual whose principal occupation is Chairman
of Access Industries, may be deemed to beneficially own the
shares held by one or more of the Access Recordholders. Access
Industries and each of its affiliated entities and the officers,
partners, members and managers thereof (including, without
limitation, Mr. Blavatnik), other than the Access
Recordholders, disclaim beneficial ownership of any ordinary
shares owned by the Access Recordholders, except to the extent
of any pecuniary interest therein. |
(4) |
Ares Management is a private investment management firm that
indirectly controls ACOF III and manages certain other
investment vehicles that became recordholders of our outstanding
ordinary shares upon the Emergence Date (together with ACOF III,
the Ares Recordholders). Ares Management and each of
its affiliated entities and the officers, partners, members and
managers thereof, other than the Ares Recordholders (with
respect to the shares held directly by ACOF III and the other
Ares Recordholders respectively), expressly disclaim beneficial
ownership, and any pecuniary interest therein, of any ordinary
shares owned by the Ares Recordholders. The shares listed
include warrants to purchase 658,412 shares at an exercise
price of $15.90, which are currently exercisable. |
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our Supervisory
Directors, executive officers and persons who own more than 10%
of our common shares to file initial reports of ownership and
reports of changes in ownership of common shares (Forms 3,
4 and 5) with the SEC and the New York Stock Exchange. All
such persons are required by SEC regulation to furnish us with
copies of all such forms that they file.
To our knowledge, based solely on our review of the copies of
such reports received by us and on written representations by
certain reporting persons that no reports on Form 5 were
required, we believe that during the year ended
December 31, 2010, our Supervisory Directors, executive
officers and 10% shareholders complied with all
Section 16(a) requirements applicable to them except that
Apollo was late in filing a Form 4 to reflect the automatic
conversion of our class B shares to class A shares due
to an administrative error.
Name and Age*
Significant Experience in Last Five Years
James L. Gallogly, 58
Chairman of the Management Board since April 30, 2010 and Chief Executive Officer since May 2009.
Executive Vice President of Exploration and Production for ConocoPhillips from 2008 to 2009.
Executive Vice President of Refining, Marketing and Transportation for ConocoPhillips from 2006 to 2008.
President and Chief Executive Officer of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC from 2000 to 2006.
Craig B. Glidden, 53
Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer since August 2009.
Senior Vice President, Legal and Public Affairs, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company from 2004 to 2009.
C. Kent Potter, 64
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since August 2009.
Director of LyondellBasell AF S.C.A., the Companys predecessor, from 2007 to 2009.
Director of Basell AF S.C.A. from 2005 to 2007.
Chief Financial Officer of TNK-BP from 2003 to 2005.
Kevin W. Brown, 53
Senior Vice President, Refining & Oxyfuels since October 2009.
Director of Sinclair Oil from 2006 to 2009.
Executive Vice President , Operations of Sinclair Oil from 2004 to 2009.
Massimo Covezzi, 53
Senior Vice President, Research and Development since 2008.
Head of Research and Development from 2005 to 2008.
Bhavesh V. (Bob) Patel, 44
Senior Vice President, Olefins and Polyolefins EAI since November 2010, with additional responsibility for the Companys Technology business since that time.
Senior Vice President, Olefins and Polyolefins Americas from March 2010 November 2010.
General Manager, Olefins and NGLs of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company from 2009 to 2010.
General Manager, Asia Pacific Region Singapore of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company from 2008 to 2009.
Business Manager, Olefins of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company from 2005 to 2008.
Patrick D. Quarles, 44
Senior Vice President, Intermediates & Derivatives since January 2010.
Divisional Vice President of Performance Chemicals from 2004 to 2009.
Paramijit Singh, 50
Senior Vice President, Manufacturing EAI since January 2009.
Senior Vice President, Technology Services from 2005 to 2008.
Name and Age*
Significant Experience in Last Five Years
Karen M. Swindler, 45
Senior Vice President, Manufacturing Americas since November 2009.
Director of Performance Improvement from July 2009 to November 2009.
Divisional Vice President of North America Polymers Manufacturing from 2008 to 2009.
Between 2003 and 2007, Ms. Swindler served as Vice President of Health, Safety and Environmental and Divisional Vice President of Manufacturing Northern Region.
Sergey Vasnetsov, 47
Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning & Transactions since August 2010.
Managing Director of Equity Research at Barclays Capital from 1999 to 2010.
Paul Davies, 48
Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer since June 2010.
Independent human resources consultant from 2008 to 2010.
Vice President, Human Resources at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals from 1996 to 2008.
Wendy M. Johnson, 52
Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer since July 2010.
Vice President and Assistant Controller from 2008 to 2010.
Director, Global Manufacturing and Accounting from 2004 to 2008.
Samuel L. Smolik, 58
Vice President, Health, Safety and Environmental since November 2009.
Vice President, Downstream Health, Safety and Environmental of Royal Dutch Shell from 2004 to 2009.
Francesco Svelto, 50
Vice President and Treasurer since January 2010.
Interim Vice President from 2009 to 2010.
Divisional Vice President Business Finance, Polymers for 2008.
Treasurer of Basell AF S.C.A. from 2003 to 2007.
Discussion and Analysis
The following Compensation Discussion and Analysis, or
CD&A, describes how we made compensation decisions for our
executive officers that are named in the Summary Compensation
Table on page 45 of this Proxy Statement. These officers
include James L. Gallogly, C. Kent Potter, Craig B. Glidden,
Kevin W. Brown and Bhavesh V. (Bob) Patel. We refer
to them collectively as the named executive
officers, or named executives, throughout this
Proxy Statement.
We began 2010 under the protection of chapter 11 of the
U.S. bankruptcy laws. The Company is the successor to the
entity that filed for bankruptcy protection in January 2009
after the combination of Lyondell Chemical Company and Basell in
December 2007, and as a result of the subsequent economic
recession and shutdown of the credit markets.
Our Compensation Committee was formed in August 2010. Prior to
that time, the compensation of our executive officers was
determined by the Remuneration Committee of LyondellBasell
Industries AF S.C.A., our predecessor, and approved in many
cases by the bankruptcy court in the bankruptcy proceedings
chapter 11. References to the Compensation Committee in
this CD&A are to our current Compensation Committee, or the
Remuneration Committee of our predecessor, as appropriate,
unless specifically noted otherwise.
Significant items of note concerning the 2010 compensation for
our named executive officers include:
Compensation consisting of base salaries; short-term incentive
awards based on Company and individual performance; medium-term
incentive awards earned over a three year performance period
ending December 31, 2012 based on Company performance; and
long-term incentive awards in the form of stock options and
restricted stock units (and restricted shares, in the case of
Mr. Gallogly);
Long-term, equity based incentive awards granted April 2010,
after approval by the bankruptcy court, due to our successful
emergence from bankruptcy proceedings; and
Achievement of approximately 146% of consolidated Company
performance metrics, which account for 50% of the named
executives target bonus payment based on our superior
performance during 2010, including
Substantial improvement over prior year period in safety and
environmental performance, with employees full-year 2010
recordable incidence rate down 41% as compared to 2009;
Providing approximately $200 million of fixed cost
reductions to replace certain one-time savings that had been
achieved in 2009; and
EBITDA in 2010 of $4 billion, representing strong
performance by the Company and an 80% increase over 2009.
Additionally, the Company achieved a total shareholder return
from the date its shares were issued in April 2010 until year
end 2010 of approximately 57%.
As discussed throughout this CD&A, each of our named
executive officers was hired during our bankruptcy proceedings.
In certain cases, these hirings were very early in the
bankruptcy proceedings. As a result, there were significant
uncertainties involved in our named executive officers joining
the Company, including but not limited to the timing and
likelihood of our emergence from bankruptcy proceedings and the
bankruptcy courts actual approval of negotiated
compensation terms. Additionally, we recruited each of our named
executives based on their knowledge, skills and experience, as
evidenced by the positions they held and which they left to work
for us. Many of our compensation decisions were based on the
difficulty in recruiting these individuals away from successful,
secure companies where our named executive officers had
successful careers and opportunities for advancement.
We believe that we should pay for performance and align our
executives interests with those of our shareholders. To
this end, our compensation program for our named executives has
been designed to achieve the following objectives:
support a high performing culture that attracts and retains
highly qualified executive talent;
tie annual incentives to the achievement of Company and
individual performance objectives; and
align executives incentives with the creation of
shareholder value through both medium and long term incentive
of Compensation Programs
Our current Compensation Committee met twice in 2010, and will
meet several times each year in future years to perform its
responsibilities as delegated by the Supervisory Board and set
forth in the Compensation Committees charter. These
responsibilities include evaluating and approving the
Companys compensation philosophy, policies, plans and
programs for our named executive officers.
In the performance of its duties, the Compensation Committee
reviews the total compensation, including the base salary,
target bonus award opportunities, incentive award opportunities
and other benefits, including potential severance payments for
each of our named executive officers. In the first quarter of
2011, the Compensation Committee met to determine salary
increases, if any, for the named executive officers; verified
the results of the Companys performance for annual
incentive calculations; reviewed the individual annual incentive
targets for 2011 for each of the named executive officers; and
made decisions on granting other incentive awards.
The Compensation Committee has several resources it utilizes in
its analysis of the appropriate compensation for the named
executive officers. Late in 2010, the Compensation Committee
hired an independent consultant to provide advice relating to
market and general compensation trends. The Compensation
Committee intends to use the services of its independent
consultant for data gathering and analyses, and for use in its
discussions of and decisions on the named executive
officers compensation. The Compensation Committee retained
Frederic W. Cook & Co., Inc. (Cook &
Co.) as its independent consultant in 2010. The
Companys engagement with Cook & Co. includes
meeting preparation and attendance, advice, best practice
information, as well as competitive data. In addition to
services related to executive compensation, the
Nominating & Governance Committee of the Supervisory
Board intends to use the consultant for information and advice
related to director compensation. Cook & Co. has no
other business relationships with the Company.
To ensure the independence of any compensation consultants
utilized by the Compensation Committee for executive
compensation matters, it is the Companys policy that no
compensation consultant engaged by the Compensation Committee to
assist in determining or recommending the compensation of
executive officers may be engaged by management of the Company
to provide any other services unless first approved by the
Compensation Committee.
Mr. Gallogly plays an important part in determining
executive compensation, as he assesses the performance of the
named executive officers reporting to him and reports these
assessments with recommendations to the Compensation Committee.
To facilitate the Compensation Committees review of our
executive compensation program, our human resources department
provides the Compensation Committee with:
data from compensation survey databases and other historical
data that it believes will be useful in reviewing the
compensation of the named executive officers;
historical breakdowns of the total direct compensation component
amounts approved by the Compensation Committee and previous
Remuneration Committee for our officers;
recommendations for performance targets under our incentive
recommendations of Mr. Gallogly, as Chief Executive Officer
and the sole member of our Management Board, for the prospective
total direct compensation component amounts and the methodology
for calculating the amounts for the named executive officers
that report to him; and
such additional information as the Compensation Committee may
of Executive Compensation Program
Each of the named executive officers joined the Company during
its bankruptcy proceedings and entered into employment
agreements with the Company at that time. The employment
agreements contain compensation packages designed to attract the
named executives in light of the risks to them involved in
joining us during our turnaround period. The Company underwent
tremendous turnover of personnel, including executive officers,
during 2007 and through 2009, and as a result, stability of the
Companys leadership team became a priority. As a result,
in addition to the need to attract these individuals, retention
was a significant factor in designing the total compensation
provided for in their agreements.
Generally, our programs are designed to increase the proportion
of at-risk pay as a percentage of total compensation
as an executives responsibilities increase. This is based
upon the belief that our senior executives have more opportunity
to affect the performance of the Company and that
executives performance will be enhanced by ensuring that a
significant portion of their potential compensation is tied to
the performance of the Company.
For our named executives, base salary increases with
responsibility, but at a lesser rate than increases in target
incentive compensation percentages. This results in an increased
percentage of at-risk compensation as the named
executives responsibility is increased.
In order to establish the initial compensation packages for our
named executive officers and formulate our incentive plans
described below, the Remuneration Committee of LyondellBasell AF
considered data from the Towers Perrin 2008 Executive
Compensation Database, which collects data from hundreds of
companies for a given year across industries and revenue sizes
(the Towers Perrin Database). Single regression
analysis of the Towers Perrin Database established the market
levels of compensation for each of the named executive
officers position based on the revenue size of the
individuals responsibilities within the organization. The
identity of the component companies that comprised the
sub-set used
in the single regression analyses was not made available to us.
Our human resources departments recommendations to the
Remuneration Committee were designed to position each element of
each named executive officers total direct compensation at
approximately the 50th percentile in relation to similar
compensation paid to the executives peers.
In setting compensation levels in the future, the Compensation
Committee plans to use compensation surveys that include, but
are not limited to, large chemical and energy companies. The
purpose of benchmarking is to ensure that we are able to offer
competitive packages in order to retain our executives. We
believe that a cumulative target for the total of base salary
and all incentive compensation at or near the 50th percentile
for similar positions is appropriate, allowing for adjustment
upon consideration of experience, individual performance and
other factors.
Additionally, there is a group of companies whose performance we
review to assist in making subjective considerations related to
the achievement of our goals under our incentive programs. These
companies results are reviewed to benchmark our
performance against the industry in which we operate. These
companies include:
Chemical Companies (Weighted 80%)
Energy & Refining Companies (Weighted 20%)
Dow Chemical
Huntsman Corp.
Celanese Corp.
Eastman Chemical Corp.
Westlake Corp.
ExxonMobil Chemical U.S. Segment
Shell Chemical Segment
ExxonMobil Chemical
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company
Valero Energy Corp.
Tesoro Corp.
Western Refining Inc.
Holly Corp.
ALON USA Energy Inc.
Frontier Oil Corp.
Delek US Holdings Inc.
ConocoPhillips Refining Segment
ExxonMobil Refining Segment
Shell Refining Segment
Chevron Refining Segment
Pay Equity
We believe our salary structure provides a framework for
equitable compensation between executives. As a general matter,
jobs having greater duties and responsibilities will have higher
incentive compensation targets. However, each executives
compensation package as a whole is analyzed to ensure
compensation given the market for analogous positions within the
marketplace and the mix of components of compensation is taken
into account. Taken as a whole, our compensation program for
executives is designed so that individuals incentive
target levels rise as their salary level increases, with the
portion of performance-based compensation rising as a percentage
of total targeted compensation. The result is that each
executives actual total compensation as a multiple of the
total compensation of his subordinates will increase in periods
of above-target performance and decrease in times of
below-target performance.
Performance Measures
We use Company financial and other performance criteria,
including safety metrics, as well as individual performance
criteria in determining payouts under incentive compensation
awards. We attempt to develop performance measures that assess
the performance of the Company relative to other companies in
addition to absolute performance measures. This is based on our
belief that absolute performance can be affected positively or
negatively by industry-wide factors over which our executives
have no control, such as the cyclicality of feedstock costs and
the global economy. We also attempt to isolate the underlying
performance necessary to enable achievement of performance
criteria considering our unique circumstances within the
For purposes of awards under our incentive programs, we have set
performance metrics so as to require high performance in order
to receive target incentive compensation levels, and have
selected multiple metrics to promote the well-rounded executive
performance necessary to enable the Company to achieve long-term
Although our incentive programs use performance metrics, we have
no threshold measures such that payouts are guaranteed assuming
the attainment of specified targets. We use numerical targets as
one of the components to determine whether payouts are warranted
under each of the metrics; however, the discretionary nature of
our programs means that the achievement (or non-achievement) of
such targets is only the starting point in the Committees
determination of payouts for that metric. This is because we
believe that judging performance based on an analysis of all
relevant considerations provides a more meaningful determination
of actual performance than using bright line performance
targets. To this end, the Compensation Committee retains
discretion to consider other factors in addition to the stated
performance metrics to determine relative performance.
of our Executive Compensation Program
Our executive compensation program generally consists of four
principal components:
base salary;
annual cash incentive compensation;
medium-term incentive compensation; and
long-term equity-based incentive compensation.
We have chosen to pay each of these elements because we believe
they best serve to advance our compensation objectives, as
discussed in more detail below.
We pay base salaries to our named executives to provide them
with sufficient, regularly paid income for performing
responsibilities. As executives assume more responsibilities
within the Company, a smaller percentage of their total
compensation will be from base salary. By providing a
competitive base salary, we serve our compensation objectives of
retaining and attracting employees and motivating employees by
rewarding individual performance and tenure with base salary
In 2010, each of our named executive officers other than
Messrs. Gallogly and Patel received merit increases,
effective May 1, 2010. Mr. Gallogly did not receive an
increase in 2010, as he requested that his
salary be frozen for this period. Mr. Patel did not receive
an increase, as his employment did not begin until March 2010.
The increases in base salary for Messrs. Potter, Glidden
and Brown were 4.2%, 6.2% and 6.2%, respectively. These
increases were based on each of the individuals
performance ratings that had previously been determined under
the Companys 2009 Short-Term Incentive Plan. Although
Mr. Patel did not receive a merit increase, his salary
increased from $430,000 to $475,000 in November 2010 in
connection with his change in position from Senior Vice
President O&P-Americas to Senior Vice
President O&P EAI at that time.
Our named executive officers were being paid the following base
salaries as of January 1, 2011:
Annual Base
Mr. Gallogly
Mr. Potter
Mr. Glidden
Mr. Brown
Mr. Patel
Cash Incentive Compensation
We paid annual bonuses to our named executives under our 2010
Short-Term Incentive Plan, or the 2010 STI. Our named
executives bonuses are targeted at a percentage of base
salary and actual payouts under the STI can range from zero to
300% of target based on achievement of goals under the metrics,
including personal performance. Mr. Galloglys
employment agreement provides that his maximum bonus is 200% of
his annual base salary. We tie actual payouts of our named
executives bonuses to the achievement of Company financial
and performance measures, and the performance of the components
of the Company for which they have direct supervisory authority.
These individuals have the highest level of decision making
authority within our organization and, therefore, the most
ability to influence the Companys operational performance
and results of operations. As a result, we believe it is
appropriate to put a significant portion of their potential
total compensation at risk based on whether the goals of the
Company are achieved.
For 2010, bonus targets as a percentage of base salary for the
named executive officers were:
Target Bonus
Mr. Gallogly
Mr. Potter
Mr. Glidden
Mr. Brown
Mr. Patel
(1) |
As described in this CD&A, pursuant to the terms of his
compensation as approved by the bankruptcy court,
Mr. Potter does not receive any grants under the
Companys medium and long term incentive plans. In lieu
thereof, Mr. Potter has a higher target bonus percentage. |
(2) |
In connection with the change in Mr. Patels position
from SVP O&P Americas to SVP
O&P-EAI in November 2010, his target bonus as a percentage
of salary increased to 80%. |
Our business and financial results can be significantly impacted
by economic factors outside the control of the Company and
management. Mitigation of the impact of adverse conditions and
the continuous improvement of our organization are expectations
of our named executives. As a result, our 2010 STI includes a
personal performance component that will affect the named
executives incentive payments.
To support our strong
philosophy, the measures chosen for our named executive
officers bonus calculations are those that we believe
drive behaviors that increase value to our shareholders and are
appropriately measured on an annual basis. In 2010, those
measures primarily were based on (i) safety,
(ii) costs, and (iii) net income before interest,
taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA).
Safety is the foremost goal within our Company, and tying
compensation to the achievement of safe operations ensures the
safety or our people and protection of our assets is one of our
named executives primary concerns. Additionally, we
believe that to compete effectively, we must maintain an
appropriate cost structure and, therefore, have included a cost
metric. Finally, EBITDA is an indication of our ability to
generate competitive earnings. We believe the ability to grow
our earnings is an important metric to our shareholders, and
drives shareholder value. The specific measures for 2010 bonus
purposes are discussed below.
The 2010 STI awards for our named executive officers are based
on an overall Company scorecard as well as award units ratings.
The Company scorecard includes the consolidated results of the
Company, based on the achievement of the performance measures.
Award units are assigned to operational or functional groups
within the Company and are divided into three categories:
business, manufacturing and service (including research and
development). Award units and the performance criteria for each
award unit are established at the beginning of each annual
performance period. In 2010, we had 68 discrete award units
within the Company. The award unit criteria for 2010 were
designed based on the Company scorecard, modified to address
specific budgets, targets and performance indicators related to
the applicable award unit.
Mr. Galloglys STI award for 2010 performance was
based 50% on the Company scorecard and 50% on a weighted average
of all award unit ratings within the Company. The 2010 awards
for the other named executive officers were based 50% on the
Company scorecard and 50% on a weighted average rating of award
units for which such executives were responsible, described
The following table shows the metrics for the Companys
2010 scorecard, the weighting of each metric, considerations
used in determining achievement, and the actual payouts for 2010:
HSE Performance
Based on Recordable Injury Rate and HSE Management, with a goal
of 1.8 for recordable injuries.* The severity of injuries and
benchmarks, process safety incidents, environmental performance
and stewardship, and audit results were considered.
Based on cash fixed costs compared to budget, with a goal of
$3.57 billion. Benchmarks and success in cost improvement
initiatives were considered.
Business Results
Based on EBITDA, with a goal of $1.6 billion, with appropriate
adjustments for unusual events compared to budget. The business
environment and the Companys performance relative to its
peers were considered.
* |
Recordable injuries are measured by the total number of injuries
needing medical attention or time off work for every million of
hours worked. |
The Compensation Committee reviewed the Companys
performance and made the considerations shown in the above table
to determine the payouts as noted based on several factors. The
Companys safety performance, measured by recordable
incidence rate for employees and contractors was 2.1, over its
goal of 1.8. However, the Companys employees full
year incidence rate of 1.5 showed a 41% improvement over the
prior year period. Additionally, process safety and
environmental incidents were substantially improved over the
prior year. As a result, the Compensation Committee determined
that a 90% payout of the HSE Performance was appropriate. The
Committee also considered the Companys substantial cost
improvement initiatives, including providing approximately
$200 million of fixed-costs savings to replace certain one
time savings that had been achieved in 2009. Based on reduction
of fixed costs, particularly given the $1 billion in
savings already achieved in the prior year, the Compensation
Committee determined to pay out the cost metric at 125%.
Finally, the Companys business results in 2010 were
outstanding, with over $4 billion in EBITDA, which was more
than twice the Companys budget for the year. After
consideration of economic conditions and the performance of the
industry as a whole, the Committee determined that a payout for
business results at 185% was appropriate. The 185% was chosen
because, notwithstanding the outstanding financial
performance of the Company, the Committee acknowledged the
benefit received by economic conditions generally. The Committee
determined that based on the Companys performance, and its
differential performance as compared to others within the
industry, less than the full 200% should be awarded. The total
payout for the Company Scorecard was 146.25%.
In determining award unit performance, the Compensation
Committee reviewed and approved managements determinations
of performance by the award units under their performance
metrics. Each of the award units had a safety and cost metric.
Functional groups, such as Finance and Legal, also had a
customer service metric, while operational groups, such as
Refining & Oxyfuels and O&P Americas,
had a business results metric. Based on the evaluation of the
safety performance, cost controls, financial performance and
customer satisfaction ratings of the award units, the Committee
approved award unit payouts of between 98 and 162% for our named
executive officers other than Mr. Gallogly.
Mr. Galloglys award unit component is a weighted
average of all award units within the Company, which equaled
In addition to the Company scorecard and award units, each of
the named executive officers awards was dependent on his
individual performance. Depending on the individual named
executives personal performance, his ward may be adjusted
down to zero and up to 1.5 times the calculated award. The
Compensation Committee reviewed the personal performance of each
of the named executive officers, taking into account the
individuals impact on the Companys performance and
success during the year. For all of the named executive officers
other than Mr. Gallogly, the Committee also considered
Mr. Galloglys recommendations of those officers
performance. The Compensation Committee conducted its own
evaluation of Mr. Galloglys performance in 2010 to
determine his individual performance modifier. Based on this
evaluation and the discussions of the named executives
performance, the Committee approved multiples of between 1.2 and
1.5. These multiples reflect the Compensation Committees
recognition of these individuals contributions to the
Companys strong operational performance and safety
improvement in 2010.
Term Cash Incentive Compensation
Under our 2010 Medium Term Incentive Plan, or 2010 MTI, we grant
performance based incentive awards that provide for payouts
based on the achievement of Company financial results after a
three-year performance period. Target awards are based on a
specified cash dollar amount, and can pay from 0
200% of target, depending on the Companys achievement of
the performance measures, as determined by the Compensation
Committee. The plan provides that the awards may be settled in
cash or shares, at the discretion of the Compensation Committee.
The awards granted in 2010 will be settled in cash. We believe
that these medium-term awards serve our compensation objectives
by tying incentives to measurable corporate performance that, in
turn, creates shareholder value. Further, medium-term incentives
balance rewards for short-term and long-term results and help to
drive accountability for results. Medium-term incentives also
help to provide an attractive overall compensation package to
further our objective of recruiting and retaining our executive
In 2010, each of our named executive officers other than
Mr. Potter was granted an MTI award. These awards are paid
out in the first quarter of 2013 based on the Companys
achievement of the metrics shown in the table below over the
period ending December 31, 2012, provided that the
participant is employed on the date on which the Compensation
Committee certifies the performance results, which is expected
to occur in the first quarter of 2013. The 2010 MTI also
provides for prorated payouts in the event of a change in
control of the Company and in the event of the retirement, death
or termination other than for cause of the individual.
Mr. Potter was not included as a participant in the 2010
MTI, as he receives a higher target bonus percentage under the
2010 STI pursuant to his negotiated compensation terms as
approved by the bankruptcy court. The table below shows the
metrics, weighting of those metrics, and considerations in
evaluating achievements for the 2010 MTI.
Return on Assets
Percentage change in return on assets, as measured by
EBITDA/assets, between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012 for
the Company compared to peer companies, considering relative
change, market conditions and any special circumstances.
Cost improvements over the performance period and improvement in
the Companys position in cost benchmarks, considering size
of achievement, success in cost improvement initiatives, market
conditions, and special circumstances applicable to the Company.
Equity-Based Incentive Compensation
We have the ability to grant a variety of equity-based awards
under our 2010 Long-Term Incentive Plan, or 2010 LTI, including
restricted stock units, restricted stock, stock options and
stock appreciation rights. The restricted stock and restricted
stock units we granted in 2010 to our executives vest after five
years. We believe the long-term vesting is an appropriate
retention tool. Further, receipt of awards only after five years
of service motivates our named executive officers to act in a
manner that will increase shareholder value over time.
Restricted stock units correspond to an equal number of our
shares. At the end of the five-year vesting period for each
grant, the Company will deliver an equal number of shares.
Restricted stock units are entitled to dividend equivalents,
which are paid out based on the number of shares underlying the
units when and if the Company declares and pays dividends on its
We also granted stock options to our named executive officers in
2010. Stock options for named executive officers other than
Mr. Gallogly begin vesting two years after date of grant,
and vest in equal annual installments over three years
thereafter. We believe that time-vested awards encourage
long-term value creation and executive retention because
executives can realize value from such awards only if our share
value increases and they remain employed by us at least until
the awards vest. The terms of the stock options granted to
Mr. Gallogly are described below.
Awards granted under the 2010 LTI, unless otherwise provided in
an applicable award or employment agreement, have a
double-trigger change in control provision pursuant
to which they will vest in the event of a change in control of
the Company followed within one year by constructive termination
or involuntary termination without cause.
Mr. Galloglys employment agreement has a
single-trigger provision that provides for immediate
vesting upon a change in control, regardless of a change in his
employment status. Mr. Galloglys employment agreement
contains the only single-trigger provision in our compensation
programs. This provision was deemed necessary to recruit
Mr. Gallogly from his previous position as an executive of
ConocoPhillips, one of the largest U.S. companies and a
Fortune 10 company, given the uncertainty of the
Companys future and prospects when Mr. Gallogly
joined the Company.
In connection with the hiring of Messrs. Gallogly, Glidden
and Brown, we agreed to certain initial equity grants as soon as
practicable following our emergence from bankruptcy, which
occurred on April 30, 2010. The amounts of these awards
were determined by the Company in its consideration and
formulation of the overall compensation packages that were
offered to these individuals, using the market levels of
long-term incentive compensation included in the Towers Perrin
Database. Significantly, the initial equity grants provided for
in these executives employment agreements reflected the
Companys need to persuade these individuals to join us
during our bankruptcy case. In all cases, the individuals were
giving up substantial value at successful companies in order to
join a company that faced not only significant challenges, but
unique risks as a going concern. Additionally, because we were
in bankruptcy proceedings when these individuals were hired, the
actual grants of these awards were delayed significantly from
the dates of hire because they could not be granted until
emergence, which was not a certainty, but also were not certain
to be confirmed or approved by the bankruptcy court.
Mr. Galloglys grants included 1,771,794 restricted
shares and stock options to purchase 5,639,020 shares. The
restricted shares vest in full on May 14, 2014, subject to
earlier forfeiture upon termination of
employment as provided in Mr. Galloglys employment
agreement. The stock options have an exercise price of $17.61
per share and vest in five annual equal increments beginning on
May 14, 2010. Mr. Galloglys compensation was
based on numerous factors, including market levels included in
the Towers Perrin Database. Mr. Gallogly joined the
Company in May 2009, four months into the Companys
bankruptcy proceedings under chapter 11, as its Chief
Executive Officer. This gave rise to several unique
circumstances in determining Mr. Galloglys
compensation including, but not limited to, the fact that
Mr. Gallogly was recruited to lead the Companys
reorganization efforts not as a short-term turn-around
expert, but as an executive that could both turn-around
the Company by spearheading its emergence from bankruptcy and
provide the leadership and management required to improve
operations, sustain those improvements over the long-term and
ultimately grow the Company for the benefit of all the
Companys stakeholders.
As a result, granting Mr. Gallogly significant long-term
equity awards as provided in his employment agreement that was
approved by the bankruptcy court was viewed to be in the best
interests of the Company and its stakeholders. As described
elsewhere in this CD&A, we believe that equity awards of
the types granted to our named executive officers appropriately
incentivize our named executives to act in a manner that will
benefit shareholders and grow the long-term value of the Company.
The initial grants of equity awards made on April 30, 2010
to Messrs. Glidden and Brown as provided for in their
employment agreements included the following:
Initial Equity Award
Craig B. Glidden
Stock options to purchase 34,676 shares and 19,612
restricted stock units
Kevin W. Brown
Stock options to purchase 14,881 shares and 8,417
restricted stock units
The awards shown in the table above were part of the
compensation agreed to when we recruited Messrs. Glidden
and Brown. These awards are considered by the Company to be 2009
awards. However, as explained, they could not be granted until
our emergence from bankruptcy proceedings, which occurred in
April 2010. As a result, they are considered for SEC disclosure
purposes to be 2010 compensation. The stock options have an
exercise price of $17.61 and vest in three equal, annual
installments beginning on the second anniversary of date of
grant of April 30, 2010. The restricted stock units cliff
vest on the fifth anniversary of the date of grant of
April 30, 2010.
In addition to the grants described above, the named executive
officers shown in the table below were granted the following
equity awards on April 30, 2010, which were provided for in
their employment agreements, and which have the same terms and
conditions as those included in the above table:
Craig B. Glidden
Stock options to purchase 321,990 shares and 182,104
restricted stock units
Kevin W. Brown
Stock options to purchase 223,215 shares and 126,241
restricted stock units
Bob V. Patel
Stock options to purchase 175,596 shares and 99,310
restricted stock units
The Compensation Committee does not intend to grant its named
executive officers additional equity awards under the 2010 LTI
until 2015 other than in the case of promotions or other
extraordinary circumstances.
Mr. Potter does not participate in the 2010 LTI. As
described elsewhere in this CD&A, Mr. Potters
compensation arrangement, as approved by the bankruptcy court,
provides for a higher target bonus percentage under the 2010 STI
in lieu of medium and long term equity compensation.
In addition to the compensation described above, we provide our
named executive officers with very few perquisites or other
benefits. Those benefits include401(k) plan matching
contributions; life and disability benefits; vacation pay; and
eligibility to participate in health and welfare benefit plans,
including pension plans, available to our employees generally.
We at times make expatriation payments to employees to make them
whole when a requested relocation would adversely affect their
compensation due to different tax regimes. We may make these
types of payments to our named executive officers in future
years if the situation warrants.
The Compensation Committee recognizes the benefits to the
Company and its stakeholders of
policies for its executive officers. Under Section 954 of
the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,
the SEC has been charged with requiring stock exchanges,
including the NYSE on which our shares are listed, to prohibit
listing of securities of any company that has not developed and
implemented compensation claw-back policies. The Dodd-Frank
Acts provisions regarding claw-back policies are specific
as to what is required, although implementing regulations have
not yet been promulgated. The Compensation Committee currently
is reviewing those requirements and, in light of its
compensation programs generally, is developing such a policy.
Ownership Guidelines
The Compensation Committee has determined that share ownership
guidelines are in the best interest of its shareholders, and
intends to adopt such guidelines in advance of the vesting of
equity award grants to its named executive officers other than
Mr. Gallogly, whose stock options began vesting in 2010.
The stock option awards granted to the other named executives
begin vesting in 2012.
The Company maintains an insider trading policy that prohibits
the named executive officers from engaging in most transactions
involving the Companys shares during periods, determined
by the Company, that those executives are most likely to be
aware of material inside information. Named executive officers
must clear all of their transactions in our shares with the
Companys Corporate Secretarys office to ensure they
are not transacting in our securities during a time that they
may have material, nonpublic information.
Additionally, as a general matter, it is our policy that no
transactions that reduce or cancel the risk of an investment in
our shares, such as puts, calls and other exchange traded
derivatives, or hedging activities that allow a holder to own a
covered security without the full risks and rewards of
ownership, will be cleared. We consider it inappropriate for our
executive officers to engage in short-term speculation in our
securities based on fluctuations in the market or to engage in
other transactions in our securities that may lead to
inadvertent violations of the insider trading laws. Accordingly,
individuals subject to our Policy Prohibiting Insider Trading,
which is applicable to all executive officers, are prohibited
from purchasing, selling or writing options on our securities or
engaging in transactions in other third-party derivative
securities with respect to our securities, including puts,
calls, short sales, collars, forward sale contracts, and other
short-term purchase or sale
transactions. Transactions involving both the
purchase and sale of our securities in the open market within a
one week period are presumed to be prohibited short-term
purchase or sale transactions.
and Tax Matters
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code denies a
compensation deduction for federal income tax purposes for
certain compensation in excess of $1 million paid to
specified individuals. Performance based
compensation meeting specified standards is deductible without
regard to the $1 million cap. None of the compensation paid
or awarded to our officers or employees in 2010 was subject to
Section 162(m). Certain compensation payable to our
officers under the employment agreements currently in effect and
future payments of compensation approved by our Compensation
Committee may be in excess of what is deductible
under Section 162(m), and our Compensation Committee
reserves the right to structure future compensation of our
executive officers without regard for whether such compensation
is fully deductible if, in the committees judgment, it is
in the best interests of our company and our shareholders to do
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code generally
provides that any deferred compensation arrangement which does
not meet specific requirements regarding (i) timing of
payouts, (ii) advance election of deferrals and
(iii) restrictions on acceleration of payouts will result
in immediate taxation of any amounts deferred to the extent not
subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture. Section 409A
is broadly applicable to any form of deferred compensation other
than tax-qualified retirement plans and bona fide vacation, sick
leave, compensatory time, disability pay or death benefits, and
may apply to certain awards under our long-term incentive plans.
For example, restricted stock units and stock options may be
classified as deferred compensation for this purpose.
The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service have issued
final regulations implementing Section 409A, which
generally became effective January 1, 2009. Based on these
regulations, we have structured our compensation arrangements in
a manner that complies with or is exempt from Section 409A.
Compensation Tables
We are required to present compensation information in the
tabular formats prescribed by the SEC. This format, including
the tables column headings, may be different from the way
we describe or consider elements and components of our
compensation internally.
We believe the following information may be useful to an
understanding of the tables presented in this section. The
CD&A contains a discussion that should be read in
conjunction with the compensation tables included in this
section to gain a complete understanding of our executive
compensation philosophy, programs and decisions.
Our annual cash bonuses are earned and paid under our 2010 STI
based on the achievement of performance goals. As a result, they
are considered incentive compensation rather than bonuses for
SEC disclosure purposes and are included in the Non-Equity
Incentive Plan Compensation column of the Summary
Compensation Table, rather than the Bonus column.
As described in the CD&A, equity awards granted to the
named executive officers in 2010 include stock options,
restricted stock units, and restricted shares. The value of
stock awards included in the tables is the aggregate fair value
of the awards on the date of grant, calculated pursuant to
U.S. GAAP. Under FASB ASC 718,
Compensation Stock Compensation, we generally
recognize compensation expense based on the grant date fair
value of the awards ratably over the periods in which they are
earned, which is the vesting period. SEC disclosure rules
require us to include the aggregate grant date fair value, which
is effectively the value (for financial reporting purposes) that
may be earned over the entire life of the award. This amount is
required to be disclosed, notwithstanding that the named
executives are not entitled to the awards until they vest, and
that vesting occurs after five years in the case of restricted
shares and restricted stock units and over a period of time on a
ratable basis in the case of stock options.
The values included in the tables are neither guarantees of
performance by the Company nor compensation that may be earned
by or paid to the executives. However, the required inclusion of
the aggregate amounts the named executives may receive in the
future may be helpful to readers, as it provides an
understanding of the named executives potential
compensation over time, using the value as of the date of grant.
In March 2011, we made annual incentive award payments under the
2010 STI to the named executives, as disclosed in the Summary
Compensation Table. Notwithstanding that the awards have been
earned and paid, we are required to include the threshold,
target and maximum dollar amounts that could have been paid for
2010 performance in the Estimated Possible Payouts Under
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards, in the Grant of
Plan-Based Awards in 2010 table. This disclosure enables
readers to compare the amounts actually earned, as disclosed in
the Summary Compensation Table, to the named executives
possible payments under the awards.
Although we consider all of our equity awards to be a form of
incentive compensation because their value will increase as the
market value of our shares increases, only awards with
performance criteria are considered equity incentive plan
awards for SEC disclosure purposes. As a result, none of
our equity awards have been included as Equity Incentive
Plan Awards in the Outstanding Equity Awards at
December 31, 2010 table. Restricted stock units, restricted
shares and stock options are disclosed in other tables, as
Under the SECs disclosure rules, to the extent
compensation tables would have no values in them because they
are inapplicable to the Company, they may be excluded. The
Company has not included (i) an Option Exercises and Stock
Vested table, as no named executive officer exercised stock
options or vested in any stock awards (other than stock options)
in 2010 or (ii) a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation table,
as the Company does not currently maintain a nonqualified
deferred compensation plan.
Compensation Table
Change in
Incentive Plan
Name and Principal
James L. Gallogly
Chief Executive Officer
C. Kent Potter
Executive Vice President &
Chief Financial Officer
Craig B. Glidden
Executive Vice President &
Chief Legal Officer
Kevin W. Brown
Senior Vice President
Refining & Oxyfuels
Bhavesh V. (Bob) Patel
Senior Vice President
(1) |
All amounts are in U.S. dollars. Mr. Gallogly
commenced employment with us in May 2009; Messrs. Potter
and Glidden commenced employment in August 2009; Mr. Brown
commenced employment October 2009; and Mr. Patel commenced
employment in March 2010. Amounts shown in the salary column in
2009 are for the period of time each of the executives performed
services for us. |
(2) |
Amounts include (a) signing bonuses paid to
Messrs. Gallogly, Potter, Glidden and Brown in 2009 in the
amount of $2,500,000, $500,000, $1,066,000 and $1,000,000,
respectively, and $670,386 to Mr. Patel in 2010 and
(b) guaranteed annual cash bonuses for 2009, negotiated at
the time of hiring of each of Messrs. Gallogly, Potter,
Glidden and Brown, in the amounts of $1,846,154, $296,154,
$169,470 and $75,000, respectively. The signing bonuses
generally were intended to compensate the named executives for
earned but not yet paid incentive payments they forfeited when
they left their prior employments. Additionally, in the case of
Mr. Patel, a portion of his signing bonus was to compensate
him for reimbursement payments he was obligated to make to his
prior employer for repatriation costs as a result of an
intercontinental relocation in the amount of $170,386. |
(3) |
Mr. Galloglys stock awards includes 1,771,794
restricted shares, granted pursuant to the 2010 LTI. The shares
vest in full on May 14, 2014, subject to earlier
forfeiture. Pursuant to his employment agreement,
Mr. Gallogly was entitled to receive restricted shares
valued at $25 million, using a share price of $14.11 as
provided in the Companys Plan of Reorganization as
approved by the bankruptcy court. The value shown in the table
is the aggregate grant date fair value when the shares were
ultimately issued on |
April 30, 2010, at which time the fair value was higher
than $14.11. The other executives stock awards include
restricted stock units, granted pursuant to the 2010 LTI, which
entitle the recipient to an equal number of shares upon vesting.
The executives restricted stock units vest in full on
April 30, 2015, subject to earlier forfeiture. Amounts
included in the table are the aggregate grant date fair value of
the awards calculated in accordance with ASC 718. See
Note 19 to the Companys Consolidated Financial
Statements in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010 for a discussion of
the calculation of the fair value of the awards. |
(4) |
Amounts shown are the aggregate grant date fair values,
calculated in accordance with ASC 718. The fair values of
stock options were estimated at their grant dates using the
Black-Scholes option-pricing model. We use the Black-Scholes
formula to calculate an assumed value of the options for
compensation expense purposes; because the formula uses
assumptions, the fair values calculated are not necessarily
indicative of the actual values of the stock options. The
assumptions used for Mr. Galloglys stock options were
a dividend yield of 0%; a risk-free interest rate of 2.44%; an
expected life of 4.5 years; and a stock price volatility of
47%. The assumptions used for the other stock options were a
dividend yield of 0%; a risk-free interest rate of 3.25%; an
expected life of 6.5 years; and a stock price volatility of
47%. See Note 19 to the Companys Consolidated
Financial Statements in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010 for a discussion of
the calculation of the fair value of the awards. |
(5) |
Amounts include annual incentive award payments under our 2010
STI for service during 2010. |
(6) |
Amounts include increases during 2010 in the actuarial present
values of the LyondellBasell Retirement Plan. The increases are
calculated based on the difference between the total benefit
actuarially reduced from age 65 to current age and the
present value of the benefits under the plan. See the Pension
Benefits table on page 40 for more information. |
(7) |
Amounts included in All Other Compensation for 2010
include the following: 401(k) matching contributions of $14,700
for Mr. Gallogly; $14,700 for Mr. Potter; $8,192 for
Mr. Brown; and $9,498 for Mr. Patel. Amounts shown for
Mr. Patel also include $17,067 of relocation expenses
incurred in connection with his relocation to The Netherlands
and $125 for insurance premiums. |
Grant of
Plan-Based Awards in 2010
All Other
All Other
Estimated Future Payouts
Number of
Number of
Under Non-Equity Incentive
Shares of
or Base
Plan Awards(2)
Stock or
Price of
Awards ($)
James L. Gallogly
C. Kent Potter
Craig B. Glidden
Kevin W. Brown
Bob Patel
(1) |
The grant date for all equity awards is April 30, 2010 the
date of our emergence from bankruptcy proceedings, which is the
date on which 2010 LTI became effective. |
(2) |
The awards shown are (i) the estimated possible payouts of
the executives annual incentive awards under the 2010 STI
for performance in 2010 and (ii) the estimated future
payments of the 2010 MTI awards after the three year performance
period ending December 31, 2012. Actual payouts of the
annual incentive awards for 2010 are shown in the Summary
Compensation Table under the column Non-Equity Incentive
Plan Compensation. The named executives target
incentive awards are a percentage of base salary, provided for
in their employment agreements. The maximum shown in the table
is the maximum amount that can be earned under the terms of the
2010 STI, which is 300% of target, other than for
Mr. Gallogly, whose employment agreement limits his maximum
award to 200% of his salary. As described in the CD&A
section of this proxy statement, there is no minimum performance
requirement for a threshold payment. Instead, each performance
criteria is assessed and weighted, which can result in a payment
of zero with respect to any particular performance criterion.
The 2010 MTI awards are earned over a three-year performance
period ending December 31, 2012, with payouts, if any, in
the first quarter of 2013. As described in the CD&A, there
are no minimum performance requirements for a threshold payment.
Each performance criteria is assessed and weighted, which can
result in a payment of 0 to 200% of the target award. |
(3) |
Represents awards granted under our 2010 LTI.
Mr. Galloglys stock award represents restricted
shares that vest in full on May 14, 2014. The other named
executives awards represent restricted stock units, which
represent the right to receive an equal number of our shares on
the date of vesting, which is April 30, 2015 for all
restricted stock awards disclosed. |
(4) |
Represents stock options granted on April 30, 2010. The
exercise price is equal to the reorganized value at the date of
emergence and approved by the bankruptcy court in connection
with out emergence from chapter 11 proceedings.
Mr. Galloglys options vest in five annual
installments beginning May 14, 2010. The other named
executives awards vest over a three year period beginning
April 30, 2012, the second anniversary of the date of grant. |
Equity Awards at December 31, 2010
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Number of
Value of
Shares or
Shares or
Units of Stock
Units of Stock
That Have
That Have
Not Vested
Not Vested
Price ($)
James L. Gallogly
C. Kent Potter
Craig B. Glidden
Kevin W. Brown
Bob Patel
(1) |
Mr. Galloglys options vest in five equal annual
increments beginning on May 14, 2010 and expire on
April 30, 2017. The other named executives options
vest in three equal annual increments beginning on the second
anniversary of date of grant of April 30, 2010 and expire
on April 30, 2020. |
(2) |
Includes Mr. Galloglys restricted shares that vest in
full on May 14, 2014, subject to earlier forfeiture. Each
of the other executives amounts include restricted stock
units that vest in full on April 30, 2015, subject to
earlier forfeiture. |
(3) |
Dollar values are based on the closing price of $34.40 of the
Companys shares on the New York Stock Exchange on
December 31, 2010. |
Number of
Present Value of
During Last
Fiscal Year
Plan Name
Benefit ($)
James L. Gallogly
LyondellBasell Retirement Plan
C. Kent Potter
LyondellBasell Retirement Plan
Craig B. Glidden
LyondellBasell Retirement Plan
Kevin W. Brown
LyondellBasell Retirement Plan
Bob V. Patel
LyondellBasell Retirement Plan
(1) |
The amounts shown in the table are the actuarial present value
of each participants accumulated benefits as of
December 31, 2010, calculated on the same basis as used in
Note 18 to our Consolidated Financial Statements in our
Annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010, with the exception
that each participant was assumed to continue to be actively
employed by us until age 65 (earliest unreduced retirement
age) and immediately commence his benefit at that time. |
The LyondellBasell Retirement Plan is a U.S. qualified
defined benefit pension plan that provides pension benefits
under a cash balance formula that defines participants
accrued benefits in terms of a notional cash account balance.
Eligible employees become participants immediately upon
employment and are fully vested upon the earliest of
(i) three years of service, (ii) death, or
(iii) reaching age 65. The notional account balance
for each participant comprises a pay credit of 5% and interest
credits, each of which are accumulated at the end of each
quarter. Pay credits are based on quarterly base pay, as limited
by the IRS and interest credits are based on the 5th, 4th and
3rd monthly-determined 30 year treasury rates before the
start of that quarter. Benefits under the plan are payable upon
separation from the Company.
Payments upon Termination or
The Companys compensation plans and programs contain
general provisions for payments to participants upon termination
of employment or in the event of a change-in-control. Under the
2010 STI, participants receive a pro-rated payment in the event
of termination other than for cause or because of death or
disability. Under the 2010 MTI, participants receive pro-rated
payments of their awards in the event of termination of
employment not for cause, because of a death or disability and
in the event of a
Under the 2010 LTI, participants vest in a pro-rated portion of
their awards in the event of termination of employment not for
cause or because of a death or disability. In the event of a
followed within one year by termination not for cause,
participants in the 2010 LTI will receive immediate and full
vesting of their awards. As discussed below,
Mr. Galloglys employment agreement provides for
different provisions upon changes-in-control.
The Company has entered into employment agreements with each of
the named executive officers, other than Mr. Potter. These
agreements contain provisions regarding consideration payable to
the executives upon termination of employment that are in
addition to the payments available to employees generally. Each
of the agreements also contains post-termination restrictive
covenants, including non-solicitation and non-interference
covenants, which last for one year after termination.
Only Mr. Galloglys employment agreement provides for
a benefit in the event of a change-in-control. We believe the
change-in-control protections included in
Mr. Galloglys agreement are appropriate, particularly
given that they were included in part as a means to recruit
Mr. Gallogly while the Company was in bankruptcy
proceedings. The protections afforded also allow
Mr. Gallogly to focus on Company performance and the
creation of shareholder value through a possible change in
control situation. Finally, we believe the
protections ensure impartiality and objectivity by
Mr. Gallogly and enhance the interest of our shareholders.
In the event of a
Mr. Gallogly will fully vest in any previously awarded
stock options and restricted shares, and the stock options will
remain exercisable through their term.
To the extent not addressed in the employment agreements,
payments to the named executive upon termination of employment
or in the event of a
will be in accordance with the plans and policies applicable to
employees generally. We do not provide
payments for any taxes that may be due under Section 4999
of the Internal Revenue Code.
We enter into employment agreements with our executive officers
based on competitive market practices and because they provide a
form of protection for the Company through restrictive covenant
provisions. They also provide the executive a sense of security
and trust that they will be treated fairly in the event of a
termination not for cause.
The terms Cause, Good Reason, and
as used in the table below are defined in the executives
employment agreements and have the meanings generally described
below. You should refer to the individual agreements for the
actual definitions.
Cause generally means the executive has:
continuously failed to substantially perform his duties in a
material deterioration in the financial condition of the Company;
engaged in fraud or embezzlement against the Company;
engaged in willful malfeasance or gross negligence in the
performance of his duties that results in material harm to the
been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude;
intentionally and materially harmed the Company; or
breached the covenants contained in his agreement.
Good Reason generally means that, without the
executives consent:
his duties or responsibilities have been substantially
any material reduction in the minimum compensation set forth in
his agreement;
the Company has breached his employment agreement; or
he has been reassigned to a location more than twenty-five
(25) miles away (for Messrs. Gallogly and Glidden
generally means that:
at least fifty percent (50%) of the Companys capital stock
or voting power has been acquired by one person or persons
acting as a group that was not or were not the holder of ten
percent (10%) thereof at April 30, 2010;
the majority of the Board of Directors consists of individuals
other than those serving as of April 30, 2010 or those that
were not elected with the approval of at least a majority of
those directors;
there has been a merger of the Company that resulted in a person
or persons acting as a group (that was not a holder of at least
ten percent (10%) at April 30, 2010) acquiring fifty
percent (50%) or more of the Companys voting
securities; or
the Company sells all or substantially all of its assets.
The following tables represent potential payouts to our named
executives upon termination of employment pursuant to the terms
of their employment agreements. These payouts are determined for
SEC disclosure purposes and are not necessarily indicative of
the actual amounts the executive would receive. The payout for
continuation of health and welfare benefits is an estimate of
the cost the Company would incur to continue those benefits.
Each of Messrs. Glidden, Brown and Patel would be required
to execute a release in favor of the Company in order to receive
their payments.
Consideration upon Termination of Employment:
James L. Gallogly
Triggering Event
Compensation Component
Payout ($)
Death or Disability
Accrued but unpaid base salary and bonus
Full maximum bonus, pro rated to date of
termination, paid in a lump sum
Accelerated vesting of restricted
Accelerated vesting of stock options(2)
Termination Without Cause by the Company or For Good Reason
by the Employee
Accrued but unpaid base salary and bonus
One years base salary plus
full maximum bonus, paid in a lump sum
Continued coverage under health and
welfare benefit plans for twelve (12) months
Accelerated vesting of restricted
Accelerated vesting of stock options(2)
Termination by Mutual Consent
Accrued but unpaid base salary and bonus
Continued coverage under health and
welfare benefit plans for twelve (12) months
Continued vesting of pro-rated portion
of restricted stock(3)
Accelerated vesting of pro-rated portion
of next installment of stock options(4)
Craig B. Glidden
Triggering Event
Compensation Component
Payout ($)
Termination Without Cause by the Company or For Good Reason
by the Employee
Accrued but unpaid base salary and bonus
One years base salary plus target
bonus, paid in a lump sum
Kevin W. Brown
Triggering Event
Compensation Component
Payout ($)
Termination Without Cause by the Company or For Good Reason
by the Employee
Accrued but unpaid base salary and bonus
One years base salary plus target
bonus, paid in a lump sum
Bob V. Patel
Triggering Event
Compensation Component
Payout ($)
Termination Without Cause by the Company or For Good Reason
by the Employee
Accrued but unpaid base salary and bonus
One years base salary plus target
bonus, paid in a lump sum
Cash payment equal to twelve
(12) months COBRA
(1) |
The accelerated vesting of Mr. Galloglys restricted
shares was calculated based on the number of shares that would
vest, multiplied by $34.40, the closing price of the
Companys shares on the NYSE on December 31, 2010. |
(2) |
The accelerated vesting of stock options is calculated based on
the difference between the exercise price of the stock options
and $34.40, multiplied by the number of shares. As a result, the
amount included in the table is the spread on the
options on December 31, 2010. |
(3) |
The value of the continued vesting of the pro-rated portion of
restricted shares is based on the $34.40 share price,
multiplied by the number of shares that continue to vest. |
Consideration Upon
Assuming a
had occurred on December 31, 2010, the vesting of all of
Mr. Galloglys equity awards would be accelerated and
his options would remain exercisable through the end of their
term. Using the closing price of the Companys shares on
December 31, 2010, this would result in consideration of
$60,949,714 related to the vesting of the restricted shares and
$75,743,317 related to the vesting of his otherwise unvested
stock options. The consideration related to the restricted
shares is based on the number of shares multiplied by the
closing price of the shares on December 31, 2010. The
consideration related to the stock options was calculated based
on the difference between the exercise price of the options and
the closing price of our shares on December 31, 2010,
multiplied by the number of shares underlying the options.
There can be no assurances as to what the trading price of the
Companys shares would be at any possible date of
termination of Mr. Galloglys employment or
change-in-control. For these reasons, as described above, the
calculations are not indicative of what Mr. Gallogly may
ultimately receive if his employment were terminated or if a
change-in-control occurred.
(Item 4 on the Proxy Card)
At the Annual Meeting, you will be asked to adopt our Dutch
statutory annual accounts for the year ended December 31,
2010 (the Annual Accounts), as required under Dutch
law and our Articles of Association.
Our Annual Accounts are prepared in accordance with
international financial reporting standards (IFRS)
and Dutch law. The Annual Accounts contain certain disclosures
not required under generally accepted accounting principles in
the United States (US GAAP) and there are difference
between IFRS and US GAAP. A copy of the Annual Accounts can be
accessed through our website,, and
may be obtained free of charge by request to our administrative
c/o Lyondell
Chemical Company, 1221 McKinney St., Suite 700,
Houston, TX 77010 Attn: Secretary to the Supervisory Board.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the
Annual Meeting is required to adopt our Annual Accounts.
The Supervisory Board recommends that you vote FOR the
adoption of our Annual Accounts.
(Item 5 on the Proxy Card)
Under Dutch law, at the Annual Meeting shareholders may
discharge the members of the Management Board from liability to
the Company in respect of the exercise of their management
duties during the financial year concerned. During 2010, the
sole member of the Management Board was James L. Gallogly. The
discharge does not affect any potential liability pursuant to
the provisions of the law of The Netherlands relating to
liability upon bankruptcy and does not extend to matters that
have not been disclosed to shareholders.
It is proposed that the shareholders resolve to discharge
Mr. Gallogly, the sole member of the Management Board from
liability in respect of the exercise of his management duties
during 2010.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the
Annual Meeting is required to so discharge the Management Board.
The Supervisory Board recommends that you vote FOR the
discharge from liability of the sole member of the Management
Board from liability for 2010.
(Item 6 on the Proxy Card)
Under Dutch law, at the Annual Meeting shareholders may
discharge the members of the Supervisory Board from liability to
the Company in respect of the exercise of their supervisory
duties during the financial year concerned. This discharge also
does not affect any potential liability under the provisions of
the law of The Netherlands relating to liability upon bankruptcy
and does not extend to matters not disclosed to shareholders.
It is proposed that the shareholders resolve to discharge the
members of the Supervisory Board from liability in respect of
the exercise of their supervisory duties during 2010.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the
Annual Meeting is required to so discharge the Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board recommends that you vote FOR the
discharge from liability of the members of the Supervisory Board
from liability for 2010.
(Item 7 on the Proxy Card)
The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board has recommended
that PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) be appointed
as our independent registered public accounting firm for the
year ending December 31, 2011. PwC has acted as our
independent registered public accounting firm since 2008, and
was the independent registered public accounting firm of
Lyondell Chemical Company, our wholly-owned subsidiary, since
1998. Representatives of PwC are expected to be present at the
Annual Meeting. They will have an opportunity to make a
statement, if they desire, and are expected to be available to
respond to appropriate questions.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the
Annual Meeting is required to appoint PwC as our independent
registered public accounting firm who will audit our accounts
for the year ending December 31, 2011.
The Supervisory Board recommends that you vote FOR the
appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm for the year ending
December 31, 2011.
Registered Public Accounting Firm Fee Information
Fees for professional services provided by our independent
registered public accounting firm in each of the last two fiscal
years, in each of the following categories, were as follows:
(In millions)
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Audit fees consist of the aggregate fees and expenses billed or
expected to be billed for professional services rendered by PwC
for the audit of our consolidated financial statements, the
review of financial statements included in our
Form 10-Qs
and for services that are normally provided by the independent
auditor in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or
engagements for those fiscal years. As a result of the
Companys emergence from bankruptcy proceedings on
April 30, 2010, the Company was required to obtain audits
for the predecessor period from January 1, 2010 through
April 30, 2010 as well as for the successor period from
May 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.
Audit-related fees consist of the aggregate fees billed for
assurance and related services by PwC that are reasonably
related to the performance of the audit or review of the
financial statements. This category includes fees related to:
the performance of audits of benefit plans;
or expanded audit procedures relating to accounting records
required to respond to or comply with financial, accounting or
regulatory reporting matters; and consultations as to the
accounting or disclosure treatment of transactions or events
and/or the
actual or potential impact of final or proposed rules, standards
or interpretations by regulatory or standard setting bodies.
The Audit Committee has adopted procedures for the approval of
PwCs services and related fees. At the beginning of each
year, all audit and audit-related services, tax fees and other
fees for the upcoming audit are provided to the Audit Committee
for approval. The services are grouped into significant
categories and provided to the Audit Committee substantially in
the format shown above.
The Audit Committee is updated on the status of all services and
related fees at every regular meeting. In 2010 and 2009, the
Audit Committee pre-approved all audit, audit-related and tax
services performed by PwC.
As set forth in the Audit Committee Report on page 8, the
Audit Committee has considered whether the provision of these
non-audit services is compatible with maintaining auditor
independence and has determined that they are.
(Item 8 on the Proxy Card)
Under our Articles of Association, the shareholders determine
the compensation of Supervisory Directors for service in their
capacities as Supervisory Directors, including changes to their
compensation. Shareholders previously approved an aggregate of
$2.5 million, consisting of $1.5 million cash
retainers and fees and $1 million in values of restricted
stock, to be allocated to the Supervisory Directors in the
discretion of the Supervisory Board.
As described beginning on page 13 of this proxy statement,
the allocation of the aggregate amounts approved by shareholders
for our directors compensation in 2010 was as set forth in
the following table. On the recommendation of the
Nominating & Governance Committee, the Supervisory
Board is proposing the same
compensation program for Supervisory Directors for fiscal year
2011. The Supervisory Board proposes that shareholders approve
the following compensation program for directors.
Annual Retainer
$60,000 ($80,000 for Chairman of the Board)
Valued at $120,000 ($150,000 for Chairman of the Board)
Board Meeting Fees
Intercontinental Travel
$12,500 for each meeting attended
Continental Travel
$2,000 for each meeting attended
Committee Fees
$10,000 ($11,000 for Audit Committee)
$15,000 ($20,000 for Audit Chair)
We also intend to reimburse directors for their reasonable fees
and expenses incurred in serving on our Supervisory Board, such
as travel and lodging. The Company also provides tax assistance
to the members of the Supervisory Board as a result of several
of our directors being U.S. taxpayers, while income is
earned in The Netherlands.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the
Annual Meeting is required to adopt the proposal to establish
the compensation of the members of the Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR
the proposal to approve the compensation of the Supervisory
Board directors as set forth above.
(Item 9 on the Proxy Card)
The Supervisory Board is proposing that several ministerial
amendments to our Articles of Association be made. As a result
of certain changes in Dutch law; our listing on the NYSE; and
the automatic conversion, as provided for in our Articles, of
class B shares on a
bases into class A shares on December 6, 2010, several
provisions in our Articles are no longer applicable or relevant.
In the interest of having our governance documents be accurate
and correct all times, as well as our desire for our governing
documents to be transparent, the Supervisory Board has proposed
that the shareholders approve certain amendments to the Articles
of Association. The amendments, which are outlined below, do not
affect the rights of shareholders.
Deletion of references to class B shares and provisions
relating to conversion of class B shares, all of which were
either converted at the option of the holder up to
December 6, 2010, on which date any remaining class B
shares automatically converted to class A shares;
Deletion to transitional provisions, which were only effective
before our listing on the New York Stock Exchange, and
references thereto; and
Revisions to conform with new laws which came into force
relating to convening of shareholders meetings of Dutch
companies and certain other procedural matters.
If this proposal is approved by shareholders, it will be
affected by the execution of a notarial deed of amendment of our
Articles by a Dutch public notary, following the receipt of a
certificate of no objection from the Dutch Ministry of Justice
in The Netherlands.
A copy of the restated Articles marked to show all changes
proposed under this proposal against the current Articles is
attached as Appendix A to this proxy statement, with
proposed deletions indicated by strikeout and proposed additions
indicated by underline. The above descriptions of the current
provisions of the Articles of Association are qualified in their
entirety by reference to the actual text as set forth in
Appendix A.
Approval of this proposal includes the granting of authority to
each member of the Supervisory Board as well as to each (deputy)
civil law notary and notarial assistant employed at the offices
of Clifford Chance LLP in Amsterdam to (i) apply for the
required ministerial declaration of no objection to the draft
deed of conversion and amendment of the Articles, (ii) to
make any amendments of a technical nature deemed necessary or
appropriate to the extent that such amendments do not alter the
content of the proposed amendment, (iii) to have the deed
of conversion and amendment of the Articles of Association
executed, (iv) to make any necessary registrations with the
Commercial Register, and (v) to do everything as they may
determine to be appropriate in connection with the proposed
amendment of the Articles.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the
Annual Meeting is required to approve amendments to the
Companys Articles of Association.
The Supervisory Board recommends that you vote FOR the
approval of the amendment and restatement of the Companys
Articles of Association.
Under the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, we are required to
provide shareholders with an opportunity at our Annual Meeting
to discuss our dividend policy and any major changes in that
Pursuant to our Articles of Association, the Management Board,
with the approval of the Supervisory Board, may determine that
an amount shall be reserved out of our annual profits. The
portion of our annual profits that remains after such
reservation is at the disposal of the general meeting of
shareholders. Out of our share premium reserve and other
reserves available for shareholder distributions under the laws
of The Netherlands, the general meeting of shareholders may
declare distributions upon the proposal of the Management Board
(after approval by the Supervisory Board). We may not pay
dividends if the payment would reduce shareholders equity
below the aggregate nominal value of our common shares
outstanding, plus the reserves required to be maintained
pursuant to Dutch law or our Articles of Association. The
Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board,
may in any year distribute one or more interim dividends in
anticipation of the final dividend for that year.
LyondellBasell has not paid dividends to its shareholders. The
Supervisory Board believes that, given the Companys strong
capital and results of operation in 2010, it is appropriate to
begin returning capital to shareholders. The Companys
current dividend policy is an intention to pay dividends to the
holders of common shares, to the extent and as long as the cash
flow and capital position of the Company support such payments.
The cash flow is determined by, among other things, the ability
of our operating companies to pay out dividends to us, while
maintaining their own strong capitalization.
Under Dutch law and our Articles of Association, the Management
Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, may declare
interim dividends. It is the intent of the Management Board and
Supervisory Board to pay dividends on a quarterly basis, to the
extent our accounts allow such payments. The interim dividends
paid in 2011 and in 2012 prior to the 2012 Annual General
Meeting will be in anticipation of the final dividend to be
approved at the 2012 Annual General Meeting based on the
Companys 2011 Annual Accounts.
The determination any such quarterly dividends will be made
after a review of the Companys interim statements of
assets throughout the year.
(Item 10 on the Proxy Card)
It is proposed to distribute $0.10 per share in cash to all
shareholders of record as of a date to be determined by the
Management Board in the second quarter of 2011.
The dividend payment to holders of ordinary shares will be
charged to the results for 2010. The dividend attributable to
holders of shares will be made payable, subject to statutory
dividend tax being withheld, on the date declared by the
Management Board.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the
Annual Meeting is required to approve the payment of the
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR
the proposal to approve the authorization of the Management
Board to pay dividends as set forth above.
(Item 11 on the Proxy Card)
Our Supervisory Board proposes that shareholders provide
advisory (non-binding) approval of the compensation of our named
executive officers, as disclosed in this proxy statement. We
recognize the interest our shareholders have in the compensation
of our executives and we are providing this advisory proposal in
recognition of that interest and as required by SEC rules.
As described in detail under the heading Compensation
Discussion and Analysis, our named executive officer
compensation program is designed to attract, motivate, and
retain our named executive officers, who are critical to our
success, and ensure alignment of such persons with shareholders.
Our named executive officers are rewarded for their service to
the Company, the achievement of performance goals and the
realization of increased shareholder value. The Compensation
Committee regularly reviews the compensation programs for our
named executive officers to ensure the fulfillment of our
compensation philosophy and goals.
Please read the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis, beginning on page 32, and the named
executive officer compensation tables, beginning on
page 44, for additional details about our named executive
officer compensation program.
We are asking our shareholders to indicate their support for our
named executive officer compensation as described in this proxy
statement. This vote is not intended to address any specific
item of compensation, but rather the overall compensation of our
named executive officers and the philosophy, policies and
practices described in this proxy statement. Accordingly, we
will ask our stockholders to vote FOR the following
resolution at the Annual Meeting:
RESOLVED, that the Companys shareholders approve, on
an advisory basis, the compensation of the named executive
officers, as disclosed in the Companys Proxy Statement for
the 2011 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders pursuant to the
compensation disclosure rules of the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis,
the Summary Compensation Table and the other related tables and
vote is advisory, and therefore not binding on the Company, the
Compensation Committee or the Supervisory Board. We value the
opinions of our shareholders and to the extent there is any
significant vote against the named executive officer
compensation as disclosed in this proxy statement, the
Compensation Committee will evaluate whether any actions are
Advisory votes against the named executive officer compensation
will not necessarily communicate to the Company, the Supervisory
Board or the Compensation Committee the concerns that caused
such votes. We would like to consider our shareholders
concerns, if any, on these matters and therefore give
shareholders the opportunity to communicate with us regarding
their views on the Companys executive compensation
programs, among other matters, as described on page 2 of
this proxy statement.
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR
the resolution to approve the compensation of the Companys
named executive officers on an advisory basis.
(Item 12 on the Proxy Card)
In addition to the advisory approval of our executive
compensation program, we are also seeking a non-binding
determination from our shareholders as to the frequency with
which they would have an opportunity to provide an advisory
approval of our executive compensation program.
The Supervisory Board is aware of and has taken into account
views that some have expressed in support of conducting an
annual advisory vote on executive compensation. We are aware
that many believe that annual advisory votes will enhance or
reinforce accountability. The Supervisory Board agrees with
these views and is recommending shareholders
The advisory vote on the frequency of the advisory approval of
executive compensation is not an approval or disapproval the
Supervisory Boards recommendation. Shareholders may cast
their votes on their preferred voting frequency by choosing the
option of one year, two years, three years or abstain from
The voting frequency receiving the most number of votes cast at
the Annual Meeting will be the frequency determined by
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR a
one year, or annual, advisory approval of executive
Any proposal of a shareholder intended to be presented at the
2012 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders must be received at
our principal executive offices no later than November 24,
2011 if the proposal is to be considered for inclusion in our
proxy statement relating to such meeting, without prejudice to
the shareholders rights to cause a general meeting of
shareholders to be convened under article 18.8 of our
Articles of Association and without prejudice to
shareholders rights under Dutch law to cause certain items
to be placed on the agenda for Annual Meetings. Under SEC rules
and regulations, shareholders wishing to have proposals
considered for inclusion in our proxy statement for the 2012
meeting must have been the registered or beneficial owner of
(a) at least 1% of our outstanding shares or (b) that
number of our shares having a market value of at least $2,000
for at least one year before submitting the proposal. The
shareholder must also continue to own the shares through the
date of the 2012 Annual General Meeting.
Informal translation in the English
language of the substance of the draft articles of association
of LyondellBasell Industries N.V. in
the Dutch language. In this translation an attempt has been made
to be as literal as possible, without jeopardising the
continuity. Inevitably, differences may occur in the
translation, and if so, the Dutch text will govern.
In these articles of association the following expressions shall
have the following meanings:
an Accountant: a register-accountant
or other expert referred to in section 2:393 Dutch Civil
Code (DCC), or an organisation within which
such accountants cooperate.
the Annual Accounts: the balance sheet and
the profit and loss account including the explanatory notes;
the CEO the Chief Executive Officer of the
the Class B Liquidation
Preference ten dollars and sixty-one cents (USD 10.61)
per class B ordinary share, subject to adjustments for any
stock splits or stock combinations;
Closing Price means, as of any date,
the last reported per share sales price of a share of
class B ordinary shares on such date (or, if no last
reported sale price is reported, the average of the bid and ask
prices or, if more than one in either case, the average of the
average bid and the average ask prices on such date) as reported
on the New York Stock Exchange, or if the class B ordinary
shares are not listed on the New York Stock Exchange, as
reported by the principal national or regional securities
exchange or quotation system on which the class B ordinary
shares are then listed or quoted, or if the class B
ordinary shares are not so listed or reported, as reported on
the OTC Bulletin Board or, if not so listed or reported, as
reported in the pink sheets published by Pink OTC
Markets, Inc. (or similar organization or agency succeeding to
its functions of reporting prices); provided,
however, that in the absence of such quotations, the
Closing Price for the class B ordinary shares shall be the
Closing Price (similarly determined in the manner set forth in
this definition) of the class A ordinary shares, and in the
absence of such quotations, the Closing Price for the
class B ordinary shares will be determined by the
supervisory board in good faith.
the Company: the company governed by these
articles of association;
a Deemed Liquidation: the voluntary
or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
subsidiaries of the Company whose assets constitute all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company and its
subsidiaries taken as a whole;
the Distributable Part of the Shareholders
Equity: the part of the shareholders equity
exceeding the issued share capital plus the reserves which must
be maintained by law;
a legible and reproducible message sent by electronic means of
communication; and
a Liquidation: the voluntary or involuntary
liquidation, dissolution or winding up
(ontbinding) of the Company;
the Liquidation Preference Expiration
Date: the first date upon which the Closing Price
exceeds two hundred percent (200%) of the Class B
Liquidation Preference, for at least forty-five
(45) trading days within a period of sixty
(60) consecutive trading days; provided however, that the
Closing Price must exceed such threshold on both the first and
last day of the sixty (60) day period.
1.2 |
In addition, unless the content requires otherwise, the
expression written or in
writing shall include
The name of the Company is: LYONDELLBASELL INDUSTRIES N.V.
The seat (statutaire zetel) of the Company is in
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The objects of the Company are:
to incorporate, to participate in any manner whatsoever, to
manage, to supervise, to cooperate with, to acquire, to
maintain, to dispose of, to transfer or to administer in any
other manner whatsoever all sorts of participations and
interests in businesses and companies;
to borrow, to lend and to raise funds, including the issue of
bonds, promissory notes or other securities in the widest sense
of the word;
to grant guarantees and to grant securities over the assets of
the Company for the benefit of companies and enterprises with
which the Company forms a group and for the benefit of third
to acquire, to administer, to operate, to encumber, to dispose
of and to transfer moveable assets and real property and any
right to or interest therein;
to advise and to render services to enterprises of any nature;
to carry out all sorts of industrial, financial and commercial
activities, including manufacturing, the import, export,
purchase, sale, distribution and marketing of products and raw
and all matters associated with the foregoing, related or
conducive thereto, with the objects to be given their most
expansive interpretation.
The authorised capital amounts to fifty-one million euro (EUR
51,000,000.00) and is divided into one billion two hundred
seventy-five million
class A ordinary shares of four eurocent
(EUR 0.04) each and two hundred seventy-five million
(275,000,000) class B ordinary shares of four eurocent (EUR
0.04) each. The composition of the authorised capital may change
pursuant to the conversion of shares as set out in
article 5.7, so that the number of class A ordinary
shares in the authorised capital is increased by the number of
class B ordinary shares being converted into class A
ordinary shares, while the number of class B ordinary
shares in the authorised capital is decreased by that same
number of shares, taking into account that as soon as all issued
class B ordinary shares have been converted into
class A ordinary shares, any remaining class B
ordinary shares in the authorized share capital of the Company
will be converted into class A ordinary shares so that
there shall no longer be any class B ordinary shares in the
authorized share capital of the Company.
The class A ordinary shares shall be
numbered consecutively from A-1
onwards, the class B ordinary shares shall be
numbered consecutively from B-1 onwards.
References in these articles of association to
shares and shareholders shall include
both classes of ordinary shares and the holders of those
ordinary shares, except where the context requires
Any amounts paid up on shares of any class in excess of the
nominal value of such shares shall be
added to the general share premium reserve attached to all
issued ordinary shares.
As long as class B ordinary shares are issued and
outstanding, any stock split, stock dividend, stock combination
or similar transaction, can only be resolved by the general
meeting of shareholders if such stock split, stock dividend,
stock combination or similar transaction is performed equally
and simultaneously both for class A ordinary shares and
class B ordinary shares.
Shares will be issued pursuant to a resolution of the
supervisory board, which resolution will set forth the
number of shares to be issued, the person to whom such shares
will be issued, the price for each share and the other pertinent
terms of issuance. The issue of a registered share, not
being a share as referred to in section 2:86c DCC, will
require an instrument intended for such purpose executed before
a civil law notary in the Netherlands.
The designation of the supervisory board as being the body
competent to issue shares shall be valid for a period of five
years starting on the thirtieth day of April two thousand ten
and ending on the thirtieth day of April two thousand fifteen
(unless this period is extended in accordance with
article 5.3) and shall include the authority to issue
twenty percent of the authorised capital from time to time,
provided that the conversion of shares in accordance with
article 5.7 or article 10.6 shall be excluded
from this limitation.
The designation of the supervisory board as being the body
competent to issue shares may, subject to article 5.4, by
these articles of association or, on the proposal of the
management board, by a resolution of the general meeting of
shareholders, be extended or renewed again, each time for a
period not exceeding five years. If the designation is extended
or renewed, the authority, or absence of such authority, to
restrict or exclude pre-emptive rights as well as the number of
shares which may be issued shall be determined at the same time,
with a maximum of twenty percent of the authorised capital from
time to time, provided that the conversion of shares in
accordance with article 5.7 or article10.6
shall be excluded from this limitation. Unless laid down
otherwise in the designation, it may not be withdrawn.
If the designation of the supervisory board as being the body
competent to issue shares ends, the general meeting of
shareholders shall be competent to issue shares unless another
body is designated for this purpose by the general meeting of
shareholders. The resolution of the general meeting of
shareholders to designate another body, including the assignment
of the authority, or the absence of such authority, to exclude
or limit the pre-emptive rights, other than the supervisory
board, or to issue shares will only be taken on the proposal of
the management board which proposal will have been approved by
the supervisory board and will have a duration of no more than
five years and relate to no more than twenty percent of the
authorised capital from time to time, provided that the
conversion of shares in accordance with article 5.7 or
article 10.6 shall be excluded from this limitation.
Other than in connection with any stock split, stock
dividend, stock combination or similar transaction, as long as
class B ordinary shares are issued and outstanding, no
additional class B ordinary shares can be issued without
the unanimous approval of the meeting of holders of class A
ordinary shares and class B ordinary shares, resolved in a
meeting in which all holders of class A ordinary shares and
class B ordinary shares are present or represented.
The provisions in paragraphs 1 up to and including
5 4 of this article will be
correspondingly applicable to the granting of rights to
subscribe for shares but will not apply to the issue of shares
to a party exercising a previously acquired right to subscribe
for shares.
At the earlier of (i) receipt by the management
board of a written request of the relevant holder of
class B ordinary shares with respect to the number
of class B ordinary shares specified by such holder,
(ii) acquisition by the Company of one or more class B
ordinary shares or (iii) upon the Liquidation Preference
Expiration Date with respect to each outstanding class B
ordinary share, each such class B ordinary share will be
converted into one (1) class A ordinary share. The
conversion of class B ordinary shares shall take place
immediately upon the occurrence of any of the events specified
above in this paragraph. In case of the conversion of a
registered class B ordinary share into a registered
class A ordinary share, such conversion shall take place
without any further action being required. In case of the
conversion of a registered class B ordinary share into a
class A ordinary bearer share, such conversion shall take
place by means of a delivery of a class A ordinary bearer
share certificate to such shareholder or adding such
class A ordinary bearer share to the global certificate A.
In case of the conversion of a class B ordinary bearer
share into a class A ordinary bearer share, such conversion
shall take place after lodging the class B ordinary bearer
share certificate with the Company or removing such class B
ordinary bearer share from the global certificate B against a
delivery of a class A ordinary bearer share certificate to
such shareholder or adding such class A ordinary bearer
share to the global certificate A. In case of the conversion of
a class B ordinary bearer share into a registered
class A ordinary share, such conversion shall take place
after lodging the class B ordinary bearer share certificate
with the Company or removing such class B ordinary bearer
share from the global certificate B. Within one (1) day
after the conversion of class B ordinary shares into
class A ordinary shares, a special declaration regarding
the conversion shall be deposited by the management board at the
offices of the Trade Register of the district in which the
Company is registered. This declaration shall include the
changes which were made to the composition of the issued and
authorised capital of the Company as a result of the conversion
of shares.
In the event that an issue of shares would have an
adverse effect on the rights of holders of shares of a certain
class, the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders to
issue shares or the designation of another corporate body as
being the body competent to issue shares, requires the prior
approval of the meeting of holders of shares of that certain
In the resolution to issue shares the price and further
conditions of the issue will be determined. Apart from the
provisions laid down in section 2:80 paragraph 2 DCC
the issue price may not be below par.
In case of shares being issued, every holder of shares will hold
a pre-emptive right in the proportion that the aggregate amount
of his shares bears to the total amount of shares outstanding.
However, a holder of shares will not have a pre-emptive right to
shares which are being issued against contribution other than in
cash, to shares which will be issued to employees of the Company
or of a group company and to shares which will be issued as a
result of a legal merger or legal split-off.
The pre-emptive right may be restricted or excluded by a
resolution of the supervisory board and provided that the
supervisory board may only exercise this authority if it will
then also be competent to pass a resolution for the issue of
shares with the restriction or exclusion of pre-emptive rights.
The provisions of paragraphs 1 up to and including 4 of
article 5 will be correspondingly applicable to the extent
possible. In case the general meeting of shareholders wishes to
restrict or exclude the pre-emptive right, the pre-emptive right
accruing to shareholders may only be restricted or excluded, on
the proposal of the supervisory board. If another body than the
general meeting of shareholders or the supervisory board is
competent to restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights, the
pre-emptive right accruing to shareholders may only be
restricted or excluded, with the approval of the supervisory
board. The resolution of the general meeting of shareholders
subject to the required proposal of the supervisory board to
restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights, or the
resolution of the general meeting of shareholders to designate
another body competent not being the supervisory board to
restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights on the proposal of
the management board and subject to the required approval of the
supervisory board as described in article 5.4, or the
resolution of the general meeting of shareholders to designate
the supervisory board as the corporate body competent to
restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights on the proposal of
the management board as described in article 5.3, will
require a majority of at least two thirds (2/3) of the votes
cast in case less than one half (1/2) of the issued capital is
represented at the general meeting of shareholders.
In case of rights to subscribe for shares being granted,
paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article will be correspondingly
applicable. Shareholders will not hold a pre-emptive right to
shares which are being issued to a party who exercises an
already previously acquired right to subscribe for shares.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the
Company shall not issue any class of non-voting equity
securities unless and solely to the extent permitted by section
1123(a)(6) of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the
Bankruptcy Code) as in effect on the date of
execution of the amendment of articles of association by which
this article 6.5 became legally effective; provided,
however, that this Section 6.5 (a) will have no
further force and effect beyond that required under
section 1123(a)(6) of the Bankruptcy Code; (b) will
have such force and effect, if any, only for so long as
section 1123(a)(6) of the Bankruptcy Code is in effect and
applicable to the Company; and (c) in all events may be
amended or eliminated in accordance with applicable law from
time to time in effect.
Upon subscription for a share the full nominal amount must be
paid thereon, as well as in case the share is subscribed at a
higher amount, the difference between said amounts, everything
without prejudice to the provisions in section 2:80
paragraph 2 DCC.
Payment in foreign currency may only be made with permission of
the Company.
The management board will be competent to enter into legal acts
stated in section 2:94 DCC, without prior approval of the
general meeting of shareholders.
Acquisition by the Company of shares in its capital not paid up
will be null and void. The Company may, without prejudice to the
statutory provisions and those laid down in these articles of
association, only acquire said company shares for a
consideration in case:
its equity capital reduced by the price of acquisition, will not
be lower than the paid and claimed part of its capital increased
by the reserves which must be maintained by law, and
the nominal amount of the shares in its capital acquired, held
or held in pledge by the Company or those held by a subsidiary,
will not exceed one-half of its issued capital.
Decisive for the validity of the acquisition will be the amount
of the equity capital according to the last adopted balance
sheet, reduced by the acquisition price for the shares in the
capital of the Company, the amount of the loans referred to in
section 2:98c paragraph 2 DCC and distributions to the
charge of the profit or reserves to other parties which the
Company and its subsidiaries owed after the date of the balance
sheet. In case a financial year will have expired for longer
than six (6) months without the annual accounts having been
adopted, an acquisition in accordance with the present paragraph
will not be permitted. If depository receipts for shares in the
capital of the Company have been issued, such depository
receipts shall be put on par with shares for the purpose of the
Other than gratuitously, the Company may only acquire shares in
case the general meeting of shareholders will have authorized
the management board for that
purpose. and only if it acquires
class A ordinary shares and class B ordinary shares
pro rata on the same terms, including price per share;
provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company
may, subject to the
authorization by the general meeting of shareholders:
purchase class A ordinary shares or class B
ordinary shares in the open market or in privately negotiated
transactions (in each case, other than in connection with an
offer to all holders of either class A ordinary shares or
class B ordinary shares) which transaction has been
approved, subject to article 17.8, by the supervisory board
in accordance with articles 8.4 and 17.4;
purchase shares from members of the supervisory board, members
of the management board, officers or employees of the Company or
any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries upon their death or
termination of employment or service in accordance with the
Companys benefit plans;
purchase shares in connection with the cashless
exercise or net share settlement upon the
exercise or conversion of any option, warrant or other security
that is exercisable or convertible into ordinary shares in
accordance with its terms;
purchase fractional shares and deliver cash in lieu of issuing
fractional shares.
Said authorisation will only be valid for a period not exceeding
eighteen (18) months. In the authorisation the general
meeting of shareholders shall determine how many shares thereof
may be acquired, the manner in which they may be acquired and
between what limits the price shall be. If depository receipts
for shares in the capital of the Company have been issued, such
depository receipts shall be put on par with shares for the
purpose of the foregoing.
The authorisation will not be required for the acquisition of
company class A ordinary shares by the
Company or depository receipts thereof in order to transfer
these to employees in the employ of the Company or of a legal
entity with which it is associated in a group by virtue of an
arrangement applicable to said employees. These shares or the
depository receipts shall be included in the price list of a
stock exchange.
A resolution of the management board with respect to the
acquisition or alienation of company shares or depository
receipts thereof will be subject to the approval of the
supervisory board.
In the general meeting of shareholders no votes may be cast in
respect of a company share held by the Company or a subsidiary
company; no votes may be cast in respect of a share for which
the depository receipt is held by the Company or a subsidiary
company. Usufructuaries or pledgees of a company share held by
the Company or a subsidiary company will not be excluded from
voting rights, if the right of usufruct or pledge was created
before the Company or such subsidiary company held such share.
The Company or a subsidiary company may not cast votes for
shares on which it holds a right of usufruct or a right of
In the determination of the number of votes exercised in a
general meeting of shareholders, to what extent shareholders are
present or represented or to what extent the share capital has
been provided or is represented, the shares for which no votes
may be cast in compliance with the above will not be taken into
The general meeting of shareholders may pass a resolution for
the reduction of the issued capital, however, exclusively on
proposal of the management board which proposal will have been
approved by the supervisory boardand, in the event that
a reduction of the issued capital would have an adverse effect
on the rights of holders of shares of a certain class, with the
prior approval of the meeting of holders of shares of that
certain class:
by the withdrawal of shares; or
by reducing the amount of the shares in an amendment of the
articles of association, provided that as a result thereof the
issued capital or the paid part thereof will not fall below
the amount prescribed in section 2:67 DCC.
In said resolution, the shares to which the resolution relates
shall be designated and the implementation of the resolution
shall be arranged.
A resolution for withdrawal may only relate to shares held by
the Company itself or of which it holds the depositary receipts.
Reduction of the amount of the shares without repayment and
without exemption from the liability for payment shall be made
proportionately on all shares of the same class. The requirement
of proportion may be deviated from with the consent of all
shareholders concerned.
Partial repayment on shares or exemption from the liability for
payment will only be possible by way of implementation of a
resolution for reduction of the amount of the shares. Such a
repayment or exemption shall be made proportionately on all
shares. The requirement of proportion may be deviated from with
the consent of all shareholders concerned.
A resolution for capital reduction will require a majority of at
least two thirds (2/3 of the votes cast in case less than one
half (1/2) of the issued capital is represented at the general
meeting of shareholders.
The convening notice for a meeting in which a resolution as
stated in the present article will be passed will state the
object of the capital reduction and the manner of
implementation. In case the capital reduction will involve an
amendment of the articles of association, those parties who have
sent such a convening notice shall simultaneously deposit a copy
of said proposal, containing the verbatim text of the proposed
amendment, at the office of the Company as well as at an address
to be mentioned in the convening notice, for perusal by every
shareholder and holder of depository receipts of shares issued
with the cooperation of the Company (hereinafter:
holder(s) of depository receipts), until the
end of the meeting.
The Company will deposit the resolutions referred to in the
present article at the office of the Trade Register and will
announce the depositing in a nationally distributed daily
On the proposal of the management board, which proposal will
have been approved by the supervisory board, the general meeting
of shareholders may decide that a repayment on shares will
either fully or partly be made not in cash but in participations
in a company in which the Company participates either directly
or indirectly.
The shares will, at the option of the management board which
will have been approved by the supervisory board, either be in
bearer form or in registered form.
Bearer share certificates will either be available in the
denominations one (1) share, five (5) shares, ten
(10) shares and one hundred (100) shares and further
denominations of such higher numbers of shares as the management
board may determine or in the form of one (1) or more
global certificates A for class A ordinary bearer
and/or one
(1) global certificate B for class B ordinary bearer
shares, as the management board may determine. All
share certificates shall be identified by numbers and/or
At the discretion of the management board and with the approval
of the supervisory board, the holder of bearer shares may, after
lodging his bearer share certificate(s) with the Company, have
issued to him registered shares of the same nominal amount
and the same class. At the discretion of the
management board and with the approval of the supervisory board,
the holder of registered shares may have issued to him bearer
share certificate(s) of the same nominal amountand the
same class.
Upon written request by or on behalf of a shareholder, missing
or damaged share certificates may
be replaced by new share certificates bearing the same number
and/or letters, provided that the shareholder
who has made such request, or the person making such request on
his behalf, provides satisfactory evidence of his title and in
so far as applicable, the loss of his share certificates to the
management board, and further subject to such conditions as the
management board may deem appropriate.
The issue of a new share certificate shall render the share
certificate which its replaces invalid.
The option of the Companys management board for either
shares in bearer form or in registered form as mentioned in
article 10.1 of these articles of association can include
an automatic conversion of the bearer shares to be issued into
registered shares of the same class, which conversion occurs
under the condition precedent that the relevant bearer share is
delivered to Cede & Co in its capacity of nominee of
the Depository Trust Company. Such conversion is evidenced
by written evidence of such delivery and will subsequently be
registered in the Companys register of shareholders in
accordance with the proprietary regime applicable to such shares.
A register will be kept at the office of the Company in which
all holders of registered shares will be registered, with
additional statement of their addresses, the class of
shares held and the amount paid on each share. date
of acquisition of their shares, the date of acknowledgement by
the Company of the acquisition or the date of serving the
acquisition deed upon the Company and the amount paid on each
The register will also include the name and addresses of those
parties holding a right of usufruct or a right of pledge on said
shares, with additional statement of the date of
acknowledgement by the Company of such right or the date of
serving the deed by which such right was created upon the
Company and which rights attached to the shares will accrue
to them in accordance with article 12.
At request, the management board will gratuitously provide a
shareholder, a usufructuary and a pledgee with an extract from
the register with respect to his right to a registered share.
In case the share will be subject to a right of usufruct or a
right of pledge, the extract will state to whom the rights
referred to in article 12 will accrue.
The management board will deposit the register at the office of
the Company for perusal by the shareholders as well as the
usufructuaries and pledgees to whom the rights of a holder of
depository receipts referred to in the next article accrue.
The preceding sentence will not apply to the part of the
register kept outside the Netherlands in order to comply with
the legalisation applicable there or by virtue of any stock
exchange regulations.
The register will be kept
Every annotation in a register will be signed on behalf of or by
the management board.
Otherwise the manner in which the register will be arranged will
be determined by the management board, with approval of the
supervisory board.
The transfer of a registered share, not being a share referred
to in section 2:86c DCC, will require an instrument
intended for such purpose executed before a civil law notary in
the Netherlands. The transfer of a registered share, being a
share referred to in section 2:86c DCC, will require a deed of
transfer and serving of said deed upon the Company or written
acknowledgement of the delivery by
the Company, unless pursuant to section 13.2 and
section 10.2 or section 16.2 of the Dutch act of
conflict law with respect to property law (Wet
conflictenrecht goederenrecht) other legal requirements for
the transfer of registered shares are applicable. To the extent
section 13.2 of the Dutch act of conflict law (Wet
conflictenrecht goederenrecht) is applicable, the Company
hereby chooses to apply the laws of the State of New York with
respect to the property law applicable to the registered shares.
The provisions in paragraph 1 of this article will be
correspondingly applicable to the creation and delivery of the
right of usufruct and to the creation of a right of pledge on a
registered share.
The provisions in paragraph 1 of this article will be
correspondingly applicable to the apportionment of registered
shares in case of a division of any community of property.
The shareholder will hold the voting right on the shares on
which a right of usufruct or a right of pledge will have been
created. However, the voting right will accrue to the
usufructuary or the pledgee in case this is determined at the
creation of the right of usufruct or the right of lien. The
shareholder not holding the voting right, and the usufructuary
and the pledgee holding the voting right, will hold the rights
granted by law to the holders of depository receipts.
The rights referred to in the preceding sentence will not accrue
to the usufructuary and the pledgee not holding the voting right.
The rights for the acquisition of shares ensuing from the share
will accrue to the usufructuary holding the voting right,
subject to the proviso that he shall compensate the value of
said rights to the shareholder insofar he has no claim to them
by virtue of his right of usufruct.
In case shares or a right of usufruct or a right of pledge
thereon will form part of an undivided community of property,
the parties entitled may only exercise their rights ensuing from
said shares or the restricted right by a person to be designated
by them in writing.
The Company will be managed by a management board consisting of
at least one (1) member under the supervision of a
supervisory board. In case the management board consists of one
(1) member, such member will hold the title of Chief
Executive Officer (CEO).
With due observance of the provisions in the previous sentence,
the number of members of the management board and the
supervisory board will be determined by the supervisory board,
provided that the supervisory board shall at all time consist of
at least and nine (9) members.
The general meeting of shareholders will appoint both the
member(s) of the management board and, subject to
article 13.4, the members of the supervisory board, upon
the nomination of the supervisory board.
Subject to article 13.4, the appointment of a member of the
supervisory board shall take place by way of a binding
nomination naming at least two persons for each vacancy to be
filled and prepared by the supervisory board, or, at the
discretion of the supervisory board, by way of a non-binding
nomination prepared by the supervisory board. In case of a
binding nomination, the general meeting of shareholders may
render such nomination non-binding by means of a resolution
adopted by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the valid votes cast,
such two-third (2/3) majority representing more than half of the
issued capital. In case of such a vote, the general meeting of
shareholders will be free in its selection and appointment of a
supervisory board member to fill the vacancy by means of a
resolution adopted by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the valid
votes cast, such two-third (2/3) majority representing more than
half (1/2) of the issued capital. If the proportion of the share
capital of at least one-half (1/2) as referred to in the
preceding sentence is not represented at the meeting, then no
new meeting referred to in section 2:120 paragraph 3
DCC may be convened.
Following implementation of Bill number 31 763, Amendment
of book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code in connection with rules for
management and supervision in limited liability companies and
private companies with limited liability (Wetsvoorstel 31
763, Wijziging van boek 2 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek in
verband met de aanpassing van regels over bestuur en toezicht in
naamloze en besloten vennootschappen), the binding
nomination referred to above shall name at least one person for
each vacancy to be filled. If then a nomination names only one
person, a resolution by the general meeting of shareholders on
the proposal results in such person being appointed, unless the
general meeting of shareholders renders the nomination
non-binding by means of a resolution adopted by at least
two-thirds (2/3) of the valid votes cast, such two-third (2/3)
majority representing more than half (1/2) of the issued
capital. In case of such a vote, the general meeting of
shareholders will be free in its selection and appointment of a
supervisory board member to fill the vacancy by means of a
resolution adopted by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the valid
votes cast, such two-third (2/3) majority representing more than
half of the issued capital.
The initial term of the CEO in office immediately following the
date per which this article 13.2 became legally effective shall
be five (5) years. Subsequent member(s) of the management
board can be appointed for a maximum term of four (4) years
and may be reappointed. There is no limit to the number of times
a member of the management board can be reappointed.
The general meeting of shareholders may with due observance of
articles 13.5 and 13.6 at any time suspend and dismiss one
or more members of the management board
and/or the
supervisory board.
The supervisory board may at any time suspend one or more
members of the management board.
Unless the general meeting of shareholders, on the proposal of
the supervisory board, determines that a member of the
supervisory board shall be appointed for a longer period, a
member of the supervisory board will be appointed for a maximum
period of three (3) years, provided however that unless
such member of the supervisory board has resigned at an earlier
date, his term of office shall lapse at the end of the first
annual general meeting of shareholders, to be held after lapse
of his term of appointment. A member may be re-appointed with
due observance of the preceding sentence. There is no limit to
the number of times a member of the supervisory board can be
reappointed. The supervisory board may draw up a retirement
schedule for the members of the supervisory board.
Periodical resignation will take place per the date of the
annual general meeting of shareholders.
In case the number of members of the supervisory board will be
less than nine (9), the supervisory board will remain competent,
although a vacancy should be filled as soon as possible.
The supervisory board itself shall be entitled to appoint up to
one-third (1/3) of the members of the supervisory board in
accordance with the provisions of Article 2:143 DCC. Such
appointments shall terminate on the date of the next following
general meeting of shareholders.
The general meeting of shareholders may only adopt a resolution
to suspend or dismiss a member of the supervisory board or
management board by means of a resolution adopted by at least
two-thirds (2/3) of the valid votes cast, such two-third (2/3)
majority representing more than half of the issued capital. If
the proportion of the share capital of more than one half (1/2)
as referred to in the preceding sentence is not represented at
the meeting, then no new meeting referred to in
section 2:120 paragraph 3 DCC may be convened.
If either the general meeting of shareholders or the supervisory
board has suspended a member of the management board or if the
general meeting of shareholders has suspended a member of the
supervisory board, the general meeting of shareholders shall
within three (3) months after the suspension has taken
effect resolve either to dismiss such member of the management
board or such member of the supervisory board, or to terminate
or continue the suspension, failing which the suspension shall
A resolution to continue the suspension may be adopted in
compliance with paragraph 4 of this
article but only once and in such event the suspension may be
continued for a maximum period of three (3) months
commencing on the day the general meeting of shareholders has
adopted the resolution to continue suspension. If within the
period of continued suspension the general meeting of
shareholders has not resolved either to dismiss such member of
the management board or such member of the supervisory board or
to terminate the suspension, the suspension shall lapse.
A member of the management board or a member of the supervisory
board shall in the event of a dismissal or suspension be given
the opportunity to account for his actions at the general
meeting of shareholders and to be assisted by an adviser.
On the basis of a remuneration policy determined by the general
meeting of shareholders, the supervisory board shall determine
the remuneration and other terms of employment for the
management board. With regard to arrangements concerning
remuneration in the form of shares or share options, the
supervisory board shall submit a proposal to the general meeting
of shareholders for its approval. This proposal must, at a
minimum, state the number of shares or share options that may be
granted to the management board and the criteria that apply to
the granting of such shares or share options or the alteration
of such arrangements.
Each member of the supervisory board shall be paid a fee at such
rate as may from time to time be determined by the supervisory
board provided that the aggregate of all fees so paid per annum
to the members of the supervisory board shall not exceed the
amount per annum decided by the general meeting of shareholders.
The management board will be charged with the management of the
day to day affairs of the Company, subject to the supervision of
the supervisory board.
The management board may have itself assisted by one (1) or
more persons to whom the title managing director or any other
title of which the word managing director forms part, may be
granted. The management board may grant a power of attorney or
another continuous representative power to one (1) or more
persons, whether or not employed by the Company.
The management board may draw up regulations in which its
internal matters will be arranged. The regulations will require
the approval of the supervisory board.
Without prejudice to any other applicable provisions of these
articles of association, the management board shall furthermore
require the approval of the supervisory board and the general
meeting of shareholders for resolutions of the management board
regarding a significant change in the identity or nature of the
Company or its associated enterprise, including in any event:
the transfer of the entire enterprise or practically the entire
enterprise of the Company to a third party, whether by
acquisition, business merger, consolidation, sale of all or
substantially all assets of the Company and its consolidated
subsidiaries taken as a whole;
to conclude or cancel any long-lasting co-operation by the
Company or a subsidiary with any other legal person or company
or as a fully liable general partner of a limited partnership or
a general partnership, provided that such co-operation or the
cancellation thereof is of essential importance to the Company;
to acquire or dispose of a participating interest in the capital
of a company with a value of at least one third of the sum of
the assets according to the consolidated balance sheet with
explanatory notes thereto according to the last adopted Annual
Accounts of the Company, by the Company or a subsidiary.
In addition, in the event that any such transaction
occurs in connection with an acquisition, business
merger, sale of all or substantially all assets of the
Company and its consolidated subsidiaries taken as a whole,
consolidation or a voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Company (or its subsidiaries,
the assets of which constitute all or substantially all of the
assets of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole),
in a single transaction or series of transactions, in each case,
pursuant to which the class B ordinary shares are redeemed,
purchased, converted, retired or otherwise exchanged for value
at the price less than the Class B Liquidation Preference,
the management board shall require, in addition to the approval
of the general meeting of shareholders, the approval of
(i) the meeting of holders of class B ordinary shares
in accordance with the provisions of article 21.1 and
(ii) the supervisory board.
The approval of the supervisory board is required per resolution
of the management board with regard to:
adopting or changing substantially the strategy of the Company
and its associated enterprises from that set forth in the
existing strategic plan, budget and business plan;
to adopt or change any material new strategic plan, budget or
business plan for the Company and its associated enterprises or
any material amendments to any such existing strategic plan,
budget or business plan adopted by the Company and its
associated enterprises or aggregate expenditures exceeding the
overall budget by greater than ten percent (10%).
Without prejudice to the other relevant provisions of these
articles of association the supervisory board may adopt
resolutions pursuant to which other clearly specified
resolutions of the management board will also require its
The supervisory board shall inform the management board without
delay of any such resolution.
The lacking of the approval of the supervisory board as
mentioned in paragraph 4, 5 and 6 of this article may not
be invoked by or against third parties.
The Company shall be represented by the management board or any
member of the management board acting individually.
In case of any conflicting interest between the Company and a
member of the management board, including entering into
transactions between the Company and the management board, the
Company will be represented by two (2) members of the
supervisory board. The general meeting of shareholders shall
always be authorised to designate one (1) or more other
persons to represent the Company in such case.
In case all members of the management board are absent or unable
to attend, the supervisory board shall be temporarily entrusted
with the management of the Company. The supervisory board will
in said case be competent to temporarily entrust the management
of the Company to one (1) or several persons from its
number or otherwise. Any such person or persons shall be bound
by the rules of the management board when acting in such
The management board may appoint representatives with full or
limited authority to represent the Company, acting either
individually or jointly with one or more other persons. Each of
those representatives shall represent the Company with due
observance of those limits. The management board will determine
their title.
It will be the task of the supervisory board to supervise the
policy of the management board and the general course of affairs
of the Company and its associated enterprise. The supervisory
board will assist the management board by the rendering of
advice. In the performance of their duties, the supervisory
board will be guided by the interest of the Company and its
associated enterprise. The
members of the supervisory board shall be natural persons.
The management board will timely provide the supervisory board
with the data necessary for the performance of its duties.
The supervisory board may appoint committees from among its
The supervisory board shall appoint a chairman and, if
necessary, a deputy chairman from its number. The supervisory
board will designate a secretary and, if necessary, a deputy
secretary whether or not from its number.
The supervisory board will hold a meeting whenever deemed
desirable by the chairman or the other members of the
supervisory board. A member of the supervisory board may have
himself represented at a meeting by one other member of the
supervisory board authorised in writing.
The supervisory board shall include the division of duties
within and the procedure of the supervisory board and its
committees in a set of rules. The supervisory board and its
members shall be bound to fully observe the provisions of such
rules in all their actions and decision making. Such rules can
only be amended by the supervisory board.
The supervisory board will pass its resolutions by an absolute
majority of the votes validly cast.
Abstentions will be regarded as votes not cast.
In case of a voting tie on matters, the proposal will have been
In case of a voting tie on matters relating to persons
(including nominations and appointments), the resolution will be
postponed until the next following meeting. In case there will
again be an equality of votes, no resolution will be passed.
The passing of resolutions will require a majority of the
members of the supervisory board holding office being present or
represented at that meeting.
Minutes of the proceedings at the meetings will be kept by the
secretary of the supervisory board. The minutes will be
confirmed and signed by the persons who will have acted as
chairman and secretary at the meeting.
The supervisory board may also pass resolutions without a
meeting being held, provided (i) the proposal concerned has
been despatched to the home address or to a previously stated
other address of all members of the supervisory board by letter,
facsimile or
(ii) none of them has opposed said manner of passing
resolutions and (iii) the majority of the supervisory board
holding office has declared to favour the proposals concerned by
letter, facsimile or
The secretary will draw up a report of a resolution thus passed
whilst adding the incoming replies, which report will be added
to the minutes after having been co-signed by the chairman.
A member of the supervisory board shall disclose to the other
members of the Supervisory Board, and shall not take part in a
decision-making on, a subject or transaction in relation to
which he has a conflict of interest with the Company.
Annually a general meeting of shareholders will be held, at
which inter alia the following items will be considered;
the adoption of the Annual Accounts and with due
observance of the provisions of article 23
22 the allocation of profits;
the proposal regarding the discharge from liability to members
of the management board for the management in the last financial
the proposal regarding the discharge from liability to the
members of the supervisory board for their supervision in the
last financial year;
if applicable, the proposal to pay dividends;
other proposals raised for consideration by the supervisory
board or the management board, such as in respect of the
authorisation to the management board to have the Company
acquire and take in pledge company shares or depository receipts
The annual general meeting of shareholders will at the latest be
held in the month of June.
Other general meetings of shareholders will be held whenever the
management board
and/or the
supervisory board will pass a resolution to convene such a
The shareholders as well as the holders of depository receipts
will be called to attend a general meeting of shareholders by or
on behalf of the management board or the supervisory board.
The convening notice for a general meeting of shareholders will
be published not later than on the fifteenth day prior
to the date of the meeting. with due observance of
the term determined in accordance with section 2:115 DCC.
The convening notice will state
the subjects to be considered in anthe
the place and time of the meeting;
the right to attend the meeting;
the record date, if applicable, as referred to in
article 20.5;
the procedure to register for the meeting, to notify the
Company and to exercise the relevant rights with respect to the
the procedure for the attorneys authorised in writing to
participate in the meeting;
the procedure to participate and vote in the meeting by way
of electronic means of communication if the supervisory board
decided to facilitate that pursuant to article 20.4; and
the address for the website of the Company or the
information that the shareholders and the holders of depository
receipts may take cognizance thereof at the office of the
without prejudice to the provisions in article 24,
paragraph 3 in respect of a proposal for the amendment of
the articles of association.
One or more shareholders or holders of depository receipts
representing solely or jointly at least one/hundredth (1/100)
part of the issued share capital or, if and as long as
the shares of the Company are admitted to trading on a market in
financial instruments as referred to in article 1:1 of the
Financial Supervision Act (Wet financieel toezicht),
whose shares represent a value of fifty million euro (EUR
50,000,000.00) or more can request the supervisory board to
place a matter on the agenda, provided that the Company has
received such request at least sixty (60) days prior to the
date of the general meeting of shareholders concerned.
One or more shareholders or holders of depository receipts
representing solely or jointly at least one-tenth (1/10) part of
the issued share capital can request the supervisory board to
convene a general meeting of shareholders. The supervisory board
shall publish a convening notice for such a general meeting of
shareholders within four (4) weeks of receipt from such
shareholders of a specified agenda for such general meeting of
shareholders and, in the sole discretion of the
supervisory board, compelling evidence of the number of shares
held by such shareholder or shareholders respectively the number
of depository receipts held by such holder of depository
receipts or holders of depository receipts.
No valid resolutions can be adopted at a general meeting of
shareholders in respect of items which are not included in the
The agenda may be obtained free of charge by the shareholders
and the holders of depositary receipts referred to in
paragraph 6 of this article at the office of the Company.
The management board and the supervisory board shall provide the
general meeting of shareholders with all requested information,
unless this would be contrary to an overriding interest of the
Company. If the management board and the supervisory board
invoke an overriding interest, they must give reasons therefore.
The management board and the supervisory board shall inform the
general meeting of shareholders by means of explanatory notes to
the agenda of all facts and circumstances relevant to the
proposals on the agenda. These explanatory notes to the agenda
shall be put on the Companys website.
Every pledgee and usufructuary holding voting rights on the
relevant shares, will hold the rights accrued by law to holders
of depository receipts.
The general meeting of shareholders will be held in Rotterdam,
Amsterdam or Haarlemmermeer (Schiphol Airport).
All convening notices for said meetings will be announced in an
advertisement in a nationally distributed daily newspapers
or, if and as long as the shares of the Company are admitted to
trading on a market in financial instruments as referred to in
article 1:1 of the Financial Supervision Act (Wet
financieel toezicht) on the website of the Company, directly
and permanently accessible until after the meeting, together
with any additional information required pursuant to
article 5:25ka of the Financial Supervision Act.
In the case that shareholders own registered shares, such
shareholders shall be notified of said meetings by mail.
The advertisement convening notice may
moreover be announced in an advertisement
placed in other papers.
Each convening notice will state the place and time of
the meeting.
The chairman of the supervisory board will act as chairman of
the general meeting of shareholders or, in case of his absence,
one of the other members of the supervisory board to be
designated by the supervisory board. In case no member of the
supervisory board will be present, the general meeting of
shareholders itself will designate its presidium.
Minutes of the meetings will be kept at each meeting by the
secretary of the supervisory board or, in case of his absence,
by the deputy secretary of said board -in case he will have been
designated-, which minutes will be confirmed and signed by the
chairman and the minutes secretary unless, at the request of the
parties having convened the meetings, an official record will be
drawn up by a civil law notary to be designated by them, in
which case said official record need only be signed by the civil
law notary and by the witnesses, if any.
The draft minutes of the general meeting of shareholders shall
be made available, on request, to shareholders no later than
three (3) months after the end of the meeting, after which
the shareholders and the holders of depository receipts shall
have the opportunity to react to the
draft minutes in the following three months. The minutes shall
then be adopted in the manner as described in the first sentence
of this article 20.2.
If the notarial official record has been drawn up, the notarial
official record shall be made available, on request, no later
than three (3) months after the end of the general meeting
of shareholders.
Every shareholder, pledgee and usufructuary (both provided they
hold voting right on the relevant shares) will be competent,
either personally or through an attorney authorised in writing,
to attend the general meeting of shareholders, to address said
meetings and to exercise the voting right. Every holder of a
depositary receipt will be competent, either personally or
through an attorney authorised in writing, to attend the general
meeting of shareholders and to address the meeting. A warrant
of attorney may be recorded in electronic form.
The supervisory board may determine that attending and
addressing the general meeting as well as participating in the
deliberations and exercising the voting right may also take
place by way of electronic means of communication. For that
purpose it is required that the shareholders, pledgees,
usufructuaries and holders of depository receipts or their
attorneys authorised in writing can be identified and that they
can simultaneously take note of the discussions at the meeting.
The supervisory board may set conditions for the use of
electronic means of communication; these conditions shall be
announced in the convening notice.
The management board may determine that If
and as long as the shares of the Company are admitted to trading
on a market in financial instruments as referred to in
article 1:1 of the Financial Supervision Act (Wet
financieel toezicht) or if determined by the management
board,the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this
article will be applicable to those applicants who (i) are
a shareholder, usufructuary and pledgee (provided they hold the
voting rights on the relevant shares) or a holder of a
depository receipt as per a certain date, determined by
the management board,the twenty-eighth day prior to
the date of the meeting, such date hereinafter referred to
as: the record date, and (ii) who are as
such registered in a register (or one or more parts thereof)
designated thereto by the management board, hereinafter referred
to as: the register, in as far as
(iii) at the request of the relative applicant, the holder
of the register has notified the Company in writing prior to the
general meeting of shareholders that the relative applicant has
the intention to attend the general meeting of shareholders,
regardless who will be applicant as referred to hereinbefore at
the time of the general meeting of shareholders. The
notification will state the name and the number of shares or
depository receipts, for which the applicant is entitled to
attend the general meeting of shareholders. The provision above
under (iii) on the notification to the Company will also
apply to the attorney authorised in writing of an applicant.
The record date mentioned in paragraph 5
of this article and the date mentioned in said paragraph
on which the notification of the intention to attend
the general meeting of shareholders shall have been given at the
latest, shall be determined by the management board and
can not be fixed earlier than at a time on the
thirtieth twenty-eighth day, prior to
the date of the general meeting of shareholders. The
convocation of the general meeting of shareholders will include
said times, the place of meeting and the proceedings for
In case the management board does not exercise the power
referred to in paragraph If the provisions of
paragraph 5 of this article are not applicable, the
holders of bearer shares, in order to attend the general meeting
of shareholders and to take part in the voting, shall deposit
their bearer share certificate or a written statement from the
relevant depositary institution at the office of the Company or
at the place designated for this purpose in the convocation for
the meeting. Said statement shall be to the effect that the
number of bearer shares listed in such statement is the
entitlement of such shareholder and will be so until after the
meeting. The announcement shall state the day on which the
depositing of the bearer share certificates or the said
statement shall be made at the latest; this day may not be set
earlier than on the seventh day prior to the day of the meeting.
In case the management board does not exercise its power
referred to in paragraph If the provisions
of paragraph 5 of this article are not
applicable, the holders of the depository receipts as
well as usufructuaries and pledgees holding voting rights, in
order to be able to exercise their rights to attend meetings,
shall deposit documentary evidence of their rights at the office
of the Company or at a place designated for this purpose in the
convocation for the meeting not later than on the seventh day
prior to the meeting.
Moreover, the person who wishes to exercise the right to vote
and to attend the meeting, shall sign the attendance list prior
to the meeting, stating his name, the name(s) of the person(s)
for whom he acts as attorney, the number of shares he is
representing and, as far as applicable, the number of votes he
is able to cast.
Those who have been authorised in writing shall present their
warrant of attorney at the general meeting of shareholders
unless the shareholder, usufructuary or pledge has sent the
warrant of attorney by
e-mail to
the Company or a person designated for such purpose by the
Company in accordance with the relevant procedure explained on
the website of the Company. The supervisory board
may resolve that the warrants of attorney of holders of voting
rights will be attached to the attendance list.
Every share will carry the right to cast one (1) vote.
All votes will be cast orally, unless the chairman will deem a
written ballot desirable or one of the parties entitled to vote
will make the relative request prior to the ballot. Written
votes will be cast by unsigned, closed ballot-papers. In case
none of the parties entitled to vote present will oppose this,
proposals may be adopted by acclamation.
All resolutions for which the law or the articles of association
do not prescribe a larger majority, will be passed by an
absolute majority of the votes cast.
Abstentions will be regarded as votes not cast.
The opinion of the chairman expressed at the meeting that a
resolution has been passed by the general meeting of
shareholders will be decisive. The same will apply to the text
of a resolution passed insofar as votes will have been cast on a
proposal not laid down in writing. However, in case immediately
after said opinion having been expressed, its correctness will
be challenged, a new ballot will be held in case the majority of
the parties entitled to vote and present at the meeting, or in
case the original votes will not have been cast by poll or in
writing, a party entitled to vote and present at the meeting
will make the relative request. As a result of said new ballot,
the legal consequences of the original vote will be cancelled.
A certificate signed by the chairman and the secretary of the
general meeting of shareholders confirming that the general
meeting of shareholders has adopted a particular resolution,
shall constitute evidence of such resolution vis-à-vis
third parties.
Separate meetings of holders of class A ordinary
class B ordinary shares will be held in case the approval
of the meeting of holders of class A ordinary shares
class B ordinary shares is required.
Unless otherwise specified in these articles of
association, all resolutions of the meeting of holders of
class B ordinary shares will be passed by eighty-five
percent (85%) of the total number of class B shares
Subject to the provisions in the previous paragraph, the
provisions of articles 18, 19 and 20 will correspondingly
be applicable to the extent relevant.
The financial year of the Company will coincide with the
calendar year.
Annually, within four (4) months after the end of the
financial year of the Company, the management board will compile
an annual account and annual report.
The Company will grant an Accountant the assignment to audit the
Annual Accounts. The general meeting of shareholders will be
competent to grant the assignment. In case it will not proceed
to do so, the supervisory board will be competent or, in case
the members of the supervisory board will be lacking or the
supervisory board will fail to do so, the management board will
be competent.
The designation of an Accountant will not be restricted by any
nomination whatsoever; the assignment may be withdrawn at any
time by the general meeting of shareholders or by the party by
which it will have been granted; the assignment granted by the
management board may moreover be withdrawn by the supervisory
board. The Accountant will report to the supervisory board and
the management board with respect to his findings.
The general meeting of shareholders adopts the Annual Accounts.
The Accountant may be questioned by the general meeting of
shareholders in relation to its statement on the fairness of the
Annual Accounts. The Accountant shall therefore be invited to
attend this meeting and be entitled to address this meeting.
The Annual Accounts will be signed by the management board and
all members of the supervisory board. In case any signature(s)
should be lacking, the reason thereof will be stated.
The Annual Accounts, the annual report and the data to be added
by virtue of section 2:392 paragraph 1 DCC, will be
deposited at the office of the Company, for perusal by the
shareholders as well as the holders of depositary receipts as of
the date of the convening notice for the annual meeting.
Said shareholders and holders of depositary receipts may peruse
the documents there and gratuitously obtain a copy thereof.
Furthermore, anyone else may inspect the documents referred to
in the first sentence of the present paragraph, insofar as said
documents shall be made public after adoption, and obtain a copy
thereof at a price not exceeding cost.
The Annual Accounts shall be published within eight
(8) days after having been adopted. It will be made public
by depositing a full copy thereof in the Dutch language, or in
case this will not have been drawn up, a copy in English
at the office of the Trade Register in
accordance with section 2:394 DCC. The date
of adoption shall be stated on the copy.
To the charge of the profit, any such amounts will be allocated
to reserves as will be fixed by the management board with
approval of the supervisory board.
After the allocation to the reserves in accordance with the
preceding paragraph the general meeting of shareholders shall
determine the allocation of the remaining profits. For the
computation of the amount of profit to be distributed on each
share, only the amount of the obligatory payments on the nominal
amount of the shares shall be taken into account.
Distributions can only be made up to the amount of the
Distributable Part of the Shareholders Equity.
Distributions will be made after adoption of the Annual Accounts
evidencing these to be permissible.
With approval of the supervisory board, the management board may
pass a resolution for the distribution of an interim dividend or
other interim distribution provided the requirement of
paragraph 3 of this article will have been fulfilled as
will be evident from an interim specification of
equity; provided however, that upon consummation of a
Deemed Liquidation, no approval for the distribution of an
interim dividend or other interim distribution of the
supervisory board will be required. Said specification
will relate to the position of the equity at the earliest on the
first day of the third month prior to the month in which the
resolution for the distribution of an interim dividend will be
announced. Said specification will be drawn up with due
observance of the valuation methods deemed acceptable in
society. The amounts to be reserved by virtue of the law will
figure in the specification of equity. It will be signed by or
on behalf of the management board if the signature should be
lacking, the reason thereof will be stated. The specification of
equity will be deposited at the offices of the Trade Register of
the district in which the Company is registered within eight
(8) days after the date on which the resolution for
distribution will be announced.
The supervisory board will decide at what places and as of what
dates dividends and other distribution on shares will be made
payable. The management board will announce this by means of an
advertisement in a nationally distributed daily newspaper.
The Company shall only pay dividends and other distributions
(irrespective of their form) on shares to those in whose name
the shares are registered on the date that such dividends or
other distribution was declared. Such payment discharges the
Dividends, not collected within five (5) years after the
first day on which they became payable, will revert to the
In case the profit and loss account in any year will show any
loss that cannot be covered by the reserves or extinguished in
any other manner, no profit will be distributed in a following
year or in subsequent years until said loss has been covered by
reserves or extinguished in any other manner.
On a proposal of the management board, approved by the
supervisory board, the general meeting of shareholders may pass
a resolution for distributions of profit or also to
the charge of a reserve susceptible to distribution in shares,
in depository receipts thereof or in participations in a company
in which the Company participates directly or indirectly.
A resolution for the amendment of the articles of association or
for dissolution of the Company may only be passed by the general
meeting of shareholders on the proposal of the management board
with approval of the supervisory board; provided
however, that, (i) as long as any class B ordinary
shares are issued and outstanding, an amendment of
articles 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.7, 1.1.10, 1.1.11, 5.7, 14.4
(last paragraph), 20.11, 21, 24 or 25 requires the unanimous
approval of the meeting of holders of class B ordinary
shares, resolved in a meeting in which all holders of
class B ordinary shares are present or represented; and
(ii) as long as any class B ordinary shares are issued
and outstanding, an amendment of articles 1.1.4, 1.1.5,
1.1.7, 1.1.10, 1.1.11, 4.5, 5.5, 5.7 (first sentence), 8.2, 9.3,
9.4, 20.11, 23.2 or 24.1 (this clause (ii) only), in each
case, in a manner which would adversely affect one class of
ordinary shares in a disproportionate manner requires the
approval of two third (2/3) of the outstanding shares of such
adversely affected class.
A resolution for the legal merger (juridische fusie) or
legal demerger (juridische splitsing) of the Company may
only be passed by the general meeting of shareholders
with the approval of the meeting of holders of
class B ordinary shares in the event that in any such
transaction one or more class B ordinary shares would be
purchased, converted or exchanged at a value less than the
Class B Liquidation Preference and on the proposal of the
management board with the approval of the supervisory board. A
resolution of the general meeting of shareholders leading to or
in connection with any of the events mentioned in the last
paragraph of article 14.4 shall require the approval of the
meeting of holders of class B ordinary
shares in accordance with the provisions of
article 21.1 on the proposal of the management
board with the approval of the supervisory board.
In case a proposal for amendment of the articles of association
or dissolution of the Company will
be made to the general meeting of shareholders, this shall
invariably be stated in the actual convening notice for said
meeting and in case it will concern an amendment of
the articles of association a copy of the proposal,
containing the verbatim text of the proposed amendment, shall
simultaneously be deposited at the office of the Company for
perusal by every shareholder and every holder of a depository
receipt of share issued with the cooperation of the Company,
until the end of the meeting.
In case of a Liquidation of the Company the management board
will be charged with the liquidation of the affairs of the
Company and the supervisory board will be charged with the
supervision thereof, without prejudice to the provisions in
section 2:23 paragraph 2 DCC.
During the Liquidation, the provisions of the articles of
association will as much as possible continue to be effective.
In the event of a Liquidation prior to the Liquidation
Preference Expiration Date, from the balance, if any, remaining
after payment of all creditors of the Company, to the extent
possible, an amount equal to the Class B Liquidation
Preference, minus any amount distributed to the class B
ordinary shares following a Deemed Liquidation, if any, will be
distributed to each holder of class B ordinary shares with
respect to each class B ordinary shares held. The balance
remaining after application of the preceding sentence will be
distributed to the holders of class A ordinary shares in
proportion to each of their shareholding. The
balance remaining after payment of all creditors of the Company
will be distributed to the shareholders in proportion to each of
their shareholding.
The Company shall indemnify and hold harmless, to the fullest
extent permitted by applicable law as it presently exists or may
hereafter be amended, any person who was or is made or is
threatened to be made a party or is otherwise involved in any
action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal,
administrative or investigative (hereinafter a
Proceeding) by reason of the fact that he or
she (or a person or entity for whom he or she) is or was a
member of the management board or a member of the supervisory
board of the Company or a member of a similar body of any direct
or indirect subsidiary of the Company or is or was serving as an
agent (as defined below) of the Company, including service with
respect to employee benefit plans, against all liability and
loss suffered and expenses (including attorneys fees)
reasonably incurred by such person, except that no
indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or
matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be
liable for gross negligence or willful misconduct in the
performance of his duty to the Company, unless and only to the
extent that the court in which such action suit or proceeding
was brought or any other court having appropriate jurisdiction
shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication
of liability but in view of all the circumstances of the case,
such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnification
against such expenses which the court in which such action or
proceeding was brought or such other court having appropriate
jurisdiction shall deem proper.
The Company shall be required to indemnify a person in
connection with a Proceeding (or part thereof) initiated by such
person only, if the Proceeding (or part thereof) was authorised
by the management board with approval of the supervisory board
of the Company. For purposes of this article, an
agent of the Company includes any person who is or
was a supervisory board member, management board member,
director, officer, employee or other agent of the Company or is
or was serving at the request of the Company as a supervisory
board member, management board member, director, officer,
employee or other agent of another company, partnership, joint
venture, trust or other enterprise; or was a director, officer,
employee or other agent of a company which was a predecessor
company of the Company or of another enterprise at the request
of such predecessor company.
Expenses (including attorneys fees) incurred in defending
a Proceeding may be paid by the Company in
advance of the final disposition of such Proceeding upon a
resolution of the management board which will have been approved
by supervisory board with respect to the specific case; provided
that the Company shall have received an undertaking by or on
behalf of the person seeking to have his expenses paid to repay
such amount unless it shall ultimately be determined that he or
she is entitled to be indemnified by the Company in accordance
with this article.
The first financial year of the Company shall end on the
thirty-first day of December two thousand ten. This provision,
including its heading, will lapse after the first financial
This transitional provision 2, including its heading,
shall only be effective during the period between the effective
date of the execution of the deed of amendment of the articles
of association of the Company by which this transitional
provision is included in the articles of association of the
Company for the first time, until the first day of listing for
trade of all or part of the shares of the Company on the New
York Stock Exchange, this period hereinafter referred to as the
Transitional Period.
For the duration of the Transitional Period, the Chief
Legal Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of the Company, as
appointed as such from time to time, are by means of this
transitional provision installed as sole members of the
Transitional Appointment Committee, for the
duration of their appointment as Chief Legal Officer and Chief
Financial Officer of the Company, respectively, and to the
extent that the Chief Legal Officer respectively the Chief
Financial Officer is not a member of the management board of the
Company during the Transitional Period.
During the Transitional Period article 13.4 will,
contrary to its current wording, read as follows:
13.4 The Transitional Appointment Committee shall be
entitled to appoint up to one-third of the members of the
supervisory board in accordance with Article 2:143 DCC.
Such appointments shall terminate on the date of the next
general meeting of shareholders following these appointments.
The members of the Transitional Appointment Committee can only
resolve with unanimous votes to appoint a member of the
supervisory board.
A resolution of the general meeting of shareholders for
the amendment of article 13.4, this transitional provision
2 or any amendment materially affecting the content of the
provisions of article 13.4 or this transitional provision 2
in any other way, shall be subject to the prior written approval
of the Transitional Appointment Committee. The members of the
Transitional Appointment Committee can only resolve to approve
such amendment of the articles of association of the Company
with unanimous votes.
WEENA 737, 3013 AM,
Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of information up
until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting date. Have your proxy card
in hand when you access the web site and follow the instructions to obtain your records and to
create an electronic voting instruction form.
If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy materials, you can
consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports electronically via
e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please follow the instructions above to
vote using the Internet and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy
materials electronically in future years.
VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting instructions up until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time
the day before the cut-off date or meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you call and
then follow the instructions.
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or
return it to Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.
M33581-Z55162 |
The Supervisory Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR each of the first named candidate: |
For |
Withhold |
For Other Nominee |
Item 1 - Class I Directors Election of |
1a. |
Jagjeet S. Bindra OR |
o |
o |
o |
1b. |
Jacques Aigrain |
Reelection of |
1c. |
Milton Carroll OR |
o |
o |
o |
1d. |
Rudy van der Meer |
Reelection of |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1e. 1f. |
Rudy van der Meer OR Milton Carroll |
o |
o |
o |
8. |
o |
o |
o |
Item 2 - Class II Directors Election of |
9. |
o |
o |
o |
2a. |
Robin Buchanan OR |
o |
o |
o |
2b. |
Robert G. Gwin |
10. |
o |
o |
o |
Item 3 - Class III Directors Election of |
3a. 3b. |
Jacques Aigrain OR Jagjeet S. Bindra |
o |
o |
o |
11. |
o |
o |
o |
The Supervisory Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR the following proposals: |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
The Supervisory Board of Directors recommends you vote one year on the following proposal: |
1 Year |
2 Years |
3 Years |
Abstain |
4. |
o |
o |
o |
12. |
o |
o |
o |
o |
5. |
o |
o |
o |
6. |
o |
o |
o |
7. |
o |
o |
o |
BOX] |
Date |
Signature (Joint Owners) |
Date |
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of
LyondellBasell Industries N.V.
Thursday, May 5, 2011, 1:00 p.m., local time
Weena 737
3013 AM Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Important Notice Regarding Internet Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting:
Notice and Proxy Statement/Annual Report including 10-K are available at
MAY 5, 2011
The undersigned hereby appoints James L. Gallogly, C. Kent Potter and Craig B. Glidden or any of
them, as proxies, each with full power of substitution, and hereby authorizes them to represent and
to vote all of the ordinary shares of LyondellBasell Industries N.V. that the shareholder(s) is/are
entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held at 1:00 p.m., local time,
on Thursday, May 5, 2011, at the Companys offices at Weena 737, 3013 AM Rotterdam, The
Netherlands, and any adjournment or postponement thereof, as indicated on the reverse side of this
proxy card with respect to the proposals set forth in the proxy statement and in their discretion
upon any matter that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment of the meeting. This
proxy is governed by Dutch law.