Washington, DC 20549







Investment Company Act File Number:




Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter:

Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend and Income Fund



Address of principal executive offices:

2005 Market Street


Philadelphia, PA 19103



Name and address of agent for service:

David F. Connor, Esq.


2005 Market Street


Philadelphia, PA 19103



Registrant’s telephone number:

(800) 523-1918



Date of fiscal year end:

November 30



Date of reporting period:

July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011









ABBOTT LABORATORIES                                                            


Ticker:       ABT            Security ID:  002824100                           

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 02, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Robert J. Alpern         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Roxanne S. Austin        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director W. James Farrell         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director H. Laurance Fuller       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Edward M. Liddy          For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Phebe N. Novakovic       For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director William A. Osborn        For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Samuel C. Scott III      For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Glenn F. Tilton          For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Miles D. White           For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

5     Adopt Policy on Pharmaceutical Price    Against   Against      Shareholder








Ticker:       ALO            Security ID:  F0259M475                           

Meeting Date: JUN 28, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  JUN 23, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.62 per Share                                          

4     Reelect Patrick Kron as Director        For       Against      Management

5     Reelect Candace Beinecke as Director    For       For          Management

6     Reelect Jean-Martin Folz as Director    For       For          Management

7     Reelect James W Leng as Director        For       For          Management

8     Reelect Klaus Mangold as Director       For       For          Management

9     Reelect Alan Thomson as Director        For       For          Management

10    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

11    Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                       

12    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





ALSTRIA OFFICE REIT-AG                                                         


Ticker:       AOX            Security ID:  D0378R100                           

Meeting Date: JUN 08, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 17, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2010                                         


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.44 per Share                                           

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2010                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2010                                                          

5     Ratify Deloitte & Touche as Auditors    For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2011                                                          

6a    Elect Johannes Conradi to the           For       Against      Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

6b    Elect Roger Lee to the Supervisory      For       Against      Management


6c    Elect Richard Mully to the Supervisory  For       Against      Management


6d    Elect John van Oost to the Supervisory  For       Against      Management


6e    Elect Daniel Quai to the Supervisory    For       Against      Management


6f    Elect Alexander Stuhlmann to the        For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

7     Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       Against      Management

      Reissuance or Cancellation of                                            

      Repurchased Shares; Authorize Use of                                     

      Financial Derivatives When Repurchasing                                   


8     Approve Creation of EUR 35.8 Million    For       Against      Management

      Pool of Capital without Preemptive                                        


9     Approve Issuance of Warrants/Bonds with For       Against      Management

      Warrants Attached/Convertible Bonds                                      

      without Preemptive Rights up to                                          

      Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 550                                      

      Million; Approve Creation of EUR 34.7                                    

      Million Pool of Capital to Guarantee                                     

      Conversion Rights                                                        

10    Amend Articles Re: Convocation of       For       For          Management

      Annual General Meeting                                                    





AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC.                                          


Ticker:       AEP            Security ID:  025537101                           

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director David J. Anderson        For       For          Management

2     Elect Director James F. Cordes          For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Ralph D. Crosby, Jr.     For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Linda A. Goodspeed       For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Thomas E. Hoaglin        For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Lester A. Hudson, Jr.    For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Michael G. Morris        For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Richard C. Notebaert     For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Lionel L. Nowell III     For       For          Management

10    Elect Director  Richard L. Sandor       For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Kathryn D. Sullivan      For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Sara Martinez Tucker     For       For          Management

13    Elect Director John F. Turner           For       For          Management

14    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

15    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

16    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORPORATION                                                  


Ticker:       APC            Security ID:  032511107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 17, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 22, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director John R. Butler, Jr.      For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Kevin P. Chilton         For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Luke R. Corbett          For       Against      Management

4     Elect Director H. Paulett Eberhart      For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Preston M. Geren, III    For       For          Management

6     Elect Director John R. Gordon           For       For          Management

7     Elect Director James T. Hackett         For       For          Management

8     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

9     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

10    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


11    Amend EEO Policy to Prohibit            Against   For          Shareholder

      Discrimination based on Gender Identity                                  

12    Require Independent Board Chairman      Against   For          Shareholder

13    Pro-rata Vesting of Equity Plans        Against   For          Shareholder

14    Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder







Ticker:       LOR            Security ID:  L0302D129                           

Meeting Date: JAN 25, 2011   Meeting Type: Special                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Suzanne P. Nimocks as Director    For       Did Not Vote Management

1     Acknowledge Report of the Board Re:     For       Did Not Vote Management

      Spin-Off of the Stainless and Specialty                                  

      Steel Business                                                           

2     Acknowledge Report of                   For       Did Not Vote Management

      PricewaterhouseCoopers Re: The Spin-Off                                  

3     Approve Spin-Off of the Stainless and   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Specialty Steel Business to a Newly                                      

      Created Company Called APERAM                                            

4     Determination of the Effective Date of  For       Did Not Vote Management

      the Spin-Off                                                              

5     Approve Reduction in Share Capital to   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Reflect Spin-Off without Cancellation                                    

      of Outstanding Shares                                                     

6     Amend Articles to Reflect Changes in    For       Did Not Vote Management

      Capital as Proposed under Item 5                                         

7     Amend Articles Re: Legislative Changes  For       Did Not Vote Management

      and Implementation of the EU                                             

      Shareholder Rights Directive                                             

8     Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute   For       Did Not Vote Management

      Approved Resolutions                                                     







Ticker:       LOR            Security ID:  L0302D129                           

Meeting Date: MAY 10, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Board's and Auditor's Reports   None      None         Management

      on Financial Statements for FY 2010                                      

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       Did Not Vote Management

      Statements for FY 2010                                                   

3     Accept Financial Statements for FY 2010 For       Did Not Vote Management

4     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Dividends of USD 0.75 per Share                                          

5     Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       Did Not Vote Management

6     Approve Discharge of Directors          For       Did Not Vote Management

7     Re-elect Lakshmi N. Mittal as Director  For       Did Not Vote Management

8     Re-elect Antoine Spillmann as Director  For       Did Not Vote Management

9     Re-elect Lewis B. Kaden as Director     For       Did Not Vote Management

10    Re-elect HRH Prince Guillaume de        For       Did Not Vote Management

      Luxembourg as Director                                                   

11    Elect Bruno Lafont as New Director      For       Did Not Vote Management

12    Ratify Deloitte SA as Auditors          For       Did Not Vote Management

13    Approve Restricted Share Unit Plan and  For       Did Not Vote Management

      Performance Share Unit Plan                                              





ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND COMPANY                                                 


Ticker:       ADM            Security ID:  039483102                           

Meeting Date: NOV 04, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  SEP 09, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director George W. Buckley        For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Mollie Hale Carter       For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Pierre Dufour            For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Donald E. Felsinger      For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Victoria F. Haynes       For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Antonio Maciel Neto      For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Patrick J. Moore         For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Thomas F. O'Neill        For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Kelvin R. Westbrook      For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Patricia A. Woertz       For       For          Management

11    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

12    Adopt Policy to Prohibit Political      Against   Against      Shareholder


13    Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder





ARYZTA AG                                                                      


Ticker:       YZA            Security ID:  H0336B110                           

Meeting Date: DEC 02, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  NOV 18, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of CHF 0.48 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Board and Senior   For       For          Management


4     Reelect Owen Killian as Director        For       For          Management

5     Elect Charles Adair as Director         For       For          Management

6     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers AG as     For       For          Management






ASAHI GLASS CO. LTD.                                                            


Ticker:       5201           Security ID:  J02394120                           

Meeting Date: MAR 30, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 31, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 14                                                 

2.1   Elect Director Ishimura, Kazuhiko       For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Nishimi, Yuji            For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Kato, Katsuhisa          For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Fujino, Takashi          For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Matsuo, Kunihiro         For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Sawabe, Hajime           For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Sakane, Masahiro         For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Haga, Kenji   For       For          Management

4     Approve Adjustment to Aggregate         For       For          Management

      Compensation Ceiling for Directors                                        

5     Approve Stock Option Plan               For       For          Management





ASHFORD HOSPITALITY TRUST, INC.                                                 


Ticker:       AHT            Security ID:  044103109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 17, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 08, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Archie Bennett, Jr.      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Monty J. Bennett         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Benjamin J. Ansell       For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Thomas E. Callahan       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Martin L. Edelman        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director W. Michael Murphy        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Philip S. Payne          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       Against      Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

5     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





AT&T INC.                                                                      


Ticker:       T              Security ID:  00206R102                            

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 01, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Randall L. Stephenson    For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Gilbert F. Amelio        For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Reuben V. Anderson       For       For          Management

4     Elect Director James H. Blanchard       For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Jaime Chico Pardo        For       For          Management

6     Elect Director James P. Kelly           For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Jon C. Madonna           For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Lynn M. Martin           For       For          Management

9     Elect Director John B. McCoy            For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Joyce M. Roche           For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Matthew K. Rose          For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Laura D Andrea Tyson     For       For          Management

13    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

14    Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

15    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

16    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


17    Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder

18    Amend Articles/Bylaws/Charter -- Call   Against   For          Shareholder

      Special Meetings                                                         

19    Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder







Ticker:       CS             Security ID:  F06106102                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 20, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Approve Treatment of Losses and         For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.69 per Share                                          

4     Approve Auditors' Special Report on     For       For          Management

      Related-Party Transactions and Approve                                   

      New Transaction                                                          

5     Reelect Jean-Martin Folz as Director    For       For          Management

6     Reelect Giuseppe Mussari as Director    For       For          Management

7     Elect Marcus Schenck as Director        For       For          Management

8     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       Against      Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

9     Authorize Capitalization of Reserves of For       For          Management

      Up to EUR 1 Billion for Bonus Issue or                                   

      Increase in Par Value                                                    

10    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 2 Billion                                          

11    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 1 Billion                                          

12    Approve Issuance of Shares up to 20     For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Capital Per Year for                                   

      a Private Placement, up to EUR 1                                         


13    Authorize Board to Set Issue Price for  For       For          Management

      10 Percent Per Year of Issued Capital                                    

      Pursuant to Issue Authority without                                       

      Preemptive Rights under Items 11 and 12                                  

14    Authorize Board to Increase Capital in  For       For          Management

      the Event of Additional Demand Related                                   

      to Delegation Submitted to Shareholder                                   

      Vote under Items 10 to 13 and 17                                         

15    Authorize Capital Increase of Up to EUR For       For          Management

      1 Billion for Future Exchange Offers                                     

16    Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10  For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Capital for Future                                     


17    Authorize Issuance of Equity upon       For       For          Management

      Conversion of a Subsidiary's                                             

      Equity-Linked Securities for Up to EUR                                   

      1 Billion                                                                

18    Approve Issuance of Securities          For       For          Management

      Convertible into Debt up to an                                            

      Aggregate Nominal Amount of EUR 2                                        


19    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

20    Approve Stock Purchase Plan Reserved    For       For          Management

      for Employees of International                                           


21    Authorize up to 2 Percent of Issued     For       For          Management

      Capital for Use in Stock Option Plan                                     

22    Authorize up to 1 Percent of Issued     For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Restricted Stock                                      


23    Authorize up to 0.4 Percent of Issued   For       For          Management

      Capital for Use in Restricted Stock                                      


24    Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                       

25    Amend Article 23 of Bylaws to Comply    For       For          Management

      with New Legislation Re: General                                         


26    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





BANCO SANTANDER S.A.                                                           


Ticker:                      Security ID:  E19790109                           

Meeting Date: JUN 16, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  JUN 09, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.A   Accept Individual and Consolidated      For       For          Management

      Financial Statements and Statutory                                       

      Reports for FY 2010                                                      

1.B   Approve Discharge of Directors for FY   For       For          Management


2     Approve Allocation of Income for FY     For       For          Management


3.A   Reelect Ana Patricia Botin-Sanz de      For       Against      Management

      Sautuola y O'Shea as Director                                            

3.B   Reelect Rodrigo Echenique Gordillo as   For       Against      Management


3.C   Reelect Lord Burns as Director          For       Against      Management

3.D   Reelect Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.   For       Against      Management

      as Director                                                               

4     Reelect Deloitte, S.L. as Auditors for  For       For          Management

      FY 2011                                                                  

5.A   Amend Articles 8, 11, 15, 16 and 18 Re: For       For          Management


5.B   Amend Several Articles of Bylaws        For       For          Management

5.C   Amend Article 62 and 69 of Bylaws       For       For          Management

6.A   Amend Preamble and Article 2 of General For       For          Management

      Meeting Regulations                                                      

6.B   Amend Articles 4, 5 and 8 of General    For       For          Management

      Meeting Regulations; Add Article 6 Bis                                   

      to General Meeting Regulations                                           

6.C   Amend Article 12, 19, 21 and Additional For       For          Management

      Provision of General Meeting                                             


7     Grant Board Authorization to Increase   For       For          Management


8.A   Authorize Increase in Capital Charged   For       For          Management

      to Voluntary Reserves for Bonus Issue;                                   

      Amend Article 5 of Bylaws Accordingly;                                    

      Approve Listing of Shares                                                

8.B   Authorize Increase in Capital Charged   For       For          Management

      to Voluntary Reserves for Bonus Issue;                                    

      Amend Article 5 of Bylaws Accordingly;                                   

      Approve Listing of Shares                                                

9.A   Authorize to Issuance of Convertible    For       For          Management

      and/or Exchangeable Debt Securities                                      

      Including Warrants Without Preemptive                                    

      Rights; Void Authorization Granted at                                    

      2010 AGM                                                                 

9.B   Authorize Issuance of Non Convertible   For       For          Management

      Debt Securities Including Warrants                                       

10.A  Approve Sixth Cycle of Performance      For       For          Management

      Share Plan                                                               

10.B  Approve Second Cycle of Deferred and    For       For          Management

      Conditional Share Plan                                                    

10.C  Approve First Cycle of Deferred and     For       For          Management

      Conditional Variable Remuneration Plan                                   

10.D  Approve Savings Plan for Santander UK   For       For          Management

      plc Employees and Other Companies of                                     

      Santander Group in UK                                                    

11    Authorize Board to Ratify and Execute   For       For          Management

      Approved Resolutions                                                     

12    Advisory Vote on Remuneration Policy    For       For          Management






BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.                                                      


Ticker:       BAX            Security ID:  071813109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 03, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 07, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Wayne T. Hockmeyer       For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Robert L. Parkinson, Jr. For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Thomas T. Stallkamp      For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Albert P.L. Stroucken    For       For          Management

5     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

6     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

7     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


8     Approve Qualified Employee Stock        For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                            

9     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

10    Amend Certificate of Incorporation to   For       For          Management

      Declassify the Board and Reduce                                          

      Supermajority Voting Requirement                                         





BB&T CORPORATION                                                               


Ticker:       BBT            Security ID:  054937107                           

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 23, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director John A. Allison IV       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Jennifer S. Banner       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director K. David Boyer, Jr.      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Anna R. Cablik           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Ronald E. Deal           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director J. Littleton Glover, Jr. For       Withhold     Management

1.7   Elect Director Jane P. Helm             For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director John P. Howe III         For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Kelly S. King            For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Valeria Lynch Lee        For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director J. Holmes Morrison       For       For          Management

1.12  Elect Director Nido R. Qubein           For       For          Management

1.13  Elect Director Thomas E. Skains         For       For          Management

1.14  Elect Director Thomas N. Thompson       For       For          Management

1.15  Elect Director Stephen T. Williams      For       For          Management

2     Amend Executive Incentive Bonus Plan    For       Against      Management

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

5     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

6     Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder

7     Require a Majority Vote for the         Against   For          Shareholder

      Election of Directors                                                    





BMW GROUP BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE AG                                          


Ticker:       BMW            Security ID:  D12096109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 12, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 21, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2010                                        


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.30 per Common Share                                   

      and EUR 1.32 per Preference Share                                        

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2010                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2010                                                          

5     Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors for Fiscal   For       For          Management


6     Approve Remuneration System for         For       For          Management

      Management Board Members                                                 





BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY                                                   


Ticker:       BMY            Security ID:  110122108                           

Meeting Date: MAY 03, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 10, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director L. Andreotti             For       For          Management

2     Elect Director L.B. Campbell            For       For          Management

3     Elect Director J.M. Cornelius           For       For          Management

4     Elect Director L.J. Freeh               For       For          Management

5     Elect Director L.H. Glimcher            For       For          Management

6     Elect Director M. Grobstein             For       For          Management

7     Elect Director L. Johansson             For       For          Management

8     Elect Director A.J. Lacy                For       For          Management

9     Elect Director V.L. Sato                For       For          Management

10    Elect Director E. Sigal                 For       For          Management

11    Elect Director T.D. West, Jr.           For       For          Management

12    Elect Director R.S. Williams            For       For          Management

13    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

14    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

15    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


16    Increase Disclosure of Executive        Against   Against      Shareholder


17    Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder

18    Adopt Policy to Restrain Pharmaceutical Against   Against      Shareholder

      Price Increases                                                           





CAMBRIDGE INDUSTRIAL TRUST                                                     


Ticker:                      Security ID:  Y1082Q104                            

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Adopt Financial Statements and          For       For          Management

      Directors' and Auditors' Reports                                         

2     Reappoint KPMG LLP as Auditors and      For       For          Management

      Authorize Directors of Cambridge                                         

      Industrial Trust Management Limited to                                   

      Fix Their Remuneration                                                   

3     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with or                                         

      without Preemptive Rights                                                





CAMDEN PROPERTY TRUST                                                          


Ticker:       CPT            Security ID:  133131102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 11, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 14, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Richard J. Campo         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Scott S. Ingraham        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Lewis A. Levey           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director William B. McGuire, Jr.  For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director William F. Paulsen       For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director D. Keith Oden            For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director F. Gardner Parker        For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Steven A. Webster        For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Kelvin R. Westbrook      For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Change State of Incorporation: From     For       Against      Management

      Texas to Maryland                                                        

4     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

5     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

6     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





CAMPUS CREST COMMUNITIES INC                                                   


Ticker:       CCG            Security ID:  13466Y105                           

Meeting Date: APR 25, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 04, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Ted W. Rollins           For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Michael S. Hartnett      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director N. Anthony Coles         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Richard S. Kahlbaugh     For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Denis McGlynn            For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director William G. Popeo         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Daniel L. Simmons        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management






CARDINAL HEALTH, INC.                                                           


Ticker:       CAH            Security ID:  14149Y108                           

Meeting Date: NOV 03, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  SEP 07, 2010                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Colleen F. Arnold        For       For          Management

2     Elect Director George S. Barrett        For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Glenn A. Britt           For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Carrie S. Cox            For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Calvin Darden            For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Bruce L. Downey          For       For          Management

7     Elect Director John F. Finn             For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Gregory B. Kenny         For       For          Management

9     Elect Director James J. Mongan          For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Richard C. Notebaert     For       For          Management

11    Elect Director David W. Raisbeck        For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Jean G. Spaulding        For       For          Management

13    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

14    Permit Board to Amend Bylaws Without    For       For          Management

      Shareholder Consent                                                      

15    Performance-Based Equity Awards         Against   For          Shareholder

16    Require Independent Board Chairman      Against   Against      Shareholder

17    Amend Articles/Bylaws/Charter -- Call   Against   For          Shareholder

      Special Meetings                                                         





CGI GROUP INC                                                                   


Ticker:       GIB.A          Security ID:  39945C109                           

Meeting Date: JAN 26, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  DEC 13, 2010                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Claude Boivin            For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Bernard Bourigeaud       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jean Brassard            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Robert Chevrier          For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Dominic D'Alessandro     For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Thomas P. d'Aquino       For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Paule Dore               For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Richard B. Evans         For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Serge Godin              For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Andre Imbeau             For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Gilles Labbe             For       For          Management

1.12  Elect Director Eileen A. Mercier        For       For          Management

1.13  Elect Director Michael E. Roach         For       For          Management

2     Approve Ernst & Young LLP as Auditors   For       For          Management

      and Authorize Board to Fix Their                                          






CHAODA MODERN AGRICULTURE (HOLDINGS) LIMITED                                    


Ticker:       00682          Security ID:  G2046Q107                           

Meeting Date: NOV 30, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  NOV 25, 2010                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3a    Reelect Li Yan as Executive Director    For       For          Management

3b    Reelect Huang Xie Ying as Executive     For       For          Management


3c    Reelect Ip Chi Ming as Non-Executive    For       For          Management


3d    Reelect Luan Yue Wen as Independent     For       For          Management

      Non-Executive Director                                                   

3e    Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


4     Reappoint Grant Thornton as Auditors    For       For          Management

      and Authorize Board to Fix Their                                         


5a    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

5b    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

5c    Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management






CHEVRON CORPORATION                                                            


Ticker:       CVX            Security ID:  166764100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 25, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 01, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director L.F. Deily               For       For          Management

2     Elect Director R.E. Denham              For       For          Management

3     Elect Director R.J. Eaton               For       For          Management

4     Elect Director C. Hagel                 For       For          Management

5     Elect Director E. Hernandez             For       For          Management

6     Elect Director G.L. Kirkland            For       For          Management

7     Elect Director D.B. Rice                For       For          Management

8     Elect Director K.W. Sharer              For       For          Management

9     Elect Director C.R. Shoemate            For       For          Management

10    Elect Director J.G. Stumpf              For       For          Management

11    Elect Director R.D. Sugar               For       For          Management

12    Elect Director C. Ware                  For       For          Management

13    Elect Director J.S. Watson              For       For          Management

14    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

15    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

16    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

17    Request Director Nominee with           Against   For          Shareholder

      Environmental Qualifications                                             

18    Amend Bylaws to Establish a Board       Against   Against      Shareholder

      Committee on Human Rights                                                

19    Include Sustainability as a Performance Against   Against      Shareholder

      Measure for Senior Executive                                             


20    Adopt Guidelines for Country Selection  Against   For          Shareholder

21    Report on Financial Risks of Climate    Against   Against      Shareholder


22    Report on Environmental Impacts of      Against   For          Shareholder

      Natural Gas Fracturing                                                   

23    Report on Offshore Oil Wells and Spill  Against   Against      Shareholder

      Mitigation Measures                                                       





CHUNGHWA TELECOM CO., LTD.                                                     


Ticker:       2412           Security ID:  17133Q502                            

Meeting Date: JUN 24, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 25, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve 2010 Business Operations Report For       For          Management

      and Financial Statements                                                 

2     Approve 2010 Allocation of Income and   For       For          Management






CNOOC LTD.                                                                     


Ticker:       00883          Security ID:  Y1662W117                           

Meeting Date: NOV 24, 2010   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  NOV 19, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Non-Exempt Continuing Connected For       For          Management


2     Approve Proposed Caps for Each Category For       For          Management

      of Non-Exempt Continuing Connected                                       






CNOOC LTD.                                                                     


Ticker:       00883          Security ID:  Y1662W117                           

Meeting Date: MAY 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAY 19, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1a    Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

1b    Declare Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

1c1   Reelect Wang Yilin as Non-Executive     For       For          Management


1c2   Reelect Li Fanrong as Executive         For       For          Management


1c3   Reelect Lawrence J. Lau as Independent  For       For          Management

      Non-Executive Director                                                   

1c4   Reelect Wang Tao as Independent         For       For          Management

      Non-Executive Director                                                    

1c5   Authorize Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


1d    Reappoint Auditors and Authorize Board  For       For          Management

      to Fix Their Remuneration                                                

2a    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                           

2b    Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       Against      Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights                                                         

2c    Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       Against      Management






COCA-COLA AMATIL LTD.                                                          


Ticker:       CCL            Security ID:  Q2594P146                           

Meeting Date: MAY 04, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 02, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

2     Approve the Adoption of the             For       Against      Management

      Remuneration Report                                                       

3a    Elect Catherine Michelle Brenner as a   For       For          Management


3b    Elect Wallace Macarthur King as a       For       For          Management


3c    Elect David Edward Meiklejohn as a      For       For          Management


3d    Elect Anthony Grant Froggatt as a       For       For          Management


3e    Elect Ilana Rachel Atlas as a Director  For       For          Management

4     Approve the Increase in Non-Executive   For       For          Management

      Directors' Fees from A$2 Million to Up                                   

      to A$2.3 Million per Annum                                               

5     Approve the Issuance of Shares to Terry For       Against      Management

      J Davis, Executive Director of the                                       

      Company, Under the 2011-2013 Long Term                                   

      Incentive Share Rights Plan                                              





COGDELL SPENCER INC.                                                           


Ticker:       CSA            Security ID:  19238U107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 04, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 09, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Raymond W. Braun         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director John R. Georgius         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Richard B. Jennings      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Christopher E. Lee       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director David J. Lubar           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Richard C. Neugent       For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Randolph D. Smoak, Jr.   For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





COMCAST CORPORATION                                                            


Ticker:       CMCSA          Security ID:  20030N101                           

Meeting Date: MAY 11, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 08, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director S. Decker Anstrom        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Kenneth J. Bacon         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Sheldon M. Bonovitz      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Edward D. Breen          For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Joseph J. Collins        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director J. Michael Cook          For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Gerald L. Hassell        For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Jeffrey A. Honickman     For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Eduardo G. Mestre        For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Brian L. Roberts         For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Ralph J. Roberts         For       For          Management

1.12  Elect Director Judith Rodin             For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Approve Nonqualified Employee Stock     For       For          Management

      Purchase Plan                                                            

4     Amend Restricted Stock Plan             For       For          Management

5     Amend Stock Option Plan                 For       For          Management

6     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

7     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


8     Provide for Cumulative Voting           Against   For          Shareholder

9     Require Independent Board Chairman      Against   For          Shareholder





COMERICA INCORPORATED                                                          


Ticker:       CMA            Security ID:  200340107                           

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 25, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Roger A. Cregg           For       For          Management

2     Elect Director  T. Kevin DeNicola       For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Alfred A. Piergallini    For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Nina G. Vaca             For       For          Management

5     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

6     Approve Executive Incentive Bonus Plan  For       For          Management

7     Reduce Supermajority Vote Requirement   For       For          Management

8     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

9     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





COMPAGNIE DE SAINT GOBAIN                                                      


Ticker:       SGO            Security ID:  F80343100                           

Meeting Date: JUN 09, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  JUN 06, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                          

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.15 per Share                                          

4     Elect Anne-Marie Idrac as Director      For       For          Management

5     Elect Jacques Pestre as Director        For       Against      Management

6     Elect Olivia Qiu as Director            For       For          Management

7     Reelect Gerard Mestrallet as Director   For       Against      Management

8     Reelect Denis Ranque as Director        For       For          Management

9     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

10    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 425 Million                                        

11    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 212 Million                                        

12    Authorize Board to Increase Capital in  For       For          Management

      the Event of Additional Demand Related                                    

      to Delegation Submitted to Shareholder                                   

      Vote Above                                                               

13    Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10  For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Capital for Future                                     


14    Authorize Capitalization of Reserves of For       For          Management

      Up to EUR 106 Million for Bonus Issue                                    

      or Increase in Par Value                                                 

15    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

16    Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                       

17    Authorize Board to Issue Free Warrants  For       Against      Management

      with Preemptive Rights During a Public                                   

      Tender Offer or Share Exchange Offer                                     

18    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              







Ticker:       COP            Security ID:  20825C104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 11, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 14, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Richard L. Armitage      For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Richard H. Auchinleck    For       For          Management

3     Elect Director James E. Copeland, Jr.   For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Kenneth M. Duberstein    For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Ruth R. Harkin           For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Harold W. McGraw III     For       For          Management

7     Elect Director James J. Mulva           For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Robert A. Niblock        For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Harald J. Norvik         For       For          Management

10    Elect Director William K. Reilly        For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Victoria J. Tschinkel    For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Kathryn C. Turner        For       For          Management

13    Elect Director William E. Wade, Jr.     For       For          Management

14    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

15    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       Against      Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

16    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   None      One Year     Management

17    Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

18    Amend EEO Policy to Prohibit            Against   For          Shareholder

      Discrimination based on Gender Identity                                  

19    Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder

20    Report on Lobbying Expenses             Against   For          Shareholder

21    Report on Accident Risk Reduction       Against   Against      Shareholder


22    Adopt Policy to Address Coastal         Against   Against      Shareholder

      Louisiana Environmental Impacts                                          

23    Adopt Quantitative GHG Goals for        Against   For          Shareholder

      Products and Operations                                                  

24    Report on Financial Risks of Climate    Against   Against      Shareholder


25    Report on Environmental Impact of Oil   Against   For          Shareholder

      Sands Operations in Canada                                               





CORIO NV                                                                       


Ticker:       CORA           Security ID:  N2273C104                           

Meeting Date: APR 21, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 24, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting and Receive Annoucements   None      None         Management

2     Receive Report of Management Board      None      None         Management

3     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

4a    Approve Dividends of EUR 2.69 Per Share For       For          Management

4b    Approve Offering Optional Dividend in   For       For          Management


5     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

6     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

7     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers as        For       For          Management


8     Discussion on Expansion and Profile of  None      None         Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

9a    Reelect Robert van der Meer to          For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

9b    Elect Roel van den Berg to Supervisory  For       For          Management


10    Approve Remuneration of Supervisory     For       For          Management


11    Allow Questions                         None      None         Management

12    Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





CVS CAREMARK CORPORATION                                                       


Ticker:       CVS            Security ID:  126650100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 11, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 15, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Edwin M. Banks           For       For          Management

2     Elect Director C. David Brown II        For       For          Management

3     Elect Director David W. Dorman          For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Anne M. Finucane         For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Kristen Gibney Williams  For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Marian L. Heard          For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Larry J. Merlo           For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Jean-Pierre Millon       For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Terrence Murray          For       For          Management

10    Elect Director C.A. Lance Piccolo       For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Richard J. Swift         For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Tony L. White            For       For          Management

13    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

14    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

15    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

16    Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder

17    Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder







Ticker:       CYRE3          Security ID:  P34085103                           

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:                                                                    


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2010                                                            

2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       Against      Management


3     Elect Directors                         For       For          Management

4     Designate New Newspaper to Publish      For       For          Management

      Company Announcements                                                    







Ticker:       CYRE3          Security ID:  P34085103                           

Meeting Date: APR 29, 2011   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       Against      Management

      Officers, Non-Executive Directors, and                                   

      Fiscal Council Members                                                   





DCT INDUSTRIAL TRUST INC.                                                      


Ticker:       DCT            Security ID:  233153105                           

Meeting Date: APR 28, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Thomas G. Wattles        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Philip L. Hawkins        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Phillip R. Altinger      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Thomas F. August         For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director John S. Gates, Jr.       For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Raymond B. Greer         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Tripp H. Hardin          For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director John C. O'keeffe         For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Bruce L. Warwick         For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





DEUTSCHE POST AG                                                               


Ticker:       DPW            Security ID:  D19225107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 25, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2010                                        


2     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.65 per Share                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2010                                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2010                                                          

5     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers as        For       For          Management

      Auditors for Fiscal 2011                                                  

6     Approve Issuance of Warrants/Bonds with For       For          Management

      Warrants Attached/Convertible Bonds                                      

      with Partial Exemption of Preemptive                                      

      Rights up to Aggregate Nominal Amount                                    

      of EUR 1 Billion; Approve Creation of                                    

      EUR 75 Million Pool of Capital to                                         

      Guarantee Conversion Rights                                              

7a    Elect Werner Gatzer to the Supervisory  For       For          Management


7b    Elect Thomas Kunz to the Supervisory    For       For          Management


7c    Elect Elmar Toime to the Supervisory    For       For          Management


7d    Elect Katja Windt to the Supervisory    For       For          Management


7e    Elect Hero Brahms to the Supervisory    For       For          Management






DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION                                                        


Ticker:       DVN            Security ID:  25179M103                           

Meeting Date: JUN 08, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 11, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Robert H. Henry          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director John A. Hill             For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Michael M. Kanovsky      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Robert A. Mosbacher, Jr  For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director J. Larry Nichols         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Duane C. Radtke          For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Mary P. Ricciardello     For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director John Richels             For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       Against      Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

4     Reduce Supermajority Vote Requirement   For       For          Management

5     Amend Certificate of Incorporation      For       For          Management

6     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

7     Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder





DIAMONDROCK HOSPITALITY COMPANY                                                


Ticker:       DRH            Security ID:  252784301                           

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 03, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director William W. McCarten      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Daniel J. Altobello      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director W. Robert Grafton        For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Maureen L. McAvey        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Gilbert T. Ray           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director John L. Williams         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Mark W. Brugger          For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management







Ticker:       DTV            Security ID:  25490A101                           

Meeting Date: APR 28, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 14, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director David B. Dillon          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Samuel A. DiPiazza, Jr.  For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Lorrie M. Norrington     For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Reduce Authorized Class B Shares,       For       For          Management

      Eliminate Class C Common Stock and                                       

      Deletion of Rights to Call Special                                       

      Meetings to Certain Stockholders                                          

4     Declassify the Board of Directors       For       For          Management

5     Adopt Majority Voting for Uncontested   For       For          Management

      Election of Directors                                                    

6     Provide Right to Call Special Meeting   For       For          Management

7     Adopt the Jurisdiction of Incorporation For       Against      Management

      as the Exclusive Forum for Certain                                       


8     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

9     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





DON QUIJOTE                                                                    


Ticker:       7532           Security ID:  J1235L108                           

Meeting Date: SEP 28, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUN 30, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, With a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 15                                                 

2.1   Elect Director Takao Yasuda             For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Junji Narusawa           For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Mitsuo Takahashi         For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Sumio Inamura            For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Kouji Ohhara             For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Tomiaki       For       Against      Management


4     Approve Retirement Bonus Payment for    For       Against      Management

      Statutory Auditor                                                        





DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION                                                        


Ticker:       DUK            Security ID:  26441C105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 05, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 10, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director William Barnet, III      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director G. Alex Bernhardt, Sr.   For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Michael G. Browning      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Daniel R. DiMicco        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director John H. Forsgren         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Ann Maynard Gray         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director James H. Hance, Jr.      For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director E. James Reinsch         For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director James T. Rhodes          For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director James E. Rogers          For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Philip R. Sharp          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

5     Report on Global Warming Lobbying       Against   Against      Shareholder


6     Report on Financial Risks of Coal       Against   Against      Shareholder


7     Require a Majority Vote for the         Against   For          Shareholder

      Election of Directors                                                     





DUKE REALTY CORPORATION                                                        


Ticker:       DRE            Security ID:  264411505                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Thomas J. Baltimore, Jr  For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Barrington H. Branch     For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Geoffrey A. Button       For       For          Management

4     Elect Director William Cavanaugh III    For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Ngaire E. Cuneo          For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Charles R. Eitel         For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Martin C. Jischke        For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Dennis D. Oklak          For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Jack R. Shaw             For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Lynn C. Thurber          For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Robert J. Woodward, Jr   For       For          Management

12    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

13    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

14    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY                                           


Ticker:       DD             Security ID:  263534109                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 02, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Richard H. Brown         For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Robert A. Brown          For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Bertrand P. Collomb      For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Curtis J. Crawford       For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Alexander M. Cutler      For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Eleuthere I. du Pont     For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Marillyn A. Hewson       For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Lois D. Juliber          For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Ellen J. Kullman         For       For          Management

10    Elect Director William K. Reilly        For       For          Management

11    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

12    Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

13    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

14    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

15    Amend Articles/Bylaws/Charter -- Call   Against   For          Shareholder

      Special Meetings                                                          

16    Report on Genetically Engineered Seed   Against   Against      Shareholder

17    Report on Pay Disparity                 Against   Against      Shareholder





EDISON INTERNATIONAL                                                           


Ticker:       EIX            Security ID:  281020107                           

Meeting Date: APR 28, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 02, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Jagjeet S. Bindra        For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Vanessa C.L. Chang       For       For          Management

3     Elect Director France A. Cordova        For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Theodore F. Craver, Jr.  For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Charles B. Curtis        For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Bradford M. Freeman      For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Luis G. Nogales          For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Ronald L. Olson          For       For          Management

9     Elect Director James M. Rosser          For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Richard T. Schlosberg,   For       For          Management


11    Elect Director Thomas C. Sutton         For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Brett White              For       For          Management

13    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

14    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

15    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

16    Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management





EQUITY LIFESTYLE PROPERTIES, INC.                                               


Ticker:       ELS            Security ID:  29472R108                           

Meeting Date: MAY 11, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 04, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Philip C. Calian         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director David J. Contis          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Thomas E. Dobrowski      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Thomas P. Heneghan       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Sheli Z. Rosenberg       For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Howard Walker            For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Gary L. Waterman         For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Samuel Zell              For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





ESPRIT HOLDINGS                                                                


Ticker:       00330          Security ID:  G3122U145                            

Meeting Date: NOV 24, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  NOV 24, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor    

1     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3i    Reelect Paul Cheng Ming Fun as a        For       For          Management


3ii   Reelect Alexander Reid Hamilton as a    For       For          Management


3iii  Reelect Raymond Or Ching Fai as a       For       For          Management


3iv   Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       For          Management

4     Approve PricewaterhouseCoopers as       For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                        

5     Authorize Share Repurchase Program      For       For          Management

6     Approve Issuance of Equity or           For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                          

      Preemptive Rights                                                        





EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION                                                         


Ticker:       XOM            Security ID:  30231G102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 25, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 06, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director M.J. Boskin              For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director P. Brabeck-Letmathe      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director L.R. Faulkner            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director J.S. Fishman             For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director K.C. Frazier             For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director W.W. George              For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director M.C. Nelson              For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director S.J. Palmisano           For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director S.S. Reinemund           For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director R.W. Tillerson           For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director E.E. Whitacre, Jr.       For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       Against      Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


5     Require Independent Board Chairman      Against   For          Shareholder

6     Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder

7     Amend EEO Policy to Prohibit            Against   Against      Shareholder

      Discrimination based on Sexual                                           

      Orientation and Gender Identity                                          

8     Adopt Policy on Human Right to Water    Against   Against      Shareholder

9     Report on Environmental Impact of Oil   Against   For          Shareholder

      Sands Operations in Canada                                               

10    Report on Environmental Impacts of      Against   For          Shareholder

      Natural Gas Fracturing                                                   

11    Report on Energy Technologies           Against   Against      Shareholder


12    Adopt Quantitative GHG Goals for        Against   For          Shareholder

      Products and Operations                                                  





FINMECCANICA SPA                                                               


Ticker:       FNC            Security ID:  T4502J151                           

Meeting Date: MAY 04, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                       

Record Date:  APR 18, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements, Statutory For       For          Management

      Reports, and Allocation of Income                                        

2     Fix Number of Directors                 For       For          Management

3     Fix Directors' Term                     For       For          Management

4.1   Slate n. 1 Presented by Institutional   None      For          Management


4.2   Slate n. 2 Presented by the Italian     None      Did Not Vote Management

      Ministry of Economy and Finance                                          

5     Elect Chairman of the Board of          For       For          Management


6     Approve Remuneration of Directors       For       Against      Management

7     Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       For          Management

      Reissuance of Repurchased Shares                                         

1     Amend Company Bylaws Re: Related-Party  For       For          Management






FIRST INDUSTRIAL REALTY TRUST, INC.                                             


Ticker:       FR             Security ID:  32054K103                           

Meeting Date: MAY 12, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 21, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Bruce W. Duncan          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Kevin W. Lynch           For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director L. Peter Sharpe          For       For          Management

2     Increase Authorized Common Stock        For       For          Management

3     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

5     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

6     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





FLEXTRONICS INTERNATIONAL LTD.                                                 


Ticker:       FLEX           Security ID:  Y2573F102                           

Meeting Date: JUL 23, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  JUN 10, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Reelect H. Raymond Bingham as a         For       For          Management


2     Reelect Willy C. Shih as a Director     For       For          Management

3     Reappoint Deloitte & Touche LLP as      For       For          Management

      Auditors and Authorize Board to Fix                                      

      Their Remuneration                                                        

4     Approve Issuance of Shares without      For       For          Management

      Preemptive Rights                                                        

5     Approve the Adoption of the Flextronics For       For          Management

      International Ltd. 2010 Equity                                           

      Incentive Plan                                                           

6     Authorize Share Repurchase Program      For       For          Management





FLUOR CORPORATION                                                              


Ticker:       FLR            Security ID:  343412102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 05, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 10, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Peter J. Fluor           For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Joseph W. Prueher        For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Suzanne H. Woolsey       For       For          Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

5     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   None      One Year     Management

6     Declassify the Board of Directors       For       For          Management

7     Reduce Supermajority Vote Requirement   For       For          Management

8     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION                                            


Ticker:       FTR            Security ID:  35906A108                           

Meeting Date: MAY 12, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 16, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Leroy T. Barnes, Jr.     For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Peter C.B. Bynoe         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jeri B. Finard           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Edward Fraioli           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director James S. Kahan           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Pamela D.A. Reeve        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Howard L. Schrott        For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Larraine D. Segil        For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Mark Shapiro             For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Myron A. Wick, III       For       For          Management

1.11  Elect Director Mary Agnes Wilderotter   For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

4     Require Independent Board Chairman      Against   Against      Shareholder

5     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY                                                       


Ticker:       GE             Security ID:  369604103                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director W. Geoffrey Beattie      For       For          Management

2     Elect Director James I. Cash, Jr.       For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Ann M. Fudge             For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Susan Hockfield          For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Jeffrey R. Immelt        For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Andrea Jung              For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Alan G. Lafley           For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Robert W. Lane           For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Ralph S. Larsen          For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Rochelle B. Lazarus      For       For          Management

11    Elect Director James J. Mulva           For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Sam Nunn                 For       For          Management

13    Elect Director Roger S. Penske          For       For          Management

14    Elect Director Robert J. Swieringa      For       For          Management

15    Elect Director James S. Tisch           For       For          Management

16    Elect Director Douglas A. Warner III    For       For          Management

17    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

18    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

19    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

20    Provide for Cumulative Voting           Against   For          Shareholder

21    Performance-Based Equity Awards         Against   For          Shareholder

22    Withdraw Stock Options Granted to       Against   Against      Shareholder

      Executive Officers                                                        

23    Report on Climate Change Business Risk  Against   Against      Shareholder

24    Report on Animal Testing and Plans for  Against   Against      Shareholder






GENERAL GROWTH PROPERTIES, INC.                                                


Ticker:       GGP            Security ID:  370023103                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Richard B. Clark         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Mary Lou Fiala           For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Bruce J. Flatt           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director John K. Haley            For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Cyrus Madon              For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Sandeep Mathrani         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director David J. Neithercut      For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Sheli Z. Rosenberg       For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director John G. Schreiber        For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





GEOEYE, INC.                                                                   


Ticker:       GEOY           Security ID:  37250W108                           

Meeting Date: JUN 02, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 12, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director James A. Abrahamson      For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Joseph M. Ahearn         For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Martin C. Faga           For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Michael F. Horn, Sr.     For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Lawrence A. Hough        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Matthew M. O'Connell     For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Roberta E. Lenczowski    For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director James M. Simon, Jr.      For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director William W. Sprague       For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management






GOODMAN GROUP                                                                  


Ticker:       GMG            Security ID:  Q4229W108                           

Meeting Date: NOV 30, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  NOV 28, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Phillip Pryke as a Director       For       For          Management

2     Approve the Remuneration Report for the For       For          Management

      Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010                                          

3     Approve the Issuance of Stapled         For       For          Management

      Securities to CIC in Lieu of Cash                                        

      Distributions Payable on the Exchange                                    

      Hybrid Securities                                                        







Ticker:       GMG            Security ID:  Q4229W108                           

Meeting Date: OCT 29, 2010   Meeting Type: Special                              

Record Date:  OCT 27, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve the Issuance of Up to 225.38    For       For          Management

      Million Stapled Securities at an Issue                                   

      Price of A$0.65 Each to Goodman                                          

      Holdings and Beeside Pty Ltd as Part                                     

      Consideration for the Acquisition by                                     

      the Company of the Moorabbin Units                                       

      Under the Moorabbin Proposal                                             





GOVERNMENT PROPERTIES INCOME TRUST                                             


Ticker:       GOV            Security ID:  38376A103                           

Meeting Date: MAY 17, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 18, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Trustee Jeffrey P. Somers         For       For          Management

2     Elect Trustee Barry M. Portnoy          For       Against      Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


5     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





GREGGS PLC                                                                     


Ticker:       GRG            Security ID:  G41076111                            

Meeting Date: MAY 11, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAY 09, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2a    Reappoint KPMG Audit plc as Auditors    For       For          Management

2b    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


3     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

4a    Re-elect Derek Netherton as Director    For       For          Management

4b    Re-elect Kennedy McMeikan as Director   For       For          Management

4c    Re-elect Raymond Reynolds as Director   For       For          Management

4d    Re-elect Iain Ferguson as Director      For       For          Management

5     Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

6     Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

7     Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

8     Authorise Market Purchase               For       For          Management

9     Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                        





HEALTHSOUTH CORPORATION                                                        


Ticker:       HLS            Security ID:  421924408                           

Meeting Date: MAY 05, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 08, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Edward A. Blechschmidt   For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director John W. Chidsey          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Donald L. Correll        For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Yvonne M. Curl           For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Charles M. Elson         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Jay Grinney              For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Jon F. Hanson            For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Leo I. Higdon, Jr.       For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director John E. Maupin, Jr.      For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director L. Edward Shaw, Jr.      For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

5     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management





HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC.                                                   


Ticker:       HON            Security ID:  438516106                           

Meeting Date: APR 25, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 25, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Gordon M. Bethune        For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Kevin Burke              For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Jaime Chico Pardo        For       For          Management

4     Elect Director David M. Cote            For       For          Management

5     Elect Director D. Scott Davis           For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Linnet F. Deily          For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Judd Gregg               For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Clive R. Hollick         For       For          Management

9     Elect Director George Paz               For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Bradley T. Sheares       For       For          Management

11    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

12    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

13    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

14    Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

15    Amend Executive Incentive Bonus Plan    For       For          Management

16    Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder

17    Amend Articles/Bylaws/Charter -- Call   Against   For          Shareholder

      Special Meetings                                                         





HTC CORPORATION                                                                


Ticker:       2498           Security ID:  Y3732M103                           

Meeting Date: JUN 15, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 15, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve 2010 Business Operations Report For       For          Management

      and Financial Statements                                                 

2     Approve 2010 Allocation of Income and   For       For          Management


3     Approve Capitalization of 2010          For       For          Management

      Dividends and Employee Profit Sharing                                     

4     Amend Articles of Association           For       For          Management

5     Approve to Amend Procedures Governing   For       For          Management

      the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets                                     

6.1   Elect David Bruce Yoffie with           For       For          Management

      Shareholder Number 19540707DA as                                         


6.2   Elect Jerry H.C. Chu with ID Number     For       For          Management

      A121108388 as Supervisor                                                 

7     Approve Release of Restrictions of      For       For          Management

      Competitive Activities of Directors                                      

8     Transact Other Business (Non-Voting)    None      None         Management







Ticker:       IIF            Security ID:  Q49469101                           

Meeting Date: MAR 17, 2011   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  MAR 15, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve the Amendments to ING           For       For          Management

      Industrial Fund Constitution Pursuant                                     

      to the Provisions of the Supplemental                                    

      Deed Poll                                                                

2     Approve the Acquisition of All Ordinary For       For          Management

      Units in ING Industrial Fund by Goodman                                  

      Industrial Funds Management Ltd as                                       

      Trustee of Goodman Trust Australia                                        

3     Approve the Removal of ING Management   For       For          Management

      Ltd and the Appointment of Goodman                                       

      Funds Management Ltd as the                                              

      Responsibility Entity of ING Industrial                                  






INTEL CORPORATION                                                              


Ticker:       INTC           Security ID:  458140100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 19, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 21, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Charlene Barshefsky      For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Susan L. Decker          For       For          Management

3     Elect Director John J. Donahoe          For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Reed E. Hundt            For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Paul S. Otellini         For       For          Management

6     Elect Director James D. Plummer         For       For          Management

7     Elect Director David S. Pottruck        For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Jane E. Shaw             For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Frank D. Yeary           For       For          Management

10    Elect Director David B. Yoffie          For       For          Management

11    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

12    Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

13    Amend Qualified Employee Stock Purchase For       For          Management


14    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

15    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   None      One Year     Management







Ticker:       IBM            Security ID:  459200101                           

Meeting Date: APR 26, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 25, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director A. J. P. Belda           For       For          Management

2     Elect Director W. R. Brody              For       For          Management

3     Elect Director K. I. Chenault           For       For          Management

4     Elect Director M. L. Eskew              For       For          Management

5     Elect Director S. A. Jackson            For       For          Management

6     Elect Director A. N. Liveris            For       For          Management

7     Elect Director W. J. McNerney, Jr.      For       For          Management

8     Elect Director J. W. Owens              For       For          Management

9     Elect Director S. J. Palmisano          For       For          Management

10    Elect Director J. E. Spero              For       For          Management

11    Elect Director S. Taurel                For       For          Management

12    Elect Director L. H. Zambrano           For       For          Management

13    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

14    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

15    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


16    Provide for Cumulative Voting           Against   For          Shareholder

17    Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder

18    Report on Lobbying Expenses             Against   For          Shareholder





INVESTORS REAL ESTATE TRUST                                                    


Ticker:       IRET           Security ID:  461730103                           

Meeting Date: SEP 21, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUL 23, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Patrick G. Jones         For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Timothy P. Mihalick      For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Jeffrey L. Miller        For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director C.W. "Chip" Morgan       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director John T. Reed             For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Edward T. Schafer        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director W. David Scott           For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Stephen L. Stenehjem     For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director John D. Stewart          For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Thomas A. Wentz, Jr.     For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





ITOCHU CORP.                                                                    


Ticker:       8001           Security ID:  J2501P104                           

Meeting Date: JUN 24, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 9                                                   

2     Amend Articles To Indemnify Directors   For       For          Management

3.1   Elect Director Kobayashi, Eizo          For       For          Management

3.2   Elect Director Okafuji, Masahiro        For       For          Management

3.3   Elect Director Kobayashi, Yoichi        For       For          Management

3.4   Elect Director Akamatsu, Yoshio         For       For          Management

3.5   Elect Director Aoki, Yoshihisa          For       For          Management

3.6   Elect Director Seki, Tadayuki           For       For          Management

3.7   Elect Director Okada, Kenji             For       For          Management

3.8   Elect Director Takayanagi, Koji         For       For          Management

3.9   Elect Director Kikuchi, Satoshi         For       For          Management

3.10  Elect Director Matsushima, Toru         For       For          Management

3.11  Elect Director Nakamura, Ichiro         For       For          Management

3.12  Elect Director Okamoto, Hitoshi         For       For          Management

3.13  Elect Director Kawamoto, Yuuko          For       For          Management

3.14  Elect Director Sugimoto, Kazuyuki       For       For          Management

4.1   Appoint Statutory Auditor Maeda,        For       For          Management


4.2   Appoint Statutory Auditor Shimojo,      For       For          Management


5     Approve Adjustment to Aggregate         For       For          Management

      Compensation Ceiling for Directors                                       





JOHNSON & JOHNSON                                                              


Ticker:       JNJ            Security ID:  478160104                           

Meeting Date: APR 28, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  MAR 01, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Mary Sue Coleman         For       For          Management

2     Elect Director James G. Cullen          For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Ian E.L. Davis           For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Michael M.e. Johns       For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Susan L. Lindquist       For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Anne M. Mulcahy          For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Leo F. Mullin            For       For          Management

8     Elect Director William D. Perez         For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Charles Prince           For       For          Management

10    Elect Director David Satcher            For       For          Management

11    Elect Director William C. Weldon        For       For          Management

12    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

13    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       Against      Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

14    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

15    Adopt Policy to Restrain Pharmaceutical Against   Against      Shareholder

      Price Increases                                                           

16    Amend EEO Policy to Prohibit            Against   Against      Shareholder

      Discrimination Based on Applicant's                                      

      Health Status                                                            

17    Adopt Animal-Free Training Methods      Against   Against      Shareholder





JPMORGAN CHASE & CO.                                                           


Ticker:       JPM            Security ID:  46625H100                           

Meeting Date: MAY 17, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Crandall C. Bowles       For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Stephen B. Burke         For       For          Management

3     Elect Director David M. Cote            For       For          Management

4     Elect Director James S. Crown           For       For          Management

5     Elect Director James Dimon              For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Ellen V. Futter          For       For          Management

7     Elect Director William H. Gray, III     For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Laban P. Jackson, Jr.    For       For          Management

9     Elect Director David C. Novak           For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Lee R. Raymond           For       For          Management

11    Elect Director William C. Weldon        For       For          Management

12    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

13    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       Against      Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

14    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

15    Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       Against      Management

16    Affirm Political Non-Partisanship       Against   Against      Shareholder

17    Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder

18    Report on Loan Modifications            Against   Against      Shareholder

19    Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder

20    Institute Procedures to Prevent         Against   Against      Shareholder

      Investments in Companies that                                            

      Contribute to Genocide or Crimes                                         

      Against Humanity                                                         

21    Require Independent Board Chairman      Against   Against      Shareholder





KAZKOMMERTS FINANCE 2 BV                                                       


Ticker:                      Security ID:  N49548AB1                            

Meeting Date: AUG 04, 2010   Meeting Type: Bondholder                          

Record Date:                                                                   


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Extraordinary Resolution Re:    For       Did Not Vote Management

      2016 Notes Agency Agreement                                              





KIMBERLY-CLARK CORPORATION                                                     


Ticker:       KMB            Security ID:  494368103                           

Meeting Date: APR 21, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 22, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director John R. Alm              For       For          Management

2     Elect Director John F. Bergstrom        For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Abelardo E. Bru          For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Robert W. Decherd        For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Thomas J. Falk           For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Mae C. Jemison           For       For          Management

7     Elect Director James M. Jenness         For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Nancy J. Karch           For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Ian C. Read              For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Linda Johnson Rice       For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Marc J. Shapiro          For       For          Management

12    Elect Director G. Craig Sullivan        For       For          Management

13    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

14    Approve Non-Employee Director Omnibus   For       For          Management

      Stock Plan                                                               

15    Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

16    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

17    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management





KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS                                                


Ticker:       PHGFF          Security ID:  N6817P109                           

Meeting Date: MAR 31, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 03, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     President's Speech                      None      None         Management

2a    Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2b    Receive Explanation on Company's        None      None         Management

      Reserves and Dividend Policy                                              

2c    Approve Dividends of EUR 0.75 Per Share For       For          Management

2d    Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

2e    Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

3a    Elect F.A.Van Houten to Management      For       For          Management

      Board as CEO                                                             

3b    Elect R.H. Wirahadiraksa to Management  For       For          Management


3c    Elect P.A.J. Nota to Management  Board  For       For          Management

4a    Reelect C.J.A. van Lede to Supervisory  For       For          Management


4b    Reelect J.M. Thompson to Supervisory    For       For          Management


4c    Reelect H. von Prondzynski to           For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

4d    Elect J.P. Tai to Supervisory Board     For       For          Management

5     Ratify KPMG Accountants NV as Auditors  For       For          Management

6a    Grant Board Authority to Issue Shares   For       For          Management

      Up To 10 Percent of Issued Capital Plus                                  

      Additional 10 Percent in Case of                                          

      Takeover/Merger and                                                      

      Restricting/Excluding Preemptive Rights                                  

6b    Authorize Board to Exclude Preemptive   For       For          Management

      Rights from Issuance under Item 6a                                       

7     Authorize Repurchase of Shares          For       For          Management

8     Other Business                          None      None         Management





KRAFT FOODS INC.                                                               


Ticker:       KFT            Security ID:  50075N104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 24, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 16, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Ajaypal S. Banga         For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Myra M. Hart             For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Peter B. Henry           For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Lois D. Juliber          For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Mark D. Ketchum          For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Richard A. Lerner        For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Mackey J. McDonald       For       For          Management

8     Elect Director John C. Pope             For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Fredric G. Reynolds      For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Irene B. Rosenfeld       For       For          Management

11    Elect Director J.F. Van Boxmeer         For       For          Management

12    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

13    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

14    Amend Non-Employee Director Omnibus     For       For          Management

      Stock Plan                                                                

15    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management







Ticker:       LG             Security ID:  F54432111                           

Meeting Date: MAY 12, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  MAY 09, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 1.00 per Ordinary                                        

      Share and EUR 1.10 per Long-Term                                         

      Registered Share                                                         

4     Acknowledge Auditors' Special Report on For       For          Management

      Related-Party Transactions and Approve                                   

      New Transaction                                                          

5     Elect Baudouin Prot as Director         For       Against      Management

6     Reelect Philippe Dauman as Director     For       For          Management

7     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 5 Percent For       For          Management

      of Issued Share Capital                                                  

8     Approve Issuance of Securities          For       For          Management

      Convertible into Debt up to an                                           

      Aggregate Amount of EUR 8 Billion                                        

9     Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 560 Million                                        

10    Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                         

      Nominal Amount of EUR 160 Million                                        

11    Approve Issuance of Shares up to EUR    For       For          Management

      160 Million to  for a Private Placement                                   

12    Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10  For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Capital for Future                                     


13    Authorize Board to Increase Capital in  For       For          Management

      the Event of Additional Demand Related                                   

      to Delegation Submitted to Shareholder                                   

      Vote Above                                                               

14    Authorize Capitalization of Reserves of For       For          Management

      Up to EUR 100 Million for Bonus Issue                                    

      or Increase in Par Value                                                 

15    Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                       

16    Authorize up to 3 Percent of Issued     For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Stock Option Plan                                     

17    Authorize up to 1 Percent of Issued     For       Against      Management

      Capital for Use in Restricted Stock                                      


18    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

19    Approve Stock Purchase Plan Reserved    For       For          Management

      for International Employees                                              

20    Amend Article 29 of Bylaws Re:          For       For          Management

      Attendance to General Meetings                                            

21    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





LEXINGTON REALTY TRUST                                                         


Ticker:       LXP            Security ID:  529043101                           

Meeting Date: MAY 17, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director E. Robert Roskind        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director T. Wilson Eglin          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Clifford Broser          For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Harold First             For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Richard S. Frary         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director James Grosfeld           For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Kevin W. Lynch           For       For          Management

2     Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

5     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC.                                                          


Ticker:       LOW            Security ID:  548661107                           

Meeting Date: MAY 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 25, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Raul Alvarez             For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director David W. Bernauer        For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Leonard L. Berry         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Peter C. Browning        For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Dawn E. Hudson           For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Robert L. Johnson        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Marshall O. Larsen       For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Richard K. Lochridge     For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Robert A. Niblock        For       For          Management

1.10  Elect Director Stephen F. Page          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

5     Approve Executive Incentive Bonus Plan  For       For          Management

6     Submit Severance Agreement              Against   For          Shareholder

      (Change-in-Control) to Shareholder Vote                                  

7     Include Sustainability as a Performance Against   Against      Shareholder

      Measure for Senior Executive                                             


8     Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder





MACK-CALI REALTY CORPORATION                                                   


Ticker:       CLI            Security ID:  554489104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 24, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 05, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director William L. Mack          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Nathan Gantcher          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director David S. Mack            For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Alan G. Philibosian      For       For          Management

2     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

3     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

4     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





MARATHON OIL CORPORATION                                                        


Ticker:       MRO            Security ID:  565849106                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Gregory H. Boyce         For       Against      Management

2     Elect Director Pierre Brondeau          For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr. For       Against      Management

4     Elect Director David A. Daberko         For       Against      Management

5     Elect Director William L. Davis         For       Against      Management

6     Elect Director Shirley Ann Jackson      For       Against      Management

7     Elect Director Philip Lader             For       Against      Management

8     Elect Director Charles R. Lee           For       Against      Management

9     Elect Director Michael E. J. Phelps     For       Against      Management

10    Elect Director Dennis H. Reilley        For       Against      Management

11    Elect Director Seth E. Schofield        For       Against      Management

12    Elect Director John W. Snow             For       Against      Management

13    Elect Director Thomas J. Usher          For       Against      Management

14    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

15    Provide Right to Call Special Meeting   For       Against      Management

16    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       Against      Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

17    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

18    Report on Accident Risk Reduction       Against   Against      Shareholder






MARSH & MCLENNAN COMPANIES, INC.                                               


Ticker:       MMC            Security ID:  571748102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 19, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 21, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Zachary W. Carter        For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Brian Duperreault        For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Oscar Fanjul             For       For          Management

4     Elect Director H. Edward Hanway         For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Lang of Monkton          For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Steven A. Mills          For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Bruce P. Nolop           For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Marc D. Oken             For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Morton O. Schapiro       For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Adele Simmons            For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Lloyd M. Yates           For       For          Management

12    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

13    Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

14    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

15    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

16    Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder





MATTEL, INC.                                                                   


Ticker:       MAT            Security ID:  577081102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 13, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Michael J. Dolan         For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Robert A. Eckert         For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Frances D. Fergusson     For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Tully M. Friedman        For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Dominic Ng               For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Vasant M. Prabhu         For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Andrea L. Rich           For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Dean A. Scarborough      For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Christopher A. Sinclair  For       For          Management

10    Elect Director G. Craig Sullivan        For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Kathy Brittain White     For       For          Management

12    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

13    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

14    Provide Right to Call Special Meeting   For       Against      Management

15    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





MEDA AB                                                                        


Ticker:                      Security ID:  W5612K109                           

Meeting Date: MAY 04, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 28, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2     Elect Chairman of Meeting               For       For          Management

3     Prepare and Approve List of             For       For          Management


4     Approve Agenda of Meeting               For       For          Management

5     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       For          Management


6     Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting For       For          Management

7     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

8     Receive President's Report              None      None         Management

9     Allow Questions                         None      None         Management

10a   Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

10b   Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of SEK 2 per Share                                             

10c   Approve Discharge of Board and          For       For          Management


11    Determine Number of Members (8) and     For       For          Management

      Deputy Members (0) of Board                                              

12    Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       For          Management

      the Amount of SEK 700,000 for Chairman                                   

      and SEK 300,000 for Other Directors;                                      

      Approve Remuneration of Auditors                                         

13    Reelect Peter Claesson, Bert-Ake        For       Against      Management

      Eriksson, Marianne Hamilton, Tuve                                         

      Johannesson, Anders Lonner, and Anders                                   

      Waldenstrom as Directors; Elect Maria                                    

      Carell and Peter von Ehrenheim as New                                     


14    Reelect Bert-Ake Eriksson as Chairman   For       For          Management

      of the Board                                                             

15    Authorize Chairman of Board and         For       For          Management

      Representatives of Four of Company's                                     

      Largest Shareholders to Serve on                                         

      Nominating Committee                                                     

16    Approve Remuneration Policy And Other   For       For          Management

      Terms of Employment For Executive                                        


17    Approve Issuance of 30.2 Million Shares For       For          Management

      without Preemptive Rights                                                

18    Approve Issuance of Convertible Bonds   For       For          Management

      without Preemptive Rights                                                

19    Authorize Share Repurchase Program and  For       For          Management

      Reissuance of Repurchased Shares                                          

20    Amend Articles Re: Editorial Changes    For       For          Management

21    Other Business                          None      None         Management

22    Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





MERCK & CO., INC.                                                              


Ticker:       MRK            Security ID:  58933Y105                            

Meeting Date: MAY 24, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 25, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Leslie A. Brun           For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Thomas R. Cech           For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Richard T. Clark         For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Kenneth C. Frazier       For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Thomas H. Glocer         For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Steven F. Goldstone      For       For          Management

7     Elect Director William B. Harrison. Jr. For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Harry R. Jacobson        For       For          Management

9     Elect Director William N. Kelley        For       For          Management

10    Elect Director C. Robert Kidder         For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Rochelle B. Lazarus      For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Carlos E. Represas       For       For          Management

13    Elect Director Patricia F. Russo        For       For          Management

14    Elect Director Thomas E. Shenk          For       For          Management

15    Elect Director Anne M. Tatlock          For       For          Management

16    Elect Director Craig B. Thompson        For       For          Management

17    Elect Director Wendell P. Weeks         For       For          Management

18    Elect Director Peter C. Wendell         For       For          Management

19    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

20    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

21    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management






METRO AG                                                                       


Ticker:       MEO            Security ID:  D53968125                           

Meeting Date: MAY 06, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  APR 15, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Receive Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal 2010;                                       

      Approve Allocation of Income and                                          

      Dividends of EUR 1.35 per Ordinary                                       

      Share and EUR 1.485 per Preference                                       


2     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2010                                                          

3     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

      for Fiscal 2010                                                          

4     Approve Remuneration System for         For       For          Management

      Management Board Members                                                 

5     Ratify KPMG AG as Auditors for Fiscal   For       For          Management


6a    Reelect Peter Kuepfer to the            For       Against      Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        

6b    Elect Ann-Kristin Achleitner to the     For       For          Management

      Supervisory Board                                                        





MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO. LTD.                                                     


Ticker:       8802           Security ID:  J43916113                           

Meeting Date: JUN 29, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 6                                                  

2.1   Elect Director Kimura, Keiji            For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Sugiyama, Hirotaka       For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Iizuka, Nobuyuki         For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Danno, Hiroshi           For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Kono, Masaaki            For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Ito, Hiroyoshi           For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Yanagisawa, Yutaka       For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Yagihashi, Takao         For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Kato, Jo                 For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Fujisawa, Shiro          For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Matsuhashi, Isao         For       For          Management

2.12  Elect Director Tokiwa, Fumikatsu        For       For          Management

2.13  Elect Director Gomi, Yasumasa           For       For          Management

2.14  Elect Director Tomioka, Shuu            For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Utsumi, Akio  For       Against      Management





MITSUBISHI UFJ FINANCIAL GROUP                                                 


Ticker:       8306           Security ID:  J44497105                           

Meeting Date: JUN 29, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 31, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Allocation of Income, with a    For       For          Management

      Final Dividend of JPY 6                                                  

2.1   Elect Director Okihara, Takamune        For       For          Management

2.2   Elect Director Okauchi, Kinya           For       For          Management

2.3   Elect Director Nagayasu, Katsunori      For       For          Management

2.4   Elect Director Tanaka, Tatsuo           For       For          Management

2.5   Elect Director Hirano, Nobuyuki         For       For          Management

2.6   Elect Director Yuuki, Taihei            For       For          Management

2.7   Elect Director Hamakawa, Ichiro         For       For          Management

2.8   Elect Director Hasegawa, Masao          For       For          Management

2.9   Elect Director Toyoizumi, Toshiro       For       For          Management

2.10  Elect Director Teraoka, Shunsuke        For       For          Management

2.11  Elect Director Wakabayashi, Tatsuo      For       For          Management

2.12  Elect Director Oyamada, Takashi         For       For          Management

2.13  Elect Director Noguchi, Hiroyuki        For       For          Management

2.14  Elect Director Araki, Ryuuji            For       For          Management

2.15  Elect Director Watanabe, Kazuhiro       For       For          Management

2.16  Elect Director Otoshi, Takuma           For       For          Management

3     Appoint Statutory Auditor Nemoto,       For       For          Management






MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC.                                                        


Ticker:       MSI            Security ID:  620076307                           

Meeting Date: MAY 02, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 07, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Gregory Q. Brown         For       For          Management

2     Elect Director William J. Bratton       For       For          Management

3     Elect Director David W. Dorman          For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Michael V. Hayden        For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Vincent J. Intrieri      For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Judy C. Lewent           For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Samuel C. Scott III      For       For          Management

8     Elect Director John A. White            For       For          Management

9     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

10    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

11    Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management

12    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

13    Amend Human Rights Policies             Against   Against      Shareholder





MOTOROLA, INC.                                                                 


Ticker:       MSI            Security ID:  620076109                           

Meeting Date: NOV 29, 2010   Meeting Type: Special                              

Record Date:  OCT 08, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Reverse Stock Split             For       For          Management

2     Amend Certificate of Incorporation to   For       For          Management

      Effect Reverse Stock Split and Reduce                                    

      Proportionately the Number of Common                                     






NATIONAL GRID PLC                                                              


Ticker:       NG.            Security ID:  G6375K151                           

Meeting Date: JUL 26, 2010   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  JUL 24, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Final Dividend                  For       For          Management

3     Re-elect Sir John Parker as Director    For       For          Management

4     Re-elect Steve Holliday as Director     For       For          Management

5     Re-elect Ken Harvey as Director         For       For          Management

6     Re-elect Steve Lucas as Director        For       For          Management

7     Re-elect Stephen Pettit as Director     For       For          Management

8     Re-elect Nick Winser as Director        For       For          Management

9     Re-elect George Rose as Director        For       For          Management

10    Re-elect Tom King as Director           For       For          Management

11    Re-elect Maria Richter as Director      For       For          Management

12    Re-elect John Allan as Director         For       For          Management

13    Re-elect Linda Adamany as Director      For       For          Management

14    Re-elect Mark Fairbairn as Director     For       For          Management

15    Re-elect Philip Aiken as Director       For       For          Management

16    Reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as For       For          Management


17    Authorise Board to Fix Remuneration of  For       For          Management


18    Approve Remuneration Report             For       For          Management

19    Authorise Issue of Equity with          For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                       

20    Authorise Issue of Equity without       For       For          Management

      Pre-emptive Rights                                                        

21    Authorise Market Purchase               For       For          Management

22    Authorise the Company to Call EGM with  For       For          Management

      Two Weeks' Notice                                                         





NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO, INC.                                                   


Ticker:       NOV            Security ID:  637071101                           

Meeting Date: MAY 19, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 28, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Robert E. Beauchamp      For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Jeffery A. Smisek        For       For          Management

3     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

4     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

5     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

6     Declassify the Board of Directors       For       For          Management

7     Increase Authorized Common Stock        For       For          Management

8     Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder





NOKIA CORP.                                                                    


Ticker:       NOK1V          Security ID:  X61873133                           

Meeting Date: MAY 03, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                               

Record Date:  APR 19, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Open Meeting                            None      None         Management

2     Call the Meeting to Order               None      None         Management

3     Designate Inspector or Shareholder      For       For          Management

      Representative(s) of Minutes of Meeting                                  

4     Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting For       For          Management

5     Prepare and Approve List of             For       For          Management


6     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports, the Board's Report,                                   

      and the Auditor's Report; Receive                                        

      Review by the CEO                                                         

7     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

8     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.40 Per Share                                          

9     Approve Discharge of Board and          For       For          Management


10    Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       For          Management

      the Amount of EUR 440,000 for Chairman,                                  

      EUR 150,000 for Vice Chairman, and EUR                                    

      130,000 for Other Directors; Approve                                     

      Remuneration for Committee Work                                          

11    Fix Number of Directors at Eleven       For       For          Management

12    Reelect Bengt Holmstrom, Henning        For       For          Management

      Kagermann, Per Karlsson, Isabel                                          

      Marey-Semper, Jorma Ollila, Marjorie                                     

      Scardino, and Risto Siilasmaa as                                         

      Directors; Elect Jouko Karvinen, Helge                                   

      Lund, Kari Stadigh, and Stephen Elop as                                  

      New Directors                                                             

13    Approve Remuneration of Auditors        For       For          Management

14    Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy as     For       For          Management


15    Authorize Repurchase of up to 360       For       For          Management

      Million Issued Shares                                                    

16    Approve Stock Option Plan for Key       For       For          Management

      Employees; Approve Issuance of up to 35                                  

      Million Stock Options                                                    

17    Close Meeting                           None      None         Management





NORDEA BANK AB (FORMERLY NORDEA AB)                                            


Ticker:       NDA            Security ID:  W57996105                            

Meeting Date: MAR 24, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 18, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Claes Beyer as Chairman of        For       For          Management


2     Prepare and Approve List of             For       For          Management


3     Approve Agenda of Meeting               For       For          Management

4     Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of    For       For          Management


5     Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting For       For          Management

6     Receive Financial Statements and        None      None         Management

      Statutory Reports; Receive Auditor's                                      

      Report; Receive Chairman's Review and                                    

      CEO's Speech                                                             

7     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

8     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.29 per Share                                           

9     Approve Discharge of Board and          For       For          Management


10    Amend Articles Re: Term of Auditor,     For       For          Management

      Convocation of Meeting, Other                                            


11    Determine Number of Members (9) and     For       For          Management

      Deputy Members (0) of Board                                              

12    Fix Number of Auditors at One           For       For          Management

13    Approve Remuneration of Directors in    For       For          Management

      the Amount of EUR 252,000 for Chairman,                                  

      EUR 97,650 for Deputy Chairman, and EUR                                  

      75,600 for Other Directors; Approve                                      

      Meeting Fees; Approve Remuneration of                                     


14    Reelect Bjorn Wahlroos (Chairman),      For       For          Management

      Stine Bosse, Marie Ehrling, Svein                                         

      Jacobsen, Tom Knutzen, Lars Nordstrom,                                   

      Sarah Russell, Bjorn Saven, and Kari                                     

      Stadigh as Directors                                                      

15    Ratify KPMG as Auditor                  For       For          Management

16    Authorize Chairman of Board and         For       For          Management

      Representatives of Four of Company's                                     

      Largest Shareholders to Serve on                                         

      Nominating Committee                                                     

17a   Authorize Share Repurchase Program      For       For          Management

17b   Authorize Reissuance of Repurchased     For       For          Management


18    Authorize Repurchase of Issued Shares   For       For          Management

      According to Chapter 7 Section 6 of the                                  

      Swedish Securities Market Act                                            

19    Approve Remuneration Policy And Other   For       For          Management

      Terms of Employment For Executive                                         


20a   Approve 2011 Share Matching Plan        For       For          Management

20b   Approve Issuance of up to 4.7 Million   For       For          Management

      Class C-Shares, Approve Repurchase of                                    

      up to 4.7 Million Class C-Shares, and                                    

      Approve Conveyance of up to 4.2 Million                                   

      Class C-Shares                                                           





NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION                                                    


Ticker:       NOC            Security ID:  666807102                           

Meeting Date: MAY 18, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 22, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Wesley G. Bush           For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Lewis W. Coleman         For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Victor H. Fazio          For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Donald E. Felsinger      For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Stephen E. Frank         For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Bruce S. Gordon          For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Madeleine Kleiner        For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Karl J. Krapek           For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Richard B. Myers         For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Aulana L. Peters         For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Kevin W. Sharer          For       For          Management

12    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

13    Approve Omnibus Stock Plan              For       For          Management

14    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                    

15    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

16    Provide for Cumulative Voting           Against   For          Shareholder

17    Report on Political Contributions       Against   For          Shareholder

18    Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder





NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION                                                       


Ticker:       NWE            Security ID:  668074305                           

Meeting Date: APR 27, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 28, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Stephen P. Adik          For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Dorothy M. Bradley       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director E. Linn Draper, Jr.      For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Dana J. Dykhouse         For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Julia L. Johnson         For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Philip L. Maslowe        For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Denton Louis Peoples     For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Robert C. Rowe           For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

5     Amend Omnibus Stock Plan                For       For          Management





NOVARTIS AG                                                                    


Ticker:       NOVN           Security ID:  H5820Q150                           

Meeting Date: FEB 22, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 17, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Approve Discharge of Board and Senior   For       For          Management


3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of CHF 2.20 per Share                                           

4     Approve Remuneration System             For       Against      Management

5a    Reelect Ann Fudge as Director           For       For          Management

5b    Reelect Pierre Landolt as Director      For       For          Management

5c    Reelect Ulrich Lehner as Director       For       For          Management

5d    Elect Enrico Vanni as Director          For       For          Management

6     Ratify PricewaterhouseCoopers AG as     For       For          Management






NOVARTIS AG                                                                     


Ticker:       NOVN           Security ID:  H5820Q150                           

Meeting Date: APR 08, 2011   Meeting Type: Special                             

Record Date:  APR 05, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Approve Merger Agreement with Alcon     For       For          Management


1.2   Approve Creation of CHF 54 Million Pool For       For          Management

      of Authorized Capital in Connection                                      

      with Merger Agreement with Alcon Inc.                                    





NUCOR CORPORATION                                                              


Ticker:       NUE            Security ID:  670346105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 12, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 14, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Peter C. Browning        For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Victoria F. Haynes       For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Christopher J. Kearney   For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management


5     Require a Majority Vote for the         Against   For          Shareholder

      Election of Directors                                                    

6     Require Independent Board Chairman      Against   For          Shareholder





OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION                                               


Ticker:       OXY            Security ID:  674599105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 06, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 15, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Spencer Abraham          For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Howard I. Atkins         For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Stephen I. Chazen        For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Edward P. Djerejian      For       Against      Management

5     Elect Director John E. Feick            For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Margaret M. Foran        For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Carlos M. Gutierrez      For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Ray R. Irani             For       Against      Management

9     Elect Director Avedick B. Poladian      For       For          Management

10    Elect Director Rodolfo Segovia          For       Against      Management

11    Elect Director Aziz D. Syriani          For       Against      Management

12    Elect Director Rosemary Tomich          For       Against      Management

13    Elect Director Walter L. Weisman        For       Against      Management

14    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

15    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

16    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   None      One Year     Management

17    Review Political Expenditures and       Against   For          Shareholder


18    Request Director Nominee with           Against   Against      Shareholder

      Environmental Qualifications                                             





ORIX JREIT INC.                                                                


Ticker:       8954           Security ID:  J8996L102                           

Meeting Date: OCT 26, 2010   Meeting Type: Special                              

Record Date:  AUG 31, 2010                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Amend Articles To Clarify Terms of      For       For          Management

      Alternate Executive Directors and                                        

      Alternate Supervisory Directors - Amend                                  

      Permitted Investment Types                                                

2     Elect Alternate Executive Director      For       For          Management

      Mitsuo Satou                                                             





PARKWAY PROPERTIES, INC.                                                       


Ticker:       PKY            Security ID:  70159Q104                           

Meeting Date: MAY 12, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 14, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1.1   Elect Director Charles T. Cannada       For       For          Management

1.2   Elect Director Edward M. Casal          For       For          Management

1.3   Elect Director Laurie L. Dotter         For       For          Management

1.4   Elect Director Daniel P. Friedman       For       For          Management

1.5   Elect Director Michael J. Lipsey        For       For          Management

1.6   Elect Director Brenda J. Mixson         For       For          Management

1.7   Elect Director Steven G. Rogers         For       For          Management

1.8   Elect Director Leland R. Speed          For       For          Management

1.9   Elect Director Troy A. Stovall          For       For          Management

2     Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

3     Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

4     Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Three     One Year     Management






PARMALAT SPA                                                                   


Ticker:       PLT            Security ID:  T7S73M107                           

Meeting Date: JUN 25, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  JUN 16, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements, Statutory For       For          Management

      Reports, and Allocation of Income                                        

2.1   Slate Submitted by Institutional        None      For          Management

      Investors (Assogestioni)                                                  

2.2   Slate Submitted by Mackenzie Financial, None      Did Not Vote Management

      Skagen Funds, and Zenit Asset                                            


2.3   Slate Submitted by Lactalis SA          None      Did Not Vote Management

3.1   Slate Submitted by Institutional        None      For          Management

      Investors (Assogestioni)                                                  

3.2   Slate Submitted by Mackenzie Financial, None      Against      Management

      Skagen Funds, and Zenit Asset                                            


3.3   Slate Submitted by Lactalis SA          None      Against      Management

1     Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      for a Bonus Issue                                                        

2     Amend Company Bylaws                    For       For          Management





PETROLEO BRASILEIRO SA-PETROBRAS                                               


Ticker:       PETR4          Security ID:  71654V101                           

Meeting Date: APR 28, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  APR 01, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Accept Financial Statements and         For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports for Fiscal Year Ended                                  

      Dec. 31, 2010                                                             

2     Approve Capital Budget for Upcoming     For       For          Management

      Fiscal Year                                                              

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management


4     Elect Directors                         For       Against      Management

5     Elect Board Chairman                    For       For          Management

6     Elect Fiscal Council Members            For       For          Management

7     Approve Remuneration of Executive       For       For          Management

      Officers, Non-Executive Directors, and                                   

      Fiscal Council Members                                                   

1     Authorize Capitalization of Reserves    For       For          Management

      without Issuance of New Shares                                           





PFIZER INC.                                                                    


Ticker:       PFE            Security ID:  717081103                           

Meeting Date: APR 28, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 01, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Dennis A. Ausiello       For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Michael S. Brown         For       For          Management

3     Elect Director M. Anthony Burns         For       For          Management

4     Elect Director W. Don Cornwell          For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Frances D. Fergusson     For       For          Management

6     Elect Director William H. Gray III      For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Constance J. Horner      For       For          Management

8     Elect Director James M. Kilts           For       For          Management

9     Elect Director George A. Lorch          For       For          Management

10    Elect Director John P. Mascotte         For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Suzanne Nora Johnson     For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Ian C. Read              For       For          Management

13    Elect Director Stephen W. Sanger        For       For          Management

14    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management

15    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       Against      Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

16    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   Two Years One Year     Management

17    Publish Political Contributions         Against   Against      Shareholder

18    Report on Public Policy Advocacy        Against   Against      Shareholder


19    Adopt Policy to Restrain Pharmaceutical Against   Against      Shareholder

      Price Increases                                                          

20    Provide Right to Act by Written Consent Against   For          Shareholder

21    Amend Articles/Bylaws/Charter -- Call   Against   For          Shareholder

      Special Meetings                                                         

22    Report on Animal Testing and Plans for  Against   Against      Shareholder








Ticker:       PP             Security ID:  F7440G127                           

Meeting Date: MAY 19, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  MAY 16, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                        

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 3.50 per Share                                          

4     Approve Severance Payment Agreement     For       Against      Management

      with Jean-Francois Palus                                                 

5     Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       Against      Management

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

6     Approve Reduction in Share Capital via  For       For          Management

      Cancellation of Repurchased Shares                                        

7     Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities with                                            

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                         

      Nominal Amount of EUR 200 Million                                        

8     Authorize Capitalization of Reserves of For       For          Management

      Up to EUR 200 Million for Bonus Issue                                     

      or Increase in Par Value                                                 

9     Authorize Issuance of Equity or         For       For          Management

      Equity-Linked Securities without                                         

      Preemptive Rights up to Aggregate                                        

      Nominal Amount of EUR 75 Million                                         

10    Approve Issuance of up to 20 Percent of For       For          Management

      Issued Capital Per Year for a Private                                    

      Placement, up to Aggregate Nominal                                       

      Amount of EUR 75 Million                                                 

11    Authorize Board to Set Issue Price for  For       Against      Management

      10 Percent Per Year of Issued Capital                                    

      Pursuant to Issue Authority without                                      

      Preemptive Rights                                                         

12    Authorize Board to Increase Capital in  For       Against      Management

      the Event of Additional Demand Related                                   

      to Delegation Submitted to Shareholder                                    

      Vote Under Items 7, 9, 10 and 11                                         

13    Authorize Capital Increase of up to 10  For       For          Management

      Percent of Issued Capital for Future                                      


14    Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan    For       For          Management

15    Authorize Issuance of Warrants (BSAAR)  For       Against      Management

      Without Preemptive Rights up to 0.5                                      

      Percent of Issued Share Capital                                          

      Reserved for Employees and Corporate                                     


16    Authorize Filing of Required            For       For          Management

      Documents/Other Formalities                                              





PROGRESS ENERGY, INC.                                                          


Ticker:       PGN            Security ID:  743263105                           

Meeting Date: MAY 11, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  MAR 04, 2011                                                     


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director John D. Baker, II        For       For          Management

2     Elect Director James E. Bostic, Jr.     For       For          Management

3     Elect Director Harris E. DeLoach, Jr.   For       For          Management

4     Elect Director James B. Hyler, Jr.      For       For          Management

5     Elect Director William D. Johnson       For       For          Management

6     Elect Director Robert W. Jones          For       For          Management

7     Elect Director W. Steven Jones          For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Melquiades R. Martinez   For       For          Management

9     Elect Director E. Marie McKee           For       For          Management

10    Elect Director John H. Mullin, III      For       For          Management

11    Elect Director Charles W. Pryor, Jr.    For       For          Management

12    Elect Director Carlos A. Saladrigas     For       For          Management

13    Elect Director Theresa M. Stone         For       For          Management

14    Elect Director Alfred C. Tollison, Jr.  For       For          Management

15    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

16    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

17    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





PUBLIC SERVICE ENTERPRISE GROUP INCORPORATED                                    


Ticker:       PEG            Security ID:  744573106                           

Meeting Date: APR 19, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual                              

Record Date:  FEB 18, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Elect Director Albert R. Gamper, Jr.    For       For          Management

2     Elect Director Conrad K. Harper         For       For          Management

3     Elect Director William V. Hickey        For       For          Management

4     Elect Director Ralph Izzo               For       For          Management

5     Elect Director Shirley Ann Jackson      For       For          Management

6     Elect Director David Lilley             For       For          Management

7     Elect Director Thomas A. Renyi          For       For          Management

8     Elect Director Hak Cheol Shin           For       For          Management

9     Elect Director Richard J. Swift         For       For          Management

10    Advisory Vote to Ratify Named Executive For       For          Management

      Officers' Compensation                                                   

11    Advisory Vote on Say on Pay Frequency   One Year  One Year     Management

12    Ratify Auditors                         For       For          Management





PUBLICIS GROUPE SA                                                              


Ticker:       PUB            Security ID:  F7607Z165                           

Meeting Date: JUN 07, 2011   Meeting Type: Annual/Special                      

Record Date:  JUN 02, 2011                                                      


#     Proposal                                Mgt Rec   Vote Cast    Sponsor   

1     Approve Financial Statements and        For       For          Management

      Statutory Reports                                                         

2     Accept Consolidated Financial           For       For          Management

      Statements and Statutory Reports                                         

3     Approve Allocation of Income and        For       For          Management

      Dividends of EUR 0.70 per Share                                          

4     Approve Discharge of Management Board   For       For          Management

5     Approve Discharge of Supervisory Board  For       For          Management

6     Approve Remuneration of Supervisory     For       For          Management

      Board Members in the Aggregate Amount                                    

      of EUR 1 Million                                                         

7     Approve Transaction with a Related      For       For          Management


8     Reelect Simon Badinter as Supervisory   For       Against      Management

      Board Member                                                              

9     Reelect Mazars as Auditor               For       For          Management

10    Authorize Repurchase of Up to 10        For       Against      Management

      Percent of Issued S