Section 3: Estimation and Reporting of Mineral Resources
Site visits
The Competent Person is site based and is actively involved in the management and supervision of
the Mineral Resource estimation.
Geological interpretation
To control the Mineral Resource estimation process, three dimensional digital solids were prepared in
LeapFrog software for the mineralised zones, dykes, shears and garnet (mostly hangingwall) gneiss.
Mineralised solids are prepared using a nominal 0.3g/t Au drill hole cut-off grade to encompass the
gold mineralisation targeted for Mineral Resource estimation. The dykes, shears and garnet gneiss
solids are prepared from geological logging. Regolith units are prepared as surfaces below topography
based on the geological logging.
The resulting models encompass the mineralisation, the post-mineralisation barren dykes, the shears
controlling higher grade mineralisation and the main waste rock units that are the footwall and
hangingwall to the mineralisation.
The Open Pit Mineral Resource is reported within an open pit Lerchs-Grossman-Analysis (LGA) pit
optimisation 'shell' based on a gold price of $A1,778/tr.oz. ($US1,400 /tr.oz), and life-of-mine pit
This reporting shell has dimensions of approximately 4.7km along strike, up to 1km wide and up to
450m deep, spanning all the major deposits.
The Underground Mineral Resource extends from the base of the Open Pit Resource below the Open
Pit designs with plan extents in long dimension down dip to the SE by up to 900 m and up to 200m
wide. A smaller lode extends from the Havana South pit with down dip extents of 200m and up to
200m wide. Other parts of the Underground Mineral Resource are below the other pits.
Estimation and modelling
The Mineral Resource excluding Boston Shaker, was updated in July 2018:
A single model was created to estimate both the Open Pit and Underground Mineral Resource.
Has been estimated from the drill hole data available to 11 July 2018, which included 15,556 drill
holes for a total of 1,172,907m of drilling of which, 1,285 holes were DD for 479,972m and 2,474
holes were RC for 284,552m. An additional 11,797 RC Grade Control holes were used in the
estimate (408,383m).
The drill hole data was composited to 2m lengths within geological estimation domains using
Vulcan software.
Grade top-cut or caps were applied to the composites after examining cumulative probability
plots of the data, and high-grade estimation limits were applied to limit the spatial spread of high
grades in weakly mineralised domains.
The composite data was declustered in each estimation domain using cell declustering with
varying cell sizes, to determine a stable declustered mean grade.
Gold continuity was interpreted for each estimation domain and grades for large panels were
estimated using ordinary block kriging in Isatis software, with estimation panel dimension
A multi-pass search was used to account for the different drill hole spacings after incorporating
the grade control drilling into the estimate. A short search-radius was used to estimate blocks in
and around the grade control data, with an expanding search up to 120 x 120m used for wider-
spaced data.
Selective Mining Unit (SMU) grades were then estimated for each panel using the Local Uniform
Conditioning method, where the SMU grade distribution within each panel is estimated through a
change of support then the SMUs are localised using kriging so the distribution within the panel
reflects the local grade trends in nearby data. The information effect of 12mE×12mN grade
control information was accommodated in the change of support from panels to SMUs
The SMU dimensions were set to prepare multiple SMUs per panel with SMU dimensions of
12mE×12mN×3.33mElv. The elevation heights nominally match the mining flitch heights applied
at each area.
The estimate model was validated by comparing (input) data declustered means for each domain
to the respective (output) block estimated grades both globally within each domain and locally
using moving window 'swath-plot'. On screen visual inspections were also completed in plan and
section to ensure that the grade trends observed in the data were acceptably reproduced in the
estimates without over extrapolation in areas of sparse drilling.
Comparison of the Open Pit estimate forecasts to mine production indicates acceptable
forecasting performance for monthly, quarterly and annual recompilation periods.
The Boston Shaker Mineral Resource was updated in January 2019:
A single model was created to estimate both the Open Pit and Underground Mineral Resource.
Has been estimated from the drill hole data available to 22
January 2019, which included 1,471
drill holes for a total of 191,340m.
Estimation parameters were kept consistent with the previous estimate (detailed above).
Sulphur is modelled as a secondary variable.