Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A
                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                          Date of Report: June 18, 2008

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


              Colorado                                  000-27211                               84-1469319
-------------------------------------             ----------------------             ---------------------------------
  (State or other jurisdiction of                   (Commission File                   (IRS Employer Identification
           incorporation)                                Number)                                 Number)

                    2051 Placentia Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
               (Address of Principal Executive Offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (909) 522-4414
               Registrant's telephone number, including area code

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

         Check the  appropriate  box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to
simultaneously  satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the
following provisions:

[    ] Written communications  pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17
     CFR 230.425)

[    ]  Soliciting  material  pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17
     CFR 240.14a-12)

[    ]  Pre-commencement  communications  pursuant  to Rule  14d-2(b)  under the
     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

[    ]  Pre-commencement  communications  pursuant  to Rule  13e-4(c)  under the
     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

                        SECTION 2 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 2.01 - Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

Fixed Asset Purchase Agreement

On June 18, 2008, Medina International Holdings, Inc. ("the Registrant") entered
into a Fixed Asset Purchase  Agreement with MGS Grand Sport,  Inc. ("MGS Grand")
and Mardikian  Design  Associates  ("Mardikian") to purchase the fixed assets of
Modena Sport Designs, LLC ("Modena Sports") in exchange for 11,000,000 shares of
its  restricted  common  stock.  MGS Grand owns a 95% equity  interest in Modena
Sports and Mardikian owns the remaining 5% equity interest.  The fixed assets to
be acquired by the Registrant consist of office equipment,  tools and machinery.
In  addition,  the  Registrant  will  acquire web sites and domain names for the
websites Modena Sports.  Upon the completion of the  transaction,  Modena Sports
will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Registrant. The transaction will be
completed upon the delivery of audited financial statements.

On ______,  2009, the Company  received audited  financial  statements of Modena
Sports and are included in this filing.

Modena  Sports was  organized in the state of  California  and does  business as
Harbor Guard Boats.  Modena Sports is involved in the  manufacturing of fire and
rescue boats.

Mold Purchase Agreement

On June 18, 2008,  the  Registrant,  and MGS Grand and Mardikian  Design entered
into a Mold Purchase Agreement, as a part of the Fixed Asset Purchase Agreement,
referred  to above.  The Mold  Purchase  Agreement  allows for the  purchase  of
certain molds and tools from MGS Grand and Mardikian Design.

License Agreement

On June 18, 2008, the Registrant,  MGS Grand and Albert Mardikian  ("Mardikian")
entered into a License Agreement to allow the Registrant exclusive rights to the
patents  and  designs  for the  "rescue  jet"  personal  water craft and related
assemblies,  systems and design  rights.  The License  Agreement  revises  prior
license agreements between the parties.

The Registrant has agreed to pay a royalty for the use of the design and patents
in an amount  equal to gross  sales less sales  returns  and  freight  and sales
commissions for a period of 15 years. The royalties consist of:

     a)   2% for Patented  Designs with or without Patented Fire Pump technology
          used in the Registrant's production;

     b)   1% for Patented Pump  Technology  used in designs other than Mardikian
          or his associates;

     c)   1% for using Patents in any of  distributor  or  associated  companies
          products;  and d) the Registrant agrees to pay $1,000,000 to MGS Grand
          ($200,000 in 2 months minimum and 3months maximum,  $800,000 at a rate
          of 10% of each boat sale until $800,000 has been paid).

Modena Sport  Designs,  LLC was  incorporated  as Harbor  Guard  Boats,  Inc. on
January 7, 2009.


Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits

     (a)  Financial  Statements  of Business to Be Acquired.  The following is a
          list of the financial statements filed as a part of this Report.


     Audited financial statements for the years ended April 30, 2008 and 2007 of
     Modena Sport Unaudited financial statements for the period from May 1, 2008
     to June 18, 2008 of Modena

     (b)  Proforma  Financial  Information.  The  following  is a  list  of  the
          proforma financial statements filed as a part of this Report.


     Consolidated  ProForma  Balance  Sheet  and  Income  Statement  (after  the
     transaction with Modena

          (c)  Exhibits.  The following is a complete list of exhibits  filed as
               part of this Report. Exhibit numbers correspond to the numbers in
               the exhibit table of Item 601 of Regulation S-K.

     Exhibit No.        Description
     ----------         ------------
           10.01        Fixed Assets Purchase Agreement, dated June 18, 2008*
           10.02        Mold Purchase Agreement, dated June 18, 2008*
           10.03        License Agreement, dated June 18, 2008*
** Filed as part of the Current  Report on Form 8K filed with the SEC on July 7,


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this Report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                      MEDINA INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS, INC.

                                 By:      /s/Daniel Medina
                                             Daniel Medina, President

   Date: Octobe 12, 2009

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT............................                  F-1

BALANCE SHEETS................................................            F-2

STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS ....................................             F-3

STATEMENTS OF MEMBERS' EQUITY (DEFICIT)..................                 F-4

STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS......................................            F-5

NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS................................             F-6

                            RONALD R. CHADWICK, P.C.
                           Certified Public Accountant
                        2851 South Parker Road, Suite 720
                             Aurora, Colorado 80014
                             Telephone (303)306-1967
                                Fax (303)306-1944


Board of Directors
Modena Sport Designs, LLC
Costa Mesa, California

I have audited the accompanying  balance sheets of Modena Sport Designs,  LLC as
of  April  30,  2007  and  2008,  and  the  related  statements  of  operations,
stockholders'  equity and cash flows for the years then ended.  These  financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. My responsibility
is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit.

I conducted my audit in  accordance  with the  standards  of the Public  Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States).  Those standards require that I plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial statement presentation.  I believe that my audit provides a reasonable
basis for my opinion.

In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material  respects,  the financial  position of Modena Sport Designs,  LLC as of
April 30, 2007 and 2008,  and the results of its  operations  and its cash flows
for the years then ended in  conformity  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United States of America.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been  prepared  assuming that the
Company  will  continue  as a  going  concern.  As  discussed  in  Note 1 to the
financial  statements the Company has suffered  recurring losses from operations
and has a working capital deficit that raise substantial doubt about its ability
to continue as a going  concern.  Management's  plans in regard to these matters
are also  described  in Note 1. The  financial  statements  do not  include  any
adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

Aurora, Colorado       /s/Ronald R. Chadwick, P.C.
August 19, 2009         RONALD R. CHADWICK, P.C.


                    MODENA SPORT DESIGNS, LLC
                         BALANCE SHEET

                                                                    June 18, 2008        April 30, 2008            April 30, 2007
                                                                  ------------------  ----------------------   ---------------------
                                                                      UNAUDITED              AUDITED                   AUDITED
  Cash                                                                 $ 100,726                       -                          -
  Accounts receivables                                                   338,100                       -                          -
  Inventory                                                              262,686                 216,820                     38,566
  Other receivables                                                      276,845                       -                          -
  Other receivables - related party                                            -                  85,221                          -
                                                                  ------------------  ----------------------   ---------------------
                                             Total Current Assets        978,357                 302,041                     38,566
FIXED ASSETS, NET                                                        694,730                       -                          -
                                                                  ------------------  ----------------------   ---------------------
                          TOTAL ASSETS                               $ 1,673,087               $ 302,041                   $ 38,566
                                                                  ==================  ======================   =====================

  Accounts payable                                                      $ 50,848                 $ 6,022                       $ 82
  Accrued liabilities                                                          -                       -                      2,700
  Line of Credit                                                         138,444                 147,472                          -
  Bank Overdraft                                                               -                     272                      1,359
  Deposit from customers                                                 368,959                 236,000                          -
  Short-term debt - related party                                      1,000,000                       -                     33,375
                                                                  ------------------  ----------------------   ---------------------
       Total Current Liabilities                                       1,558,251                 389,766                     37,516
  Long-term liabilities
                                                                  ------------------  ----------------------   ---------------------
Total liabilities                                                      1,558,251                 389,766                     37,516

MEMBERS' EQUITY (DEFICIT)                                                114,836                 (87,725)                     1,050

                                                                  ------------------  ----------------------   ---------------------
          TOTAL LIABILITIES & MEMBERS' EQUITY (DEFICIT)              $ 1,673,087               $ 302,041                   $ 38,566
                                                                  ==================  ======================   =====================

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements


                                MODENA SPORT DESIGNS, LLC
                                 STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                                             For the Period From
                                                                 May 1, 2008                  For the year ended April 30,
                                                             Through June 18, 2008             2008                   2007
                                                                  UNAUDITED                   AUDITED                AUDITED
                                                          ---------------------------  ---------------------- ----------------------
NET REVENUE                                                                $ 444,100               $ 575,110              $ 693,455
Cost of Goods Sold                                                           205,760                 488,715                271,230
                                                          ---------------------------  ---------------------- ----------------------
                                             Gross Profit                    238,340                  86,395                422,225

General and administrative expenses                                            9,162                  53,779                 18,145
Selling and marketing expenses                                                25,279                  51,109                 55,470
Research and development expenses                                                  -                  68,500                339,000

                                                          ---------------------------  ---------------------- ----------------------
                                 Total Operating Expenses                     34,441                 173,388                412,615
                                                          ---------------------------  ---------------------- ----------------------
INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                                                       203,899                 (86,993)                 9,610
                                                          ---------------------------  ---------------------- ----------------------
  Other income                                                                     -                       -                      -
  Interest expense                                                            (1,338)                 (1,782)                     -
                                                          ---------------------------  ---------------------- ----------------------
       Net other income                                                       (1,338)                 (1,782)                     -
                                                          ---------------------------  ---------------------- ----------------------
                       NET INCOME                                          $ 202,561               $ (88,775)               $ 9,610
                                                          ===========================  ====================== ======================

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements


                 MODENA SPORT DESIGNS, LLC

                                                               For the Period From
                                                                   May 1, 2008                  For the years ended April 30,
                                                              Through June 18, 2008              2008                    2007
Cash flows from operating activities:                               UNAUDITED                  AUDITED                 AUDITED
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
       Net Income                                                        $ 202,561                $ (88,775)                $ 9,610
       Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
              Decrease  (increase)  in inventory                           (45,866)                (178,254)                (38,566)
              Increase (decrease) in accounts payable                       44,826                    5,940                      82
              Increase (decrease) in related party payable                                                                    5,402
              Increase (decrease) in accrued liability                                               (2,700)                  2,700
              Increase in customer deposits                                132,959                  236,000                       -
              (Increase) in  accounts receivables                         (338,100)
              Increase (decrease) in other receivables                      85,221                  (99,323)                      -
              Other                                                         28,425
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
                 Total adjustments                                         (92,535)                 (38,337)                (30,382)
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
   Net cash used (received) in operating activities                        110,026                 (127,112)                (20,772)
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
Cash flows from investing activities:
                                                                                                          -                       -
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
   Net cash used in investing activities                                         -                        -                       -
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
Cash flows from financing activities:
      Bank overdraft                                                          (272)                  (1,087)                  1,359
      Proceeds (payments) from lines of credit                              (9,028)                 128,199                  19,273
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
   Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities                      (9,300)                 127,112                  20,632
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
   Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                        100,726                        -                    (140)
   Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of period                               -                        -                     140
                                                            --------------------------  ----------------------- --------------------
   Cash and cash equivalents - end of period                             $ 100,726                      $ -                     $ -
                                                            ==========================  ======================= ====================

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
    Cash paid during the year for Interest, net of amounts
capitalized                                                                $ 1,338                  $ 1,782                     $ -
                                                            ==========================  ======================= ====================
     Income taxes                                                              $ -                      $ -                     $ -
                                                            ==========================  ======================= ====================

Supplemental schedule of noncash investing and financing

    In June 2008 the Company  incurred a $1,000,000 short term debt to a related
party in exchange  for $694,730 in fixed  assets,  $276,845 in  receivables  and
$28,425 in other expenditures

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements


                            MODENA SPORT DESIGNS, LLC

                                                                Members'              Paid in           Retained          Members'
                                                              Interests (%)           Capital           Earnings           Equity

Balances April 30, 2006                                                  100               $ -            $ (8,560)       $ (8,560)

Gain (loss) for period                                                                                       9,610           9,610

Balances April 30, 2007                                                  100               $ -             $ 1,050         $ 1,050

Gain (loss) for period                                                                                     (88,775)        (88,775)
Balances April 30, 2008                                                  100               $ -           $ (87,725)      $ (87,725)

Gain (loss) for period                                                                                     202,561         202,561
Balances June 18, 2008                                                   100               $ -           $ 114,836       $ 114,836

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements


                            MODENA SPORT DESIGNS, LLC
    April 30, 2008 and 2007, and for the period from May 1, 2008 through June
                              18, 2008 (Unaudited)


Modena Sport  Designs,  LLC was formed in the State of  California  on March 28,
2003 to produce fire, rescue and recreational boats.  Modena Sport Designs,  LLC
reorganized as a California  corporation on January 7, 2009 and changed its name
to Harbor Guard Boats, Inc.

Going Concern

Recoverability  of a major  portion of the recorded  asset  amounts shown in the
accompanying  balance  sheet  is  dependent  upon  continued  operations  of the
Company,  which  in turn is  dependent  upon  the  Company's  ability  to  raise
additional  capital,  obtain financing and to succeed in its future  operations.
The  financial  statements  do  not  include  any  adjustments  relating  to the
recoverability  and  classification  of  recorded  asset  amounts or amounts and
classification  of  liabilities  that might be  necessary  should the Company be
unable to continue as a going concern.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been prepared in conformity  with
generally   accepted   accounting   principles  in  the  United  States,   which
contemplates continuation of the Company as a going concern. As of June 18, 2008
the Company's current liabilities exceeded current assets by $579,894. Also, the
Company's operations generated $444,100 in revenue during the period from May 1,
2008  through  June  18,  2008 and the  members'  equity  at June  18,  2008 was

As of April 30, 2008, the Company's current liabilities  exceeded current assets
by $87,725 and as of April 30,  2007,  the  Company's  current  assets  exceeded
current liabilities by $1,050. Also, the Company's operations generated $575,110
and  $693,455  in  revenue  for  the  years  ended  April  30,  2008  and  2007,
respectively,  and at the end of the same periods the members' surplus (deficit)
was $(87,725) and $1,050, respectively..

Management  has  taken  various  steps to revise  its  operating  and  financial
requirements,  which we believe are  sufficient  to provide the Company with the
ability to continue on in the subsequent year.  Management devoted  considerable
effort during the period ended April 30, 2008 towards  management of liabilities
and improving our  operations.  Management  believes that the above actions will
allow the Company to continue its operations through the next fiscal year.

The future  success of the Company is likely  dependent on its ability to attain
additional  capital to develop its proposed  products and  ultimately,  upon its
ability to attain future profitable  operations.  There can be no assurance that
the Company will be  successful  in obtaining  such  financing,  or that it will
obtain positive cash flow.



Use of Estimates

The preparation of our financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires the
use of estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities,  the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of
the  financial  statements,  and the  reported  amounts of revenues and expenses
during the reporting  periods.  Significant  estimates and  assumptions are used
for, but are not limited to;

1)       Revenue recognition;
2)       Allowance for doubtful accounts;
3)       Inventory costs;
4)       Asset impairments;
5)       Depreciable lives of assets;
6)       Income tax reserves and valuation allowances;
7)       Allocation of direct and indirect cost of sales;
8)       Contingent liabilities; and
9)       Warranty liabilities.

Future events and their effects cannot be predicted with certainty; accordingly,
our accounting estimates require exercise of judgment.  We base our estimates on
historical  experience,  available  market  information,  appropriate  valuation
methodologies,   and  on  various  other  assumptions  that  we  believe  to  be
reasonable.  We evaluate and update our  assumptions and estimates on an ongoing
basis  and  may  employ  outside  experts  to  assist  in our  evaluation,  when
necessary. Actual results could differ materially from these estimates.

Accounts Receivable

Accounts  receivables  are  recorded at net  realizable  value  consisting  of a
carrying amount less an allowance for uncollectible accounts, as needed.

Revenue Recognition

Revenue Recognition is recognized when earned. The Company's revenue recognition
policies are in  compliance  with Staff  accounting  bulletin  (SAB) 104.  Sales
revenue  is  recognized  at the  date of  shipment  to  customers  when a formal
arrangement  exists,  the  price is  fixed  or  determinable,  the  delivery  is
completed,   no  other   significant   obligations  of  the  Company  exist  and
collectability  is  reasonably  assured.  Payments  received  before  all of the
relevant  criteria  for  revenue  recognition  are  satisfied,  are  recorded as
unearned revenue.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company considers all liquid  investments with a maturity of three months or
less from the date of purchase that are readily convertible into cash to be cash
equivalents.  The Company  maintains its cash in bank deposit  accounts that may
exceed federally  insured limits.  The Company has not experienced any losses in
such accounts.


We carry our  inventories  at the lower of their cost or market  value.  Cost is
determined using first-in, first-out ("FIFO") method. Market is determined based
on net realizable  value.  We also provide due  consideration  to  obsolescence,
excess quantities, and other factors in evaluating net realizable value.


Fixed Assets

Capital  assets are stated at cost.  Equipment  consisting of molds is stated at
cost.  Depreciation of fixed assets is provided using the  straight-line  method
over the  estimated  useful  lives (3-7 years) of the assets.  Expenditures  for
maintenance and repairs are charged to expense as incurred.

                 Property and Equipment                         No. of Years
        Molds                                                   7
        Manufacturing Tools                                     5
        Computers                                               3
        Furniture                                               3
        Manufacturing tool HGB                                  3
        Office Equipments                                       3
        Office Phone                                            3

Long Lived Assets

Effective January 1, 2002, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards  No. 144,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  or Disposal of Long-Lived
Assets" ("SFAS 144"), which addresses financial accounting and reporting for the
impairment  or  disposal  of  long-lived  assets and  supersedes  SFAS No.  121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
be Disposed Of," and the accounting and reporting  provisions of APB Opinion No.
30,  "Reporting  the  Results of  Operations  for a  Disposal  of a Segment of a
Business." The Company  periodically  evaluates the carrying value of long-lived
assets  to be held and used in  accordance  with  SFAS  144.  SFAS 144  requires
impairment  losses to be recorded on long-lived  assets used in operations  when
indicators of impairment are present and the  undiscounted  cash flows estimated
to be generated by those assets are less than the assets' carrying  amounts.  In
that  event,  a loss is  recognized  based on the  amount by which the  carrying
amount  exceeds  the  fair  market  value  of the  long-lived  assets.  Loss  on
long-lived  assets to be disposed of is determined in a similar  manner,  except
that fair market values are reduced.

Income Taxes

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are computed annually for differences
between the financial  statements and tax basis of assets and  liabilities  that
will result in taxable or deductible amounts in the future based on enacted laws
and rates  applicable  to the periods in which the  differences  are expected to
affect taxable income (loss).  Valuation allowance is established when necessary
to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.

Comprehensive Loss

Accounting principles generally require that recognized revenue, expenses, gains
and losses be included  in net  income.  Certain  statements,  however,  require
entities  to  report  specific  changes  in  assets  and  liabilities,  such  as
unrealized  gains and  losses on  available-for-sale  securities,  as a separate
component of the equity section of the balance sheet. Such items, along with net
income, are components of comprehensive income.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 107,  Disclosures  about Fair
Value of Financial  Instruments,  requires that the Company  disclose  estimated
fair values of  financial  instruments.  The  carrying  amounts  reported in the
statements  of  financial  position for current  assets and current  liabilities
qualifying, as financial instruments are a reasonable estimate of fair value.


Foreign Currently Translations and Hedging

The Company is exposed to foreign  currency  fluctuations  due to  international
trade. The management does not intend to enter into forward  exchange  contracts
or any derivative  financial  investments for trading  purposes.  The management
does not currently hedge foreign currency exposure.

Basic and Diluted Net Loss per Share

Net loss per share is calculated  in accordance  with the Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 128 (SFAS No. 128), "Earnings per share". SFAS No. 128
superseded  Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion No. 15 (APB 15). Net loss per
share for all periods  presented  has been  restated to reflect the  adoption of
SFAS No. 128. Basic net loss per share is based upon the weighted average number
of  common  shares  outstanding.  Diluted  net  loss  per  share is based on the
assumption that all dilutive convertible shares and stock options were converted
or exercised.  Dilution is computed by applying the treasury stock method. Under
this method,  options and warrants are assumed to be exercised at the  beginning
of the period (or at the time of issuance,  if later),  and as if funds obtained
thereby were used to purchase  common  stock at the average  market price during
the period.

Products and services, geographic areas and major customers

              The  Company  earns  revenue  from  the sale of  recreational  and
         commercial  boats.  All sales each period were domestic and to external
         customers.   The  Company  does  not  separate  sales  activities  into
         different operating segments.

          In 2007 three major customers  accounted for  approximately  62.68% of
          product sales or $383,476, and two other major customers accounted for
          approximate  product  sales as follows:  15.61% or $95,450,  10.20% or
          $62,398  and  11.51% or  $70,400.  During the year 2007  revenue  from
          logistics accounted for $81,731 from various customers.

          In 2008 two major  customers  accounted  for  approximately  69.87% of
          product sales or $394,557 and two other major customers  accounted for
          approximate  product  sales as follows:  15.94% or $90,000,  14.18% or
          $80,090.  During the year 2008 revenue from  logistics  accounted  for
          $10,463 from various customers. .

          For the period from May 1, 2008 to June 18,  2008 two major  customers
          accounted for 100% of product sales or $435,400, with $8,700 accounted
          for as logistics sales revenue from various customers. .

Recently issued accounting pronouncements

       In June 2008, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") ratified
Emerging  Issues Task Force  ("EITF")  Issue No. 07-5,  "Determining  Whether an
Instrument (or an Embedded  Feature) is indexed to an Entity's Own Stock" ("EITF
07-5").  EITF 07-5  provides  that an entity  should use a two step  approach to
evaluate whether an equity-linked  financial instrument (or embedded feature) is
indexed to its own  stock,  including  evaluating  the  instrument's  contingent
exercise and settlement  provisions.  It also clarifies on the impact of foreign
currency  denominated  strike  prices and market  based  employee  stock  option
valuation instruments on the evaluation. EITF 07-5 is effective for fiscal years
beginning  after  December 15, 2008.  The adoption of EITF 07-5 will not have an
impact on our consolidated financial position and results of operations.


     In May 2008, the FASB issued  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards
No. 162 ("SFAS No.  162"),  "The  Hierarchy  of  Generally  Accepted  Accounting
Principles."  SFAS No. 162 identifies  the sources of accounting  principles and
the framework for selecting the principles  used in the preparation of financial
statements that are presented in conformity with generally  accepted  accounting
principles.  SFAS No. 162 becomes effective 60 days following the Securities and
Exchange  Commission's approval of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
amendments to AU Section 411, "The Meaning of Present Fairly in Conformity  With
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles." We do not expect that the adoption of
SFAS  No.  162  will  have  a  material  impact  on our  consolidated  financial

     In April 2008, the FASB issued FSP No. 142-3 ("FSP 142-3"),  "Determination
of the Useful Life of Intangible Assets." FSP 142-3 amends the factors an entity
should  consider  in  developing  renewal  or  extension   assumptions  used  in
determining the useful life of recognized intangible assets under FASB Statement
No. 142,  "Goodwill  and Other  Intangible  Assets."  This new guidance  applies
prospectively  to  intangible  assets that are acquired  individually  or with a
group of other assets in business combinations and asset acquisitions. FSP 142-3
is  effective  for  financial  statements  issued for fiscal  years and  interim
periods  beginning after December 15, 2008. Early adoption is prohibited.  Since
this  guidance  will be applied  prospectively,  on  adoption,  there will be no
impact to our current consolidated financial statements.

     In March 2008,  the FASB,  affirmed the  consensus  of FASB Staff  Position
(FSP) Accounting  Principles  Board Opinion No. 14-1 (APB 14-1),  Accounting for
Convertible  Debt  Instruments  That  May Be  Settled  in Cash  upon  Conversion
(Including  Partial Cash  Settlement),  which  applies to all  convertible  debt
instruments  that  have  a  net  settlement  feature;   which  means  that  such
convertible  debt  instruments,  by their terms, may be settled either wholly or
partially in cash upon conversion.  FSP APB 14-1 requires issuers of convertible
debt instruments that may be settled wholly or partially in cash upon conversion
to  separately  account  for the  liability  and equity  components  in a manner
reflective of the issuer's nonconvertible debt borrowing rate. Previous guidance
provided for accounting for this type of convertible debt instrument entirely as
debt. FSP APB 14-1 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years
beginning after December 15, 2008 and interim periods within those fiscal years.
The  adoption  of FSP  APB  14-1  will  not  have  an  impact  on our  financial

     In March 2008, the FASB issued SFAS No. 161  Disclosures  about  Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities.  SFAS No. 161 requires additional disclosure
related to derivatives  instruments  and hedging  activities.  The provisions of
SFAS No. 161 are  effective  as of January 1, 2008 and the Company is  currently
evaluating the impact of adoption.

     In  February  2008,  the FASB  issued  FASB FSP 157-2,  which  delayed  the
effective  date of SFAS No. 157 for all  nonfinancial  assets  and  nonfinancial
liabilities,  except those that are recognized or disclosed at fair value in the
financial  statements  on a recurring  basis (at least  annually),  until fiscal
years beginning after November 15, 2008, and interim periods within those fiscal
years. These nonfinancial items include assets and liabilities such as reporting
units  measured  at fair value in a goodwill  impairment  test and  nonfinancial
assets acquired and  liabilities  assumed in a business  combination.  Effective
January 1, 2008,  we adopted SFAS No. 157 for financial  assets and  liabilities
recognized at fair value on a recurring  basis. The partial adoption of SFAS No.
157 for financial  assets and  liabilities did not have a material impact on our
consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows.

In  February  2007,  the FASB issued  SFAS No.  159,  The Fair Value  Option for
Financial Assets and Financial  Liabilities (SFAS No. 159). SFAS No. 159 permits
entities to choose to measure,  on an item-by-item  basis,  specified  financial
instruments and certain other items at fair value.  Unrealized  gains and losses
on items for which the fair value  option has been  elected  are  required to be
reported in earnings  at each  reporting  date.  SFAS No. 159 is  effective  for
fiscal years  beginning  after  November 15, 2007,  the  provisions of which are
required to be applied prospectively. We believe that SFAS 159 should not have a
material impact on our financial position or results of operations


     In December  2007,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 141 (Revised  2007),  Business
Combinations,  or SFAS No. 141R.  SFAS No. 141R will change the  accounting  for
business combinations. Under SFAS No. 141R, an acquiring entity will be required
to recognize all the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a transaction at
the  acquisition-date  fair value with  limited  exceptions.  SFAS No. 141R will
change the accounting  treatment and disclosure for certain  specific items in a
business   combination.   SFAS  No.  141R  applies   prospectively  to  business
combinations  for which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the
first  annual  reporting  period  beginning  on  or  after  December  15,  2008.
Accordingly,  any  business  combinations  we  engage  in will be  recorded  and
disclosed following existing GAAP until January 1, 2009. We expect SFAS No. 141R
will have an impact on accounting for business combinations once adopted but the
effect is dependent upon  acquisitions  at that time. We are still assessing the
impact of this pronouncement.

     In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 160,  "Noncontrolling  Interests
in Consolidated  Financial  Statements--An  Amendment of ARB No. 51, or SFAS No.
160". SFAS No. 160  establishes  new accounting and reporting  standards for the
noncontrolling  interest  in a  subsidiary  and  for  the  deconsolidation  of a
subsidiary.  SFAS No. 160 is effective  for fiscal  years  beginning on or after
December 15, 2008. We believe that SFAS 160 should not have a material impact on
our financial position or results of operations.


NOTE 3. Related Party Transactions

The  Company in June 2008  issued a payable for  $1,000,000  to a related  party
owner in exchange for fixed assets valued at $694,730,  a receivable of $276,845
and other items  valued at  $28,425.  The Company  also  borrows  money from the
related party as needed on verbal,  non-interest  bearing,  due on demand basis.
Amounts due from or (owed to) the related party at June 18, 2008,  and April 30,
2008 and 2007 were ($33,375), $85,221, and ($1,000,000).  The related party also
provided the Company with rent free operating space through June 18, 2008.

NOTE 4. Inventory

Inventory consisted of the following:

  Item                  As of June 18,           For the yeares ended April 30,
                           2008                        2007      2007
Parts                   $  67,711               $         -     $       -
Work in Progress          194,975                   216,820        38,566
Total Inventory         $ 262,686               $   216,820     $  38,566

NOTE 5. Short-Term Debt

Financial Institutions                          June 18,        April 30,
                                                2009            2008
Bank Overdraft                                  $        -      $      272

Credit Card
American Express - 1                               18,486       $    7,817
American Express - 2                               74,495          112,603
Bank of America                                    12,471            6,823
Citi Bank                                          32,992           20,220
Total short-term debt                          $  134,444       $  147,744

Credit card rates vary and require monthly payments.

NOTE 6. Risk Management Activities

Foreign Currency

The majority of our business is denominated in U.S.  dollars and fluctuations in
the foreign currency markets will have a minimal effect on our business.

Commodity Prices

We are exposed to market risk from changes in commodity prices.  The cost of our
products could increase,  if the prices of fiberglass and/or aluminum  increases
significantly,  further decreasing our ability to attain profitable  operations.
We are not involved in any purchase commitments with any of our vendors.



We are exposed to several risks,  including fire,  earthquakes,  theft,  and key
person  liabilities.  We do not carry any insurance for these risks,  other than
general  liability,  which will adversely  affect our operations if any of these
risks materialize.

NOTE 7. Income Tax

The Company is a limited liability  company and taxed as a partnership.  The tax
results of Company operations are passed through to its members.


                          AND MODENA SPORT DESIGNS, LLC


                                 April 30, 2008

                          AND MODENA SPORT DESIGNS, LLC
                                 April 30, 2008

Basis of Presentation

The following pro forma consolidated balance sheet as of April 30, 2008, and pro
forma  consolidated  statement  of  operations  for the year then ended  between
Medina International  Holdings, Inc. and Modena Sport Designs, LLC are presented
to show what  effects the  acquisition  of Modena Sport  Designs,  LLC by Medina
International  Holdings, Inc. on June 18, 2008 for balance sheet purposes had on
stockholders'  equity, and for operations might have had on historical financial
information  had the  transaction  taken place on an earlier date. The pro forma
consolidated  financial  statements  are derived from the  historical  financial
statements of Medina International Holdings, Inc. and Modena Sport Designs, LLC,
and assume that for balance sheet purposes the  transaction  took place on April
30, 2008, and for statement of operations purposes on May 1, 2007 with resulting
effects through April 30, 2008. The pro forma consolidated  financial statements
should be read in conjunction with the historical financial information. The pro
forma consolidated  financial  statements are not necessarily  indicative of the
result that would have been attained had the  transaction  actually  taken place

        Medina International Holdings, Inc. and Modena Sport Designs, LLC
                      Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                 April 30, 2008

                                                                                           Amount              MIHI            MSD

Current assets:
  Cash                                                                                            $ -             $ -           $ -
  Inventory                                                                                   285,633          68,813       216,820
  Other receivables                                                                            85,221               -        85,221
       Total current assets                                                                   370,854          68,813       302,041
Fixed assets:
     Fixed assets                                                                             376,482         376,482             -
     Accumulated depreciation                                                                 (58,519)        (58,519)            -
       Total net fixed assets                                                                 317,963         317,963             -
                                                                                                    -               -             -
       Total other assets                                                                           -               -             -
Total assets                                                                                $ 688,817       $ 386,776     $ 302,041
                  Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)
Current Liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                                                       $ 196,381.00       $ 190,359       $ 6,022
  Accrued liabilities                                                                          40,952          40,952             -
  Bank Overdraft                                                                                  292              20           272
  Franchise Tax                                                                                   800             800             -
  Short-term debt                                                                             164,628          17,156       147,472
  Deposit from customers                                                                      260,500          24,500       236,000
  Stock subscriptions payable                                                                 241,563         241,563             -
  Note payable - current                                                                       10,000          10,000             -
  Related parties - short-term borrowings from shareholders                                   361,688         361,688             -
       Total Current Liabilities                                                            1,276,804         887,038       389,766
  Long-term liabilities                                                                             -               -             -
Total liabilities                                                                           1,276,804         887,038       389,766
Stockholders' Equity (Deficit):
  Preferred stock, $.01 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized, none issued
      or outstanding                                                                                -               -             -
  Common stock, $.0001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized, 35,560,091
     shares issued and outstanding                                                              3,556           3,556             -
  Additional paid-in capital                                                                2,419,032       2,419,032             -
  Common stock subscribed (100,000 shares)                                                     10,000          10,000             -
  Subscription to be received                                                                  (3,000)         (3,000)            -
  Accumulated deficit                                                                      (3,017,575)     (2,929,850)      (87,725)
Total Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)                                                         (587,987)       (500,262)      (87,725)
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity (deficit)                                        $ 688,817       $ 386,776     $ 302,041

        Medina International Holdings, Inc. and Modena Sport Designs, LLC
                 Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations
                            Year Ended April 30, 2008

                                                           Amount                 MIHI               MSD
Sales, net                                                       $ 767,910          $ 192,800         $ 575,110
Cost of Goods Sold                                                 603,829            115,114           488,715
       Gross Profit                                                164,081             77,686            86,395
General and administrative expenses                              1,113,125          1,059,346            53,779
Selling and marketing expenses                                     109,055             57,946            51,109
Research and development expenses                                   68,500                             - 68,500
Impairment loss on investment                                       68,500             68,500                 -
       Loss from operations                                     (1,195,099)        (1,108,106)          (86,993)
  Other income                                                           -                             -      -
  Interest (expense)                                               (36,413)           (34,631)           (1,782)
       Net other income                                            (36,413)           (34,631)           (1,782)
Loss before income tax (expense) benefit                        (1,231,512)        (1,142,737)          (88,775)
       Income tax (expense) benefit                                      -                             -                   -
Net Loss from Operations                                      $ (1,231,512)      $ (1,142,737)        $ (88,775)