WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                     PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 UNDER
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         For the month of  May ,  2004.
                                          -----   ----

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

  #709 - 837 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3N6, Canada
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant  files or will file annual reports
under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F:

                        Form 20-F    X      Form 40-F
                                 ---------           ---------

Indicate by check mark if the  registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): _______

Indicate by check mark if the  registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as
permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): _______

Indicate by check mark whether by furnishing the  information  contained in this
Form,  the  registrant  is  also  thereby  furnishing  the  information  to  the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                              Yes               No      X
                                 ---------       ----------

If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in
connection with Rule 12g3- 2(b): 82-_____________


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf of the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                           IMA EXPLORATION INC.

Date   May 28, 2004                         By  /s/ Joseph Grosso
     ------------------------------        -------------------------------------
                                           Joseph Grosso,
                                           President & CEO


                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.


                           FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED

                             MARCH 31, 2004 and 2003

                      (Unaudited - Prepared by Management)



The accompanying  unaudited  interim  consolidated  financial  statements of IMA
Exploration Inc. for the three months ended March 31, 2004 have been prepared by
management  and  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's  management.  These
statements have not been reviewed by the Company's external auditors.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                      (Unaudited - Prepared by Management)

                                                    MARCH 31,      DECEMBER 31,
                                                      2004             2003
                                                        $                $
                                   A S S E T S


Cash and cash equivalents                            8,011,062        4,454,241
Amounts receivable and prepaids                        355,263          176,030
Marketable securities (Note 3)                         789,445          543,460
                                                  ------------     ------------
                                                     9,155,770        5,173,731

EQUIPMENT AND LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS  (Note 4)         111,073           40,472

MINERAL PROPERTIES AND DEFERRED COSTS (Note 5)       8,289,560        6,883,641
                                                  ------------     ------------
                                                    17,556,403       12,097,844
                                                  ============     ============

                              L I A B I L I T I E S


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities               919,648          426,494
                                                  ------------     ------------

                      S H A R E H O L D E R S ' E Q U I T Y

SHARE CAPITAL (Note 6)                              33,017,115       27,707,597

CONTRIBUTED SURPLUS                                  3,373,726        1,541,116

DEFICIT                                            (19,754,086)     (17,577,363)
                                                  ------------     ------------
                                                    16,636,755       11,671,350
                                                  ------------     ------------
                                                    17,556,403       12,097,844
                                                  ============     ============


/s/ JOSEPH GROSSO  , Director
/s/ ART LANG       , Director

          The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim
                       consolidated financial statements.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)

                                                       THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                                            MARCH 31,
                                                      2004             2003
                                                        $                $

Administrative and management services                  66,880           59,250
Bank charges and interest                                5,506            3,277
Corporate development and investor relations            89,811           73,142
Depreciation                                             4,310            5,546
General exploration                                     38,276           58,224
Office and sundry                                       17,479            7,975
Printing                                                16,461            7,036
Professional fees                                      152,138           27,944
Rent, parking and storage                               21,843           18,362
Salaries and employee benefits                         129,706           50,444
Stock based compensation (Note 6)                    1,871,360                -
Telephone and utilities                                  9,506           10,424
Transfer agent and regulatory fees                      13,597            4,538
Travel and accommodation                                31,162           10,995
Cost recoveries                                        (21,315)          (6,000)
                                                  ------------     ------------
                                                     2,446,720          331,157
                                                  ------------     ------------
LOSS BEFORE OTHER ITEMS                             (2,446,720)        (331,157)
                                                  ------------     ------------

Gain on disposition of marketable securities            75,479                -
Foreign exchange                                        74,469           17,349
Gain on disposition of mineral property
     and deferred costs                                299,369                -
Interest and other income                               20,680            4,776
Reorganization costs (Note 12(a))                     (200,000)               -
                                                  ------------     ------------
                                                       269,997           22,125
                                                  ------------     ------------
LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                                 (2,176,723)        (309,032)

DEFICIT - BEGINNING OF PERIOD                      (17,577,363)     (14,158,945)
                                                  ------------     ------------
DEFICIT - END OF PERIOD                            (19,754,086)     (14,467,977)
                                                  ============     ============

     PER COMMON SHARE                                   $(0.06)          $(0.01)
                                                  ============     ============
     COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING                      37,552,110       27,158,205
                                                  ============     ============

          The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim
                       consolidated financial statements.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)

                                                                        THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                             MARCH 31,
                                                                       2004             2003
                                                                         $                $



Loss for the period                                                  (2,176,723)        (309,032)
Items not involving cash
     Depreciation                                                         4,310            5,546
     Stock based compensation                                         1,871,360                -
     Gain on disposition of mineral properties and deferred costs      (299,369)               -
     Gain on disposition of marketable securities                       (75,479)               -
                                                                   ------------     ------------
                                                                       (675,901)        (303,486)
     (Increase) in amounts receivable and prepaids                     (179,233)         (82,183)
     Increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities               493,154           33,773
                                                                       (361,980)        (351,896)
                                                                   ------------     ------------

Proceeds on disposition of marketable securities                        156,494                -
Expenditures on  mineral properties and deferred costs               (1,433,551)        (612,144)
Purchase of equipment and leasehold improvements                        (74,911)          (1,954)
                                                                   ------------     ------------
                                                                     (1,351,968)        (614,098)
                                                                   ------------     ------------

Issuance of common shares                                             5,682,006        1,129,308
Share issue costs                                                      (411,237)               -
                                                                   ------------     ------------
                                                                      5,270,769        1,129,308
                                                                   ------------     ------------
INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                 3,556,821          163,314

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - BEGINNING OF PERIOD                       4,454,241        1,436,124
                                                                   ------------     ------------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - END OF PERIOD                             8,011,062        1,599,438
                                                                   ============     ============
     Cash                                                             5,211,062          794,569
     Term deposits                                                    2,800,000          804,869
                                                                   ------------     ------------
                                                                      8,011,062        1,599,438
                                                                   ============     ============

          The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim
                       consolidated financial statements.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)

                                                                    ARGENTINA                                   PERU       TOTAL
                                     ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------
                                        LIRIO                  RIO DE                LAGUNA DE                  RIO
                                        GROUP      NAVIDAD   LAS TAGUAS   EVELINA    LOS TOROS     OTHER     TABACONAS
                                          $           $           $          $           $           $           $            $


Balance, beginning of period          1,327,315   1,002,211     545,063     391,302     140,867     312,329   3,164,554   6,883,641
                                     ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Expenditures during the period
    Assays                                    -     132,553           -         851         851           -           -     134,255
    Contractors - access                      -      20,257           -           -           -           -           -      20,257
    Contractors - surveying                   -      26,471           -           -           -           -           -      26,471
    Contractors - environmental               -      26,431           -           -           -           -      29,772      56,203
    Drilling                                  -     652,980           -           -           -           -           -     652,980
    Field supplies                            -           -           -           -           -           -       2,317       2,317
    Field workers                             -           -           -           -           -           -       1,839       1,839
    Geological                                -     165,049           -           -           -           -           -     165,049
    Geological supplies                       -      38,513           -           -           -           -           -      38,513
    Geochemistry                              -      31,641           -           -           -           -           -      31,641
    Geophysics                                -      29,456           -           -           -           -           -      29,456
    Option payments                           -           -           -           -           -           -       7,084       7,084
    Travel                                    -       2,858           -           -           -           -       1,488       4,346
    Office                                    -      17,586           -           -           -           -           -      17,586
    Other                                   788           -         788           -           -      14,998      13,046      29,620
    Vehicles                                  -      26,325           -           -           -           -       1,431      27,756
    Foreign value added tax                   -           -           -           -           -     160,057         489     160,546
                                     ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                            788   1,170,120         788         851         851     175,055      57,466   1,405,919
                                     ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Balance, end of period                1,328,103   2,172,331     545,851     392,153     141,718     487,384   3,222,020   8,289,560
                                     ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

          The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim
                       consolidated financial statements.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)


         The Company is in the process of exploring  its mineral  properties  in
         South  America and  evaluating  other mineral  properties.  The Company
         presently  has no  proven  or  probable  reserves  and on the  basis of
         information to date, it has not yet determined whether these properties
         contain  economically  recoverable  ore reserves.  The amounts shown as
         mineral properties and deferred costs represent costs incurred to date,
         less amounts  amortized  and/or  written  off,  and do not  necessarily
         represent present or future values. The underlying value of the mineral
         properties and deferred costs is entirely dependent on the existence of
         economically  recoverable reserves,  securing and maintaining title and
         beneficial  interest in the  properties,  the ability of the Company to
         obtain the  necessary  financing  to complete  development,  and future
         profitable production.

         The Company  considers  that it has adequate  resources to maintain its
         core operations for the next year.

         See also Note 12.


         The interim consolidated  financial statements of the Company have been
         prepared by management in accordance with Canadian  generally  accepted
         accounting  principles.  The  preparation  of financial  statements  in
         conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  requires
         management to make  estimates and  assumptions  that affect the amounts
         reported in the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  accompanying
         notes.   Actual  results  could  differ  from  those   estimates.   The
         consolidated  financial statements have, in management's  opinion, been
         properly  prepared using careful  judgement with  reasonable  limits of
         materiality.  These interim consolidated financial statements should be
         read in conjunction with the most recent annual consolidated  financial
         statements. The significant accounting policies follow that of the most
         recently reported annual consolidated financial statements.


                                                          MARCH 31, 2004              DECEMBER 31, 2003
                                                    ---------------------------   ---------------------------
                                                                      QUOTED                        QUOTED
                                                      RECORDED        MARKET        RECORDED        MARKET
                                                       VALUE          VALUE          VALUE          VALUE
                                                         $              $              $              $


         Ballad Gold & Silver Ltd.
           - 470,000 common shares                       235,000        206,800        250,000        325,000
         Amera Resources Corporation ("Amera")
           - 453,300 common shares                       203,985        453,300        270,000        546,000
         Tinka Resources Limited
           - 300,000 common shares                       147,000        141,000              -              -
         Consolidated Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd.
           - 900,000 common shares                       180,000        180,000              -              -
         Other                                            23,460        154,051         23,460        161,546
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
                                                         789,445      1,135,151        543,460      1,032,546
                                                    ============   ============   ============   ============

         The Company has entered into option and sale  agreements  on certain of
         its non-core  mineral  property  holdings in which the Company received
         common shares of publicly traded companies as partial consideration.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)


                                                      MARCH 31,    DECEMBER 31,
                                                        2004           2003
                                                          $              $

         Office equipment and computers                  252,229        206,352
         Leasehold improvements                           91,846         62,812
                                                    ------------   ------------
                                                         344,075        269,164
         Less accumulated depreciation                  (233,002)      (228,692)
                                                    ------------   ------------
                                                         111,073         40,472
                                                    ============   ============


                                                                  MARCH 31, 2004
                                                    ACQUISITION    EXPLORATION
                                                        COSTS          COSTS         TOTAL
                                                          $              $              $

             Navidad                                           -      2,172,331      2,172,331
             Lirio Group                                 221,020      1,107,083      1,328,103
             Rio de las Taguas                           133,262        412,589        545,851
             Evelina                                           -        392,153        392,153
             Laguna de los Toros                               -        141,718        141,718
             Other                                        11,639        475,745        487,384
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------
                                                         365,921      4,701,619      5,067,540
             Rio Tabaconas                               748,377      2,473,643      3,222,020
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------
                                                       1,114,298      7,175,262      8,289,560
                                                    ============   ============   ============

                                                                  DECEMBER 31, 2003
                                                    ACQUISITION    EXPLORATION
                                                        COSTS          COSTS         TOTAL
                                                          $              $              $

             Navidad                                           -      1,002,211      1,002,211
             Lirio Group                                 221,020      1,106,295      1,327,315
             Rio de las Taguas                           133,262        411,801        545,063
             Evelina                                           -        391,302        391,302
             Laguna de los Toros                               -        140,867        140,867
             Other                                        11,639        300,690        312,329
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------
                                                         365,921      3,353,166      3,719,087
             Rio Tabaconas                               741,293      2,423,261      3,164,554
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------
                                                       1,107,214      5,812,132      6,883,641
                                                    ============   ============   ============

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)


         (a)      Argentinean Properties

                  The Company has either staked,  fully paid or holds options to
                  acquire 100% working interests in mineral properties,  located
                  in San Juan Province and Chubut Province in Argentina.

                  As of March 31, 2004,  the Company must make further  payments
                  with  respect  to  option  agreements  on the  Lirio  Group of
                  properties, totalling US $240,000, as follows:

                        YEAR                             US $

                        2004                              70,000
                        2005                             170,000

                  The  Company  has  also  agreed  to  pay  net  smelter  return
                  royalties  ("NSR")  of  up to US  $7,000,000  once  commercial
                  production is achieved on the Lirio Group of properties.

         (b)      Rio Tabaconas, Peru

                  The  Company  holds an option to  acquire a 100%  interest  in
                  three concessions,  in the Cajamarca Department of San Ignacio
                  Province in northern  Peru. In addition,  the Company owns ten
                  concessions,   which   surround   and  overlie  the   optioned
                  concessions. Collectively these are known as the Rio Tabaconas

                  Under the terms of the option agreement,  the Company has paid
                  US  $185,000  and was  required  to make total  payments of US
                  $1,340,000.  On June 28, 2002, the Company  suspended  further
                  exploration  activities  at the Rio  Tabacanos  project.  This
                  decision   was  made  in  response  to  the  local   community
                  expressing its concerns with mineral  exploration  activities.
                  The Company has  deferred  any  further  exploration  until an
                  agreement with the local  community has been  finalized.  As a
                  result the Company  declared force  majeure,  as allowed under
                  its  option  agreement.   Accordingly,  the  Company  and  the
                  optionor have deferred  payment of the remaining US $1,155,000
                  option  payments until the force majeure is  discontinued.  On
                  August 1, 2003,  the  Company  commenced  paying US $1,500 per
                  month to the  optionor as  compensation  during  this  waiting

         (c)      During fiscal 2003, the Company  entered into  agreements with
                  Amera, a  publicly-traded  company with common  management and
                  directors, whereby the Company:

                  (i)      optioned  its  Mogote  Property  in the  NW San  Juan
                           Region of  Argentina.  Amera has the option to earn a
                           51% interest in the 8,009 hectare Mogote  Property by
                           issuing a total of 1,650,000  common  shares of Amera
                           to the Company and by incurring  US $1.25  million of
                           expenditures,  including work programs and underlying
                           option  payments,  all over a five year period ending
                           July 1, 2007.  Amera has also agreed to reimburse the
                           Company for past payments made and expenditures which
                           had  been  incurred  by the  Company  on  the  Mogote
                           Property.  As at March 31, 2004, Amera has reimbursed
                           the Company $192,952, and $4,902 remained outstanding
                           and is  included in amounts  receivable.  The Company
                           has also received  100,000  shares of Amera at a fair
                           value of $45,000.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)


                           On April 8, 2004,  the Company and Amera entered into
                           a  further   agreement  whereby  Amera  can  earn  an
                           additional  24%  interest,  for a total 75% interest,
                           after  earning the initial 51%  interest,  by issuing
                           300,000  shares of Amera  (issued) and  conducting an
                           additional US $3 million of exploration  expenditures
                           over a three year period ending May 20, 2007.

                  (ii)     sold a  100%  undivided  interest  in  three  mineral
                           properties,  comprising  24,280 hectares (the "Chubut
                           Properties"),  located in Chubut Province, Argentina,
                           for  500,000  common  shares of Amera for a  recorded
                           amount of $225,000.  In addition, in the event that a
                           decision is made to place the Chubut  Properties into
                           commercial  production,  Amera will pay the Company a
                           bonus  of  US$250,000  and a 3% net  smelter  returns

         (d)      The Company has signed and will continue to sign joint venture
                  agreements for certain of its non-core  properties  with other
                  junior  exploration  companies.  The Company normally receives
                  shares in these  companies  as  compensation  along with their
                  commitments for exploration  expenditures.  The issue of these
                  marketable  securities  is  subject  to TSX  Venture  Exchange
                  ("TSXV")  approval.  The intent is to sell these securities to
                  maximize return to the Company.


         Authorized:       100,000,000 common shares without par value
                           100,000,000 preferred shares without par value

         Issued:                                           MARCH 31, 2004              DECEMBER 31, 2003
                                                    ---------------------------   ---------------------------
                                                       SHARES          AMOUNT        SHARES         AMOUNT
                                                                          $                            $

         Balance, beginning of period                 36,381,452     27,707,597     26,550,606     21,354,823
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
         Issued during the period for:
              Private placements                       1,500,000      4,650,000      2,900,000      2,610,000
              Exercise of warrants                       982,240        955,556      4,969,066        895,859
              Exercise of options                        101,250        111,600      1,855,850      4,940,428
              Exercise of agent's option                   4,000          3,600        105,930         95,337
         Less:  Share issue costs                              -       (411,238)             -       (118,850)
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
                                                       2,587,490      5,309,518      9,830,846      6,352,774
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
         Balance, end of period                       38,968,942     33,017,115     36,381,452     27,707,597
                                                    ============   ============   ============   ============

         (a)      During  the three  months  ended  March 31,  2004 the  Company
                  completed a brokered  private  placement of 1,500,000 units at
                  $3.10 per unit for  proceeds  of  $4,307,500,  net of $279,000
                  agent's  commission  and $63,500 of related issue costs.  Each
                  unit   consisted  of  one  common  share  and  one  half  non-
                  transferable  share  purchase  warrant.   Each  whole  warrant
                  entitles  the holder to purchase a common  share for $3.70 per
                  share on or before  February 23, 2005. The Company also issued
                  an option to the agent to acquire  200,000  units at $3.25 per
                  unit on or before February 23, 2005. Each unit will consist of
                  one common share and one-half  non-transferable share purchase
                  warrant,  exercisable  on the  same  terms  and  basis  as the
                  private placement.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)

6. SHARE CAPITAL (continued)

         (b)      Stock Options

                  During the three  months  ended  March 31,  2004,  the Company
                  granted  1,462,000  stock options to its employees,  directors
                  and consultants.

                  The  fair  value  of  stock  options   granted  to  employees,
                  directors and  consultants is estimated on the dates of grants
                  using  the   Black-Scholes   option  pricing  model  with  the
                  following  assumptions  used for the  grants  made  during the

                        Risk-free interest rate                   2.38%
                        Estimated volatility                        77%
                        Expected life                         2.5 years
                        Expected dividend yield                      0%

                  The weighted  average  fair value per share of stock  options,
                  calculated  using  the  Black-Scholes  option  pricing  model,
                  granted   during  the  period  to  the  Company's   employees,
                  directors and consultants was $1.28 per share.

                  Option-pricing   models  require  the  use  of  estimates  and
                  assumptions including the expected volatility.  Changes in the
                  underlying  assumptions  can materially  affect the fair value
                  estimates and,  therefore,  existing models do not necessarily
                  provide  reliable  measure of the fair value of the  Company's
                  stock options.

                  A summary of the Company's  outstanding stock options at March
                  31, 2004, and the changes for the three months ended March 31,
                  2004, is presented below:

                                                       OPTIONS       WEIGHTED
                                                     OUTSTANDING     AVERAGE
                                                         AND         EXERCISE
                                                     EXERCISABLE      PRICE

                  Balance, beginning of period         2,528,150       1.32
                  Granted                              1,462,000       3.10
                  Exercised                             (101,250)      0.72
                  Balance, end of period               3,888,900       1.55

                  Stock options  outstanding  and exercisable at March 31, 2004,
                  are as follows:

                     NUMBER           EXERCISE PRICE         EXPIRY DATE

                    237,900               0.40               July 19, 2006
                    159,000               0.50               May 2, 2007
                    195,000               0.50               September 23, 2007
                    145,000               0.84               March 7, 2008
                    300,000               0.90               May 30, 2008
                  1,390,000               1.87               August 27, 2008
                  1,462,000               3.10               March 24, 2009

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)

6.       SHARE CAPITAL (continued)

         (c)      Warrants

                  A summary of the number of common shares reserved  pursuant to
                  the  Company's   outstanding   warrants  and  agents  warrants
                  outstanding  at March 31, 2004,  and the changes for the three
                  months ended March 31, 2004, is as follows:


                  Balance, beginning of period               6,042,448
                  Issued                                       752,000
                  Exercised                                   (982,240)
                  Balance, end of period                     5,812,208

                  Common shares  reserved  pursuant to warrants  outstanding  at
                  March 31, 2004 are as follows:

                     NUMBER           EXERCISE PRICE         EXPIRY DATE

                  1,357,222               0.60               May 23, 2004
                    746,471               0.60               September 27, 2004
                  1,049,322               0.75               September 15, 2004
                  1,168,667               0.90               March 16, 2005
                    100,000               0.75               April 19, 2005
                    642,526               1.10               April 28, 2004
                    750,000               3.70               February 23, 2005

         (d)      Pursuant  to  a  2,900,000  unit  brokered  private  placement
                  financing conducted during fiscal 2003, the Company granted an
                  option  to the  agent to  acquire  195,750  units at $0.90 per
                  unit.  Each unit will consist of one common share and one-half
                  non-transferable  common  share  purchase  warrant.  One whole
                  warrant  will entitle the agent to purchase a common share for
                  the exercise price of $1.10 per share,  on or before April 28,
                  2004.  During the three months ended March 31, 2004, the agent
                  exercised options to purchase 4,000 units and, as of March 31,
                  2004, options to purchase 85,820 units remained outstanding.

         (e)      Pursuant  to  a  1,500,000  unit  brokered  private  placement
                  financing conducted during fiscal 2004, the Company granted an
                  option  to the  agent to  acquire  200,000  units at $3.25 per
                  unit.  Each unit will consist of one common share and one-half
                  non-transferable  common  share  purchase  warrant.  One whole
                  warrant  will entitle the agent to purchase a common share for
                  the exercise price of $3.70 per share,  on or before  February
                  23, 2005.  During the three  months ended March 31, 2004,  the
                  agent's option remained unexercised.

         (f)      See also Note 12.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)


         (a)      During the three months ended March 31, 2004,  the Company was
                  charged  $140,358 by companies  controlled  by  directors  and
                  officers  of the  Company,  for  accounting,  management,  and
                  consulting  services  provided.  As at March 31, 2004,  $6,634
                  remains  outstanding and has been included in accounts payable
                  and accrued liabilities.

         (b)      The  Company  has  an  agreement  with a  private  corporation
                  controlled  by the  President of the Company for the rental of
                  office premises. During the three months ended March 31, 2004,
                  the Company paid $16,597 for rent.

         (c)      During the three  months  ended  March 31,  2004,  the Company
                  recorded  $4,836  for   reimbursement   of  expenditures   and
                  disbursements  incurred  on  behalf  of  the  Company  by  the
                  President of the Company. As at March 31, 2004, $1,347 remains
                  outstanding  and has been  included  in  accounts  payable and
                  accrued liabilities.

         (d)      The Company shares its office  facilities  with Amera.  During
                  the three months ended March 31,  2004,  the Company  received
                  $21,315 from Amera for shared rent and administration costs.

         (e)      The  President  of the  Company  provides  his  services  on a
                  full-time  basis  under  a  contract  with a  private  company
                  controlled by the  President.  The President is paid an annual
                  amount of $102,000.  The contract also  provides  that, in the
                  event the  services  are  terminated  without  cause or upon a
                  change in control of the Company, a termination  payment would
                  include a bonus of $6,500  per month,  retroactive  to July 1,
                  1999,  plus an  additional  three  years  of  compensation  at
                  $15,000 per month.  If the  termination  had occurred on March
                  31, 2004, the amount under the agreement would be $936,000.

         (f)      Other related party  transactions  are disclosed  elsewhere in
                  these interim consolidated financial statements.


         The  Company  is  involved  in  mineral   exploration  and  development
         activities,  which are conducted principally in Argentina and Peru. The
         Company is in the exploration stage and, accordingly, has no reportable
         segment revenues or operating  results for the three months ended March
         31, 2004.

         The Company's total assets are segmented geographically as follows:

                                                                         MARCH 31, 2004
                                                     CORPORATE       ARGENTINA        PERU          TOTAL
                                                         $               $              $             $

         Current assets                                8,926,227        207,752         21,791      9,155,770
         Equipment and leasehold improvements             99,755          7,032          4,286        111,073
         Mineral properties and deferred costs                 -      5,067,540      3,222,020      8,289,560
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
                                                       9,025,982      5,282,324      3,248,097     17,556,403
                                                    =============  ============   ============   ============

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)

8.       SEGMENTED INFORMATION (continued)

                                                                        DECEMBER 31, 2004
                                                     CORPORATE       ARGENTINA        PERU          TOTAL
                                                         $               $              $             $

         Current assets                                5,075,092         65,637         32,999      5,173,728
         Equipment and leasehold improvements             28,974          7,032          4,466         40,472
         Mineral properties and deferred costs                 -      3,719,087      3,164,554      6,883,641
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
                                                       5,104,066      3,791,756      3,202,019     12,097,844
                                                    ============   ============   ============   ============


         Non-cash  investing  and  financing  activities  were  conducted by the
         Company as follows:

                                                      MARCH 31,      MARCH 31,
                                                        2004           2003
                                                          $              $
         Investing activities
              Proceeds on disposition
                  of mineral properties                  327,000              -
              Acquisition of marketable securities      (327,000)             -
                                                    ------------   ------------
                                                               -              -
                                                    ============   ============

         Financing activities
              Shares issued on exercise of options        38,750              -
              Contributed surplus                        (38,750)             -
                                                    ------------   ------------
                                                               -              -
                                                    ============   ============

         Other supplemental cash flow information:

                                                      MARCH 31,      MARCH 31,
                                                         2004          2003
                                                           $             $

         Interest paid in cash                                 -              -
                                                    ============   ============
         Income taxes paid in cash                             -              -
                                                    ============   ============

11.      LEGAL

         In  March  2004,   Minera  Aquiline   Argentina  S.A.,  a  wholly-owned
         subsidiary of Aquiline  Resources  Inc.,  commenced a legal  proceeding
         against  the  Company,  asserting  that  the  Company  unlawfully  used
         confidential information,  and is seeking a constructive trust over the
         Navidad Project and other  surrounding  properties in Chubut  Province,
         Argentina.  The Company is defending this action and the outcome is not

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2004
                      (UNAUDITED - PREPARED BY MANAGEMENT)


         (a)      On  May  3,  2004,   the   Company   announced   a   corporate
                  restructuring  which  would  have the result of  dividing  its
                  existing  portfolio  of mineral  properties  into two separate
                  public  companies.  Following the corporate  restructuring the
                  Company will continue to hold the Navidad  project,  while the
                  newly  created  company will hold all other  mineral  property
                  interests.  The proposed reorganization of the Company will be
                  accomplished  by way of a statutory plan of arrangement and is
                  subject to shareholder, regulatory and court approvals.

         (b)      Subsequent  to March 31, 2004,  the Company  issued  2,146,434
                  common shares for  $1,708,393 on the exercise of stock options
                  and warrants.

                              IMA EXPLORATION INC.
                      FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2004


The following management  discussion and analysis and financial review should be
read in conjunction with the Company's unaudited interim consolidated  financial
statements   for  the  three  months  ended  March  31,  2004  and  the  audited
consolidated financial statements dated December 31, 2003 and related notes. The
consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian
generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  Except as otherwise  disclosed all
dollar  figures  in this  report  are  stated in  Canadian  dollars.  Additional
information  relevant  to the  Company  can be found  on the  SEDAR  website  at


Certain information  included in this discussion may constitute  forward-looking
statements.  Forward-looking  statements are based on current  expectations  and
entail  various risks and  uncertainties.  These risks and  uncertainties  could
cause or contribute to actual results that are  materially  different than those
expressed  or implied.  The Company  disclaims  any  obligation  or intention to
update or  revise  any  forward-looking  statement,  whether  as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise.


On May 3, 2004 the Company announced a proposed  corporate  reorganization  (the
Reorganization).  The  effect  of the  Reorganization  will be to  transfer  the
Company's  non-Navidad  mineral  properties  to a  separate  company  along with
$750,000 of  operating  cash and the joint  venture  agreements  (including  the
marketable securities) relating to the transferred properties.  The Company will
retain the Navidad mineral property and certain other mineral properties located
in central Chubut Province and all other assets and liabilities,  except for the
assets to be transferred as previously  listed.  The shareholders of the Company
would  receive  shares in the new company,  Golden Arrow  Resources  Corporation
(Golden Arrow),  which would result in identical  ownership by the  shareholders
before and after the Reorganization.

The Company is proposing  this  Reorganization  as they are of the view that its
present share price does not properly reflect the value of the Company's assets.
Due to the  attention  which has been  focused on the  Navidad  project,  little
market value is  attributed  to the  Company's  other  mineral  properties.  The
Reorganization  will be  accomplished  by way of a statutory plan of arrangement
and is subject to shareholder,  court and regulatory  approvals.  Details of the
Reorganization  have been sent to the  shareholders  and their  approval for the
Reorganization  will be sought at the Company's June 24, 2004 annual general and
special meeting.


The Company is a natural resource company engaged in the business of acquisition
and exploration of mineral properties in South America, principally in Argentina
and Peru. The Company's  strategy and primary corporate  objective is to acquire
properties  for the purpose of mineral  exploration  and  exploitation  in known
mining areas  adjacent to, or in close  proximity  to, known major  discoveries.
These  properties are expected to command higher  acquisition,  maintenance  and
vendor  participation  fees,  where these higher fees are deemed  reasonable  to
attempt to reduce the overall risks associated with mineral exploration.  In the
event the Company discovers  mineralization  capable of economic production,  it
intends to seek a joint venture  partner  and/or to sell all or a portion of its
interest in the subject  property to finance the  development  of such property.
The  secondary  corporate  objective  is to identify new  frontiers  through the
evaluation of available historic and satellite data and acquire large parcels of
land in  undeveloped  regions  which  considered  to have the  potential to host
mineral  deposits.  There are no assurances  that the Company's  strategies will
achieve the desired  results and interests in properties  may have been acquired
at higher prices, due to the properties'  proximities to other discoveries,  and
may have to write-off  all or a portion of the value of such  properties if they
prove  uneconomic.  At  present,  the Company has no  producing  properties  and
consequently  has no current  operating income or cash flow. As of this date the
Company is an  exploration  stage  company and has not  generated  any revenues.

                                     - 1 -

There is no assurance that a commercially  viable mineral  deposit exists on any
of  the  properties.  Further  exploration  will  be  required  before  a  final
evaluation as to the economic and legal  feasibility of any of the properties is

On March  5,  2004  Minera  Aquiline  Argentina  SA, a  subsidiary  of  Aquiline
Resources  Inc.,  commenced an action against the Company seeking a constructive
trust over the Navidad  properties.  The Company  believes  the  Aquiline  legal
action is without  merit and will  vigorously  defend  itself.  A  Statement  of
Defence has been filed. At this date the outcome is not determinable.  The trial
has been set for October 11, 2005 in Vancouver, British Columbia.



On  February  3,  2003  the  Company   announced  the  discovery  of  high-grade
silver-lead  deposit at its 100% owned 10,000  hectare  (24,700  acres)  Navidad
property in north central Chubut,  Argentina.  The Phase I drilling  program was
completed  in late March 2004 and the next phase of the program is  scheduled to
commence in late May.  The cost of Phase I in the  quarter  ended March 31, 2004
was $1,500,000. The budget for Phase II, which will be completed between May and
September, 2004, is $2,100,000.

The Company announced results of a resource calculation on May 25, 2004. Snowden
Mining Consultants Inc. has completed a resource  estimation at Galena Hill, the
first  systematically  drilled  target on the Navidad  property  which  includes
Indicated  Resource  of 207 million  ounces of silver and 1.1 million  tonnes of
lead at a 50 g/t silver equivalent  cut-off grade including:  117 million ounces
of silver  and  495,047  tonnes of lead at a 300 g/t silver  equivalent  cut-off
grade and Inferred  Resource of 36 million ounces of silver and 56,776 tonnes of
lead at a 50 g/t silver equivalent  cut-off grade. This includes only the Galena
Hill deposit and portions of the  adjacent  Connector  zone and does not include
known and  interpreted  mineralization  in other areas of the property which are
the primary focus of the Phase II drilling program.

Chubut (Patagonia)

The  Company has 18  exploration  properties  in Chubut  Province in addition to
Navidad,  five of which are currently the subject of  joint-venture  agreements.
The  Company  finalized  terms  for a farm  out  of the  Sierra  2  property  to
Cloudbreak Resources Ltd.  (Cloudbreak) on February 5, 2004. Cloudbreak can earn
an initial 50%  interest in the property by issuing  500,000  shares upon TSX -V
acceptance  and an  additional  350,000  shares on February  1, 2005;  incurring
exploration  expenditures  on the  property  (1)  US$150,000  in  year  one  (2)
US$350,000 in year two (3) US$500,000 in year three for a total of US$1,000,000.
Cloudbreak can increase their interest to 75% by making additional  expenditures
of  US$1,000,000  in year four and  US$1,500,000  in year 5. The  Company  has a
budget of $350,000 for planned work on the Laguna de los Toros property.

Valle de Cura

The Company has eight  exploration  properties in the Valle de Cura region.  The
Company received  notification in December 2003 that Barrick Gold Corp would not
be  exercising  its  option  to earn an  interest  in the Rio de las  Taguas  or
Porterillos  properties  and is  continuing  to evaluate  potential  partners to
advance theses drill ready projects and the other, more early-stage, exploration
properties in the area.

Northwest San Juan

The Company has three exploration  properties in the northwestern  corner of San
Juan  Province.  The  Company  negotiated  an  amendment  to the  joint  venture
agreement with Amera  Resources  Corporation  (Amera)  whereby Amera can earn an
additional  24%  interest  (up to a 75%) in the  Mogote  property.  To earn this
additional  participation  Amera must  issue an  additional  300,000  shares and
complete total work expenditures of US$3,00,000 over three years, with a minimum
of  US$1,000,000  by May 30,  2005.  There are no current  plans for work on the
other two properties in this area.


The Company has three exploration  properties in the Gualcamayo area of San Juan
in addition to retaining a NSR on the  Quebrada del Diablo  deposit (1.2 million
ounces of gold @~1.1 g/t Au) held by Viceroy Exploration Ltd.. Evaluation of the
properties  is ongoing and joint  venture  opportunities  are  continuing  to be
investigated  however,  there are no current plans for  significant  work on the
properties in this area.

                                     - 2 -

Rio Tabaconas (Peru)

The Company had previously declared force majeure, as allowed under the property
option agreement,  on the property payments for this project. There have been no
recent developments concerning this project.


The Company reported a consolidated  loss of $2,176,723 ($0.06 per share) in the
current  period,  an increase of $1,867,691 from the loss of $309,032 ($0.01 per
share) in 2003. The increase in the loss in 2004, compared to 2003, was due to a
number of factors of which  $2,115,563  can be attributed to operating  expenses
while other items resulted in gains and income which improved by $247,872.



The Company's  operating expenses for the three months ended March 31, 2004 were
$2,446,720  an  increase  of  $2,115,563  from the  comparable  2003  period.  A
significant  portion of the increase  for 2004 is  attributed  to the  Company's
application of the fair value method of accounting for stock options  granted to
its  employees  and  directors.  In the three  months  ended  March 31, 2004 the
Company  recorded a non-cash  expense of  $1,871,360.  During  2003 the  Company
disclosed  a  pro-forma  charge of  $113,985  for stock  options  granted to its
employees and directors.  Had the Company applied retroactive treatment it would
have  recorded  this  amount as an expense in the first  quarter of 2003.  Other
increases in the operating  expenses can be attributed to the Company's increase
in staff and activities  driven by Navidad.  The Company has added staff and new
office space and has incurred additional  operating expenses as a result of this
increase in activity.  Administrative and management  services increased $7,630,
corporate  development and investor relations increased $16,669,  office expense
increased $9,504, printing costs increased $9,425, transfer agent and regulatory
fees increased  $9,059,  travel increased  $20,167.  The increase in salaries of
$79,262 includes a retiring allowance for the Company's former CFO, William Lee.
The increase of $124,194 in  professional  fees is primarily  due to legal costs
incurred in  connection  with the Aquiline  legal  action.  General  exploration
decreased  $19,948 as more of these  expenditures  have been  capitalized to the
Navidad property's deferred costs. Cost recoveries from Amera increased $15,315.

During 2004 the Company recorded a gain of $75,479 on the disposal of marketable
securities  and a gain of $299,369 from the farm out of interests in its mineral
properties.  In the March 31, 2003 period no gains were  realized.  In the March
31, 2004 period the  Company  realized  some gains as a result of trading in its
portfolio of marketable  securities.  Marketable  securities are received by the
Company  as a  result  of  the  joint  venturing  of  certain  of  its  non-core
properties.  The Company's intent is to sell these securities to maximize return
to the Company,  not to trade its holdings.  Interest and other income increased
$15,904  primarily  as a result of an increase of funds on deposit.  The Company
also recorded an increase in foreign exchange of $57,120 in this period. Cost of
$200,000 for fees and expenses related to the proposed  Reorganization have been
recognized in this period.

                                     - 3 -


The following selected  consolidated  financial  information is derived from the
consolidated  financial  statements and notes thereto.  The information has been
prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                              Year Ended December 31
                                                        2003           2002           2001
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------


Total Revenue                                                Nil            Nil            Nil
Income (loss) from Continuing Operations              (3,418,418)    (1,440,106)      (881,875)
General and Administrative Expenses                    3,164,216      1,458,276        945,685
Net Income (Loss)                                     (3,418,418)    (1,440,106)      (881,875)
Net Income (Loss) per Common Share basic and diluted      $(0.11)        $(0.06)        $(0.06)


The following selected  consolidated  financial  information is derived from the
unaudited   consolidated  interim  financial  statements  of  the  Company.  The
information  has been prepared in accordance  with Canadian  generally  accepted
accounting principles.

                                                                  Quarter Ended - Unaudited
                                                       June 30,      Sept. 30,      Dec. 31,       March 31,
                                                        2003           2003           2003           2004
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------


Revenues                                                     Nil            Nil            Nil            Nil
Net income (loss) before income taxes                   (407,386)      (563,502)    (2,138,489)    (2,176,723)
Net income (loss)                                       (407,386)      (563,502)    (2,138,498)    (2,176,723)
Earnings (loss) per share                                  (0.01)         (0.02)         (0.07)          (.06)
Fully diluted earnings (loss) per share                    (0.01)         (0.02)         (0.07)          (.06)

                                                                  Quarter Ended - Unaudited
                                                       June 30,      Sept. 30,      Dec. 31,       March 31,
                                                        2002           2002           2002           2003
                                                    ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------


Revenues                                                     Nil            Nil            Nil            Nil
Net income (loss) before income taxes                   (436,351)      (284,128)      (486,948)      (309,032)
Net income (loss)                                       (436,351)      (284,128)      (486,948)      (309,032)
Earnings (loss) per share                                  (0.02)         (0.01)         (0.02)         (0.01)
Fully diluted earnings (loss)per share                     (0.02)         (0.01)         (0.02)         (0.01)

                                     - 4 -


The  Company's  cash  position  at March 31,  2004 was  $8,011,062  compared  to
$4,454,241  at December 31, 2003.  The increase in cash is primarily  due to the
issue of common  shares.  In  February  2004 the  Company  completed  a brokered
private  placement  of  1,500,000  units at $3.10  per  unit,  for  proceeds  of
$4,238,763  net of costs of  $411,237.  In addition  the  Company  has  received
$1,032,006  from the  exercise  of  warrants  and  options  to March  31,  2004.
Subsequent to March 31, 2004 the Company has received a further  $1,700,000 from
the exercise of stock options and warrants.

The Company  considers  that it has  adequate  resources to maintain its ongoing
operations but currently does not have sufficient working capital to fund all of
its planned exploration work and property commitments. A Phase II budget for the
Navidad project has been approved in the amount of $2,100,000.  The Company will
continue to rely on successfully  completing  additional equity financing and/or
conducting joint venture  arrangements to further exploration on its properties.
There can be no assurance  that the Company will be  successful in obtaining the
required  financing or  negotiating  joint  venture  agreements.  The failure to
obtain such financing or joint venture agreements could result in the loss of or
substantial dilution of its interest in its properties.

The  Company's  management  may elect to  acquire  new  projects,  at which time
additional  equity  financing  may be required to fund overhead and maintain its
interests  in  current  projects,  or may  decide to  relinquish  certain of its
properties.  These decisions will be based on the results of ongoing exploration
programs and the response of equity markets to the projects and business plan.

The  Company  does  not  know of any  trends,  demand,  commitments,  events  or
uncertainties  that will result in, or that are reasonably  likely to result in,
its liquidity  either  materially  increasing or decreasing at present or in the
foreseeable   future.   Material   increases  or  decreases  in  liquidity   are
substantially  determined by the success or failure of the exploration  programs
or the acquisition of projects.

The Company  does not now and does not expect to engage in  currency  hedging to
offset any risk of currency fluctuations.


The  directors  provided  services to the Company and were paid $140,358 for the
three months  ended March 31, 2004.  Mr. W. Lee, the former CFO, was paid salary
and retiring allowance of $68,769,  Mr. N. Cacos, the Corporate  Secretary,  was
paid fees of $5,225, Mr. Sean Hurd, director and investor relations manager, was
paid fees of $7,200, Mr. Gerald Carlson,  Chairman of the Board was paid fees of
$13,800,  $19,684 was paid to a company with which Mr. Tookie Angus,  a director
of the Company, is associated and Mr. J. Grosso, the President and CEO, was paid
fees of $25,500.  Note 7 to the March 31, 2004  interim  consolidated  financial
statements and the December 31, 2003 consolidated financial statements discusses
the material related party transactions.


Cash outflow from operating activities in the first quarter of 2004 was $361,980
compared to cash outflow in the first quarter of 2003 of $351,896.


In the first quarter of 2004 the Company  received  $5,682,006  from the sale of
common shares, less costs of $411,237 compared to $1,129,308, less costs of nil,
in the first quarter of 2003.


Investing  activities  required  cash of $1,351,968 in the first quarter of 2004
(2003 - $614,098),  these investing  activities were for additions of $1,433,351
(2003 - $612,144) primarily to the Navidad;  $74,911 for equipment and leasehold
improvements  (2003 - $1,954)  less  proceeds  from the  disposal of  marketable
securities of $156,494 (2003 - nil).

                                     - 5 -


The Company has lease  commitments for office premises that require  payments of
$61,000 and $26,500  annually.  The Company also has commitments for payments on
its mineral  properties.  These are explained in Note 5 to the December 31, 2003
consolidated financial statements.


Reference  should  be  made to the  Company's  significant  accounting  policies
contained in Note 3 of the Company's  consolidated  financial statements for the
year ended December 31, 2003. These  accounting  policies can have a significant
impact of the financial performance and financial position of the Company.


The  preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  Canadian  GAAP
requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported
amount of assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and
liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and the reported  amount of
revenues and expenses during the period.  Significant areas requiring the use of
management  estimates relate to the  determination of environmental  obligations
and  impairment of mineral  properties  and deferred  costs.  Actual results may
differ from these estimates.


Consistent  with the  Company's  accounting  policy  disclosed  in Note 3 of the
annual  consolidated   financial   statements,   direct  costs  related  to  the
acquisition  and  exploration  of mineral  properties  held or controlled by the
Company  have  been  capitalized  on an  individual  property  basis.  It is the
Company's  policy to expense  any  exploration  associated  costs not related to
specific projects or properties.  Management of the Company periodically reviews
the recoverability of the capitalized mineral properties.  Management takes into
consideration  various  information  including,  but not limited to,  results of
exploration  activities  conducted to date,  estimated future metal prices,  and
reports and opinions of outside geologists, mine engineers and consultants. When
it is  determined  that a project or property  will be abandoned or its carrying
value  has been  impaired,  a  provision  is made for any  expected  loss on the
project or property. No write offs were required in the current quarter.


The Company's  operations and results are subject to a number of different risks
at any given time.  These  factors,  include  but are not limited to  disclosure
regarding   exploration,   additional   financing,   project  delay,  titles  to
properties,  price  fluctuations and share price volatility,  operating hazards,
insurable  risks and limitations of insurance,  management,  foreign country and
regulatory  requirements,  currency  fluctuations and environmental  regulations
risks. For a more complete discussion of these risks and others reference should
be made to the Company's Management Proxy Circular of May 14, 2004.


The Company currently does not engage the services of outside investor relations
consultants.  Mr. Sean Hurd, a director,  is the  Company's  Investor  Relations
Manager and coordinates investor relations activities.

                                 FORM 52-109FT2



1.       I have  reviewed  the  interim  filings  (as this  term is  defined  in
         Multilateral Instrument 52-109 "Certification of Disclosure in Issuers'
         Annual and Interim Filings") of IMA Exploration Inc. the interim period
         ending March 31, 2004;

2.       Based on my  knowledge,  the interim  filings do not contain any untrue
         statement of a material  fact or omit to state a material fact required
         to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in
         light of the circumstances under which it was made, with respect to the
         period covered by the interim filings; and

3.       Based on my knowledge,  the interim financial  statements together with
         the other financial  information included in the interim filings fairly
         present in all material  respects the financial  condition,  results of
         operations  and cash  flows of the  issuer,  as of the date and for the
         periods presented in the interim filings.

Date:    May 28, 2004

         /s/ Joseph Grosso
         Joseph Grosso
         Chief Executive Officer

                                 FORM 52-109FT2



1.       I have  reviewed  the  interim  filings  (as this  term is  defined  in
         Multilateral Instrument 52-109 "Certification of Disclosure in Issuers'
         Annual and Interim  Filings") of IMA  Exploration  Inc. for the interim
         period ending March 31, 2004;

2.       Based on my  knowledge,  the interim  filings do not contain any untrue
         statement of a material  fact or omit to state a material fact required
         to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in
         light of the circumstances under which it was made, with respect to the
         period covered by the interim filings; and

3.       Based on my knowledge,  the interim financial  statements together with
         the other financial  information included in the interim filings fairly
         present in all material  respects the financial  condition,  results of
         operations  and cash  flows of the  issuer,  as of the date and for the
         periods presented in the interim filings.

Date:    May 28, 2004

         /s/ Art Lang
         Art Lang
         Chief Financial Officer